diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md index da4be3feb9..ba3be280e4 100644 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md @@ -8,27 +8,33 @@ assignees: '' --- ## Description + ### To Reproduce: + ## Additional context + ## Output - + diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md index 89fc5a8501..89226c64ba 100644 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md @@ -8,15 +8,22 @@ assignees: '' --- ## Description + ## Solution + ## Alternatives + ## Related to -Directly reference any issues or PRs in this or other repositories that this is related to, and describe how they are related. Example: + diff --git a/.github/linters/.python-lint b/.github/linters/.python-lint new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..748b19b49c --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/linters/.python-lint @@ -0,0 +1,473 @@ +[MASTER] +errors-only= + +# A comma-separated list of package or module names from where C extensions may +# be loaded. Extensions are loading into the active Python interpreter and may +# run arbitrary code +extension-pkg-whitelist= + +# Add files or directories to the blacklist. They should be base names, not +# paths. +ignore=CVS + +# Add files or directories matching the regex patterns to the blacklist. The +# regex matches against base names, not paths. +ignore-patterns= + +# Python code to execute, usually for sys.path manipulation such as +# pygtk.require(). +#init-hook= + +# Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint. +jobs=1 + +# List of plugins (as comma separated values of python modules names) to load, +# usually to register additional checkers. +load-plugins= + +# Pickle collected data for later comparisons. +persistent=yes + +# Specify a configuration file. +#rcfile= + +# When enabled, pylint would attempt to guess common misconfiguration and emit +# user-friendly hints instead of false-positive error messages +suggestion-mode=yes + +# Allow loading of arbitrary C extensions. Extensions are imported into the +# active Python interpreter and may run arbitrary code. +unsafe-load-any-extension=no + + +[MESSAGES CONTROL] + +# Only show warnings with the listed confidence levels. Leave empty to show +# all. Valid levels: HIGH, INFERENCE, INFERENCE_FAILURE, UNDEFINED +confidence= + +# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You +# can either give multiple identifiers separated by comma (,) or put this +# option multiple times (only on the command line, not in the configuration +# file where it should appear only once).You can also use "--disable=all" to +# disable everything first and then reenable specific checks. For example, if +# you want to run only the similarities checker, you can use "--disable=all +# --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the classes checker, but have +# no Warning level messages displayed, use"--disable=all --enable=classes +# --disable=W" +disable=raw-checker-failed, + bad-inline-option, + locally-disabled, + file-ignored, + suppressed-message, + useless-suppression, + deprecated-pragma, + E0401, + +# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can +# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option +# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where +# it should appear only once). See also the "--disable" option for examples. +enable=c-extension-no-member + + +[REPORTS] + +# Python expression which should return a note less than 10 (10 is the highest +# note). You have access to the variables errors warning, statement which +# respectively contain the number of errors / warnings messages and the total +# number of statements analyzed. This is used by the global evaluation report +# (RP0004). +evaluation=10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / statement) * 10) + +# Template used to display messages. This is a python new-style format string +# used to format the message information. See doc for all details +#msg-template= + +# Set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, json +# and msvs (visual studio).You can also give a reporter class, eg +# mypackage.mymodule.MyReporterClass. +output-format=text + +# Tells whether to display a full report or only the messages +reports=no + +# Activate the evaluation score. +score=no + + +[REFACTORING] + +# Maximum number of nested blocks for function / method body +max-nested-blocks=5 + +# Complete name of functions that never returns. When checking for +# inconsistent-return-statements if a never returning function is called then +# it will be considered as an explicit return statement and no message will be +# printed. +never-returning-functions=optparse.Values,sys.exit + + +[VARIABLES] + +# List of additional names supposed to be defined in builtins. Remember that +# you should avoid to define new builtins when possible. +additional-builtins= + +# Tells whether unused global variables should be treated as a violation. +allow-global-unused-variables=yes + +# List of strings which can identify a callback function by name. A callback +# name must start or end with one of those strings. +callbacks=cb_, + _cb + +# A regular expression matching the name of dummy variables (i.e. expectedly +# not used). +dummy-variables-rgx=_+$|(_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?$)|dummy|^ignored_|^unused_ + +# Argument names that match this expression will be ignored. Default to name +# with leading underscore +ignored-argument-names=_.*|^ignored_|^unused_ + +# Tells whether we should check for unused import in __init__ files. +init-import=no + +# List of qualified module names which can have objects that can redefine +# builtins. +redefining-builtins-modules=six.moves,past.builtins,future.builtins + + +[LOGGING] + +# Logging modules to check that the string format arguments are in logging +# function parameter format +logging-modules=logging + + +[TYPECHECK] + +# List of decorators that produce context managers, such as +# contextlib.contextmanager. Add to this list to register other decorators that +# produce valid context managers. +contextmanager-decorators=contextlib.contextmanager + +# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference +# system, and so shouldn't trigger E1101 when accessed. Python regular +# expressions are accepted. +generated-members= + +# Tells whether missing members accessed in mixin class should be ignored. A +# mixin class is detected if its name ends with "mixin" (case insensitive). +ignore-mixin-members=yes + +# This flag controls whether pylint should warn about no-member and similar +# checks whenever an opaque object is returned when inferring. The inference +# can return multiple potential results while evaluating a Python object, but +# some branches might not be evaluated, which results in partial inference. In +# that case, it might be useful to still emit no-member and other checks for +# the rest of the inferred objects. +ignore-on-opaque-inference=yes + +# List of class names for which member attributes should not be checked (useful +# for classes with dynamically set attributes). This supports the use of +# qualified names. +ignored-classes=optparse.Values,thread._local,_thread._local + +# List of module names for which member attributes should not be checked +# (useful for modules/projects where namespaces are manipulated during runtime +# and thus existing member attributes cannot be deduced by static analysis. It +# supports qualified module names, as well as Unix pattern matching. +ignored-modules= + +# Show a hint with possible names when a member name was not found. The aspect +# of finding the hint is based on edit distance. +missing-member-hint=yes + +# The minimum edit distance a name should have in order to be considered a +# similar match for a missing member name. +missing-member-hint-distance=1 + +# The total number of similar names that should be taken in consideration when +# showing a hint for a missing member. +missing-member-max-choices=1 + + +[MISCELLANEOUS] + +# List of note tags to take in consideration, separated by a comma. +notes=FIXME, + XXX, + TODO + + +[BASIC] + +# Naming style matching correct argument names +argument-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct argument names. Overrides argument- +# naming-style +#argument-rgx= + +# Naming style matching correct attribute names +attr-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct attribute names. Overrides attr-naming- +# style +#attr-rgx= + +# Bad variable names which should always be refused, separated by a comma +bad-names=foo, + bar, + baz, + toto, + tutu, + tata + +# Naming style matching correct class attribute names +class-attribute-naming-style=any + +# Regular expression matching correct class attribute names. Overrides class- +# attribute-naming-style +#class-attribute-rgx= + +# Naming style matching correct class names +class-naming-style=PascalCase + +# Regular expression matching correct class names. Overrides class-naming-style +#class-rgx= + +# Naming style matching correct constant names +const-naming-style=UPPER_CASE + +# Regular expression matching correct constant names. Overrides const-naming- +# style +#const-rgx= + +# Minimum line length for functions/classes that require docstrings, shorter +# ones are exempt. +docstring-min-length=-1 + +# Naming style matching correct function names +function-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct function names. Overrides function- +# naming-style +#function-rgx= + +# Good variable names which should always be accepted, separated by a comma +good-names=i, + j, + k, + ex, + Run, + _ + +# Include a hint for the correct naming format with invalid-name +include-naming-hint=no + +# Naming style matching correct inline iteration names +inlinevar-naming-style=any + +# Regular expression matching correct inline iteration names. Overrides +# inlinevar-naming-style +#inlinevar-rgx= + +# Naming style matching correct method names +method-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct method names. Overrides method-naming- +# style +#method-rgx= + +# Naming style matching correct module names +module-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct module names. Overrides module-naming- +# style +#module-rgx= + +# Colon-delimited sets of names that determine each other's naming style when +# the name regexes allow several styles. +name-group= + +# Regular expression which should only match function or class names that do +# not require a docstring. +no-docstring-rgx=^_ + +# List of decorators that produce properties, such as abc.abstractproperty. Add +# to this list to register other decorators that produce valid properties. +property-classes=abc.abstractproperty + +# Naming style matching correct variable names +variable-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct variable names. Overrides variable- +# naming-style +#variable-rgx= + + +[SPELLING] + +# Limits count of emitted suggestions for spelling mistakes +max-spelling-suggestions=4 + +# Spelling dictionary name. Available dictionaries: none. To make it working +# install python-enchant package. +spelling-dict= + +# List of comma separated words that should not be checked. +spelling-ignore-words= + +# A path to a file that contains private dictionary; one word per line. +spelling-private-dict-file= + +# Tells whether to store unknown words to indicated private dictionary in +# --spelling-private-dict-file option instead of raising a message. +spelling-store-unknown-words=no + + +[FORMAT] + +# Expected format of line ending, e.g. empty (any line ending), LF or CRLF. +expected-line-ending-format= + +# Regexp for a line that is allowed to be longer than the limit. +ignore-long-lines=^\s*(# )??$ + +# Number of spaces of indent required inside a hanging or continued line. +indent-after-paren=4 + +# String used as indentation unit. This is usually " " (4 spaces) or "\t" (1 +# tab). +indent-string=' ' + +# Maximum number of characters on a single line. +max-line-length=150 + +# Maximum number of lines in a module +max-module-lines=1000 + +# Allow the body of a class to be on the same line as the declaration if body +# contains single statement. +single-line-class-stmt=no + +# Allow the body of an if to be on the same line as the test if there is no +# else. +single-line-if-stmt=no + + +[SIMILARITIES] + +# Ignore comments when computing similarities. +ignore-comments=yes + +# Ignore docstrings when computing similarities. +ignore-docstrings=yes + +# Ignore imports when computing similarities. +ignore-imports=no + +# Minimum lines number of a similarity. +min-similarity-lines=4 + + +[DESIGN] + +# Maximum number of arguments for function / method +max-args=5 + +# Maximum number of attributes for a class (see R0902). +max-attributes=7 + +# Maximum number of boolean expressions in a if statement +max-bool-expr=5 + +# Maximum number of branch for function / method body +max-branches=12 + +# Maximum number of locals for function / method body +max-locals=15 + +# Maximum number of parents for a class (see R0901). +max-parents=7 + +# Maximum number of public methods for a class (see R0904). +max-public-methods=20 + +# Maximum number of return / yield for function / method body +max-returns=6 + +# Maximum number of statements in function / method body +max-statements=50 + +# Minimum number of public methods for a class (see R0903). +min-public-methods=2 + + +[IMPORTS] + +# Allow wildcard imports from modules that define __all__. +allow-wildcard-with-all=no + +# Analyse import fallback blocks. This can be used to support both Python 2 and +# 3 compatible code, which means that the block might have code that exists +# only in one or another interpreter, leading to false positives when analysed. +analyse-fallback-blocks=no + +# Deprecated modules which should not be used, separated by a comma +deprecated-modules=regsub, + TERMIOS, + Bastion, + rexec + +# Create a graph of external dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must +# not be disabled) +ext-import-graph= + +# Create a graph of every (i.e. internal and external) dependencies in the +# given file (report RP0402 must not be disabled) +import-graph= + +# Create a graph of internal dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must +# not be disabled) +int-import-graph= + +# Force import order to recognize a module as part of the standard +# compatibility libraries. +known-standard-library= + +# Force import order to recognize a module as part of a third party library. +known-third-party=enchant + + +[CLASSES] + +# List of method names used to declare (i.e. assign) instance attributes. +defining-attr-methods=__init__, + __new__, + setUp + +# List of member names, which should be excluded from the protected access +# warning. +exclude-protected=_asdict, + _fields, + _replace, + _source, + _make + +# List of valid names for the first argument in a class method. +valid-classmethod-first-arg=cls + +# List of valid names for the first argument in a metaclass class method. +valid-metaclass-classmethod-first-arg=mcs + + +[EXCEPTIONS] + +# Exceptions that will emit a warning when being caught. Defaults to +# "Exception" +overgeneral-exceptions=builtins.Exception + + diff --git a/.github/linters/.yaml-lint.yml b/.github/linters/.yaml-lint.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..afcac43957 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/linters/.yaml-lint.yml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- + +extends: default + +rules: + braces: + level: warning + max-spaces-inside: 1 + brackets: + level: warning + max-spaces-inside: 1 + colons: + level: warning + commas: disable + comments: disable + comments-indentation: disable + document-start: disable + empty-lines: + level: warning + hyphens: + level: warning + indentation: + level: warning + indent-sequences: consistent + line-length: disable + truthy: disable + trailing-spaces: disable + diff --git a/.github/pull_request_template.md b/.github/pull_request_template.md index 87897d0183..b154eda796 100644 --- a/.github/pull_request_template.md +++ b/.github/pull_request_template.md @@ -1,52 +1,155 @@ -# PR Checklist - -- [ ] This PR is up-to-date with the top of all sub-component repositories except for those sub-components which are the subject of this PR. Please consult the ufs-weather-model [wiki](https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/wiki/Making-code-changes-in-the-UFS-weather-model-and-its-subcomponents) if you are unsure how to do this. - -- [ ] This PR has been tested using a branch which is up-to-date with the top of all sub-component repositories except for those sub-components which are the subject of this PR - -- [ ] An Issue describing the work contained in this PR has been created either in the subcomponent(s) or in the ufs-weather-model. The Issue should be created in the repository that is most relevant to the changes in contained in the PR. The Issue and the dependent sub-component PR -are specified below. - -- [ ] Results for one or more of the regression tests change and the reasons for the changes are understood and explained below. - -- [ ] New or updated input data is required by this PR. If checked, please work with the code managers to update input data sets on all platforms. - -## Instructions: All subsequent sections of text should be filled in as appropriate. - -The information provided below allows the code managers to understand the changes relevant to this PR, whether those changes are in the ufs-weather-model repository or in a subcomponent repository. Ufs-weather-model code managers will use the information provided to add any applicable labels, assign reviewers and place it in the Commit Queue. Once the PR is in the Commit Queue, it is the PR owner's responsibility to keep the PR up-to-date with the develop branch of ufs-weather-model. - -## Description - -Provide a detailed description of what this PR does. What bug does it fix, or what feature does it add? Is a change of answers expected from this PR? Are any library updates included in this PR (modulefiles etc.)? - -### Issue(s) addressed - -Link the issues to be closed with this PR, whether in this repository, or in another repository. -(Remember, issues must always be created before starting work on a PR branch!) -- fixes # -- fixes noaa-emc/fv3atm/issues/ - -## Testing - -How were these changes tested? What compilers / HPCs was it tested with? Are the changes covered by regression tests? (If not, why? Do new tests need to be added?) Have regression tests and unit tests (utests) been run? On which platforms and with which compilers? (Note that unit tests can only be run on tier-1 platforms) - -- [ ] hera.intel -- [ ] hera.gnu -- [ ] orion.intel -- [ ] cheyenne.intel -- [ ] cheyenne.gnu -- [ ] gaea.intel -- [ ] jet.intel -- [ ] wcoss2.intel -- [ ] acorn.intel -- [ ] opnReqTest for newly added/changed feature + +## Commit Queue Requirements: + +- [ ] Fill out all sections of this template. +- [ ] All sub component pull requests have been reviewed by their code managers. +- [ ] Run the full Intel+GNU RT suite (compared to current baselines) on either Hera/Derecho/Hercules +- [ ] Commit 'test_changes.list' from previous step +--- +## Description: + + + +### Commit Message: + +``` +* UFSWM - + * AQM - + * CDEPS - + * CICE - + * CMEPS - + * CMakeModules - + * FV3 - + * ccpp-physics - + * atmos_cubed_sphere - + * GOCART - + * HYCOM - + * MOM6 - + * NOAHMP - + * WW3 - + * fire_behavior + * stochastic_physics - +``` + +### Priority: + +* Critical Bugfix: Reason +* High: Reason +* Normal + +## Git Tracking +### UFSWM: + +* Closes # +* None + +### Sub component Pull Requests: + +* AQM: +* CDEPS: +* CICE: +* CMEPS: +* CMakeModules: +* FV3: + * ccpp-physics: + * atmos_cubed_sphere: +* GOCART: +* HYCOM: +* MOM6: +* NOAHMP: +* WW3: +* fire_behavior: +* stochastic_physics: +* None + +### UFSWM Blocking Dependencies: + +* Blocked by # +* None + +--- +## Changes +### Regression Test Changes (Please commit test_changes.list): + +* PR Adds New Tests/Baselines. +* PR Updates/Changes Baselines. +* No Baseline Changes. + +### Input data Changes: + +* None. +* New input data. +* Updated input data. + +### Library Changes/Upgrades: + +* Required + * Library names w/versions: + * Git Stack Issue (JCSDA/spack-stack#) +* No Updates + +--- + +## Testing Log: +- RDHPCS + - [ ] Hera + - [ ] Orion + - [ ] Hercules + - [ ] Jet + - [ ] Gaea + - [ ] Derecho +- WCOSS2 + - [ ] Dogwood/Cactus + - [ ] Acorn - [ ] CI - -## Dependencies - -If testing this branch requires non-default branches in other repositories, list them. Those branches should have matching names (ideally). - -Do PRs in upstream repositories need to be merged first? -If so add the "waiting for other repos" label and list the upstream PRs -- waiting on noaa-emc/nems/pull/ -- waiting on noaa-emc/fv3atm/pull/ +- [ ] opnReqTest (complete task if unnecessary) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.github/workflows/aux.yml b/.github/workflows/aux.yml index c3871899a6..816c7fc28b 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/aux.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/aux.yml @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ -name: Helpers +name: Repo Check on: - workflow_run: - workflows: ["Pull Request Tests"] - types: - - requested + #workflow_run: + # workflows: ["Pull Request Tests"] + # types: + # - requested + pull_request: + branches: + - develop env: app: Accept:application/vnd.github.v3+json base_url: $GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/actions/runs AUTH: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - aws_instance_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_INSTANCE_ID }} - no_instances: 10 - jobs: pre: @@ -18,133 +18,42 @@ jobs: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - - name: Share helper id - run: echo -n ${{ github.run_id }} >~/id_file - - - uses: actions/cache@v2 - with: - path: ~/id_file - key: helperid-${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }} - - - name: Delete run-ci label - run: | - head_sha=${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_sha }} - url=$GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY - pr_number=$(curl -sS -H $app $url/pulls \ - | jq -r '.[] | select(.head.sha == "'"$head_sha"'") | .number') - echo "pr_number is $pr_number" - curl -sS -X DELETE -H $app -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \ - $url/issues/$pr_number/labels/run-ci + - name: Share helper id + run: echo -n ${{ github.run_id }} >~/id_file + - uses: actions/cache@v4 + with: + path: ~/id_file + key: helperid-${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }} repocheck: name: Repo check runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - - name: Check up-to-dateness and post comment - run: | - head_sha=${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_sha }} - git clone -q ${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_repository.html_url }} . - git checkout -q $head_sha - git submodule -q update --init --recursive - - cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci - url=$GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY - pr_number=$(curl -sS -H $app $url/pulls \ - | jq -r '.[] | select(.head.sha == "'"$head_sha"'") | .number') - echo "pr_number is $pr_number" - pr_uid=${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_repository.owner.login }} - echo "pr_uid is $pr_uid" - comment="$(./repo_check.sh $pr_uid 2>/dev/null)" - echo "comment is $comment" - - if [[ -n $comment ]]; then - curl -sS -X POST -H $app -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \ - $url/issues/$pr_number/comments -d '{"body": "'"${comment}"'"}' - echo -n "failure" >~/repocheck_file - else - echo -n "success" >~/repocheck_file - fi - - - uses: actions/cache@v2 - with: - path: ~/repocheck_file - key: repocheck-${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }} - - - startrunner: - name: Start runners - needs: repocheck - runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 - outputs: - started: ${{ steps.ec2.outputs.started }} - - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - - - name: Check all builds are complete and successful - id: current - run: | - cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci - eval url=$base_url/${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }}/jobs - b_r=$(echo -n $url | ./check_status.py build) - if [ $b_r == 'success' ]; then - echo "::set-output name=check::pass" - elif [ $b_r == 'failure' ]; then - echo "::set-output name=check::fail" - fi - - - name: Check all previous runs finish using ec2 - id: previous - if: steps.current.outputs.check == 'pass' - run: | - cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci - eval url=$base_url - echo -n $url | ./check_status.py ec2 ${{ github.run_id }} - - - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 - if: steps.current.outputs.check == 'pass' - with: - aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} - aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} - aws-region: us-east-1 - - - name: Start ec2 instances - id: ec2 - if: steps.current.outputs.check == 'pass' - run: | - no_stopped=0 - while [ $no_stopped -lt $no_instances ]; do - sleep 20 - no_stopped=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids $aws_instance_id \ - | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[].State.Name' | grep stopped | wc -l) - echo "no_stopped: $no_stopped" - done - aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids $aws_instance_id - echo "::set-output name=started::yes" - - - stoprunner: - name: Stop runners - needs: startrunner - runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 - if: needs.startrunner.outputs.started == 'yes' - - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - - - name: Check all tests are complete - run: | - cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci - eval url=$base_url/${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }} - echo $url | ./check_status.py test - - - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 - with: - aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} - aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} - aws-region: us-east-1 - - - name: Stop ec2 instances - run: aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids $aws_instance_id + - name: Check up-to-dateness and post comment + run: | + trap 'echo "exit-code=$?" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"' EXIT + head_sha=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} + head_brc=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }} + head_url=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.html_url }} + git clone -q -b $head_brc $head_url . + git checkout -q $head_sha + git submodule -q update --init --recursive + cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci + url=$GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY + pr_number=$(curl -sS -H $app $url/pulls \ + | jq -r '.[] | select(.head.sha == "'"$head_sha"'") | .number') + echo "pr_number is $pr_number" + pr_uid=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.owner.login }} + echo "pr_uid is $pr_uid" + ./repo_check.sh + #comment="$(./repo_check.sh 2>/dev/null)" + #echo "comment is $comment" + #if [[ -n $comment ]]; then + # curl -sS -X POST -H $app -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \ + # $url/issues/$pr_number/comments -d '{"body": "'"${comment}"'"}' + # echo -n "failure" >~/repocheck_file + #else + # echo -n "success" >~/repocheck_file + #fi diff --git a/.github/workflows/build_test._yml b/.github/workflows/build_test._yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21de1f26bc --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/build_test._yml @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +name: Pull Request Tests +on: + pull_request: + branches: ['develop'] + types: ['labeled'] +env: + app: Accept:application/vnd.github.v3+json + + +jobs: + repocheck: + name: Check if repos are up to date + runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 + + outputs: + current: ${{ steps.check.outputs.current }} + + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Wait for caching source + run: sleep 30 + + - uses: actions/cache@v4 + with: + path: ~/id_file + key: helperid-${{ github.run_id }} + + - name: Wait until repocheck in aux is complete + run: | + helper_id=$(cat ~/id_file) + cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci + jobs_url=$GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/actions/runs/$helper_id/jobs + conclusion=$(echo $jobs_url | ./check_status.py completion "Repo check") + if [[ $conclusion == "failure" ]]; then + exit 1 + fi diff --git a/.github/workflows/save/aux._yml b/.github/workflows/save/aux._yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7082c2806 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/save/aux._yml @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +name: Helpers +on: + workflow_run: + workflows: ["Pull Request Tests"] + types: + - requested +env: + app: Accept:application/vnd.github.v3+json + base_url: $GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/actions/runs + AUTH: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} + aws_instance_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_INSTANCE_ID }} + no_instances: 10 + + +jobs: + pre: + name: Preprocess + runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 + +# steps: +# - name: Share helper id +# run: echo -n ${{ github.run_id }} >~/id_file +# +# - uses: actions/cache@v2 +# with: +# path: ~/id_file +# key: helperid-${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }} +# +# - name: Delete run-ci label +# run: | +# head_sha=${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_sha }} +# url=$GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY +# pr_number=$(curl -sS -H $app $url/pulls \ +# | jq -r '.[] | select(.head.sha == "'"$head_sha"'") | .number') +# echo "pr_number is $pr_number" +# curl -sS -X DELETE -H $app -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \ +# $url/issues/$pr_number/labels/run-ci + + + repocheck: + name: Repo check + runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 + + steps: + - name: Check up-to-dateness and post comment + run: | + head_sha=${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_sha }} + git clone -q ${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_repository.html_url }} . + git checkout -q $head_sha + git submodule -q update --init --recursive + + cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci + url=$GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY + pr_number=$(curl -sS -H $app $url/pulls \ + | jq -r '.[] | select(.head.sha == "'"$head_sha"'") | .number') + echo "pr_number is $pr_number" + pr_uid=${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_repository.owner.login }} + echo "pr_uid is $pr_uid" + comment="$(./repo_check.sh $pr_uid 2>/dev/null)" + echo "comment is $comment" + + if [[ -n $comment ]]; then + curl -sS -X POST -H $app -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \ + $url/issues/$pr_number/comments -d '{"body": "'"${comment}"'"}' + echo -n "failure" >~/repocheck_file + else + echo -n "success" >~/repocheck_file + fi + + - uses: actions/cache@v2 + with: + path: ~/repocheck_file + key: repocheck-${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }} + + + startrunner: + name: Start runners + needs: repocheck + runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 + outputs: + started: ${{ steps.ec2.outputs.started }} + + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v2 + + - name: Check all builds are complete and successful + id: current + run: | + cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci + eval url=$base_url/${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }}/jobs + b_r=$(echo -n $url | ./check_status.py build) + if [ $b_r == 'success' ]; then + echo "::set-output name=check::pass" + elif [ $b_r == 'failure' ]; then + echo "::set-output name=check::fail" + fi + + - name: Check all previous runs finish using ec2 + id: previous + if: steps.current.outputs.check == 'pass' + run: | + cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci + eval url=$base_url + echo -n $url | ./check_status.py ec2 ${{ github.run_id }} + + - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 + if: steps.current.outputs.check == 'pass' + with: + aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} + aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} + aws-region: us-east-1 + + - name: Start ec2 instances + id: ec2 + if: steps.current.outputs.check == 'pass' + run: | + no_stopped=0 + while [ $no_stopped -lt $no_instances ]; do + sleep 20 + no_stopped=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids $aws_instance_id \ + | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[].State.Name' | grep stopped | wc -l) + echo "no_stopped: $no_stopped" + done + aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids $aws_instance_id + echo "::set-output name=started::yes" + + + stoprunner: + name: Stop runners + needs: startrunner + runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 + if: needs.startrunner.outputs.started == 'yes' + + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v2 + + - name: Check all tests are complete + run: | + cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci + eval url=$base_url/${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }} + echo $url | ./check_status.py test + + - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 + with: + aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} + aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} + aws-region: us-east-1 + + - name: Stop ec2 instances + run: aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids $aws_instance_id diff --git a/.github/workflows/build_test.yml b/.github/workflows/save/build_test._yml similarity index 100% rename from .github/workflows/build_test.yml rename to .github/workflows/save/build_test._yml diff --git a/.github/workflows/superlinter.yml b/.github/workflows/superlinter.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3d92fc835 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/superlinter.yml @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +name: Super-Linter + +on: + push: null + pull_request: null + +jobs: + build: + name: Lint + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + + permissions: + contents: read + packages: read + statuses: write + + steps: + - name: Checkout code + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + with: + fetch-depth: 0 + + - name: Super-Linter + uses: super-linter/super-linter@v6.3.0 + env: + LINTER_RULES_PATH: '.github/linters/' + DEFAULT_BRANCH: origin/develop + GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} + FILTER_REGEX_EXCLUDE: .*(tests/fv3_conf/.*|tests/ci/.*|tests/auto/.*|tests/auto-jenkins/.*|tests/opnReqTests/.*|tests/opnReqTest|tests/atparse.bash).* + VALIDATE_BASH: true + BASH_SEVERITY: style + #VALIDATE_GITHUB_ACTIONS: true + #VALIDATE_LUA: true + #VALIDATE_MARKDOWN: true + VALIDATE_PYTHON_PYLINT: true + VALIDATE_YAML: true diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 30e3d46945..d29bb32d85 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -72,5 +72,10 @@ tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN -log* +tests/rt_temp.conf build*.log* +rocoto_workflow* +fail_compile_* +fail_test_* +tests/run_dir +tests/logs/log_* diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules index a3775fc12d..ab72b60a64 100644 --- a/.gitmodules +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ [submodule "CICE"] path = CICE-interface/CICE url = https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CICE - branch = emc/develop + branch = develop [submodule "CDEPS"] path = CDEPS-interface/CDEPS url = https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CDEPS @@ -46,3 +46,11 @@ path = NOAHMP-interface/noahmp url = https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/noahmp branch = develop +[submodule "LM4-driver"] + path = LM4-driver + url = https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/LM4-NUOPC-driver + branch = develop +[submodule "fire_behavior"] + path = fire_behavior + url = https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/fire_behavior + branch = emc/develop diff --git a/.readthedocs.yaml b/.readthedocs.yaml index 09ebb7306d..37ba7c6ff0 100644 --- a/.readthedocs.yaml +++ b/.readthedocs.yaml @@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ # Required version: 2 +build: + os: ubuntu-20.04 + tools: + python: "3.9" # Build documentation in the docs/ directory with Sphinx sphinx: @@ -18,6 +22,5 @@ formats: all # Optionally set the version of Python and requirements required to build your docs python: - version: 3.7 install: - requirements: doc/UsersGuide/requirements.txt diff --git a/.shellcheckrc b/.shellcheckrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..95525eb590 --- /dev/null +++ b/.shellcheckrc @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Global settings for Shellcheck (https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck) +enable=all + +external-sources=true + +# Disable variable referenced but not assigned +disable=SC2154 + +# Disable following non-constant source +disable=SC1090 + +# Disable non-existent binary +disable=SC1091 + +# Disable -p -m only applies to deepest directory +disable=SC2174 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/AQM b/AQM index d1896c64f3..37cbb7d684 160000 --- a/AQM +++ b/AQM @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit d1896c64f3c137aa033c47432f3055fd50a7a18e +Subproject commit 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 diff --git a/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS b/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS index 530c2624df..34d1eab8e4 160000 --- a/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS +++ b/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 530c2624df18b2e2b05cf1c639b073479f68f269 +Subproject commit 34d1eab8e432cedf8a81976e3b675b32f41b043f diff --git a/CDEPS-interface/CMakeLists.txt b/CDEPS-interface/CMakeLists.txt index be502ec8d6..4f5c086013 100644 --- a/CDEPS-interface/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CDEPS-interface/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,16 +1,20 @@ # CDEPS compiler flags if(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-g -fbacktrace -ffree-line-length-none") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -fbacktrace -ffree-line-length-none") + #Set CPP defintions for the ufs/cdeps_share target library + list(APPEND CDEPS_SHARE_DEFS "CPRGNU") if(${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 10) set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -fallow-argument-mismatch -fallow-invalid-boz") endif() set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -fcheck=bounds -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow,underflow" ) elseif(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-g -traceback") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -traceback") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -O -assume realloc_lhs") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -fp-model precise") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -check -check noarg_temp_created -check nopointer -fpe0 -ftrapuv -init=snan,arrays") + #Set CPP defintions for the ufs/cdeps_share target library + list(APPEND CDEPS_SHARE_DEFS "CPRINTEL") else() message(WARNING "Fortran compiler with ID ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID} will be used with CMake default options") endif() @@ -23,6 +27,7 @@ add_library(share OBJECT ${cdeps_share_files} ${ufs_cdeps_share_files}) set_target_properties(share PROPERTIES Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mod) target_include_directories(share PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ufs/cdeps_share) target_include_directories(share PRIVATE $) +target_compile_definitions(share PRIVATE ${CDEPS_SHARE_DEFS}) target_link_libraries(share PRIVATE esmf) # CDEPS/streams @@ -90,6 +95,14 @@ target_include_directories(dwav PRIVATE $) +target_link_libraries(dglc PRIVATE dshr share streams) +target_link_libraries(dglc PRIVATE esmf PIO::PIO_Fortran) + # CDEPS add_library(cdeps STATIC $ $ @@ -99,7 +112,8 @@ add_library(cdeps STATIC $ $ $ $ - $) + $ + $) add_library(cdeps::cdeps ALIAS cdeps) target_include_directories(cdeps PUBLIC $ $) diff --git a/CDEPS-interface/cdeps_files.cmake b/CDEPS-interface/cdeps_files.cmake index 3990572168..cb247d500c 100644 --- a/CDEPS-interface/cdeps_files.cmake +++ b/CDEPS-interface/cdeps_files.cmake @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ list(APPEND ufs_cdeps_share_files ufs/cdeps_share/shr_assert_mod.F90 ufs/cdeps_share/shr_frz_mod.F90 ufs/cdeps_share/shr_infnan_mod.F90 + ufs/cdeps_share/shr_is_restart_fh_mod.F90 ) list(APPEND cdeps_share_files @@ -12,15 +13,19 @@ list(APPEND cdeps_share_files CDEPS/share/shr_assert.h CDEPS/share/shr_cal_mod.F90 CDEPS/share/shr_const_mod.F90 + CDEPS/share/shr_file_mod.F90 CDEPS/share/shr_kind_mod.F90 CDEPS/share/shr_log_mod.F90 - CDEPS/share/shr_mpi_mod.F90 + CDEPS/share/shr_nl_mod.F90 CDEPS/share/shr_orb_mod.F90 CDEPS/share/shr_precip_mod.F90 CDEPS/share/shr_strconvert_mod.F90 CDEPS/share/shr_string_mod.F90 CDEPS/share/shr_sys_mod.F90 CDEPS/share/shr_timer_mod.F90 + CDEPS/share/shr_file_mod.F90 + CDEPS/share/shr_nl_mod.F90 + CDEPS/share/nuopc_shr_methods.F90 ) list(APPEND cdeps_streams_files @@ -38,19 +43,19 @@ list(APPEND cdeps_dshr_files list(APPEND cdeps_datm_files CDEPS/datm/atm_comp_nuopc.F90 - CDEPS/datm/datm_datamode_cfsr_mod.F90 CDEPS/datm/datm_datamode_clmncep_mod.F90 CDEPS/datm/datm_datamode_core2_mod.F90 CDEPS/datm/datm_datamode_cplhist_mod.F90 CDEPS/datm/datm_datamode_era5_mod.F90 CDEPS/datm/datm_datamode_gefs_mod.F90 - CDEPS/datm/datm_datamode_gfs_mod.F90 CDEPS/datm/datm_datamode_jra_mod.F90 + CDEPS/datm/datm_datamode_simple_mod.F90 ) list(APPEND cdeps_dice_files CDEPS/dice/dice_datamode_ssmi_mod.F90 CDEPS/dice/dice_flux_atmice_mod.F90 + CDEPS/dice/dice_datamode_cplhist_mod.F90 CDEPS/dice/ice_comp_nuopc.F90 ) @@ -63,6 +68,10 @@ list(APPEND cdeps_docn_files CDEPS/docn/docn_datamode_copyall_mod.F90 CDEPS/docn/docn_datamode_iaf_mod.F90 CDEPS/docn/docn_datamode_som_mod.F90 + CDEPS/docn/docn_datamode_cplhist_mod.F90 + CDEPS/docn/docn_datamode_multilev_mod.F90 + CDEPS/docn/docn_datamode_multilev_dom_mod.F90 + CDEPS/docn/docn_import_data_mod.F90 CDEPS/docn/ocn_comp_nuopc.F90 ) @@ -73,3 +82,8 @@ list(APPEND cdeps_drof_files list(APPEND cdeps_dwav_files CDEPS/dwav/wav_comp_nuopc.F90 ) + +list(APPEND cdeps_dglc_files + CDEPS/dglc/dglc_datamode_noevolve_mod.F90 + CDEPS/dglc/glc_comp_nuopc.F90 +) diff --git a/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_assert_mod.F90 b/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_assert_mod.F90 index 487ea6470f..3accfb1c1e 100644 --- a/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_assert_mod.F90 +++ b/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_assert_mod.F90 @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ module shr_assert_mod r4 => shr_kind_r4, & r8 => shr_kind_r8, & i4 => shr_kind_i4, & - i8 => shr_kind_i8 + i8 => shr_kind_i8, & + CL => shr_kind_CL use shr_sys_mod, only: & shr_sys_abort @@ -35,7 +36,6 @@ module shr_assert_mod ! Assert that a numerical value satisfies certain constraints. public :: shr_assert_in_domain -# 33 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" interface shr_assert_all module procedure shr_assert ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 @@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ module shr_assert_mod module procedure shr_assert_all_7d end interface -# 39 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" interface shr_assert_any module procedure shr_assert ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 @@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ module shr_assert_mod module procedure shr_assert_any_7d end interface -# 45 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" interface shr_assert_in_domain ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 @@ -175,7 +173,6 @@ module shr_assert_mod ! Private utilities. -# 53 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" interface print_bad_loc ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 @@ -275,7 +272,6 @@ module shr_assert_mod module procedure print_bad_loc_7d_long end interface -# 59 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" interface find_first_loc ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 module procedure find_first_loc_0d @@ -295,7 +291,6 @@ module shr_assert_mod module procedure find_first_loc_7d end interface -# 64 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" interface within_tolerance ! TYPE double,real,int,long module procedure within_tolerance_double @@ -307,10 +302,8 @@ module shr_assert_mod module procedure within_tolerance_long end interface -# 69 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" contains -# 71 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -322,8 +315,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert(var, msg, file, line) character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: file integer , intent(in), optional :: line - character(len=:), allocatable :: full_msg - + character(len=CL) :: full_msg + full_msg = '' if (.not. var) then full_msg = 'ERROR' @@ -339,11 +332,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert(var, msg, file, line) call shr_sys_abort(full_msg) end if -# 99 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 102 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_all_1d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -357,10 +348,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_all_1d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(all(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 115 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_all_1d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 102 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_all_2d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -374,10 +363,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_all_2d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(all(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 115 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_all_2d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 102 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_all_3d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -391,10 +378,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_all_3d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(all(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 115 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_all_3d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 102 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_all_4d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -408,10 +393,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_all_4d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(all(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 115 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_all_4d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 102 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_all_5d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -425,10 +408,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_all_5d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(all(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 115 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_all_5d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 102 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_all_6d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -442,10 +423,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_all_6d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(all(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 115 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_all_6d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 102 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_all_7d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -459,11 +438,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_all_7d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(all(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 115 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_all_7d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 118 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_any_1d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -477,10 +454,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_any_1d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(any(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 131 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_any_1d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 118 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_any_2d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -494,10 +469,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_any_2d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(any(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 131 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_any_2d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 118 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_any_3d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -511,10 +484,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_any_3d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(any(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 131 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_any_3d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 118 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_any_4d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -528,10 +499,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_any_4d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(any(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 131 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_any_4d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 118 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_any_5d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -545,10 +514,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_any_5d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(any(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 131 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_any_5d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 118 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_any_6d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -562,10 +529,8 @@ subroutine shr_assert_any_6d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(any(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 131 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_any_6d ! DIMS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 118 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_any_7d(var, msg, file, line) ! Logical being asserted @@ -579,7 +544,6 @@ subroutine shr_assert_any_7d(var, msg, file, line) call shr_assert(any(var), msg=msg, file=file, line=line) -# 131 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_any_7d !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -587,7 +551,6 @@ end subroutine shr_assert_any_7d ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_double(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -783,11 +746,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_double(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_double(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -983,11 +944,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_double(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_double(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -1183,11 +1142,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_double(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_double(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -1383,11 +1340,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_double(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_double(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -1583,11 +1538,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_double(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_double(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -1783,11 +1736,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_double(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_double(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -1983,11 +1934,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_double(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_double(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -2183,11 +2132,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_double(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_real(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -2383,11 +2330,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_real(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_real(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -2583,11 +2528,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_real(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_real(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -2783,11 +2726,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_real(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_real(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -2983,11 +2924,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_real(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_real(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -3183,11 +3122,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_real(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_real(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -3383,11 +3320,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_real(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_real(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -3583,11 +3518,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_real(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_real(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -3783,11 +3716,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_real(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_int(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -3983,11 +3914,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_int(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_int(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -4183,11 +4112,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_int(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_int(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -4383,11 +4310,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_int(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_int(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -4583,11 +4508,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_int(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_int(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -4783,11 +4706,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_int(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_int(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -4983,11 +4904,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_int(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_int(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -5183,11 +5102,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_int(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_int(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -5383,11 +5300,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_int(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_long(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -5583,11 +5498,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_long(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_0d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_long(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -5783,11 +5696,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_long(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_1d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_long(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -5983,11 +5894,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_long(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_2d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_long(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -6183,11 +6092,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_long(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_3d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_long(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -6383,11 +6290,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_long(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_4d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_long(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -6583,11 +6488,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_long(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_5d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_long(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -6783,11 +6686,9 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_long(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_6d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 138 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_long(var, varname, msg, & is_nan, lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne, abs_tol) @@ -6983,7 +6884,6 @@ subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_long(var, varname, msg, & #undef GEN_SIZE #undef GEN_ALL -# 333 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_long !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -6991,7 +6891,6 @@ end subroutine shr_assert_in_domain_7d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7022,11 +6921,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7057,11 +6954,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7093,11 +6988,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7130,11 +7023,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7168,11 +7059,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7207,11 +7096,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7247,11 +7134,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7288,11 +7173,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_double(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7323,11 +7206,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7358,11 +7239,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7394,11 +7273,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7431,11 +7308,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7469,11 +7344,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7508,11 +7381,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7548,11 +7419,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7589,11 +7458,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_real(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7624,11 +7491,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7659,11 +7524,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7695,11 +7558,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7732,11 +7593,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7770,11 +7629,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7809,11 +7666,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7849,11 +7704,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7890,11 +7743,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_int(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7925,11 +7776,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_0d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7960,11 +7809,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_1d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -7996,11 +7843,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_2d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -8033,11 +7878,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_3d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -8071,11 +7914,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_4d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -8110,11 +7951,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_5d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -8150,11 +7989,9 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_6d_long ! TYPE double,real,int,long ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 340 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) ! Print information about a bad location in an variable. ! For scalars, just print value. @@ -8191,14 +8028,12 @@ subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_long(var, loc_vec, varname) if (.false.) write(*,*) loc_vec #endif -# 370 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end subroutine print_bad_loc_7d_long !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 376 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" pure function find_first_loc_0d(mask) result (loc_vec) ! Inefficient but simple subroutine for finding the location of ! the first .true. value in an array. @@ -8227,10 +8062,8 @@ pure function find_first_loc_0d(mask) result (loc_vec) #endif -# 404 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function find_first_loc_0d ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 376 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" pure function find_first_loc_1d(mask) result (loc_vec) ! Inefficient but simple subroutine for finding the location of ! the first .true. value in an array. @@ -8259,10 +8092,8 @@ pure function find_first_loc_1d(mask) result (loc_vec) #endif -# 404 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function find_first_loc_1d ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 376 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" pure function find_first_loc_2d(mask) result (loc_vec) ! Inefficient but simple subroutine for finding the location of ! the first .true. value in an array. @@ -8292,10 +8123,8 @@ pure function find_first_loc_2d(mask) result (loc_vec) #endif -# 404 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function find_first_loc_2d ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 376 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" pure function find_first_loc_3d(mask) result (loc_vec) ! Inefficient but simple subroutine for finding the location of ! the first .true. value in an array. @@ -8326,10 +8155,8 @@ pure function find_first_loc_3d(mask) result (loc_vec) #endif -# 404 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function find_first_loc_3d ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 376 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" pure function find_first_loc_4d(mask) result (loc_vec) ! Inefficient but simple subroutine for finding the location of ! the first .true. value in an array. @@ -8361,10 +8188,8 @@ pure function find_first_loc_4d(mask) result (loc_vec) #endif -# 404 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function find_first_loc_4d ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 376 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" pure function find_first_loc_5d(mask) result (loc_vec) ! Inefficient but simple subroutine for finding the location of ! the first .true. value in an array. @@ -8397,10 +8222,8 @@ pure function find_first_loc_5d(mask) result (loc_vec) #endif -# 404 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function find_first_loc_5d ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 376 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" pure function find_first_loc_6d(mask) result (loc_vec) ! Inefficient but simple subroutine for finding the location of ! the first .true. value in an array. @@ -8434,10 +8257,8 @@ pure function find_first_loc_6d(mask) result (loc_vec) #endif -# 404 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function find_first_loc_6d ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 376 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" pure function find_first_loc_7d(mask) result (loc_vec) ! Inefficient but simple subroutine for finding the location of ! the first .true. value in an array. @@ -8472,11 +8293,9 @@ pure function find_first_loc_7d(mask) result (loc_vec) #endif -# 404 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function find_first_loc_7d ! TYPE double,real,int,long -# 407 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" elemental function within_tolerance_double(expected, actual, tolerance) & result(is_in_tol) ! Precondition: tolerance must be >= 0. @@ -8504,10 +8323,8 @@ elemental function within_tolerance_double(expected, actual, tolerance) & end if end if -# 434 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function within_tolerance_double ! TYPE double,real,int,long -# 407 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" elemental function within_tolerance_real(expected, actual, tolerance) & result(is_in_tol) ! Precondition: tolerance must be >= 0. @@ -8535,10 +8352,8 @@ elemental function within_tolerance_real(expected, actual, tolerance) & end if end if -# 434 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function within_tolerance_real ! TYPE double,real,int,long -# 407 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" elemental function within_tolerance_int(expected, actual, tolerance) & result(is_in_tol) ! Precondition: tolerance must be >= 0. @@ -8566,10 +8381,8 @@ elemental function within_tolerance_int(expected, actual, tolerance) & end if end if -# 434 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function within_tolerance_int ! TYPE double,real,int,long -# 407 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" elemental function within_tolerance_long(expected, actual, tolerance) & result(is_in_tol) ! Precondition: tolerance must be >= 0. @@ -8597,7 +8410,6 @@ elemental function within_tolerance_long(expected, actual, tolerance) & end if end if -# 434 "shr_assert_mod.F90.in" end function within_tolerance_long end module shr_assert_mod diff --git a/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_frz_mod.F90 b/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_frz_mod.F90 index d925c9301b..dd043839e0 100644 --- a/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_frz_mod.F90 +++ b/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_frz_mod.F90 @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ module shr_frz_mod !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public :: shr_frz_freezetemp, shr_frz_freezetemp_init -# 18 "shr_frz_mod.F90.in" interface shr_frz_freezetemp module procedure shr_frz_freezetemp_0d module procedure shr_frz_freezetemp_1d @@ -36,18 +35,16 @@ module shr_frz_mod integer :: tfrz_option = TFREEZE_OPTION_UNINITIALIZED !=============================================================================== -# 34 "shr_frz_mod.F90.in" contains !=============================================================================== -# 37 "shr_frz_mod.F90.in" - subroutine shr_frz_freezetemp_init(tfreeze_option, mastertask) + subroutine shr_frz_freezetemp_init(tfreeze_option, maintask) implicit none character(len=*),parameter :: subname = "(shr_frz_freezetemp_init) " character(CS),intent(in) :: tfreeze_option ! option for computing freezing point - logical, intent(in) :: mastertask ! for io + logical, intent(in) :: maintask ! for io ! minus1p8 is constant -1.8C ! linear_salt is linear equation ! mushy for CICE mushy-layer nonlinear equation @@ -56,23 +53,21 @@ subroutine shr_frz_freezetemp_init(tfreeze_option, mastertask) ! Check tfreeze_option !--------------------------------------------------------------- if (trim(tfreeze_option) == 'minus1p8') then - if (mastertask .and. shr_log_level>0) write(s_logunit,*) ' tfreeze_option is minus1p8' + if (maintask .and. shr_log_level>0) write(s_logunit,*) ' tfreeze_option is minus1p8' tfrz_option = TFREEZE_OPTION_MINUS1P8 elseif (trim(tfreeze_option) == 'linear_salt') then - if (mastertask .and. shr_log_level>0) write(s_logunit,*) ' tfreeze_option is linear_salt' + if (maintask .and. shr_log_level>0) write(s_logunit,*) ' tfreeze_option is linear_salt' tfrz_option = TFREEZE_OPTION_LINEAR_SALT elseif (trim(tfreeze_option) == 'mushy') then - if (mastertask .and. shr_log_level>0) write(s_logunit,*) ' tfreeze_option is mushy' + if (maintask .and. shr_log_level>0) write(s_logunit,*) ' tfreeze_option is mushy' tfrz_option = TFREEZE_OPTION_MUSHY else call shr_sys_abort(subname//' ERROR: not a valid tfreeze_option '//trim(tfreeze_option)) endif -# 64 "shr_frz_mod.F90.in" end subroutine shr_frz_freezetemp_init ! DIMS 0,1,2 -# 67 "shr_frz_mod.F90.in" function shr_frz_freezetemp_0d(s) result(shr_frz_freezetemp) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -115,10 +110,8 @@ function shr_frz_freezetemp_0d(s) result(shr_frz_freezetemp) shr_frz_freezetemp = max(shr_frz_freezetemp,-2.0_R8) -# 109 "shr_frz_mod.F90.in" end function shr_frz_freezetemp_0d ! DIMS 0,1,2 -# 67 "shr_frz_mod.F90.in" function shr_frz_freezetemp_1d(s) result(shr_frz_freezetemp) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -161,10 +154,8 @@ function shr_frz_freezetemp_1d(s) result(shr_frz_freezetemp) shr_frz_freezetemp = max(shr_frz_freezetemp,-2.0_R8) -# 109 "shr_frz_mod.F90.in" end function shr_frz_freezetemp_1d ! DIMS 0,1,2 -# 67 "shr_frz_mod.F90.in" function shr_frz_freezetemp_2d(s) result(shr_frz_freezetemp) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -207,7 +198,6 @@ function shr_frz_freezetemp_2d(s) result(shr_frz_freezetemp) shr_frz_freezetemp = max(shr_frz_freezetemp,-2.0_R8) -# 109 "shr_frz_mod.F90.in" end function shr_frz_freezetemp_2d !=============================================================================== diff --git a/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_infnan_mod.F90 b/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_infnan_mod.F90 index 19f1ac824d..7a818485c7 100644 --- a/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_infnan_mod.F90 +++ b/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_infnan_mod.F90 @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ ! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, it was generated using genf90.pl ! Any changes you make to this file may be lost !=================================================== -#define CPRINTEL 1 ! Flag representing compiler support of Fortran 2003's ! ieee_arithmetic intrinsic module. #if defined CPRIBM || defined CPRPGI || defined CPRINTEL || defined CPRCRAY || defined CPRNAG @@ -72,7 +71,6 @@ module shr_infnan_mod ! Locally defined isnan. #ifndef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC -# 70 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" interface shr_infnan_isnan ! TYPE double,real module procedure shr_infnan_isnan_double @@ -81,7 +79,6 @@ module shr_infnan_mod end interface #endif -# 76 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" interface shr_infnan_isinf ! TYPE double,real module procedure shr_infnan_isinf_double @@ -89,7 +86,6 @@ module shr_infnan_mod module procedure shr_infnan_isinf_real end interface -# 81 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" interface shr_infnan_isposinf ! TYPE double,real module procedure shr_infnan_isposinf_double @@ -97,7 +93,6 @@ module shr_infnan_mod module procedure shr_infnan_isposinf_real end interface -# 86 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" interface shr_infnan_isneginf ! TYPE double,real module procedure shr_infnan_isneginf_double @@ -125,7 +120,6 @@ module shr_infnan_mod end type shr_infnan_inf_type ! Allow assigning reals to NaN or Inf. -# 111 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" interface assignment(=) ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 @@ -226,13 +220,11 @@ module shr_infnan_mod end interface ! Conversion functions. -# 121 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" interface shr_infnan_to_r8 module procedure nan_r8 module procedure inf_r8 end interface -# 126 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" interface shr_infnan_to_r4 module procedure nan_r4 module procedure inf_r4 @@ -273,7 +265,6 @@ module shr_infnan_mod integer(i8), parameter :: dneginf_pat = ibset(dposinf_pat,bit_size(1_i8)-1) #endif -# 166 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" contains !--------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -283,24 +274,20 @@ module shr_infnan_mod !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TYPE double,real -# 175 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isinf_double(x) result(isinf) real(r8), intent(in) :: x logical :: isinf isinf = shr_infnan_isposinf(x) .or. shr_infnan_isneginf(x) -# 181 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isinf_double ! TYPE double,real -# 175 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isinf_real(x) result(isinf) real(r4), intent(in) :: x logical :: isinf isinf = shr_infnan_isposinf(x) .or. shr_infnan_isneginf(x) -# 181 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isinf_real #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC @@ -312,7 +299,6 @@ end function shr_infnan_isinf_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TYPE double,real -# 192 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isposinf_double(x) result(isposinf) use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & ieee_class, & @@ -323,10 +309,8 @@ elemental function shr_infnan_isposinf_double(x) result(isposinf) isposinf = (ieee_positive_inf == ieee_class(x)) -# 202 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isposinf_double ! TYPE double,real -# 192 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isposinf_real(x) result(isposinf) use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & ieee_class, & @@ -337,11 +321,9 @@ elemental function shr_infnan_isposinf_real(x) result(isposinf) isposinf = (ieee_positive_inf == ieee_class(x)) -# 202 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isposinf_real ! TYPE double,real -# 205 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isneginf_double(x) result(isneginf) use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & ieee_class, & @@ -352,10 +334,8 @@ elemental function shr_infnan_isneginf_double(x) result(isneginf) isneginf = (ieee_negative_inf == ieee_class(x)) -# 215 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isneginf_double ! TYPE double,real -# 205 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isneginf_real(x) result(isneginf) use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & ieee_class, & @@ -366,7 +346,6 @@ elemental function shr_infnan_isneginf_real(x) result(isneginf) isneginf = (ieee_negative_inf == ieee_class(x)) -# 215 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isneginf_real #else @@ -375,24 +354,20 @@ end function shr_infnan_isneginf_real #ifdef CPRGNU ! NaN testing on gfortran. ! TYPE double,real -# 223 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isnan_double(x) result(is_nan) real(r8), intent(in) :: x logical :: is_nan is_nan = isnan(x) -# 229 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isnan_double ! TYPE double,real -# 223 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isnan_real(x) result(is_nan) real(r4), intent(in) :: x logical :: is_nan is_nan = isnan(x) -# 229 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isnan_real ! End GNU section. #endif @@ -403,7 +378,6 @@ end function shr_infnan_isnan_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TYPE double,real -# 239 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isposinf_double(x) result(isposinf) real(r8), intent(in) :: x logical :: isposinf @@ -415,10 +389,8 @@ elemental function shr_infnan_isposinf_double(x) result(isposinf) isposinf = (x == transfer(posinf_pat,x)) -# 250 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isposinf_double ! TYPE double,real -# 239 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isposinf_real(x) result(isposinf) real(r4), intent(in) :: x logical :: isposinf @@ -430,11 +402,9 @@ elemental function shr_infnan_isposinf_real(x) result(isposinf) isposinf = (x == transfer(posinf_pat,x)) -# 250 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isposinf_real ! TYPE double,real -# 253 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isneginf_double(x) result(isneginf) real(r8), intent(in) :: x logical :: isneginf @@ -446,10 +416,8 @@ elemental function shr_infnan_isneginf_double(x) result(isneginf) isneginf = (x == transfer(neginf_pat,x)) -# 264 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isneginf_double ! TYPE double,real -# 253 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" elemental function shr_infnan_isneginf_real(x) result(isneginf) real(r4), intent(in) :: x logical :: isneginf @@ -461,7 +429,6 @@ elemental function shr_infnan_isneginf_real(x) result(isneginf) isneginf = (x == transfer(neginf_pat,x)) -# 264 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function shr_infnan_isneginf_real ! End ieee_arithmetic conditional. @@ -485,7 +452,6 @@ end function shr_infnan_isneginf_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_0d_double(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -524,11 +490,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_0d_double(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_0d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_1d_double(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -567,11 +531,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_1d_double(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_1d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_2d_double(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -610,11 +572,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_2d_double(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_2d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_3d_double(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -653,11 +613,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_3d_double(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_3d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_4d_double(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -696,11 +654,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_4d_double(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_4d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_5d_double(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -739,11 +695,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_5d_double(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_5d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_6d_double(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -782,11 +736,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_6d_double(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_6d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_7d_double(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -825,11 +777,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_7d_double(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_7d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_0d_real(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -868,11 +818,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_0d_real(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_0d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_1d_real(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -911,11 +859,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_1d_real(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_1d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_2d_real(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -954,11 +900,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_2d_real(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_2d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_3d_real(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -997,11 +941,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_3d_real(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_3d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_4d_real(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1040,11 +982,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_4d_real(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_4d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_5d_real(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1083,11 +1023,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_5d_real(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_5d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_6d_real(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1126,11 +1064,9 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_6d_real(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_6d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 287 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_nan_7d_real(output, nan) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1169,12 +1105,10 @@ pure subroutine set_nan_7d_real(output, nan) output = tmp -# 325 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_nan_7d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_0d_double(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1213,11 +1147,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_0d_double(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_0d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_1d_double(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1256,11 +1188,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_1d_double(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_1d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_2d_double(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1299,11 +1229,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_2d_double(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_2d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_3d_double(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1342,11 +1270,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_3d_double(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_3d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_4d_double(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1385,11 +1311,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_4d_double(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_4d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_5d_double(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1428,11 +1352,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_5d_double(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_5d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_6d_double(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1471,11 +1393,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_6d_double(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_6d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_7d_double(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1514,11 +1434,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_7d_double(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_7d_double ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_0d_real(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1557,11 +1475,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_0d_real(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_0d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_1d_real(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1600,11 +1516,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_1d_real(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_1d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_2d_real(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1643,11 +1557,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_2d_real(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_2d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_3d_real(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1686,11 +1598,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_3d_real(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_3d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_4d_real(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1729,11 +1639,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_4d_real(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_4d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_5d_real(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1772,11 +1680,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_5d_real(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_5d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_6d_real(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1815,11 +1721,9 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_6d_real(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_6d_real ! TYPE double,real ! DIMS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -# 329 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure subroutine set_inf_7d_real(output, inf) #ifdef HAVE_IEEE_ARITHMETIC use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: & @@ -1858,7 +1762,6 @@ pure subroutine set_inf_7d_real(output, inf) output = tmp -# 367 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end subroutine set_inf_7d_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -1867,44 +1770,36 @@ end subroutine set_inf_7d_real ! Function methods to get reals from nan/inf types. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- -# 375 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure function nan_r8(nan) result(output) class(shr_infnan_nan_type), intent(in) :: nan real(r8) :: output output = nan -# 381 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function nan_r8 -# 383 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure function nan_r4(nan) result(output) class(shr_infnan_nan_type), intent(in) :: nan real(r4) :: output output = nan -# 389 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function nan_r4 -# 391 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure function inf_r8(inf) result(output) class(shr_infnan_inf_type), intent(in) :: inf real(r8) :: output output = inf -# 397 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function inf_r8 -# 399 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" pure function inf_r4(inf) result(output) class(shr_infnan_inf_type), intent(in) :: inf real(r4) :: output output = inf -# 405 "shr_infnan_mod.F90.in" end function inf_r4 end module shr_infnan_mod diff --git a/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_is_restart_fh_mod.F90 b/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_is_restart_fh_mod.F90 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42739bbe8f --- /dev/null +++ b/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_is_restart_fh_mod.F90 @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +module shr_is_restart_fh_mod + + ! Common methods for components to check if it's time to write forecast hour-based restarts + + !use dshr_methods_mod , only : chkerr + use ESMF, only : ESMF_ConfigCreate, ESMF_ConfigDestroy, ESMF_ConfigLoadFile, & + ESMF_ConfigGetLen, ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute, ESMF_TimePrint, & + ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, ESMF_LogWrite, ESMF_TimeInterval, & + ESMF_Time, ESMF_KIND_R8, ESMF_Config, ESMF_Clock, & + ESMF_TimeIntervalSet, ESMF_TimePrint, operator(+), operator(==), & + ESMF_LogFoundError, ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU + + implicit none + private + + type :: is_restart_fh_type + logical :: write_restartfh = .false. + type(ESMF_Time), allocatable :: restartFhTimes(:) + end type is_restart_fh_type + + public :: init_is_restart_fh, is_restart_fh, finalize_restart_fh, is_restart_fh_type + +contains + + !----------------------------------------------------------------------- + subroutine init_is_restart_fh(currentTime, dtime, lLog, restartfh_info) + ! + ! !DESCRIPTION: + ! Process restart_fh attribute from model_configure in UFS + ! + ! !USES: + ! + ! !ARGUMENTS: + type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: currentTime + integer, intent(in) :: dtime ! time step (s) + logical, intent(in) :: lLog ! If true, this task logs restart_fh info + type(is_restart_fh_type), intent(out) :: restartfh_info !restart_fh info for each task + ! + ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: + character(len=256) :: timestr + integer :: n, nfh, fh_s, rc + logical :: isPresent + real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: restart_fh(:) + type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: fhInterval + type(ESMF_Config) :: CF_mc + !----------------------------------------------------------------------- + + ! set up Times to write non-interval restarts + inquire(FILE='model_configure', EXIST=isPresent) + if (isPresent) then !model_configure exists. this is ufs run + CF_mc = ESMF_ConfigCreate(rc=rc) + call ESMF_ConfigLoadFile(config=CF_mc,filename='model_configure' ,rc=rc) + if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, line=__LINE__, file=__FILE__)) return + + nfh = ESMF_ConfigGetLen(config=CF_mc, label ='restart_fh:',rc=rc) + if (nfh .gt. 0) then + allocate(restart_fh(1:nfh)) + allocate(restartfh_info%restartFhTimes(1:nfh)) !not deallocated here + + call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(CF_mc,valueList=restart_fh,label='restart_fh:', rc=rc) + if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, line=__LINE__, file=__FILE__)) return + ! create a list of times at each restart_fh + do n = 1,nfh + fh_s = NINT(3600*restart_fh(n)) + call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(fhInterval, s=fh_s, rc=rc) + if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, line=__LINE__, file=__FILE__)) return + restartfh_info%restartFhTimes(n) = currentTime + fhInterval + call ESMF_TimePrint(restartfh_info%restartFhTimes(n), options="string", & + preString="restart_fh at ", unit=timestr, rc=rc) + if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, line=__LINE__, file=__FILE__)) return + if (lLog) then + if (mod(fh_s,dtime) /= 0) then + call ESMF_LogWrite('restart time NOT to be written for '//trim(timestr), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO) + else + call ESMF_LogWrite('restart time to be written for '//trim(timestr), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO) + end if + end if + end do + deallocate(restart_fh) + end if !nfh>0 + call ESMF_ConfigDestroy(CF_mc, rc=rc) + if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, line=__LINE__, file=__FILE__)) return + end if !model_configure + + end subroutine init_is_restart_fh + + subroutine is_restart_fh(clock, restartfh_info, lWrite) + ! + ! !DESCRIPTION: + ! True/false if time to write restart + ! + ! !USES: + use ESMF, only : ESMF_ClockGetNextTime + + ! + ! !ARGUMENTS: + type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock + type(is_restart_fh_type), intent(inout) :: restartfh_info + logical, intent(out) :: lWrite ! time to write? + ! + ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: + integer :: nfh, rc + type(ESMF_Time) :: nextTime + !----------------------------------------------------------------------- + + restartfh_info%write_restartfh = .false. + if (allocated(restartfh_info%restartFhTimes)) then + ! check if next time is == to any restartfhtime + do nfh = 1,size(restartfh_info%restartFhTimes) + call ESMF_ClockGetNextTime(clock, nextTime=nexttime, rc=rc) + if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, line=__LINE__, file=__FILE__)) return + if (nextTime == restartfh_info%restartFhTimes(nfh)) restartfh_info%write_restartfh = .true. + end do + end if + + lWrite = restartfh_info%write_restartfh + + end subroutine is_restart_fh + + subroutine finalize_restart_fh(restartfh_info) + ! + ! !DESCRIPTION: + ! Clean-up...release allocated memory + ! + ! !USES: + ! + ! !ARGUMENTS: + type(is_restart_fh_type), intent(inout) :: restartfh_info + ! + ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: + !----------------------------------------------------------------------- + + if (allocated(restartfh_info%restartFhTimes)) deallocate(restartfh_info%restartFhTimes) + + end subroutine finalize_restart_fh + +end module shr_is_restart_fh_mod diff --git a/CICE-interface/CICE b/CICE-interface/CICE index 775794598b..ff7fd76118 160000 --- a/CICE-interface/CICE +++ b/CICE-interface/CICE @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 775794598b4dddd89c26236f096b3cf7eea7cdae +Subproject commit ff7fd76118d47ccef6cb934b834161c6be5a9909 diff --git a/CICE-interface/CMakeLists.txt b/CICE-interface/CMakeLists.txt index 3dd4d055a1..c64f8bcc2d 100644 --- a/CICE-interface/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CICE-interface/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,101 +1,118 @@ -### CICE Fortran compiler flags -if(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-g -fbacktrace") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -fconvert=big-endian -ffree-line-length-none ") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -Wall -Wextra -fcheck=bounds -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow,underflow" ) - set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "" ) -elseif(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-g -traceback") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -FR -convert big_endian -assume byterecl -ftz -align array64byte -xHOST") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -fp-model precise") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -check uninit -check bounds -check pointers -fpe0 -check noarg_temp_created -init=snan,arrays") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "") -else() - message(WARNING "Fortran compiler with ID ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID} will be used with CMake default options") -endif() - -### CICE C compiler flags -if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-g") - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3") - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0") - set(CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "") -elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") - set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-g -traceback") - set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -xHOST") - set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -fp-model precise") - set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -ftrapuv") - set( CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "") -elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-g") - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") - set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3" ) - set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0" ) - set( CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "" ) -else() - message(WARNING "C compiler with ID ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID} will be used with CMake default options") -endif() - -# Configuration Options -set(CICE_IO "NetCDF" CACHE STRING "CICE OPTIONS: Choose IO options.") -set_property(CACHE CICE_IO PROPERTY STRINGS "NetCDF" "PIO" "Binary") - -# Too many files to list, so include them via this file -include("cice_files.cmake") - -# Collect source files for library -list(APPEND lib_src_files - ${cice_shared_files} - ${cice_shared_files_c} - ${icepack_files} - ${cice_mpi_comm_files} - ${cice_nuopc_cmeps_driver_files}) - -list(APPEND _cice_defs FORTRANUNDERSCORE - coupled) - -# Select IO source files based on CICE_IO -if(CICE_IO MATCHES "NetCDF") - list(APPEND lib_src_files ${cice_netcdf_io_files}) - list(APPEND _cice_defs USE_NETCDF) -elseif(CICE_IO MATCHES "PIO") - list(APPEND lib_src_files ${cice_pio2_io_files}) - list(APPEND _cice_defs USE_NETCDF) -elseif(CICE_IO MATCHES "Binary") - list(APPEND lib_src_files ${cice_binary_io_files}) -endif() - -### Create target library and set PUBLIC interfaces on the library -add_library(cice STATIC ${lib_src_files}) -set_target_properties(cice PROPERTIES Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mod) -target_compile_definitions(cice PUBLIC "${_cice_defs}") -target_include_directories(cice PUBLIC $ - $) -target_link_libraries(cice PUBLIC esmf) -if(CICE_IO MATCHES "^(NetCDF|PIO)$") - target_link_libraries(cice PUBLIC NetCDF::NetCDF_Fortran) - if(CICE_IO MATCHES "PIO") - target_link_libraries(cice PUBLIC PIO::PIO_Fortran) - endif() -endif() -if(OpenMP_Fortran_FOUND) - target_link_libraries(cice PRIVATE OpenMP::OpenMP_Fortran) -endif() - -############################################################################### -### Install -############################################################################### - -install( - TARGETS cice - EXPORT cice-config - LIBRARY DESTINATION lib - ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib - COMPONENT Library) - -install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mod DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/CICE) - -install(EXPORT cice-config - DESTINATION lib/cmake) +### CICE Fortran compiler flags +if(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -fbacktrace") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -fconvert=big-endian -ffree-line-length-none ") + if(${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 10) + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -fallow-argument-mismatch -fallow-invalid-boz") + endif() + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -Wall -Wextra -fcheck=bounds -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow,underflow" ) + set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "" ) +elseif(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^(Intel)$") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -traceback") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -FR -convert big_endian -assume byterecl -ftz -align array64byte") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -fp-model precise") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -check uninit -check bounds -check pointers -fpe0 -check noarg_temp_created -init=snan,arrays") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "") +elseif(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^(IntelLLVM)$") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -traceback") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -FR -convert big_endian -assume byterecl -ftz -align array64byte") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -fp-model precise") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -check uninit -check bounds -check pointers -fpe0 -check noarg_temp_created -init=snan,arrays") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "") +else() + message(WARNING "Fortran compiler with ID ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID} will be used with CMake default options") +endif() + +### CICE C compiler flags +if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -g") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0") + set(CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "") +elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^(Intel)$") + set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -g -traceback") + set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -fp-model precise") + set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -ftrapuv") + set( CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "") +elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^(IntelLLVM)$") + set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -g -traceback") + set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -fp-model precise") + set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0") + set( CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "") +elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -g") + set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3" ) + set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0" ) + set( CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "" ) +else() + message(WARNING "C compiler with ID ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID} will be used with CMake default options") +endif() + +# Configuration Options +set(CICE_IO "PIO" CACHE STRING "CICE OPTIONS: Choose IO options.") +set_property(CACHE CICE_IO PROPERTY STRINGS "NetCDF" "PIO" "Binary") + +# Too many files to list, so include them via this file +include("cice_files.cmake") + +# Collect source files for library +list(APPEND lib_src_files + ${cice_shared_files} + ${cice_shared_files_c} + ${icepack_files} + ${cice_mpi_comm_files} + ${cice_nuopc_cmeps_driver_files} + ${cice_cdeps_share_files}) + +list(APPEND _cice_defs FORTRANUNDERSCORE + coupled) + +# Select IO source files based on CICE_IO +if(CICE_IO MATCHES "NetCDF") + list(APPEND lib_src_files ${cice_netcdf_io_files}) + list(APPEND _cice_defs USE_NETCDF) +elseif(CICE_IO MATCHES "PIO") + list(APPEND lib_src_files ${cice_pio2_io_files}) + list(APPEND _cice_defs USE_NETCDF) +elseif(CICE_IO MATCHES "Binary") + list(APPEND lib_src_files ${cice_binary_io_files}) +endif() + +### Create target library and set PUBLIC interfaces on the library +add_library(cice STATIC ${lib_src_files}) +set_target_properties(cice PROPERTIES Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mod) +target_compile_definitions(cice PUBLIC "${_cice_defs}") +target_include_directories(cice PUBLIC $ + $) +target_link_libraries(cice PUBLIC esmf) +if(CICE_IO MATCHES "^(NetCDF|PIO)$") + target_link_libraries(cice PUBLIC NetCDF::NetCDF_Fortran) + if(CICE_IO MATCHES "PIO") + target_link_libraries(cice PUBLIC PIO::PIO_Fortran) + endif() +endif() +if(OpenMP_Fortran_FOUND) + target_link_libraries(cice PRIVATE OpenMP::OpenMP_Fortran) +endif() + +# ice prescribed +add_dependencies(cice cdeps::cdeps) +target_compile_definitions(cice PUBLIC "DISABLE_FoX") +target_link_libraries(cice PUBLIC cdeps::cdeps) + +############################################################################### +### Install +############################################################################### + +install( + TARGETS cice + EXPORT cice-config + LIBRARY DESTINATION lib + ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib + COMPONENT Library) + +install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mod DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/CICE) + +install(EXPORT cice-config + DESTINATION lib/cmake) diff --git a/CICE-interface/cice_files.cmake b/CICE-interface/cice_files.cmake index c5c3ba1b7a..9ef56bcef8 100644 --- a/CICE-interface/cice_files.cmake +++ b/CICE-interface/cice_files.cmake @@ -13,44 +13,45 @@ list(APPEND cice_shared_files CICE/cicecore/shared/ice_spacecurve.F90 #Analysis List: - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_diagnostics.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_diagnostics_bgc.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_history.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_history_bgc.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_history_drag.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_history_fsd.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_history_mechred.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_history_pond.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_history_shared.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_history_snow.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/analysis/ice_diagnostics.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/analysis/ice_diagnostics_bgc.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/analysis/ice_history.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/analysis/ice_history_bgc.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/analysis/ice_history_drag.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/analysis/ice_history_fsd.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/analysis/ice_history_mechred.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/analysis/ice_history_pond.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/analysis/ice_history_shared.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/analysis/ice_history_snow.F90 #Dynamics List: - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/dynamics/ice_dyn_eap.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/dynamics/ice_dyn_evp.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/dynamics/ice_dyn_evp_1d.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/dynamics/ice_dyn_shared.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/dynamics/ice_dyn_vp.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/dynamics/ice_transport_driver.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/dynamics/ice_transport_remap.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/dynamics/ice_dyn_eap.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/dynamics/ice_dyn_evp.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/dynamics/ice_dyn_evp1d.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/dynamics/ice_dyn_core1d.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/dynamics/ice_dyn_shared.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/dynamics/ice_dyn_vp.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/dynamics/ice_transport_driver.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/dynamics/ice_transport_remap.F90 #General List: - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/general/ice_flux.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/general/ice_flux_bgc.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/general/ice_forcing.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/general/ice_forcing_bgc.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/general/ice_init.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/general/ice_state.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/general/ice_step_mod.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/general/ice_flux.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/general/ice_flux_bgc.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/general/ice_forcing.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/general/ice_forcing_bgc.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/general/ice_init.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/general/ice_state.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/general/ice_step_mod.F90 #Infrastructure List - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/ice_blocks.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/ice_domain.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/ice_grid.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/ice_read_write.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/ice_restart_driver.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/ice_restoring.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/ice_memusage.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/ice_memusage_gptl.c) + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/ice_blocks.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/ice_domain.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/ice_grid.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/ice_read_write.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/ice_restart_driver.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/ice_restoring.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/ice_memusage.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/ice_memusage_gptl.c) #Icepack List: @@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ list(APPEND icepack_files CICE/icepack/columnphysics/icepack_orbital.F90 CICE/icepack/columnphysics/icepack_parameters.F90 CICE/icepack/columnphysics/icepack_shortwave.F90 + CICE/icepack/columnphysics/icepack_shortwave_data.F90 CICE/icepack/columnphysics/icepack_snow.F90 CICE/icepack/columnphysics/icepack_therm_bl99.F90 CICE/icepack/columnphysics/icepack_therm_itd.F90 @@ -86,54 +88,53 @@ list(APPEND icepack_files CICE/icepack/columnphysics/icepack_wavefracspec.F90 CICE/icepack/columnphysics/icepack_zbgc.F90 CICE/icepack/columnphysics/icepack_zbgc_shared.F90 - CICE/icepack/columnphysics/icepack_zsalinity.F90 ) list(APPEND cice_shared_files_c - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/ice_shr_reprosum86.c + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/ice_shr_reprosum86.c ) #-- Using MPI list(APPEND cice_mpi_comm_files - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_boundary.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_broadcast.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_communicate.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_exit.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_gather_scatter.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_global_reductions.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_reprosum.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_timers.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_boundary.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_broadcast.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_communicate.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_exit.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_gather_scatter.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_global_reductions.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_reprosum.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/mpi/ice_timers.F90 ) #-- Using Serial list(APPEND cice_serial_comm_files - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_boundary.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_broadcast.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_communicate.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_exit.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_gather_scatter.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_global_reductions.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_reprosum.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_timers.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_boundary.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_broadcast.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_communicate.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_exit.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_gather_scatter.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_global_reductions.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_reprosum.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/comm/serial/ice_timers.F90 ) #-- Using binary IO list(APPEND cice_binary_io_files - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/io/io_binary/ice_history_write.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/io/io_binary/ice_restart.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/io/io_binary/ice_history_write.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/io/io_binary/ice_restart.F90 ) #-- Using NetCDF IO list(APPEND cice_netcdf_io_files - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/io/io_netcdf/ice_history_write.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/io/io_netcdf/ice_restart.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/io/io_netcdf/ice_history_write.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/io/io_netcdf/ice_restart.F90 ) #PIO2 I/O List: list(APPEND cice_pio2_io_files - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/io/io_pio2/ice_history_write.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/io/io_pio2/ice_pio.F90 - CICE/cicecore/cicedynB/infrastructure/io/io_pio2/ice_restart.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/io/io_pio2/ice_history_write.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/io/io_pio2/ice_pio.F90 + CICE/cicecore/cicedyn/infrastructure/io/io_pio2/ice_restart.F90 ) #-- Using NUOPC CMEPS driver @@ -149,3 +150,25 @@ list(APPEND cice_nuopc_cmeps_driver_files CICE/cicecore/drivers/nuopc/cmeps/ice_shr_methods.F90 CICE/cicecore/drivers/nuopc/cmeps/ice_mesh_mod.F90 ) + +list(APPEND cice_cdeps_share_files + #-- Using ice prescribed ifndef cesmcoupled + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_orb_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_const_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_abort_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_strconvert_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_log_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_sys_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_kind_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_nl_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_cal_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_string_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_timer_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/streams/dshr_strdata_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/streams/dshr_stream_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/streams/dshr_methods_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/dshr/dshr_mod.F90 + + #restart_fh + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_is_restart_fh_mod.F90 +) diff --git a/CMEPS-interface/CMEPS b/CMEPS-interface/CMEPS index 01decebec7..b5d1cc189f 160000 --- a/CMEPS-interface/CMEPS +++ b/CMEPS-interface/CMEPS @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 01decebec7bfe676c1c6dc567834ff1e7aa3c303 +Subproject commit b5d1cc189fced4abcb13fc70ed2febb2aef61757 diff --git a/CMEPS-interface/CMakeLists.txt b/CMEPS-interface/CMakeLists.txt index 19d530c074..bd22b3d3a4 100644 --- a/CMEPS-interface/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMEPS-interface/CMakeLists.txt @@ -3,20 +3,23 @@ ############################################################################### if(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-g -fbacktrace -ffree-line-length-none") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -fbacktrace -ffree-line-length-none") + #Set CPP defintions for the ufs/cdeps_share source component of the cmeps target library + list(APPEND CDEPS_SHARE_DEFS "CPRGNU") if(${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 10) set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -fallow-argument-mismatch -fallow-invalid-boz") endif() - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -fcheck=bounds -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow,underflow" ) set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "") elseif(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-g -traceback") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -traceback") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -O -assume realloc_lhs") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -fp-model precise") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -check -check noarg_temp_created -check nopointer -fpe0 -ftrapuv -init=snan,arrays") set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "") + #Set CPP defintions for the ufs/cdeps_share source component of the cmeps target library + list(APPEND CDEPS_SHARE_DEFS "CPRINTEL") else() message(WARNING "Fortran compiler with ID ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID} will be used with CMake default options") endif() @@ -25,12 +28,23 @@ endif() ### Source files ############################################################################### -list(APPEND _nems_util_files +list(APPEND _ufs_util_files CMEPS/ufs/flux_atmocn_mod.F90 CMEPS/ufs/glc_elevclass_mod.F90 CMEPS/ufs/ufs_kind_mod.F90 CMEPS/ufs/perf_mod.F90 - CMEPS/ufs/ufs_const_mod.F90) + CMEPS/ufs/ufs_const_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_orb_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_const_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_abort_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_strconvert_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_log_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_sys_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/shr_kind_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_assert_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_infnan_mod.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/CDEPS/share/nuopc_shr_methods.F90 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_is_restart_fh_mod.F90) list(APPEND _mediator_files CMEPS/mediator/med_phases_restart_mod.F90 @@ -47,13 +61,12 @@ list(APPEND _mediator_files CMEPS/mediator/med_merge_mod.F90 CMEPS/mediator/med_constants_mod.F90 CMEPS/mediator/med_kind_mod.F90 - CMEPS/mediator/esmFldsExchange_nems_mod.F90 + CMEPS/mediator/esmFldsExchange_ufs_mod.F90 CMEPS/mediator/med_phases_prep_lnd_mod.F90 CMEPS/mediator/med_phases_prep_atm_mod.F90 CMEPS/mediator/med_phases_prep_ocn_mod.F90 CMEPS/mediator/esmFlds.F90 CMEPS/mediator/med.F90 - CMEPS/mediator/med_time_mod.F90 CMEPS/mediator/med_phases_ocnalb_mod.F90 CMEPS/mediator/med_phases_prep_wav_mod.F90 CMEPS/mediator/med_utils_mod.F90 @@ -69,6 +82,11 @@ list(APPEND _mediator_files CMEPS/mediator/med_phases_post_rof_mod.F90 CMEPS/mediator/med_phases_post_wav_mod.F90) +if(CDEPS_INLINE) + list(APPEND _mediator_files CMEPS/mediator/med_phases_cdeps_mod.F90) + add_definitions(-DCDEPS_INLINE) +endif() + ############################################################################### ### Host model for CCPP ############################################################################### @@ -100,7 +118,7 @@ if(CMEPS_AOFLUX) ### Trigger ccpp_prebuild.py script to connect host model with CCPP physics message("Calling CCPP code generator (ccpp_prebuild.py) for suites ${_ccpp_suites_arg} ...") execute_process( - COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE} + COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE} "${FV3_PATH}/ccpp/framework/scripts/ccpp_prebuild.py" "--config=CMEPS/ufs/ccpp/config/ccpp_prebuild_config.py" "--builddir=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" @@ -121,7 +139,7 @@ if(CMEPS_AOFLUX) endif(return_code EQUAL 0) ### Add extra driver file to the source - list(APPEND _nems_util_files + list(APPEND _ufs_util_files CMEPS/ufs/ccpp/driver/med_ccpp_driver.F90 CMEPS/ufs/flux_atmocn_ccpp_mod.F90 CMEPS/ufs/ufs_io_mod.F90) @@ -159,19 +177,25 @@ endif() ############################################################################### ### Create target library -add_library(cmeps STATIC ${_nems_util_files} ${_mediator_files} ${SCHEMES} ${CAPS} ${API}) +add_library(cmeps STATIC ${_ufs_util_files} ${_mediator_files} ${SCHEMES} ${CAPS} ${API}) ### Set PUBLIC interfaces on the library set_target_properties(cmeps PROPERTIES Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mod) target_include_directories(cmeps PUBLIC $ $) -target_link_libraries(cmeps PUBLIC fms - esmf +target_compile_definitions(cmeps PRIVATE ${CDEPS_SHARE_DEFS}) +target_link_libraries(cmeps PUBLIC esmf PIO::PIO_Fortran) if(OpenMP_Fortran_FOUND) target_link_libraries(cmeps PRIVATE OpenMP::OpenMP_Fortran) endif() +### Set dependency for CDEPS if inline capability is requested +if(CDEPS_INLINE) + add_dependencies(cmeps cdeps::cdeps) + target_link_libraries(cmeps PUBLIC cdeps::cdeps) +endif() + ############################################################################### ### Install ############################################################################### diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 6e8ad115dd..702cf6a459 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules/Modules) ############################################################################### # Valid applications and choices -list(APPEND VALID_APPS ATM ATMAERO ATMAQ ATMW ATML LND S2S S2SA S2SW S2SWA S2SWAL HAFS HAFSW HAFS-ALL NG-GODAS) +list(APPEND VALID_APPS ATM ATMAERO ATMAQ ATMW ATMWM ATML ATMF LND LND-LM4 S2S S2SA S2SW S2SWA S2SWAL ATM_DS2S ATM_DS2S-PCICE HAFS HAFSW HAFS-MOM6 HAFS-MOM6W HAFS-ALL NG-GODAS) set(APP NONE CACHE BOOL "Application Name") if(NOT (APP IN_LIST VALID_APPS)) message(FATAL_ERROR "${APP} is not a valid application.\nValid Applications are: ${VALID_APPS}") @@ -29,11 +29,13 @@ set(UFS_GOCART OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable GOCART") set(MOM6 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable MOM6") set(HYCOM OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable HYCOM") set(CICE6 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable CICE6") +set(LM4 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable LM4") set(WW3 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable WW3") set(STOCH_PHYS OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Stochastic Physics") set(CMEPS OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable CMEPS") set(CDEPS OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable CDEPS") set(NOAHMP OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable NOAHMP") +set(FIRE_BEHAVIOR OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Fire Behavior") # Configure selected application specific components message("") @@ -47,11 +49,13 @@ message("GOCART ........... ${UFS_GOCART}") message("MOM6 ............. ${MOM6}") message("HYCOM ............ ${HYCOM}") message("CICE6 ............ ${CICE6}") +message("LM4 .............. ${LM4}") message("WW3 .............. ${WW3}") message("STOCH_PHYS ....... ${STOCH_PHYS}") message("CDEPS ............ ${CDEPS}") message("CMEPS ............ ${CMEPS}") message("NOAHMP ........... ${NOAHMP}") +message("FIRE_BEHAVIOR .... ${FIRE_BEHAVIOR}") ############################################################################### ### Build Options @@ -62,14 +66,18 @@ set(AVX2 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable AVX2 instruction set") set(AVX OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable AVX-I instruction set") set(SIMDMULTIARCH OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable multi-target SIMD instruction sets") set(DEBUG OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable DEBUG mode") -set(DEBUG_LINKMPI ON CACHE BOOL "Enable linkmpi option when DEBUG mode is on") +set(DISABLE_FMA OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable Fused Multiply-Add instructions (workaround needed for AMD EPYC)" FORCE) set(INLINE_POST ON CACHE BOOL "Enable inline post") set(MULTI_GASES OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable MULTI_GASES") set(MOVING_NEST OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable moving nest code") +set(REGIONAL_MOM6 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Regional MOM6") set(OPENMP ON CACHE BOOL "Enable OpenMP threading") set(PARALLEL_NETCDF OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel NetCDF") set(JEDI_DRIVER OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable JEDI as top level driver") -set(CMEPS_AOFLUX OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable atmosphere-ocean flux calculation in mediator") +set(CMEPS_AOFLUX OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable atmosphere-ocean flux calculation in mediator") +set(PDLIB OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable Domain Decomposition in WW3 via PDLIB") +set(CDEPS_INLINE OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable CDEPS inline capability") +set(HYDRO OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable hydrostatic set") set(CMAKE_Platform $ENV{CMAKE_Platform}) if(CMAKE_Platform) @@ -82,20 +90,44 @@ if(CMAKE_Platform) endif() endif() +option(BUILD_WITH_IFI "Build NCEPpost with In-Flight Icing (IFI) library if present" OFF) +option(REQUIRE_IFI "Abort if libIFI is not found ; enables BUILD_WITH_IFI=ON" OFF) +option(INTERNAL_IFI "Compile with IFI inside the executable, instead of a library" OFF) + +if(INTERNAL_IFI) + message("Building with libIFI inside executable. Do not distribute executable outside of WCOSS2.") + set(BUILD_WITH_IFI OFF) + set(REQUIRE_IFI OFF) +endif() + +if(REQUIRE_IFI) + set(BUILD_WITH_IFI ON) +endif() + +if(BUILD_WITH_IFI) + if(REQUIRE_IFI) + find_package(IFI CONFIG REQUIRED) + else() + find_package(IFI CONFIG) + endif() +endif() + message("") message("32BIT ............ ${32BIT}") message("CCPP_32BIT ....... ${CCPP_32BIT}") message("AVX2 ............. ${AVX2}") message("SIMDMULTIARCH .... ${SIMDMULTIARCH}") message("DEBUG ............ ${DEBUG}") -message("DEBUG_LINKMPI .... ${DEBUG_LINKMPI}") message("INLINE_POST ...... ${INLINE_POST}") message("MULTI_GASES ...... ${MULTI_GASES}") message("MOVING_NEST ...... ${MOVING_NEST}") +message("REGIONAL_MOM6..... ${REGIONAL_MOM6}") message("OPENMP ........... ${OPENMP}") message("PARALLEL_NETCDF .. ${PARALLEL_NETCDF}") message("JEDI_DRIVER ...... ${JEDI_DRIVER}") message("CMEPS_AOFLUX ..... ${CMEPS_AOFLUX}") +message("CDEPS_INLINE ..... ${CDEPS_INLINE}") +message("HYDRO ........... ${HYDRO}") message("") @@ -121,15 +153,23 @@ endif() find_package(NetCDF 4.7.4 REQUIRED C Fortran) find_package(ESMF 8.3.0 MODULE REQUIRED) if(FMS) - find_package(FMS 2022.01 REQUIRED COMPONENTS R4 R8) - if(32BIT) + find_package(FMS 2022.04 REQUIRED COMPONENTS R4 R8) + if(APP MATCHES "^(HAFSW)$") add_library(fms ALIAS FMS::fms_r4) - else() + elseif (APP MATCHES "^(S2S|S2SA|S2SW|S2SWA|S2SWAL|ATM_DS2S|ATM_DS2S-PCICE|NG-GODAS|HAFS-MOM6|HAFS-MOM6W)$") add_library(fms ALIAS FMS::fms_r8) endif() + if(APP MATCHES "^(ATM|ATMAERO|ATMAQ|ATMWM|ATMW|ATML|ATMF|ATML-LM4|LND-LM4|HAFS|HAFS-ALL)$") + if(32BIT) + add_library(fms ALIAS FMS::fms_r4) + else() + add_library(fms ALIAS FMS::fms_r8) + endif() + endif() endif() + if(CMEPS) - find_package(PIO 2.5.3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS C Fortran STATIC) + find_package(PIO 2.5.3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS C Fortran) endif() find_package(bacio 2.4.0 REQUIRED) @@ -172,12 +212,16 @@ endif() ### Wave components [WW3] ############################################################################### if(WW3) - if(APP MATCHES "^(ATMW)$") + if(APP MATCHES "^(ATMWM)$") set(SWITCH "multi_esmf" CACHE STRING "ESMF cap") set(UFS_CAP "MULTI_ESMF" CACHE STRING "Build with MULTI_ESMF cap") list(APPEND _ufs_defs_private FRONT_WW3=WMESMFMD) else() - set(SWITCH "meshcap" CACHE STRING "NUOPC mesh cap") + if(PDLIB) + set(SWITCH "meshcap_pdlib" CACHE STRING "NUOPC mesh cap") + else() + set(SWITCH "meshcap" CACHE STRING "NUOPC mesh cap") + endif() set(UFS_CAP "NUOPC_MESH" CACHE STRING "Build with NUOPC_MESH cap") list(APPEND _ufs_defs_private FRONT_WW3=wav_comp_nuopc) endif() @@ -214,12 +258,25 @@ if(CDEPS) endif() ############################################################################### -### Land Components [NOAHMP] +### Land Components [NOAHMP and LM4] ############################################################################### + +if (LM4) + add_subdirectory(LM4-driver) +endif() + if(NOAHMP) add_subdirectory(NOAHMP-interface) endif() +############################################################################### +### Fire Components [FIRE_BEHAVIOR] +############################################################################### +if(FIRE_BEHAVIOR) + set(NUOPC "ON" CACHE STRING "Build fire_behavior with NUOPC cap" FORCE) + add_subdirectory(fire_behavior) +endif() + ############################################################################### ### UFS Library ############################################################################### @@ -257,7 +314,7 @@ endif() if(FV3) add_dependencies(ufs fv3atm) - list(APPEND _ufs_defs_private FRONT_FV3=fv3gfs_cap_mod) + list(APPEND _ufs_defs_private FRONT_FV3=fv3atm_cap_mod) list(APPEND _ufs_libs_public fv3atm) endif() @@ -279,6 +336,12 @@ if(CICE6) list(APPEND _ufs_libs_public cice) endif() +if (LM4) + add_dependencies(ufs lm4) + list(APPEND _ufs_defs_private FRONT_LM4=lm4_cap_mod) + list(APPEND _ufs_libs_public lm4) +endif() + if(CMEPS) add_dependencies(ufs cmeps) list(APPEND _ufs_defs_private CMEPS FRONT_CMEPS=MED) @@ -289,6 +352,7 @@ if(CDEPS) add_dependencies(ufs cdeps::cdeps) list(APPEND _ufs_defs_private FRONT_CDEPS_DATM=cdeps_datm_comp) list(APPEND _ufs_defs_private FRONT_CDEPS_DOCN=cdeps_docn_comp) + list(APPEND _ufs_defs_private FRONT_CDEPS_DICE=cdeps_dice_comp) target_link_libraries(ufs PUBLIC cdeps::cdeps) endif() @@ -298,6 +362,12 @@ if(NOAHMP) list(APPEND _ufs_libs_public noahmp) endif() +if(FIRE_BEHAVIOR) + add_dependencies(ufs fire_behavior_nuopc) + list(APPEND _ufs_defs_private FRONT_FIRE_BEHAVIOR=fire_behavior_nuopc) + list(APPEND _ufs_libs_public fire_behavior_nuopc) +endif() + target_compile_definitions(ufs PRIVATE "${_ufs_defs_private}") target_link_libraries(ufs PUBLIC "${_ufs_libs_public}") @@ -307,6 +377,7 @@ target_link_libraries(ufs PUBLIC "${_ufs_libs_public}") add_executable(ufs_model driver/UFS.F90) add_dependencies(ufs_model ufs) target_link_libraries(ufs_model ufs esmf w3emc::w3emc_d) +set_target_properties(ufs_model PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE Fortran) ############################################################################### ### Install diff --git a/CMakeModules b/CMakeModules index cedeb2c64e..cabd7753ae 160000 --- a/CMakeModules +++ b/CMakeModules @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit cedeb2c64e55d3445ac4e4847ea7c4fa3220c3dd +Subproject commit cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 diff --git a/FV3 b/FV3 index b88f2c8666..1648e176fa 160000 --- a/FV3 +++ b/FV3 @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit b88f2c8666f72fb9e2bc53ad7853e84211d35392 +Subproject commit 1648e176fa869d0ca9ce9ea5822b3594afd8c353 diff --git a/GOCART b/GOCART index b94145fca4..041422934c 160000 --- a/GOCART +++ b/GOCART @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit b94145fca46169bbc53ec6b8d4ed849715dc5130 +Subproject commit 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 diff --git a/HYCOM-interface/CMakeLists.txt b/HYCOM-interface/CMakeLists.txt index 2566905b27..7debdcbc61 100644 --- a/HYCOM-interface/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/HYCOM-interface/CMakeLists.txt @@ -8,10 +8,15 @@ if(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -fcheck=bounds -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow,underflow" ) set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "") -elseif(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-g -traceback -xSSE4.2 -mcmodel=small -r8") +elseif(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^(Intel)$") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-g -traceback -mcmodel=small -r8 ${HYCOM_Extra_FORTRAN_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3 -fp-model source -warn nogeneral") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -check -check noarg_temp_created -check nopointer -fpe0 -ftrapuv -link_mpi=dbg -init=snan,arrays") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -check all -fpe0 -ftrapuv -link_mpi=dbg -init=snan,arrays") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "-V ${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -static-intel") +elseif(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^(IntelLLVM)$") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-g -traceback -mcmodel=small -r8 ${HYCOM_Extra_FORTRAN_FLAGS}") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3 -fp-model source -warn nogeneral") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -check all -fpe0 -ftrapuv -link_mpi=dbg -init=snan,arrays") set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "-V ${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -static-intel") else() message(WARNING "Fortran compiler with ID ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID} will be used with CMake default options") @@ -23,11 +28,16 @@ if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0") set(CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "") -elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-g -traceback -xSSE4.2 -mcmodel=small") +elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^(Intel)$") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-g -traceback -mcmodel=small ${HYCOM_Extra_C_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -ftrapuv") set(CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "-V ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -static-intel") +elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^(IntelLLVM)$") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-g -traceback -mcmodel=small ${HYCOM_Extra_C_FLAGS}") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0") + set(CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS "-V ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -static-intel") else() message(WARNING "C compiler with ID ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID} will be used with CMake default options") endif() diff --git a/HYCOM-interface/HYCOM b/HYCOM-interface/HYCOM index 09bdf00e50..bcf7777bb0 160000 --- a/HYCOM-interface/HYCOM +++ b/HYCOM-interface/HYCOM @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 09bdf00e500d99e2b8811c0571258f86c14efc30 +Subproject commit bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md index ba11b8537c..a3a10c4366 100644 --- a/LICENSE.md +++ b/LICENSE.md @@ -10,19 +10,32 @@ This project includes a mix of the following: This project utilizes the following unmodified works under various licenses, as shown below. -- Atmos cube sphere dycore: [GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html) (LGPL) +- [atmos_cubed_sphere dycore](https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere): GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0 ([LGPL](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html)) -- FV3 Atm: [GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html) (LGPL) +- [fv3atm](https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/fv3atm): GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0 ([LGPL](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html)) -- NEMS: [GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html) (LGPL) +- [Stochastic Physics](https://github.com/NOAA-PSL/stochastic_physics): GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0 ([LGPL](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html)) -- FMS: [GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html) (LGPL) +- [CCPP Physics](https://github.com/ufs-community/ccpp-physics): [Apache-2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) -- Stochastic Physics: [GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html) (LGPL) +- [CCPP Framework](https://github.com/NCAR/ccpp-framework): [Apache-2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) -- CCPP Physics: [Apache 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) +- [AQM](https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/AQM): GNU General Public License 3.0 ([GPL](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)) + +- [CICE](https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CICE): CICE Consortium license ([LICENSE.pdf](https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CICE/blob/emc/develop/LICENSE.pdf)) + +- [CMakeModules](https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CMakeModules): GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0 ([LGPL](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html)) + +- [GOCART](https://github.com/GEOS-ESM/GOCART): [Apache-2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) + +- [HYCOM](https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/HYCOM-src): [MIT License](https://opensource.org/license/mit/) + +- [MOM6](https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/MOM6): GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0 ([LGPL](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html)) + +- [WW3](https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/WW3): GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0 ([LGPL](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html)) + +- [Unified Post Processor](https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/UPP): GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0 ([LGPL](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html)) -- CCPP Framework: [Apache 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) ## The rest of this project is in the worldwide public domain diff --git a/LM4-driver b/LM4-driver new file mode 160000 index 0000000000..c4d2337d86 --- /dev/null +++ b/LM4-driver @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 diff --git a/MOM6-interface/CMakeLists.txt b/MOM6-interface/CMakeLists.txt index 67f4d875c7..57f9f7b8c9 100644 --- a/MOM6-interface/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/MOM6-interface/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,18 +1,25 @@ ### MOM6 Fortran compiler flags if(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-g -fbacktrace") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -fbacktrace") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -Waliasing -fcray-pointer -fconvert=big-endian -ffree-line-length-none -fno-range-check -fbacktrace") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -fcheck=bounds -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow,underflow" ) set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "") -elseif(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "-g -traceback") +elseif(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^(Intel)$") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -traceback") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -i4 -r8") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -fno-alias -auto -safe-cray-ptr -ftz -assume byterecl -sox") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -debug minimal -fp-model source") set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -check -check noarg_temp_created -check nopointer -fpe0 -ftrapuv -init=snan,arrays") set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "") +elseif(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "^(IntelLLVM)$") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -traceback") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -i4 -r8") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -fno-alias -auto -safe-cray-ptr -ftz -assume byterecl") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -debug minimal -fp-model precise") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "-O0 -check -check noarg_temp_created -check nopointer -fpe0 -ftrapuv -init=snan,arrays") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "") else() message(WARNING "Fortran compiler with ID ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID} will be used with CMake default options") endif() @@ -28,8 +35,14 @@ include("mom6_files.cmake") add_library(mom6_obj OBJECT ${mom6_src_files}) set_target_properties(mom6_obj PROPERTIES Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mod) target_include_directories(mom6_obj PRIVATE $) -target_include_directories(mom6_obj PRIVATE $ - $) + +if(REGIONAL_MOM6) + target_include_directories(mom6_obj PRIVATE $ + $) +else() + target_include_directories(mom6_obj PRIVATE $ + $) +endif() target_link_libraries(mom6_obj PRIVATE fms esmf stochastic_physics @@ -42,8 +55,13 @@ target_link_libraries(mom6_obj PRIVATE fms add_library(mom6_nuopc_obj OBJECT ${mom6_nuopc_src_files}) set_target_properties(mom6_nuopc_obj PROPERTIES Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mod) target_include_directories(mom6_nuopc_obj PRIVATE $) -target_include_directories(mom6_nuopc_obj PRIVATE $ - $) +if(REGIONAL_MOM6) + target_include_directories(mom6_nuopc_obj PRIVATE $ + $) +else() + target_include_directories(mom6_nuopc_obj PRIVATE $ + $) +endif() target_link_libraries(mom6_nuopc_obj PRIVATE mom6_obj fms stochastic_physics diff --git a/MOM6-interface/MOM6 b/MOM6-interface/MOM6 index b9fd40f898..8cc8b70f01 160000 --- a/MOM6-interface/MOM6 +++ b/MOM6-interface/MOM6 @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit b9fd40f8981d6dcc87de187c84d48aff7b27dd13 +Subproject commit 8cc8b70f0143e803efb842ed871f9be3062862a4 diff --git a/MOM6-interface/mom6_files.cmake b/MOM6-interface/mom6_files.cmake index 9448378f8c..1256888867 100644 --- a/MOM6-interface/mom6_files.cmake +++ b/MOM6-interface/mom6_files.cmake @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ list(APPEND mom6_src_files MOM6/src/ALE/coord_hycom.F90 MOM6/src/ALE/coord_rho.F90 MOM6/src/ALE/coord_sigma.F90 - MOM6/src/ALE/coord_slight.F90 MOM6/src/ALE/coord_zlike.F90 MOM6/src/ALE/MOM_hybgen_regrid.F90 MOM6/src/ALE/MOM_hybgen_remap.F90 @@ -22,6 +21,7 @@ list(APPEND mom6_src_files MOM6/src/ALE/regrid_edge_values.F90 MOM6/src/ALE/regrid_interp.F90 MOM6/src/ALE/regrid_solvers.F90 + MOM6/src/ALE/remapping_attic.F90 MOM6/src/core/MOM.F90 MOM6/src/core/MOM_CoriolisAdv.F90 @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ list(APPEND mom6_src_files MOM6/src/core/MOM_continuity_PPM.F90 MOM6/src/core/MOM_density_integrals.F90 MOM6/src/core/MOM_dynamics_split_RK2.F90 + MOM6/src/core/MOM_dynamics_split_RK2b.F90 MOM6/src/core/MOM_dynamics_unsplit.F90 MOM6/src/core/MOM_dynamics_unsplit_RK2.F90 MOM6/src/core/MOM_forcing_type.F90 @@ -58,15 +59,20 @@ list(APPEND mom6_src_files MOM6/src/diagnostics/MOM_obsolete_params.F90 MOM6/src/diagnostics/MOM_sum_output.F90 MOM6/src/diagnostics/MOM_wave_speed.F90 - MOM6/src/diagnostics/MOM_wave_structure.F90 + MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS_base_type.F90 MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS.F90 - MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS_NEMO.F90 + MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS_Jackett06.F90 + MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS_Roquet_SpV.F90 + MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS_Roquet_rho.F90 MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS_TEOS10.F90 MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS_UNESCO.F90 MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS_Wright.F90 + MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS_Wright_full.F90 + MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS_Wright_red.F90 MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS_linear.F90 MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_TFreeze.F90 + MOM6/src/equation_of_state/MOM_temperature_convert.F90 MOM6/src/equation_of_state/TEOS10/gsw_chem_potential_water_t_exact.f90 MOM6/src/equation_of_state/TEOS10/gsw_ct_freezing_exact.f90 @@ -109,7 +115,6 @@ list(APPEND mom6_src_files MOM6/src/framework/MOM_data_override.F90 MOM6/src/framework/MOM_diag_mediator.F90 MOM6/src/framework/MOM_diag_remap.F90 - MOM6/src/framework/MOM_diag_vkernels.F90 MOM6/src/framework/MOM_document.F90 MOM6/src/framework/MOM_domains.F90 MOM6/src/framework/MOM_dyn_horgrid.F90 @@ -122,6 +127,8 @@ list(APPEND mom6_src_files MOM6/src/framework/MOM_interpolate.F90 MOM6/src/framework/MOM_intrinsic_functions.F90 MOM6/src/framework/MOM_io.F90 + MOM6/src/framework/MOM_io_file.F90 + MOM6/src/framework/MOM_netcdf.F90 MOM6/src/framework/posix.F90 MOM6/src/framework/MOM_random.F90 MOM6/src/framework/MOM_restart.F90 @@ -159,6 +166,8 @@ list(APPEND mom6_src_files MOM6/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_spherical_harmonics.F90 MOM6/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_thickness_diffuse.F90 MOM6/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_tidal_forcing.F90 + MOM6/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_Zanna_Bolton.F90 + MOM6/src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_self_attr_load.F90 MOM6/src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_ALE_sponge.F90 MOM6/src/parameterizations/vertical/MOM_CVMix_KPP.F90 @@ -203,7 +212,7 @@ list(APPEND mom6_src_files MOM6/src/tracer/MOM_OCMIP2_CFC.F90 MOM6/src/tracer/MOM_generic_tracer.F90 - MOM6/src/tracer/MOM_lateral_boundary_diffusion.F90 + MOM6/src/tracer/MOM_hor_bnd_diffusion.F90 MOM6/src/tracer/MOM_neutral_diffusion.F90 MOM6/src/tracer/nw2_tracers.F90 MOM6/src/tracer/MOM_offline_aux.F90 @@ -299,7 +308,15 @@ list(APPEND mom6_nuopc_src_files MOM6/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap_time.F90 MOM6/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_ocean_model_nuopc.F90 MOM6/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90 - MOM6/config_src/drivers/unit_tests/MOM_unit_test_driver.F90 + MOM6/config_src/drivers/unit_tests/test_MOM_file_parser.F90 + MOM6/config_src/drivers/unit_tests/test_MOM_mixedlayer_restrat.F90 + MOM6/config_src/drivers/unit_tests/test_MOM_string_functions.F90 + MOM6/config_src/drivers/unit_tests/test_MOM_EOS.F90 + MOM6/config_src/drivers/timing_tests/time_MOM_EOS.F90 +) + +list(APPEND mom6_nuopc_src_files + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CDEPS-interface/ufs/cdeps_share/shr_is_restart_fh_mod.F90 ) list(APPEND mom6_solo_src_files diff --git a/NOAHMP-interface/CMakeLists.txt b/NOAHMP-interface/CMakeLists.txt index 008327d573..4344c2818f 100644 --- a/NOAHMP-interface/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/NOAHMP-interface/CMakeLists.txt @@ -8,10 +8,12 @@ list(APPEND _noahmp_cap_files noahmp/drivers/nuopc/lnd_comp_kind.F90 noahmp/drivers/nuopc/lnd_comp_domain.F90 noahmp/drivers/nuopc/lnd_comp_import_export.F90 noahmp/drivers/nuopc/lnd_comp_nuopc.F90 - noahmp/drivers/nuopc/lnd_comp_driver.F90) + noahmp/drivers/nuopc/lnd_comp_driver.F90 + noahmp/drivers/nuopc/lnd_comp_cplscalars.F90) -# CCPP interface +# CCPP interface list(APPEND _noahmp_ccpp_files noahmp/drivers/ccpp/noahmpdrv.F90 + noahmp/drivers/ccpp/lnd_iau_mod.F90 noahmp/drivers/ccpp/sfc_diff.f noahmp/drivers/ccpp/machine.F noahmp/drivers/ccpp/noahmp_tables.f90 @@ -21,11 +23,11 @@ list(APPEND _noahmp_ccpp_files noahmp/drivers/ccpp/noahmpdrv.F90 noahmp/drivers/ccpp/physcons.F90) # NoahMP -list(APPEND _noahmp_files noahmp/src/module_sf_noahmplsm.f90 - noahmp/src/module_sf_noahmp_glacier.f90) +list(APPEND _noahmp_files noahmp/src/module_sf_noahmplsm.F90 + noahmp/src/module_sf_noahmp_glacier.F90) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -# Set CCPP flags for C/C++/Fortran preprocessor +# Set CCPP flags for C/C++/Fortran preprocessor add_definitions(-DCCPP) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -55,8 +57,10 @@ endif() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Add model-specific flags for C/C++/Fortran preprocessor -add_definitions(-DMOIST_CAPPA -DUSE_COND -DNEMS_GSM) -add_definitions(-DINTERNAL_FILE_NML) +if (NOT HYDRO) +add_definitions(-DMOIST_CAPPA -DUSE_COND) +endif() +add_definitions(-DINTERNAL_FILE_NML -DNEMS_GSM) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NOAHMP @@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ add_library(noahmp STATIC ${_noahmp_cap_files} ${_noahmp_ccpp_files} ${_noahmp_f set_target_properties(noahmp PROPERTIES Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mod) target_include_directories(noahmp PUBLIC $ $) -target_link_libraries(noahmp PUBLIC esmf fms) +target_link_libraries(noahmp PUBLIC esmf) ############################################################################### ### Install diff --git a/NOAHMP-interface/noahmp b/NOAHMP-interface/noahmp index 9c8a1c0964..025043d1ad 160000 --- a/NOAHMP-interface/noahmp +++ b/NOAHMP-interface/noahmp @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 9c8a1c0964b08491320221d45b80574f42a46d66 +Subproject commit 025043d1ad662fca05f29f88ddd88ddf46c81882 diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 311fec3b65..45b6f6e2c1 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -18,18 +18,22 @@ The top level directory structure groups source code and input files as follow: | -------------- | ------- | | ```LICENSE.md``` | A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3. | | ```README.md``` | This file with basic pointers to more information. | -| ```NEMS/``` | Contains NOAA Environmental Modeling System source code and nems compset run scripts. | +| ```AQM/``` | Contains air quality modeling component | | ```CMEPS-interface/``` | Contains CMEPS mediator | +| ```CICE-interface/``` | Contains CICE sea-ice model component including CICE6 and Icepack | +| ```CDEPS-interface/``` | Contains CDEPS data components, including data-atmosphere (DATM) and data-ocean (DOCN) model components| | ```FV3/``` | Contains FV3 atmosphere model component including FV3 dynamical core, dynamics to physics driver, physics and IO. | -| ```DATM/``` | Contains Data Atmosphere model component | -| ```WW3/``` | Contains community wave modeling framework WW3. | +| ```GOCART/``` | Contains GOCART aerosol model component | +| ```HYCOM-interface/``` | Contains HYCOM ocean model component | +| ```LM4-driver/``` | Contains LM4 land component | | ```MOM6-interface/``` | Contains MOM6 ocean model component | -| ```CICE-interface/``` | Contains CICE sea-ice model component including CICE6 and Icepack | -| ```stochastic_physics/``` | Contains the stochastic physics source code. | +| ```NOAHMP-interface/``` | Contains Noah-MP land model component | +| ```WW3/``` | Contains community wave modeling framework WW3 | +| ```stochastic_physics/``` | Contains the stochastic physics source code | | ```cmake/``` | Contains compile option files on various platforms. | | ```modulefiles/``` | Contains module files on various platforms. | | ```tests/``` | Regression and unit testing framework scripts. | -| ```build.sh``` | Script to build the model executable. (also used by `tests/`) | +| ```build.sh``` | Script to build the model executable (also used by `tests/`) | E.g. use of `build.sh` to build the coupled model with `FV3_GFS_v15p2` as the CCPP suite. ``` diff --git a/WW3 b/WW3 index cec631c4c0..29063ec7b6 160000 --- a/WW3 +++ b/WW3 @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit cec631c4c08addd547d4ef974ab212a24e81b92a +Subproject commit 29063ec7b631d3a967172e8c45c5af13a18e0a82 diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh index 6b6e5e1249..3f82a882da 100755 --- a/build.sh +++ b/build.sh @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ #!/bin/bash set -eu -if [[ $(uname -s) == Darwin ]]; then - readonly UFS_MODEL_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$(greadlink -f -n "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" )" && pwd -P) -else - readonly UFS_MODEL_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f -n "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" )" && pwd -P) -fi +SCRIPT_REALPATH=$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") +UFS_MODEL_DIR=$(dirname "${SCRIPT_REALPATH}") +readonly UFS_MODEL_DIR +echo "UFS MODEL DIR: ${UFS_MODEL_DIR}" export CC=${CC:-mpicc} export CXX=${CXX:-mpicxx} export FC=${FC:-mpif90} BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_DIR:-${UFS_MODEL_DIR}/build} -mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR} +mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}" -cd ${BUILD_DIR} -cmake ${UFS_MODEL_DIR} ${CMAKE_FLAGS} +cd "${BUILD_DIR}" +ARR_CMAKE_FLAGS=() +for i in ${CMAKE_FLAGS}; do ARR_CMAKE_FLAGS+=("${i}") ; done +cmake "${UFS_MODEL_DIR}" "${ARR_CMAKE_FLAGS[@]}" # Turn off OpenMP threading for parallel builds # to avoid exhausting the number of user processes -OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 make -j ${BUILD_JOBS:-4} VERBOSE=${BUILD_VERBOSE:-} +OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 make -j "${BUILD_JOBS:-4}" "VERBOSE=${BUILD_VERBOSE:-}" diff --git a/cmake/GNU.cmake b/cmake/GNU.cmake index 4069d922d7..b09e047cf4 100644 --- a/cmake/GNU.cmake +++ b/cmake/GNU.cmake @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ -set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -ggdb -fbacktrace -cpp -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none -fno-range-check") - -if(${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 10) - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -fallow-argument-mismatch -fallow-invalid-boz") +# https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/issues/2159 +if(MOVING_NEST) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Option MOVING_NEST not compatible with ${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID}}") endif() +set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -ggdb -fbacktrace -cpp -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none -fno-range-check") + if(NOT 32BIT) set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8") endif() @@ -11,6 +12,12 @@ endif() if(DEBUG) add_definitions(-DDEBUG) set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG} -O0 -fno-unsafe-math-optimizations -frounding-math -fsignaling-nans -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fbounds-check") + # https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/issues/2155 + if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin" AND ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} MATCHES "arm64") + set( CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG} -mcmodel=small" ) + else() + set( CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG} -mcmodel=medium" ) + endif() set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -O0") else() set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2") diff --git a/cmake/Intel.cmake b/cmake/Intel.cmake index 83571e4707..6b8cae0ef6 100644 --- a/cmake/Intel.cmake +++ b/cmake/Intel.cmake @@ -1,32 +1,45 @@ -set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -traceback -fpp -fno-alias -auto -safe-cray-ptr -ftz -assume byterecl -nowarn -sox -align array64byte -qno-opt-dynamic-align") +set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -traceback -fpp -fno-alias -auto -safe-cray-ptr -ftz -assume byterecl -sox -align array64byte -qno-opt-dynamic-align") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -qno-opt-dynamic-align -sox -fp-model source") +# warning #5462: Global name too long. +set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -diag-disable 5462") + +# remark #7712: This variable has not been used. +set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -diag-disable 7712") + +# remark #8291: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+7'. +set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -diag-disable 8291") + +if(CMAKE_Platform STREQUAL "derecho.intel") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries") +endif() + if(NOT 32BIT) set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -real-size 64") endif() if(DEBUG) add_definitions(-DDEBUG) - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG} -O0 -check -check noarg_temp_created -check nopointer -warn -warn noerrors -fp-stack-check -fstack-protector-all -fpe0 -debug -ftrapuv -init=snan,arrays") - if(DEBUG_LINKMPI) - if(OPENMP) - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG} -link_mpi=dbg_mt") - else() - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG} -link_mpi=dbg") - endif() - endif() + #set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG} -O0 -check -check noarg_temp_created -check nopointer -warn -warn noerrors -fp-stack-check -fstack-protector-all -fpe0 -debug -ftrapuv -init=snan,arrays") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG} -O0 -check -check noarg_temp_created -warn -warn noerrors -fp-stack-check -fstack-protector-all -fpe0 -debug -ftrapuv -init=snan,arrays") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -O0 -ftrapuv") else() - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -debug minimal -qoverride-limits") - set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -fp-model consistent") - set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -debug minimal") - set(FAST "-fast-transcendentals") + if(FASTER) + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3 -fp-model precise -assume buffered_stdout -fno-alias -align all -debug minimal -qoverride-limits -ftz -no-ip") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3 -fp-model precise -debug minimal -qoverride-limits -ftz") + else() + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -debug minimal -qoverride-limits") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -fp-model consistent") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -debug minimal") + set(FAST "-fast-transcendentals") + endif() if(AVX2) set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -march=core-avx2") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} -march=core-avx2") elseif(SIMDMULTIARCH) set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -axSSE4.2,CORE-AVX2") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} -axSSE4.2,CORE-AVX2") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -mcmodel=medium") elseif(AVX) set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -march=core-avx-i") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} -march=core-avx-i") @@ -38,3 +51,9 @@ if(APPLE) # Passing the -c flag includes them and fixes an error with undefined symbols set(CMAKE_Fortran_ARCHIVE_FINISH " -c ") endif() + +# This must be last, to override all other optimization settings. +if(DISABLE_FMA) + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -no-fma") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -no-fma") +endif() diff --git a/cmake/IntelLLVM.cmake b/cmake/IntelLLVM.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..963eaabace --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/IntelLLVM.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -g -traceback -fpp -fno-alias -auto -safe-cray-ptr -ftz -assume byterecl -align array64byte -qno-opt-dynamic-align") +set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -qno-opt-dynamic-align -fp-model precise") + +# warning #5462: Global name too long. +set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -diag-disable 5462") + +# remark #7712: This variable has not been used. +set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -diag-disable 7712") + +# remark #8291: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+7'. +set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -diag-disable 8291") + +# warning #5194: Source line truncated. +set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -diag-disable 5194") + +if(CMAKE_Platform STREQUAL "derecho.intel") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries") +endif() + +if(NOT 32BIT) + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -real-size 64") +endif() + +if(DEBUG) + add_definitions(-DDEBUG) + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG} -O0 -check -check noarg_temp_created -check nopointer -warn -warn noerrors -fp-stack-check -fstack-protector-all -fpe0 -debug minimal -ftrapuv -init=snan,arrays") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -O0 -ftrapuv") +else() + if(FASTER) + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3 -fp-model precise -assume buffered_stdout -fno-alias -align all -debug minimal -qoverride-limits -ftz") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3 -fp-model precise -debug minimal -qoverride-limits -ftz") + else() + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -debug minimal -qoverride-limits") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -fp-model precise") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O2 -debug minimal") + endif() + if(AVX2) + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -march=core-avx2") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} -march=core-avx2") + elseif(SIMDMULTIARCH) + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -axSSE4.2,CORE-AVX2") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} -axSSE4.2,CORE-AVX2") + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -mcmodel=medium") + elseif(AVX) + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -march=core-avx-i") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} -march=core-avx-i") + endif() +endif() + +if(APPLE) + # The linker on macOS does not include `common symbols` by default + # Passing the -c flag includes them and fixes an error with undefined symbols + set(CMAKE_Fortran_ARCHIVE_FINISH " -c ") +endif() + +# This must be last, to override all other optimization settings. +if(DISABLE_FMA) + set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -no-fma") + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE} -no-fma") +endif() diff --git a/cmake/configure_acorn.cmake b/cmake/configure_acorn.cmake index c1c59110a7..016ab1e8b6 100644 --- a/cmake/configure_acorn.cmake +++ b/cmake/configure_acorn.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ set(PARALLEL_NETCDF ON CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel NetCDF" FORCE) -set(DEBUG_LINKMPI OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable linkmpi option when DEBUG mode is on" FORCE) set(AVX2 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable AVX2 instruction set" FORCE) + +if(FASTER) + set(DISABLE_FMA ON CACHE BOOL "Disable Fused Multiply-Add instructions (workaround needed for AMD EPYC)" FORCE) +endif() diff --git a/cmake/configure_apps.cmake b/cmake/configure_apps.cmake index d02ea508e5..d3ab16b673 100644 --- a/cmake/configure_apps.cmake +++ b/cmake/configure_apps.cmake @@ -13,13 +13,17 @@ ############################################################################### ### Configure Application Components ############################################################################### -if(APP MATCHES "^(ATM|ATMW|ATMAQ|ATML)$") +if(APP MATCHES "^(ATM|ATMW|ATMWM|ATMAQ|ATML|ATMF|ATML-LM4)$") set(FMS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable FMS" FORCE) set(FV3 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable FV3" FORCE) set(STOCH_PHYS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable Stochastic Physics" FORCE) if(APP MATCHES "ATMW") set(WW3 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable WAVEWATCH III" FORCE) message("Configuring UFS app in Atmosphere with Waves mode") + set(CMEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CMEPS" FORCE) + elseif(APP MATCHES "ATMWM") + set(WW3 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable WAVEWATCH III" FORCE) + message("Configuring UFS app in Atmosphere with Waves mode") elseif(APP MATCHES "ATMAQ") set(AQM ON CACHE BOOL "Enable AQM" FORCE) message("Configuring UFS app in Atmosphere with Air Quality mode") @@ -27,6 +31,12 @@ if(APP MATCHES "^(ATM|ATMW|ATMAQ|ATML)$") set(CMEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CMEPS" FORCE) set(NOAHMP ON CACHE BOOL "Enable NOAHMP" FORCE) message("Configuring UFS app in Atmosphere with Air Quality mode") + elseif(APP MATCHES "ATML-LM4") + set(CMEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CMEPS" FORCE) + set(LM4 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable LM4" FORCE) + message("Configuring UFS app in Atmosphere with Air Quality mode") + elseif(APP MATCHES "ATMF") + set(FIRE_BEHAVIOR ON CACHE BOOL "Enable Fire Behavior" FORCE) else() message("Configuring UFS app in Atmosphere Only mode") endif() @@ -49,12 +59,13 @@ if(APP MATCHES "^(S2S|S2SA|S2SW|S2SWA|S2SWAL)$") set(FV3 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable FV3" FORCE) set(MOM6 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable MOM6" FORCE) set(CICE6 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CICE6" FORCE) + set(CDEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CDEPS" FORCE) set(STOCH_PHYS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable Stochastic Physics" FORCE) if(APP MATCHES "^(S2SW|S2SWA|S2SWAL)") set(WW3 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable WAVEWATCH III" FORCE) string(CONCAT APP_MSG ${APP_MSG} " with Waves") endif() - if(APP MATCHES "^(S2SA|S2SWA)") + if(APP MATCHES "^(S2SA|S2SWA|S2SWAL)") set(UFS_GOCART ON CACHE BOOL "Enable GOCART" FORCE) string(CONCAT APP_MSG ${APP_MSG} " with Aerosols") endif() @@ -64,17 +75,33 @@ if(APP MATCHES "^(S2S|S2SA|S2SW|S2SWA|S2SWAL)$") message("${APP_MSG} mode") endif() -if(APP MATCHES "^(HAFS|HAFSW|HAFS-ALL)$") +if(APP MATCHES "^(ATM_DS2S|ATM_DS2S-PCICE)$") + set(APP_MSG "Configuring UFS app in ATM_DS2S with CDEPS data") set(CMEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CMEPS" FORCE) - if(APP MATCHES "^(HAFS-ALL)$") - set(CDEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CDEPS" FORCE) - message("Configuring UFS app in HAFS with CDEPS mode") + set(FMS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable FMS" FORCE) + set(FV3 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable FV3" FORCE) + set(STOCH_PHYS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable Stochastic Physics" FORCE) + set(CDEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CDEPS" FORCE) + if (APP MATCHES "^(ATM_DS2S-PCICE)$") + set(CICE6 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CICE6" FORCE) + string(CONCAT APP_MSG ${APP_MSG} " with prescribed ice sea ice") endif() + message("${APP_MSG} mode") +endif() + +if(APP MATCHES "^(HAFS|HAFSW|HAFS-MOM6|HAFS-MOM6W|HAFS-ALL)$") + set(CMEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CMEPS" FORCE) + set(CDEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CDEPS" FORCE) set(FMS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable FMS" FORCE) set(FV3 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable FV3" FORCE) set(STOCH_PHYS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable Stochastic Physics" FORCE) - set(HYCOM ON CACHE BOOL "Enable HYCOM" FORCE) - if(APP MATCHES "^(HAFSW|HAFS-ALL)$") + if(APP MATCHES "^(HAFS-MOM6|HAFS-MOM6W)$") + set(MOM6 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable MOM6" FORCE) + endif() + if(APP MATCHES "^(HAFS|HAFSW|HAFS-ALL)$") + set(HYCOM ON CACHE BOOL "Enable HYCOM" FORCE) + endif() + if(APP MATCHES "^(HAFSW|HAFS-MOM6W|HAFS-ALL)$") set(WW3 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable WAVEWATCH III" FORCE) message("Configuring UFS app in HAFS with Waves mode") endif() @@ -92,5 +119,11 @@ if(APP MATCHES "^(LND)$") set(CMEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CMEPS" FORCE) set(CDEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CDEPS" FORCE) set(NOAHMP ON CACHE BOOL "Enable NOAHMP" FORCE) +endif() + +if(APP MATCHES "^(LND-LM4)$") + set(CMEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CMEPS" FORCE) + set(CDEPS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable CDEPS" FORCE) + set(LM4 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable LM4" FORCE) set(FMS ON CACHE BOOL "Enable FMS" FORCE) endif() diff --git a/cmake/configure_cheyenne.intel.cmake b/cmake/configure_cheyenne.intel.cmake index 31f88424f7..8f1ffe0d01 100644 --- a/cmake/configure_cheyenne.intel.cmake +++ b/cmake/configure_cheyenne.intel.cmake @@ -1,2 +1 @@ set(PARALLEL_NETCDF ON CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel NetCDF" FORCE) -set(DEBUG_LINKMPI OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable linkmpi option when DEBUG mode is on" FORCE) diff --git a/cmake/configure_gaea.intel.cmake b/cmake/configure_gaea.intel.cmake index 62479866f6..6037c6379f 100644 --- a/cmake/configure_gaea.intel.cmake +++ b/cmake/configure_gaea.intel.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ set(PARALLEL_NETCDF ON CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel NetCDF" FORCE) -set(DEBUG_LINKMPI OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable linkmpi option when DEBUG mode is on" FORCE) set(MOM6_Extra_FORTRAN_FLAGS "-xsse2") +set(HYCOM_Extra_FORTRAN_FLAGS "-xSSE4.2") +set(HYCOM_Extra_C_FLAGS "-xSSE4.2") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cmake/configure_gaea.intelllvm.cmake b/cmake/configure_gaea.intelllvm.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42e6486231 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/configure_gaea.intelllvm.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +set(PARALLEL_NETCDF ON CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel NetCDF" FORCE) +set(AVX2 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable AVX2 instruction set" FORCE) diff --git a/cmake/configure_hercules.gnu.cmake b/cmake/configure_hercules.gnu.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8f1ffe0d01 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/configure_hercules.gnu.cmake @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +set(PARALLEL_NETCDF ON CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel NetCDF" FORCE) diff --git a/cmake/configure_hercules.intel.cmake b/cmake/configure_hercules.intel.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8f1ffe0d01 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/configure_hercules.intel.cmake @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +set(PARALLEL_NETCDF ON CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel NetCDF" FORCE) diff --git a/cmake/configure_macosx.intel.cmake b/cmake/configure_macosx.intel.cmake index ee238ab301..92b8ecb75e 100644 --- a/cmake/configure_macosx.intel.cmake +++ b/cmake/configure_macosx.intel.cmake @@ -1,2 +1 @@ set(PARALLEL_NETCDF ON CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel NetCDF" FORCE) -set(DEBUG_LINKMPI OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable linkmpi option when DEBUG mode is on" FORCE) diff --git a/cmake/configure_noaacloud.intel.cmake b/cmake/configure_noaacloud.intel.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..92b8ecb75e --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/configure_noaacloud.intel.cmake @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +set(PARALLEL_NETCDF ON CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel NetCDF" FORCE) diff --git a/cmake/configure_wcoss2.cmake b/cmake/configure_wcoss2.cmake index c1c59110a7..016ab1e8b6 100644 --- a/cmake/configure_wcoss2.cmake +++ b/cmake/configure_wcoss2.cmake @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ set(PARALLEL_NETCDF ON CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel NetCDF" FORCE) -set(DEBUG_LINKMPI OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable linkmpi option when DEBUG mode is on" FORCE) set(AVX2 OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable AVX2 instruction set" FORCE) + +if(FASTER) + set(DISABLE_FMA ON CACHE BOOL "Disable Fused Multiply-Add instructions (workaround needed for AMD EPYC)" FORCE) +endif() diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/Makefile b/doc/UsersGuide/Makefile index d0c3cbf102..2b79cf2c86 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/Makefile +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/Makefile @@ -3,16 +3,25 @@ # You can set these variables from the command line, and also # from the environment for the first two. -SPHINXOPTS ?= -SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build +SPHINXOPTS = -a -n +SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build SOURCEDIR = source BUILDDIR = build +LINKCHECKDIR = $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck # Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help". help: @$(SPHINXBUILD) -M help "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)" $(SPHINXOPTS) $(O) -.PHONY: help Makefile +.PHONY: help Makefile linkcheck + +doc: + make clean + $(MAKE) linkcheck + $(MAKE) html + +linkcheck: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(SPHINXOPTS) $(SOURCEDIR) $(LINKCHECKDIR) # Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new # "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS). diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/build/.gitignore b/doc/UsersGuide/build/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 0addfc818b..0000000000 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/build/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -# Ignore everything in this directory -* -# Except this file -!.gitignore diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/requirements.in b/doc/UsersGuide/requirements.in new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..26c778f4aa --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/requirements.in @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +sphinx>=6.0.0 +sphinx_rtd_theme +sphinxcontrib-bibtex diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/requirements.txt b/doc/UsersGuide/requirements.txt index 9c7258463b..9e47095cca 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/requirements.txt +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/requirements.txt @@ -1,2 +1,76 @@ -sphinxcontrib-bibtex -sphinx_rtd_theme +# +# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with Python 3.11 +# by the following command: +# +# pip-compile requirements.in +# +alabaster==0.7.16 + # via sphinx +babel==2.14.0 + # via sphinx +certifi==2024.7.4 + # via requests +charset-normalizer==3.3.2 + # via requests +docutils==0.20.1 + # via + # pybtex-docutils + # sphinx + # sphinx-rtd-theme + # sphinxcontrib-bibtex +idna==3.7 + # via requests +imagesize==1.4.1 + # via sphinx +jinja2==3.1.4 + # via sphinx +latexcodec==2.0.1 + # via pybtex +markupsafe==2.1.5 + # via jinja2 +packaging==23.2 + # via sphinx +pybtex==0.24.0 + # via + # pybtex-docutils + # sphinxcontrib-bibtex +pybtex-docutils==1.0.3 + # via sphinxcontrib-bibtex +pygments==2.17.2 + # via sphinx +pyyaml==6.0.1 + # via pybtex +requests==2.32.0 + # via sphinx +six==1.16.0 + # via + # latexcodec + # pybtex +snowballstemmer==2.2.0 + # via sphinx +sphinx==7.2.6 + # via + # -r requirements.in + # sphinx-rtd-theme + # sphinxcontrib-bibtex + # sphinxcontrib-jquery +sphinx-rtd-theme==2.0.0 + # via -r requirements.in +sphinxcontrib-applehelp==1.0.8 + # via sphinx +sphinxcontrib-bibtex==2.6.2 + # via -r requirements.in +sphinxcontrib-devhelp==1.0.6 + # via sphinx +sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==2.0.5 + # via sphinx +sphinxcontrib-jquery==4.1 + # via sphinx-rtd-theme +sphinxcontrib-jsmath==1.0.1 + # via sphinx +sphinxcontrib-qthelp==1.0.7 + # via sphinx +sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==1.1.10 + # via sphinx +urllib3==2.2.2 + # via requests diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/AutomatedTesting.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/AutomatedTesting.rst index 06369c670e..8655532a17 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/AutomatedTesting.rst +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/AutomatedTesting.rst @@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ The CI/CD workflow then executes the following steps: subcomponents are up to date with the top of the ``develop`` branch. #. If the check is successful, build jobs are started on GHA-provided virtual machines - by downloading the hpc-stack Docker container stored in Docker Hub. + by downloading the HPC-Stack Docker container stored in Docker Hub. #. Once all build jobs are successful, the created executable files are stored as artifacts in GHA. #. A number of AWS EC2 instances are started. - #. Test jobs are started on AWS after downloading the hpc-stack Docker container, + #. Test jobs are started on AWS after downloading the HPC-Stack Docker container, the executable file from the build job, and the input-data Docker container. #. When all tests are complete, EC2 instances are stopped. Test results are reported @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ On supported HPC systems, a :term:`cron job` runs the ``start_rt_auto.sh`` bash This script checks the HPC name and sets certain python paths. Then, it runs ``rt_auto.py``, which uses the Github API (through pyGitHub) to check the labels on pull requests to ``ufs-weather-model``. If a PR label matches the HPC name -(e.g., hera-intel-RT or cheyenne-gnu-BL), the label provides the HPC +(e.g., hera-intel-RT or derecho-gnu-BL), the label provides the HPC with the compiler and job information to run a test or task on the machine. If no PR label matches HPC name, the script exits. diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/BuildingAndRunning.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/BuildingAndRunning.rst index 4322eb0529..a1c35b31b6 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/BuildingAndRunning.rst +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/BuildingAndRunning.rst @@ -8,62 +8,160 @@ Building and Running the UFS Weather Model Supported Platforms & Compilers =================================== Before running the Weather Model (:term:`WM`), users should determine which of the -`levels of support `__ +:ref:`levels of support ` is applicable to their system. Generally, Level 1 & 2 systems are restricted to those with access -through NOAA and its affiliates. These systems are named (e.g., Hera, Orion, Cheyenne). +through NOAA and its affiliates. These systems are named (e.g., Hera, Orion, Derecho). Level 3 & 4 systems include certain personal computers or non-NOAA-affiliated HPC systems. -The prerequisite software libraries for building the WM already exist on Level 1/preconfigured -systems, so users may skip directly :ref:`downloading the code `. -On other systems, users will need to build the prerequisite libraries using :term:`HPC-Stack`. +The prerequisite software libraries for building the WM already exist in a centralized location on Level 1/preconfigured +systems, so users may skip directly to :ref:`getting the data ` and downloading the code. +On other systems, users will need to build the prerequisite libraries using :term:`spack-stack` or :term:`HPC-Stack`. -====================== +======================= Prerequisite Libraries -====================== +======================= -The UFS Weather Model (WM) requires a number of libraries for it to compile. +The UFS WM requires a number of libraries. The WM uses two categories of libraries, which are available as a bundle via -:term:`HPC-Stack`: +:term:`spack-stack` or :term:`HPC-Stack`: #. :term:`NCEP` libraries (:term:`NCEPLIBS`): These are libraries developed for use with NOAA weather models. Most have an NCEPLIBS prefix in the repository (e.g., NCEPLIBS-bacio). Select tools from the UFS Utilities repository (:term:`UFS_UTILS`) are also included in this category. - A list of the bundled libraries tested with this WM release is available in the top-level ``README`` of the - `NCEPLIBS repository `__ (**be sure to look at - the tag in that repository that matches the tag on the most recent WM release**). - #. Third-party libraries (:term:`NCEPLIBS-external`): These are libraries that were developed external to + #. Third-party libraries (:term:`NCEPLIBS-external`): These are libraries that were developed externally to the UFS Weather Model. They are general software packages that are also used by other community models. Building these libraries is optional if users can point to existing builds of these libraries on their system - instead. A list of the external libraries tested with this WM release is in the top-level ``README`` - of the `NCEPLIBS-external `__ repository. Again, be - sure to look at the tag in that repository that matches the tag on this WM release. + instead. .. note:: - Documentation is available for installing `HPC-Stack `__. - One of these software stacks (or the libraries they contain) must be installed before running the Weather Model. + Currently, spack-stack is the software stack validated by the UFS WM for running + :term:`regression tests `. Spack-stack is a Spack-based method for installing UFS + prerequisite software libraries. UFS applications and components are also shifting to + spack-stack from HPC-Stack but are at various stages of this transition. + Although users can still build and use HPC-Stack, the UFS WM no longer uses HPC-Stack + for validation, and support for this option is being deprecated. -.. COMMENT: "and `spack-stack `__, respectively" +---------------- +Common Modules +---------------- -For users who *do* need to build the prerequisite libraries, it is a good idea to check the platform- and compiler-specific -``README`` files in the ``doc`` directory of the `NCEPLIBS-external repository `_ -first to see if their system or one similar to it is included. These files have detailed -instructions for building NCEPLIBS-external, NCEPLIBS, and the UFS Weather Model. They may be all the -documentation you need. Be sure to use the tag that corresponds to this version of the WM, and define a -WORK directory path before you get started. +As of May 19, 2023, the UFS WM Regression Tests (:term:`RTs `) on Level 1 systems use the following common modules: -.. - COMMENT: What is meant by a WORK directory path? +.. code-block:: console -If your platform is not included in these platform- and compiler-specific ``README`` files, there is a more -generic set of instructions in the ``README`` file at the top level of the `NCEPLIBS-external repository -`__ and at the top level of the `NCEPLIBS repository -`__. It may still be a good idea to look at some of the platform- -and compiler-specific ``README`` files as a guide. Again, be sure to use the tag that corresponds to this version of the WM. + bacio/2.4.1 + crtm/2.4.0 + esmf/8.3.0b09 + fms/2022.04 + g2/3.4.5 + g2tmpl/1.10.2 + gftl-shared/v1.5.0 + hdf5/1.10.6 + ip/3.3.3 + jasper/2.0.25 + libpng/1.6.37 + mapl/2.22.0-esmf-8.3.0b09 + netcdf/4.7.4 + pio/2.5.7 + sp/2.3.3 + w3emc/2.9.2 + zlib/1.2.11 + +The most updated list of common modules can be viewed in ``ufs_common.lua`` +`here `__. -The top-level ``README`` in the NCEPLIBS-external repository includes a troubleshooting section that may be helpful. +.. attention:: + Documentation is available for installing `spack-stack `__ + and `HPC-Stack `__, respectively. + One of these software stacks (or the libraries they contain) must be installed before running the UFS Weather Model. + +.. _GetData: + +============ +Get Data +============ + +The WM RTs require input files to run. +These include static datasets, files that depend on grid resolution and +initial/boundary conditions, and model configuration files. On Level 1 and 2 systems, +the data required to run the WM RTs are already available in the following locations: + +.. _DataLocations: +.. table:: Data Locations for Level 1 & 2 Systems + + +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | Machine | File location | + +==============+========================================================+ + | Derecho | /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT | + +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | Gaea | /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT | + +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | Hera | /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT | + +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | Jet | /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT | + +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | Orion | /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT | + +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | S4 | /data/prod/emc.nemspara/RT | + +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | WCOSS2 | /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT | + +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + +For Level 3-4 systems, the data must be added to the user's system. +Publicly available RT data is available in the `UFS WM Data Bucket `__. +Data for running RTs off of the develop branch is available for the most recent 60 days. +To view the data, users can visit https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html. +To download data, users must select the data they want from the bucket and either download it in their browser or via a ``wget`` command. +For example, to get the data for ``control_p8`` (specifically the May 17, 2023 ``develop`` branch version of the WM), run: + +.. code-block:: console -You can also get expert help through a `user support forum `__ -set up specifically for issues related to build dependencies. + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/atmf000.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/atmf021.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/atmf024.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/GFSFLX.GrbF00 + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/GFSFLX.GrbF21 + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/GFSFLX.GrbF24 + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/GFSPRS.GrbF00 + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/GFSPRS.GrbF21 + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/GFSPRS.GrbF24 + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/sfcf000.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/sfcf021.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/sfcf024.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc + wget https://noaa-ufs-regtests-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20230517/INTEL/control_p8/RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc + +Detailed information on input files can be found in :numref:`Chapter %s `. .. _DownloadingWMCode: @@ -75,11 +173,10 @@ To clone the develop branch of the ``ufs-weather-model`` repository and update i .. code-block:: console - git clone https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model.git ufs-weather-model + git clone --recursive https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model.git ufs-weather-model cd ufs-weather-model - git submodule update --init --recursive -Compiling the model will take place within the ``ufs-weather-model`` directory you just created. +Compiling the model will take place within the ``ufs-weather-model`` directory created by this command. ========================== Building the Weather Model @@ -89,9 +186,16 @@ Building the Weather Model Loading the Required Modules ---------------------------- -Modulefiles for `pre-configured platforms `_ -are located in ``modulefiles/ufs_.``. For example, to load the modules from the ``ufs-weather-model`` -directory on Hera: +The process for loading modules is fairly straightforward on NOAA :ref:`Level 1 Systems `. +Users may need to make adjustments when running on other systems. + + +On NOAA Level 1 & 2 Systems +----------------------------- + +Modulefiles for :ref:`preconfigured platforms ` are located in +``modulefiles/ufs_.``. For example, to load the modules from the +``ufs-weather-model`` directory on Hera: .. code-block:: console @@ -117,6 +221,9 @@ Note that loading this module file will also set the CMake environment variables | CMAKE_Platform | String containing platform and compiler name | hera.intel | +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------------------+ +On Other Systems +------------------- + If you are not running on one of the pre-configured platforms, you will need to set the environment variables manually. For example, in a bash shell, a command in the following form will set the C compiler environment variable: @@ -124,22 +231,25 @@ manually. For example, in a bash shell, a command in the following form will set export CMAKE_C_COMPILER= +.. COMMENT: Update after Zach's PR is merged. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Setting the ``CMAKE_FLAGS`` and ``CCPP_SUITES`` Environment Variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -The UFS Weather Model can be built in one of twelve configurations (cf. :numref:`Table %s `). -The ``CMAKE_FLAGS`` environment variable specifies which configuration to build. -Additionally, users must select the :term:`CCPP` suite(s) by setting the ``CCPP_SUITES`` environment variable at -build time in order to have one or more CCPP physics suites available at runtime. Multiple suites can be set. -Additional environment variables, such as ``-D32BIT=ON``, can be set if the user chooses. These options are documented -in :numref:`Section %s `. +The UFS Weather Model can be built in one of several configurations (see :numref:`Table %s ` for common options). +The ``CMAKE_FLAGS`` environment variable specifies which configuration to build using the ``-DAPP`` and ``-DCCPP_SUITES`` variables. +Users set which components to build using ``-DAPP``. Users select the :term:`CCPP` suite(s) by setting the +``CCPP_SUITES`` environment variable at build time in order to have one or more CCPP physics suites available at runtime. +Multiple suites can be set. Additional variables, such as ``-D32BIT=ON``, +can be set if the user chooses. These options are documented in :numref:`Section %s `. The following examples assume a bash shell. ATM Configurations --------------------- +.. _atm: + **Standalone ATM** For the ``ufs-weather-model ATM`` configuration (standalone :term:`ATM`): @@ -148,6 +258,8 @@ For the ``ufs-weather-model ATM`` configuration (standalone :term:`ATM`): export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16" +.. _atmw: + **ATMW** For the ``ufs-weather-model ATMW`` configuration (standalone ATM coupled to :term:`WW3`): @@ -156,6 +268,8 @@ For the ``ufs-weather-model ATMW`` configuration (standalone ATM coupled to :ter export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16" +.. _atmaero: + **ATMAERO** For the ``ufs-weather-model ATMAERO`` configuration (standalone ATM coupled to :term:`GOCART`): @@ -164,6 +278,8 @@ For the ``ufs-weather-model ATMAERO`` configuration (standalone ATM coupled to : export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8" +.. _atmaq: + **ATMAQ** For the ``ufs-weather-model ATMAQ`` configuration (standalone ATM coupled to :term:`CMAQ`): @@ -172,9 +288,21 @@ For the ``ufs-weather-model ATMAQ`` configuration (standalone ATM coupled to :te export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2" +.. _atml: + +**ATML** + +For the ``ufs-weather-model ATML`` configuration (standalone ATM coupled to :term:`LND`): + +.. code-block:: console + + export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8" + S2S Configurations ---------------------- +.. _s2s: + **S2S** For the ``ufs-weather-model S2S`` configuration (coupled atm/ice/ocean): @@ -196,6 +324,8 @@ For example: export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON" +.. _s2sa: + **S2SA** For the ``ufs-weather-model S2SA`` configuration (atm/ice/ocean/aerosols): @@ -207,6 +337,8 @@ For the ``ufs-weather-model S2SA`` configuration (atm/ice/ocean/aerosols): .. CHECK: DAPP flag and physics suites +.. _s2sw: + **S2SW** For the ``ufs-weather-model S2SW`` configuration (atm/ice/ocean/wave): @@ -215,6 +347,8 @@ For the ``ufs-weather-model S2SW`` configuration (atm/ice/ocean/wave): export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8" +.. _s2swa: + **S2SWA** For the ``ufs-weather-model S2SWA`` configuration (atm/ice/ocean/wave/aerosols): @@ -223,6 +357,8 @@ For the ``ufs-weather-model S2SWA`` configuration (atm/ice/ocean/wave/aerosols): export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp" +.. _ng-godas: + NG-GODAS Configuration ------------------------ @@ -237,6 +373,8 @@ For the ``ufs-weather-model NG-GODAS`` configuration (atm/ocean/ice/data assimil HAFS Configurations ---------------------- +.. _hafs: + **HAFS** For the ``ufs-weather-model HAFS`` configuration (atm/ocean) in 32 bit: @@ -245,6 +383,8 @@ For the ``ufs-weather-model HAFS`` configuration (atm/ocean) in 32 bit: export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=HAFS -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf" +.. _hafsw: + **HAFSW** For the ``ufs-weather-model HAFSW`` configuration (atm/ocean/wave) in 32-bit with moving nest: @@ -253,6 +393,8 @@ For the ``ufs-weather-model HAFSW`` configuration (atm/ocean/wave) in 32-bit wit export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=HAFSW -D32BIT=ON -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf" +.. _hafs-all: + **HAFS-ALL** For the ``ufs-weather-model HAFS-ALL`` configuration (data/atm/ocean/wave) in 32 bit: @@ -261,11 +403,26 @@ For the ``ufs-weather-model HAFS-ALL`` configuration (data/atm/ocean/wave) in 32 export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=HAFS-ALL -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst" +LND Configuration +---------------------- + +.. _lnd: + +**LND** + +For the ``ufs-weather-model LND`` configuration (datm/land): + +.. code-block:: console + + export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=LND" ------------------ Building the Model ------------------ -The UFS Weather Model uses the CMake build system. There is a build script called ``build.sh`` in the + +.. COMMENT: Is the "Building the Model" section necessary? Can users just run the RT without? + +The UFS Weather Model uses the CMake build system. There is a build script called ``build.sh`` in the top-level directory of the WM repository that configures the build environment and runs the ``make`` command. This script also checks that all necessary environment variables have been set. @@ -281,12 +438,11 @@ The WM can be built by running the following command from the ``ufs-weather-mode ./build.sh -Once ``build.sh`` is finished, you should see the executable, named ``ufs_model``, in the ``ufs-weather-model/build/`` directory. -If it is desired to build in a different directory, specify the ``BUILD_DIR`` environment variable: e.g. ``export BUILD_DIR=test_cpld`` +Once ``build.sh`` is finished, users should see the executable, named ``ufs_model``, in the ``ufs-weather-model/build/`` directory. +If users prefer to build in a different directory, specify the ``BUILD_DIR`` environment variable. For example: ``export BUILD_DIR=test_cpld`` will build in the ``ufs-weather-model/test_cpld`` directory instead. -Expert help is available through a `user support forum `__ -set up specifically for issues related to the Weather Model. +Expert help is available through `GitHub Discussions `__. Users may post questions there for help with difficulties related to the UFS WM. .. _run-wm: @@ -296,7 +452,7 @@ Running the Model .. attention:: Although the following discussions are general, users may not be able to execute the script successfully "as is" unless they are on a - `Tier-1 platform `__. + :wm-wiki:`Tier-1 platform `. .. _UsingRegressionTest: @@ -304,33 +460,24 @@ Running the Model Using the Regression Test Script -------------------------------- -Users can run a number of preconfigured regression test cases using the regression test script -``rt.sh`` in the ``tests`` directory. This script is the top-level script -that calls lower-level scripts to build specified WM configurations, set up environments, and run tests. - -On `Tier-1 platforms `__, users can run -regression tests by (1) editing the ``rt.conf`` file and (2) executing: - -.. code-block:: console - - ./rt.sh -l rt.conf - -Users *may* need to add additional command line arguments or change information in the ``rt.sh`` file as well. -This information is provided in :numref:`Section %s ` below. +Users can run a number of preconfigured regression test cases from the ``rt.conf`` file +using the regression test script ``rt.sh`` in the ``tests`` directory. +``rt.sh`` is the top-level script that calls lower-level scripts to build specified +WM configurations, set up environments, and run tests. +Users must edit the ``rt.conf`` file to indicate which tests/configurations to run. .. _rt.conf: The ``rt.conf`` File ------------------------ -Each line in the PSV (Pipe-separated values) file ``rt.conf`` contains four columns of information. +Each line in the PSV (Pipe-separated values) file, ``rt.conf``, contains four columns of information. The first column specifies whether to build a test (``COMPILE``) or run a test (``RUN``). The second column specifies either configuration information for building a test or the name of a test to run. -Thus, the second column in a ``COMPILE`` line will list the application to build (e.g., ``APP=S2S``), -the CCPP suite to use (e.g., ``SUITES=FV3_GFS_2017_coupled``), and additional build options -(e.g., ``DEBUG=Y``) as needed. On a ``RUN`` line, the second column will contain a test name +Thus, the second column in a ``COMPILE`` line will list the application to build (e.g., ``-DAPP=S2S``), +the CCPP suite to use (e.g., ``-DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_2017_coupled``), and additional build options +(e.g., ``-DDEBUG=ON``) as needed. On a ``RUN`` line, the second column will contain a test name (e.g., ``control_p8``). The test name should match the name of one of the test files in the ``tests/tests`` directory or, if the user is adding a new test, the name of the new test file. The third column of ``rt.conf`` relates to the platform; @@ -342,10 +489,8 @@ and ``fv3`` means that the test will be included during baseline creation. The order of lines in ``rt.conf`` matters since ``rt.sh`` processes them sequentially; a ``RUN`` line should be preceeded by a ``COMPILE`` line that builds the model used in the test. The following -``rt.conf`` file excerpt builds the standalone ATM model in 32-bit mode and then runs the -``control`` test: - -.. COMMENT: Is the control test just the test with which other tests are compared? +``rt.conf`` file excerpt builds the standalone ATM model with GFS_v16 physics +in 32-bit mode and then runs the ``control`` test: .. code-block:: console @@ -354,7 +499,35 @@ by a ``COMPILE`` line that builds the model used in the test. The following The ``rt.conf`` file includes a large number of tests. If the user wants to run only specific tests, s/he can either (1) comment out the tests to be skipped (using the ``#`` prefix) -or (2) create a new file (e.g., ``my_rt.conf``) and execute ``./rt.sh -l my_rt.conf``. +or (2) create a new file (e.g., ``my_rt.conf``), add the tests, and execute ``./rt.sh -l my_rt.conf``. + +On NOAA RDHPCS +------------------ + +On :wm-wiki:`Tier-1 platforms `, users can run +regression tests by editing the ``rt.conf`` file and executing: + +.. code-block:: console + + ./rt.sh -l rt.conf + +Users may need to add additional command line arguments or change information in the ``rt.sh`` file as well. +This information is provided in :numref:`Section %s ` below. + +On Other Systems +------------------ + +Users on non-NOAA systems will need to make adjustments to several files in the +``tests`` directory before running ``rt.sh``, including: + + * ``rt.sh`` + * ``run_test.sh`` + * ``detect_machine.sh`` + * ``default_vars.sh`` + * ``fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_*`` + * ``fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_*`` + * ``compile.sh`` + * ``module-setup.sh`` .. _rt.sh: @@ -372,18 +545,18 @@ To display detailed information on how to use ``rt.sh``, users can simply run `` .. code-block:: console - ./rt.sh -c | -f | -l | -m | -k | -r | -e | -h - -c: create baseline - -f: use rt.conf - -l: use instead of rt.conf - -m: compare against new baseline results - -k: keep run directory - -r: use Rocoto workflow manager - -e: use ecFlow workflow manager - -h: display help (same as ./rt.sh) + ./rt.sh -c | -e | -h | -k | -w | -d | -l | -m | -n | -r + -c create new baseline results + -e use ecFlow workflow manager + -h display this help + -k keep run directory after rt.sh is completed + -l runs test specified in + -m compare against new baseline results + -n run single test + -r use Rocoto workflow manager + -w for weekly_test, skip comparing baseline results + -d delete run direcotries that are not used by other tests -.. COMMENT: Remove -f option? The wiki says: "Update 01/06/2021: On January 6, 2021, the argument -f was removed. - Adding it will force rt.sh to exit immediately. The default for rt.sh is to run the full regression tests in rt.conf unless -l xyz.conf is provided." .. COMMENT: An -n option is discussed below. Why is this not printed when running ./rt.sh? When running a large number (10's or 100's) of tests, the ``-e`` or ``-r`` options can significantly @@ -391,14 +564,32 @@ decrease testing time by using a workflow manager (ecFlow or Rocoto, respectivel according to dependencies and run them concurrently. The ``-n`` option can be used to run a single test; for example, ``./rt.sh -n control`` will build the ATM model and run the ``control`` test. -The ``-c`` option is used to create a baseline. New baslines are needed when code changes lead +The ``-c`` option is used to create a baseline. New baselines are needed when code changes lead to result changes and therefore deviate from existing baselines on a bit-for-bit basis. +To run ``rt.sh`` using a custom configuration file and the Rocoto workflow manager, +create the configuration file (e.g. ``my_rt.conf``) based on the desired tests in +``rt.conf``, and run: + +.. code-block:: console + + ./rt.sh -r -l my_rt.conf + +adding additional arguments as desired. + +To run a single test, users can try the following command instead of creating a ``my_rt.conf`` file: + +.. code-block:: console + + ./rt.sh -r -k -n "control_p8 " + +where ```` is ``gnu`` or ``intel``. + Troubleshooting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Users may need to adjust certain information in the ``rt.sh`` file, such as -the ``'Machine'`` and ``'Account'`` variables (``$ACCNR`` and ``$MACHINE_ID``), for the tests to run +the *Machine* and *Account* variables (``$MACHINE_ID`` and ``$ACCNR``), for the tests to run correctly. If there is a problem with these or other variables (e.g., file paths), the output should indicate where: .. code-block:: console @@ -433,7 +624,7 @@ The run directory path, which corresponds to the value of ``RUNDIR`` in the ``ru is particularly useful. ``$RUNDIR`` is a self-contained (i.e., sandboxed) directory with the executable file, initial conditions, model configuration files, environment setup scripts and a batch job submission script. The user can run the test -by ``cd``-ing into ``$RUNDIR`` and invoking the command: +by navigating into ``$RUNDIR`` and invoking the command: .. code-block:: console @@ -445,7 +636,7 @@ specifying the ``-k`` option retains the ``$RUNDIR``, e.g. ``./rt.sh -l rt.conf Inside the ``$RUNDIR`` directory are a number of model configuration files (``input.nml``, ``model_configure``, ``nems.configure``) and other application -dependent files (e.g., ``ice_in`` for the Subseasonal-to-Seasonal application). +dependent files (e.g., ``ice_in`` for the Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Application). These model configuration files are generated by ``rt.sh`` from the template files in the ``tests/parm`` directory. Specific values used to fill in the template files are test-dependent and @@ -508,11 +699,11 @@ Using the Operational Requirement Test Script The operational requirement test script ``opnReqTest`` in the ``tests`` directory can be used to run tests in place of ``rt.sh``. Given the name of a test, ``opnReqTest`` carries out a suite of test cases. Each test case addresses an aspect of the requirements that new operational implementations -should satisfy. These requirements are shown in :numref:`Table %s `. +must satisfy. These requirements are shown in :numref:`Table %s `. For the following discussions on opnReqTest, the user should note the distinction between ``'test name'`` and ``'test case'``. Examples of test names are ``control``, ``cpld_control`` and ``regional_control`` which are all found in the ``tests/tests`` directory, whereas -test case refers to any one of ``thr``, ``mpi``, ``dcp``, ``rst``, ``bit`` and ``dbg``. +test case refers to any one of the operational requirements: ``thr``, ``mpi``, ``dcp``, ``rst``, ``bit`` and ``dbg``. .. _OperationalRequirement: @@ -541,8 +732,7 @@ operational requirement test. The only difference is that the ``opnReqTest`` scr The ``tests/opnReqTests`` directory contains opnReqTest-specific lower-level scripts used to set up run configurations. -On `Tier-1 platforms `_, tests can +On :wm-wiki:`Tier-1 platforms `, tests can be run by invoking .. code-block:: console diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/CAPE2020.