Set of Magic functions for conditional execution of cells in Jupyter notebooks.
production = False exploration = True %%skip_if production print(42) 42 %%skip_if exploration print(42)
skips cell execution if parameter condition is true.
production = False exploration = True %%run_if production print(42) %%run_if exploration print(42) 42
runs cell only if parameter condition is true.
production = False exploration = True %%time_if production print(42) 42 %%run_if exploration print(42) 42 Wall time: 1 ms
time the cell only if parameter condition is true, otherwise simply execute.
switch_board = { 'exploration': False, 'production': True } %alias_magic production -p {switch_board['production']} run_if Created `%%production` as an alias for `%%run_if True`. %alias_magic exploration -p {switch_board['exploration']} run_if Created `%%exploration` as an alias for `%%run_if True`. %%production print(42) 42 %%exploration print(42)
pip install switch_magic
to install the magic command.
First load the magic in a cell:
%load_ext switch_magic
and then use the function in your cell to dpaste its content.
, %%run_if
or %%time_if
- add other conditional functions.