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  • Long reads sequencing has shown the tremendous potential to resolve genomic assembly challenges e.g., long repeat regions and structural variants. The characteristics of long reads, on the one hand, could greatly improve the contiguity of the genome assemblies, on the other hand, assembled contigs of the error-prone long reads have a much higher error rates at the nucleotide level compared with the high-accuracy short-read based assemblies. Recently, a few assemblers have been developed to take the advantage of the long reads, including the hybrid assembler Unicycler, OPERA-MS and the long-read assembler, Canu, Flye, Trycycler, Raven, wtdbg2, Shasta and etc.. They have been documented by various studies. However, each assembler has its own limitations, e.g., feasibility and computing resources demand, when used as an assembler for metagenomes of high-complexity environmental samples. So, there is an urgent need to develop a new workflow that could resolve the above issues and be used for the high-complexity microbiome.

  • We firstly developed the Hierarchical Clustering Based Hybrid Assembly (HCBHA) workflow for high-complexity ecosystems and integrated the iterative strategy into the approach to reconstruct more high-quality genomes. Totally, seven steps and various tools were integrated into the hybrid assembly workflow to reconstruct high-quality genomes from the AS sample.

  • The following bash script aims to provide the basic ideas to perform the genome reconstruction for the bioinformactics beginners in an easy understanding way. If you are familiar with these commands, feel free to pack them, change them to improve the efficiency.

Hierarchical Clustering Based Hybrid Assembly (HCBHA) workflow

mkdir 01-Pre  02-Flye  03-Initial-binning  04-Initial_bins_polish  05-Re-binning  06-Re-assembly  07-Final-binning

Step 1 Metagenomic Dataset prepare

# both Illumina short reads and ONT long reads need prepared. e.g., test_S1_1.fastq and test_S1_2.fastq, test_S2_1.fastq and test_S2_2.fastq for short reads and test_lr.fastq for long reads # if your sample was highly sequenced, I strongly suggested you to subsample your data accrodingly using seqtk or seqkit. Then store the sequences to the 01-Pre folder

mkdir 01-Pre/H1-SRs && cp test_S1_*.fastq test_S2_*.fastq 01-Pre/H1-SRs && cp test_lr.fastq 01-Pre
cat test_*_1.fastq > test_1.fastq
cat test_*_2.fastq > test_2.fastq

Step 2 Nanopore long-read assembly using Flye

# Flye assembly

cd 02-Flye
flye --nano-raw ../01-Pre/test_lr.fastq -t 40 -i 5 -g 5m -o flye-polish --meta

# filter flye-assembled contigs length using 1 Kbp

cat flye-polish/assembly.fasta | seqkit seq -m 1000 -o flye_assembled_len1K.fasta

Step 3 Initial binning

# Initial binning to reconstruct raw bins, which might contain many mis-binnings with low-accuracy contigs

cd 03-Initial-binnig
metawrap binning -o INITIAL_BINNING -t 40 -a ../02-Flye/flye_assembled_len1K.fasta --metabat2 --maxbin2 ../01-Pre/H1-SRs/test-*fastq 
metawrap bin_refinement -o BIN_REFINEMENT -c 50 -x 10 -t 40 -A INITIAL_BINNING/metabat2_bins/ -B INITIAL_BINNING/maxbin2_bins

# prepare the refined bins in the folder binsAB

mkdir Refined_bins 
cp BIN_REFINEMENT/work_files/binsAB/Refined_*fa Refined_bins/
cd Refined_bins
ls *fa | while read line; do echo "sed -i 's/^>/>${line}_/g' $line "; done > rename-header.cmd
parallel -j40 < rename-header.cmd
cat *fa > Refined-bins.fasta && cp Refined-bins.fasta ../../04-Initial_bins_polish
ls *fa > Refined-binsID && cp Refined-binsID ../../04-Initial_bins_polish

Step 4 Initial bins polish

# this step was to correct LRs assembled contigs grouped from the initial binning step, including mapping, filtering, ID extraction, Seq extraction and polish using unicycler

cd ../../04-Initial_bins_polish

# LRs mapping and filtering 70 && 70

minimap2 -x map-ont -t 40 Refined-bins.fasta ../01-Pre/test_lr.fastq > 
awk '!a[$1]++' | awk -F'[:\t]' '($4-$3+1)/$2 >=0.70 && $27<0.30 {print $1"\t"$6}' > filtered_70_70-lr.paf

# SRs mapping and filtering 80 && 80

minimap2 -x sr -t 40 Refined-bins.fasta ../01-Pre/test_1.fastq ../01-Pre/test_2.fastq   >
awk '($13~"tp:A:P")  {print $0}' | awk '($4-$3+1)/$2 >=0.80 && $10/$11 >=0.80 {print $1"\t"$6}' > filtered_80_80-sr.paf