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/CAPE2020.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..821cd4da61 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/CAPE2020.rst @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +.. role:: raw-html(raw) + :format: html + +.. _cape-2020: + +********************* +July 2020 CAPE Case +********************* + +The July 2020 CAPE case is an atmosphere-only forecast run at C48 resolution with 127 vertical levels. It is set to run a 24-hour forecast from 2020-07-23 at 0z using the `FV3_GFS_v16 `_ physics suite and default values from the WM's `default_vars.sh `_ ``export_fv3_v16`` function. + +The original July 2020 CAPE case illustrated a shortcoming of the Global Forecast System (GFS) v16 --- low Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) predictions during summertime (:cite:t:`SunEtAl2024`). :cite:t:`SunEtAl2024` (2024) used this case study to investigate the low CAPE bias in the GFS and determined that "the GFS simulates smaller surface latent heat flux and larger surface sensible heat flux than the observations" due to "slightly drier-than-observed soil moisture" within the offline Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) initial conditions used in the study. This resulted in less latent heat and moisture being fed back to the lower levels of the atmosphere and ultimately changed the overall vertical profile of the atmosphere, which lowered CAPE values relative to the older GFS v15.2. + +The UFS WM and its subcomponents have undergone signficant changes since the original July 2020 CAPE case study was posted and since :cite:t:`SunEtAl2024`'s experiment, so the current GFS v16 CAPE bias may have shifted. However, users may still wish to run this case and then experiment with different (potentially user-generated) initial conditions, a coupled land surface model (LSM), or other factors to explore elements that improve or worsen CAPE bias. Additionally, :cite:t:`SunEtAl2024`'s findings only apply to this case study, so users may wish to expand their research to include other warm-season cases. + +============================================ +Obtaining Data for the July 2020 CAPE Case +============================================ + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_data.rst + +.. _chgres-data: + +User-Generated Data +--------------------- + +.. attention:: + + The following instructions apply only to users with access to :term:`HPSS` on :term:`RDHPCS`. In the future, there are plans to expand options for access to raw initial conditions data for other users. + +Users who have access to :term:`HPSS` can generate initial conditions (:term:`ICs`) for a particular forecast case (date) and resolution by downloading the raw GFS data and converting it to the appropriate resolution using the the UFS_UTILS ``gdas_init`` utility. ``gdas_init`` pulls the input data required by ``chgres_cube`` from HPSS and then runs the ``chgres_cube`` utility to create coldstart initial conditions for the desired resolution and number of vertical levels. Users who already have access to raw GFS ICs can use just the ``chgres_cube`` utility to perform the conversion on their existing data. Users may wish to refer to the `UFS_UTILS User's Guide `_ for more information. + +.. note:: + + In order to generate all necessary configuration, data, input, and fix files to run a configuration similar to the July 2020 CAPE case for another date (still C48 resolution), the user first needs to run the base ``ufs_test.sh`` script for the default July 2020 CAPE case as described in :numref:`Section %s `. + +To generate coldstart ICs via the UFS_UTILS ``gdas_init``/``chgres_cube`` utilities on an :term:`RDHPCS` with :term:`HPSS` access (e.g., Hera or Jet), the user can run the following commands: + +.. code-block:: console + + git clone https://github.com/ufs-community/UFS_UTILS.git + cd UFS_UTILS/fix + ./link_fixdirs.sh emc + cd .. + ./build_all.sh + cd util/gdas_init + +where ```` is Hera or Jet. + +Then, users will need to edit the ``config`` file to: + +* Set paths for data extraction and converted files (``EXTRACT_DIR`` and ``OUTDIR``, respectively) +* Set ``yy/mm/dd/hh`` to desired forecast start time +6 hours +* Set ``CDUMP`` to ``gfs`` to generate GFS ICs +* Set ``LEVS`` to 128 +* Set ``EXTRACT_DATA`` to ``yes`` (unless data is already staged in ``EXTRACT_DIR``) +* Set ``CRES_HIRES`` to desired resolution for coldstart files (e.g., ``C192``) + +These variables are documented in more detail in the `UFS_UTILS gdas_init documentation `_. + +In the machine-specific driver (e.g., ``driver.jet.sh``), users will need to set ``PROJECT_CODE`` to an account that the user can use for submitting batch jobs. + +After configuring the utility, users can run the driver script: + +.. code-block:: console + + ./driver..sh + +These steps will (1) pull raw GFS data from HPSS into ``EXTRACT_DIR`` and then (2) convert the raw data to coldstart ICs (placed in ``OUTDIR/gfs.YYYYMMDD/HH/model_data/atmos/input``). The converted coldstart ICs can then be used as input data for certain UFS WM regression tests (RTs) of corresponding model resolution and configuration (e.g., C48 GFS coldstart data in the ``control_c48.v2.sfc`` RT). + +.. note:: + + Note that since 6/4/24, the ``develop`` branch of UFS_UTILS generates only version 2 (v2) surface (sfc) files via ``gdas_init`` and ``chgres_cube``. Therefore, successful integration of the converted coldstart files has only been achieved using the recently added ``v2.sfc`` WM RTs (see e.g., :wm-repo:`control_c48.v2.sfc ` and PRs :wm-repo:`#2005 ` and :wm-repo:`#1977 `). Since the v2 surface files are significantly different from the v1 surface file format, the user may need to re-configure the higher resolution test case to ensure that fix files, physics suite, and other input data used are consistent with v2 surface files. + +.. _run-cape: + +================================= +Running the July 2020 CAPE Case +================================= + +This section explains how to run the July 2020 CAPE case described above using the ``ufs_test.sh`` script. + +Clone the Repository +-------------------- + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/clone_hsd.rst + +Machine Configuration +----------------------- + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_machine_config.rst + +.. _cape-config: + +Test Configuration +---------------------- + +The July 2020 CAPE case can be run as-is without adjusting the configuration. Users may also choose to run a similar configuration for a different date or the same July 2020 CAPE case at a higher resolution. + +Different Date +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +Users may choose to run a similar UFS WM configuration for different dates with user-generated :term:`ICs` (see :numref:`Section %s ` for instructions on downloading this data from :term:`HPSS`). In this case, users will need to copy the ``gfs*.nc`` and ``sfc*.nc`` files from ``OUTDIR/gfs.YYYYMMDD/HH/model_data/atmos/input`` into the ``INPUT`` directory of a UFS WM run directory. (The run directory is set in ``create_xml.py`` as ``${PTMP}/${USER}/FV3_RT/rt_${pid}`` for HSD cases.) Note that this will only work when the run directory uses ICs of the same resolution. + +Additionally, users will need to adjust the model start time in the ``model_configure`` file. For example: + +.. code-block:: + + start_year: 2019 + start_month: 06 + start_day: 15 + start_hour: 06 + start_minute: 0 + start_second: 0 + nhours_fcst: 24 + fhrot: 0 + ... + +Different Resolution +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +If users choose to run the July 2020 CAPE case at higher resolutions, they can generate GFS ICs at C192, C384, or C768 resolutions following the instructions :ref:`above `. However, they will also need to ensure that the experiment configuration files (i.e., ``${UFS_WM}/tests-dev/test_cases/tests/2020_CAPE`` and ``${UFS_WM}/tests-dev/test_cases/exp_conf/2020_CAPE``), input namelist, physics suites, and ``fv3_conf/*.IN`` file are consistent and configured properly for their desired resolution. Configurations at these higher resolutions are untested, and users can expect to do significant troubleshooting to make them work. + +When changing resolution, it is recommended that users view the :wm-repo:`control_c192 `, :wm-repo:`control_c384 `, or :wm-repo:`control_c768 ` test files as a starting point. Those test files will provide guidance on variable settings and ``model_configure``/input namelist settings. Additionally, users will need to ensure that the ``FV3_RUN`` file (named ``2020_CAPE.IN`` for the 2020_CAPE experiment) points to the correct input data. Users can modify the ``parm/fv3_conf`` files associated with the sample ``control_*`` tests to enable use of v2 surface data (as in the :wm-repo:`control_c48.v2.sfc ` or :wm-repo:`2020_CAPE ` cases). Any new or modified test file, input namelist, or ``*.IN`` file should be placed in the appropriate directory in ``tests-dev/exp_conf`` so that the files are correctly propagated into the ``tests-dev`` directory when invoking the ``-s`` argument with ``ufs_test.sh``. + +.. attention:: + + Although it is *possible* to adjust the July 2020 CAPE case to run at non-default resolutions, this is unsupported functionality. Users may experiment with the capability but will need to commit to significant troubleshooting/experimentation to run the case at those resolutions. + +Baseline Configuration +---------------------- + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_baseline_config.rst + +.. _run-2020-cape: + +Running Tests +------------- + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_run_tests.rst + +Examples +^^^^^^^^^^ + +A user with access to the ``epic`` account can run the ``2020_CAPE`` test case with the ``intel`` compiler on an :term:`RDHPCS` where they have access using the following command: + +.. code-block:: console + + ./ufs_test.sh -a epic -s -c -k -r -n "2020_CAPE intel" + +Running Multiple Cases +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_run_multiple.rst + +.. _check-results: + +Checking Results +----------------- + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_check_results.rst + +For example, to monitor progress or check results for the ``2020_CAPE_intel`` case, run: + +.. code-block:: console + + tail -f ${UFS_WM}/tests-dev/run_dir/2020_CAPE_intel/err + tail -f ${UFS_WM}/tests-dev/run_dir/2020_CAPE_intel/out + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_notes.rst \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/CodeOverview.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/CodeOverview.rst index 827a1d3fe3..c05263fc06 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/CodeOverview.rst +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/CodeOverview.rst @@ -1,14 +1,52 @@ .. _CodeOverview: ************************* -Code Overview +Technical Overview ************************* +.. _SupportedPlatforms: + +===================================================================== +Supported Platforms and Compilers for Running the UFS Weather Model +===================================================================== + +Four levels of support have been defined for :term:`UFS` applications, and the UFS Weather Model (:term:`WM`) operates under this paradigm: + +* **Level 1** *(Preconfigured)*: Prerequisite software libraries are pre-built and available in a central location; code builds and runs; full testing of model. +* **Level 2** *(Configurable)*: Prerequisite libraries are not available in a centralized location but are expected to install successfully; code builds and runs; full testing of model. +* **Level 3** *(Limited-test platforms)*: Libraries and code build on these systems, but there is limited testing with running the model. +* **Level 4** *(Build-only platforms)*: Libraries and code build, but running the model is not tested. + +Level 1 Systems +================== +Preconfigured (Level 1) systems for the UFS WM already have the required external libraries available in a central location via :term:`spack-stack`. The WM is expected to build and run out-of-the-box on these systems, and users can download the WM code without first installing prerequisite software. Additionally, regression test data is already available on these systems. In general, users must have access to these Level 1 systems in order to use them. + +Currently, Level 1 (or Tier-1) platforms for regression testing are: + + * WCOSS2 (Intel) + * Gaea (Intel) + * Hera (Intel/GNU compilers) + * Jet (Intel) + * Orion (Intel) + * Hercules (Intel/GNU compilers) + * AWS Docker container (Intel) + +More information is available in the :wm-wiki:`UFS WM wiki `. + +Level 2-4 Systems +=================== + +On non-Level 1 platforms, users must install the required libraries before building the UFS WM. Additionally, users must stage the required data in order to run regression tests. Once the prerequisite libraries are installed, and the data has been staged, the WM should build and run successfully. However, users may need to perform additional troubleshooting on Level 3 or 4 systems since little or no testing is conducted on these systems. + +Currently, Level 2 platforms for regression testing are: + + * S4 (Intel) + =================================================== UFS Weather Model Hierarchical Repository Structure =================================================== -The UFS Weather Model (:term:`WM`) repository supports the :term:`UFS` short- and medium-range weather applications (:term:`SRW` / :term:`MRW` Apps). The WM repository contains atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, and wave components, as well as some infrastructure components. Each of these subcomponents has its own repository. All the repositories are currently located in GitHub with public access to the broad community. :numref:`Table %s ` describes the list of repositories that comprises the UFS WM. +The UFS :term:`WM` repository supports the :term:`UFS` short- and medium-range weather applications (:term:`SRW` / :term:`MRW` Apps). The WM repository contains atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, land, and wave components, as well as some infrastructure components. Each of these subcomponents has its own repository. All the repositories are currently located in GitHub with public access to the broader community. :numref:`Table %s ` describes the list of repositories that comprise the UFS WM. .. _Repo_Structure: @@ -20,103 +58,113 @@ The UFS Weather Model (:term:`WM`) repository supports the :term:`UFS` short- an - Authoritative repository URL * - Umbrella repository for the UFS Weather Model - https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model - * - Framework to connect the CCPP library to a host model + * - Framework to connect the :term:`CCPP` library to a host model - https://github.com/NCAR/ccpp-framework * - CCPP library of physical parameterizations - https://github.com/NCAR/ccpp-physics * - Umbrella repository for the physics and dynamics of the atmospheric model (FV3) - https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/fv3atm - * - FV3 dynamical core + * - :term:`FV3` dynamical core - https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere * - Stochastic physics pattern generator - - https://github.com/noaa-psd/stochastic_physics - * - Modular Ocean Model (MOM6) + - https://github.com/NOAA-PSL/stochastic_physics + * - Modular Ocean Model (:term:`MOM6`) - https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/MOM6 - * - HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) + * - HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (:term:`HYCOM`) - https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/HYCOM-src - * - Los Alamos sea ice model (CICE6) + * - Los Alamos sea ice model (:term:`CICE6`) - https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CICE - * - NOAA/NCEP WAVEWATCH III Model (WW3) + * - NOAA/NCEP WAVEWATCH III Model (:term:`WW3`) - https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/WW3 - * - The Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) + * - The Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (:term:`GOCART`) - https://github.com/GEOS-ESM/GOCART - * - NUOPC Community Mediator for Earth Prediction Systems (CMEPS) + * - NUOPC Community Mediator for Earth Prediction Systems (:term:`CMEPS`) - https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CMEPS - * - Community Data Models for Earth Prediction Systems (CDEPS) + * - Community Data Models for Earth Prediction Systems (:term:`CDEPS`) - https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CDEPS - * - Air Quality Model (AQM) + * - Air Quality Model (:term:`AQM`) - https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/AQM + * - Noah-MP Land Surface Model (Noah-MP) + - https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/noahmp + * - NOAA-GFDL Land Model (:term:`LM4`) + - -In the table, the left column contains a description of each repository, and the right column shows the component repositories which are pointing to (or will point to) the authoritative repositories. The UFS WM currently uses Git submodules to manage the sub-components. +In the table, the left-hand column contains a description of each repository, and the +right-hand column shows the GitHub location of the authoritative component repositories. +The UFS WM currently uses Git submodules to manage these subcomponents. =================== Directory Structure =================== -The umbrella repository for the UFS Weather Model is named ``ufs-weather-model``. Under this repository reside a number of submodules that are nested in specific directories under the parent repository's working directory. When the ``ufs-weather-model`` repository is cloned, the basic directory structure will be similar to the example below. Files and some directories have been removed for brevity. Directories in parentheses will appear only after a submodule update (``git submodule update --init --recursive``). +The umbrella repository for the UFS WM is named ``ufs-weather-model``. Under this repository reside a number of submodules that are nested in specific directories under the parent repository's working directory. When the ``ufs-weather-model`` repository is cloned, the basic directory structure will be similar to the example below. Files and some directories have been removed for brevity. Directories in parentheses will appear only after a recursive clone or submodule update (``git submodule update --init --recursive``). .. code-block:: console - ufs-weather-model/ - ├── build.sh -------- script for building the WM - ├── cmake -------- cmake configuration files - ├── CMakeLists.txt - ├── CMakeModules - ├── doc -------- User Guide files - ├── driver - ├── FV3 -------- UFSAtm atmosphere model - │ ├── (atmos_cubed_sphere) -------- FV3 dynamical core - │ │ ├── (docs) - │ │ ├── (driver) - │ │ ├── (model) - │ │ └── (tools) - │ ├── (ccpp) -------- Common Community Physics Package - │ │ ├── (config) - │ │ ├── (driver) - │ │ ├── (framework) -------- CCPP framework - │ │ ├── (physics) -------- CCPP compliant physics schemes - │ │ └── (suites) -------- CCPP physics suite definition files (SDFs) - │ ├── (cpl) -------- Coupling field data structures - │ ├── (io) -------- UFSAtm write grid comp code - │ └── (stochastic_physics) -------- Wrapper for stochastic physics - │ - ├── stochastic_physics -------- stochastic physics pattern generator - ├── AQM - │ └── (src) - │ ├── (model) - │ └── (CMAQ) --------- EPA AQ Model - ├── CICE-interface - │ └── CICE --------- CICE6 sea ice model - │ ├── (icepack) --------- Sea ice column physics - │ └── (cicecore/drivers/nuopc/cmeps) --------- NUOPC CICE6 cap - ├── GOCART - │ └── (ESMF) --------- GOCART model - ├── HYCOM-interface - │ └── HYCOM --------- HYCOM ocean model - │ └── (NUOPC) --------- NUOPC HYCOM cap - ├── MOM6-interface - │ └── MOM6 - │ ├── (src) --------- MOM6 ocean model - │ └── (config_source/drivers/nuopc_cap) --------- NUOPC MOM6 cap - ├── WW3 - │ └── (model) --------- WW3 model - │ └── (esmf) --------- NUOPC WW3 cap - ├── CDEPS-interface - │ └── CDEPS - │ ├── (datm) --------- CDEPS DATM - │ └── (docn) --------- CDEPS DOCN - ├── CMEPS-interface - │ └── CMEPS - │ └── (cesm) --------- CMEPS CESM - ├── modulefiles -------- system module files for supported HPC systems - └── tests -------- regression test infrastructure - └── parm - └── tests - └── fv3_conf - -The physics subdirectory in the ``gfsphysics`` directory is not used or supported -as part of this release (all physics is available through the :term:`CCPP` using -the repository described in :numref:`Table %s `). - -.. COMMENT: Should we omit CMakeLists.txt, CMakeModules, driver (which I added) or add a description? -.. COMMENT: I don't see a "gfsphysics" directory... Can we remove it or be more specific about where it is? There are two CCPP repos in the table referenced above... Framework and Physics. \ No newline at end of file + ufs-weather-model + ├── AQM + │ └── (src) + │ ├── (model) + │ └── (CMAQ) -------- EPA Air Quality Model + ├── build.sh -------- script for building the WM + ├── CDEPS-interface + │ └── CDEPS + │ ├── (datm) -------- CDEPS DATM + │ ├── (docn) -------- CDEPS DOCN + │ └── (dice) -------- CDEPS DICE + ├── CICE-interface + │ └── CICE -------- CICE6 sea ice model + │ ├── (icepack) -------- Sea ice column physics + │ └── (cicecore/drivers/nuopc/cmeps) -------- NUOPC CICE6 cap + ├── cmake -------- cmake configuration files + ├── CMakeLists.txt + ├── CMakeModules + ├── CMEPS-interface + │ └── CMEPS + │ └── (cesm) -------- CMEPS CESM + ├── doc -------- User Guide files + ├── driver + ├── FV3 -------- UFSAtm atmosphere model + │ ├── (atmos_cubed_sphere) -------- FV3 dynamical core + │ │ ├── (docs) + │ │ ├── (driver) + │ │ ├── (model) + │ │ └── (tools) + │ ├── (ccpp) -------- Common Community Physics Package + │ │ ├── (config) + │ │ ├── (driver) + │ │ ├── (framework) -------- CCPP framework + │ │ ├── (physics) -------- CCPP-compliant physics schemes + │ │ └── (suites) -------- CCPP physics suite definition files (SDFs) + │ ├── (cpl) -------- Coupling field data structures + │ ├── (io) -------- UFSAtm write grid comp code + │ └── (stochastic_physics) -------- Wrapper for stochastic physics + ├── GOCART + │ └── (ESMF) -------- GOCART model + ├── HYCOM-interface + │ └── HYCOM -------- HYCOM ocean model + │ └── (NUOPC) -------- NUOPC HYCOM cap + ├── LICENSE.md + ├── LM4-driver + │ ├── (LM4) -------- NUOPC NOAA-GFDL Land Model version 4 + │ └── (nuopc_cap) -------- NUOPC LM4 cap + ├── modulefiles -------- system module files for supported HPC systems + ├── MOM6-interface + │ └── MOM6 + │ ├── (src) -------- MOM6 ocean model + │ └── (config_source/drivers/nuopc_cap) -------- NUOPC MOM6 cap + ├── NOAHMP-interface + │ └── noahmp + │ ├── (cmake) -------- Noah-MP land model + │ ├── (drivers/nuopc) -------- NUOPC Noah-MP cap + │ ├── (parameters) + │ └── (src) + ├── README.md + ├── stochastic_physics -------- stochastic physics pattern generator + ├── tests -------- regression test infrastructure + │ └── parm + │ └── tests + │ └── fv3_conf + └── WW3 + └── (model) -------- WW3 model + └── (src) -------- NUOPC WW3 caps diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/ConfigParameters.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/ConfigParameters.rst index 6aa6e4eada..0fb0881411 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/ConfigParameters.rst +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/ConfigParameters.rst @@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ Other Build Options set(AVX2 ON CACHE BOOL "Enable AVX2 instruction set") set(AVX OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable AVX-I instruction set") set(SIMDMULTIARCH OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable multi-target SIMD instruction sets") - set(DEBUG_LINKMPI ON CACHE BOOL "Enable linkmpi option when DEBUG mode is on") set(INLINE_POST OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable inline post") set(OPENMP ON CACHE BOOL "Enable OpenMP threading") set(PARALLEL_NETCDF OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel NetCDF") diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/FAQ.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/FAQ.rst index bc23d7e00f..0fbb7977d8 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/FAQ.rst +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/FAQ.rst @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ How do I build and run a single test of the UFS Weather Model? An efficient way to build and run the UFS Weather Model is to use the regression test (``rt.sh``). This script is widely used by model developers on Tier 1 and 2 platforms -and is described in the UFS WM GitHub `wiki `_. The advantages to this approach are: +and is described in the UFS WM GitHub :wm-wiki:`wiki `. The advantages to this approach are: * It does not require a workflow, pre- or post-processing steps. * The batch submission script is generated. * Any required input data is already available for machines used by the regression test. - * Once the ``rt.sh`` test completes, you will have a working copy in your run directory where you can + * Once the ``rt.sh`` test completes, you will have a working copy in your run directory where you can make modifications to the namelist and other files, and then re-run the executable. The steps are: @@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ The steps are: cd tests #. Find a configure (``*.conf``) file that contains the machine and compiler you are using. For this - example, the Intel compiler on Cheyenne is used. To create a custom configure file, two lines are + example, the Intel compiler on Derecho is used. To create a custom configure file, two lines are needed: a ``COMPILE`` line and a ``RUN`` line. The ``COMPILE`` line should contain the name - of the machine and compiler ``cheyenne.intel`` and the desired ``SUITES`` for the build. Choose a + of the machine and compiler ``derecho.intel`` and the desired ``SUITES`` for the build. Choose a ``RUN`` line under this ``COMPILE`` command that uses the desired ``SUITE``. For example: .. code-block:: console - COMPILE | 32BIT=Y CCPP=Y STATIC=Y SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2,FV3_GFS_v16beta,FV3_GFS_v15p2_no_nsst,FV3_GFS_v16beta_no_nsst | standard | cheyenne.intel | fv3 + COMPILE | 32BIT=Y CCPP=Y STATIC=Y SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2,FV3_GFS_v16beta,FV3_GFS_v15p2_no_nsst,FV3_GFS_v16beta_no_nsst | standard | derecho.intel | fv3 RUN | fv3_ccpp_gfs_v16beta | standard | | fv3 | Put these two lines into a file called ``my_test.conf``. The parameters used in this run can be @@ -49,16 +49,16 @@ The steps are: .. code-block:: console - if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then stanza: + if [[ $MACHINE_ID = derecho.* ]]; then stanza: ... dprefix=/glade/scratch - This works for Cheyenne, since ``$USER/FV3_RT`` will be appended. Also check that ``RTPWD`` + This works for Derecho, since ``$USER/FV3_RT`` will be appended. Also check that ``RTPWD`` points to a diretory that exists: .. code-block:: console - if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then + if [[ $MACHINE_ID = derecho.* ]]; then RTPWD=${RTPWD:-$DISKNM/ufs-public-release-20200224/${COMPILER^^}} #. Run the ``rt.sh`` script from the ``tests`` directory: @@ -86,14 +86,6 @@ How do I change the length of the model run? In your run directory, there is a file named ``model_configure``. Change the variable ``nhours_fcst`` to the desired number of hours. -======================================================================== -How do I select the file format for the model output (netCDF or NEMSIO)? -======================================================================== -In your run directory, there is a file named ``model_configure``. Change the -variable ``output_file`` to ``'netcdf'`` or ``'nemsio'``. The variable ``output_file`` -is only valid when the write component is activated by setting ``quilting`` to ``.true.`` -in the ``model_configure`` file. - ============================================================== How do I set the output history interval? ============================================================== @@ -105,7 +97,7 @@ places, and depends on whether you are using the write component to generate you .. _OutputControl: .. list-table:: *Namelist variables used to control the output file frequency.* - :widths: 15 10 10 30 + :widths: 15 10 10 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Namelist variable @@ -147,13 +139,435 @@ places, and depends on whether you are using the write component to generate you - 3 - history file output frequency +============================================================= +How do I turn off IO for the components of the coupled model? +============================================================= + +FV3atm restart and history files +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +To turn off FV3atm restart files, set the ``restart_interval`` in +``model_configure`` to a value greater than the forecast length. + +To turn off history files, in ``model_configure`` there are two +options: + +* Set ``quilting`` to .false., then in ``diag_table``, remove the history + output file definitions ``fv3_history`` and ``fv3_history2d`` and the + associated fields. This will turn off the write_grid component and the + number of tasks used by FV3atm must also be adjusted to remove the + tasks assigned to the write grid component. + +* Set ``quilting`` to .true., then in ``model_configure`` set + ``write_dopost`` to .false. and set ``output_fh`` to a value greater + than the forecast length. This will turn off the writing of output but + the write grid component tasks will still be necessary. + +MOM6, CICE6 and CMEPS restart files +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +In ``ufs.configure``, set the ALLCOMP_attribute ``restart_n`` to a +value greater than the forecast length. + +MOM6 history files +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +In the ``diag_table`` file, remove the ``ocn`` and ``SST`` history +output file definitions and fields. + +MOM6 history output speed can also be increased by setting the +``IO_LAYOUT`` parameter in ``INPUT/MOM_input``. + +:: + + IO_LAYOUT = 4,2 + +CICE history files +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +In the CICE namelist ``ice_in``, set the ``histfreq`` to none with + +:: + + histfreq = 'x','x','x','x','x' + +The initial condition file can be turned off using + +:: + + write_ic = .false. + +GOCART history files +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +In AERO_HISTORY.rc, remove all the fields listed in ``COLLECTIONS`` + +:: + + COLLECTIONS: + :: + +WW3 history and restart files +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +In ``ww3_shel.inp``, change the output interval for gridded frequency from +3600 to 0 on `line 68 +`_. To +turn off point output, change the output frequency from 900 to 0 on +`line 296 +`_. To +turn off restart files, change the frequency from 3600 to 0 on `line +321 +`_. + + + ============================================================== How do I set the total number of tasks for my job? ============================================================== -The total number of MPI tasks used by the UFS Weather Model is a combination of compute and quilt tasks, and can be calculated using the following relationship: - * total tasks = ``compute tasks + quilt tasks`` - * compute tasks = ``x layout * y layout * number of tiles`` - * quilt tasks = ``write_groups * write_tasks_per_group`` if ``quilting==.true.`` +In the UFS WM, each component's MPI task information, including the +starting and ending tasks and the number of threads, are specified +using the component-specific ``petlist_bounds`` and +``omp_num_threads`` in ``ufs.configure``. In general, the total +number of MPI tasks required is the sum of all the sub-component +tasks, as long as those components do not overlap (i.e., share the +same PETs). An example of a global 5 component coupled configuration +ufs.configure at the end of this section. + +FV3atm +^^^^^^ + +The FV3atm component consists of one or more forecast grid components +and write grid components. + +The MPI tasks for the forecast grid components are specified in the +layout variable in one or more namelist files ``input*.nml`` +(e.g. input.nml and input_nest02.nml). The total number of mpi tasks +required is given by the product of the specified layout, summed over +all domains. For example, for a global domain with 6 tiles and +``layout = 6,8``, the total number required is ``6*6*8 = 288``. For +two regional domains using ``input.nml`` and ``input_nest02.nml``, +each with ``layout = 6,10``, the total required is the sum ``6*10 + +6*10 = 120``. + +For the global configuration, an additional requirement is that the +layout specified must be a multiple of the ``blocksize`` parameter in +``input.nml``. For example, using ``layout=8,8`` for C96 yields +subdomains of ``12 x 12``. The subdomain product is ``12*12 = 144``, +which is not divisible by a ``blocksize=32``. Therefore, the C96 does +not support an ``8,8`` layout for a blocksize of 32. If ``layout = +4,6``, the subdomain product is ``24*16 = 384``, which is divisible by +a ``blocksize=32``. A layout of ``4,6`` is supported for C96 with a +blocksize of 32. + +The FV3atm will utilize the write grid component if ``quilting`` is +set to .true. In this case, the required mpi tasks for the +write grid components is the product of the ``write_groups`` and the +``write_tasks_per_group`` in the ``model_configure`` file. + +:: + + quilting: .true. + write_groups: 1 + write_tasks_per_group: 60 + + +In the above case, the write grid component requires 60 tasks. + +The total number of MPI ranks for FV3atm is the sum of the forecast tasks and any +write grid component tasks. + +:: + + total_tasks_atm = forecast tasks + write grid component tasks + +If ESMF-managed threading is used, the total number of PETs for the +atmosphere component is given by the product of the number of threads +requested and the total number of MPI ranks (both forecast and write +grid component). If ``num_threads_atm`` is the number of threads +specified for the FV3atm component, in ``ufs.configure`` the ATM PET +bounds are given by + +:: + + ATM_petlist_bounds 0 total_tasks_atm*num_threads_atm-1 + ATM_omp_num_threads num_threads_atm + +Note that in UWM, the ATM component is normally listed first in +``ufs.configure`` so that the starting PET for the ATM is 0. + +GOCART +^^^^^^ + +GOCART shares the same grid and forecast tasks as FV3atm but it does +not have a separate write grid component in its NUOPC CAP. Also, while +GOCART does not have threading capability, it shares the same data +structure as FV3atm and so it has to use the same number of threads +used by FV3atm. Therefore, the total number of MPI ranks and threads +in GOCART is the same as the those for the FV3atm forecast component +(i.e., excluding any write grid component). Currently GOCART only runs +on the global forecast grid component, for which only one namelist is +needed. + +:: + + total_tasks_chm = FV3atm forecast tasks + + CHM_petlist_bounds: 0 total_tasks_chm*num_threads_atm-1 + CHM_omp_num_threads: num_threads_atm + +CMEPS +^^^^^ + +The mediator MPI tasks can overlap with other components and in UFS +the tasks are normally shared on the FV3atm forecast tasks. However, a +large number of tasks for the mediator is generally not recommended +since it may cause slow performance. This means that the number of +MPI tasks for CMEPS is given by + +:: + + total_tasks_med = smaller of (300, FV3atm forecast tasks) + +and in ``ufs.configure`` + +:: + + MED_petlist_bounds: 0 total_tasks_med*num_threads_atm-1 + MED_omp_num_threads: num_threads_atm + +MOM6 +^^^^ + +For MOM6 the only restriction currently on the number of MPI ranks +used by MOM6 is that it is divisible by 2. The starting PET in +``ufs.configure`` will be the last PET of the preceding component, +incremented by one. Threading in MOM6 is not recommended at this time. + +:: + + OCN_petlist_bounds: starting_OCN_PET total_tasks_ocn+starting_OCN_PET-1 + OCN_omp_num_threads: 1 + +CICE +^^^^ + +CICE requires setting the decomposition shape, the number of requested +processors and the calculated block sizes in the ``ice_in`` +namelist. In UFS, the decomposition shape is always ``SlenderX2``, +except for the 5 deg configuration, which is ``SlenderX1``. + +For ``SlenderX2`` decomposition, a given ``nprocs``, and global domain +``nx_global``, ``ny_global``, the block sizes are given by + +:: + + block_size_y = ny_global/2 + block_size_x = nx_global/(nprocs/2) + +Similarily, for ``SlenderX1`` + +:: + + block_size_y = ny_global + block_size_x = nx_global/nprocs + + +For the 1-deg CICE domain for example, ``ice_in`` would be + +:: + + nprocs = 10 + nx_global = 360 + ny_global = 320 + block_size_x = 72 + block_size_y = 160 + max_blocks = -1 + processor_shape = 'slenderX2' + + +In UFS, only a single thread is used for CICE so for ``nprocs`` set in +``ice_in``, the tasks in ``ufs.configure`` are set as: + +:: + + ICE_petlist_bounds: starting_ICE_PET nprocs+starting_ICE_PET-1 + ICE_omp_num_threads: 1 + +The starting ICE PET in ``ufs.configure`` will be the last PET of the +preceding component, incremented by one. + +WW3 +^^^ + +The WW3 component requires setting only the MPI ranks available +for WW3 and the number of threads to be used. + +:: + + WAV_petlist_bounds: starting_WAV_PET num_tasks_wav*num_threads_wav+starting_WAV_PET-1 + WAV_omp_num_threads: num_threads_wav + +The starting WAV PET in ``ufs.configure`` will be the last PET of the +preceding component, incremented by one. + -The layout and tiles settings are in ``input.nml``, and the quilt task settings are in ``model_configure`` +Example: 5-component ufs.configure +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +For the fully coupled S2SWA application, a sample ``ufs.configure`` is shown below : + + +.. code-block:: console + + ############################################# + #### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ##### + ############################################# + + # ESMF # + logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI + globalResourceControl: true + + # EARTH # + EARTH_component_list: MED ATM CHM OCN ICE WAV + EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + :: + + # MED # + MED_model: cmeps + MED_petlist_bounds: 0 767 + MED_omp_num_threads: 2 + :: + + + # ATM # + ATM_model: fv3 + ATM_petlist_bounds: 0 863 + ATM_omp_num_threads: 2 + ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = false + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + :: + + # CHM # + CHM_model: gocart + CHM_petlist_bounds: 0 767 + CHM_omp_num_threads: 2 + CHM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + :: + + # OCN # + OCN_model: mom6 + OCN_petlist_bounds: 864 983 + OCN_omp_num_threads: 1 + OCN_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = false + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ocn = mesh.mx025.nc + :: + + # ICE # + ICE_model: cice6 + ICE_petlist_bounds: 984 1031 + ICE_omp_num_threads: 1 + ICE_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = false + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ice = mesh.mx025.nc + stop_n = 3 + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + :: + + # WAV # + WAV_model: ww3 + WAV_petlist_bounds: 1032 1191 + WAV_omp_num_threads: 2 + WAV_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + OverwriteSlice = false + diro = "." + logfile = wav.log + mesh_wav = mesh.gwes_30m.nc + multigrid = false + :: + + CMEPS warm run sequence + runSeq:: + @1800 + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg + MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist + OCN + @300 + MED med_phases_prep_atm + MED med_phases_prep_ice + MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum + MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg + MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist + MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist + MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist + ATM phase1 + ATM -> CHM + CHM + CHM -> ATM + ATM phase2 + ICE + WAV + ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_atm + ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ice + WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_wav + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum + @ + OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ocn + MED med_phases_restart_write + @ + :: + + # CMEPS variables + + DRIVER_attributes:: + :: + + MED_attributes:: + ATM_model = fv3 + ICE_model = cice6 + OCN_model = mom6 + WAV_model = ww3 + history_n = 1 + history_option = nhours + history_ymd = -999 + coupling_mode = nems_frac + history_tile_atm = 384 + :: + ALLCOMP_attributes:: + ScalarFieldCount = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars + start_type = startup + restart_dir = RESTART/ + case_name = ufs.cpld + restart_n = 3 + restart_option = nhours + restart_ymd = -999 + dbug_flag = 0 + use_coldstart = false + use_mommesh = true + eps_imesh = 1.0e-1 + stop_n = 6 + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + :: diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/Glossary.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/Glossary.rst index ba105504db..e6214ba86b 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/Glossary.rst +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/Glossary.rst @@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ Glossary To transport substances in the atmostphere by :term:`advection`. advection - According to the American Meteorological Society (AMS) `definition `__, advection is "The process of transport of an atmospheric property solely by the mass motion (velocity field) of the atmosphere." In common parlance, advection is movement of atmospheric substances that are carried around by the wind. + According to the American Meteorological Society (AMS) definition, `advection `_ is "The process of transport of an atmospheric property solely by the mass motion (velocity field) of the atmosphere." In common parlance, advection is movement of atmospheric substances that are carried around by the wind. ATM The Weather Model configuration that runs only the standalone atmospheric model. AQM - The `Air Quality Model `__ (AQM) is a UFS Application that dynamically couples the Community Multiscale Air Quality (:term:`CMAQ`) model with the UFS Weather Model through the :term:`NUOPC` Layer to simulate temporal and spatial variations of atmospheric compositions (e.g., ozone and aerosol compositions). The CMAQ, treated as a column chemistry model, updates concentrations of chemical species (e.g., ozone and aerosol compositions) at each integration time step. The transport terms (e.g., :term:`advection` and diffusion) of all chemical species are handled by the UFS Weather Model as :term:`tracers`. + The `Air Quality Model `_ (AQM) is a UFS Application that dynamically couples the Community Multiscale Air Quality (:term:`CMAQ`) model with the UFS Weather Model through the :term:`NUOPC` Layer to simulate temporal and spatial variations of atmospheric compositions (e.g., ozone and aerosol compositions). The CMAQ, treated as a column chemistry model, updates concentrations of chemical species (e.g., ozone and aerosol compositions) at each integration time step. The transport terms (e.g., :term:`advection` and diffusion) of all chemical species are handled by the UFS Weather Model as :term:`tracers`. CCPP - The `Common Community Physics Package `__ is a forecast-model agnostic, vetted collection of code containing atmospheric physical parameterizations and suites of parameterizations for use in Numerical Weather Prediction (:term:`NWP`) along with a framework that connects the physics to the host forecast model. + The `Common Community Physics Package `_ is a forecast-model agnostic, vetted collection of code containing atmospheric physical parameterizations and suites of parameterizations for use in Numerical Weather Prediction (:term:`NWP`) along with a framework that connects the physics to the host forecast model. CCPP-Framework The infrastructure that connects physics schemes with a host model; also refers to a software @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ Glossary The pool of CCPP-compliant physics schemes; also refers to a software repository of the same name CDEPS - The `Community Data Models for Earth Predictive Systems `__ repository (CDEPS) contains a set of :term:`NUOPC`-compliant data components and :term:`ESMF`-based "stream" code that selectively removes feedback in coupled model systems. In essence, CDEPS handles the static Data Atmosphere (:term:`DATM`) integration with dynamic coupled model components (e.g., :term:`MOM6`). The CDEPS data models perform the basic function of reading external data files, modifying those data, and then sending the data back to the :term:`CMEPS` mediator. The fields sent to the :term:`mediator` are the same as those that would be sent by an active component. This takes advantage of the fact that the mediator and other CMEPS-compliant model components have no fundamental knowledge of whether another component is fully active or just a data component. More information about DATM is available in the `CDEPS Documentation `__. + The `Community Data Models for Earth Predictive Systems `_ repository (CDEPS) contains a set of :term:`NUOPC`-compliant data components and :term:`ESMF`-based "stream" code that selectively removes feedback in coupled model systems. In essence, CDEPS handles the static Data Atmosphere (:term:`DATM`) integration with dynamic coupled model components (e.g., :term:`MOM6`). The CDEPS data models perform the basic function of reading external data files, modifying those data, and then sending the data back to the :term:`CMEPS` mediator. The fields sent to the :term:`mediator` are the same as those that would be sent by an active component. This takes advantage of the fact that the mediator and other CMEPS-compliant model components have no fundamental knowledge of whether another component is fully active or just a data component. More information about DATM is available in the `CDEPS Documentation `_. CESM - The `Community Earth System Model `__ (CESM) is a fully-coupled global climate model developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (:term:`NCAR`) in collaboration with colleagues in the research community. + The `Community Earth System Model `_ (CESM) is a fully-coupled global climate model developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (:term:`NCAR`) in collaboration with colleagues in the research community. chgres_cube The preprocessing software used to create initial and boundary condition files to "coldstart" the forecast model. It is part of :term:`UFS_UTILS`. @@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ Glossary CICE CICE6 Sea Ice Model - `CICE `__ is a computationally efficient model for simulating the growth, melting, and movement of polar sea ice. It was designed as one component of a coupled atmosphere-ocean-land-ice global climate model. CICE has several interacting components, including a model of ice dynamics, a transport model that describes :term:`advection` of different state variables; and a vertical physics package called "Icepack". + `CICE `_ is a computationally efficient model for simulating the growth, melting, and movement of polar sea ice. It was designed as one component of a coupled atmosphere-ocean-land-ice global climate model. CICE has several interacting components, including a model of ice dynamics, a transport model that describes :term:`advection` of different state variables; and a vertical physics package called "Icepack". CMAQ - The `Community Multiscale Air Quality Model `__ (CMAQ, pronounced "cee-mak") is a numerical air quality model that predicts the concentration of airborne gases and particles and the deposition of these pollutants back to Earth's surface. The purpose of CMAQ is to provide fast, technically sound estimates of ozone, particulates, toxics, and acid deposition. CMAQ is an active open-source development project of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Code is publicly availably at https://github.com/USEPA/CMAQ. + The `Community Multiscale Air Quality Model `_ (CMAQ, pronounced "cee-mak") is a numerical air quality model that predicts the concentration of airborne gases and particles and the deposition of these pollutants back to Earth's surface. The purpose of CMAQ is to provide fast, technically sound estimates of ozone, particulates, toxics, and acid deposition. CMAQ is an active open-source development project of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Code is publicly availably at https://github.com/USEPA/CMAQ. CMEPS - The `Community Mediator for Earth Prediction Systems `__ (CMEPS) is a :term:`NUOPC`-compliant :term:`mediator` used for coupling Earth system model components. It is currently being used in NCAR's Community Earth System Model (:term:`CESM`) and NOAA's subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) coupled system. More information is available in the `CMEPS Documentation `__. + The `Community Mediator for Earth Prediction Systems `_ (CMEPS) is a :term:`NUOPC`-compliant :term:`mediator` used for coupling Earth system model components. It is currently being used in NCAR's Community Earth System Model (:term:`CESM`) and NOAA's subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) coupled system. More information is available in the `CMEPS Documentation `_. cron cron job @@ -54,18 +54,25 @@ Glossary cron table Cron is a job scheduler accessed through the command-line on UNIX-like operating systems. It is useful for automating tasks such as regression testing. Cron periodically checks a cron table (aka crontab) to see if any tasks are are ready to execute. If so, it runs them. + data assimilation + Data assimilation is the process of combining observations, model data, and error statistics to achieve the best estimate of the state of a system. One of the major sources of error in weather and climate forecasts is uncertainty related to the initial conditions that are used to generate future predictions. Even the most precise instruments have a small range of unavoidable measurement error, which means that tiny measurement errors (e.g., related to atmospheric conditions and instrument location) can compound over time. These small differences result in very similar forecasts in the short term (i.e., minutes, hours), but they cause widely divergent forecasts in the long term. Errors in weather and climate forecasts can also arise because models are imperfect representations of reality. Data assimilation systems seek to mitigate these problems by combining the most timely observational data with a "first guess" of the atmospheric state (usually a previous forecast) and other sources of data to provide a "best guess" analysis of the atmospheric state to start a weather or climate simulation. When combined with an "ensemble" of model runs (many forecasts with slightly different conditions), data assimilation helps predict a range of possible atmospheric states, giving an overall measure of uncertainty in a given forecast. + DATM - DATM is the *Data Atmosphere* component of :term:`CDEPS`. It uses static atmospheric forcing files (derived from observations or previous atmospheric model runs) instead of output from an active atmospheric model. This reduces the complexity and computational cost associated with coupling to an active atmospheric model. The *Data Atmosphere* component is particularly useful when employing computationally intensive Data Assimilation (DA) techniques to update ocean and/or sea ice fields in a coupled model. In general, use of DATM in place of :term:`ATM` can be appropriate when users are running a coupled model and only want certain components of the model to be active. More information about DATM is available in the `CDEPS Documentation `__. + DATM is the *Data Atmosphere* component of :term:`CDEPS`. It uses static atmospheric forcing files (derived from observations or previous atmospheric model runs) instead of output from an active atmospheric model. This reduces the complexity and computational cost associated with coupling to an active atmospheric model. The *Data Atmosphere* component is particularly useful when employing computationally intensive Data Assimilation (DA) techniques to update ocean and/or sea ice fields in a coupled model. In general, use of DATM in place of :term:`ATM` can be appropriate when users are running a coupled model and only want certain components of the model to be active. More information about DATM is available in the `CDEPS DATM Documentation `_. + + DOCN + DOCN is the *Data Ocean* component of :term:`CDEPS`. It uses static ocean forcing files (derived from observations or previous ocean model runs) instead of output from an active ocean model. This reduces the complexity and computational cost associated with coupling to an active ocean model. The *Data Ocean* component is particularly useful when employing computationally intensive Data Assimilation (DA) techniques to update atmospheric fields in a coupled model. In general, use of DOCN in place of :term:`MOM6` or :term:`HYCOM` can be appropriate when users are running a coupled model and only want certain components of the model to be active. More information about DOCN is available in the `CDEPS DOCN Documentation `_. dycore dynamical core Global atmospheric model based on fluid dynamics principles, including Euler's equations of motion. EMC - The `Environmental Modeling Center `__ is one of :term:`NCEP`'s nine centers and leads the :term:`National Weather Service `'s modeling efforts. + The `Environmental Modeling Center `_ is one of :term:`NCEP`'s nine centers and leads the :term:`National Weather Service `'s modeling efforts. + ESMF - `Earth System Modeling Framework `__. The ESMF defines itself as "a suite of software tools for developing high-performance, multi-component Earth science modeling applications." It is a community-developed software infrastructure for building and coupling models. + `Earth System Modeling Framework `_. The ESMF defines itself as "a suite of software tools for developing high-performance, multi-component Earth science modeling applications." It is a community-developed software infrastructure for building and coupling models. FMS The Flexible Modeling System (FMS) is a software framework for supporting the efficient @@ -75,51 +82,67 @@ Glossary FV3 FV3 dycore FV3 dynamical core - The Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere :term:`dynamical core` (dycore). Developed at NOAA's `Geophysical - Fluid Dynamics Laboratory `__ (GFDL), it is a scalable and flexible dycore capable of both hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic atmospheric simulations. It is the dycore used in the UFS Weather Model. + The Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere :term:`dynamical core` (dycore). Developed at NOAA's Geophysical + Fluid Dynamics Laboratory `(GFDL) `_, it is a scalable and flexible dycore capable of both hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic atmospheric simulations. It is the dycore used in the UFS Weather Model. GOCART NASA's Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) model simulates the distribution of major tropospheric aerosol types, including sulfate, dust, organic carbon (OC), black carbon (BC), and sea salt aerosols. The UFS Weather Model integrates a prognostic aerosol component using GOCART. The code is publicly available on GitHub at https://github.com/GEOS-ESM/GOCART. HPC-Stack - The `HPC-Stack `__ is a repository that provides a unified, shell script-based build system for building the software stack required for numerical weather prediction (NWP) tools such as the `Unified Forecast System (UFS) `__ and the `Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) `__ framework. + The `HPC-Stack `_ is a repository that provides a unified, shell script-based build system for building the software stack required for numerical weather prediction (NWP) tools such as the `Unified Forecast System (UFS) `_ and the `Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) `_ framework. HAFS - The Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (`HAFS `__) is a :term:`UFS` application for hurricane forecasting. It is an :term:`FV3`-based multi-scale model and data assimilation (DA) system capable of providing analyses and forecasts of the inner core structure of tropical cyclones (TC) --- including hurricanes and typhoons --- out to 7 days. This is key to improving size and intensity predictions. HAFS also provides analyses and forecasts of the large-scale environment that is known to influence a TC's motion. HAFS development targets an operational analysis and forecast system for hurricane forecasters with reliable, robust and skillful guidance on TC track and intensity (including rapid intensification), storm size, genesis, storm surge, rainfall, and tornadoes associated with TCs. Currently, HAFS is under active development with collaborative efforts among NCEP/EMC, AOML/HRD, GFDL, ESRL/GSD, ESRL/NESII, OFCM/AOC, and NCAR/DTC. + The Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (`HAFS `_) is a :term:`UFS` application for hurricane forecasting. It is an :term:`FV3`-based multi-scale model and data assimilation (DA) system capable of providing analyses and forecasts of the inner core structure of tropical cyclones (TC) --- including hurricanes and typhoons --- out to 7 days. This is key to improving size and intensity predictions. HAFS also provides analyses and forecasts of the large-scale environment that is known to influence a TC's motion. HAFS development targets an operational analysis and forecast system for hurricane forecasters with reliable, robust and skillful guidance on TC track and intensity (including rapid intensification), storm size, genesis, storm surge, rainfall, and tornadoes associated with TCs. Currently, HAFS is under active development with collaborative efforts among NCEP/EMC, AOML/HRD, GFDL, ESRL/GSD, ESRL/NESII, OFCM/AOC, and NCAR/DTC. + + HPSS + High Performance Storage System (HPSS). HYCOM - The HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (`HYCOM `__) was developed to address known shortcomings in the vertical coordinate scheme of the Miami Isopycnic-Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM). HYCOM is a primitive equation, general circulation model with vertical coordinates that remain isopycnic in the open, stratified ocean. However, the isopycnal vertical coordinates smoothly transition to z-coordinates in the weakly stratified upper-ocean mixed layer, to terrain-following sigma coordinates in shallow water regions, and back to z-level coordinates in very shallow water. The latter transition prevents layers from becoming too thin where the water is very shallow. See the `HYCOM User's Guide `__ for more information on using the model. The `HYCOM model code `__ is publicly available on GitHub. + The HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (`HYCOM `_) was developed to address known shortcomings in the vertical coordinate scheme of the Miami Isopycnic-Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM). HYCOM is a primitive equation, general circulation model with vertical coordinates that remain isopycnic in the open, stratified ocean. However, the isopycnal vertical coordinates smoothly transition to z-coordinates in the weakly stratified upper-ocean mixed layer, to terrain-following sigma coordinates in shallow water regions, and back to z-level coordinates in very shallow water. The latter transition prevents layers from becoming too thin where the water is very shallow. See the `HYCOM User's Guide `_ for more information on using the model. The `HYCOM model code `_ is publicly available on GitHub. + ICs + Initial conditions + + LM4 + NUOPC NOAA-GFDL Land Model version 4 + + LND + land component + The Noah Multi-Physics (Noah-MP) land surface model (LSM) is an open-source, community-developed LSM that has been incorporated into the UFS Weather Model (WM). It is the UFS WM's land component. + Mediator A mediator, sometimes called a coupler, is a software component that includes code for representing component interactions. Typical operations include merging data fields, ensuring consistent treatment of coastlines, computing fluxes, and temporal averaging. MOM MOM6 Modular Ocean Model - MOM6 is the latest generation of the Modular Ocean Model. It is numerical model code for simulating the ocean general circulation. MOM6 was originally developed by the `Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory `__. Currently, `MOM6 code `__ and an `extensive suite of test cases `__ are available under an open-development software framework. Although there are many public forks of MOM6, the `NOAA EMC fork `__ is used in the UFS Weather Model. + MOM6 is the latest generation of the Modular Ocean Model. It is numerical model code for simulating the ocean general circulation. MOM6 was originally developed by the `Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory `_. Currently, `MOM6 code `_ and an `extensive suite of test cases `_ are available under an open-development software framework. Although there are many public forks of MOM6, the `NOAA EMC fork `_ is used in the UFS Weather Model. MRW MRW App - The `Medium-Range Weather Application `__ is a UFS Application that targets predictions of atmospheric behavior out to about two weeks. It packages a prognostic atmospheric model (the UFS Weather Model), pre- and post-processing tools, and a community workflow. + The `Medium-Range Weather Application `_ is a UFS Application that targets predictions of atmospheric behavior out to about two weeks. It packages a prognostic atmospheric model (the UFS Weather Model), pre- and post-processing tools, and a community workflow. NCAR - The `National Center for Atmospheric Research `__. + The `National Center for Atmospheric Research `_. NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) is a branch of the :term:`National Weather Service ` and consists of nine centers, including the :term:`Environmental Modeling Center `. More information can be found at https://www.ncep.noaa.gov. NCEPLIBS The software libraries created and maintained by :term:`NCEP` that are required for running - :term:`chgres_cube`, the UFS Weather Model, and the :term:`UPP`. They are included in the `HPC-Stack `__ and in `spack-stack `__. + :term:`chgres_cube`, the UFS Weather Model, and the :term:`UPP`. They are included in `spack-stack `__ and `HPC-Stack `__. NCEPLIBS-external A collection of third-party libraries required to build :term:`NCEPLIBS`, :term:`chgres_cube`, - the UFS Weather Model, and the :term:`UPP`. They are included in the :term:`HPC-Stack` and in :term:`spack-stack`. + the UFS Weather Model, and the :term:`UPP`. They are included in :term:`spack-stack` and :term:`HPC-Stack`. NEMS The NOAA Environmental Modeling System is a common modeling framework whose purpose is to streamline components of operational modeling suites at :term:`NCEP`. + netCDF + NetCDF (`Network Common Data Form `__) is a file format and community standard for storing multidimensional scientific data. It includes a set of software libraries and machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data. + NG-GODAS Next Generation-Global Ocean Data Assimilation System. NG-GODAS is a UFS Weather Model configuration that couples ocean (:term:`MOM6`), sea ice (:term:`CICE6`), and Data Assimilation (DA) capabilities with the :term:`DATM` component of :term:`CDEPS`. @@ -144,13 +167,20 @@ Glossary Post-processor Software that enhances the value of the raw forecasts produced by the modeling application to make them more useful. At :term:`NCEP`, the :term:`UPP` (Unified Post Processor) software is used to convert data from spectral to gridded format, de-stagger grids, interpolate data vertically (e.g., to isobaric levels) and horizontally (to various predefined grids), and to compute derived variables. Some types of post-processors, such as statistical post-processors, use historical information of previous runs and observations to de-bias and calibrate its output. + RDHPCS + NOAA Research & Development High-Performance Computing Systems. + + RT + Regression test + Tests to validate that software still performs as expected after a change. In general, RTs ensure that the code should produce the same results and performance, within predefined measures of variance. When a code change is designed to change results or performance, then a new baseline is created. From these baselines, regression tests determine whether a change has occurred. + SRW SRW App Short-Range Weather Application - The `Short-Range Weather Application `__ is a UFS Application that targets predictions of atmospheric behavior on a limited spatial domain and on time scales from minutes out to about two days. It packages a prognostic atmospheric model (the UFS Weather Model), pre- and post-processing tools, and a community workflow. + The `Short-Range Weather Application `_ is a UFS Application that targets predictions of atmospheric behavior on a limited spatial domain and on time scales from minutes out to about two days. It packages a prognostic atmospheric model (the UFS Weather Model), pre- and post-processing tools, and a community workflow. spack-stack - The `spack-stack `__ is a collaborative effort between the NOAA Environmental Modeling Center (EMC), the UCAR Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA), and the Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC). *spack-stack* is a repository that provides a Spack-based method for building the software stack required for numerical weather prediction (NWP) tools such as the `Unified Forecast System (UFS) `__ and the `Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) `__ framework. *spack-stack* uses the Spack package manager along with custom Spack configuration files and Python scripts to simplify installation of the libraries required to run various applications. The *spack-stack* can be installed on a range of platforms and comes pre-configured for many systems. Users can install the necessary packages for a particular application and later add the missing packages for another application without having to rebuild the entire stack. + The `spack-stack `_ is a collaborative effort between the NOAA Environmental Modeling Center (EMC), the UCAR Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA), and the Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC). *spack-stack* is a repository that provides a Spack-based method for building the software stack required for numerical weather prediction (NWP) tools such as the `Unified Forecast System (UFS) `_ and the `Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) `_ framework. *spack-stack* uses the Spack package manager along with custom Spack configuration files and Python scripts to simplify installation of the libraries required to run various applications. The *spack-stack* can be installed on a range of platforms and comes pre-configured for many systems. Users can install the necessary packages for a particular application and later add the missing packages for another application without having to rebuild the entire stack. Suite Definition File (SDF) An external file containing information about the @@ -163,20 +193,20 @@ Glossary well together tracer - According to the American Meteorological Society (AMS) `definition `__, a tracer is "Any substance in the atmosphere that can be used to track the history [i.e., movement] of an air mass." Tracers are carried around by the motion of the atmosphere (i.e., by :term:`advection`). These substances are usually gases (e.g., water vapor, CO2), but they can also be non-gaseous (e.g., rain drops in microphysics parameterizations). In weather models, temperature (or potential temperature), absolute humidity, and radioactivity are also usually treated as tracers. According to AMS, "The main requirement for a tracer is that its lifetime be substantially longer than the transport process under study." + According to the American Meteorological Society (AMS) definition, a `tracer `_ is "Any substance in the atmosphere that can be used to track the history [i.e., movement] of an air mass." Tracers are carried around by the motion of the atmosphere (i.e., by :term:`advection`). These substances are usually gases (e.g., water vapor, CO2), but they can also be non-gaseous (e.g., rain drops in microphysics parameterizations). In weather models, temperature (or potential temperature), absolute humidity, and radioactivity are also usually treated as tracers. According to AMS, "The main requirement for a tracer is that its lifetime be substantially longer than the transport process under study." UFS Unified Forecast System The Unified Forecast System (UFS) is a community-based, coupled, comprehensive Earth system modeling system. The UFS numerical applications span regional to global domains - and sub-hourly to seasonal time scales. The UFS is designed to support the :term:`Weather Enterprise` and to be the source system for NOAA's operational numerical weather prediction (:term:`NWP`) applications. For more information, visit https://ufscommunity.org/. + and sub-hourly to seasonal time scales. The UFS is designed to support the :term:`Weather Enterprise` and to be the source system for NOAA's operational numerical weather prediction (:term:`NWP`) applications. For more information, visit https://ufs.epic.noaa.gov/. UFS_UTILS - The UFS Utilities repository (`UFS_UTILS `__) contains a collection of pre-processing programs for use with the UFS Weather Model and UFS applications. These programs set up the model grid and create coldstart initial conditions. The code is publicly available on the `UFS_UTILS `__ Github repository. + The UFS Utilities repository (`UFS_UTILS `_) contains a collection of pre-processing programs for use with the UFS Weather Model and UFS applications. These programs set up the model grid and create coldstart initial conditions. The code is publicly available in the `UFS_UTILS GitHub repository `_. UPP Unified Post Processor - The `Unified Post Processor `__ is the :term:`post-processor` software developed at :term:`NCEP`. It is used operationally to + The `Unified Post Processor `_ is the :term:`post-processor` software developed at :term:`NCEP`. It is used operationally to convert the raw output from a variety of :term:`NCEP`'s :term:`NWP` models, including the :term:`FV3 dycore`, to a more useful form. WW3 @@ -192,6 +222,6 @@ Glossary A prognostic model that can be used for short- and medium-range research and operational forecasts. It can be an atmosphere-only model or be an atmospheric model coupled with one or more additional components, such as a wave or ocean model. - The UFS Weather Model repository is publicly available on `GitHub `__. + The UFS Weather Model repository is publicly available on `GitHub `_. diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/HSD.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/HSD.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..199848ae69 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/HSD.rst @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +.. role:: raw-html(raw) + :format: html + +.. _hsd: + +******************************************** +Hierarchical System Development (HSD) Cases +******************************************** + +Hierarchical System Development is the ability to engage in development and testing at multiple levels of complexity in numerical weather prediction (NWP) software (such as the :term:`UFS`). It typically includes multiple entry points into development (e.g., atmospheric physics, ocean and ice dynamics, or data assimilation for land models and other earth system components), and it can include both operationally relevant and idealized configurations. + +Although the UFS Weather Model (WM) can be run in any of several configurations, from a single-component atmospheric model to a fully coupled model with multiple earth system components (e.g., atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice, land, mediator), this chapter documents just a few of the cases designed to support hierarchical system development (HSD) within the UFS. Additionally, it explains how to run cases in a container when users do not have access to NOAA :term:`RDHPC systems `. + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 3 + + CAPE2020 + baroclinic_wave + HSDcontainer + +Currently, users can find information on running the following HSD cases: + + * The :ref:`July 2020 CAPE Case ` + * The :ref:`Baroclinic Instability Case ` + +For a full list of supported WM configurations, view the `rt.conf `_ file. + +.. attention:: + + This chapter is a work in progress. There are a multitude of options for configuring the UFS WM, + and this chapter merely details a few supported configurations. It will be expanded over time + to include a wide variety of idealized test cases for use in research and testing. diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/HSDcontainer.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/HSDcontainer.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..58c6bd9aae --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/HSDcontainer.rst @@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ +.. role:: raw-html(raw) + :format: html + +.. _hsd-container: + +********************************************** +Running UFS WM Idealized Cases in a Container +********************************************** + +This chapter provides instructions for running the Unified Forecast System (:term:`UFS`) Weather Model (WM) Hierarchical System Develop (HSD) cases using a `Singularity/Apptainer `_ container. Normally, the details of building and running Earth system models will vary based on the computing platform because there are many possible combinations of operating systems, compilers, :term:`MPIs `, and package versions available. Installation via Singularity/Apptainer container reduces this variability and allows for a smoother experience building and running the UFS WM. This approach is recommended for users not running the UFS WM on a supported :wm-wiki:`Level 1 ` system (e.g., Hera, Orion). + +This chapter provides instructions for building and running the Unified Forecast System UFS WM HSD cases using a container. Currently, users can select from the following cases: + + * The :ref:`July 2020 CAPE Case ` + * The :ref:`Baroclinic Instability Case ` + +.. attention:: + + This chapter of the User's Guide should **only** be used for container builds. For non-container builds, see the chapters above for instructions on how to run individual cases. These chapters describe the steps for configuring and running the UFS WM HSD cases on a :wm-wiki:`Level 1 System ` **without** a container. + +.. _Prereqs: + +Prerequisites +***************** + +The containerized version of the UFS WM requires: + + * `Installation of Apptainer `_ (or its predecessor, Singularity) + * At least 240 CPU cores with individual nodes capable of running more than 40 tasks + * An **Intel** compiler and :term:`MPI` (available for `free here `_) + * The `Slurm `_ job scheduler + + +Install Apptainer +================== + +.. note:: + + As of November 2021, the Linux-supported version of Singularity has been `renamed `_ to *Apptainer*. Apptainer has maintained compatibility with Singularity, so ``singularity`` commands should work with either Singularity or Apptainer (see `compatibility details here `_.) + +To configure and run the HSD cases using a Apptainer container, first install the software according to the `Apptainer Installation Guide `_. This will include the installation of all dependencies. + +.. attention:: + Docker containers can only be run with root privileges, and users generally do not have root privileges on :term:`HPCs `. However, an Apptainer image may be built directly from a Docker image for use on the system. + +.. _DownloadContainer: + +Build the Container +********************** + +.. _CloudHPC: + +Set Environment Variables +============================= + +For users working on systems with limited disk space in their ``/home`` directory, it is important to set the ``SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR`` and ``SINGULARITY_TMPDIR`` environment variables to point to a location with adequate disk space. For example: + +.. code-block:: + + export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/absolute/path/to/writable/directory/cache + export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=/absolute/path/to/writable/directory/tmp + +where ``/absolute/path/to/writable/directory/`` refers to a writable directory (usually a project or user directory within ``/lustre``, ``/work``, ``/scratch``, or ``/glade`` on NOAA :term:`RDHPCS` systems). If the ``cache`` and ``tmp`` directories do not already exist, they must be created with the ``mkdir`` command. + +On NOAA Cloud systems, the ``sudo su`` command may also be required. For example, users would run: + +.. code-block:: + + mkdir /lustre/cache + mkdir /lustre/tmp + sudo su + export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/lustre/cache + export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=/lustre/tmp + exit + +.. note:: + ``/lustre`` is a fast but non-persistent file system used on NOAA Cloud systems. To retain work completed in this directory, `tar the files `_ and move them to the ``/contrib`` directory, which is much slower but persistent. + +.. COMMENT: + +.. _ContainerBuild: + +Build the Container +====================== + +Set a top-level directory location for UFS WM work, and navigate to it. For example: + +.. code-block:: console + + mkdir /path/to/hsd + cd /path/to/hsd + export HSD=`pwd` + +where ``/path/to/hsd`` is the path to this top-level directory (e.g., ``/Users/Joe.Schmoe/hsd``). + +.. hint:: + If a ``singularity: command not found`` error message appears in any of the following steps, try running: ``module load singularity`` or ``module load apptainer``. + +NOAA RDHPCS Systems +---------------------- + +On many NOAA :term:`RDHPCS`, a container named ``ubuntu22.04-intel-wm-dev-hsd-test.img`` has already been built, and users may access the container at the locations in :numref:`Table %s `. + +.. _PreBuiltContainers: + +.. table:: Locations of Pre-Built Containers + + +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | Machine | File location | + +====================+========================================================+ + | Gaea | /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/containers | + +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | Hera | /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/containers | + +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | Jet | /mnt/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/containers | + +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | NOAA Cloud [#fn]_ | /contrib/EPIC/containers | + +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + | Orion/Hercules | /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/contrib/containers | + +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ + +.. [#fn] The CAPE case can run on the NOAA Cloud ParallelWorks (PW) platforms, but the baroclinic wave case cannot. + +Users can simply set an environment variable to point to the container: + +.. code-block:: console + + export img=path/to/ubuntu22.04-intel-wm-dev-hsd-test.img + +If users prefer, they may copy the container to their local working directory. For example, on Jet: + +.. code-block:: console + + cp /mnt/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/containers/ubuntu22.04-intel-wm-dev-hsd-test.img . + +Other Systems +---------------- + +On other systems, users can build the Singularity container from a public Docker :term:`container` image or download the ``ubuntu22.04-intel-wm-dev-hsd-test.img`` container from the `UFS Hierarchical Testing Framework (HTF) Data Bucket `_. Downloading may be faster depending on the download speed on the user's system. Note that the container in the data bucket is from the November 20, 2024 ``develop`` branch. + +To download from the data bucket, users can run: + +.. code-block:: console + + wget https://noaa-ufs-htf-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20241115/ubuntu22.04-intel-wm-dev-hsd-test.img + +To build the container from a Docker image, users can run: + +.. code-block:: console + + singularity build --force ubuntu22.04-intel-wm-dev-hsd-test.img docker://noaaepic/ubuntu22.04-intel21.10-wm:ue160-fms202401-dev + +This process may take several hours depending on the system. + +.. note:: + + Some users may need to issue the ``singularity build`` command with ``sudo`` (i.e., ``sudo singularity build...``). Whether ``sudo`` is required is system-dependent. If ``sudo`` is required (or desired) for building the container, users should set the ``SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR`` and ``SINGULARITY_TMPDIR`` environment variables with ``sudo su``, as in the NOAA Cloud example from :numref:`Section %s ` above. + +.. _GetDataC: + +Get Data +*********** + +In order to run the UFS WM HSD cases, users will need both fix files and model input data. These files are already present on :wm-wiki:`Level 1 ` systems. + +Users on any system may download and untar the data from the `UFS Hierarchical Testing Framework (HTF) Data Bucket `_ into their ``$HSD`` directory. + +.. code-block:: console + + cd $HSD + wget https://noaa-ufs-htf-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20241115/HSD_fix_files_and_case_data.tar.gz + tar xvfz HSD_fix_files_and_case_data.tar.gz + +.. _RunContainer: + +Run the Container +******************** + +To run the container, users must: + + #. :ref:`Set up the container ` + #. :ref:`Configure the experiment ` + #. :ref:`Run the experiment ` + +.. _SetUpContainer: + +Set Up the Container +======================= + +Save the location of the container in an environment variable. + +.. code-block:: console + + export img=/path/to/ubuntu22.04-intel-wm-dev-hsd-test.img + +Users may convert a container ``.img`` file to a writable sandbox. This step is optional and unnecessary on most systems (it can take several hours): + +.. code-block:: console + + singularity build --sandbox ubuntu22.04-intel-wm-dev-hsd-test $img + +When making a writable sandbox on NOAA :term:`RDHPCS`, the following warnings commonly appear and can be ignored: + +.. code-block:: console + + INFO: Starting build... + INFO: Verifying bootstrap image ubuntu22.04-intel-wm-dev-hsd-test.img + WARNING: integrity: signature not found for object group 1 + WARNING: Bootstrap image could not be verified, but build will continue. + +From within the ``$HSD`` directory, copy the ``stage-rt.sh`` script out of the container. + +.. code-block:: console + + singularity exec -H $PWD $img cp /opt/stage-rt.sh . + +The ``stage-rt.sh`` script should now be in the ``$HSD`` directory. If for some reason, the previous command was unsuccessful, users may try a version of the following command instead: + +.. code-block:: console + + singularity exec -B /:/ $img cp /opt/stage-rt.sh . + +where ```` and ```` are replaced with a top-level directory on the local system and in the container, respectively. Additional directories can be bound by adding another ``-B /:/`` argument before the container location (``$img``). Note that if previous steps included a ``sudo`` command, ``sudo`` may be required in front of this command. + +.. note:: + + Sometimes binding directories with different names can cause problems. In general, it is recommended that the local base directory and the container directory have the same name. For example, if the host system's top-level directory is ``/user1234``, the user may want to convert the ``.img`` file to a writable sandbox and create a ``user1234`` directory in the sandbox to bind to. + +Run the ``stage-rt.sh`` script with the proper arguments. + +.. code-block:: console + + ./stage-rt.sh -c= -m= [-p=] -i=$img + +where: + + * ``-c`` is the compiler on the user's local machine (e.g., ``intel/2022.1.2``) + * ``-m`` is the :term:`MPI` on the user's local machine (e.g., ``impi/2022.1.2``) + * ``-p`` refers to the local machine/platform (e.g., ``hera``, ``jet``, ``gaea``, ``noaacloud``). Required for Gaea and Jet only. + * ``-i`` is the full path to the container image (e.g., ``$img`` or ``$HSD/ubuntu22.04-intel-wm-dev-hsd-test.img``). + +.. note:: + + When using a Singularity container, Intel compilers and Intel :term:`MPI` (preferably 2020 versions or newer) need to be available on the host system to properly launch MPI jobs. Generally, this is accomplished by loading a module with a recent Intel compiler and then loading the corresponding Intel MPI. + +When this command runs, ``stage-rt.sh`` will print the following message to the console: + +.. code-block:: console + + Copying out ufs-weather-model repo from the container + Set run_test.sh to use exe in the container + Updating compiler and mpi in fv3_slurm.IN_singularity + Creating ufs_singularity.intel.lua + Tricking ufs_test.sh file + Updating various files with host paths + Done + +Additionally, the user should see the ``ufs-weather-model`` directory in the ``$HSD`` directory (``ls``). + +.. note:: + + Gaea and Jet: + * Gaea uses a different compiler and MPI to run with the container: ``-c=intel-classic/2023.2.0 -m=cray-mpich/8.1.28`` + * On Jet, ``cd`` to ``/mnt`` first before navigating to individual user workspaces to use the container. + +.. _ConfigureExptC: + +Configure the Experiment +=========================== + +To configure the experiment, users may need to update the ``default_vars.sh`` script and/or the ``machine_singularity.config`` files. + +Module Modification +-------------------- + +The machine configuration file is located at ``ufs-weather-model/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_singularity.config``. It assumes that Rocoto can be loaded via ``module load`` command from the host machine's initial state. If an additional path or module needs to be loaded, modify the ``machine_singularity.config`` to reflect those additions. For example, if the Rocoto package is found within the ``contrib`` module, add ``module load contrib`` before the ``module load rocoto`` statement in the machine configuration file. + +Host Machine Modifications +--------------------------- + +Default variables for regression tests and HSD tests are set in the ``default_vars.sh`` script in the ``ufs-weather-model/tests`` directory copied *from the container*. The individual test scripts (e.g., ``baroclinic_wave``, ``2020_CAPE``) override these variables where necessary. However, when running the HSD cases in a container, the tasks-per-node (TPN) variables in the singularity section need to be modified to reflect the user's host machine TPN configuration. + +Test Configuration +-------------------- + +Additional configuration may be needed for the specific test the user plans to run. For information on test-specific configuration, view the information for specific tests: + + * The :ref:`July 2020 CAPE Test Configuration ` + * The :ref:`Baroclinic Instability Test Configuration ` + +.. _RunExptC: + +Run the Experiment +===================== + +To start the experiment, run: + +.. code-block:: console + + cd $HSD/ufs-weather-model/tests-dev + ./ufs_test.sh -a -s -c -k -r -n " " + +where: + +* ````: Account/project number for batch jobs. +* ````: Name of the test case (e.g., ``2020_CAPE`` or ``baroclinic_wave``). +* ````: Compiler used for the tests (``intel`` or ``gnu``). + +The script will loop until it runs both tasks or crashes. ``rococtostat`` can be used to track its progress; see the :ref:`Track Progress ` section for details. + +.. _TrackProgress: + +Track Progress +---------------- + +To check on the job status, users on a system with a Slurm job scheduler may run (usually in a separate terminal window): + +.. code-block:: console + + squeue -u $USER + +To view the experiment status, make sure that rocoto is loaded and run: + +.. code-block:: console + + rocotostat -w rocoto_workflow.xml -d rocoto_workflow.db -v 10 + +It will print a status table: + +.. code-block:: console + + CYCLE TASK JOBID STATE EXIT STATUS TRIES DURATION + =========================================================================================== + 197001010000 compile_atm_dyn32_intel 1 RUNNING - 0 0.0 + 197001010000 2020_CAPE_intel - - - - - + +If the job hangs or otherwise fails, stop the workflow in the active terminal using ``(Ctrl+C)``. To resubmit the experiment, remove the ``rocoto_workflow*`` files and lock directory before rerunning the ``ufs_test.sh`` script again: + +.. code-block:: console + + rm -rf rocoto_workflow* lock + +.. _CheckExptOutput: + +Check Experiment Output +------------------------- + +If the experiment completes successfully, the loop will exit with output similar to the following: + +.. code-block:: console + :emphasize-lines: 1, 2, 11 + + Rocoto workflow has completed. + + return 0 + + [[ true == true ]] + + [[ '' != '' ]] + ++ date '+%Y%m%d %T' + + TEST_END_TIME='20241115 16:43:41' + + export TEST_END_TIME + + python -c 'import create_log; create_log.finish_log()' + running: /usr/bin/singularity exec --env-file /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/User.Name/hsd-test/new-cont/ufs-weather-model/container-scripts/ufswm.env -B /scratch1:/scratch1 /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/User.Name/hsd-test/new-cont/ubuntu22.04-intel-wm-dev-hsd-test.img python tmp_arg_file.py + Performing Cleanup... + REGRESSION TEST RESULT: SUCCESS + + echo 'ufs_test.sh finished' + ufs_test.sh finished + + cleanup + ++ awk '{print $2}' + + PID_LOCK=2947803 + + [[ 2947803 == \2\9\4\7\8\0\3 ]] + + rm -rf /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/User.Name/hsd-test/new-cont/ufs-weather-model/tests-dev/lock + + [[ false == true ]] + + trap 0 + + exit + +The experiment output can be found under the run directory (``${PTMP}/${USER}/FV3_RT/rt_${pid}``), which will contain two subdirectories, two log files, and two environment variable files (one for the compile task and one for the experiment task). For example: + +.. code-block:: console + + $ ls run_dir/ + baroclinic_wave_intel compile_atm_dyn32_intel compile_atm_dyn32_intel.log + baroclinic_wave_intel.log compile_atm_dyn32_intel.env run_test_baroclinic_wave_intel.env diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/InputsOutputs.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/InputsOutputs.rst index 31e3280b80..2ad87b2f74 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/InputsOutputs.rst +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/InputsOutputs.rst @@ -4,44 +4,50 @@ Data: Input, Model Configuration, and Output Files ***************************************************** -The UFS Weather Model can be run in one of several configurations, from a single component atmospheric +The UFS Weather Model can be run in one of several configurations (sometimes referred to as "applications"), from a single-component atmospheric model to a fully coupled model with multiple earth system components (e.g., atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice and -mediator). Currently the supported configurations are: +mediator). Currently, supported configurations include: .. _UFS-configurations: .. list-table:: *Supported ufs-weather-model applications* :widths: 10 70 :header-rows: 1 - + * - Configuration Name - Description - * - ATM - - Standalone UFSAtm - * - ATMW - - UFSAtm coupled to WW3 - * - ATMAERO - - UFSAtm coupled to GOCART - * - ATMAQ - - UFSAtm coupled to CMAQ - * - S2S - - Coupled UFSATM-MOM6-CICE6-CMEPS - * - S2SA - - Coupled UFSATM-MOM6-CICE6-GOCART-CMEPS - * - S2SW - - Coupled UFSATM-MOM6-CICE6-WW3-CMEPS - * - S2SWA - - Coupled UFSATM-MOM6-CICE6-WW3-GOCART-CMEPS - * - NG-GODAS - - Coupled CDEPS-DATM-MOM6-CICE6-CMEPS - * - HAFS - - Coupled UFSATM-HYCOM-CMEPS - * - HAFSW - - Coupled UFSATM-HYCOM-WW3-CMEPS - * - HAFS-ALL - - Coupled CDEPS-UFSATM-HYCOM-WW3-CMEPS - -Each of the component models for a given configuration requires specific input files, and each component model outputs a particular set of files. Each configuration requires a set of model configuration files, as well. This chapter describes the input and output files involved with each component model. It also discusses the various configuration files involved in running the model. Users will need to view the input file requirements for each component model involved in the configuration they are running. For example, users running the *S2S* configuration would need to gather input data required for the *ATM*, *MOM6*, and *CICE6* component models. Then, they would need to alter certain model configuration files to reflect the ``ufs-weather-model`` configuration they plan to run. + * - :ref:`ATM ` + - Standalone Atmospheric Model (:term:`ATM`) + * - :ref:`ATMW ` + - :term:`ATM` coupled to :term:`WW3` + * - :ref:`ATMAERO ` + - :term:`ATM` coupled to :term:`GOCART` + * - :ref:`ATMAQ ` + - :term:`ATM` coupled to :term:`CMAQ` + * - :ref:`ATML ` + - :term:`ATM` coupled to :term:`LND` + * - :ref:`S2S ` + - Coupled :term:`ATM` - :term:`MOM6` - :term:`CICE6` - :term:`CMEPS` + * - :ref:`S2SA ` + - Coupled :term:`ATM` - :term:`MOM6` - :term:`CICE6` - :term:`GOCART` - :term:`CMEPS` + * - :ref:`S2SW ` + - Coupled :term:`ATM` - :term:`MOM6` - :term:`CICE6` - :term:`WW3` - :term:`CMEPS` + * - :ref:`S2SWA ` + - Coupled :term:`ATM` - :term:`MOM6` - :term:`CICE6` - :term:`GOCART` - :term:`WW3` - :term:`CMEPS` + * - :ref:`NG-GODAS ` + - Coupled :term:`CDEPS` - :term:`DATM` - :term:`MOM6` - :term:`CICE6` - :term:`CMEPS` + * - :ref:`LND ` + - Coupled :term:`CDEPS` - :term:`DATM` - :term:`LND` -:term:`CMEPS` + * - :ref:`HAFS ` + - Coupled :term:`ATM` - :term:`HYCOM` - :term:`CMEPS` + * - :ref:`HAFSW ` + - Coupled :term:`ATM` - :term:`HYCOM` - :term:`WW3` - :term:`CMEPS` + * - :ref:`HAFS-ALL ` + - Coupled :term:`CDEPS` - :term:`ATM` - :term:`HYCOM` - :term:`WW3` - :term:`CMEPS` + +.. COMMENT: Should HAFS-ALL be DATM instead of ATM? + +This chapter describes the input and output files needed for executing the model in the various supported configurations (see :numref:`Table %s `). Each of the component models for a given configuration requires specific input files, and each component model outputs a particular set of files. Each configuration requires a set of model configuration files, as well. This chapter describes the input and output files involved with each component model. It also discusses the various configuration files involved in running the model. Users will need to view the input file requirements for each component model involved in the configuration they are running. For example, users running the *S2S* configuration would need to gather input data required for the *ATM*, *MOM6*, and *CICE6* component models. Then, they would need to alter certain model configuration files to reflect the ``ufs-weather-model`` configuration that they plan to run. ============= Input files @@ -55,9 +61,14 @@ There are three types of files needed to execute a run: Information on the first two types of file appears in detail below for each component model. Information on Model Configuration files can be viewed in :numref:`Section %s `. +.. _atm-in: + ------- ATM ------- + +.. _atm-fix-files: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Static Datasets (i.e., *fix files*) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @@ -121,6 +132,8 @@ The static input files for global configurations are listed and described in :nu * - solarconstant_noaa_an.txt - External solar constant data table +.. _atm-grid-ic-files: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Grid Description and Initial Condition Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @@ -186,9 +199,14 @@ The input files containing grid information and the initial conditions for globa - Surface properties for grid tile 7 - ✔ +.. _mom-in: + ------- MOM6 ------- + +.. _mom-fix-files: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Static Datasets (i.e., *fix files*) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @@ -232,8 +250,10 @@ The static input files for global configurations are listed and described in :nu - climatological 2-d background harmonic viscosities - 1.00 +.. _mom-grid-ic-files: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -Grid description and initial condition files +Grid Description and Initial Condition Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The input files containing grid information and the initial conditions for global configurations are listed and described in :numref:`Table %s `. @@ -301,9 +321,14 @@ The input files containing grid information and the initial conditions for globa - 1.00, 0.50, 0.25 - ✔ +.. _hycom-in: + ------- HYCOM ------- + +.. _hycom-fix-files: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Static Datasets (i.e., *fix files*) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @@ -383,6 +408,8 @@ Static input files are listed and described in :numref:`Table %s `__. +.. _cdeps-in: + ------- CDEPS ------- + +.. _cdeps-fix-files: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Static Datasets (i.e., *fix files*) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ No fix files are required for CDEPS. +.. _cdeps-grid-ic-files: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Grid Description and Initial Condition Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @@ -743,6 +791,25 @@ The input files containing grid information and the time-varying forcing files f - ERA5 forcing file for year YYYY and month MM - ✔ +.. note:: + + Users can find atmospheric forcing files for use with the land (:ref:`LND `) component in the `Land Data Assimilation (DA) data bucket `_. These files provide atmospheric forcing data related to precipitation, solar radiation, longwave radiation, temperature, pressure, winds, humidity, topography, and mesh data. Forcing files for the land component configuration come from the Global Soil Wetness Project Phase 3 (`GSWP3 `_) dataset. + + .. code-block:: console + + clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.1999-12.nc + clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.2000-01.nc + clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.1999-12.nc + clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.2000-01.nc + clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.1999-12.nc + clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.2000-01.nc + clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc + fv1.9x2.5_141008_ESMFmesh.nc + topodata_0.9x1.25_USGS_070110_stream_c151201.nc + topodata_0.9x1.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc + + See the :ref:`Land DA User's Guide ` or the :ref:`WM LND Input ` section of this page for more information on files used in land configurations of the UFS WM. + **Data Ocean** .. _CDEPS_FilesOCN: @@ -781,9 +848,14 @@ The input files containing grid information and the time-varying forcing files f - GHRSST forcing file for year YYYY, month MM and day DD - ✔ +.. _gocart-in: + ------- GOCART ------- + +.. _gocart-fix-files: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Static Datasets (i.e., *fix files*) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @@ -878,7 +950,9 @@ The static input files when using climatology (MERRA2) are listed and described - Sea Salt optical look-up table for MERRA2 * - Optics_SU.dat - Sulfate optical look-up table for MERRA2 - + +.. _gocart-grid-ic-files: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Grid Description and Initial Condition Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @@ -887,9 +961,14 @@ Running GOCART in UFS does not require aerosol initial conditions, as aerosol mo The aerosol initial input currently read by GOCART is the same format as the UFSAtm initial input data format of ``gfs_data_tile[1-6].nc`` in :numref:`Table %s `, so the aerosol initial conditions should be combined with the meteorological initial conditions as one initial input file. There are many tools available for this purpose. The `UFS_UTILS `__ preprocessing utilities provide a solution for this within the `Global Workflow `__. +.. _aqm-in: + -------------- AQM (CMAQ) -------------- + +.. _aqm-fix-files: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Static Datasets (i.e., *fix files*) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @@ -940,6 +1019,123 @@ AQM inputs defined in ``aqm.rc`` are listed and described in :numref:`Table %s < * - Hourly_Emissions_regrid_rrfs_13km_20190801_t12z_h72.nc - File Emissions File +.. _lnd-in: + +-------------- +NOAH-MP (LND) +-------------- + +LND component datasets are available from the `Land Data Assimilation (DA) System data bucket `_ and can be retrieved using a ``wget`` command: + +.. code-block:: console + + wget https://noaa-ufs-land-da-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20240501/Landda_develop_data.tar.gz + tar xvfz Landda_develop_data.tar.gz + +These files will be untarred into an ``inputs`` directory. They include data for Jan. 1-2, 2000. :numref:`Table %s ` describes the file types. In each file name, ``YYYY`` refers to a valid 4-digit year, ``MM`` refers to a valid 2-digit month, and ``DD`` refers to a valid 2-digit day of the month. + +.. _LndInputFiles: + +.. list-table:: *LND input files* + :widths: 30 60 10 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Filename(s) + - Description + - File Type + * - ufs-land_C96_init_fields.tile*.nc + - Initial conditions files for each tile; the files include the initial state variables that are required for the UFS land snow DA to begin a cycling run. ``*`` stands for the grid tile number [1-6]. + - Initial conditions + * - C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tile*.nc + + C96.slope_type.tile*.nc + + C96.soil_type.tile*.nc + + C96.soil_color.tile*.nc + + C96.substrate_temperature.tile*.nc + + C96.vegetation_greenness.tile*.nc + + C96.vegetation_type.tile*.nc + + oro_C96.mx100.tile*.nc + - Tiled static files that contain information on maximum snow albedo, slope type, soil color and type, substrate temperature, vegetation greenness and type, and orography (grid and land mask information). ``*`` stands for the grid tile number [1-6]. + - FV3 fix files/Grid information + * - grid_spec.nc (aka C96.mosaic.nc) + - Contains information on the mosaic grid + - FV3 fix files/Grid information + * - C96_grid.tile*.nc + - C96 grid information for tiles 1-6 at C96 grid resolution, where ``*`` is the grid tile number [1-6]. + - FV3 fix files/Grid information + * - C96_oro_data.tile*.nc / oro_C96.mx100.tileN.nc + - Orography files that contain grid and land mask information, where ``*`` is the grid tile number [1-6]. ``mx100`` refers to the ocean resolution (100=1º). + - FV3 fix files/Grid information + * - See :ref:`CDEPS ` for information on GSWP3 atmospheric forcing files. + - Atmospheric forcing + - CDEPS/DATM + * - ghcn_snwd_ioda_YYYYMMDD.nc + - GHCN snow depth data assimilation files + - DA + * - ufs_land_restart.YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-SS.nc + - Restart file + - Restart + +.. _lnd-fix-files: + +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +Static Datasets (i.e., *fix files*) +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +The fix files (listed in :numref:`Table %s `) include specific information on location, time, soil layers, and fixed (invariant) experiment parameters that are required for the land component to run. The data must be provided in :term:`netCDF` format. + +The following fix files are available in the ``inputs/UFS_WM/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/`` data directory (downloaded :ref:`above `): + +.. code-block:: + + C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tile*.nc + C96.slope_type.tile*.nc + C96.soil_type.tile*.nc + C96.soil_color.tile*.nc + C96.substrate_temperature.tile*.nc + C96.vegetation_greenness.tile*.nc + C96.vegetation_type.tile*.nc + oro_C96.mx100.tile*.nc + +where ``*`` refers to the tile number (1-6). +Details on the configuration variables included in these files are available in the :ref:`Land DA documentation `. + +.. _lnd-grid-ic-files: + +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +Grid Description and Initial Condition Files +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +The input files containing grid information and the initial conditions for global configurations are listed and described in :numref:`Table %s `. + +The initial conditions file includes the initial state variables that are required for the UFS land snow DA to begin a cycling run. The data must be provided in :term:`netCDF` format. +The initial conditions file is available in the ``inputs`` data directory (downloaded :ref:`above `) at the following path: + +.. code-block:: + + inputs/UFS_WM/NOAHMP_IC/ufs-land_C96_init_fields.tile*.nc + +Grid files are available in the ``inputs/UFS_WM/FV3_input_data/INPUT`` directory: + +.. code-block:: + + C96_grid.tile*.nc + grid_spec.nc # aka C96.mosaic.nc + +The ``C96_grid.tile*.nc`` files contain grid information for tiles 1-6 at C96 grid resolution. The ``grid_spec.nc`` file contains information on the mosaic grid. + +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +Additional Files +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +The LND component uses atmospheric forcing files, data assimilation files, and restart files, which are also listed in :numref:`Table %s `. + .. _model-config-files: ========================== @@ -951,7 +1147,8 @@ The configuration files used by the UFS Weather Model are listed here and descri * ``diag_table`` * ``field_table`` * ``model_configure`` - * ``nems.configure`` + * ``ufs.configure`` + * ``fd_ufs.yaml`` * ``suite_[suite_name].xml`` (used only at build time) * ``datm.streams`` (used by CDEPS) * ``datm_in`` (used by CDEPS) @@ -1108,6 +1305,26 @@ These field section entries are described in :numref:`Table %s ` contains links to the full set of options for each WM component. + +.. _diag-table-options: + +.. list-table:: * *diag_table* Options for WM Components* + :widths: 16 24 24 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - WM Component + - Diag Table + - Source File + * - FV3 + - :ref:`FV3 Variables ` + - `GFS_diagnostics.F90 `_ + * - MOM6 + - `MOM6 Variables `_ + - `MOM_diagnostics.F90 `_ + + A brief example of the diag_table is shown below. ``"..."`` denotes where lines have been removed. .. _code-block-fv3-diag-table: @@ -1184,6 +1401,8 @@ More information on the content of this file can be found in ``FMS/diag_manager/ .. note:: None of the lines in the ``diag_table`` can span multiple lines. +.. _field_tableFile: + ----------------------- ``field_table`` file ----------------------- @@ -1310,10 +1529,6 @@ shows the following parameters that can be set in ``model_configure`` at run-tim - atmosphere time step in second - integer - 1800 (for C96) - * - output_1st_tstep_rst - - output first time step history file after restart - - logical - - .false. * - restart_interval - frequency to output restart file or forecast hours to write out restart file - integer @@ -1358,22 +1573,6 @@ shows the following parameters that can be set in ``model_configure`` at run-tim - j-dimension for output grid - integer - 190 - * - nfhout - - history file output frequency - - integer - - 3 - * - nfhmax_hf - - forecast length of high history file - - integer - - 0 (0:no high frequency output) - * - nfhout_hf - - high history file output frequency - - integer - - 1 - * - nsout - - output frequency of number of time step - - integer - - -1 (negative: turn off the option, 1: output history file at every time step) * - output_fh - history file output forecast hours or history file output frequency if the second elelment is -1 - real @@ -1421,655 +1620,91 @@ are not usually changed. - integer - 0 +.. _ufs-conf: + ------------------------ -``nems.configure`` file +``ufs.configure`` file ------------------------ -This file contains information about the various NEMS components and their run sequence. The active components for a particular model configuration are given in the *EARTH_component_list*. For each active component, the model name and compute tasks assigned to the component are given. A specific component might also require additional configuration information to be present. The ``runSeq`` describes the order and time intervals over which one or more component models integrate in time. Additional *attributes*, if present, provide additional configuration of the model components when coupled with the CMEPS mediator. +This file contains information about the various NEMS components and their run sequence. The active components for a particular model configuration are given in the *EARTH_component_list*. For each active component, the model name and compute tasks assigned to the component are given. A specific component might also require additional configuration information to be present. The ``runSeq`` describes the order and time intervals over which one or more component models integrate in time. Additional *attributes*, if present, provide additional configuration of the model components when coupled with the CMEPS mediator. -For the ATM application, since it consists of a single component, the ``nems.configure`` is simple and does not need to be changed. +For the ATM application, since it consists of a single component, the ``ufs.configure`` is simple and does not need to be changed. A sample of the file contents is shown below: .. code-block:: console - EARTH_component_list: ATM - ATM_model: fv3 - runSeq:: - ATM - :: - - -For the fully coupled S2SW application, a sample ``nems.configure`` is shown below : + # ESMF # + logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI + globalResourceControl: true + + # EARTH # + EARTH_component_list: ATM + EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + :: + + # ATM # + ATM_model: @[atm_model] + ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] + ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] + ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 + :: + + # Run Sequence # + runSeq:: + ATM + :: + +However, ``ufs.configure`` files for other configurations of the Weather Model are more complex. A full set of ``ufs.configure`` templates is available in the ``ufs-weather-model/tests/parm/`` directory `here `__. Template names follow the pattern ``ufs.configure.*.IN``. A number of samples are available below: + + * `ATMAQ `__ configuration + * `S2S `__ (fully coupled ``S2S`` configuration that receives atmosphere-ocean fluxes from a mediator) + * `S2SW `__ (fully coupled ``S2SW`` configuration) + * `S2SWA `__ (coupled GOCART in the S2SAW configuration) + * `ATM-LND `__ (ATML configuration) + + * For more HAFS, HAFSW, and HAFS-ALL configurations please see the following ``ufs.configure`` templates: + + * `HAFS ATM-OCN `__ + * `HAFS ATM-WAV `__ + * `HAFS ATM-OCN-WAV `__ + * `HAFS ATM-DOCN `__ -.. code-block:: console - - # EARTH # - EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN ICE WAV - EARTH_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - :: - - # MED # - MED_model: cmeps - MED_petlist_bounds: 0 143 - :: - - # ATM # - ATM_model: fv3 - ATM_petlist_bounds: 0 149 - ATM_attributes:: - :: - - # OCN # - OCN_model: mom6 - OCN_petlist_bounds: 150 179 - OCN_attributes:: - mesh_ocn = mesh.mx100.nc - :: - - # ICE # - ICE_model: cice6 - ICE_petlist_bounds: 180 191 - ICE_attributes:: - mesh_ice = mesh.mx100.nc - :: - - # WAV # - WAV_model: ww3 - WAV_petlist_bounds: 192 395 - WAV_attributes:: - :: - - # CMEPS warm run sequence - runSeq:: - @3600 - MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg - MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist - OCN -> WAV - WAV -> OCN :srcMaskValues=1 - OCN - @900 - MED med_phases_prep_atm - MED med_phases_prep_ice - MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist - MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist - WAV -> ATM :srcMaskValues=1 - ATM -> WAV - ICE -> WAV - ATM - ICE - WAV - ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_atm - ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_ice - MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum - @ - OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_ocn - MED med_phases_restart_write - @ - :: - - # CMEPS variables - - :: - MED_attributes:: - ATM_model = fv3 - ICE_model = cice6 - OCN_model = mom6 - history_n = 1 - history_option = nhours - history_ymd = -999 - coupling_mode = nems_orig - :: - ALLCOMP_attributes:: - ScalarFieldCount = 2 - ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 - ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 - ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars - start_type = startup - restart_dir = RESTART/ - case_name = ufs.cpld - restart_n = 24 - restart_option = nhours - restart_ymd = -999 - dbug_flag = 0 - use_coldstart = false - use_mommesh = true - :: - - -For the coupled NG_GODAS application, a sample ``nems.configure`` is shown below : +.. note:: The ``aoflux_grid`` option is used to select the grid/mesh to perform atmosphere-ocean flux calculation. The possible options are ``xgrid`` (exchange grid), ``agrid`` (atmosphere model grid) and ``ogrid`` (ocean model grid). -.. code-block:: console +.. note:: The ``aoflux_code`` option is used to define the algorithm that will be used to calculate atmosphere-ocean fluxes. The possible options are ``cesm`` and ``ccpp``. If ``ccpp`` is selected then the suite file provided in the ``aoflux_ccpp_suite`` option is used to calculate atmosphere-ocean fluxes through the use of CCPP host model. - # EARTH # - EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN ICE - EARTH_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - :: - - # MED # - MED_model: cmeps - MED_petlist_bounds: 0 11 - Verbosity = 5 - dbug_flag = 5 - - :: - - # ATM # - ATM_model: datm - ATM_petlist_bounds: 0 11 - ATM_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false - mesh_atm = DATM_INPUT/cfsr_mesh.nc - diro = "." - logfile = atm.log - stop_n = 24 - stop_option = nhours - stop_ymd = -999 - write_restart_at_endofrun = .true. - :: - - # OCN # - OCN_model: mom6 - OCN_petlist_bounds: 12 27 - OCN_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false - ProfileMemory = false - OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ocn = mesh.mx100.nc - :: - - # ICE # - ICE_model: cice6 - ICE_petlist_bounds: 28 39 - ICE_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false - ProfileMemory = false - OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ice = mesh.mx100.nc - stop_n = 12 - stop_option = nhours - stop_ymd = -999 - :: - - # CMEPS concurrent warm run sequence - - runSeq:: - @3600 - MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg - MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist - OCN - @900 - MED med_phases_prep_ice - MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist - ATM - ICE - ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_atm - ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_ice - MED med_phases_aofluxes_run - MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum - @ - OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_ocn - MED med_phases_restart_write - @ - :: - - # CMEPS variables - - DRIVER_attributes:: - mediator_read_restart = false - :: - MED_attributes:: - ATM_model = datm - ICE_model = cice6 - OCN_model = mom6 - history_n = 1 - history_option = nhours - history_ymd = -999 - coupling_mode = nems_orig_data - :: - ALLCOMP_attributes:: - ScalarFieldCount = 3 - ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 - ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 - ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 3 - ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars - start_type = startup - restart_dir = RESTART/ - case_name = DATM_CFSR - restart_n = 12 - restart_option = nhours - restart_ymd = -999 - dbug_flag = 0 - use_coldstart = false - use_mommesh = true - coldair_outbreak_mod = .false. - flds_wiso = .false. - flux_convergence = 0.0 - flux_max_iteration = 2 - ocn_surface_flux_scheme = 0 - orb_eccen = 1.e36 - orb_iyear = 2000 - orb_iyear_align = 2000 - orb_mode = fixed_year - orb_mvelp = 1.e36 - orb_obliq = 1.e36 - :: - -For the coupled HAFS application, a sample ``nems.configure`` is shown below : -.. code-block:: console +.. _fd-ufs: - # EARTH # - EARTH_component_list: ATM OCN MED - - # MED # - MED_model: cmeps - MED_petlist_bounds: 1340 1399 - MED_attributes:: - coupling_mode = hafs - system_type = ufs - normalization = none - merge_type = copy - ATM_model = fv3 - OCN_model = hycom - history_ymd = -999 - ScalarFieldCount = 0 - ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 0 - ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 0 - ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars - :: - - # ATM # - ATM_model: fv3 - ATM_petlist_bounds: 0000 1339 - ATM_attributes:: - Verbosity = 1 - Diagnostic = 0 - :: - - # OCN # - OCN_model: hycom - OCN_petlist_bounds: 1340 1399 - OCN_attributes:: - Verbosity = 1 - Diagnostic = 0 - cdf_impexp_freq = 3 - cpl_hour = 0 - cpl_min = 0 - cpl_sec = 360 - base_dtg = 2020082512 - merge_import = .true. - skip_first_import = .true. - hycom_arche_output = .false. - hyc_esmf_exp_output = .true. - hyc_esmf_imp_output = .true. - import_diagnostics = .false. - import_setting = flexible - hyc_impexp_file = nems.configure - espc_show_impexp_minmax = .true. - ocean_start_dtg = 43702.50000 - start_hour = 0 - start_min = 0 - start_sec = 0 - end_hour = 12 - end_min = 0 - end_sec = 0 - :: - - DRIVER_attributes:: - start_type = startup - :: - - ALLCOMP_attributes:: - mediator_read_restart = false - :: - - # CMEPS cold run sequence - - runSeq:: - @360 - ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_atm - OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_ocn - MED med_phases_prep_atm - MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum - MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg - MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist - MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist - ATM - OCN - @ - :: - - # HYCOM field coupling configuration (location set by hyc_impexp_file) - - ocn_export_fields:: - 'sst' 'sea_surface_temperature' 'K' - 'mask' 'ocean_mask' '1' - :: - - ocn_import_fields:: - 'taux10' 'mean_zonal_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' - 'tauy10' 'mean_merid_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' - 'prcp' 'mean_prec_rate' 'kg_m-2_s-1' - 'swflxd' 'mean_net_sw_flx' 'W_m-2' - 'lwflxd' 'mean_net_lw_flx' 'W_m-2' - 'mslprs' 'inst_pres_height_surface' 'Pa' - 'sensflx' 'mean_sensi_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' - 'latflx' 'mean_laten_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' - :: - -For more HAFS, HAFSW, and HAFS-ALL configurations please see the following nems.configure templates. - - * `HAFS ATM-OCN `_ - * `HAFS ATM-WAV `_ - * `HAFS ATM-OCN-WAV `_ - * `HAFS ATM-DOCN `_ - -For the coupled GOCART in S2SAW application, a sample ``nems.configure`` is shown below : +----------------- +``fd_ufs.yaml`` +----------------- -.. code-block:: console +The ``fd_ufs.yaml`` file contains a field dictionary to configure several fields that are used in import/export operations by different Earth modeling components in ESMF's NUOPC coupling system. It allows the sharing of coupling fields between components. Entries in the field dictionary are organized as YAML lists of maps. The NUOPC Field Dictionary data structure in the model code is set up by the NUOPC function called ``NUOPC_FieldDictionarySetup()``, which loads the ``fd_ufs.yaml`` file (see `UFSDriver.F90 `_). The field +metadata described in each entry are used by the NUOPC layer to match fields provided and requested by the various component models. The field dictionary can be shared with other Earth modeling systems that use the same ESPS coupling strategy, such as the Community Earth System Model (CESM). - # EARTH # - EARTH_component_list: MED ATM CHM OCN ICE WAV - EARTH_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - :: - - # MED # - MED_model: cmeps - MED_petlist_bounds: 0 287 - :: - - # ATM # - ATM_model: fv3 - ATM_petlist_bounds: 0 311 - ATM_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false - ProfileMemory = false - OverwriteSlice = true - :: - - # CHM # - CHM_model: gocart - CHM_petlist_bounds: 0 287 - CHM_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - :: - - # OCN # - OCN_model: mom6 - OCN_petlist_bounds: 312 431 - OCN_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false - ProfileMemory = false - OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ocn = mesh.mx025.nc - :: - - # ICE # - ICE_model: cice6 - ICE_petlist_bounds: 432 479 - ICE_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false - ProfileMemory = false - OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ice = mesh.mx025.nc - stop_n = 6 - stop_option = nhours - stop_ymd = -999 - :: - - # WAV # - WAV_model: ww3 - WAV_petlist_bounds: 480 559 - WAV_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - OverwriteSlice = false - :: - - # CMEPS warm run sequence - runSeq:: - @1800 - MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg - MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist - OCN -> WAV - WAV -> OCN :srcMaskValues=1 - OCN - @300 - MED med_phases_prep_atm - MED med_phases_prep_ice - MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist - MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist - WAV -> ATM :srcMaskValues=1 - ATM -> WAV - ICE -> WAV - ATM phase1 - ATM -> CHM - CHM - CHM -> ATM - ATM phase2 - ICE - WAV - ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_atm - ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_ice - MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum - @ - OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_ocn - MED med_phases_restart_write - @ - :: - - # CMEPS variables - - DRIVER_attributes:: - :: - - MED_attributes:: - ATM_model = fv3 - ICE_model = cice6 - OCN_model = mom6 - history_n = 1 - history_option = nhours - history_ymd = -999 - coupling_mode = nems_frac - history_tile_atm = 384 - :: - ALLCOMP_attributes:: - ScalarFieldCount = 2 - ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 - ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 - ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars - start_type = startup - restart_dir = RESTART/ - case_name = ufs.cpld - restart_n = 6 - restart_option = nhours - restart_ymd = -999 - dbug_flag = 0 - use_coldstart = false - use_mommesh = true - eps_imesh = 1.0e-1 - stop_n = 6 - stop_option = nhours - stop_ymd = -999 - :: - -For the fully coupled S2S application that receives atmosphere-ocean fluxes from mediator, a sample ``nems.configure`` is shown below : +The standard field metadata for each coupling field has the following keys and corresponding values: .. code-block:: console - # EARTH # - EARTH_component_list: MED ATM CHM OCN ICE WAV - EARTH_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - :: - - # MED # - MED_model: cmeps - MED_petlist_bounds: 0 143 - :: - - # ATM # - ATM_model: fv3 - ATM_petlist_bounds: 0 149 - ATM_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false - ProfileMemory = false - OverwriteSlice = true - :: - - # OCN # - OCN_model: mom6 - OCN_petlist_bounds: 150 269 - OCN_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false - ProfileMemory = false - OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ocn = mesh.mx025.nc - :: - - # ICE # - ICE_model: cice6 - ICE_petlist_bounds: 270 317 - ICE_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false - ProfileMemory = false - OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ice = mesh.mx025.nc - stop_n = 840 - stop_option = nhours - stop_ymd = -999 - :: - - # CMEPS warm run sequence - runSeq:: - @720 - MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg - MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist - OCN - @720 - MED med_phases_aofluxes_run - MED med_phases_prep_atm - MED med_phases_prep_ice - MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist - MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist - ATM - ICE - ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_atm - ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_ice - MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum - @ - OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_ocn - MED med_phases_restart_write - MED med_phases_history_write - @ - :: - - # CMEPS variables - - DRIVER_attributes:: - :: - - MED_attributes:: - ATM_model = fv3 - ICE_model = cice6 - OCN_model = mom6 - history_n = 3 - history_option = nhours - history_ymd = -999 - coupling_mode = nems_frac_aoflux - history_tile_atm = 96 - aoflux_grid = 'xgrid' - aoflux_code = 'ccpp' - aoflux_ccpp_suite = 'FV3_sfc_ocean' - ccpp_restart_interval = -1 - ccpp_ini_mosaic_file = 'INPUT/C96_mosaic.nc' - ccpp_input_dir = 'INPUT/' - ccpp_ini_file_prefix = 'INPUT/sfc_data.tile' - ccpp_nstf_name = 2,1,0,0,0 - ccpp_ini_read = true - :: - ALLCOMP_attributes:: - ScalarFieldCount = 2 - ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 - ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 - ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars - start_type = startup - restart_dir = RESTART/ - case_name = ufs.cpld - restart_n = 12 - restart_option = nhours - restart_ymd = -999 - dbug_flag = 0 - use_coldstart = false - use_mommesh = true - eps_imesh = 1.0e-1 - stop_n = 840 - stop_option = nhours - stop_ymd = -999 - :: + - standard_name: + canonical_units: + description: + alias: -.. note:: The ``aoflux_grid`` option is used to select the grid/mesh to perform atmosphere-ocean flux calculation. The possible options are ``xgrid`` (exchange grid), ``agrid`` (atmosphere model grid) and ``ogrid`` (ocean model grid). +* ``standard_name`` (required): Name of the field. +* ``canonical_units`` (required): The units used to fully define the field +* ``description`` (optional): Brief explanation of the field +* ``alias`` (optional): Alternative names for the field. An alias can be one character string or a list of strings (e.g., ```` or ``[, ]``). This allows a field to have different names used in the coupling field exchange. -.. note:: The ``aoflux_code`` option is used to define the algorithm that will be used to calculate atmosphere-ocean fluxes. The possible options are ``cesm`` and ``ccpp``. If ``ccpp`` is selected then the suite file provided in the ``aoflux_ccpp_suite`` option is used to calculate atmosphere-ocean fluxes through the use of CCPP host model. +Either the ``standard_name`` or ``alias`` name can be used in a component model, and the NUOPC layer will recognize these fields as the same field using the definitions provided in the YAML file. For more on the NUOPC field dictionary, visit the `documentation `_. -For the ATMAQ application, a sample ``nems.configure`` is shown below : -.. code-block:: console - EARTH_component_list: ATM AQM - EARTH_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - :: - - # ATM # - ATM_model: fv3 - ATM_petlist_bounds: 0 271 - ATM_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - :: - - # AQM # - AQM_model: aqm - AQM_petlist_bounds: 0 271 - AQM_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - :: - - # Run Sequence # - runSeq:: - @180 - ATM phase1 - ATM -> AQM - AQM - AQM -> ATM - ATM phase2 - @ - :: +.. _SDF-file: --------------------------------------- The Suite Definition File (SDF) File @@ -2089,6 +1724,8 @@ There are four SDFs currently supported for the UFS Short Range Weather App conf Detailed descriptions of the supported suites can be found with the `CCPP v6.0.0 Scientific Documentation `__. +.. _datm.streams-file: + --------------------------------------- ``datm.streams`` --------------------------------------- @@ -2149,6 +1786,7 @@ A sample of the data stream file is shown below: stream_data_files01: DATM_INPUT/cfsr.201110.nc stream_data_variables01: "slmsksfc Sa_mask" "DSWRF Faxa_swdn" "DLWRF Faxa_lwdn" "vbdsf_ave Faxa_swvdr" "vddsf_ave Faxa_swvdf" "nbdsf_ave Faxa_swndr" "nddsf_ave Faxa_swndf" "u10m Sa_u10m" "v10m Sa_v10m" "hgt_hyblev1 Sa_z" "psurf Sa_pslv" "tmp_hyblev1 Sa_tbot" "spfh_hyblev1 Sa_shum" "ugrd_hyblev1 Sa_u" "vgrd_hyblev1 Sa_v" "q2m Sa_q2m" "t2m Sa_t2m" "pres_hyblev1 Sa_pbot" "precp Faxa_rain" "fprecp Faxa_snow" +.. _datm_inFile: --------------------------------------- ``datm_in`` @@ -2225,8 +1863,7 @@ The atmosphere model reads many parameters from a Fortran namelist file, named ` * The `FV3 Dynamical Core Technical Documentation `__ describes some of the other namelist records (dynamics, grid, etc). * The namelist section ``&interpolator_nml`` is not used in this release, and any modifications to it will have no effect on the model results. -.. Last I saw, the Stochastic Physics release/public-v3 was more up-to-date than latest... - +.. _fms_io_nml_section: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fms_io_nml @@ -2313,6 +1950,7 @@ This release of the UFS Weather Model sets the following variables in the ``&fms max_files_w = 100 / +.. _namsfc_section: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``namsfc`` @@ -2324,8 +1962,7 @@ The variables used in ``&namsfc`` to set the filenames are described in :numref: .. _namsfc_nml: -.. list-table:: *List of common variables in the *namsfc* namelist section used to set the filenames of - static datasets.* +.. list-table:: *List of common variables in the *namsfc* namelist section used to set the filenames of static datasets.* :widths: 15 40 15 20 :header-rows: 1 @@ -2434,6 +2071,8 @@ A sample subset of this namelist is shown below: Additional variables for the ``&namsfc`` namelist can be found in the ``FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/sfcsub.F`` file. +.. _atmos_model_nml_section: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``atmos_model_nml`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @@ -2498,6 +2137,8 @@ A sample of this namelist is shown below: The namelist section relating to the FMS diagnostic manager ``&diag_manager_nml`` is described in :numref:`Section %s `. +.. _gfs_physics_nml_section: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ gfs_physics_nml ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @@ -2543,6 +2184,8 @@ file. Output files ============= +.. _fv3atm-out: + ------- FV3Atm ------- @@ -2570,6 +2213,8 @@ files (controlled by variable print_esmf in the ``model_configure`` file), calle Additional output files include: ``nemsusage.xml``, a timing log file; `time_stamp.out`, contains the model init time; ``RESTART/*nc``, files needed for restart runs. +.. _mom-out: + ------- MOM6 ------- @@ -2610,6 +2255,8 @@ A brief example of the diag_table is shown below. ``"..."`` denotes where lines "ocean_model", "tauy", "tauy", "ocn%4yr%2mo%2dy%2hr","all",.true.,"none",2 ... +.. _hycom-out: + ------- HYCOM ------- @@ -2654,6 +2301,8 @@ HYCOM outpus multiple datasets. These datasets contain both dot-a (.a), dot-b (. * - restart_out.(a,b) - HYCOM restart files +.. _cice-out: + ------- CICE6 ------- @@ -2688,7 +2337,9 @@ on the monthly, daily, hourly, yearly or timestep intervals set by the *histfreq *0* for both monthly and daily frequencies and neither yearly nor per-timestep output is requested, only 6-hour mean history files will be produced. -Further details of the configuration of CICE model output can be found in the CICE documentation `3.1.4 `_ +Further details of the configuration of CICE model output can be found in the CICE documentation `Section 3.1.4 `__. + +.. _ww3-out: ------- WW3 @@ -2696,19 +2347,22 @@ WW3 The run directory includes WW3 binary outputs for the gridded outputs (``YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS.out_grd.``), point outputs (``YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS.out_pnt.points``) and restart files (``YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS.restart.``). +.. _cmeps-out: + ------- CMEPS ------- The CMEPS mediator writes general information about the run-time configuration to the file ``mediator.log`` in the model run directory. Optionally, the CMEPS mediator can be configured to write history files for the purposes of examining the field exchanges at various points in the model run sequence. +.. _FMS-info: + ============================================================== Additional Information about the FMS Diagnostic Manager ============================================================== The FMS (Flexible Modeling System) diagnostic manager (``FMS/diag_manager``) manages the output for the ATM and, if present, the MOM6 component in the UFS Weather Model. It is configured using the ``diag_table`` file. Data can be written at any number of sampling and/or averaging intervals -specified at run-time. More information about the FMS diagnostic manager can be found at: -https://data1.gfdl.noaa.gov/summer-school/Lectures/July16/03_Seth1_DiagManager.pdf +specified at run-time. .. _DiagManagerNML: @@ -2717,8 +2371,7 @@ Diagnostic Manager Namelist ------------------------------ The ``diag_manager_nml`` namelist contains values to control the behavior of the diagnostic manager. Some of the more common namelist options are described in :numref:`Table %s `. See -``FMS/diag_manager/diag_manager.F90`` for the complete list or view the FMS documentation -`here `__ for additional information. +``FMS/diag_manager/diag_manager.F90`` for the complete list or view the `FMS documentation `__ for additional information. .. COMMENT: Is it worth linking to the FMS docs? WM just deals with the namelist file... @@ -2777,6 +2430,8 @@ This release of the UFS Weather Model uses the following namelist: prepend_date = .false. / +.. _write-component-info: + ============================================================== Additional Information about the Write Component ============================================================== diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/Introduction.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/Introduction.rst index 291116bef0..c82ebc3af4 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/Introduction.rst +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/Introduction.rst @@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ Introduction The Unified Forecast System (:term:`UFS`) Weather Model (:term:`WM`) is a prognostic model that can be used for short- and medium-range research and operational forecasts, as exemplified by its use in the operational Global Forecast System (GFS) of the National Oceanic and -Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The UFS WM v2.0.0 is the latest public release of this -software and represents a snapshot of a continuously evolving system undergoing open -development. More information about the UFS can be found on the UFS Community Portal at https://ufscommunity.org/. +Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In addition to its use in NOAA's operational forecast systems, the UFS WM is the atmospheric model used in public UFS application releases, such as the Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application v2.2.0 release. These releases represent a snapshot of a continuously evolving system undergoing open +development. More information about the UFS can be found on the UFS Community Portal at https://ufs.epic.noaa.gov/ and on the Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) website at https://epic.noaa.gov/get-code/ufs-weather-model/. Key architectural elements of the UFS WM, along with links to external detailed documentation for those elements, are listed below: @@ -22,10 +21,10 @@ for those elements, are listed below: * `Stochastic physics `__ schemes apply randomized perturbations to the physical tendencies, or physical parameters, of a model in order to compensate for model uncertainty. They include the Stochastic Kinetic Backscatter Scheme (SKEBS), the Stochastically Perturbed Parameterization Tendencies (SPPT) scheme, the perturbed boundary layer humidity (SHUM) scheme, the Stochastically Perturbed Parameterizations (SPP) scheme, Land Surface Model SPP (LSM-SPP), and the cellular automata method (:cite:t:`BengtssonEtAl2020`). - * The libraries needed to build the system, such as: + * The libraries needed to build the system, which are bundled together via `spack-stack `__ and include: * `National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Libraries `__ - * `Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) `__ + * `Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) `__ * `External libraries `__ * The build system used to compile the code and generate the executable. @@ -34,9 +33,9 @@ for those elements, are listed below: .. COMMENT: Should NCEP, ESMF, and external libraries be grouped as part of HPC-Stack? Or is this a different set of libraries? -The UFS Weather Model is currently included in two UFS Application releases: The UFS Short-Range Weather (:term:`SRW`) Application v2.0.0 release (June 2022) and the UFS Medium Range Weather Application (:term:`MRW`) v1.1.0 release (October 2020). These UFS Apps also contain pre- and post-processing components, a comprehensive build system, and workflows for configuration and execution of the application. The SRW App v2.0.0 documentation and details can be found `here `__. The MRW App v1.1.0 documentation and details can be found `here `__. +The UFS Weather Model is currently included in two UFS Application releases: The UFS Short-Range Weather (:term:`SRW`) Application v2.2.0 release (October 2023) and the UFS Medium Range Weather Application (:term:`MRW`) v1.1.0 release (October 2020). These UFS Apps also contain pre- and post-processing components, a comprehensive build system, and workflows for configuration and execution of the application. The SRW App v2.2.0 documentation and details can be found `here `__. The MRW App v1.1.0 documentation and details can be found `here `__. -The UFS WM code is portable and can be used with Linux or Mac operating systems and with Intel or GNU compilers. It has been tested on a variety of platforms widely used by atmospheric scientists, such as the NOAA Research Hera system, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (:term:`NCAR`) Cheyenne system, the National Science Foundation Stampede system, and Mac laptops. +The UFS WM code is portable and can be used with Linux or Mac operating systems and with Intel or GNU compilers. It has been tested on a variety of platforms widely used by atmospheric scientists, such as the NOAA Research Hera system, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (:term:`NCAR`) Derecho system, the National Science Foundation Stampede system, and Mac laptops. .. note:: @@ -46,9 +45,9 @@ The UFS WM code is portable and can be used with Linux or Mac operating systems .. COMMENT: Is the cellular automata stochastic scheme now supported? .. COMMENT: Which horizontal/vertical levels & placements are supported? Just the default ones? -Those wishing to contribute development to the UFS WM should become familiar with the procedures for running the model as a standalone component and for executing the regression tests described in the UFS WM GitHub `wiki `__ to make sure no inadvertent changes to the results have been introduced during the development process. +Those wishing to contribute development to the UFS WM should become familiar with the procedures for running the model as a standalone component and for executing the regression tests described in the UFS WM GitHub :wm-wiki:`wiki ` to make sure no inadvertent changes to the results have been introduced during the development process. -Support for the UFS WM is provided through the `UFS Forum `__ by the Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) and other groups involved in UFS development, such as NOAA's Environmental Modeling Center (:term:`EMC`), NOAA research laboratories (GFDL, NSSL, ESRL, and AOML), and :term:`NCAR`. UFS users and developers are encouraged not only to post questions, but also to help address questions posted by other members of the community. +Support for the UFS WM is provided through the :wm-repo:`UFS Forum ` by the Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) and other groups involved in UFS development, such as NOAA's Environmental Modeling Center (:term:`EMC`), NOAA research laboratories (GFDL, NSSL, ESRL, and AOML), and :term:`NCAR`. UFS users and developers are encouraged not only to post questions, but also to help address questions posted by other members of the community. This WM User's Guide is organized as follows: @@ -58,6 +57,10 @@ This WM User's Guide is organized as follows: * :numref:`Chapter %s ` (Data: Input, Model Configuration, and Output Files) lists the model inputs and outputs and has a description of the key files. + * :numref:`Chapter %s ` (Configurations) lists the currently supported configurations for the UFS WM. + + * :numref:`Chapter %s ` (Hierarchical System Development) explains how to run test cases that support Hierarchical System Development. + * :numref:`Chapter %s ` (Configuration Parameters) lists the purpose and valid values for various configuration parameters. * :numref:`Chapter %s ` (Automated Testing) describes UFS WM automated testing options. @@ -66,4 +69,4 @@ This WM User's Guide is organized as follows: Finally, :numref:`Chapters %s ` and :numref:`%s ` contain a list of acronyms and a glossary, respectively. -.. bibliography:: references.bib \ No newline at end of file +.. bibliography:: references.bib diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/RTConfigurations.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/RTConfigurations.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49da568cc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/RTConfigurations.rst @@ -0,0 +1,510 @@ +.. |nbsp| unicode:: 0xA0 + :trim: + +.. role:: raw-html(raw) + :format: html + +.. _Configurations: + +******************************* +Regresson Test Configurations +******************************* + +The UFS Weather Model (WM) can be run in any of several configurations, from a single-component atmospheric +model to a fully coupled model with multiple earth system components (e.g., atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice, land, and +mediator). This chapter documents a few of the supported regression test (RT) configurations. For a full list of +supported RT configurations, view the `rt.conf `__ file. + +.. attention:: + + This chapter is a work in progress. There are a multitude of options for configuring the UFS WM, + and this chapter merely details a few supported configurations. It will be expanded over time + to include the full set of configurations supported for WM regression tests (RTs). + +.. _UFS-configurations-documented: + +.. list-table:: *Documented UFS Weather Model Configuration Categories* + :widths: 10 70 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Configuration Category + - Description + * - :ref:`ATM ` + - Standalone Atmospheric Model (:term:`ATM`) + * - :ref:`ATMW ` + - Coupled :term:`ATM` and :term:`WW3` + * - :ref:`ATMAERO ` + - Coupled :term:`ATM` and :term:`GOCART` + * - :ref:`ATML ` + - Coupled :term:`ATM` and :term:`LND` + * - :ref:`LND ` + - Coupled :term:`CDEPS` - :term:`DATM` - :term:`LND` -:term:`CMEPS` + * - :ref:`RRFS ` + - :term:`ATM` with :term:`data assimilation` + * - :ref:`HAFS ` + - Coupled components may include :term:`CDEPS` - :term:`ATM` - :term:`HYCOM` - :term:`WW3` - :term:`MOM6` - :term:`CMEPS` + +This chapter details the supported build/run options for each supported configuration. +Click on the configuration category in :numref:`Table %s ` +to go to that section. Each configuration category includes sample code for setting ``CMAKE_FLAGS`` and ``CCPP_SUITES``. +Additionally, there is a list of preferred physics suites, examples of ``ufs.configure`` files, +and links to information on other input files required to run the model. + +============ +Background +============ + +Each RT configuration file (located in the ``ufs-weather-model/tests/tests`` +`directory `__) +sets default variables by calling setup functions from ``ufs-weather-model/tests/default_vars.sh`` +(see defaults `here `__). +Then, the RT configuration file sets test-specific variablesthese values will override +the defaults. For example, the ``control_c48`` test file sets a list of files that +it will use, calls the ``export_fv3`` function from ``default_vars.sh``, and then exports +test-specific variables. An excerpt is included below (``...`` indicates omitted lines): + +.. code-block:: console + + export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + ... + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + + export_fv3 + + export INPES=1 + export JNPES=1 + export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=2 + export NPZ=127 + export NPZP=128 + export NPX=49 + export NPY=49 + export DT_ATMOS=1200 + ... + +``default_vars.sh`` contains eight functions that set defaults for different types of tests. :numref:`Table %s ` describes what each function does. + +.. _def-funcs: + +.. list-table:: *default_vars.sh functions* + :widths: 10 70 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Function Name + - Description + * - export_fv3 + - Set variables to the FV3 default values (first common variables, then model-specific ones). Different machines may have different defaults for some variables. + * - export_cpl + - Set variables to the default values for *coupled* / S2S configurations. + * - export_35d_run + - Set variables to the default values for EMC's weekly coupled benchmark 35d tests (see `rt_35d.conf `__). + * - export_datm_cdeps + - Set variables to the default values for configurations that use the data atmosphere (:term:`DATM`) component. + * - export_hafs_datm_cdeps + - Set variables to the default values for HAFS configurations that use the data atmosphere (DATM) component. + * - export_hafs_docn_cdeps + - Set variables to the default values for HAFS configurations that use the data ocean (:term:`DOCN`) component. + * - export_hafs_regional + - Set variables to the default values for regional HAFS configurations. + * - export_hafs + - Set variables to the default values for HAFS configurations. + +Multiple ``default_vars.sh`` functions may be called in a given test. Values set in one +function will be overridden when the same values are set in a subsequent function. + +The most up-to-date list of ``develop`` branch data required for each test is available in +the `UFS WM RT Data Bucket `__. +Users should click on "Browse Bucket" and navigate to the most recent date (in ``develop-YYYY-MM-DD`` format). +Then, users should select *Intel* or *GNU* based on the compiler used in the test they +want to run and then select the test name to see the required data. + +==================================== +Atmospheric Model Configurations +==================================== + +The atmospheric model configurations all use the UFS WM atmospheric component +and may couple it with other models (e.g., a wave or aerosol model). + +.. _atm-documented: + +ATM - Standalone Atmospheric Model +===================================== + +The standalone atmospheric model (:term:`ATM`) is an :term:`FV3`-based prognostic +atmospheric model that can be used for short- and medium-range research and operational +forecasts. In standalone mode, ``ATM`` is not coupled to any other model. + +Current ATM regression tests cover a wide variety of functionality and involve several +physics tests. :numref:`Table %s ` contains a small selection of ATM-only RTs; +it will be expanded to cover the full range of ATM-only supported configurations in time: + +.. _atm-rts: + +.. list-table:: *ATM regression test descriptions* + :widths: 10 40 10 10 15 5 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Test Name + - Description + - Physics Suite (see `namelist options `__) + - DT_ATMOS + - Start Date + - Forecast Length (hours) + * - `control_c48 `__ + - Compare global control C48L127 results with previous trunk version + - FV3_GFS_v16 + - 1200 + - 2021-03-22 06:00:00 + - 24 + * - `control_p8 `__ + - Compare global control results with previous trunk version + - FV3_GFS_v17_p8 + - 720 + - 2021-03-22 06:00:00 + - 24 + * - `regional_control `__ + - FV3 regional control (hi-res 3km, small domain) test + - FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km + - 1800 + - 2016-10-03 00:00:00 + - 6 + +**Sample** ``CMAKE_FLAGS`` **Setting** + +.. code-block:: console + + export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -D32BIT=ON" + +**Supported Physics Suites** + +.. list-table:: *Physics suites used in the ATM configurations above* + :widths: 10 50 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Physics Suite + - Description + * - FV3_GFS_v16 + - The :term:`CCPP` GFS_v16 physics suite is described in the CCPP documentation `here `__. + * - FV3_GFS_v17_p8 + - The CCPP GFS_v17_p8 physics suite is described in the CCPP documentation `here `__. + * - FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km + - The CCPP GFS_v15 physics suite with the Thompson Aerosol-Aware Cloud Microphysics Scheme + (see `here `__) and + Mynn Surface Layer Module (see `here `__) + tailored for a limited area model (LAM) 3-km resolution grid. + +**Additional Information** + +Input files required for ATM configurations can be viewed in :numref:`Section %s ` +or in the `UFS WM RT Data Bucket `__. +Information on ``ufs.configure`` files is available in :numref:`Section %s `, +and a sample ATM ``ufs.configure`` file (``ufs.configure.atm.IN``) is available +`here `__. + +.. _atmw-documented: + +ATMW +======= + +The ATMW configuration couples :term:`ATM` with :term:`WaveWatch III`. +These tests use default values set in the ``export_fv3`` function of ``default_vars.sh``. + +.. list-table:: *ATMW regression test descriptions* + :widths: 50 10 30 50 10 10 10 10 10 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Test |nbsp| Name |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| + - Description + - General Physics Parameters + - Detailed |nbsp| Physics |nbsp| Parameters |nbsp| (see |nbsp| namelist |nbsp| options `here `__ |nbsp| for variable definitions) + - Start |nbsp| Date |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| + - Fcst Length (hours) + - Output Grid + - Configuration Files + - Other + * - `atmwav_control_noaero_p8 `__ + - Compare global control results with previous trunk version + - **Suite:** CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v16" :raw-html:`

` + + **Microphysics:** IMP_PHYSICS=8 :raw-html:`

` + + **Time Step:** DT_ATMOS=720 :raw-html:`



` + **Set to VALUE:** IALB=2, IEMS=2, LSM=2, IOPT_DVEG=4, IOPT_CRS=2, IOPT_RAD=3, IOPT_ALB=1, IOPT_STC=3, IOPT_SFC=3, IOPT_TRS=2, IOPT_DIAG=2, D2_BG_K1=0.20, D2_BG_K2=0.04, PSM_BC=1, DDDMP=0.1, IAER=1011, KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0, KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1, NCA=1, NCELLS=5, NLIVES=12, NTHRESH=18, NSEED=1, NFRACSEED=0.5, NSPINUP=1, ISEED_CA=12345, FSICL=0, FSICS=0, DNATS=0, DZ_MIN=6, cap_dbug_flag=0, MIN_SEAICE=0.15, + - 2021-03-22 06:00:00 + - 12 + - OUTPUT_GRID=gaussian_grid :raw-html:`

` + **Grid Parameters**: INPES=$INPES_cpl_atmw, JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_atmw, NPZ=127, NPZP=128 + - FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke + DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template + INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN + UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atmw.IN + FV3_RUN=control_run.IN + - RUNTYPE=startup, med_model=cmeps, atm_model=fv3, wav_model=ww3 + +.. _atmaero-documented: + +ATMAERO +========= + +The ATMAERO configuration couples :term:`ATM` with :term:`GOCART`. +These tests use default values set in the ``export_fv3`` function of ``default_vars.sh``. + +.. attention:: + + Certain physics-related settings are common to all of the supported RRFS configurations. These values are set in each test's configuration file because they differ from the ``default_vars.sh`` values: + + General Physics Parameters: + * **Suite:** CCPP_SUITE= `FV3_GFS_v17_p8 `__ + * **Microphysics:** IMP_PHYSICS=8 + * **Time Step:** DT_ATMOS=720 + + Detailed Physics Parameters: + * **Set to FALSE:** DO_UGWP_V1, DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL, DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD, DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY, DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY, LDIAG_UGWP, CA_GLOBAL, LANDICE, LGFDLMPRAD, DO_SAT_ADJ, USE_CICE_ALB, DO_RRTMGP + * **Set to TRUE:** WRITE_DOPOST, CPL, CPLCHM, USE_MERRA2, LSEASPRAY, DO_UGWP_V0, DO_GSL_DRAG_SS, DO_CA, CA_SGS, CA_TRIGGER, TILEDFIX, FRAC_GRID, WRITE_NSFLIP, DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT, DOGP_LWSCAT, DOGP_SGS_CNV, SATMEDMF + * **Set to VALUE:** NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0', atm_model='fv3', chm_model='gocart', DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=8000000, IALB=2, IEMS=2, LSM=2, IOPT_DVEG=4, IOPT_CRS=2, IOPT_RAD=3, IOPT_ALB=1, IOPT_STC=3, IOPT_SFC=3, IOPT_TRS=2, IOPT_DIAG=2, D2_BG_K1=0.20, D2_BG_K2=0.04, PSM_BC=1, DDDMP=0.1, GWD_OPT=2, KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0, KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1, NCA=1, NCELLS=5, NLIVES=12, NTHRESH=18, NSEED=1, NFRACSEED=0.5, NSPINUP=1, ISEED_CA=12345, FSICL=0, FSICS=0, DZ_MIN=6, MIN_SEAICE=0.15 + +ATMAQ +======= + +**COMING SOON!** + +.. _atml-documented: + +ATML +====== + +The ATML configuration couples :term:`ATM` with :term:`LND`. +These tests use default values set in the ``export_fv3`` function of ``default_vars.sh``. + +.. attention:: + There is an issue with ``-D32BIT=ON`` in the ATM-LND tests, and NoahMP requires r8 libraries. + +.. COMMENT: Should "r8" be "p8"? + +.. _atml-rts: + +.. list-table:: *ATML regression test descriptions* + :widths: 10 40 10 10 15 5 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Test Name + - Description + - Physics Suite (see `namelist options `__) + - DT_ATMOS + - Start Date + - Forecast Length (hours) + * - control_p8_atmlnd_sbs + - Compare global control results with previous trunk version + - FV3_GFS_v17_p8 + - 720 + - 2021-03-22 06:00:00 + - 24 + +**Sample** ``CMAKE_FLAGS`` **Setting** + +.. code-block:: console + + export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8" + + +**Supported Physics Suites** + +.. list-table:: *Physics suites used in the ATM configurations above* + :widths: 10 50 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Physics Suite + - Description + * - FV3_GFS_v17_p8 + - The :term:`CCPP` GFS_v17_p8 physics suite is described in the CCPP documentation `here `__. + +**Additional Information** + +Input files required for ATML configurations can be viewed in :numref:`Section %s (ATM) ` +and :numref:`Section %s (LND) ` or in the `UFS WM RT Data Bucket `__. +Information on ``ufs.configure`` files is available in :numref:`Section %s `, +and a sample ATML ``ufs.configure`` file (``ufs.configure.atm_lnd.IN``) is available +`here `__. + + +.. _rrfs-documented: + +======================================= +Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) +======================================= + +The RRFS configurations use an :term:`ATM`-only configuration on a high-resolution +regional grid with data assimilation capabilities. +These tests use the default values set in the ``export_fv3``, ``export_rap_common``, ``export_rrfs_v1``, and/or ``export_hrrr_conus13km`` functions of ``default_vars.sh`` unless other values are explicitly set in a given test file. In all tests, the values in ``export_fv3`` are set first. Depending on the test, some of these values may be overriden by ``export_rrfs_v1`` (which includes values from ``export_rap_common``) or ``export_hrrr_conus13km``. :numref:`Table %s ` compares the values set in ``export_fv3`` to the values set in the other functions. + +.. note:: + + ``export_rrfs_v1`` calls ``export_rap_common``, which calls ``export_fv3``. Values from ``export_fv3`` are set first, followed by values in ``export_rap_common`` and then values in ``export_rrfs_v1``. Values in italics indicate that the value is inherited from a previously-called function. + +.. _rrfs-default-vars-comparison: + +.. csv-table:: *RRFS Default Variables* + :file: tables/RRFSDefaultVariables.csv + :widths: 50 10 10 10 10 + :header-rows: 1 + :stub-columns: 1 + +Current RRFS regression tests cover a wide variety of functionality and involve several +physics tests. + +**Sample** ``CMAKE_FLAGS`` **Setting** + +.. code-block:: console + + export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON" + +**Supported Physics Suites** + +.. list-table:: *Physics suites used in the RRFS configurations above* + :widths: 10 50 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Physics Suite + - Description + * - FV3_HRRR + - The FV3_HRRR physics suite is described in the :term:`CCPP` documentation `here `__. + * - FV3_RRFS_v1beta + - The FV3_RRFS_v1beta physics suite is described in the CCPP documentation `here `__. + * - FV3_RRFS_v1nssl + - The FV3_RRFS_v1nssl physics suite is similar to the *FV3_RRFS_v1beta* suite; however, it uses the NSSL 2-moment microphysics scheme instead of the Thompson microphysics scheme. + + +**Additional Information** + +Each test file lists the input files required for a given test. Input files required for RRFS ATM configurations can be downloaded from the `UFS WM RT Data Bucket `__. Users who wish to run additional (unsupported) cases may also find useful data in the `NOAA RRFS data bucket `__. + +Information on ``ufs.configure`` files is available in :numref:`Section %s `. The supported RRFS WM RTs use the same ``ufs.configure`` file that ATM-only tests do (``ufs.configure.atm.IN``). This file can be viewed in the ``ufs-weather-model/tests/parm`` `directory `__. + +Additionally, users can find examples of various RRFS configuration files in the ``ufs-weather-model/tests/parm`` `directory `__. These files include ``model_configure_*``, ``*_run.IN`` (input run), ``*.nml.IN`` (input namelist), ``field_table_*``, and ``diag_table_*`` files. + +.. _lnd-documented: + +======= +LND +======= + +The LND configuration couples :term:`DATM`, :term:`CDEPS`, and :term:`CMEPS` with :term:`LND`. These tests use default values set in the ``export_datm_cdeps`` function of ``default_vars.sh``. + +.. _lnd-rts: + +.. list-table:: *LND regression test descriptions* + :widths: 10 40 10 10 15 5 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Test Name + - Description + - Physics Suite + - DT_ATMOS + - Start Date + - Forecast Length (hours) + * - datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 + - DATM_CDEPS_NOAHMP_GSWP3 - control + - N/A + - N/A + - 2000-01-01 00:00:00 + - 24 + * - datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst + - DATM_CDEPS_NOAHMP_GSWP3_RST - control restart + - N/A + - N/A + - 2000-01-01 12:00:00 + - 12 + +**Sample** ``CMAKE_FLAGS`` **Setting** + +.. code-block:: console + + export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=LND" + +**Additional Information** + +Input files required for LND configurations can be viewed in :numref:`Section %s (LND) ` +or in the `UFS WM RT Data Bucket `__. +Information on ``ufs.configure`` files is available in :numref:`Section %s `, +and a sample ATML ``ufs.configure`` file (``ufs.configure.atm_lnd.IN``) is available +`here `__. + + +============================================= +Seasonal to Subseasonal (S2S) Configurations +============================================= + +**COMING SOON!** + +============== +NG-GODAS +============== + +**COMING SOON!** + +.. _hafs-documented: + +======================================================== +Hurricane Analysis and Reforecast System Configurations +======================================================== + +The HAFS configuration uses an :term:`DATM`-only configuration. + +These tests use the default values set in the ``export_fv3``, ``export_hafs``, ``export_hafs_regional``, ``export_hafs_datm_cdeps``, and ``export_hafs_docn_cdeps`` functions of ``default_vars.sh`` unless other values are explicitly set in a given test file. In all tests, the values in ``export_fv3`` are set first. + +.. note:: + + ``export_hafs`` calls ``export_hafs_regional``, which calls ``export_hafs_datm_cdeps`` or ``export_hafs_docn_cdeps``, which calls ``export_fv3``. Values from ``export_fv3`` are set first, followed by values in ``export_hafs``, ``export_hafs_regional``, and then values in ``export_hafs_datm_cdeps`` or ``export_hafs_docn_cdeps``. + +.. list-table:: *Default physics-related variables used in the HAFS configurations below* + :widths: 10 50 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Export Function + - Variables + * - export_hafs + - **Set to FALSE:** S2S, AQM, DATM_CDEPS, DOCN_CDEPS, HYBEDMF, CNVGWD, LTAEROSOL, LHEATSTRG, IS_MOVING_NEST :raw-html:`




` + **Set to VALUE:** NTILES=1, FHMAX=6, ENS_NUM=1, DT_ATMOS=900, RESTART_INTERVAL=0, FHROT=0, coupling_interval_fast_sec=0, WRITE_GROUP=1, WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6, NUM_FILES=2, FILENAME_BASE="'atm' 'sfc'", OUTPUT_GRID="'regional_latlon'", OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'", IDEFLATE=0, QUANTIZE_NSD=0, NFHOUT=3, NFHMAX_HF=-1, NFHOUT_HF=3, CEN_LON=-62.0, CEN_LAT=25.0, LON1=-114.5, LAT1=-5.0, LON2=-9.5, LAT2=55.0, DLON=0.03, DLAT=0.03, DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs, FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs, WW3OUTDTHR=3, OUTPARS_WAV="WND HS T01 T02 DIR FP DP PHS PTP PDIR UST CHA USP", WAV_CUR='C', med_model=cmeps, pio_rearranger=box, CAP_DBUG_FLAG=0, CPLMODE=hafs, RUNTYPE=startup, MESH_WAV=mesh.hafs.nc, MODDEF_WAV=mod_def.natl_6m + * - export_hafs_datm_cdeps + - **Set to FALSE:** FV3, S2S, AQM, DOCN_CDEPS :raw-html:`

` + **Set to TRUE:** HAFS, DATM_CDEPS :raw-html:`

` + **Set to VALUE:** NTILES=1, atm_model=datm, DATM_IN_CONFIGURE=datm_in, DATM_STREAM_CONFIGURE=hafs_datm.streams.era5.IN + * - export_hafs_docn_cdeps + - **Set to FALSE:** S2S, AQM :raw-html:`

` + **Set to TRUE:** FV3, HAFS, DOCN_CDEPS :raw-html:`

` + **Set to VALUE:** NTILES=1, ocn_model=docn, ocn_datamode=sstdata, pio_rearranger=box, DOCN_IN_CONFIGURE=docn_in, DOCN_STREAM_CONFIGURE=hafs_docn.streams.IN + +**Sample** ``CMAKE_FLAGS`` **Setting** + +.. code-block:: console + + export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DAPP=HAFS" + +**Supported Physics Suites** + +.. list-table:: *Physics suites used in the HAFS configurations above* + :widths: 10 50 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - Physics Suite + - Description + * - FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf + - The FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf physics suite is described in the :term:`CCPP` documentation `here `__. + * - FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst + - The FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst physics suite is described in the CCPP documentation `here `__. + * - FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf + - The FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf physics suite is described in the CCPP documentation `here `__. + diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/_static/theme_overrides.css b/doc/UsersGuide/source/_static/theme_overrides.css index 9713e89ab2..0416b736cd 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/_static/theme_overrides.css +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/_static/theme_overrides.css @@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ max-width: 100% !important; } -.wy-table-responsive table td { +.wy-table-responsive table td, .wy-table-responsive table th { white-space: normal !important; } diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/baroclinic_wave.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/baroclinic_wave.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac304dcf33 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/baroclinic_wave.rst @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +.. role:: raw-html(raw) + :format: html + +.. _baroclinic-wave: + +***************************** +Baroclinic Instability Case +***************************** + +The UFS WM baroclinic wave case adapts the test outlined in :cite:t:`Jablonowski&Williamson2006` (2006). This test is designed to evaluate the accuracy of various atmospheric models in simulating a baroclinic wave, which commonly forms in the Northern Hemisphere and influences weather patterns. This test aims to assess how well "dry dynamical cores," the foundational components of weather and climate models that handle air movement and temperature changes, perform in idealized conditions. + +The simulation sets the model's atmosphere to an initial steady state, designed to be a simple, realistic representation of atmospheric conditions using the adiabatic (no heat exchange) and inviscid (no friction) primitive equations. The test first checks whether each model can maintain this steady, zonal (west-to-east) state without developing any unintended changes. After verifying this, the next step is to introduce a small disturbance, or perturbation, which triggers the growth of a baroclinic wave. The wave then evolves over several simulated days, allowing the researchers to observe how accurately different models handle the wave's development and movement. + +This test provides a standard way to assess how different atmospheric models handle the development of baroclinic waves. The results help identify which models are more accurate and can serve as benchmarks for model improvement, ultimately contributing to better simulations of atmospheric behavior in weather and climate predictions. + +In the UFS WM, the idealized baroclinic wave test case is an atmosphere-only, :term:`dycore`-only forecast run at C192 resolution with 127 vertical levels. It uses default values from the WM's ``export_fv3`` function, along with default values for a tiled grid namelist (from ``export_tiled``). These initial values are set based on values from `default_vars.sh `_. + +The test is set to run a dynamics-only 24-hour forecast from 2019-12-03 at 0z. However, it is recommended that users modify the case to run it as a 5-10 day forecast by setting the forecast length (``FHMAX``) to 120-240 hours in the test file (see :numref:`Section %s ` for instructions). Users will also need to update ``OUTPUT_FH`` accordingly. This ensures that users will be able to see the disturbance (wave propagation) develop, starting about 120-150 hours into the forecast. + +============================= +Obtaining Data for HSD Cases +============================= + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_data.rst + +.. _run-bw: + +================================== +Running the Baroclinic Wave Case +================================== + +This section explains how to run the baroclinic wave case described above using the ``ufs_test.sh`` script. + +Clone the Repository +-------------------- + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/clone_hsd.rst + +Machine Configuration +----------------------- + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_machine_config.rst + +.. _bw-config: + +Test Configuration +---------------------- + +It is recommended that users adjust certain values in the baroclinic wave case. Currently, the forecast length (``FHMAX``) is set to 24 hours to maintain the regression testing baselines with reduced resource consumption. However, it is recommended that users run the case for 5-10 days (120-240 hours) to see the disturbance (wave propagation) develop about 120-150 hours into the forecast. To modify the case, open ``${UFS_WM}/tests-dev/test_cases/tests/baroclinic_wave`` using ``vi``/``vim`` or a code editor. Then, add ``FHMAX`` and update ``OUTPUT_FH`` to extend by increments of 6 to the new ``FHMAX``. + +.. code-block:: console + + export FHMAX=120 # (or 240) + export OUTPUT_FH='0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120' + +In general, it is preferable to make ``FHMAX`` a multiple of 24. + +.. note:: + + On Jet, users will also need to adjust ``${UFS_WM}/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_jet`` in order to manage memory requirements for longer runs of the ``baroclinic_wave`` test. Users will need to change the number of tasks per node from 8 to 6 and add ``#SBATCH --mem=0``. + + The file should include: + + .. code-block:: console + + #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=6 + #SBATCH --mem=0 + +Baseline Configuration +---------------------- + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_baseline_config.rst + +Running Tests +------------- + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_run_tests.rst + +Example: +^^^^^^^^^ + +Users with access to the ``epic`` account can run the ``baroclinic_wave`` test case with the ``intel`` compiler on :term:`RDHPCS` where they have access using the following command: + +.. code-block:: console + + ./ufs_test.sh -a epic -s -c -k -r -n "baroclinic_wave intel" + +Running Multiple Cases +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_run_multiple.rst + +Checking Results +----------------- + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_check_results.rst + +For example, to monitor progress or check results for the ``baroclinic_wave`` case, run: + +.. code-block:: console + + tail -f ${UFS_WM}/tests-dev/run_dir/baroclinic_wave_intel/err + tail -f ${UFS_WM}/tests-dev/run_dir/baroclinic_wave_intel/out + +.. include:: ./doc-snippets/hsd_notes.rst diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/conf.py b/doc/UsersGuide/source/conf.py index fa2a93ca5b..ea31fb1d67 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/conf.py +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/conf.py @@ -14,13 +14,15 @@ # import os import sys +import sphinx +from sphinx.util import logging sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) - +sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../../tests-dev')) # -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- project = 'UFS Weather Model Users Guide' -copyright = '2020' +copyright = '2024' author = ' ' # The short X.Y version @@ -41,9 +43,11 @@ # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ + 'sphinx_rtd_theme', 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', + 'sphinx.ext.extlinks', 'sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.coverage', 'sphinx.ext.mathjax', @@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ # # This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. # Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. -language = None +language = 'en' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. @@ -83,6 +87,23 @@ # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' +# Avoid a 403 Forbidden error when accessing certain links (e.g., noaa.gov) +user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" + +# Ignore anchor tags for links that show Not Found even when they exist. +linkcheck_anchors_ignore = [r"L\d*", + ] +# Ignore working links that cause a linkcheck 403 error. +linkcheck_ignore = [r'https://agupubs\.onlinelibrary\.wiley\.com/doi/10\.1029/2020MS002260', + r'https://glossary.ametsoc.org/wiki/*', + r'https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/tools/oneapi/hpc-toolkit-download.html', + ] + +linkcheck_allowed_redirects = {r"https://doi.org/.*": + r"https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/.*", + r"https://doi.org/.*": + r"https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/.*", + } # -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- @@ -99,6 +120,7 @@ # # html_theme_options = {} html_theme_options = {"body_max_width": "none"} +html_logo="https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs/wiki/images/ufs-epic-logo.png" # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, @@ -109,6 +131,7 @@ def setup(app): app.add_css_file('custom.css') # may also be an URL app.add_css_file('theme_overrides.css') # may also be an URL + app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', warn_undocumented_members) # Created warnings for undocumented portions of Python scripts # Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names # to template names. @@ -200,10 +223,47 @@ def setup(app): # -- Extension configuration ------------------------------------------------- +# -- Options for autodoc extension --------------------------------------- + +autodoc_mock_imports = [ + ] + +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +# Ensure that warnings pop up when functions, attributes, or methods are undocumented +members_to_watch = ['function', 'attribute', 'method'] +def warn_undocumented_members(app, what, name, obj, options, lines): + if(what in members_to_watch and len(lines)==0): + message = what + " is undocumented: " + name + "(%d)"% len(lines) + logger.warning(message) + +autodoc_default_options = { + "members": True, + "undoc-members": True, + "show-inheritance": True, +} + +add_module_names = False + +# -- Options for napoleon extension --------------------------------------- + +napoleon_numpy_docstring = False +napoleon_google_docstring = True +napoleon_custom_sections = [('Returns', 'params_style')] # Allows return of multiple values + # -- Options for intersphinx extension --------------------------------------- # Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. -intersphinx_mapping = {'https://docs.python.org/': None} +intersphinx_mapping = {'landda': ('https://land-da-workflow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/', None), + } + +# -- Options for extlinks extension --------------------------------------- + +extlinks_detect_hardcoded_links = True +extlinks = {'nco': ('https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/idsb/implementation_standards/%s', '%s'), + 'wm-repo': ('https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/%s', '%s'), + 'wm-wiki': ('https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/wiki/%s','%s'), + } # -- Options for todo extension ---------------------------------------------- diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/create_log.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/create_log.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..80158437ee --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/create_log.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +create\_log module +================== + +.. automodule:: create_log + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/create_xml.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/create_xml.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..29037b6637 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/create_xml.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +create\_xml module +================== + +.. automodule:: create_xml + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/clone_hsd.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/clone_hsd.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4bbf6073fb --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/clone_hsd.rst @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +To start, recursively clone the repository: + +.. code-block:: console + + git clone --recursive -b develop https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model.git + cd ufs-weather-model + +After cloning, users may save (or "export") the path to the UFS WM in an environment variable: + +.. code-block:: console + + export UFS_WM=$PWD + +Although this step is optional, users may find it convenient when navigating between directories. This documentation will use ``${UFS_WM}`` to refer to the path to the ``ufs-weather-model`` directory, but users may choose to type out the full path instead. diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_baseline_config.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_baseline_config.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c3aeb8925 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_baseline_config.rst @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Users may need to modify the baseline configuration file (``${UFS_WM}/tests-dev/baseline_setup.yaml``), which contains details on the location of staged input data, user-specific output directories, and batch job scheduling. The following variables are of particular importance: + +* ``dprefix``: Set this value to an existing directory where the user has write permissions. +* ``STMP``: Directory for baseline test output (typically ``${dprefix}/stmp4``) +* ``PTMP``: Directory for runtime files (typically ``${dprefix}/stmp2``) diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_check_results.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_check_results.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a5eef368a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_check_results.rst @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +When the test case finishes running, users should see console output that includes a ``SUCCESS`` message. For example: + +.. code-block:: console + :emphasize-lines: 2 + + Performing Cleanup... + REGRESSION TEST RESULT: SUCCESS + + echo 'ufs_test.sh finished' + ufs_test.sh finished + + cleanup + ++ awk '{print $2}' + + PID_LOCK=2133541 + + [[ 2133541 == \2\1\3\3\5\4\1 ]] + + rm -rf /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/User.Name/ufs-weather-model/tests-dev/lock + + [[ false == true ]] + + trap 0 + + exit + +Compilation and model run directories can be accessed in the local repository via the ``run_dir`` softlink, which points to the actual ``FV3_RT`` directory. Each test generates ``atm*.nc`` and ``sfc*.nc`` files at specified forecast hour intervals. + +Users can view progress of compile or model run phases by using the ``tail -f `` command or ``vi``/``vim`` on the ``err`` or ``out`` files in the ``run_dir/compile*`` or ``run_dir/`` directories. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_data.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_data.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5ddb2f5227 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_data.rst @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Data for the HSD cases is already staged on Tier-1 platforms at the ``INPUTDATA_ROOT*`` locations listed in `baseline_setup.yaml `_. However, users on any platform can download the data directly from the `HTF data bucket `_ using ``wget``. + +.. code-block:: console + + wget https://noaa-ufs-htf-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/develop-20241115/HSD_INPUT_DATA/HSD_INPUT_DATA.tar.gz + tar xvfz HSD_INPUT_DATA.tar.gz diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_machine_config.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_machine_config.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..02e7534bc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_machine_config.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +The HSD cases are configured to be run on NOAA Tier-1 platforms, and the configuration files for each platform are located at: + +.. code-block:: console + + ${UFS_WM}/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_.config + +where ```` corresponds to the name of the platform. These configuration files load the necessary Python and Rocoto modules for each platform. Users generally do not need to make any changes to these files. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_notes.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_notes.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b279a9891c --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_notes.rst @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +.. note:: + + Once the tests run successfully with the ``-c`` option (baseline created), users can compare future test results with the newly created baseline using ``-m`` instead of ``-c``. + +For further test management, users may save the test directory location in an environment variable: + +.. code-block:: console + + export UFS_WM_TEST=/path/to/expt_dirs/ufs_test \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_run_multiple.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_run_multiple.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c503e2087 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_run_multiple.rst @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +To run multiple cases at once, modify ``ufs_test.yaml`` to contain only a subset of tests (e.g., ``2020_CAPE`` and ``baroclinic_wave``) and use the ``-l`` argument: + +.. code-block:: console + + ./ufs_test.sh -a epic -s -c -k -r -l ufs_test.yaml + +Alternatively, users may copy the sections for ``2020_CAPE``/``baroclinic_wave`` tests into a new YAML file (e.g., ``my_test_cases.yaml``) to call via ``ufs_test.sh``: + +.. code-block:: console + + ./ufs_test.sh -a epic -s -c -k -r -l my_test_cases.yaml \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_run_tests.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_run_tests.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af4610154d --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/doc-snippets/hsd_run_tests.rst @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +Launch tests from the ``${UFS_WM}/tests-dev`` directory with the following command: + +.. code-block:: console + + cd ${UFS_WM}/tests-dev + ./ufs_test.sh -a [-s] [-c] -k -r -n " " + +where: + +* ````: Account/project number for batch jobs. +* ````: Name of the test case (e.g., ``2020_CAPE`` or ``baroclinic_wave``). +* ````: Compiler used for the tests (``intel`` or ``gnu``). + +**Command-line Options:** + +* ``-s``: Syncs scripts from ``./ufs-wm/tests`` to ``./ufs-wm/tests-dev`` (only required on the first run) +* ``-c``: Creates a new baseline (necessary until idealized case baselines are staged in the ``UFS_WM_RT`` directory). +* ``-k``: Keeps runtime directories after test completion +* ``l``: Runs test cases listed in a YAML file +* ``-m``: Compares against existing baseline results (baseline must exist) +* ``-n``: Runs a single test case +* ``-r``: Uses Rocoto workflow manager + +.. note:: + + After the initial run of ``ufs_test.sh`` with the ``-s`` option, users do not need to use ``-s`` again unless they subsequently alter files inside of ``tests-dev/test_cases``. If files have changed, the user will need to rerun ``ufs_test.sh`` with ``-s`` or work from a fresh clone so that everything is properly copied via ``-s``. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/index.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/index.rst index f5e638de4b..290a9cfcc2 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/index.rst +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/index.rst @@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ Welcome to the UFS Weather Model User's Guide CodeOverview BuildingAndRunning InputsOutputs + RTConfigurations + HSD + modules ConfigParameters AutomatedTesting FAQ diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/modules.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/modules.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..456173aa9a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/modules.rst @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +Technical Documentation for ``tests-dev`` +========================================== + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 4 + + create_log + create_xml + ufs_test_utils diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/references.bib b/doc/UsersGuide/source/references.bib index 92a6d96b98..249bd612d3 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/references.bib +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/references.bib @@ -16,6 +16,27 @@ @article{BengtssonEtAl2020 title={A Stochastic Parameterization of Organized Tropical Convection Using Cellular Automata for Global Forecasts in NOAA's Unified Forecast System}, author={L. Bengtsson and J. Dias and S. Tulich and M. Gehne and J. Bao}, journal={Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems}, - url={https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2020MS002260}, + url={https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2020MS002260}, year={2020}, } +@article{SunEtAl2024, + title={A Case Study Investigating the Low Summertime CAPE Behavior in the Global Forecast System}, + author={X. Sun and D. Heinzeller and L. Bernardet and L. Pan and W. Li and D. Turner and J. Brown.}, + journal={Weather and Forecasting}, + volume={39}, + number={1}, + pages={3-17}, + doi={https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-22-0208.1}, + year={2024}, +} + +@article{Jablonowski&Williamson2006, + title={A baroclinic instability test case for atmospheric model dynamical cores}, + author={C. Jablonowski and D. L. Williamson}, + journal={Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society}, + volume={132}, + number={621C}, + pages={2943-2975}, + doi={https://doi.org/10.1256/qj.06.12}, + year={2006}, +} diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/RRFSDefaultVariables.csv b/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/RRFSDefaultVariables.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..89eb311bb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/RRFSDefaultVariables.csv @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +Variable, ``export_fv3`` , ``export_rap_common``, ``export_rrfs_v1``, ``export_hrrr_conus13km`` +DATE (SYEAR-SMONTH-SDAY SHOUR:00:00), 2016-10-03 00:00:00, 2021-03-22 06:00:00, *2021-03-22 06:00:00*, 2021-05-12 16:00:00 +Forecast Length in hours (FHMAX), 24, *24*, *24*, 2 +CCPP_SUITE, None set (set in subsequent functions or test file), None set, FV3_RRFS_v1beta, FV3_HRRR +IMP_PHYSICS, 11, 8, *8*, 8 +DT_ATMOS, 1800, 300, *300*, 120 +OUTPUT_GRID, \"'cubed_sphere_grid'\", 'gaussian_grid', *'gaussian_grid'*, lambert_conformal +NTILES, 6, *6*, *6*, 1 +WRITE_DOPOST, .false., .true., *.true.*, .false. +NSTF_NAME, "2\,1\,1\,0\,5", "'2\,0\,0\,0\,0'", "*'2\,0\,0\,0\,0'*", "*'2\,0\,0\,0\,0'*" +IAER, 111, 5111, *5111*, 1011 +NPX, 97, *97*, *97*, 397 +NPY, 97, *97*, *97*, 233 +NPZ, 64, 127, *127*, 65 +NPZP, 65, 128, *128*, 66 +INPES, 3 (``$INPES_dflt`` --- set in machine section), *3*, *3*, 12 +JNPES, 8 (``$JNPES_dflt`` --- set in machine section), *8*, *8*, 12 +UFS_CONFIGURE, ufs.configure.atm.IN, *ufs.configure.atm.IN*, *ufs.configure.atm.IN*, *ufs.configure.atm.IN* +MODEL_CONFIGURE, model_configure.IN, *model_configure.IN*, *model_configure.IN*, model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN +DIAG_TABLE, diag_table_gfsv16, *diag_table_gfsv16*, diag_table_rap_noah, diag_table_hrrr +DIAG_TABLE_ADDITIONAL, Not set, Not set, Not set, diag_additional_rrfs_smoke +FIELD_TABLE, field_table_gfsv16, field_table_thompson_aero_tke, *field_table_thompson_aero_tke*, field_table_thompson_aero_tke_smoke +FV3_RUN, None set, control_run.IN, *control_run.IN*, rrfs_warm_run.IN +INPUT_NML, None set, rap.nml.IN, *rap.nml.IN*, rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN +MAKE_NH, .true., *.true.*, *.true.*, .false. +NA_INIT, 1, *1*, *1*, 0 +LHEATSTRG, .true., .false., .false., .false. +SEDI_SEMI, .true., *.true.*, *.true.*, .false. +DECFL, 10, *10*, *10*, 8 +RRFS_SMOKE, .false., *.false.*, *.false.*, .true. +SEAS_OPT, 2, *2*, *2*, 0 +LKM, 0, *0*, *0*, 1 +SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX, .false., *.false.*, *.false.*, .true. +ICLIQ_SW, 1, *1*, *1*, 2 +IOVR, 1, *1*, *1*, 3 +KICE, 2, 9, *9*, 9 +EXTERNAL_IC, .true., *.true.*, *.true.*, .false. +NGGPS_IC, .true., *.true.*, *.true.*, .false. +MOUNTAIN, .false., *.false.*, *.false.*, .true. +WARM_START, .false., *.false.*, *.false.*, .true. +RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS, \"''\", *\"''\"*, *\"''\"*, \"'fv3_increment.nc'\" +FHZERO, 6, *6*, *6*, 1.0 +PRINT_DIFF_PGR, .false., *.false.*, *.false.*, .true. +FHCYC, 24, *24*, *24*, 0.0 +CNVCLD, .true., *.true.*, *.true.*, .false. +CDMBWD, "'0.14\,1.8\,1.0\,1.0' (``${CDMBWD_c96}``)", "*'0.14\,1.8\,1.0\,1.0\'*", "*'0.14\,1.8\,1.0\,1.0\'*", "'3.5\,1.0'" +GWD_OPT, 1, *1*, *1*, 3 +DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL, .false., *.false.*, *.false.*, .true. +DO_GSL_DRAG_SS, .false., *.false.*, *.false.*, .true. +DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD, .false., *.false.*, *.false.*, .true. +DNATS, 1, 0, *0*, 0 +DO_SAT_ADJ, .true., .false., *.false.*, .false. +IALB , 1, 2, *2*, 2 +IEMS, 1, 2, *2*, 2 +HYBEDMF, .true., .false., *.false.*, .false. +DO_MYNNEDMF, .false., .true., *.true.*, .true. +DO_MYNNSFCLAY, .false., .true., *.true.*, .true. +DO_MYJPBL, .false., *.false.*, *.false.*, .true. +DO_DEEP, .true., *.true.*, .false., .false. +SHAL_CNV, .true., *.true.*, .false., .false. +IMFSHALCNV, 2, *2*, -1, -1 +IMFDEEPCNV, 2, *2*, -1, -1 +LSM, 1, *1*, 2, 3 +LSOIL_LSM, 4, *4*, 4, 9 +RESTART_INTERVAL, 0, *0*, *0*, 1 +OUTPUT_FH, \"12 -1\", *\"12 -1\"*, *\"12 -1\"*, *\"12 -1\"* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3_diag_table.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3_diag_table.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38435af1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3_diag_table.rst @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +:orphan: + +.. _fv3diagtable: + +**************************** +FV3 Weather Model Variables +**************************** + + +.. csv-table:: + :file: fv3diagtable.csv + :widths: 10, 15 + :header-rows: 1 diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3diagtable.csv b/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3diagtable.