Robot for HSF15 compo
- Lots of things but streaming Pixy image data would be cool
- 7574: IMU data publisher
- 7575: Motorcontroller RPC
- 7576: Motorcontroller data publisher
- 7577: Pinger RPC
- 7578: Pinger data publisher
- 7579: Pixy RPC
- 7580: Pixy data publisher
<> install this and dependencies.
TODO: Check the other deps and list them here
Start by compiling and installing libpixyusb. TLDR:
git clone
cd pixy/scripts/
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev g++ libboost1.48-all-dev cmake
sudo ./
Then you can compile the ZMQ pixy server
sudo apt-get install libzmq-dev
cd cpp/pixyzmq
cmake ./