##* Installation guide *##
1 - Install Node JS
- Validate on command line if the installation was successful running: npm --version
2 - Install Gulp / Bower
npm install -g bower gulp-install
Jonas: problema em gulp-install, no meu funcionou assim: npm install -g bower gulp
- Validate on command line if the instalattion was successfull running: bower --version && gulp --version
3 - Checkout project develop branch.
4 - Go to your local git project directory and start a Terminal or Command there. After run:
bower install
- It will take download of bower dependencies
npm install
- It will take download of node dependencies
5 - Some important tasks:
- (In progress) gulp build - It will generate a "dist" folder with all files on a deliverable structure.
- gulp start - It will start a local server with watching files (a real-time changes/creation watch)
- (In progress) gulp clear - Delete a "dist" and ".tmp" folders
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." (Steve Jobs)