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6016da5c6b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3diagtable.csv @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ +Variable,Description +cldfra2d,Instantaneous 2D (max-in-column) fraction +total_albedo,Total sky albedo at top of atmosphere +lwp_ex,Total liquid water path from explicit microphysics +iwp_ex,Total ice water path from explicit microphysics +lwp_fc,Total liquid water path from cloud fraction scheme +iwp_fc,Total ice water path from cloud fraction scheme +ALBDO_ave,Surface albedo +DLWRF,Surface downward longwave flux +DLWRFI,Instantanous surface downward longwave flux +ULWRF,Surface upward longwave flux +DSWRFItoa,Instantaneous top of atmosphere downward shortwave flux +USWRFtoa,Instantaneous top of atmosphere upward shortwave flux +ULWRFtoa,Instantaneous top of atmosphere upward longwave flux +ULWRFI,Instantaneous surface upward longwave flux +DSWRF,Averaged surface downward shortwave flux +DSWRFI,Instantaneous surface downward shortwave flux +USWRF,Averaged surface upward shortwave flux +USWRFI,Instantaneous surface upward shortwave flux +duvb_ave,UV-B downward solar flux +cduvb_ave,Clear sky UV-B downward solar flux +vbdsf_ave,Visible beam downward solar flux +vddsf_ave,Visible diffuse downward solar flux +nbdsf_ave,Near infrared beam downward solar flux +nddsf_ave,Near infrared diffuse downward solar flux +csulf_avetoa,Clear sky upward longwave flux at top of atmosphere +csusf_avetoa,Clear sky upward shortwave flux at top of atmosphere +csdlf_ave,Clear sky downward longwave flux +csusf_ave,Clear sky upward shortwave flux +csdsf_ave,Clear sky downward shortwave flux +csulf_ave,Clear sky upward longwave flux +DSWRFtoa,Top of atmosphere downward shortwave flux +USWRFtoa,Top of atmosphere upward shortwave flux +ULWRFtoa,Top of atmosphere upward longwave flux +TCDC-aveclm,Atmosphere column total cloud cover +TCDC_avebndcl,Boundary layer cloud layer total cloud cover +TCDCcnvcl,Convective cloud layer total cloud cover +PREScnvclt,Pressure at convective cloud top level +PREScnvclb,Pressure at convective cloud bottom level +TCDC_avehcl,High cloud level total cloud cover +PRES_avehct,Pressure high cloud top level +PRES_avehcb,Pressure high cloud bottom level +TEMP_avehct,Temperature at high cloud top level +TCDC_avemcl,Mid-cloud level total cloud cover +PRES_avemct,Pressure at middle cloud top level +PRES_avemcb,Pressure at middle cloud bottom level +TEMP_avemct,Temperature middle cloud top level +TCDC_avelcl,Low cloud level total cloud cover +PRES_avelct,Pressure low cloud top level +PRES_avelcb,Pressure at low cloud bottom level +TEMP_avelct,Temperature at low cloud top level +AOD_550,Total aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +DU_AOD_550,Dust aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +BC_AOD_550,Soot aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +OC_AOD_550,Water soluble aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +SU_AOD_550,Sulfate aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +SS_AOD_550,Salt aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +aod,Total aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +fluxr,Fluxr diagnostic - GFS radiation +sw_upfxc,Total sky upward shortwave flux at top of atmosphere - GFS radiation +sw_dnfxc,Total sky downward shortwave flux at top of atmosphere - GFS radiation +sw_upfx0,Clear sky upward shortwave flux at top of atmosphere - GFS radiation +lw_upfxc,Total sky upward longwave flux at top of atmosphere - GFS radiation +lw_upfx0,Clear sky upward longwave flux at top of atmosphere - GFS radiation +ssrun_acc,Accumulated surface storm water runoff +evbs_ave,Direct evaporation from bare soil +evcw_ave,Canopy water evaporation +snohf,Snow phase change heat flux +pah_ave,Total precipitation advected heat +trans_ave,Transpiration +sbsno_ave,Sublimation (evaporation from snow) +snowc_ave,Snow cover - GFS lsm +snowc,Snow cover +soilm,Total column soil moisture content +tmpmin2m,Min temperature at 2 meters (height) +tmpmax2m,Max temperature at 2 meters (height) +dusfc,Surface zonal momentum flux +dvsfc,Surface meridional momentum flux +shtfl_ave,Surface sensible heat flux +lhtfl_ave,Surface latent heat flux +totprcp_ave,Surface precipitation rate +totprcpb_ave,Bucket surface precipitation rate +gflux_ave,Surface ground heat flux +dlwsfc,Time-accumulated downward longwave flux at surface +ulwsfc,Time-accumulated upward longwave flux at surface +sunsd_acc,Sunshine duration +watr_acc,Total water runoff +ecan_acc,Total evaporation of intercepted water +etran_acc,Total plant transpiration +edir_acc,Total soil surface evaporation +wa_acc,Total water storage in aquifer +pevpr_ave,Averaged potential evaporation rate +cwork_ave,Cloud work function (valid only with sas) +u-gwd_ave,Surface zonal gravity wave stress +v-gwd_ave,Surface meridional gravity wave stress +psmean,Surface pressure +cnvprcp_ave,Averaged surface convective precipitation rate +cnvprcpb_ave,Averaged bucket surface convective precipitation rate +cnvprcp,Surface convective precipitation rate +spfhmin2m,Minimum specific humidity at 2m +spfhmax2m,Maximum specific humidity at 2m +u10mmax,Maximum (magnitude) u-wind at 10m above ground level (AGL) +v10mmax,Maximum (magnitude) v-wind at 10m AGL +wind10mmax,Maximum wind speed at 10m AGL +u10max,Hourly maximum (magnitude) u-wind +v10max,Hourly maximum (magnitude) v-wind +spd10max,Hourly maximum wind speed +t02max,Maximum hourly temperature at 2 meters +t02min,Minimum hourly temperature at 2 meters +rh02max,Maximum hourly relative humidity at 2 meters +rh02min,Minimum hourly relative humidity at 2 meters +pratemax,Maximum hourly precipitation rate +frzr,Accumulated surface freezing rain +frzrb,Accumulated surface freezing rain in bucket +frozr,Accumulated surface graupel +frozrb,Accumulated surface graupel in bucket +tsnowp,Accumulated surface snow +tsnowpb,Accumulated surface snow in bucket +rhonewsn,Precipitation ice density +rain,Total rain at this time step +rainc,Convective rain at this time step +ice,Ice fall at this time step +snow,Snow fall at this time step +graupel,Graupel fall at this time step +totice_ave,Surface ice precipitation rate +toticeb_ave,Bucket surface ice precipitation rate +totsnw_ave,Surface snow precipitation rate +totsnwb_ave,Bucket surface snow precipitation rate +totgrp_ave,Surface graupel precipitation rate +totgrpb_ave,Bucket surface graupel precipitation rate +sfcdlw,Total sky to surface downward longwave flux +htrlw,Total sky longwave heating rate +lwhc,Clear sky longwave heating rate +u10m,10 meter u wind +v10m,10 meter v wind +dpt2m,2 meter dewpoint temperature +hgt_hyblev1,Layer 1 height +psurf,Surface pressure +hpbl,Surface planetary boundary layer height +pwat,Atmosphere column precipitable water +tmp_hyblev1,Layer 1 temperature +spfh_hyblev1,Layer 1 specific humidity +ugrd-hyblev1,Layer 1 zonal wind +vgrd-hyblev1,Layer 1 meridional wind +sfexc,Exchange coefficient +acond,Aerodynamic conductance +dlwsfci,Instantaneous surface downward longwave flux +ulwsfci,Instantaneous surface upward longwave flux +dswsfci,Instantaneous surface downward shortwave flux +uswsfci,Instantaneous surface upward shortwave flux +dusfci,Instantaneous u component of surface stress +dvsfci,Instantaneous v component of surface stress +shtfl,Instantaneous surface sensible heat net flux +lhtfl,Instantaneous surface latent heat net flux +gfluxi,Instantaneous surface ground heat flux +wilt,Wilting point (volumetric) +fldcp,Field capacity (volumetric) +pahi,Instantaneous precipitation advected heat flux +pevpr,Instantaneous surface potential evaporation +wet1,Normalized soil wetness +cpofp,Precent frozen precipitation +crain_ave,Averaged categorical rain +csnow_ave,Averaged categorical snow +cfrzr_ave,Averaged categorical freezing rain +cicep_ave,Averaged categorical sleet +refl_10cm,Radar reflectivity +max_hail_diam_sfc,Maximum hail diameter at lowest model level +dkt,Atmospheric heat diffusivity +dku,Atmospheric momentum diffusivity +cldfra,Instantaneous 3D cloud fraction +cnvw,Subgrid scale convective cloud water +skebu_wts,Perturbation velocity - u component +skebv_wts,Perturbation velocity - v component +zmtnblck,Level of dividing streamline +refdmax,Max hourly 1-kilometer above ground level reflectivity +refdmax263k,Max hourly -10C reflectivity +sppt_wts,Perturbation velocity (from the SPPT `stochastic physics `_ scheme) +shum_wts,Perturbation velocity (from the SHUM `stochastic physics `_ scheme) +spp_wts_pbl,Stochastically perturbed parameterization weights (magnitude) - planetary boundary layer +spp_wts_sfc,Stochastically perturbed parameterization weights (magnitude) - surface physics + +spp_wts_mp,Stochastically perturbed parameterization weights (magnitude) - microphysics +spp_wts_gwd,Stochastically perturbed parameterization - gravity wave drag +spp_wts_rad,Stochastically perturbed parameterization weights (magnitude) - radiation +spp_wts_cu_deep,Stochastically perturbed parameterization weights (magnitude) for deep convection +sfc_wts,Perturbation amplitude +ca1,Cellular automata +ca_deep,Cellular automaton deep convection +ca_turb,Cellular automaton turbulence +ca_shal,Cellular automaton shallow convection +ca_rad,Cellular automaton radiation +ca_micro,Cellular automaton microphysics +lakefrac,Lake fraction +lakedepth,Lake depth +T_snow,Temperature of snow on a lake +T_ice,Temperature of ice on a lake +use_lake_model,Lake model flag +lake_is_salty,Lake point is considered salty by CLM lake model +lake_cannot_freeze,CLM lake model considers the point to be so salty it cannot freeze +lake_t2m,Temperature at 2 meters from lake model +lake_q2m,2m specific humidity from lake model +lake_albedo,Mid-day surface albedo over lake +lake_h2osno2d,Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth over lake +lake_sndpth2d,Actual accumulated snow depth over lake in CLM lake model +lake_snl2d,Snow layers in CLM lake model (treated as integer) +lake_tsfc,Skin temperature from CLM lake model +lake_savedtke12d,Top level eddy conductivity from previous timestep in CLM lake model +lake_ht,Lake height +zmtb,Height of dividing streamline +zogw,Height of orographic gravity wave (OGW) launch +zlwb,Height of low-level wave breaking +tau_ogw,Orographic gravity wave vertical momentum flux at launch level +tau_mtb,Orographic mountain blocking integrated flux from surface +tau_tofd,Turbulent orographic form drag integrated flux from surface +tau_ngw,Non-stationary gravity waves momentum flux at launch level +du3dt_pbl_ugwp,U-tendency due to planetary boundary layer physics +dv3dt_pbl_ugwp,V-tendency due to planetary boundary layer physics +dt3dt_pbl_ugwp,T-tendency due to planetary boundary layer physics +uav_ugwp,U-daily mean for unified gravity wave physics +tav_ugwp,T-daily mean for unified gravity wave physics +du3dt_ogw,Averaged E-W orographic gravity wave tendency +du3dt_ngw,Averaged E-W non-stationary gravity waves tendency +du3dt_mtb,Averaged E-W mountain blocking tendency +du3dt_tms,Averaged E-W turbulent orographic form drag tendency +dudt_tot,Averaged E-W dycore-tendency +dtdt_tot,Averaged temperature dycore-tendency +dudt_ogw,X wind tendency from mesoscale orographic gravity wave form drag +dvdt_ogw,Y wind tendency from mesoscale orographic gravity wave form drag +dudt_obl,X wind tendency from blocking drag +dvdt_obl,Y wind tendency from blocking drag +du_ogwcol,Integrated x momentum flux from mesoscale orographic gravity wave +dv_ogwcol,Integrated y momentum flux from mesoscale orographic gravity wave +du_oblcol,Integrated x momentum flux from blocking drag +dv_oblcol,Integrated y momentum flux from blocking drag +dws3dt_ogw,Averaged wind speed tendency due to mesoscale gravity wave drag +dws3dt_obl,Averaged wind speed tendency due to blocking drag +dudt_oss,X wind tendency from small scale gravity wave drag +dvdt_oss,Y wind tendency from small scale gravity wave drag +dudt_ofd,X wind tendency from form drag +dcdt_ofd,Y wind tendency from form drag +dws3dt_oss,Averaged wind speed tendency due to small-scale gravity wave drag +dws3dt_ofd,Averaged wind speed tendency due to turbulent orographic form drag +ldu3dt_ogw,Averaged x wind tendency due to mesoscale orographic gravity wave drag +ldu3dt_obl,Averaged x wind tendency due to blocking drag +ldu3dt_ofd,Averaged x wind tendency due to form drag +ldu3dt_oss,Averaged x wind tendency due to small-scale gravity wave drag +du_osscol,Integrated x momentum flux from small-scale gravity wave drag +dv_osscol,Integrated y momentum flux from small-scale gravity wave drag +du_ofdcol,Integrated x momentum flux from form drag +dv_ofdcol,Integrated y momentum flux from form drag +du3_ogwcol,Time averaged surface x momentum flux from mesoscale orographic gravity wave drag +dv3_ogwcol,Time averaged surface y momentum flux from mesoscale orographic gravity wave drag +du3_oblcol,Time averaged surface x momentum flux from blocking drag +dv3_oblcol,Time averaged surface y momentum flux from blocking drag +du3_osscol,Time averaged surface x momentum flux from small-scale gravity wave drag +dv3_osscol,Time averaged surface y momentum flux from small-scale gravity wave drag +du3_ofdcol,Time averaged surface x momentum flux from form drag +dv3_ofdcol,Time averaged surface y momentum flux from form drag +ldu3dt_ngw,Time averaged u momentum tendency due to non-stationary gravity wave drag +ldv3dt_ngw,Time averaged v momentum tendency due to non-stationary gravity wave drag +ldt3dt_ngw,Time averaged temperature tendency due to non-stationary gravity wave drag +upd_mf,Updraft convective mass flux +dwn_mf,Downdraft convective mass flux +det_mf,Detrainment convective mass flux +alnsf,Mean near-infrared albedo with strong cos(z) dependency +alnwf,Mean near-infrared albedo with weak cos(z) dependency +alvsf,Mean visible albedo with strong cos(z) dependency +alvwf,Mean visible albedo with weak cos(z) dependency +canopy,Canopy water (``cnwat`` in GFS data) +f10m,10-meter wind speed divided by lowest model wind speed +facsf,Fractional coverage with strong cos(z) dependency +facwf,Fractional coverage with weak cos(z) dependency +ffhh,FH parameter from planetary boundary layer scheme +ffmm,FM parameter from planetary boundary layer scheme +uustar,U-uStar surface frictional wind +slope,Surface slope type +fice,Surface ice concentration (ice=1; no ice=0) +hice,Sea ice thickness (``icetk`` in ``gfs_data``) +snoalb,Maximum snow albedo in fraction +shdmax,Maximum fractional coverage of green vegetation +shdmin,Minimum fractional coverage of green vegetation +snowd,Surface snow depth +sbsno,Instantaneous sublimation (evaporation from snow) +evbs,Instantaneous direct evaporation over land +evcw,Instantaneous canopy evaporation +trans,Instantaneous transpiration +sfalb,Surface albedo over land +rhofr,Density of frozen precipitation +snowfall_acc_land,Total accumulated frozen precipitation over land +acsnow_land,Total accumulated SWE (snow water equivalent) of frozen precipitation over land +snowmt_land,Accumulated snow melt over land +snowfall_acc_ice,Total accumulated frozen precipitation over ice +acsnow_ice,Total accumulated SWE (snow water equivalent) of frozen precipitaton over ice +snowmt_ice,Accumulated snow melt over ice +crain,Instantaneous categorical rain +stype,Soil type in integer 1-9 +scolor,Soil color in integer 1-20 +lfrac,Land fraction +q2m,2 meter specific humidity +t2m,2 meter temperature +tsfc,Surface temperature +usfco,Surface zonal current +vsfco,Surface meridional current +tiice,Internal ice temperature layer +tg3,Deep soil temperature +tisfc,Surface temperature over ice fraction +tprcp,Total time-step precipitation +vtype,Vegetation type in integer +weasd,Surface snow water equivalent +weasdi,Surface snow water equivalent over ice +snodi,Snow depth over ice +hgtsfc,Surface geopotential height +slmsksfc,"Sea-land-ice mask (0-sea, 1-land, 2-ice)" +zorlsfc,Surface roughness +vfracsfc,Vegetation fraction +wetness,Soil moisture availability in top soil layer +nirbmdi,Surface near infrared beam shortwave downward flux +nirdfdi,Surface near infrared differential shortwave downward flux +visbmdi,Surface uv+visible beam shortwave downward flux +visdfdi,Surface uv+visible differential shortwave downward flux +xlaixy,Leaf area index +vfrac,Fraction of vegetation category +sfrac,Fraction of soil category +slc,Liquid soil moisture +soill,Liquid soil moisture +soilw,Volumetric soil moisture +soilt,Soil temperature +tref, Near Sea Surface Temperature (NSST) reference or foundation temperature +z_c,NSST sub-layer cooling thickness +c_0,NSST coefficient1 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) +c_d,NSST coefficient2 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) +w_0,NSST coefficient3 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) +w_d,NSST coefficient4 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) +xt,NSST heat content in diurnal thermocline layer +xs,NSST salinity content in diurnal thermocline layer +xu,NSST u-current content in diurnal thermocline layer +xv,NSST v-current content in diurnal thermocline layer +xz,NSST diurnal thermocline layer thickness +zm,NSST mixed layer thickness +xtts,NSST d(xt)/d(ts) +xzts,NSST d(xz)/d(ts) +d_conv,NSST thickness of free convection layer +ifd,NSST index to start diurnal thermocline layer model (DTLM) run or not +dt_cool,NSST sub-layer cooling amount +qrain,NSST sensible heat flux due to rainfall +nwfa,Number concentration of water-friendly aerosols +nwfa2d,Water-friendly surface aerosol source +nifa,Number concentration of ice-friendly aerosols +nifa2d,Ice-friendly surface aerosol source +thompson_diag3d,Thompson extended diagnostics array +fire_heat,Surface fire heat flux +burned,Ratio of the burnt area to the grid cell area +emdust,Emission of fine dust for smoke +emseas,Emission of sea salt for smoke +emanoc,Anthropogenic organic carbon (anoc) emission for Thompson microphysics +coef_bb_dc,Coefficient bb for smoke +min_fplume,Minimum smoke plume height +max_fplume,Maximum smoke plume height +HWP,Hourly fire weather potential +HWP_ave,Averaged fire weather potential +uspdavg,Boundary layer average wind speed +hpbl_thetav,Boundary layer depth modified parcel method +drydep_smoke,Dry deposition smoke +drydep_dust,Dry deposition dust +drydep_coarsepm,Dry deposition coarse pm +wetdpr_smoke,Resolved wet deposition smoke +wetdpr_dust,Resolved wet deposition dust +wetdpr_coarsepm,Resolved wet deposition coarse particulate matter +wetdpc_smoke,Convective wet deposition smoke +wetdpc_dust,Convective wet deposition dust +wetdpc_coarsepm,Convective wet deposition coarse particulate matter +peak_hr,Hour of peak smoke emissions +fire_type,Fire type +lu_nofire,Land use (lu) nofire pixes +lu_qfire,Land use (lu) qfire pixes +fhist,Coefficient to scale the fire activity depending on the fire duration +fire_end_hr,Hours since fire was last detected +ebb_smoke_in,Input smoke emission +frp_output,Output fire radiative power +ebb_rate,Total EBB carbon emissions +frp_davg,Daily mean fire radiative power +hwp_davg,Daily mean hourly wildfire potential +ebu_smoke,Smoke emission +ext550,3D total extinction at 550nm +radar_tten,Temperature tendency due to digital filter initialization (DFI) radar tendencies +ltg1_max,Max lightning threat 1 +ltg2_max,Max lightning threat 2 +ltg3_max,Max lightning threat 3 +cleffr,Effective radius of cloud liquid water particle in micrometers +cieffr,Effective radius of stratiform cloud ice particle in micrometers +cseffr,Effective radius of stratiform cloud snow particle in micrometers +ztop_plume,Height of highest plume +maxmf,Maximum mass-flux in column +maxwidth,Maximum width of plumes in grid column +zol,Monin-Obukhov surface stability parameter +flhc,Surface exchange coefficient for heat +flqc,Surface exchange coefficient for moisture +CLDFRA_BL,Subgrid cloud fraction +QC_BL,Subgrid cloud mixing ratio +EL_PBL,Turbulent mixing length +QKE,2 X TKE (Turbulent Kinetic Energy) (from MYNN) +edmf_a,Updraft area fraction (from MYNN) +edmf_w,Mean updraft vertical velocity (from MYNN) +edmf_qt,Updraft total water (from MYNN) +edmf_thl,Mean liquid potential temperature (from MYNN) +edmf_ent,Updraft entrainment rate (from MYNN) +edmf_qc,Mean updraft liquid water (from MYNN) +sub_thl,Subsidence temperature tendency (from MYNN) +sub_sqv,Subsidence water vapor tendency (from MYNN) +det_thl,Detrainment temperature tendency (from MYNN) +det_sqv,Detrainment water vapor tendency (from MYNN) +aux2d,Auxiliary 2D array +aux3d,Auxiliary 3D array +lake_snow_z3d,Lake snow level depth +lake_snow_dz3d,Lake snow level thickness +lake_snow_zi3d,Lake snow interface depth +lake_h2osoi_vol3d,Volumetric soil water +lake_h2osoi_liq3d,Soil liquid water content +lake_h2osoi_ice3d,Soil ice water content +lake_t_soisno3d,Snow or soil level temperature +lake_t_lake3d,Lake layer temperature +lake_icefrac3d,Lake fractional ice cover diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/ufs_test_utils.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/ufs_test_utils.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5291bb440 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/ufs_test_utils.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +ufs\_test\_utils module +======================= + +.. automodule:: ufs_test_utils + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/driver/UFS.F90 b/driver/UFS.F90 index a180578883..2571dbd9ec 100644 --- a/driver/UFS.F90 +++ b/driver/UFS.F90 @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ PROGRAM UFS ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! + use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : compiler_version + USE MPI USE ESMF ! @@ -79,6 +81,9 @@ PROGRAM UFS TYPE(ESMF_Config) :: CF_MAIN !<-- The Configure object ! CHARACTER(ESMF_MAXSTR) :: MESSAGE_CHECK +! + CHARACTER(len=MPI_MAX_LIBRARY_VERSION_STRING) :: library_version + INTEGER :: resultlen ! INTEGER :: RC, RC_USER !<-- The running error signal ! @@ -91,7 +96,7 @@ PROGRAM UFS !*** Initialize the ESMF framework. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - CALL ESMF_Initialize(configFileName="nems.configure" & !<-- top level configuration + CALL ESMF_Initialize(configFileName="ufs.configure" & !<-- top level configuration ,defaultCalKind =ESMF_CALKIND_GREGORIAN & !<-- Set up the default calendar. ,VM =VM & !<-- The ESMF Virtual Machine ,rc =RC) @@ -122,7 +127,13 @@ PROGRAM UFS !*** Print subversion version and other status information. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - if (mype==0) call w3tagb('ufs ',0000,0000,0000,'np23 ') + if (mype == 0) then + call w3tagb('ufs-weather-model',0,0,0,'np23') + write(*,'(A,A)') 'Compiler version: ', compiler_version() // new_line("") + call MPI_Get_library_version(library_version, resultlen, rc) + write(*,'(A,A)') 'MPI Library: ', library_version(1:resultlen) + write(*,'(A,I0,A,I0)')'MPI Version: ', mpi_version,'.',mpi_subversion + endif ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** Set up the default log. diff --git a/driver/UFSDriver.F90 b/driver/UFSDriver.F90 index bdbafd561a..4cc52bfa03 100644 --- a/driver/UFSDriver.F90 +++ b/driver/UFSDriver.F90 @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ MODULE UFSDriver ! UFS Driver component ! /|\ ! / | \ -! ATM/OCN/ICE/WAV/LND/IPM/HYD .. components +! ATM/OCN/ICE/WAV/LND/IPM/HYD/FIR .. components ! | | | ! | | (CICE, etc.) ! | | @@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ MODULE UFSDriver Driver_label_SetRunSequence => label_SetRunSequence, & Driver_label_SetRunClock => label_SetRunClock use NUOPC_Connector, only: conSS => SetServices + use NUOPC_Model, only: SetVM + ! - Handle build time ATM options: #ifdef FRONT_FV3 use FRONT_FV3, only: FV3_SS => SetServices @@ -59,6 +61,9 @@ MODULE UFSDriver #endif #ifdef FRONT_CDEPS_DOCN use FRONT_CDEPS_DOCN, only: DOCN_SS => SetServices +#endif +#ifdef FRONT_CDEPS_DICE + use FRONT_CDEPS_DICE, only: DICE_SS => SetServices #endif ! - Handle build time ICE options: #ifdef FRONT_CICE6 @@ -74,8 +79,15 @@ MODULE UFSDriver #ifdef FRONT_NOAH use FRONT_NOAH, only: NOAH_SS => SetServices #endif +#ifdef FRONT_LM4 + use FRONT_LM4, only: LM4_SS => SetServices +#endif #ifdef FRONT_NOAHMP use FRONT_NOAHMP, only: NOAHMP_SS => SetServices +#endif + ! - Handle build time FIR options: +#ifdef FRONT_FIRE_BEHAVIOR + use FRONT_FIRE_BEHAVIOR, only: FIRE_BEHAVIOR_SS => SetServices #endif #ifdef FRONT_LIS use FRONT_LIS, only: LIS_SS => SetServices @@ -197,13 +209,13 @@ SUBROUTINE UFSDriver_SS(driver,RC) ! create, open, and set the config config = ESMF_ConfigCreate(rc=RC) if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return - call ESMF_ConfigLoadFile(config, "nems.configure", rc=RC) + call ESMF_ConfigLoadFile(config, "ufs.configure", rc=RC) if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return call ESMF_GridCompSet(driver, config=config, rc=RC) if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return - ! Load the required entries from the fd_nems.yaml file - call NUOPC_FieldDictionarySetup("fd_nems.yaml", rc=rc) + ! Load the required entries from the fd_ufs.yaml file + call NUOPC_FieldDictionarySetup("fd_ufs.yaml", rc=rc) if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -377,17 +389,8 @@ subroutine SetModelServices(driver, rc) #endif #ifdef FRONT_HYCOM if (trim(model) == "hycom") then - !TODO: Remove bail code and pass info and SetVM to DriverAddComp - !TODO: once component supports threading. - if (ompNumThreads > 1) then - write (msg, *) "ESMF-aware threading NOT implemented for model: "//& - trim(model) - call ESMF_LogSetError(ESMF_RC_NOT_VALID, msg=msg, line=__LINE__, & - file=__FILE__, rcToReturn=rc) - return ! bail out - endif call NUOPC_DriverAddComp(driver, trim(prefix), HYCOM_SS, & - petList=petList, comp=comp, rc=rc) + SetVM, info=info, petList=petList, comp=comp, rc=rc) if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return found_comp = .true. end if @@ -417,6 +420,23 @@ subroutine SetModelServices(driver, rc) found_comp = .true. end if #endif +#ifdef FRONT_CDEPS_DICE + if (trim(model) == "dice") then + !TODO: Remove bail code and pass info and SetVM to DriverAddComp + !TODO: once component supports threading. + if (ompNumThreads > 1) then + write (msg, *) "ESMF-aware threading NOT implemented for model: "//& + trim(model) + call ESMF_LogSetError(ESMF_RC_NOT_VALID, msg=msg,line=__LINE__, & + file=__FILE__, rcToReturn=rc) + return ! bail out + endif + call NUOPC_DriverAddComp(driver, trim(prefix), DICE_SS, & + petList=petList, comp=comp, rc=rc) + if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return + found_comp = .true. + end if +#endif #ifdef FRONT_CICE6 if (trim(model) == "cice6") then call NUOPC_DriverAddComp(driver, trim(prefix), CICE6_SS, & @@ -450,6 +470,14 @@ subroutine SetModelServices(driver, rc) found_comp = .true. end if #endif +#ifdef FRONT_LM4 + if (trim(model) == "lm4") then + call NUOPC_DriverAddComp(driver, trim(prefix), LM4_SS, & + petList=petList, comp=comp, rc=rc) + if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return + found_comp = .true. + end if +#endif #ifdef FRONT_NOAHMP if (trim(model) == "noahmp") then call NUOPC_DriverAddComp(driver, trim(prefix), NOAHMP_SS, & @@ -458,6 +486,14 @@ subroutine SetModelServices(driver, rc) found_comp = .true. end if #endif +#ifdef FRONT_FIRE_BEHAVIOR + if (trim(model) == "fire_behavior") then + call NUOPC_DriverAddComp(driver, trim(prefix), FIRE_BEHAVIOR_SS, & + petList=petList, comp=comp, rc=rc) + if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return + found_comp = .true. + end if +#endif #ifdef FRONT_LIS if (trim(model) == "lis") then !TODO: Remove bail code and pass info and SetVM to DriverAddComp diff --git a/fire_behavior b/fire_behavior new file mode 160000 index 0000000000..05cad173fe --- /dev/null +++ b/fire_behavior @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_acorn.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_acorn.intel.lua index 8432bb9462..e259acb835 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_acorn.intel.lua +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_acorn.intel.lua @@ -2,30 +2,19 @@ help([[ Load environment to build UFS on Acorn with Intel compiler ]]) -PrgEnv_intel_ver=os.getenv("PrgEnv_intel_ver") or "8.1.0" -load(pathJoin("PrgEnv-intel", PrgEnv_intel_ver)) +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/lfs/h1/emc/nceplibs/noscrub/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/unified-env-fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") -intel_ver=os.getenv("intel_ver") or "" -load(pathJoin("intel", intel_ver)) +load("stack-intel") +load("stack-cray-mpich") -craype_ver=os.getenv("craype_ver") or "2.7.13" -load(pathJoin("craype", craype_ver)) - -cray_mpich_ver=os.getenv("cray_mpich_ver") or "8.1.9" -load(pathJoin("cray-mpich", cray_mpich_ver)) - -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.20.2" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/lfs/h1/emc/nceplibs/noscrub/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/modulefiles/stack") - -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "" -hpc_cray_mpich_ver=os.getenv("hpc_cray_mpich_ver") or "8.1.9" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) -load(pathJoin("hpc-cray-mpich", hpc_cray_mpich_ver)) +--Avoid production installations; use spack-stack only: +remove_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/ops/prod/libs/modulefiles/compiler/intel/") +remove_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/ops/prod/libs/modulefiles/mpi/intel/") +remove_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/ops/prod/libs/modulefiles/mpi/intel/") +remove_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/prod/lmodules/intel/") +remove_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/prod/lmodules/INTEL_cray_mpich/") +load("cmake") load("ufs_common") setenv("CC", "cc") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_acorn.intel_debug.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_acorn.intel_debug.lua deleted file mode 100644 index b9ba3794ba..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_acorn.intel_debug.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -Load environment to build UFS on Acorn with Intel compiler -]]) - -PrgEnv_intel_ver=os.getenv("PrgEnv_intel_ver") or "8.1.0" -load(pathJoin("PrgEnv-intel", PrgEnv_intel_ver)) - -intel_ver=os.getenv("intel_ver") or "" -load(pathJoin("intel", intel_ver)) - -craype_ver=os.getenv("craype_ver") or "2.7.13" -load(pathJoin("craype", craype_ver)) - -cray_mpich_ver=os.getenv("cray_mpich_ver") or "8.1.9" -load(pathJoin("cray-mpich", cray_mpich_ver)) - -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.20.2" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/lfs/h1/emc/nceplibs/noscrub/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/modulefiles/stack") - -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "" -hpc_cray_mpich_ver=os.getenv("hpc_cray_mpich_ver") or "8.1.9" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) -load(pathJoin("hpc-cray-mpich", hpc_cray_mpich_ver)) - -load("ufs_common_debug") - -setenv("CC", "cc") -setenv("CXX", "CC") -setenv("FC", "ftn") -setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "acorn") - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.gnu.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.gnu.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 7e963b41d7..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.gnu.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model prerequisites for Cheyenne/GNU -]]) - -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.22.0" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -python_ver=os.getenv("python_ver") or "3.7.9" -load(pathJoin("python", python_ver)) - -ncarenv_ver=os.getenv("ncarenv_ver") or "1.3" -load(pathJoin("ncarenv", ncarenv_ver)) - -gnu_ver=os.getenv("gnu_ver") or "10.1.0" -load(pathJoin("gnu", gnu_ver)) - -mpt_ver=os.getenv("mpt_ver") or "2.22" -load(pathJoin("mpt", mpt_ver)) - -ncarcompilers_ver=os.getenv("ncarcompilers_ver") or "0.5.0" -load(pathJoin("ncarcompilers", ncarcompilers_ver)) - -unload("netcdf") - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/glade/work/epicufsrt/GMTB/tools/gnu/10.1.0/hpc-stack-v1.2.0/modulefiles/stack") - -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) - -hpc_gnu_ver=os.getenv("hpc_gnu_ver") or "10.1.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc-gnu", hpc_gnu_ver)) - -hpc_mpt_ver=os.getenv("hpc_mpt_ver") or "2.22" -load(pathJoin("hpc-mpt", hpc_mpt_ver)) - -load("ufs_common") - -setenv("CC", "mpicc") -setenv("CXX", "mpicxx") -setenv("FC", "mpif90") -setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "cheyenne.gnu") - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.gnu_debug.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.gnu_debug.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 6c6f12dac7..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.gnu_debug.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model prerequisites for Cheyenne/GNU -]]) - -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.22.0" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -python_ver=os.getenv("python_ver") or "3.7.9" -load(pathJoin("python", python_ver)) - -ncarenv_ver=os.getenv("ncarenv_ver") or "1.3" -load(pathJoin("ncarenv", ncarenv_ver)) - -gnu_ver=os.getenv("gnu_ver") or "10.1.0" -load(pathJoin("gnu", gnu_ver)) - -mpt_ver=os.getenv("mpt_ver") or "2.22" -load(pathJoin("mpt", mpt_ver)) - -ncarcompilers_ver=os.getenv("ncarcompilers_ver") or "0.5.0" -load(pathJoin("ncarcompilers", ncarcompilers_ver)) - -unload("netcdf") - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/glade/work/epicufsrt/GMTB/tools/gnu/10.1.0/hpc-stack-v1.2.0/modulefiles/stack") - -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) - -hpc_gnu_ver=os.getenv("hpc_gnu_ver") or "10.1.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc-gnu", hpc_gnu_ver)) - -hpc_mpt_ver=os.getenv("hpc_mpt_ver") or "2.22" -load(pathJoin("hpc-mpt", hpc_mpt_ver)) - -load("ufs_common_debug") - -setenv("CC", "mpicc") -setenv("CXX", "mpicxx") -setenv("FC", "mpif90") -setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "cheyenne.gnu") - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.intel.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 434be8d438..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.intel.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model prerequisites for Cheyenne/Intel -]]) - -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.22.0" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -python_ver=os.getenv("python_ver") or "3.7.9" -load(pathJoin("python", python)) - ---load programming environment -ncarenv_ver=os.getenv("ncarenv_ver") or "1.3" -load(pathJoin("ncarenv", ncarenv_ver)) - -intel_ver=os.getenv("intel_ver") or "2022.1" -load(pathJoin("intel", intel_ver)) - -mpt_ver=os.getenv("mpt_ver") or "2.25" -load(pathJoin("mpt", mpt_ver)) - -ncarcompilers_ver=os.getenv("ncarcompilers_ver") or "0.5.0" -load(pathJoin("ncarcompilers", ncarcompilers_ver)) - -unload("netcdf") - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/glade/work/epicufsrt/GMTB/tools/intel/2022.1/hpc-stack-v1.2.0_6eb6/modulefiles/stack") - -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) - -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "2022.1" -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) - -hpc_mpt_ver=os.getenv("hpc_mpt_ver") or "2.25" -load(pathJoin("hpc-mpt", hpc_mpt_ver)) - -load("ufs_common") - -setenv("CC", "mpicc") -setenv("CXX", "mpicxx") -setenv("FC", "mpif90") -setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "cheyenne.intel") - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.intel_debug.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.intel_debug.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 725fc8a5f0..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_cheyenne.intel_debug.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model prerequisites for Cheyenne/Intel -]]) - -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.22.0" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -python_ver=os.getenv("python_ver") or "3.7.9" -load(pathJoin("python", python)) - ---load programming environment -ncarenv_ver=os.getenv("ncarenv_ver") or "1.3" -load(pathJoin("ncarenv", ncarenv_ver)) - -intel_ver=os.getenv("intel_ver") or "2022.1" -load(pathJoin("intel", intel_ver)) - -mpt_ver=os.getenv("mpt_ver") or "2.25" -load(pathJoin("mpt", mpt_ver)) - -ncarcompilers_ver=os.getenv("ncarcompilers_ver") or "0.5.0" -load(pathJoin("ncarcompilers", ncarcompilers_ver)) - -unload("netcdf") - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/glade/work/epicufsrt/GMTB/tools/intel/2022.1/hpc-stack-v1.2.0_6eb6/modulefiles/stack") - -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) - -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "2022.1" -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) - -hpc_mpt_ver=os.getenv("hpc_mpt_ver") or "2.25" -load(pathJoin("hpc-mpt", hpc_mpt_ver)) - -load("ufs_common_debug") - -setenv("CC", "mpicc") -setenv("CXX", "mpicxx") -setenv("FC", "mpif90") -setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "cheyenne.intel") - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_common.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_common.lua index 7788757cb2..062fa38449 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_common.lua +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_common.lua @@ -1,56 +1,32 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model common libraries -]]) - -jasper_ver=os.getenv("jasper_ver") or "2.0.25" -load(pathJoin("jasper", jasper_ver)) - -zlib_ver=os.getenv("zlib_ver") or "1.2.11" -load(pathJoin("zlib", zlib_ver)) - -libpng_ver=os.getenv("libpng_ver") or "1.6.37" -load(pathJoin("libpng", libpng_ver)) - -hdf5_ver=os.getenv("hdf5_ver") or "1.10.6" -load(pathJoin("hdf5", hdf5_ver)) - -netcdf_ver=os.getenv("netcdf_ver") or "4.7.4" -load(pathJoin("netcdf", netcdf_ver)) - -pio_ver=os.getenv("pio_ver") or "2.5.7" -load(pathJoin("pio", pio_ver)) - -esmf_ver=os.getenv("esmf_ver") or "8.3.0b09" -load(pathJoin("esmf", esmf_ver)) - -fms_ver=os.getenv("fms_ver") or "2022.01" -load(pathJoin("fms",fms_ver)) - -bacio_ver=os.getenv("bacio_ver") or "2.4.1" -load(pathJoin("bacio", bacio_ver)) - -crtm_ver=os.getenv("crtm_ver") or "2.4.0" -load(pathJoin("crtm", crtm_ver)) - -g2_ver=os.getenv("g2_ver") or "3.4.5" -load(pathJoin("g2", g2_ver)) - -g2tmpl_ver=os.getenv("g2tmpl_ver") or "1.10.0" -load(pathJoin("g2tmpl", g2tmpl_ver)) - -ip_ver=os.getenv("ip_ver") or "3.3.3" -load(pathJoin("ip", ip_ver)) - -sp_ver=os.getenv("sp_ver") or "2.3.3" -load(pathJoin("sp", sp_ver)) - -w3emc_ver=os.getenv("w3emc_ver") or "2.9.2" -load(pathJoin("w3emc", w3emc_ver)) - -gftl_shared_ver=os.getenv("gftl_shared_ver") or "v1.5.0" -load(pathJoin("gftl-shared", gftl_shared_ver)) - -mapl_ver=os.getenv("mapl_ver") or "2.22.0-esmf-8.3.0b09" -load(pathJoin("mapl", mapl_ver)) - whatis("Description: UFS build environment common libraries") + +help([[Load UFS Model common libraries]]) + +local ufs_modules = { + {["jasper"] = "2.0.32"}, + {["zlib"] = "1.2.13"}, + {["libpng"] = "1.6.37"}, + {["hdf5"] = "1.14.0"}, + {["netcdf-c"] = "4.9.2"}, + {["netcdf-fortran"] = "4.6.1"}, + {["parallelio"] = "2.5.10"}, + {["esmf"] = "8.6.0"}, + {["fms"] = "2024.01"}, + {["bacio"] = "2.4.1"}, + {["crtm"] = "2.4.0"}, + {["g2"] = "3.5.1"}, + {["g2tmpl"] = "1.13.0"}, + {["ip"] = "4.3.0"}, + {["sp"] = "2.5.0"}, + {["w3emc"] = "2.10.0"}, + {["gftl-shared"] = "1.6.1"}, + {["mapl"] = "2.40.3-esmf-8.6.0"}, + {["scotch"] = "7.0.4"}, +} + +for i = 1, #ufs_modules do + for name, default_version in pairs(ufs_modules[i]) do + local env_version_name = string.gsub(name, "-", "_") .. "_ver" + load(pathJoin(name, os.getenv(env_version_name) or default_version)) + end +end diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_common_debug.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_common_debug.lua deleted file mode 100644 index fccbd2a5ac..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_common_debug.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model common libraries for debug -]]) - -jasper_ver=os.getenv("jasper_ver") or "2.0.25" -load(pathJoin("jasper", jasper_ver)) - -zlib_ver=os.getenv("zlib_ver") or "1.2.11" -load(pathJoin("zlib", zlib_ver)) - -libpng_ver=os.getenv("libpng_ver") or "1.6.37" -load(pathJoin("libpng", libpng_ver)) - -hdf5_ver=os.getenv("hdf5_ver") or "1.10.6" -load(pathJoin("hdf5", hdf5_ver)) - -netcdf_ver=os.getenv("netcdf_ver") or "4.7.4" -load(pathJoin("netcdf", netcdf_ver)) - -pio_ver=os.getenv("pio_ver") or "2.5.7" -load(pathJoin("pio", pio_ver)) - -esmf_ver=os.getenv("esmf_ver") or "8.3.0b09-debug" -load(pathJoin("esmf", esmf_ver)) - -fms_ver=os.getenv("fms_ver") or "2022.01" -load(pathJoin("fms",fms_ver)) - -bacio_ver=os.getenv("bacio_ver") or "2.4.1" -load(pathJoin("bacio", bacio_ver)) - -crtm_ver=os.getenv("crtm_ver") or "2.4.0" -load(pathJoin("crtm", crtm_ver)) - -g2_ver=os.getenv("g2_ver") or "3.4.5" -load(pathJoin("g2", g2_ver)) - -g2tmpl_ver=os.getenv("g2tmpl_ver") or "1.10.0" -load(pathJoin("g2tmpl", g2tmpl_ver)) - -ip_ver=os.getenv("ip_ver") or "3.3.3" -load(pathJoin("ip", ip_ver)) - -sp_ver=os.getenv("sp_ver") or "2.3.3" -load(pathJoin("sp", sp_ver)) - -w3emc_ver=os.getenv("w3emc_ver") or "2.9.2" -load(pathJoin("w3emc", w3emc_ver)) - -gftl_shared_ver=os.getenv("gftl_shared_ver") or "v1.5.0" -load(pathJoin("gftl-shared", gftl_shared_ver)) - -mapl_ver=os.getenv("mapl_ver") or "2.22.0-esmf-8.3.0b09" -load(pathJoin("mapl", mapl_ver)) - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment common libraries for debug") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_derecho.gnu.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_derecho.gnu.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..295b5560dc --- /dev/null +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_derecho.gnu.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +help([[ +loads UFS Model prerequisites for Derecho/GNU +]]) + +setenv("LMOD_TMOD_FIND_FIRST","yes") +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/lustre/desc1/scratch/epicufsrt/contrib/modulefiles") +load("ecflow/5.8.4") +load("mysql/8.0.33") + +setenv("LMOD_TMOD_FIND_FIRST","yes") +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/lustre/desc1/scratch/epicufsrt/contrib/modulefiles_extra") +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/spack-stack/derecho/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") + +unload("ncarcompilers") +stack_gnu_ver=os.getenv("stack_gnu_ver") or "12.2.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-gcc", stack_gnu_ver)) + +stack_cray_mpich_ver=os.getenv("stack_cray_mpich_ver") or "8.1.25" +load(pathJoin("stack-cray-mpich", stack_cray_mpich_ver)) + +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) + +stack_python_ver=os.getenv("stack_python_ver") or "3.10.13" +load(pathJoin("stack-python", stack_python_ver)) + +setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "derecho.gnu") +load("ufs-weather-model-env") + +whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_derecho.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_derecho.intel.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f858670436 --- /dev/null +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_derecho.intel.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +help([[ +loads UFS Model prerequisites for NOAA Parallelworks/Intel +]]) + +setenv("LMOD_TMOD_FIND_FIRST","yes") +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/spack-stack/derecho/modulefiles") +load("ecflow/5.8.4") +load("mysql/8.0.33") + +setenv("LMOD_TMOD_FIND_FIRST","yes") +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/lustre/desc1/scratch/epicufsrt/contrib/modulefiles_extra") +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/spack-stack/derecho/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") + +unload("ncarcompilers") +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "2021.10.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) + +stack_cray_mpich_ver=os.getenv("stack-cray-mpich_ver") or "8.1.25" +load(pathJoin("stack-cray-mpich", stack_cray_mpich_ver)) + +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) + +stack_python_ver=os.getenv("stack_python_ver") or "3.10.13" +load(pathJoin("stack-python", stack_python_ver)) + +setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "derecho.intel") +load("ufs-weather-model-env") + +whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_expanse.intel_debug b/modulefiles/ufs_expanse.intel_debug deleted file mode 100644 index be5ae67a0d..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_expanse.intel_debug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -#%Module - -proc ModulesHelp {} { - puts stderr "\tcit - loads modules required for building and running UFS Model on Expanse/Intel" -} - -module-whatis "loads UFS Model prerequisites for Expanse/Intel" - -module load slurm/expanse/20.02.3 -module load cpu/0.15.4 -module load intel/ -module load intel-mpi/2019.8.254 -module load python/3.8.5 -module load cmake/3.18.2 - -module use module use /expanse/lustre/scratch/domh/temp_project/hpc-stack-20210929/modulefiles/stack - -module load hpc/1.2.0 - -module load hpc-intel/ -module load hpc-intel-mpi/2019.8.254 - -module load jasper/2.0.25 -module load zlib/1.2.11 -module load png/1.6.35 - -module load ufs_common_debug - -setenv CC mpiicc -setenv CXX mpiicpc -setenv FC mpiifort -setenv CMAKE_Platform expanse.intel diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_frontera.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_frontera.intel.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd62e79d30 --- /dev/null +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_frontera.intel.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +help([[ +loads UFS Model prerequisites for Frontera/Intel +]]) + +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/work2/06146/tg854455/frontera/spack-stack/modulefiles") +load("ecflow/5.8.4") + +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/work2/01118/tg803972/frontera/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles/Core") + +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) + +stack_impi_ver=os.getenv("stack_impi_ver") or "2020.4.304" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel-mpi", stack_impi_ver)) + +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.24.2" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) +--load("cmake/3.24.2") + +load("ufs_common") + +stack_python_ver=os.getenv("stack_python_ver") or "3.10.13" +load(pathJoin("stack-python", stack_python_ver)) + +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + +setenv("CC", "mpiicc") +setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") +setenv("FC", "mpiifort") +setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "frontera.intel") + +whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intel b/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intel deleted file mode 100644 index 378d266827..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intel +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -#%Module - -proc ModulesHelp {} { - puts stderr "\tcit - loads modules required for building and running UFS Model on Gaea/Intel" -} - -module-whatis "loads UFS Model prerequisites for Gaea/Intel" - -module load PrgEnv-intel/6.0.5 -module rm intel -module rm cray-mpich -module rm netcdf -module load intel/ -module load cray-mpich/7.7.11 -module load cray-python/ -# Needed at runtime: -module load alps - -module use /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/cmake-3.20.1/modulefiles -module load cmake/3.20.1 - -#needed for WW3 build -module load gcc/8.3.0 - -module use /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/hpc-stack.epic/libs/intel/2021.3.0/modulefiles/stack - -module load hpc/1.2.0 -module load hpc-intel/2021.3.0 -module load hpc-cray-mpich/7.7.11 - -#module load ufs_common -module load jasper/2.0.25 -module load zlib/1.2.11 -module load libpng/1.6.37 - -module load hdf5/1.10.6 -module load netcdf/4.7.4 -module load pio/2.5.7 -module load esmf/8.3.0b09 -module load fms/2022.01 - -module load bacio/2.4.1 -module load crtm/2.4.0 -module load g2/3.4.5 -module load g2tmpl/1.10.0 -module load ip/3.3.3 -module load sp/2.3.3 -module load w3emc/2.9.2 - -module load gftl-shared/v1.5.0 -module load mapl/2.22.0-esmf-8.3.0b09 - -setenv CC cc -setenv CXX CC -setenv FC ftn -setenv CMAKE_Platform gaea.intel diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intel.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..834c8fc41f --- /dev/null +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intel.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +help([[ + This module loads libraries required for building and running UFS Weather Model + on the NOAA RDHPC machine Gaea C5 using Intel-2023.1.0. +]]) + +whatis([===[Loads libraries needed for building the UFS Weather Model on Gaea ]===]) + +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/ncrc/proj/epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") + +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "2023.2.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) + +stack_cray_mpich_ver=os.getenv("stack_cray_mpich_ver") or "8.1.28" +load(pathJoin("stack-cray-mpich", stack_cray_mpich_ver)) + +stack_python_ver=os.getenv("stack_python_ver") or "3.10.13" +load(pathJoin("stack-python", stack_python_ver)) + +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) + +load("ufs_common") + +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + +unload("darshan-runtime") +unload("cray-libsci") + +setenv("CC","cc") +setenv("CXX","CC") +setenv("FC","ftn") +setenv("CMAKE_Platform","gaea.intel") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intel_debug b/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intel_debug deleted file mode 100644 index 047130e8be..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intel_debug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -#%Module - -proc ModulesHelp {} { - puts stderr "\tcit - loads modules required for building and running UFS Model on Gaea/Intel" -} - -module-whatis "loads UFS Model prerequisites for Gaea/Intel" - -module load PrgEnv-intel/6.0.5 -module rm intel -module rm cray-mpich -module rm netcdf -module load intel/ -module load cray-mpich/7.7.11 -module load cray-python/ -# Needed at runtime: -module load alps - -module use /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/cmake-3.20.1/modulefiles -module load cmake/3.20.1 - -module use /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/hpc-stack.epic/libs/intel/2021.3.0/modulefiles/stack - -module load hpc/1.2.0 -module load hpc-intel/2021.3.0 -module load hpc-cray-mpich/7.7.11 - -#module load ufs_common_debug -module load jasper/2.0.25 -module load zlib/1.2.11 -module load libpng/1.6.37 - -module load hdf5/1.10.6 -module load netcdf/4.7.4 -module load pio/2.5.7 -module load esmf/8.3.0b09-debug -module load fms/2022.01 - -module load bacio/2.4.1 -module load crtm/2.4.0 -module load g2/3.4.5 -module load g2tmpl/1.10.0 -module load ip/3.3.3 -module load sp/2.3.3 -module load w3emc/2.9.2 - -module load gftl-shared/v1.5.0 -module load mapl/2.22.0-esmf-8.3.0b09 - -setenv CC cc -setenv CXX CC -setenv FC ftn -setenv CMAKE_Platform gaea.intel diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intelllvm.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intelllvm.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01d8585454 --- /dev/null +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_gaea.intelllvm.lua @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +help([[ + This module loads libraries required for building and running UFS Weather Model + on the NOAA RDHPC machine Gaea C5 using Intel-2023.1.0. +]]) + +whatis([===[Loads libraries needed for building the UFS Weather Model on Gaea ]===]) + +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/ncrc/proj/epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") + +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "2023.2.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) + +stack_cray_mpich_ver=os.getenv("stack_cray_mpich_ver") or "8.1.28" +load(pathJoin("stack-cray-mpich", stack_cray_mpich_ver)) + +stack_python_ver=os.getenv("stack_python_ver") or "3.10.13" +load(pathJoin("stack-python", stack_python_ver)) + +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) + +load("ufs_common") + +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + +unload("darshan-runtime") +unload("cray-libsci") + +load("intel-classic/2023.2.0") + +setenv("I_MPI_CC", "icx") +setenv("I_MPI_CXX", "icpx") +setenv("I_MPI_F90", "ifx") + +setenv("CC","cc") +setenv("CXX","CC") +setenv("FC","ftn") +setenv("CMAKE_Platform","gaea.intelllvm") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_hera.gnu.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_hera.gnu.lua index c0b1b6be8b..4e53200209 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_hera.gnu.lua +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_hera.gnu.lua @@ -2,34 +2,29 @@ help([[ loads UFS Model prerequisites for Hera/GNU ]]) -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/modulefiles") -miniconda3_ver=os.getenv("miniconda3_ver") or "3.7.3" -load(pathJoin("miniconda3", miniconda3_ver)) +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch2/NCEPDEV/stmp1/role.epic/installs/gnu/modulefiles") +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch2/NCEPDEV/stmp1/role.epic/installs/openmpi/modulefiles") +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch2/NCEPDEV/stmp1/role.epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.6.0_gnu13/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/contrib/sutils/modulefiles") -load("sutils") +stack_gnu_ver=os.getenv("stack_gnu_ver") or "13.3.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-gcc", stack_gnu_ver)) -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.20.1" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -gnu_ver=os.getenv("gnu_ver") or "9.2.0" -load(pathJoin("gnu", gnu_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/hpc-stack/libs/gnu-9.2/modulefiles/stack") +stack_openmpi_ver=os.getenv("stack_openmpi_ver") or "4.1.6" +load(pathJoin("stack-openmpi", stack_openmpi_ver)) -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) -hpc_gnu_ver=os.getenv("hpc_gnu_ver") or "9.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-gnu", hpc_gnu_ver)) +load("ufs_common") -hpc_mpich_ver=os.getenv("hpc_mpich_ver") or "3.3.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-mpich", hpc_mpich_ver)) +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) -load("ufs_common") +prepend_path("CPPFLAGS", " -I/apps/slurm_hera/23.11.3/include/slurm"," ") +prepend_path("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/apps/slurm_hera/23.11.3/lib") setenv("CC", "mpicc") -setenv("CXX", "mpicxx") +setenv("CXX", "mpic++") setenv("FC", "mpif90") setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "hera.gnu") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_hera.gnu_debug.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_hera.gnu_debug.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 6b29c655bb..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_hera.gnu_debug.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model prerequisites for Hera/GNU Debugging -]]) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/modulefiles") -miniconda3_ver=os.getenv("miniconda3_ver") or "3.7.3" -load(pathJoin("miniconda3", miniconda3_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/contrib/sutils/modulefiles") -load("sutils") - -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.20.1" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -gnu_ver=os.getenv("gnu_ver") or "9.2.0" -load(pathJoin("gnu", gnu_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/hpc-stack/libs/gnu-9.2/modulefiles/stack") - -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) - -hpc_gnu_ver=os.getenv("hpc_gnu_ver") or "9.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-gnu", hpc_gnu_ver)) - -hpc_mpich_ver=os.getenv("hpc_mpich_ver") or "3.3.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-mpich", hpc_mpich_ver)) - -load("ufs_common_debug") - -setenv("CC", "mpicc") -setenv("CXX", "mpicxx") -setenv("FC", "mpif90") -setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "hera.gnu") - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_hera.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_hera.intel.lua index 196ae3743e..feaa88e560 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_hera.intel.lua +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_hera.intel.lua @@ -2,35 +2,22 @@ help([[ loads UFS Model prerequisites for Hera/Intel ]]) -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/modulefiles") -miniconda3_ver=os.getenv("miniconda3_ver") or "3.7.3" -load(pathJoin("miniconda3", miniconda3_ver)) +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/contrib/sutils/modulefiles") -load("sutils") +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "2021.5.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.20.1" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -intel_ver=os.getenv("intel_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("intel", intel_ver)) - -impi_ver=os.getenv("impi_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("impi", impi_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/hpc-stack/libs/intel-2022.1.2/modulefiles/stack") +stack_impi_ver=os.getenv("stack_impi_ver") or "2021.5.1" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel-oneapi-mpi", stack_impi_ver)) -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) - -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) - -hpc_impi_ver=os.getenv("hpc_impi_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-impi", hpc_impi_ver)) +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) load("ufs_common") +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + setenv("CC", "mpiicc") setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") setenv("FC", "mpiifort") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_hera.intel_debug.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_hera.intel_debug.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 384bc68b2f..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_hera.intel_debug.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model prerequisites for Hera/Intel -]]) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/modulefiles") -miniconda3_ver=os.getenv("miniconda3_ver") or "3.7.3" -load(pathJoin("miniconda3", miniconda3_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/contrib/sutils/modulefiles") -load("sutils") - -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.20.1" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -intel_ver=os.getenv("intel_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("intel", intel_ver)) - -impi_ver=os.getenv("impi_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("impi", impi_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/hpc-stack/libs/intel-2022.1.2/modulefiles/stack") - -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) - -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) - -hpc_impi_ver=os.getenv("hpc_impi_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-impi", hpc_impi_ver)) - -load("ufs_common_debug") - -setenv("CC", "mpiicc") -setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") -setenv("FC", "mpiifort") -setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "hera.intel") - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_hera.intelllvm.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_hera.intelllvm.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7dfdd61ace --- /dev/null +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_hera.intelllvm.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +help([[ +loads UFS Model prerequisites for Hera/IntelLLVM +]]) + +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") + +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "2021.5.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) + +stack_impi_ver=os.getenv("stack_impi_ver") or "2021.5.1" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel-oneapi-mpi", stack_impi_ver)) + +load("gnu") +load("intel/2023.2.0") + +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) + +load("ufs_common") + +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + +setenv("I_MPI_CC", "icx") +setenv("I_MPI_CXX", "icpx") +setenv("I_MPI_FC", "ifx") + +setenv("CC", "mpicc") +setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") +setenv("FC", "mpifc") +setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "hera.intel") + +whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_hercules.gnu.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_hercules.gnu.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..035290a9c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_hercules.gnu.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +help([[ +loads UFS Model prerequisites for Hercules/GNU +]]) + +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") +-- for mvapich2, need: +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/modulefiles") + +stack_gnu_ver=os.getenv("stack_gnu_ver") or "12.2.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-gcc", stack_gnu_ver)) + +stack_mvapich2_ver=os.getenv("stack_mvapich2_ver") or "2.3.7" +load(pathJoin("stack-mvapich2", stack_mvapich2_ver)) + +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) + +load("ufs_common") + +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + +setenv("CC", "mpicc") +setenv("CXX", "mpic++") +setenv("FC", "mpif90") +setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "hercules.gnu") + +whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_hercules.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_hercules.intel.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..455ea4d0f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_hercules.intel.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +help([[ +loads UFS Model prerequisites for Hercules/Intel +]]) + +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") + +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "2021.9.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) + +stack_impi_ver=os.getenv("stack_impi_ver") or "2021.9.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel-oneapi-mpi", stack_impi_ver)) + +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) + +load("ufs_common") + +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + +setenv("CC", "mpiicc") +setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") +setenv("FC", "mpiifort") +setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "hercules.intel") + +whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_hercules.intelllvm.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_hercules.intelllvm.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2d5627b417 --- /dev/null +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_hercules.intelllvm.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +help([[ +loads UFS Model prerequisites for Hercules/IntelLLVM +]]) + +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") + +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "2021.9.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) + +stack_impi_ver=os.getenv("stack_impi_ver") or "2021.9.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel-oneapi-mpi", stack_impi_ver)) + +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) + +load("ufs_common") + +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + +setenv("I_MPI_CC", "icx") +setenv("I_MPI_CXX", "icpx") +setenv("I_MPI_F90", "ifx") + +setenv("CC", "mpiicc") +setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") +setenv("FC", "mpiifort") +setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "hercules.intel") + +whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_jet.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_jet.intel.lua index ebf0f245cb..63dd53721a 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_jet.intel.lua +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_jet.intel.lua @@ -2,25 +2,25 @@ help([[ loads UFS Model prerequisites for Jet/Intel ]]) -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/contrib/sutils/modulefiles") -load("sutils") +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", " /contrib/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.20.1" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/nwprod/hpc-stack.epic/libs/intel/2022.1.2/modulefiles/stack") +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "2021.5.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) +stack_impi_ver=os.getenv("stack_impi_ver") or "2021.5.1" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel-oneapi-mpi", stack_impi_ver)) -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) +stack_python_ver=os.getenv("stack_python_ver") or "3.10.13" +load(pathJoin("stack-python", stack_python_ver)) -hpc_impi_ver=os.getenv("hpc_impi_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-impi", hpc_impi_ver)) +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) load("ufs_common") +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + setenv("CC", "mpiicc") setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") setenv("FC", "mpiifort") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_jet.intel_debug.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_jet.intel_debug.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 71bd0e1b3f..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_jet.intel_debug.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model prerequisites for Jet/Intel -]]) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/contrib/sutils/modulefiles") -load("sutils") - -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.20.1" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/nwprod/hpc-stack.epic/libs/intel/2022.1.2/modulefiles/stack") - -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) - -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) - -hpc_impi_ver=os.getenv("hpc_impi_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-impi", hpc_impi_ver)) - -load("ufs_common_debug") - -setenv("CC", "mpiicc") -setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") -setenv("FC", "mpiifort") -setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "jet.intel") - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_linux.gnu b/modulefiles/ufs_linux.gnu index 41c3588f9f..fd1f49e8c1 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_linux.gnu +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_linux.gnu @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ## ## UFS prerequisites: Linux (tested: Ubuntu) with gcc/gfortran compilers -echo "Setting environment variables for NEMSfv3gfs on Linux with gcc/gfortran" +echo "Setting environment variables for UFS Model on Linux with gcc/gfortran" ## ## load programming environment: compiler, flags, paths @@ -25,16 +25,6 @@ export CMAKE_Platform=linux.gnu ## export NETCDF=${NETCDF:-/home/builder/opt} -## -## use SIONlib library if installed and environment variable is set -## -SIONLIB=${SIONLIB:-} -if [ ! "x$SIONLIB" == "x" ]; then - echo "Use SIONlib installation in ${SIONLIB}" - export SIONLIB_INC="-I${SIONLIB}/include -I${SIONLIB}/include/mod_64" - export SIONLIB_LIB="-L${SIONLIB}/lib -lsionmpi_f90_64 -lsionser_f90_64 -lsionmpi_64 -lsiongen_64 -lsionser_64 -lsioncom_64 -lsioncom_64_lock_none" -fi - ## ## use pre-compiled EMSF library for above compiler / MPI combination ## diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_linux.gnu_debug b/modulefiles/ufs_linux.intel similarity index 58% rename from modulefiles/ufs_linux.gnu_debug rename to modulefiles/ufs_linux.intel index 41c3588f9f..6e47862e41 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_linux.gnu_debug +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_linux.intel @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ## ## UFS prerequisites: Linux (tested: Ubuntu) with gcc/gfortran compilers -echo "Setting environment variables for NEMSfv3gfs on Linux with gcc/gfortran" +echo "Setting environment variables for UFS Model on Linux with gcc/gfortran" ## ## load programming environment: compiler, flags, paths @@ -16,25 +16,15 @@ export F90=${F90:-mpif90} export FC=${FC:-mpif90} ## -## set up variables for ../cmake/configure_linux.gnu.cmake +## set up variables for ../cmake/configure_linux.intel.cmake ## -export CMAKE_Platform=linux.gnu +export CMAKE_Platform=linux.intel ## ## use own NetCDF library ## export NETCDF=${NETCDF:-/home/builder/opt} -## -## use SIONlib library if installed and environment variable is set -## -SIONLIB=${SIONLIB:-} -if [ ! "x$SIONLIB" == "x" ]; then - echo "Use SIONlib installation in ${SIONLIB}" - export SIONLIB_INC="-I${SIONLIB}/include -I${SIONLIB}/include/mod_64" - export SIONLIB_LIB="-L${SIONLIB}/lib -lsionmpi_f90_64 -lsionser_f90_64 -lsionmpi_64 -lsiongen_64 -lsionser_64 -lsioncom_64 -lsioncom_64_lock_none" -fi - ## ## use pre-compiled EMSF library for above compiler / MPI combination ## diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.gnu b/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.gnu index 63f7ac2081..961d673b67 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.gnu +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.gnu @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ #%Module###################################################################### ## -## UFS prerequisites: MACOSX with clang/gfortran compilers +## UFS prerequisites: macOS with gcc/gfortran or clang/gfortran compilers -echo "Setting environment variables for NEMSfv3gfs on MACOSX with gcc/gfortran or clang/gfortran" +echo "Setting environment variables for UFS Model on macOS with gcc/gfortran or clang/gfortran" ## ## load programming environment: compiler, flags, paths diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.gnu_debug b/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.gnu_debug deleted file mode 100644 index 63f7ac2081..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.gnu_debug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash - -#%Module###################################################################### -## -## UFS prerequisites: MACOSX with clang/gfortran compilers - -echo "Setting environment variables for NEMSfv3gfs on MACOSX with gcc/gfortran or clang/gfortran" - -## -## load programming environment: compiler, flags, paths -## -export CC=${MPICC:-mpicc} -export CXX=${MPICXX:-mpicxx} -export F77=${MPIF77:-mpif77} -export F90=${MPIF90:-mpif90} -export FC=${MPIFORT:-mpifort} -export CPP=${CPP:-"${F90} -E -x f95-cpp-input"} -export MPICC=${MPICC:-mpicc} -export MPIF90=${MPIF90:-mpif90} - -## -## load cmake -## -export CMAKE_Platform=macosx.gnu diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.intel b/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.intel index 42a9a7a9d4..8f29ab8b26 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.intel +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.intel @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ #%Module###################################################################### ## -## UFS prerequisites: MACOSX with clang/gfortran compilers +## UFS prerequisites: macOS with icc/ifort compilers -echo "Setting environment variables for NEMSfv3gfs on MACOSX with icc/ifort" +echo "Setting environment variables for UFS Model on macOS with with icc/ifort" ## ## load programming environment: compiler, flags, paths diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.intel_debug b/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.intel_debug deleted file mode 100644 index 42a9a7a9d4..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_macosx.intel_debug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash - -#%Module###################################################################### -## -## UFS prerequisites: MACOSX with clang/gfortran compilers - -echo "Setting environment variables for NEMSfv3gfs on MACOSX with icc/ifort" - -## -## load programming environment: compiler, flags, paths -## -export CC=${MPICC:-mpicc} -export CXX=${MPICXX:-mpicxx} -export F77=${MPIF77:-mpif77} -export F90=${MPIF90:-mpif90} -export FC=${MPIFORT:-mpifort} -export CPP=${CPP:-"${F90} -E -x f95-cpp-input"} -export MPICC=${MPICC:-mpicc} -export MPIF90=${MPIF90:-mpif90} - -## -## load cmake -## -export CMAKE_Platform=macosx.intel diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_noaacloud.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_noaacloud.intel.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..658d9a65f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_noaacloud.intel.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +help([[ +loads UFS Model prerequisites for NOAA Parallelworks/Intel +]]) + +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/contrib/spack-stack-rocky8/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/modules/modulefiles") + +gnu_ver=os.getenv("gnu_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("gnu", gnu_ver)) + +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) + +stack_intel_oneapi_mpi_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_oneapi_mpi_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel-oneapi-mpi", stack_intel_oneapi_mpi_ver)) + +gnu_ver=os.getenv("gnu_ver") or "" +unload(pathJoin("gnu", gnu_ver)) + +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) + +load("ufs_common") + +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + +setenv("CC", "mpiicc") +setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") +setenv("FC", "mpiifort") +setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "noaacloud.intel") + +whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_orion.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_orion.intel.lua index 72396974ef..d6e25efad5 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_orion.intel.lua +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_orion.intel.lua @@ -2,28 +2,25 @@ help([[ loads UFS Model prerequisites for Orion/Intel ]]) -load("contrib") -load("noaatools") +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/orion/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.22.1" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -python_ver=os.getenv("python_ver") or "3.7.5" -load(pathJoin("python", python_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/work/noaa/epic-ps/hpc-stack/libs/intel/2022.1.2/modulefiles/stack") +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "2021.9.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) +stack_impi_ver=os.getenv("stack_impi_ver") or "2021.9.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel-oneapi-mpi", stack_impi_ver)) -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) - -hpc_impi_ver=os.getenv("hpc_impi_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-impi", hpc_impi_ver)) +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) load("ufs_common") +-- HDF5 needed for LM4 +hdf5_ver=os.getenv("hdf5_ver") or "1.14.0" +load(pathJoin("hdf5", hdf5_ver)) +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + setenv("CC", "mpiicc") setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") setenv("FC", "mpiifort") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_orion.intel_debug.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_orion.intel_debug.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 894592ed4f..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_orion.intel_debug.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model prerequisites for Orion/Intel -]]) - -load("contrib") -load("noaatools") - -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.22.1" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -python_ver=os.getenv("python_ver") or "3.7.5" -load(pathJoin("python", python_ver)) - ---prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/contrib/NCEP/libs/hpc-stack/modulefiles/stack") -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/work/noaa/epic-ps/hpc-stack/libs/intel/2022.1.2/modulefiles/stack") - -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.2.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) - -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) - -hpc_impi_ver=os.getenv("hpc_impi_ver") or "2022.1.2" -load(pathJoin("hpc-impi", hpc_impi_ver)) - -load("ufs_common_debug") - -setenv("CC", "mpiicc") -setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") -setenv("FC", "mpiifort") -setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "orion.intel") - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_orion.intelllvm.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_orion.intelllvm.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b464ca44c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_orion.intelllvm.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +help([[ +loads UFS Model prerequisites for OrionLLVM/Intel +]]) + +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/orion/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/fms-2024.01/install/modulefiles/Core") + +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "2021.9.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) + +stack_impi_ver=os.getenv("stack_impi_ver") or "2021.9.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel-oneapi-mpi", stack_impi_ver)) + +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) + +load("ufs_common") + +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + +setenv("I_MPI_CC", "icx") +setenv("I_MPI_CXX", "icpx") +setenv("I_MPI_F90", "ifx") + +setenv("CC", "mpiicc") +setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") +setenv("FC", "mpiifort") +setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "orion.intel") + +whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_s4.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_s4.intel.lua index 50372f364c..60b48c46d4 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_s4.intel.lua +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_s4.intel.lua @@ -1,27 +1,26 @@ help([[ -loads UFS Model prerequisites for S4 +loads UFS Model prerequisites for S4/Intel ]]) -miniconda3_ver=os.getenv("miniconda3_ver") or "3.8-s4" -load(pathJoin("miniconda", miniconda3_ver)) +prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/data/prod/jedi/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/upp-addon-env/install/modulefiles/Core") -license_ver=os.getenv("license_ver") or "S4" -load(pathJoin("license_intel",license_ver)) +stack_intel_ver=os.getenv("stack_intel_ver") or "2021.5.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel", stack_intel_ver)) +stack_impi_ver=os.getenv("stack_impi_ver") or "2021.5.0" +load(pathJoin("stack-intel-oneapi-mpi", stack_impi_ver)) -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/data/prod/hpc-stack/modulefiles/stack") +stack_python_ver=os.getenv("stack_python_ver") or "3.10.13" +load(pathJoin("stack-python", stack_python_ver)) -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.1.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) - -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "2022.1" -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) - -hpc_impi_ver=os.getenv("hpc_impi_ver") or "2022.1" -load(pathJoin("hpc-impi", hpc_impi_ver)) +cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.23.1" +load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) load("ufs_common") +nccmp_ver=os.getenv("nccmp_ver") or "" +load(pathJoin("nccmp", nccmp_ver)) + setenv("CC", "mpiicc") setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") setenv("FC", "mpiifort") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_s4.intel_debug.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_s4.intel_debug.lua deleted file mode 100644 index 285ddc203e..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_s4.intel_debug.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model prerequisites for S4 -]]) - -miniconda3_ver=os.getenv("miniconda3_ver") or "3.8-s4" -load(pathJoin("miniconda", miniconda3_ver)) - -license_ver=os.getenv("license_ver") or "S4" -load(pathJoin("license_intel",license_ver)) - - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/data/prod/hpc-stack/modulefiles/stack") - -hpc_ver=os.getenv("hpc_ver") or "1.1.0" -load(pathJoin("hpc", hpc_ver)) - -hpc_intel_ver=os.getenv("hpc_intel_ver") or "2022.1" -load(pathJoin("hpc-intel", hpc_intel_ver)) - -hpc_impi_ver=os.getenv("hpc_impi_ver") or "2022.1" -load(pathJoin("hpc-impi", hpc_impi_ver)) - -load("ufs_common_debug") - -setenv("CC", "mpiicc") -setenv("CXX", "mpiicpc") -setenv("FC", "mpiifort") -setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "s4.intel") - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_stampede.intel b/modulefiles/ufs_stampede.intel index 31d27016b6..968cc9dd9f 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_stampede.intel +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_stampede.intel @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module load python3/3.7.0 module load bacio/2.4.1 module load crtm/2.3.0 module load g2/3.4.3 -module load g2tmpl/1.10.0 +module load g2tmpl/1.10.2 module load ip/3.3.3 module load nemsio/2.5.2 module load sp/2.3.3 diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_wcoss2.intel.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_wcoss2.intel.lua index 22a340bfec..983365d6fc 100644 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_wcoss2.intel.lua +++ b/modulefiles/ufs_wcoss2.intel.lua @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ help([[ loads UFS Model prerequisites on Cactus and Dogwood ]]) +-- First, look for libraries in "prod" space PrgEnv_intel_ver=os.getenv("PrgEnv_intel_ver") or "8.1.0" load(pathJoin("PrgEnv-intel", PrgEnv_intel_ver)) @@ -11,70 +12,40 @@ load(pathJoin("intel", intel_ver)) craype_ver=os.getenv("craype_ver") or "2.7.13" load(pathJoin("craype", craype_ver)) -cray_mpich_ver=os.getenv("cray_mpich_ver") or "8.1.7" +cray_mpich_ver=os.getenv("cray_mpich_ver") or "8.1.12" load(pathJoin("cray-mpich", cray_mpich_ver)) cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.20.2" load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) -setenv("HPC_OPT", "/apps/ops/para/libs") -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/ops/para/libs/modulefiles/compiler/intel/") -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/ops/para/libs/modulefiles/mpi/intel/") - -jasper_ver=os.getenv("jasper_ver") or "2.0.25" -load(pathJoin("jasper", jasper_ver)) - -zlib_ver=os.getenv("zlib_ver") or "1.2.11" -load(pathJoin("zlib", zlib_ver)) - -libpng_ver=os.getenv("libpng_ver") or "1.6.37" -load(pathJoin("libpng", libpng_ver)) - -hdf5_ver=os.getenv("hdf5_ver") or "1.10.6" -load(pathJoin("hdf5", hdf5_ver)) - -netcdf_ver=os.getenv("netcdf_ver") or "4.7.4" -load(pathJoin("netcdf", netcdf_ver)) - -pio_ver=os.getenv("pio_ver") or "2.5.7" -load(pathJoin("pio", pio_ver)) - -fms_ver=os.getenv("fms_ver") or "2022.01" -load(pathJoin("fms", fms_ver)) - -bacio_ver=os.getenv("bacio_ver") or "2.4.1" -load(pathJoin("bacio", bacio_ver)) - -crtm_ver=os.getenv("crtm_ver") or "2.4.0" -load(pathJoin("crtm", crtm_ver)) - -g2_ver=os.getenv("g2_ver") or "3.4.5" -load(pathJoin("g2", g2_ver)) - -g2tmpl_ver=os.getenv("g2tmpl_ver") or "1.10.0" -load(pathJoin("g2tmpl", g2tmpl_ver)) - -ip_ver=os.getenv("ip_ver") or "3.3.3" -load(pathJoin("ip", ip_ver)) - -sp_ver=os.getenv("sp_ver") or "2.3.3" -load(pathJoin("sp", sp_ver)) - -w3emc_ver=os.getenv("w3emc_ver") or "2.9.2" -load(pathJoin("w3emc", w3emc_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/dev/lmodules/intel/") - -gftl_shared_ver=os.getenv("gftl_shared_ver") or "1.5.0" -load(pathJoin("gftl_shared", gftl_shared_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/dev/modulefiles/mpi/intel/") - -esmf_ver=os.getenv("esmf_ver") or "8.3.0b09" -load(pathJoin("esmf", esmf_ver)) - -mapl_ver=os.getenv("mapl_ver") or "2.23.1-esmf-8.3.0b09" -load(pathJoin("mapl", mapl_ver)) +local ufs_modules = { + {["jasper"] = "2.0.25"}, + {["zlib"] = "1.2.11"}, + {["libpng"] = "1.6.37"}, + {["hdf5-C"] = "1.14.0"}, + {["netcdf-C"] = "4.9.2"}, + {["pio-C"] = "2.5.10"}, + {["esmf-C"] = "8.6.0"}, + {["fms"] = "2024.01"}, + {["bacio"] = "2.4.1"}, + {["crtm"] = "2.4.0"}, + {["g2"] = "3.5.1"}, + {["g2tmpl"] = "1.13.0"}, + {["ip"] = "4.0.0"}, + {["sp"] = "2.3.3"}, + {["w3emc"] = "2.12.0"}, + {["gftl-shared"] = "1.6.1"}, + {["mapl-C"] = "2.40.3"}, + {["pnetcdf-C"] = "1.12.2"}, + {["scotch"] = "7.0.4"}, +} + +for i = 1, #ufs_modules do + for name, default_version in pairs(ufs_modules[i]) do + local env_version_name = string.gsub(name, "-", "_") .. "_ver" + load(pathJoin(name, os.getenv(env_version_name) or default_version)) + end +end setenv("CC", "cc") setenv("CXX", "CC") diff --git a/modulefiles/ufs_wcoss2.intel_debug.lua b/modulefiles/ufs_wcoss2.intel_debug.lua deleted file mode 100644 index ad577a40a3..0000000000 --- a/modulefiles/ufs_wcoss2.intel_debug.lua +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -help([[ -loads UFS Model prerequisites on Cactus and Dogwood -]]) - -PrgEnv_intel_ver=os.getenv("PrgEnv_intel_ver") or "8.1.0" -load(pathJoin("PrgEnv-intel", PrgEnv_intel_ver)) - -intel_ver=os.getenv("intel_ver") or "" -load(pathJoin("intel", intel_ver)) - -craype_ver=os.getenv("craype_ver") or "2.7.13" -load(pathJoin("craype", craype_ver)) - -cray_mpich_ver=os.getenv("cray_mpich_ver") or "8.1.7" -load(pathJoin("cray-mpich", cray_mpich_ver)) - -cmake_ver=os.getenv("cmake_ver") or "3.20.2" -load(pathJoin("cmake", cmake_ver)) - -setenv("HPC_OPT", "/apps/ops/para/libs") -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/ops/para/libs/modulefiles/compiler/intel/") -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/ops/para/libs/modulefiles/mpi/intel/") - -jasper_ver=os.getenv("jasper_ver") or "2.0.25" -load(pathJoin("jasper", jasper_ver)) - -zlib_ver=os.getenv("zlib_ver") or "1.2.11" -load(pathJoin("zlib", zlib_ver)) - -libpng_ver=os.getenv("libpng_ver") or "1.6.37" -load(pathJoin("libpng", libpng_ver)) - -hdf5_ver=os.getenv("hdf5_ver") or "1.10.6" -load(pathJoin("hdf5", hdf5_ver)) - -netcdf_ver=os.getenv("netcdf_ver") or "4.7.4" -load(pathJoin("netcdf", netcdf_ver)) - -pio_ver=os.getenv("pio_ver") or "2.5.7" -load(pathJoin("pio", pio_ver)) - -fms_ver=os.getenv("fms_ver") or "2022.01" -load(pathJoin("fms", fms_ver)) - -bacio_ver=os.getenv("bacio_ver") or "2.4.1" -load(pathJoin("bacio", bacio_ver)) - -crtm_ver=os.getenv("crtm_ver") or "2.4.0" -load(pathJoin("crtm", crtm_ver)) - -g2_ver=os.getenv("g2_ver") or "3.4.5" -load(pathJoin("g2", g2_ver)) - -g2tmpl_ver=os.getenv("g2tmpl_ver") or "1.10.0" -load(pathJoin("g2tmpl", g2tmpl_ver)) - -ip_ver=os.getenv("ip_ver") or "3.3.3" -load(pathJoin("ip", ip_ver)) - -sp_ver=os.getenv("sp_ver") or "2.3.3" -load(pathJoin("sp", sp_ver)) - -w3emc_ver=os.getenv("w3emc_ver") or "2.9.2" -load(pathJoin("w3emc", w3emc_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/dev/lmodules/intel/") - -gftl_shared_ver=os.getenv("gftl_shared_ver") or "1.5.0" -load(pathJoin("gftl_shared", gftl_shared_ver)) - -prepend_path("MODULEPATH", "/apps/dev/modulefiles/mpi/intel/") - -esmf_ver=os.getenv("esmf_ver") or "8.3.0b09-debug" -load(pathJoin("esmf", esmf_ver)) - -mapl_ver=os.getenv("mapl_ver") or "2.23.1-esmf-8.3.0b09" -load(pathJoin("mapl", mapl_ver)) - -setenv("CC", "cc") -setenv("CXX", "CC") -setenv("FC", "ftn") -setenv("CMAKE_Platform", "wcoss2") - -whatis("Description: UFS build environment") diff --git a/stochastic_physics b/stochastic_physics index 3bfa4468d8..fad2fe9f42 160000 --- a/stochastic_physics +++ b/stochastic_physics @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 3bfa4468d85e5b63980c28434f494967f38b10a3 +Subproject commit fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f diff --git a/tests-dev/baseline_setup.yaml b/tests-dev/baseline_setup.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5cea75996f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/baseline_setup.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +hera: + QUEUE: batch + COMPILE_QUEUE: batch + PARTITION: + dprefix: /scratch1/NCEPDEV + DISKNM: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT + STMP: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4 + PTMP: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2 + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +orion: + QUEUE: batch + COMPILE_QUEUE: batch + PARTITION: orion + dprefix: /work/noaa/stmp/${USER} + DISKNM: /work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT + STMP: /work/noaa/stmp/${USER}/stmp + PTMP: /work/noaa/stmp/${USER}/stmp + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +hercules: + QUEUE: batch + COMPILE_QUEUE: batch + PARTITION: hercules + dprefix: /work2/noaa/stmp/${USER} + DISKNM: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT + STMP: /work2/noaa/stmp/${USER} + PTMP: /work2/noaa/stmp/${USER} + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +gaea: + QUEUE: normal + COMPILE_QUEUE: normal + PARTITION: c5 + dprefix: /gpfs/f5/${ACCNR}/scratch/${USER} + DISKNM: /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT + STMP: /gpfs/f5/${ACCNR}/scratch/${USER}/RT_BASELINE + PTMP: /gpfs/f5/${ACCNR}/scratch/${USER}/RT_RUNDIR + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +jet: + QUEUE: batch + COMPILE_QUEUE: batch + PARTITION: xjet + dprefix: /lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/${USER} + DISKNM: /lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT + STMP: /lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/${USER}/RT_BASELINE + PTMP: /lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/${USER}/RT_RUNDIRS + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +derecho: + QUEUE: main + COMPILE_QUEUE: main + PARTITION: + dprefix: /glade/derecho/scratch + DISKNM: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT + STMP: /glade/derecho/scratch + PTMP: /glade/derecho/scratch + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: pbs + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +noaacloud: + QUEUE: batch + COMPILE_QUEUE: batch + PARTITION: + dprefix: /lustre + DISKNM: /contrib/ufs-weather-model/RT + STMP: /lustre/stmp + PTMP: /lustre/stmp + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /contrib/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /contrib/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /contrib/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +s4: + QUEUE: s4 + COMPILE_QUEUE: s4 + PARTITION: s4 + dprefix: /data/prod + DISKNM: /data/prod/emc.nemspara/RT + STMP: /scratch/short/users + PTMP: /scratch/users + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /data/prod/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /data/prod/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /data/prod/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 diff --git a/tests-dev/create_log.py b/tests-dev/create_log.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..642be7691b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/create_log.py @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +import os +import sys +import subprocess +import yaml +from datetime import datetime +#import datetime +from ufs_test_utils import get_testcase, write_logfile, delete_files, machine_check_off + +def get_timestamps(path): + """Obtain experiment starting and ending time marks through file timestamps + + Args: + path (str): experiment log directory + Returns: + str: experiment starting and ending time strings + """ + dir_list = os.listdir(path) + dt = [] + for f in dir_list: + m_time = os.path.getmtime(path+f) + dt.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(m_time)) + dtsort=sorted(dt) + return str(dtsort[0]),str(dtsort[-1]) + +def finish_log(): + """Collect regression test results and generate log file. + """ + UFS_TEST_YAML = str(os.getenv('UFS_TEST_YAML')) + PATHRT = os.getenv('PATHRT') + MACHINE_ID = os.getenv('MACHINE_ID') + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG = PATHRT+'/logs/RegressionTests_'+MACHINE_ID+'.log' + filename = REGRESSIONTEST_LOG + KEEP_RUNDIR= str(os.getenv('KEEP_RUNDIR')) + ROCOTO = str(os.getenv('ROCOTO')) + CREATE_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('CREATE_BASELINE')) + COMPILE_ONLY = str(os.getenv('COMPILE_ONLY')) + + run_logs= f""" +""" + COMPILE_PASS= 0 + COMPILE_NR = 0 + JOB_NR = 0 + PASS_NR= 0 + FAIL_NR= 0 + failed_list= [] + test_changes_list= PATHRT+'/test_changes.list' + with open(UFS_TEST_YAML, 'r') as f: + rt_yaml = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) + for apps, jobs in rt_yaml.items(): + for key, val in jobs.items(): + if (str(key) == 'build'): + machine_check = machine_check_off(MACHINE_ID, val) + PASS_TESTS = False + if machine_check: + COMPILE_NR += 1 + RT_COMPILER = val['compiler'] + COMPILE_ID = apps + COMPILE_LOG = 'compile_'+COMPILE_ID+'.log' + COMPILE_LOG_TIME ='compile_'+COMPILE_ID+'_timestamp.txt' + COMPILE_CHECK1 ='Compile '+COMPILE_ID+' Completed' + COMPILE_CHECK2 ='[100%] Linking Fortran executable' + try: + with open('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+COMPILE_LOG) as f: + if COMPILE_CHECK1 in f.read() or COMPILE_CHECK2 in f.read(): + COMPILE_PASS += 1 + f.seek(0) + for line in f: + if 'export RUNDIR_ROOT=' in line: + RUNDIR_ROOT=line.split("=")[1] + break + compile_err = RUNDIR_ROOT.strip('\n')+'/compile_'+COMPILE_ID+'/err' + with open(compile_err) as ferr: + contents = ferr.read() + count_warning = contents.count(": warning #") + count_remarks = contents.count(": remark #") + ferr.close() + warning_log = "" + if count_warning > 0: + warning_log = "("+str(count_warning)+" warnings" + if count_remarks > 0: + warning_log+= ","+str(count_remarks)+" remarks)" + flog = open('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+COMPILE_LOG_TIME) + timing_data = flog.read() + first_line = timing_data.split('\n', 1)[0] + etime = int(first_line.split(",")[4].strip()) - int(first_line.split(",")[1].strip()) + btime = int(first_line.split(",")[3].strip()) - int(first_line.split(",")[2].strip()) + etime_min, etime_sec = divmod(int(etime), 60) + etime_min = f"{etime_min:02}"; etime_sec = f"{etime_sec:02}" + btime_min, btime_sec = divmod(int(btime), 60) + btime_min = f"{btime_min:02}"; btime_sec = f"{btime_sec:02}" + time_log = " ["+etime_min+':'+etime_sec+', '+btime_min+':'+btime_sec+"]" + flog.close() + compile_log = "PASS -- COMPILE "+COMPILE_ID+time_log+warning_log+"\n" + else: + compile_log = "FAIL -- COMPILE "+COMPILE_ID+"\n" + f.close() + except FileNotFoundError: + compile_log = "FAIL -- COMPILE "+COMPILE_ID+"\n" + print('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+COMPILE_LOG+': does not exist') + run_logs += compile_log + else: + PASS_TESTS = True + if (str(key) == 'tests' and COMPILE_ONLY == 'false' and not PASS_TESTS): + for test in val: + case, config = get_testcase(test) + machine_check = machine_check_off(MACHINE_ID, config) + if machine_check: + JOB_NR+=1 + TEST_NAME = case + TEST_ID = TEST_NAME+'_'+RT_COMPILER + TEST_LOG = 'rt_'+TEST_ID+'.log' + TEST_LOG_TIME= 'run_'+TEST_ID+'_timestamp.txt' + if 'dependency' in config.keys(): + DEP_RUN = str(config['dependency'])+'_'+RT_COMPILER + else: + DEP_RUN = "" + PASS_CHECK = 'Test '+TEST_ID+' PASS' + MAXS_CHECK = 'The maximum resident set size (KB)' + pass_flag = False + try: + with open('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+TEST_LOG) as f: + if PASS_CHECK in f.read(): + pass_flag = True + f.close() + except FileNotFoundError: + print('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+TEST_LOG+': does not exist') + if pass_flag: + f = open('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+TEST_LOG_TIME) + timing_data = f.read() + first_line = timing_data.split('\n', 1)[0] + etime = str(int(first_line.split(",")[4].strip()) - int(first_line.split(",")[1].strip())) + rtime = str(int(first_line.split(",")[3].strip()) - int(first_line.split(",")[2].strip())) + etime_min, etime_sec = divmod(int(etime), 60) + etime_min = f"{etime_min:02}"; etime_sec = f"{etime_sec:02}" + rtime_min, rtime_sec = divmod(int(rtime), 60) + rtime_min = f"{rtime_min:02}"; rtime_sec = f"{rtime_sec:02}" + time_log = " ["+etime_min+':'+etime_sec+', '+rtime_min+':'+rtime_sec+"]" + f.close() + if pass_flag : + with open('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+TEST_LOG) as f: + rtlog_file = f.readlines() + for line in rtlog_file: + if MAXS_CHECK in line: + memsize= line.split('=')[1].strip() + test_log = 'PASS -- TEST '+TEST_ID+time_log+' ('+memsize+' MB)\n' + PASS_NR += 1 + f.close() + else: + test_log = 'FAIL -- TEST '+TEST_ID+'\n' + failed_list.append(TEST_NAME+' '+RT_COMPILER) + FAIL_NR += 1 + run_logs += test_log + run_logs += '\n' + write_logfile(filename, "a", output=run_logs) + + TEST_START_TIME, TEST_END_TIME = get_timestamps('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/') + + clean_START_TIME= TEST_START_TIME.split('.')[0] + start_time = datetime.strptime(clean_START_TIME, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + clean_END_TIME= TEST_END_TIME.split('.')[0] + end_time = datetime.strptime(clean_END_TIME, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + + hours, remainder= divmod((end_time - start_time).total_seconds(), 3600) + minutes, seconds= divmod(remainder, 60) + hours = int(hours); minutes=int(minutes); seconds =int(seconds) + hours = f"{hours:02}"; minutes= f"{minutes:02}"; seconds= f"{seconds:02}" + elapsed_time = hours+'h:'+minutes+'m:'+seconds+'s' + + COMPILE_PASS = str(int(COMPILE_PASS)) + COMPILE_NR = str(int(COMPILE_NR)) + JOB_NR = str(int(JOB_NR)) + PASS_NR = str(int(PASS_NR)) + FAIL_NR = str(int(FAIL_NR)) + synop_log = f""" +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: {TEST_START_TIME} +Ending Date/Time: {TEST_END_TIME} +Total Time: {elapsed_time} +Compiles Completed: {COMPILE_PASS}/{COMPILE_NR} +Tests Completed: {PASS_NR}/{JOB_NR} + +""" + write_logfile(filename, "a", output=synop_log) + + if (int(FAIL_NR) == 0): + if os.path.isfile(test_changes_list): + delete_files(test_changes_list) + open(test_changes_list, 'a').close() + SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" + comment_log = f""" +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: {SUCCESS} + +====END OF {MACHINE_ID} REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== +""" + write_logfile(filename, "a", output=comment_log) + else: + with open(test_changes_list, 'w') as listfile: + for line in failed_list: + listfile.write(f"{line}\n") + listfile.close() + SUCCESS = "FAILED" + comment_log = f""" +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated with list of all failed tests. +You can use './rt.sh -c -b test_changes.list' to create baselines for the failed tests. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: FAILURE + +====END OF {MACHINE_ID} REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== +""" + write_logfile(filename, "a", output=comment_log) + + print("Performing Cleanup...") + exefiles= PATHRT+'/fv3_*.*x*'; delete_files(exefiles) + modfiles= PATHRT+'/modules.fv3_*'; delete_files(modfiles) + modfiles= PATHRT+'modulefiles/modules.fv3_*'; delete_files(modfiles) + tmpfiles= PATHRT+'/keep_tests.tmp'; delete_files(tmpfiles) + if KEEP_RUNDIR == 'false': + rundir = PATHRT+'/run_dir' + os.unlink(rundir) + if ROCOTO == 'true': + rocotofiles=PATHRT+'/rocoto*' + delete_files(rocotofiles) + lockfiles=PATHRT+'/*_lock.db' + delete_files(lockfiles) + print("REGRESSION TEST RESULT: SUCCESS") + +#if __name__ == '__main__': + diff --git a/tests-dev/create_xml.py b/tests-dev/create_xml.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9133b7938 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/create_xml.py @@ -0,0 +1,485 @@ +import os +import sys +import subprocess +import yaml +from ufs_test_utils import get_testcase, write_logfile, rrmdir, machine_check_off + +def rocoto_create_entries(RTPWD,MACHINE_ID,INPUTDATA_ROOT,INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3,INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC,RUNDIR_ROOT,NEW_BASELINE,ROCOTO_XML): + """Generate header information for Rocoto XML file + + Args: + RTPWD (str): Baseline directory + MACHINE_ID (str): Machine ID i.e., Hera, Gaea, Jet, etc. + INPUTDATA_ROOT (str): Input data directory + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3 (str): WW3 input data directory + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC (str): BMIC input data directory + RUNDIR_ROOT (str): Test run directory + NEW_BASELINE (str): Directory for newly generated baselines + ROCOTO_XML (str): Rocoto XML filename to write to + """ + + PATHRT = os.getenv('PATHRT') + LOG_DIR= PATHRT+'/logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID + PATHTR, tail = os.path.split(PATHRT) + ROCOTO_SCHEDULER = os.getenv('ROCOTO_SCHEDULER') + rocoto_entries = f""" + + + + + + + + + + +]> + + 197001010000 197001010000 01:00:00 + &LOG;/workflow.log +""" + with open(ROCOTO_XML,"w") as f: + f.writelines(rocoto_entries) + f.close() + +def rocoto_create_compile_task(MACHINE_ID,COMPILE_ID,ROCOTO_COMPILE_MAXTRIES,MAKE_OPT,ACCNR,COMPILE_QUEUE,PARTITION,ROCOTO_XML): + """Generate and append compile task into Rocoto XML file + + Args: + MACHINE_ID (str): Machine ID i.e., Hera, Gaea, Jet, etc. + COMPILE_ID (str): Compile identifier e.g., s2swa_intel + ROCOTO_COMPILE_MAXTRIES (str): Max attempts for compile + MAKE_OPT (str): Make build options + ACCNR (str): Account to run the job with + COMPILE_QUEUE (str): Quality of Service (QOS), i.e., batch, windfall, normal, etc. + PARTITION (str): System partition i.e., xjet, c5 + ROCOTO_XML (str): Rocoto XML filename to write to + """ + NATIVE="" + BUILD_CORES="8" + BUILD_WALLTIME="00:30:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'jet' ): BUILD_WALLTIME="02:00:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'hera'): BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'orion'): BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'hercules'): BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 's4' ): BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'gaea' ): BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" + compile_task = f""" + &PATHRT;/run_compile.sh &PATHRT; &RUNDIR_ROOT; "{MAKE_OPT}" {COMPILE_ID} 2>&1 | tee &LOG;/compile_{COMPILE_ID}.log + compile_{COMPILE_ID} + {ACCNR} + {COMPILE_QUEUE} +""" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'gaea' ): + compile_task+=f""" --clusters=es + eslogin_c5 +""" + PARTITION= "" + if ( PARTITION != "" and MACHINE_ID != "hera" ): + compile_task+=f""" {PARTITION} +""" + compile_task+=f""" 1:ppn={BUILD_CORES} + {BUILD_WALLTIME} + &RUNDIR_ROOT;/compile_{COMPILE_ID}.log + {NATIVE} + +""" + with open(ROCOTO_XML,"a") as f: + f.writelines(compile_task) + f.close() + +def write_metatask_begin(COMPILE_METATASK_NAME, filename): + """Write compile task metadata to Rocoto XML file + + Args: + COMPILE_METATASK_NAME (str): Compile job name e.g., s2swa_intel + filename (str): Rocoto XML filename to append to + """ + metatask_name = f""" 0 +""" + with open(filename,"a") as f: + f.writelines(metatask_name) + f.close() + +def write_metatask_end(filename): + """Append closing metatask element to Rocoto XML + + Args: + filename (str): Rocoto XML filename + """ + metatask_name = f""" +""" + with open(filename,"a") as f: + f.writelines(metatask_name) + f.close() + +def write_compile_env(SCHEDULER,PARTITION,JOB_NR,COMPILE_QUEUE,RUNDIR_ROOT): + """Generate compile task .env file + + Args: + SCHEDULER (str): Job scheduler, e.g., pbs, slurm + PARTITION (str): System partition, i.e., xjet, c5 + JOB_NR (str): Job number + COMPILE_QUEUE (str): Quality of Service (QOS), i.e., batch, windfall, normal, etc. + RUNDIR_ROOT (str): Test run directory + """ + filename = RUNDIR_ROOT+"/compile_"+str(os.getenv('COMPILE_ID'))+".env" + COMPILE_ID = os.getenv('COMPILE_ID') + MACHINE_ID = os.getenv('MACHINE_ID') + RT_COMPILER= os.getenv('RT_COMPILER') + PATHRT = os.getenv('PATHRT') + PATHTR, tail = os.path.split(PATHRT) + ACCNR = os.getenv('ACCNR') + ROCOTO = os.getenv('ROCOTO') + ECFLOW = os.getenv('ECFLOW') + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG = PATHRT+'/logs/RegressionTests_'+MACHINE_ID+'.log' + LOG_DIR = PATHRT+'/logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID + compile_envs = f"""export JOB_NR={JOB_NR} +export COMPILE_ID={COMPILE_ID} +export MACHINE_ID={MACHINE_ID} +export RT_COMPILER={RT_COMPILER} +export PATHRT={PATHRT} +export PATHTR={PATHTR} +export SCHEDULER={SCHEDULER} +export ACCNR={ACCNR} +export QUEUE={COMPILE_QUEUE} +export PARTITION={PARTITION} +export ROCOTO={ROCOTO} +export ECFLOW={ECFLOW} +export REGRESSIONTEST_LOG={REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} +export LOG_DIR={LOG_DIR} +""" + with open(filename,"w+") as f: + f.writelines(compile_envs) + f.close() + +def write_runtest_env(): + """Generate run task .env file + """ + filename = str(os.getenv('RUNDIR_ROOT'))+"/run_test_"+str(os.getenv('TEST_ID'))+".env" + JOB_NR = str(os.getenv('JOB_NR')) + TEST_ID = str(os.getenv('TEST_ID')) + MACHINE_ID = str(os.getenv('MACHINE_ID')) + RT_COMPILER= str(os.getenv('RT_COMPILER')) + RTPWD = str(os.getenv('RTPWD')) + INPUTDATA_ROOT = str(os.getenv('INPUTDATA_ROOT')) + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3 = str(os.getenv('INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3')) + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC= str(os.getenv('INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC')) + PATHRT = str(os.getenv('PATHRT')) + PATHTR, tail = os.path.split(PATHRT) + NEW_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('NEW_BASELINE')) + CREATE_BASELINE =str(os.getenv('CREATE_BASELINE')) + RT_SUFFIX = str(os.getenv('RT_SUFFIX')) + BL_SUFFIX = str(os.getenv('BL_SUFFIX')) + SCHEDULER = str(os.getenv('SCHEDULER')) + ACCNR = str(os.getenv('ACCNR')) + QUEUE = str(os.getenv('QUEUE')) + PARTITION = str(os.getenv('PARTITION')) + ROCOTO = str(os.getenv('ROCOTO')) + ECFLOW = str(os.getenv('ECFLOW')) + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG = PATHRT+'/logs/RegressionTests_'+MACHINE_ID+'.log' + LOG_DIR = PATHRT+'/logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID + DEP_RUN = str(os.getenv('DEP_RUN')) + skip_check_results = str(os.getenv('skip_check_results')) + delete_rundir = str(os.getenv('delete_rundir')) + WLCLK = str(os.getenv('WLCLK')) + MACHINE_ID = str(os.getenv('MACHINE_ID')) + runtest_envs = f""" +export JOB_NR={JOB_NR} +export TEST_ID={TEST_ID} +export MACHINE_ID={MACHINE_ID} +export RT_COMPILER={RT_COMPILER} +export RTPWD={RTPWD} +export INPUTDATA_ROOT={INPUTDATA_ROOT} +export INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3={INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3} +export INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC={INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC} +export INPUTDATA_LM4={INPUTDATA_ROOT}/LM4_input_data +export PATHRT={PATHRT} +export PATHTR={PATHTR} +export NEW_BASELINE={NEW_BASELINE} +export CREATE_BASELINE={CREATE_BASELINE} +export RT_SUFFIX={RT_SUFFIX} +export BL_SUFFIX={BL_SUFFIX} +export SCHEDULER={SCHEDULER} +export ACCNR={ACCNR} +export QUEUE={QUEUE} +export PARTITION={PARTITION} +export ROCOTO={ROCOTO} +export ECFLOW={ECFLOW} +export REGRESSIONTEST_LOG={REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} +export LOG_DIR={LOG_DIR} +export DEP_RUN={DEP_RUN} +export skip_check_results={skip_check_results} +export delete_rundir={delete_rundir} +export WLCLK={WLCLK} +export RTVERBOSE=false +""" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'jet' ): + runtest_envs += f"export PATH=/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/bin:$PATH\n" + runtest_envs += f"export PYTHONPATH=/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages\n" + + with open(filename,"w+") as f: + f.writelines(runtest_envs) + f.close() + +def make_loghead(ACCNR,MACHINE_ID,RUNDIR_ROOT,RTPWD,REGRESSIONTEST_LOG): + """Generate log header information + + Args: + ACCNR (str): Account to run the job with + MACHINE_ID (str): Machine ID i.e. Hera, Gaea, Jet, etc. + RUNDIR_ROOT (str): Test run directory + RTPWD (str): Baseline directory + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG (str): Regression Test log filename + """ + filename = REGRESSIONTEST_LOG + TESTS_FILE = str(os.getenv('TESTS_FILE')) + NEW_BASELINES_FILE = str(os.getenv('NEW_BASELINES_FILE')) + CREATE_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('CREATE_BASELINE')) + DEFINE_CONF_FILE = str(os.getenv('DEFINE_CONF_FILE')) + RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE')) + RUN_SINGLE_TEST = str(os.getenv('RUN_SINGLE_TEST')) + COMPILE_ONLY = str(os.getenv('COMPILE_ONLY')) + delete_rundir = str(os.getenv('delete_rundir')) + skip_check_results = str(os.getenv('skip_check_results')) + KEEP_RUNDIR = str(os.getenv('KEEP_RUNDIR')) + ROCOTO = str(os.getenv('ROCOTO')) + ECFLOW = str(os.getenv('ECFLOW')) + RTVERBOSE = str(os.getenv('RTVERBOSE')) + SRT_NAME = str(os.getenv('SRT_NAME')) + SRT_COMPILER= str(os.getenv('SRT_COMPILER')) + + rtlog_head=f"""====START OF {MACHINE_ID} REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +""" + rtlog_submod=f""" +Submodule hashes used in testing: +""" + write_logfile(filename, "w", output= rtlog_head) + write_logfile(filename, "a", subproc="git rev-parse HEAD") + write_logfile(filename, "a", output= rtlog_submod) + write_logfile(filename, "a", subproc="git submodule status --recursive") + + with open(filename, 'r') as rtlog: + filedata = rtlog.read(); rtlog.close() + + filedata = filedata.replace('../', '') + write_logfile(filename, "w", output= filedata) + + info_note=f""" +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: {RTPWD} +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: {RUNDIR_ROOT} + +UFS_TEST.SH OPTIONS USED: +""" + write_logfile(filename, "a", output= info_note) + + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: "+ACCNR+"\n") + if (not NEW_BASELINES_FILE == ""): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-b) - NEW BASELINES FROM FILE: "+NEW_BASELINES_FILE+"\n") + if (CREATE_BASELINE == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-c) - CREATE NEW BASELINES"+"\n") + if (DEFINE_CONF_FILE == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: "+TESTS_FILE+"\n") + if (RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-m) - COMPARE AGAINST CREATED BASELINES"+"\n") + if (RUN_SINGLE_TEST == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-n) - RUN SINGLE TEST: "+SRT_NAME+" "+SRT_COMPILER+"\n") + if (COMPILE_ONLY == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-o) - COMPILE ONLY, SKIP TESTS"+"\n") + if (delete_rundir == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-d) - DELETE RUN DIRECTORY"+"\n") + if (skip_check_results == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-w) - SKIP RESULTS CHECK"+"\n") + if (KEEP_RUNDIR == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-k) - KEEP RUN DIRECTORY"+"\n") + if (ROCOTO == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-r) - USE ROCOTO"+"\n") + if (ECFLOW == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-e) - USE ECFLOW"+"\n") + if (RTVERBOSE == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-v) - VERBOSE OUTPUT"+"\n") + +def xml_loop(): + """ + Creates workflow XML file for each test. + Reads in ``baseline_setup.yaml``, parses ``ufs_test.yaml``, and sets up Rocoto XML + according to the runtime arguments given in ``ufs_test.sh``. + """ + ACCNR = str(os.getenv('ACCNR')) + PATHRT = str(os.getenv('PATHRT')) + MACHINE_ID = str(os.getenv('MACHINE_ID')) + RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE')) + NEW_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('NEW_BASELINE')) + CREATE_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('CREATE_BASELINE')) + COMPILE_ONLY = str(os.getenv('COMPILE_ONLY')) + delete_rundir = str(os.getenv('delete_rundir')) + if (delete_rundir == "true"): dependency_list= [] + + with open('bl_date.conf', 'r') as bldate: + bl_date = str(bldate.readline()) + BL_DATE = bl_date.split("=")[1].strip() + with open("baseline_setup.yaml", 'r') as f: + exp_config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) + base = exp_config[MACHINE_ID] + USER = str(os.environ.get('USER')) #os.environ.get('USERNAME')) #os.getlogin() + pid = str(os.getpid()) + + QUEUE = str(base['QUEUE']) + COMPILE_QUEUE = str(base['COMPILE_QUEUE']) + PARTITION = str(base['PARTITION']) + if (PARTITION == "None"): PARTITION = "" + dprefix = str(base['dprefix']).replace("${USER}", str(USER)) + dprefix = dprefix.replace("${ACCNR}", str(ACCNR)) + DISKNM = str(base['DISKNM']) + STMP = str(base['STMP']).replace("${USER}", str(USER)) + STMP = STMP.replace("${ACCNR}", str(ACCNR)) + PTMP = str(base['PTMP']).replace("${USER}", str(USER)) + PTMP = PTMP.replace("${ACCNR}", str(ACCNR)) + RUNDIR_ROOT = str(base['RUNDIR_ROOT']) + SCHEDULER = str(base['SCHEDULER']) + INPUTDATA_ROOT= str(base['INPUTDATA_ROOT']) + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3 = str(base['INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3']) + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC= str(base['INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC']) + + path = STMP+'/'+USER + os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) + NEW_BASELINE = path + '/FV3_RT/REGRESSION_TEST' + if (RUNDIR_ROOT == "None"): RUNDIR_ROOT=PTMP+'/'+USER+'/FV3_RT/rt_'+pid + os.makedirs(RUNDIR_ROOT, exist_ok=True) + if (os.path.islink(PATHRT+'/run_dir')): os.unlink(PATHRT+'/run_dir') + if (os.path.isfile(PATHRT+'/run_dir')): os.remove(PATHRT+'/run_dir') + if (os.path.isdir(PATHRT+'/run_dir')): rrmdir(PATHRT+'/run_dir') + print('Linking ',RUNDIR_ROOT,' to ',PATHRT,'/run_dir') + os.symlink(RUNDIR_ROOT,PATHRT+'/run_dir') + print('Run regression test in: ',RUNDIR_ROOT) + LOG_DIR = PATHRT+'/logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID + os.makedirs(LOG_DIR, exist_ok=True) + + if ( RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE == 'true' ): + RTPWD = NEW_BASELINE + else: + RTPWD = DISKNM+'/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-'+BL_DATE + + if (CREATE_BASELINE == 'false'): + if ( not os.path.isdir(RTPWD) ) : + print("Baseline directory does not exist:",RTPWD) + sys.exit("***Baseline directory trouble***") + elif (len(os.listdir(RTPWD)) == 0): + print("Baseline directory is empty:",RTPWD) + sys.exit("***Baseline directory trouble***") + else: + if ( not os.path.isdir(NEW_BASELINE) ) : + os.makedirs(NEW_BASELINE, exist_ok=True) + else: + rrmdir(NEW_BASELINE) + os.makedirs(NEW_BASELINE, exist_ok=True) + + ROCOTO_TEST_MAXTRIES = "3" + RTVERBOSE = False + os.environ["MACHINE_ID"] = MACHINE_ID + os.environ["ROCOTO_TEST_MAXTRIES"] = ROCOTO_TEST_MAXTRIES + os.environ["NEW_BASELINE"] = NEW_BASELINE + os.environ["RUNDIR_ROOT"] = RUNDIR_ROOT + os.environ["QUEUE"] = QUEUE + os.environ["INPUTDATA_ROOT"] = INPUTDATA_ROOT + os.environ["INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3"] = INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3 + os.environ["INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC"]= INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC + os.environ["PARTITION"] = PARTITION + os.environ["SCHEDULER"] = SCHEDULER + os.environ["RTPWD"] = RTPWD + os.environ["RTVERBOSE"] = str(RTVERBOSE) + + JOB_NR = 0 + ROCOTO = True + ROCOTO_XML = os.getenv('ROCOTO_XML') + rocoto_create_entries(RTPWD,MACHINE_ID,INPUTDATA_ROOT,INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3,INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC,RUNDIR_ROOT,NEW_BASELINE,ROCOTO_XML) + UFS_TEST_YAML = str(os.getenv('UFS_TEST_YAML')) + with open(UFS_TEST_YAML, 'r') as f: + rt_yaml = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) + for apps, jobs in rt_yaml.items(): + for key, val in jobs.items(): + if (str(key) == 'build'): + machine_check = machine_check_off(MACHINE_ID, val) + PASS_TESTS = False + if machine_check: + RT_COMPILER = val['compiler'] + COMPILE_ID = apps + MAKE_OPT = val['option'] + os.environ["COMPILE_ID"] = str(COMPILE_ID) + os.environ["MAKE_OPT"] = str(MAKE_OPT) + ROCOTO_COMPILE_MAXTRIES = "3" + os.environ["RT_COMPILER"] = str(RT_COMPILER) + write_compile_env(SCHEDULER,PARTITION,str(JOB_NR),COMPILE_QUEUE,RUNDIR_ROOT) + rocoto_create_compile_task \ + (MACHINE_ID,COMPILE_ID,ROCOTO_COMPILE_MAXTRIES,MAKE_OPT,ACCNR,COMPILE_QUEUE,PARTITION,ROCOTO_XML) + else: + PASS_TESTS = True + if (str(key) == 'tests' and COMPILE_ONLY == 'false' and not PASS_TESTS): + JOB_NR+=1 + if ( ROCOTO ): + write_metatask_begin(COMPILE_ID, ROCOTO_XML) + case_count=0 + for test in val: + case, config = get_testcase(test) + machine_check = machine_check_off(MACHINE_ID, config) + if machine_check: + TEST_NAME = case + TEST_ID = TEST_NAME+'_'+RT_COMPILER + if 'dependency' in config.keys(): + DEP_RUN = str(config['dependency'])+'_'+RT_COMPILER + if (delete_rundir == "true"): dependency_list.append(config['dependency']) + else: + DEP_RUN = "" + RT_SUFFIX = "" + BL_SUFFIX = "" + os.environ["TEST_NAME"] = TEST_NAME + os.environ["DEP_RUN"] = DEP_RUN + os.environ["TEST_ID"] = TEST_ID + os.environ["RT_SUFFIX"] = RT_SUFFIX + os.environ["BL_SUFFIX"] = BL_SUFFIX + os.environ["JOB_NR"] = str(JOB_NR) + if (CREATE_BASELINE == 'true'): + if (DEP_RUN == ""): + rc_set_run_task = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-c', '. ufs_test_utils.sh; set_run_task']) + rc_set_run_task.wait() + case_count+=1 + else: + rc_set_run_task = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-c', '. ufs_test_utils.sh; set_run_task']) + rc_set_run_task.wait() + case_count+=1 + if int(case_count) > 0: + write_metatask_end(ROCOTO_XML) + else: + lines = subprocess.check_output(['head', '-n', '-1', ROCOTO_XML]) + lines = lines.decode('utf-8') + with open(ROCOTO_XML, 'w') as filetowrite: + filetowrite.write(lines) + filetowrite.close + rocoto_close=f""" +""" + with open(ROCOTO_XML,"a") as f: + f.writelines(rocoto_close) + f.close() + + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG = PATHRT+'/logs/RegressionTests_'+MACHINE_ID+'.log' + make_loghead(ACCNR,MACHINE_ID,RUNDIR_ROOT,RTPWD,REGRESSIONTEST_LOG) + + if (delete_rundir == "true" and len(dependency_list) > 0): + with open('keep_tests.tmp', 'w+') as fdep: + for i in dependency_list: + fdep.write(str(i) + '\n') + fdep.close() + +#if __name__ == "__main__":6 + diff --git a/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34232feb9a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ +====START OF derecho REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +93160247a9d4bf6a9adefc6fb876e37b8550fcf2 + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + fbdf6843d6bde852d97f1547591d90136103f669 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-41-gfbdf684) + 9452de8c3cb43fb2628f0722e6a51f79429d2160 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-450-g9452de8) + f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) + f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 927261d3916c8e96e7ebe38fe86f06f7aab0abc2 FV3 (heads/develop) + 1720f85e54765251f869756e67c93ef7acefac0d FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-402-g1720f85) + 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) + 2a50cccd916cceafaf031f4cd14f2ecef277be8f FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-840-g2a50cccd) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-7476b8f2790a47d788f79cebfdbb551567ae7cf8 FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + b32aea7bf3f9e2a774afa23d3386c88156cd1182 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10051-gb32aea7bf) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + d9b3172f4197c65d471662c6952a668152d71230 WW3 (6.07.1-345-gd9b3172f) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240724 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /glade/derecho/scratch/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47118 + +UFS_TEST.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: nral0032 +* (-r) - USE ROCOTO + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_intel [21:49, 21:49](6 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel [06:34, 05:22] (3203236 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel [23:43, 23:43](6 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_intel [15:50, 14:23] (1911268 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel [17:09, 15:24] (1956204 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel [08:52, 07:14] (1063944 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel [17:49, 16:18] (1888684 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel [23:29, 23:29](6 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_sfs_intel [14:44, 14:12] (1922428 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel [12:00, 12:00](1530 warnings,1948 remarks) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_intel [21:17, 21:17](5 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_intel [07:00, 05:51] (3225160 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [06:57, 05:43] (3225956 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_p8_intel [04:57, 03:28] (3157132 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_qr_p8_intel [07:03, 05:49] (3254904 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel [05:09, 03:44] (3181752 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_2threads_p8_intel [06:21, 05:21] (3731488 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_decomp_p8_intel [07:05, 05:49] (3220488 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_p8_intel [06:02, 04:56] (3538044 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel [07:12, 06:05] (3234224 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c192_p8_intel [11:15, 09:25] (3813104 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel [08:54, 06:21] (3622076 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_bmark_p8_intel [17:25, 10:45] (4508432 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel [16:14, 06:55] (4659692 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_s2sa_p8_intel [06:27, 05:23] (3210320 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_intel [19:31, 19:31](5 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel [05:25, 04:29] (1928660 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel [05:31, 04:27] (1991852 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_intel [11:50, 11:50](1455 warnings,1209 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_p8_intel [09:21, 08:14] (3300200 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_debug_intel [11:12, 11:12](1455 warnings,1209 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel [06:37, 05:39] (1960752 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_aoflux_intel [15:40, 15:40](5 warnings,3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel [05:43, 04:38] (1991868 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_intel [15:40, 15:40](5 warnings,3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c48_intel [06:59, 06:14] (2940124 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_warmstart_c48_intel [02:39, 01:53] (2940464 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c48_intel [01:52, 01:04] (2323524 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_faster_intel [25:33, 25:33](5 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_faster_intel [07:06, 05:54] (3233236 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_intel [22:01, 22:00](5 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel [15:52, 14:49] (1938892 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel [09:15, 08:03] (1101660 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel [17:41, 16:39] (1901196 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_intel [11:00, 11:00](1565 warnings,1948 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel [24:47, 23:39] (1959192 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_intel [15:17, 15:17](6 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_intel [03:39, 03:25] (669952 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_intel [03:05, 02:29] (1571368 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel [03:05, 02:26] (1578496 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_latlon_intel [02:57, 02:25] (1571048 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel [03:08, 02:30] (1571156 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48_intel [06:33, 06:02] (1615012 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48.v2.sfc_intel [05:30, 05:15] (734072 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c192_intel [09:45, 08:57] (1684744 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384_intel [10:37, 09:00] (2001884 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384gdas_intel [09:39, 07:10] (1198112 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_intel [01:39, 01:26] (625784 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_restart_intel [01:05, 00:52] (440844 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_intel [01:35, 01:21] (626396 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr4_intel [02:16, 02:03] (620764 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr5_intel [02:19, 02:05] (621112 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_intel [04:13, 03:02] (1868600 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [04:19, 03:04] (1866204 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_intel [04:21, 03:05] (1875488 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_intel [03:32, 02:19] (1017524 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_noqr_p8_intel [04:24, 03:15] (1853448 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_noqr_p8_intel [03:13, 02:05] (1019644 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_decomp_p8_intel [04:18, 03:04] (1865376 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_2threads_p8_intel [04:32, 03:18] (1953660 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_lndp_intel [05:58, 05:23] (1869296 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_rrtmgp_intel [05:36, 04:12] (1920604 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_mynn_intel [04:37, 03:23] (1868512 MB) +PASS -- TEST merra2_thompson_intel [05:05, 03:36] (1871024 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_intel [05:09, 04:40] (872080 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_restart_intel [03:04, 02:35] (870640 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_decomp_intel [05:22, 04:51] (874728 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_noquilt_intel [05:08, 04:34] (1188576 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_netcdf_parallel_intel [05:09, 04:37] (872044 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel [05:18, 04:49] (878052 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_wofs_intel [06:20, 05:51] (1602908 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_intel [13:01, 13:01](8 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_intel [07:24, 06:19] (1008248 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel [04:53, 03:59] (1198804 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_intel [07:40, 06:34] (1010324 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_intel [06:50, 05:43] (1094796 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_intel [04:16, 03:11] (883472 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_intel [07:19, 06:14] (1005324 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel [07:28, 06:24] (1003512 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel [05:50, 04:41] (881792 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_intel [04:16, 03:10] (1004808 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_intel [04:24, 03:15] (1002620 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_intel [03:59, 02:47] (1091728 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_intel [02:03, 01:47] (837412 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_intel [07:03, 05:59] (1002872 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_intel [07:42, 07:29] (1959488 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel [07:25, 07:11] (1948428 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_intel [11:15, 11:15](5 warnings +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_intel [07:11, 06:40] (963844 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_intel [03:03, 02:51] (657856 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_intel [10:50, 10:49](5 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_intel [10:45, 10:14] (1665232 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_faster_dyn32_intel [17:31, 17:31](5 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_faster_intel [04:17, 03:03] (1869744 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_faster_intel [04:54, 04:26] (858376 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_intel [13:04, 13:04](889 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel [03:06, 02:31] (1615172 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel [03:05, 02:28] (1602992 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_intel [03:06, 02:53] (808768 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_debug_intel [02:47, 02:35] (813012 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_intel [05:00, 04:32] (1123068 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_intel [02:50, 02:36] (817036 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_intel [03:13, 02:35] (1669840 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_intel [03:39, 03:08] (1906380 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_intel [16:39, 16:10] (930060 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_intel [04:52, 04:40] (1197948 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_intel [04:48, 04:34] (1185156 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_intel [04:55, 04:43] (1192180 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_intel [04:52, 04:40] (1193720 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel [04:55, 04:41] (1195636 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_intel [05:19, 04:52] (1277036 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [05:06, 04:52] (1195152 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel [05:00, 04:45] (1191324 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_lndp_debug_intel [04:54, 04:41] (1195948 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel [04:55, 04:44] (1196592 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_debug_intel [04:47, 04:32] (1190712 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel [04:51, 04:38] (1196856 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [07:42, 07:28] (1190716 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel [04:51, 04:35] (1185388 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_intel [05:59, 05:44] (1193440 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_intel [04:54, 04:39] (1194012 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel [09:15, 07:57] (1192380 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_intel [06:46, 06:46](844 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_debug_intel [13:00, 12:26] (1698848 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel [11:06, 11:06](8 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:27, 03:35] (1058912 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:24, 05:22] (882748 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:20, 02:48] (883804 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:47, 04:48] (956156 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [03:58, 02:25] (941780 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:25, 02:53] (881488 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:53, 03:52] (794252 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [01:50, 01:35] (780276 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel [15:09, 15:09](8 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_intel [02:40, 01:58] (1088192 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_intel [01:34, 00:59] (1087084 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel [01:47, 01:09] (977220 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel [11:11, 11:11](8 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel [04:04, 03:35] (906176 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel [07:09, 07:09](792 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:52, 04:38] (1069432 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:44, 04:31] (1067992 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_intel [14:07, 13:26] (1151972 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_intel [14:08, 13:28] (835884 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_intel [08:23, 07:46] (1152964 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel [13:55, 13:19] (1222628 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [06:57, 06:57](792 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [04:58, 04:45] (1097584 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_intel [18:17, 18:17](6 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_intel [05:21, 04:30] (717484 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel [05:18, 04:57] (1071024 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel [07:30, 06:24] (774896 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel [11:50, 10:55] (793196 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel [13:18, 12:08] (816260 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel [05:17, 04:38] (481144 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel [06:42, 05:43] (492940 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel [02:51, 02:17] (392240 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel [07:50, 06:07] (458060 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel [03:54, 03:20] (513732 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [03:42, 03:01] (511248 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel [04:34, 03:50] (588008 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [01:27, 01:13] (425212 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_nested_intel [06:02, 04:00] (1712924 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_debug_intel [08:17, 08:17](1472 warnings,1481 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel [13:00, 12:17] (632600 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_faster_intel [26:55, 26:55](5 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel [07:55, 07:07] (632268 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel [08:00, 07:10] (693776 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_mom6w_intel [19:00, 18:59](5 warnings,7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel [06:07, 05:19] (682816 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_all_intel [15:38, 15:38](5 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_intel [06:40, 05:45] (759308 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel [06:48, 05:48] (740812 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel [17:00, 16:18] (894376 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_intel [08:29, 08:29](5 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel [02:37, 02:31] (769544 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel [01:39, 01:30] (757816 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel [02:32, 02:25] (646652 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel [02:33, 02:24] (647020 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel [02:33, 02:25] (650428 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel [02:41, 02:30] (768700 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel [02:36, 02:31] (769452 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel [02:27, 02:21] (650680 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel [06:38, 05:34] (698620 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel [06:33, 05:34] (680764 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel [02:32, 02:29] (757388 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel [04:03, 03:56] (2032516 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_gfs_intel [04:00, 03:53] (2034936 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_debug_intel [05:54, 05:54](7 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel [05:17, 05:09] (754740 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_faster_intel [08:28, 08:28](5 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel [02:37, 02:30] (769112 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_land_intel [02:46, 02:46],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel [01:27, 01:09] (311792 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel [01:13, 01:01] (451292 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel [00:56, 00:41] (450340 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [13:16, 13:16](5 warnings,3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [04:44, 03:44] (1921228 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [12:12, 12:12](5 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [04:52, 03:51] (1911260 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_intel [15:09, 15:08](13 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel [08:20, 06:59] (1896040 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_intel [08:17, 06:56] (1882936 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel [04:43, 04:05] (1039484 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_debug_intel [09:44, 09:44](887 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel [07:37, 06:12] (1937452 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmw_intel [14:35, 14:35](5 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel [03:28, 02:12] (1887112 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaero_intel [12:31, 12:31](5 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_intel [05:38, 04:15] (3122868 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel [05:35, 04:20] (2998540 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel [05:26, 04:23] (3009904 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaq_debug_intel [07:52, 07:52](889 warnings,6 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_atmaq_debug_intel [23:54, 22:11] (4536424 MB) + + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20240729 12:53:57 +Ending Date/Time: 20240729 17:32:15 +Total Time: 04h:38m:18s +Compiles Completed: 41/41 +Tests Completed: 183/183 + + +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF derecho REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..70410a7d83 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log @@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ +====START OF hera REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +f2d689ee6551f64d5b0dce283191fdc5ac171f3d + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 1f9eaaa142c8b07ed6b788c9f44ea02cc86d0bae CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-42-g1f9eaaa) + 5e57a89cf533fe98352bcfd1a464b1d50713274d CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-378-g5e57a89) + 05ac0ec3ea666080eed36e67f6cf8ce1255b243f CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-192-g05ac0ec) + 24e9eed4ffe8138bef635c8f916f91b142595675 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2311-g24e9eed) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 49967251b83255bdac7ac2f9626d2714e8b83d07 FV3 (heads/develop) + e36e8572e7643d7e59a3979a61bdd83743ff7b00 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-407-ge36e857) + b7d55fd07fa35c5de9b2292596d30784a800b276 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-1-gb7d55fd) + 002a886eeb14979a6811f89e885d2968cbfd9b70 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-893-g002a886e) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + 6f5dd627d124ae94bb5ed7f5afd22f82c470b1b7 FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-230-g6f5dd627) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 5e0c21f64fa5b20efc8f29f8709766e1e6793a79 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10230-g5e0c21f64) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + c7004b658b9dae9fc473d4e6511dfc1cf8e6a7bd WW3 (6.07.1-347-gc7004b65) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241031 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_454162 + +UFS_TEST.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-r) - USE ROCOTO + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_intel [13:10, 13:09](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel [11:30, 10:35] (3317784 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel [16:22, 16:21](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_intel [18:42, 17:53] (1957392 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel [19:32, 18:31] (2130556 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel [09:29, 08:31] (1261920 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel [20:42, 19:54] (1860868 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel [16:07, 16:06](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_sfs_intel [18:03, 17:29] (1978276 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel [05:44, 05:43](1523 warnings,1998 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel [27:14, 26:25] (1926868 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_intel [13:09, 13:08](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_intel [13:54, 12:58] (3324168 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [14:03, 13:07] (3337444 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_p8_intel [08:05, 07:02] (3258636 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_qr_p8_intel [13:58, 13:01] (3366012 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel [08:12, 07:06] (3281508 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_2threads_p8_intel [13:13, 12:20] (3637392 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_decomp_p8_intel [13:50, 13:04] (3328844 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_p8_intel [11:34, 10:39] (3210484 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel [13:56, 13:00] (3339928 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c192_p8_intel [12:05, 10:23] (3521864 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel [08:51, 06:28] (3617208 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_bmark_p8_intel [22:10, 16:01] (4285360 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel [18:00, 09:24] (4363836 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_s2sa_p8_intel [08:21, 07:29] (3312640 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_intel [12:12, 12:11](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel [08:47, 07:58] (1957128 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel [11:54, 11:00] (2042996 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_intel [05:47, 05:46](1413 warnings,1228 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_p8_intel [23:16, 22:19] (3405880 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_debug_intel [05:31, 05:30](1413 warnings,1228 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel [10:22, 09:28] (2009080 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_aoflux_intel [11:24, 11:23],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel [05:18, 04:25] (2009052 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_intel [11:43, 11:42](1 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c48_intel [08:16, 07:45] (3037340 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_warmstart_c48_intel [02:50, 02:18] (3025504 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c48_intel [01:53, 01:19] (2478320 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_faster_intel [17:14, 17:13](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_faster_intel [13:25, 12:27] (3322952 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_intel [15:56, 15:56](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel [29:04, 28:15] (1990480 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel [15:04, 13:58] (1275344 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel [33:40, 32:50] (1935116 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_intel [05:54, 05:54](1523 warnings,1998 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel [30:54, 30:08] (1946868 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_intel [10:40, 10:39](1 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST 2020_CAPE_intel [06:49, 06:38] (859104 MB) +PASS -- TEST baroclinic_wave_intel [06:07, 05:02] (1487880 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_intel [03:37, 03:21] (702836 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_intel [03:48, 03:18] (1582512 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel [03:55, 03:21] (1587900 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_latlon_intel [03:46, 03:17] (1555096 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel [03:45, 03:14] (1581608 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48_intel [12:10, 11:42] (1720732 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48.v2.sfc_intel [06:51, 06:38] (851420 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c192_intel [12:51, 12:03] (1706936 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384_intel [15:28, 13:47] (1985220 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384gdas_intel [10:35, 08:21] (1372500 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_intel [01:53, 01:38] (654376 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_restart_intel [01:31, 01:01] (500652 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_intel [01:51, 01:35] (655072 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr4_intel [02:48, 02:30] (649700 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr5_intel [02:48, 02:31] (648924 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_intel [04:26, 03:43] (1886424 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [03:54, 03:08] (1889208 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_intel [04:16, 03:37] (1863708 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_intel [02:44, 02:06] (1125100 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_noqr_p8_intel [04:17, 03:41] (1877096 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_noqr_p8_intel [02:46, 02:02] (1166916 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_decomp_p8_intel [04:24, 03:48] (1868888 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_2threads_p8_intel [04:06, 03:33] (1954436 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_lndp_intel [07:16, 06:44] (1857320 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_rrtmgp_intel [04:51, 04:13] (1953868 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_mynn_intel [03:55, 03:09] (1897456 MB) +PASS -- TEST merra2_thompson_intel [04:03, 03:25] (1884636 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_intel [05:49, 05:24] (1089708 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_restart_intel [03:24, 02:57] (1079256 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_decomp_intel [06:08, 05:43] (1078316 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2threads_intel [04:00, 03:28] (1078124 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_noquilt_intel [05:49, 05:22] (1389952 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_netcdf_parallel_intel [05:52, 05:24] (1087332 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel [05:52, 05:22] (1083848 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_wofs_intel [07:27, 06:59] (1902944 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_intel [10:24, 10:23](3 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_intel [08:23, 07:51] (1101128 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel [05:01, 04:13] (1249680 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_intel [08:39, 08:13] (1030776 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_intel [07:53, 07:26] (1162928 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_intel [04:41, 04:03] (1101340 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_intel [08:18, 07:49] (1093532 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel [08:38, 08:09] (1035708 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel [06:32, 05:54] (1121252 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_intel [04:42, 04:10] (1024796 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_intel [04:41, 04:09] (1024304 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_intel [04:08, 03:43] (1094908 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_intel [02:33, 02:11] (995672 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_intel [08:19, 07:44] (1094336 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_intel [09:56, 09:35] (1974348 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel [09:28, 09:10] (2061176 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_intel [09:59, 09:58] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_intel [06:42, 06:14] (1018472 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_intel [03:33, 03:19] (742780 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_intel [10:09, 10:07],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_intel [12:02, 11:24] (1659012 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_faster_dyn32_intel [10:30, 10:28],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_faster_intel [03:34, 02:51] (1881924 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_faster_intel [05:35, 05:01] (1090696 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_intel [08:09, 08:08](882 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel [02:56, 02:21] (1588428 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel [02:56, 02:20] (1603936 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_intel [03:35, 03:17] (833228 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_debug_intel [03:10, 02:55] (832908 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_intel [05:02, 04:32] (1136916 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_intel [03:17, 03:03] (837468 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_intel [03:36, 02:55] (1686996 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_intel [03:15, 02:43] (1893608 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_intel [17:50, 17:17] (1096720 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_intel [05:20, 05:04] (1212708 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_intel [05:15, 04:57] (1201416 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_intel [05:20, 05:04] (1218240 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_intel [05:35, 05:21] (1215000 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel [05:21, 05:07] (1221380 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_intel [06:02, 05:28] (1296364 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [05:43, 05:26] (1213688 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel [05:35, 05:18] (1211856 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_lndp_debug_intel [05:36, 05:19] (1216568 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel [05:19, 05:04] (1211588 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_debug_intel [05:30, 05:12] (1215124 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel [05:28, 05:11] (1210684 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [08:43, 08:23] (1211052 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel [05:19, 05:03] (1210360 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_intel [06:38, 06:20] (1209768 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_intel [05:28, 05:11] (1217524 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel [09:40, 08:59] (1213324 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_gnu [04:29, 04:28] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_gnu [02:58, 02:28] (721988 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_intel [04:48, 04:47](837 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_debug_intel [14:48, 14:01] (1647624 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel [10:13, 10:12](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:03, 04:08] (1125764 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [07:04, 06:33] (1048748 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:03, 03:31] (982704 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:46, 06:18] (1076680 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [03:43, 03:13] (963916 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:02, 03:38] (927648 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:33, 04:58] (1033672 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [02:14, 01:53] (925820 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel [10:13, 10:11](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_intel [02:55, 02:06] (1186804 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_intel [01:45, 01:02] (1097620 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel [01:59, 01:19] (1096268 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel [10:14, 10:13](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel [04:55, 04:16] (976524 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel [04:51, 04:50](785 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:26, 05:12] (1089144 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:19, 05:03] (1078632 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_intel [15:10, 14:21] (1237480 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_intel [15:10, 14:26] (935592 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_intel [08:45, 08:09] (1162052 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel [14:42, 14:07] (1300948 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [04:50, 04:49](785 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [05:18, 05:04] (1151004 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_intel [11:37, 11:36](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_intel [06:23, 05:14] (721192 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel [07:19, 06:51] (1095328 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel [08:40, 07:22] (812748 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel [15:09, 13:59] (846228 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel [17:04, 15:38] (868492 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel [06:31, 05:41] (492604 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel [08:12, 07:00] (507444 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel [03:27, 02:49] (365216 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel [10:14, 07:45] (465524 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel [04:29, 03:53] (519988 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [04:27, 03:43] (521444 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel [05:05, 04:16] (570212 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [01:32, 01:11] (397892 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_nested_intel [05:37, 04:13] (1705680 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_debug_intel [05:28, 05:27](1465 warnings,1501 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel [14:01, 13:12] (586896 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_faster_intel [11:19, 11:18],7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel [10:04, 09:09] (641276 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel [10:18, 09:18] (728436 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_mom6w_intel [11:51, 11:50],7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel [08:18, 06:45] (719760 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_all_intel [11:08, 11:07],7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_intel [08:11, 07:05] (816940 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel [08:27, 07:16] (793984 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel [17:10, 16:28] (1218568 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_intel [06:49, 06:48] +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel [03:04, 02:54] (1135728 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel [01:58, 01:42] (1104204 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel [02:58, 02:48] (1026148 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel [03:09, 03:00] (1025708 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel [02:58, 02:47] (1018316 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel [03:08, 02:58] (1150284 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel [03:04, 02:55] (1159516 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel [02:50, 02:41] (1027196 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel [07:44, 06:31] (1071044 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel [07:25, 06:20] (1041660 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel [02:57, 02:49] (1135368 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel [04:10, 04:00] (2506364 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_gfs_intel [04:14, 04:03] (2513316 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_debug_intel [03:23, 03:23](2 warnings +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel [06:54, 06:44] (1072348 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_faster_intel [06:48, 06:47] +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel [02:59, 02:50] (1138860 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_land_intel [01:11, 01:10],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel [01:08, 00:46] (263608 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel [01:09, 00:53] (325140 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel [00:44, 00:30] (329204 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_lm4_intel [01:19, 01:19] +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_intel [00:52, 00:32] (567508 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_rst_intel [00:42, 00:19] (454664 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [10:50, 10:48],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [04:49, 03:58] (1972556 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [10:33, 10:31](1 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [09:05, 08:14] (1982928 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_intel [11:11, 11:10](8 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel [05:18, 04:29] (1839752 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_intel [05:19, 04:29] (1842324 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel [03:19, 02:38] (1095400 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_debug_intel [06:03, 06:02](880 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel [06:49, 05:58] (1870948 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmw_intel [10:53, 10:53],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel [02:39, 01:59] (1904504 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaero_intel [10:41, 10:40],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_intel [05:02, 04:16] (3180436 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel [05:53, 05:06] (3071960 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel [05:52, 05:02] (3104208 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaq_debug_intel [04:59, 04:58](882 warnings,6 remarks) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_fbh_intel [09:53, 09:53](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_regional_atm_fbh_intel [12:08, 11:51] (1070988 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intelllvm [06:53, 06:52](5 warnings +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intelllvm [08:57, 08:26] (1047336 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intelllvm [06:39, 06:38](5 warnings +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intelllvm [05:32, 04:58] (977780 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_gnu [04:30, 04:29] +PASS -- TEST 2020_CAPE_gnu [11:44, 11:33] (728876 MB) +PASS -- TEST baroclinic_wave_gnu [11:21, 10:20] (962148 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48_gnu [10:09, 09:34] (1508744 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_gnu [03:50, 03:33] (493536 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_gnu [05:21, 05:01] (500640 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_gnu [06:18, 05:21] (1453992 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_gnu [05:56, 05:13] (1454088 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_gnu [10:47, 10:32] (537420 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_gnu [04:29, 04:28] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_gnu [11:52, 11:22] (812340 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_gnu [12:05, 11:38] (807456 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_gnu [10:58, 10:27] (925008 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_gnu [06:35, 05:54] (575764 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_gnu [12:06, 11:29] (812636 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_gnu [12:12, 11:37] (806676 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_gnu [09:16, 08:31] (577804 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_gnu [06:23, 05:55] (810392 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_noqr_gnu [06:23, 05:52] (830828 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_gnu [05:42, 05:20] (907960 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_gnu [06:15, 05:53] (841024 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_gnu [03:35, 03:07] (561264 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_noqr_gnu [03:30, 03:00] (650604 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_gnu [11:42, 11:07] (804816 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_gnu [03:52, 03:51] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_gnu [09:07, 08:37] (746052 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_debug_gnu [06:34, 06:33] +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_gnu [02:16, 01:45] (1270876 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_gnu [11:34, 11:06] (753144 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_gnu [02:54, 02:41] (829548 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_gnu [02:51, 02:38] (817900 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_gnu [02:58, 02:42] (825588 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_gnu [02:55, 02:40] (820180 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_gnu [03:25, 02:57] (904356 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_gnu [04:26, 04:10] (818016 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_gnu [03:06, 02:52] (823460 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_gnu [02:57, 02:42] (819252 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_gnu [01:52, 01:38] (455860 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_gnu [01:57, 01:44] (447536 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_gnu [02:14, 01:42] (1427028 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_gnu [02:57, 02:42] (820132 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_gnu [03:05, 02:51] (825700 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_gnu [04:55, 04:27] (822924 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_gnu [02:27, 02:25] + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu [04:10, 04:09] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu [10:17, 09:50] (696556 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu [05:38, 05:15] (693260 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu [09:29, 09:04] (741420 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu [05:11, 04:44] (744556 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_gnu [05:44, 05:18] (693264 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu [07:59, 07:19] (549440 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu [03:06, 02:39] (534208 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_gnu [03:59, 03:12] (868928 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_gnu [06:02, 05:29] (871316 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_gnu [02:25, 01:49] (550128 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu [09:47, 09:46] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_gnu [06:27, 05:56] (721192 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu [06:37, 06:37] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu [02:53, 02:38] (709736 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu [02:49, 02:33] (704188 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_gnu [07:38, 06:59] (880968 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_gnu [07:51, 07:16] (570624 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_gnu [08:16, 07:42] (885280 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_gnu [07:40, 07:05] (948688 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu [06:36, 06:35] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu [03:04, 02:50] (726468 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_gnu [16:31, 16:30] +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_gnu [15:56, 15:55] +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_gnu [20:03, 18:59] (1507008 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_gnu [03:07, 03:06] +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_gnu [16:15, 16:14] +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_gnu [32:09, 31:10] (1448308 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu [02:57, 02:56] + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_gnu [15:35, 15:33] +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_gnu [03:21, 03:12] (693868 MB) + + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 2024-11-11 22:51:04 +Ending Date/Time: 2024-11-12 04:00:52 +Total Time: 05h:09m:48s +Compiles Completed: 61/61 +Tests Completed: 252/252 + + +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF hera REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6f53f528f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log @@ -0,0 +1,498 @@ +====START OF hercules REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +e366ec57380a76f1da3be0364eb0473762a1cf9d + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 1f9eaaa142c8b07ed6b788c9f44ea02cc86d0bae CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-42-g1f9eaaa) + 5e57a89cf533fe98352bcfd1a464b1d50713274d CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-378-g5e57a89) + 05ac0ec3ea666080eed36e67f6cf8ce1255b243f CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-192-g05ac0ec) + 24e9eed4ffe8138bef635c8f916f91b142595675 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2311-g24e9eed) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 49967251b83255bdac7ac2f9626d2714e8b83d07 FV3 (heads/develop) + e36e8572e7643d7e59a3979a61bdd83743ff7b00 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-407-ge36e857) + b7d55fd07fa35c5de9b2292596d30784a800b276 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-1-gb7d55fd) + 002a886eeb14979a6811f89e885d2968cbfd9b70 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-893-g002a886e) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + 6f5dd627d124ae94bb5ed7f5afd22f82c470b1b7 FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-230-g6f5dd627) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 5e0c21f64fa5b20efc8f29f8709766e1e6793a79 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10230-g5e0c21f64) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + c7004b658b9dae9fc473d4e6511dfc1cf8e6a7bd WW3 (6.07.1-347-gc7004b65) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241031 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /work2/noaa/stmp/jongkim/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_3031060 + +UFS_TEST.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-r) - USE ROCOTO + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_intel [12:07, 12:07](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel [15:55, 15:02] (2121320 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel [17:36, 17:36](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_intel [15:09, 14:21] (1993720 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel [15:08, 14:09] (2279928 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel [07:52, 06:46] (1342232 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel [17:06, 16:12] (1901796 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel [16:41, 16:41](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_sfs_intel [14:41, 14:05] (1980552 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel [05:31, 05:31](1523 warnings,2000 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel [25:35, 24:42] (1974300 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_intel [12:20, 12:20](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_intel [16:19, 15:20] (2200652 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [15:40, 14:49] (2203192 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_p8_intel [08:36, 07:37] (1965204 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_qr_p8_intel [15:44, 14:45] (2227252 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel [08:56, 07:55] (1736324 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_2threads_p8_intel [17:58, 17:09] (2549816 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_decomp_p8_intel [15:32, 14:40] (2194140 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_p8_intel [14:50, 13:42] (2093952 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel [14:55, 14:02] (2196184 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c192_p8_intel [16:44, 15:17] (2974816 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel [08:53, 06:47] (2898528 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_bmark_p8_intel [21:58, 16:43] (3830504 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel [16:37, 09:41] (3650540 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_s2sa_p8_intel [07:45, 07:06] (2111084 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_intel [11:59, 11:59](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel [14:00, 13:16] (2001968 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel [12:11, 11:24] (2101160 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_intel [06:29, 06:28](1413 warnings,1230 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_p8_intel [20:46, 19:28] (2224852 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_debug_intel [06:12, 06:11](1413 warnings,1230 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel [10:17, 09:30] (2042708 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_aoflux_intel [11:53, 11:53],3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel [04:49, 04:05] (2066800 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_intel [10:17, 10:16](1 warnings,3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c48_intel [06:41, 06:06] (3032344 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_warmstart_c48_intel [02:32, 01:58] (3020720 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c48_intel [01:32, 01:08] (2474336 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_faster_intel [12:33, 12:33](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_faster_intel [14:30, 13:34] (2196124 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_intel [19:05, 19:04](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel [23:35, 22:47] (2075224 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel [14:17, 13:10] (1411136 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel [28:26, 27:15] (2014236 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_intel [04:58, 04:58](1523 warnings,2000 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel [28:39, 27:50] (2015580 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_intel [09:36, 09:36](1 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST 2020_CAPE_intel [06:07, 06:00] (843192 MB) +PASS -- TEST baroclinic_wave_intel [05:36, 04:39] (1636164 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_intel [03:06, 02:56] (717376 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_intel [03:05, 02:44] (1588836 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel [03:19, 02:54] (1600296 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_latlon_intel [03:09, 02:48] (1582196 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel [03:58, 03:23] (1604960 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48_intel [10:57, 10:29] (1713268 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48.v2.sfc_intel [06:12, 05:59] (839372 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c192_intel [11:15, 10:37] (1783120 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384_intel [13:56, 12:33] (2021680 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384gdas_intel [09:36, 07:50] (1507608 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_intel [01:44, 01:33] (664612 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_restart_intel [01:12, 00:54] (529900 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_intel [02:07, 01:53] (669116 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr4_intel [02:29, 02:15] (658356 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr5_intel [02:32, 02:18] (665808 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_intel [04:11, 03:27] (1886168 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [04:11, 03:16] (1899096 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_intel [04:06, 03:20] (1886672 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_intel [03:29, 02:46] (1140044 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_noqr_p8_intel [04:34, 03:49] (1873368 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_noqr_p8_intel [02:51, 02:04] (1207920 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_decomp_p8_intel [04:01, 03:19] (1870144 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_2threads_p8_intel [03:50, 03:07] (1960612 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_lndp_intel [07:07, 06:39] (1884048 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_rrtmgp_intel [05:06, 04:16] (1977040 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_mynn_intel [04:25, 03:36] (1914724 MB) +PASS -- TEST merra2_thompson_intel [04:27, 03:32] (1893124 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_intel [05:55, 05:37] (1187268 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_restart_intel [03:48, 03:13] (1165108 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_decomp_intel [05:26, 05:00] (1187288 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2threads_intel [03:34, 03:15] (1148128 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_noquilt_intel [06:08, 05:45] (1518992 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_netcdf_parallel_intel [05:56, 05:23] (1186260 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel [06:38, 06:10] (1193988 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_wofs_intel [07:12, 06:49] (2064644 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_intel [09:02, 09:02](3 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_intel [07:22, 06:43] (1190088 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel [04:25, 03:51] (1355024 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_intel [07:50, 07:08] (1129020 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_intel [07:29, 06:50] (1357192 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_intel [04:24, 03:36] (1131308 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_intel [07:35, 06:53] (1187860 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel [07:43, 07:07] (1149060 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel [06:03, 05:17] (1189924 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_intel [04:25, 03:39] (1078336 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_intel [06:16, 05:28] (1028960 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_intel [08:12, 07:30] (1099628 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_intel [02:30, 02:06] (1008008 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_intel [07:31, 06:49] (1218400 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_intel [10:04, 09:53] (2003572 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel [10:35, 10:14] (2194008 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_intel [08:36, 08:35] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_intel [07:50, 07:17] (1041212 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_intel [04:26, 04:16] (808368 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_intel [11:09, 11:08],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_intel [10:32, 10:00] (1655424 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_faster_dyn32_intel [09:20, 09:20],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_faster_intel [04:11, 03:22] (1886116 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_faster_intel [04:44, 04:24] (1177052 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_intel [06:57, 06:57](882 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel [02:53, 02:14] (1626976 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel [02:55, 02:13] (1622924 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_intel [02:52, 02:41] (837104 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_debug_intel [02:39, 02:27] (842060 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_intel [04:43, 04:25] (1147044 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_intel [02:30, 02:22] (851412 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_intel [03:30, 02:58] (1697532 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_intel [03:55, 03:15] (1915232 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_intel [16:13, 15:44] (1147312 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_intel [04:27, 04:19] (1219508 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_intel [04:25, 04:11] (1230572 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_intel [04:21, 04:08] (1227508 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_intel [04:31, 04:20] (1221360 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel [04:40, 04:31] (1211324 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_intel [04:54, 04:36] (1316512 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [04:25, 04:14] (1221064 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel [04:27, 04:14] (1228344 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_lndp_debug_intel [04:22, 04:12] (1230004 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel [04:21, 04:12] (1218816 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_debug_intel [04:25, 04:14] (1223324 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel [04:27, 04:16] (1227852 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [07:03, 06:52] (1223592 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel [04:35, 04:24] (1207808 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_intel [05:18, 05:06] (1222388 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_intel [04:36, 04:26] (1225796 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel [07:53, 07:13] (1232908 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_gnu [04:51, 04:51] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_gnu [03:22, 02:58] (1038340 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_intel [03:56, 03:54](837 warnings,1 remarks) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel [08:28, 08:27](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:11, 03:34] (1230524 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:14, 05:30] (1140256 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [03:48, 02:55] (1010384 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:58, 05:21] (1285588 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:29, 03:31] (1031684 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel [03:57, 03:10] (999640 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:56, 04:16] (1096464 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [02:02, 01:43] (951524 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel [09:01, 09:00](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_intel [02:17, 01:47] (1283856 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_intel [01:37, 01:07] (1186908 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel [01:36, 01:08] (1143128 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel [08:36, 08:36](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel [04:57, 04:34] (1085536 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel [03:38, 03:38](785 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:33, 04:24] (1103936 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:33, 04:24] (1095476 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_intel [12:32, 11:58] (1337168 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_intel [13:24, 12:54] (1006060 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_intel [07:51, 07:24] (1240008 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel [12:23, 11:57] (1415152 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [04:13, 04:12](785 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [05:00, 04:46] (1163384 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_intel [11:07, 11:07](1 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_intel [06:58, 05:47] (851316 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel [05:55, 05:38] (1249172 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel [07:36, 06:32] (937224 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel [15:02, 14:04] (972068 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel [16:42, 15:31] (965564 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel [06:14, 05:35] (595528 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel [08:10, 07:03] (605764 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel [03:13, 02:43] (433112 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel [11:12, 09:27] (543568 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel [04:32, 03:59] (603908 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [04:20, 03:42] (603768 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel [05:45, 05:01] (657216 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [01:29, 01:11] (454096 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_debug_intel [05:16, 05:15](1465 warnings,1502 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel [12:47, 12:02] (637488 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_faster_intel [10:29, 10:29],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel [16:45, 15:56] (707580 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel [16:25, 15:42] (841776 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_mom6w_intel [10:47, 10:46],7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel [11:19, 09:56] (809884 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_all_intel [10:09, 10:08],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_intel [06:47, 05:51] (930464 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel [07:42, 06:44] (896824 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel [17:12, 16:37] (1341972 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_intel [05:55, 05:54],2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel [03:03, 02:58] (1123672 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel [01:53, 01:47] (1095976 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel [03:13, 03:07] (1008380 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel [02:15, 02:09] (1016516 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel [02:57, 02:50] (1017932 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel [02:17, 02:13] (1165048 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel [02:46, 02:41] (1145800 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel [03:06, 03:01] (1018328 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel [05:40, 04:59] (1154656 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel [05:43, 05:00] (1163156 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel [03:34, 03:30] (1161572 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel [04:03, 03:57] (2341584 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_gfs_intel [03:57, 03:52] (2332872 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_debug_intel [03:58, 03:57](2 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel [09:45, 09:39] (1069316 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_faster_intel [06:09, 06:08],2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel [02:21, 02:16] (1143344 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_land_intel [00:45, 00:44],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel [01:24, 01:00] (328588 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel [01:11, 00:57] (572416 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel [00:51, 00:35] (574064 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [10:19, 10:19],3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [04:52, 04:12] (2029852 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [08:47, 08:47](1 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [09:31, 08:54] (2028276 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_intel [09:13, 09:12](8 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel [06:55, 05:58] (1891992 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_intel [07:48, 06:54] (1894880 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel [03:40, 03:16] (1141312 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_debug_intel [04:46, 04:45](880 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel [06:32, 05:34] (1925180 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmw_intel [09:42, 09:42],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel [02:52, 02:10] (1934736 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaero_intel [08:59, 08:59],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_intel [05:46, 05:04] (2002744 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel [05:47, 05:06] (1780620 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel [06:54, 06:24] (1791616 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaq_debug_intel [03:56, 03:56](882 warnings,6 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_atmaq_debug_intel [18:28, 17:14] (4528948 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_fbh_intel [08:09, 08:08](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_regional_atm_fbh_intel [10:54, 10:41] (1077832 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_intelllvm [10:54, 10:54] +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intelllvm [03:35, 03:32] (1120268 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_debug_intelllvm [02:16, 02:16](2 warnings +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intelllvm [06:08, 06:04] (1071564 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_gnu [04:41, 04:41] +PASS -- TEST 2020_CAPE_gnu [10:45, 10:35] (836236 MB) +PASS -- TEST baroclinic_wave_gnu [10:26, 09:32] (1279948 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48_gnu [08:56, 08:18] (1515420 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_gnu [02:42, 02:31] (719316 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_gnu [04:00, 03:49] (721756 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_gnu [04:57, 04:14] (1721144 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_gnu [04:50, 04:13] (1699752 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_gnu [04:51, 04:42] (807268 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_gnu [04:40, 04:40] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_gnu [11:21, 10:46] (1072760 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_gnu [11:37, 10:56] (1069520 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_gnu [10:39, 10:06] (1129848 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_gnu [08:03, 07:14] (878384 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_gnu [11:16, 10:42] (1071408 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_gnu [15:05, 14:29] (1082948 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_gnu [08:49, 08:05] (878080 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_gnu [06:25, 05:45] (1061232 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_noqr_gnu [06:07, 05:34] (1125876 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_gnu [06:01, 05:20] (1059288 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_gnu [03:29, 03:13] (879228 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_noqr_gnu [03:25, 03:07] (924644 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_gnu [14:01, 13:21] (1070656 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_gnu [04:06, 04:06] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_gnu [11:25, 10:58] (1077980 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_debug_gnu [06:02, 06:02] +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_gnu [01:53, 01:27] (1615656 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_gnu [07:33, 07:12] (1122436 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_gnu [02:14, 02:07] (1089884 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_gnu [02:10, 01:59] (1080440 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_gnu [02:15, 02:05] (1090184 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_gnu [02:07, 01:59] (1085224 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_gnu [02:26, 02:12] (1258572 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_gnu [03:19, 03:10] (1086864 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_gnu [02:57, 02:48] (1086936 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_gnu [02:11, 02:03] (1084532 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_gnu [01:27, 01:20] (718640 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_gnu [01:30, 01:22] (718132 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_gnu [01:57, 01:34] (1695716 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_gnu [02:16, 02:07] (1087700 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_gnu [03:06, 02:58] (1094276 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_gnu [03:56, 03:21] (1097536 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_gnu [03:02, 03:01] +PASS -- TEST control_wam_debug_gnu [05:42, 05:17] (1557828 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu [04:21, 04:21] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu [08:49, 08:16] (955720 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu [04:49, 04:04] (940400 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu [09:25, 08:51] (960200 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu [05:12, 04:28] (889096 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_gnu [04:50, 04:05] (940308 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu [06:55, 06:13] (853548 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu [02:24, 02:13] (853700 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_gnu [03:11, 02:37] (1254360 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_gnu [01:43, 01:11] (1162252 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_gnu [02:45, 02:01] (920816 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu [08:44, 08:44] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_gnu [05:06, 04:41] (986472 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu [08:23, 08:23] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu [02:15, 02:05] (969872 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu [02:45, 02:36] (960824 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_gnu [06:14, 05:46] (1273656 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_gnu [06:53, 06:21] (948148 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_gnu [04:15, 03:54] (1179028 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_gnu [06:26, 05:53] (1340448 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu [08:00, 08:00] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu [02:30, 02:19] (993788 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_gnu [16:23, 16:23] +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_gnu [15:43, 15:42] +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_gnu [15:21, 14:28] (3066252 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_gnu [03:42, 03:42] +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_gnu [15:04, 15:04] +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_gnu [41:27, 40:51] (2864608 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu [03:42, 03:42] +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_gnu [15:34, 14:47] (2906548 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_gnu [15:02, 15:02] +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_gnu [03:58, 03:53] (754516 MB) + + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 2024-11-10 18:39:10 +Ending Date/Time: 2024-11-10 23:49:36 +Total Time: 05h:10m:26s +Compiles Completed: 60/60 +Tests Completed: 250/251 + + +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF hercules REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== +====START OF hercules REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +e366ec57380a76f1da3be0364eb0473762a1cf9d + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 1f9eaaa142c8b07ed6b788c9f44ea02cc86d0bae CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-42-g1f9eaaa) + 5e57a89cf533fe98352bcfd1a464b1d50713274d CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-378-g5e57a89) + 05ac0ec3ea666080eed36e67f6cf8ce1255b243f CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-192-g05ac0ec) + 24e9eed4ffe8138bef635c8f916f91b142595675 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2311-g24e9eed) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 49967251b83255bdac7ac2f9626d2714e8b83d07 FV3 (heads/develop) + e36e8572e7643d7e59a3979a61bdd83743ff7b00 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-407-ge36e857) + b7d55fd07fa35c5de9b2292596d30784a800b276 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-1-gb7d55fd) + 002a886eeb14979a6811f89e885d2968cbfd9b70 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-893-g002a886e) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + 6f5dd627d124ae94bb5ed7f5afd22f82c470b1b7 FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-230-g6f5dd627) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 5e0c21f64fa5b20efc8f29f8709766e1e6793a79 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10230-g5e0c21f64) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + c7004b658b9dae9fc473d4e6511dfc1cf8e6a7bd WW3 (6.07.1-347-gc7004b65) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241031 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /work2/noaa/stmp/jongkim/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_3309029 + +UFS_TEST.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-r) - USE ROCOTO + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_gnu [04:53, 04:52] +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_gnu [06:14, 05:33] (1061804 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_gnu [05:21, 04:59] (1014824 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_gnu [06:01, 05:20] (1061408 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_gnu [03:20, 03:01] (879384 MB) + + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 2024-11-10 18:39:10 +Ending Date/Time: 2024-11-11 09:47:25 +Total Time: 15h:08m:15s +Compiles Completed: 1/1 +Tests Completed: 4/4 + + +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF hercules REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_jet.log b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_jet.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08a57bffca --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_jet.log @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +====START OF jet REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +ee291dddb429760ba057303024e7936126227735 + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 1f9eaaa142c8b07ed6b788c9f44ea02cc86d0bae CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-42-g1f9eaaa) + 5e57a89cf533fe98352bcfd1a464b1d50713274d CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-378-g5e57a89) + 05ac0ec3ea666080eed36e67f6cf8ce1255b243f CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-192-g05ac0ec) + 24e9eed4ffe8138bef635c8f916f91b142595675 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2311-g24e9eed) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 49967251b83255bdac7ac2f9626d2714e8b83d07 FV3 (heads/develop) + e36e8572e7643d7e59a3979a61bdd83743ff7b00 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-407-ge36e857) + b7d55fd07fa35c5de9b2292596d30784a800b276 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-1-gb7d55fd) + 002a886eeb14979a6811f89e885d2968cbfd9b70 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-893-g002a886e) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + 6f5dd627d124ae94bb5ed7f5afd22f82c470b1b7 FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-230-g6f5dd627) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 5e0c21f64fa5b20efc8f29f8709766e1e6793a79 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10230-g5e0c21f64) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + c7004b658b9dae9fc473d4e6511dfc1cf8e6a7bd WW3 (6.07.1-347-gc7004b65) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241031 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/Jong.Kim/RT_RUNDIRS/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_3641822 + +UFS_TEST.