description |
List of commands and permissions for the plugin |
Command | Permission | Description |
/AA Quiet | - | Toggles announcements sounds. |
/AA Help | ActionAnnouncer.Help | Displays all plugin's commands. |
/AA Reload | ActionAnnouncer.Reload | Reloads the config file. |
/AA Start | ActionAnnouncer.Start | Starts the automated announcements. |
/AA Stop | ActionAnnouncer.Stop | Stops the automated announcements. |
/AA List | ActionAnnouncer.List | Lists active announcements. |
/AA Add <Message> | ActionAnnouncer.Add | Adds a new announcement. |
/AA Remove <Index> | ActionAnnouncer.Remove | Removes the specified announcement by its index. |
/AA Send <Player> <Display Time> <Message/Index> | ActionAnnouncer.Send | Sends an announcement to the specified player. |
/AA Announce <Display Time> <Message/Index> | ActionAnnouncer.Announce | Sends an announcement to all online players. |
/AA PAnnounce <Player> <Display Time> <Message/Index> | ActionAnnouncer.PAnnounce | Sends an announcement to all online players with placeholders set to the specified player. |
- /ActionAnnouncer
{% hint style="info" %} All text between the less-than and greater-than signs (<>) is a placeholder/variable, replace it with the requested value without the less-than and greater-than signs (<>). {% endhint %}