# Bin clustering

mkdir Bin-cluster && cd Bin-cluster &&  mkdir ID LRs SRs

# Bin ID extraction

cat ../Refined-binsID | while read line; do echo "grep '^>' ../../03-Initial-binning/Refined_bins/$line | sed -e 's/^>//g' > ID/${line}_ID "; done > binID-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < binID-extra.cmd

# for each refined bin, extract the LRs ID which mapped onto the given bin, and then extract the corresponding sequences using the ID

cat ../Refined-binsID | while read line; do echo "grep ${line} ../filtered_70_70-lr.paf | awk '{print \$1}' > LRs/${line} "; done > LRs-eachBin-ID-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < LRs-eachBin-ID-extra.cmd 

ls -lht LRs/*ID |awk '$5!=0' |awk '{print $NF}'| cut -d"/" -f2 | cut -d_ -f1-2 > Non-zero-Refined-binsID

cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID  | while read line; do echo "seqtk subseq ../../01-Pre/test_lr.fastq LRs/${line} > LRs/${line} "; done >LRs-eachBin-Seq-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < LRs-eachBin-Seq-extra.cmd

# for each refined bin, extract the SRs ID which mapped onto the given bin, and then extract the corresponding sequences using the ID, for SRs, as it might extract too much coverage of certain bins, so only randomly selected 1 million paired SRs would be used to do the polishing

cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID |  while read line; do echo "grep ${line} ../filtered_80_80-sr.paf | awk '{print \$1}' > SRs/${line}" ;done > SRs-eachBin-ID-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < SRs-eachBin-ID-extra.cmd
cd SRs && mkdir tmp
ls *ID | while read line; do echo "cut -d/ -f1 ${line} | sort | uniq > tmp/${line}"; done > de-duplicate.cmd
parallel -j40 < de-duplicate.cmd
cd ../

# 1M subsampled Paired SRs extraction

cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID | while read line; do echo "cat SRs/tmp/${line} | shuf | head -1000000 > SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_1M.ID" ; done > SRs-1M-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < SRs-1M-extra.cmd

cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID | while read line; do echo "seqtk subseq ../../01-Pre/test_1.fastq SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_1M.ID  > SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_1.fastq "; done > SRs-eachBin-seq_1-extra.cmd
cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID | while read line; do echo "seqtk subseq ../../01-Pre/test_2.fastq SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_1M.ID  > SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_2.fastq "; done > SRs-eachBin-seq_2-extra.cmd

parallel -j40 < SRs-eachBin-seq_1-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < SRs-eachBin-seq_2-extra.cmd

# polishing using Unicycler

mkdir Unicycler

cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID | while read line; do echo " --no_correct -1 SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_1.fastq -2 SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_2.fastq -l LRs/${line} -t 15 --min_fasta_length 1000 -o Unicycler/${line}-unicycler"; done > Initial_bins_polish.cmd   
parallel -j3 < Initial_bins_polish.cmd 

# collect all polished initial bins and rename; pwd: Initial_bins_polish/Bin-cluster

mkdir polish-01
find -name assembly.fasta > tmpID
cut -d/ -f3-5 tmpID | tr "/" "_" | sed -e 's/^/polish-01\//g' | paste tmpID - | sed -e 's/^/cp /g' > tmp-cp.cmd
parallel -j40 < tmp-cp.cmd
cd polish-01
ls *fasta | cut -d- -f1 | while read line; do echo "sed -i 's/^>/>polished_01_${line}_/g' ${line}-unicycler_assembly.fasta "; done  > rename-header.cmd 
parallel -j10 < rename-header.cmd
cat *fasta > ../polished_01.fasta

cd ../
cp polished_01.fasta ../../05-Re-binning/

Step 5 Re-binning

# This step using MetaWRAP: the polished raw bins from the above step, might contain mis-grouping, so all the polished initial bins would be concatenate as assembled contigs (polished_01.fasta) combined with short reads, to do the binning again by MetaWRAP; pwd: Re-binning

metawrap binning -o INITIAL_BINNING -t 40 -a polished_01.fasta --metabat2 --maxbin2 ../01-Pre/H1-SRs/test-*fastq 
metawrap bin_refinement -o BIN_REFINEMENT -c 50 -x 10 -t 40 -A INITIAL_BINNING/metabat2_bins/ -B INITIAL_BINNING/maxbin2_bins

# concatenate all the bins (-c 50 -x 10) and move to the next step

cd BIN_REFINEMENT/metawrap_50_10_bins  
cat *fa > ../../re-bins.fasta
ls *fa > ../../re-binsID
cd ../../
cp re-bins.fasta re-binsID ../06-Re-assembly

Step 6 Re-assembly

#Similar with Step 4 Mapping, filtering, ID extraction, Seq extraction and polish using unicycler

# LRs mapping and filtering 70 && 70

minimap2 -x map-ont -t 40 re-bins.fasta ../01-Pre/test_lr.fastq > 
awk '!a[$1]++' | awk -F'[:\t]' '($4-$3+1)/$2 >=0.70 && $27<0.30 {print $1"\t"$6}' > filtered_70_70-lr.paf