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-r) - USE ROCOTO + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_intel [43:45, 43:45](1 warnings,1380 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel [14:09, 13:16] (1990480 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel [49:58, 49:58](1 warnings,1427 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_intel [21:32, 20:42] (1888972 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel [23:22, 22:26] (2018384 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel [10:46, 09:58] (1139772 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel [24:42, 23:53] (1853124 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel [53:52, 53:52](1 warnings,1424 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_sfs_intel [20:57, 20:17] (1863476 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_intel [44:16, 44:16](1 warnings,1399 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_intel [17:45, 16:44] (2041940 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [17:46, 16:44] (2022176 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_p8_intel [09:56, 08:55] (1710032 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_qr_p8_intel [17:43, 16:45] (2053628 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel [10:01, 08:59] (1736672 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_2threads_p8_intel [16:45, 15:50] (2327892 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_decomp_p8_intel [17:45, 16:50] (2059284 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_p8_intel [14:45, 13:44] (1995464 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel [17:45, 16:38] (2035760 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_s2sa_p8_intel [10:09, 09:14] (1993348 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_intel [41:33, 41:33](1 warnings,1284 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel [10:05, 09:15] (1900756 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel [15:06, 14:13] (1967656 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_intel [06:06, 06:06](1413 warnings,1228 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_p8_intel [28:45, 27:39] (2042128 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_debug_intel [05:58, 05:57](1413 warnings,1228 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel [12:13, 11:22] (1925480 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_aoflux_intel [37:25, 37:25],1010 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel [06:40, 05:35] (1939360 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_intel [38:03, 38:03](1 warnings,1033 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c48_intel [10:49, 10:16] (3011596 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_warmstart_c48_intel [03:31, 02:58] (3001508 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c48_intel [02:10, 01:41] (2449704 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_faster_intel [92:58, 92:58](1 warnings,1615 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_faster_intel [16:55, 16:00] (2017696 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_intel [48:14, 48:14](1 warnings,1344 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel [34:31, 33:45] (1932584 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel [17:44, 16:49] (1138508 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel [40:17, 39:29] (1881392 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_intel [05:57, 05:56](1523 warnings,1998 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel [39:25, 38:52] (1911980 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_intel [37:20, 37:20](1 warnings,1116 remarks) +PASS -- TEST 2020_CAPE_intel [10:22, 10:12] (833524 MB) +PASS -- TEST baroclinic_wave_intel [07:32, 06:19] (1339204 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_intel [04:36, 04:21] (646900 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_intel [04:44, 04:12] (1535184 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel [05:04, 04:33] (1542756 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_latlon_intel [04:39, 04:15] (1509984 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel [04:53, 04:19] (1543020 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48_intel [18:34, 18:04] (1701392 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48.v2.sfc_intel [10:26, 10:10] (830460 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c192_intel [16:36, 16:00] (1679576 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384_intel [24:28, 23:02] (1783312 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384gdas_intel [15:23, 13:15] (990120 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_intel [02:20, 02:06] (602592 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_restart_intel [01:26, 01:15] (429200 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_intel [02:14, 01:59] (607496 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr4_intel [03:25, 03:12] (600160 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr5_intel [03:28, 03:15] (596736 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_intel [05:29, 04:47] (1820236 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [04:38, 03:56] (1830204 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_intel [05:13, 04:38] (1788456 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_intel [03:07, 02:38] (1056824 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_noqr_p8_intel [05:12, 04:37] (1806504 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_noqr_p8_intel [03:05, 02:33] (1068320 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_decomp_p8_intel [05:21, 04:47] (1813536 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_2threads_p8_intel [05:03, 04:30] (1910184 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_lndp_intel [09:06, 08:35] (1816624 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_rrtmgp_intel [05:49, 05:13] (1873836 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_mynn_intel [04:38, 03:59] (1844180 MB) +PASS -- TEST merra2_thompson_intel [04:55, 04:20] (1843332 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_intel [07:36, 07:13] (1001184 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_restart_intel [04:07, 03:43] (1006740 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_decomp_intel [07:49, 07:27] (1000896 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2threads_intel [04:44, 04:21] (979708 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_netcdf_parallel_intel [07:35, 07:07] (1006392 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel [07:27, 07:02] (1000040 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_intel [34:54, 34:54](3 warnings,1092 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_intel [10:25, 09:59] (980228 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel [06:20, 05:30] (1178756 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_intel [11:08, 10:41] (980740 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_intel [10:06, 09:34] (1081032 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_intel [05:38, 05:11] (977360 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_intel [10:25, 09:59] (986684 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel [11:11, 10:44] (981604 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel [07:59, 07:31] (993144 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_intel [05:34, 05:06] (981944 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_intel [05:40, 05:16] (980316 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_intel [05:07, 04:42] (1047344 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_intel [02:58, 02:45] (914384 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_intel [10:35, 10:01] (984868 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_intel [13:29, 13:14] (1929308 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel [13:06, 12:52] (1931152 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_intel [35:01, 35:01],1091 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_intel [08:32, 08:06] (963104 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_intel [04:31, 04:22] (665476 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_intel [35:33, 35:33],994 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_intel [14:46, 14:15] (1582984 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_faster_dyn32_intel [37:34, 37:34],1294 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_faster_intel [04:18, 03:40] (1829944 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_faster_intel [06:53, 06:30] (1003744 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_intel [08:19, 08:19](882 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel [03:17, 02:43] (1567092 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel [03:15, 02:41] (1566212 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_intel [03:56, 03:45] (776980 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_debug_intel [03:39, 03:25] (775904 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_intel [05:47, 05:22] (1083840 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_intel [03:33, 03:23] (779992 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_intel [03:50, 03:21] (1635516 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_intel [03:46, 03:16] (1854852 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_intel [22:24, 21:58] (1035008 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_intel [06:21, 06:09] (1165424 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_intel [06:17, 05:59] (1160500 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_intel [06:15, 06:03] (1165208 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_intel [06:23, 06:10] (1163396 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel [06:21, 06:06] (1170372 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_intel [06:49, 06:24] (1241080 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [06:30, 06:15] (1164028 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel [06:26, 06:13] (1161464 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_lndp_debug_intel [06:23, 06:09] (1168484 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel [06:19, 06:06] (1164048 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_debug_intel [06:12, 05:59] (1159768 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel [06:19, 06:07] (1162956 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [10:11, 10:00] (1160244 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel [06:23, 06:04] (1156404 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_intel [07:44, 07:26] (1167400 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_intel [06:28, 06:09] (1169280 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel [11:13, 10:41] (1171328 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_intel [05:16, 05:15](837 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_debug_intel [17:06, 16:33] (1638676 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel [30:51, 30:51](3 warnings,1026 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:03, 05:14] (1044596 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [08:36, 08:15] (897916 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:42, 04:20] (864332 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [08:18, 07:53] (939920 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:26, 04:01] (911368 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:51, 04:30] (853636 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:25, 06:09] (888508 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [02:31, 02:18] (838156 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel [32:18, 32:18](3 warnings,1199 remarks) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_intel [03:15, 02:37] (1091112 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_intel [01:43, 01:11] (1029764 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel [01:59, 01:27] (1015356 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel [31:12, 31:12](3 warnings,1046 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel [05:55, 05:23] (904808 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel [05:05, 05:05](785 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:18, 06:02] (1042488 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:03, 05:53] (1036664 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_intel [18:12, 17:36] (1145660 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_intel [18:17, 17:42] (854832 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_intel [10:44, 10:12] (1082412 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel [18:11, 17:39] (1217284 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [05:01, 05:00](785 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [06:23, 06:08] (1074836 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_intel [39:51, 39:51](1 warnings,1418 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_intel [07:54, 06:43] (696796 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel [06:19, 05:58] (1071008 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel [10:23, 08:59] (749000 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel [17:19, 16:06] (787020 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel [19:12, 17:48] (970000 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_nested_intel [07:49, 06:22] (1662692 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_all_intel [36:05, 36:05],1265 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_intel [09:37, 08:24] (755092 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel [09:42, 08:28] (732976 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_intel [08:20, 08:20],67 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel [03:42, 03:32] (1058740 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel [02:17, 02:07] (1046088 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel [03:37, 03:29] (946120 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel [03:38, 03:29] (940936 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel [03:40, 03:32] (933744 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel [03:41, 03:33] (1077904 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel [03:38, 03:31] (1057216 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel [03:31, 03:25] (928124 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel [08:43, 07:41] (897020 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel [08:38, 07:40] (855128 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel [03:41, 03:34] (1061480 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel [05:07, 04:59] (2430272 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_gfs_intel [05:35, 05:26] (2358980 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_debug_intel [03:26, 03:26](2 warnings +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel [08:11, 08:04] (1031228 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_faster_intel [08:14, 08:14],70 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel [03:42, 03:34] (1067548 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_land_intel [01:49, 01:49],60 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel [01:41, 01:16] (249168 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel [01:21, 01:06] (264144 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel [01:00, 00:41] (263824 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [36:50, 36:50],1015 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [05:36, 04:48] (1893124 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [36:12, 36:12](1 warnings,1020 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [11:12, 10:27] (1900696 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_intel [37:26, 37:26](8 warnings,1157 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel [06:33, 05:46] (1833248 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_intel [06:35, 05:48] (1841868 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel [03:38, 03:13] (1068320 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_debug_intel [06:17, 06:16](880 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel [08:02, 07:15] (1858244 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmw_intel [36:45, 36:45],1260 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel [02:56, 02:20] (1831388 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaero_intel [36:06, 36:06],1098 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_intel [06:02, 05:15] (1920684 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel [07:03, 06:18] (1708912 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel [06:54, 06:20] (1718584 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_fbh_intel [31:25, 31:24](3 warnings,996 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_regional_atm_fbh_intel [15:36, 15:17] (1021048 MB) + + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 2024-11-11 19:37:32 +Ending Date/Time: 2024-11-12 00:26:55 +Total Time: 04h:49m:23s +Compiles Completed: 37/37 +Tests Completed: 167/167 + + +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF jet REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_orion.log b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_orion.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4257167ddc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_orion.log @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +====START OF orion REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +f2d689ee6551f64d5b0dce283191fdc5ac171f3d + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 1f9eaaa142c8b07ed6b788c9f44ea02cc86d0bae CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-42-g1f9eaaa) + 5e57a89cf533fe98352bcfd1a464b1d50713274d CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-378-g5e57a89) + 05ac0ec3ea666080eed36e67f6cf8ce1255b243f CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-192-g05ac0ec) + 24e9eed4ffe8138bef635c8f916f91b142595675 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2311-g24e9eed) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 49967251b83255bdac7ac2f9626d2714e8b83d07 FV3 (heads/develop) + e36e8572e7643d7e59a3979a61bdd83743ff7b00 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-407-ge36e857) + b7d55fd07fa35c5de9b2292596d30784a800b276 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-1-gb7d55fd) + 002a886eeb14979a6811f89e885d2968cbfd9b70 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-893-g002a886e) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + 6f5dd627d124ae94bb5ed7f5afd22f82c470b1b7 FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-230-g6f5dd627) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 5e0c21f64fa5b20efc8f29f8709766e1e6793a79 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10230-g5e0c21f64) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + c7004b658b9dae9fc473d4e6511dfc1cf8e6a7bd WW3 (6.07.1-347-gc7004b65) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241031 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /work2/noaa/stmp/jongkim/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_162545 + +UFS_TEST.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-r) - USE ROCOTO + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_intel [17:59, 17:59](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel [27:23, 26:06] (2067132 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel [20:58, 20:58](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_intel [19:23, 18:05] (1946440 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel [20:29, 18:52] (2133476 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel [10:38, 08:41] (1234392 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel [21:47, 20:18] (1878904 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel [19:46, 19:46](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_sfs_intel [18:18, 17:38] (1942452 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel [08:46, 08:46](1523 warnings,2000 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel [32:09, 30:40] (1931476 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_intel [17:56, 17:56](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_intel [27:34, 26:17] (2136544 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [27:24, 26:06] (2137784 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_p8_intel [15:28, 13:58] (1800456 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_qr_p8_intel [27:25, 26:04] (2159820 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel [15:29, 13:52] (1691552 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_2threads_p8_intel [25:00, 23:50] (2428940 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_decomp_p8_intel [27:31, 26:19] (2128040 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_p8_intel [23:08, 21:56] (2039144 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel [27:45, 26:27] (2138356 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c192_p8_intel [18:32, 16:28] (2705312 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel [11:32, 08:41] (2699076 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_bmark_p8_intel [27:59, 21:20] (3717752 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel [21:49, 13:00] (3492276 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_s2sa_p8_intel [09:03, 08:01] (2079280 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_intel [17:03, 17:03](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel [26:31, 25:32] (1968592 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel [13:00, 11:43] (2045176 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_intel [08:56, 08:56](1413 warnings,1230 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_p8_intel [24:12, 23:02] (2168904 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_debug_intel [08:21, 08:21](1413 warnings,1230 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel [10:05, 09:12] (1995164 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_aoflux_intel [14:55, 14:55],3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel [05:56, 04:44] (2035076 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_intel [14:31, 14:31](1 warnings,3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c48_intel [09:56, 09:12] (3031844 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_warmstart_c48_intel [03:45, 02:54] (3016984 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c48_intel [02:39, 01:48] (2465036 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_faster_intel [17:43, 17:43](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_faster_intel [28:16, 27:00] (2146100 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_intel [19:17, 19:17](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel [29:55, 28:52] (2011100 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel [15:30, 14:18] (1259216 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel [33:47, 32:50] (1929132 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_intel [07:49, 07:49](1523 warnings,2000 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel [35:59, 34:56] (1971680 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_intel [14:44, 14:44](1 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST 2020_CAPE_intel [11:00, 10:47] (842668 MB) +PASS -- TEST baroclinic_wave_intel [06:37, 05:20] (1442060 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_intel [04:07, 03:48] (687348 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_intel [04:11, 03:35] (1572992 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel [04:24, 03:43] (1583912 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_latlon_intel [04:14, 03:42] (1572188 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel [04:22, 03:37] (1577936 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48_intel [19:36, 18:57] (1709120 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48.v2.sfc_intel [08:42, 08:20] (838296 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c192_intel [13:57, 13:11] (1747320 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384_intel [18:29, 16:42] (1986020 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384gdas_intel [12:34, 10:24] (1324940 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_intel [02:02, 01:50] (644964 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_restart_intel [01:34, 01:08] (466856 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_intel [01:53, 01:43] (643860 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr4_intel [03:03, 02:44] (633644 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr5_intel [03:02, 02:45] (638396 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_intel [05:04, 04:01] (1859748 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [04:28, 03:25] (1876776 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_intel [05:12, 04:00] (1864988 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_intel [03:20, 02:21] (1091188 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_noqr_p8_intel [04:59, 04:00] (1866940 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_noqr_p8_intel [03:08, 02:14] (1119524 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_decomp_p8_intel [05:10, 04:05] (1858508 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_2threads_p8_intel [05:16, 04:10] (1936084 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_lndp_intel [07:49, 07:13] (1867920 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_rrtmgp_intel [06:03, 04:49] (1937204 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_mynn_intel [04:29, 03:25] (1885132 MB) +PASS -- TEST merra2_thompson_intel [05:09, 03:49] (1882200 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_intel [06:55, 06:30] (1071568 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_restart_intel [04:05, 03:33] (1075924 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_decomp_intel [07:16, 06:49] (1073912 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2threads_intel [05:15, 04:40] (1061940 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_noquilt_intel [06:55, 06:24] (1376596 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_netcdf_parallel_intel [07:09, 06:35] (1078052 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel [07:00, 06:32] (1076612 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_wofs_intel [08:32, 08:03] (1895012 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_intel [13:18, 13:18](3 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_intel [09:39, 08:29] (1051472 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel [06:02, 05:16] (1248052 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_intel [09:58, 08:53] (1012080 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_intel [09:48, 08:46] (1148916 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_intel [05:25, 04:28] (1032428 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_intel [09:46, 08:40] (1040780 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel [15:12, 13:28] (1016928 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel [07:41, 06:22] (1071260 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_intel [05:32, 04:23] (1021948 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_intel [05:38, 04:30] (1012364 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_intel [10:46, 09:39] (1090260 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_intel [02:48, 02:22] (935264 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_intel [09:53, 08:40] (1046272 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_intel [10:10, 09:52] (1976456 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel [09:57, 09:38] (2015172 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_intel [13:07, 13:07] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_intel [07:04, 06:34] (1013272 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_intel [03:44, 03:30] (710216 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_intel [12:35, 12:35],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_intel [13:28, 12:48] (1651120 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_faster_dyn32_intel [12:49, 12:49],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_faster_intel [04:27, 03:14] (1873884 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_faster_intel [06:51, 06:20] (1071948 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_intel [10:20, 10:20](882 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel [03:03, 02:27] (1604596 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel [02:49, 02:13] (1599944 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_intel [03:34, 03:24] (815416 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_debug_intel [02:59, 02:45] (814980 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_intel [05:35, 05:12] (1130096 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_intel [02:58, 02:44] (820868 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_intel [03:30, 02:52] (1667804 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_intel [03:25, 02:46] (1894056 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_intel [17:49, 17:20] (1104144 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_intel [05:13, 05:03] (1205172 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_intel [05:04, 04:50] (1195544 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_intel [05:16, 04:59] (1202256 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_intel [05:20, 05:04] (1203716 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel [05:18, 05:03] (1197088 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_intel [05:45, 05:22] (1281912 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [05:15, 05:00] (1205128 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel [05:17, 05:06] (1194504 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_lndp_debug_intel [05:11, 04:58] (1203736 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel [05:09, 04:59] (1204164 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_debug_intel [05:12, 04:58] (1196508 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel [05:10, 04:58] (1199964 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [08:14, 08:01] (1197072 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel [05:13, 05:00] (1199272 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_intel [06:21, 06:09] (1209328 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_intel [05:15, 05:00] (1205448 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel [09:39, 08:31] (1198888 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_intel [07:17, 07:17](837 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_debug_intel [13:37, 13:02] (1675124 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel [13:14, 13:14](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:45, 05:02] (1126100 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [08:11, 07:11] (995944 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:17, 03:51] (911108 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [08:26, 07:28] (1065612 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [10:11, 08:45] (941096 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:18, 03:55] (886264 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:38, 05:27] (960132 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [02:37, 02:04] (874296 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel [13:11, 13:11](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_intel [03:08, 02:31] (1164968 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_intel [01:43, 01:09] (1106228 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel [02:10, 01:34] (1061984 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel [12:45, 12:45](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel [05:08, 04:37] (970332 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel [06:40, 06:40](785 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:10, 04:55] (1080712 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:08, 04:50] (1071808 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_intel [15:11, 14:32] (1228576 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_intel [14:45, 14:06] (932656 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_intel [08:38, 07:59] (1164064 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel [14:10, 13:32] (1295492 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [06:19, 06:19](785 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [05:22, 05:04] (1124940 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_intel [15:00, 15:00](1 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_intel [07:55, 06:47] (731352 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel [07:27, 07:02] (1117576 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel [09:36, 08:12] (811228 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel [26:25, 25:13] (843108 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel [30:13, 28:49] (862804 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel [08:39, 07:46] (494556 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel [10:48, 09:28] (502696 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel [04:29, 03:44] (376628 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel [13:20, 11:00] (480448 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel [06:07, 05:21] (520728 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [05:52, 05:01] (524796 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel [07:27, 06:31] (563252 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [02:10, 01:44] (401656 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_nested_intel [06:50, 04:39] (1714116 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_debug_intel [07:34, 07:34](1465 warnings,1502 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel [15:02, 14:04] (580736 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_faster_intel [14:42, 14:42],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel [14:25, 13:32] (657748 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel [14:36, 13:23] (680848 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_mom6w_intel [15:25, 15:25],7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel [10:55, 09:13] (702068 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_all_intel [14:22, 14:22],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_intel [09:25, 08:14] (816388 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel [09:17, 08:07] (794164 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel [17:13, 16:28] (1203184 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_intel [07:53, 07:53],2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel [03:10, 03:01] (1151072 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel [02:08, 01:56] (1102468 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel [03:05, 02:55] (1021820 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel [03:04, 02:54] (1020200 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel [03:01, 02:53] (1015876 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel [02:47, 02:36] (1150072 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel [02:52, 02:43] (1152932 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel [02:43, 02:34] (1014320 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel [07:50, 06:48] (1023680 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel [07:50, 06:47] (1007332 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel [03:04, 02:58] (1137652 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel [04:34, 04:25] (2455456 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_gfs_intel [04:42, 04:32] (2456876 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_debug_intel [05:17, 05:17](2 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel [06:37, 06:28] (1078768 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_faster_intel [07:28, 07:28],2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel [03:08, 02:59] (1158948 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_land_intel [01:20, 01:19],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel [01:54, 01:29] (254332 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel [01:33, 01:13] (323048 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel [01:03, 00:46] (323792 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_lm4_intel [02:00, 02:00](12 warnings +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_intel [01:11, 00:48] (562812 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_rst_intel [00:49, 00:24] (444312 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [13:30, 13:30],3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [05:10, 04:05] (1972912 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [13:53, 13:53](1 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [09:37, 08:37] (1972640 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_intel [14:30, 14:30](8 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel [08:12, 06:50] (1863164 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_intel [08:16, 06:53] (1862168 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel [04:34, 03:47] (1061736 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_debug_intel [08:18, 08:18](880 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel [07:46, 06:24] (1891252 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmw_intel [13:53, 13:53],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel [03:16, 02:06] (1894340 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaero_intel [13:15, 13:14],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_intel [05:43, 04:37] (1973876 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel [06:32, 05:23] (1751104 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel [06:27, 05:32] (1764488 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaq_debug_intel [06:17, 06:17](882 warnings,6 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_atmaq_debug_intel [23:09, 21:26] (4489792 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_fbh_intel [12:16, 12:16](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_regional_atm_fbh_intel [14:44, 14:27] (1078596 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_intelllvm [08:03, 08:03],7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intelllvm [09:45, 08:47] (572880 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_debug_intelllvm [04:54, 04:54](1141 warnings,1490 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intelllvm [20:58, 20:07] (563404 MB) + + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 2024-11-11 16:51:16 +Ending Date/Time: 2024-11-11 22:57:49 +Total Time: 06h:06m:33s +Compiles Completed: 45/45 +Tests Completed: 192/192 + + +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF orion REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_derecho.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_derecho.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c873db434 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_derecho.config @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module use /glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/derecho/rocoto/modulefiles +module load rocoto + +module use -a /glade/work/epicufsrt/conda/modulefiles.derecho +module load anaconda/23.7.4 + +ROCOTORUN=/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/derecho/rocoto/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/derecho/rocoto/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/derecho/rocoto/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=pbspro +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_gaea.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_gaea.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..266d1200bc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_gaea.config @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module use /ncrc/proj/epic/rocoto/modulefiles +module load rocoto +ROCOTORUN=/ncrc/proj/epic/rocoto/1.3.6/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/ncrc/proj/epic/rocoto/1.3.6/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/ncrc/proj/epic/rocoto/1.3.6/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + +module load python/3.9 diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hera.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hera.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc083c162b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hera.config @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module load rocoto +ROCOTORUN=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + +module load intelpython/2023.2.0 diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hercules.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hercules.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9aa4404ffa --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hercules.config @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module load contrib rocoto +ROCOTORUN=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + +module use -a /work/noaa/epic/conda/modulefiles.hercules +module load anaconda/23.7.4 + + diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_jet.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_jet.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09e72f8841 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_jet.config @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module load rocoto +ROCOTORUN=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + +module load intelpython/2023.2.0 diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_noaacloud.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_noaacloud.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8fe15f8f66 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_noaacloud.config @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +export PATH=/contrib/EPIC/bin:${PATH} +module use /apps/modules/modulefiles +module use /contrib/EPIC/rocoto/modulefiles + +module load intelpython/2023.2.0 +module load rocoto/1.3.7 + +ROCOTORUN=/contrib/EPIC/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/contrib/EPIC/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/contrib/EPIC/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_orion.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_orion.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c0b3d8388 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_orion.config @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module load gcc/12.2.0 +#module load python/3.10.8 +module use -a /work/noaa/epic/conda/modulefiles.orion +module load anaconda/23.7.4 + +module load contrib ruby/3.2.3 rocoto/1.3.7 +ROCOTORUN=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin//rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + + diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_s4.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_s4.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0a432d5eb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_s4.config @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module load rocoto/1.3.2 +#ROCOTORUN=$(which rocotorun) +#ROCOTOSTAT=$(which rocotostat) +#ROCOTOCOMPLETE=$(which rocotocomplete) +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +#export ROCOTORUN +#export ROCOTOSTAT +#export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + +module load miniconda/3.8-s4 diff --git a/tests-dev/test_cases/exp_conf/2020_CAPE.IN b/tests-dev/test_cases/exp_conf/2020_CAPE.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bd2b05efaf --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/test_cases/exp_conf/2020_CAPE.IN @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +rm -fr INPUT RESTART +if [ $NPX = 97 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data +elif [ $NPX = 49 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data48 +elif [ $NPX = 193 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data192 +elif [ $NPX = 385 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data384 +elif [ $NPX = 769 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data768 +fi + +echo "inputdir=$inputdir,NPX=$NPX,NESTED=$NESTED" + +OPNREQ_TEST=${OPNREQ_TEST:-false} +V2_SFC_FILE=${V2_SFC_FILE:-false} +HSD_CASE=${HSD_CASE:-false} +SUFFIX=${RT_SUFFIX} +if [ $WARM_START = .false. ]; then + mkdir INPUT RESTART + if [ "$NESTED" = .true. ]; then + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_nested/* ./INPUT/. + elif [ "$V2_SFC_FILE" = "true" ]; then + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_v2_sfc/* ./INPUT/. + elif [ "$HSD_CASE" = "true" ]; then + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/HSD_input_data/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_v2_sfc/* ./INPUT/. + else + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_gfsv17/* ./INPUT/. + fi +else + mkdir INPUT RESTART + + if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == true ]]; then + SUFFIX=${BL_SUFFIX} + fi + + # WAVE restart file for ATMW ORT tests + if [[ $CPLWAV == .true. ]]; then + if [[ $med_model == cmeps ]] && [[ $RUNTYPE == continue ]]; then + # CMEPS restart and pointer files + RFILE=ufs.atmw.cpl.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RFILE} . + ls -1 ${RFILE}>rpointer.cpl + fi + RFILE=ufs.atmw.ww3.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS} + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${RFILE} . + fi + + if [ $MODEL_INITIALIZATION = "false" ]; then + #read_inc and iau tests restart from fh=24 + CURRDIR=`pwd` + FILEDIR=${CURRDIR}/../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART + else + #for warm start from initialization time + FILEDIR=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_GDAS + fi + + if [[ ${IAU_OFFSET} != 0 ]] || [[ $READ_INCREMENT = .true. ]]; then + + if [ $MODEL_INITIALIZATION = "false" ]; then + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/fv3_increment.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/grid_spec.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/*_grid.tile*.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/oro_data.tile*.nc INPUT/. + else + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_increment*.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/grid_spec.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/*_grid.tile*.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/oro_data.tile*.nc INPUT/. + fi + cp ${FILEDIR}/coupler.res INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_core.res.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_srf_wnd.res.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_tracer.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/phy_data.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/sfc_data.* INPUT/. + else + #restart test start from fh FHROT + cp -r ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.* ./INPUT + rm -f INPUT/fv_core.res.* + rm -f INPUT/fv_srf_wnd.res.* + rm -f INPUT/fv_tracer.res.* + rm -f INPUT/phy_data.* + rm -f INPUT/sfc_data.* + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/grid_spec.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/*_grid.tile*.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/oro_data*.nc INPUT/. + for RFILE in ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.*; do + [ -e $RFILE ] || exit 1 + RFILE_OLD=$(basename $RFILE) + RFILE_NEW="${RFILE_OLD//${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}./}" + cp $RFILE INPUT/${RFILE_NEW} + done + fi +fi + +if [ $TILEDFIX = .true. ]; then + if [ $CPLLND == .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[ATMRES]/@[ATMRES]*.nc INPUT/. + else + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[ATMRES]/@[ATMRES]*.nc . + fi + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_glacier.2x2.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_maxice.2x2.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_snoclim.1.875.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/IMS-NIC.blended.ice.monthly.clim.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/@[FNSMCC] . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/@[FNMSKH_control] . +else + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/*grb . +fi + +if [ $CPLWAV = .true. ]; then + if [ $WW3_MULTIGRID = 'true' ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.pointsatmw mod_def.points + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[WW3_MODDEF] . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/rmp_src* . + else + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[WW3_MODDEF] mod_def.ww3 + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[MESH_WAV] . + fi +fi + +#inline post +if [[ $POSTAPP = 'global' ]]; then + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/@[POST_ITAG] itag + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/@[POSTXCONFIG] postxconfig-NT.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/@[POSTXCONFIG_FH00] postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/params_grib2_tbl_new params_grib2_tbl_new +fi + +#rrtmgp +if [ $DO_RRTMGP = .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_RRTMGP/* . +fi + +#merra2 +if [ $USE_MERRA2 = .true. ]; then + for n in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12; do + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2_y14_24/merra2_1423_${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc + done + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_BC.v1_3.dat optics_BC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_OC.v1_3.dat optics_OC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_DU.v15_3.dat optics_DU.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SS.v3_3.dat optics_SS.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SU.v1_3.dat optics_SU.dat +fi + +#rad_c_gocart +if [ $IAER = 2011 ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_BC.v1_3.dat optics_BC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_OC.v1_3.dat optics_OC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_DU.v15_3.dat optics_DU.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SS.v3_3.dat optics_SS.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SU.v1_3.dat optics_SU.dat +fi +#ugwpv1 +if [ $DO_UGWP_V1 = .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data/ugwp_c384_tau.nc ./ugwp_limb_tau.nc +fi + +#Thompson +if [ $IMP_PHYSICS = 8 ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qsV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qgV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/freezeH2O.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN . +fi + +#prognostic aerosols +if [ $CPLCHM = .true. ]; then + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/gocart/*.rc . + ln -sf @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/GOCART/p8/ExtData . +fi diff --git a/tests-dev/test_cases/exp_conf/baroclinic_wave.IN b/tests-dev/test_cases/exp_conf/baroclinic_wave.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e1c7ead15d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/test_cases/exp_conf/baroclinic_wave.IN @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +rm -fr INPUT RESTART +if [ $NPX = 97 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data +elif [ $NPX = 49 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data48 +elif [ $NPX = 193 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data192 +elif [ $NPX = 385 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data384 +elif [ $NPX = 769 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data768 +fi + +echo "inputdir=$inputdir,NPX=$NPX,NESTED=$NESTED" + +HSD_CASE=${HSD_CASE:-false} +if [ "$HSD_CASE" = "true" ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/HSD_input_data/global_hyblev.l128.txt . +fi + +OPNREQ_TEST=${OPNREQ_TEST:-false} +V2_SFC_FILE=${V2_SFC_FILE:-false} +SUFFIX=${RT_SUFFIX} +if [ $WARM_START = .false. ]; then + mkdir INPUT RESTART + if [ "$NESTED" = .true. ]; then + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_nested/* ./INPUT/. + elif [ "$V2_SFC_FILE" = "true" ]; then + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_v2_sfc/* ./INPUT/. + else + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_gfsv17/* ./INPUT/. + fi +else + mkdir INPUT RESTART + + if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == true ]]; then + SUFFIX=${BL_SUFFIX} + fi + + # WAVE restart file for ATMW ORT tests + if [[ $CPLWAV == .true. ]]; then + if [[ $med_model == cmeps ]] && [[ $RUNTYPE == continue ]]; then + # CMEPS restart and pointer files + RFILE=ufs.atmw.cpl.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RFILE} . + ls -1 ${RFILE}>rpointer.cpl + fi + RFILE=ufs.atmw.ww3.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS} + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${RFILE} . + fi + + if [ $MODEL_INITIALIZATION = "false" ]; then + #read_inc and iau tests restart from fh=24 + CURRDIR=`pwd` + FILEDIR=${CURRDIR}/../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART + else + #for warm start from initialiation time + FILEDIR=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_GDAS + fi + + if [[ ${IAU_OFFSET} != 0 ]] || [[ $READ_INCREMENT = .true. ]]; then + + if [ $MODEL_INITIALIZATION = "false" ]; then + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/fv3_increment.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/grid_spec.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/*_grid.tile*.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/oro_data.tile*.nc INPUT/. + else + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_increment*.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/grid_spec.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/*_grid.tile*.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/oro_data.tile*.nc INPUT/. + fi + cp ${FILEDIR}/coupler.res INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_core.res.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_srf_wnd.res.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_tracer.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/phy_data.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/sfc_data.* INPUT/. + else + #restart test start from fh FHROT + cp -r ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.* ./INPUT + rm -f INPUT/fv_core.res.* + rm -f INPUT/fv_srf_wnd.res.* + rm -f INPUT/fv_tracer.res.* + rm -f INPUT/phy_data.* + rm -f INPUT/sfc_data.* + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/grid_spec.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/*_grid.tile*.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/oro_data*.nc INPUT/. + for RFILE in ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.*; do + [ -e $RFILE ] || exit 1 + RFILE_OLD=$(basename $RFILE) + RFILE_NEW="${RFILE_OLD//${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}./}" + cp $RFILE INPUT/${RFILE_NEW} + done + fi +fi + +if [ $TILEDFIX = .true. ]; then + if [ $CPLLND == .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[ATMRES]/@[ATMRES]*.nc INPUT/. + else + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[ATMRES]/@[ATMRES]*.nc . + fi + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_glacier.2x2.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_maxice.2x2.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_snoclim.1.875.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/IMS-NIC.blended.ice.monthly.clim.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/@[FNSMCC] . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/@[FNMSKH_control] . +else + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/*grb . +fi + +if [ $CPLWAV = .true. ]; then + if [ $WW3_MULTIGRID = 'true' ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.pointsatmw mod_def.points + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[WW3_MODDEF] . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/rmp_src* . + else + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[WW3_MODDEF] mod_def.ww3 + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[MESH_WAV] . + fi +fi + +#inline post +if [[ $POSTAPP = 'global' ]]; then + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/@[POST_ITAG] itag + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/@[POSTXCONFIG] postxconfig-NT.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/@[POSTXCONFIG_FH00] postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/params_grib2_tbl_new params_grib2_tbl_new +fi + +#rrtmgp +if [ $DO_RRTMGP = .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_RRTMGP/* . +fi + +#merra2 +if [ $USE_MERRA2 = .true. ]; then + for n in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12; do + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2_y14_24/merra2_1423_${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc + done + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_BC.v1_3.dat optics_BC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_OC.v1_3.dat optics_OC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_DU.v15_3.dat optics_DU.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SS.v3_3.dat optics_SS.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SU.v1_3.dat optics_SU.dat +fi + +#rad_c_gocart +if [ $IAER = 2011 ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_BC.v1_3.dat optics_BC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_OC.v1_3.dat optics_OC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_DU.v15_3.dat optics_DU.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SS.v3_3.dat optics_SS.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SU.v1_3.dat optics_SU.dat +fi +#ugwpv1 +if [ $DO_UGWP_V1 = .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data/ugwp_c384_tau.nc ./ugwp_limb_tau.nc +fi + +#Thompson +if [ $IMP_PHYSICS = 8 ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qsV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qgV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/freezeH2O.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN . +fi + +#prognostic aerosols +if [ $CPLCHM = .true. ]; then + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/gocart/*.rc . + ln -sf @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/GOCART/p8/ExtData . +fi diff --git a/tests/parm/control_ugwpv1.nml.IN b/tests-dev/test_cases/parm/baroclinic_wave.nml.IN similarity index 53% rename from tests/parm/control_ugwpv1.nml.IN rename to tests-dev/test_cases/parm/baroclinic_wave.nml.IN index 4864ec8149..2b96ef620d 100644 --- a/tests/parm/control_ugwpv1.nml.IN +++ b/tests-dev/test_cases/parm/baroclinic_wave.nml.IN @@ -1,50 +1,49 @@ &atmos_model_nml blocksize = 32 chksum_debug = .false. - dycore_only = .false. - ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]' + dycore_only = .true. + ccpp_suite = 'FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1' + / &diag_manager_nml prepend_date = .false. -/ - -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - -&mpp_io_nml -shuffle=1 -deflate_level=1 + max_output_fields = 300 + / &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' - domains_stack_size = 3000000 + domains_stack_size = 16000000 print_memory_usage = .false. + +/ + +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" / &fv_core_nml - layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] + layout = 4,8 io_layout = 1,1 - npx = @[NPX] - npy = @[NPY] + npx = 193 + npy = 193 ntiles = 6 - npz = @[NPZ] - grid_type = -1 - make_nh = @[MAKE_NH] + npz = 127 + dz_min = 6 + psm_bc = 1 + grid_type = 0 + make_nh = .true. fv_debug = .false. - range_warn = .false. + range_warn = .true. reset_eta = .false. n_sponge = 42 nudge_qv = .true. nudge_dz = .false. - tau = 10. - rf_cutoff = 7.5e2 + tau = 0. + rf_cutoff = 10. d2_bg_k1 = 0.20 - d2_bg_k2 = 0.0 + d2_bg_k2 = 0.04 kord_tm = -9 kord_mt = 9 kord_wz = 9 @@ -56,11 +55,11 @@ deflate_level=1 a_imp = 1. p_fac = 0.1 k_split = 2 - n_split = 6 + n_split = 5 nwat = 6 - na_init = @[NA_INIT] + na_init = 0 d_ext = 0. - dnats = 1 + dnats = 0 fv_sg_adj = 450 d2_bg = 0. nord = 2 @@ -70,11 +69,13 @@ deflate_level=1 delt_max = 0.002 ke_bg = 0. do_vort_damp = .true. - external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC] - external_eta = .true. + external_ic = .false. + external_eta = .false. gfs_phil = .false. - nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC] - mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] + nggps_ic = .false. + fv_eta_file='global_hyblev.l128.txt' + npz_type='input' + mountain = .false. ncep_ic = .false. d_con = 1. hord_mt = 5 @@ -83,44 +84,79 @@ deflate_level=1 hord_dp = -5 hord_tr = 8 adjust_dry_mass = .false. + dry_mass=98320.0 consv_te = 1. - do_sat_adj = .true. + do_sat_adj = .false. + fast_tau_w_sec = 0.2 consv_am = .false. fill = .true. dwind_2d = .false. print_freq = 6 - warm_start = @[WARM_START] + warm_start = .false. no_dycore = .false. z_tracer = .true. agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = .false. res_latlon_dynamics = "" + / &external_ic_nml filtered_terrain = .true. - levp = @[NPZP] + levp = 128 gfs_dwinds = .true. checker_tr = .false. nt_checker = 0 + / &gfs_physics_nml fhzero = 6 h2o_phys = .true. ldiag3d = .false. - fhcyc = 24 + qdiag3d = .false. + print_diff_pgr = .false. + fhcyc = 0 use_ufo = .true. pre_rad = .false. - imp_physics = 11 + imp_physics = 8 + iovr = 3 + ltaerosol = .false. + lradar = .true. + ttendlim = -999 + dt_inner = 450 + sedi_semi = .true. + decfl = 10 + oz_phys = .false. + oz_phys_2015 = .true. + lsoil_lsm = 4 + do_mynnedmf = .false. + do_mynnsfclay = .false. + icloud_bl = 1 + bl_mynn_edmf = 1 + bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .true. + bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1 + do_ugwp = .false. + do_tofd = .false. + gwd_opt = 2 + do_ugwp_v0 = .false. + do_ugwp_v1 = .true. + do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = .false. + do_ugwp_v0_nst_only = .false. + do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = .true. + do_gsl_drag_ss = .true. + do_gsl_drag_tofd = .true. + do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = .false. + min_lakeice = 0.15 + min_seaice = 0.15 + use_cice_alb = .false. pdfcld = .false. fhswr = 3600. fhlwr = 3600. - ialb = 1 - iems = 1 - iaer = 5111 + ialb = 2 + iems = 2 + iaer = 1011 icliq_sw = 2 - iovr = 3 ico2 = 2 isubc_sw = 2 isubc_lw = 2 @@ -135,62 +171,102 @@ deflate_level=1 hybedmf = .false. satmedmf = .true. isatmedmf = 1 - lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] - lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] + lheatstrg = .false. + lseaspray = .true. random_clds = .false. trans_trac = .true. cnvcld = .true. imfshalcnv = 2 imfdeepcnv = 2 - cdmbgwd = @[CDMBWD] + progsigma = .true. + betascu = 8.0 + betamcu = 1.0 + betadcu = 2.0 + ras = .false. + cdmbgwd = 10.0,3.5,1.0,1.0 prslrd0 = 0. ivegsrc = 1 isot = 1 lsoil = 4 - lsm = 1 - iopt_dveg = 1 - iopt_crs = 1 + lsm = 2 + iopt_dveg = 4 + iopt_crs = 2 iopt_btr = 1 iopt_run = 1 - iopt_sfc = 1 + iopt_sfc = 3 iopt_frz = 1 iopt_inf = 1 - iopt_rad = 1 - iopt_alb = 2 + iopt_rad = 3 + iopt_alb = 1 iopt_snf = 4 iopt_tbot = 2 - iopt_stc = 1 + iopt_stc = 3 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 1 debug = .false. - oz_phys = .false. - oz_phys_2015 = .true. nstf_name = 2,0,0,0,0 nst_anl = .true. psautco = 0.0008,0.0005 prautco = 0.00015,0.00015 - lgfdlmprad = .true. + lgfdlmprad = .false. effr_in = .true. ldiag_ugwp = .false. - do_ugwp = .false. - do_tofd = .false. + do_RRTMGP = .false. + active_gases = 'h2o_co2_o3_n2o_ch4_o2' + ngases = 6 + lw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp-data-lw-g128-210809.nc' + lw_file_clouds = 'rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-lw.nc' + sw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp-data-sw-g112-210809.nc' + sw_file_clouds = 'rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-sw.nc' + rrtmgp_nGptsSW = 112 + rrtmgp_nGptsLW = 128 + rrtmgp_nBandsLW = 16 + rrtmgp_nBandsSW = 14 + doGP_cldoptics_LUT = .false. + doGP_lwscat = .false. do_sppt = .false. do_shum = .false. do_skeb = .false. - ttendlim = 0.005 - bl_mynn_edmf = 1 - bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .true. - min_lakeice = 0.15 - min_seaice = 0.15 - gwd_opt = 1 - do_ugwp_v1 = @[DO_UGWP_V1] - do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag = .true. - do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = .false. - do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = .false. - do_gsl_drag_ss = .false. - do_gsl_drag_tofd = .false. - do_ugwp_v0 = .false. - do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = .false. - + frac_grid = .true. + cplchm = .false. + cplflx = .false. + cplice = .false. + cplwav = .false. + cplwav2atm = .false. + do_ca = .true. + ca_global = .false. + ca_sgs = .true. + nca = 1 + ncells = 5 + nlives = 12 + nseed = 1 + nfracseed = 0.5 + nthresh = 18 + ca_trigger = .true. + nspinup = 1 + iseed_ca = 485671814 +/ +&cires_ugwp_nml + knob_ugwp_solver = 2 + knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0 + knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25 + knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4 + knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0 + knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 + knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 + knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 + knob_ugwp_dokdis = 2 + knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 4 + knob_ugwp_version = 1 + knob_ugwp_palaunch = 275.0e2 + knob_ugwp_nslope = 1 + knob_ugwp_lzmax = 15.750e3 + knob_ugwp_lzmin = 0.75e3 + knob_ugwp_lzstar = 2.0e3 + knob_ugwp_taumin = 0.25e-3 + knob_ugwp_tauamp = 1.5e-3 + knob_ugwp_lhmet = 200.0e3 + knob_ugwp_orosolv = 'pss-1986' / &gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml @@ -241,84 +317,70 @@ deflate_level=1 icloud_f = 1 mp_time = 150. reiflag = 2 + + / &interpolator_nml interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' + / &namsfc - FNGLAC = 'global_glacier.2x2.grb' - FNMXIC = 'global_maxice.2x2.grb' - FNTSFC = 'RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb' - FNSNOC = 'global_snoclim.1.875.grb' - FNZORC = 'igbp' + FNGLAC = @[FNGLAC] + FNMXIC = @[FNMXIC] + FNTSFC = @[FNTSFC] + FNSNOC = @[FNSNOC] + FNZORC = @[FNZORC] FNALBC = @[FNALBC] - FNALBC2 = 'global_albedo4.1x1.grb' - FNAISC = 'CFSR.SEAICE.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb' - FNTG3C = 'global_tg3clim.2.6x1.5.grb' - FNVEGC = 'global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb' + FNALBC2 = @[FNALBC2] + FNAISC = @[FNAISC] + FNTG3C = @[FNTG3C] + FNVEGC = @[FNVEGC] FNVETC = @[FNVETC] FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] - FNSMCC = 'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t1534.3072.1536.grb' - FNMSKH = 'global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb' + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] + FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC] + FNMSKH = @[FNMSKH] FNTSFA = '' FNACNA = '' FNSNOA = '' - FNVMNC = 'global_shdmin.0.144x0.144.grb' - FNVMXC = 'global_shdmax.0.144x0.144.grb' - FNSLPC = 'global_slope.1x1.grb' + FNVMNC = @[FNVMNC] + FNVMXC = @[FNVMXC] + FNSLPC = @[FNSLPC] FNABSC = @[FNABSC] - LDEBUG = .false. + LDEBUG = .false. FSMCL(2) = 99999 FSMCL(3) = 99999 FSMCL(4) = 99999 - LANDICE = .true. - FTSFS = 90 - FAISL = 99999 - FAISS = 99999 - FSNOL = 99999 - FSNOS = 99999 - FSICL = 99999 - FSICS = 99999 - FTSFL = 99999 - FVETL = 99999 - FSOTL = 99999 - FvmnL = 99999 - FvmxL = 99999 - FSLPL = 99999 - FABSL = 99999 + LANDICE = .false. + FTSFS = 90 + FAISL = 99999 + FAISS = 99999 + FSNOL = 99999 + FSNOS = 99999 + FSICL = 0 + FSICS = 0 + FTSFL = 99999 + FVETL = 99999 + FSOTL = 99999 + FvmnL = 99999 + FvmxL = 99999 + FSLPL = 99999 + FABSL = 99999 + / &fv_grid_nml grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' + / &nam_stochy / - &nam_sfcperts / - -&cires_ugwp_nml - knob_ugwp_solver = 2 - knob_ugwp_version = 1 - knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0 - knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25 - knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4 - knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0 - knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 - knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 - knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 - knob_ugwp_dokdis = 2 - knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 4 - knob_ugwp_palaunch = 275.0e2 - knob_ugwp_nslope = 0 - knob_ugwp_lzmax = 15.750e3 - knob_ugwp_lzmin = 0.75e3 - knob_ugwp_lzstar = 2.0e3 - knob_ugwp_taumin = 0.25e-3 - knob_ugwp_tauamp = 3.0e-3 - knob_ugwp_lhmet = 200.0e3 - knob_ugwp_orosolv = 'pss-1986' + &test_case_nml ! cold start + test_case = 13 / + diff --git a/tests-dev/test_cases/tests/2020_CAPE b/tests-dev/test_cases/tests/2020_CAPE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7726af7030 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/test_cases/tests/2020_CAPE @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# 2020 July CAPE Case Study: GFSv16 atmosphere only at C48L127 +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare 2020 July CAPE Case study results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=2020_CAPE + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf024.nc" + +export_fv3_v16 + +export INPES=1 +export JNPES=1 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=2 +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export NPX=49 +export NPY=49 +export DT_ATMOS=1200 +export SYEAR=2020 +export SMONTH=07 +export SDAY=23 +export SHOUR=00 +export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 +export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c48} +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export OUTPUT_FH="6 -1" +export IAER=5111 +export IOVR=3 +export IMO=192 +export JMO=94 + +export FNALBC="'global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," +export FNVETC="'global_vegtype.igbp.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," +export FNSOTC="'global_soiltype.statsgo.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," +export FNABSC="'global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," +export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t92.192.94.grb'," +export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t62.192.94.grb'," + + +export FV3_RUN=2020_CAPE.IN +export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_GFS_v16' +export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export HSD_CASE=true + diff --git a/tests-dev/test_cases/tests/baroclinic_wave b/tests-dev/test_cases/tests/baroclinic_wave new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..259a075549 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/test_cases/tests/baroclinic_wave @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Baroclinic Wave Idealized Test Case (atmosphere only, dycore only) at C192L127 +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare baroclinic wave test case C192L127 results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=baroclinic_wave + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF24" + +export ATMRES=C192 + +export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 + +export INPES=4 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=12 +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export NPX=193 +export NPY=193 +export SYEAR=2019 +export SMONTH=12 +export SDAY=03 +export SHOUR=00 +export DT_ATMOS=450 +export RESTART_INTERVAL='480 -1' +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export IAER=5111 +export IOVR=3 +export IMO=768 +export JMO=384 +export IDEFLATE=1 +export ICHUNK2D=768 +export JCHUNK2D=384 +export ICHUNK3D=768 +export JCHUNK3D=384 +export KCHUNK3D=1 +export OUTPUT_FH='0 6 12 18 24' + +export FV3_RUN=baroclinic_wave.IN +export INPUT_NML=baroclinic_wave.nml.IN +export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1' +export HSD_CASE=true + diff --git a/tests-dev/test_cases/utils/README.txt b/tests-dev/test_cases/utils/README.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b871b37db1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/test_cases/utils/README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +2020 CAPE bash plotting script developed by Ratko Vasic. + +Baroclinic wave bash plotting script developed by Ratko Vasic, +adapted from an original grads script & configuration files provided by Xiaqiong Zhou. + + + +To generate plots, copy the relevant .sh script into your UFS-WM test run directory +(i.e., `run_dir/_` from within ufs-weather-model/tests-dev). +That is, to generate plots for a 2020 CAPE test, copy `plot_cape.sh` into your +2020_CAPE_ run directory; to generate plots for the baroclinic wave case, +copy `plot_bcw.sh` into your run directory. + +To run the scripts, invoke from the command line via `./plot_.sh`. + +Users can adjust the experiment name, standard pressure level, and forecast hour in the baroclinic wave script. +For the CAPE script, users can choose between global/regional(CONUS) domain, as well as which +analysis file resolution to generate plots for. diff --git a/tests-dev/test_cases/utils/plot_bcw.sh b/tests-dev/test_cases/utils/plot_bcw.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..c871c893a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/test_cases/utils/plot_bcw.sh @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +############################################################### +# User input: +############################################################### + +exp_name=C192-BCW +level=850 +# set forecast hour at which to generate plots +fcst_time=150 + +############################################################### +# initialize module +. "${LMOD_ROOT}"/lmod/init/bash + +# update path with current directory +export PATH=.:${PATH} + +# if grads-to-control app is not present, get it from web: +[[ -f g2ctl ]] || wget -q https://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wd51we/g2ctl/g2ctl +chmod 755 g2ctl + +# get colorbar scripts from github +rm -rf gscript +git clone https://github.com/kodamail/gscript.git +cp gscript/color.gs . +cp gscript/xcbar.gs . +rm -rf gscript + +# load modules grads and wgrib2 +HOSTNAME=$(hostname) +if [[ ${HOSTNAME} == gaea6[1-9] ]]; then module load Core/24.11 ; fi +module load grads wgrib2 + +# check if model output file exists: +nfiles=$(find GFSPRS.GrbF* | wc -l || true) +if ls GFSPRS.GrbF* >/dev/null 2>&1 +then + echo Using files: GFSPRS.GrbF\* +else + echo "No model output (GFSPRS.GrbF*) ... exiting" + exit +fi +# check if plotting fcst time is <= existing forecast time +last_fcst=$(((nfiles-1)*6)) + if (( fcst_time > last_fcst )); then + echo "Plot time ""${fcst_time}" "is larger than existing fcst time ""${last_fcst}" + echo "Exiting... " + exit +fi + +# Create grads control and index files +g2ctl -0 GFSPRS.GrbF%f2 GFSPRS.idx > GFSPRS.ctl +sed -i 's/tdef 1/tdef '"${nfiles}"'/g' GFSPRS.ctl +sed -i 's/ 1mo/ 6hr/g' GFSPRS.ctl +gribmap -i GFSPRS.ctl + +############################################################### +# Plot baroclinic case +############################################################### +cat << EOF > bcw.gs +exp="${exp_name}" +var="hcurl(ugrdprs,vgrdprs)" +lev=${level} +tt=${fcst_time} +t=tt/6+1 +'reinit' +'open GFSPRS.ctl' +'set t 't +'set xlopts 1 6 0.16' +'set ylopts 1 6 0.16' +'set gxout shaded' +'set display color white' +'c' +'set grads off' +'set lat 0 90' +'set lon 90 270' +'color.gs -5 5 1 -kind blue->white->brown' +'set lev ' lev +'d hcurl(ugrdprs,vgrdprs)*1.0e5' +'set gxout contour' +'set cint 3' +'d vgrdprs' +'xcbar.gs 1 10 0.5 0.8' +'draw title 'exp' vort(1.e5) T='tt'hr' +'printim 'exp'_'tt'.png x1200 y1000 white ' +'c' +'quit' +EOF +grads -blc "run bcw.gs" > /dev/null 2>&1 +############################################################### diff --git a/tests-dev/test_cases/utils/plot_cape.sh b/tests-dev/test_cases/utils/plot_cape.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..5c47ec3814 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/test_cases/utils/plot_cape.sh @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +############################################################### +DATE=2020072400 +DOMAIN=CONUS # CONUS or global +ANL_RES=1p00 # Analysis resolution (1p00 - 1deg, 0p50 - 0.5 deg, 0p25 - .25 deg) +############################################################### +if [[ "${ANL_RES}" = 1p00 ]]; then + res_txt="1x1 deg" +elif [[ "${ANL_RES}" = 0p50 ]]; then + res_txt="0.5x0.5 deg" +elif [[ "${ANL_RES}" = 0p25 ]]; then + res_txt="0.25x0.25 deg" +else + echo "Wrong analysis resolution choice, exiting" + exit +fi +############################################################### +YY=$(echo "${DATE}" | cut -c1-4) +MM=$(echo "${DATE}" | cut -c5-6) +DD=$(echo "${DATE}" | cut -c7-8) +HH=$(echo "${DATE}" | cut -c9-10) +echo " YYYY MM DD HH" +echo "Date: " "${YY}" "${MM}" "${DD}" "${HH}" +############################################################### +# define borders depending on DOMAIN +if [[ "${DOMAIN}" = CONUS ]]; then + lat1=20 + lat2=55 + lon1=-130 + lon2=-65 +elif [[ "${DOMAIN}" = global ]]; then + lat1=-90 + lat2=90 + lon1=0 + lon2=360 +else + echo "Wrong DOMAIN, exiting" + exit +fi +echo +############################################################### +# initialize module +. "${LMOD_ROOT}"/lmod/init/bash + +# update path with current directory +export PATH=.:${PATH} + +# if grads-to-control app is not present, get it from web: +[[ -f g2ctl ]] || wget -q https://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wd51we/g2ctl/g2ctl +chmod 755 g2ctl + +# if color bar script is not present, get it from web: +[[ -f cbar.gs ]] || wget -q http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/scripts/cbar.gs + +# load modules grads and wgrib2 +HOSTNAME=$(hostname) +if [[ ${HOSTNAME} == gaea6[1-9] ]]; then module load Core/24.11 ; fi +module load grads wgrib2 + +# check if model output file exxists: +if [[ ! -f GFSPRS.GrbF24 ]] ; then echo "No model output (GFSPRS.GrbF24)" ; exit ; fi +echo Using model file: GFSPRS.GrbF24 + +# detect machine we are on +case $(hostname -f) in + gaea5*) HSD_path=/gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/HSD_INPUT_DATA ;; ## gaea5 + gaea6*) HSD_path=/gpfs/f6/bil-fire8/world-shared/HSD_INPUT_DATA ;; ## gaea6 + hfe*) HSD_path=/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/HSD_INPUT_DATA ;; ## hera + hecflow*) HSD_path=/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/HSD_INPUT_DATA ;; ## hera + fe*) HSD_path=/mnt/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/HSD_INPUT_DATA ;; ## jet + tfe*) HSD_path=/mnt/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/HSD_INPUT_DATA ;; ## tjet + [Oo]rion*) HSD_path=/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/contrib/HSD_INPUT_DATA ;; ## orion + [Hh]ercules*) HSD_path=/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/contrib/HSD_INPUT_DATA ;; ## hercules + derecho*) HSD_path=/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/HSD_INPUT_DATA ;; ## derecho + *) echo "Unknown or unsupported machine " ; exit ;; ## Unknown platform +esac + +# check if analysis file exists: +# analysis files retrieved from hpss: +# htar -xvf \ +# /NCEPPROD/hpssprod/runhistory/rh2020/202007/20200724/com_gfs_prod_gfs.20200724_00.gfs_pgrb2.tar \ +# ./gfs.20200724/00/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p25.anl +if [[ ! -f gfs.t00z.pgrb2."${ANL_RES}".anl ]] ; then + echo "No analysis file, copy file from ${HSD_path} directory:" + cp "${HSD_path}"/"${DATE}"/gfs.t00z.pgrb2."${ANL_RES}".anl . + [[ -f gfs.t00z.pgrb2."${ANL_RES}".anl ]] || exit +fi +echo Using analysis file: gfs.t00z.pgrb2."${ANL_RES}".anl + +# Create grads control and index files +g2ctl gfs.t00z.pgrb2."${ANL_RES}".anl gfs.t00z.pgrb2."${ANL_RES}".idx > gfs.t00z.pgrb2."${ANL_RES}".ctl +gribmap -i gfs.t00z.pgrb2."${ANL_RES}".ctl > /dev/null 2>&1 +g2ctl GFSPRS.GrbF24 GFSPRS.idx > GFSPRS.ctl +gribmap -i GFSPRS.ctl > /dev/null 2>&1 + +############################################################### +# Plot CAPE analysis +############################################################### +echo "Plot CAPE analysis " "${DOMAIN}" +if [[ -f CAPE-analysis.png ]] ; then rm CAPE-analysis.png ; fi +cat << EOF > plot.gs +'reinit' +'open gfs.t00z.pgrb2.${ANL_RES}.ctl' +'set gxout shaded' +'set display color white' +'c' +'set grads off' +'set lat ${lat1} ${lat2}' +'set lon ${lon1} ${lon2}' +'set clevs 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' +'d CAPEsfc' +'run cbar.gs' +'draw title CAPE Analysis ${res_txt} valid ${YY}/${MM}/${DD}/${HH}Z' +'printim CAPE-analysis_${DOMAIN}.png x1200 y1000 ' +'c' +'quit' +EOF +grads -blc "run plot.gs" > /dev/null 2>&1 +############################################################### +# Plot CAPE model output +############################################################### +echo "Plot CAPE model output " "${DOMAIN}" +if [[ -f CAPE-model.png ]] ; then rm CAPE-model.png ; fi +if [[ -f plot.gs ]] ; then rm plot.gs ; fi +cat << EOF > plot.gs +'reinit' +'open GFSPRS.ctl' +'set gxout shaded' +'set display color white' +'c' +'set grads off' +'set lat ${lat1} ${lat2}' +'set lon ${lon1} ${lon2}' +'set clevs 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500' +'d CAPEsfc' +'run cbar.gs' +'draw title CAPE Model fcst (+24h) valid ${YY}/${MM}/${DD}/${HH}Z' +'printim CAPE-model_${DOMAIN}.png x1200 y1000 ' +'c' +'quit' +EOF +grads -blc "run plot.gs" > /dev/null 2>&1 +############################################################### +# Plot MSL pressure analysis +############################################################### +echo "Plot PRSMSL analysis " "${DOMAIN}" +if [[ -f MSL-analysis.png ]] ; then rm MSL-analysis.png ; fi +cat << EOF > plot.gs +'reinit' +'open gfs.t00z.pgrb2.${ANL_RES}.ctl' +'set gxout shaded' +'set display color white' +'c' +'set grads off' +'set lat ${lat1} ${lat2}' +'set lon ${lon1} ${lon2}' +'set clevs 1000 1002 1004 1006 1008 1010 1012 1014 1016 1018 1020 1022' +'d PRMSLmsl/100' +'run cbar.gs' +'draw title PRSMSL [mb] Analysis ${res_txt} valid ${YY}/${MM}/${DD}/${HH}Z' + 'printim MSL-analysis_${DOMAIN}.png x1200 y1000 ' +'c' +'quit' +EOF +grads -blc "run plot.gs" > /dev/null 2>&1 +############################################################### +# Plot MSL pressure model output +############################################################### +echo "Plot PRSMSL model output " "${DOMAIN}" +if [[ -f MSL-model.png ]] ; then rm MSL-model.png ; fi +cat << EOF > plot.gs +'reinit' +'open GFSPRS.ctl' +'set gxout shaded' +'set display color white' +'c' +'set grads off' +'set lat ${lat1} ${lat2}' +'set lon ${lon1} ${lon2}' +'set clevs 1000 1002 1004 1006 1008 1010 1012 1014 1016 1018 1020 1022' +'d PRMSLmsl/100' +'run cbar.gs' +'draw title PRSMSL [mb] Model fcst (+24) valid ${YY}/${MM}/${DD}/${HH}Z' +'printim MSL-model_${DOMAIN}.png x1200 y1000 ' +'c' +'quit' +EOF +grads -blc "run plot.gs" > /dev/null 2>&1 +############################################################### +# Plot Vorticity analysis +############################################################### +echo "Plot vorticity analysis " "${DOMAIN}" +if [[ -f VORT-analysis.png ]] ; then rm VORT-analysis.png ; fi +cat << EOF > plot.gs +'reinit' +'open gfs.t00z.pgrb2.${ANL_RES}.ctl' +'set gxout shaded' +'set display color white' +'c' +'set grads off' +'set lev 500' +'set lat ${lat1} ${lat2}' +'set lon ${lon1} ${lon2}' +'set rgb 20 255 255 255' +'set rgb 21 255 250 170' +'set rgb 22 255 232 100' +'set rgb 23 255 192 0' +'set rgb 24 255 160 0' +'set rgb 25 255 96 0' +'set rgb 26 255 50 0' +'set rgb 27 225 20 0' +'set rgb 28 192 0 0' +'set ccols 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28' + 'set clevs 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 25' +'define h=hcurl(ugrdprs,vgrdprs)*1.0e5' +'d sqrt(h*h)' +'run cbar.gs' +'set gxout contour' +'d hgtprs' +'draw title Analysis 500mb Height and Abs Vorticity ${res_txt} \ Valid ${YY}/${MM}/${DD}/${HH}Z' +'printim VORT-analysis_${DOMAIN}.png x1200 y1000 ' +'c' +'quit' +EOF +grads -blc "run plot.gs" > /dev/null 2>&1 +############################################################### +# Plot Vorticity model output +############################################################### +echo "Plot vorticity model output " "${DOMAIN}" +if [[ -f VORT-model.png ]] ; then rm VORT-model.png ; fi +cat << EOF > plot.gs +'reinit' +'open GFSPRS.ctl' +'set gxout shaded' +'set display color white' +'c' +'set grads off' +'set lev 500' +'set lat ${lat1} ${lat2}' +'set lon ${lon1} ${lon2}' +'set rgb 20 255 255 255' +'set rgb 21 255 250 170' +'set rgb 22 255 232 100' +'set rgb 23 255 192 0' +'set rgb 24 255 160 0' +'set rgb 25 255 96 0' +'set rgb 26 255 50 0' +'set rgb 27 225 20 0' +'set rgb 28 192 0 0' +'set ccols 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28' + 'set clevs 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 25' +'define h=hcurl(ugrdprs,vgrdprs)*1.0e5' +'d sqrt(h*h)' +'run cbar.gs' +'set gxout contour' +'d hgtprs' +'draw title Model fcst (+24) 500mb Height and Abs Vorticity \ Valid ${YY}/${MM}/${DD}/${HH}Z' +'printim VORT-model_${DOMAIN}.png x1200 y1000 ' +'c' +'quit' +EOF +grads -blc "run plot.gs" > /dev/null 2>&1 +############################################################### +rm -f plot.gs diff --git a/tests-dev/ufs_error-test.yaml b/tests-dev/ufs_error-test.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7bcf6f4c1f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/ufs_error-test.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +atm_dyn32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 -D32BIT=ON' + tests: + - control_c48.v2.sfc: {'project':['daily']} + - fail_to_copy: {'project':['daily']} + - fail_to_run: {'project':['daily']} +atm_dyn64_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1' + tests: + - control_c48: {'project':['daily']} +fail_to_compile_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '--invalid-argument -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=whatever' + tests: + - dependency_unmet: {'project':['daily']} diff --git a/tests-dev/ufs_test.sh b/tests-dev/ufs_test.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..a9c5c08201 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/ufs_test.sh @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +SECONDS=0 + +hostname + +die() { echo "$@" >&2; exit 1; } + +usage() { + set +x + echo + echo "Usage: $0 -a | -b | -c | -d | -e | -h | -k | -l | -m | -n | -o | -r | -w | -s" + echo + echo " -a to use on for HPC queue" + echo " -b create new baselines only for tests listed in " + echo " -c create new baseline results" + echo " -d delete run direcotries that are not used by other tests" + echo " -e use ecFlow workflow manager (this option is not fully functional yet)" + echo " -h display this help" + echo " -k keep run directory after ufs_test.sh is completed" + echo " -l runs test specified in " + echo " -m compare against new baseline results" + echo " -n run single test " + echo " -o compile only, skip tests" + echo " -r use Rocoto workflow manager" + echo " -w for weekly_test, skip comparing baseline results" + echo " -s for use tests-dev, symlink sharable tests scripts" + echo + set -x + exit 1 +} + +[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage + +rt_trap() { + [[ ${ROCOTO:-false} == true ]] && rocoto_kill + [[ ${ECFLOW:-false} == true ]] && ecflow_kill + cleanup +} + +cleanup() { + PID_LOCK=$(awk '{print $2}' < "${LOCKDIR}/PID") + [[ ${PID_LOCK} == "$$" ]] && rm -rf "${LOCKDIR}" + [[ ${ECFLOW:-false} == true ]] && ecflow_stop + trap 0 + exit +} + +trap '{ echo "ufs_test.sh interrupted"; rt_trap ; }' INT +trap '{ echo "ufs_test.sh quit"; rt_trap ; }' QUIT +trap '{ echo "ufs_test.sh terminated"; rt_trap ; }' TERM +trap '{ echo "ufs_test.sh error on line $LINENO"; cleanup ; }' ERR +trap '{ echo "ufs_test.sh finished"; cleanup ; }' EXIT + +# PATHRT - Path to regression tests directory +PATHRT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd -P )" +readonly PATHRT +cd "${PATHRT}" +[[ -f "${PATHRT}"/detect_machine.sh ]] || cp "${PATHRT}"/../tests/detect_machine.sh "${PATHRT}" +[[ -f "${PATHRT}"/rt_utils.sh ]] || cp "${PATHRT}"/../tests/rt_utils.sh "${PATHRT}" +[[ -f "${PATHRT}"/module-setup.sh ]] || cp "${PATHRT}"/../tests/module-setup.sh "${PATHRT}" + +# make sure only one instance of ufs_test.sh is running +readonly LOCKDIR="${PATHRT}"/lock +if mkdir "${LOCKDIR}" ; then + HOSTNAME=$(hostname) + echo "${HOSTNAME} $$" > "${LOCKDIR}/PID" +else + echo "Only one instance of ufs_test.sh can be running at a time" + exit 1 +fi + +CREATE_BASELINE=false +ROCOTO=false +ECFLOW=false +KEEP_RUNDIR=false +export skip_check_results=false +export delete_rundir=false +COMPILE_ONLY=false +RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE=false +TESTS_FILE='ufs_test.yaml' +NEW_BASELINES_FILE='' +RUN_SINGLE_TEST=false +ACCNR=${ACCNR:-""} +UFS_TEST_YAML="ufs_test.yaml" +export UFS_TEST_YAML +LINK_TESTS=false +TEST_TEMP_YAML=false + +while getopts ":a:b:cl:mn:dwkreohs" opt; do + case ${opt} in + a) + ACCNR=${OPTARG} + ;; + b) + NEW_BASELINES_FILE=${OPTARG} + export NEW_BASELINES_FILE + ;; + c) + CREATE_BASELINE=true + ;; + l) + TESTS_FILE=${OPTARG} + grep -q '[^[:space:]]' < "${TESTS_FILE}" || die "${TESTS_FILE} empty, exiting..." + UFS_TEST_YAML=${TESTS_FILE} + export UFS_TEST_YAML + ;; + o) + COMPILE_ONLY=true + ;; + m) + # redefine RTPWD to point to newly created baseline outputs + RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE=true + ;; + n) + RUN_SINGLE_TEST=true + IFS=' ' read -r -a SINGLE_OPTS <<< "${OPTARG}" + + if [[ ${#SINGLE_OPTS[@]} != 2 ]]; then + die 'The -n option needs AND in quotes, i.e. -n "control_p8 intel"' + fi + + SRT_NAME="${SINGLE_OPTS[0]}" + SRT_COMPILER="${SINGLE_OPTS[1]}" + + if [[ "${SRT_COMPILER}" != "intel" ]] && [[ "${SRT_COMPILER}" != "gnu" ]]; then + die "COMPILER MUST BE 'intel' OR 'gnu'" + fi + + export SRT_NAME + export SRT_COMPILER + TEST_TEMP_YAML=true + ;; + d) + export delete_rundir=true + ;; + w) + export skip_check_results=true + ;; + k) + KEEP_RUNDIR=true + ;; + r) + ROCOTO=true + ECFLOW=false + ;; + e) + ECFLOW=true + ROCOTO=false + die "Work-in-progress to support for ECFLOW. Please, use the ROCOTO workflow manamegment option (-r)" + ;; + s) + LINK_TESTS=true + ;; + h) + usage + ;; + :) + die "Option -${OPTARG} requires an argument." + ;; + ?) + die "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}" + ;; + *) + die "Invalid runtime options: no parameter included with argument-${OPTARG}" + ;; + esac +done + +source detect_machine.sh # Note: this does not set ACCNR. The "if" block below does. +source rt_utils.sh +source module-setup.sh + +check_machine=false +platforms=( hera orion hercules gaea jet derecho noaacloud s4 ) +for name in "${platforms[@]}" +do + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == "${name}" ]]; then + check_machine=true + break + fi +done + +if [[ ${check_machine} == true ]]; then + source "${PATHRT}"/machine_config/machine_"${MACHINE_ID}".config +else + echo "*** Current support of ufs_test.sh only for ${platforms[*]} ! ***" + exit 1 +fi + +if [[ ! ${NEW_BASELINES_FILE} == '' ]]; then + python -c "import ufs_test_utils; ufs_test_utils.update_testyaml_b()" + UFS_TEST_YAML="ufs_test_temp.yaml" + export UFS_TEST_YAML +fi + +if [[ ${TEST_TEMP_YAML} == true ]]; then + python -c "import ufs_test_utils; ufs_test_utils.update_testyaml_n()" + UFS_TEST_YAML="ufs_test_temp.yaml" + export UFS_TEST_YAML +fi + +# If -s; link sharable test scripts from tests directory +if [[ ${LINK_TESTS} == true ]]; then + if ! python -c "import ufs_test_utils; ufs_test_utils.sync_testscripts()" + then + echo "*** error: python sync_testscripts! ***" + exit 1 + fi + + cp "${PATHRT}"/test_cases/tests/* "${PATHRT}"/tests + cp "${PATHRT}"/test_cases/exp_conf/* "${PATHRT}"/fv3_conf + cp "${PATHRT}"/test_cases/parm/* "${PATHRT}"/parm +fi + +#Check to error out if incompatible options are chosen together +[[ ${KEEP_RUNDIR} == true && ${delete_rundir} == true ]] && die "-k and -d options cannot be used at the same time" +[[ ${ECFLOW} == true && ${ROCOTO} == true ]] && die "-r and -e options cannot be used at the same time" +[[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} == true && ${RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE} == true ]] && die "-c and -m options cannot be used at the same time" + +if [[ -z "${ACCNR}" ]]; then + echo "Please use -a to set group account to use on HPC" + exit 1 +fi + +# Display the machine and account using the format detect_machine.sh used: +echo "Machine: ""${MACHINE_ID}"" Account: ""${ACCNR}"" " + +shift $((OPTIND-1)) +[[ $# -gt 1 ]] && usage + +TEST_START_TIME="$(date '+%Y%m%d %T')" +export TEST_START_TIME + +rm -f fail_test* fail_compile* + +if [[ ${ROCOTO} == true ]]; then + ROCOTO_XML="${PATHRT}"/rocoto_workflow.xml + ROCOTO_STATE="${PATHRT}"/rocoto_workflow.state + ROCOTO_DB="${PATHRT}"/rocoto_workflow.db + rm -f "${ROCOTO_XML}" "${ROCOTO_DB}" "${ROCOTO_STATE}" ./*_lock.db* +fi + +[[ -f ${TESTS_FILE} ]] || die "${TESTS_FILE} does not exist" + +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER +export ACCNR +export ROCOTO_XML +export PATHRT +export ROCOTO +export ECFLOW +export MACHINE_ID +export RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE +export CREATE_BASELINE +export RTVERBOSE + +export TESTS_FILE +export NEW_BASELINES_FILE +export RUN_SINGLE_TEST +export COMPILE_ONLY +export delete_rundir +export skip_check_results +export KEEP_RUNDIR + +if ! python -c "import create_xml; create_xml.xml_loop()" +then + echo "*** experiment setup didn't run successfully! ***" + exit 1 +fi + +## +## run regression test workflow (currently Rocoto or ecFlow are supported) +## +if [[ ${ROCOTO} == true ]]; then + rocoto_run +fi + +# IF -c AND -b; LINK VERIFIED BASELINES TO NEW_BASELINE +if [[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} == true && ${NEW_BASELINES_FILE} != '' ]]; then + python -c "import ufs_test_utils; ufs_test_utils.link_new_baselines()" +fi + +TEST_END_TIME="$(date '+%Y%m%d %T')" +export TEST_END_TIME + +## Lets verify all tests were run and that they passed +python -c "import create_log; create_log.finish_log()" diff --git a/tests-dev/ufs_test.yaml b/tests-dev/ufs_test.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea8e50df69 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/ufs_test.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,663 @@ +s2swa_32bit_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1' + tests: + - cpld_control_p8_mixedmode: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - cpld_control_gfsv17: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_control_gfsv17_iau: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'cpld_control_gfsv17','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_gfsv17: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'cpld_control_gfsv17','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_mpi_gfsv17: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DHYDRO=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - cpld_control_sfs: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud','jet'] + tests: + - cpld_debug_gfsv17: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud','jet']} +s2swa_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1' + tests: + - cpld_control_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_p8: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'cpld_control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_control_qr_p8: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_qr_p8: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'cpld_control_qr_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_2threads_p8: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_decomp_p8: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_mpi_p8: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_control_ciceC_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_control_c192_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','jet','acorn','s4','noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_c192_p8: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'cpld_control_c192_p8','turnoff':['wcoss2','jet','acorn','s4','noaacloud']} + - cpld_bmark_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['s4','jet','acorn','noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_bmark_p8: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'cpld_bmark_p8','turnoff':['s4','jet','acorn','noaacloud']} + - cpld_s2sa_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2sw_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1' + tests: + - cpld_control_noaero_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True'} + - cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2swa_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1' + turnoff: ['wcoss2','noaacloud','acorn'] + tests: + - cpld_debug_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','acorn','noaacloud']} +s2sw_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1' + turnoff: ['wcoss2','noaacloud','acorn'] + tests: + - cpld_debug_noaero_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','acorn','noaacloud']} +s2s_aoflux_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON' + tests: + - cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True'} +s2s_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1' + tests: + - cpld_control_c48: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True'} + - cpld_warmstart_c48: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_c48: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'cpld_warmstart_c48','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2swa_faster_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DFASTER=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - cpld_control_p8_faster: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2sw_pdlib_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - cpld_control_pdlib_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_pdlib_p8: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'cpld_control_pdlib_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'cpld_control_pdlib_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2sw_pdlib_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - cpld_debug_pdlib_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atm_dyn32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 -D32BIT=ON' + tests: + - 2020_CAPE: {'project':['test_case'],'baseline': 'True'} + - baroclinic_wave: {'project':['test_case'],'baseline': 'True'} + - control_flake: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True'} + - control_CubedSphereGrid: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True'} + - control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_latlon: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_c48: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_c48.v2.sfc: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_c192: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_c384: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_c384gdas: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_stochy: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_stochy_restart: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'control_stochy','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_lndp: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_iovr4: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_iovr5: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8.v2.sfc: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8_ugwpv1: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_restart_p8: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_noqr_p8: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_restart_noqr_p8: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'control_noqr_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_decomp_p8: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_2threads_p8: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8_lndp: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8_rrtmgp: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8_mynn: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - merra2_thompson: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_control: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_restart: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'regional_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_decomp: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_2threads: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['derecho','noaacloud']} + - regional_noquilt: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4']} + - regional_netcdf_parallel: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['acorn']} + - regional_2dwrtdecomp: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['acorn']} + - regional_wofs: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4']} +rrfs_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON' + tests: + - rap_control: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True'} + - regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True'} + - rap_decomp: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_2threads: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_restart: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'rap_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_sfcdiff: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_sfcdiff_decomp: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_sfcdiff_restart: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'rap_sfcdiff','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_decomp: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_2threads: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_restart: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rrfs_v1beta: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rrfs_v1nssl: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +csawmg_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - control_csawmg: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_ras: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +wam_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - control_wam: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atm_faster_dyn32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -D32BIT=ON -DFASTER=ON' + tests: + - control_p8_faster: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_control_faster: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atm_debug_dyn32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR,FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_unified_ugwp,FV3_RAP_cires_ugwp,FV3_RAP_flake,FV3_RAP_clm_lake,FV3_RAP_noah,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_RAP_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_HRRR_c3,FV3_HRRR_gf,FV3_global_nest_v1' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - control_CubedSphereGrid_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_stochy_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_lndp_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_csawmg_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_ras_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_diag_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_debug_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_control_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_gf_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_c3_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_unified_drag_suite_debug: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_diag_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_cires_ugwp_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_unified_ugwp_debug: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_lndp_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_progcld_thompson_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_noah_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_sfcdiff_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rrfs_v1beta_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_clm_lake_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_flake_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atm_debug_dyn32_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR,FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_unified_ugwp,FV3_RAP_cires_ugwp,FV3_RAP_flake,FV3_RAP_clm_lake,FV3_RAP_noah,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_RAP_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_HRRR_c3,FV3_HRRR_gf,FV3_global_nest_v1' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - control_csawmg_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +wam_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - control_wam_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud','hercules']} +rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_control_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_restart_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'rap_control_dyn32_phy32','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DFASTER=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - conus13km_control: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_2threads: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'conus13km_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_restart_mismatch: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'conus13km_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn64_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_gf -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_debug_qr: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_debug_2threads: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_radar_tten_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +hafsw_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf,FV3_global_nest_v1 -D32BIT=ON' + tests: + - hafs_regional_atm: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True'} + - hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True'} + - hafs_regional_atm_ocn: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True'} + - hafs_regional_atm_wav: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True'} + - hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_1nest_atm: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_global_1nest_atm: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - gnv1_nested: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['hercules','wcoss2','s4','noaacloud']} +hafsw_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['jet','noaacloud','s4'] + tests: + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} +hafsw_faster_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=HAFSW -DCDEPS_INLINE=ON -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DFASTER=ON' + turnoff: ['jet','noaacloud','s4'] + tests: + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} +hafs_mom6w_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=HAFS-MOM6W -DREGIONAL_MOM6=ON -DCDEPS_INLINE=ON -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_nonsst -D32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['jet','noaacloud','s4'] + tests: + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} +hafs_all_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - hafs_regional_docn: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_docn_oisst: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_datm_cdeps: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} +datm_cdeps_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=NG-GODAS' + turnoff: ['wcoss2'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_control_cfsr: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_control_gefs: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_iau_gefs: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr: {'project':['regression'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_gfs: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} +datm_cdeps_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['wcoss2','acorn','noaacloud'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','acorn','noaacloud']} +datm_cdeps_faster_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=NG-GODAS -DFASTER=ON' + turnoff: ['wcoss2'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2']} +datm_cdeps_land_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=LND' + turnoff: ['wcoss2'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_lnd_era5: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} +datm_cdeps_lm4_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=LND-LM4' + turnon: ['hera','orion','gaea'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','orion','gaea']} + - datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_rst: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3','turnon':['hera','orion','gaea']} +atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM_DS2S-PCICE -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + tests: + - atm_ds2s_docn_pcice: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM_DS2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1' + turnoff: ['wcoss2','acorn'] + tests: + - atm_ds2s_docn_dice: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud','wcoss2','acorn']} +atml_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn -D32BIT=ON' + tests: + - control_p8_atmlnd_sbs: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud','wcoss2']} + - control_p8_atmlnd: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud','wcoss2']} + - control_restart_p8_atmlnd: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'control_p8_atmlnd','turnoff':['noaacloud','wcoss2']} +atml_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + tests: + - control_p8_atmlnd_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud','wcoss2']} +atmw_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['wcoss2'] + tests: + - atmwav_control_noaero_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2']} +atmaero_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - atmaero_control_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - atmaero_control_p8_rad: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atmaq_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['jet','noaacloud','s4'] + tests: + - regional_atmaq_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['hera','jet','s4','noaacloud']} +atm_fbh_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATMF -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['wcoss2','noaacloud','acorn'] + tests: + - cpld_regional_atm_fbh: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud','acorn']} +s2swa_32bit_pdlib_intelllvm: + build: + compiler: 'intelllvm' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON' + turnon: ['gaea'] + tests: + - cpld_control_gfsv17: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['gaea']} +s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intelllvm: + build: + compiler: 'intelllvm' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['gaea'] + tests: + - cpld_debug_gfsv17: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['gaea']} +s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intelllvm: + build: + compiler: 'intelllvm' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DHYDRO=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON' + turnon: ['gaea'] + tests: + - cpld_control_sfs: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['gaea']} +s2swa_intelllvm: + build: + compiler: 'intelllvm' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1' + turnon: ['gaea'] + tests: + - cpld_control_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['gaea']} +rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intelllvm: + build: + compiler: 'intelllvm' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnon: ['hera'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera']} +rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intelllvm: + build: + compiler: 'intelllvm' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnon: ['hera'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn64_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera']} +hafsw_intelllvm: + build: + compiler: 'intelllvm' + option: '-DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON' + turnon: ['orion'] + tests: + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['orion']} +hafsw_debug_intelllvm: + build: + compiler: 'intelllvm' + option: '-DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['orion'] + tests: + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['orion']} +datm_cdeps_intelllvm: + build: + compiler: 'intelllvm' + option: '-DAPP=NG-GODAS' + turnon: ['hercules'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_control_cfsr: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hercules']} +datm_cdeps_debug_intelllvm: + build: + compiler: 'intelllvm' + option: '-DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['hercules'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hercules']} +atm_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - 2020_CAPE: {'project':['test_case'], 'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - baroclinic_wave: {'project':['test_case'], 'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_c48: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_stochy: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_ras: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_p8_ugwpv1: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_flake: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +rrfs_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_RRFS_v1beta -D32BIT=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - rap_control: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_decomp: {'project':['regression'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_2threads: {'project':['regression'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_restart: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'rap_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_sfcdiff: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_sfcdiff_decomp: {'project':['regression'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_sfcdiff_restart: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'rap_sfcdiff','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_noqr: {'project':['regression'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_2threads: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_decomp: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_restart: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_restart_noqr: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'hrrr_control_noqr','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rrfs_v1beta: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +csawmg_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - control_csawmg: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +atm_dyn32_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - control_diag_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - regional_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_control_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_gf_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_c3_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_diag_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_progcld_thompson_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rrfs_v1beta_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_ras_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_stochy_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_debug_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_flake_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_clm_lake_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +wam_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - control_wam_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hercules']} +rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_restart_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'rap_control_dyn32_phy32','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_control: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_2threads: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'conus13km_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_restart_mismatch: {'project':['regression'],'dependency':'conus13km_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn64_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_debug_qr: {'project':['regression'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_debug_2threads: {'project':['regression'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_radar_tten_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +s2swa_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] +s2s_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +s2swa_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] +s2sw_pdlib_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - cpld_control_pdlib_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +s2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - cpld_debug_pdlib_p8: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hercules']} +datm_cdeps_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=NG-GODAS' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_control_cfsr: {'project':['regression'],'baseline': 'True','turnon':['hera','hercules']} diff --git a/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.py b/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1439d60fb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +import os +import sys +import re +import glob +import yaml +import shutil +import subprocess + +def update_testyaml(input_list): + """Generates temporary test YAML based on list of tests received + + Args: + input_list (list): list of tests to run + """ + UFS_TEST_YAML = "ufs_test.yaml" # default ufs_test.yaml + new_yaml = {} + yaml_item_count = None + with open(UFS_TEST_YAML, 'r') as file_yaml: + rt_yaml = yaml.full_load(file_yaml) + for apps, jobs in rt_yaml.items(): + app_temp = None + build_temp = None + for key, val in jobs.items(): + if (str(key) == 'build'): + #--- build information --- + build_val = val + compiler_val= val['compiler'] + if (str(key) == 'tests'): + #--- serach for test cases given with -n or -b option --- + test_list = [] + temp_list = [] + app_temp = None + build_temp = None + test_temp = None + test_temp_dep = None + for test in val: + case, config = get_testcase(test) + i=0 + ilist= None + #--- search input_list test cases from ufs_test.yaml --- + for line in input_list: + case_check = line.split(" ")[0] + compiler_check= line.split(" ")[1] + if case == case_check and compiler_val == compiler_check: + ilist=i + app_temp = apps + build_temp= build_val + test_temp = {case:config} + temp_list.append(str(case)) + if 'dependency' in config.keys(): + if not str(config['dependency']) in temp_list: + test_temp_dep = get_testdep(str(config['dependency']),val) + i+=1 + #--- pop input_list element if a test case is found --- + if not ilist is None: + input_list.pop(ilist) + #--- append test cases to new test list --- + if not test_temp_dep is None: + test_list.append(test_temp_dep) + test_temp_dep = None + if not test_temp is None: + test_list.append(test_temp) + test_temp = None + if not app_temp is None: + new_yaml[app_temp]={'build':build_temp,'tests':test_list} + #--- check all search is done for input_list --- + if len(input_list) == 0: + break + #--- dump into temporary test yaml file --- + if len(new_yaml) > 0: + yaml_item_count = len(new_yaml) + try: + yaml_item_count + except NameError: + print("*** Test cases given with runtime options -n or -b are not found in ufs_test.yaml! ***") + else: + with open(r'ufs_test_temp.yaml', 'w') as yaml_file: + outputs = yaml.dump(new_yaml, yaml_file) + yaml_file.close() + file_yaml.close() + +def update_testyaml_n(): + """Updates test YAML file for a single test specified in ``-n `` + """ + try: + SRT_NAME = str(os.getenv('SRT_NAME')) + SRT_COMPILER = str(os.getenv('SRT_COMPILER')) + except NameError: + print("*** SRT_NAME or SRT_COMPILER are not given with runtime option -n! ***") + input_list=[SRT_NAME+" "+SRT_COMPILER] + update_testyaml(input_list) + +def update_testyaml_b(): + """Updates test YAML file for tests specified in ``-b `` + """ + NEW_BASELINES_FILE = str(os.getenv('NEW_BASELINES_FILE')) + input_list=[] + with open(NEW_BASELINES_FILE) as input_file: + for line in input_file: + line=line.strip('\n') + line=line.strip() + input_list.append(str(line)) + input_file.close() + update_testyaml(input_list) + +def string_clean(str_in): + """Strips out RUN or COMPILE whitespace and separates with commas. + + Args: + str_in (str): RUN or COMPILE line read in from ``rt.conf`` + + Returns: + str: Whitespace stripped and comma separated values + """ + return "'"+("','".join(str_in.split()))+"'" + +def parse_line(str_in): + """Parses ``rt.conf`` line into list + + Args: + str_in (str): RUN or COMPILE line from rt.conf + + Returns: + build_attr: List of RUN or COMPILE test attributes + """ + build_attr = " ".join(str_in.split()).split('|') + build_attr = [attr.strip() for attr in build_attr] + return build_attr + +def create_yaml(): + """Parses default ``rt.conf`` into ``ufs_test.yaml`` + + """ + with open('ufs_test.yaml', 'w') as yaml_file, open("rt.conf") as conf_file: + for line in conf_file: + line = line.strip() + if not line: # skip: line is blank + continue + if line.startswith("#"): # skip: comment line + continue + if line.startswith("COMPILE"): # COMPILE line + build = parse_line(line) + apps = build[1] + compiler = f"'{build[2]}'" + options = f"'{build[3]}'" + machine = build[4] + off_machine = None + on_machine = None + if (machine.find('-') != -1): + off_machine = machine.replace("-", "").strip() + off_machine = string_clean(off_machine) + if (machine.find('+') != -1): + on_machine = machine.replace("+", "").strip() + on_machine = string_clean(on_machine) + yaml_file.write(f"{apps}_{build[2].strip()}:\n") + yaml_file.write(f" build: \n") + yaml_file.write(f" compiler: {compiler}\n") + yaml_file.write(f" option: {options}\n") + if not (off_machine is None): + yaml_file.write(f" turnoff: [{off_machine}]\n") + if not (on_machine is None): + yaml_file.write(f" turnon: [{on_machine}]\n") + prev_line = 'COMPILE' + if line.startswith("RUN"): # RUN line + build = parse_line(line) + test = build[1] + baseline_creation = True + machine = build[2] + baseline = build[3] + depend = build[4] + if depend: + baseline_creation = False + if baseline and depend: + baseline_creation = False + if not baseline and not depend: + baseline_creation = False + if (machine.find('-') != -1): + off_machine = machine.replace("-", "").strip() + off_machine = string_clean(off_machine) + if (machine.find('+') != -1): + on_machine = machine.replace("+", "").strip() + on_machine = string_clean(on_machine) + tests = f" - {test}: {{'project':['daily']" + if baseline_creation: + tests += f",'baseline': 'True'" + if depend and depend.strip(): + tests += f",'dependency':'{depend}'" + if not (off_machine is None): + tests += f",'turnoff':[{off_machine}]" + if not (on_machine is None): + tests += f",'turnon':[{on_machine}]" + if prev_line == "COMPILE": + yaml_file.write(" tests: \n") + yaml_file.write(tests+"}\n") + prev_line = 'RUN' + + yaml_file.close(); conf_file.close() + +def sync_testscripts(): + """Symlinks sharable ``rt.sh`` test scripts + """ + dst= os.getcwd() + src= os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0]+'/tests' + for name in os.listdir(src): + src_name= src +'/'+ name + dst_name= dst +'/'+ name + if not os.path.exists(dst_name): + if "/compile.sh" in dst_name: + shutil.copyfile(src_name, dst_name) + subprocess.call(['chmod', '755', dst_name]) + with open(dst_name) as rfile: + buildsh = rfile.read().replace("${PATHTR}/tests/", "${PATHTR}/tests-dev/") + rfile.close() + with open(dst_name, "w") as wfile: + wfile.write(buildsh) + wfile.close() + else: + os.symlink(src_name, dst_name) + + dst_conf= dst +'/'+ 'build_conf' + src_conf= dst +'/'+ 'fv3_conf' + if os.path.exists(dst_conf): + for name in os.listdir(dst_conf): + src_name= src_conf +'/'+ name + dst_name= dst_conf +'/'+ name + shutil.copyfile(dst_name, src_name) + #subprocess.call(['chmod', '755', src_name]) + +def machine_check_off(machine_id, val): + """Checks turned-off machine from YAML configuration + + Args: + machine_id (str): Local machine name + val (dict): Build and test config dictionary list + Returns: + pass_machine: Logical flag to pass local machine + """ + pass_machine = True + if 'turnoff' in val.keys(): + if machine_id in val['turnoff']: + pass_machine = False + if 'turnon' in val.keys(): + if not machine_id in val['turnon']: + pass_machine = False + return pass_machine + +def delete_files(deletefiles): + """Removes specified filepath + + Args: + deletefiles (str): filepath to remove, e.g., ``tests/rocoto.*`` + """ + fileList = glob.glob(deletefiles, recursive=True) + for filePath in fileList: + try: + os.remove(filePath) + except OSError: + print("Error while deleting ",deletefiles) + +def link_new_baselines(): + """Creates symlinks for newly generated baselines + """ + USER = str(os.environ.get('USER')) + MACHINE_ID = os.getenv('MACHINE_ID') + PATHRT = os.getenv('PATHRT') + with open("baseline_setup.yaml", 'r') as f: + exp_config = yaml.load(f) #, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) + base = exp_config[MACHINE_ID] + DISKNM= str(base['DISKNM']) + STMP = str(base['STMP']) + PTMP = str(base['PTMP']) + path = STMP+'/'+USER + RTPWD = path + '/FV3_RT/REGRESSION_TEST' + f.close() + #--- capture user's NEW_BASELINE location ---- + logfile = PATHRT+'/logs/RegressionTests_'+MACHINE_ID+'.log' + with open(logfile,'r') as flog: + logheads= flog.readlines() + for line in logheads: + if "BASELINE DIRECTORY:" in line: + NEW_BASELINE=line.split(" ")[1] + break + flog.close() + #--- symlink verified baseline cases to users new baseline --- + os.environ["RTPWD"] = RTPWD + os.environ["NEW_BASELINE"] = NEW_BASELINE + symlink_baselines = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-c', '. ufs_test_utils.sh; link_new_baselines']) + symlink_baselines.wait() + +def get_testdep(casename,val): + """Retrieves test case dependencies + + Args: + casename (str): Test case name + val (dict): Test case attributes, e.g., val['compiler'] + + Returns: + test_dep: Dictionary with test case and configuration for the specified dependency + """ + test_dep = None + for test in val: + case, config = get_testcase(test) + if case == casename: + test_dep = {case:config} + return test_dep + +def get_testcase(test): + """Retrieves test case names and configs from given dictionary from PyYAML + + Args: + test (dict): Dictionary retrieved from reading in YAML test file + + Returns: + case_name, case_config: Test name (str) and Python dictionary of test configuration + """ + case_name = None + case_config = None + for case, configs in test.items(): + case_name=case + case_config=configs + return case_name, case_config + +def write_logfile(logfile, openmod, output="", subproc=""): + """Appends given output into log file + + Args: + logfile (str): Log filename + openmod (str): Mode to open file in + output (str): Content to append to log file. Defaults to "". + subproc (str): Command to run within the shell. Defaults to "". + """ + with open(logfile, openmod) as rtlog: + if (not subproc == "") : + subprocess.call(subproc, shell=True, stdout=rtlog) + if (not output == "") : + rtlog.writelines(output) + rtlog.close() + +def rrmdir(path): + """Removes all files and directories in specified path. + + Args: + path (str): File path to remove + """ + shutil.rmtree(path) + #for entry in os.scandir(path): + # if entry.is_dir(): + # rrmdir(entry) + # else: + # os.remove(entry) + # os.rmdir(path) + +#if __name__ == "__main__": +# create_yaml() diff --git a/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.sh b/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4b103dc39f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.sh @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +function set_run_task() { + source default_vars.sh + source rt_utils.sh + source "${PATHRT}"/tests/"${TEST_NAME}" + compute_petbounds_and_tasks + + TPN=$(( TPN / THRD )) + NODES=$(( TASKS / TPN )) + if (( NODES * TPN < TASKS )); then + NODES=$(( NODES + 1 )) + fi + + PPN=$(( TASKS / NODES )) + if (( TASKS - ( PPN * NODES ) > 0 )); then + PPN=$((PPN + 1)) + fi + + export WLCLK + + python -c "import create_xml; create_xml.write_runtest_env()" + rocoto_create_run_task + +} + +function link_new_baselines() { + for dir in "${RTPWD}"/*/; do + dir=${dir%*/} + [[ -d "${NEW_BASELINE}/${dir##*/}" ]] && continue + ln -s "${dir%*/}" "${NEW_BASELINE}/" + done +} diff --git a/tests/RegressionTests_acorn.intel.log b/tests/RegressionTests_acorn.intel.log deleted file mode 100644 index a623e95a35..0000000000 --- a/tests/RegressionTests_acorn.intel.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4463 +0,0 @@ -Mon Nov 28 22:49:33 UTC 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 499 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 002 elapsed time 818 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 003 elapsed time 354 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 004 elapsed time 350 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 005 elapsed time 754 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 006 elapsed time 670 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_RRTMGP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 007 elapsed time 858 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ugwpv1,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v16_noahmp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 008 elapsed time 285 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 009 elapsed time 674 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 010 elapsed time 896 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 011 elapsed time 501 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 012 elapsed time 642 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 013 elapsed time 687 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 014 elapsed time 449 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 015 elapsed time 539 seconds. -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 016 elapsed time 641 seconds. -DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 017 elapsed time 167 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 018 elapsed time 473 seconds. -DAPP=LND -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 019 elapsed time 510 seconds. -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 020 elapsed time 493 seconds. -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 021 elapsed time 308 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 022 elapsed time 541 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_control_p8 -Checking test 001 cpld_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 384.810035 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2982380 - -Test 001 cpld_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_restart_p8 -Checking test 002 cpld_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 228.234277 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2863244 - -Test 002 cpld_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_2threads_p8 -Checking test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 739.063170 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3264868 - -Test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_esmfthreads_p8 -Checking test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 370.236321 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3278972 - -Test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_decomp_p8 -Checking test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 379.026670 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2977924 - -Test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_mpi_p8 -Checking test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 313.740006 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2909916 - -Test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -Checking test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 384.402950 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2978216 - -Test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -Checking test 008 cpld_control_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 257.424954 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1573792 - -Test 008 cpld_control_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 -Checking test 009 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 290.787610 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1632256 - -Test 009 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -Checking test 010 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 301.086227 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1622128 - -Test 010 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_control_c48 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_control_c48 -Checking test 011 cpld_control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 432.851142 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2631672 - -Test 011 cpld_control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_warmstart_c48 -Checking test 012 cpld_warmstart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 120.334211 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2643700 - -Test 012 cpld_warmstart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/cpld_restart_c48 -Checking test 013 cpld_restart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 66.013922 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2056200 - -Test 013 cpld_restart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control -Checking test 014 control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 131.976855 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 512908 - -Test 014 control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_decomp -Checking test 015 control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 134.196203 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 510468 - -Test 015 control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 016 control_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 130.023685 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 511084 - -Test 016 control_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_2threads -Checking test 017 control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 283.936082 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 561456 - -Test 017 control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_restart -Checking test 018 control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 66.923693 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 280388 - -Test 018 control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_fhzero -Checking test 019 control_fhzero results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 124.967466 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 511164 - -Test 019 control_fhzero PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_CubedSphereGrid -Checking test 020 control_CubedSphereGrid results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 126.683340 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 507600 - -Test 020 control_CubedSphereGrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_latlon -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_latlon -Checking test 021 control_latlon results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 128.389972 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 511504 - -Test 021 control_latlon PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 022 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 130.590792 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 510096 - -Test 022 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_c48 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_c48 -Checking test 023 control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 324.638154 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 664628 - -Test 023 control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_c192 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_c192 -Checking test 024 control_c192 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 524.488295 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 607640 - -Test 024 control_c192 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_c384 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_c384 -Checking test 025 control_c384 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1246.479170 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 875172 - -Test 025 control_c384 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_c384gdas -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_c384gdas -Checking test 026 control_c384gdas results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1092.011667 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1010852 - -Test 026 control_c384gdas PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_c384_progsigma -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_c384_progsigma -Checking test 027 control_c384_progsigma results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1273.657585 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 896120 - -Test 027 control_c384_progsigma PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_stochy -Checking test 028 control_stochy results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 88.644287 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 518892 - -Test 028 control_stochy PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_stochy_restart -Checking test 029 control_stochy_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 45.590143 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 279764 - -Test 029 control_stochy_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_lndp -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_lndp -Checking test 030 control_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 80.180743 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 517440 - -Test 030 control_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_iovr4 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_iovr4 -Checking test 031 control_iovr4 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 131.522403 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 509152 - -Test 031 control_iovr4 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_iovr5 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_iovr5 -Checking test 032 control_iovr5 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 131.556735 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 513888 - -Test 032 control_iovr5 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_p8 -Checking test 033 control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 175.346659 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1476944 - -Test 033 control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_p8_lndp -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_p8_lndp -Checking test 034 control_p8_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf048.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf048.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF48 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF48 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 317.631953 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1486432 - -Test 034 control_p8_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_restart_p8 -Checking test 035 control_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 95.809124 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 649808 - -Test 035 control_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_decomp_p8 -Checking test 036 control_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 179.934160 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1474116 - -Test 036 control_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_2threads_p8 -Checking test 037 control_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 352.016864 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1564816 - -Test 037 control_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_p8_rrtmgp -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_p8_rrtmgp -Checking test 038 control_p8_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 254.290312 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1598632 - -Test 038 control_p8_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/merra2_thompson -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/merra2_thompson -Checking test 039 merra2_thompson results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 199.731771 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1495316 - -Test 039 merra2_thompson PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/regional_control -Checking test 040 regional_control results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 284.603814 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 651044 - -Test 040 regional_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/regional_restart -Checking test 041 regional_restart results .... - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 151.305533 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 647084 - -Test 041 regional_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/regional_decomp -Checking test 042 regional_decomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 299.697757 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 651748 - -Test 042 regional_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/regional_2threads -Checking test 043 regional_2threads results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 421.130727 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 684008 - -Test 043 regional_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/regional_noquilt -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/regional_noquilt -Checking test 044 regional_noquilt results .... - Comparing atmos_4xdaily.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history2d.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 310.121324 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 644424 - -Test 044 regional_noquilt PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/regional_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 045 regional_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 283.994044 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 652460 - -Test 045 regional_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/fv3_regional_wofs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/regional_wofs -Checking test 046 regional_wofs results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 360.174542 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 329844 - -Test 046 regional_wofs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_control -Checking test 047 rap_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 396.607651 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 888952 - -Test 047 rap_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_rrtmgp -Checking test 048 rap_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 478.151847 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1005856 - -Test 048 rap_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -Checking test 049 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 543.932365 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 972336 - -Test 049 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_decomp -Checking test 050 rap_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 414.363539 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 886644 - -Test 050 rap_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_2threads -Checking test 051 rap_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 877.988568 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 948716 - -Test 051 rap_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_restart -Checking test 052 rap_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 200.520424 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 635320 - -Test 052 rap_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_sfcdiff -Checking test 053 rap_sfcdiff results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 398.541786 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 891232 - -Test 053 rap_sfcdiff PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_sfcdiff_decomp -Checking test 054 rap_sfcdiff_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 416.096458 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 886928 - -Test 054 rap_sfcdiff_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_sfcdiff_restart -Checking test 055 rap_sfcdiff_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 294.949862 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 630652 - -Test 055 rap_sfcdiff_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hrrr_control -Checking test 056 hrrr_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 383.001168 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 886176 - -Test 056 hrrr_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hrrr_control_decomp -Checking test 057 hrrr_control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 396.760142 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 886992 - -Test 057 hrrr_control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hrrr_control_2threads -Checking test 058 hrrr_control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 839.305345 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 939052 - -Test 058 hrrr_control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hrrr_control_restart -Checking test 059 hrrr_control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 282.477190 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 629028 - -Test 059 hrrr_control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rrfs_v1beta -Checking test 060 rrfs_v1beta results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 395.459757 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 883176 - -Test 060 rrfs_v1beta PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rrfs_v1nssl -Checking test 061 rrfs_v1nssl results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 457.702381 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 572064 - -Test 061 rrfs_v1nssl PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -Checking test 062 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 447.535063 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 564004 - -Test 062 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 063 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 114.599742 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 761356 - -Test 063 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 064 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 126.468991 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 777628 - -Test 064 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -Checking test 065 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 114.821904 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 762308 - -Test 065 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads -Checking test 066 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 156.090203 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 751492 - -Test 066 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads -Checking test 067 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 156.792815 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 756240 - -Test 067 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_csawmg -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_csawmg -Checking test 068 control_csawmg results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 341.481886 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 583480 - -Test 068 control_csawmg PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_csawmgt -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_csawmgt -Checking test 069 control_csawmgt results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 339.434064 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 584688 - -Test 069 control_csawmgt PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_ras -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_ras -Checking test 070 control_ras results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 178.127583 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 549556 - -Test 070 control_ras PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_wam -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_wam -Checking test 071 control_wam results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 115.318843 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 268948 - -Test 071 control_wam PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debugs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug -Checking test 072 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 769.331019 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 784888 - -Test 072 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -Checking test 073 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 774.128960 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 795160 - -Test 073 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_debug -Checking test 074 control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 155.588471 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 679020 - -Test 074 control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_2threads_debug -Checking test 075 control_2threads_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 401.613831 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 731392 - -Test 075 control_2threads_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -Checking test 076 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 164.148823 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 676276 - -Test 076 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -Checking test 077 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 157.124659 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 679456 - -Test 077 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_stochy_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_stochy_debug -Checking test 078 control_stochy_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 176.596931 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 685044 - -Test 078 control_stochy_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_lndp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_lndp_debug -Checking test 079 control_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 158.722727 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 683816 - -Test 079 control_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_csawmg_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_csawmg_debug -Checking test 080 control_csawmg_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 252.326031 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 717812 - -Test 080 control_csawmg_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_csawmgt_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_csawmgt_debug -Checking test 081 control_csawmgt_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 249.924455 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 717648 - -Test 081 control_csawmgt_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_ras_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_ras_debug -Checking test 082 control_ras_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 160.833645 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 692976 - -Test 082 control_ras_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_diag_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_diag_debug -Checking test 083 control_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 162.046691 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 736396 - -Test 083 control_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_debug_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_debug_p8 -Checking test 084 control_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 183.059641 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1497732 - -Test 084 control_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/regional_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/regional_debug -Checking test 085 regional_debug results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1039.391689 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 668996 - -Test 085 regional_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_control_debug -Checking test 086 rap_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 295.556811 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1051332 - -Test 086 rap_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hrrr_control_debug -Checking test 087 hrrr_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 287.915612 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1048360 - -Test 087 hrrr_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_unified_drag_suite_debug -Checking test 088 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 293.623682 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1051740 - -Test 088 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_diag_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_diag_debug -Checking test 089 rap_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 305.324981 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1138216 - -Test 089 rap_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 090 rap_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 300.312501 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1050848 - -Test 090 rap_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_unified_ugwp_debug -Checking test 091 rap_unified_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 299.815452 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1050004 - -Test 091 rap_unified_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_lndp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_lndp_debug -Checking test 092 rap_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 295.740585 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1055048 - -Test 092 rap_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_flake_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_flake_debug -Checking test 093 rap_flake_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 294.548809 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1049416 - -Test 093 rap_flake_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -Checking test 094 rap_progcld_thompson_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 294.535626 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1049616 - -Test 094 rap_progcld_thompson_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_noah_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_noah_debug -Checking test 095 rap_noah_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 287.873884 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1048952 - -Test 095 rap_noah_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_rrtmgp_debug -Checking test 096 rap_rrtmgp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 493.627188 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1169524 - -Test 096 rap_rrtmgp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_sfcdiff_debug -Checking test 097 rap_sfcdiff_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 294.311443 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1048932 - -Test 097 rap_sfcdiff_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 098 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 481.081961 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1045988 - -Test 098 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rrfs_v1beta_debug -Checking test 099 rrfs_v1beta_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 291.308608 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1047268 - -Test 099 rrfs_v1beta_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_wam_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_wam_debug -Checking test 100 control_wam_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf019.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf019.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 293.913464 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 335052 - -Test 100 control_wam_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 101 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 502.711733 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 875572 - -Test 101 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 102 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 324.719949 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 768756 - -Test 102 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 103 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 171.351209 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 768012 - -Test 103 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 104 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 747.502494 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 811584 - -Test 104 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 105 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 382.021700 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 806028 - -Test 105 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 106 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 178.362853 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 769148 - -Test 106 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 107 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 239.101618 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 600460 - -Test 107 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 108 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 87.243490 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 597668 - -Test 108 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -Checking test 109 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 220.960361 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 794156 - -Test 109 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 110 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 285.059939 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 935876 - -Test 110 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 111 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 281.351206 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 932704 - -Test 111 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug -Checking test 112 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 288.164975 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 956492 - -Test 112 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_atm -Checking test 113 hafs_regional_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 512.474525 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 775616 - -Test 113 hafs_regional_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -Checking test 114 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 594.332700 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1147864 - -Test 114 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -Checking test 115 hafs_regional_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 429.590295 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 831332 - -Test 115 hafs_regional_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_wav -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_atm_wav -Checking test 116 hafs_regional_atm_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 685.989999 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 862132 - -Test 116 hafs_regional_atm_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 117 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 878.069817 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 886160 - -Test 117 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -Checking test 118 hafs_regional_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 858.478055 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 374328 - -Test 118 hafs_regional_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -Checking test 119 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 932.096427 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 383212 - -Test 119 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_global_1nest_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_global_1nest_atm -Checking test 120 hafs_global_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 397.056201 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 322908 - -Test 120 hafs_global_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -Checking test 121 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest03 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest04 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest05 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1062.104716 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 302952 - -Test 121 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -Checking test 122 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 500.849994 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 377644 - -Test 122 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 123 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 480.113121 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 381944 - -Test 123 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -Checking test 124 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 498.361853 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 408644 - -Test 124 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 125 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1086.546573 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 474944 - -Test 125 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 126 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 144.600673 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 322484 - -Test 126 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_docn -Checking test 127 hafs_regional_docn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 393.356701 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 838124 - -Test 127 hafs_regional_docn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -Checking test 128 hafs_regional_docn_oisst results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 393.856605 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 820780 - -Test 128 hafs_regional_docn_oisst PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -Checking test 129 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps results .... - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.datm.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1176.799120 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 836828 - -Test 129 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -Checking test 130 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 143.580761 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 730936 - -Test 130 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr -Checking test 131 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 87.496733 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 729532 - -Test 131 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -Checking test 132 datm_cdeps_control_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 135.760514 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 613316 - -Test 132 datm_cdeps_control_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -Checking test 133 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 137.729483 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 612200 - -Test 133 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -Checking test 134 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 140.467628 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 612812 - -Test 134 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -Checking test 135 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 143.623208 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 732268 - -Test 135 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -Checking test 136 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 143.887773 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 731672 - -Test 136 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -Checking test 137 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 135.962010 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 615756 - -Test 137 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -Checking test 138 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 443.976624 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 570072 - -Test 138 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -Checking test 139 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 442.455209 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 547372 - -Test 139 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr -Checking test 140 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 143.080090 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 732740 - -Test 140 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -Checking test 141 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR3072x1536.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 256.766720 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1979320 - -Test 141 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_gfs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_gfs -Checking test 142 datm_cdeps_gfs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GFS.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 257.020245 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1975636 - -Test 142 datm_cdeps_gfs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -Checking test 143 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 21.634867 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 322492 - -Test 143 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst -Checking test 144 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 27.073361 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 322704 - -Test 144 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -Checking test 145 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-22-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 232.620287 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1535156 - -Test 145 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/control_atmwav -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/control_atmwav -Checking test 146 control_atmwav results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.180000.restart.glo_1deg .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 87.499926 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 536568 - -Test 146 control_atmwav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/atmaero_control_p8 -Checking test 147 atmaero_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 242.700854 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2818936 - -Test 147 atmaero_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/atmaero_control_p8_rad -Checking test 148 atmaero_control_p8_rad results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 278.418491 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2878328 - -Test 148 atmaero_control_p8_rad PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -Checking test 149 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 284.463402 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2885060 - -Test 149 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221128/INTEL/regional_atmaq -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_97579/regional_atmaq -Checking test 150 regional_atmaq results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 702.602129 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1046572 - -Test 150 regional_atmaq PASS - - -REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Tue Nov 29 00:35:18 UTC 2022 -Elapsed time: 01h:45m:46s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/RegressionTests_cheyenne.gnu.log b/tests/RegressionTests_cheyenne.gnu.log deleted file mode 100644 index 83bebe05b0..0000000000 --- a/tests/RegressionTests_cheyenne.gnu.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1823 +0,0 @@ -Wed Nov 30 16:12:20 MST 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 390 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 002 elapsed time 406 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 003 elapsed time 833 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 004 elapsed time 202 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 005 elapsed time 379 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 006 elapsed time 1066 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 007 elapsed time 845 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 008 elapsed time 835 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 009 elapsed time 619 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 010 elapsed time 580 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 011 elapsed time 363 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 012 elapsed time 306 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control -Checking test 001 control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 275.977883 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 435260 - -Test 001 control PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control_restart -Checking test 002 control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 138.677628 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 185328 - -Test 002 control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_c48 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control_c48 -Checking test 003 control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 816.034326 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 676600 - -Test 003 control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_stochy -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control_stochy -Checking test 004 control_stochy results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 177.032024 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 429936 - -Test 004 control_stochy PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_ras -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control_ras -Checking test 005 control_ras results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 295.589413 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 448112 - -Test 005 control_ras PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control_p8 -Checking test 006 control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 307.247120 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1222304 - -Test 006 control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_control -Checking test 007 rap_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 711.876043 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 776088 - -Test 007 rap_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_decomp -Checking test 008 rap_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 721.646351 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 775548 - -Test 008 rap_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_2threads -Checking test 009 rap_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 643.792587 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 843316 - -Test 009 rap_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_restart -Checking test 010 rap_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 351.862158 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 523716 - -Test 010 rap_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_sfcdiff -Checking test 011 rap_sfcdiff results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 702.344509 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 776024 - -Test 011 rap_sfcdiff PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_sfcdiff_decomp -Checking test 012 rap_sfcdiff_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 716.406287 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 775596 - -Test 012 rap_sfcdiff_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_sfcdiff_restart -Checking test 013 rap_sfcdiff_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 526.323414 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 523280 - -Test 013 rap_sfcdiff_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/hrrr_control -Checking test 014 hrrr_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 679.705476 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 773504 - -Test 014 hrrr_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/hrrr_control_2threads -Checking test 015 hrrr_control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 617.078867 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 838004 - -Test 015 hrrr_control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/hrrr_control_decomp -Checking test 016 hrrr_control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 676.530750 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 773084 - -Test 016 hrrr_control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/hrrr_control_restart -Checking test 017 hrrr_control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 511.241083 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 519476 - -Test 017 hrrr_control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_v1beta -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rrfs_v1beta -Checking test 018 rrfs_v1beta results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 691.691563 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 773264 - -Test 018 rrfs_v1beta PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 019 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 203.653179 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 593812 - -Test 019 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 020 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 222.591949 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 607812 - -Test 020 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -Checking test 021 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 204.297544 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 596336 - -Test 021 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads -Checking test 022 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 128.024146 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 599840 - -Test 022 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control_debug -Checking test 023 control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 82.326203 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 426508 - -Test 023 control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_diag_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control_diag_debug -Checking test 024 control_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 88.731808 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 483648 - -Test 024 control_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/regional_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/regional_debug -Checking test 025 regional_debug results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 480.658040 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 559144 - -Test 025 regional_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_control_debug -Checking test 026 rap_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 150.705493 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 798688 - -Test 026 rap_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/hrrr_control_debug -Checking test 027 hrrr_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 145.743790 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 793276 - -Test 027 hrrr_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_diag_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_diag_debug -Checking test 028 rap_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 160.702411 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 882140 - -Test 028 rap_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 029 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 239.048828 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 797156 - -Test 029 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -Checking test 030 rap_progcld_thompson_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 149.136848 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 798592 - -Test 030 rap_progcld_thompson_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_v1beta_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rrfs_v1beta_debug -Checking test 031 rrfs_v1beta_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 148.976567 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 793092 - -Test 031 rrfs_v1beta_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_ras_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control_ras_debug -Checking test 032 control_ras_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 85.325348 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 436420 - -Test 032 control_ras_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_stochy_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control_stochy_debug -Checking test 033 control_stochy_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 92.708555 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 430276 - -Test 033 control_stochy_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_debug_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control_debug_p8 -Checking test 034 control_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 96.441865 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1213748 - -Test 034 control_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debugs -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug -Checking test 035 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 387.802634 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 602264 - -Test 035 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -Checking test 036 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 387.817614 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 604888 - -Test 036 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_wam_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/control_wam_debug -Checking test 037 control_wam_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf019.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf019.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 145.336413 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 172580 - -Test 037 control_wam_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 038 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 678.025760 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 662008 - -Test 038 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 039 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 346.437776 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 660156 - -Test 039 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 040 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 617.846229 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 697764 - -Test 040 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 041 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 308.795016 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 699520 - -Test 041 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 042 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 344.164805 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 659012 - -Test 042 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 043 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 510.477672 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 499604 - -Test 043 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 044 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 174.656302 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 497400 - -Test 044 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -Checking test 045 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 407.067584 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 681092 - -Test 045 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 046 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 148.836237 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 679272 - -Test 046 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 047 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 144.185856 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 676152 - -Test 047 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_debug_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug -Checking test 048 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 153.040799 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 698888 - -Test 048 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/cpld_control_p8 -Checking test 049 cpld_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 496.234232 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3141988 - -Test 049 cpld_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 -Checking test 050 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 242.820973 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1223796 - -Test 050 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/cpld_debug_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/cpld_debug_p8 -Checking test 051 cpld_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210322_0900z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 278.874335 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3159392 - -Test 051 cpld_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-gnu/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47133/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -Checking test 052 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 173.691470 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 684712 - -Test 052 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr PASS - - -REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Wed Nov 30 16:47:41 MST 2022 -Elapsed time: 00h:35m:21s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/RegressionTests_cheyenne.intel.log b/tests/RegressionTests_cheyenne.intel.log deleted file mode 100644 index c1482f38b8..0000000000 --- a/tests/RegressionTests_cheyenne.intel.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4768 +0,0 @@ -Wed Nov 30 16:10:00 MST 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 1266 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 002 elapsed time 1113 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 003 elapsed time 428 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 004 elapsed time 398 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 005 elapsed time 826 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 006 elapsed time 844 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 007 elapsed time 740 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 008 elapsed time 781 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_RRTMGP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 009 elapsed time 691 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ugwpv1,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v16_noahmp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 010 elapsed time 573 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 011 elapsed time 1328 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 012 elapsed time 240 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 013 elapsed time 566 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 014 elapsed time 570 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 015 elapsed time 245 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 016 elapsed time 249 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 017 elapsed time 937 seconds. -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 018 elapsed time 884 seconds. -DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 019 elapsed time 450 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 020 elapsed time 209 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 021 elapsed time 110 seconds. -DAPP=LND -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 022 elapsed time 720 seconds. -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 023 elapsed time 802 seconds. -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 024 elapsed time 661 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 025 elapsed time 640 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 026 elapsed time 279 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_control_p8 -Checking test 001 cpld_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 324.574969 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2719088 - -Test 001 cpld_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_restart_p8 -Checking test 002 cpld_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 189.823270 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2580832 - -Test 002 cpld_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_2threads_p8 -Checking test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 256.129666 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3165292 - -Test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_esmfthreads_p8 -Checking test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 264.480018 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2886432 - -Test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_decomp_p8 -Checking test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 324.706731 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2723780 - -Test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_mpi_p8 -Checking test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 282.364073 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2687340 - -Test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -Checking test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 324.995936 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2718388 - -Test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c192_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_control_c192_p8 -Checking test 008 cpld_control_c192_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_1200z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 631.306876 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3024840 - -Test 008 cpld_control_c192_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c192_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_restart_c192_p8 -Checking test 009 cpld_restart_c192_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_1200z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 376.688149 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2953476 - -Test 009 cpld_restart_c192_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -Checking test 010 cpld_control_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 274.113952 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1440532 - -Test 010 cpld_control_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 -Checking test 011 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 198.258044 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1454432 - -Test 011 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_debug_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_debug_p8 -Checking test 012 cpld_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210322_0900z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 476.923865 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2790720 - -Test 012 cpld_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 -Checking test 013 cpld_debug_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 347.105786 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1464856 - -Test 013 cpld_debug_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -Checking test 014 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 265.197249 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1458540 - -Test 014 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c48 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_control_c48 -Checking test 015 cpld_control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 604.707999 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2583176 - -Test 015 cpld_control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_warmstart_c48 -Checking test 016 cpld_warmstart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 164.294692 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2599688 - -Test 016 cpld_warmstart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/cpld_restart_c48 -Checking test 017 cpld_restart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 85.088273 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2017140 - -Test 017 cpld_restart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control -Checking test 018 control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 147.531372 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 456772 - -Test 018 control PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_decomp -Checking test 019 control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 154.825536 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 454424 - -Test 019 control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 020 control_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 146.840566 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 457308 - -Test 020 control_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_2threads -Checking test 021 control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 139.348501 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 501648 - -Test 021 control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_restart -Checking test 022 control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 77.586593 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 196996 - -Test 022 control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_fhzero -Checking test 023 control_fhzero results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 138.346336 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 456416 - -Test 023 control_fhzero PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_CubedSphereGrid -Checking test 024 control_CubedSphereGrid results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 142.203690 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 456680 - -Test 024 control_CubedSphereGrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel -Checking test 025 control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 139.531988 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 456652 - -Test 025 control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_latlon -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_latlon -Checking test 026 control_latlon results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 148.066533 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 456592 - -Test 026 control_latlon PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 027 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 148.912134 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 456580 - -Test 027 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c48 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_c48 -Checking test 028 control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 444.115061 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 628096 - -Test 028 control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c192 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_c192 -Checking test 029 control_c192 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 591.075828 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 560248 - -Test 029 control_c192 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_c384 -Checking test 030 control_c384 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 586.201364 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 835508 - -Test 030 control_c384 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384gdas -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_c384gdas -Checking test 031 control_c384gdas results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 512.809095 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 971988 - -Test 031 control_c384gdas PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384_progsigma -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_c384_progsigma -Checking test 032 control_c384_progsigma results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 605.548514 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 854552 - -Test 032 control_c384_progsigma PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_stochy -Checking test 033 control_stochy results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 97.641301 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 459848 - -Test 033 control_stochy PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_stochy_restart -Checking test 034 control_stochy_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 52.385421 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 225664 - -Test 034 control_stochy_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_lndp -Checking test 035 control_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 89.861309 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 458304 - -Test 035 control_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr4 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_iovr4 -Checking test 036 control_iovr4 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 148.267624 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 456436 - -Test 036 control_iovr4 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr5 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_iovr5 -Checking test 037 control_iovr5 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 144.194575 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 456752 - -Test 037 control_iovr5 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_p8 -Checking test 038 control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 180.708857 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1426372 - -Test 038 control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_lndp -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_p8_lndp -Checking test 039 control_p8_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf048.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf048.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF48 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF48 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 336.319153 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1426788 - -Test 039 control_p8_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_restart_p8 -Checking test 040 control_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 92.259641 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 583060 - -Test 040 control_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_decomp_p8 -Checking test 041 control_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 189.227734 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1420608 - -Test 041 control_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_2threads_p8 -Checking test 042 control_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 169.563398 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1496904 - -Test 042 control_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_rrtmgp -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_p8_rrtmgp -Checking test 043 control_p8_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 238.173157 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1542196 - -Test 043 control_p8_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/merra2_thompson -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/merra2_thompson -Checking test 044 merra2_thompson results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 208.290927 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1431668 - -Test 044 merra2_thompson PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_control -Checking test 045 regional_control results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 347.118755 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 606632 - -Test 045 regional_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_restart -Checking test 046 regional_restart results .... - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 175.202062 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 594144 - -Test 046 regional_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_decomp -Checking test 047 regional_decomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 348.675856 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 599116 - -Test 047 regional_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_2threads -Checking test 048 regional_2threads results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 198.254219 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 592632 - -Test 048 regional_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_noquilt -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_noquilt -Checking test 049 regional_noquilt results .... - Comparing atmos_4xdaily.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history2d.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 368.147465 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 601560 - -Test 049 regional_noquilt PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 050 regional_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 337.568075 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 593500 - -Test 050 regional_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 051 regional_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 338.463837 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 606624 - -Test 051 regional_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/fv3_regional_wofs -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_wofs -Checking test 052 regional_wofs results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 423.721092 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 274536 - -Test 052 regional_wofs PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_control -Checking test 053 rap_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 460.483488 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 828224 - -Test 053 rap_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_rrtmgp -Checking test 054 rap_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 516.628326 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 951644 - -Test 054 rap_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -Checking test 055 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 258.197026 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 932372 - -Test 055 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_decomp -Checking test 056 rap_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 484.937795 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 827212 - -Test 056 rap_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_2threads -Checking test 057 rap_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 436.530661 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 883008 - -Test 057 rap_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_restart -Checking test 058 rap_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 232.995744 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 572592 - -Test 058 rap_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_sfcdiff -Checking test 059 rap_sfcdiff results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 451.802167 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 825164 - -Test 059 rap_sfcdiff PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_sfcdiff_decomp -Checking test 060 rap_sfcdiff_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 480.634681 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 827132 - -Test 060 rap_sfcdiff_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_sfcdiff_restart -Checking test 061 rap_sfcdiff_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 341.848582 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 572404 - -Test 061 rap_sfcdiff_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hrrr_control -Checking test 062 hrrr_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 439.909929 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 821716 - -Test 062 hrrr_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hrrr_control_decomp -Checking test 063 hrrr_control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 458.756937 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 822144 - -Test 063 hrrr_control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hrrr_control_2threads -Checking test 064 hrrr_control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 409.648073 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 878072 - -Test 064 hrrr_control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hrrr_control_restart -Checking test 065 hrrr_control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 328.332893 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 567628 - -Test 065 hrrr_control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rrfs_v1beta -Checking test 066 rrfs_v1beta results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 452.823970 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 820536 - -Test 066 rrfs_v1beta PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rrfs_v1nssl -Checking test 067 rrfs_v1nssl results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 561.180365 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 509160 - -Test 067 rrfs_v1nssl PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -Checking test 068 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 539.231679 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 505156 - -Test 068 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 069 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 127.242947 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 641400 - -Test 069 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 070 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 143.535052 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 656572 - -Test 070 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -Checking test 071 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 130.003502 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 644132 - -Test 071 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads -Checking test 072 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 80.058337 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 642388 - -Test 072 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads -Checking test 073 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 79.963533 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 645336 - -Test 073 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmg -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_csawmg -Checking test 074 control_csawmg results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 381.143883 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 532212 - -Test 074 control_csawmg PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_csawmgt -Checking test 075 control_csawmgt results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 391.913371 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 531352 - -Test 075 control_csawmgt PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_ras -Checking test 076 control_ras results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 204.048795 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 490196 - -Test 076 control_ras PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_wam -Checking test 077 control_wam results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 128.399462 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 207720 - -Test 077 control_wam PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debugs -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug -Checking test 078 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 762.264309 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 671572 - -Test 078 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -Checking test 079 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 763.844578 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 673992 - -Test 079 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_debug -Checking test 080 control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 160.501183 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 625920 - -Test 080 control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_2threads_debug -Checking test 081 control_2threads_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 151.390656 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 671928 - -Test 081 control_2threads_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -Checking test 082 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 175.837957 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 626180 - -Test 082 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -Checking test 083 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 164.581947 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 625912 - -Test 083 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_stochy_debug -Checking test 084 control_stochy_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 183.073945 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 630092 - -Test 084 control_stochy_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_lndp_debug -Checking test 085 control_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 169.326314 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 629212 - -Test 085 control_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmg_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_csawmg_debug -Checking test 086 control_csawmg_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 259.877925 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 672840 - -Test 086 control_csawmg_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_csawmgt_debug -Checking test 087 control_csawmgt_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 257.278041 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 672984 - -Test 087 control_csawmgt_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_ras_debug -Checking test 088 control_ras_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 172.987810 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 635672 - -Test 088 control_ras_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_diag_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_diag_debug -Checking test 089 control_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 169.739110 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 683448 - -Test 089 control_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_debug_p8 -Checking test 090 control_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 182.645665 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1448944 - -Test 090 control_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_debug -Checking test 091 regional_debug results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 1042.131479 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 626096 - -Test 091 regional_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_control_debug -Checking test 092 rap_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 294.129593 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 991440 - -Test 092 rap_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hrrr_control_debug -Checking test 093 hrrr_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 289.229649 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 988676 - -Test 093 hrrr_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_unified_drag_suite_debug -Checking test 094 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 295.647168 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 991396 - -Test 094 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_diag_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_diag_debug -Checking test 095 rap_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 311.024829 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1075832 - -Test 095 rap_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 096 rap_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 298.233597 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 992756 - -Test 096 rap_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_unified_ugwp_debug -Checking test 097 rap_unified_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 299.097689 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 991408 - -Test 097 rap_unified_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_lndp_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_lndp_debug -Checking test 098 rap_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 294.940351 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 992096 - -Test 098 rap_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_flake_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_flake_debug -Checking test 099 rap_flake_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 291.593097 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 990688 - -Test 099 rap_flake_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -Checking test 100 rap_progcld_thompson_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 295.236941 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 991672 - -Test 100 rap_progcld_thompson_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_noah_debug -Checking test 101 rap_noah_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 286.558454 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 991460 - -Test 101 rap_noah_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_rrtmgp_debug -Checking test 102 rap_rrtmgp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 490.682616 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1121024 - -Test 102 rap_rrtmgp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_sfcdiff_debug -Checking test 103 rap_sfcdiff_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 294.292105 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 991164 - -Test 103 rap_sfcdiff_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 104 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 476.960694 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 991180 - -Test 104 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rrfs_v1beta_debug -Checking test 105 rrfs_v1beta_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 291.028003 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 987252 - -Test 105 rrfs_v1beta_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_wam_debug -Checking test 106 control_wam_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf019.