Name | Type | Description | Notes |
order | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsOrderLight | [optional] | |
payer | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsPayer | [optional] | |
payments | [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsItemPayment] | Payments linked to this item | [optional] |
name | String | [optional] | |
user | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsUser | [optional] | |
priceCategory | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsPriceCategory | [optional] | |
minAmount | Number | Minimum amount that was specified on the tier (in cents) | [optional] |
discount | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsItemDiscount | [optional] | |
customFields | [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsItemCustomField] | Custom fields related to this item | [optional] |
options | [HelloAssoApiV5ModelsStatisticsItemOption] | Extra options taken with this item | [optional] |
ticketUrl | String | The Ticket Url | [optional] |
qrCode | String | The item QrCode (for ticket scanning only) | [optional] |
membershipCardUrl | String | The Membership Card Url | [optional] |
dayOfLevy | Number | The day of levy for monthly donation only | [optional] |
tierDescription | String | Tier description | [optional] |
tierId | Number | [optional] | |
comment | String | [optional] | |
id | Number | ID of the Item | [optional] |
amount | Number | Total item Price in cents (after discount without extra options) | [optional] |
type | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsTierType | [optional] | |
initialAmount | Number | The raw amount (without reduction) | [optional] |
state | HelloAssoApiV5ModelsEnumsItemState | [optional] |