diff --git a/coq/FHE/encode.v b/coq/FHE/encode.v index 39f9047d..0a19d246 100644 --- a/coq/FHE/encode.v +++ b/coq/FHE/encode.v @@ -2322,7 +2322,15 @@ Section norms. (x <= R0)%O -> x = 0. Proof. - Admitted. + intros. + apply Rle_antisym. + - rewrite /Order.le/= in H0. + move /RlebP in H0. + by replace (R0) with (IZR (Z0)) in H0 by lra. + - rewrite /Order.le/= in H. + move /RlebP in H. + by replace (R0) with (IZR (Z0)) in H by lra. + Qed. Lemma canon_norm_zer_mod_qpoly n (p : {poly R}) : canon_norm_inf n p = 0 ->