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf019.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 298.122407 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 241740 - -Test 106 control_wam_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 107 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 238.873582 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 831836 - -Test 107 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 108 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 370.780470 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 709340 - -Test 108 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 109 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 197.005699 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 708084 - -Test 109 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 110 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 352.420144 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 752196 - -Test 110 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 111 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 183.050855 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 745144 - -Test 111 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 112 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 206.382121 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 706948 - -Test 112 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 113 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 280.567391 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 543724 - -Test 113 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 114 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 101.542384 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 541456 - -Test 114 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -Checking test 115 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 259.589971 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 728576 - -Test 115 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 116 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 289.292146 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 877060 - -Test 116 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 117 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 282.507193 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 875856 - -Test 117 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug -Checking test 118 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 293.261457 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 897340 - -Test 118 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_atm -Checking test 119 hafs_regional_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 269.357122 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 692460 - -Test 119 hafs_regional_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -Checking test 120 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 298.581163 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1054124 - -Test 120 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -Checking test 121 hafs_regional_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 430.587108 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 722100 - -Test 121 hafs_regional_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_wav -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_atm_wav -Checking test 122 hafs_regional_atm_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 1070.225264 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 752140 - -Test 122 hafs_regional_atm_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 123 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 1099.426262 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 767864 - -Test 123 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -Checking test 124 hafs_regional_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 413.798879 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 278548 - -Test 124 hafs_regional_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -Checking test 125 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 456.989248 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 292656 - -Test 125 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_1nest_atm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_global_1nest_atm -Checking test 126 hafs_global_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 184.965814 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 187976 - -Test 126 hafs_global_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -Checking test 127 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest03 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest04 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest05 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 560.525265 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 265744 - -Test 127 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -Checking test 128 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 243.730063 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 290548 - -Test 128 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 129 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 234.037015 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 290776 - -Test 129 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -Checking test 130 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 266.838617 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 320300 - -Test 130 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 131 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 723.765471 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 386308 - -Test 131 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 132 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 68.533634 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 206132 - -Test 132 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_docn -Checking test 133 hafs_regional_docn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 424.032851 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 738196 - -Test 133 hafs_regional_docn PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -Checking test 134 hafs_regional_docn_oisst results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 417.928506 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 717444 - -Test 134 hafs_regional_docn_oisst PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -Checking test 135 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps results .... - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.datm.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 1282.902149 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 891516 - -Test 135 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -Checking test 136 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 167.569850 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 720216 - -Test 136 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr -Checking test 137 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 101.631689 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 720188 - -Test 137 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -Checking test 138 datm_cdeps_control_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 161.654815 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 610868 - -Test 138 datm_cdeps_control_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -Checking test 139 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 164.745563 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 610836 - -Test 139 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -Checking test 140 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 167.312642 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 610848 - -Test 140 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -Checking test 141 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 215.892698 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 720180 - -Test 141 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -Checking test 142 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 169.885325 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 720180 - -Test 142 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -Checking test 143 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 160.109628 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 610880 - -Test 143 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -Checking test 144 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 813.233999 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 517672 - -Test 144 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -Checking test 145 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 892.428377 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 497704 - -Test 145 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr -Checking test 146 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 167.329792 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 720240 - -Test 146 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -Checking test 147 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR3072x1536.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 257.885947 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1945556 - -Test 147 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_gfs -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_gfs -Checking test 148 datm_cdeps_gfs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GFS.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 268.811909 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1943828 - -Test 148 datm_cdeps_gfs PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr -Checking test 149 datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-21600.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 457.978747 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 721416 - -Test 149 datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -Checking test 150 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 11.250082 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 214996 - -Test 150 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst -Checking test 151 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 15.927853 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 213116 - -Test 151 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -Checking test 152 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-22-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 236.539094 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1465400 - -Test 152 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_atmwav -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/control_atmwav -Checking test 153 control_atmwav results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.180000.restart.glo_1deg .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 99.437214 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 476984 - -Test 153 control_atmwav PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8 -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/atmaero_control_p8 -Checking test 154 atmaero_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 250.079893 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2706256 - -Test 154 atmaero_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/atmaero_control_p8_rad -Checking test 155 atmaero_control_p8_rad results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 303.712961 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2760400 - -Test 155 atmaero_control_p8_rad PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -Checking test 156 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 308.242704 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2766732 - -Test 156 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_atmaq -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_atmaq -Checking test 157 regional_atmaq results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 1142.959003 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 813532 - -Test 157 regional_atmaq PASS - - -baseline dir = /glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_atmaq_debug -working dir = /glade/scratch/jongkim/rt-1505-intel/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_13354/regional_atmaq_debug -Checking test 158 regional_atmaq_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - -0:The total amount of wall time = 1695.436884 -0:The maximum resident set size (KB) = 965816 - -Test 158 regional_atmaq_debug PASS Tries: 2 - - -REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Wed Nov 30 18:06:52 MST 2022 -Elapsed time: 01h:56m:53s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/RegressionTests_gaea.intel.log b/tests/RegressionTests_gaea.intel.log deleted file mode 100644 index c985f415f9..0000000000 --- a/tests/RegressionTests_gaea.intel.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4860 +0,0 @@ -Wed Nov 30 18:36:30 EST 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 689 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 002 elapsed time 676 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 003 elapsed time 280 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 004 elapsed time 272 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 005 elapsed time 572 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 006 elapsed time 595 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 007 elapsed time 480 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 008 elapsed time 498 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_RRTMGP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 009 elapsed time 480 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ugwpv1,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v16_noahmp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 010 elapsed time 500 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 011 elapsed time 722 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 012 elapsed time 184 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 013 elapsed time 411 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 014 elapsed time 402 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 015 elapsed time 225 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 016 elapsed time 223 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 017 elapsed time 612 seconds. -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 018 elapsed time 602 seconds. -DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 019 elapsed time 258 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 020 elapsed time 156 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 021 elapsed time 89 seconds. -DAPP=LND -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 022 elapsed time 480 seconds. -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 023 elapsed time 575 seconds. -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 024 elapsed time 445 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 025 elapsed time 433 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 026 elapsed time 188 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_control_p8 -Checking test 001 cpld_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 398.900749 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1586020 - -Test 001 cpld_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_restart_p8 -Checking test 002 cpld_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 255.196889 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1035452 - -Test 002 cpld_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_2threads_p8 -Checking test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 496.593984 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1782036 - -Test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_esmfthreads_p8 -Checking test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 415.266890 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1776416 - -Test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_decomp_p8 -Checking test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 396.741315 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1580076 - -Test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_mpi_p8 -Checking test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 334.146197 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1545632 - -Test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -Checking test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 397.240957 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1587344 - -Test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c192_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_control_c192_p8 -Checking test 008 cpld_control_c192_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_1200z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 799.798174 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1764824 - -Test 008 cpld_control_c192_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c192_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_restart_c192_p8 -Checking test 009 cpld_restart_c192_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_1200z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 495.803426 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1933528 - -Test 009 cpld_restart_c192_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_bmark_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_bmark_p8 -Checking test 010 cpld_bmark_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 833.140815 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2535464 - -Test 010 cpld_bmark_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_bmark_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_restart_bmark_p8 -Checking test 011 cpld_restart_bmark_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 470.831964 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2332404 - -Test 011 cpld_restart_bmark_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -Checking test 012 cpld_control_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 273.875500 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1465692 - -Test 012 cpld_control_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 -Checking test 013 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 309.388056 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1485280 - -Test 013 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_debug_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_debug_p8 -Checking test 014 cpld_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210322_0900z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 599.378387 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1627260 - -Test 014 cpld_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 -Checking test 015 cpld_debug_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 408.502357 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1465368 - -Test 015 cpld_debug_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -Checking test 016 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 319.724019 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1487424 - -Test 016 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c48 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_control_c48 -Checking test 017 cpld_control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 619.300071 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2555976 - -Test 017 cpld_control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_warmstart_c48 -Checking test 018 cpld_warmstart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 174.622774 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2582368 - -Test 018 cpld_warmstart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/cpld_restart_c48 -Checking test 019 cpld_restart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 81.845425 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1991052 - -Test 019 cpld_restart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control -Checking test 020 control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 142.182167 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 436252 - -Test 020 control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_decomp -Checking test 021 control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 153.688409 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 436020 - -Test 021 control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 022 control_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 141.799545 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 436544 - -Test 022 control_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_2threads -Checking test 023 control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 185.701539 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 490972 - -Test 023 control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_restart -Checking test 024 control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 75.347181 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 174420 - -Test 024 control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_fhzero -Checking test 025 control_fhzero results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 135.542191 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 436264 - -Test 025 control_fhzero PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_CubedSphereGrid -Checking test 026 control_CubedSphereGrid results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 138.167276 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 436764 - -Test 026 control_CubedSphereGrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel -Checking test 027 control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 145.828615 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 436756 - -Test 027 control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_latlon -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_latlon -Checking test 028 control_latlon results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 140.846527 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 436336 - -Test 028 control_latlon PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 029 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 155.997211 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 436336 - -Test 029 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c48 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_c48 -Checking test 030 control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0: The total amount of wall time = 371.092855 -0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 631404 - -Test 030 control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c192 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_c192 -Checking test 031 control_c192 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 586.690809 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 540868 - -Test 031 control_c192 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_c384 -Checking test 032 control_c384 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 816.045859 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 811376 - -Test 032 control_c384 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384gdas -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_c384gdas -Checking test 033 control_c384gdas results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 740.112271 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 933876 - -Test 033 control_c384gdas PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384_progsigma -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_c384_progsigma -Checking test 034 control_c384_progsigma results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 830.072178 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 830304 - -Test 034 control_c384_progsigma PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_stochy -Checking test 035 control_stochy results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 94.372863 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 440872 - -Test 035 control_stochy PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_stochy_restart -Checking test 036 control_stochy_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 50.300225 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 186140 - -Test 036 control_stochy_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_lndp -Checking test 037 control_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 87.174039 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 441164 - -Test 037 control_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr4 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_iovr4 -Checking test 038 control_iovr4 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 145.433461 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 436368 - -Test 038 control_iovr4 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr5 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_iovr5 -Checking test 039 control_iovr5 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 163.980045 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 436256 - -Test 039 control_iovr5 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_p8 -Checking test 040 control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 212.862829 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1379728 - -Test 040 control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_lndp -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_p8_lndp -Checking test 041 control_p8_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf048.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf048.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF48 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF48 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 333.910872 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1404560 - -Test 041 control_p8_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_restart_p8 -Checking test 042 control_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 108.752390 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 550084 - -Test 042 control_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_decomp_p8 -Checking test 043 control_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 210.938075 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1373204 - -Test 043 control_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_2threads_p8 -Checking test 044 control_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 228.708907 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1458536 - -Test 044 control_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_rrtmgp -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_p8_rrtmgp -Checking test 045 control_p8_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 240.757547 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1519220 - -Test 045 control_p8_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/merra2_thompson -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/merra2_thompson -Checking test 046 merra2_thompson results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 207.193094 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1408640 - -Test 046 merra2_thompson PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_control -Checking test 047 regional_control results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 328.630603 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 575256 - -Test 047 regional_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_restart -Checking test 048 regional_restart results .... - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 167.216718 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 574940 - -Test 048 regional_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_decomp -Checking test 049 regional_decomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 348.120243 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 577912 - -Test 049 regional_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_2threads -Checking test 050 regional_2threads results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 288.053623 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 571784 - -Test 050 regional_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_noquilt -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_noquilt -Checking test 051 regional_noquilt results .... - Comparing atmos_4xdaily.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history2d.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 366.045947 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 585432 - -Test 051 regional_noquilt PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 052 regional_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 326.131589 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 570000 - -Test 052 regional_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 053 regional_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 328.294270 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 575376 - -Test 053 regional_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/fv3_regional_wofs -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_wofs -Checking test 054 regional_wofs results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 417.042753 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 258356 - -Test 054 regional_wofs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_control -Checking test 055 rap_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 463.531664 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 806688 - -Test 055 rap_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_rrtmgp -Checking test 056 rap_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 519.098781 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 924316 - -Test 056 rap_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -Checking test 057 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 368.483088 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 889952 - -Test 057 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_decomp -Checking test 058 rap_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 480.845047 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 806392 - -Test 058 rap_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_2threads -Checking test 059 rap_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 585.616391 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 872152 - -Test 059 rap_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_restart -Checking test 060 rap_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 230.422163 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 550036 - -Test 060 rap_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_sfcdiff -Checking test 061 rap_sfcdiff results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 469.689986 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 806316 - -Test 061 rap_sfcdiff PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_sfcdiff_decomp -Checking test 062 rap_sfcdiff_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 491.992095 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 806320 - -Test 062 rap_sfcdiff_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_sfcdiff_restart -Checking test 063 rap_sfcdiff_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 339.194674 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 549740 - -Test 063 rap_sfcdiff_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hrrr_control -Checking test 064 hrrr_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 437.558954 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 805004 - -Test 064 hrrr_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hrrr_control_decomp -Checking test 065 hrrr_control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 458.659145 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 805328 - -Test 065 hrrr_control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hrrr_control_2threads -Checking test 066 hrrr_control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 557.381623 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 860524 - -Test 066 hrrr_control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hrrr_control_restart -Checking test 067 hrrr_control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 326.276420 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 546636 - -Test 067 hrrr_control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rrfs_v1beta -Checking test 068 rrfs_v1beta results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 451.748124 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 802044 - -Test 068 rrfs_v1beta PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rrfs_v1nssl -Checking test 069 rrfs_v1nssl results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 553.276994 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 492992 - -Test 069 rrfs_v1nssl PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -Checking test 070 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 539.690798 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 483996 - -Test 070 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 071 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 145.792795 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 617636 - -Test 071 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 072 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 161.980441 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 628644 - -Test 072 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -Checking test 073 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 149.773631 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 621176 - -Test 073 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads -Checking test 074 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 124.046846 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 622044 - -Test 074 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads -Checking test 075 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 125.725197 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 624908 - -Test 075 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_csawmgt -Checking test 076 control_csawmgt results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 396.370665 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 505928 - -Test 076 control_csawmgt PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_ras -Checking test 077 control_ras results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 203.044865 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 471452 - -Test 077 control_ras PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_wam -Checking test 078 control_wam results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 125.133330 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 186064 - -Test 078 control_wam PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debugs -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug -Checking test 079 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 772.361391 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 648776 - -Test 079 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -Checking test 080 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 792.607743 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 649288 - -Test 080 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_debug -Checking test 081 control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 154.903630 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 601900 - -Test 081 control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_2threads_debug -Checking test 082 control_2threads_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 267.065526 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 654924 - -Test 082 control_2threads_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -Checking test 083 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 163.767054 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 602020 - -Test 083 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -Checking test 084 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 162.587724 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 601796 - -Test 084 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_stochy_debug -Checking test 085 control_stochy_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 175.133049 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 608052 - -Test 085 control_stochy_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_lndp_debug -Checking test 086 control_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 157.719479 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 609132 - -Test 086 control_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmg_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_csawmg_debug -Checking test 087 control_csawmg_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 248.974253 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 644452 - -Test 087 control_csawmg_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_csawmgt_debug -Checking test 088 control_csawmgt_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 245.446110 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 644092 - -Test 088 control_csawmgt_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_ras_debug -Checking test 089 control_ras_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 158.569607 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 615784 - -Test 089 control_ras_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_diag_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_diag_debug -Checking test 090 control_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 161.321495 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 659320 - -Test 090 control_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_debug_p8 -Checking test 091 control_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 175.977182 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1380936 - -Test 091 control_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_debug -Checking test 092 regional_debug results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1037.551744 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 600928 - -Test 092 regional_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_control_debug -Checking test 093 rap_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 283.819833 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 970236 - -Test 093 rap_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hrrr_control_debug -Checking test 094 hrrr_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 278.801279 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 967988 - -Test 094 hrrr_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_unified_drag_suite_debug -Checking test 095 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 285.084924 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 971140 - -Test 095 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_diag_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_diag_debug -Checking test 096 rap_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 300.618686 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1054656 - -Test 096 rap_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 097 rap_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 292.085017 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 969744 - -Test 097 rap_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_unified_ugwp_debug -Checking test 098 rap_unified_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 290.835639 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 971168 - -Test 098 rap_unified_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_lndp_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_lndp_debug -Checking test 099 rap_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 287.590808 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 971724 - -Test 099 rap_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_flake_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_flake_debug -Checking test 100 rap_flake_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 287.897220 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 971364 - -Test 100 rap_flake_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -Checking test 101 rap_progcld_thompson_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 287.682958 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 970736 - -Test 101 rap_progcld_thompson_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_noah_debug -Checking test 102 rap_noah_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 279.855305 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 970244 - -Test 102 rap_noah_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_rrtmgp_debug -Checking test 103 rap_rrtmgp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 483.145913 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1092368 - -Test 103 rap_rrtmgp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_sfcdiff_debug -Checking test 104 rap_sfcdiff_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 285.883034 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 971232 - -Test 104 rap_sfcdiff_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 105 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 468.821046 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 969740 - -Test 105 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rrfs_v1beta_debug -Checking test 106 rrfs_v1beta_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 280.622563 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 967312 - -Test 106 rrfs_v1beta_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_wam_debug -Checking test 107 control_wam_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf019.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf019.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 294.742657 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 218224 - -Test 107 control_wam_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 108 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 325.594189 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 790484 - -Test 108 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 109 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 373.638266 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 689504 - -Test 109 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 110 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 192.398444 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 687684 - -Test 110 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 111 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 492.800439 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 739660 - -Test 111 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 112 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 248.375273 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 732356 - -Test 112 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 113 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 202.120712 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 687296 - -Test 113 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 114 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 283.412615 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 521960 - -Test 114 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 115 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 110.785705 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 518800 - -Test 115 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -Checking test 116 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 249.939944 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 707452 - -Test 116 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 117 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 281.588859 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 855220 - -Test 117 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 118 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 276.630833 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 853460 - -Test 118 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug -Checking test 119 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 286.703214 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 871732 - -Test 119 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_atm -Checking test 120 hafs_regional_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 359.384946 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 669496 - -Test 120 hafs_regional_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -Checking test 121 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 407.935143 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1019212 - -Test 121 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -Checking test 122 hafs_regional_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 441.985117 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 692288 - -Test 122 hafs_regional_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_wav -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_atm_wav -Checking test 123 hafs_regional_atm_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 887.703492 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 727320 - -Test 123 hafs_regional_atm_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 124 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1000.103376 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 736864 - -Test 124 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -Checking test 125 hafs_regional_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 570.798808 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 261680 - -Test 125 hafs_regional_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -Checking test 126 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 632.191872 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 265720 - -Test 126 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_1nest_atm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_global_1nest_atm -Checking test 127 hafs_global_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 254.826980 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 165500 - -Test 127 hafs_global_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -Checking test 128 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest03 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest04 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest05 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 732.187041 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 235276 - -Test 128 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -Checking test 129 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 338.771164 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 272600 - -Test 129 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 130 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 322.755390 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 272552 - -Test 130 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -Checking test 131 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 337.755142 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 297852 - -Test 131 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 132 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 868.178916 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 360724 - -Test 132 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 133 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 101.577149 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 183448 - -Test 133 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_docn -Checking test 134 hafs_regional_docn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 424.010422 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 700196 - -Test 134 hafs_regional_docn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -Checking test 135 hafs_regional_docn_oisst results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 424.111119 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 686364 - -Test 135 hafs_regional_docn_oisst PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -Checking test 136 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps results .... - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.datm.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1162.919365 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 809068 - -Test 136 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -Checking test 137 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 159.307137 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 721152 - -Test 137 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr -Checking test 138 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 103.273789 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 715948 - -Test 138 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -Checking test 139 datm_cdeps_control_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 154.534623 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 605304 - -Test 139 datm_cdeps_control_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -Checking test 140 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 154.166065 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 602144 - -Test 140 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -Checking test 141 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 154.390223 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 601432 - -Test 141 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -Checking test 142 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 165.058294 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 721000 - -Test 142 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -Checking test 143 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 159.162904 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 721112 - -Test 143 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -Checking test 144 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 156.304371 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 603336 - -Test 144 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -Checking test 145 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 463.466245 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 494716 - -Test 145 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -Checking test 146 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 439.980385 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 476244 - -Test 146 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr -Checking test 147 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 165.714260 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 721048 - -Test 147 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -Checking test 148 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR3072x1536.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 222.900735 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1963260 - -Test 148 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_gfs -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_gfs -Checking test 149 datm_cdeps_gfs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GFS.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 220.666433 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1963224 - -Test 149 datm_cdeps_gfs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr -Checking test 150 datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 374.849440 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 714920 - -Test 150 datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -Checking test 151 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 13.195403 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 150116 - -Test 151 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst -Checking test 152 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 16.998156 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 149936 - -Test 152 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -Checking test 153 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-22-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 236.635373 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1423764 - -Test 153 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_atmwav -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/control_atmwav -Checking test 154 control_atmwav results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.180000.restart.glo_1deg .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 93.075392 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 448664 - -Test 154 control_atmwav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8 -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/atmaero_control_p8 -Checking test 155 atmaero_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 244.020843 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1477468 - -Test 155 atmaero_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/atmaero_control_p8_rad -Checking test 156 atmaero_control_p8_rad results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 296.266739 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1481564 - -Test 156 atmaero_control_p8_rad PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -Checking test 157 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 299.464626 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1502512 - -Test 157 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_atmaq -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_atmaq -Checking test 158 regional_atmaq results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 707.145569 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 752208 - -Test 158 regional_atmaq PASS - - -baseline dir = /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_atmaq_debug -working dir = /lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_2728/regional_atmaq_debug -Checking test 159 regional_atmaq_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1375.999813 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 882152 - -Test 159 regional_atmaq_debug PASS - - -REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Wed Nov 30 22:03:20 EST 2022 -Elapsed time: 03h:26m:51s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/RegressionTests_hera.gnu.log b/tests/RegressionTests_hera.gnu.log deleted file mode 100644 index 4383a85736..0000000000 --- a/tests/RegressionTests_hera.gnu.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3597 +0,0 @@ -Fri Nov 18 01:39:50 UTC 2022 -Start Regression test - -Thu Nov 17 23:02:29 UTC 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 214 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 002 elapsed time 280 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 003 elapsed time 328 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 004 elapsed time 135 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 005 elapsed time 235 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 006 elapsed time 417 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 007 elapsed time 340 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 008 elapsed time 348 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 009 elapsed time 298 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 010 elapsed time 283 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 011 elapsed time 144 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 012 elapsed time 112 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control -Checking test 001 control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 835.186351 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 476788 - -Test 001 control PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control_restart -Checking test 002 control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 408.728644 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 184300 - -Test 002 control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control_c48 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control_c48 -Checking test 003 control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0: The total amount of wall time = 673.983741 -0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 704840 - -Test 003 control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control_stochy -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control_stochy -Checking test 004 control_stochy results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 647.478873 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 479212 - -Test 004 control_stochy PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control_ras -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control_ras -Checking test 005 control_ras results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 809.343852 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 486068 - -Test 005 control_ras PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control_p8 -Checking test 006 control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 901.160902 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1233496 - -Test 006 control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_control -Checking test 007 rap_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1444.899089 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 829448 - -Test 007 rap_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_decomp -Checking test 008 rap_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1412.775685 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 828708 - -Test 008 rap_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_2threads -Checking test 009 rap_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1439.604985 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 893472 - -Test 009 rap_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_restart -Checking test 010 rap_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 719.617982 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 540168 - -Test 010 rap_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_sfcdiff -Checking test 011 rap_sfcdiff results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1434.105083 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 831876 - -Test 011 rap_sfcdiff PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_sfcdiff_decomp -Checking test 012 rap_sfcdiff_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1413.794570 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 830724 - -Test 012 rap_sfcdiff_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_sfcdiff_restart -Checking test 013 rap_sfcdiff_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1093.294118 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 542700 - -Test 013 rap_sfcdiff_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/hrrr_control -Checking test 014 hrrr_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1427.164418 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 825412 - -Test 014 hrrr_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/hrrr_control_2threads -Checking test 015 hrrr_control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1434.728307 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 893432 - -Test 015 hrrr_control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/hrrr_control_decomp -Checking test 016 hrrr_control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1391.594471 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 824376 - -Test 016 hrrr_control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/hrrr_control_restart -Checking test 017 hrrr_control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1030.765524 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 535440 - -Test 017 hrrr_control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rrfs_v1beta -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rrfs_v1beta -Checking test 018 rrfs_v1beta results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1465.832542 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 822768 - -Test 018 rrfs_v1beta PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 019 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 743.099246 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 637556 - -Test 019 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 020 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 760.990253 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 649600 - -Test 020 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -Checking test 021 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 757.858270 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 640844 - -Test 021 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads -Checking test 022 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1024.108942 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 636260 - -Test 022 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control_debug -Checking test 023 control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 106.113377 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 475284 - -Test 023 control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control_diag_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control_diag_debug -Checking test 024 control_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 130.375326 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 531392 - -Test 024 control_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/regional_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/regional_debug -Checking test 025 regional_debug results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 638.273673 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 590012 - -Test 025 regional_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_control_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_control_debug -Checking test 026 rap_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 175.641248 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 847468 - -Test 026 rap_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/hrrr_control_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/hrrr_control_debug -Checking test 027 hrrr_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 169.137088 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 845496 - -Test 027 hrrr_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_diag_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_diag_debug -Checking test 028 rap_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 215.417892 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 927452 - -Test 028 rap_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 029 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 273.605007 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 847020 - -Test 029 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -Checking test 030 rap_progcld_thompson_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 183.061827 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 846980 - -Test 030 rap_progcld_thompson_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rrfs_v1beta_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rrfs_v1beta_debug -Checking test 031 rrfs_v1beta_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 173.090356 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 842152 - -Test 031 rrfs_v1beta_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control_ras_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control_ras_debug -Checking test 032 control_ras_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 103.424415 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 480632 - -Test 032 control_ras_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control_stochy_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control_stochy_debug -Checking test 033 control_stochy_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 122.266245 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 474844 - -Test 033 control_stochy_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control_debug_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control_debug_p8 -Checking test 034 control_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 119.652730 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1233424 - -Test 034 control_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debugs -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug -Checking test 035 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 524.300200 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 646020 - -Test 035 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -Checking test 036 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 583.505195 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 651080 - -Test 036 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/control_wam_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/control_wam_debug -Checking test 037 control_wam_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf019.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf019.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 183.714780 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 189604 - -Test 037 control_wam_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 038 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1484.721758 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 683732 - -Test 038 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 039 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 711.098690 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 687872 - -Test 039 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 040 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1457.848724 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 729624 - -Test 040 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 041 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 702.641754 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 726416 - -Test 041 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 042 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 716.670011 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 685660 - -Test 042 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 043 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1056.181472 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 512712 - -Test 043 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 044 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 359.118718 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 505828 - -Test 044 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -Checking test 045 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1056.741070 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 706888 - -Test 045 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 046 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 172.372135 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 695988 - -Test 046 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 047 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 168.116720 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 700240 - -Test 047 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/rap_control_debug_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug -Checking test 048 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 201.218124 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 718972 - -Test 048 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug PASS - -Test 049 cpld_control_p8 FAIL - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 -Checking test 050 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1197.829922 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1325164 - -Test 050 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/cpld_debug_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/cpld_debug_p8 -Checking test 051 cpld_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210322_0900z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 841.760831 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1446712 - -Test 051 cpld_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221116/GNU/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_1737/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -Checking test 052 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 175.201150 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 669548 - -Test 052 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr PASS - -FAILED TESTS: -Test cpld_control_p8 049 failed in run_test failed - -REGRESSION TEST FAILED -Fri Nov 18 01:12:45 UTC 2022 -Elapsed time: 02h:10m:17s. Have a nice day! -Wed Nov 30 23:48:17 UTC 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 194 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 002 elapsed time 202 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 003 elapsed time 312 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 004 elapsed time 105 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 005 elapsed time 188 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 006 elapsed time 382 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 007 elapsed time 321 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 008 elapsed time 319 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 009 elapsed time 264 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 010 elapsed time 231 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 011 elapsed time 168 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 012 elapsed time 116 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control -Checking test 001 control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 813.974547 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 473652 - -Test 001 control PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control_restart -Checking test 002 control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 406.724054 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 185668 - -Test 002 control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_c48 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control_c48 -Checking test 003 control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0: The total amount of wall time = 670.525429 -0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 701548 - -Test 003 control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_stochy -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control_stochy -Checking test 004 control_stochy results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 654.188279 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 478856 - -Test 004 control_stochy PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_ras -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control_ras -Checking test 005 control_ras results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 827.424337 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 488728 - -Test 005 control_ras PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control_p8 -Checking test 006 control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 888.662137 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1235072 - -Test 006 control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_control -Checking test 007 rap_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1453.095462 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 826400 - -Test 007 rap_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_decomp -Checking test 008 rap_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1419.535196 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 833580 - -Test 008 rap_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_2threads -Checking test 009 rap_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1416.768569 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 896412 - -Test 009 rap_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_restart -Checking test 010 rap_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 720.235735 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 541980 - -Test 010 rap_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_sfcdiff -Checking test 011 rap_sfcdiff results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1454.407998 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 831040 - -Test 011 rap_sfcdiff PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_sfcdiff_decomp -Checking test 012 rap_sfcdiff_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1450.885232 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 831424 - -Test 012 rap_sfcdiff_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_sfcdiff_restart -Checking test 013 rap_sfcdiff_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1087.412656 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 543428 - -Test 013 rap_sfcdiff_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/hrrr_control -Checking test 014 hrrr_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1397.561497 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 826980 - -Test 014 hrrr_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/hrrr_control_2threads -Checking test 015 hrrr_control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1404.058639 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 890276 - -Test 015 hrrr_control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/hrrr_control_decomp -Checking test 016 hrrr_control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1398.294450 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 823896 - -Test 016 hrrr_control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/hrrr_control_restart -Checking test 017 hrrr_control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1038.287615 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 539772 - -Test 017 hrrr_control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_v1beta -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rrfs_v1beta -Checking test 018 rrfs_v1beta results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1429.602528 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 825248 - -Test 018 rrfs_v1beta PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 019 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 769.836519 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 634824 - -Test 019 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 020 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 732.188836 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 649500 - -Test 020 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -Checking test 021 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 770.591631 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 638336 - -Test 021 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads -Checking test 022 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 969.403550 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 634904 - -Test 022 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control_debug -Checking test 023 control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 102.419451 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 477812 - -Test 023 control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_diag_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control_diag_debug -Checking test 024 control_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 127.722769 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 533864 - -Test 024 control_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/regional_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/regional_debug -Checking test 025 regional_debug results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 729.944459 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 588904 - -Test 025 regional_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_control_debug -Checking test 026 rap_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 177.856934 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 842384 - -Test 026 rap_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/hrrr_control_debug -Checking test 027 hrrr_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 166.602959 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 840072 - -Test 027 hrrr_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_diag_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_diag_debug -Checking test 028 rap_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 214.882539 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 929192 - -Test 028 rap_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 029 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 270.236284 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 841452 - -Test 029 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -Checking test 030 rap_progcld_thompson_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 177.541725 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 847992 - -Test 030 rap_progcld_thompson_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_v1beta_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rrfs_v1beta_debug -Checking test 031 rrfs_v1beta_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 172.225373 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 845860 - -Test 031 rrfs_v1beta_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_ras_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control_ras_debug -Checking test 032 control_ras_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 103.383139 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 487160 - -Test 032 control_ras_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_stochy_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control_stochy_debug -Checking test 033 control_stochy_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 118.828040 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 480796 - -Test 033 control_stochy_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_debug_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control_debug_p8 -Checking test 034 control_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 119.226568 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1234756 - -Test 034 control_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debugs -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug -Checking test 035 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 563.337266 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 645088 - -Test 035 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -Checking test 036 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 562.848935 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 648616 - -Test 036 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/control_wam_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/control_wam_debug -Checking test 037 control_wam_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf019.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf019.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 180.038960 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 194600 - -Test 037 control_wam_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 038 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1440.670119 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 690684 - -Test 038 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 039 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 728.548350 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 683880 - -Test 039 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 040 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1439.593176 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 728828 - -Test 040 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 041 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 709.849929 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 727056 - -Test 041 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 042 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 721.389282 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 686048 - -Test 042 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 043 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1069.726506 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 512844 - -Test 043 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 044 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 355.590566 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 504892 - -Test 044 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -Checking test 045 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1063.740572 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 702508 - -Test 045 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 046 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 174.197474 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 703632 - -Test 046 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 047 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 171.170961 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 701344 - -Test 047 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/rap_control_debug_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug -Checking test 048 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 202.272486 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 719632 - -Test 048 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug PASS - -Test 049 cpld_control_p8 FAIL - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 -Checking test 050 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1196.666682 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1331332 - -Test 050 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 PASS - -Test 051 cpld_debug_p8 FAIL - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_30302/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -Checking test 052 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 175.177496 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 665300 - -Test 052 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr PASS - -FAILED TESTS: -Test cpld_control_p8 049 failed in run_test failed -Test cpld_debug_p8 051 failed in run_test failed - -REGRESSION TEST FAILED -Thu Dec 1 01:40:00 UTC 2022 -Elapsed time: 01h:51m:43s. Have a nice day! -Thu Dec 1 02:16:37 UTC 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 266 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 002 elapsed time 157 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_16180/cpld_control_p8 -Checking test 001 cpld_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1662.335004 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1430788 - -Test 001 cpld_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/GNU/cpld_debug_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_16180/cpld_debug_p8 -Checking test 002 cpld_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210322_0900z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc ............SKIP for gnu compilers - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 827.326925 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1446232 - -Test 002 cpld_debug_p8 PASS - - -REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Thu Dec 1 02:59:50 UTC 2022 -Elapsed time: 00h:43m:14s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/RegressionTests_hera.intel.log b/tests/RegressionTests_hera.intel.log deleted file mode 100644 index ec29003ead..0000000000 --- a/tests/RegressionTests_hera.intel.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4878 +0,0 @@ -Wed Nov 30 23:33:24 UTC 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 593 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 002 elapsed time 559 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 003 elapsed time 214 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 004 elapsed time 208 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 005 elapsed time 395 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 006 elapsed time 389 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 007 elapsed time 351 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 008 elapsed time 370 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_RRTMGP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 009 elapsed time 346 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ugwpv1,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v16_noahmp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 010 elapsed time 332 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 011 elapsed time 690 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 012 elapsed time 195 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 013 elapsed time 339 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 014 elapsed time 337 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 015 elapsed time 151 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 016 elapsed time 153 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 017 elapsed time 554 seconds. -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 018 elapsed time 578 seconds. -DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 019 elapsed time 185 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 020 elapsed time 116 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 021 elapsed time 57 seconds. -DAPP=LND -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 022 elapsed time 359 seconds. -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 023 elapsed time 524 seconds. -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 024 elapsed time 369 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 025 elapsed time 364 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 026 elapsed time 160 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_control_p8 -Checking test 001 cpld_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 335.841453 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3170228 - -Test 001 cpld_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_restart_p8 -Checking test 002 cpld_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 193.075691 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3045588 - -Test 002 cpld_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_2threads_p8 -Checking test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 417.707505 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3458276 - -Test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_esmfthreads_p8 -Checking test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 351.409013 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3514476 - -Test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_decomp_p8 -Checking test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 334.873786 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3168448 - -Test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_mpi_p8 -Checking test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 275.205622 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3018208 - -Test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -Checking test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 335.724768 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3181080 - -Test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c192_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_control_c192_p8 -Checking test 008 cpld_control_c192_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_1200z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 661.049124 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3220360 - -Test 008 cpld_control_c192_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c192_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_restart_c192_p8 -Checking test 009 cpld_restart_c192_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_1200z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 409.394023 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3134920 - -Test 009 cpld_restart_c192_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_bmark_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_bmark_p8 -Checking test 010 cpld_bmark_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 776.199723 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 4029416 - -Test 010 cpld_bmark_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_bmark_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_restart_bmark_p8 -Checking test 011 cpld_restart_bmark_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 471.209402 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3974600 - -Test 011 cpld_restart_bmark_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -Checking test 012 cpld_control_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 233.032624 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1734932 - -Test 012 cpld_control_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 -Checking test 013 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 254.617735 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1754640 - -Test 013 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_debug_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_debug_p8 -Checking test 014 cpld_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210322_0900z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 655.565352 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3241140 - -Test 014 cpld_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 -Checking test 015 cpld_debug_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 398.527290 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1752708 - -Test 015 cpld_debug_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -Checking test 016 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 263.514286 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1763148 - -Test 016 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c48 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_control_c48 -Checking test 017 cpld_control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 500.842155 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2796896 - -Test 017 cpld_control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_warmstart_c48 -Checking test 018 cpld_warmstart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 137.464231 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2797988 - -Test 018 cpld_warmstart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/cpld_restart_c48 -Checking test 019 cpld_restart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 76.440034 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2237440 - -Test 019 cpld_restart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control -Checking test 020 control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 132.642883 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 636204 - -Test 020 control PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_decomp -Checking test 021 control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 137.991280 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 620056 - -Test 021 control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 022 control_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 131.580075 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 635724 - -Test 022 control_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_2threads -Checking test 023 control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 165.131015 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 667444 - -Test 023 control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_restart -Checking test 024 control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 70.332125 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 466860 - -Test 024 control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_fhzero -Checking test 025 control_fhzero results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 126.423415 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 632716 - -Test 025 control_fhzero PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_CubedSphereGrid -Checking test 026 control_CubedSphereGrid results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 127.761973 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 627856 - -Test 026 control_CubedSphereGrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel -Checking test 027 control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 126.331206 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 631568 - -Test 027 control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_latlon -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_latlon -Checking test 028 control_latlon results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 130.907486 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 629356 - -Test 028 control_latlon PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 029 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 133.774417 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 634052 - -Test 029 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c48 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_c48 -Checking test 030 control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0: The total amount of wall time = 348.667918 -0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 817944 - -Test 030 control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c192 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_c192 -Checking test 031 control_c192 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 522.274958 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 774404 - -Test 031 control_c192 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_c384 -Checking test 032 control_c384 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 691.796543 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1084284 - -Test 032 control_c384 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384gdas -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_c384gdas -Checking test 033 control_c384gdas results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 591.941347 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1244764 - -Test 033 control_c384gdas PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384_progsigma -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_c384_progsigma -Checking test 034 control_c384_progsigma results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 706.045404 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1078612 - -Test 034 control_c384_progsigma PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_stochy -Checking test 035 control_stochy results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 87.211703 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 633764 - -Test 035 control_stochy PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_stochy_restart -Checking test 036 control_stochy_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 46.222783 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 488388 - -Test 036 control_stochy_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_lndp -Checking test 037 control_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 82.965802 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 635128 - -Test 037 control_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr4 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_iovr4 -Checking test 038 control_iovr4 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 134.915807 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 636328 - -Test 038 control_iovr4 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr5 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_iovr5 -Checking test 039 control_iovr5 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 135.873152 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 631540 - -Test 039 control_iovr5 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_p8 -Checking test 040 control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 167.459448 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1601320 - -Test 040 control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_lndp -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_p8_lndp -Checking test 041 control_p8_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf048.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf048.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF48 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF48 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 310.071577 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1607356 - -Test 041 control_p8_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_restart_p8 -Checking test 042 control_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 84.995759 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 865684 - -Test 042 control_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_decomp_p8 -Checking test 043 control_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 171.307089 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1589444 - -Test 043 control_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_2threads_p8 -Checking test 044 control_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 198.460708 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1669108 - -Test 044 control_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_rrtmgp -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_p8_rrtmgp -Checking test 045 control_p8_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 199.956114 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1729644 - -Test 045 control_p8_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/merra2_thompson -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/merra2_thompson -Checking test 046 merra2_thompson results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 188.172598 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1617904 - -Test 046 merra2_thompson PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_control -Checking test 047 regional_control results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 290.840717 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 870100 - -Test 047 regional_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_restart -Checking test 048 regional_restart results .... - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 148.433396 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 865948 - -Test 048 regional_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_decomp -Checking test 049 regional_decomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 309.112395 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 852288 - -Test 049 regional_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_2threads -Checking test 050 regional_2threads results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 226.583039 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 833140 - -Test 050 regional_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_noquilt -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_noquilt -Checking test 051 regional_noquilt results .... - Comparing atmos_4xdaily.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history2d.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 322.150147 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 859640 - -Test 051 regional_noquilt PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 052 regional_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 290.500678 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 861692 - -Test 052 regional_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 053 regional_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 295.345373 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 867752 - -Test 053 regional_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/fv3_regional_wofs -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_wofs -Checking test 054 regional_wofs results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 372.863672 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 628884 - -Test 054 regional_wofs PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_control -Checking test 055 rap_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 439.530301 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1051184 - -Test 055 rap_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_rrtmgp -Checking test 056 rap_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 474.725567 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1215128 - -Test 056 rap_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -Checking test 057 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 293.702934 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1177040 - -Test 057 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_decomp -Checking test 058 rap_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 462.092186 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1001944 - -Test 058 rap_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_2threads -Checking test 059 rap_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 523.974574 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1067432 - -Test 059 rap_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_restart -Checking test 060 rap_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 223.240001 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 968792 - -Test 060 rap_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_sfcdiff -Checking test 061 rap_sfcdiff results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 439.742501 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1057360 - -Test 061 rap_sfcdiff PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_sfcdiff_decomp -Checking test 062 rap_sfcdiff_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 464.340873 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1004192 - -Test 062 rap_sfcdiff_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_sfcdiff_restart -Checking test 063 rap_sfcdiff_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 327.379926 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 979264 - -Test 063 rap_sfcdiff_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hrrr_control -Checking test 064 hrrr_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 420.158107 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1054968 - -Test 064 hrrr_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hrrr_control_decomp -Checking test 065 hrrr_control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 440.796339 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1002092 - -Test 065 hrrr_control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hrrr_control_2threads -Checking test 066 hrrr_control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 499.845172 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1060968 - -Test 066 hrrr_control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hrrr_control_restart -Checking test 067 hrrr_control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 316.169715 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 975492 - -Test 067 hrrr_control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rrfs_v1beta -Checking test 068 rrfs_v1beta results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 431.042898 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1050968 - -Test 068 rrfs_v1beta PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rrfs_v1nssl -Checking test 069 rrfs_v1nssl results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 511.312730 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 691948 - -Test 069 rrfs_v1nssl PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -Checking test 070 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 500.767142 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 762696 - -Test 070 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 071 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 125.262244 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 922920 - -Test 071 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 072 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 141.751685 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 957512 - -Test 072 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -Checking test 073 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 126.780435 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 936776 - -Test 073 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads -Checking test 074 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 96.903101 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 898376 - -Test 074 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads -Checking test 075 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 96.208707 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 908380 - -Test 075 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmg -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_csawmg -Checking test 076 control_csawmg results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 340.332658 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 725336 - -Test 076 control_csawmg PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_csawmgt -Checking test 077 control_csawmgt results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 335.250870 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 721268 - -Test 077 control_csawmgt PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_ras -Checking test 078 control_ras results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 176.777701 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 718872 - -Test 078 control_ras PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_wam -Checking test 079 control_wam results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 110.544024 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 637732 - -Test 079 control_wam PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debugs -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug -Checking test 080 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 723.019458 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 952540 - -Test 080 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -Checking test 081 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 726.313228 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 967512 - -Test 081 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_debug -Checking test 082 control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 153.225105 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 796216 - -Test 082 control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_2threads_debug -Checking test 083 control_2threads_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 217.444177 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 831256 - -Test 083 control_2threads_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -Checking test 084 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 164.505721 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 790280 - -Test 084 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -Checking test 085 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf001.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 156.277020 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 797368 - -Test 085 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_stochy_debug -Checking test 086 control_stochy_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 173.270100 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 804124 - -Test 086 control_stochy_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_lndp_debug -Checking test 087 control_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 156.665611 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 799128 - -Test 087 control_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmg_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_csawmg_debug -Checking test 088 control_csawmg_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 237.009918 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 851560 - -Test 088 control_csawmg_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_csawmgt_debug -Checking test 089 control_csawmgt_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 232.660382 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 843880 - -Test 089 control_csawmgt_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_ras_debug -Checking test 090 control_ras_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 155.067320 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 806980 - -Test 090 control_ras_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_diag_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_diag_debug -Checking test 091 control_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 160.431078 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 850304 - -Test 091 control_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_debug_p8 -Checking test 092 control_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 177.314316 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1626468 - -Test 092 control_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_debug -Checking test 093 regional_debug results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 979.750991 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 881976 - -Test 093 regional_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_control_debug -Checking test 094 rap_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 275.483352 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1172616 - -Test 094 rap_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hrrr_control_debug -Checking test 095 hrrr_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 269.277753 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1162328 - -Test 095 hrrr_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_unified_drag_suite_debug -Checking test 096 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 281.937245 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1175460 - -Test 096 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_diag_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_diag_debug -Checking test 097 rap_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 299.609107 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1263368 - -Test 097 rap_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 098 rap_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 280.669157 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1177532 - -Test 098 rap_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_unified_ugwp_debug -Checking test 099 rap_unified_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 281.724579 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1178912 - -Test 099 rap_unified_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_lndp_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_lndp_debug -Checking test 100 rap_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 281.989399 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1180256 - -Test 100 rap_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_flake_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_flake_debug -Checking test 101 rap_flake_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 282.051796 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1171856 - -Test 101 rap_flake_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -Checking test 102 rap_progcld_thompson_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 278.230090 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1174468 - -Test 102 rap_progcld_thompson_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_noah_debug -Checking test 103 rap_noah_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 280.007900 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1173432 - -Test 103 rap_noah_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_rrtmgp_debug -Checking test 104 rap_rrtmgp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 466.878659 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1300192 - -Test 104 rap_rrtmgp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_sfcdiff_debug -Checking test 105 rap_sfcdiff_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 274.231969 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1177632 - -Test 105 rap_sfcdiff_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 106 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 452.154583 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1173044 - -Test 106 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rrfs_v1beta_debug -Checking test 107 rrfs_v1beta_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 269.004301 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1164640 - -Test 107 rrfs_v1beta_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_wam_debug -Checking test 108 control_wam_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf019.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf019.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 278.960768 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 518924 - -Test 108 control_wam_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 109 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 265.188841 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1082460 - -Test 109 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 110 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 353.746288 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1001064 - -Test 110 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 111 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 183.189781 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 953888 - -Test 111 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 112 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 432.176950 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 926904 - -Test 112 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 113 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 220.392103 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 932764 - -Test 113 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 114 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 193.500740 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 903960 - -Test 114 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 115 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 264.127835 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 944332 - -Test 115 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 116 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 94.872585 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 857760 - -Test 116 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -Checking test 117 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 231.697911 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 963732 - -Test 117 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 118 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 269.380413 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1058744 - -Test 118 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 119 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 271.072680 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1052700 - -Test 119 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug -Checking test 120 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 278.761777 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1100088 - -Test 120 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_atm -Checking test 121 hafs_regional_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 303.684472 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 972276 - -Test 121 hafs_regional_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -Checking test 122 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 378.784526 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1337800 - -Test 122 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -Checking test 123 hafs_regional_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 387.901407 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1199964 - -Test 123 hafs_regional_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_wav -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_atm_wav -Checking test 124 hafs_regional_atm_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 711.347722 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1226004 - -Test 124 hafs_regional_atm_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 125 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 807.144619 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1234360 - -Test 125 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -Checking test 126 hafs_regional_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 468.235250 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 536096 - -Test 126 hafs_regional_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -Checking test 127 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 518.518261 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 580852 - -Test 127 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_1nest_atm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_global_1nest_atm -Checking test 128 hafs_global_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 216.001692 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 375640 - -Test 128 hafs_global_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -Checking test 129 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest03 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest04 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest05 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 587.080766 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 389180 - -Test 129 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -Checking test 130 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 277.180866 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 540700 - -Test 130 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 131 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 266.811240 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 541252 - -Test 131 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -Checking test 132 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 275.230950 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 614932 - -Test 132 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 133 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 635.293814 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 597840 - -Test 133 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 134 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 80.206257 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 395660 - -Test 134 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_docn -Checking test 135 hafs_regional_docn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 382.266425 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1204396 - -Test 135 hafs_regional_docn PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -Checking test 136 hafs_regional_docn_oisst results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 381.071706 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1196464 - -Test 136 hafs_regional_docn_oisst PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -Checking test 137 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps results .... - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.datm.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 926.756350 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1036032 - -Test 137 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -Checking test 138 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 154.587527 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1062304 - -Test 138 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr -Checking test 139 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 93.122667 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1012452 - -Test 139 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -Checking test 140 datm_cdeps_control_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 154.100583 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 962548 - -Test 140 datm_cdeps_control_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -Checking test 141 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 154.839909 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 957928 - -Test 141 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -Checking test 142 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 152.928771 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 965016 - -Test 142 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -Checking test 143 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 156.696837 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1059160 - -Test 143 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -Checking test 144 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 157.006412 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1063844 - -Test 144 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -Checking test 145 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 150.700212 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 966804 - -Test 145 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -Checking test 146 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 434.906720 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 878592 - -Test 146 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -Checking test 147 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 429.180903 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 936000 - -Test 147 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr -Checking test 148 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 153.553442 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1081560 - -Test 148 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -Checking test 149 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR3072x1536.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 209.417329 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2369852 - -Test 149 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_gfs -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_gfs -Checking test 150 datm_cdeps_gfs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GFS.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 212.106482 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2358276 - -Test 150 datm_cdeps_gfs PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr -Checking test 151 datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 462.186581 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 984356 - -Test 151 datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -Checking test 152 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 6.954803 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 260408 - -Test 152 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst -Checking test 153 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 12.008096 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 260932 - -Test 153 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -Checking test 154 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-22-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 200.585687 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1614148 - -Test 154 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_atmwav -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/control_atmwav -Checking test 155 control_atmwav results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.180000.restart.glo_1deg .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 85.856634 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 655436 - -Test 155 control_atmwav PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8 -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/atmaero_control_p8 -Checking test 156 atmaero_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 224.831868 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2969900 - -Test 156 atmaero_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/atmaero_control_p8_rad -Checking test 157 atmaero_control_p8_rad results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 275.883632 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3048072 - -Test 157 atmaero_control_p8_rad PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -Checking test 158 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 279.882841 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3052684 - -Test 158 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_atmaq -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_atmaq -Checking test 159 regional_atmaq results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 663.971770 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1094096 - -Test 159 regional_atmaq PASS - - -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_atmaq_debug -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_3513/regional_atmaq_debug -Checking test 160 regional_atmaq_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1242.816225 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1201884 - -Test 160 regional_atmaq_debug PASS - - -REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Thu Dec 1 01:37:13 UTC 2022 -Elapsed time: 02h:03m:51s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/RegressionTests_jet.intel.log b/tests/RegressionTests_jet.intel.log deleted file mode 100644 index a9bdf00ee0..0000000000 --- a/tests/RegressionTests_jet.intel.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4517 +0,0 @@ -Wed Nov 30 23:32:09 GMT 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 1958 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 002 elapsed time 1896 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 003 elapsed time 302 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 004 elapsed time 274 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 005 elapsed time 1392 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 006 elapsed time 1372 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 007 elapsed time 1369 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 008 elapsed time 1419 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_RRTMGP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 009 elapsed time 1323 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ugwpv1,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v16_noahmp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 010 elapsed time 1227 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 011 elapsed time 862 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 012 elapsed time 232 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 013 elapsed time 1201 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 014 elapsed time 1278 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 015 elapsed time 230 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 016 elapsed time 218 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 017 elapsed time 1610 seconds. -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 018 elapsed time 2582 seconds. -DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 019 elapsed time 286 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 020 elapsed time 165 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 021 elapsed time 83 seconds. -DAPP=LND -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 022 elapsed time 2478 seconds. -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 023 elapsed time 2478 seconds. -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 024 elapsed time 2479 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 025 elapsed time 2115 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 026 elapsed time 742 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_control_p8 -Checking test 001 cpld_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 464.986785 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1777560 - -Test 001 cpld_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_restart_p8 -Checking test 002 cpld_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 259.136981 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1482120 - -Test 002 cpld_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_2threads_p8 -Checking test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 487.609746 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1971612 - -Test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_esmfthreads_p8 -Checking test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 511.641000 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1989356 - -Test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_decomp_p8 -Checking test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 475.276552 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1761908 - -Test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_mpi_p8 -Checking test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 397.103676 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1717784 - -Test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -Checking test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 471.754403 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1792916 - -Test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -Checking test 008 cpld_control_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 313.469195 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1622340 - -Test 008 cpld_control_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 -Checking test 009 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 347.159695 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1671580 - -Test 009 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_debug_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_debug_p8 -Checking test 010 cpld_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210322_0900z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 863.351305 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1819240 - -Test 010 cpld_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 -Checking test 011 cpld_debug_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 533.488623 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1660364 - -Test 011 cpld_debug_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -Checking test 012 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 370.098386 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1667300 - -Test 012 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c48 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_control_c48 -Checking test 013 cpld_control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 705.813793 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2759880 - -Test 013 cpld_control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_warmstart_c48 -Checking test 014 cpld_warmstart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 207.981578 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2777428 - -Test 014 cpld_warmstart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/cpld_restart_c48 -Checking test 015 cpld_restart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 109.753457 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2207396 - -Test 015 cpld_restart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control -Checking test 016 control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 194.054427 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 571584 - -Test 016 control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_decomp -Checking test 017 control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 188.071186 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 565172 - -Test 017 control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 018 control_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 185.200933 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 572316 - -Test 018 control_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_2threads -Checking test 019 control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 175.393921 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 620048 - -Test 019 control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_restart -Checking test 020 control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 93.582516 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 375004 - -Test 020 control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_fhzero -Checking test 021 control_fhzero results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 176.912348 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 572452 - -Test 021 control_fhzero PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_CubedSphereGrid -Checking test 022 control_CubedSphereGrid results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 178.128525 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 570404 - -Test 022 control_CubedSphereGrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel -Checking test 023 control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 182.324381 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 569216 - -Test 023 control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_latlon -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_latlon -Checking test 024 control_latlon results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 183.416509 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 565908 - -Test 024 control_latlon PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 025 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf024.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 194.352804 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 568676 - -Test 025 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c48 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_c48 -Checking test 026 control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0: The total amount of wall time = 589.173853 -0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 787740 - -Test 026 control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c192 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_c192 -Checking test 027 control_c192 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 721.311145 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 693124 - -Test 027 control_c192 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_c384 -Checking test 028 control_c384 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 954.188231 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1065608 - -Test 028 control_c384 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384gdas -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_c384gdas -Checking test 029 control_c384gdas results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 813.191103 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1159936 - -Test 029 control_c384gdas PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384_progsigma -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_c384_progsigma -Checking test 030 control_c384_progsigma results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 970.672622 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 996944 - -Test 030 control_c384_progsigma PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_stochy -Checking test 031 control_stochy results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 123.925795 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 575996 - -Test 031 control_stochy PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_stochy_restart -Checking test 032 control_stochy_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 61.499129 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 393576 - -Test 032 control_stochy_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_lndp -Checking test 033 control_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 108.274464 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 575392 - -Test 033 control_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr4 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_iovr4 -Checking test 034 control_iovr4 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 188.843707 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 570904 - -Test 034 control_iovr4 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr5 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_iovr5 -Checking test 035 control_iovr5 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 186.692683 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 569092 - -Test 035 control_iovr5 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_p8 -Checking test 036 control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 229.295625 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1536860 - -Test 036 control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_lndp -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_p8_lndp -Checking test 037 control_p8_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf048.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf048.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF48 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF48 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 447.033039 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1531892 - -Test 037 control_p8_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_restart_p8 -Checking test 038 control_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 118.442023 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 767232 - -Test 038 control_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_decomp_p8 -Checking test 039 control_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 234.687997 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1523560 - -Test 039 control_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_2threads_p8 -Checking test 040 control_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 213.562843 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1610724 - -Test 040 control_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_rrtmgp -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_p8_rrtmgp -Checking test 041 control_p8_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 283.184561 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1661180 - -Test 041 control_p8_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/merra2_thompson -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/merra2_thompson -Checking test 042 merra2_thompson results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 264.655190 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1562348 - -Test 042 merra2_thompson PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/regional_control -Checking test 043 regional_control results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 419.557347 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 779016 - -Test 043 regional_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/regional_restart -Checking test 044 regional_restart results .... - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 217.903894 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 773816 - -Test 044 regional_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/regional_decomp -Checking test 045 regional_decomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 524.012024 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 768952 - -Test 045 regional_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/regional_2threads -Checking test 046 regional_2threads results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 252.499548 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 744616 - -Test 046 regional_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_noquilt -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/regional_noquilt -Checking test 047 regional_noquilt results .... - Comparing atmos_4xdaily.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history2d.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 449.940252 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 770868 - -Test 047 regional_noquilt PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/regional_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 048 regional_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 407.928800 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 771564 - -Test 048 regional_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/regional_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 049 regional_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 415.405224 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 784788 - -Test 049 regional_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/fv3_regional_wofs -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/regional_wofs -Checking test 050 regional_wofs results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 522.907381 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 510496 - -Test 050 regional_wofs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_control -Checking test 051 rap_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 594.104134 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 951008 - -Test 051 rap_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_rrtmgp -Checking test 052 rap_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 642.060958 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1074332 - -Test 052 rap_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -Checking test 053 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 314.674853 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1063008 - -Test 053 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_decomp -Checking test 054 rap_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 619.472744 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 937004 - -Test 054 rap_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_2threads -Checking test 055 rap_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 546.766520 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1015980 - -Test 055 rap_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_restart -Checking test 056 rap_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 298.262323 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 831012 - -Test 056 rap_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_sfcdiff -Checking test 057 rap_sfcdiff results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 595.166667 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 941512 - -Test 057 rap_sfcdiff PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_sfcdiff_decomp -Checking test 058 rap_sfcdiff_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 630.245454 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 943912 - -Test 058 rap_sfcdiff_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_sfcdiff_restart -Checking test 059 rap_sfcdiff_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 431.246175 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 838744 - -Test 059 rap_sfcdiff_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hrrr_control -Checking test 060 hrrr_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 576.296672 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 942080 - -Test 060 hrrr_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hrrr_control_decomp -Checking test 061 hrrr_control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 598.181787 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 942372 - -Test 061 hrrr_control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hrrr_control_2threads -Checking test 062 hrrr_control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 527.598379 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1014732 - -Test 062 hrrr_control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hrrr_control_restart -Checking test 063 hrrr_control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 421.820529 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 826684 - -Test 063 hrrr_control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rrfs_v1beta -Checking test 064 rrfs_v1beta results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 580.647585 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 950088 - -Test 064 rrfs_v1beta PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rrfs_v1nssl -Checking test 065 rrfs_v1nssl results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 695.451812 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 634176 - -Test 065 rrfs_v1nssl PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -Checking test 066 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 697.578452 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 621908 - -Test 066 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 067 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 168.489220 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 844440 - -Test 067 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 068 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 187.562192 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 868996 - -Test 068 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -Checking test 069 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 168.474672 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 848508 - -Test 069 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads -Checking test 070 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 123.031457 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 812196 - -Test 070 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads -Checking test 071 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 116.940062 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 810736 - -Test 071 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmg -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_csawmg -Checking test 072 control_csawmg results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 496.587930 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 668628 - -Test 072 control_csawmg PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_csawmgt -Checking test 073 control_csawmgt results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 455.917671 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 663992 - -Test 073 control_csawmgt PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_ras -Checking test 074 control_ras results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 249.868120 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 639304 - -Test 074 control_ras PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_wam -Checking test 075 control_wam results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 149.100463 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 471236 - -Test 075 control_wam PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debugs -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug -Checking test 076 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 948.725903 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 872504 - -Test 076 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -Checking test 077 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 954.602246 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 875260 - -Test 077 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_debug -Checking test 078 control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 197.066264 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 733552 - -Test 078 control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_2threads_debug -Checking test 079 control_2threads_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 185.739507 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 786264 - -Test 079 control_2threads_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -Checking test 080 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 209.650631 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 730072 - -Test 080 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -Checking test 081 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 197.830599 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 732552 - -Test 081 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_stochy_debug -Checking test 082 control_stochy_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 222.332470 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 741060 - -Test 082 control_stochy_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_lndp_debug -Checking test 083 control_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 204.598040 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 741964 - -Test 083 control_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmg_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_csawmg_debug -Checking test 084 control_csawmg_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 309.518393 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 787076 - -Test 084 control_csawmg_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_csawmgt_debug -Checking test 085 control_csawmgt_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 304.209610 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 788412 - -Test 085 control_csawmgt_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_ras_debug -Checking test 086 control_ras_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 203.193304 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 744428 - -Test 086 control_ras_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_diag_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_diag_debug -Checking test 087 control_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 204.122543 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 785624 - -Test 087 control_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_debug_p8 -Checking test 088 control_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 226.167588 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1561860 - -Test 088 control_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/regional_debug -Checking test 089 regional_debug results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1279.035865 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 792936 - -Test 089 regional_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_control_debug -Checking test 090 rap_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 361.130771 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1113136 - -Test 090 rap_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hrrr_control_debug -Checking test 091 hrrr_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 352.464492 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1106060 - -Test 091 hrrr_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_unified_drag_suite_debug -Checking test 092 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 362.282108 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1110964 - -Test 092 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_diag_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_diag_debug -Checking test 093 rap_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 384.987304 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1191568 - -Test 093 rap_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 094 rap_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 364.171821 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1113176 - -Test 094 rap_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_unified_ugwp_debug -Checking test 095 rap_unified_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 367.728653 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1111176 - -Test 095 rap_unified_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_lndp_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_lndp_debug -Checking test 096 rap_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 362.641974 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1119544 - -Test 096 rap_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_flake_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_flake_debug -Checking test 097 rap_flake_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 356.969388 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1115072 - -Test 097 rap_flake_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -Checking test 098 rap_progcld_thompson_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 363.533057 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1117240 - -Test 098 rap_progcld_thompson_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_noah_debug -Checking test 099 rap_noah_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 356.259088 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1107272 - -Test 099 rap_noah_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_rrtmgp_debug -Checking test 100 rap_rrtmgp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 623.256262 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1232792 - -Test 100 rap_rrtmgp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_sfcdiff_debug -Checking test 101 rap_sfcdiff_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 360.931778 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1108512 - -Test 101 rap_sfcdiff_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 102 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 601.063993 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1107636 - -Test 102 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rrfs_v1beta_debug -Checking test 103 rrfs_v1beta_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 354.715330 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1102724 - -Test 103 rrfs_v1beta_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam_debug -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_wam_debug -Checking test 104 control_wam_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf019.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf019.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 366.798990 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 430296 - -Test 104 control_wam_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 105 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 302.304344 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 958992 - -Test 105 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 106 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 495.707032 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 841764 - -Test 106 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 107 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 246.713354 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 836532 - -Test 107 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 108 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 448.096277 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 887612 - -Test 108 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 109 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 230.549689 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 878872 - -Test 109 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 110 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 260.457106 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 816476 - -Test 110 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 111 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1506.236028 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 798396 - -Test 111 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 112 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 122.269367 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 754268 - -Test 112 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -Checking test 113 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 306.508955 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 864028 - -Test 113 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 114 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 352.127063 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 997216 - -Test 114 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 115 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 341.700594 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1003084 - -Test 115 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug -Checking test 116 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 360.142680 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1031684 - -Test 116 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hafs_regional_atm -Checking test 117 hafs_regional_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 841.294896 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1158712 - -Test 117 hafs_regional_atm PASS - -Test 118 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf FAIL - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -Checking test 119 hafs_regional_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1489.332110 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1271424 - -Test 119 hafs_regional_atm_ocn PASS - -Test 120 hafs_regional_atm_wav FAIL - -Test 121 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav FAIL - -Test 122 hafs_regional_docn FAIL - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -Checking test 123 hafs_regional_docn_oisst results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1594.214052 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1265104 - -Test 123 hafs_regional_docn_oisst PASS - -Test 124 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps FAIL - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -Checking test 125 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 207.694986 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 964692 - -Test 125 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr -Checking test 126 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 126.776574 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 938496 - -Test 126 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -Checking test 127 datm_cdeps_control_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 204.624869 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 868736 - -Test 127 datm_cdeps_control_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -Checking test 128 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 209.481592 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 860860 - -Test 128 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -Checking test 129 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 206.466330 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 870856 - -Test 129 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -Checking test 130 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 207.420275 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 968048 - -Test 130 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -Checking test 131 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 209.825342 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 963468 - -Test 131 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -Checking test 132 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 202.538014 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 856880 - -Test 132 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -Checking test 133 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 586.518403 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 764304 - -Test 133 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -Checking test 134 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 589.119452 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 736588 - -Test 134 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr -Checking test 135 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 212.256344 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 961708 - -Test 135 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -Checking test 136 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR3072x1536.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 292.467958 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2252960 - -Test 136 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_gfs -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_gfs -Checking test 137 datm_cdeps_gfs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GFS.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 299.687915 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2258860 - -Test 137 datm_cdeps_gfs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr -Checking test 138 datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 584.118893 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 922648 - -Test 138 datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -Checking test 139 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 12.274020 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 247548 - -Test 139 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst -Checking test 140 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 21.403286 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 249556 - -Test 140 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -Checking test 141 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-22-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1295.723247 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1585816 - -Test 141 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_atmwav -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/control_atmwav -Checking test 142 control_atmwav results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.180000.restart.glo_1deg .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 455.434784 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 589368 - -Test 142 control_atmwav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/atmaero_control_p8 -Checking test 143 atmaero_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1055.972375 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1650148 - -Test 143 atmaero_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/atmaero_control_p8_rad -Checking test 144 atmaero_control_p8_rad results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1159.638438 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1681076 - -Test 144 atmaero_control_p8_rad PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_RUNDIRS/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/rt_29035/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -Checking test 145 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1290.930461 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1662724 - -Test 145 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro PASS - -Test 146 regional_atmaq FAIL - -Test 147 regional_atmaq_debug FAIL - -FAILED TESTS: -Test hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf 118 failed in run_test failed -Test hafs_regional_atm_wav 120 failed in run_test failed -Test hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav 121 failed in run_test failed -Test hafs_regional_docn 122 failed in run_test failed -Test hafs_regional_datm_cdeps 124 failed in run_test failed -Test regional_atmaq 146 failed in run_test failed -Test regional_atmaq_debug 147 failed in run_test failed - -REGRESSION TEST FAILED -Thu Dec 1 04:50:49 GMT 2022 -Elapsed time: 05h:18m:41s. Have a nice day! -Thu Dec 1 12:19:35 GMT 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 1682 seconds. -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 002 elapsed time 1645 seconds. -DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 003 elapsed time 1370 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON -Compile 004 elapsed time 282 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/Jong.Kim/RT_RUNDIRS/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_26433/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -Checking test 001 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 614.591499 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1531124 - -Test 001 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_wav -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/Jong.Kim/RT_RUNDIRS/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_26433/hafs_regional_atm_wav -Checking test 002 hafs_regional_atm_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1063.447152 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1298932 - -Test 002 hafs_regional_atm_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/Jong.Kim/RT_RUNDIRS/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_26433/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 003 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1224.116812 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1306224 - -Test 003 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/Jong.Kim/RT_RUNDIRS/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_26433/hafs_regional_docn -Checking test 004 hafs_regional_docn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 678.751242 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1284856 - -Test 004 hafs_regional_docn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/Jong.Kim/RT_RUNDIRS/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_26433/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -Checking test 005 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps results .... - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.datm.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1600.345941 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 971340 - -Test 005 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_atmaq -working dir = /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/Jong.Kim/RT_RUNDIRS/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_26433/regional_atmaq -Checking test 006 regional_atmaq results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1522.208799 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1020508 - -Test 006 regional_atmaq PASS - -Test 007 regional_atmaq_debug FAIL - -FAILED TESTS: -Test regional_atmaq_debug 007 failed in run_test failed - -REGRESSION TEST FAILED -Thu Dec 1 13:35:32 GMT 2022 -Elapsed time: 01h:15m:59s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/RegressionTests_orion.intel.log b/tests/RegressionTests_orion.intel.log deleted file mode 100644 index 00fbd85b34..0000000000 --- a/tests/RegressionTests_orion.intel.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4878 +0,0 @@ -Wed Nov 30 17:31:53 CST 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 707 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 002 elapsed time 697 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 003 elapsed time 261 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 004 elapsed time 359 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 005 elapsed time 466 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 006 elapsed time 461 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 007 elapsed time 426 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 008 elapsed time 426 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_RRTMGP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 009 elapsed time 387 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ugwpv1,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v16_noahmp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 010 elapsed time 387 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 011 elapsed time 751 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 012 elapsed time 166 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 013 elapsed time 370 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 014 elapsed time 344 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 015 elapsed time 210 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 016 elapsed time 169 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 017 elapsed time 645 seconds. -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 018 elapsed time 606 seconds. -DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 019 elapsed time 246 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 020 elapsed time 151 seconds. -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 021 elapsed time 53 seconds. -DAPP=LND -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 022 elapsed time 412 seconds. -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 023 elapsed time 558 seconds. -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 024 elapsed time 408 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 025 elapsed time 371 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 026 elapsed time 174 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_control_p8 -Checking test 001 cpld_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 343.855870 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3177240 - -Test 001 cpld_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_restart_p8 -Checking test 002 cpld_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 201.086841 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3055412 - -Test 002 cpld_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_2threads_p8 -Checking test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 422.290910 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3455392 - -Test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_esmfthreads_p8 -Checking test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 403.382344 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3512864 - -Test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_decomp_p8 -Checking test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 346.290989 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3170892 - -Test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_mpi_p8 -Checking test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 282.216253 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3034656 - -Test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -Checking test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 344.225710 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3180812 - -Test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c192_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_control_c192_p8 -Checking test 008 cpld_control_c192_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_1200z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 662.748610 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3231740 - -Test 008 cpld_control_c192_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c192_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_restart_c192_p8 -Checking test 009 cpld_restart_c192_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf030.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_1200z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.120000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 432.926850 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3143024 - -Test 009 cpld_restart_c192_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_bmark_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_bmark_p8 -Checking test 010 cpld_bmark_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 847.151752 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 4024080 - -Test 010 cpld_bmark_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_bmark_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_restart_bmark_p8 -Checking test 011 cpld_restart_bmark_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 534.403596 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3967292 - -Test 011 cpld_restart_bmark_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -Checking test 012 cpld_control_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 234.347561 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1732256 - -Test 012 cpld_control_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 -Checking test 013 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 253.207948 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1763136 - -Test 013 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_debug_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_debug_p8 -Checking test 014 cpld_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210322_0900z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 671.046801 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3247264 - -Test 014 cpld_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 -Checking test 015 cpld_debug_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 410.937439 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1754672 - -Test 015 cpld_debug_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -Checking test 016 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 261.419269 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1769364 - -Test 016 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c48 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_control_c48 -Checking test 017 cpld_control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 495.412486 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2782352 - -Test 017 cpld_control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_warmstart_c48 -Checking test 018 cpld_warmstart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 136.190443 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2804916 - -Test 018 cpld_warmstart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/cpld_restart_c48 -Checking test 019 cpld_restart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 72.538401 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2247952 - -Test 019 cpld_restart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control -Checking test 020 control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 133.389294 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 635876 - -Test 020 control PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_decomp -Checking test 021 control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 141.086386 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 627372 - -Test 021 control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 022 control_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 133.919732 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 636572 - -Test 022 control_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_2threads -Checking test 023 control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 162.904804 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 670532 - -Test 023 control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_restart -Checking test 024 control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 69.831426 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 468916 - -Test 024 control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_fhzero -Checking test 025 control_fhzero results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 126.068075 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 634936 - -Test 025 control_fhzero PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_CubedSphereGrid -Checking test 026 control_CubedSphereGrid results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 133.412747 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 633016 - -Test 026 control_CubedSphereGrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel -Checking test 027 control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 126.633169 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 632196 - -Test 027 control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_latlon -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_latlon -Checking test 028 control_latlon results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 132.336113 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 605472 - -Test 028 control_latlon PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 029 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 136.313072 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 633236 - -Test 029 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c48 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_c48 -Checking test 030 control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -0: The total amount of wall time = 344.049767 -0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 823572 - -Test 030 control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c192 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_c192 -Checking test 031 control_c192 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 526.364234 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 765744 - -Test 031 control_c192 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_c384 -Checking test 032 control_c384 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 690.406789 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1091364 - -Test 032 control_c384 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384gdas -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_c384gdas -Checking test 033 control_c384gdas results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 578.224630 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1233256 - -Test 033 control_c384gdas PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384_progsigma -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_c384_progsigma -Checking test 034 control_c384_progsigma results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 702.831199 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1072068 - -Test 034 control_c384_progsigma PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_stochy -Checking test 035 control_stochy results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 86.443069 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 640532 - -Test 035 control_stochy PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_stochy_restart -Checking test 036 control_stochy_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 46.335539 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 485832 - -Test 036 control_stochy_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_lndp -Checking test 037 control_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 79.953301 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 637856 - -Test 037 control_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr4 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_iovr4 -Checking test 038 control_iovr4 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 133.467064 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 633480 - -Test 038 control_iovr4 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr5 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_iovr5 -Checking test 039 control_iovr5 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 133.356856 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 636048 - -Test 039 control_iovr5 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_p8 -Checking test 040 control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 166.523406 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1608936 - -Test 040 control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_lndp -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_p8_lndp -Checking test 041 control_p8_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf048.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf048.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF48 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF48 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 311.487571 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1610036 - -Test 041 control_p8_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_restart_p8 -Checking test 042 control_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 86.806857 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 870672 - -Test 042 control_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_decomp_p8 -Checking test 043 control_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 175.691574 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1583348 - -Test 043 control_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_2threads_p8 -Checking test 044 control_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 198.645565 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1663564 - -Test 044 control_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_rrtmgp -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_p8_rrtmgp -Checking test 045 control_p8_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 199.049523 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1734180 - -Test 045 control_p8_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/merra2_thompson -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/merra2_thompson -Checking test 046 merra2_thompson results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 189.934669 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1604820 - -Test 046 merra2_thompson PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_control -Checking test 047 regional_control results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 291.989910 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 872260 - -Test 047 regional_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_restart -Checking test 048 regional_restart results .... - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 149.256299 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 808352 - -Test 048 regional_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_decomp -Checking test 049 regional_decomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 311.318509 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 861292 - -Test 049 regional_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_2threads -Checking test 050 regional_2threads results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 223.496224 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 836964 - -Test 050 regional_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_noquilt -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_noquilt -Checking test 051 regional_noquilt results .... - Comparing atmos_4xdaily.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history2d.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 315.959922 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 859988 - -Test 051 regional_noquilt PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 052 regional_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 290.472392 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 854288 - -Test 052 regional_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 053 regional_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 292.605010 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 871704 - -Test 053 regional_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/fv3_regional_wofs -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_wofs -Checking test 054 regional_wofs results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 371.197167 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 626224 - -Test 054 regional_wofs PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_control -Checking test 055 rap_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 440.678287 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1053540 - -Test 055 rap_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_rrtmgp -Checking test 056 rap_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 474.904847 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1165504 - -Test 056 rap_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -Checking test 057 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 290.709378 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1174572 - -Test 057 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_decomp -Checking test 058 rap_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 464.354775 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1006084 - -Test 058 rap_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_2threads -Checking test 059 rap_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 509.346499 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1063228 - -Test 059 rap_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_restart -Checking test 060 rap_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 223.955531 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 961200 - -Test 060 rap_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_sfcdiff -Checking test 061 rap_sfcdiff results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 436.824252 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1052580 - -Test 061 rap_sfcdiff PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_sfcdiff_decomp -Checking test 062 rap_sfcdiff_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 462.646355 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 997724 - -Test 062 rap_sfcdiff_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_sfcdiff_restart -Checking test 063 rap_sfcdiff_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 329.935847 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 978148 - -Test 063 rap_sfcdiff_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hrrr_control -Checking test 064 hrrr_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 421.032031 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 990980 - -Test 064 hrrr_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hrrr_control_decomp -Checking test 065 hrrr_control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 440.045993 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1002572 - -Test 065 hrrr_control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hrrr_control_2threads -Checking test 066 hrrr_control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 474.987658 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1062424 - -Test 066 hrrr_control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hrrr_control_restart -Checking test 067 hrrr_control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 317.549182 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 988192 - -Test 067 hrrr_control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rrfs_v1beta -Checking test 068 rrfs_v1beta results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 429.444562 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1056308 - -Test 068 rrfs_v1beta PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rrfs_v1nssl -Checking test 069 rrfs_v1nssl results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 512.778850 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 683760 - -Test 069 rrfs_v1nssl PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -Checking test 070 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 498.882884 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 755468 - -Test 070 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 071 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 122.624437 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 927020 - -Test 071 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 072 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 137.807469 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 954908 - -Test 072 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -Checking test 073 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 127.498913 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 929540 - -Test 073 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads -Checking test 074 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 92.167439 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 899948 - -Test 074 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads -Checking test 075 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 90.124098 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 903632 - -Test 075 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmg -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_csawmg -Checking test 076 control_csawmg results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 339.370028 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 727228 - -Test 076 control_csawmg PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_csawmgt -Checking test 077 control_csawmgt results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 335.304958 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 728496 - -Test 077 control_csawmgt PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_ras -Checking test 078 control_ras results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 178.527111 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 716576 - -Test 078 control_ras PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_wam -Checking test 079 control_wam results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 110.844936 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 638228 - -Test 079 control_wam PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debugs -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug -Checking test 080 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 726.989820 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 954856 - -Test 080 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -Checking test 081 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 757.978512 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 958132 - -Test 081 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_debug -Checking test 082 control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 159.422579 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 791688 - -Test 082 control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_2threads_debug -Checking test 083 control_2threads_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 229.125988 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 836440 - -Test 083 control_2threads_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -Checking test 084 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 175.086318 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 795116 - -Test 084 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -Checking test 085 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 161.319488 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 793660 - -Test 085 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_stochy_debug -Checking test 086 control_stochy_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 184.457024 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 803664 - -Test 086 control_stochy_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_lndp_debug -Checking test 087 control_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 256.783909 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 796580 - -Test 087 control_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmg_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_csawmg_debug -Checking test 088 control_csawmg_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 246.260029 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 844020 - -Test 088 control_csawmg_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_csawmgt_debug -Checking test 089 control_csawmgt_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 235.719589 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 842368 - -Test 089 control_csawmgt_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_ras_debug -Checking test 090 control_ras_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 161.840305 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 813264 - -Test 090 control_ras_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_diag_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_diag_debug -Checking test 091 control_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 251.848059 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 851748 - -Test 091 control_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_debug_p8 -Checking test 092 control_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 182.979464 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1614680 - -Test 092 control_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_debug -Checking test 093 regional_debug results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1014.994977 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 883360 - -Test 093 regional_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_control_debug -Checking test 094 rap_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 284.456271 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1176544 - -Test 094 rap_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hrrr_control_debug -Checking test 095 hrrr_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 281.251547 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1172700 - -Test 095 hrrr_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_unified_drag_suite_debug -Checking test 096 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 283.578028 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1171004 - -Test 096 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_diag_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_diag_debug -Checking test 097 rap_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 301.622862 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1256008 - -Test 097 rap_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 098 rap_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 293.672054 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1168156 - -Test 098 rap_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_unified_ugwp_debug -Checking test 099 rap_unified_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 287.308154 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1175184 - -Test 099 rap_unified_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_lndp_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_lndp_debug -Checking test 100 rap_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 290.174119 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1180056 - -Test 100 rap_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_flake_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_flake_debug -Checking test 101 rap_flake_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 287.926698 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1169872 - -Test 101 rap_flake_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -Checking test 102 rap_progcld_thompson_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 283.792320 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1174748 - -Test 102 rap_progcld_thompson_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_noah_debug -Checking test 103 rap_noah_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 272.043665 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1169244 - -Test 103 rap_noah_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_rrtmgp_debug -Checking test 104 rap_rrtmgp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 492.047446 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1309900 - -Test 104 rap_rrtmgp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_sfcdiff_debug -Checking test 105 rap_sfcdiff_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 442.389611 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1173560 - -Test 105 rap_sfcdiff_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 106 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 457.200283 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1170240 - -Test 106 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rrfs_v1beta_debug -Checking test 107 rrfs_v1beta_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 282.200696 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1164676 - -Test 107 rrfs_v1beta_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_wam_debug -Checking test 108 control_wam_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf019.