Pathplanner is a combination of an app which lets you draw spline paths on a map of the field and a library which translates that path into commands for our robot to follow. The library allows extremely easy and concise autonomous programming and is what enables us to have high-level autos. The library also has features to trigger non-drivetrain Commands during auto letting us do most of the work of writing new auto paths in the path editor instead of in code.
- PathPlanner Repository
- PathPlanner Docs
- Make a demo video of setting up pathplanner and making an auto
- Previous years code
in 2023
- example code from video to make
- Set up PathPlanner in kitbot drive code
- Make a method that returns a
- Use that
to generate a full auto command
- Make a method that returns a
- We may be reworking how we do our autos in the near future, including doing a partial rewrite of PathPlanner. Talk to a software lead or mentor for more details (and update this page later!)