# SRs mapping and filtering 80 && 80

minimap2 -x sr -t 40 re-bins.fasta ../01-Pre/test_1.fastq ../01-Pre/test_2.fastq  >
awk '($13~"tp:A:P")  {print $0}' | awk '($4-$3+1)/$2 >=0.80 && $10/$11 >=0.80 {print $1"\t"$6}' > filtered_80_80-sr.paf

# Bin clustering

mkdir Bin-cluster && cd Bin-cluster &&  mkdir ID LRs SRs

# Bin ID extraction

cat ../re-binsID | while read line; do echo "grep '^>' ../../05-Re-binning/BIN_REFINEMENT/metawrap_50_10_bins/$line | sed -e 's/^>//g' > ID/${line}_ID "; done > binID-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < binID-extra.cmd

# for each rebined bin, extract the LRs ID which mapped onto the given bin, and then extract the corresponding sequences using the ID

cat ../re-binsID | while read line; do echo "grep -wFf ID/${line}_ID ../filtered_70_70-lr.paf | awk '{print \$1}' > LRs/${line} "; done > LRs-eachBin-ID-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < LRs-eachBin-ID-extra.cmd 
ls -lht LRs/*ID |awk '$5!=0' | awk '{print $NF}'| cut -d"/" -f2 | cut -d_ -f1 > Non-zero-Refined-binsID
cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID | while read line; do echo "seqtk subseq ../../01-Pre/test_lr.fastq LRs/${line} > LRs/${line} "; done >LRs-eachBin-Seq-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < LRs-eachBin-Seq-extra.cmd

# each Bin mapped SRs extraction: firstly extract mapped all SRs ID then paired SRs sequences

cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID |  while read line; do echo "grep -wFf ID/${line}_ID ../filtered_80_80-sr.paf | awk '{print \$1}' > SRs/${line}" ;done > SRs-eachBin-ID-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < SRs-eachBin-ID-extra.cmd

 cd SRs && mkdir tmp
 ls *ID | while read line; do echo "cat ${line} | sort | uniq > tmp/${line}"; done > de-duplicate.cmd
 parallel -j40 < de-duplicate.cmd
 cd ../

# 1M subsampled Paired SRs extraction

cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID | while read line; do echo "cat SRs/tmp/${line} | shuf | head -1000000 > SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_1M.ID" ; done > SRs-1M-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < SRs-1M-extra.cmd
cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID | while read line; do echo "seqtk subseq ../../01-Pre/test-sr_1.fastq SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_1M.ID  > SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_1.fastq "; done > SRs-eachBin-seq_1-extra.cmd
cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID | while read line; do echo "seqtk subseq ../../01-Pre/test-sr_2.fastq SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_1M.ID  > SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_2.fastq "; done > SRs-eachBin-seq_2-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < SRs-eachBin-seq_1-extra.cmd
parallel -j40 < SRs-eachBin-seq_2-extra.cmd

# polishing

mkdir Unicycler

cat Non-zero-Refined-binsID | while read line; do echo " --no_correct -1 SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_1.fastq -2 SRs/${line}_80_80.sr_2.fastq -l LRs/${line} -t 15 --min_fasta_length 1000 -o Unicycler/${line}-unicycler"; done > re-assembly.cmd
parallel -j3 < re-assembly.cmd

## prepare for the next step

mkdir polish_02
cd Unicycler 
find -name assembly.fasta > tmp-ID
cat tmp-ID | cut -d/ -f2-3 | tr "/" "_" | sed -e 's/^/..\/polish_02\//g' | paste tmp-ID - | sed -e 's/^/cp /g' > cp.cmd
parallel -j30 < cp.cmd

## rename header of the each bin

cd ../polish_02
ls *fasta | cut -d- -f1 | cut -d. -f1-2 |while read line; do echo "sed -i 's/^>/>polished_02_${line}_/g' ${line}.fa-unicycler_assembly.fasta"; done > rename-header.cmd
parallel -j40 < rename-header.cmd
cat *fasta > ../polished_02.fasta
cp ../polished_02.fasta ../../../07-Final-binning

Step 7 Final binning

metawrap binning -o INITIAL_BINNING -t 40 -a polished_02.fasta --metabat2 --maxbin2 ../01-Pre/H1-SRs/test-*fastq
metawrap bin_refinement -o BIN_REFINEMENT -c 50 -x 10 -t 40 -A INITIAL_BINNING/metabat2_bins/ -B INITIAL_BINNING/maxbin2_bins

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  • After the hybrid assembled genomes were retrieved from the system, select the qualified MAGs, in our study, we choosed the MAGs with completeness >=90%, contamination <=10% and contig contig <=30. To facilitate the reconstrcution of the remaining community members, we need to take out the short and long reads that assigned to the qualified MAGs using minimap2, then repeat the above hybrid assembly process. For the iterative strategy, please refer to our previous work: High-Quality Bacterial Genomes of a Partial-Nitritation/Anammox System by an Iterative Hybrid Assembly Method.