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf019.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 283.886130 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 523548 - -Test 108 control_wam_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 109 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 265.746472 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1012168 - -Test 109 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 110 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 353.539720 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 999216 - -Test 110 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 111 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 184.622898 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 957424 - -Test 111 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 112 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 416.920391 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 941284 - -Test 112 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 113 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 215.595444 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 928884 - -Test 113 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 114 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 196.113237 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 891808 - -Test 114 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 115 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 266.291772 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 947128 - -Test 115 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 116 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 95.048498 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 863280 - -Test 116 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -Checking test 117 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 231.772043 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 966804 - -Test 117 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 118 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 274.445236 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1061528 - -Test 118 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 119 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 271.842646 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1061516 - -Test 119 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug -Checking test 120 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 288.625413 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1095924 - -Test 120 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_atm -Checking test 121 hafs_regional_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 303.863783 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 977676 - -Test 121 hafs_regional_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -Checking test 122 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 396.795359 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1343268 - -Test 122 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -Checking test 123 hafs_regional_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 388.226924 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1198824 - -Test 123 hafs_regional_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_wav -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_atm_wav -Checking test 124 hafs_regional_atm_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 713.800926 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1227012 - -Test 124 hafs_regional_atm_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 125 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 810.321685 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1239332 - -Test 125 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -Checking test 126 hafs_regional_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 458.879471 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 514596 - -Test 126 hafs_regional_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -Checking test 127 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 510.070908 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 530896 - -Test 127 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_1nest_atm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_global_1nest_atm -Checking test 128 hafs_global_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 215.409574 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 376928 - -Test 128 hafs_global_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -Checking test 129 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest03 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest04 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest05 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 583.462238 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 338264 - -Test 129 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -Checking test 130 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 274.701541 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 527916 - -Test 130 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 131 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 263.715568 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 539144 - -Test 131 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -Checking test 132 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 271.670051 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 568812 - -Test 132 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 133 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 609.618754 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 528580 - -Test 133 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 134 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 79.893503 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 395856 - -Test 134 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_docn -Checking test 135 hafs_regional_docn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 386.545434 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1209184 - -Test 135 hafs_regional_docn PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_docn_oisst -Checking test 136 hafs_regional_docn_oisst results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.docn.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 384.387359 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1203504 - -Test 136 hafs_regional_docn_oisst PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps -Checking test 137 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps results .... - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.datm.r.2019-08-30-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 928.867220 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1045040 - -Test 137 hafs_regional_datm_cdeps PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -Checking test 138 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 145.898819 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1055100 - -Test 138 datm_cdeps_control_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr -Checking test 139 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 92.680182 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1021568 - -Test 139 datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_control_gefs -Checking test 140 datm_cdeps_control_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 141.255034 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 972028 - -Test 140 datm_cdeps_control_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -Checking test 141 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 144.658409 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 958968 - -Test 141 datm_cdeps_iau_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -Checking test 142 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 144.696079 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 968412 - -Test 142 datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -Checking test 143 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 212.434286 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1070840 - -Test 143 datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -Checking test 144 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 147.947736 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1068484 - -Test 144 datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -Checking test 145 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 140.795308 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 969036 - -Test 145 datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -Checking test 146 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 451.613240 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 876268 - -Test 146 datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -Checking test 147 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 447.797235 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 930924 - -Test 147 datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr -Checking test 148 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 147.006738 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1045120 - -Test 148 datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -Checking test 149 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR3072x1536.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 194.990721 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2375368 - -Test 149 datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_gfs -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_gfs -Checking test 150 datm_cdeps_gfs results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_GFS.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 199.593172 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2369936 - -Test 150 datm_cdeps_gfs PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr -Checking test 151 datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr results .... - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-21600.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 442.834579 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 983888 - -Test 151 datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -Checking test 152 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 8.351308 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 252484 - -Test 152 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst -Checking test 153 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst results .... - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 39.295795 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 260168 - -Test 153 datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -Checking test 154 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-22-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 214.187979 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1614088 - -Test 154 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_atmwav -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/control_atmwav -Checking test 155 control_atmwav results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210322.180000.restart.glo_1deg .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 88.339734 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 657716 - -Test 155 control_atmwav PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8 -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/atmaero_control_p8 -Checking test 156 atmaero_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 235.469230 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2980700 - -Test 156 atmaero_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/atmaero_control_p8_rad -Checking test 157 atmaero_control_p8_rad results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 289.380198 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3043928 - -Test 157 atmaero_control_p8_rad PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -Checking test 158 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 292.348956 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3009504 - -Test 158 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_atmaq -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_atmaq -Checking test 159 regional_atmaq results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 646.919207 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1103464 - -Test 159 regional_atmaq PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_atmaq_debug -working dir = /work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/rt_403490/regional_atmaq_debug -Checking test 160 regional_atmaq_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1232.288781 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1206916 - -Test 160 regional_atmaq_debug PASS - - -REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Wed Nov 30 18:51:34 CST 2022 -Elapsed time: 01h:19m:42s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/RegressionTests_stampede.intel.log b/tests/RegressionTests_stampede.intel.log deleted file mode 100644 index 00e5a787c3..0000000000 --- a/tests/RegressionTests_stampede.intel.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,252 +0,0 @@ -Sun Mar 21 22:01:01 CDT 2021 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 569 seconds. SUITES=FV3_GFS_2017_coupled,FV3_GFS_2017_satmedmf_coupled,FV3_GFS_v15p2_coupled,FV3_GFS_v16_coupled S2S=Y WW3=Y - -baseline dir = /work/07736/minsukji/stampede2/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20210318/cpld_bmark_wave -working dir = /scratch/07736/minsukji/ufs-weather-model/run/minsukji/FV3_RT/rt_216780/cpld_bmark_wave -Checking test 001 cpld_bmark_wave results .... - Comparing phyf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing 20130402.000000.out_grd.gwes_30m .........OK - Comparing 20130402.000000.out_pnt.points .........OK - Comparing 20130402.000000.restart.gwes_30m .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2013-04-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1513.274982 - -Test 001 cpld_bmark_wave PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/07736/minsukji/stampede2/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20210318/cpld_bmarkfrac_wave -working dir = /scratch/07736/minsukji/ufs-weather-model/run/minsukji/FV3_RT/rt_216780/cpld_bmarkfrac_wave -Checking test 002 cpld_bmarkfrac_wave results .... - Comparing phyf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing 20130402.000000.out_grd.gwes_30m .........OK - Comparing 20130402.000000.out_pnt.points .........OK - Comparing 20130402.000000.restart.gwes_30m .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2013-04-02-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-02-00000.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1511.941093 - -Test 002 cpld_bmarkfrac_wave PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/07736/minsukji/stampede2/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20210318/cpld_bmarkfrac_wave_v16 -working dir = /scratch/07736/minsukji/ufs-weather-model/run/minsukji/FV3_RT/rt_216780/cpld_bmarkfrac_wave_v16 -Checking test 003 cpld_bmarkfrac_wave_v16 results .... - Comparing phyf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.gwes_30m .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.points .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1019.892656 - -Test 003 cpld_bmarkfrac_wave_v16 PASS - - -baseline dir = /work/07736/minsukji/stampede2/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20210318/cpld_control_wave -working dir = /scratch/07736/minsukji/ufs-weather-model/run/minsukji/FV3_RT/rt_216780/cpld_control_wave -Checking test 004 cpld_control_wave results .... - Comparing phyf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2016-10-04-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2016-10-04-00000.nc .........OK - Comparing 20161004.000000.out_grd.glo_1deg .........OK - Comparing 20161004.000000.out_pnt.points .........OK - Comparing 20161004.000000.restart.glo_1deg .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 753.637820 - -Test 004 cpld_control_wave PASS - - -REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Mon Mar 22 02:13:36 CDT 2021 -Elapsed time: 04h:12m:35s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/RegressionTests_wcoss2.intel.log b/tests/RegressionTests_wcoss2.intel.log deleted file mode 100644 index 76edc0e32e..0000000000 --- a/tests/RegressionTests_wcoss2.intel.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4306 +0,0 @@ -Wed Nov 30 19:42:51 UTC 2022 -Start Regression test - -Compile 001 elapsed time 512 seconds. -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 002 elapsed time 1076 seconds. -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 003 elapsed time 358 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 004 elapsed time 491 seconds. -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DMOM6SOLO=ON -Compile 005 elapsed time 692 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 006 elapsed time 355 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_RRTMGP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 007 elapsed time 713 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ugwpv1,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v16_noahmp -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 008 elapsed time 762 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 009 elapsed time 756 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 010 elapsed time 558 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 011 elapsed time 682 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 012 elapsed time 485 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 013 elapsed time 300 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 014 elapsed time 658 seconds. -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Compile 015 elapsed time 503 seconds. -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 016 elapsed time 344 seconds. -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 017 elapsed time 466 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 018 elapsed time 526 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Compile 019 elapsed time 458 seconds. -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_control_p8 -Checking test 001 cpld_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 406.115479 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2985252 - -Test 001 cpld_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_restart_p8 -Checking test 002 cpld_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 242.251290 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2867992 - -Test 002 cpld_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_2threads_p8 -Checking test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 958.842804 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3265316 - -Test 003 cpld_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_esmfthreads_p8 -Checking test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 424.388507 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3279752 - -Test 004 cpld_esmfthreads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_decomp_p8 -Checking test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 424.038933 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2975968 - -Test 005 cpld_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_mpi_p8 -Checking test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 356.701544 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2914140 - -Test 006 cpld_mpi_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 -Checking test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 421.328304 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2983548 - -Test 007 cpld_control_ciceC_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_bmark_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_bmark_p8 -Checking test 008 cpld_bmark_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 954.252621 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3914988 - -Test 008 cpld_bmark_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_bmark_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_restart_bmark_p8 -Checking test 009 cpld_restart_bmark_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 659.868069 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3887752 - -Test 009 cpld_restart_bmark_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_control_noaero_p8 -Checking test 010 cpld_control_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 264.909583 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1568884 - -Test 010 cpld_control_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 -Checking test 011 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 304.817355 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1620336 - -Test 011 cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid -Checking test 012 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid results .... - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 376.669757 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1624908 - -Test 012 cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_control_c48 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_control_c48 -Checking test 013 cpld_control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 459.553007 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2628300 - -Test 013 cpld_control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_warmstart_c48 -Checking test 014 cpld_warmstart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 151.309344 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2647056 - -Test 014 cpld_warmstart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/cpld_warmstart_c48 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/cpld_restart_c48 -Checking test 015 cpld_restart_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 76.598037 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2064912 - -Test 015 cpld_restart_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control -Checking test 016 control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 136.652322 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 513816 - -Test 016 control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_decomp -Checking test 017 control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 138.967526 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 515152 - -Test 017 control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 018 control_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 134.113302 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 514716 - -Test 018 control_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_2threads -Checking test 019 control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 410.589381 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 565460 - -Test 019 control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_restart -Checking test 020 control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 70.861389 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 385960 - -Test 020 control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_fhzero -Checking test 021 control_fhzero results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 129.340963 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 513864 - -Test 021 control_fhzero PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_CubedSphereGrid -Checking test 022 control_CubedSphereGrid results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 131.549455 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 513444 - -Test 022 control_CubedSphereGrid PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_latlon -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_latlon -Checking test 023 control_latlon results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 132.573030 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 512988 - -Test 023 control_latlon PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 024 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 134.999419 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 516248 - -Test 024 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c48 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_c48 -Checking test 025 control_c48 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 330.043459 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 665864 - -Test 025 control_c48 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c192 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_c192 -Checking test 026 control_c192 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 543.677505 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 610668 - -Test 026 control_c192 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_c384 -Checking test 027 control_c384 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1669.368266 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 881840 - -Test 027 control_c384 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384gdas -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_c384gdas -Checking test 028 control_c384gdas results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1437.958239 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1014716 - -Test 028 control_c384gdas PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_c384_progsigma -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_c384_progsigma -Checking test 029 control_c384_progsigma results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1690.855782 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 898580 - -Test 029 control_c384_progsigma PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_stochy -Checking test 030 control_stochy results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 92.713616 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 524092 - -Test 030 control_stochy PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_stochy_restart -Checking test 031 control_stochy_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 47.644417 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 289336 - -Test 031 control_stochy_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_lndp -Checking test 032 control_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 82.709424 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 518452 - -Test 032 control_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr4 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_iovr4 -Checking test 033 control_iovr4 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 134.666847 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 517208 - -Test 033 control_iovr4 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_iovr5 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_iovr5 -Checking test 034 control_iovr5 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 139.534114 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 514840 - -Test 034 control_iovr5 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_p8 -Checking test 035 control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 180.612944 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1482976 - -Test 035 control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_lndp -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_p8_lndp -Checking test 036 control_p8_lndp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf048.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf048.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF48 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF48 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 325.831262 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1483872 - -Test 036 control_p8_lndp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_restart_p8 -Checking test 037 control_restart_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 100.573573 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 649240 - -Test 037 control_restart_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_decomp_p8 -Checking test 038 control_decomp_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 183.845565 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1482320 - -Test 038 control_decomp_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_2threads_p8 -Checking test 039 control_2threads_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 489.293943 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1566484 - -Test 039 control_2threads_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_rrtmgp -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_p8_rrtmgp -Checking test 040 control_p8_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 260.424694 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1596104 - -Test 040 control_p8_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/merra2_thompson -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/merra2_thompson -Checking test 041 merra2_thompson results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 210.248845 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1492756 - -Test 041 merra2_thompson PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_control -Checking test 042 regional_control results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 301.505584 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 654132 - -Test 042 regional_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_restart -Checking test 043 regional_restart results .... - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 162.634956 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 650444 - -Test 043 regional_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_decomp -Checking test 044 regional_decomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 306.282948 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 654028 - -Test 044 regional_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_2threads -Checking test 045 regional_2threads results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 562.755000 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 684820 - -Test 045 regional_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_noquilt -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_noquilt -Checking test 046 regional_noquilt results .... - Comparing atmos_4xdaily.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history2d.nc .........OK - Comparing fv3_history.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1_new.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 326.287974 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 645388 - -Test 046 regional_noquilt PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_netcdf_parallel -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_netcdf_parallel -Checking test 047 regional_netcdf_parallel results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 300.623334 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 646648 - -Test 047 regional_netcdf_parallel PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_2dwrtdecomp -Checking test 048 regional_2dwrtdecomp results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 299.228246 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 653732 - -Test 048 regional_2dwrtdecomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/fv3_regional_wofs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_wofs -Checking test 049 regional_wofs results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf006.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf006.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 367.932347 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 333456 - -Test 049 regional_wofs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_control -Checking test 050 rap_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 475.957075 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 897792 - -Test 050 rap_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_rrtmgp -Checking test 051 rap_rrtmgp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 558.675159 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1011888 - -Test 051 rap_rrtmgp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb -Checking test 052 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 745.776846 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 977000 - -Test 052 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_decomp -Checking test 053 rap_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 530.990640 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 895952 - -Test 053 rap_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_2threads -Checking test 054 rap_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1276.659674 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 955844 - -Test 054 rap_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_restart -Checking test 055 rap_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 204.864682 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 638852 - -Test 055 rap_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_sfcdiff -Checking test 056 rap_sfcdiff results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 476.296389 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 901212 - -Test 056 rap_sfcdiff PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_sfcdiff_decomp -Checking test 057 rap_sfcdiff_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 495.425249 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 894440 - -Test 057 rap_sfcdiff_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_sfcdiff_restart -Checking test 058 rap_sfcdiff_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 295.002587 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 641204 - -Test 058 rap_sfcdiff_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hrrr_control -Checking test 059 hrrr_control results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 464.859456 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 888292 - -Test 059 hrrr_control PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hrrr_control_decomp -Checking test 060 hrrr_control_decomp results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 483.239069 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 893224 - -Test 060 hrrr_control_decomp PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hrrr_control_2threads -Checking test 061 hrrr_control_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1239.640367 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 952996 - -Test 061 hrrr_control_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hrrr_control_restart -Checking test 062 hrrr_control_restart results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 287.654338 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 633892 - -Test 062 hrrr_control_restart PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rrfs_v1beta -Checking test 063 rrfs_v1beta results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 455.520402 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 886420 - -Test 063 rrfs_v1beta PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rrfs_v1nssl -Checking test 064 rrfs_v1nssl results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 546.417726 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 579100 - -Test 064 rrfs_v1nssl PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn -Checking test 065 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 532.122516 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 570252 - -Test 065 rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 066 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 168.045353 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 763416 - -Test 066 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm -Checking test 067 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 178.664525 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 786740 - -Test 067 rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -Checking test 068 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 186.634655 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 773284 - -Test 068 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads -Checking test 069 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 258.885883 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 757560 - -Test 069 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads -Checking test 070 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf002.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf002.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 255.372480 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 761432 - -Test 070 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmg -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_csawmg -Checking test 071 control_csawmg results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 360.871891 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 587420 - -Test 071 control_csawmg PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_csawmgt -Checking test 072 control_csawmgt results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 346.095535 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 588676 - -Test 072 control_csawmgt PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_ras -Checking test 073 control_ras results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 181.268029 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 552692 - -Test 073 control_ras PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_wam -Checking test 074 control_wam results .... - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 119.133813 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 274768 - -Test 074 control_wam PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debugs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug -Checking test 075 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 777.377492 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 789952 - -Test 075 rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug -Checking test 076 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 781.558946 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 796824 - -Test 076 rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_debug -Checking test 077 control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 162.668498 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 682236 - -Test 077 control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_2threads_debug -Checking test 078 control_2threads_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 450.046909 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 735864 - -Test 078 control_2threads_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug -Checking test 079 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 170.625453 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 678040 - -Test 079 control_CubedSphereGrid_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug -Checking test 080 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 159.462822 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 683376 - -Test 080 control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_stochy_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_stochy_debug -Checking test 081 control_stochy_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 186.569851 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 687224 - -Test 081 control_stochy_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_lndp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_lndp_debug -Checking test 082 control_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 165.608850 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 683984 - -Test 082 control_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmg_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_csawmg_debug -Checking test 083 control_csawmg_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 260.161225 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 722324 - -Test 083 control_csawmg_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_csawmgt_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_csawmgt_debug -Checking test 084 control_csawmgt_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 254.728296 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 722240 - -Test 084 control_csawmgt_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_ras_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_ras_debug -Checking test 085 control_ras_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 164.154291 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 692300 - -Test 085 control_ras_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_diag_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_diag_debug -Checking test 086 control_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 165.081255 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 738816 - -Test 086 control_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_debug_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_debug_p8 -Checking test 087 control_debug_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 191.048200 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1505188 - -Test 087 control_debug_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_debug -Checking test 088 regional_debug results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1054.938779 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 677712 - -Test 088 regional_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_control_debug -Checking test 089 rap_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 300.661114 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1056904 - -Test 089 rap_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hrrr_control_debug -Checking test 090 hrrr_control_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 292.367965 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1053984 - -Test 090 hrrr_control_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_unified_drag_suite_debug -Checking test 091 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 302.278475 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1058228 - -Test 091 rap_unified_drag_suite_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_diag_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_diag_debug -Checking test 092 rap_diag_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 311.257047 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1140852 - -Test 092 rap_diag_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 093 rap_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 304.804974 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1056164 - -Test 093 rap_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_unified_ugwp_debug -Checking test 094 rap_unified_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 306.942808 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1058052 - -Test 094 rap_unified_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_lndp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_lndp_debug -Checking test 095 rap_lndp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 299.269557 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1055784 - -Test 095 rap_lndp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_flake_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_flake_debug -Checking test 096 rap_flake_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 299.119516 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1059916 - -Test 096 rap_flake_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_progcld_thompson_debug -Checking test 097 rap_progcld_thompson_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 297.283776 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1055212 - -Test 097 rap_progcld_thompson_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_noah_debug -Checking test 098 rap_noah_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 291.591552 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1056320 - -Test 098 rap_noah_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_rrtmgp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_rrtmgp_debug -Checking test 099 rap_rrtmgp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 500.124722 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1173588 - -Test 099 rap_rrtmgp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_sfcdiff_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_sfcdiff_debug -Checking test 100 rap_sfcdiff_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 302.072882 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1058352 - -Test 100 rap_sfcdiff_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug -Checking test 101 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 495.721106 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1054936 - -Test 101 rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rrfs_v1beta_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rrfs_v1beta_debug -Checking test 102 rrfs_v1beta_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 293.822544 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1051332 - -Test 102 rrfs_v1beta_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_wam_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_wam_debug -Checking test 103 control_wam_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf019.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf019.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 296.664795 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 298548 - -Test 103 control_wam_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 104 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing dynf000.nc .........OK - Comparing dynf001.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf000.nc .........OK - Comparing phyf001.nc .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing NATLEV.GrbF01 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 661.751523 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 878364 - -Test 104 regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 105 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 337.447516 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 777760 - -Test 105 rap_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 106 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 175.909058 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 772988 - -Test 106 hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 107 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1033.133865 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 815040 - -Test 107 rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 108 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 539.335627 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 815404 - -Test 108 hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 109 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 180.367044 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 777340 - -Test 109 hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 110 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 248.773046 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 605408 - -Test 110 rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 111 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 89.314949 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 604032 - -Test 111 hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 -Checking test 112 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf009.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf009.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF09 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF12 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 228.126635 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 791204 - -Test 112 rap_control_dyn64_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 113 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 288.584385 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 939976 - -Test 113 rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 -Checking test 114 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 283.800277 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 938280 - -Test 114 hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/rap_control_debug_dyn64_phy32 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug -Checking test 115 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 291.744364 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 958472 - -Test 115 rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_regional_atm -Checking test 116 hafs_regional_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 716.447455 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 788740 - -Test 116 hafs_regional_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf -Checking test 117 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 843.011072 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1150356 - -Test 117 hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_regional_atm_ocn -Checking test 118 hafs_regional_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.hi.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 446.380621 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 837816 - -Test 118 hafs_regional_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_wav -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_regional_atm_wav -Checking test 119 hafs_regional_atm_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 713.845104 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 868124 - -Test 119 hafs_regional_atm_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 120 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2019_241_06.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - Comparing 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 .........OK - Comparing ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 905.310563 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 894136 - -Test 120 hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_regional_1nest_atm -Checking test 121 hafs_regional_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1124.146901 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 376068 - -Test 121 hafs_regional_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm -Checking test 122 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1265.108149 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 391780 - -Test 122 hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_1nest_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_global_1nest_atm -Checking test 123 hafs_global_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 541.218858 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 270056 - -Test 123 hafs_global_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm -Checking test 124 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest03.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest04.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest05.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest03 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest04 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest05 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1460.070789 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 332056 - -Test 124 hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm -Checking test 125 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06 .........OK - Comparing HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 664.616912 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 383392 - -Test 125 hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 126 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 643.127205 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 383496 - -Test 126 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn -Checking test 127 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 666.191771 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 412540 - -Test 127 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav -Checking test 128 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing archv.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing archs.2020_238_18.a .........OK - Comparing out_grd.ww3 .........OK - Comparing out_pnt.ww3 .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1334.705071 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 476460 - -Test 128 hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm -Checking test 129 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm results .... - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atm.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - Comparing sfc.nest02.f006.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 220.382305 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 273972 - -Test 129 hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs -Checking test 130 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs results .... - Comparing sfcf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-22-43200.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 262.496669 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1540152 - -Test 130 control_p8_atmlnd_sbs PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8 -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/atmaero_control_p8 -Checking test 131 atmaero_control_p8 results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 253.867574 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2813100 - -Test 131 atmaero_control_p8 PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/atmaero_control_p8_rad -Checking test 132 atmaero_control_p8_rad results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 283.763097 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2875100 - -Test 132 atmaero_control_p8_rad PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro -Checking test 133 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK - Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK - Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 300.033763 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 2885280 - -Test 133 atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_atmaq -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_atmaq -Checking test 134 regional_atmaq results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf003.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf003.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 746.812162 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1047820 - -Test 134 regional_atmaq PASS - - -baseline dir = /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20221130/INTEL/regional_atmaq_debug -working dir = /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_99482/regional_atmaq_debug -Checking test 135 regional_atmaq_debug results .... - Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK - Comparing sfcf001.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK - Comparing atmf001.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/phy_data.nc .........OK - Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.nc .........OK - -The total amount of wall time = 1351.859057 -The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1168672 - -Test 135 regional_atmaq_debug PASS - - -REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Wed Nov 30 21:05:17 UTC 2022 -Elapsed time: 01h:22m:28s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/atparse.bash b/tests/atparse.bash index a1d9496982..5e0e8985d8 100755 --- a/tests/atparse.bash +++ b/tests/atparse.bash @@ -1,42 +1,106 @@ #! /usr/bin/env bash function atparse { - local __set_x - [ -o xtrace ] && __set_x='set -x' || __set_x='set +x' - set +x + # Usage: + # source atparse.bash # defines the "atparse" function; only do this once + # atparse [ var1=value1 [ var2=value2 [...] ] ] < input_file > output_file + # This function filters text from stdin to stdout. It scans for text sequences like: + # @[varname] + # And replaces them with the value of the corresponding ${varname} variable. + # You can provide variables that are not set in bash by providing them on the command line. + # If set -u is enabled, it will exit the process when a variable is empty or undefined via set -u. + # Use __ in names to avoid clashing with variables in {var} blocks. - local __text __before __after __during + local __text # current line of text being parsed, or the current command-line argument being parsed + local __before # all text before the next @[...] option + local __after # all text after the next @[...] option + local __during # the contents of the @[...] option, including the @[ and ] + local __set_x=":" # will be "set -x" if the calling script had that option enabled + local __set_u=":" # will be "set -u" if the calling script had that option enabled + local __set_e=":" # will be "set -e" if the calling script had that option enabled + local __abort_on_undefined=NO # YES = script should abort if a variable is undefined, NO otherwise + + # Ensure "set -x -e -u" are all inactive, but remember if they + # were active so we can reset them later. + if [[ -o xtrace ]] ; then + __set_x="set -x" + fi + if [[ -o errexit ]] ; then + __set_e="set -e" + fi + if [[ -o nounset ]] ; then + __set_u="set -u" + __abort_on_undefined=YES + fi + set +eux + + # Allow setting variables on the atparse command line rather than the environment. + # They will be local variables in this function. for __text in "$@" ; do if [[ $__text =~ ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)=(.*)$ ]] ; then eval "local ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" eval "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}="'"${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"' else - echo "ERROR: Ignoring invalid argument $__text\n" 1>&2 + echo "ERROR: Ignoring invalid argument $__text" 1>&2 fi done - while IFS= read -r __text ; do + + # Loop over all lines of text. + while [[ 1 == 1 ]] ; do + # Read the next line of text. This will "fail" if no more text + # is left OR if the last line lacks an end-of-line character. + read -d '' -r __text + + # Stop when "read" reports it is done ($? -ne 0) AND the text is + # non-empty (! -n "$__text"). This ensures we read the final line + # even if it lacks an end-of-line character. + if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then + if [[ -n "$__text" ]] ; then + # Text remained, but it had no end-of-line. + : + else + break + fi + fi + # Search for strings like @[varname] or @['string'] or @[@] while [[ "$__text" =~ ^([^@]*)(@\[[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\]|@\[\'[^\']*\'\]|@\[@\]|@)(.*) ]] ; do __before="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" __during="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" __after="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" -# printf 'PARSE[%s|%s|%s]\n' "$__before" "$__during" "$__after" printf %s "$__before" + # @['string'] inserts string if [[ "$__during" =~ ^@\[\'(.*)\'\]$ ]] ; then printf %s "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" + # @[@] inserts @ elif [[ "$__during" == '@[@]' ]] ; then printf @ + # @[varname] inserts $varname elif [[ "$__during" =~ ^@\[([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\] ]] ; then + # Flag unknown variables at this step only. + if [[ ${__abort_on_undefined} == YES ]] ; then + set -u + fi eval 'printf %s "$'"${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"'"' + if [[ ${__abort_on_undefined} == YES ]] ; then + set +u + fi + # Unrecognized sequences are inserted verbatim. else printf '%s' "$__during" fi + # Continue until we run out of text in this line. if [[ "$__after" == "$__text" ]] ; then break fi __text="$__after" done + # Print the corrected text printf '%s\n' "$__text" done + + # Restore the calling script's shell options. eval "$__set_x" + eval "$__set_u" + eval "$__set_e" } function test_atparse { @@ -45,14 +109,18 @@ function test_atparse { testvar='[testvar]' var1='[var1]' var2='[var2]' - cat<<\EOF | atparse var3='**' + var4='[var4]' + ( cat<<\EOF ; echo -n "line with no end-of-line character [var4] = @[var4]" ) | atparse var3='**' Nothing special here. = @['Nothing special here.'] [testvar] = @[testvar] [var1] [var2] = @[var1] @[var2] ** = @[var3] +[var4] == @[var4] @ = @[@] = @['@'] +@[undefined_variable_that_should_exit_script_if_set_minus_u_is_used] -n eval "export PE$c=\${PE$c:-0}" = @[' eval "export PE$c=\${PE$c:-0}"'] EOF + echo " ... this text should be on the same line as the line with no end-of-line character" echo "After block, \$var3 = \"$var3\" should be empty" } diff --git a/tests/auto-jenkins/jobs/bl.py b/tests/auto-jenkins/jobs/bl.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..026e27cb07 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/auto-jenkins/jobs/bl.py @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +# Imports +import datetime +import logging +import os +import sys +from . import rt + +def run(job_obj): + logger = logging.getLogger('BL/RUN') + workdir, rtbldir, blstore = set_directories(job_obj) + pr_repo_loc, repo_dir_str = clone_pr_repo(job_obj, workdir) + bldate = get_bl_date(job_obj, pr_repo_loc) + bldir = f'{blstore}/develop-{bldate}' + bldirbool = check_for_bl_dir(bldir, job_obj) + run_regression_test(job_obj, pr_repo_loc) + post_process(job_obj, pr_repo_loc, repo_dir_str, rtbldir, bldir) + + +def set_directories(job_obj): + logger = logging.getLogger('BL/SET_DIRECTORIES') + if job_obj.machine == 'hera': + workdir = '/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/autort/pr' + blstore = '/scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs' + rtbldir = '/scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/'\ + f'REGRESSION_TEST' + elif job_obj.machine == 'jet': + workdir = '/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/h-nems/autort/pr' + blstore = '/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs' + rtbldir = '/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/h-nems/RT_BASELINE/'\ + f'emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/REGRESSION_TEST' + elif job_obj.machine == 'orion': + workdir = '/work/noaa/epic-ps/role-epic-ps/autort/tests/auto/pr' + blstore = '/work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs' + rtbldir = '/work/noaa/stmp/role-epic-ps/stmp/role-epic-ps/FV3_RT/'\ + f'REGRESSION_TEST' + elif job_obj.machine == 'hercules': + workdir = '/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/autort/tests/auto/pr' + blstore = '/work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT' + rtbldir = '/work/noaa/stmp/role-epic/stmp/role-epic/FV3_RT/'\ + f'REGRESSION_TEST' + elif job_obj.machine == 'derecho': + workdir = '/glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/autort/jenkins/autort/pr' + blstore = '/glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs' + rtbldir = '/glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/FV3_RT/'\ + f'REGRESSION_TEST' + else: + logger.critical(f'Machine {job_obj.machine} is not supported for this job') + raise KeyError + + logger.info(f'machine: {job_obj.machine}') + logger.info(f'workdir: {workdir}') + logger.info(f'blstore: {blstore}') + logger.info(f'rtbldir: {rtbldir}') + + return workdir, rtbldir, blstore + + +def check_for_bl_dir(bldir, job_obj): + logger = logging.getLogger('BL/CHECK_FOR_BL_DIR') + logger.info('Checking if baseline directory exists') + if os.path.exists(bldir): + logger.critical(f'Baseline dir: {bldir} exists. It should not, yet.') + job_obj.comment_text_append(f'{bldir}\n Exists already. ' + 'It should not yet. Please delete.') + raise FileExistsError + return False + + +def create_bl_dir(bldir, job_obj): + logger = logging.getLogger('BL/CREATE_BL_DIR') + if not check_for_bl_dir(bldir, job_obj): + os.makedirs(bldir) + if not os.path.exists(bldir): + logger.critical(f'Someting went wrong creating {bldir}') + raise FileNotFoundError + + +#def get_bl_date(job_obj): +# logger = logging.getLogger('BL/GET_BL_DATE') +# for line in job_obj.preq_dict['preq'].body.splitlines(): +# if 'BL_DATE:' in line: +# bldate = line +# bldate = bldate.replace('BL_DATE:', '') +# bldate = bldate.replace(' ', '') +# if len(bldate) != 8: +# print(f'Date: {bldate} is not formatted YYYYMMDD') +# raise ValueError +# logger.info(f'BL_DATE: {bldate}') +# bl_format = '%Y%m%d' +# try: +# datetime.datetime.strptime(bldate, bl_format) +# except ValueError: +# logger.info(f'Date {bldate} is not formatted YYYYMMDD') +# raise ValueError +# return bldate +# logger.critical('"BL_DATE:YYYYMMDD" needs to be in the PR body.'\ +# 'On its own line. Stopping') +# raise ValueError + +def run_regression_test(job_obj, pr_repo_loc): + logger = logging.getLogger('RT/RUN_REGRESSION_TEST') + if job_obj.machine != 'hera': + rt_command = [[f'cd tests && /bin/bash --login ./rt.sh -e -c', pr_repo_loc]] + elif job_obj.machine == 'hera': + rt_command = [[f'cd tests && /bin/bash --login ./rt.sh -r -c', pr_repo_loc]] + job_obj.run_commands(logger, rt_command) + + +def remove_pr_data(job_obj, pr_repo_loc, repo_dir_str, rt_dir): + logger = logging.getLogger('BL/REMOVE_PR_DATA') + rm_command = [ + [f'rm -rf {rt_dir}', pr_repo_loc], + [f'rm -rf {repo_dir_str}', pr_repo_loc] + ] + job_obj.run_commands(logger, rm_command) + + +def clone_pr_repo(job_obj, workdir): + ''' clone the GitHub pull request repo, via command line ''' + logger = logging.getLogger('BL/CLONE_PR_REPO') + repo_name = job_obj.preq_dict['preq'].head.repo.name + branch = job_obj.preq_dict['preq'].head.ref + git_url = job_obj.preq_dict['preq'].head.repo.html_url.split('//') + git_url = f'{git_url[0]}//${{ghapitoken}}@{git_url[1]}' + logger.debug(f'GIT URL: {git_url}') + logger.info('Starting repo clone') + repo_dir_str = f'{workdir}/'\ + f'{str(job_obj.preq_dict["preq"].id)}/'\ + f'{datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}' + pr_repo_loc = f'{repo_dir_str}/{repo_name}' + job_obj.comment_text_append(f'Repo location: {pr_repo_loc}') + create_repo_commands = [ + [f'mkdir -p "{repo_dir_str}"', os.getcwd()], + [f'git clone -b {branch} {git_url}', repo_dir_str], + ['git submodule update --init --recursive', + f'{repo_dir_str}/{repo_name}'], + ['git config user.email "ecc.platform@noaa.gov"', + f'{repo_dir_str}/{repo_name}'], + ['git config user.name "epic-cicd-jenkins"', + f'{repo_dir_str}/{repo_name}'] + ] + + job_obj.run_commands(logger, create_repo_commands) + + logger.info('Finished repo clone') + return pr_repo_loc, repo_dir_str + + +def post_process(job_obj, pr_repo_loc, repo_dir_str, rtbldir, bldir): + logger = logging.getLogger('BL/MOVE_RT_LOGS') + rt_log = f'tests/logs/RegressionTests_{job_obj.machine}.log' + filepath = f'{pr_repo_loc}/{rt_log}' + rt_dir, logfile_pass = process_logfile(job_obj, filepath) + if logfile_pass: + create_bl_dir(bldir, job_obj) + move_bl_command = [[f'mv {rtbldir}/* {bldir}/', pr_repo_loc]] +# bldate and blstore are not defined in this and will fail on Orion, currently. +# if job_obj.machine == 'orion': +# move_bl_command.append([f'/bin/bash --login adjust_permissions.sh orion develop-{bldate}', blstore]) + job_obj.run_commands(logger, move_bl_command) + job_obj.comment_text_append('Baseline creation and move successful') + logger.info('Starting RT Job') + rt.run(job_obj) + logger.info('Finished with RT Job') + remove_pr_data(job_obj, pr_repo_loc, repo_dir_str, rt_dir) + + +def get_bl_date(job_obj, pr_repo_loc): + logger = logging.getLogger('BL/UPDATE_RT_SH') + BLDATEFOUND = False + with open(f'{pr_repo_loc}/tests/rt.sh', 'r') as f: + for line in f: + if 'BL_DATE=' in line: + logger.info('Found BL_DATE in line') + BLDATEFOUND = True + bldate = line + bldate = bldate.rstrip('\n') + bldate = bldate.replace('BL_DATE=', '') + bldate = bldate.strip(' ') + logger.info(f'bldate is "{bldate}"') + logger.info(f'Type bldate: {type(bldate)}') + bl_format = '%Y%m%d' + try: + datetime.datetime.strptime(bldate, '%Y%m%d') + except ValueError: + logger.info(f'Date {bldate} is not formatted YYYYMMDD') + raise ValueError + if not BLDATEFOUND: + job_obj.comment_text_append('BL_DATE not found in rt.sh.' + 'Please manually edit rt.sh ' + 'with BL_DATE={bldate}') + job_obj.job_failed(logger, 'get_bl_date()') + logger.info('Finished get_bl_date') + + return bldate + + +def process_logfile(job_obj, logfile): + logger = logging.getLogger('BL/PROCESS_LOGFILE') + rt_dir = [] + fail_string_list = ['Test', 'failed'] + if os.path.exists(logfile): + with open(logfile) as f: + for line in f: + if all(x in line for x in fail_string_list): + # if 'FAIL' in line and 'Test' in line: + job_obj.comment_text_append(f'{line.rstrip(chr(10))}') + elif 'working dir' in line and not rt_dir: + logger.info(f'Found "working dir" in line: {line}') + rt_dir = os.path.split(line.split()[-1])[0] + logger.info(f'It is: {rt_dir}') + job_obj.comment_text_append(f'Please manually delete: ' + f'{rt_dir}') + elif 'SUCCESSFUL' in line: + logger.info('RT Successful') + return rt_dir, True + logger.critical(f'Log file exists but is not complete') + job_obj.job_failed(logger, f'{job_obj.preq_dict["action"]}') + else: + logger.critical(f'Could not find {job_obj.machine}' + f'{job_obj.preq_dict["action"]} log') + raise FileNotFoundError diff --git a/tests/auto-jenkins/jobs/rt.py b/tests/auto-jenkins/jobs/rt.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06428b6fd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/auto-jenkins/jobs/rt.py @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +# Imports +import datetime +import logging +import os +import re + +#Logging filter to santize log output and ensure Github Access tokens are not leaked. +def loggingfilter(record): + if re.search('ghp_(.*)\@', str(record.msg)): + record.msg = re.sub(r'ghp_(.*)\@', r'ghp_****@', str(record.msg)) + elif re.search('github_pat_(.*)\@', str(record.msg)): + record.msg = re.sub(r'github_pat_(.*)\@', r'github_pat_****@', str(record.msg)) + + return True + +def run(job_obj): + logger = logging.getLogger('RT/RUN') + workdir = set_directories(job_obj) + branch, pr_repo_loc, repo_dir_str = clone_pr_repo(job_obj, workdir) + run_regression_test(job_obj, pr_repo_loc) + post_process(job_obj, pr_repo_loc, repo_dir_str, branch) + + +def set_directories(job_obj): + logger = logging.getLogger('RT/SET_DIRECTORIES') + if job_obj.machine == 'hera': + workdir = '/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/autort/pr' + elif job_obj.machine == 'jet': + workdir = '/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/h-nems/autort/pr' + elif job_obj.machine == 'orion': + workdir = '/work/noaa/epic-ps/role-epic-ps/autort/tests/auto/pr' + elif job_obj.machine == 'hercules': + workdir = '/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/autort/tests/auto/pr' + elif job_obj.machine == 'derecho': + workdir = '/glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/autort/jenkins/autort/pr' + else: + print(f'Machine {job_obj.machine} is not supported for this job') + raise KeyError + + logger.info(f'machine: {job_obj.machine}') + logger.info(f'workdir: {workdir}') + + return workdir + + +def run_regression_test(job_obj, pr_repo_loc): + logger = logging.getLogger('RT/RUN_REGRESSION_TEST') + if job_obj.machine != 'hera': + rt_command = [[f'cd tests && /bin/bash --login ./rt.sh -e', pr_repo_loc]] + elif job_obj.machine == 'hera': + rt_command = [[f'cd tests && /bin/bash --login ./rt.sh -r', pr_repo_loc]] + job_obj.run_commands(logger, rt_command) + + +def remove_pr_data(job_obj, pr_repo_loc, repo_dir_str, rt_dir): + logger = logging.getLogger('RT/REMOVE_PR_DATA') + rm_command = [ + [f'rm -rf {rt_dir}', pr_repo_loc], + [f'rm -rf {repo_dir_str}', pr_repo_loc] + ] + job_obj.run_commands(logger, rm_command) + + +def clone_pr_repo(job_obj, workdir): + ''' clone the GitHub pull request repo, via command line ''' + filename = ('jenkinsaccesstoken') + f = open(filename) + os.environ['ghapitoken'] = f.readline().strip('\n') + + logger = logging.getLogger('RT/CLONE_PR_REPO') + logger.addFilter(loggingfilter) + repo_name = job_obj.preq_dict['preq'].head.repo.name + branch = job_obj.preq_dict['preq'].head.ref + git_url = job_obj.preq_dict['preq'].head.repo.html_url.split('//') + git_token = os.environ['ghapitoken'] + git_https_url = f'{git_url[0]}//{git_token}@{git_url[1]}' + git_ssh_url = job_obj.preq_dict['preq'].head.repo.ssh_url + logger.debug(f'GIT SSH_URL: {git_ssh_url}') + logger.info('Starting repo clone') + repo_dir_str = f'{workdir}/'\ + f'{str(job_obj.preq_dict["preq"].id)}/'\ + f'{datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}' + pr_repo_loc = f'{repo_dir_str}/{repo_name}' + job_obj.comment_text_append(f'[RT] Repo location: {pr_repo_loc}') + create_repo_commands = [ + [f'mkdir -p "{repo_dir_str}"', os.getcwd()], + [f'git clone -b {branch} {git_ssh_url}', repo_dir_str], + ['git submodule update --init --recursive', + f'{repo_dir_str}/{repo_name}'], + [f'git remote add httpsorigin {git_https_url}', + f'{repo_dir_str}/{repo_name}'], + ['git config user.email "ecc.platform@noaa.gov"', + f'{repo_dir_str}/{repo_name}'], + ['git config user.name "epic-cicd-jenkins"', + f'{repo_dir_str}/{repo_name}'] + ] + + job_obj.run_commands(logger, create_repo_commands) + + logger.info('Finished repo clone') + return branch, pr_repo_loc, repo_dir_str + + +def post_process(job_obj, pr_repo_loc, repo_dir_str, branch): + ''' This is the callback function associated with the "RT" command ''' + logger = logging.getLogger('RT/MOVE_RT_LOGS') + rt_log = f'tests/logs/RegressionTests_{job_obj.machine}.log' + filepath = f'{pr_repo_loc}/{rt_log}' + rt_dir, logfile_pass = process_logfile(job_obj, filepath) + if logfile_pass: + #if job_obj.preq_dict['preq'].maintainer_can_modify: + move_rt_commands = [ + [f'git pull --ff-only origin {branch}', pr_repo_loc], + [f'git add {rt_log}', pr_repo_loc], + [f'git commit -m "[AutoRT] {job_obj.machine} Job Completed.\n\n\n' + 'on-behalf-of @ufs-community "', + pr_repo_loc], + ['sleep 10', pr_repo_loc], + [f'git push httpsorigin {branch}', pr_repo_loc] + ] + job_obj.run_commands(logger, move_rt_commands) + else: + job_obj.comment_text_append(f'[RT] Log file shows failures.') + job_obj.comment_text_append(f'[RT] Please obtain logs from {pr_repo_loc}') + job_obj.preq_dict['preq'].create_issue_comment(job_obj.comment_text) + + +def process_logfile(job_obj, logfile): + logger = logging.getLogger('RT/PROCESS_LOGFILE') + rt_dir = [] + fail_string_list = ['Test', 'failed'] + if os.path.exists(logfile): + with open(logfile) as f: + for line in f: + if all(x in line for x in fail_string_list): + # if 'FAIL' in line and 'Test' in line: + job_obj.comment_text_append(f'[RT] Error: {line.rstrip(chr(10))}') + elif 'working dir' in line and not rt_dir: + rt_dir = os.path.split(line.split()[-1])[0] + elif 'SUCCESSFUL' in line: + return rt_dir, True + job_obj.job_failed(logger, f'{job_obj.preq_dict["action"]}') + else: + logger.critical(f'Could not find {job_obj.machine}' + f'{job_obj.preq_dict["action"]} log') + print(f'Could not find {job_obj.machine}' + f'{job_obj.preq_dict["action"]} log') + raise FileNotFoundError diff --git a/tests/auto-jenkins/rt_auto_jenkins.py b/tests/auto-jenkins/rt_auto_jenkins.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..3f29bf140a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/auto-jenkins/rt_auto_jenkins.py @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +"""Automation of UFS Regression Testing + +This script automates the process of UFS regression testing for code managers +at NOAA-EMC + +This script should be started through rt_auto.sh so that env vars are set up +prior to start. +""" +from github import Github as gh +import datetime +import subprocess +import re +import os +import sys +from glob import glob +import logging +import importlib +from shutil import rmtree + +class GHInterface: + ''' + This class stores information for communicating with GitHub + ... + + Attributes + ---------- + GHACCESSTOKEN : str + API token to autheticate with GitHub + client : pyGitHub communication object + The connection to GitHub to make API requests + ''' + + def __init__(self): + self.logger = logging.getLogger('GHINTERFACE') + + filename = 'jenkinsaccesstoken' + + if os.path.exists(filename): + if oct(os.stat(filename).st_mode)[-3:] != 600: + with open(filename) as f: + os.environ['ghapitoken'] = f.readline().strip('\n') + else: + raise Exception('File permission needs to be "600" ') + else: + raise FileNotFoundError('Cannot find file "accesstoken"') + + try: + self.client = gh(os.getenv('ghapitoken')) + except Exception as e: + self.logger.critical(f'Exception is {e}') + raise(e) + + +def set_action_from_label(machine, actions, label): + ''' Match the label that initiates a job with an action in the dict''' + # - i.e. hera-RT + logger = logging.getLogger('MATCH_LABEL_WITH_ACTIONS') + logger.info('Setting action from Label') + split_label = label.name.split('-') + # Make sure it has two parts + if len(split_label) != 2: + return False + # Break the parts into their variables + label_machine = split_label[0] + label_action = split_label[1] + # check machine name matches + if not re.match(label_machine, machine): + return False + action_match = next((action for action in actions + if re.match(action, label_action)), False) + + logging.info(f'Action: {action_match}') + return action_match + +def delete_pr_dirs(each_pr, machine): + if machine == 'hera': + workdir = '/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/role.epic/autort/pr' + elif machine == 'jet': + workdir = '/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/h-nems/autort/pr' + elif machine == 'orion': + workdir = '/work/noaa/epic-ps/role-epic-ps/autort/pr' + elif machine == 'hercules': + workdir = '/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/autort/pr' + elif machine == 'derecho': + workdir = '/glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/autort/jenkins/autort/pr' + else: + logging.error(f'Machine {machine} is not supported for this job') + raise KeyError + ids = [str(pr.id) for pr in each_pr] + logging.debug(f'ids are: {ids}') + dirs = [x.split('/')[-2] for x in glob(f'{workdir}/*/')] + logging.debug(f'dirs: {dirs}') + for dir in dirs: + if dir != 'pr': + logging.debug(f'Checking dir {dir}') + if not dir in ids: + logging.debug(f'ID NOT A MATCH, DELETING {dir}') + delete_rt_dirs(dir, machine, workdir) + if os.path.isdir(f'{workdir}/{dir}'): + logging.debug(f'Executing rmtree in "{workdir}/{dir}"') + rmtree(f'{workdir}/{dir}') + else: + logging.debug(f'{workdir}/{dir} does not exist, not attempting to remove') + else: + logging.debug(f'ID A MATCH, NOT DELETING {dir}') + # job_obj.preq_dict["preq"].id + + +def delete_rt_dirs(in_dir, machine, workdir): + if machine == 'hera': + rt_dir ='/scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_RT' + elif machine == 'jet': + rt_dir ='/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/h-nems/RT_BASELINE/'\ + f'emc.nemspara/FV3_RT' + elif machine == 'orion': + rt_dir = '/work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT' + elif machine == 'hercules': + rt_dir = '/work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT' + elif machine == 'derecho': + rt_dir = '/glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/FV3_RT' + else: + logging.error(f'Machine {machine} is not supported for this job') + raise KeyError + globdir = f'{workdir}/{in_dir}/**/compile_*.log' + logging.debug(f'globdir: {globdir}') + logfiles = glob(globdir, recursive=True) + if not logfiles: + return + logging.debug(f'logfiles: {logfiles}') + matches = [] + for logfile in logfiles: + with open(logfile, "r") as fp: + lines = [line.split('/') for line in fp if 'rt_' in line] + lines = list(set([item for sublist in lines for item in sublist])) + lines = [s for s in lines if 'rt_' in s and '\n' not in s] + if lines: + matches.append(lines) + logging.debug(f'lines: {lines}') + matches = list(set([item for sublist in matches for item in sublist])) + logging.debug(f'matches: {matches}') + for match in matches: + if os.path.isdir(f'{rt_dir}/{match}'): + logging.debug(f'Executing rmtree in "{rt_dir}/{match}"') + rmtree(f'{rt_dir}/{match}') + else: + logging.debug(f'{rt_dir}/{match} does not exist, not attempting to remove') + + +def get_preqs_with_actions(repos, machine, ghinterface_obj, actions): + ''' Create list of dictionaries of a pull request + and its machine label and action ''' + logger = logging.getLogger('GET_PREQS_WITH_ACTIONS') + logger.info('Getting Pull Requests with Actions') + gh_preqs = [ghinterface_obj.client.get_repo(repo['address']) + .get_pulls(state='open', sort='created', base=repo['base']) + for repo in repos] + each_pr = [preq for gh_preq in gh_preqs for preq in gh_preq] + delete_pr_dirs(each_pr, machine) + preq_labels = [{'preq': pr, 'label': label} for pr in each_pr + for label in pr.get_labels()] + + jobs = [] + # return_preq = [] + for pr_label in preq_labels: + match = set_action_from_label(machine, actions, + pr_label['label']) + if match: + pr_label['action'] = match + # return_preq.append(pr_label.copy()) + jobs.append(Job(pr_label.copy(), ghinterface_obj, machine)) + + return jobs + + +class Job: + ''' + This class stores all information needed to run jobs on this machine. + This class provides all methods needed to run all jobs. + ... + + Attributes + ---------- + preq_dict: dict + Dictionary of all data that comes from the GitHub pull request + ghinterface_obj: object + An interface to GitHub setup through class GHInterface + machine: dict + Information about the machine the jobs will be running on + provided by the bash script + ''' + + def __init__(self, preq_dict, ghinterface_obj, machine): + self.logger = logging.getLogger('JOB') + self.preq_dict = preq_dict + self.job_mod = importlib.import_module( + f'jobs.{self.preq_dict["action"].lower()}') + self.ghinterface_obj = ghinterface_obj + self.machine = machine + self.comment_text = '***Automated RT Failure Notification***\n' + self.failed_tests = [] + + def comment_text_append(self, newtext): + self.comment_text += f'{newtext}\n' + + def remove_pr_label(self): + ''' Removes the PR label that initiated the job run from PR ''' + self.logger.info(f'Removing Label: {self.preq_dict["label"]}') + self.preq_dict['preq'].remove_from_labels(self.preq_dict['label']) + + def check_label_before_job_start(self): + # LETS Check the label still exists before the start of the job in the + # case of multiple jobs + label_to_check = f'{self.machine}'\ + f'-{self.preq_dict["action"]}' + labels = self.preq_dict['preq'].get_labels() + label_match = next((label for label in labels + if re.match(label.name, label_to_check)), False) + + return label_match + + def run_commands(self, logger, commands_with_cwd): + for command, in_cwd in commands_with_cwd: + logger.info(f'Running `{command}`') + logger.info(f'in location "{in_cwd}"') + try: + output = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, cwd=in_cwd, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) + except Exception as e: + self.job_failed(logger, 'subprocess.Popen') + else: + try: + out, err = output.communicate() + out = [] if not out else out.decode('utf8').split('\n') + logger.info(out) + except Exception as e: + err = [] if not err else err.decode('utf8').split('\n') + self.job_failed(logger, f'Command {command}', exception=e, + STDOUT=True, out=out, err=err) + else: + logger.info(f'Finished running: {command}') + + def run(self): + logger = logging.getLogger('JOB/RUN') + logger.info(f'Starting Job: {self.preq_dict["label"]}') + self.comment_text_append(newtext=f'Machine: {self.machine}') + self.comment_text_append(f'Job: {self.preq_dict["action"]}') + if self.check_label_before_job_start(): + try: + logger.info('Calling remove_pr_label') + self.remove_pr_label() + logger.info('Calling Job to Run') + self.job_mod.run(self) + except Exception: + self.job_failed(logger, 'run()') + logger.info('Sending comment text') + self.send_comment_text() + else: + logger.info(f'Cannot find label {self.preq_dict["label"]}') + + def send_comment_text(self): + logger = logging.getLogger('JOB/SEND_COMMENT_TEXT') + logger.info(f'Comment Text: {self.comment_text}') + self.comment_text_append('Please make changes and add ' + 'the following label back: ' + f'{self.machine}' + f'-{self.preq_dict["action"]}') + + self.preq_dict['preq'].create_issue_comment(self.comment_text) + + def job_failed(self, logger, job_name, exception=Exception, STDOUT=False, + out=None, err=None): + logger.critical(f'{job_name} FAILED. Exception:{exception}') + + if STDOUT: + logger.critical(f'STDOUT: {[item for item in out if not None]}') + logger.critical(f'STDERR: {[eitem for eitem in err if not None]}') + +def setup_env(): + hostname = os.getenv('HOSTNAME') + if bool(re.match(re.compile('hfe.+'), hostname)): + machine = 'hera' + elif bool(re.match(re.compile('hecflow.+'), hostname)): + machine = 'hera' + elif bool(re.match(re.compile('fe.+'), hostname)): + machine = 'jet' + os.environ['ACCNR'] = 'hfv3gfs' + elif bool(re.match(re.compile('tfe.+'), hostname)): + machine = 'jet' + os.environ['ACCNR'] = 'hfv3gfs' + elif bool(re.match(re.compile('Orion-login.+'), hostname)): + machine = 'orion' + os.environ['ACCNR'] = 'epic-ps' + elif bool(re.match(re.compile('Hercules-login.+'), hostname)): + machine = 'hercules' + os.environ['ACCNR'] = 'epic' + elif bool(re.match(re.compile('derecho.+'), hostname)): + machine = 'derecho' + os.environ['ACCNR'] = 'NRAL0032' + else: + raise KeyError(f'Hostname: {hostname} does not match '\ + 'for a supported system. Exiting.') + + github_org = sys.argv[1] + base = sys.argv[2] + model = '/ufs-weather-model' + address = github_org + model + # Dictionary of GitHub repositories to check + repo_dict = [{ + 'name': 'ufs-weather-model', + 'address': address, + 'base': base + }] + + # Approved Actions + action_list = ['RT', 'BL'] + + return machine, repo_dict, action_list + + +def main(): + + # handle logging + log_filename = f'rt_auto_'\ + f'{datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}.log' + #logging.basicConfig(filename=log_filename, filemode='w', + # level=logging.INFO) + logging.basicConfig(filename=log_filename, filemode='w', + level=logging.DEBUG) + logger = logging.getLogger('MAIN') + logger.info('Starting Script') + + # setup environment + logger.info('Getting the environment setup') + machine, repos, actions = setup_env() + + # setup interface with GitHub + logger.info('Setting up GitHub interface.') + ghinterface_obj = GHInterface() + + # get all pull requests from the GitHub object + # and turn them into Job objects + logger.info('Getting all pull requests, ' + 'labels and actions applicable to this machine.') + jobs = get_preqs_with_actions(repos, machine, + ghinterface_obj, actions) + [job.run() for job in jobs] + + + logger.info('Script Finished') + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + main() diff --git a/tests/auto-jenkins/start_rt_auto_jenkins.sh b/tests/auto-jenkins/start_rt_auto_jenkins.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..0a65d86466 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/auto-jenkins/start_rt_auto_jenkins.sh @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +#!/bin/bash --login +set -eux + +if [[ $HOSTNAME == hfe* ]]; then + export PATH=/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/bin:$PATH + export PYTHONPATH=/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages +elif [[ $HOSTNAME == hecflow* ]]; then + export PATH=/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/bin:$PATH + export PYTHONPATH=/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages +elif [[ $HOSTNAME == Orion-login-* ]]; then + export PATH=/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/bin:$PATH + export PYTHONPATH=/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages +elif [[ $HOSTNAME == Hercules-login-* ]]; then + export PATH=/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/bin:$PATH + export PYTHONPATH=/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages +elif [[ $HOSTNAME == fe* ]]; then + export PATH=/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/bin:${PATH} + export PYTHONPATH=/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/lib/python3.8/site-packages +elif [[ $HOSTNAME == tfe* ]]; then + export PATH=/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/bin:${PATH} + export PYTHONPATH=/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/lib/python3.8/site-packages +elif [[ $HOSTNAME == gaea* ]]; then + export PATH=/lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:$PATH + export PYTHONPATH=/lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages +elif [[ $HOSTNAME == derecho* ]]; then + export MACHINE_ID=derecho + export PATH=/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/bin:$PATH + export PATH=/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/derecho/rocoto/bin:$PATH + export PYTHONPATH=/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages +else + echo "No Python Path for this machine." + exit 1 +fi + +python rt_auto_jenkins.py $1 $2 + +exit 0 diff --git a/tests/auto/jobs/bl.py b/tests/auto/jobs/bl.py index 1b758211a4..bcf4f9eeda 100644 --- a/tests/auto/jobs/bl.py +++ b/tests/auto/jobs/bl.py @@ -24,21 +24,16 @@ def set_directories(job_obj): rtbldir = '/scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/'\ f'REGRESSION_TEST_{job_obj.compiler.upper()}' elif job_obj.machine == 'jet': - workdir = '/lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/autort/pr' - blstore = '/lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/' - rtbldir = '/lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT_BASELINE/'\ + workdir = '/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/h-nems/autort/pr' + blstore = '/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs' + rtbldir = '/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/h-nems/RT_BASELINE/'\ f'emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/REGRESSION_TEST_{job_obj.compiler.upper()}' - elif job_obj.machine == 'gaea': - workdir = '/lustre/f2/pdata/ncep/emc.nemspara/autort/pr' - blstore = '/lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs' - rtbldir = '/lustre/f2/scratch/emc.nemspara/FV3_RT/'\ - f'REGRESSION_TEST_{job_obj.compiler.upper()}' elif job_obj.machine == 'orion': workdir = '/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/autort/pr' blstore = '/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs' rtbldir = '/work/noaa/stmp/bcurtis/stmp/bcurtis/FV3_RT/'\ f'REGRESSION_TEST_{job_obj.compiler.upper()}' - elif job_obj.machine == 'cheyenne': + elif job_obj.machine == 'derecho': workdir = '/glade/scratch/dtcufsrt/autort/tests/auto/pr' blstore = '/glade/p/ral/jntp/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs' rtbldir = '/glade/scratch/dtcufsrt/FV3_RT/'\ diff --git a/tests/auto/jobs/rt.py b/tests/auto/jobs/rt.py index c69bcda669..59b787f5f0 100644 --- a/tests/auto/jobs/rt.py +++ b/tests/auto/jobs/rt.py @@ -17,12 +17,10 @@ def set_directories(job_obj): if job_obj.machine == 'hera': workdir = '/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/autort/pr' elif job_obj.machine == 'jet': - workdir = '/lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/autort/pr' - elif job_obj.machine == 'gaea': - workdir = '/lustre/f2/pdata/ncep/emc.nemspara/autort/pr' + workdir = '/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/h-nems/autort/pr' elif job_obj.machine == 'orion': workdir = '/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/autort/pr' - elif job_obj.machine == 'cheyenne': + elif job_obj.machine == 'derecho': workdir = '/glade/scratch/dtcufsrt/autort/tests/auto/pr' else: print(f'Machine {job_obj.machine} is not supported for this job') diff --git a/tests/auto/rt_auto.py b/tests/auto/rt_auto.py index bed530b3d0..2b1b5aaea9 100644 --- a/tests/auto/rt_auto.py +++ b/tests/auto/rt_auto.py @@ -217,13 +217,10 @@ def setup_env(): elif bool(re.match(re.compile('fe.+'), hostname)): machine = 'jet' os.environ['ACCNR'] = 'h-nems' - elif bool(re.match(re.compile('gaea.+'), hostname)): - machine = 'gaea' - os.environ['ACCNR'] = 'nggps_emc' elif bool(re.match(re.compile('Orion-login.+'), hostname)): machine = 'orion' elif bool(re.match(re.compile('chadmin.+'), hostname)): - machine = 'cheyenne' + machine = 'derecho' os.environ['ACCNR'] = 'P48503002' else: raise KeyError(f'Hostname: {hostname} does not match '\ diff --git a/tests/auto/start_rt_auto.sh b/tests/auto/start_rt_auto.sh index af85cdccbb..18b4362496 100644 --- a/tests/auto/start_rt_auto.sh +++ b/tests/auto/start_rt_auto.sh @@ -11,14 +11,15 @@ elif [[ $HOSTNAME == Orion-login-* ]]; then export PATH=/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/bin:$PATH export PYTHONPATH=/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages elif [[ $HOSTNAME == fe* ]]; then - export PATH=/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/bin:$PATH - export PYTHONPATH=/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages + export PATH=/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/bin:${PATH} + export PYTHONPATH=/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/lib/python3.8/site-packages elif [[ $HOSTNAME == gaea* ]]; then export PATH=/lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:$PATH export PYTHONPATH=/lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages elif [[ $HOSTNAME == *chadmin* ]]; then - export MACHINE_ID=cheyenne + export MACHINE_ID=derecho export PATH=/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/bin:$PATH + export PATH=/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/derecho/rocoto/bin:$PATH export PYTHONPATH=/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages else echo "No Python Path for this machine." diff --git a/tests/bl_date.conf b/tests/bl_date.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c10448ff8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/bl_date.conf @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export BL_DATE=20241212 diff --git a/tests/ci/Dockerfile b/tests/ci/Dockerfile index c19e5f09e1..966b94aa3b 100644 --- a/tests/ci/Dockerfile +++ b/tests/ci/Dockerfile @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -From noaaepic/ubuntu20.04-gnu9.3-hpc-stack:v1.2 +From noaaepic/ubuntu20.04-gnu9.3-hpc-stack:v2.0 CMD ["/bin/bash"] @@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ ENV test_name=$test_name ENV run_case=$run_case ENV CI_TEST=true ENV RT_COMPILER=gnu -ENV RT_MACHINE=linux +ENV MACHINE=linux ENV MACHINE_ID=linux +# ACCNR CAN BE ANYTHING; DOCKER DOES NOT NEED THIS +ENV ACCNR=nems WORKDIR $HOME/ufs-weather-model/tests CMD ./opnReqTest -n $test_name -c $run_case diff --git a/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile b/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile index 77b06463ae..fa3dad496b 100644 --- a/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile +++ b/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile @@ -1,3 +1,35 @@ +def commentMessage + +void setBuildStatus(String message, String state) { + step([ + $class: "GitHubCommitStatusSetter", + reposSource: [$class: "ManuallyEnteredRepositorySource", url: "https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model"], + contextSource: [$class: "ManuallyEnteredCommitContextSource", context: "Jenkins-ci ORTs"], + errorHandlers: [[$class: "ChangingBuildStatusErrorHandler", result: "UNSTABLE"]], + statusResultSource: [ $class: "ConditionalStatusResultSource", results: [[$class: "AnyBuildResult", message: message, state: state]] ] + ]); +} + +def postGitHubCommentWithLogFile(commentMessage) { + script { + withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'GithubJenkinsNew', variable: 'ACCESS_TOKEN')]) { + def apiUrl = "https://api.github.com/repos/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/issues/${env.CHANGE_ID}/comments" + + def curlCommand = "curl -s -H \"Authorization: token " + ACCESS_TOKEN + "\" \\\n" + + "-X POST -d '{\"body\": \"" + commentMessage + "\"}' \\\n" + + "\"" + apiUrl + "\"" + + def response = sh(script: curlCommand, returnStatus: true) + + if (response == 0) { + echo "Comment added successfully to PR #${env.CHANGE_ID}" + } else { + error "Failed to add comment to PR #${env.CHANGE_ID}" + } + } + } +} + pipeline { agent none @@ -6,14 +38,25 @@ pipeline { overrideIndexTriggers(false) skipDefaultCheckout(true) } - stages { + + stage('Launch SonarQube') { + steps { + script { + build job: '/ufs-weather-model/ufs-wm-sonarqube', parameters: [ + string(name: 'BRANCH_NAME', value: env.CHANGE_BRANCH ?: 'develop'), + string(name: 'FORK_NAME', value: env.CHANGE_FORK ?: '') + ], wait: false + } + } + } + stage('ORT') { matrix { axes { axis { name 'TEST_NAME' - values 'control', 'regional_control', 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8' + values 'control_p8', 'regional_control', 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8' } axis { @@ -26,26 +69,25 @@ pipeline { exclude { axis { name 'TEST_NAME' - values 'regional_control' + values 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8' } axis { name 'TEST_CASE' - values 'mpi', 'rst', 'bit', 'dbg' - } + values 'mpi', 'dcp', 'bit', 'thr' // TODO: Remove thr case from cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 exclusions when it is passing again + } } - exclude { axis { name 'TEST_NAME' - values 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8' + values 'regional_control' } axis { name 'TEST_CASE' - values 'mpi', 'dcp', 'bit', 'thr' // TODO: Remove thr case from cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 exclusions when it is passing again + values 'mpi', 'rst', 'bit', 'dbg' } - } + } } agent { @@ -78,18 +120,40 @@ pipeline { stage('Test') { steps { - sh 'docker run --rm --env test_name="${TEST_NAME}" --env run_case="${TEST_CASE}" --workdir /home/builder/ufs-weather-model/tests --volume DataVolume:/home/builder/data/NEMSfv3gfs --interactive --shm-size=512m "${IMG_NAME}"' + sh 'docker run --rm --env test_name="${TEST_NAME}" --env run_case="${TEST_CASE}" --workdir /home/builder/ufs-weather-model/tests --volume DataVolume:/home/builder/data/NEMSfv3gfs --interactive --shm-size=32gb "${IMG_NAME}"' } } } - - post { + + post { always { sh ''' docker rmi -f "$(docker image ls | grep -E -m1 "${IMG_NAME}" | awk '{ print $3 }')" docker rmi -f "$(docker image ls | grep -E -m1 'noaaepic' | awk '{ print $3 }')" ''' } + + } + } + } + } + post { + success { + node('built-in') { + setBuildStatus("Build succeeded", "SUCCESS"); + } + } + failure { + node('built-in') { + setBuildStatus("Build failed", "FAILURE"); + } + } + always { + node('built-in') { + script { + def buildResult = currentBuild.resultIsBetterOrEqualTo("SUCCESS") ? "passed" : "failed" + commentMessage = "Jenkins-ci ORTs ${buildResult}" + postGitHubCommentWithLogFile(commentMessage) } } } diff --git a/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile.combined b/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile.combined new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2f62ecfe24 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile.combined @@ -0,0 +1,388 @@ +matchedNode = [] +generateBaselineNode = [] +for (label in pullRequest.labels) { + listOfLabelNodeNames = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.nodes.collect { + node -> node.getLabelString().contains(label) ? node.name : null + + if ((label.matches(node.getLabelString()+"-(.*)"))) { + matchedNode += node.getLabelString() + } + + if ((label.matches(node.getLabelString()+"(.*)-BL"))) { + generateBaselineNode += node.getLabelString() + } + } +} + +modifiedLabels = matchedNode.collect{"'" + it + "'"} +baselineLabels = generateBaselineNode.collect{"'" + it + "'"} +def generateStage(nodeLabel) { + return { + stage("Running on ${nodeLabel}") { + node(nodeLabel) { + cleanWs() + checkout scm + script { + try { + echo "Running on ${nodeLabel}" + if (baselineLabels.contains(nodeLabel)) { + sh ''' + git submodule update --init --recursive + cd tests + pwd + export BL_DATE=$(cat bl_date.conf | cut -d '=' -f2) + export machine=${NODE_NAME} + export PATH=$PATH:~/bin + echo $CHANGE_ID + export SSH_ORIGIN=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/pulls/$CHANGE_ID | jq -r '.head.repo.ssh_url') + export FORK_BRANCH=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/pulls/$CHANGE_ID | jq -r '.head.ref') + + if [[ $machine =~ "Jet" ]] + then + echo "Creating baselines on $machine" + export dprefix=/lfs1/NAGAPE/$ACCNR/$USER + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -c -r -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + elif [[ $machine =~ "Hercules" ]] + then + echo "Creating baselines on $machine" + export dprefix=/work2/noaa/$ACCNR/$USER + sed "s|/noaa/stmp/|/noaa/$ACCNR/stmp/|g" -i rt.sh + export ACCNR=epic + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -c -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + export DISKNM=/work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT + cd ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/ + mkdir develop-${BL_DATE} + cd /work2/noaa/epic/stmp/role-epic/stmp/role-epic/FV3_RT + rsync -a REGRESSION_TEST/ ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-${BL_DATE} + cd ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/ + ./adjust_permissions.sh hercules develop-${BL_DATE} + chgrp noaa-hpc develop-${BL_DATE} + cd $WORKSPACE/tests + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + cd logs/ + cp RegressionTests_hercules.log /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/jenkins/workspace + git remote -v + git fetch --no-recurse-submodules origin + git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard + cd .. && cd .. && cd .. + cp RegressionTests_hercules.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cd $WORKSPACE/tests/ + elif [[ $machine =~ "Orion" ]] + then + cd .. + module load git/2.28.0 + git submodule update --init --recursive + cd tests + echo "Creating baselines on $machine" + export dprefix=/work2/noaa/$ACCNR/$USER + sed -i 's|/work/noaa/stmp/${USER}|/work/noaa/epic/stmp/role-epic/|g' rt.sh + export ACCNR=epic + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -c -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + export DISKNM=/work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT + cd ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/ + mkdir develop-${BL_DATE} + cd /work/noaa/epic/stmp/role-epic/stmp/role-epic/FV3_RT/ + rsync -a REGRESSION_TEST/ ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-${BL_DATE} + cd ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/ + ./adjust_permissions.sh orion develop-${BL_DATE} + chgrp noaa-hpc develop-${BL_DATE} + cd $WORKSPACE/tests + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + cd logs/ + cp RegressionTests_orion.log /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/jenkins/workspace + git remote -v + git fetch --no-recurse-submodules origin + git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard + cd .. && cd .. && cd .. + cp RegressionTests_orion.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cd $WORKSPACE/tests/ + elif [[ $machine =~ "Gaea" ]] + then + echo "Creating baselines on $machine" + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -c -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH + export DISKNM=/gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT + cd ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/ + mkdir develop-${BL_DATE} + cd /gpfs/f5/epic/scratch/role.epic/FV3_RT + rsync -a REGRESSION_TEST/ ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-${BL_DATE} + cd ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/ + chgrp ncep develop-${BL_DATE} + cd $WORKSPACE/tests + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + cd logs/ + cp RegressionTests_gaea.log /gpfs/f5/epic/scratch/role.epic/jenkins/workspace + git remote -v + git fetch --no-recurse-submodules origin + git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard + cd .. && cd .. && cd .. + cp RegressionTests_gaea.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cd $WORKSPACE/tests/ + elif [[ $machine =~ "Hera" ]] + then + echo "Creating baselines on $machine" + export ACCNR=epic + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -c -r -l rt.conf + export DISKNM=/scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT + cd ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/ + mkdir develop-${BL_DATE} + cd /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_RT + rsync -a REGRESSION_TEST/ ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-${BL_DATE} + cd $WORKSPACE/tests + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -r -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + cd logs/ + cp RegressionTests_hera.log /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/role.epic/jenkins/workspace + git remote -v + git fetch --no-recurse-submodules origin + git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard + cd .. && cd .. && cd .. + cp RegressionTests_hera.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cd $WORKSPACE/tests/ + elif [[ $machine =~ "Derecho" ]] + then + echo "Creating baselines on $machine" + export ACCNR=nral0032 + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -c -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + export DISKNM=/glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/ + cd ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/ + mkdir develop-${BL_DATE} + cd /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/FV3_RT + rsync -a REGRESSION_TEST/ ${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-${BL_DATE} + cd $WORKSPACE/tests + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + cd logs/ + cp RegressionTests_derecho.log /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/jenkins/workspace + git remote -v + git fetch --no-recurse-submodules origin + git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard + cd .. && cd .. && cd .. + cp RegressionTests_derecho.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cd $WORKSPACE/tests/ + else + echo "Creating baselines on $machine" + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -c -r -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + fi + git config user.email "ecc.platform@noaa.gov" + git config user.name "epic-cicd-jenkins" + echo "Testing concluded...removing labels for $machine from $GIT_URL" + + export machine_name_logs=$(echo $machine | awk '{ print tolower($1) }') + git remote -v | grep -w sshorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 && git remote remove sshorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 + git remote add sshorigin $SSH_ORIGIN > /dev/null 2>&1 + git add logs/RegressionTests_$machine_name_logs.log + git commit -m "[AutoRT] $machine Job Completed.\n\n\n on-behalf-of @ufs-community " + git pull sshorigin $FORK_BRANCH + git push sshorigin HEAD:$FORK_BRANCH + + tar --create --gzip --verbose --dereference --file "${machine_name_logs}.tgz" ${WORKSPACE}/tests/logs/*.log + + GIT_OWNER=$(echo $GIT_URL | cut -d '/' -f4) + GIT_REPO_NAME=$(echo $GIT_URL | cut -d '/' -f5 | cut -d '.' -f1) + + curl --silent -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/${GIT_OWNER}/${GIT_REPO_NAME}/issues/${CHANGE_ID}/labels/$machine-BL + ''' + s3Upload consoleLogLevel: 'INFO', dontSetBuildResultOnFailure: false, dontWaitForConcurrentBuildCompletion: false, entries: [[bucket: 'noaa-epic-prod-jenkins-artifacts', excludedFile: '', flatten: true, gzipFiles: false, keepForever: false, managedArtifacts: true, noUploadOnFailure: false, selectedRegion: 'us-east-1', showDirectlyInBrowser: false, sourceFile: "**/*tgz*", storageClass: 'STANDARD', uploadFromSlave: false, useServerSideEncryption: false]], pluginFailureResultConstraint: 'FAILURE', profileName: 'main', userMetadata: [] + + } + else { + sh ''' + git submodule update --init --recursive + pwd + cd tests + export machine=${NODE_NAME} + export PATH=$PATH:~/bin + echo $CHANGE_ID + export SSH_ORIGIN=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/pulls/$CHANGE_ID | jq -r '.head.repo.ssh_url') + export FORK_BRANCH=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/pulls/$CHANGE_ID | jq -r '.head.ref') + + if [[ $machine =~ "Jet" ]] + then + echo "Running regression tests on $machine" + export dprefix=/lfs1/NAGAPE/$ACCNR/$USER + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -r -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + elif [[ $machine =~ "Hercules" ]] + then + echo "Running regression tests on $machine" + export dprefix=/work2/noaa/$ACCNR/$USER + sed "s|/noaa/stmp/|/noaa/$ACCNR/stmp/|g" -i rt.sh + export ACCNR=epic + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + cd logs/ + cp RegressionTests_hercules.log /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/jenkins/workspace + git remote -v + git fetch --no-recurse-submodules origin + git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard + cd .. && cd .. && cd .. + cp RegressionTests_hercules.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cd $WORKSPACE/tests/ + elif [[ $machine =~ "Orion" ]] + then + echo "Running regression tests on $machine" + cd .. + module load git/2.28.0 + git submodule update --init --recursive + cd tests + export dprefix=/work2/noaa/$ACCNR/$USER + sed "s|/noaa/stmp/|/noaa/$ACCNR/stmp/|g" -i rt.sh + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + cd logs/ + cp RegressionTests_orion.log /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/jenkins/workspace + git remote -v + git fetch --no-recurse-submodules origin + git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard + cd .. && cd .. && cd .. + cp RegressionTests_orion.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cd $WORKSPACE/tests/ + elif [[ $machine =~ "Gaea" ]] + then + echo "Running regression tests on $machine" + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH + cd logs/ + cp RegressionTests_gaea.log /gpfs/f5/epic/scratch/role.epic/jenkins/workspace + git remote -v + git fetch --no-recurse-submodules origin + git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard + cd .. && cd .. && cd .. + cp RegressionTests_gaea.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cd $WORKSPACE/tests/ + elif [[ $machine =~ "Hera" ]] + then + echo "Running regression tests on $machine" + export ACCNR=epic + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -r -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + cd logs/ + cp RegressionTests_hera.log /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/role.epic/jenkins/workspace + git remote -v + git fetch --no-recurse-submodules origin + git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard + cd .. && cd .. && cd .. + cp RegressionTests_hera.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cd $WORKSPACE/tests/ + elif [[ $machine =~ "Derecho" ]] + then + echo "Running regression tests on $machine" + export ACCNR=nral0032 + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -e -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + cd logs/ + cp RegressionTests_derecho.log /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/jenkins/workspace + git remote -v + git fetch --no-recurse-submodules origin + git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard + cd .. && cd .. && cd .. + cp RegressionTests_derecho.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cd $WORKSPACE/tests/ + else + echo "Running regression tests on $machine" + ./rt.sh -a ${ACCNR} -r -l rt.conf | tee $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/RT-run-$machine.log + fi + + git config user.email "ecc.platform@noaa.gov" + git config user.name "epic-cicd-jenkins" + export machine_name_logs=$(echo $machine | awk '{ print tolower($1) }') + echo "Testing concluded...removing labels for $machine from $GIT_URL" + git remote -v | grep -w sshorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 && git remote remove sshorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 + git remote add sshorigin $SSH_ORIGIN > /dev/null 2>&1 + git add logs/RegressionTests_$machine_name_logs.log + git commit -m "[AutoRT] $machine Job Completed.\n\n\n on-behalf-of @ufs-community " + git pull sshorigin $FORK_BRANCH + git push sshorigin HEAD:$FORK_BRANCH + + tar --create --gzip --verbose --dereference --file "${machine_name_logs}.tgz" ${WORKSPACE}/tests/logs/*.log + + GIT_OWNER=$(echo $GIT_URL | cut -d '/' -f4) + GIT_REPO_NAME=$(echo $GIT_URL | cut -d '/' -f5 | cut -d '.' -f1) + + curl --silent -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/${GIT_OWNER}/${GIT_REPO_NAME}/issues/${CHANGE_ID}/labels/$machine-RT + + ''' + s3Upload consoleLogLevel: 'INFO', dontSetBuildResultOnFailure: false, dontWaitForConcurrentBuildCompletion: false, entries: [[bucket: 'noaa-epic-prod-jenkins-artifacts', excludedFile: '', flatten: true, gzipFiles: false, keepForever: false, managedArtifacts: true, noUploadOnFailure: false, selectedRegion: 'us-east-1', showDirectlyInBrowser: false, sourceFile: "**/*tgz*", storageClass: 'STANDARD', uploadFromSlave: false, useServerSideEncryption: false]], pluginFailureResultConstraint: 'FAILURE', profileName: 'main', userMetadata: [] + } + } + catch(err) { + sh ''' + export machine=${NODE_NAME} + export CHANGE_ID=${CHANGE_ID} + export SSH_ORIGIN=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/pulls/$CHANGE_ID | jq -r '.head.repo.ssh_url') + export FORK_BRANCH=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/pulls/$CHANGE_ID | jq -r '.head.ref') + cd $WORKSPACE/tests + git config user.email "ecc.platform@noaa.gov" + git config user.name "epic-cicd-jenkins" + export machine_name_logs=$(echo $machine | awk '{ print tolower($1) }') + echo "Testing concluded...removing labels for $machine from $GIT_URL" + git remote -v | grep -w sshorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 && git remote remove sshorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 + git remote add sshorigin $SSH_ORIGIN > /dev/null 2>&1 + + tar --create --gzip --verbose --dereference --file "${machine_name_logs}.tgz" ${WORKSPACE}/tests/logs/*.log + + GIT_OWNER=$(echo $GIT_URL | cut -d '/' -f4) + GIT_REPO_NAME=$(echo $GIT_URL | cut -d '/' -f5 | cut -d '.' -f1) + + curl --silent -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/${GIT_OWNER}/${GIT_REPO_NAME}/issues/${CHANGE_ID}/labels/{$machine-RT,$machine-BL} + ''' + s3Upload consoleLogLevel: 'INFO', dontSetBuildResultOnFailure: false, dontWaitForConcurrentBuildCompletion: false, entries: [[bucket: 'noaa-epic-prod-jenkins-artifacts', excludedFile: '', flatten: true, gzipFiles: false, keepForever: false, managedArtifacts: true, noUploadOnFailure: false, selectedRegion: 'us-east-1', showDirectlyInBrowser: false, sourceFile: "**/*tgz*", storageClass: 'STANDARD', uploadFromSlave: false, useServerSideEncryption: false]], pluginFailureResultConstraint: 'FAILURE', profileName: 'main', userMetadata: [] + currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE' + } + } + } + } + } +} + +def parallelStagesMap = modifiedLabels.collectEntries { + ["${it}" : generateStage(it)] +} + +pipeline { + agent none + environment { + ACCNR = 'epic' + AWS_PROD_ACCOUNT_ID = credentials('AWS_PROD_ACCOUNT_ID') + AWS_PROD_SNS_TOPIC = credentials('AWS_PROD_SNS_TOPIC') + GITHUB_TOKEN = credentials('GithubJenkinsNew') + GIT_URL = 'https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model.git' + } + stages { + stage('Launch SonarQube') { + steps { + script { + echo "BRANCH_NAME=${env.CHANGE_BRANCH}" + echo "FORK_NAME=${env.CHANGE_FORK}" + echo "CHANGE_URL=${env.CHANGE_URL}" + echo "CHANGE_ID=${env.CHANGE_ID}" + build job: '/ufs-weather-model/ufs-wm-sonarqube', parameters: [ + string(name: 'BRANCH_NAME', value: env.CHANGE_BRANCH ?: 'develop'), + string(name: 'FORK_NAME', value: env.CHANGE_FORK ?: ''), + string(name: 'CHANGE_URL', value: env.CHANGE_URL ?: ''), + string(name: 'CHANGE_ID', value: env.CHANGE_ID ?: '') + ], wait: false + } + } + } + stage('Run Regression Tests in Parallel') { + steps { + script { + parallel parallelStagesMap + } + } + } + } + post { + success { + node('built-in') { + echo 'This will run only if successful.' + sh ''' + aws sns publish --topic-arn "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:${AWS_PROD_ACCOUNT_ID}:${AWS_PROD_SNS_TOPIC}" --region us-east-1 --message '{"version":"1.0","source":"custom","content":{"description":":sunny: Jenkins build *'"$JOB_NAME"' '"$BUILD_NUMBER"'* with *PR-'"$CHANGE_ID"'* *succeeded*"}}' + ''' + } + } + failure { + node('built-in') { + echo 'This will run only if the run was marked as unstable.' + sh ''' + aws sns publish --topic-arn "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:${AWS_PROD_ACCOUNT_ID}:${AWS_PROD_SNS_TOPIC}" --region us-east-1 --message '{"version":"1.0","source":"custom","content":{"description":":warning: Jenkins build *'"$JOB_NAME"' '"$BUILD_NUMBER"'* with *PR-'"$CHANGE_ID"'* *failed!*"}}' + ''' + } + } + } +} diff --git a/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile.noaacloud b/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile.noaacloud new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ba2b0b2bd --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile.noaacloud @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +pipeline { + agent none + stages { + stage('Start Parallelworks Cluster') { + agent { + label 'built-in' + } + steps { + script { + for (label in pullRequest.labels) { + if ((label.matches("(.*)-aws-(.*)"))) { + env.CHOICE_NODE='pclusternoaav2use1' + } + else if ((label.matches("(.*)-gcp-(.*)"))) { + env.CHOICE_NODE='gclusternoaav2usc1' + } + else if ((label.matches("(.*)-azure-(.*)"))) { + env.CHOICE_NODE='azclusternoaav2use1' + } + else { + env.CHOICE_NODE='none' + } + } +// Why do I need another if..block, because it just works this way. + + if (CHOICE_NODE == 'azclusternoaav2use1') { + echo "Starting up Parallelworks cluster ${CHOICE_NODE}...this might take 5-10 minutes...please be patient." + build job: 'parallel-works-jenkins-client/start-cluster', parameters: [string(name: 'PW_CLUSTER_NAME', value: 'azclusternoaav2use1'), string(name: 'PW_CLUSTER_SSH_KEY', value: '~/.ssh/pw_id_rsa'), string(name: 'JAVA_VERSION', value: '11')] + + } + else if (CHOICE_NODE == 'gclusternoaav2usc1') { + echo "Starting up Parallelworks cluster ${CHOICE_NODE}...this might take 5-10 minutes...please be patient." + build job: 'parallel-works-jenkins-client/start-cluster', parameters: [string(name: 'PW_CLUSTER_NAME', value: 'gclusternoaav2usc1'), string(name: 'PW_CLUSTER_SSH_KEY', value: '~/.ssh/pw_id_rsa'), string(name: 'JAVA_VERSION', value: '11')] + } + else if (CHOICE_NODE == 'pclusternoaav2use1') { + echo "Starting up Parallelworks cluster ${CHOICE_NODE}...this might take 5-10 minutes...please be patient." + build job: 'parallel-works-jenkins-client/start-cluster', parameters: [string(name: 'PW_CLUSTER_NAME', value: 'pclusternoaav2use1'), string(name: 'PW_CLUSTER_SSH_KEY', value: '~/.ssh/pw_id_rsa'), string(name: 'JAVA_VERSION', value: '11')] + } + else { + echo "${CHOICE_NODE} is NOT a Parallelworks cluster, moving on..." + } + } + } + } + stage('Run Regression Tests script') { + agent { + label "${CHOICE_NODE}" + } + environment { + GITHUB_SSH_KEY = credentials('ParallelworksGithubPrivateKey') + ACCNR = 'epic' + GITHUB_TOKEN = credentials('zachgithubtoken') + NODE_PATH = '/lustre/' + } + steps { + script { + for (label in pullRequest.labels) { + if ((label.matches("(.*)-BL"))) { + env.CREATE_BASELINES='true' + } + else { + env.CREATE_BASELINES='false' + } + } + } + cleanWs() + checkout scm + sh ''' + pwd + git submodule update --init --recursive + cd tests/ + if [[ "${CREATE_BASELINES}" = true ]] + then + echo "Creating baselines for regressions tests" + ./rt.sh -c -l rt.conf + echo "Sending regression test logs to $GIT_URL" + git config user.email "ecc.platform@noaa.gov" + git config user.name "epic-cicd-jenkins" + set +x + cd ${WORKSPACE} + export httpsorigin=`echo ${GIT_URL} | sed -e "s/github/$GITHUB_TOKEN@github/"` > /dev/null 2>&1 + git remote -v | grep -w httpsorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 && git remote remove httpsorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 + git remote add httpsorigin $httpsorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 + git add tests/logs/RegressionTests_noaacloud.log + git commit -m "[AutoRT] noaacloud Job Completed.\n\n\n on-behalf-of @ufs-community " + git push httpsorigin HEAD:$CHANGE_BRANCH > /dev/null 2>&1 + set -x + echo "Pushed logs to $GIT_URL $CHANGE_BRANCH" + echo "Removing labels from $GIT_URL" + GIT_OWNER=$(echo $GIT_URL | cut -d '/' -f4) + GIT_REPO_NAME=$(echo $GIT_URL | cut -d '/' -f5 | cut -d '.' -f1) + curl --silent -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/${GIT_OWNER}/${GIT_REPO_NAME}/issues/${CHANGE_ID}/labels -d '{"labels":[".*BL"]}' + else + echo "Running regression tests and NOT creating baselines." + ./rt.sh -l rt.conf + echo "Sending regression test logs to $GIT_URL" + git config user.email "ecc.platform@noaa.gov" + git config user.name "epic-cicd-jenkins" + set +x + cd ${WORKSPACE} + export httpsorigin=`echo ${GIT_URL} | sed -e "s/github/$GITHUB_TOKEN@github/"` > /dev/null 2>&1 + git remote -v | grep -w httpsorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 && git remote remove httpsorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 + git remote add httpsorigin $httpsorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 + git add tests/logs/RegressionTests_noaacloud.log + git commit -m "[AutoRT] noaacloud Job Completed.\n\n\n on-behalf-of @ufs-community " + git push httpsorigin HEAD:$CHANGE_BRANCH > /dev/null 2>&1 + set -x + echo "Pushed logs to $GIT_URL $CHANGE_BRANCH" + echo "Removing labels from $GIT_URL" + GIT_OWNER=$(echo $GIT_URL | cut -d '/' -f4) + GIT_REPO_NAME=$(echo $GIT_URL | cut -d '/' -f5 | cut -d '.' -f1) + curl --silent -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/${GIT_OWNER}/${GIT_REPO_NAME}/issues/${CHANGE_ID}/labels -d '{"labels":[".*RT"]}' + fi + ''' + } + } + stage('Stop Parallelworks Cluster') { + agent { + label 'built-in' + } + // Pedantic comment. + steps { + script { + if (CHOICE_NODE == 'azclusternoaav2use1') { + echo "Shutting Down Parallelworks cluster ${CHOICE_NODE}." + build job: 'parallel-works-jenkins-client/stop-cluster', parameters: [string(name: 'PW_CLUSTER_NAME', value: 'azclusternoaav2use1')] + + } + else if (CHOICE_NODE == 'gclusternoaav2usc1') { + echo "Shutting Down Parallelworks cluster ${CHOICE_NODE}." + build job: 'parallel-works-jenkins-client/stop-cluster', parameters: [string(name: 'PW_CLUSTER_NAME', value: 'gclusternoaav2usc1')] + } + else if (CHOICE_NODE == 'pclusternoaav2use1') { + echo "Shutting Down Parallelworks cluster ${CHOICE_NODE}." + build job: 'parallel-works-jenkins-client/stop-cluster', parameters: [string(name: 'PW_CLUSTER_NAME', value: 'pclusternoaav2use1')] + } + else { + echo "${CHOICE_NODE} is NOT a Parallelworks cluster, moving on..." + } + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile.ort b/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile.ort new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..53e0a8823d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ci/Jenkinsfile.ort @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +pipeline { + agent none + stages { + stage('Run ORTs') { + agent { + label 'built-in' + } + steps { + script { + for (label in pullRequest.labels) { + if ((label.matches("orion"))) { + env.CHOICE_NODE='orion' + } + else if ((label.matches("hera"))) { + env.CHOICE_NODE='hera' + } + else if ((label.matches("hercules"))) { + env.CHOICE_NODE='hercules' + } + else if ((label.matches("jet"))) { + env.CHOICE_NODE='jet' + } + else { + env.CHOICE_NODE='none' + } + } +// Why do I need another if..block, because it just works this way. + + if (CHOICE_NODE == 'orion') { + echo "Starting up orion ${CHOICE_NODE}...this might take 5-10 minutes...please be patient." + + } + else if (CHOICE_NODE == 'jet') { + echo "Starting up jet ${CHOICE_NODE}...this might take 5-10 minutes...please be patient." + } + else if (CHOICE_NODE == 'hercules') { + echo "Starting up hera ${CHOICE_NODE}...this might take 5-10 minutes...please be patient." + } + else if (CHOICE_NODE == 'hera') { + echo "Starting up hera ${CHOICE_NODE}...this might take 5-10 minutes...please be patient." + } + else { + echo "${CHOICE_NODE} is NOT a platform, moving on..." + } + } + } + } + stage('Run ORT on Hera') { + agent { + label "hera" + } + environment { + ACCNR = 'epic' + NODE_PATH = '/scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/role.epic/' + } + steps { + + cleanWs() + checkout scm + sh ''' + git submodule update --init --recursive + cd tests/fv3_conf + sed 's/#SBATCH --time=.*/#SBATCH --time=02:00:00/g' -i fv3_slurm.IN_hera + cd .. + export machine=${NODE_NAME} + export PATH=$PATH:~/bin + echo $CHANGE_ID + export SSH_ORIGIN=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/pulls/$CHANGE_ID | jq -r '.head.repo.ssh_url') + export FORK_BRANCH=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/pulls/$CHANGE_ID | jq -r '.head.ref') + pwd + sed "s|intel|gnu|g" -i opnReqTest + export ACCNR=epic + ./opnReqTest -n regional_control -a ${ACCNR} -c bit,dcp,thr + cd logs/ + cp OpnReqTests_regional_control_hera.log /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/role.epic/jenkins/workspace + cd .. + ./opnReqTest -n cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 -a ${ACCNR} -c dbg,rst + cd logs/ + cp OpnReqTests_cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_hera.log /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/role.epic/jenkins/workspace + cd .. + ./opnReqTest -n control_p8 -a ${ACCNR} -c std,dbg,bit,mpi,rst,thr,dcp + cd logs/ + cp OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.log /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/role.epic/jenkins/workspace + git remote -v + git fetch --no-recurse-submodules origin + git reset FETCH_HEAD --hard + cd .. && cd .. && cd .. + cp OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cp OpnReqTests_regional_control_hera.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cp OpnReqTests_cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_hera.log $WORKSPACE/tests/logs/ + cd $WORKSPACE/tests/ + git config user.email "ecc.platform@noaa.gov" + git config user.name "epic-cicd-jenkins" + echo "Testing concluded...removing labels for $machine from $GIT_URL" + + export machine_name_logs=$(echo $machine | awk '{ print tolower($1) }') + git remote -v | grep -w sshorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 && git remote remove sshorigin > /dev/null 2>&1 + git remote add sshorigin $SSH_ORIGIN > /dev/null 2>&1 + git add logs/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.log logs/OpnReqTests_regional_control_hera.log logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_hera.log + git commit -m "ORT Jobs Completed.\n\n\n on-behalf-of @ufs-community " + git pull sshorigin $FORK_BRANCH + git push sshorigin HEAD:$FORK_BRANCH + ''' + } + } + } +} diff --git a/tests/ci/ci.test b/tests/ci/ci.test index 2d4ce4f8a0..45efff781f 100644 --- a/tests/ci/ci.test +++ b/tests/ci/ci.test @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -control +control_p8 thr mpi dcp rst bit dbg regional_control thr dcp diff --git a/tests/ci/repo_check.sh b/tests/ci/repo_check.sh index b8d0487e61..140f500cce 100755 --- a/tests/ci/repo_check.sh +++ b/tests/ci/repo_check.sh @@ -1,95 +1,113 @@ #!/bin/bash -set -eu - -# This script checks if head repo of PR is up to date with ufs-weather-model develop -# Checks for top level (ufs-weather-model) and next level components (submodules) -result() { - if [[ -n $comment ]]; then - logID=$1 - comment="@$logID please bring these up to date with respective authoritative repositories\n"$comment - printf %s "$comment" - #exit 1 - fi +#set -eu + +get_shas () { + cwd=$(pwd) + # Get sha-1's of the top of develop and feature branches + app="Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" + url=$1 + gitapi=$2 + branch=$3 + base_sha=$(curl -sS -H "$app" $gitapi | jq -r '.commit.sha') + workspace=$4 + cd $workspace + git remote add upstream $url + git fetch -q upstream $branch + common=$(git merge-base $base_sha @) + echo $common $base_sha $workspace + if [[ $common != $base_sha ]]; then + printf "%s\n\n" "** $workspace **NOT** up to date" + flag_sync=false + fi + cd $cwd } -# Declare variables -declare -A base fv3 mom6 cice ww3 stoch gocart cmeps cdeps hycom cmake -submodules="fv3 mom6 cice ww3 stoch gocart cmeps cdeps hycom cmake" -comment='' -ownerID=$1 - -# Base branch: this is the top of develop of ufs-weather-model -base[repo]='https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model' -base[branch]='develop' - -# Submodules to check -fv3[repo]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/fv3atm' -fv3[branch]='develop' -fv3[dir]='FV3' - -mom6[repo]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/MOM6' -mom6[branch]='dev/emc' -mom6[dir]='MOM6-interface/MOM6' - -cice[repo]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CICE' -cice[branch]='emc/develop' -cice[dir]='CICE-interface/CICE' - -ww3[repo]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/WW3' -ww3[branch]='dev/ufs-weather-model' -ww3[dir]='WW3' - -stoch[repo]='https://github.com/noaa-psd/stochastic_physics' -stoch[branch]='master' -stoch[dir]='stochastic_physics' - -gocart[repo]='https://github.com/GEOS-ESM/GOCART' -gocart[branch]='develop' -gocart[dir]='GOCART' - -cmeps[repo]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CMEPS' -cmeps[branch]='emc/develop' -cmeps[dir]='CMEPS-interface/CMEPS' - -cdeps[repo]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CDEPS' -cdeps[branch]='develop' -cdeps[dir]='CDEPS-interface/CDEPS' - -hycom[repo]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/HYCOM-src' -hycom[branch]='emc/develop' -hycom[dir]='HYCOM-interface/HYCOM' - -cmake[repo]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CMakeModules' -cmake[branch]='develop' -cmake[dir]='CMakeModules' - -# Get sha-1's of the top of develop of ufs-weather-model -app="Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -url="https://api.github.com/repos/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/branches/develop" -base[sha]=$(curl -sS -H "$app" $url | jq -r '.commit.sha') +flag_sync=true + +declare -A urls branches pathes +submodules="base fv3 mom6 cice ww3 stoch cmeps cdeps hycom ccpp_physics aqm noahmp cubed_sphere" + +urls[base]='https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model' +branches[base]='develop' +pathes[base]='' + +urls[fv3]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/fv3atm' +branches[fv3]='develop' +pathes[fv3]='FV3' + +urls[mom6]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/MOM6' +branches[mom6]='dev/emc' +pathes[mom6]='MOM6-interface/MOM6' + +urls[cice]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CICE' +branches[cice]='develop' +pathes[cice]='CICE-interface/CICE' + +urls[ww3]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/WW3' +branches[ww3]='dev/ufs-weather-model' +pathes[ww3]='WW3' + +urls[stoch]='https://github.com/noaa-psl/stochastic_physics' +branches[stoch]='master' +pathes[stoch]='stochastic_physics' + +urls[gocart]='https://github.com/GEOS-ESM/GOCART' +branches[gocart]='develop' +pathes[gocart]='GOCART' + +urls[cmeps]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CMEPS' +branches[cmeps]='emc/develop' +pathes[cmeps]='CMEPS-interface/CMEPS' + +urls[cdeps]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CDEPS' +branches[cdeps]='develop' +pathes[cdeps]='CDEPS-interface/CDEPS' + +urls[hycom]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/HYCOM-src' +branches[hycom]='emc/develop' +pathes[hycom]='HYCOM-interface/HYCOM' + +urls[cmake]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/CMakeModules' +branches[cmake]='develop' +pathes[cmake]='CMakeModules' + +urls[ccpp_physics]='https://github.com/ufs-community/ccpp-physics' +branches[ccpp_physics]='ufs/dev' +pathes[ccpp_physics]='FV3/ccpp/physics' + +urls[ccpp_framework]='https://github.com/NCAR/ccpp-framework' +branches[ccpp_framework]='main' +pathes[ccpp_framework]='FV3/ccpp/framework' + +urls[aqm]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/AQM' +branches[aqm]='develop' +pathes[aqm]='AQM' + +urls[noahmp]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/noahmp' +branches[noahmp]='develop' +pathes[noahmp]='NOAHMP-interface/noahmp' + +#urls[upp]='https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/UPP' +#branches[upp]='develop' +#pathes[upp]='upp' + +urls[cubed_sphere]='https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere' +branches[cubed_sphere]='dev/emc' +pathes[cubed_sphere]='FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere' + for submodule in $submodules; do - eval url=https://api.github.com/repos/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/contents/'${'$submodule'[dir]}' - eval $submodule'[sha]=$(curl -sS -H "$app" $url | jq -r '.sha')' + url=${urls[$submodule]} + branch=${branches[$submodule]} + workspace=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}'/'${pathes[$submodule]} + gitapi=$(echo "$url" | sed 's/github.com/api.github.com\/repos/g')'/branches/'$branch + get_shas $url $gitapi $branch $workspace done -# Check if the head branch is up to date with the base branch -cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} -git remote add upstream ${base[repo]} -git fetch -q upstream ${base[branch]} -common=$(git merge-base ${base[sha]} @) -if [[ $common != ${base[sha]} ]]; then - comment="* ufs-weather-model **NOT** up to date\n" +if [[ ! $flag_sync ]]; then + echo "** ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} **NOT** up to date" + exit 1 fi -for submodule in $submodules; do - eval cd ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/'${'$submodule'[dir]}' - eval git remote add upstream '${'$submodule'[repo]}' - eval git fetch -q upstream '${'$submodule'[branch]}' - common=$(eval git merge-base '${'$submodule'[sha]}' @) - if (eval test $common != '${'$submodule'[sha]}'); then - comment+="* $submodule **NOT** up to date\n" - fi -done +echo "** ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} up to date **" -result $ownerID exit 0 diff --git a/tests/compare_ncfile.py b/tests/compare_ncfile.py deleted file mode 100755 index 4051bcc781..0000000000 --- a/tests/compare_ncfile.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -import sys -import numpy as np -from netCDF4 import Dataset - -with Dataset(sys.argv[1]) as nc1, Dataset(sys.argv[2]) as nc2: - # Check if the list of variables are the same - if nc1.variables.keys()!=nc2.variables.keys(): - print("Variables are different") - sys.exit(2) - - for varname in nc1.variables.keys(): - if varname == "time_iso": - continue - # First check if each variable has the same dimension - if np.shape(nc1[varname][:])!=np.shape(nc2[varname][:]): - print(varname,"dimension is different") - sys.exit(2) - # If dimension is the same, compare data - else: - diff = nc2[varname][:]-nc1[varname][:] - - if (np.abs(diff)).max() != 0: - print(varname,"is different") - sys.exit(2) diff --git a/tests/compile.sh b/tests/compile.sh index 001a1cfea2..dd8f91ced1 100755 --- a/tests/compile.sh +++ b/tests/compile.sh @@ -7,148 +7,128 @@ function trim { var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # remove trailing whitespace characters var="${var%"${var##*[![:space:]]}"}" - echo -n "$var" + echo -n "${var}" } SECONDS=0 -if [[ $(uname -s) == Darwin ]]; then - readonly MYDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$(greadlink -f -n "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" )" && pwd -P) -else - readonly MYDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f -n "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" )" && pwd -P) -fi +SCRIPT_REALPATH=$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") +MYDIR=$(dirname "${SCRIPT_REALPATH}") +readonly MYDIR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse arguments. readonly ARGC=$# -if [[ $ARGC -lt 2 ]]; then - echo "Usage: $0 MACHINE_ID [ MAKE_OPT [ BUILD_NR ] [ clean_before ] [ clean_after ] ]" +if [[ ${ARGC} -lt 2 ]]; then + echo "Usage: $0 MACHINE_ID [ MAKE_OPT ] [ COMPILE_ID ] [ RT_COMPILER ] [ clean_before ] [ clean_after ]" echo Valid MACHINE_IDs: - echo $( ls -1 ../cmake/configure_* | sed s:.*configure_::g | sed s:\.cmake:: ) | fold -sw72 + echostuff=$( ls -1 ../cmake/configure_* ) + echostuff=${echostuff/:.*configure_::g} + echostuff=${echostuff/:\.cmake::} + echostuff=$( fold -sw72 <<< "${echostuff}" ) exit 1 else MACHINE_ID=$1 MAKE_OPT=${2:-} - COMPILE_NR=${3:+_$3} - clean_before=${4:-YES} - clean_after=${5:-YES} + COMPILE_ID=${3:+$3} + RT_COMPILER=${4:-intel} + clean_before=${5:-YES} + clean_after=${6:-YES} fi -BUILD_NAME=fv3${COMPILE_NR} +BUILD_NAME=fv3_${COMPILE_ID} -PATHTR=${PATHTR:-$( cd ${MYDIR}/.. && pwd )} -BUILD_DIR=$(pwd)/build_${BUILD_NAME} +PATHTR=${PATHTR:-$( cd "${MYDIR}/.." && pwd )} +BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_DIR:-$(pwd)/build_${BUILD_NAME}} # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure we have reasonable number of threads. -if [[ $MACHINE_ID == cheyenne.* ]] ; then +if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == derecho ]]; then BUILD_JOBS=${BUILD_JOBS:-3} fi BUILD_JOBS=${BUILD_JOBS:-8} -hostname +#hostname set +x -if [[ $MACHINE_ID == macosx.* ]] || [[ $MACHINE_ID == linux.* ]]; then - source $PATHTR/modulefiles/ufs_${MACHINE_ID} -else - # Activate lua environment for gaea - if [[ $MACHINE_ID == gaea.* ]] ; then - source /lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/lua- - fi - # Load fv3 module - module use $PATHTR/modulefiles - modulefile="ufs_${MACHINE_ID}" - if [[ "${MAKE_OPT}" == *"-DDEBUG=ON"* ]]; then - if [[ -f $PATHTR/modulefiles/ufs_${MACHINE_ID}_debug ]] || [[ -f $PATHTR/modulefiles/ufs_${MACHINE_ID}_debug.lua ]]; then - modulefile="ufs_${MACHINE_ID}_debug" +case ${MACHINE_ID} in + macosx|linux) + source "${PATHTR}/modulefiles/ufs_${MACHINE_ID}.${RT_COMPILER}" + ;; + *) + # Activate lua environment for gaea c5 + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == gaea ]]; then + module reset + elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == hercules ]]; then + module purge fi - fi - module load $modulefile - module list -fi + + # Load fv3 module + module use "${PATHTR}/modulefiles" + modulefile="ufs_${MACHINE_ID}.${RT_COMPILER}" + module load "${modulefile}" + module list +esac set -x -echo "Compiling ${MAKE_OPT} into $BUILD_NAME.exe on $MACHINE_ID" +echo "Compiling ${MAKE_OPT} into ${BUILD_NAME}.exe on ${MACHINE_ID}" # set CMAKE_FLAGS based on $MAKE_OPT -CMAKE_FLAGS=$MAKE_OPT - -# FIXME - create CCPP include directory before building FMS to avoid -# gfortran warnings of non-existent include directory (adding -# -Wno-missing-include-dirs) to the GNU compiler flags does not work, -# see also https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=55534); -# this line can be removed once FMS becomes a pre-installed library -mkdir -p $PATHTR/FV3/ccpp/include - +CMAKE_FLAGS=${MAKE_OPT} CMAKE_FLAGS+=" -DMPI=ON" -if [[ "${MAKE_OPT}" == *"-DDEBUG=ON"* ]]; then +if [[ ${MAKE_OPT} == *-DDEBUG=ON* ]]; then CMAKE_FLAGS+=" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" else CMAKE_FLAGS+=" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" - if [[ "${MACHINE_ID}" == "jet.intel" ]]; then + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == jet ]] && [[ ${RT_COMPILER} == intel ]]; then CMAKE_FLAGS+=" -DSIMDMULTIARCH=ON" fi fi # Check if suites argument is provided or not set +ex -TEST=$( echo $MAKE_OPT | grep -e "-DCCPP_SUITES=" ) -if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then - SUITES=$( echo $MAKE_OPT | sed 's/.*-DCCPP_SUITES=//' | sed 's/ .*//' ) - echo "Compiling suites ${SUITES}" -fi +SUITES=$(grep -Po "\-DCCPP_SUITES=\K[^ ]*" <<< "${MAKE_OPT}") +export SUITES set -ex # Valid applications +if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} != gaea ]] || [[ ${RT_COMPILER} != intelllvm ]]; then # skip MOM6SOLO on gaea with intelllvm + if [[ "${MAKE_OPT}" == *"-DAPP=S2S"* ]]; then + CMAKE_FLAGS+=" -DMOM6SOLO=ON" + fi -if [[ "${MAKE_OPT}" == *"-DAPP=S2S"* ]]; then - CMAKE_FLAGS+=" -DMOM6SOLO=ON" -fi - -if [[ "${MAKE_OPT}" == *"-DAPP=NG-GODAS"* ]]; then - CMAKE_FLAGS+=" -DMOM6SOLO=ON" + if [[ "${MAKE_OPT}" == *"-DAPP=NG-GODAS"* ]]; then + CMAKE_FLAGS+=" -DMOM6SOLO=ON" + fi fi -CMAKE_FLAGS=$(trim "${CMAKE_FLAGS}") +CMAKE_FLAGS=$(set -e; trim "${CMAKE_FLAGS}") echo "CMAKE_FLAGS = ${CMAKE_FLAGS}" -if [ $clean_before = YES ] ; then - rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR} -fi +[[ ${clean_before} = YES ]] && rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}" export BUILD_VERBOSE=1 export BUILD_DIR export BUILD_JOBS export CMAKE_FLAGS -bash -x ${PATHTR}/build.sh +bash -x "${PATHTR}/build.sh" -mv ${BUILD_DIR}/ufs_model ${PATHTR}/tests/${BUILD_NAME}.exe -if [[ "${MAKE_OPT}" == "-DDEBUG=ON" ]]; then - if [[ $MACHINE_ID == gaea.* ]] || [[ $MACHINE_ID == linux.* ]]; then - cp ${PATHTR}/modulefiles/ufs_${MACHINE_ID}_debug ${PATHTR}/tests/modules.${BUILD_NAME} - else - cp ${PATHTR}/modulefiles/ufs_${MACHINE_ID}_debug.lua ${PATHTR}/tests/modules.${BUILD_NAME}.lua - fi +mv "${BUILD_DIR}/ufs_model" "${PATHTR}/tests/${BUILD_NAME}.exe" +if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == linux ]]; then + cp "${PATHTR}/modulefiles/ufs_${MACHINE_ID}.${RT_COMPILER}" "${PATHTR}/tests/modules.${BUILD_NAME}" else - if [[ $MACHINE_ID == gaea.* ]] || [[ $MACHINE_ID == linux.* ]]; then - cp ${PATHTR}/modulefiles/ufs_${MACHINE_ID} ${PATHTR}/tests/modules.${BUILD_NAME} - else - cp ${PATHTR}/modulefiles/ufs_${MACHINE_ID}.lua ${PATHTR}/tests/modules.${BUILD_NAME}.lua - fi + cp "${PATHTR}/modulefiles/ufs_${MACHINE_ID}.${RT_COMPILER}.lua" "${PATHTR}/tests/modules.${BUILD_NAME}.lua" fi -if [ $clean_after = YES ] ; then - rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR} -fi +[[ ${clean_after} == YES ]] && rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}" -elapsed=$SECONDS -echo "Elapsed time $elapsed seconds. Compiling ${CMAKE_FLAGS} finished" -echo "Compile ${COMPILE_NR/#_} elapsed time $elapsed seconds. ${CMAKE_FLAGS}" > compile${COMPILE_NR}_time.log +elapsed=${SECONDS} +echo "Elapsed time ${elapsed} seconds. Compiling ${CMAKE_FLAGS} finished" +echo "Compile ${COMPILE_ID} elapsed time ${elapsed} seconds. ${CMAKE_FLAGS}" > "compile_${COMPILE_ID}_time.log" diff --git a/tests/default_vars.sh b/tests/default_vars.sh old mode 100755 new mode 100644 index 4716066bd7..d8b58c91aa --- a/tests/default_vars.sh +++ b/tests/default_vars.sh @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - +#!/bin/bash ############################################################################### # # Export variables to the default values @@ -9,312 +9,575 @@ THRD=1 - TASKS_atmaero=198; INPES_atmaero=4; JNPES_atmaero=8; WPG_atmaero=6 - - TASKS_cpl_atmw=180; THRD_cpl_atmw=1 - INPES_cpl_atmw=3; JNPES_cpl_atmw=8; WPG_cpl_atmw=6 - WAV_tasks_atmw=30 - - TASKS_cpl_c48=20; THRD_cpl_c48=1 - INPES_cpl_c48=1; JNPES_cpl_c48=1; WPG_cpl_c48=6 - OCN_tasks_cpl_c48=4 - ICE_tasks_cpl_c48=4 - - TASKS_cpl_dflt=200; THRD_cpl_dflt=1 - INPES_cpl_dflt=3; JNPES_cpl_dflt=8; WPG_cpl_dflt=6 - OCN_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 - ICE_tasks_cpl_dflt=10 - WAV_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 - - TASKS_cpl_thrd=120; THRD_cpl_thrd=2 - INPES_cpl_thrd=3; JNPES_cpl_thrd=4; WPG_cpl_thrd=6 - OCN_tasks_cpl_thrd=20 - OCN_thrds_cpl_thrd=1 - ICE_tasks_cpl_thrd=10 - ICE_thrds_cpl_thrd=1 - WAV_tasks_cpl_thrd=12 - WAV_thrds_cpl_thrd=2 - - TASKS_cpl_dcmp=200; THRD_cpl_dcmp=1 - INPES_cpl_dcmp=4; JNPES_cpl_dcmp=6; WPG_cpl_dcmp=6 - OCN_tasks_cpl_dcmp=20 - ICE_tasks_cpl_dcmp=10 - WAV_tasks_cpl_dcmp=20 - - TASKS_cpl_mpi=280; THRD_cpl_mpi=1 - INPES_cpl_mpi=4; JNPES_cpl_mpi=8; WPG_cpl_mpi=6 - OCN_tasks_cpl_mpi=34 - ICE_tasks_cpl_mpi=20 - WAV_tasks_cpl_mpi=28 - - TASKS_cpl_bmrk=680; THRD_cpl_bmrk=2 - INPES_cpl_bmrk=8; JNPES_cpl_bmrk=8; WPG_cpl_bmrk=48 - OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk=120 - OCN_thrds_cpl_bmrk=1 - ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk=48 - ICE_thrds_cpl_bmrk=1 - WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk=80 - WAV_thrds_cpl_bmrk=2 - - TASKS_cpl_c192=464; THRD_cpl_c192=2 - INPES_cpl_c192=6; JNPES_cpl_c192=8; WPG_cpl_c192=12 - OCN_tasks_cpl_c192=60 - ICE_tasks_cpl_c192=24 - WAV_tasks_cpl_c192=80 - - TASKS_cdeps_100=40 - ATM_compute_tasks_cdeps_100=12 - OCN_tasks_cdeps_100=16 - ICE_tasks_cdeps_100=12 - - TASKS_cdeps_025=208 - ATM_compute_tasks_cdeps_025=40 - OCN_tasks_cdeps_025=120 - ICE_tasks_cdeps_025=48 - - TASKS_aqm=272; INPES_aqm=33; JNPES_aqm=8 - -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = wcoss2.* || $MACHINE_ID = acorn.* ]]; then - - TPN=128 + export INPES_atmaero=4 + export JNPES_atmaero=8 + export WPG_atmaero=6 + + export THRD_cpl_atmw=1 + export INPES_cpl_atmw=3 + export JNPES_cpl_atmw=8 + export WPG_cpl_atmw=6 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_atmw=30 + export WAV_thrds_cpl_atmw=1 + + export THRD_cpl_c48=1 + export INPES_cpl_c48=1 + export JNPES_cpl_c48=1 + export WPG_cpl_c48=6 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_c48=4 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_c48=4 + + export THRD_cpl_dflt=1 + export INPES_cpl_dflt=3 + export JNPES_cpl_dflt=8; + export WPG_cpl_dflt=6 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_dflt=10 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 + + export THRD_cpl_thrd=2 + export INPES_cpl_thrd=3 + export JNPES_cpl_thrd=4 + export WPG_cpl_thrd=6 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_thrd=20 + export OCN_thrds_cpl_thrd=1 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_thrd=10 + export ICE_thrds_cpl_thrd=1 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_thrd=12 + export WAV_thrds_cpl_thrd=2 + + export THRD_cpl_dcmp=1 + export INPES_cpl_dcmp=4 + export JNPES_cpl_dcmp=6 + export WPG_cpl_dcmp=6 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_dcmp=20 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_dcmp=10 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_dcmp=20 + + export THRD_cpl_mpi=1 + export INPES_cpl_mpi=4 + export JNPES_cpl_mpi=8 + export WPG_cpl_mpi=6 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_mpi=34 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_mpi=20 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_mpi=28 + + export THRD_cpl_bmrk=2 + export INPES_cpl_bmrk=8 + export JNPES_cpl_bmrk=8 + export WPG_cpl_bmrk=48 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk=120 + export OCN_thrds_cpl_bmrk=1 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk=48 + export ICE_thrds_cpl_bmrk=1 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk=80 + export WAV_thrds_cpl_bmrk=2 + + export THRD_cpl_c192=2 + export INPES_cpl_c192=6 + export JNPES_cpl_c192=8 + export WPG_cpl_c192=12 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_c192=60 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_c192=24 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_c192=80 + + export ATM_compute_tasks_cdeps_100=12 + export OCN_tasks_cdeps_100=16 + export ICE_tasks_cdeps_100=12 + + export ATM_compute_tasks_cdeps_025=40 + export OCN_tasks_cdeps_025=120 + export ICE_tasks_cdeps_025=48 + + export INPES_aqm=33 + export JNPES_aqm=8 + + export THRD_cpl_unstr=1 + export INPES_cpl_unstr=3 + export JNPES_cpl_unstr=8 + export WPG_cpl_unstr=6 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr=20 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr=10 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr=60 + + export THRD_cpl_unstr_mpi=1 + export INPES_cpl_unstr_mpi=4 + export JNPES_cpl_unstr_mpi=8 + export WPG_cpl_unstr_mpi=6 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr_mpi=34 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr_mpi=20 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr_mpi=50 + + export aqm_omp_num_threads=1 + export atm_omp_num_threads=1 + export chm_omp_num_threads=1 + export ice_omp_num_threads=1 + export lnd_omp_num_threads=1 + export med_omp_num_threads=1 + export ocn_omp_num_threads=1 + export wav_omp_num_threads=1 + export fbh_omp_num_threads=1 + +if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = wcoss2 || ${MACHINE_ID} = acorn ]]; then + + export TPN=128 + + export INPES_dflt=3 + export JNPES_dflt=8 + export INPES_thrd=3 + export JNPES_thrd=4 + export INPES_c384=8 + export JNPES_c384=6 + export THRD_c384=2 + export INPES_c768=8 + export JNPES_c768=16 + export THRD_c768=2 + + export THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 + export INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6 + export JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 + export WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 + export WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=248 + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = orion ]]; then + + export TPN=40 + + export INPES_dflt=3 + export JNPES_dflt=8 + export INPES_thrd=3 + export JNPES_thrd=4 + export INPES_c384=8 + export JNPES_c384=6 + export THRD_c384=2 + export INPES_c768=8 + export JNPES_c768=16 + export THRD_c768=2 + + export THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 + export INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6 + export JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 + export WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 + export WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=248 + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = hercules ]]; then + + export TPN=80 + + export INPES_dflt=3 + export JNPES_dflt=8 + export INPES_thrd=3 + export JNPES_thrd=4 + export INPES_c384=8 + export JNPES_c384=6 + export THRD_c384=2 + export INPES_c768=8 + export JNPES_c768=16 + export THRD_c768=2 + + export THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 + export INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6 + export JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 + export WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 + export WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=248 + + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = hera ]]; then + + export TPN=40 + + export INPES_dflt=3 + export JNPES_dflt=8 + export INPES_thrd=3 + export JNPES_thrd=4 + export INPES_c384=6 + export JNPES_c384=8 + export THRD_c384=2 + export INPES_c768=8 + export JNPES_c768=16 + export THRD_c768=4 + + export THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 + export INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6 + export JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 + export WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 + export WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=248 + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = linux ]]; then + + export TPN=40 + + export INPES_dflt=3 + export JNPES_dflt=8 + export INPES_thrd=3 + export JNPES_thrd=4 + + export THRD_cpl_dflt=1 + export INPES_cpl_dflt=3 + export JNPES_cpl_dflt=8 + export WPG_cpl_dflt=6 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_dflt=10 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 + + export THRD_cpl_thrd=2 + export INPES_cpl_thrd=3 + export JNPES_cpl_thrd=4 + export WPG_cpl_thrd=6 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_thrd=20 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_thrd=10 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_thrd=12 + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = jet ]]; then + + export TPN=24 + + export INPES_dflt=3 + export JNPES_dflt=8 + export INPES_thrd=3 + export JNPES_thrd=4 + export INPES_c384=6 + export JNPES_c384=12 + export THRD_c384=1 + export INPES_c768=8 + export JNPES_c768=16 + export THRD_c768=2 + export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_c384=84 + export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_c384gdas=88 + + export THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 + export INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6 + export JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 + export WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 + export WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=240 - TASKS_dflt=150 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 - TASKS_thrd=78 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 - TASKS_c384=336 ; INPES_c384=8 ; JNPES_c384=6 ; THRD_c384=2 - TASKS_c768=928 ; INPES_c768=8 ; JNPES_c768=16 ; THRD_c768=2 - - TASKS_cpl_atmw_gdas=560; THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 - INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6; JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8; WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 - WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=248 - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion.* ]]; then + # run only in weekly test + export THRD_cpl_bmrk=2 + export INPES_cpl_bmrk=16 + export JNPES_cpl_bmrk=16 + export WPG_cpl_bmrk=48 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk=100 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk=48 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk=100 + export WLCLK_cpl_bmrk=120 - TPN=40 + # run only in weekly test + export THRD_cpl_c192=2 + export INPES_cpl_c192=12 + export JNPES_cpl_c192=16 + export WPG_cpl_c192=24 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_c192=100 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_c192=48 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_c192=80 + export WLCLK_cpl_c192=120 + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = s4 ]]; then + + export TPN=32 + + export INPES_dflt=3 + export JNPES_dflt=8 + export INPES_thrd=3 + export JNPES_thrd=4 + export INPES_c384=6 + export JNPES_c384=8 + export THRD_c384=2 + export INPES_c768=8 + export JNPES_c768=16 + export THRD_c768=1 + + export THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 + export INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6 + export JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 + export WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 + export WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=248 + + export THRD_cpl_bmrk=2 + export INPES_cpl_bmrk=6; + export JNPES_cpl_bmrk=8 + export WPG_cpl_bmrk=24 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk=120 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk=48 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk=80 + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = gaea ]]; then + + export TPN=128 + + export INPES_dflt=3 + export JNPES_dflt=8 + export INPES_thrd=3 + export JNPES_thrd=4 + export INPES_c384=6 + export JNPES_c384=8 + export THRD_c384=1 + export INPES_c768=8 + export JNPES_c768=16 + export THRD_c768=2 + + export THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=3 + export INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6 + export JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 + export WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 + export WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=264 + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = derecho ]]; then + + export TPN=128 + export INPES_dflt=3 + export JNPES_dflt=8 + export INPES_thrd=3 + export JNPES_thrd=4 + export INPES_c384=8 + export JNPES_c384=6 + export THRD_c384=2 + export INPES_c768=8 + export JNPES_c768=16 + export THRD_c768=2 + + export THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 + export INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6 + export JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 + export WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 + export WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=248 + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = stampede ]]; then - TASKS_dflt=150 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 - TASKS_thrd=78 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 - TASKS_c384=336 ; INPES_c384=8 ; JNPES_c384=6 ; THRD_c384=2 - TASKS_c768=928 ; INPES_c768=8 ; JNPES_c768=16 ; THRD_c768=2 + echo "Unknown MACHINE_ID ${MACHINE_ID}. Please update tasks configurations in default_vars.sh" + exit 1 - TASKS_cpl_atmw_gdas=560; THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 - INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6; JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8; WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 - WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=248 + # TPN_dflt=48 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 + # TPN_thrd=24 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 + # TPN_c384=20 ; INPES_c384=8 ; JNPES_c384=6 + # TPN_c768=20 ; INPES_c768=8 ; JNPES_c768=16 + # TPN_stretch=12 ; INPES_stretch=2 ; JNPES_stretch=4 + + # TPN_cpl_atmw_gdas=12; INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6; JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 + # THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=4; WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24; APB_cpl_atmw_gdas="0 311"; WPB_cpl_atmw_gdas="312 559" + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = noaacloud ]] ; then + + if [[ ${PW_CSP} == aws ]]; then + export TPN=36 + elif [[ ${PW_CSP} == azure ]]; then + export TPN=44 + elif [[ ${PW_CSP} == google ]]; then + export TPN=30 + fi + + export INPES_dflt=3 + export JNPES_dflt=8 + export INPES_thrd=3 + export JNPES_thrd=4 + + export INPES_c384=8 + export JNPES_c384=6 + export THRD_c384=2 + export INPES_c768=8 + export JNPES_c768=16 + export THRD_c768=2 + + export THRD_cpl_dflt=1 + export INPES_cpl_dflt=3 + export JNPES_cpl_dflt=8 + export WPG_cpl_dflt=6 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_dflt=10 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 + + export THRD_cpl_thrd=2 + export INPES_cpl_thrd=3 + export JNPES_cpl_thrd=4; + export WPG_cpl_thrd=6 + export OCN_tasks_cpl_thrd=20 + export ICE_tasks_cpl_thrd=10 + export WAV_tasks_cpl_thrd=12 + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = expanse ]]; then -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera.* ]]; then + echo "Unknown MACHINE_ID ${MACHINE_ID}. Please update tasks configurations in default_vars.sh" + exit 1 - TPN=40 + # TPN_dflt=64 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 + # TPN_thrd=64 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 + # TPN_stretch=12 ; INPES_stretch=2 ; JNPES_stretch=4 - TASKS_dflt=150 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 - TASKS_thrd=78 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 - TASKS_c384=336 ; INPES_c384=6 ; JNPES_c384=8 ; THRD_c384=2 - TASKS_c768=928 ; INPES_c768=8 ; JNPES_c768=16 ; THRD_c768=4 + # TPN_cpl_atmw_gdas=12; INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6; JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 + # THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2; WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24; APB_cpl_atmw_gdas="0 311"; WPB_cpl_atmw_gdas="312 559" - TASKS_cpl_atmw_gdas=560; THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 - INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6; JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8; WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 - WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=248 - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = linux.* ]]; then +else - TPN=40 - - TASKS_dflt=150 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 - TASKS_thrd=78 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 + echo "Unknown MACHINE_ID ${MACHINE_ID}" + exit 1 - TASKS_cpl_dflt=200; THRD_cpl_dflt=1 - INPES_cpl_dflt=3; JNPES_cpl_dflt=8; WPG_cpl_dflt=6 - OCN_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 - ICE_tasks_cpl_dflt=10 - WAV_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 +fi - TASKS_cpl_thrd=120; THRD_cpl_thrd=2 - INPES_cpl_thrd=3; JNPES_cpl_thrd=4; WPG_cpl_thrd=6 - OCN_tasks_cpl_thrd=20 - ICE_tasks_cpl_thrd=10 - WAV_tasks_cpl_thrd=12 +export WLCLK_dflt=30 -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet.* ]]; then +export WLCLK=${WLCLK_dflt} +export CMP_DATAONLY=false - TPN=24 +# Defaults for ufs.configure +export esmf_logkind="ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI" +export DumpFields="false" +export MED_history_n=1000000 +export RESTART_FH=" " - TASKS_dflt=150 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 - TASKS_thrd=78 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 - TASKS_c384=480 ; INPES_c384=6 ; JNPES_c384=12 ; THRD_c384=1 - TASKS_c768=928 ; INPES_c768=8 ; JNPES_c768=16 ; THRD_c768=2 +export_fv3_v16 () +{ +# Add support for v16 test cases. This section +# will be removed once support for GFSv16 is +# officially depricated. - TASKS_cpl_atmw_gdas=552; THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 - INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6; JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8; WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 - WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=240 +# Load in FV3 values +export_fv3 - # run only in weekly test - TASKS_cpl_bmrk=1832; THRD_cpl_bmrk=2 - INPES_cpl_bmrk=16; JNPES_cpl_bmrk=16; WPG_cpl_bmrk=48 - OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk=100 - ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk=48 - WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk=100 - WLCLK_cpl_bmrk=120 +# Replace FV3 variable with old values as needed +export USE_MERRA2=.false. +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.false. - # run only in weekly test - TASKS_cpl_c192=1404; THRD_cpl_c192=2 - INPES_cpl_c192=12; JNPES_cpl_c192=16; WPG_cpl_c192=24 - OCN_tasks_cpl_c192=100 - ICE_tasks_cpl_c192=48 - WAV_tasks_cpl_c192=80 - WLCLK_cpl_c192=120 - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = s4.* ]]; then - - TPN=32 - - TASKS_dflt=150 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 - TASKS_thrd=78 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 - TASKS_c384=336 ; INPES_c384=6 ; JNPES_c384=8 ; THRD_c384=2 - TASKS_c768=928 ; INPES_c768=8 ; JNPES_c768=16 ; THRD_c768=1 - - TASKS_cpl_atmw_gdas=560; THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2 - INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6; JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8; WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 - WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=248 - - TASKS_cpl_bmrk=560; THRD_cpl_bmrk=2 - INPES_cpl_bmrk=6; JNPES_cpl_bmrk=8; WPG_cpl_bmrk=24 - OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk=120 - ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk=48 - WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk=80 - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea.* ]]; then - - TPN=36 - - TASKS_dflt=150 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 - TASKS_thrd=78 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 - TASKS_c384=336 ; INPES_c384=6 ; JNPES_c384=8 ; THRD_c384=2 - TASKS_c768=928 ; INPES_c768=8 ; JNPES_c768=16 ; THRD_c768=2 - - TASKS_cpl_atmw_gdas=576; THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=3 - INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6; JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8; WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 - WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=264 - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - - TPN=36 - - TASKS_dflt=150 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 - TASKS_thrd=78 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 - TASKS_c384=336 ; INPES_c384=8 ; JNPES_c384=6 ; THRD_c384=2 - TASKS_c768=992 ; INPES_c768=8 ; JNPES_c768=16 ; THRD_c768=2 - - TASKS_cpl_atmw_gdas=576; THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=3 - INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6; JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8; WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24 - WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas=264 - - TASKS_cpl_dflt=344; THRD_cpl_dflt=1 - INPES_cpl_dflt=6; JNPES_cpl_dflt=8; WPG_cpl_dflt=6 - OCN_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 - ICE_tasks_cpl_dflt=10 - WAV_tasks_cpl_dflt=20 - - TASKS_cpl_thrd=200; THRD_cpl_thrd=2 - INPES_cpl_thrd=6; JNPES_cpl_thrd=4; WPG_cpl_thrd=6 - OCN_tasks_cpl_thrd=20 - ICE_tasks_cpl_thrd=10 - WAV_tasks_cpl_thrd=20 - - TASKS_cpl_dcmp=344; THRD_cpl_dcmp=1 - INPES_cpl_dcmp=4; JNPES_cpl_dcmp=12; WPG_cpl_dcmp=6 - OCN_tasks_cpl_dcmp=20 - ICE_tasks_cpl_dcmp=10 - WAV_tasks_cpl_dcmp=20 - - TASKS_cpl_mpi=498; THRD_cpl_mpi=1 - INPES_cpl_mpi=6; JNPES_cpl_mpi=12; WPG_cpl_mpi=6 - OCN_tasks_cpl_mpi=24 - ICE_tasks_cpl_mpi=12 - WAV_tasks_cpl_mpi=24 - - TASKS_cpl_bmrk=892; THRD_cpl_bmrk=2 - INPES_cpl_bmrk=12; JNPES_cpl_bmrk=8; WPG_cpl_bmrk=48 - OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk=120 - ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk=48 - WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk=100 - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = stampede.* ]]; then +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_gfsv16 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_gfsv16 +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 - echo "Unknown MACHINE_ID ${MACHINE_ID}. Please update tasks configurations in default_vars.sh" - exit 1 +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.false. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.false. +export IAER=111 +export ICLIQ_SW=1 +export IOVR=1 +export IMP_PHYSICS=11 +export DNATS=1 +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.true. +export LHEATSTRG=.true. +export LSEASPRAY=.false. +export GWD_OPT=1 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export SATMEDMF=.false. +export ISATMEDMF=0 +export LRADAR=.true. +export LTAEROSOL=.true. - TASKS_dflt=150 ; TPN_dflt=48 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 - TASKS_thrd=78 ; TPN_thrd=24 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 - TASKS_c384=336 ; TPN_c384=20 ; INPES_c384=8 ; JNPES_c384=6 - TASKS_c768=992 ; TPN_c768=20 ; INPES_c768=8 ; JNPES_c768=16 - TASKS_stretch=48 ; TPN_stretch=12 ; INPES_stretch=2 ; JNPES_stretch=4 +export LSM=1 +export LANDICE=.true. +export IALB=1 +export IEMS=1 - TASKS_cpl_atmw_gdas=560; TPN_cpl_atmw_gdas=12; INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6; JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 - THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=4; WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24; APB_cpl_atmw_gdas="0 311"; WPB_cpl_atmw_gdas="312 559" +export NSTF_NAME=2,1,1,0,5 +export FNALBC="'global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t126.384.190.rg.grb'" +export FNVETC="'global_vegtype.igbp.t126.384.190.rg.grb'" +export FNSOTC="'global_soiltype.statsgo.t126.384.190.rg.grb'" +export FNSOCC="''" +export FNSMCC="'global_soilmgldas.t126.384.190.grb'" +export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t1534.3072.1536.grb'" +export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb'" +export FNABSC="'global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t126.384.190.rg.grb'" -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = expanse.* ]]; then +export RF_CUTOFF=30.0 +export FAST_TAU_W_SEC=0.0 - echo "Unknown MACHINE_ID ${MACHINE_ID}. Please update tasks configurations in default_vars.sh" - exit 1 +export ATMRES=C96 +export TILEDFIX=.false. +export DO_CA=.false. +export CA_SGS=.false. +} - TASKS_dflt=150 ; TPN_dflt=64 ; INPES_dflt=3 ; JNPES_dflt=8 - TASKS_thrd=78 ; TPN_thrd=64 ; INPES_thrd=3 ; JNPES_thrd=4 - TASKS_stretch=48 ; TPN_stretch=12 ; INPES_stretch=2 ; JNPES_stretch=4 +export_fv3 () +{ +#Set defaults if ATMRES and DT_ATMOS are not set +export ATMRES=${ATMRES:-"C96"} +export DT_ATMOS=${DT_ATMOS:-"1800"} - TASKS_cpl_atmw_gdas=560; TPN_cpl_atmw_gdas=12; INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=6; JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas=8 - THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas=2; WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas=24; APB_cpl_atmw_gdas="0 311"; WPB_cpl_atmw_gdas="312 559" +#DT_INNER=(Time step)/2 +export DT_INNER_c96=360 +export DT_INNER_c192=300 +export DT_INNER_c384=150 +export DT_INNER_c768=75 +if [[ ${DT_ATMOS} = 1800 ]]; then + export default_dt_atmos=1 + export DT_INNER=${DT_INNER_c96} else - - echo "Unknown MACHINE_ID ${MACHINE_ID}" - exit 1 - + export default_dt_atmos=0 + export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} fi -WLCLK_dflt=30 - -export WLCLK=$WLCLK_dflt - -export_fv3 () -{ -# nems.configure defaults -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.atm.IN +# ufs.configure defaults +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atm_esmf.IN +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure.IN export atm_model=fv3 +export POST_ITAG=post_itag_gfs +export POSTXCONFIG=postxconfig-NT-gfs.txt +export POSTXCONFIG_FH00=postxconfig-NT-gfs_FH00.txt + export FV3=true export S2S=false export HAFS=false export AQM=false +export FIRE_BEHAVIOR=false export DATM_CDEPS=false export DOCN_CDEPS=false +export DICE_CDEPS=false +export CICE_PRESCRIBED=false +export CDEPS_INLINE=false export POSTAPP='global' -export USE_MERRA2=.false. +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export NESTED=.false. +export BLOCKSIZE=32 +export CHKSUM_DEBUG=.false. +export DYCORE_ONLY=.false. +export IO_LAYOUT=1,1 export NTILES=6 -export INPES=$INPES_dflt -export JNPES=$JNPES_dflt -export TASKS=$TASKS_dflt +export INPES=${INPES_dflt} +export JNPES=${JNPES_dflt} export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 export QUILTING=.true. +export QUILTING_RESTART=.true. export WRITE_GROUP=1 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 export ITASKS=1 export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. +export HISTORY_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID=.false. export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. export NUM_FILES=2 export FILENAME_BASE="'atm' 'sfc'" export OUTPUT_GRID="'cubed_sphere_grid'" export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" +export ZSTANDARD_LEVEL=0 export IDEFLATE=0 -export NBITS=0 +export QUANTIZE_NSD=0 +export ICHUNK2D=0 +export JCHUNK2D=0 export ICHUNK3D=0 export JCHUNK3D=0 export KCHUNK3D=0 export IMO=384 export JMO=190 -export WRITE_NSFLIP=.false. +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. + +# New damping coefficients made the following +# dynamic based on resolution +export N_SPLIT=5 +export K_SPLIT=2 +export TAU=0.0 +export RF_CUTOFF=10. +export FV_SG_ADJ=450 + +export DZ_MIN=6 +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MIN_LAKEICE=0.15 #input file -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_gfsv16 -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_gfsv16 +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN export DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=3000000 @@ -325,38 +588,94 @@ export MODEL_INITIALIZATION=false export WARM_START=.false. export READ_INCREMENT=.false. export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="''" +export INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID=.false. export NGGPS_IC=.true. export EXTERNAL_IC=.true. export MAKE_NH=.true. export MOUNTAIN=.false. export NA_INIT=1 +export DO_VORT_DAMP=.true. +export N_SPONGE=42 +export NUDGE_QV=.true. +export NUDGE_DZ=.false. +export HYDROSTATIC=.false. +export KORD_MT=9 +export KORD_WZ=9 +export KORD_TR=9 +export KORD_TM=-9 +export PHYS_HYDROSTATIC=.false. +export USE_HYDRO_PRESSURE=.false. +export NWAT=6 +export NORD=2 +export D4_BG=0.12 +export VTDM4=0.02 +export DELT_MAX=0.002 +export EXTERNAL_ETA=.true. +export GFS_PHIL=.false. +export NCEP_IC=.false. +export D_CON=1. +export HORD_MT=5 +export HORD_VT=5 +export HORD_TM=5 +export HORD_DP=-5 +export HORD_TR=8 +export ADJUST_DRY_MASS=.false. +export DRY_MASS=98320.0 +export CONSV_TE=1. +export PRINT_FREQ=6 +export NO_DYCORE=.false. + +export FILTERED_TERRAIN=.true. +export GFS_DWINDS=.true. + +export USE_UFO=.true. +export PRE_RAD=.false. +export TTENDLIM=-999 # Radiation export DO_RRTMGP=.false. -export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.false. -export DOGP_LWSCAT=.false. +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. +export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. export USE_LW_JACOBIAN=.false. export DAMP_LW_FLUXADJ=.false. +export RRTMGP_LW_PHYS_BLKSZ=2 export ICLOUD=0 -export IAER=111 -export ICLIQ_SW=1 -export IOVR=1 +export ICLOUD_BL=1 +export IAER=1011 +export ICLIQ_SW=2 +export IOVR=3 export LFNC_K=-999 export LFNC_P0=-999 +export PDFCLD=.false. +export FHSWR=3600. +export FHLWR=3600. + +export ICO2=2 +export ISUBC_SW=2 +export ISUBC_LW=2 +export ISOL=2 +export LWHTR=.true. +export SWHTR=.true. +export CNVGWD=.true. +export CAL_PRE=.false. +export REDRAG=.true. +export DSPHEAT=.true. +export HYBEDMF=.false. # Microphysics -export IMP_PHYSICS=11 +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 export NWAT=6 # GFDL MP -export DNATS=1 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.true. -export LHEATSTRG=.true. -export LSEASPRAY=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. export EFFR_IN=.false. # Thompson MP -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. +export LRADAR=.false. +export LTAEROSOL=.false. export EXT_DIAG_THOMPSON=.false. export SEDI_SEMI=.true. export DECFL=10 @@ -370,6 +689,7 @@ export NSSL_INVERTCCN=.true. # Smoke export RRFS_SMOKE=.false. +export SMOKE_FORECAST=0 export RRFS_RESTART=NO export SEAS_OPT=2 @@ -377,14 +697,41 @@ export SEAS_OPT=2 export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. export DO_UGWP=.false. export DO_TOFD=.false. -export GWD_OPT=1 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export GWD_OPT=2 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. +export DO_UGWP_V1_W_GSLDRAG=.false. export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.false. +export PSL_GWD_DX_FACTOR=6.0 export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export KNOB_UGWP_SOLVER=2 +export KNOB_UGWP_SOURCE=1,1,0,0 +export KNOB_UGWP_WVSPEC=1,25,25,25 +export KNOB_UGWP_AZDIR=2,4,4,4 +export KNOB_UGWP_STOCH=0,0,0,0 +export KNOB_UGWP_EFFAC=1,1,1,1 +export KNOB_UGWP_DOAXYZ=1 +export KNOB_UGWP_DOHEAT=1 +export LAUNCH_LEVEL=54 +export KNOB_UGWP_DOKDIS=1 +export KNOB_UGWP_NDX4LH=1 +export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 +export KNOB_UGWP_PALAUNCH=275.0e2 +export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 +export KNOB_UGWP_LZMAX=15.750e3 +export KNOB_UGWP_LZMIN=0.75e3 +export KNOB_UGWP_LZSTAR=2.0e3 +export KNOB_UGWP_TAUMIN=0.25e-3 +export KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP=3.0e-3 +export KNOB_UGWP_LHMET=200.0e3 +export KNOB_UGWP_OROSOLV="'pss-1986'" + +export KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP=3.0e-3 +export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. # resolution dependent settings export CDMBWD_c48='0.071,2.1,1.0,1.0' @@ -393,24 +740,24 @@ export CDMBWD_c192='0.23,1.5,1.0,1.0' export CDMBWD_c384='1.1,0.72,1.0,1.0' export CDMBWD_c768='4.0,0.15,1.0,1.0' -#DT_INNER=(Time step)/2 -export DT_INNER_c96=360 -export DT_INNER_c192=300 -export DT_INNER_c384=150 -export DT_INNER_c768=75 - # set default export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c96} -export DT_INNER=${DT_INNER_c96} + +if [[ ${default_dt_atmos} = 1 ]]; then + export DT_INNER=${DT_INNER_c96} +else + export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} +fi + +export ISATMEDMF=1 +export TRANS_TRAC=.true. # PBL -export SATMEDMF=.false. -export ISATMEDMF=0 -export HYBEDMF=.true. +export SATMEDMF=.true. +export HYBEDMF=.false. export SHINHONG=.false. export DO_YSU=.false. export DO_MYNNEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYJPBL=.false. export HURR_PBL=.false. export MONINQ_FAC=1.0 export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.false. @@ -426,6 +773,9 @@ export RAS=.false. export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. export CNVCLD=.true. export PROGSIGMA=.false. +export BETASCU=8.0 +export BETAMCU=1.0 +export BETADCU=2.0 # Aerosol convective scavenging export FSCAV_AERO='"*:0.3","so2:0.0","msa:0.0","dms:0.0","nh3:0.4","nh4:0.6","bc1:0.6","bc2:0.6","oc1:0.4","oc2:0.4","dust1:0.6","dust2:0.6","dust3:0.6","dust4:0.6","dust5:0.6","seas1:0.5","seas2:0.5","seas3:0.5","seas4:0.5","seas5:0.5"' @@ -433,22 +783,72 @@ export FSCAV_AERO='"*:0.3","so2:0.0","msa:0.0","dms:0.0","nh3:0.4","nh4:0.6","bc # SFC export DO_MYJSFC=.false. export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.false. +export BL_MYNN_EDMF=1 +export BL_MYNN_TKEADVECT=.true. +export BL_MYNN_EDMF_MOM=1 # LSM -export LSM=1 +export PRSLRD0=0. +export IVEGSRC=1 +export ISOT=1 +export LSOIL=4 +export LSM=2 export LSOIL_LSM=4 -export LANDICE=.true. +export LANDICE=.false. export KICE=2 -export IALB=1 -export IEMS=1 +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export IOPT_DVEG=4 +export IOPT_CRS=2 +export IOPT_BTR=1 +export IOPT_RUN=1 +export IOPT_RAD=3 +export IOPT_ALB=1 +export IOPT_STC=3 +export IOPT_FRZ=1 +export IOPT_INF=1 +export IOPT_SFC=3 +export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 +export IOPT_SNF=4 +export IOPT_TBOT=2 +export DEBUG=.false. +export NST_ANL=.true. +export PSAUTCO=0.0008,0.0005 +export PRAUTCO=0.00015,0.00015 +export EFFR_IN=.true. +export ACTIVE_GASES="'h2o_co2_o3_n2o_ch4_o2'" +export NGASES=6 +export LW_FILE_GAS="'rrtmgp-data-lw-g128-210809.nc'" +export LW_FILE_CLOUDS="'rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-lw.nc'" +export SW_FILE_GAS="'rrtmgp-data-sw-g112-210809.nc'" +export SW_FILE_CLOUDS="'rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-sw.nc'" +export RRTMGP_NGPTSSW=112 +export RRTMGP_NGPTSLW=128 +export RRTMGP_NBANDSLW=16 +export RRTMGP_NBANDSSW=14 + +export D2_BG_K1=0.20 +export D2_BG_K2=0.04 +export PSM_BC=1 + +export DDDMP=0.1 # Ozone / stratospheric H2O export OZ_PHYS_OLD=.true. export OZ_PHYS_NEW=.false. + export H2O_PHYS=.false. -# Flake model -export LKM=0 +# Lake models +export LKM=0 # 0=no lake, 1=run lake model, 2=run both lake and nsst on lake points +export IOPT_LAKE=2 # 1=flake, 2=clm lake +export LAKEFRAC_THRESHOLD=0.0 # lake fraction must be higher for lake model to run it +export LAKEDEPTH_THRESHOLD=1.0 # lake must be deeper (in meters) for a lake model to run it +export FRAC_ICE=.true. # should be false for flake, true for clm_lake + +# Tiled Fix files +export TILEDFIX=.true. export CPL=.false. export CPLCHM=.false. @@ -457,47 +857,45 @@ export CPLICE=.false. export CPLWAV=.false. export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. export CPLLND=.false. +export CPLLND2ATM=.false. export USE_MED_FLUX=.false. export DAYS=1 export NPX=97 export NPY=97 export NPZ=64 export NPZP=65 -export NSTF_NAME=2,1,1,0,5 +export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 export OUTPUT_FH="12 -1" -export NFHOUT=12 -export NFHMAX_HF=12 -export NFHOUT_HF=6 -export IAU_OFFSET=0 export FHZERO=6 -export FNALBC="'global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t126.384.190.rg.grb'" -export FNVETC="'global_vegtype.igbp.t126.384.190.rg.grb'" -export FNSOTC="'global_soiltype.statsgo.t126.384.190.rg.grb'" -export FNSMCC="'global_soilmgldas.t126.384.190.grb'" -export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t1534.3072.1536.grb'" -export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb'" -export FNABSC="'global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t126.384.190.rg.grb'" +export FSICL=0 +export FSICS=0 -# Tiled Fix files -export ATMRES=C96 -export TILEDFIX=.false. +# Dynamical core +export FV_CORE_TAU=0. +export FAST_TAU_W_SEC=0.2 +export DRY_MASS=98320.0 export ENS_NUM=1 export SYEAR=2016 export SMONTH=10 export SDAY=03 export SHOUR=00 -export SECS=`expr $SHOUR \* 3600` +export SECS=$(( SHOUR*3600 )) export FHMAX=$(( DAYS*24 )) -export DT_ATMOS=1800 export FHCYC=24 export FHROT=0 export LDIAG3D=.false. export QDIAG3D=.false. export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.false. -export MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS=300 +export MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS=310 +export UPDATE_FULL_OMEGA=.false. # Stochastic physics +export LCNORM=.false. +export PERT_MP=.false. +export PERT_RADTEND=.false. +export PERT_CLDS=.false. + export STOCHINI=.false. export DO_SPPT=.false. export DO_SHUM=.false. @@ -510,30 +908,71 @@ export SHUM=-999. export LNDP_VAR_LIST="'XXX'" export LNDP_PRT_LIST=-999 export LNDP_MODEL_TYPE=0 +export LNDP_TAU=21600, +export LNDP_LSCALE=500000, +export ISEED_LNDP=2010, +export ISEED_SKEB=0 +export SKEB_TAU=21600, +export SKEB_LSCALE=500000, +export SKEBNORM=1, +export SKEB_NPASS=30, +export SKEB_VDOF=5, +export ISEED_SHUM=1, +export SHUM_TAU=21600, +export SHUM_LSCALE=500000, +export ISEED_SPPT=20210325000103,20210325000104,20210325000105,20210325000106,20210325000107 +export SPPT_TAU=2.16E4,2.592E5,2.592E6,7.776E6,3.1536E7 +export SPPT_LSCALE=500.E3,1000.E3,2000.E3,2000.E3,2000.E3 +export SPPT_LOGIT=.true., +export SPPT_SFCLIMIT=.true., +export USE_ZMTNBLCK=.true. +export PBL_TAPER=0,0,0,0.125,0.25,0.5,0.75 +export OCNSPPT=0.8,0.4,0.2,0.08,0.04 +export OCNSPPT_LSCALE=500.E3,1000.E3,2000.E3,2000.E3,2000.E3 +export OCNSPPT_TAU=2.16E4,2.592E5,2.592E6,7.776E6,3.1536E7 +export ISEED_OCNSPPT=20210325000108,20210325000109,20210325000110,20210325000111,20210325000112 +export EPBL=0.8,0.4,0.2,0.08,0.04 +export EPBL_LSCALE=500.E3,1000.E3,2000.E3,2000.E3,2000.E3 +export EPBL_TAU=2.16E4,2.592E5,2.592E6,7.776E6,3.1536E7 +export ISEED_EPBL=20210325000113,20210325000114,20210325000115,20210325000116,20210325000117 #IAU export IAU_INC_FILES="''" +export IAU_DELTHRS=0 +export IAUFHRS=-1 +export IAU_OFFSET=0 +export IAU_FILTER_INCREMENTS=.false. export FH_DFI_RADAR='-2e10' #Cellular automata -export DO_CA=.false. -export CA_SGS=.false. +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. - -export IAU_DRYMASSFIXER=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 #waves -export WW3RSTDTHR=12 -export DT_2_RST="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3RSTDTHR}*3600 )))" +export WW3_RSTDTHR=12 +WW3_DT_2_RST="$(printf "%02d" $(( WW3_RSTDTHR*3600 )))" +export WW3_DT_2_RST +export WW3_OUTDTHR=1 +WW3_DTFLD="$(printf "%02d" $(( WW3_OUTDTHR*3600 )))" +export WW3_DTFLD +WW3_DTPNT="$(printf "%02d" $(( WW3_OUTDTHR*3600 )))" +export WW3_DTPNT export DTRST=0 export RSTTYPE=T -export WW3OUTDTHR=1 -export DTFLD="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3OUTDTHR}*3600 )))" -export DTPNT="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3OUTDTHR}*3600 )))" export GOFILETYPE=1 export POFILETYPE=1 -export OUTPARS_WAV="WND HS FP DP PHS PTP PDIR" +export WW3_OUTPARS="WND HS FP DP PHS PTP PDIR" export CPLILINE='$' export ICELINE='$' export WINDLINE='$' @@ -548,16 +987,25 @@ export FGRDPROC=T export UNIPOINTS='points' export FLAGMASKCOMP=' F' export FLAGMASKOUT=' F' -export RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export RUN_END="2100${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export OUT_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export OUT_END=$RUN_END -export RST_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_2_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_END=$RUN_END -export RST_2_END=$RUN_END +RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( SHOUR )))0000" +export RUN_BEG +RUN_END="2100${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( SHOUR )))0000" +export RUN_END +export OUT_BEG=${RUN_BEG} +export OUT_END=${RUN_END} +export RST_BEG=${RUN_BEG} +export RST_2_BEG=${RUN_BEG} +export RST_END=${RUN_END} +export RST_2_END=${RUN_END} +export WW3_CUR='F' +export WW3_ICE='F' +export WW3_IC1='F' +export WW3_IC5='F' # ATMW -export MULTIGRID=true +export WW3_MULTIGRID=true +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.glo_1deg +export MESH_WAV=mesh.glo_1deg.nc +export WW3_RSTFLDS=" " # ATMA export AOD_FRQ=060000 @@ -569,6 +1017,358 @@ export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.false. # Coupling export coupling_interval_fast_sec=0 +export CHOUR=06 +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n + +# Following not used for standalone +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. + +# GFDL Cloud Microphysics +export FTSFS=90 +export REIFLAG=2 + +# NAM sfc +export FNGLAC="'global_glacier.2x2.grb'" +export FNMXIC="'global_maxice.2x2.grb'" +export FNTSFC="'RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb'" +export FNSNOC="'global_snoclim.1.875.grb'" +export FNZORC="'igbp'" +export FNAISC="'IMS-NIC.blended.ice.monthly.clim.grb'" +export LDEBUG=.false. +} + +# Add section for tiled grid namelist +export_tiled() { + export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t1534.3072.1536.grb'" + export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb'" + export FNALBC="'${ATMRES}.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" + export FNALBC2="'${ATMRES}.facsf.tileX.nc'" + export FNTG3C="'${ATMRES}.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" + export FNVEGC="'${ATMRES}.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" + export FNVETC="'${ATMRES}.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" + export FNSOTC="'${ATMRES}.soil_type.tileX.nc'" + export FNSOCC="'${ATMRES}.soil_color.tileX.nc'" + export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} + export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} + export FNVMNC="'${ATMRES}.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" + export FNVMXC="'${ATMRES}.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" + export FNSLPC="'${ATMRES}.slope_type.tileX.nc'" + export FNABSC="'${ATMRES}.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" + export LANDICE=".false." +} + +export_ugwpv1() { + export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. + export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. + export GWD_OPT=2 + export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=1 + export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 + export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. + export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. + export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. + export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. + export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. + export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. + export KNOB_UGWP_DOKDIS=2 + export KNOB_UGWP_NDX4LH=4 + + # Add updated damping and timestep variables + case "${ATMRES}" in + "C48") + if [[ ${default_dt_atmos} = 1 ]]; then export DT_ATMOS=720; fi + export XR_CNVCLD=.false. + export CDMBGWD="0.071,2.1,1.0,1.0" + export CDMBGWD_GSL="40.0,1.77,1.0,1.0" + export KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP=6.0e-3 + export K_SPLIT=1 + export N_SPLIT=4 + export TAU=10.0 + export RF_CUTOFF=100.0 + export FV_SG_ADJ=3600 + ;; + "C96") + if [[ ${default_dt_atmos} = 1 ]]; then export DT_ATMOS=720; fi + export XR_CNVCLD=.false. + export CDMBGWD="0.14,1.8,1.0,1.0" + export CDMBGWD_GSL="20.0,2.5,1.0,1.0" + export KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP=3.0e-3 + export K_SPLIT=1 + export N_SPLIT=4 + export TAU=8.0 + export RF_CUTOFF=100.0 + export FV_SG_ADJ=1800 + ;; + "C192") + if [[ ${default_dt_atmos} = 1 ]]; then export DT_ATMOS=600; fi + export XR_CNVCLD=.true. + export CDMBGWD="0.23,1.5,1.0,1.0" + export CDMBGWD_GSL="5.0,5.0,1.0,1.0" + export KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP=1.5e-3 + export K_SPLIT=2 + export N_SPLIT=5 + export TAU=6.0 + export RF_CUTOFF=100.0 + export FV_SG_ADJ=1800 + ;; + "C384") + if [[ ${default_dt_atmos} = 1 ]]; then export DT_ATMOS=300; fi + export XR_CNVCLD=.true. + export CDMBGWD="1.1,0.72,1.0,1.0" + export CDMBGWD_GSL="5.0,5.0,1.0,1.0" + export KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP=0.8e-3 + export K_SPLIT=2 + export N_SPLIT=4 + export TAU=4.0 + export RF_CUTOFF=100.0 + export FV_SG_ADJ=900 + ;; + "C768") + if [[ ${default_dt_atmos} = 1 ]]; then export DT_ATMOS=150; fi + export XR_CNVCLD=.true. + export CDMBGWD="4.0,0.15,1.0,1.0" + export CDMBGWD_GSL="2.5,7.5,1.0,1.0" + export KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP=0.5e-3 + export K_SPLIT=2 + export N_SPLIT=4 + export TAU=3.0 + export RF_CUTOFF=100.0 + export FV_SG_ADJ=450 + ;; + "C1152") + if [[ ${default_dt_atmos} = 1 ]]; then export DT_ATMOS=150; fi + export XR_CNVCLD=.true. + export CDMBGWD="4.0,0.10,1.0,1.0" + export CDMBGWD_GSL="1.67,8.8,1.0,1.0" + export KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP=0.35e-3 + export K_SPLIT=2 + export N_SPLIT=6 + export TAU=2.5 + export RF_CUTOFF=100.0 + export FV_SG_ADJ=450 + ;; + "C3072") + if [[ ${default_dt_atmos} = 1 ]]; then export DT_ATMOS=90; fi + export XR_CNVCLD=.true. + export CDMBGWD="4.0,0.05,1.0,1.0" + export CDMBGWD_GSL="0.625,14.1,1.0,1.0" + export KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP=0.13e-3 + export K_SPLIT=4 + export N_SPLIT=5 + export TAU=0.5 + export RF_CUTOFF=100.0 + export FV_SG_ADJ=300 + ;; + *) + echo Invalid model resolution: "${ATMRES}". Please update specified variable ATMRES. + exit 1 + ;; + esac + + if [[ ${DO_GSL_DRAG_SS} = .true. ]]; then export CDMBGWD=${CDMBGWD_GSL}; fi + if [[ ${SEDI_SEMI} = .true. ]]; then export DT_ATMOS=$((DT_ATMOS/2)); fi + export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} + export default_dt_atmos=0 +} + + +# Defaults for the CICE6 model namelist, mx100 +export_cice6() { + SECS=$((SHOUR*3600)) + export SECS + export DT_CICE=${DT_ATMOS} + export CICE_NPT=999 + export CICE_RUNTYPE=initial + export CICE_ICE_IC='cice_model.res.nc' + export CICE_RUNID=unknown + export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=.false. + export CICE_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ + export CICE_RESTART_FILE=iced + # CICE6 warmstarts + export OCNICE_WARMSTART=.false. + + export CICE_RESTART_FORMAT='pnetcdf2' + export CICE_RESTART_IOTASKS=-99 + export CICE_RESTART_REARR='box' + export CICE_RESTART_ROOT=-99 + export CICE_RESTART_STRIDE=-99 + export CICE_RESTART_CHUNK=0,0 + export CICE_RESTART_DEFLATE=0 + + export CICE_HISTORY_FORMAT='pnetcdf2' + export CICE_HISTORY_IOTASKS=-99 + export CICE_HISTORY_REARR='box' + export CICE_HISTORY_ROOT=-99 + export CICE_HISTORY_STRIDE=-99 + export CICE_HISTORY_CHUNK=0,0 + export CICE_HISTORY_DEFLATE=0 + export CICE_HISTORY_PREC=4 + + export CICE_DUMPFREQ=d + export CICE_DUMPFREQ_N=1000 + CICE_DIAGFREQ=$(( (FHMAX*3600)/DT_CICE )) + export CICE_DIAGFREQ + export CICE_HISTFREQ_N="0, 0, 6, 0, 0" + export CICE_hist_suffix="'x','x','x','x','x'" + export CICE_HIST_AVG=.true. + export CICE_HISTORY_DIR=./history/ + export CICE_INCOND_DIR=./history/ + export CICE_GRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc + export CICE_MASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc + export CICE_GRIDATM=A + export CICE_GRIDOCN=A + export CICE_GRIDICE=B + export CICE_TR_POND_LVL=.true. + export CICE_RESTART_POND_LVL=.false. + # setting to true will allow Frazil FW and Salt to be included in fluxes sent to ocean + export CICE_FRAZIL_FWSALT=.true. + export CICE_KTHERM=2 + export CICE_TFREEZE_OPTION=mushy + # SlenderX2 + export CICE_NPROC=${ICE_tasks} + np2=$((CICE_NPROC/2)) + CICE_BLCKX=$((NX_GLB/np2)) + CICE_BLCKY=$((NY_GLB/2)) + export np2 + export CICE_BLCKX + export CICE_BLCKY + export CICE_DECOMP=slenderX2 + + #ds2s + export MESH_DICE=none + export stream_files_dice=none + export CICE_PRESCRIBED=false + export DICE_CDEPS=false +} + +# Defaults for the MOM6 model namelist, mx100 +export_mom6() { + export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=1800 + export DT_THERM_MOM6=3600 + export MOM6_INPUT=MOM_input_100.IN + export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT + export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ + export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n + export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=False + export MOM6_FRUNOFF='' + export MOM6_CHLCLIM=seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc + export MOM6_USE_LI2016=True + export MOM6_TOPOEDITS='' + # since CPL_SLOW is set to DT_THERM, this should be always be false + export MOM6_THERMO_SPAN=False + export MOM6_USE_WAVES=True + export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=False + # MOM6 diag + export MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE=interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc + export MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL='-1e34' + # MOM6 IAU + export ODA_INCUPD=False + export ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS=6 + export ODA_TEMPINC_VAR="'pt_inc'" + export ODA_SALTINC_VAR="'s_inc'" + export ODA_THK_VAR="'h_fg'" + export ODA_INCUPD_UV=False + export ODA_UINC_VAR="'u_inc'" + export ODA_VINC_VAR="'v_inc'" + # MOM6 stochastics + export DO_OCN_SPPT=False + export PERT_EPBL=False + export OCN_SPPT=-999. + export EPBL=-999. + # MOM6 warmstarts + export OCNICE_WARMSTART=.false. + export MOM6_INIT_FROM_Z=True + export MOM6_INIT_UV="zero" + export MOM6_WARMSTART_FILE="none" +} + +# Defaults for the WW3 global model +export_ww3() { + export WW3_DOMAIN=mx${OCNRES} + export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.mx${OCNRES} + export WW3_RSTDTHR=3 + WW3_DT_2_RST="$(printf "%02d" $(( WW3_RSTDTHR*3600 )) )" + export WW3_DT_2_RST + export WW3_OUTDTHR=3 + WW3_DTFLD="$(printf "%02d" $(( WW3_OUTDTHR*3600 )) )" + WW3_DTPNT="$(printf "%02d" $(( WW3_OUTDTHR*3600 )) )" + export WW3_DTFLD + export WW3_DTPNT + export WW3_CUR='C' + export WW3_ICE='C' + export WW3_IC1='F' + export WW3_IC5='F' + export WW3_user_histname='false' + export WW3_historync='false' + export WW3_restartnc='true' + export WW3_restart_from_binary='false' + # For default ufs_configure (fast loop), no added fields reqd + export WW3_RSTFLDS=" " + # For either history_nc or restart_nc true + export WW3_PIO_FORMAT='pnetcdf' + export WW3_PIO_STRIDE=4 + export WW3_PIO_IOTASKS=-99 + export WW3_PIO_REARR='box' + export WW3_PIO_ROOT=-99 +} + +export_fire_behavior() { + export fbh_model=fire_behavior + export FIRE_BEHAVIOR=true + export FIRE_NML=namelist.fire.IN + export CPLFIRE=false + export DT_FIRE=${DT_ATMOS} + OUTPUT_FS="$(printf "%02d" $(( OUTPUT_FH*3600 )))" + export OUTPUT_FS + export fire_atm_feedback=1.0 + export fire_lsm_zcoupling=false + export fire_lsm_zcoupling_ref=60.0 + export fire_num_ignitions=1 + export fire_print_msg=0 + export fire_upwinding=9 + export fire_viscosity=0.4 + export fire_wind_height=5.0 +} + + +# Defaults for the coupled 5-component +export_cmeps() { + export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2swa_fast_esmf.IN + export med_model=cmeps + export atm_model=fv3 + export chm_model=gocart + export ocn_model=mom6 + export ice_model=cice6 + export wav_model=ww3 + export lnd_model=noahmp + export coupling_interval_slow_sec=${DT_THERM_MOM6} + export coupling_interval_fast_sec=${DT_ATMOS} + export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc + export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc + export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc + export CPLMODE=ufs.frac + export pio_rearranger=box + export RUNTYPE=startup + export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} + export RESTART_FH=" " + export CMEPS_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ + export cap_dbug_flag=0 + export WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART=.false. + # MOM6 attributes + export use_coldstart=false + export use_mommesh=true + # CICE attributes + export eps_imesh=1.0e-1 + # mediator AO flux + export flux_convergence=0.0 + export flux_iteration=2 + export flux_scheme=0 + # mediator ocean albedo + export ocean_albedo_limit=0.06 + export use_mean_albedos=.false. + # WW3 (used in run_test only) + export WW3_MULTIGRID=false } export_cpl () @@ -577,91 +1377,90 @@ export FV3=true export S2S=true export HAFS=false export AQM=false +export FIRE_BEHAVIOR=false export DATM_CDEPS=false export DOCN_CDEPS=false - +export DICE_CDEPS=false +export CICE_PRESCRIBED=false +export CDEPS_INLINE=false export FV3BMIC='p8c' +export BMIC=.false. +export DAYS=1 +#model configure +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure.IN export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 export SHOUR=06 -export SECS=`expr $SHOUR \* 3600` -export BMIC=.false. - -export DAYS=1 +export CHOUR=06 export FHMAX=24 -export FDIAG=6 -export FHZERO=6 - +export FHROT=0 +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=${WPG_cpl_dflt} export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. +export OUTPUT_FH='6 -1' # default atm/ocn/ice resolution -export ATMRES=C96 -export OCNRES=100 -export ICERES=1.00 +if [[ ${default_dt_atmos} = 1 ]]; then + #If default DT_ATMOS is being used, set to 720 for RTs + export DT_ATMOS=720 + export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} +fi +if [[ -z ${OCNRES+x} || -z ${OCNRES} ]]; then + export OCNRES=100 +fi +if [[ -z ${ICERES+x} || -z ${ICERES} ]]; then + export ICERES=1.00 +fi export NX_GLB=360 export NY_GLB=320 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 +# Use updated omega calculations if +# hydrostatic is set to false +if [[ "${HYDROSTATIC}" == .false. ]]; then + export UPDATE_FULL_OMEGA=.true. +fi + # default resources export DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=8000000 +export INPES=${INPES_cpl_dflt} +export JNPES=${JNPES_cpl_dflt} +export THRD=${THRD_cpl_dflt} +export OCN_tasks=${OCN_tasks_cpl_dflt} +export ICE_tasks=${ICE_tasks_cpl_dflt} +export WAV_tasks=${WAV_tasks_cpl_dflt} -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_dflt -export INPES=$INPES_cpl_dflt -export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_dflt -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_dflt -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_dflt - -OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_dflt -ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_dflt -WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_dflt - -# component and coupling timesteps -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} -export DT_CICE=${DT_ATMOS} -export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=1800 -export DT_THERM_MOM6=3600 - -# nems.configure defaults -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.cpld.IN -export med_model=cmeps -export atm_model=fv3 -export chm_model=gocart -export ocn_model=mom6 -export ice_model=cice6 -export wav_model=ww3 - -export coupling_interval_slow_sec=${DT_THERM_MOM6} -export coupling_interval_fast_sec=${DT_ATMOS} - -export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export CPLMODE=nems_frac -export cap_dbug_flag=0 -export use_coldstart=false -export use_mommesh=true -export RUNTYPE=startup -export CICERUNTYPE=initial -export eps_imesh=1.0e-1 -export ATMTILESIZE=`expr $NPX - 1` -export MULTIGRID=false +# Set tiled file defaults +export_tiled + +# Set CICE6 component defaults +export_cice6 + +# Set MOM6 component defaults +export_mom6 + +# Set WW3 component defaults +export_ww3 + +# Set CMEPS component defaults +export_cmeps # FV3 defaults export FRAC_GRID=.true. export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -export INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_GOCART -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template - +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN export DIAG_TABLE_ADDITIONAL='' +export FIELD_TABLE_ADDITIONAL='' +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN +export TILEDFIX=.false. -export FHROT=0 -export NSOUT=-1 -export OUTPUT_FH='6 -1' +export FHZERO=6 -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -670,21 +1469,19 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 + export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 -#export DZ_MIN=2 export PSM_BC=1 export DDDMP=0.1 -#P8 export DZ_MIN=6 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export IAER=1011 export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 @@ -692,31 +1489,13 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.false. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 -export GWD_OPT=2 -export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. -export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. -#P8 -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. -export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c96} - -# P8 RRTMGP +# RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.false. export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. -#P8 UGWD -export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. -export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 - -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -730,35 +1509,17 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings -export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" -export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" -export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} -export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} -export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVMXC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNSLPC="'C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNABSC="'C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export LANDICE=".false." -#P8 export FSICL=0 export FSICS=0 -# P8 export USE_CICE_ALB=.true. export MIN_SEAICE=1.0e-6 export DNATS=2 export IMP_PHYSICS=8 export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export SATMEDMF=.true. -# P7 default mushy thermo -export KTHERM=2 -export TFREEZE_OPTION=mushy export CPLFLX=.true. export CPLICE=.true. export CPL=.true. @@ -775,333 +1536,268 @@ export NA_INIT=1 export EXTERNAL_IC=.true. export NGGPS_IC=.true. export MOUNTAIN=.false. - -# MOM6 defaults; 1 degree -export MOM_INPUT=MOM_input_template_100 -export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=False -export FRUNOFF='' -export CHLCLIM=seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc -export MOM6_USE_LI2016=True -# since CPL_SLOW is set to DT_THERM, this should be always be false -export MOM6_THERMO_SPAN=False -export MOM6_USE_WAVES=True -export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=False -# MOM6 IAU -export MOM_IAU=False -export MOM_IAU_HRS=6 -# MOM6 stochastics -export DO_OCN_SPPT=False -export PERT_EPBL=False -export OCN_SPPT=-999. -export EPBL=-999. - -# CICE6 defaults; 1 degree -export CICE_DECOMP=slenderX2 -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks -# SlenderX2 -export CICE_DECOMP=slenderX2 -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` -export MESHOCN_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc -export WAVDOMAIN=mx${OCNRES} -export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WAVDOMAIN}.nc -export CICEGRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEMASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export RUNID=unknown -# set large; restart frequency now controlled by restart_n in nems.configure -export DUMPFREQ=d -export DUMPFREQ_N=1000 -export USE_RESTART_TIME=.false. -export RESTART_EXT=.false. -# setting to true will allow Frazil FW and Salt to be -# included in fluxes sent to ocean -export FRAZIL_FWSALT=.true. -# default to write CICE average history files -export CICE_HIST_AVG=.true. -# default CICE B-grid, ATM and OCN are provided by cap on A grid -export GRIDATM=A -export GRIDOCN=A -export GRIDICE=B - -#wave -export INPUT_CURFLD='C F Currents' -export INPUT_ICEFLD='C F Ice concentrations' -export WW3RSTDTHR=3 -export WW3OUTDTHR=3 -export DT_2_RST="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3RSTDTHR}*3600 )))" -export DTFLD="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3OUTDTHR}*3600 )))" -export DTPNT="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3OUTDTHR}*3600 )))" -export WW3GRIDLINE="'ww3' 'no' 'CPL:native' 'CPL:native' 'CPL:native' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 1 1 0.00 1.00 F" -export UNIPOINTS='points' -export RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export RUN_END="2100${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export OUT_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export OUT_END=$RUN_END -export RST_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_2_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_END=$RUN_END -export RST_2_END=$RUN_END # gocart inst_aod output; uses AERO_HIST.rc.IN from parm/gocart directory export AOD_FRQ=060000 # checkpoint restarts export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX='' -export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS='' export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS='' export RT35D='' + +#CDEPS ds2s +export MESH_DICE=none +export stream_files_dice=none } export_35d_run () { -export CNTL_DIR="" -export LIST_FILES="" + export CNTL_DIR="" + export LIST_FILES="" } export_datm_cdeps () { -export FV3=false -export S2S=false -export HAFS=false -export AQM=false -export DATM_CDEPS=true -export DOCN_CDEPS=false -export CPLWAV=.false. -export CPLCHM=.false. -export DAYS=1 -export FHMAX=24 -export FHROT=0 -export WARM_START=.false. -export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. - -# atm/ocn/ice resolution -export IATM=1760 -export JATM=880 -export ATM_NX_GLB=$IATM -export ATM_NY_GLB=$JATM -export ATMRES=1760x880 -export OCNRES=100 -export ICERES=1.00 -export NX_GLB=360 -export NY_GLB=320 - -# nems.configure -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.datm_cdeps.IN -export med_model=cmeps -export atm_model=datm -export ocn_model=mom6 -export ice_model=cice6 -export ATM_compute_tasks=$ATM_compute_tasks_cdeps_100 -export OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cdeps_100 -export ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cdeps_100 -export TASKS=$TASKS_cdeps_100 -# SlenderX2 -export CICE_DECOMP=slenderX2 -export NPROC_ICE=12 -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` - -export ENS_NUM=1 -export SYEAR=2011 -export SMONTH=10 -export SDAY=01 -export SHOUR=00 -export SECS=`expr $SHOUR \* 3600` -export CDATE=${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}${SHOUR} - -export NFHOUT=6 -export DT_ATMOS=900 -export DT_CICE=${DT_ATMOS} -export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=1800 -export DT_THERM_MOM6=3600 -export coupling_interval_slow_sec=${DT_THERM_MOM6} -export coupling_interval_fast_sec=${DT_ATMOS} - -export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export CPLMODE=nems_orig_data -export cap_dbug_flag=0 -export use_coldstart=false -export use_mommesh=true -export RUNTYPE=startup -export CICERUNTYPE=initial -export eps_imesh=1.0e-1 -export flux_convergence=0.0 -export flux_iteration=2 -export flux_scheme=0 - -export INPUT_NML=input.mom6.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=datm_cdeps_configure.IN -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template - -# atm defaults -export DATM_SRC=CFSR -export FILENAME_BASE=cfsr. -export mesh_file=cfsr_mesh.nc -export MESH_ATM=DATM_INPUT/${mesh_file} -export atm_datamode=${DATM_SRC} -export stream_files=DATM_INPUT/${FILENAME_BASE}201110.nc - -# MOM6 defaults; 1 degree -export MOM_INPUT=MOM_input_template_100 -export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=False -export FRUNOFF='' -export CHLCLIM=seawifs_1998-2006_smoothed_2X.nc -# MOM6 IAU -export MOM_IAU=False -export MOM_IAU_HRS=6 -export MOM6_USE_LI2016=False -# MOM6 stochastics -export DO_OCN_SPPT=False -export PERT_EPBL=False -export OCN_SPPT=-999. -export EPBL=-999. -# since coupling_interval_slow is set to DT_THERM, this should be always be false -export MOM6_THERMO_SPAN=False -export MOM6_USE_WAVES=False -export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=False - -# CICE6 defaults; 1 degree -export MESHOCN_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEGRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEMASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export RUNID=unknown -# set large; restart frequency now controlled by restart_n in nems.configure -export DUMPFREQ=d -export DUMPFREQ_N=1000 -export USE_RESTART_TIME=.false. -export RESTART_EXT=.false. -# setting to true will allow Frazil FW and Salt to be -# included in fluxes sent to ocean -export FRAZIL_FWSALT=.true. -# default to write CICE average history files -export CICE_HIST_AVG=.true. -export GRIDATM=A -export GRIDOCN=A -export GRIDICE=B -# default non-mushy thermo -export KTHERM=1 -export TFREEZE_OPTION=linear_salt -export BL_SUFFIX="" -export RT_SUFFIX="" + export FV3=false + export S2S=false + export HAFS=false + export AQM=false + export FIRE_BEHAVIOR=false + export DATM_CDEPS=true + export DOCN_CDEPS=false + export CDEPS_INLINE=false + export DAYS=1 + + # model configure + export MODEL_CONFIGURE=datm_cdeps_configure.IN + export SYEAR=2011 + export SMONTH=10 + export SDAY=01 + export SHOUR=00 + export FHMAX=24 + export DT_ATMOS=900 + export FHROT=0 + + # required but unused + export WARM_START=.false. + export CPLWAV=.false. + export CPLCHM=.false. + + # atm/ocn/ice resolution + export IATM=1760 + export JATM=880 + export ATM_NX_GLB=${IATM} + export ATM_NY_GLB=${JATM} + export ATMRES="${IATM}x${JATM}" + export OCNRES=100 + export ICERES=1.00 + export NX_GLB=360 + export NY_GLB=320 + + # default resources + export ATM_compute_tasks=${ATM_compute_tasks_cdeps_100} + export OCN_tasks=${OCN_tasks_cdeps_100} + export ICE_tasks=${ICE_tasks_cdeps_100} + + # Set CICE6 component defaults + export_cice6 + # default non-mushy thermo for CICE + export CICE_KTHERM=1 + export CICE_TFREEZE_OPTION=linear_salt + + # Set MOM6 component defaults + export_mom6 + # default no waves + export MOM6_USE_LI2016=False + export MOM6_USE_WAVES=False + export WW3_DOMAIN='' + + # Set CMEPS component defaults + export_cmeps + # default configure + export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.datm_cdeps.IN + export atm_model=datm + export CPLMODE=ufs.nfrac.aoflux + + # datm defaults + export INPUT_NML=input.mom6.nml.IN + export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template + export DATM_SRC=CFSR + export FILEBASE_DATM=cfsr + export MESH_ATM=${FILEBASE_DATM}_mesh.nc + export atm_datamode=GEFS + export stream_files=INPUT/${FILEBASE_DATM}.201110.nc + export EXPORT_ALL=.false. + export STREAM_OFFSET=0 + + export BL_SUFFIX="" + export RT_SUFFIX="" } + export_hafs_datm_cdeps () { -export FV3=false -export S2S=false -export HAFS=true -export AQM=false -export DATM_CDEPS=true -export DOCN_CDEPS=false -export INPES=$INPES_dflt -export JNPES=$JNPES_dflt -export TASKS=$TASKS_dflt -export NTILES=1 - -export atm_model=datm - -export DATM_IN_CONFIGURE=datm_in -export DATM_STREAM_CONFIGURE=hafs_datm.streams.era5.IN + export FV3=false + export S2S=false + export HAFS=true + export AQM=false + export FIRE_BEHAVIOR=false + export DATM_CDEPS=true + export DOCN_CDEPS=false + export CDEPS_INLINE=false + export INPES=${INPES_dflt} + export JNPES=${JNPES_dflt} + export NTILES=1 + + export atm_model=datm + export DATM_IN_CONFIGURE=datm_in.IN + export DATM_STREAM_CONFIGURE=hafs_datm.streams.era5.IN + export EXPORT_ALL=.false. } + export_hafs_docn_cdeps () { -export FV3=true -export S2S=false -export HAFS=true -export AQM=false -export DOCN_CDEPS=true -export INPES=$INPES_dflt -export JNPES=$JNPES_dflt -export TASKS=$TASKS_dflt -export NTILES=1 - -export ocn_model=docn -export ocn_datamode=sstdata - -export DOCN_IN_CONFIGURE=docn_in -export DOCN_STREAM_CONFIGURE=hafs_docn.streams.IN + export FV3=true + export S2S=false + export HAFS=true + export AQM=false + export FIRE_BEHAVIOR=false + export DOCN_CDEPS=true + export CDEPS_INLINE=false + export INPES=${INPES_dflt} + export JNPES=${JNPES_dflt} + export NTILES=1 + + export ocn_model=docn + export ocn_datamode=sstdata + export pio_rearranger=box + export DOCN_IN_CONFIGURE=docn_in.IN + export DOCN_STREAM_CONFIGURE=hafs_docn.streams.IN } + export_hafs_regional () { -export FV3=true -export S2S=false -export HAFS=true -export AQM=false -export DATM_CDEPS=false -export DOCN_CDEPS=false -export INPES=$INPES_dflt -export JNPES=$JNPES_dflt -export TASKS=$TASKS_dflt -export NTILES=1 - -# model_configure -export SYEAR=2019 -export SMONTH=08 -export SDAY=29 -export SHOUR=00 -export SECS=`expr $SHOUR \* 3600` -export FHMAX=6 -export ENS_NUM=1 -export DT_ATMOS=900 -export CPL=.true. -export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 -export FHROT=0 -export coupling_interval_fast_sec=0 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export NUM_FILES=2 -export FILENAME_BASE="'atm' 'sfc'" -export OUTPUT_GRID="'regional_latlon'" -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" -export IDEFLATE=0 -export NBITS=0 -export NFHOUT=3 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export CEN_LON=-62.0 -export CEN_LAT=25.0 -export LON1=-114.5 -export LAT1=-5.0 -export LON2=-9.5 -export LAT2=55.0 -export DLON=0.03 -export DLAT=0.03 - -# shel.inp -export INPUT_CURFLD='C F Currents' -export INPUT_ICEFLD='F F Ice concentrations' -# input.nml -export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. - -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs - -# nems.configure -export med_model=cmeps -export CAP_DBUG_FLAG=0 -export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export CPLMODE=hafs -export RUNTYPE=startup -export USE_COLDSTART=false -export MESH_WAV=mesh.hafs.nc -export MULTIGRID=false + export FV3=true + export S2S=false + export HAFS=true + export AQM=false + export FIRE_BEHAVIOR=false + export DATM_CDEPS=false + export DOCN_CDEPS=false + export CDEPS_INLINE=false + export INPES=${INPES_dflt} + export JNPES=${JNPES_dflt} + export NTILES=1 + export BLOCKSIZE=24 + + # model_configure + export SYEAR=2019 + export SMONTH=08 + export SDAY=29 + export SHOUR=00 + export SECS=$((SHOUR*3600)) + export FHMAX=6 + export ENS_NUM=1 + export DT_ATMOS=900 + export CPL=.true. + export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 + export FHROT=0 + export coupling_interval_fast_sec=0 + export QUILTING=.true. + export WRITE_GROUP=1 + export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 + export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. + export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. + export NUM_FILES=2 + export FILENAME_BASE="'atm' 'sfc'" + export OUTPUT_GRID="'regional_latlon'" + export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" + export IDEFLATE=0 + export QUANTIZE_NSD=0 + export CEN_LON=-62.0 + export CEN_LAT=25.0 + export LON1=-114.5 + export LAT1=-5.0 + export LON2=-9.5 + export LAT2=55.0 + export DLON=0.03 + export DLAT=0.03 + + # shel.inp + # input.nml + export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. + export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs + export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs + + export OCNRES='' + export ICERES='' + export DT_THERM_MOM6='' + + # Set WW3 component defaults + export_ww3 + # default hafs with no ice + export WW3_DOMAIN=natl_6m + export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.${WW3_DOMAIN} + export WW3_ICE='F' + export WW3_OUTPARS="WND HS T01 T02 DIR FP DP PHS PTP PDIR UST CHA USP" + export WW3_RSTFLDS=" " + export WW3_user_histname='false' + export WW3_historync='false' + export WW3_restartnc='true' + export WW3_restart_from_binary='false' + # For either history_nc or restart_nc true + export WW3_PIO_FORMAT='pnetcdf' + export WW3_PIO_STRIDE=4 + export WW3_PIO_IOTASKS=-99 + export WW3_PIO_REARR='box' + export WW3_PIO_ROOT=-99 + + # Set CMEPS component defaults + export_cmeps + # default hafs + export ocn_model=hycom + export CPLMODE=hafs + export MESH_WAV=mesh.hafs.nc } export_hafs () { +export_fv3_v16 export FV3=true export S2S=false export HAFS=true export AQM=false +export FIRE_BEHAVIOR=false export DATM_CDEPS=false export DOCN_CDEPS=false -export INPES=$INPES_dflt -export JNPES=$JNPES_dflt -export TASKS=$TASKS_dflt +export CDEPS_INLINE=false +export INPES=${INPES_dflt} +export JNPES=${JNPES_dflt} export NTILES=1 +export IMFSHALCNV=2 +export IMFDEEPCNV=2 +export HYBEDMF=.false. +export SATMEDMF=.true. +export MONINQ_FAC=-1.0 +export HURR_PBL=.true. +export ISATMEDMF=1 +export IOPT_SFC=1 +export IOPT_DVEG=2 +export IOPT_CRS=1 +export IOPT_RAD=1 +export IOPT_ALB=2 +export IOPT_STC=1 +export LSM=1 +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. +export IMP_PHYSICS=11 +export IAER=111 +export CNVGWD=.false. +export LTAEROSOL=.false. +export CDMBWD=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LRADAR=.true. + +export FV_CORE_TAU=5. +export RF_CUTOFF=30.e2 +export RF_CUTOFF_NEST=50.e2 export IS_MOVING_NEST=".false." export VORTEX_TRACKER=0 @@ -1218,9 +1914,233 @@ export NY_6='' export DX_6='' export DY_6='' -export NFHOUT=3 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NSOUT=-1 -export OUTPUT_FH=-1 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' +} + +export_hrrr() { +export_fv3_v16 +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export DT_ATMOS=300 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export IAER=5111 +export FHMAX=12 + +export FRAC_GRID=.false. +export FRAC_ICE=.true. + +export FV_CORE_TAU=10. +export RF_CUTOFF=7.5e2 + +export FV3_RUN=lake_control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR +export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke +export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap + +export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. + +export LKM=1 +export IOPT_LAKE=2 +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export DNATS=0 +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export LRADAR=.true. +export LTAEROSOL=.true. +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export HYBEDMF=.false. +export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. +export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. +export DO_DEEP=.false. +export SHAL_CNV=.false. +export IMFSHALCNV=-1 +export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSM=3 +export LSOIL_LSM=9 +export KICE=9 + +export GWD_OPT=3 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +} + +export_hrrr_conus13km() +{ +export_fv3_v16 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=05 +export SDAY=12 +export SHOUR=16 +export FHMAX=2 +export DT_ATMOS=120 +export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 +export QUILTING=.true. +export WRITE_GROUP=1 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 +export NTILES=1 +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. +export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal +export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" + +# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: +export SEDI_SEMI=.false. +export DECFL=8 + +export RRFS_SMOKE=.true. +export SEAS_OPT=0 + +export LKM=1 +export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. +export IALB=2 +export ICLIQ_SW=2 +export IEMS=2 +export IOVR=3 +export KICE=9 +export LSM=3 +export LSOIL_LSM=9 +export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. +export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. +export HYBEDMF=.false. +export SHAL_CNV=.false. +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DO_DEEP=.false. +export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' +export INPES=12 +export JNPES=12 +export NPX=397 +export NPY=233 +export NPZ=65 +export MAKE_NH=.false. +export NA_INIT=0 +export DNATS=0 +export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. +export NGGPS_IC=.false. +export MOUNTAIN=.true. +export WARM_START=.true. +export READ_INCREMENT=.false. +export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" +export NPZP=66 +export FHZERO=1.0 +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LDIAG3D=.false. +export QDIAG3D=.false. +export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. +export FHCYC=0.0 +export IAER=1011 +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. +export CNVCLD=.false. +export IMFSHALCNV=-1 +export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 +export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' +export DO_SPPT=.false. +export DO_SHUM=.false. +export DO_SKEB=.false. +export LNDP_TYPE=0 +export N_VAR_LNDP=0 + +export GWD_OPT=3 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. + +export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN +export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke_smoke +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN +export DIAG_TABLE_ADDITIONAL=diag_additional_rrfs_smoke +export FRAC_ICE=.true. +} + +export_rap_common() +{ +export_fv3_v16 +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export DT_ATMOS=300 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export IAER=5111 + +export FV_CORE_TAU=10. +export RF_CUTOFF=7.5e2 + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke + +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export DNATS=0 +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export LRADAR=.true. +export LTAEROSOL=.true. +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export HYBEDMF=.false. +export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. +export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. +} + +export_rap() +{ + export_rap_common + + export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_rap + export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP + + export IMFSHALCNV=3 + export IMFDEEPCNV=3 + export LSM=3 + export LSOIL_LSM=9 + export KICE=9 + + export GWD_OPT=3 + export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. + export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. + export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. + export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. + export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. + export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. + export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +} + +export_rrfs_v1() +{ + export_rap_common + + export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RRFS_v1beta + export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_rap_noah + + export DO_DEEP=.false. + export SHAL_CNV=.false. + export IMFSHALCNV=-1 + export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 + export LHEATSTRG=.false. + export LSM=2 + export LSOIL_LSM=4 } diff --git a/tests/detect_machine.sh b/tests/detect_machine.sh index 2e1eb624e1..0bd0535d8a 100755 --- a/tests/detect_machine.sh +++ b/tests/detect_machine.sh @@ -1,111 +1,105 @@ #!/bin/bash -# Do not set ACCNR here or it will break the per-system defaults in rt.sh. +# The authoritative copy of this script lives in the ufs-weather-model at: +# https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model/blob/develop/tests/detect_machine.sh +# If any local modifications are made or new platform support added, +# please consider opening an issue and a PR to the ufs-weather-model +# so that this copy remains in sync with its authoritative source +# +# Thank you for your contribution +# If the MACHINE_ID variable is set, skip this script. +[[ -n ${MACHINE_ID:-} ]] && return + +# First detect w/ hostname case $(hostname -f) in - clogin01.cactus.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### cactus - clogin02.cactus.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### cactus - clogin03.cactus.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### cactus - clogin04.cactus.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### cactus - clogin05.cactus.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### cactus - clogin06.cactus.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### cactus - clogin07.cactus.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### cactus - clogin08.cactus.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### cactus - clogin09.cactus.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### cactus - - dlogin01.dogwood.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### dogwood - dlogin02.dogwood.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### dogwood - dlogin03.dogwood.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### dogwood - dlogin04.dogwood.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### dogwood - dlogin05.dogwood.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### dogwood - dlogin06.dogwood.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### dogwood - dlogin07.dogwood.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### dogwood - dlogin08.dogwood.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### dogwood - dlogin09.dogwood.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### dogwood - - alogin01.acorn.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=acorn ;; ### acorn - alogin02.acorn.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=acorn ;; ### acorn - - gaea9) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea9 - gaea10) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea10 - gaea11) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea11 - gaea12) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea12 - gaea13) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea13 - gaea14) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea14 - gaea15) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea15 - gaea16) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea16 - gaea9.ncrc.gov) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea9 - gaea10.ncrc.gov) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea10 - gaea11.ncrc.gov) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea11 - gaea12.ncrc.gov) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea12 - gaea13.ncrc.gov) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea13 - gaea14.ncrc.gov) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea14 - gaea15.ncrc.gov) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea15 - gaea16.ncrc.gov) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea16 - - hfe01) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera01 - hfe02) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera02 - hfe03) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera03 - hfe04) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera04 - hfe05) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera05 - hfe06) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera06 - hfe07) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera07 - hfe08) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera08 - hfe09) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera09 - hfe10) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera10 - hfe11) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera11 - hfe12) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera12 - hecflow01) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### heraecflow01 + adecflow0[12].acorn.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=acorn ;; ### acorn + alogin0[123].acorn.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=acorn ;; ### acorn + clogin0[1-9].cactus.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### cactus01-9 + clogin10.cactus.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### cactus10 + dlogin0[1-9].dogwood.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### dogwood01-9 + dlogin10.dogwood.wcoss2.ncep.noaa.gov) MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 ;; ### dogwood10 + + gaea5[1-8]) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea51-58 + gaea5[1-8].ncrc.gov) MACHINE_ID=gaea ;; ### gaea51-58 + + hfe0[1-9]) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera01-09 + hfe1[0-2]) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### hera10-12 + hecflow01) MACHINE_ID=hera ;; ### heraecflow01 s4-submit.ssec.wisc.edu) MACHINE_ID=s4 ;; ### s4 - fe1) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### jet01 - fe2) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### jet02 - fe3) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### jet03 - fe4) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### jet04 - fe5) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### jet05 - fe6) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### jet06 - fe7) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### jet07 - fe8) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### jet08 - tfe1) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### jet09 - tfe2) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### jet10 - - Orion-login-1.HPC.MsState.Edu) MACHINE_ID=orion ;; ### orion1 - Orion-login-2.HPC.MsState.Edu) MACHINE_ID=orion ;; ### orion2 - Orion-login-3.HPC.MsState.Edu) MACHINE_ID=orion ;; ### orion3 - Orion-login-4.HPC.MsState.Edu) MACHINE_ID=orion ;; ### orion4 - - cheyenne1.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne1 - cheyenne2.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne2 - cheyenne3.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne3 - cheyenne4.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne4 - cheyenne5.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne5 - cheyenne6.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne6 - cheyenne1.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne1 - cheyenne2.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne2 - cheyenne3.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne3 - cheyenne4.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne4 - cheyenne5.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne5 - cheyenne6.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne6 - chadmin1.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne1 - chadmin2.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne1 - chadmin3.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne1 - chadmin4.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne1 - chadmin5.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne1 - chadmin6.ib0.cheyenne.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=cheyenne ;; ### cheyenne1 - - login1.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu) MACHINE_ID=stampede ;; ### stampede1 - login2.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu) MACHINE_ID=stampede ;; ### stampede2 - login3.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu) MACHINE_ID=stampede ;; ### stampede3 - login4.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu) MACHINE_ID=stampede ;; ### stampede4 - - login01.expanse.sdsc.edu) MACHINE_ID=expanse ;; ### expanse1 - login02.expanse.sdsc.edu) MACHINE_ID=expanse ;; ### expanse2 + fe[1-8]) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### jet01-8 + tfe[12]) MACHINE_ID=jet ;; ### tjet1-2 + + Orion-login-[1-4].HPC.MsState.Edu) MACHINE_ID=orion ;; ### orion1-4 + + [Hh]ercules-login-[1-4].[Hh][Pp][Cc].[Mm]s[Ss]tate.[Ee]du) MACHINE_ID=hercules ;; ### hercules1-4 + + derecho1.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=derecho ;; ### derecho1 + derecho2.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=derecho ;; ### derecho2 + derecho3.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=derecho ;; ### derecho3 + derecho4.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=derecho ;; ### derecho4 + derecho5.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=derecho ;; ### derecho5 + derecho6.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=derecho ;; ### derecho6 + derecho7.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=derecho ;; ### derecho7 + derecho8.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu) MACHINE_ID=derecho ;; ### derecho8 + + login[1-4].stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu) MACHINE_ID=stampede ;; ### stampede1-4 + + login[1-4].frontera.tacc.utexas.edu) MACHINE_ID=frontera ;; ### frontera1-4 + c*.frontera.tacc.utexas.edu) MACHINE_ID=frontera ;; ### frontera compute + + login0[1-2].expanse.sdsc.edu) MACHINE_ID=expanse ;; ### expanse1-2 + + discover3[1-5].prv.cube) MACHINE_ID=discover ;; ### discover31-35 + *) MACHINE_ID=UNKNOWN ;; # Unknown platform esac -# Overwrite auto-detect with RT_MACHINE if set -MACHINE_ID=${RT_MACHINE:-${MACHINE_ID}} +if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == "UNKNOWN" ]]; then + case ${PW_CSP:-} in + "aws" | "google" | "azure") MACHINE_ID=noaacloud ;; + *) PW_CSP="UNKNOWN" + esac +fi + +# Overwrite auto-detect with MACHINE if set +MACHINE_ID=${MACHINE:-${MACHINE_ID}} + +# If MACHINE_ID is no longer UNKNNOWN, return it +if [[ "${MACHINE_ID}" != "UNKNOWN" ]]; then + return +fi -# Append compiler -MACHINE_ID=${MACHINE_ID}.${RT_COMPILER} +# Try searching based on paths since hostname may not match on compute nodes +if [[ -d /lfs/h3 ]]; then + # We are on NOAA Cactus or Dogwood + MACHINE_ID=wcoss2 +elif [[ -d /lfs/h1 && ! -d /lfs/h3 ]]; then + # We are on NOAA TDS Acorn + MACHINE_ID=acorn +elif [[ -d /mnt/lfs1 ]]; then + # We are on NOAA Jet + MACHINE_ID=jet +elif [[ -d /scratch1 ]]; then + # We are on NOAA Hera + MACHINE_ID=hera +elif [[ -d /work ]]; then + # We are on MSU Orion or Hercules + mount=$(findmnt -n -o SOURCE /home) + if [[ ${mount} =~ "hercules" ]]; then + # We are on Hercules + MACHINE_ID=hercules + else + MACHINE_ID=orion + fi +elif [[ -d /gpfs && -d /ncrc ]]; then + # We are on GAEA. + MACHINE_ID=gaea +elif [[ -d /data/prod ]]; then + # We are on SSEC's S4 + MACHINE_ID=s4 +else + echo WARNING: UNKNOWN PLATFORM 1>&2 +fi diff --git a/tests/error-test.conf b/tests/error-test.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e931e67dc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/error-test.conf @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# This file is an alternative to rt.conf that tests whether the regression test system rt.sh can detect failure conditions. +# +# ./rt.sh [options] -l error-test.conf +# +# If the rt.sh detects errors correctly, the workflow shouldn't finish. Some jobs should be failed or not submitted, and some should succeed. +# See details below. + +# This should succeed +COMPILE | atm_dyn32 | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | + +# This should succeed +RUN | control_c48.v2.sfc | | baseline | + +# This should fail due to wall clock timeout +RUN | control_c48.v2.sfc_timeout | | baseline | + +# These tests should always fail, and prevent the workflow from completing. +RUN | fail_to_copy | | baseline | +RUN | fail_to_run | | baseline | + +# Using 64-bit dynamics ensures results change, but the test runs. The workflow jobs should complete +# for the COMPILE and RUN, but the results should change. +COMPILE | atm_dyn64 | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 | | fv3 | +RUN | control_c48 | | baseline | + +# This compile job should fail, and prevent the workflow from completing. +COMPILE | fail_to_compile | intel | --invalid-argument -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=whatever | | fv3 | + +# This test should not be submitted, because its compile job has failed. +RUN | dependency_unmet | | baseline | diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_acorn b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_acorn new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..feb553c13f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_acorn @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#PBS -o out +#PBS -e err +#PBS -N @[JBNME] +#PBS -A @[ACCNR] +#PBS -q @[QUEUE] +#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=1:mem=32G +#PBS -l walltime=00:45:00 + +set -eux + +cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR + +echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt +echo "Compile started: " `date` + +@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_ID] @[RT_COMPILER] + +echo "Compile ended: " `date` +echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_cheyenne b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_derecho similarity index 78% rename from tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_cheyenne rename to tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_derecho index c35a0d21b2..66a6672c03 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_cheyenne +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_derecho @@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ set -eux echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt echo "Compile started: " `date` +module purge -@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_NR] +@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_ID] @[RT_COMPILER] echo "Compile ended: " `date` echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_wcoss2 b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_wcoss2 index ffa08d4554..feb553c13f 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_wcoss2 +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_wcoss2 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ #PBS -A @[ACCNR] #PBS -q @[QUEUE] #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=1:mem=32G -#PBS -l walltime=00:30:00 +#PBS -l walltime=00:45:00 set -eux @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt echo "Compile started: " `date` -@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_NR] +@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_ID] @[RT_COMPILER] echo "Compile ended: " `date` echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_gaea b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_gaea index 195bb19d19..29c259b092 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_gaea +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_gaea @@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ #SBATCH --account=@[ACCNR] ##SBATCH --qos=@[QUEUE] #SBATCH --clusters=es -#SBATCH --partition=eslogin +#SBATCH --partition=eslogin_c5 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8 +#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G #SBATCH --time=180 #SBATCH --job-name="@[JBNME]" @@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ set -eux echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt echo "Compile started: " `date` -@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_NR] +@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_ID] @[RT_COMPILER] echo "Compile ended: " `date` echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_hera b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_hera index 6ce910e665..f146fcbe15 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_hera +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_hera @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#!/bin/sh +#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -e err #SBATCH -o out #SBATCH --account=@[ACCNR] @@ -9,11 +9,14 @@ #SBATCH --job-name="@[JBNME]" set -eux +date_s_start=$(date +%s) +date_start=$(date) +echo -n "${date_s_start}," > job_timestamp.txt +echo "Compile started: ${date_start}" -echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt -echo "Compile started: " `date` +"@[PATHRT]/compile.sh" "@[MACHINE_ID]" "@[MAKE_OPT]" "@[COMPILE_ID]" "@[RT_COMPILER]" -@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_NR] - -echo "Compile ended: " `date` -echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt +date_end=$(date) +echo "Compile ended: ${date_end}" +date_s_end=$(date +%s) +echo -n "${date_s_end}," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_hercules b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_hercules new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..619ca76905 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_hercules @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/sh +#SBATCH -e err +#SBATCH -o out +#SBATCH --account=@[ACCNR] +#SBATCH --qos=@[QUEUE] +#SBATCH --partition=@[PARTITION] +#SBATCH --nodes=1 +#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8 +#SBATCH --time=60 +#SBATCH --job-name="@[JBNME]" + +set -eux + +echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt +echo "Compile started: " `date` + +@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_ID] @[RT_COMPILER] + +echo "Compile ended: " `date` +echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_jet b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_jet index 74760a6bf7..88149c43ac 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_jet +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_jet @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ set -eux echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt echo "Compile started: " `date` -@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_NR] +@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_ID] @[RT_COMPILER] echo "Compile ended: " `date` echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_noaacloud b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_noaacloud new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5a08095c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_noaacloud @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#!/bin/sh +#SBATCH -e err +#SBATCH -o out +#SBATCH --qos=batch +#SBATCH --nodes=1 +#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=@[TPN] +#SBATCH --job-name="@[JBNME]" + +set -eux + +echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt +echo "Compile started: " `date` + +@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_ID] + +echo "Compile ended: " `date` +echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_orion b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_orion index 73457cc269..717861beb3 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_orion +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_orion @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ #SBATCH --partition=@[PARTITION] #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8 +#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8G #SBATCH --time=60 #SBATCH --job-name="@[JBNME]" @@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ set -eux echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt echo "Compile started: " `date` -@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_NR] +@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_ID] @[RT_COMPILER] echo "Compile ended: " `date` echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_s4 b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_s4 index 6ce910e665..aa84ba5b00 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_s4 +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_s4 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ set -eux echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt echo "Compile started: " `date` -@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_NR] +@[PATHRT]/compile.sh @[MACHINE_ID] "@[MAKE_OPT]" @[COMPILE_ID] @[RT_COMPILER] echo "Compile ended: " `date` echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/control_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/control_run.IN index 2eb2430dac..d8be6334f6 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/control_run.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/control_run.IN @@ -10,13 +10,21 @@ elif [ $NPX = 385 ]; then elif [ $NPX = 769 ]; then inputdir=FV3_input_data768 fi -echo "inputdir=$inputdir,NPX=$NPX" + +echo "inputdir=$inputdir,NPX=$NPX,NESTED=$NESTED" OPNREQ_TEST=${OPNREQ_TEST:-false} +V2_SFC_FILE=${V2_SFC_FILE:-false} SUFFIX=${RT_SUFFIX} if [ $WARM_START = .false. ]; then mkdir INPUT RESTART - cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127/* ./INPUT/. + if [ "$NESTED" = .true. ]; then + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_nested/* ./INPUT/. + elif [ "$V2_SFC_FILE" = "true" ]; then + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_v2_sfc/* ./INPUT/. + else + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_gfsv17/* ./INPUT/. + fi else mkdir INPUT RESTART @@ -24,6 +32,18 @@ else SUFFIX=${BL_SUFFIX} fi + # WAVE restart file for ATMW ORT tests + if [[ $CPLWAV == .true. ]]; then + if [[ $med_model == cmeps ]] && [[ $RUNTYPE == continue ]]; then + # CMEPS restart and pointer files + RFILE=ufs.atmw.cpl.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RFILE} . + ls -1 ${RFILE}>rpointer.cpl + fi + RFILE=ufs.atmw.ww3.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${RFILE} . + fi + if [ $MODEL_INITIALIZATION = false ]; then #read_inc and iau tests restart from fh=24 CURRDIR=`pwd` @@ -70,7 +90,6 @@ else cp $RFILE INPUT/${RFILE_NEW} done fi - fi if [ $TILEDFIX = .true. ]; then @@ -91,16 +110,21 @@ else fi if [ $CPLWAV = .true. ]; then - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.pointsatmw mod_def.points - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.* . - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/rmp_src* . + if [ $WW3_MULTIGRID = 'true' ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.pointsatmw mod_def.points + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[WW3_MODDEF] . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/rmp_src* . + else + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[WW3_MODDEF] mod_def.ww3 + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[MESH_WAV] . + fi fi #inline post if [[ $POSTAPP = 'global' ]]; then - cp ${PATHRT}/parm/post_itag itag - cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT.txt postxconfig-NT.txt - cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/@[POST_ITAG] itag + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/@[POSTXCONFIG] postxconfig-NT.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/@[POSTXCONFIG_FH00] postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt cp ${PATHRT}/parm/params_grib2_tbl_new params_grib2_tbl_new fi @@ -112,7 +136,7 @@ fi #merra2 if [ $USE_MERRA2 = .true. ]; then for n in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12; do - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2_y14_24/merra2_1423_${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc done cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_BC.v1_3.dat optics_BC.dat cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_OC.v1_3.dat optics_OC.dat @@ -136,10 +160,10 @@ fi #Thompson if [ $IMP_PHYSICS = 8 ]; then - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/qr_acr_qsV2.dat . - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/qr_acr_qgV2.dat . - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/freezeH2O.dat . - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qsV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qgV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/freezeH2O.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN . fi #prognostic aerosols diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_control_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_control_run.IN index c0f3d93008..8b0c355d66 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_control_run.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_control_run.IN @@ -1,4 +1,11 @@ -mkdir INPUT RESTART history MOM6_OUTPUT +mkdir INPUT RESTART + +mkdir -p $CICE_RESTART_DIR +mkdir -p $MOM6_RESTART_DIR +mkdir -p $CMEPS_RESTART_DIR + +mkdir -p $CICE_HISTORY_DIR +mkdir -p $MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR if [[ $ATMRES == C96 ]]; then FV3_DIR=FV3_input_data @@ -8,6 +15,8 @@ fi ICERES=${OCNRES:0:1}.${OCNRES:1} +V2_SFC_FILE=${V2_SFC_FILE:-false} + if [[ $BMIC == .true. ]]; then FV3_IC=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC]/${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}${SHOUR}/@[FV3BMIC]/@[ATMRES]_L@[NPZ]/INPUT MOM_IC=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC]/${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}${SHOUR}/mom6_da @@ -18,9 +27,13 @@ else MOM_IC=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/MOM6_IC/${OCNRES}/${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}${SHOUR} ICE_IC=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/CICE_IC/${OCNRES}/${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}${SHOUR} else - FV3_IC=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${FV3_DIR}/INPUT_L127_mx${OCNRES} + if [ "$V2_SFC_FILE" = "true" ]; then + FV3_IC=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${FV3_DIR}/INPUT_L127_mx${OCNRES}_v2_sfc + else + FV3_IC=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${FV3_DIR}/INPUT_L127_mx${OCNRES} + fi MOM_IC=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/MOM6_IC - ICE_IC=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/CICE_IC/${OCNRES} + ICE_IC=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/CICE_IC fi fi @@ -50,13 +63,8 @@ cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/CICE_FIX/@[OCNRES]/mesh.mx@[OCNRES].nc . # WW3 fix/input if [[ $CPLWAV == .true. ]]; then - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.points . - if [[ $WAVDOMAIN == mx025 ]]; then - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.@[WAVDOMAIN]lite mod_def.ww3 - else - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.@[WAVDOMAIN] mod_def.ww3 - fi - if [[ ${WAVDOMAIN:0:2} != mx ]]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[WW3_MODDEF] mod_def.ww3 + if [[ ${WW3_DOMAIN:0:2} != mx ]]; then cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[MESH_WAV] . fi fi @@ -82,8 +90,13 @@ if [ $WARM_START = .false. ]; then cp ${MOM_IC}/MOM.res.nc ./INPUT cp ${ICE_IC}/cice_model_@[ICERES].cpc.res_* ./cice_model.res.nc else - cp ${MOM_IC}/MOM6_IC_TS_${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}${SHOUR}.nc ./INPUT/MOM6_IC_TS.nc - cp ${ICE_IC}/cice_model_@[ICERES].cpc.res_${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.nc ./cice_model.res.nc + if [[ $OCNICE_WARMSTART == .true. ]]; then + cp ${MOM_IC}/mom6.mx@[OCNRES].${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}${SHOUR}.warmstart.nc ./INPUT/mom6.warmstart.nc + cp ${ICE_IC}/cice.mx@[OCNRES].${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}${SHOUR}.warmstart.nc ./cice.warmstart.nc + else + cp ${MOM_IC}/MOM6_IC_TS_${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}${SHOUR}.nc ./INPUT/MOM6_IC_TS.nc + cp ${ICE_IC}/${OCNRES}/cice_model_@[ICERES].cpc.res_${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.nc ./cice_model.res.nc + fi fi fi else @@ -101,36 +114,48 @@ else RFILE_OLD=$(basename $RFILE) mv -f $RFILE INPUT/"${RFILE_OLD//${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}./}" done + if [[ $IAU_OFFSET == 6 ]] && [[ $FHROT -le 6 ]]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${FV3_DIR}/INPUT_L127_mx${OCNRES}/fv_increment*.nc ./INPUT/. + fi #if not mx025, then mom6 restart is a single file if [[ $OCNRES == 025 ]]; then - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/MOM.res.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS}-00-00.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res.nc - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/MOM.res.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS}-00-00_1.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res_1.nc - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/MOM.res.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS}-00-00_2.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res_2.nc - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/MOM.res.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS}-00-00_3.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res_3.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${MOM6_RESTART_DIR}/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.MOM.res.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${MOM6_RESTART_DIR}/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.MOM.res_1.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res_1.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${MOM6_RESTART_DIR}/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.MOM.res_2.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res_2.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${MOM6_RESTART_DIR}/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.MOM.res_3.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res_3.nc else - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/MOM.res.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS}-00-00.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${MOM6_RESTART_DIR}/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.MOM.res.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res.nc + if [[ $ODA_INCUPD == 'True' ]] && [[ $FHROT -le 6 ]]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/MOM6_IC/mom6_increment.nc ./INPUT/mom6_increment.nc + fi fi # CMEPS restart and pointer files RFILE=ufs.cpld.cpl.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RFILE} . + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${CMEPS_RESTART_DIR}/${RFILE} . ls -1 ${RFILE}>rpointer.cpl # CMEPS/CCPP restart file - if [[ $CPLMODE =~ 'nems_frac_aoflux' ]]; then + if [[ $CPLMODE =~ 'ufs.frac.aoflux' ]]; then RFILE_CCPP=ufs.cpld.cpl.ccpp.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${RFILE_CCPP} . fi # CICE restart and pointer files RFILE=iced.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RFILE} ./INPUT + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${CICE_RESTART_DIR}/${RFILE} ./INPUT ls -1 ./INPUT/${RFILE}>ice.restart_file # WAVE restart file if [[ $CPLWAV == .true. ]]; then - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.restart.ww3 ./restart.ww3 + RFILE=ufs.cpld.ww3.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${RFILE} . + fi + + # LAND restart file + if [ $CPLLND = .true. ]; then + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/ufs.cpld.lnd.out.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.tile*.nc RESTART/. fi else @@ -144,16 +169,16 @@ fi #inline post if [ $WRITE_DOPOST = .true. ]; then - cp ${PATHRT}/parm/post_itag itag - cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT.txt postxconfig-NT.txt - cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/post_itag_gfs itag + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs.txt postxconfig-NT.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs_FH00.txt postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt cp ${PATHRT}/parm/params_grib2_tbl_new params_grib2_tbl_new fi #merra2 if [ $IAER = 1011 ]; then for n in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12; do - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2_y14_24/merra2_1423_${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc done cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_BC.v1_3.dat optics_BC.dat cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_OC.v1_3.dat optics_OC.dat @@ -163,14 +188,14 @@ if [ $IAER = 1011 ]; then fi cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data/ugwp_c384_tau.nc ./ugwp_limb_tau.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${FV3_DIR}/INPUT_L127/oro_data_ls* ./INPUT -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${FV3_DIR}/INPUT_L127/oro_data_ss* ./INPUT +cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${FV3_DIR}/INPUT_L127_gfsv17/oro_data_ls* ./INPUT +cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${FV3_DIR}/INPUT_L127_gfsv17/oro_data_ss* ./INPUT if [ $IMP_PHYSICS = 8 ]; then - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/freezeH2O.dat freezeH2O.dat - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/qr_acr_qg.dat qr_acr_qg.dat - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/qr_acr_qs.dat qr_acr_qs.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/freezeH2O.dat freezeH2O.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qgV2.dat qr_acr_qgV2.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qsV2.dat qr_acr_qsV2.dat fi #prognostic aerosols diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_datm_cdeps.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_datm_cdeps.IN index 027cb02034..6dcac52772 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_datm_cdeps.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_datm_cdeps.IN @@ -1,8 +1,15 @@ -mkdir INPUT DATM_INPUT RESTART history MOM6_OUTPUT +mkdir INPUT RESTART + +mkdir -p $CICE_RESTART_DIR +mkdir -p $MOM6_RESTART_DIR +mkdir -p $CMEPS_RESTART_DIR + +mkdir -p $CICE_HISTORY_DIR +mkdir -p $MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR # DATM fixed input -ln -s @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_CDEPS/@[DATM_SRC]/@[mesh_file] DATM_INPUT -ln -s @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_CDEPS/@[DATM_SRC]/201110/*201110*nc DATM_INPUT +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_CDEPS/@[DATM_SRC]/@[MESH_ATM] INPUT +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_CDEPS/@[DATM_SRC]/201110/*201110*nc INPUT # MOM6 fixed input ICERES="${OCNRES:0:1}.${OCNRES:1}" @@ -22,21 +29,26 @@ if [ $WARM_START = .false. ]; then else cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/MOM6_IC/@[OCNRES]/2011100100/MOM6_IC_TS*.nc ./INPUT/MOM6_IC_TS.nc cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/CICE_IC/@[OCNRES]/cice_model_@[ICERES].cpc.res_2011100100.nc cice_model.res.nc - if [[ $MOM_IAU == 'True' ]];then + if [[ $ODA_INCUPD == 'True' ]];then cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/MOM6_IC/@[OCNRES]/2011100100/mom6_increment.nc ./INPUT/mom6_increment.nc fi fi else # warm start - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/MOM.res.2011-10-01-12*.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/${MOM6_RESTART_DIR}/20111001.120000.MOM.res.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res.nc # CMEPS restart and pointer files RFILE="DATM_${DATM_SRC}.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc" - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RFILE} . + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/${CMEPS_RESTART_DIR}/${RFILE} . ls -1 ${RFILE}>rpointer.cpl # CICE restart and pointer files - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc ./INPUT + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/${CICE_RESTART_DIR}/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc ./INPUT RFILE="iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc" ls -1 "./INPUT/"${RFILE}>ice.restart_file + +# CDEPS restart and pointer files + RFILE="DATM_${DATM_SRC}.datm.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc" + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/${RFILE} ./INPUT + ls -1 "./INPUT/"${RFILE}>rpointer.atm fi diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_datm_cdeps_gfs.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_datm_cdeps_gfs.IN index 9a07e9f263..904f89d024 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_datm_cdeps_gfs.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_datm_cdeps_gfs.IN @@ -1,8 +1,15 @@ -mkdir INPUT DATM_INPUT RESTART history MOM6_OUTPUT +mkdir INPUT RESTART + +mkdir -p $CICE_RESTART_DIR +mkdir -p $MOM6_RESTART_DIR +mkdir -p $CMEPS_RESTART_DIR + +mkdir -p $CICE_HISTORY_DIR +mkdir -p $MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR # DATM fixed input -ln -s @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_CDEPS/@[DATM_SRC]/@[mesh_file] DATM_INPUT -ln -s @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_CDEPS/@[DATM_SRC]/202103/gfs.202103.nc DATM_INPUT/gfs.202103.nc +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_CDEPS/@[DATM_SRC]/@[MESH_ATM] INPUT +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_CDEPS/@[DATM_SRC]/202103/gfs.202103.nc INPUT/gfs.202103.nc # MOM6 fixed input ICERES="${OCNRES:0:1}.${OCNRES:1}" @@ -25,15 +32,20 @@ if [ $WARM_START = .false. ]; then fi else # warm start - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/MOM.res.2021-03-22-18*.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/${MOM6_RESTART_DIR}/MOM.res.2021-03-22-18*.nc ./INPUT/MOM.res.nc # CMEPS restart and pointer files - RFILE="DATM_${DATM_SRC}.cpl.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc.nc" - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RFILE} . + RFILE="DATM_${DATM_SRC}.cpl.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc" + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/${CMEPS_RESTART_DIR}/${RFILE} . ls -1 ${RFILE}>rpointer.cpl # CICE restart and pointer files - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-64800.nc ./INPUT + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/${CICE_RESTART_DIR}/iced.2021-03-22-64800.nc ./INPUT RFILE="iced.2021-03-22-64800.nc" ls -1 "./INPUT/"${RFILE}>ice.restart_file + +# CDEPS restart and pointer files + RFILE="DATM_${DATM_SRC}.datm.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc" + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/${RFILE} ./INPUT + ls -1 "./INPUT/"${RFILE}>rpointer.atm fi diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_docn_dice.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_docn_dice.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..771b04dadb --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_docn_dice.IN @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +mkdir -p INPUT + +SUFFIX=${RT_SUFFIX} +if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == true ]]; then + SUFFIX=${BL_SUFFIX} +fi + +#CDEPS data files +cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/*ice.1h.aux*nc ./INPUT/ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.ice.nc +cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/*ocn.1h.aux*nc ./INPUT/ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.ocn.nc + +#CDEPS fix files - same for ocn/ice +cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/CICE_FIX/@[OCNRES]/mesh.mx@[OCNRES].nc INPUT diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_docn_pcice.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_docn_pcice.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a82092056 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/cpld_docn_pcice.IN @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +mkdir -p INPUT + +#For consistency, same CDEPS docn and CICE ice prescribed input files (data and ESMF_mesh) +cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DOCN_DICE_ERA5/* INPUT diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_aqm.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_aqm.IN index e17ec21642..417f195fa0 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_aqm.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_aqm.IN @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/AQM/fix/NR_cb6r3_ae6_aq.nml . cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/AQM/fix/omi_cmaq_2015_361X179.dat . cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/AQM/fix/PHOT_OPTICS.dat . cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/AQM/fix/Species_Table_TR_0.nml . +cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/AQM/fix/pt-2019080112.nc . +cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/AQM/fix/FENGSHA_p8_10km_inputs_CONUS_775.nc . diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_gocart.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_gocart.IN index da32ceb4a1..81bb264948 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_gocart.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_gocart.IN @@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ else cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data/RESTART/* ./INPUT fi cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data/*grb . -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2C.aerclim.2003-2014.*nc . for n in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12; do -ln -sf merra2C.aerclim.2003-2014.m${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2_y14_24/merra2_1423_${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc done cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/mg2_IN_CCN/cam5_4_143_NAAI_monclimo2.nc cam5_4_143_NAAI_monclimo2.nc cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/mg2_IN_CCN/cam5_4_143_NPCCN_monclimo2.nc cam5_4_143_NPCCN_monclimo2.nc diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_acorn b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_acorn new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b3d0102328 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_acorn @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#PBS -o out +#PBS -e err +#PBS -N @[JBNME] +#PBS -A @[ACCNR] +#PBS -q @[QUEUE] +#PBS -l place=vscatter,select=@[NODES]:ncpus=@[TPN]:mpiprocs=@[TPN]:mem=500G +#PBS -l place=excl +#PBS -l walltime=00:@[WLCLK]:00 + +set -eux +echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt + +cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR + +set +x +module use $PWD/modulefiles +module load modules.fv3 +module load cray-pals +module list +set -x + +echo "Model started: " `date` + +export OMP_STACKSIZE=512M +export OMP_NUM_THREADS=@[THRD] +export OMP_PLACES=cores +export ESMF_RUNTIME_COMPLIANCECHECK=OFF:depth=4 +export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE=ON +export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE_OUTPUT="SUMMARY" + +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + +mpiexec -n @[TASKS] -ppn @[TPN] -depth @[THRD] ./fv3.exe + +echo "Model ended: " `date` +echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_cheyenne b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_derecho similarity index 62% rename from tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_cheyenne rename to tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_derecho index b87293ce8a..5e5c0ac521 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_cheyenne +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_derecho @@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ set -eux echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt set +x -MACHINE_ID=cheyenne +MACHINE_ID=derecho source ./module-setup.sh if [[ ! -d modulefiles ]]; then mkdir modulefiles mv *.lua modulefiles fi -module use modulefiles +module use $PWD/modulefiles module load modules.fv3 module list set -x @@ -30,11 +30,19 @@ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=@[THRD] export ESMF_RUNTIME_COMPLIANCECHECK=OFF:depth=4 export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE=ON export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE_OUTPUT="SUMMARY" +export MPICH_COLL_OPT_OFF=1 # Avoid job errors because of filesystem synchronization delays sync && sleep 1 -mpiexec_mpt -p %g: -np @[TASKS] omplace ./fv3.exe +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + +mpiexec -n @[UFS_TASKS] -ppn @[PPN] --hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE ./fv3.exe echo "Model ended: " `date` echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_wcoss2 b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_wcoss2 index f3eb54297e..b3d0102328 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_wcoss2 +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_wcoss2 @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR set +x -module use $( pwd -P ) +module use $PWD/modulefiles module load modules.fv3 module load cray-pals module list @@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ export ESMF_RUNTIME_COMPLIANCECHECK=OFF:depth=4 export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE=ON export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE_OUTPUT="SUMMARY" +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + mpiexec -n @[TASKS] -ppn @[TPN] -depth @[THRD] ./fv3.exe echo "Model ended: " `date` diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_expanse b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_expanse index 9420868b8d..6c4819806a 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_expanse +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_expanse @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt set +x MACHINE_ID=expanse source ./module-setup.sh -module use $( pwd -P ) +module use $PWD/modulefiles module load modules.fv3 module list set -x @@ -26,6 +26,14 @@ echo "Model started: "`date` export OMP_STACK_SIZE=512M export OMP_NUM_THREADS=@[THRD] export I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY=/cm/shared/apps/slurm/current/lib64/libpmi.so + +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + srun -n @[TASKS] ./fv3.exe echo "Model ended: " `date` diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_gaea b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_gaea index 92c234edfb..b306f1a1c5 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_gaea +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_gaea @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ #SBATCH --job-name="@[JBNME]" #SBATCH --account=@[ACCNR] #SBATCH --qos=@[QUEUE] -#SBATCH --clusters=@[PARTITION] +#SBATCH --clusters=c5 +#SBATCH --partition=batch #SBATCH --nodes=@[NODES] #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=@[TPN] #SBATCH --time=@[WLCLK] @@ -15,8 +16,7 @@ echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt set +x MACHINE_ID=gaea source ./module-setup.sh -source /lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/lua- -module use $( pwd -P ) +module use --prepend $PWD/modulefiles module load modules.fv3 module list set -x @@ -28,10 +28,18 @@ export OMP_STACKSIZE=1024M export NC_BLKSZ=1M export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE=ON export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE_OUTPUT="SUMMARY" +export FI_VERBS_PREFER_XRC=0 # Avoid job errors because of filesystem synchronization delays sync && sleep 1 +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + srun --label -n @[TASKS] ./fv3.exe echo "Model ended: " `date` diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_hera b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_hera index 06ba96a8dd..a59dcdd9a2 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_hera +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_hera @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#!/bin/sh +#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -e err #SBATCH -o out #SBATCH --account=@[ACCNR] @@ -11,20 +11,23 @@ ### #SBATCH --exclusive set -eux -echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt +date_s_start=$(date +%s) +echo -n "${date_s_start}," > job_timestamp.txt set +x -MACHINE_ID=hera +export MACHINE_ID=hera source ./module-setup.sh -module use $( pwd -P ) +module use "${PWD}/modulefiles" module load modules.fv3 module list set -x -echo "Model started: " `date` +date_start=$(date) +echo "Model started: ${date_start}" export MPI_TYPE_DEPTH=20 export OMP_STACKSIZE=512M +# shellcheck disable=SC2125 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=@[THRD] export ESMF_RUNTIME_COMPLIANCECHECK=OFF:depth=4 export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE=ON @@ -35,7 +38,17 @@ export PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS=1 # Avoid job errors because of filesystem synchronization delays sync && sleep 1 +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + +# shellcheck disable=SC2102 srun --label -n @[TASKS] ./fv3.exe -echo "Model ended: " `date` -echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt +date_end=$(date) +echo "Model ended: ${date_end}" +date_s_end=$(date +%s) +echo -n "${date_s_end}," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_hercules b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_hercules new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..36583d3fa5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_hercules @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#!/bin/sh +#SBATCH -e err +#SBATCH -o out +#SBATCH --account=@[ACCNR] +#SBATCH --qos=@[QUEUE] +#SBATCH --partition=@[PARTITION] +### #SBATCH --ntasks=@[TASKS] +#SBATCH --nodes=@[NODES] +#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=@[TPN] +#SBATCH --time=@[WLCLK] +#SBATCH --job-name="@[JBNME]" +#SBATCH --exclusive + +set -eux +echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt + +set +x +MACHINE_ID=hercules +source ./module-setup.sh +module use $PWD/modulefiles +module load modules.fv3 +module list +set -x + +ulimit -s unlimited + +echo "Model started: " `date` + +#export MPI_TYPE_DEPTH=20 +export OMP_STACKSIZE=512M +export KMP_AFFINITY=scatter +export OMP_NUM_THREADS=@[THRD] +#export ESMF_RUNTIME_COMPLIANCECHECK=OFF:depth=4 +#export PSM_RANKS_PER_CONTEXT=4 +#export PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS=1 +export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE=ON +export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE_OUTPUT="SUMMARY" + +if [[ @[RT_COMPILER] == intel ]]; then + export I_MPI_EXTRA_FILESYSTEM=ON +elif [[ @[RT_COMPILER] == gnu ]]; then + # For mvapich2 + export MV2_SHMEM_COLL_NUM_COMM=128 +fi + +# Avoid job errors because of filesystem synchronization delays +sync && sleep 1 + +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + +srun --label -n @[TASKS] ./fv3.exe + +echo "Model ended: " `date` +echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_jet b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_jet index 0790b5bf99..e2cd86c5fa 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_jet +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_jet @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt set +x MACHINE_ID=jet source ./module-setup.sh -module use $( pwd -P ) +module use $PWD/modulefiles module load modules.fv3 module list set -x @@ -36,6 +36,13 @@ export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE_OUTPUT="SUMMARY" # Avoid job errors because of filesystem synchronization delays sync && sleep 1 +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + srun --label -n @[TASKS] --cpus-per-task=@[THRD] ./fv3.exe echo "Model ended: " `date` diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_noaacloud b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_noaacloud new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..345f992b0f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_noaacloud @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +#!/bin/sh +#SBATCH -e err +#SBATCH -o out +#SBATCH --qos=batch +### #SBATCH --ntasks=@[TASKS] +#SBATCH --nodes=@[NODES] +#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=@[TPN] +#SBATCH --job-name="@[JBNME]" +#SBATCH --exclusive + +set -eux +echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt + +set +x +export MACHINE_ID=noaacloud +source ./module-setup.sh +if [[ ! -d modulefiles ]]; then + mkdir modulefiles + mv *.lua modulefiles +fi +module use modulefiles +module load modules.fv3 +module list + +set -x + +ulimit -s unlimited +ulimit -l unlimited + +echo "Model started: " `date` + +#export MPI_TYPE_DEPTH=20 +export OMP_STACKSIZE=512M +export KMP_AFFINITY=scatter +export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 +#export ESMF_RUNTIME_COMPLIANCECHECK=OFF:depth=4 +#export PSM_RANKS_PER_CONTEXT=4 +#export PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS=1 +#export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE=ON +#export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE_OUTPUT="SUMMARY" + +# Avoid job errors because of filesystem synchronization delays +sync && sleep 1 + +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + +srun --mpi=pmi2 --label -n @[TASKS] ${PWD}/fv3.exe + + +echo "Model ended: " `date` +echo -n " $( date +%s )," >> job_timestamp.txt diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_orion b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_orion index a32e3836b4..6221286a5f 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_orion +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_orion @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt set +x MACHINE_ID=orion source ./module-setup.sh -module use $( pwd -P ) +module use $PWD/modulefiles module load modules.fv3 module list set -x @@ -39,6 +39,13 @@ export ESMF_RUNTIME_PROFILE_OUTPUT="SUMMARY" # Avoid job errors because of filesystem synchronization delays sync && sleep 1 +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + srun --label -n @[TASKS] ./fv3.exe echo "Model ended: " `date` diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_s4 b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_s4 index 066e11438a..aa22694fcd 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_s4 +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_s4 @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt set +x MACHINE_ID=s4 source ./module-setup.sh -module use $( pwd -P ) +module use $PWD/modulefiles module load modules.fv3 module list set -x @@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ export PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS=1 # Avoid job errors because of filesystem synchronization delays sync && sleep 1 +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + srun --label -n @[TASKS] ./fv3.exe echo "Model ended: " `date` diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_stampede b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_stampede index 3a2f9dd76a..d80a3e068c 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_stampede +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_stampede @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ echo -n " $( date +%s )," > job_timestamp.txt set +x MACHINE_ID=stampede source ./module-setup.sh -module use $( pwd -P ) +module use $PWD/modulefiles module load modules.fv3 module list set -x @@ -29,6 +29,13 @@ export LD_BIND_NOW=1 # Avoid job errors because of filesystem synchronization delays #sync && sleep 1 +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. It emulates the model failing to run. +if [ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" = WHEN_RUNNING ] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false +fi + #mpirun -prepend-rank -np $SBATCH_NP ./fv3.exe ibrun -n @[TASKS] ./fv3.exe diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_datm_cdeps_era5.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_datm_cdeps_era5.IN index 66ffd43aa4..ecac2f80c6 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_datm_cdeps_era5.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_datm_cdeps_era5.IN @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -mkdir -p INPUT_DATM +mkdir -p INPUT -cd INPUT_DATM +cd INPUT rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_ERA5_input_data/. . cd - diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_docn_cdeps_mom6.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_docn_cdeps_mom6.IN index 108ced32d4..3e8f89dd57 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_docn_cdeps_mom6.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_docn_cdeps_mom6.IN @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -mkdir -p INPUT_DOCN +mkdir -p INPUT -cd INPUT_DOCN +cd INPUT rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DOCN_MOM6_input_data/. . cd - diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_docn_cdeps_oisst.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_docn_cdeps_oisst.IN index 7fb2706777..c31dd57f27 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_docn_cdeps_oisst.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_docn_cdeps_oisst.IN @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -mkdir -p INPUT_DOCN +mkdir -p INPUT -cd INPUT_DOCN +cd INPUT rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DOCN_OISST_input_data/. . cd - diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_fv3_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_fv3_run.IN index 88f258098e..f5374e7506 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_fv3_run.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_fv3_run.IN @@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ if [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_atm" ] || \ elif [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm" ] || \ [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm" ] || \ [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn" ] || \ + [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug" ] || \ + [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline" ] || \ + [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6" ] || \ [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav" ]; then cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_hafs_input_data/INPUT_hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm/* ./INPUT/ elif [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_1nest_atm" ] || \ @@ -24,15 +27,22 @@ elif [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_1nest_atm" ] || \ [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm" ] || \ [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm" ]; then cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_hafs_input_data/INPUT_${CNTL_DIR}/* ./INPUT/ +elif [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "gnv1_nested" ]; then + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_hafs_input_data/INPUT_hafs_global_1nest_atm/* ./INPUT/ else - echo "Error: unsupported experiments ${CNTL_DIR}" + echo "Error: unsupported experiment ${CNTL_DIR}" 1>&2 + exit 1 fi -if [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf" ]; then - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/qr_acr_qsV2.dat . - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/qr_acr_qgV2.dat . - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/freezeH2O.dat . - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN . +if [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf" ] || [ $IMP_PHYSICS = 8 ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qsV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qgV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/freezeH2O.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN . +fi +#ugwpv1 +if [[ $DO_UGWP_V1 == .true. && ${CNTL_DIR} == "gnv1_nested" ]]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data/ugwp_c384_tau.nc ./ugwp_limb_tau.nc fi if [[ $POSTAPP = 'hafs' ]]; then @@ -41,3 +51,16 @@ if [[ $POSTAPP = 'hafs' ]]; then cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT-hafs.txt postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt cp ${PATHRT}/parm/params_grib2_tbl_new params_grib2_tbl_new fi + +if [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6" ]; then + rm -rf OUTPUT + mkdir OUTPUT + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_hafs_input_data/MOM6_regional_input_data/* ./INPUT/ + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/MOM_input_hafs ./MOM_input + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/MOM6_data_table_hafs ./data_table +fi +if [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline" ] || \ + [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6" ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_hafs_input_data/CDEPS_input_data/gfs_mesh.nc ./INPUT/ + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_hafs_input_data/CDEPS_input_data/gfs_forcings.nc ./INPUT/ +fi diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_ww3_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_ww3_run.IN index 3270300212..9378744d1f 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_ww3_run.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/hafs_ww3_run.IN @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ if [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_atm_wav" ] || \ [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav" ] || \ + [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline" ] || \ + [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6" ] || \ [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav" ]; then - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.natl_6m ./mod_def.ww3 - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.points ./mod_def.points - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mesh.hafs.nc ./mesh.hafs.nc - if [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav" ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[WW3_MODDEF] ./mod_def.ww3 + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[MESH_WAV] ./mesh.hafs.nc + if [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline" ] || \ + [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6" ] || \ + [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav" ]; then cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_hafs_input_data/WW3_hafs_regional_input_data/wind.natl_6m_2020082512 ./wind.ww3 else cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/wind.natl_6m ./wind.ww3 diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/hycom_hat10_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/hycom_hat10_run.IN index 23000687b4..68a8980fb9 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/hycom_hat10_run.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/hycom_hat10_run.IN @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ if [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn" ] || \ + [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug" ] || \ + [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline" ] || \ [ ${CNTL_DIR} = "hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav" ]; then rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_hafs_input_data/HYCOM_hafs_regional_input_data/. ./ else diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/lake_control_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/lake_control_run.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a84ee5dc35 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/lake_control_run.IN @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +rm -fr INPUT RESTART +if [ $NPX = 97 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data +elif [ $NPX = 49 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data48 +elif [ $NPX = 193 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data192 +elif [ $NPX = 385 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data384 +elif [ $NPX = 769 ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data768 +fi +echo "inputdir=$inputdir,NPX=$NPX" + +LAKE_DATA_PATH=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/lake_p8_water_fraction2020 + +OPNREQ_TEST=${OPNREQ_TEST:-false} +SUFFIX=${RT_SUFFIX} +if [ $WARM_START = .false. ]; then + mkdir INPUT RESTART + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127/* ./INPUT/. +# cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/ORO_FLAKE/* ./INPUT/. + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile1.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile1.nc + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile2.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile2.nc + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile3.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile3.nc + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile4.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile4.nc + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile5.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile5.nc + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile6.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile6.nc +else + mkdir INPUT RESTART + + if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == true ]]; then + SUFFIX=${BL_SUFFIX} + fi + + if [ $MODEL_INITIALIZATION = false ]; then + #read_inc and iau tests restart from fh=24 + CURRDIR=`pwd` + FILEDIR=${CURRDIR}/../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART + else + #for warm start from initialiation time + FILEDIR=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127_GDAS + fi + + if [[ ${IAU_OFFSET} != 0 ]] || [[ $READ_INCREMENT = .true. ]]; then + + if [ $MODEL_INITIALIZATION = false ]; then + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/fv3_increment.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/grid_spec.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/*_grid.tile*.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/oro_data.tile*.nc INPUT/. + else + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_increment*.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/grid_spec.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/*_grid.tile*.nc INPUT/. + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127/* ./INPUT/. +# cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/ORO_FLAKE/* ./INPUT/. + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile1.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile1.nc + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile2.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile2.nc + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile3.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile3.nc + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile4.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile4.nc + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile5.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile5.nc + cp $LAKE_DATA_PATH/oro_C96.mx100.tile6.nc ./INPUT/oro_data.tile6.nc + fi + cp ${FILEDIR}/coupler.res INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_core.res.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_srf_wnd.res.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/fv_tracer.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/phy_data.* INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/sfc_data.* INPUT/. + else + #restart test start from fh FHROT + cp -r ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.* ./INPUT + rm -f INPUT/fv_core.res.* + rm -f INPUT/fv_srf_wnd.res.* + rm -f INPUT/fv_tracer.res.* + rm -f INPUT/phy_data.* + rm -f INPUT/sfc_data.* + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/grid_spec.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/*_grid.tile*.nc INPUT/. + cp ${FILEDIR}/../INPUT/oro_data*.nc INPUT/. + for RFILE in ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.*; do + [ -e $RFILE ] || exit 1 + RFILE_OLD=$(basename $RFILE) + RFILE_NEW="${RFILE_OLD//${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}./}" + cp $RFILE INPUT/${RFILE_NEW} + done + fi + +fi + +if [ $TILEDFIX = .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[ATMRES]/@[ATMRES]*.nc . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_glacier.2x2.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_maxice.2x2.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_snoclim.1.875.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/CFSR.SEAICE.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/@[FNSMCC] . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/@[FNMSKH_control] . +else + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/*grb . +fi + +if [ $CPLWAV = .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.* . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/rmp_src* . +fi + +#inline post +if [[ $POSTAPP = 'global' ]]; then + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/post_itag_gfs itag + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs.txt postxconfig-NT.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs_FH00.txt postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/params_grib2_tbl_new params_grib2_tbl_new +fi + +#rrtmgp +if [ $DO_RRTMGP = .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_RRTMGP/* . +fi + +#merra2 +if [ $USE_MERRA2 = .true. ]; then + for n in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12; do + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2_y14_24/merra2_1423_${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc + done + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_BC.v1_3.dat optics_BC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_OC.v1_3.dat optics_OC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_DU.v15_3.dat optics_DU.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SS.v3_3.dat optics_SS.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SU.v1_3.dat optics_SU.dat +fi + +#ugwpv1 +if [ $DO_UGWP_V1 = .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data/ugwp_c384_tau.nc ./ugwp_limb_tau.nc +fi + +#Thompson +if [ $IMP_PHYSICS = 8 ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/qr_acr_qsV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/qr_acr_qgV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/freezeH2O.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN . +fi + +#prognostic aerosols +if [ $CPLCHM = .true. ]; then + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/gocart/*.rc . + ln -sf @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/GOCART/ExtData . +fi diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/lm4_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/lm4_run.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e6af37a21 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/lm4_run.IN @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +mkdir -p INPUT RESTART + + +if [[ $atm_model == 'datm' ]]; then +# need to make some adjustments for LM4's grid file requirements +# assume LNDRES is defined + + if [[ $LNDRES == 'C96' ]]; then + FV3_DIR=FV3_input_data + else + FV3_DIR=FV3_input_data${LNDRES#C} + fi + + ## get these if don't already have: + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/CPL_FIX/a@[LNDRES]o@[OCNRES]/grid_spec.nc ./INPUT + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${FV3_DIR}/INPUT/@[LNDRES]_grid*.nc ./INPUT + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${FV3_DIR}/INPUT/grid_spec.nc ./INPUT/@[LNDRES]_mosaic.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/MOM6_FIX/@[OCNRES]/* ./INPUT + +elif [[ $atm_model == 'fv3' ]]; then + # assume ATMRES is defined + if [[ $ATMRES == 'C96' ]]; then + FV3_DIR=FV3_input_data + else + FV3_DIR=FV3_input_data${ATMRES#C} + fi + +fi + + + +## LM4 + +# out of the box, LM4 expects aXl referenced in grid_spec.nc for grid land area. Include them for now. + +# check if ATMRES or LNDRES is equal to C96: +if [[ $ATMRES == 'C96' || $LNDRES == 'C96' ]]; then + tar -xf @[INPUTDATA_LM4]/c96_grid/c96_OM4_025_grid_No_mg_drag_v20160808.tar -C ./INPUT/ \ + --wildcards "C96_mosaic_tile?XC96_mosaic_tile?.nc" + + tar -xvf @[INPUTDATA_LM4]/c96_LM4/c96_topo_rough_land.nc.tar -C ./INPUT/ +else + echo 'Only setup for C96 is supported' +fi + +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_LM4]/common_LM4/biodata.nc ./INPUT/ +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_LM4]/common_LM4/cover_type.nc ./INPUT/ +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_LM4]/common_LM4/geohydrology.nc ./INPUT/ +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_LM4]/common_LM4/geohydrology_table_2a2n.nc ./INPUT/ +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_LM4]/common_LM4/ground_type.nc ./INPUT/ +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_LM4]/common_LM4/landuse.nc ./INPUT/ +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_LM4]/common_LM4/soil_brdf.nc ./INPUT/ +ln -s @[INPUTDATA_LM4]/common_LM4/soil_type_hwsd_5minute.nc ./INPUT/soil_type.nc + + +cd INPUT +rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_GSWP3_input_data/. . +cd - + +SUFFIX=${RT_SUFFIX} +# restart +if [ $WARM_START = .true. ]; then + # # NoahMP restart files + # cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/ufs.cpld.lnd.out.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.tile*.nc RESTART/. + + # LM4 restart files + # expected checkpoint restarts are named like: YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS.*.res.tile?.nc + + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/${LM4_RESTART_PREFIX}.landuse.res ./INPUT/ + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/${LM4_RESTART_PREFIX}.cana.res.tile*.nc ./INPUT/ + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/${LM4_RESTART_PREFIX}.glac.res.tile*.nc ./INPUT/ + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/${LM4_RESTART_PREFIX}.lake.res.tile*.nc ./INPUT/ + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/${LM4_RESTART_PREFIX}.land.res.tile*.nc ./INPUT/ + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/${LM4_RESTART_PREFIX}.snow.res.tile*.nc ./INPUT/ + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/${LM4_RESTART_PREFIX}.soil.res.tile*.nc ./INPUT/ + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/${LM4_RESTART_PREFIX}.vegn1.res.tile*.nc ./INPUT/ + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/${LM4_RESTART_PREFIX}.vegn2.res.tile*.nc ./INPUT/ + + # remove datestamp + rename ${LM4_RESTART_PREFIX}. "" INPUT/${LM4_RESTART_PREFIX}.*.res* + + # CMEPS restart and pointer files + RFILE1=ufs.cpld.cpl.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RFILE1} RESTART/. + ls -1 "RESTART/${RFILE1}">rpointer.cpl + + # CDEPS restart and pointer files + RFILE2=ufs.cpld.datm.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${RFILE2} RESTART/. + ls -1 "RESTART/${RFILE2}">rpointer.atm +fi + + + + + + diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/lnd_datm_cdeps_era5.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/lnd_datm_cdeps_era5.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a90189e30e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/lnd_datm_cdeps_era5.IN @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +mkdir -p RESTART INPUT + +cd INPUT +rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_ERA5_input_data_v2/. . +cd - + +SUFFIX=${RT_SUFFIX} +# restart +if [ $WARM_START = .true. ]; then + # NoahMP restart files + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/ufs.cpld.lnd.out.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.tile*.nc RESTART/. + + # CMEPS restart and pointer files + RFILE1=ufs.cpld.cpl.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RFILE1} RESTART/. + ls -1 "RESTART/${RFILE1}">rpointer.cpl + + # CDEPS restart and pointer files + RFILE2=ufs.cpld.datm.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${RFILE2} RESTART/. + ls -1 "RESTART/${RFILE2}">rpointer.atm +fi diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/lnd_datm_cdeps_gswp.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/lnd_datm_cdeps_gswp.IN index 02dc5592dc..328f720506 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/lnd_datm_cdeps_gswp.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/lnd_datm_cdeps_gswp.IN @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ -mkdir -p RESTART INPUT_DATM +mkdir -p RESTART INPUT -cd INPUT_DATM +mkdir -p $CMEPS_RESTART_DIR + +cd INPUT rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/DATM_GSWP3_input_data/. . cd - @@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ if [ $WARM_START = .true. ]; then # CMEPS restart and pointer files RFILE1=ufs.cpld.cpl.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc - cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RFILE1} RESTART/. + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/${CMEPS_RESTART_DIR}/${RFILE1} RESTART/. ls -1 "RESTART/${RFILE1}">rpointer.cpl # CDEPS restart and pointer files diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/noahmp_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/noahmp_run.IN index 00efc6e370..6f4f8bd0da 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/noahmp_run.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/noahmp_run.IN @@ -1,25 +1,64 @@ mkdir -p INPUT RESTART -cd INPUT -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/ufs-land_C96_init_fields.tile1.nc C96.initial.tile1.nc -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/ufs-land_C96_init_fields.tile2.nc C96.initial.tile2.nc -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/ufs-land_C96_init_fields.tile3.nc C96.initial.tile3.nc -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/ufs-land_C96_init_fields.tile4.nc C96.initial.tile4.nc -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/ufs-land_C96_init_fields.tile5.nc C96.initial.tile5.nc -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/ufs-land_C96_init_fields.tile6.nc C96.initial.tile6.nc +if [ "$LNDRES" = "C96" ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data +elif [ "$LNDRES" = "C48" ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data48 +elif [ "$LNDRES" = "C192" ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data192 +elif [ "$LNDRES" = "C384" ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data384 +elif [ "$LNDRES" = "C768" ]; then + inputdir=FV3_input_data768 +fi +echo "inputdir=$inputdir,LNDRES=$LNDRES" -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tile*.nc . -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/C96.slope_type.tile*.nc . -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/C96.soil_type.tile*.nc . -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/C96.substrate_temperature.tile*.nc . -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/C96.vegetation_greenness.tile*.nc . -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/C96.vegetation_type.tile*.nc . -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/oro_C96.mx100.tile1.nc oro_data.tile1.nc -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/oro_C96.mx100.tile2.nc oro_data.tile2.nc -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/oro_C96.mx100.tile3.nc oro_data.tile3.nc -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/oro_C96.mx100.tile4.nc oro_data.tile4.nc -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/oro_C96.mx100.tile5.nc oro_data.tile5.nc -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/C96/oro_C96.mx100.tile6.nc oro_data.tile6.nc -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data/INPUT/C96_grid.tile*.nc . -rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data/INPUT/grid_spec.nc C96_mosaic.nc -cd - +if [ $DATM_CDEPS == true ]; then + targetdir="./INPUT" + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/$atm_datamode/ufs-land_@[LNDRES]_init_fields.tile1.nc ./${targetdir}/@[LNDRES].initial.tile1.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/$atm_datamode/ufs-land_@[LNDRES]_init_fields.tile2.nc ./${targetdir}/@[LNDRES].initial.tile2.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/$atm_datamode/ufs-land_@[LNDRES]_init_fields.tile3.nc ./${targetdir}/@[LNDRES].initial.tile3.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/$atm_datamode/ufs-land_@[LNDRES]_init_fields.tile4.nc ./${targetdir}/@[LNDRES].initial.tile4.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/$atm_datamode/ufs-land_@[LNDRES]_init_fields.tile5.nc ./${targetdir}/@[LNDRES].initial.tile5.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/NOAHMP_IC/$atm_datamode/ufs-land_@[LNDRES]_init_fields.tile6.nc ./${targetdir}/@[LNDRES].initial.tile6.nc +else + if [ "$ATMRES" = "$LNDRES" ]; then + targetdir="./INPUT" + cd ${targetdir} + ln -sf grid_spec.nc @[LNDRES]_mosaic.nc + cd - + else + mkdir -p INPUT/$LNDRES + targetdir="./INPUT/$LNDRES" + fi + + if [ $WARM_START = .false. ]; then + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_L127/sfc_data.tile*.nc ${targetdir}/. + else + # land restart file + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/ufs.cpld.lnd.out.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.tile*.nc RESTART/. + # CMEPS restart and pointer files + RFILE=ufs.cpld.cpl.r.${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS}.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RFILE} . + ls -1 ${RFILE}>rpointer.cpl + # link grid spec file + fi +fi + +if [ "$ATMRES" != "$LNDRES" ]; then + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/@[LNDRES].maximum_snow_albedo.tile*.nc ${targetdir}/. + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/@[LNDRES].slope_type.tile*.nc ${targetdir}/. + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/@[LNDRES].soil_type.tile*.nc ${targetdir}/. + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/@[LNDRES].soil_color.tile*.nc ${targetdir}/. + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/@[LNDRES].substrate_temperature.tile*.nc ${targetdir}/. + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/@[LNDRES].vegetation_greenness.tile*.nc ${targetdir}/. + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/@[LNDRES].vegetation_type.tile*.nc ${targetdir}/. + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/oro_@[LNDRES].mx*.tile1.nc ${targetdir}/oro_data.tile1.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/oro_@[LNDRES].mx*.tile2.nc ${targetdir}/oro_data.tile2.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/oro_@[LNDRES].mx*.tile3.nc ${targetdir}/oro_data.tile3.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/oro_@[LNDRES].mx*.tile4.nc ${targetdir}/oro_data.tile4.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/oro_@[LNDRES].mx*.tile5.nc ${targetdir}/oro_data.tile5.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[LNDRES]/oro_@[LNDRES].mx*.tile6.nc ${targetdir}/oro_data.tile6.nc + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT/@[LNDRES]_grid.tile*.nc ${targetdir}/. + rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT/grid_spec.nc ${targetdir}/@[LNDRES]_mosaic.nc +fi diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/regional_fire_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/regional_fire_run.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10fb6e2a8c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/regional_fire_run.IN @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +rm -rf INPUT RESTART +mkdir INPUT RESTART + +rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FIRE_BEHAVIOR_input_data/@[FIRE_NAME]/. . +rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fire_input_data/@[FIRE_NAME]/. . + +rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_regional_input_data/. . +rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix . +ln -sf FV3_fix/* . +ln -sf FV3_fix/fix_co2_proj/* . + +touch data_table diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/regional_rrfs_a_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/regional_rrfs_a_run.IN index d41ea9cee1..41c0ab2f62 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/regional_rrfs_a_run.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/regional_rrfs_a_run.IN @@ -5,18 +5,9 @@ mkdir INPUT RESTART rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_regional_rrfs_a/INPUT/. INPUT/. -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m01.nc aeroclim.m01.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m02.nc aeroclim.m02.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m03.nc aeroclim.m03.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m04.nc aeroclim.m04.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m05.nc aeroclim.m05.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m06.nc aeroclim.m06.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m07.nc aeroclim.m07.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m08.nc aeroclim.m08.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m09.nc aeroclim.m09.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m10.nc aeroclim.m10.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m11.nc aeroclim.m11.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m12.nc aeroclim.m12.nc +for n in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12; do + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2_y14_24/merra2_1423_${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc +done cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_BC.v1_3.dat optics_BC.dat cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_DU.v15_3.dat optics_DU.dat diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/regional_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/regional_run.IN index ac86ad8cb5..09aed8a45e 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/regional_run.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/regional_run.IN @@ -5,18 +5,10 @@ rsync -arv @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_regional/INPUT/. INPUT/. cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN . -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m01.nc aeroclim.m01.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m02.nc aeroclim.m02.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m03.nc aeroclim.m03.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m04.nc aeroclim.m04.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m05.nc aeroclim.m05.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m06.nc aeroclim.m06.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m07.nc aeroclim.m07.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m08.nc aeroclim.m08.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m09.nc aeroclim.m09.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m10.nc aeroclim.m10.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m12.nc aeroclim.m11.nc -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m12.nc aeroclim.m12.nc +for n in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12; do + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2_y14_24/merra2_1423_${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc +done + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_BC.v1_3.dat optics_BC.dat cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_DU.v15_3.dat optics_DU.dat @@ -25,13 +17,13 @@ cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SS.v3_3. cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SU.v1_3.dat optics_SU.dat if [ $WARM_START = .true. ]; then - cp ../regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.coupler.res INPUT/coupler.res - cp ../regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.fv_core.res.nc INPUT/fv_core.res.nc - cp ../regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc INPUT/fv_core.res.tile1.nc - cp ../regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc INPUT/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc - cp ../regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc INPUT/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc - cp ../regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.phy_data.nc INPUT/phy_data.nc - cp ../regional_control${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.sfc_data.nc INPUT/sfc_data.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.coupler.res INPUT/coupler.res + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.fv_core.res.nc INPUT/fv_core.res.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc INPUT/fv_core.res.tile1.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc INPUT/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc INPUT/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.phy_data.nc INPUT/phy_data.nc + cp ../${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX}/RESTART/20220824.030000.sfc_data.nc INPUT/sfc_data.nc fi if [ $WRITE_RESTART_WITH_BCS = .true. ]; then cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_regional/RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1_new.nc RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1_new.nc diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/rrfs_warm_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/rrfs_warm_run.IN index ddfbeba4a8..7a7bee837b 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/rrfs_warm_run.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/rrfs_warm_run.IN @@ -4,29 +4,29 @@ mkdir INPUT RESTART OPNREQ_TEST=${OPNREQ_TEST:-false} SUFFIX=${RT_SUFFIX} +cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/* INPUT/ + if [[ "${RRFS_RESTART:-NO}" == YES ]] ; then - # cp -r ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.* ./INPUT - # rm -f INPUT/fv_core.res.* - # rm -f INPUT/fv_srf_wnd.res.* - # rm -f INPUT/fv_tracer.res.* - # rm -f INPUT/phy_data.* - # rm -f INPUT/sfc_data.* - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/grid_spec.nc INPUT/. - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/*_grid.tile*.nc INPUT/. - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/oro_data*.nc INPUT/. + cp -r ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.* ./INPUT + rm -f INPUT/fv_core.res.* + rm -f INPUT/fv_srf_wnd.res.* + rm -f INPUT/fv_tracer.res.* + rm -f INPUT/phy_data.* + rm -f INPUT/sfc_data.* + # cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/grid_spec.nc INPUT/. + # cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/*_grid.tile*.nc INPUT/. + # cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/oro_data*.nc INPUT/. for RFILE in ../${DEP_RUN}${SUFFIX}/RESTART/${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}.*; do [ -e $RFILE ] || exit 1 RFILE_OLD=$(basename $RFILE) RFILE_NEW="${RFILE_OLD//${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX}./}" cp $RFILE "INPUT/$RFILE_NEW" done - for x in emi_data.nc SMOKE_GBBEPx_data.nc dust12m_data.nc gfs_ctrl.nc gfs_data.nc \ - grid.tile7.halo4.nc ; do - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/$x INPUT/. - done - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/gfs_bndy.* INPUT/. -else - cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/* INPUT/ + # for x in emi_data.nc SMOKE_RRFS_data.nc dust12m_data.nc gfs_ctrl.nc gfs_data.nc \ + # grid.tile7.halo4.nc SMOKE_GBBEPx_data.nc ; do + # cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/$x INPUT/. + # done + # cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_conus13km/INPUT/gfs_bndy.* INPUT/. fi for x in global_glacier.2x2.grb global_h2oprdlos.f77 global_maxice.2x2.grb \ @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ for x in global_glacier.2x2.grb global_h2oprdlos.f77 global_maxice.2x2.grb \ cp -f @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/"$x" . done +cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_aeroclim/* . cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data/global_soilmgldas.t126.384.190.grb . cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/seaice_newland.grb . @@ -42,12 +43,14 @@ touch data_table # Thompson MP lookup tables - copy standard and SIONlib tables of precomputed tables if [ $IMP_PHYSICS = 8 ]; then - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/qr_acr_qsV2.dat . - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/qr_acr_qgV2.dat . - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/freezeH2O.dat . - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_gsd/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qsV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qgV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/freezeH2O.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN . fi +cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT-fv3lam.txt postxconfig-NT.txt + if [ $DO_RRTMGP = .true. ]; then cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_RRTMGP/* . fi diff --git a/tests/fv3_conf/wam_run.IN b/tests/fv3_conf/wam_run.IN index d6a3de7838..4419929a51 100644 --- a/tests/fv3_conf/wam_run.IN +++ b/tests/fv3_conf/wam_run.IN @@ -1,10 +1,89 @@ - -inputdir=FV3_input_data_L149 -mkdir INPUT RESTART -cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT/* ./INPUT -cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/*grb . +inputdir=FV3_input_data_L149_wam +FV3_FIX=@[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/ +if [ $WARM_START = .true. ]; then + mkdir INPUT RESTART + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT/* ./INPUT + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/*grb . +else + mkdir INPUT RESTART + cp -r @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/INPUT_C/* ./INPUT/. +fi +if [ $TILEDFIX = .true. ]; then + if [ $CPLLND == .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[ATMRES]/@[ATMRES]*.nc INPUT/. + else + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix_tiled/@[ATMRES]/@[ATMRES]*.nc . + fi + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_glacier.2x2.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_maxice.2x2.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/global_snoclim.1.875.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/IMS-NIC.blended.ice.monthly.clim.grb . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/@[FNSMCC] . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/${inputdir}/@[FNMSKH_control] . +else + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/*grb . +fi if [ $CPLWAV = .true. ]; then - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.* . - cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/rmp_src* . + if [ $WW3_MULTIGRID = 'true' ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/mod_def.pointsatmw mod_def.points + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[WW3_MODDEF] . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/rmp_src* . + else + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[WW3_MODDEF] mod_def.ww3 + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3]/@[MESH_WAV] . + fi +fi + +#inline post +if [[ $POSTAPP = 'global' ]]; then + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/post_itag_gfs itag + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs.txt postxconfig-NT.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs_FH00.txt postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/params_grib2_tbl_new params_grib2_tbl_new +fi + +#rrtmgp +if [ $DO_RRTMGP = .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_RRTMGP/* . +fi + +#merra2 +if [ $USE_MERRA2 = .true. ]; then + for n in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12; do + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/MERRA2/merra2.aerclim.2003-2014.m${n}.nc aeroclim.m${n}.nc + done + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_BC.v1_3.dat optics_BC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_OC.v1_3.dat optics_OC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_DU.v15_3.dat optics_DU.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SS.v3_3.dat optics_SS.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SU.v1_3.dat optics_SU.dat +fi + +#rad_c_gocart +if [ $IAER = 2011 ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_BC.v1_3.dat optics_BC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_OC.v1_3.dat optics_OC.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_DU.v15_3.dat optics_DU.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SS.v3_3.dat optics_SS.dat + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data_INCCN_aeroclim/aer_data/LUTS/optics_SU.v1_3.dat optics_SU.dat +fi +#ugwpv1 +if [ $DO_UGWP_V1 = .true. ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_input_data/ugwp_c384_tau.nc ./ugwp_limb_tau.nc +fi + +#Thompson +if [ $IMP_PHYSICS = 8 ]; then + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qsV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/qr_acr_qgV2.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/freezeH2O.dat . + cp @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/FV3_fix/CCN_ACTIVATE.BIN . +fi + +#prognostic aerosols +if [ $CPLCHM = .true. ]; then + cp ${PATHRT}/parm/gocart/*.rc . + ln -sf @[INPUTDATA_ROOT]/GOCART/p8/ExtData . fi diff --git a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_atm_ds2s_docn_dice_hera.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_atm_ds2s_docn_dice_hera.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1c2d4a0109 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_atm_ds2s_docn_dice_hera.log @@ -0,0 +1,545 @@ +Wed Jun 5 22:28:18 UTC 2024 +Start Operation Requirement Test + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_dice_bit_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_63967/bit_base_bit_base +Checking test bit_base results .... +Moving baseline bit_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 189.281551 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1904608 + +Test bit_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_dice_dbg_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_63967/dbg_base_dbg_base +Checking test dbg_base results .... +Moving baseline dbg_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 1982.695161 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1950552 + +Test dbg_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_dice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_63967/dcp_dcp +Checking test dcp results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 209.980608 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1965664 + +Test dcp PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_dice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_63967/fhz_fhz +Checking test fhz results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 209.766817 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1935988 + +Test fhz PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_dice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_63967/mpi_mpi +Checking test mpi results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 207.091340 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1941540 + +Test mpi PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_dice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_63967/rst_rst +Checking test rst results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 204.542879 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1933420 + +Test rst PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_dice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_63967/std_base_std_base +Checking test std_base results .... +Moving baseline std_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 203.918756 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1944828 + +Test std_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_dice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_63967/thr_thr +Checking test thr results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 205.614149 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1953368 + +Test thr PASS + +OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL +Thu Jun 6 00:07:29 UTC 2024 +Elapsed time: 01h:39m:12s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_hera.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_hera.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8811b89723 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_hera.log @@ -0,0 +1,545 @@ +Thu Jun 6 00:22:02 UTC 2024 +Start Operation Requirement Test + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_bit_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1542186/bit_base_bit_base +Checking test bit_base results .... +Moving baseline bit_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 184.177791 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1931892 + +Test bit_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_dbg_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1542186/dbg_base_dbg_base +Checking test dbg_base results .... +Moving baseline dbg_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 2011.638869 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1964420 + +Test dbg_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1542186/dcp_dcp +Checking test dcp results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 214.626752 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1978040 + +Test dcp PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1542186/fhz_fhz +Checking test fhz results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 208.846961 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1976948 + +Test fhz PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1542186/mpi_mpi +Checking test mpi results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 213.709999 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1963988 + +Test mpi PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1542186/rst_rst +Checking test rst results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 209.768041 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1962148 + +Test rst PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1542186/std_base_std_base +Checking test std_base results .... +Moving baseline std_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 213.174053 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1970452 + +Test std_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Nick.Szapiro/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1542186/thr_thr +Checking test thr results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 214.969819 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1974080 + +Test thr PASS + +OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL +Thu Jun 6 02:02:21 UTC 2024 +Elapsed time: 01h:40m:21s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_atmwav_control_noaero_p8_hera.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_atmwav_control_noaero_p8_hera.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd1232e3d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_atmwav_control_noaero_p8_hera.log @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +Tue Jun 13 16:03:47 UTC 2023 +Start Operation Requirement Test + +Compile bit elapsed time 607 seconds. -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release +Compile dbg elapsed time 182 seconds. -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug +Compile std elapsed time 569 seconds. -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMPI=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_bit_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_28698/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel_bit_base +Checking test bit_base atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel results .... +Moving baseline bit_base atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel files .... + Moving sfcf000.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf012.nc .........OK + Moving atmf000.nc .........OK + Moving atmf012.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.atmw.cpl.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc .........OK + Moving 20210322.180000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Moving 20210322.180000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + Moving ufs.atmw.ww3.r.2021-03-22-64800 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 110.329608 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1685708 + +Test bit_base atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_dbg_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_28698/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel_dbg_base +Checking test dbg_base atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel results .... +Moving baseline dbg_base atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel files .... + Moving sfcf000.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf012.nc .........OK + Moving atmf000.nc .........OK + Moving atmf012.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.atmw.cpl.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc .........OK + Moving 20210322.180000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Moving 20210322.180000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + Moving ufs.atmw.ww3.r.2021-03-22-64800 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 1070.722744 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1641856 + +Test dbg_base atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_28698/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel_dcp +Checking test dcp atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel results .... + Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.coupler.res .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.atmw.cpl.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc .........OK + Comparing 20210322.180000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Comparing 20210322.180000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + Comparing ufs.atmw.ww3.r.2021-03-22-64800 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 92.379993 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1627576 + +Test dcp atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_28698/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel_fhz +Checking test fhz atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel results .... + Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.coupler.res .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.atmw.cpl.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc .........OK + Comparing 20210322.180000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Comparing 20210322.180000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + Comparing ufs.atmw.ww3.r.2021-03-22-64800 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 92.554289 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1628276 + +Test fhz atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_28698/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel_mpi +Checking test mpi atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel results .... + Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.coupler.res .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.atmw.cpl.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc .........OK + Comparing 20210322.180000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Comparing 20210322.180000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + Comparing ufs.atmw.ww3.r.2021-03-22-64800 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 93.209351 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1623516 + +Test mpi atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_28698/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel_rst +Checking test rst atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel results .... + Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.coupler.res .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.atmw.cpl.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc .........OK + Comparing 20210322.180000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Comparing 20210322.180000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + Comparing ufs.atmw.ww3.r.2021-03-22-64800 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 93.152619 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1633108 + +Test rst atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_28698/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel_std_base +Checking test std_base atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel results .... +Moving baseline std_base atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel files .... + Moving sfcf000.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf012.nc .........OK + Moving atmf000.nc .........OK + Moving atmf012.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.atmw.cpl.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc .........OK + Moving 20210322.180000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Moving 20210322.180000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + Moving ufs.atmw.ww3.r.2021-03-22-64800 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 92.974724 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1613148 + +Test std_base atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Sadegh.Tabas/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_28698/atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel_thr +Checking test thr atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel results .... + Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf012.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf000.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf012.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.coupler.res .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.atmw.cpl.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc .........OK + Comparing 20210322.180000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Comparing 20210322.180000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + Comparing ufs.atmw.ww3.r.2021-03-22-64800 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 91.549472 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1633532 + +Test thr atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel PASS + +OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL +Tue Jun 13 16:31:05 UTC 2023 +Elapsed time: 00h:27m:19s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/OpnReqTests_control_hera.intel.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_hera.intel.log similarity index 100% rename from tests/OpnReqTests_control_hera.intel.log rename to tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_hera.intel.log diff --git a/tests/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.intel.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.intel.log similarity index 81% rename from tests/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.intel.log rename to tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.intel.log index 30e8690def..1101bcbd10 100644 --- a/tests/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.intel.log +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.intel.log @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -Mon Aug 1 14:59:30 UTC 2022 +Mon Nov 28 18:46:50 UTC 2022 Start Operation Requirement Test -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_bit_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_163907/control_p8_bit_base +baseline dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/stmp4/Michael.Toy/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_bit_base +working dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_152217/control_p8_bit_base Checking test bit_base control_p8 results .... Moving baseline bit_base control_p8 files .... Moving sfcf000.nc .........OK @@ -51,27 +51,27 @@ Moving baseline bit_base control_p8 files .... Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 185.473674 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1642128 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 198.045906 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1638792 Test bit_base control_p8 PASS -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_dbg_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_163907/control_p8_dbg_base +baseline dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/stmp4/Michael.Toy/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_dbg_base +working dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_152217/control_p8_dbg_base Checking test dbg_base control_p8 results .... Moving baseline dbg_base control_p8 files .... Moving sfcf001.nc .........OK Moving sfcf001.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 162.694921 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1617576 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 167.095428 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1626948 Test dbg_base control_p8 PASS -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_163907/control_p8_dcp +baseline dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/stmp4/Michael.Toy/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_152217/control_p8_dcp Checking test dcp control_p8 results .... Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK @@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ Checking test dcp control_p8 results .... Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 172.666113 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1586680 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 182.350504 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1596724 Test dcp control_p8 PASS -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_163907/control_p8_fhz +baseline dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/stmp4/Michael.Toy/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_152217/control_p8_fhz Checking test fhz control_p8 results .... Comparing sfcf000.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK Comparing sfcf021.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK @@ -168,14 +168,14 @@ Checking test fhz control_p8 results .... Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 154.241726 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1598100 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 165.511111 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1604020 Test fhz control_p8 PASS -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_163907/control_p8_mpi +baseline dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/stmp4/Michael.Toy/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_152217/control_p8_mpi Checking test mpi control_p8 results .... Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK @@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ Checking test mpi control_p8 results .... Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 253.556772 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1662220 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 277.049093 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1669136 Test mpi control_p8 PASS -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_163907/control_p8_rst +baseline dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/stmp4/Michael.Toy/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_152217/control_p8_rst Checking test rst control_p8 results .... Comparing atmf024.nc .........OK Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK @@ -268,14 +268,14 @@ Checking test rst control_p8 results .... Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK Comparing sfcf024.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 80.362936 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 855252 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 86.326613 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 861168 Test rst control_p8 PASS -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_163907/control_p8_std_base +baseline dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/stmp4/Michael.Toy/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_152217/control_p8_std_base Checking test std_base control_p8 results .... Moving baseline std_base control_p8 files .... Moving sfcf000.nc .........OK @@ -323,14 +323,14 @@ Moving baseline std_base control_p8 files .... Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 153.809354 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1591288 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 164.159141 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1599776 Test std_base control_p8 PASS -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_163907/control_p8_thr +baseline dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/stmp4/Michael.Toy/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/BMC/wrfruc/mtoy/git_local/ufs-weather-model/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_152217/control_p8_thr Checking test thr control_p8 results .... Comparing sfcf000.nc .........OK Comparing sfcf021.nc .........OK @@ -377,11 +377,11 @@ Checking test thr control_p8 results .... Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 172.605638 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1661984 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 185.282825 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1651060 Test thr control_p8 PASS OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Mon Aug 1 16:18:40 UTC 2022 -Elapsed time: 01h:19m:11s. Have a nice day! +Mon Nov 28 23:19:48 UTC 2022 +Elapsed time: 04h:33m:00s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4fd215fb50 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.log @@ -0,0 +1,387 @@ +Mon Oct 21 19:48:59 UTC 2024 +Start Operation Requirement Test + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_bit_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1401223/bit_base_bit_base +Checking test bit_base results .... +Moving baseline bit_base files .... + Moving sfcf000.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.nc .........OK + Moving atmf000.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.nc .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 306.702972 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1441656 + +Test bit_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_dbg_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1401223/dbg_base_dbg_base +Checking test dbg_base results .... +Moving baseline dbg_base files .... + Moving sfcf000.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.nc .........OK + Moving atmf000.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.nc .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 946.656819 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1405800 + +Test dbg_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1401223/dcp_dcp +Checking test dcp results .... + Comparing sfcf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 278.080934 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1417788 + +Test dcp PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1401223/mpi_mpi +Checking test mpi results .... + Comparing sfcf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 279.382382 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1419056 + +Test mpi PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1401223/rst_rst +Checking test rst results .... + Comparing sfcf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 275.205034 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1430944 + +Test rst PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1401223/std_base_std_base +Checking test std_base results .... +Moving baseline std_base files .... + Moving sfcf000.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.nc .........OK + Moving atmf000.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.nc .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF00 .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF00 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 279.070769 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1403488 + +Test std_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1401223/thr_thr +Checking test thr results .... + Comparing sfcf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 327.912024 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1419068 + +Test thr PASS + +OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL +Mon Oct 21 21:03:27 UTC 2024 +Elapsed time: 01h:14m:28s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/OpnReqTests_cpld_bmark_p8_hera.intel.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_bmark_p8_hera.intel.log similarity index 84% rename from tests/OpnReqTests_cpld_bmark_p8_hera.intel.log rename to tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_bmark_p8_hera.intel.log index de9bf84751..c7307cec01 100644 --- a/tests/OpnReqTests_cpld_bmark_p8_hera.intel.log +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_bmark_p8_hera.intel.log @@ -1,12 +1,14 @@ -Fri Jul 29 19:24:48 UTC 2022 +Fri Feb 10 15:59:04 UTC 2023 Start Operation Requirement Test -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_bmark_p8_std_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_96128/cpld_bmark_p8_dcp +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_bmark_p8_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_266262/cpld_bmark_p8_dcp Checking test dcp cpld_bmark_p8 results .... Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK @@ -49,18 +51,20 @@ Checking test dcp cpld_bmark_p8 results .... Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 991.299499 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3983268 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 736.363564 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 4032664 Test dcp cpld_bmark_p8 PASS -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_bmark_p8_std_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_96128/cpld_bmark_p8_rst +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_bmark_p8_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_266262/cpld_bmark_p8_rst Checking test rst cpld_bmark_p8 results .... Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK @@ -102,18 +106,20 @@ Checking test rst cpld_bmark_p8 results .... Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc .........OK Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 578.282853 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3938268 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 483.459018 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3971804 Test rst cpld_bmark_p8 PASS -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_bmark_p8_std_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_96128/cpld_bmark_p8_std_base +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_bmark_p8_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_266262/cpld_bmark_p8_std_base Checking test std_base cpld_bmark_p8 results .... Moving baseline std_base cpld_bmark_p8 files .... Moving sfcf006.nc .........OK Moving atmf006.nc .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK Moving gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK Moving RESTART/coupler.res .........OK Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK @@ -156,17 +162,19 @@ Moving baseline std_base cpld_bmark_p8 files .... Moving 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK Moving 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1009.586459 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3987336 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 752.788090 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 4027208 Test std_base cpld_bmark_p8 PASS -baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_bmark_p8_std_base -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jessica.Meixner/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_96128/cpld_bmark_p8_thr +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_bmark_p8_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_266262/cpld_bmark_p8_thr Checking test thr cpld_bmark_p8 results .... Comparing sfcf006.nc .........OK Comparing atmf006.nc .........OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF06 .........OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF06 .........OK Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 .........OK Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK @@ -209,11 +217,11 @@ Checking test thr cpld_bmark_p8 results .... Comparing 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK Comparing 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 957.744702 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 4321540 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 631.129328 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 4322436 Test thr cpld_bmark_p8 PASS OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Fri Jul 29 22:20:29 UTC 2022 -Elapsed time: 02h:55m:41s. Have a nice day! +Fri Feb 10 19:12:54 UTC 2023 +Elapsed time: 03h:13m:51s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8_hera.intel.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8_hera.intel.log similarity index 100% rename from tests/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8_hera.intel.log rename to tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8_hera.intel.log diff --git a/tests/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_c96_p8_hera.intel.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_c96_p8_hera.intel.log similarity index 100% rename from tests/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_c96_p8_hera.intel.log rename to tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_c96_p8_hera.intel.log diff --git a/tests/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_ciceC_p8_hera.intel.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_ciceC_p8_hera.intel.log similarity index 100% rename from tests/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_ciceC_p8_hera.intel.log rename to tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_ciceC_p8_hera.intel.log diff --git a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_hera.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_hera.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..df058cd5d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_hera.log @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +Mon Oct 21 18:13:22 UTC 2024 +Start Operation Requirement Test + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8_dbg_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_311611/dbg_base_dbg_base +Checking test dbg_base results .... +Moving baseline dbg_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 2424.448685 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1511852 + +Test dbg_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_311611/rst_rst +Checking test rst results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 798.111971 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1504600 + +Test rst PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_311611/std_base_std_base +Checking test std_base results .... +Moving baseline std_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 784.776830 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1507688 + +Test std_base PASS + +OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL +Mon Oct 21 19:48:58 UTC 2024 +Elapsed time: 01h:35m:37s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_p8_hera.intel.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_p8_hera.intel.log similarity index 100% rename from tests/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_p8_hera.intel.log rename to tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_p8_hera.intel.log diff --git a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_hera.intel.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_hera.intel.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c8af2e914 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_hera.intel.log @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ +Fri Dec 9 14:42:05 UTC 2022 +Start Operation Requirement Test + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_dbg_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_299984/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_dbg_base +Checking test dbg_base cpld_control_p8_mixedmode results .... +Moving baseline dbg_base cpld_control_p8_mixedmode files .... + Moving sfcf003.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf003.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf003.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf003.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf003.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf003.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf003.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf003.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf003.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf003.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf003.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf003.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving gocart.inst_aod.20210322_0900z.nc4 .........OK + Moving RESTART/coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc .........OK + Moving 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Moving 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 643.124271 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3207892 + +Test dbg_base cpld_control_p8_mixedmode PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_299984/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_dcp +Checking test dcp cpld_control_p8_mixedmode results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK + Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 317.910772 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3116692 + +Test dcp cpld_control_p8_mixedmode PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_299984/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_fhz +Checking test fhz cpld_control_p8_mixedmode results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc ............ALT CHECK......OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK + Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 298.644708 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3138260 + +Test fhz cpld_control_p8_mixedmode PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_299984/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_rst +Checking test rst cpld_control_p8_mixedmode results .... + Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK + Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 188.299914 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3002872 + +Test rst cpld_control_p8_mixedmode PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_299984/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_std_base +Checking test std_base cpld_control_p8_mixedmode results .... +Moving baseline std_base cpld_control_p8_mixedmode files .... + Moving sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK + Moving RESTART/coupler.res .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Moving 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Moving 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 296.158151 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3143420 + +Test std_base cpld_control_p8_mixedmode PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Bin.Li/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_299984/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_thr +Checking test thr cpld_control_p8_mixedmode results .... + Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf021.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing sfcf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing atmf024.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 .........OK + Comparing RESTART/coupler.res .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/MOM.res.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK + Comparing 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 .........OK + Comparing 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 345.138451 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 3688560 + +Test thr cpld_control_p8_mixedmode PASS + +OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL +Fri Dec 9 15:50:26 UTC 2022 +Elapsed time: 01h:08m:22s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_sfs_hydro_hera.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_sfs_hydro_hera.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2372e020a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_sfs_hydro_hera.log @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_sfs_hydro_std_base_intel +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1959771/rst_rst +Checking test rst results .... + Comparing sfcf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 1001.529109 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1728376 + +Test rst PASS + +Mon May 13 19:39:40 UTC 2024 +Start Operation Requirement Test + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_sfs_hydro_bit_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2311078/bit_base_bit_base +Checking test bit_base results .... +Moving baseline bit_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.nc .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 1277.784752 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1309112 + +Test bit_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_sfs_hydro_dbg_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2311078/dbg_base_dbg_base +Checking test dbg_base results .... +Moving baseline dbg_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.nc .........NOT OK. Missing /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2311078/dbg_base_dbg_base/sfcf021.nc + Moving sfcf024.nc .........NOT OK. Missing /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2311078/dbg_base_dbg_base/sfcf024.nc + Moving atmf021.nc .........NOT OK. Missing /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2311078/dbg_base_dbg_base/atmf021.nc + Moving atmf024.nc .........NOT OK. Missing /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2311078/dbg_base_dbg_base/atmf024.nc + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........NOT OK. Missing /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2311078/dbg_base_dbg_base/GFSFLX.GrbF21 + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........NOT OK. Missing /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2311078/dbg_base_dbg_base/GFSFLX.GrbF24 + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........NOT OK. Missing /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2311078/dbg_base_dbg_base/GFSPRS.GrbF21 + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........NOT OK. Missing /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2311078/dbg_base_dbg_base/GFSPRS.GrbF24 + + +Test dbg_base FAIL + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_sfs_hydro_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2311078/std_base_std_base +Checking test std_base results .... +Moving baseline std_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.nc .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 1316.780909 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1297596 + +Test std_base PASS + +FAILED TESTS: +Test dbg_base failed in check_result failed +Test dcp failed in check_result failed +Test rst failed in check_result failed +OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST FAILED +Mon May 13 23:18:35 UTC 2024 +Elapsed time: 03h:38m:57s. Have a nice day! +Mon May 13 23:52:01 UTC 2024 +Start Operation Requirement Test + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_sfs_hydro_dbg_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3335353/dbg_base_dbg_base +Checking test dbg_base results .... +Moving baseline dbg_base files .... + Moving sfcf021.nc .........OK + Moving sfcf024.nc .........OK + Moving atmf021.nc .........OK + Moving atmf024.nc .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSFLX.GrbF24 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF21 .........OK + Moving GFSPRS.GrbF24 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 3225.706174 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1322788 + +Test dbg_base PASS + +OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL +Tue May 14 00:50:40 UTC 2024 +Elapsed time: 00h:58m:40s. Have a nice day! + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_sfs_hydro_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3478207/dcp_dcp +Checking test dcp results .... + Comparing sfcf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing sfcf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing atmf024.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSFLX.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF21 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing GFSPRS.GrbF24 .....USING CMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 1556.575445 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1314156 + +Test dcp PASS + diff --git a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_regional_control_hera.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_regional_control_hera.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..de7d11ca0e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_regional_control_hera.log @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +Mon Oct 21 15:35:17 UTC 2024 +Start Operation Requirement Test + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/regional_control_bit_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3613607/bit_base_bit_base +Checking test bit_base results .... +Moving baseline bit_base files .... + Moving dynf000.nc .........OK + Moving dynf006.nc .........OK + Moving phyf000.nc .........OK + Moving phyf006.nc .........OK + Moving PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK + Moving PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK + Moving NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK + Moving NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 1387.422370 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 763032 + +Test bit_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/regional_control_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3613607/dcp_dcp +Checking test dcp results .... + Comparing dynf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing dynf006.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing phyf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing phyf006.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .....USING CMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 2284.264268 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 710292 + +Test dcp PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/regional_control_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3613607/std_base_std_base +Checking test std_base results .... +Moving baseline std_base files .... + Moving dynf000.nc .........OK + Moving dynf006.nc .........OK + Moving phyf000.nc .........OK + Moving phyf006.nc .........OK + Moving PRSLEV.GrbF00 .........OK + Moving PRSLEV.GrbF06 .........OK + Moving NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK + Moving NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 2289.920746 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 719844 + +Test std_base PASS + + +baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/regional_control_std_base_gnu +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3613607/thr_thr +Checking test thr results .... + Comparing dynf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing dynf006.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing phyf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing phyf006.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK + Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing PRSLEV.GrbF06 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK + Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .....USING CMP......OK + + 0: The total amount of wall time = 2287.377209 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 709840 + +Test thr PASS + +OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL +Mon Oct 21 18:13:21 UTC 2024 +Elapsed time: 02h:38m:05s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_acorn.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_acorn.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3d67e59cd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_acorn.log @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +====START OF ACORN REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +19498cc1894245fe8afe365dd87dbe5d8862b35f + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 51f8cd20c15fe39ef1168d59d5077812b6508544 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (remotes/origin/sync_escomp_2024-10) + ff7fd76118d47ccef6cb934b834161c6be5a9909 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-392-gff7fd76) + 3792520561cf9419082ef41f9f0dffd03edf2e43 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-198-g3792520) + 507ca48f4586fbeb7b0e23e5cfa9321bc3f02a1d CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-3103-g507ca48f) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 1648e176fa869d0ca9ce9ea5822b3594afd8c353 FV3 (heads/develop) + 9490871a616604efe9dd75608214081eef557ad6 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-408-g9490871) + 9e1c3abe1048c0f18c53fdbb7113bc56a129bdf5 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-2-g9e1c3ab) + dab57fcce3f1abf16eb01f22469ea84279f67b19 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-1079-gdab57fcc) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + ce5f3b146861cf6c95e1c14c640ede1ed97e6eef FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-243-gce5f3b14) +-179cae1dd84401cf25d250bd9102e66560a9d328 FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 8cc8b70f0143e803efb842ed871f9be3062862a4 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10231-g8cc8b70f0) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 025043d1ad662fca05f29f88ddd88ddf46c81882 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-444-g025043d) + 29063ec7b631d3a967172e8c45c5af13a18e0a82 WW3 (6.07.1-350-g29063ec7) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241212 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_1416340 + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: GFS-DEV +* (-e) - USE ECFLOW + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [13:25, 11:29] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [10:39, 02:37](3189 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [13:26, 11:58] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [10:39, 03:44](1905 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [50:15, 04:22](1965 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [49:33, 03:59](1075 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [10:40, 03:26](1882 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [13:27, 11:57] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [10:38, 02:16](1902 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [07:20, 05:26] ( 1500 warnings 1986 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [16:46, 03:26](1954 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [13:28, 11:39] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [10:37, 03:13](3228 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [10:37, 02:47](3226 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [49:01, 02:33](3156 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [10:37, 03:09](3244 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [45:17, 01:56](3173 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [10:37, 02:27](3461 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [10:37, 02:26](3220 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [10:38, 02:42](3168 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [10:37, 02:58](3227 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [10:37, 03:08](3200 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [12:27, 10:53] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [11:38, 01:58](1917 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [11:38, 03:02](1980 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [11:25, 09:59] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [12:39, 03:15](1977 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [11:25, 10:14] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [12:39, 02:52](2884 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [12:39, 02:45](2891 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [07:10, 01:36](2308 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [17:32, 15:45] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [06:33, 02:48](3227 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [12:27, 11:14] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [11:38, 02:24](1918 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [42:42, 02:18](1109 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [42:37, 02:48](1901 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [07:20, 05:15] ( 1500 warnings 1986 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [09:26, 02:23](1957 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [11:25, 09:29] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [01:04, 01:29](662 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [58:27, 01:28](1556 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [56:09, 01:42](1564 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [55:32, 01:59](1562 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [52:11, 01:55](1560 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [48:11, 02:19](1581 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [46:32, 02:11](707 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_lnd_iau_intel' [46:32, 01:47](1579 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [45:05, 02:04](1687 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [44:21, 02:39](1968 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [44:02, 03:36](1162 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [42:03, 01:22](614 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [36:30, 01:41](423 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [41:13, 01:49](615 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [40:52, 01:47](616 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [40:30, 01:44](616 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [40:24, 02:55](1850 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [39:33, 03:36](1856 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [39:24, 02:57](1849 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [29:00, 02:45](1009 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [39:20, 02:36](1855 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [27:39, 02:34](1014 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [39:15, 02:22](1855 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [39:00, 02:37](1934 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [38:31, 01:49](1852 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [38:08, 03:07](1908 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [38:00, 02:50](1857 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [37:57, 03:51](1854 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [36:57, 02:05](887 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [29:03, 01:20](874 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [34:41, 01:30](891 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [33:17, 02:08](1020 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [32:32, 01:12](1219 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [32:32, 01:58](896 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [31:53, 01:48](1591 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [10:25, 08:43] ( 3 warnings 92 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [02:14, 03:15](1002 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [02:15, 02:26](1158 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [02:14, 04:01](999 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [02:14, 02:39](1083 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [31:54, 03:19](882 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [02:13, 03:43](998 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [02:13, 03:26](997 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [30:34, 03:09](886 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [02:13, 03:44](999 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [02:13, 02:35](991 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [30:22, 03:47](1067 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [30:12, 01:37](833 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [28:10, 04:02](995 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [28:08, 01:37](1956 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [28:00, 01:52](1947 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [09:23, 08:05] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [02:15, 01:22](952 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [02:15, 01:43](655 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [09:23, 08:13] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [02:15, 02:04](1639 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [10:23, 08:27] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [27:52, 03:19](1849 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [27:47, 02:09](896 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [09:22, 07:37] ( 867 warnings 92 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [27:35, 02:10](1602 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [27:20, 01:34](1610 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [26:43, 01:39](803 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [25:42, 01:40](808 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [25:36, 01:56](1112 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [24:52, 01:49](814 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [24:43, 02:17](1655 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [24:41, 01:43](1903 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [24:29, 02:02](940 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [24:30, 01:36](1192 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [24:12, 01:27](1183 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [24:03, 01:25](1185 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [23:42, 01:47](1187 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [22:43, 01:45](1189 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [22:40, 02:01](1271 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [22:26, 02:03](1192 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [21:39, 01:37](1189 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [21:17, 01:57](1190 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [21:08, 02:06](1189 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [21:00, 02:08](1182 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [20:59, 01:43](1193 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [20:55, 01:40](1185 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [20:39, 01:33](1183 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [20:11, 01:37](1187 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [20:10, 01:37](1189 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [19:30, 03:25](1189 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [06:19, 04:25] ( 823 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [04:18, 02:01](1686 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:23, 08:07] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [19:23, 01:39](1025 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [18:58, 03:05](875 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [17:48, 04:44](876 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [17:44, 02:51](931 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [17:41, 04:45](921 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [16:54, 03:15](867 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:37, 03:20](791 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:28, 01:49](762 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [11:25, 08:06] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [16:30, 01:53](1080 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [09:17, 02:02](1063 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [06:56, 01:18](958 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [10:24, 08:15] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [15:46, 02:22](897 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [06:20, 04:30] ( 771 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [15:34, 01:54](1060 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [15:28, 02:01](1056 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [15:21, 01:52](1170 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [14:59, 02:09](835 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [14:12, 02:14](1137 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [14:05, 01:32](1244 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [06:19, 04:25] ( 771 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [12:54, 02:14](1088 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [13:28, 09:59] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [12:06, 02:20](684 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [11:54, 01:49](1048 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [11:43, 02:17](754 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [11:34, 03:13](766 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [10:25, 03:15](790 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [10:22, 01:55](464 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [10:05, 02:57](480 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [09:36, 02:05](377 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [09:39, 03:24](432 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [06:52, 02:21](498 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [06:15, 02:20](497 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [06:16, 02:19](561 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [06:00, 02:12](405 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [04:58, 04:08](1696 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [09:23, 04:51] ( 1444 warnings 1489 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [04:54, 01:58](618 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [15:29, 09:45] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [03:51, 02:13](607 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [03:21, 01:54](782 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [15:28, 09:50] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [03:17, 02:14](784 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [17:32, 09:07] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [02:57, 02:20](734 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [02:20, 02:53](716 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [02:12, 01:36](896 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [21:34, 09:18] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [01:59, 02:11](765 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [55:33, 02:09](755 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [01:20, 01:47](643 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [59:48, 01:41](646 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [59:10, 01:38](643 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [58:07, 01:30](753 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [58:03, 02:06](765 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [57:40, 01:42](646 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [57:18, 02:25](690 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [55:57, 02:32](677 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [55:24, 01:54](766 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [55:02, 01:17](2033 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [54:52, 02:08](2032 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [21:37, 09:13] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [54:47, 01:59](753 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [12:26, 00:48] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [54:44, 01:53](302 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [53:45, 02:13](447 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [48:12, 01:23](451 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [21:35, 10:08] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [53:26, 01:48](1915 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [21:36, 09:33] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [53:18, 03:13](1878 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [52:43, 02:59](1878 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [39:17, 02:08](1021 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [16:30, 05:24] ( 866 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [52:41, 03:03](1922 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [15:30, 09:05] ( 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [52:14, 03:08](1880 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [15:29, 08:35] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [51:12, 03:14](3117 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [51:08, 03:04](2997 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [50:38, 02:42](3005 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [11:25, 04:25] ( 868 warnings 6 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [50:05, 02:23](4471 MB) + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20241213 20:35:35 +Ending Date/Time: 20241213 22:42:00 +Total Time: 02h:06m:54s +Compiles Completed: 37/37 +Tests Completed: 177/177 + +NOTES: +A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF ACORN REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b0e18d0c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +====START OF DERECHO REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +19498cc1894245fe8afe365dd87dbe5d8862b35f + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 51f8cd20c15fe39ef1168d59d5077812b6508544 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (remotes/origin/sync_escomp_2024-10) + ff7fd76118d47ccef6cb934b834161c6be5a9909 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-392-gff7fd76) + 3792520561cf9419082ef41f9f0dffd03edf2e43 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-198-g3792520) + 507ca48f4586fbeb7b0e23e5cfa9321bc3f02a1d CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-3103-g507ca48f) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 1648e176fa869d0ca9ce9ea5822b3594afd8c353 FV3 (heads/develop) + 9490871a616604efe9dd75608214081eef557ad6 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-408-g9490871) + 9e1c3abe1048c0f18c53fdbb7113bc56a129bdf5 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-2-g9e1c3ab) + dab57fcce3f1abf16eb01f22469ea84279f67b19 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-1079-gdab57fcc) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + ce5f3b146861cf6c95e1c14c640ede1ed97e6eef FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-243-gce5f3b14) +-179cae1dd84401cf25d250bd9102e66560a9d328 FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 8cc8b70f0143e803efb842ed871f9be3062862a4 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10231-g8cc8b70f0) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 025043d1ad662fca05f29f88ddd88ddf46c81882 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-444-g025043d) + 29063ec7b631d3a967172e8c45c5af13a18e0a82 WW3 (6.07.1-350-g29063ec7) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT//NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241212 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /glade/derecho/scratch/fandrade/fandrade/FV3_RT/rt_58609 + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: nral0032 +* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf +* (-e) - USE ECFLOW + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [23:21, 21:23] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [14:41, 10:17](3199 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [25:24, 23:34] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [18:31, 14:19](1912 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [19:47, 15:21](1900 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [11:52, 07:12](1081 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [20:20, 16:09](1885 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [25:25, 23:06] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [17:46, 13:54](1904 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [13:21, 11:45] ( 1525 warnings 1936 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [29:24, 25:11](1941 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [23:25, 21:31] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [19:09, 13:42](3222 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [18:58, 13:45](3233 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [13:05, 07:43](3151 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [18:47, 13:44](3249 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [13:18, 07:44](3176 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [17:29, 12:49](3752 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [17:29, 13:28](3215 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [15:28, 10:43](3540 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [18:57, 13:55](3236 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [15:01, 09:10](3814 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [14:12, 06:27](3616 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [34:13, 16:58](4519 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [35:24, 10:19](4662 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [12:06, 07:56](3204 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [21:22, 19:41] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [10:43, 07:35](1921 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [15:58, 11:48](1989 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [13:22, 11:28] ( 1415 warnings 1197 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [25:16, 21:04](3304 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [13:22, 11:01] ( 1415 warnings 1197 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [12:56, 08:46](1954 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [18:23, 16:02] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [08:51, 04:57](1985 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [18:24, 16:26] ( 6 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [09:13, 05:47](2883 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [05:16, 02:11](2894 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [05:31, 01:27](2301 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [25:22, 23:40] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [17:46, 13:31](3230 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [23:16, 21:41] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [28:33, 23:35](1929 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [16:48, 12:20](1101 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [31:20, 27:28](1899 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [13:16, 11:03] ( 1525 warnings 1936 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [31:07, 27:25](1965 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [16:20, 14:15] ( 6 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [05:41, 03:25](668 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [06:12, 02:42](1570 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [06:29, 02:45](1570 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [06:14, 02:40](1566 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:18, 02:43](1564 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [12:19, 09:16](1587 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [07:39, 05:18](710 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_lnd_iau_intel' [12:19, 09:18](1586 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [14:34, 10:00](1696 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [20:21, 11:19](1980 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [17:25, 07:11](1173 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [03:46, 01:26](624 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [02:53, 00:52](434 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [03:47, 01:23](621 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [04:46, 02:07](622 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [04:55, 02:08](617 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [07:45, 03:38](1861 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [06:40, 03:09](1856 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [07:59, 03:33](1860 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [05:32, 02:23](1011 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [07:45, 03:39](1845 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [05:32, 02:11](1016 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [07:42, 03:36](1856 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [06:28, 03:27](1935 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [09:10, 06:08](1856 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [07:32, 04:11](1912 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [06:36, 03:13](1857 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [06:46, 03:30](1858 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [08:08, 04:51](896 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [06:18, 02:55](879 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [07:56, 05:07](899 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [07:55, 04:52](1215 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [08:06, 04:53](893 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [08:09, 04:54](893 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [09:09, 05:52](1594 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [15:20, 12:51] ( 8 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [09:40, 06:08](1003 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [08:58, 03:44](1161 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [09:40, 06:28](1004 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [08:30, 05:41](1085 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [06:14, 03:15](883 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [09:39, 06:06](1005 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [09:39, 06:23](1002 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [07:21, 04:37](883 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [06:14, 03:15](1000 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [06:14, 03:19](996 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [06:14, 02:48](1076 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [04:57, 01:47](831 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [09:42, 06:01](999 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [11:02, 08:11](1960 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [10:57, 07:52](1945 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [14:19, 11:45] ( 5 warnings ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [10:26, 06:34](959 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [05:57, 02:53](657 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [13:19, 11:26] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [13:48, 10:18](1651 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [14:34, 11:57] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [06:43, 03:06](1852 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [08:05, 04:41](892 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [17:29, 14:31] ( 887 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [05:13, 02:12](1604 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [05:16, 02:08](1607 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [05:42, 02:54](805 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [04:45, 02:35](809 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [07:27, 04:31](1110 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [05:38, 02:38](815 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [07:15, 02:35](1658 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [06:07, 03:08](1900 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [19:58, 16:30](922 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [07:40, 04:41](1191 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [07:56, 04:43](1184 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [06:51, 04:39](1190 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [07:56, 04:42](1188 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [07:52, 04:42](1189 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [09:31, 04:59](1272 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [07:48, 04:52](1190 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [07:51, 04:48](1190 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [07:01, 04:47](1191 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [07:04, 04:47](1189 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [06:58, 04:37](1188 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [08:00, 04:42](1187 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [09:47, 07:32](1186 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [08:01, 04:36](1185 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [06:51, 04:41](1189 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [06:53, 04:42](1190 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [11:17, 08:13](1187 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [09:29, 07:09] ( 842 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [16:05, 12:05](1692 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [13:24, 11:28] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:29, 03:33](1027 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:06, 05:08](874 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:09, 02:46](872 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:22, 04:47](934 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:22, 02:26](930 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:23, 02:55](871 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:01, 03:54](794 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:52, 01:32](771 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [13:19, 11:20] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [06:17, 01:49](1077 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [04:22, 00:57](1073 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [05:13, 01:08](964 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [14:19, 11:36] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [07:09, 03:39](902 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [09:28, 07:28] ( 790 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:52, 04:35](1065 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:39, 04:31](1065 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [17:25, 12:59](1144 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [17:04, 12:55](828 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [11:43, 07:29](1142 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [16:57, 13:20](1227 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [09:18, 07:14] ( 790 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [06:55, 04:38](1094 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [20:20, 17:44] ( 6 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [08:33, 04:37](701 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [07:58, 05:08](1063 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [09:56, 06:30](755 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [15:10, 10:50](777 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [17:12, 11:43](791 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [08:25, 04:41](472 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [09:32, 05:44](484 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [05:13, 02:18](396 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [11:00, 06:14](458 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [06:17, 03:18](504 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [06:25, 03:06](506 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [07:24, 03:50](573 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [03:38, 01:14](429 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [08:28, 04:03](1702 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [11:13, 08:48] ( 1467 warnings 1469 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [15:28, 12:07](624 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [19:20, 17:28] ( 5 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [10:58, 06:54](624 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [10:44, 07:04](680 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [21:30, 18:49] ( 5 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [10:50, 05:21](671 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [18:19, 15:50] ( 5 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [09:40, 05:41](735 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [09:51, 05:45](724 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [19:31, 16:15](895 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [10:25, 08:26] ( 5 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [04:27, 02:29](756 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [03:49, 01:33](758 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [04:37, 02:22](655 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [04:51, 02:24](644 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [04:47, 02:24](646 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [04:41, 02:29](767 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [04:42, 02:29](767 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [04:39, 02:21](647 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [11:50, 05:44](698 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [10:43, 05:43](680 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [04:37, 02:28](768 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [07:02, 03:54](2032 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [06:54, 03:54](1970 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [08:15, 05:50] ( 7 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [07:41, 05:15](740 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [10:24, 08:25] ( 5 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [05:42, 02:29](768 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [04:30, 02:39] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [03:52, 01:11](309 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [03:49, 01:06](450 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [03:42, 00:43](451 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [15:38, 13:45] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [07:43, 03:59](1913 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [15:29, 12:35] ( 6 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [11:36, 08:02](1899 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [17:28, 14:43] ( 13 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [10:47, 07:09](1889 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [10:32, 07:05](1887 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [07:04, 03:56](1024 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [12:20, 10:31] ( 885 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [09:29, 06:17](1920 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [16:29, 13:39] ( 5 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [05:21, 02:16](1880 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [15:21, 12:51] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [08:04, 04:13](3126 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [07:52, 04:18](3007 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [07:19, 04:25](3016 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [10:23, 07:56] ( 887 warnings 6 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [28:27, 21:58](4551 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_fbh_intel' [13:28, 11:24] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_regional_atm_fbh_intel' [10:46, 08:05](846 MB) + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20241213 12:45:33 +Ending Date/Time: 20241213 14:37:48 +Total Time: 01h:53m:20s +Compiles Completed: 42/42 +Tests Completed: 186/186 + +NOTES: +A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF DERECHO REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_gaea.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_gaea.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c1de3958b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_gaea.log @@ -0,0 +1,349 @@ +====START OF GAEA REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +19498cc1894245fe8afe365dd87dbe5d8862b35f + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 51f8cd20c15fe39ef1168d59d5077812b6508544 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (remotes/origin/sync_escomp_2024-10) + ff7fd76118d47ccef6cb934b834161c6be5a9909 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-392-gff7fd76) + 3792520561cf9419082ef41f9f0dffd03edf2e43 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-198-g3792520) + 507ca48f4586fbeb7b0e23e5cfa9321bc3f02a1d CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-3103-g507ca48f) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 1648e176fa869d0ca9ce9ea5822b3594afd8c353 FV3 (heads/develop) + 9490871a616604efe9dd75608214081eef557ad6 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-408-g9490871) + 9e1c3abe1048c0f18c53fdbb7113bc56a129bdf5 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-2-g9e1c3ab) + dab57fcce3f1abf16eb01f22469ea84279f67b19 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-1079-gdab57fcc) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + ce5f3b146861cf6c95e1c14c640ede1ed97e6eef FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-243-gce5f3b14) +-179cae1dd84401cf25d250bd9102e66560a9d328 FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 8cc8b70f0143e803efb842ed871f9be3062862a4 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10231-g8cc8b70f0) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 025043d1ad662fca05f29f88ddd88ddf46c81882 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-444-g025043d) + 29063ec7b631d3a967172e8c45c5af13a18e0a82 WW3 (6.07.1-350-g29063ec7) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241212 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /gpfs/f5/epic/scratch/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/RT_RUNDIRS/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/FV3_RT/rt_1810864 + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf +* (-e) - USE ECFLOW + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [16:12, 14:10] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [15:29, 11:27](3185 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [20:12, 18:16] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [16:50, 13:44](1897 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [16:48, 14:25](1938 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [08:49, 06:27](1073 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [17:51, 15:05](1877 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [20:12, 18:26] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [16:36, 13:30](1901 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:57] ( 1525 warnings 1936 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [30:18, 27:56](1934 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [16:12, 14:17] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [18:35, 14:49](3210 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [18:33, 14:50](3212 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [10:55, 08:42](3136 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [18:20, 14:49](3236 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [10:59, 08:33](3156 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [17:28, 13:11](3465 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [18:28, 14:46](3209 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [16:28, 12:09](3155 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [18:33, 14:52](3210 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [14:09, 09:43](3492 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [09:51, 06:36](3596 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [24:48, 19:05](4262 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [16:17, 11:48](4353 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [12:27, 08:46](3194 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [15:12, 13:18] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [10:42, 07:06](1920 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [15:36, 12:10](1964 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [09:11, 07:48] ( 1415 warnings 1197 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [23:48, 21:28](3266 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:57] ( 1415 warnings 1197 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [12:59, 09:02](1939 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [14:13, 12:49] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [09:28, 04:53](1975 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [13:12, 11:49] ( 6 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [09:30, 05:34](2869 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [05:46, 01:42](2872 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [05:51, 01:09](2295 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [16:12, 14:44] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [17:25, 14:55](3214 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [19:12, 17:50] ( 6 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [25:48, 24:08](1912 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [14:51, 12:21](1100 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [30:49, 28:23](1891 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [11:13, 10:09] ( 1525 warnings 1936 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [32:51, 29:53](1942 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [14:11, 12:31] ( 6 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [05:20, 03:37](654 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [05:44, 03:09](1551 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [05:26, 03:12](1566 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [05:26, 03:10](1559 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [05:34, 03:08](1558 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [11:38, 10:00](1572 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [07:26, 05:41](696 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_lnd_iau_intel' [11:36, 09:55](1573 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [12:33, 11:01](1690 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [25:51, 23:36](1970 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [17:19, 14:26](1170 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [03:19, 01:49](610 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [02:19, 01:00](419 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [03:21, 01:35](607 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [04:31, 02:23](607 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [04:25, 02:29](609 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [05:50, 03:30](1853 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [05:58, 03:08](1845 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [05:50, 03:29](1845 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [03:46, 01:53](1002 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [05:51, 03:30](1842 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [03:46, 01:54](990 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [05:50, 03:33](1837 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [05:34, 03:10](1929 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [07:26, 06:07](1846 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [05:37, 03:58](1902 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [04:36, 03:03](1847 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [05:37, 03:18](1843 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [06:25, 04:36](877 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [04:58, 02:34](861 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [06:30, 04:51](878 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [04:38, 03:01](1015 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [06:33, 04:44](1210 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:32, 04:38](880 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [06:27, 04:42](876 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [09:24, 06:35](1571 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [13:12, 12:04] ( 8 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [08:40, 06:44](989 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [05:52, 03:58](1169 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [08:40, 07:01](991 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [07:39, 06:03](1072 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [05:33, 03:26](874 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [08:40, 06:38](985 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [08:40, 06:51](988 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [08:00, 04:54](875 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [05:35, 03:34](989 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [05:35, 03:41](981 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [04:34, 03:04](1067 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [03:28, 01:55](820 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [08:40, 06:37](987 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [10:24, 08:29](1949 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [10:23, 08:18](1932 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [12:12, 10:10] ( 5 warnings ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [08:27, 06:30](944 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [05:19, 03:20](644 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [12:14, 10:24] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [13:51, 11:38](1640 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [19:13, 17:12] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [06:01, 02:55](1841 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [06:36, 04:28](885 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [12:11, 10:10] ( 887 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [05:39, 02:28](1576 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [05:14, 02:23](1582 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [04:57, 03:06](782 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [04:32, 02:51](779 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [06:25, 04:18](1084 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [04:24, 02:46](787 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [04:34, 02:46](1638 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [04:29, 02:44](1876 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [18:28, 17:01](891 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [06:20, 05:02](1168 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [06:19, 04:53](1161 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [07:21, 05:07](1162 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [07:21, 05:20](1159 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [07:20, 05:33](1164 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [08:56, 05:31](1249 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [07:04, 05:02](1165 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [07:02, 05:01](1164 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [07:06, 04:56](1165 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [07:02, 04:58](1164 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [07:02, 04:51](1160 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [07:06, 04:55](1161 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [10:06, 08:01](1163 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [07:01, 04:57](1161 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [06:54, 04:58](1162 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [06:53, 05:02](1166 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [11:04, 08:26](1170 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:22] ( 842 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [14:50, 13:03](1661 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [12:12, 10:10] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:50, 03:46](1041 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:30, 05:43](868 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:32, 03:12](867 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:28, 05:15](922 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:28, 02:41](916 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:31, 03:19](867 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:27, 04:29](783 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:23, 01:43](755 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [11:11, 10:03] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [03:47, 01:58](1078 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [02:39, 01:04](1060 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [03:57, 01:14](949 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [11:11, 09:37] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [06:29, 04:18](893 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [07:11, 05:56] ( 790 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:18, 04:57](1043 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:18, 04:51](1042 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [15:47, 13:16](1126 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [16:01, 13:44](802 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [09:55, 07:55](1117 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [15:57, 13:33](1194 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [07:10, 06:01] ( 790 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [07:21, 05:20](1071 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [13:11, 11:31] ( 6 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [08:06, 05:11](719 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [06:35, 04:25](1080 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [10:22, 07:31](742 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [14:08, 11:20](774 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [15:19, 12:42](804 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [07:50, 05:15](473 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [09:09, 06:35](500 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [04:40, 02:45](399 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [10:41, 07:30](497 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [06:40, 04:32](507 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [05:43, 03:51](506 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [06:44, 04:32](581 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [03:32, 01:31](426 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [07:03, 04:53](1697 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:55] ( 1467 warnings 1469 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [14:46, 12:47](613 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [12:11, 11:04] ( 5 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [09:56, 07:31](632 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [09:58, 07:36](810 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [13:11, 12:00] ( 5 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [08:43, 05:57](812 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [12:11, 10:53] ( 5 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [09:13, 06:08](734 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [09:04, 06:13](720 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [24:05, 21:12](891 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [12:11, 10:20] ( 5 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [05:13, 02:41](752 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [05:17, 02:16](740 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [04:54, 02:28](643 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [04:49, 02:30](641 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [04:49, 02:31](640 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [04:48, 02:36](764 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [04:48, 02:35](763 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [04:35, 02:27](646 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [07:47, 06:04](695 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [08:43, 06:08](677 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [04:17, 02:36](764 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [06:19, 04:42](2030 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [06:18, 04:42](2031 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [07:11, 05:17] ( 7 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [07:18, 05:25](747 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [11:11, 09:44] ( 5 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [04:17, 02:37](764 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [03:10, 01:31] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [04:36, 02:37](315 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [03:31, 01:56](463 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [02:32, 00:50](462 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_lm4_intel' [03:10, 01:42] ( 12 warnings ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_intel' [03:21, 00:33](450 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_rst_intel' [02:40, 00:33](250 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [14:11, 12:21] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [07:56, 03:53](1909 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [13:11, 11:54] ( 6 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [11:05, 08:38](1895 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [13:11, 11:48] ( 13 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [10:18, 06:44](1878 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [10:28, 06:55](1881 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [05:29, 03:40](1029 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [08:15, 06:11] ( 885 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [10:08, 06:11](1908 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [12:11, 11:01] ( 5 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [04:51, 02:09](1878 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [13:12, 11:31] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [10:08, 05:59](3099 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [09:54, 06:35](2988 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [09:49, 06:46](2994 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [09:10, 07:48] ( 887 warnings 6 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [21:12, 18:13](4447 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_fbh_intel' [12:11, 10:51] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_regional_atm_fbh_intel' [11:29, 09:28](832 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intelllvm' [21:11, 19:56] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intelllvm' [15:51, 13:32](1899 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intelllvm' [11:11, 09:19] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intelllvm' [29:10, 27:09](1927 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intelllvm' [21:18, 19:15] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intelllvm' [15:34, 13:10](1897 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intelllvm' [16:11, 14:37] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intelllvm' [18:08, 15:18](3215 MB) + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20241213 14:40:18 +Ending Date/Time: 20241213 16:23:10 +Total Time: 01h:43m:50s +Compiles Completed: 47/47 +Tests Completed: 193/193 + +NOTES: +A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF GAEA REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f15a14c9f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log @@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ +====START OF HERA REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +19498cc1894245fe8afe365dd87dbe5d8862b35f + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + 51f8cd20c15fe39ef1168d59d5077812b6508544 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (remotes/origin/sync_escomp_2024-10) + ff7fd76118d47ccef6cb934b834161c6be5a9909 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-392-gff7fd76) + 507ca48f4586fbeb7b0e23e5cfa9321bc3f02a1d CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-3103-g507ca48f) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 1648e176fa869d0ca9ce9ea5822b3594afd8c353 FV3 (heads/develop) + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + 8cc8b70f0143e803efb842ed871f9be3062862a4 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10231-g8cc8b70f0) + 025043d1ad662fca05f29f88ddd88ddf46c81882 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-444-g025043d) + 29063ec7b631d3a967172e8c45c5af13a18e0a82 WW3 (6.07.1-350-g29063ec7) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241212 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/FV3_RT/rt_1726892 + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf +* (-e) - USE ECFLOW + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [14:11, 13:02] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [16:18, 11:45](3318 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [17:12, 15:54] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [25:09, 19:51](1966 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [24:30, 20:50](2172 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [11:27, 08:19](1273 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [29:05, 23:07](1871 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [17:12, 15:53] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [24:49, 19:36](1955 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [07:11, 05:55] ( 1520 warnings 1986 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [28:57, 26:28](1922 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [14:11, 13:02] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [19:24, 15:28](3358 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [18:32, 14:11](3354 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [10:29, 07:30](3253 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [18:16, 14:23](3346 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [10:32, 07:32](3278 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [17:06, 13:30](3638 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [17:06, 14:15](3340 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [15:20, 11:34](3225 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [18:23, 14:10](3362 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [19:27, 10:35](3522 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [11:05, 07:01](3615 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [29:30, 16:33](4289 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [22:59, 09:33](4381 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [11:11, 07:22](3301 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [14:12, 12:20] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [13:10, 09:18](1989 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [15:20, 11:12](2062 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [07:12, 05:52] ( 1410 warnings 1216 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [25:05, 22:53](3394 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [07:12, 05:51] ( 1410 warnings 1216 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [11:55, 10:05](2010 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [13:12, 11:28] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [07:02, 04:26](2021 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [13:11, 11:48] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [09:44, 07:52](3039 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [04:44, 02:25](3044 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [04:42, 01:25](2479 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [18:12, 16:41] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [16:19, 13:45](3329 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [16:12, 15:04] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [30:12, 28:09](2019 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [16:23, 14:08](1256 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [36:13, 33:15](1923 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [07:13, 05:55] ( 1520 warnings 1986 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [33:10, 30:14](1925 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [13:13, 11:15] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [05:24, 03:21](699 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [05:41, 03:15](1593 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [05:45, 03:18](1593 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [05:38, 03:12](1581 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [05:45, 03:17](1583 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [13:43, 11:34](1715 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [08:27, 06:32](858 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_lnd_iau_intel' [13:41, 11:36](1721 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [13:57, 12:03](1766 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [18:01, 14:10](1996 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [12:58, 08:10](1376 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [03:22, 01:38](653 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [02:32, 00:59](504 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [03:23, 01:33](658 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [04:25, 02:29](646 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [04:25, 02:30](648 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [05:56, 03:43](1865 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [05:00, 03:05](1890 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [05:51, 03:39](1876 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [03:49, 02:07](1130 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [05:51, 03:39](1872 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [03:58, 02:06](1156 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [05:52, 03:45](1866 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [05:49, 03:30](1952 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [08:43, 06:38](1876 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [06:53, 04:12](1950 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [05:56, 03:08](1897 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [05:49, 03:26](1896 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [07:36, 05:29](1115 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [05:41, 02:58](1102 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [07:33, 05:45](1121 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [05:35, 03:35](1117 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [07:42, 05:19](1425 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [07:40, 05:26](1119 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [07:36, 05:28](1126 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [08:36, 07:02](1895 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [12:11, 10:12] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [09:41, 07:53](1113 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [07:08, 04:18](1263 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [10:37, 08:15](1036 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [09:37, 07:24](1185 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [05:47, 04:05](1100 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [10:40, 08:05](1107 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [10:35, 08:14](1041 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [07:48, 05:56](1126 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [06:42, 04:01](1044 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [06:40, 04:09](1031 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [06:36, 03:43](1094 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [04:32, 02:10](997 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [10:54, 07:49](1098 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [12:32, 09:32](1986 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [12:29, 09:15](2061 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [11:15, 10:07] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [10:38, 06:23](1020 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [07:24, 03:20](755 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [11:12, 10:07] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [15:50, 11:28](1660 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [12:11, 10:07] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [06:56, 02:48](1889 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [08:39, 04:58](1118 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [09:13, 07:32] ( 882 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [04:47, 02:18](1614 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [04:52, 02:18](1608 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [05:27, 03:09](827 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [04:25, 02:45](830 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [06:41, 04:27](1135 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [04:25, 02:50](837 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [05:55, 02:55](1692 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [05:48, 02:45](1907 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [19:37, 17:49](1102 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [08:25, 05:00](1215 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [07:24, 05:11](1212 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [07:27, 05:00](1209 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [07:23, 05:08](1218 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [07:23, 05:04](1206 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [07:38, 05:23](1294 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [07:24, 05:16](1222 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [07:25, 05:07](1219 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [06:24, 05:05](1219 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [06:26, 04:59](1215 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [06:26, 05:01](1213 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [06:26, 05:02](1214 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [10:21, 08:17](1207 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [06:27, 04:55](1218 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [06:25, 05:03](1219 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [07:22, 05:11](1216 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [10:45, 08:54](1217 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_gnu' [06:11, 04:29] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_gnu' [04:41, 02:27](730 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [06:11, 04:40] ( 837 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [15:54, 13:52](1684 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [11:11, 09:59] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:03, 03:56](1137 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:43, 06:33](1057 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:36, 03:27](997 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:41, 06:17](1098 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:33, 03:13](954 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:34, 03:40](934 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:45, 04:59](1037 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:27, 01:52](931 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [11:11, 10:02] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [04:56, 02:03](1192 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [03:46, 00:54](1108 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [03:44, 01:11](1095 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [11:11, 10:06] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [06:43, 04:16](985 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [06:11, 04:44] ( 785 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:22, 04:58](1097 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:22, 05:04](1092 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [15:55, 13:55](1230 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [16:45, 14:30](922 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [11:42, 08:08](1160 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [16:50, 14:12](1309 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [06:11, 04:42] ( 785 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [07:26, 05:13](1133 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [13:12, 11:36] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [08:33, 05:32](720 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [11:40, 07:32](1111 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [11:41, 07:41](808 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [18:25, 14:58](838 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [21:40, 18:46](880 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [08:03, 05:43](495 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [10:31, 07:11](504 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [05:00, 02:54](366 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [11:54, 07:40](477 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [05:47, 04:03](518 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [07:00, 04:10](517 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [06:55, 04:28](577 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [03:27, 01:14](399 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [07:36, 04:07](1724 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [07:11, 05:06] ( 1462 warnings 1489 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [17:00, 13:32](587 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [13:11, 11:20] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [13:07, 10:25](656 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [14:17, 10:38](732 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [13:12, 11:43] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [11:38, 08:14](673 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [12:11, 10:58] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [10:19, 06:59](824 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [10:17, 07:04](806 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [18:59, 16:30](1230 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [08:12, 06:39] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [04:21, 02:44](1156 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [03:22, 01:42](1109 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [04:19, 02:43](1029 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [04:19, 02:45](1034 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [04:18, 02:41](1045 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [04:19, 02:44](1159 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [04:21, 02:45](1151 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [04:19, 02:36](1026 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [09:27, 06:25](1086 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [09:26, 06:29](1047 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [04:17, 02:52](1152 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [05:19, 04:04](2468 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [05:24, 03:59](2452 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [05:11, 03:30] ( 2 warnings ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [08:23, 06:31](1079 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [08:11, 06:32] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [04:22, 02:48](1161 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [03:11, 01:10] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [03:31, 00:44](259 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [02:26, 00:49](324 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [02:27, 00:31](325 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_lm4_intel' [03:11, 01:21] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_intel' [02:33, 00:31](565 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_rst_intel' [02:33, 00:16](461 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [12:11, 10:54] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [06:02, 03:44](1979 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [12:12, 10:19] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [09:55, 08:01](2007 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [12:12, 10:57] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [07:14, 04:26](1836 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [07:02, 04:19](1867 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [04:48, 02:21](1100 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [07:12, 05:55] ( 880 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [08:01, 05:53](1882 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [12:12, 10:58] ( 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [03:49, 01:57](1918 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [12:11, 10:35] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [07:01, 04:09](3191 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [07:55, 04:59](3098 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [06:51, 05:04](3103 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [06:11, 04:44] ( 882 warnings 6 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_fbh_intel' [11:12, 09:54] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_regional_atm_fbh_intel' [13:31, 11:50](1124 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intelllvm' [08:11, 06:41] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intelllvm' [10:41, 08:25](1051 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intelllvm' [08:12, 06:48] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intelllvm' [06:41, 04:56](983 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_gnu' [06:11, 04:27] +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_gnu' [11:46, 09:39](1509 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_gnu' [05:25, 03:30](500 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_gnu' [06:22, 04:56](503 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_gnu' [07:53, 05:19](1447 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_gnu' [07:47, 05:15](1447 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_gnu' [12:25, 10:39](537 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_gnu' [06:12, 04:16] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_gnu' [13:37, 11:31](807 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_gnu' [13:33, 11:43](807 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_gnu' [12:42, 10:32](917 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_gnu' [07:46, 05:56](573 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_gnu' [13:42, 11:27](806 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_gnu' [13:32, 11:44](839 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_gnu' [10:45, 08:27](577 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_gnu' [07:49, 05:55](801 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_noqr_gnu' [07:42, 05:59](826 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_gnu' [07:45, 05:21](902 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_gnu' [07:39, 05:59](839 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_gnu' [05:45, 03:13](558 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_noqr_gnu' [05:33, 03:09](651 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_gnu' [13:50, 11:11](805 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_gnu' [05:12, 03:54] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_gnu' [10:42, 08:35](734 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_debug_gnu' [08:12, 06:37] +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_gnu' [03:48, 01:41](1268 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_gnu' [13:37, 11:41](743 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_gnu' [04:27, 02:38](822 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_gnu' [04:27, 02:40](823 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_gnu' [04:25, 02:40](818 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_gnu' [04:27, 02:35](817 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_gnu' [04:55, 02:50](909 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_gnu' [06:23, 04:08](819 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_gnu' [05:29, 02:38](819 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_gnu' [05:27, 02:39](816 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_gnu' [03:24, 01:35](456 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_gnu' [03:24, 01:45](448 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_gnu' [03:42, 01:42](1432 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_gnu' [04:23, 02:46](816 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_gnu' [04:28, 02:47](821 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_gnu' [06:42, 04:35](827 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_gnu' [04:12, 02:25] + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:12, 04:06] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [11:39, 09:52](697 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [07:38, 05:22](694 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [11:36, 09:12](742 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [07:34, 04:52](738 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [07:33, 05:23](692 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [09:35, 07:18](551 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [04:30, 02:44](530 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_gnu' [06:03, 03:24](874 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_gnu' [07:43, 05:45](869 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_gnu' [03:45, 01:56](549 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [11:12, 09:47] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [08:48, 06:14](723 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu' [08:12, 06:35] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [04:29, 02:47](708 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [04:29, 02:38](707 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_gnu' [08:55, 07:04](880 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_gnu' [08:51, 07:07](567 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_gnu' [09:45, 07:42](882 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_gnu' [08:43, 06:54](947 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [08:13, 06:38] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [04:23, 02:40](727 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_gnu' [18:12, 16:29] + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_gnu' [17:13, 15:49] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_gnu' [21:10, 18:56](1507 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_gnu' [05:12, 03:08] + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_gnu' [17:11, 15:51] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_gnu' [34:44, 31:31](1443 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu' [04:11, 03:03] + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_gnu' [17:12, 15:23] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_gnu' [04:20, 03:07](697 MB) + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20241213 19:39:36 +Ending Date/Time: 20241213 22:33:23 +Total Time: 02h:54m:07s +Compiles Completed: 61/61 +Tests Completed: 249/249 + +NOTES: +A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF HERA REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5f63170f1e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ +====START OF HERCULES REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +19498cc1894245fe8afe365dd87dbe5d8862b35f + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 51f8cd20c15fe39ef1168d59d5077812b6508544 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (remotes/origin/sync_escomp_2024-10) + ff7fd76118d47ccef6cb934b834161c6be5a9909 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-392-gff7fd76) + 3792520561cf9419082ef41f9f0dffd03edf2e43 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-198-g3792520) + 507ca48f4586fbeb7b0e23e5cfa9321bc3f02a1d CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-3103-g507ca48f) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 1648e176fa869d0ca9ce9ea5822b3594afd8c353 FV3 (heads/develop) + 9490871a616604efe9dd75608214081eef557ad6 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-408-g9490871) + 9e1c3abe1048c0f18c53fdbb7113bc56a129bdf5 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-2-g9e1c3ab) + dab57fcce3f1abf16eb01f22469ea84279f67b19 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-1079-gdab57fcc) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + ce5f3b146861cf6c95e1c14c640ede1ed97e6eef FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-243-gce5f3b14) +-179cae1dd84401cf25d250bd9102e66560a9d328 FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 8cc8b70f0143e803efb842ed871f9be3062862a4 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10231-g8cc8b70f0) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 025043d1ad662fca05f29f88ddd88ddf46c81882 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-444-g025043d) + 29063ec7b631d3a967172e8c45c5af13a18e0a82 WW3 (6.07.1-350-g29063ec7) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241212 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /work2/noaa/epic/nandoam/stmp/hercules/nandoam/FV3_RT/rt_2796377 + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf +* (-e) - USE ECFLOW + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [14:11, 12:54] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [16:58, 13:47](2137 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [20:11, 18:24] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [29:10, 18:04](2006 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [23:31, 19:42](2304 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [12:27, 07:55](1327 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [31:08, 19:28](1904 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [17:11, 15:46] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [31:38, 17:57](1975 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:40] ( 1520 warnings 1988 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [28:13, 24:51](1970 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [14:11, 12:14] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [31:19, 16:25](2208 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [32:09, 15:14](2196 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [16:16, 08:52](1991 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [30:06, 15:38](2226 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [10:13, 07:51](1742 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [18:46, 16:40](2564 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [30:06, 15:20](2191 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [14:56, 12:01](2102 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [32:10, 15:25](2205 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [18:41, 15:46](2986 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [11:12, 06:33](2902 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [28:44, 18:13](3847 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [19:14, 10:09](3681 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [14:56, 07:58](2114 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [12:11, 11:05] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [15:51, 13:53](2015 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [12:56, 10:32](2119 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:26] ( 1410 warnings 1218 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [23:06, 19:40](2243 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:15] ( 1410 warnings 1218 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [12:55, 09:41](2047 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [13:11, 11:13] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [07:06, 04:34](2063 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [12:12, 10:59] ( 1 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [08:41, 06:10](3033 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [03:43, 01:56](3024 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [17:41, 02:18](2473 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [15:11, 12:19] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [24:07, 15:29](2208 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [20:11, 18:05] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [30:04, 25:40](2065 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [16:09, 13:16](1427 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [28:51, 26:31](1996 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [08:11, 05:33] ( 1520 warnings 1988 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [43:53, 28:26](1994 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [11:11, 09:25] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [12:21, 04:22](723 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [10:30, 02:56](1580 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [10:35, 02:51](1607 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [10:28, 02:45](1581 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [10:35, 02:55](1596 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [17:32, 10:18](1706 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [13:26, 05:55](830 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_lnd_iau_intel' [17:32, 10:19](1702 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [17:43, 10:20](1779 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [22:23, 14:52](2010 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [13:45, 07:31](1497 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [05:17, 01:31](673 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [03:23, 00:59](540 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [04:16, 01:22](665 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [04:17, 02:09](655 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [04:19, 02:17](657 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [05:50, 03:14](1883 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [06:53, 04:10](1904 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [07:50, 04:11](1881 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [03:49, 01:51](1154 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [07:45, 04:26](1867 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [03:56, 01:50](1202 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [07:44, 04:16](1875 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [07:46, 04:31](1952 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [09:27, 06:41](1881 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [07:49, 04:21](1967 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [06:51, 03:52](1904 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [05:56, 03:11](1904 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [09:31, 05:57](1221 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [07:29, 03:31](1182 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [08:22, 05:47](1209 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [04:31, 02:59](1182 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [06:29, 04:33](1547 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:30, 04:35](1226 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [06:24, 04:45](1234 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [07:28, 06:01](2081 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [11:11, 09:30] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [08:47, 06:48](1202 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [05:47, 03:29](1382 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [09:38, 07:14](1138 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [08:42, 06:32](1368 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [06:40, 03:33](1153 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [08:38, 06:44](1208 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [08:36, 06:57](1153 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [08:04, 05:10](1203 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [05:49, 03:26](1086 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [05:33, 03:36](1043 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [05:37, 03:13](1116 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [05:32, 01:59](1017 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [09:55, 06:39](1202 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [15:20, 09:36](1998 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [14:19, 09:17](2196 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [10:11, 09:04] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [13:29, 06:56](1054 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [09:17, 02:54](822 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [11:10, 09:31] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [16:34, 10:11](1660 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [11:10, 09:26] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [08:54, 03:17](1906 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [10:27, 05:19](1224 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [12:11, 08:00] ( 882 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [07:28, 02:02](1619 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [07:32, 02:01](1632 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [08:16, 02:34](844 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [08:17, 02:33](841 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [09:23, 04:52](1144 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [06:16, 02:33](835 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [05:33, 02:27](1693 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [04:31, 02:50](1908 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [17:31, 15:23](1146 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [06:16, 04:23](1217 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [06:23, 04:13](1218 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [06:18, 04:18](1230 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:17](1230 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:23](1224 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [06:27, 04:37](1319 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [07:18, 04:41](1232 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:24](1240 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:18](1237 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [10:17, 07:52](1236 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:28](1227 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [06:19, 04:20](1234 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [08:17, 06:59](1219 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:20](1221 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:26](1223 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:18](1234 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [09:51, 07:15](1213 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_gnu' [08:11, 04:54] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_gnu' [03:33, 02:06](1039 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [12:11, 06:43] ( 837 warnings 1 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [13:11, 11:04] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:53, 03:12](1254 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:48, 05:37](1162 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:53, 02:53](1040 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:31, 05:15](1290 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:35, 02:46](1033 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:36, 03:04](1021 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [15:48, 04:16](1089 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [13:27, 01:36](950 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [15:11, 13:12] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [03:36, 01:39](1301 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [11:27, 00:52](1193 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [11:27, 01:04](1145 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [16:11, 13:27] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [05:27, 03:55](1093 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [09:11, 07:05] ( 785 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:21, 04:34](1105 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:18, 04:27](1102 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [13:34, 12:02](1341 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [23:33, 12:23](999 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [10:26, 07:46](1242 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [22:27, 12:04](1396 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [10:11, 04:34] ( 785 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [13:18, 04:23](1166 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [20:11, 14:47] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [08:06, 05:39](840 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [08:23, 06:05](1253 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [19:13, 07:38](919 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [21:11, 14:42](945 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [20:12, 17:04](976 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [19:53, 07:11](602 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [12:15, 09:25](610 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [05:42, 03:41](435 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [14:00, 10:05](543 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [15:45, 04:57](600 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [15:43, 04:45](599 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [15:45, 05:14](655 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [12:24, 01:45](454 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [14:10, 08:21] ( 1462 warnings 1490 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [21:43, 11:51](634 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [13:10, 11:05] ( 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [27:50, 18:48](733 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [31:52, 18:46](799 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [13:10, 11:18] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [23:25, 11:55](814 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [15:10, 13:13] ( 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [18:10, 05:44](926 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [19:03, 05:52](907 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [27:43, 16:33](1345 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [13:11, 11:41] ( 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [13:16, 02:12](1133 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [03:16, 01:21](1110 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [12:15, 02:06](1014 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [11:14, 02:07](1024 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [09:15, 02:08](1020 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [09:15, 02:09](1152 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [09:15, 02:12](1148 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [09:15, 02:06](1024 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [11:57, 04:57](1170 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [10:50, 04:56](1157 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [06:15, 02:10](1148 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [07:15, 03:01](2458 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [06:15, 03:03](2418 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [09:10, 05:41] ( 2 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [07:16, 05:10](1085 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [08:10, 06:06] ( 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [06:15, 02:10](1136 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [04:10, 02:24] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [05:27, 00:57](340 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [04:20, 00:57](576 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [20:25, 00:31](574 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [10:10, 09:01] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [17:47, 04:26](2016 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [10:10, 09:01] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [17:43, 08:46](2030 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [15:11, 13:26] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [16:02, 06:46](1898 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [24:53, 06:35](1889 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [05:32, 03:16](1153 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [08:10, 07:00] ( 880 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [25:52, 08:31](1926 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [16:11, 14:18] ( 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [19:49, 02:55](1939 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [14:10, 12:41] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [21:44, 05:09](2010 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [21:44, 04:32](1778 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [21:39, 04:34](1791 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [11:10, 09:04] ( 882 warnings 6 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [34:28, 17:13](4534 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_fbh_intel' [18:11, 12:30] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_regional_atm_fbh_intel' [26:25, 09:56](1106 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intelllvm' [28:11, 22:48] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intelllvm' [18:16, 02:18](1135 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intelllvm' [07:10, 03:55] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intelllvm' [22:15, 06:05](1077 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_gnu' [09:11, 05:31] +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_gnu' [23:40, 07:48](1544 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_gnu' [17:25, 02:24](721 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_gnu' [17:21, 03:52](732 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_gnu' [24:52, 05:26](1718 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_gnu' [25:45, 05:19](1719 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_gnu' [23:22, 04:44](791 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_gnu' [09:11, 06:04] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_gnu' [28:41, 08:22](1072 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_gnu' [28:34, 08:18](1070 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_gnu' [27:56, 07:33](1116 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_gnu' [06:50, 04:12](884 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_gnu' [27:41, 08:12](1073 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_gnu' [27:38, 08:29](1074 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_gnu' [08:42, 06:22](875 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_gnu' [22:39, 04:21](1060 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_noqr_gnu' [20:44, 04:17](1127 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_gnu' [16:33, 03:46](1006 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_gnu' [14:33, 04:16](1060 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_gnu' [05:30, 02:14](874 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_noqr_gnu' [04:30, 02:04](925 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_gnu' [17:54, 08:07](1069 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_gnu' [08:10, 05:23] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_gnu' [19:28, 11:32](1059 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_debug_gnu' [24:10, 22:30] +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_gnu' [08:34, 01:26](1619 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_gnu' [15:29, 08:04](1130 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_gnu' [07:17, 02:22](1089 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_gnu' [07:17, 02:14](1076 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_gnu' [06:16, 02:32](1084 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_gnu' [05:16, 02:14](1087 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_gnu' [04:33, 02:27](1266 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_gnu' [05:18, 03:26](1085 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_gnu' [04:17, 02:15](1087 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_gnu' [04:17, 02:17](1089 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_gnu' [03:16, 01:22](718 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_gnu' [03:16, 01:17](714 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_gnu' [03:29, 01:15](1693 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_gnu' [03:18, 02:05](1090 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_gnu' [04:18, 02:13](1091 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_gnu' [05:55, 03:35](1094 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_gnu' [13:11, 12:01] +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_gnu' [07:33, 05:30](1558 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [07:10, 06:05] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [09:47, 07:57](956 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [06:48, 04:09](962 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [09:35, 07:00](959 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [06:39, 03:37](872 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [06:40, 03:57](939 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [07:40, 05:51](854 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [04:20, 02:06](852 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_gnu' [05:39, 02:40](1254 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_gnu' [03:27, 01:26](1163 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_gnu' [03:28, 01:37](938 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [23:14, 21:53] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [07:38, 04:41](984 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu' [09:11, 07:58] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [04:20, 02:07](969 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [04:17, 02:04](964 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_gnu' [08:31, 05:33](1276 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_gnu' [09:30, 05:52](945 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_gnu' [06:27, 03:30](1187 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_gnu' [08:26, 05:41](1344 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [08:11, 06:48] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [04:18, 02:10](996 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_gnu' [18:11, 16:52] + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_gnu' [18:11, 16:19] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_gnu' [20:13, 17:04](2694 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_gnu' [24:11, 21:53] + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_gnu' [30:11, 27:48] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_gnu' [43:58, 41:53](2902 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu' [23:13, 19:50] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_gnu' [19:06, 16:28](3033 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_gnu' [26:10, 23:00] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_gnu' [04:15, 02:24](765 MB) + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20241213 13:42:54 +Ending Date/Time: 20241213 16:22:14 +Total Time: 02h:40m:03s +Compiles Completed: 60/60 +Tests Completed: 248/248 + +NOTES: +A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF HERCULES REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_jet.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_jet.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b2f7ed858a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_jet.log @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +====START OF JET REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +19498cc1894245fe8afe365dd87dbe5d8862b35f + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 51f8cd20c15fe39ef1168d59d5077812b6508544 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (remotes/origin/sync_escomp_2024-10) + ff7fd76118d47ccef6cb934b834161c6be5a9909 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-392-gff7fd76) + 3792520561cf9419082ef41f9f0dffd03edf2e43 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-198-g3792520) + 507ca48f4586fbeb7b0e23e5cfa9321bc3f02a1d CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-3103-g507ca48f) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 1648e176fa869d0ca9ce9ea5822b3594afd8c353 FV3 (heads/develop) + 9490871a616604efe9dd75608214081eef557ad6 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-408-g9490871) + 9e1c3abe1048c0f18c53fdbb7113bc56a129bdf5 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-2-g9e1c3ab) + dab57fcce3f1abf16eb01f22469ea84279f67b19 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-1079-gdab57fcc) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + ce5f3b146861cf6c95e1c14c640ede1ed97e6eef FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-243-gce5f3b14) +-179cae1dd84401cf25d250bd9102e66560a9d328 FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 8cc8b70f0143e803efb842ed871f9be3062862a4 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10231-g8cc8b70f0) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 025043d1ad662fca05f29f88ddd88ddf46c81882 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-444-g025043d) + 29063ec7b631d3a967172e8c45c5af13a18e0a82 WW3 (6.07.1-350-g29063ec7) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241212 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /lfs5/HFIP/h-nems/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/RT_RUNDIRS/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/FV3_RT/rt_1986325 + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: h-nems +* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf +* (-e) - USE ECFLOW + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [44:15, 43:00] ( 1 warnings 1397 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [21:15, 13:35](2017 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [49:15, 47:58] ( 1 warnings 1444 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [28:10, 25:07](1870 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [29:18, 26:23](2003 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [12:10, 09:45](1134 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [31:01, 28:02](1825 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [50:15, 48:53] ( 1 warnings 1441 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [35:51, 24:48](1869 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [46:15, 44:22] ( 1 warnings 1416 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [23:15, 17:51](2046 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [26:25, 16:50](2048 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [11:18, 08:59](1709 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [23:12, 17:11](2065 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [11:21, 09:01](1717 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [22:08, 16:28](2322 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [23:04, 17:20](2016 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [19:17, 14:01](1999 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [23:20, 17:14](2036 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [23:11, 09:06](2012 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [43:15, 41:53] ( 1 warnings 1301 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [12:23, 09:46](1914 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [17:32, 14:09](1975 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:22] ( 1410 warnings 1216 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [38:18, 27:36](2031 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:08] ( 1410 warnings 1216 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [21:02, 11:39](1918 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [39:13, 37:08] ( 1019 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [08:24, 05:30](1953 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [43:14, 38:02] ( 1 warnings 1042 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [12:49, 10:21](3006 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [04:49, 03:05](3008 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [03:49, 01:46](2458 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [42:19, 32:11] ( 1 warnings 1632 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [19:30, 16:20](2046 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [55:15, 46:36] ( 1 warnings 1361 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [39:31, 33:17](1935 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [21:23, 16:32](1131 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [42:11, 39:19](1908 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [15:12, 05:58] ( 1520 warnings 1986 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [41:09, 38:42](1930 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [39:13, 37:46] ( 1 warnings 1125 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [15:32, 04:20](652 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [29:12, 04:13](1542 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [33:13, 04:35](1537 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [33:09, 04:18](1526 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [21:14, 04:16](1542 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [34:12, 18:06](1700 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [12:34, 10:12](834 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_lnd_iau_intel' [35:14, 18:07](1703 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [44:26, 16:07](1682 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [56:26, 23:09](1819 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [48:09, 13:21](1009 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [04:30, 02:10](604 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [29:30, 01:13](434 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [12:30, 01:59](605 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [05:32, 03:17](596 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [05:33, 03:15](601 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [33:28, 04:54](1830 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [32:35, 04:05](1831 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [33:20, 04:47](1830 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [11:49, 02:33](1055 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [33:23, 04:46](1812 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [10:52, 02:29](1075 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [20:25, 04:47](1822 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [33:19, 04:40](1899 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [29:13, 08:32](1829 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [34:24, 05:20](1894 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [32:26, 04:05](1838 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [25:23, 04:18](1842 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [11:04, 07:10](1035 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [21:43, 03:50](1018 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [10:05, 07:27](1043 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [17:04, 04:20](1023 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [33:49, 07:20](1044 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [30:40, 07:07](1036 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [36:13, 34:54] ( 3 warnings 1101 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [28:48, 10:02](984 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [27:04, 05:30](1191 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [29:43, 10:35](979 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [28:48, 09:34](1070 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [07:48, 05:13](987 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [31:46, 10:03](987 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [31:42, 10:48](975 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [09:47, 07:29](1001 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [22:46, 05:12](984 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [21:41, 05:17](977 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [16:40, 04:49](1048 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [04:28, 02:44](920 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [18:52, 10:05](977 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [21:27, 13:22](1926 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [17:27, 12:57](1926 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [36:13, 34:56] ( 1099 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [12:39, 08:11](963 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [09:21, 04:26](674 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [37:14, 35:55] ( 1003 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [16:47, 14:23](1613 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [39:13, 37:32] ( 1303 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [06:48, 03:38](1828 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [09:36, 06:45](1025 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [16:11, 08:23] ( 882 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [10:41, 02:41](1564 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [11:44, 02:40](1542 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [08:21, 03:49](772 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [08:21, 03:20](773 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [13:35, 05:24](1084 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [11:22, 03:22](788 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [10:45, 03:17](1630 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [10:44, 03:13](1853 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [28:46, 22:00](1070 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [12:25, 06:02](1162 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [08:22, 05:57](1154 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [07:25, 06:06](1160 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [08:24, 06:05](1168 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [08:25, 06:05](1163 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [08:35, 06:27](1242 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [08:26, 06:15](1161 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [08:24, 06:19](1162 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [08:25, 06:11](1162 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [08:26, 06:03](1160 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [08:24, 05:57](1159 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [08:26, 06:02](1165 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [12:27, 10:00](1152 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [08:26, 06:01](1156 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [09:25, 06:05](1165 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [08:26, 06:07](1164 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [13:48, 10:37](1168 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [18:11, 05:06] ( 837 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [19:43, 16:34](1645 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [35:13, 30:47] ( 3 warnings 1033 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:09, 05:01](1070 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [10:39, 08:18](912 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:43, 04:19](875 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:54, 07:54](957 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:51, 04:04](899 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:42, 04:38](853 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:39, 06:20](898 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:26, 02:20](836 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [34:13, 32:02] ( 3 warnings 1207 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [05:00, 02:39](1097 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [04:44, 01:16](1039 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [04:44, 01:34](1012 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [33:13, 31:33] ( 3 warnings 1053 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [07:45, 05:29](904 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [08:11, 05:13] ( 785 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:26, 06:04](1033 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:22, 05:56](1027 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [19:57, 17:37](1153 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [20:47, 17:48](857 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [12:39, 10:13](1089 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [19:38, 17:40](1209 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [07:11, 05:00] ( 785 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [07:25, 06:09](1082 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [42:14, 40:13] ( 1 warnings 1435 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [21:24, 06:45](703 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [20:38, 06:21](1079 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [23:38, 09:05](752 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [18:29, 15:27](783 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [33:49, 19:04](807 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [21:46, 07:03](1668 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [39:13, 37:47] ( 1281 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [25:19, 08:14](751 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [27:21, 08:22](735 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [10:11, 08:15] ( 67 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [06:21, 03:40](1078 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [04:22, 02:10](1045 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [05:20, 03:29](950 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [06:22, 03:41](942 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [05:20, 03:33](938 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [06:22, 03:41](1074 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [06:21, 03:41](1077 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [06:21, 03:35](931 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [11:15, 07:50](892 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [11:17, 07:45](854 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [06:18, 03:42](1078 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [08:22, 05:10](2423 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [08:22, 05:09](2430 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [05:11, 03:21] ( 2 warnings ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [10:22, 08:09](1020 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [10:11, 08:17] ( 70 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [05:21, 03:33](1077 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [03:11, 01:43] ( 68 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [02:35, 01:07](237 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [02:29, 01:00](261 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [02:26, 00:37](264 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [38:13, 36:25] ( 1024 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [07:14, 04:43](1899 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [37:13, 35:59] ( 1 warnings 1029 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [12:58, 10:26](1915 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [39:14, 37:56] ( 8 warnings 1174 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [12:03, 05:34](1840 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [12:04, 05:42](1847 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [04:42, 03:07](1060 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [08:12, 06:16] ( 880 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [20:16, 07:22](1881 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [40:14, 38:14] ( 1277 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [05:00, 02:26](1844 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [42:13, 36:22] ( 1107 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [12:58, 05:27](1935 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [14:58, 06:20](1702 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [08:50, 06:24](1688 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_fbh_intel' [33:13, 31:25] ( 3 warnings 1004 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_regional_atm_fbh_intel' [17:38, 15:11](1059 MB) + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20241213 19:41:31 +Ending Date/Time: 20241214 00:15:47 +Total Time: 04h:34m:55s +Compiles Completed: 37/37 +Tests Completed: 166/166 + +NOTES: +A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF JET REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_noaacloud.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_noaacloud.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06db26b502 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_noaacloud.log @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +====START OF NOAACLOUD REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +e366ec57380a76f1da3be0364eb0473762a1cf9d + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 1f9eaaa142c8b07ed6b788c9f44ea02cc86d0bae CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-42-g1f9eaaa) + 5e57a89cf533fe98352bcfd1a464b1d50713274d CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-378-g5e57a89) + 05ac0ec3ea666080eed36e67f6cf8ce1255b243f CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-192-g05ac0ec) + 24e9eed4ffe8138bef635c8f916f91b142595675 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2311-g24e9eed) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 49967251b83255bdac7ac2f9626d2714e8b83d07 FV3 (heads/develop) + e36e8572e7643d7e59a3979a61bdd83743ff7b00 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-407-ge36e857) + b7d55fd07fa35c5de9b2292596d30784a800b276 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-1-gb7d55fd) + 002a886eeb14979a6811f89e885d2968cbfd9b70 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-893-g002a886e) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + 6f5dd627d124ae94bb5ed7f5afd22f82c470b1b7 FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-230-g6f5dd627) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 5e0c21f64fa5b20efc8f29f8709766e1e6793a79 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10230-g5e0c21f64) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + c7004b658b9dae9fc473d4e6511dfc1cf8e6a7bd WW3 (6.07.1-347-gc7004b65) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /contrib/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241031 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /lustre//stmp2/Zachary.Shrader/FV3_RT/rt_1252814 + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: root +* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf +* (-r) - USE ROCOTO + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [29:42, 29:43] ( 6 warnings 10 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [29:06, 29:07] ( 6 warnings 10 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [29:42, 29:43] ( 6 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [20:37, 19:07](1922 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [12:28, 12:28] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [05:34, 04:17](1974 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [12:38, 12:38] ( 6 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [16:26, 15:04](2995 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [11:31, 11:31] ( 6 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [03:16, 03:02](658 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [04:11, 02:58](1537 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [04:20, 02:54](1541 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [04:08, 02:53](1536 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [27:49, 27:38](1680 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [19:00, 18:57](815 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [16:19, 14:15](2020 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [01:35, 01:26](615 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [01:34, 01:22](615 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [02:15, 02:13](611 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [02:24, 02:11](612 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [07:08, 06:03](1833 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [06:15, 05:06](1034 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [06:07, 04:53](1343 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [05:57, 04:52](1037 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [06:04, 04:52](1036 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [07:33, 06:17](1844 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [10:59, 10:58] ( 8 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [07:11, 06:58](1030 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [05:57, 04:13](1249 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [06:54, 06:50](1021 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [08:58, 08:45](1944 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [08:26, 08:24](2001 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [11:08, 11:08] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [04:40, 04:30](1037 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [12:12, 12:12] ( 6 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [05:31, 05:00](763 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [06:00, 05:29](1138 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [07:43, 06:39](810 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [26:15, 25:45](835 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [06:53, 06:53] ( 5 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [02:32, 02:29](113723201130 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [02:26, 02:23](993 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [02:31, 02:26](989 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [02:30, 02:27](990 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [09:56, 09:56] ( 5 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [02:30, 02:27](1131 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [01:03, 01:03] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [02:04, 01:09](284 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [01:30, 00:55](326 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [10:30, 10:30] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [10:11, 10:11] ( 6 warnings 1 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [11:35, 11:35] ( 13 warnings 2 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [05:55, 05:55] ( 885 warnings 2 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [11:15, 11:15] ( 5 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [02:06, 01:49](1862 MB) + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20241111 14:16:39 +Ending Date/Time: 20241111 15:29:32 +Total Time: 01h:12m:59s +Compiles Completed: 17/17 +Tests Completed: 38/38 + +NOTES: +A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF NOAACLOUD REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_orion.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_orion.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08ca47330b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_orion.log @@ -0,0 +1,343 @@ +====START OF ORION REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +19498cc1894245fe8afe365dd87dbe5d8862b35f + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 51f8cd20c15fe39ef1168d59d5077812b6508544 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (remotes/origin/sync_escomp_2024-10) + ff7fd76118d47ccef6cb934b834161c6be5a9909 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-392-gff7fd76) + 3792520561cf9419082ef41f9f0dffd03edf2e43 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-198-g3792520) + 507ca48f4586fbeb7b0e23e5cfa9321bc3f02a1d CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-3103-g507ca48f) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 1648e176fa869d0ca9ce9ea5822b3594afd8c353 FV3 (heads/develop) + 9490871a616604efe9dd75608214081eef557ad6 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-408-g9490871) + 9e1c3abe1048c0f18c53fdbb7113bc56a129bdf5 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-2-g9e1c3ab) + dab57fcce3f1abf16eb01f22469ea84279f67b19 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-1079-gdab57fcc) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + ce5f3b146861cf6c95e1c14c640ede1ed97e6eef FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-243-gce5f3b14) +-179cae1dd84401cf25d250bd9102e66560a9d328 FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 8cc8b70f0143e803efb842ed871f9be3062862a4 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10231-g8cc8b70f0) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 025043d1ad662fca05f29f88ddd88ddf46c81882 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-444-g025043d) + 29063ec7b631d3a967172e8c45c5af13a18e0a82 WW3 (6.07.1-350-g29063ec7) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241212 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /work2/noaa/epic/nandoam/stmp/orion/nandoam/FV3_RT/rt_1620443 + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf +* (-e) - USE ECFLOW + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [21:11, 17:57] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [30:52, 27:41](2082 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [22:11, 18:56] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [27:01, 23:42](1955 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [28:17, 25:09](2118 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [12:32, 08:59](1224 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [31:11, 27:40](1856 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [23:11, 19:58] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [30:56, 24:21](1950 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [12:10, 08:14] ( 1520 warnings 1988 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [33:49, 30:58](1932 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [21:10, 17:57] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [33:16, 29:21](2145 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [30:51, 27:28](2144 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [17:57, 14:18](1807 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [30:41, 27:17](2160 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [18:11, 14:35](1696 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [27:33, 25:01](2442 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [30:41, 27:21](2125 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [25:42, 22:52](2045 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [30:51, 27:15](2149 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [19:39, 16:02](2717 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [13:28, 08:59](2709 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [38:02, 22:01](3694 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [25:21, 12:22](3534 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [10:34, 07:59](2076 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [19:10, 16:10] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [29:18, 26:56](1979 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [14:38, 11:45](2050 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [12:10, 08:47] ( 1410 warnings 1218 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [25:38, 23:06](2175 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [11:10, 07:51] ( 1410 warnings 1218 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [12:20, 09:57](1993 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [19:10, 15:34] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [07:26, 04:47](2029 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [19:10, 15:56] ( 1 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [10:00, 08:09](3027 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [05:04, 02:32](3020 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [07:59, 02:52](2477 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [20:11, 18:35] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [31:37, 28:22](2146 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [21:11, 19:18] ( 1 warnings 11 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [32:25, 29:27](2004 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [20:33, 16:04](1245 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [40:24, 35:01](1938 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [09:10, 07:41] ( 1520 warnings 1988 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [38:42, 35:32](1967 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [15:10, 13:50] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [05:28, 03:50](684 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [05:42, 03:35](1572 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [05:47, 03:42](1572 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [05:51, 03:32](1575 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [05:58, 03:36](1573 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [17:00, 14:46](1704 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [10:32, 08:11](834 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_lnd_iau_intel' [16:56, 14:44](1713 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [16:13, 13:16](1743 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [20:20, 16:33](1980 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [15:31, 10:02](1335 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [03:25, 01:49](639 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [02:53, 01:07](471 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [03:21, 01:45](643 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [05:25, 02:44](644 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [05:23, 02:44](635 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [06:23, 04:02](1865 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [06:21, 03:49](1874 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [06:30, 03:57](1873 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [05:29, 02:14](1088 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [06:28, 04:03](1849 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [05:46, 02:11](1124 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [06:14, 04:05](1853 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [06:16, 04:09](1947 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [09:44, 07:11](1870 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [07:34, 04:44](1932 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [06:29, 03:25](1877 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [06:40, 03:44](1873 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [08:44, 06:27](1106 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [05:37, 03:30](1088 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [08:43, 06:55](1102 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [06:43, 04:37](1109 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [08:54, 06:19](1409 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [08:50, 06:30](1114 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [08:42, 06:28](1107 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [09:42, 08:06](1893 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [15:11, 13:14] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [11:14, 08:28](1060 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [07:04, 05:06](1267 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [10:59, 08:49](1013 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [10:59, 08:36](1170 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [10:46, 04:26](1034 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [11:05, 08:24](1057 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [11:04, 08:45](1017 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [11:53, 06:22](1065 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [07:06, 04:21](1022 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [07:03, 04:26](1011 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [07:06, 04:12](1086 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [05:44, 02:21](936 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [11:25, 08:20](1048 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [13:27, 09:56](1974 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [11:27, 09:33](2018 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [14:11, 12:54] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [10:35, 07:36](1017 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [06:31, 03:30](717 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [14:10, 12:48] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [15:04, 12:48](1647 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [15:10, 13:29] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [06:32, 03:36](1881 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [08:36, 06:15](1105 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [11:10, 10:01] ( 882 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [04:44, 02:16](1599 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [04:49, 02:16](1596 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [04:22, 03:02](807 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [04:22, 02:44](813 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [06:40, 04:47](1124 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [04:22, 02:43](820 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [04:46, 02:46](1665 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [04:48, 02:42](1893 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [19:41, 17:22](1092 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [06:24, 04:56](1196 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [06:23, 04:44](1197 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [06:23, 04:53](1200 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [06:21, 04:59](1198 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [10:24, 05:07](1205 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [10:36, 05:08](1285 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [09:29, 05:04](1207 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [08:23, 05:05](1196 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [08:23, 05:06](1193 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [11:26, 05:00](1202 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [09:25, 04:52](1199 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [10:27, 04:58](1199 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [11:26, 07:55](1193 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [08:26, 04:46](1199 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [09:26, 05:02](1199 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [09:26, 05:05](1202 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [13:33, 08:42](1200 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:40] ( 837 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [15:45, 13:14](1678 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [19:11, 12:41] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:56, 05:09](1142 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [11:25, 07:14](1002 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:08, 03:51](922 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [11:17, 07:29](1076 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:10, 03:46](939 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:02, 03:57](893 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [12:39, 05:27](974 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:46, 02:04](881 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [14:10, 12:20] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [04:59, 02:52](1160 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [02:45, 01:07](1105 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [03:43, 01:27](1066 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [15:10, 13:34] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [07:54, 04:39](973 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [08:10, 06:46] ( 785 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:25, 04:53](1086 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:25, 04:43](1075 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [16:54, 13:49](1227 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [16:52, 14:06](924 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [10:45, 08:17](1163 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [15:44, 13:42](1301 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:54] ( 785 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [07:27, 05:04](1129 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [17:11, 15:35] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [09:24, 06:17](743 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [08:31, 06:49](1127 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [10:36, 07:56](815 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [31:26, 28:29](846 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [37:38, 34:40](1025 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [10:12, 07:48](497 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [12:36, 09:28](512 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [05:56, 03:44](377 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [15:49, 10:56](473 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [07:59, 05:13](524 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [07:01, 05:01](528 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [09:02, 06:17](571 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [06:34, 01:44](401 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [11:41, 04:31](1716 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [09:11, 07:33] ( 1462 warnings 1490 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [18:10, 13:38](580 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [16:11, 15:06] ( 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [21:19, 15:37](657 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [21:30, 15:24](719 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [16:11, 15:03] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [19:10, 11:27](710 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [15:11, 14:04] ( 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [14:20, 08:18](805 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [14:13, 08:12](790 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [22:06, 16:27](1201 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [10:10, 08:19] ( 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [07:20, 03:00](1151 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [03:20, 01:55](1095 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [06:19, 02:52](1020 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [06:20, 02:55](1016 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [06:20, 02:55](1013 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [05:19, 02:59](1158 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [05:22, 02:59](1156 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [04:19, 02:51](1024 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [10:19, 06:38](1028 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [10:23, 06:38](1015 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [05:17, 02:59](1156 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [06:20, 04:19](2454 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [06:19, 04:21](2463 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [06:10, 05:04] ( 2 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [08:19, 06:31](1087 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [09:10, 08:02] ( 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [04:18, 03:00](1160 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [04:10, 01:20] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [03:30, 01:20](253 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [02:25, 01:07](325 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [02:27, 00:42](321 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_lm4_intel' [03:10, 01:40] ( 12 warnings ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_intel' [02:31, 00:37](558 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_rst_intel' [02:33, 00:23](446 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [15:10, 14:07] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [07:20, 04:25](1972 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [15:11, 13:18] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [11:07, 08:32](1967 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [16:11, 14:15] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [10:43, 07:09](1863 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [09:33, 06:54](1856 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [06:12, 03:36](1056 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [09:10, 07:30] ( 880 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [09:41, 06:39](1886 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [15:10, 13:46] ( 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [05:19, 02:12](1907 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [15:10, 13:16] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [07:17, 04:34](1972 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [08:11, 05:24](1761 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [08:06, 05:27](1755 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [08:10, 06:43] ( 882 warnings 6 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [25:10, 21:12](4474 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_fbh_intel' [14:10, 12:12] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_regional_atm_fbh_intel' [15:31, 13:53](1116 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intelllvm' [09:10, 07:57] +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intelllvm' [11:43, 08:32](575 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intelllvm' [06:10, 04:53] +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intelllvm' [22:08, 20:05](566 MB) + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20241213 13:42:22 +Ending Date/Time: 20241213 15:40:57 +Total Time: 01h:59m:15s +Compiles Completed: 45/45 +Tests Completed: 191/191 + +NOTES: +A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF ORION REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_s4.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_s4.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3d3336f7c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_s4.log @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ +====START OF S4 REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +78892e674c5b283ae3fe4f575efc5836350a8bc8 + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28f) + fbdf6843d6bde852d97f1547591d90136103f669 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-41-gfbdf684) + 2ffee5cd48e0c389bdf75c0d910b3f6d53263563 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-451-g2ffee5c) + f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) + f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-1415-gf13e16e) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) ++29e8d774f650f41231e302687e3061712aa680c0 FV3 (29e8d77) + 7c3102fccc493d4c006c936ea88e4b512f6f5251 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-403-g7c3102f) + 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) + 1d9b076503c27cd4cfa8b22a977a71e889cbb149 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-851-g1d9b076) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) ++81b38a88d860ce7e34e8507c2246151a54d96a39 FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-218-g81b38a8) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-567edcc94bc418d0dcd6cdaafed448eeb5aab570 FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + 4b8777eb08b065d8a95e5317b6270a7a67ccf93e MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10053-g4b8777e) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + 7f548c795a348bbb0fe4967dd25692c79036dc73 WW3 (6.07.1-346-g7f548c7) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /data/prod/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240808 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /scratch/users/isouopgui/FV3_RT/rt_438194 + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: star +* (-c) - CREATE NEW BASELINES +* (-e) - USE ECFLOW + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [12:10, 12:09] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [08:01, 06:58](2020 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [13:10, 12:40] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [22:36, 17:41](1880 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [21:55, 18:57](2049 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [, ]( MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [13:10, 12:48] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [21:32, 17:35](1881 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [07:10, 05:49] ( 1525 warnings 1998 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [26:45, 25:38](1913 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [12:11, 12:00] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [16:05, 06:48](2061 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [24:06, 07:00](2058 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [09:03, 07:27](2059 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [31:02, 06:33](2040 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [12:10, 11:45] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [27:01, 05:16](1909 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [29:02, 05:31](1965 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [06:10, 06:05] ( 1450 warnings 1228 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [11:29, 09:26](2092 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [06:10, 05:49] ( 1450 warnings 1228 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [08:26, 06:30](1939 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [12:10, 11:22] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [16:02, 05:39](1976 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [12:10, 11:26] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [25:55, 09:50](3011 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [48:00, 03:02](2998 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [, ]( MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [16:11, 15:51] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [20:06, 06:33](2059 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [12:11, 11:44] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [20:33, 18:12](1909 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [06:10, 05:34] ( 1560 warnings 1998 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [28:35, 27:24](1942 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [10:10, 09:55] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [24:23, 04:45](642 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [27:55, 03:26](1542 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [25:57, 03:47](1547 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [25:55, 03:28](1537 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [27:54, 03:36](1540 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [44:56, 07:35](1687 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [44:23, 06:38](824 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [25:02, 12:17](1667 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [21:34, 13:51](1943 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [41:14, 19:02](1336 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [20:22, 02:02](601 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [21:22, 01:55](601 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [22:23, 03:09](597 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [22:23, 03:26](591 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [24:59, 03:52](1832 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [23:41, 03:44](1835 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [22:38, 03:40](1828 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [21:31, 06:31](1829 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [18:31, 04:51](1892 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [16:32, 03:45](1839 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [16:30, 04:02](1848 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [18:28, 07:44](1017 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [26:28, 09:10](1013 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [, ]( MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [10:10, 10:01] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [19:24, 09:30](1004 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [06:51, 05:37](1219 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [18:23, 09:17](1006 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [14:25, 04:49](992 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [18:21, 09:11](996 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [19:22, 10:56](1941 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [20:20, 10:25](1979 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [10:10, 09:48] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [18:29, 07:37](964 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [13:16, 03:55](667 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [09:10, 08:58] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [30:45, 13:05](1615 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [11:10, 10:11] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [13:31, 03:24](1838 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [18:32, 08:29](1022 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [51:11, 07:00] ( 884 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [35:44, 02:53](1560 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [38:46, 02:55](1569 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [05:22, 03:22](779 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [03:22, 02:58](775 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [37:43, 04:43](1084 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [04:22, 03:04](783 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [37:53, 03:06](1625 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [36:46, 03:15](1854 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [59:43, 20:28](1040 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [13:24, 05:25](1157 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [37:26, 05:25](1157 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [37:26, 05:36](1157 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [33:26, 05:22](1163 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [09:32, 05:33](1237 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [32:25, 05:44](1160 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [32:25, 05:31](1161 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [08:23, 05:14](1161 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [11:24, 05:11](1162 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [33:26, 05:34](1163 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [12:23, 08:32](1159 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [09:24, 05:26](1158 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [41:20, 06:21](1165 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [41:18, 05:24](1157 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [44:23, 09:19](1161 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [49:11, 04:30] ( 839 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [16:48, 15:11](1646 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [54:12, 09:30] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:49, 05:07](1091 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [41:21, 07:51](949 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [38:20, 04:11](899 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [, ]( MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [49:11, 09:10] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [37:47, 02:53](1125 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [02:38, 01:35](1031 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [46:11, 09:24] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [39:23, 05:05](906 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [40:11, 04:22] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:19, 05:21](1035 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:20, 05:20](1035 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [18:21, 16:09](1175 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [, ]( MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [18:20, 16:30](1231 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [42:11, 04:37] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [40:17, 05:29](1081 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [47:11, 11:07] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [09:29, 07:41](713 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [13:20, 08:21](1083 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [18:33, 10:10](788 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [29:27, 16:43](816 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [23:32, 18:10](834 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [47:11, 10:46] ( 7 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [20:23, 09:48](784 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [23:24, 10:47](760 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [43:11, 06:53] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [27:17, 02:49](1083 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [25:15, 02:41](955 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [25:16, 02:50](953 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [24:15, 02:49](955 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [19:14, 02:41](1072 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [14:15, 02:47](1074 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [09:14, 02:41](958 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [08:08, 06:22](944 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [08:04, 06:07](903 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [05:16, 03:48](2447 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [10:15, 03:48](2442 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [04:10, 03:18] ( 2 warnings ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [12:15, 06:41](1011 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [07:10, 07:02] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [07:15, 02:46](1081 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [01:10, 01:08] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [02:27, 01:03](234 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [02:21, 01:05](287 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [, ]( MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [50:11, 09:55] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [05:40, 04:30](1904 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [49:11, 09:28] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [05:46, 04:19](1895 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [49:11, 10:27] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [07:32, 06:07](1865 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [10:32, 05:58](1848 MB) +SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [, ]( MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [43:10, 04:57] ( 882 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [07:41, 06:26](1888 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [48:11, 10:20] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [06:29, 02:09](1865 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [47:11, 09:50] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [05:38, 04:36](1939 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [06:39, 05:39](1722 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [06:26, 05:48](1725 MB) + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20240814 12:03:01 +Ending Date/Time: 20240814 14:10:59 +Total Time: 02h:08m:33s +Compiles Completed: 37/37 +Tests Completed: 121/164 + +NOTES: +A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF S4 REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_wcoss2.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_wcoss2.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8f53d5f439 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_wcoss2.log @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +====START OF WCOSS2 REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +19498cc1894245fe8afe365dd87dbe5d8862b35f + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + 51f8cd20c15fe39ef1168d59d5077812b6508544 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (remotes/origin/sync_escomp_2024-10) + ff7fd76118d47ccef6cb934b834161c6be5a9909 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-392-gff7fd76) + 3792520561cf9419082ef41f9f0dffd03edf2e43 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-198-g3792520) + 507ca48f4586fbeb7b0e23e5cfa9321bc3f02a1d CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-3103-g507ca48f) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 1648e176fa869d0ca9ce9ea5822b3594afd8c353 FV3 (heads/develop) + 9490871a616604efe9dd75608214081eef557ad6 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-408-g9490871) + 9e1c3abe1048c0f18c53fdbb7113bc56a129bdf5 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev-2-g9e1c3ab) + dab57fcce3f1abf16eb01f22469ea84279f67b19 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-1079-gdab57fcc) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + ce5f3b146861cf6c95e1c14c640ede1ed97e6eef FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-243-gce5f3b14) +-179cae1dd84401cf25d250bd9102e66560a9d328 FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-529f870d33b65c3b6c1aa3c3236b94efc3bd336d FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + c4d2337d8607ec994b3cd61179eb974e0a237841 LM4-driver (baseline_change_240904-6-gc4d2337) + c03c4f68816030f726785daf0db6150aa1e9cc6f LM4-driver/LM4 (land_lad2_2021.02) + 8cc8b70f0143e803efb842ed871f9be3062862a4 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10231-g8cc8b70f0) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 025043d1ad662fca05f29f88ddd88ddf46c81882 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-444-g025043d) + 29063ec7b631d3a967172e8c45c5af13a18e0a82 WW3 (6.07.1-350-g29063ec7) + 05cad173feeb598431e3ef5f17c2df6562c8d101 fire_behavior (v0.2.0-1-g05cad17) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20241212 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_10719 + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: GFS-DEV +* (-e) - USE ECFLOW + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [13:29, 11:24] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [08:47, 02:17](3087 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [14:30, 11:50] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [07:45, 03:39](1820 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [42:22, 03:00](1828 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [41:40, 02:32](975 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [07:46, 03:31](1792 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [14:30, 12:24] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [07:45, 01:56](1808 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [07:21, 05:18] ( 1500 warnings 1986 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [14:55, 02:25](1835 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [13:29, 11:35] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [08:47, 02:53](3122 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [08:47, 02:40](3106 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [44:54, 02:52](3042 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [08:47, 02:58](3135 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [44:57, 02:48](3066 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [08:46, 01:49](3356 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [08:46, 01:44](3113 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [08:47, 02:26](3058 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [08:47, 02:07](3120 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [08:55, 05:39](4112 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [22:13, 05:02](4253 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [08:47, 02:00](3096 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [13:29, 10:46] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [08:47, 02:21](1831 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [08:46, 02:55](1881 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [12:27, 10:04] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [09:48, 02:06](1886 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [12:27, 10:17] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [09:48, 01:59](2860 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [09:48, 01:48](2873 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [01:44, 02:15](2290 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [18:34, 16:18] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [03:41, 02:38](3117 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [13:29, 11:38] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [08:47, 02:38](1824 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [33:58, 02:24](1004 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [33:32, 02:59](1794 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [07:28, 05:12] ( 1500 warnings 1986 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [07:26, 02:14](1856 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [11:28, 09:25] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [57:42, 02:05](564 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [53:49, 02:17](1464 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [52:22, 01:51](1475 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [52:09, 02:05](1470 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [48:59, 01:52](1467 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [48:02, 01:32](1565 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [47:18, 02:01](689 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_lnd_iau_intel' [47:03, 01:52](1569 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [46:18, 02:10](1587 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [45:56, 03:03](1878 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [44:59, 03:25](1077 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [44:30, 01:56](521 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [34:55, 01:56](326 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [43:07, 02:00](519 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [43:05, 02:21](521 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [43:00, 02:21](519 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [43:00, 02:02](1758 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [43:00, 02:36](1754 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [42:27, 02:27](1759 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [32:33, 02:10](912 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [40:47, 02:27](1746 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [31:18, 02:05](918 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [40:10, 02:23](1756 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [40:10, 02:39](1834 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [39:40, 02:06](1761 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [39:40, 02:55](1811 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [39:23, 02:57](1772 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [38:55, 03:19](1761 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [38:26, 01:26](871 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [20:14, 01:31](851 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [38:18, 01:52](880 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [37:04, 02:00](926 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [34:34, 01:44](1204 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [33:20, 02:11](877 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [33:20, 01:27](870 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [32:31, 01:46](1570 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [10:26, 08:42] ( 3 warnings 92 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [59:21, 02:14](896 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [59:22, 01:55](1057 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [59:21, 02:06](907 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [59:21, 02:16](990 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [31:48, 02:52](778 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [59:21, 02:52](901 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [59:21, 02:41](902 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [31:07, 02:57](777 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [59:21, 02:45](901 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [59:21, 02:44](903 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [58:26, 02:57](975 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [31:07, 02:20](733 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [29:55, 02:16](897 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [29:15, 01:53](1857 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [29:00, 02:20](1848 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [15:32, 08:06] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [28:43, 01:44](857 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [28:02, 01:34](557 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [15:32, 08:13] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [28:02, 01:19](1551 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [16:33, 08:22] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [27:47, 02:01](1749 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [27:24, 01:52](868 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [15:32, 07:34] ( 867 warnings 92 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [27:03, 01:24](1491 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [25:26, 02:11](1493 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [22:12, 01:20](693 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [21:54, 01:45](694 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [20:44, 01:40](998 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [20:12, 02:22](704 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [19:58, 02:03](1554 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [19:20, 01:25](1792 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [18:00, 01:25](892 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [17:43, 01:46](1079 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [17:42, 01:38](1067 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [17:40, 01:37](1075 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [17:20, 01:44](1077 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [16:24, 01:28](1079 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [16:18, 02:09](1159 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [16:12, 02:14](1080 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [15:23, 01:49](1081 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [15:16, 01:55](1078 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [15:15, 01:52](1090 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [15:13, 01:48](1070 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [13:31, 01:26](1075 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [13:28, 02:24](1073 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [13:25, 01:36](1069 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [12:29, 02:17](1074 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [12:21, 02:20](1078 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [12:10, 02:38](1077 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [11:26, 04:21] ( 823 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [11:45, 01:56](1577 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [15:31, 08:03] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [11:23, 02:27](929 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [10:36, 02:51](783 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [10:03, 03:30](776 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:45, 02:37](835 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:24, 03:04](824 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:20, 02:44](776 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [58:15, 02:15](678 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [00:15, 01:31](663 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [14:28, 07:59] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [09:09, 01:54](990 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [59:14, 02:12](990 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [58:42, 01:19](865 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [14:28, 08:07] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [08:16, 02:07](809 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [15:32, 04:33] ( 771 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:54, 02:24](952 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:09, 01:32](949 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [06:03, 01:35](1041 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [06:03, 01:26](713 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [05:50, 01:26](1042 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [05:44, 01:28](1107 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [14:31, 04:20] ( 771 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [04:50, 02:05](978 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [19:42, 09:50] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [04:44, 02:28](591 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [04:44, 01:50](958 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [04:40, 02:42](644 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [04:40, 03:12](668 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [04:39, 02:36](690 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [02:59, 02:14](376 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [02:53, 03:09](387 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [01:54, 02:31](373 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [01:53, 03:48](365 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [01:14, 02:16](401 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [58:16, 02:21](464 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [57:40, 02:35](474 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [57:24, 01:29](301 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [15:38, 04:52] ( 1444 warnings 1489 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [57:25, 01:43](500 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [20:45, 09:40] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [56:20, 02:04](512 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [54:41, 02:07](698 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [20:45, 09:53] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [54:35, 02:41](702 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [19:35, 09:07] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [54:16, 02:22](638 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [54:00, 02:30](622 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [53:46, 02:03](879 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [19:44, 10:01] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [53:10, 02:33](1818 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [19:43, 09:35] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [13:36, 05:20] ( 866 warnings 2 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [15:29, 08:32] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [52:34, 02:22](3009 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [52:09, 02:00](2891 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [51:56, 02:56](2906 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [11:26, 04:24] ( 868 warnings 6 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [51:49, 02:31](4375 MB) + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20241213 20:37:26 +Ending Date/Time: 20241213 22:40:47 +Total Time: 02h:04m:00s +Compiles Completed: 33/33 +Tests Completed: 157/157 + +NOTES: +A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF WCOSS2 REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests/module-setup.sh b/tests/module-setup.sh index 34767e40a7..5bbba3e465 100755 --- a/tests/module-setup.sh +++ b/tests/module-setup.sh @@ -1,58 +1,72 @@ #!/bin/bash set -eu -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet* ]] ; then +if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = jet ]] ; then # We are on NOAA Jet if ( ! eval module help > /dev/null 2>&1 ) ; then source /apps/lmod/lmod/init/bash fi module purge -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera* ]] ; then +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = hera ]] ; then # We are on NOAA Hera if ( ! eval module help > /dev/null 2>&1 ) ; then source /apps/lmod/lmod/init/bash fi module purge -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion* ]] ; then +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = orion ]] ; then # We are on Orion if ( ! eval module help > /dev/null 2>&1 ) ; then source /apps/lmod/init/bash fi module purge -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = s4* ]] ; then +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = hercules ]] ; then + # We are on Hercules + if ( ! eval module help > /dev/null 2>&1 ) ; then + source /apps/other/lmod/lmod/init/bash + fi + module purge + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = s4 ]] ; then # We are on SSEC Wisconsin S4 if ( ! eval module help > /dev/null 2>&1 ) ; then source /usr/share/lmod/lmod/init/bash fi module purge -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = wcoss2* || $MACHINE_ID = acorn* ]] ; then +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = wcoss2 || ${MACHINE_ID} = acorn ]] ; then # We are on NOAA Cactus or Dogwood if ( ! eval module help > /dev/null 2>&1 ) ; then source /usr/share/lmod/lmod/init/bash fi module purge module reset - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne* ]] ; then - # We are on NCAR Cheyenne + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = derecho ]] ; then + # We are on NCAR Derecho if ( ! eval module help > /dev/null 2>&1 ) ; then - source /glade/u/apps/ch/modulefiles/default/localinit/localinit.sh + source /glade/u/apps/derecho/23.09/spack/opt/spack/lmod/8.7.24/gcc/7.5.0/c645/lmod/lmod/init/bash fi module purge - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = stampede* ]] ; then + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = stampede ]] ; then # We are on TACC Stampede if ( ! eval module help > /dev/null 2>&1 ) ; then source /opt/apps/lmod/lmod/init/bash fi module purge -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea* ]] ; then - # We are on GAEA. +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = frontera ]] ; then + # We are on TACC Frontera + if ( ! eval module help > /dev/null 2>&1 ) ; then + source /opt/apps/lmod/lmod/init/bash + fi + module purge + +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = gaea ]] ; then + # We are on GAEA if ( ! eval module help > /dev/null 2>&1 ) ; then # We cannot simply load the module command. The GAEA # /etc/profile modifies a number of module-related variables @@ -60,35 +74,10 @@ elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea* ]] ; then # the module command fails. Hence we actually have to source # /etc/profile here. source /etc/profile - __ms_source_etc_profile=yes - else - __ms_source_etc_profile=no - fi - module purge - # clean up after purge - unset _LMFILES_ - unset _LMFILES_000 - unset _LMFILES_001 - unset LOADEDMODULES - module load modules - if [[ -d /opt/cray/ari/modulefiles ]] ; then - module use -a /opt/cray/ari/modulefiles - fi - if [[ -d /opt/cray/pe/ari/modulefiles ]] ; then - module use -a /opt/cray/pe/ari/modulefiles - fi - if [[ -d /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/modulefiles ]] ; then - module use -a /opt/cray/pe/craype/default/modulefiles - fi - if [[ -s /etc/opt/cray/pe/admin-pe/site-config ]] ; then - source /etc/opt/cray/pe/admin-pe/site-config - fi - if [[ "$__ms_source_etc_profile" == yes ]] ; then - source /etc/profile - unset __ms_source_etc_profile fi + module reset -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = expanse* ]]; then +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = expanse ]]; then # We are on SDSC Expanse if ( ! eval module help > /dev/null 2>&1 ) ; then source /etc/profile.d/modules.sh @@ -96,6 +85,10 @@ elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = expanse* ]]; then module purge module load slurm/expanse/20.02.3 +elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = noaacloud ]] ; then + # We are on NOAA Cloud + module purge + else echo WARNING: UNKNOWN PLATFORM 1>&2 fi diff --git a/tests/opnReqTest b/tests/opnReqTest index e24c1c8e70..f23b85b31a 100755 --- a/tests/opnReqTest +++ b/tests/opnReqTest @@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ error() { usage() { #set +x echo - echo "Usage: $program -n [ -c ] [-b] [-d] [-e] [-k] [-h] [-x] [-z]" + echo "Usage: $program -n -a [ -c ] [-b] [-d] [-e] [-k] [-h] [-x] [-z]" echo + echo " -a specify HPC to use for batch job" + echo echo " -n specify " echo echo " -c specify " @@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ cleanup() { } find_build() { - cat rt.conf rt_gnu.conf >rt.temp + cat rt.conf >rt.temp local compile_line='' local run_line='' while read -r line || [ "$line" ]; do @@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ find_build() { [[ $line == \#* ]] && continue if [[ $line =~ COMPILE ]] ; then - compile_opt=$(echo $line | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') + compile_opt=$(echo $line | cut -d'|' -f4 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') elif [[ $line =~ RUN ]]; then tmp_test_name=$(echo $line | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') if [[ $TEST_NAME == $tmp_test_name && $compile_opt != '' ]]; then @@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ find_build() { build_opnReqTests() { rm -f fv3_std.exe fv3_dbg.exe fv3_bit.exe modules.fv3_std modules.fv3_dbg modules.fv3_bit - + export RTVERBOSE=false model_found=false base_opt= find_build @@ -102,12 +104,12 @@ build_opnReqTests() { ;; esac MAKE_OPT=$(echo $MAKE_OPT | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') - export COMPILE_NR=${name} + export COMPILE_ID=${name} cat <<-EOF > ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/compile_${name}.env export MACHINE_ID=${MACHINE_ID} - export JOB_NR=${COMPILE_NR} - export COMPILE_NR=${COMPILE_NR} + export JOB_NR=${COMPILE_ID} + export COMPILE_ID=${COMPILE_ID} export PATHRT=${PATHRT} export PATHTR=${PATHTR} export SCHEDULER=${SCHEDULER} @@ -118,14 +120,15 @@ build_opnReqTests() { export ECFLOW=${ECFLOW} export REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} export LOG_DIR=${LOG_DIR} + export RT_COMPILER=${RT_COMPILER} EOF if [[ $ECFLOW == true ]]; then - COMPILE_NR=$name + COMPILE_ID=$name ecflow_create_compile_task else echo "compiling $name with compile option $MAKE_OPT" - ./compile.sh $MACHINE_ID "${MAKE_OPT}" $name >${LOG_DIR}/compile_${TEST_NAME}_$name.log 2>&1 + ./compile.sh $MACHINE_ID "${MAKE_OPT}" $name ${RT_COMPILER} >${LOG_DIR}/compile_${TEST_NAME}_$name.log 2>&1 echo "done compiling $name" fi done @@ -134,22 +137,21 @@ build_opnReqTests() { run_opnReqTests() { JOB_NR=0 for rc in $run_case; do - # load default variables and override as necessary - source default_vars.sh - source ${PATHRT}/tests/$TEST_NAME # if TEST_NAME specifies WARM_START true, error and exit + source ${PATHRT}/tests/$TEST_NAME if [[ ${WARM_START} == .T. ]]; then error "test-name cannot be a restart run (i.e. WARM_START=.T.)" fi - application='' if [[ $TEST_NAME =~ regional ]]; then application=regional elif [[ $TEST_NAME =~ cpld ]]; then application=cpld elif [[ $TEST_NAME =~ datm ]]; then application=datm + elif [[ $TEST_NAME =~ atmw ]]; then + application=atmw else application=global fi @@ -229,6 +231,7 @@ run_opnReqTests() { export INPUTDATA_ROOT=${INPUTDATA_ROOT} export INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3=${INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3} export INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC=${INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC} + export INPUTDATA_LM4=${INPUTDATA_LM4} export PATHRT=${PATHRT} export PATHTR=${PATHTR} export NEW_BASELINE=${NEW_BASELINE} @@ -245,27 +248,30 @@ run_opnReqTests() { export LOG_DIR=${LOG_DIR} export skip_check_results=${skip_check_results} export delete_rundir=${delete_rundir} + export RT_COMPILER=${RT_COMPILER} + export WLCLK=${WLCLK} EOF if [[ $ECFLOW == true ]]; then - TEST_NR=${RT_SUFFIX:1} - COMPILE_NR=$comp_nm + TEST_ID=${RT_SUFFIX:1} + COMPILE_ID=$comp_nm + RT_COMPILER=${RT_COMPILER:-intel} DEP_RUN= if [[ ${RT_SUFFIX} == _std || ${RT_SUFFIX} == _thr || ${RT_SUFFIX} == _mpi || ${RT_SUFFIX} == _dcp || ${RT_SUFFIX} == _rst || ${RT_SUFFIX} == _fhz ]]; then - DEP_RUN="${TEST_NAME}_std_base" + DEP_RUN="${TEST_NAME}_${RT_COMPILER}_std_base" elif [[ ${RT_SUFFIX} == _bit ]]; then - DEP_RUN="${TEST_NAME}_bit_base" + DEP_RUN="${TEST_NAME}_${RT_COMPILER}_bit_base" elif [[ ${RT_SUFFIX} == _dbg ]]; then - DEP_RUN="${TEST_NAME}_dbg_base" + DEP_RUN="${TEST_NAME}_${RT_COMPILER}_dbg_base" else DEP_RUN='' fi ecflow_create_run_task else - echo "Running test for $rc with" - echo " THRD: $THRD; INPES: $INPES; JNPES: $JNPES; TASKS: $TASKS; TPN: $TPN" - TEST_NR=${RT_SUFFIX:1} - ./run_test.sh $PATHRT $RUNDIR_ROOT $TEST_NAME $TEST_NR $comp_nm > $LOG_DIR/run_${TEST_NR}_${TEST_NAME}${RT_SUFFIX}.log 2>&1 + echo "Running test for $rc" + echo " THRD: $THRD; INPES: $INPES; JNPES: $JNPES; TPN: $TPN" + TEST_ID=${RT_SUFFIX:1} + ./run_test.sh $PATHRT $RUNDIR_ROOT $TEST_NAME $TEST_ID $comp_nm > $LOG_DIR/run_${TEST_ID}_${TEST_NAME}_${RT_COMPILER}${RT_SUFFIX}.log #2>&1 fi done @@ -295,15 +301,14 @@ readonly PATHRT=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd -P) # PATHTR - Path to trunk directory readonly PATHTR=$(cd ${PATHRT}/.. && pwd) readonly lockdir=${PATHRT}/lock_opnReqTest -export OPNREQ_TEST=true export CI_TEST=${CI_TEST:-false} [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage_and_exit 1 # specify compiler export RT_COMPILER=${RT_COMPILER:-intel} -# detect_machine sets ACCNR and MACHINE_ID -RT_MACHINE=${RT_MACHINE:-} +# detect_machine sets MACHINE_ID +MACHINE=${MACHINE:-} source detect_machine.sh cd $PATHRT @@ -319,8 +324,10 @@ source rt_utils.sh source module-setup.sh +rm -f fail_test* fail_compile* + # Machine-dependent libraries, modules, variables, etc. -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera.* ]]; then +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]]; then PYTHONHOME=/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3_new_20210629 export PATH=$PYTHONHOME/bin:$PATH @@ -332,16 +339,13 @@ if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera.* ]]; then PARTITION= QUEUE=batch COMPILE_QUEUE=batch - ACCNR="${ACCNR:-nems}" - dprefix=/scratch1/NCEPDEV - DISKNM=$dprefix/nems/emc.nemspara/RT - STMP=${dprefix}/stmp4 - PTMP=${dprefix}/stmp2 + dprefix="/scratch1/NCEPDEV" + DISKNM="/scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT" + STMP="${dprefix}/stmp4" + PTMP="${dprefix}/stmp2" SCHEDULER=slurm - cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_hera fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN - cp fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_hera fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion.* ]]; then +elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion ]]; then module load gcc/8.3.0 @@ -351,22 +355,42 @@ elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion.* ]]; then ECF_PORT=$(( $(id -u) + 1500 )) QUEUE=batch COMPILE_QUEUE=batch - ACCNR="${ACCNR:-nems}" PARTITION=orion dprefix=/work/noaa/stmp/${USER} DISKNM=/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT STMP=$dprefix/stmp PTMP=$dprefix/stmp SCHEDULER=slurm - cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_orion fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN - cp fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_orion fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = linux.* ]]; then +elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = hercules ]]; then + + module load contrib rocoto/1.3.5 + ROCOTORUN=$(which rocotorun) + ROCOTOSTAT=$(which rocotostat) + ROCOTOCOMPLETE=$(which rocotocomplete) + + module use /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/modulefiles + module load ecflow/5.8.4-hercules + ECFLOW_START=/work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/ecflow-5.8.4-hercules/bin/ecflow_start.sh + ECF_PORT=$(( $(id -u) + 1500 )) + + QUEUE=windfall + COMPILE_QUEUE=windfall + PARTITION=hercules + dprefix=/work2/noaa/epic/${USER} + DISKNM=/work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT + STMP=$dprefix/stmp + PTMP=$dprefix/stmp + + SCHEDULER=slurm + cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_hercules fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN + cp fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_hercules fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN + +elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = linux ]]; then PARTITION= QUEUE= COMPILE_QUEUE= - ACCNR= dprefix=/home/builder DISKNM=${dprefix}/data STMP=${dprefix}/stmp4 @@ -393,8 +417,11 @@ skip_check_results=false delete_rundir=false # parse command line arguments to fill-in/modify the above default variables -while getopts :n:c:ekhbdsxz opt; do +while getopts :a:n:c:ekhbdsxz opt; do case $opt in + a) + ACCNR=$OPTARG + ;; n) TEST_NAME=$OPTARG echo "test name: ${TEST_NAME}" @@ -439,6 +466,11 @@ while getopts :n:c:ekhbdsxz opt; do done # some safety guards for input arguments +ACCNR=${ACCNR:-""} +if [[ -z "$ACCNR" ]]; then + echo "Please use -a to set group account to use on HPC" + exit 1 +fi if [[ -z $TEST_NAME ]]; then error "$program: test name is required. try 'opnReqTest -h' for usage" fi @@ -455,6 +487,9 @@ if [[ $dbg_compare == true && ! $test_case =~ dbg ]]; then error "$program: debug reproducibility test requires specifying dbg" fi +# load default variables and override as necessary +source default_vars.sh + # enumerate which case to compile and run compile_case= run_case= @@ -500,9 +535,9 @@ if [[ $run_case =~ std_base && ! $run_case =~ ^std_base ]]; then fi # log directory -export LOG_DIR=${PATHRT}/log_opnReqTest_$MACHINE_ID +export LOG_DIR=${PATHRT}/logs/log_opnReqTest_$MACHINE_ID rm -rf ${LOG_DIR} -mkdir ${LOG_DIR} +mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR} # directory where all simulations are run RUNDIR_ROOT=${RUNDIR_ROOT:-${PTMP}/${USER}}/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_$$ @@ -526,24 +561,21 @@ if [[ $ECFLOW == true ]]; then limit max_builds 6 limit max_jobs 30 EOF - if [[ $MACHINE_ID == hera.* ]]; then + if [[ $MACHINE_ID == hera ]]; then QUEUE=batch - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID == orion.* ]]; then + elif [[ $MACHINE_ID == hercules ]]; then + QUEUE=windfall + elif [[ $MACHINE_ID == orion ]]; then QUEUE=batch else error "ecflow is not supported on this machine $MACHINE_ID" fi - if [[ $MACHINE_ID == hera.* ]] && [[ ! $HOSTNAME == hecflow* ]]; then - echo "ERROR: To use ECFlow on Hera please use the 'hecflow01' login node: ssh hecflow01." - exit 1 - fi - fi -opnreqtest_log=${PATHRT}/OpnReqTests_${TEST_NAME}_$MACHINE_ID.log +opnreqtest_log=${PATHRT}/logs/OpnReqTests_${TEST_NAME}_$MACHINE_ID.log REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=$opnreqtest_log -rm -f fail_opnreq_test* fail_opnreq_compile* +rm -f fail_test* fail_compile* date >${opnreqtest_log} echo "Start Operation Requirement Test" >> ${opnreqtest_log} @@ -601,9 +633,10 @@ fi mkdir -p ${STMP}/${USER} NEW_BASELINE=${STMP}/${USER}/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST RTPWD=${NEW_BASELINE} -INPUTDATA_ROOT=${INPUTDATA_ROOT:-$DISKNM/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20221101} -INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3=${INPUTDATA_ROOT}/WW3_input_data_20220624/ +INPUTDATA_ROOT=${INPUTDATA_ROOT:-$DISKNM/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501} +INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3=${INPUTDATA_ROOT}/WW3_input_data_20240214/ INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC=${INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC:-$DISKNM/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207} +INPUTDATA_LM4=${INPUTDATA_LM4:-${INPUTDATA_ROOT}/LM4_input_data} rm -rf $NEW_BASELINE mkdir -p $NEW_BASELINE @@ -621,20 +654,20 @@ fi ######################################################################## set +e cat ${LOG_DIR}/compile_*_time.log | tee -a ${opnreqtest_log} -cat ${LOG_DIR}/opnReqTest_*.log | tee -a ${opnreqtest_log} +cat ${LOG_DIR}/rt_*.log | tee -a ${opnreqtest_log} -FILES="fail_opnreq_test_* fail_opnreq_compile_*" +FILES="fail_test_* fail_compile_*" for f in $FILES; do if [[ -f "$f" ]]; then - cat "$f" >> fail_opnreq_test + cat "$f" >> fail_test fi done -if [[ -e fail_opnreq_test ]]; then +if [[ -e fail_test ]]; then echo "FAILED TESTS: " | tee -a ${opnreqtest_log} while read -r failed_test_name; do echo "Test ${failed_test_name} failed " | tee -a ${opnreqtest_log} - done < fail_opnreq_test + done < fail_test echo "OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST FAILED" | tee -a ${opnreqtest_log} date >>${opnreqtest_log} diff --git a/tests/opnReqTests/cmp_proc_bind.sh b/tests/opnReqTests/cmp_proc_bind.sh index ba5e327e74..8c0ac29ef6 100755 --- a/tests/opnReqTests/cmp_proc_bind.sh +++ b/tests/opnReqTests/cmp_proc_bind.sh @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ set -eu -OMP_ENV="" MPI_PROC_BIND="-bind-to user:" - +export OMP_ENV=${OMP_ENV:-""} if [[ $rc != 'thr' ]]; then for i in $(seq 0 $((TASKS-1))); do MPI_PROC_BIND="$MPI_PROC_BIND$i," diff --git a/tests/opnReqTests/dbg.sh b/tests/opnReqTests/dbg.sh index f4ab6f5859..131da76ea8 100644 --- a/tests/opnReqTests/dbg.sh +++ b/tests/opnReqTests/dbg.sh @@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ if [[ $application == 'global' ]]; then fi WRITE_DOPOST=.false. elif [[ $application == 'regional' ]]; then - echo "Regional application not yet implemented for debug" - exit 1 + echo "Regional application not yet implemented for debug, skipping..." + continue 1 elif [[ $application == 'cpld' ]]; then FHMAX=3 DAYS=0.125 - NFHOUT_HF=1 RESTART_INTERVAL=${FHMAX} RESTART_N=${FHMAX} OUTPUT_FH="0 ${FHMAX}" @@ -29,16 +28,34 @@ elif [[ $application == 'cpld' ]]; then LIST_FILES=$(echo -n $LIST_FILES | sed -E "s/sfcf024/sfcf003/g" \ | sed -E "s/atmf024/atmf003/g" \ | sed -E "s/2021-03-23-21600/2021-03-22-32400/g" \ + | sed -E "s/20210323\.060000/20210322\.090000/g" \ | sed -E "s/sfcf021\.tile[1-6]\.nc ?//g" \ | sed -E "s/atmf021\.tile[1-6]\.nc ?//g" \ | sed -E "s/(gocart\.inst_aod\.202103)23_0600z\.nc4/\122_0900z\.nc4/g" \ | sed -E "s/20210323\.060000\.out_pnt\.ww3/20210322\.090000\.out_pnt\.ww3/g" \ | sed -E "s/20210323\.060000\.out_grd\.ww3/20210322\.090000\.out_grd\.ww3/g" \ | sed -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ *$//") +elif [[ $application == 'atmw' ]]; then + FHMAX=3 + WW3_RSTDTHR=3 + WW3_DT_2_RST="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3_RSTDTHR}*3600 )))" + DAYS=0.125 + RESTART_INTERVAL=${FHMAX} + RESTART_N=${FHMAX} + OUTPUT_FH="0 ${FHMAX}" + LIST_FILES=$(echo -n $LIST_FILES | sed -E "s/sfcf012/sfcf003/g" \ + | sed -E "s/atmf012/atmf003/g" \ + | sed -E "s/2021-03-22-64800/2021-03-22-32400/g" \ + | sed -E "s/20210322\.180000/20210322\.090000/g" \ + | sed -E "s/20210322\.180000\.out_pnt\.ww3/20210322\.090000\.out_pnt\.ww3/g" \ + | sed -E "s/20210322\.180000\.out_grd\.ww3/20210322\.090000\.out_grd\.ww3/g" \ + | sed -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ *$//") + fi source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/wrt_env.sh cat <>${RUNDIR_ROOT}/opnreq_test${RT_SUFFIX}.env export WLCLK=${WLCLK} +export WW3_DT_2_RST=${WW3_DT_2_RST:-} EOF diff --git a/tests/opnReqTests/dcp.sh b/tests/opnReqTests/dcp.sh index a3d26fec1a..0c779b72ba 100644 --- a/tests/opnReqTests/dcp.sh +++ b/tests/opnReqTests/dcp.sh @@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ if [[ $application == 'global' ]]; then fi elif [[ $application == 'regional' ]]; then if [[ $CI_TEST == 'true' ]]; then - INPES=10 - JNPES=3 + INPES=5 + JNPES=12 NTILES=1 + WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=10 TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES*NTILES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP)) NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) else @@ -29,14 +30,24 @@ elif [[ $application == 'cpld' ]]; then JNPES=1 OCN_tasks=10 ICE_tasks=6 - NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks + CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES*NTILES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP + OCN_tasks + ICE_tasks)) else temp=$INPES INPES=$JNPES JNPES=$temp fi +elif [[ $application == 'atmw' ]]; then + if [[ $CI_TEST == 'true' ]]; then + INPES=3 + JNPES=1 + TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP)) + else + temp=$INPES + INPES=$JNPES + JNPES=$temp + fi fi -(test $CI_TEST == 'true') && source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/cmp_proc_bind.sh + source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/wrt_env.sh diff --git a/tests/opnReqTests/fhz.sh b/tests/opnReqTests/fhz.sh index ff1c9364fb..ec4e0e6df4 100644 --- a/tests/opnReqTests/fhz.sh +++ b/tests/opnReqTests/fhz.sh @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ set -eu source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/std.sh + if [[ $application == 'global' ]]; then FHZERO=3 LIST_FILES=$(echo -n $LIST_FILES | sed -E "s/phyf024.nc ?//g" \ @@ -17,16 +18,22 @@ elif [[ $application == 'cpld' ]]; then | sed -E "s/atmf024.tile[1-6].nc ?//g" \ | sed -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ *$//") else - echo "This test is not yet set up for the fhzero test" - exit 1 + echo "This test is not yet set up for the fhzero test, skipping..." + continue 1 fi +elif [[ $application == 'atmw' ]]; then + FHZERO=3 + LIST_FILES=$(echo -n $LIST_FILES | sed -E "s/sfcf012.nc ?//g" \ + | sed -E "s/atmf012.nc ?//g" \ + | sed -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ *$//") else - echo "This test is not yet set up for the fhzero test" - exit 1 + echo "This test is not yet set up for the fhzero test, skipping..." + continue 1 fi source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/wrt_env.sh cat <>${RUNDIR_ROOT}/opnreq_test${RT_SUFFIX}.env export FHZERO=${FHZERO} +export CMP_DATAONLY=true EOF diff --git a/tests/opnReqTests/mpi.sh b/tests/opnReqTests/mpi.sh index 9be9300a20..b16b4af135 100644 --- a/tests/opnReqTests/mpi.sh +++ b/tests/opnReqTests/mpi.sh @@ -13,12 +13,23 @@ if [[ $application == 'global' ]]; then TASKS=$(( INPES*JNPES*NTILES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP )) NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) elif [[ $application == 'regional' ]]; then - echo "Regional application not yet implemented for mpi" - exit 1 + echo "Regional application not yet implemented for mpi, skipping..." + continue 1 elif [[ $application == 'cpld' ]]; then - echo "Coupled application not yet implemented for mpi" - exit 1 + echo "Coupled application not yet implemented for mpi, skipping..." + continue 1 +elif [[ $application == 'atmw' ]]; then + if [ $CI_TEST == 'true' ]; then + INPES=2 + JNPES=2 + else + JNPES=$((JNPES/2)) + fi + WRITE_GROUP=2 + WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=12 + TASKS=$(( INPES*JNPES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP )) + NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) fi -(test $CI_TEST == 'true') && source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/cmp_proc_bind.sh + source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/wrt_env.sh diff --git a/tests/opnReqTests/rst.sh b/tests/opnReqTests/rst.sh index 04bd879d64..f01b2ca0cf 100644 --- a/tests/opnReqTests/rst.sh +++ b/tests/opnReqTests/rst.sh @@ -20,18 +20,27 @@ if [[ $application == 'global' ]]; then fi elif [[ $application == 'regional' ]]; then - echo "Regional application not yet implemented for restart" - exit 1 + echo "Regional application not yet implemented for restart, skipping..." + continue 1 elif [[ $application == 'cpld' ]]; then FHROT=$(( FHMAX/2 )) - CICERUNTYPE='continue' + CICE_RUNTYPE='continue' RUNTYPE='continue' - USE_RESTART_TIME='.true.' + CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME='.true.' MOM6_RESTART_SETTING="r" RESTART_N=$(( FHMAX - FHROT )) RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( SHOUR + FHROT )))0000" - RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%02d" $(( SHOUR + FHROT )))" + RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%05d" $(( (SHOUR + FHROT)* 3600 )))" + RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT}+${SHOUR} )))0000" +elif [[ $application == 'atmw' ]]; then + FHROT=$(( FHMAX/2 )) + WW3_RSTDTHR=6 + WW3_DT_2_RST="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3_RSTDTHR}*3600 )))" + RUNTYPE='continue' + CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME='.true.' + RESTART_N=$(( FHMAX - FHROT )) + RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( SHOUR + FHROT )))0000" RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%05d" $(( (SHOUR + FHROT)* 3600 )))" RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT}+${SHOUR} )))0000" fi @@ -55,19 +64,19 @@ LIST_FILES=$(echo -n $LIST_FILES | sed -E "s/phyf0[0-9][0-9]/phyf0$FHMAX_2D/g" \ LIST_FILES=$(echo $LIST_FILES | xargs -n1 | sort -u | xargs) -(test $CI_TEST == 'true') && source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/cmp_proc_bind.sh + source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/wrt_env.sh cat <>${RUNDIR_ROOT}/opnreq_test${RT_SUFFIX}.env export FHROT=${FHROT} +export WW3_DT_2_RST=${WW3_DT_2_RST:-} export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX=${RESTART_FILE_PREFIX} export NSTF_NAME=${NSTF_NAME} -export CICERUNTYPE=${CICERUNTYPE:-} +export CICE_RUNTYPE=${CICE_RUNTYPE:-} export RUNTYPE=${RUNTYPE:-} -export USE_RESTART_TIME=${USE_RESTART_TIME:-} +export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=${CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME:-} export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=${MOM6_RESTART_SETTING:-} export RESTART_N=${RESTART_N:-} -export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS=${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS:-} export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS=${RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS:-} export RUN_BEG="${RUN_BEG:-}" export OUT_BEG="${RUN_BEG:-}" diff --git a/tests/opnReqTests/std.sh b/tests/opnReqTests/std.sh index af085af266..6d03aa541e 100644 --- a/tests/opnReqTests/std.sh +++ b/tests/opnReqTests/std.sh @@ -7,16 +7,18 @@ if [[ $application == 'global' ]]; then WRITE_GROUP=1 WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=12 TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES*NTILES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP)) + NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) fi RESTART_N=$(( FHMAX/2 )) RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" elif [[ $application == 'regional' ]]; then if [[ $CI_TEST == 'true' ]]; then - INPES=4 - JNPES=6 + INPES=10 + JNPES=11 NTILES=1 - WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=8 + WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=10 TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES*NTILES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP)) + NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) fi elif [[ $application == 'cpld' ]]; then if [ $CI_TEST == 'true' ]; then @@ -24,15 +26,25 @@ elif [[ $application == 'cpld' ]]; then JNPES=2 OCN_tasks=10 ICE_tasks=6 - NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks + CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES*NTILES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP + OCN_tasks + ICE_tasks)) + NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) + fi + RESTART_N=$(( FHMAX/2 )) + RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +elif [[ $application == 'atmw' ]]; then + if [ $CI_TEST == 'true' ]; then + INPES=3 + JNPES=8 + WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 + TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP)) + NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) fi RESTART_N=$(( FHMAX/2 )) RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" fi -NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) -(test $CI_TEST == 'true') && source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/cmp_proc_bind.sh +#outdated (test $CI_TEST == 'true') && source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/cmp_proc_bind.sh if [[ $RT_SUFFIX =~ std ]]; then source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/wrt_env.sh fi diff --git a/tests/opnReqTests/thr.sh b/tests/opnReqTests/thr.sh index c334f02d82..5c53609d2f 100644 --- a/tests/opnReqTests/thr.sh +++ b/tests/opnReqTests/thr.sh @@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ if [[ $application == 'global' ]]; then NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) elif [[ $application == 'regional' ]]; then if [[ $CI_TEST == 'true' ]]; then - INPES=4 - JNPES=4 + INPES=5 + JNPES=11 NTILES=1 + WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=10 TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES*NTILES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP)) + NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) fi - NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) elif [[ $application == 'cpld' ]]; then if [[ $CI_TEST != 'true' ]]; then if [[ $TEST_NAME =~ 'cpld_control_c96_p8' ]]; then @@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ elif [[ $application == 'cpld' ]]; then JNPES=4 OCN_tasks=30 ICE_tasks=12 - NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks + CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES*NTILES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP + OCN_tasks + ICE_tasks)) NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) elif [[ $TEST_NAME =~ 'cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8' ]]; then @@ -30,26 +31,35 @@ elif [[ $application == 'cpld' ]]; then JNPES=4 OCN_tasks=30 ICE_tasks=12 - NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks + CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES*NTILES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP + OCN_tasks + ICE_tasks)) NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) - elif [[ $TEST_NAME =~ 'cpld_control_p8' ]] || [[ $TEST_NAME =~ 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8' ]]; then + elif [[ $TEST_NAME =~ 'cpld_control_p8' ]] || [[ $TEST_NAME =~ 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8' ]] || [[ $TEST_NAME =~ 'cpld_control_gfsv17' ]]; then INPES=3 JNPES=4 OCN_tasks=20 ICE_tasks=10 WAV_tasks=12 - NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks + CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES*NTILES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP + OCN_tasks + ICE_tasks + WAV_tasks)) NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) elif [[ $TEST_NAME == 'cpld_bmark_p8' ]]; then - NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) + #need to overhaul NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) + echo $TEST_NAME else - echo "This test is not yet set up for the thread test" - exit 1 + echo "This test is not yet set up for the thread test, skipping..." + continue 1 fi fi +elif [[ $application == 'atmw' ]]; then + if [[ $CI_TEST == 'true' ]]; then + INPES=5 + JNPES=11 + WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=10 + TASKS=$((INPES*JNPES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP)) + NODES=$(((TASKS+TPN-1)/TPN)) + fi fi -(test $CI_TEST == 'true') && source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/cmp_proc_bind.sh + source $PATHRT/opnReqTests/wrt_env.sh diff --git a/tests/opnReqTests/wrt_env.sh b/tests/opnReqTests/wrt_env.sh index 913c33f0f4..2f6871d7f2 100644 --- a/tests/opnReqTests/wrt_env.sh +++ b/tests/opnReqTests/wrt_env.sh @@ -1,29 +1,25 @@ cat <${RUNDIR_ROOT}/opnreq_test${RT_SUFFIX}.env -export OPNREQ_TEST=${OPNREQ_TEST} export CI_TEST=${CI_TEST} export RT_COMPILER=${RT_COMPILER} export FHMAX=${FHMAX} export DAYS=${DAYS} export RESTART_N=${RESTART_N:-} export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_INTERVAL:-}" -export INPES=${INPES} -export JNPES=${JNPES} +export INPES=${INPES:-} +export JNPES=${JNPES:-} export NTILES=${NTILES:-} export OCN_tasks=${OCN_tasks:-} export ICE_tasks=${ICE_tasks:-} export WAV_tasks=${WAV_tasks:-} -export WRITE_GROUP=${WRITE_GROUP} -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=${WRTTASK_PER_GROUP} -export NPROC_ICE=${NPROC_ICE:-} -export THRD=${THRD} -export TASKS=${TASKS} -export TPN=${TPN} -export NODES=${NODES} +export WRITE_GROUP=${WRITE_GROUP:-} +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=${WRTTASK_PER_GROUP:-} +export CICE_NPROC=${CICE_NPROC:-} +export THRD=${THRD:-} +export TASKS=${TASKS:-} +export TPN=${TPN:-} +export NODES=${NODES:-} export OMP_ENV="${OMP_ENV:-}" export MPI_PROC_BIND="${MPI_PROC_BIND:-}" -export NFHOUT=${NFHOUT} -export NFHMAX_HF=${NFHMAX_HF} -export NFHOUT_HF=${NFHOUT_HF} export LIST_FILES="${LIST_FILES}" export OUTPUT_FH="${OUTPUT_FH}" export AOD_FRQ=${AOD_FRQ:-} diff --git a/tests/parm/MOM6_data_table.IN b/tests/parm/MOM6_data_table.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..71d0106acf --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/MOM6_data_table.IN @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +"OCN", "runoff", "runoff", "./INPUT/@[MOM6_FRUNOFF]", "none" , 1.0 diff --git a/tests/parm/MOM6_data_table_hafs b/tests/parm/MOM6_data_table_hafs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..89905df3a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/MOM6_data_table_hafs @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +"OCN", "runoff", "liq_runoff", "./INPUT/ocean_runoff_monthly.nc", "bilinear", 1.0 +"OCN", "SSS_restore", "s_an", "./INPUT/ocean_salt_restore.nc", "bilinear", 1.0 diff --git a/tests/parm/MOM_input_template_025 b/tests/parm/MOM_input_025.IN similarity index 96% rename from tests/parm/MOM_input_template_025 rename to tests/parm/MOM_input_025.IN index b88c181456..2a0ef86fcb 100644 --- a/tests/parm/MOM_input_template_025 +++ b/tests/parm/MOM_input_025.IN @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ BAD_VAL_SST_MAX = 55.0 ! [deg C] default = 45.0 BAD_VAL_SST_MIN = -3.0 ! [deg C] default = -2.1 ! The value of SST below which a bad value message is triggered, if ! CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true. -DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS = True ! [Boolean] default = True - ! This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters. +DEFAULT_ANSWER_DATE = 20181231 ! default = 99991231 + ! This sets the default value for the various _ANSWER_DATE parameters. WRITE_GEOM = 2 ! default = 1 ! If =0, never write the geometry and vertical grid files. If =1, write the ! geometry and vertical grid files only for a new simulation. If =2, always @@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [deg C Pa-1] default = 0.0 PARALLEL_RESTARTFILES = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, each processor writes its own restart file, otherwise a single ! restart file is generated -STORE_CORIOLIS_ACCEL = False ! === module MOM_tracer_flow_control === USE_IDEAL_AGE_TRACER = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -342,8 +341,8 @@ DIAG_COORDS = "z Z ZSTAR" ! A list of string tuples associating diag_table modules to ! a coordinate definition used for diagnostics. Each string ! is of the form "MODULE_SUFFIX,PARAMETER_SUFFIX,COORDINATE_NAME". -DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z="FILE:interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc,interfaces=zw" -DIAG_MISVAL = -1e34 +DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z="FILE:@[MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE],interfaces=zw" +DIAG_MISVAL = @[MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL] !DIAG_COORD_DEF_RHO2 = "FILE:diag_rho2.nc,interfaces=rho2" ! default = "WOA09" ! Determines how to specify the coordinate resolution. Valid options are: ! PARAM - use the vector-parameter DIAG_COORD_RES_RHO2 @@ -406,7 +405,7 @@ GILL_EQUATORIAL_LD = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! radius, otherwise, if false, use Pedlosky's definition. These definitions ! differ by a factor of 2 in front of the beta term in the denominator. Gill's ! is the more appropriate definition. -INTERNAL_WAVE_SPEED_BETTER_EST = False ! [Boolean] default = True +INTERNAL_WAVE_SPEED_BETTER_EST = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a more robust estimate of the first mode wave speed as the ! starting point for iterations. @@ -510,9 +509,10 @@ USE_LAND_MASK_FOR_HVISC = False ! [Boolean] default = False HMIX_FIXED = 0.5 ! [m] ! The prescribed depth over which the near-surface viscosity and diffusivity are ! elevated when the bulk mixed layer is not used. -KVML = 1.0E-04 ! [m2 s-1] default = 1.0E-04 - ! The kinematic viscosity in the mixed layer. A typical value is ~1e-2 m2 s-1. - ! KVML is not used if BULKMIXEDLAYER is true. The default is set by KV. +KV_ML_INVZ2 = 1.0E-04 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 + ! An extra kinematic viscosity in a mixed layer of thickness HMIX_FIXED, with + ! the actual viscosity scaling as 1/(z*HMIX_FIXED)^2, where z is the distance + ! from the surface, to allow for finite wind stresses to be transmitted through. MAXVEL = 6.0 ! [m s-1] default = 3.0E+08 ! The maximum velocity allowed before the velocity components are truncated. @@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ PRESSURE_DEPENDENT_FRAZIL = False ! [Boolean] default = False VAR_PEN_SW = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use one of the CHL_A schemes specified by OPACITY_SCHEME to determine ! the e-folding depth of incoming short wave radiation. -CHL_FILE = @[CHLCLIM] ! +CHL_FILE = @[MOM6_CHLCLIM] ! ! CHL_FILE is the file containing chl_a concentrations in the variable CHL_A. It ! is used when VAR_PEN_SW and CHL_FROM_FILE are true. CHL_VARNAME = "chlor_a" ! default = "CHL_A" @@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ NSTAR = 0.06 ! [nondim] default = 0.2 ! The portion of the buoyant potential energy imparted by surface fluxes that is ! available to drive entrainment at the base of mixed layer when that energy is ! positive. -EPBL_MLD_BISECTION = True ! [Boolean] default = False +EPBL_MLD_BISECTION = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use bisection with the iterative determination of the self-consistent ! mixed layer depth. Otherwise use the false position after a maximum and ! minimum bound have been evaluated and the returned value or bisection before @@ -836,6 +836,31 @@ ENERGYSAVEDAYS = 1.00 ! [days] default = 1.0 ! === module ocean_model_init === +! === module MOM_oda_incupd === +ODA_INCUPD = @[ODA_INCUPD] ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, oda incremental updates will be applied + ! everywhere in the domain. +ODA_INCUPD_FILE = "mom6_increment.nc" ! The name of the file with the T,S,h increments. + +ODA_TEMPINC_VAR = @[ODA_TEMPINC_VAR] ! default = "ptemp_inc" + ! The name of the potential temperature inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_SALTINC_VAR = @[ODA_SALTINC_VAR] ! default = "sal_inc" + ! The name of the salinity inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_THK_VAR = @[ODA_THK_VAR] ! default = "h" + ! The name of the int. depth inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_INCUPD_UV = @[ODA_INCUPD_UV] ! +ODA_UINC_VAR = @[ODA_UINC_VAR] ! default = "u_inc" + ! The name of the zonal vel. inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_UV_FILE. +ODA_VINC_VAR = @[ODA_VINC_VAR] ! default = "v_inc" + ! The name of the meridional vel. inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_UV_FILE. +ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS = @[ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS] ! default=3.0 + ! Number of hours for full update (0=direct insertion). + ! === module MOM_surface_forcing === OCEAN_SURFACE_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the @@ -857,9 +882,7 @@ CD_TIDES = 0.0018 ! [nondim] default = 1.0E-04 ! The drag coefficient that applies to the tides. GUST_CONST = 0.0 ! [Pa] default = 0.02 ! The background gustiness in the winds. -FIX_USTAR_GUSTLESS_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true correct a bug in the time-averaging of the gustless wind friction - ! velocity +USTAR_GUSTLESS_BUG = True ! [Boolean] default = False USE_RIGID_SEA_ICE = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, sea-ice is rigid enough to exert a nonhydrostatic pressure that ! resist vertical motion. @@ -871,9 +894,11 @@ LIQUID_RUNOFF_FROM_DATA = @[MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF] ! [Boolean] default = False ! the data_table using the component name 'OCN'. ! === module ocean_stochastics === DO_SPPT = @[DO_OCN_SPPT] ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true perturb the diabatic tendencies in MOM_diabadic_driver -PERT_EPBL = @[PERT_EPBL] ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true perturb the diabatic tendencies in MOM_diabadic_driver +PERT_EPBL = @[PERT_EPBL] ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true perturb the KE dissipation and destruction in MOM_energetic_PBL ! === module MOM_restart === RESTART_CHECKSUMS_REQUIRED = False ! === module MOM_file_parser === + +USE_HUYNH_STENCIL_BUG = True diff --git a/tests/parm/MOM_input_template_050 b/tests/parm/MOM_input_050.IN similarity index 88% rename from tests/parm/MOM_input_template_050 rename to tests/parm/MOM_input_050.IN index 5a2d1459ad..6712c11877 100644 --- a/tests/parm/MOM_input_template_050 +++ b/tests/parm/MOM_input_050.IN @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ BAD_VAL_SST_MAX = 55.0 ! [deg C] default = 45.0 BAD_VAL_SST_MIN = -3.0 ! [deg C] default = -2.1 ! The value of SST below which a bad value message is triggered, if ! CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true. -DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS = True ! [Boolean] default = True - ! This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters. +DEFAULT_ANSWER_DATE = 20181231 ! default = 99991231 + ! This sets the default value for the various _ANSWER_DATE parameters. WRITE_GEOM = 2 ! default = 1 ! If =0, never write the geometry and vertical grid files. If =1, write the ! geometry and vertical grid files only for a new simulation. If =2, always @@ -199,7 +199,6 @@ DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [deg C Pa-1] default = 0.0 PARALLEL_RESTARTFILES = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, each processor writes its own restart file, otherwise a single ! restart file is generated -STORE_CORIOLIS_ACCEL = False ! === module MOM_tracer_flow_control === USE_IDEAL_AGE_TRACER = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -307,7 +306,7 @@ REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PPM_H4" ! default = "PLM" ! Parameters providing information about the lateral grid. ! === module MOM_state_initialization === -INIT_LAYERS_FROM_Z_FILE = True ! [Boolean] default = False +INIT_LAYERS_FROM_Z_FILE = @[MOM6_INIT_FROM_Z] ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, initialize the layer thicknesses, temperatures, and salinities from a ! Z-space file on a latitude-longitude grid. @@ -329,7 +328,96 @@ Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING = True ! [Boolean] default = False Z_INIT_REMAP_OLD_ALG = True ! [Boolean] default = True ! If false, uses the preferred remapping algorithm for initialization. If true, ! use an older, less robust algorithm for remapping. +! === WARMSTARTS === +THICKNESS_CONFIG = "file" ! default = "uniform" + ! A string that determines how the initial layer thicknesses are specified for a + ! new run: + ! file - read interface heights from the file specified + ! by (THICKNESS_FILE). + ! thickness_file - read thicknesses from the file specified + ! by (THICKNESS_FILE). + ! mass_file - read thicknesses in units of mass per unit area from the file + ! specified by (THICKNESS_FILE). + ! coord - determined by ALE coordinate. + ! uniform - uniform thickness layers evenly distributed + ! between the surface and MAXIMUM_DEPTH. + ! list - read a list of positive interface depths. + ! DOME - use a slope and channel configuration for the + ! DOME sill-overflow test case. + ! ISOMIP - use a configuration for the + ! ISOMIP test case. + ! benchmark - use the benchmark test case thicknesses. + ! Neverworld - use the Neverworld test case thicknesses. + ! search - search a density profile for the interface + ! densities. This is not yet implemented. + ! circle_obcs - the circle_obcs test case is used. + ! DOME2D - 2D version of DOME initialization. + ! adjustment2d - 2D lock exchange thickness ICs. + ! sloshing - sloshing gravity thickness ICs. + ! seamount - no motion test with seamount ICs. + ! dumbbell - sloshing channel ICs. + ! soliton - Equatorial Rossby soliton. + ! rossby_front - a mixed layer front in thermal wind balance. + ! USER - call a user modified routine. +THICKNESS_FILE = @[MOM6_WARMSTART_FILE] ! + ! The name of the thickness file. +ADJUST_THICKNESS = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, all mass below the bottom removed if the topography is shallower than + ! the thickness input file would indicate. +THICKNESS_TOLERANCE = 0.1 ! [m] default = 0.1 + ! A parameter that controls the tolerance when adjusting the thickness to fit + ! the bathymetry. Used when ADJUST_THICKNESS=True. +INTERFACE_IC_VAR = "eta" ! default = "eta" + ! The variable name for initial conditions for interface heights relative to + ! mean sea level, positive upward unless otherwise rescaled. +INTERFACE_IC_RESCALE = 1.0 ! [various] default = 1.0 + ! A factor by which to rescale the initial interface heights to convert them to + ! units of m or correct sign conventions to positive upward. +TS_CONFIG = "file" ! + ! A string that determines how the initial temperatures and salinities are + ! specified for a new run: + ! file - read velocities from the file specified + ! by (TS_FILE). + ! fit - find the temperatures that are consistent with + ! the layer densities and salinity S_REF. + ! TS_profile - use temperature and salinity profiles + ! (read from TS_FILE) to set layer densities. + ! benchmark - use the benchmark test case T & S. + ! linear - linear in logical layer space. + ! DOME2D - 2D DOME initialization. + ! ISOMIP - ISOMIP initialization. + ! adjustment2d - 2d lock exchange T/S ICs. + ! sloshing - sloshing mode T/S ICs. + ! seamount - no motion test with seamount ICs. + ! dumbbell - sloshing channel ICs. + ! rossby_front - a mixed layer front in thermal wind balance. + ! SCM_CVMix_tests - used in the SCM CVMix tests. + ! USER - call a user modified routine. +TS_FILE = @[MOM6_WARMSTART_FILE] ! + ! The initial condition file for temperature. +TEMP_IC_VAR = "Temp" ! default = "PTEMP" + ! The initial condition variable for potential temperature. +SALT_IC_VAR = "Salt" ! default = "SALT" + ! The initial condition variable for salinity. +SALT_FILE = @[MOM6_WARMSTART_FILE] ! default = "none" + ! The initial condition file for salinity. +VELOCITY_CONFIG = @[MOM6_INIT_UV] ! default = "zero" + ! A string that determines how the initial velocities are specified for a new + ! run: + ! file - read velocities from the file specified + ! by (VELOCITY_FILE). + ! zero - the fluid is initially at rest. + ! uniform - the flow is uniform (determined by + ! parameters INITIAL_U_CONST and INITIAL_V_CONST). + ! rossby_front - a mixed layer front in thermal wind balance. + ! soliton - Equatorial Rossby soliton. + ! USER - call a user modified routine. +VELOCITY_FILE = @[MOM6_WARMSTART_FILE] ! + ! The name of the velocity initial condition file. +U_IC_VAR = "u" ! default = "u" + ! The initial condition variable for zonal velocity in VELOCITY_FILE. +V_IC_VAR = "v" ! default = "v" ! === module MOM_diag_mediator === !Jiande NUM_DIAG_COORDS = 2 ! default = 1 NUM_DIAG_COORDS = 1 ! default = 1 @@ -340,8 +428,8 @@ DIAG_COORDS = "z Z ZSTAR" ! A list of string tuples associating diag_table modules to ! a coordinate definition used for diagnostics. Each string ! is of the form "MODULE_SUFFIX,PARAMETER_SUFFIX,COORDINATE_NAME". -DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z="FILE:interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc,interfaces=zw" -DIAG_MISVAL = -1e34 +DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z="FILE:@[MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE],interfaces=zw" +DIAG_MISVAL = @[MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL] !DIAG_COORD_DEF_RHO2 = "RFNC1:35,999.5,1028,1028.5,8.,1038.,0.0078125" ! default = "WOA09" ! Determines how to specify the coordinate resolution. Valid options are: ! PARAM - use the vector-parameter DIAG_COORD_RES_RHO2 @@ -419,7 +507,7 @@ GILL_EQUATORIAL_LD = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! radius, otherwise, if false, use Pedlosky's definition. These definitions ! differ by a factor of 2 in front of the beta term in the denominator. Gill's ! is the more appropriate definition. -INTERNAL_WAVE_SPEED_BETTER_EST = False ! [Boolean] default = True +INTERNAL_WAVE_SPEED_BETTER_EST = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a more robust estimate of the first mode wave speed as the ! starting point for iterations. @@ -540,9 +628,10 @@ USE_LAND_MASK_FOR_HVISC = False ! [Boolean] default = False HMIX_FIXED = 0.5 ! [m] ! The prescribed depth over which the near-surface viscosity and diffusivity are ! elevated when the bulk mixed layer is not used. -KVML = 1.0E-04 ! [m2 s-1] default = 1.0E-04 - ! The kinematic viscosity in the mixed layer. A typical value is ~1e-2 m2 s-1. - ! KVML is not used if BULKMIXEDLAYER is true. The default is set by KV. +KV_ML_INVZ2 = 1.0E-04 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 + ! An extra kinematic viscosity in a mixed layer of thickness HMIX_FIXED, with + ! the actual viscosity scaling as 1/(z*HMIX_FIXED)^2, where z is the distance + ! from the surface, to allow for finite wind stresses to be transmitted through. MAXVEL = 6.0 ! [m s-1] default = 3.0E+08 ! The maximum velocity allowed before the velocity components are truncated. @@ -732,7 +821,7 @@ PRESSURE_DEPENDENT_FRAZIL = False ! [Boolean] default = False VAR_PEN_SW = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use one of the CHL_A schemes specified by OPACITY_SCHEME to determine ! the e-folding depth of incoming short wave radiation. -CHL_FILE = @[CHLCLIM] ! +CHL_FILE = @[MOM6_CHLCLIM] ! ! CHL_FILE is the file containing chl_a concentrations in the variable CHL_A. It ! is used when VAR_PEN_SW and CHL_FROM_FILE are true. CHL_VARNAME = "chlor_a" ! default = "CHL_A" @@ -760,7 +849,7 @@ MSTAR2_COEF1 = 0.29 ! [nondim] default = 0.3 MSTAR2_COEF2 = 0.152 ! [nondim] default = 0.085 ! Coefficient in computing mstar when only rotation limits the total mixing ! (used if EPBL_MSTAR_SCHEME = OM4) -EPBL_MLD_BISECTION = True ! [Boolean] default = False +EPBL_MLD_BISECTION = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use bisection with the iterative determination of the self-consistent ! mixed layer depth. Otherwise use the false position after a maximum and ! minimum bound have been evaluated and the returned value or bisection before @@ -861,8 +950,33 @@ USE_NEUTRAL_DIFFUSION = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, enables the neutral diffusion module. ! === module ocean_model_init === - RESTART_CHECKSUMS_REQUIRED = False + +! === module MOM_oda_incupd === +ODA_INCUPD = @[ODA_INCUPD] ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, oda incremental updates will be applied + ! everywhere in the domain. +ODA_INCUPD_FILE = "mom6_increment.nc" ! The name of the file with the T,S,h increments. + +ODA_TEMPINC_VAR = @[ODA_TEMPINC_VAR] ! default = "ptemp_inc" + ! The name of the potential temperature inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_SALTINC_VAR = @[ODA_SALTINC_VAR] ! default = "sal_inc" + ! The name of the salinity inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_THK_VAR = @[ODA_THK_VAR] ! default = "h" + ! The name of the int. depth inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_INCUPD_UV = @[ODA_INCUPD_UV] ! +ODA_UINC_VAR = @[ODA_UINC_VAR] ! default = "u_inc" + ! The name of the zonal vel. inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_UV_FILE. +ODA_VINC_VAR = @[ODA_VINC_VAR] ! default = "v_inc" + ! The name of the meridional vel. inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_UV_FILE. +ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS = @[ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS] ! default=3.0 + ! Number of hours for full update (0=direct insertion). + ! === module MOM_lateral_boundary_diffusion === ! This module implements lateral diffusion of tracers near boundaries @@ -902,9 +1016,7 @@ CD_TIDES = 0.0018 ! [nondim] default = 1.0E-04 ! The drag coefficient that applies to the tides. GUST_CONST = 0.0 ! [Pa] default = 0.02 ! The background gustiness in the winds. -FIX_USTAR_GUSTLESS_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true correct a bug in the time-averaging of the gustless wind friction - ! velocity +USTAR_GUSTLESS_BUG = True ! [Boolean] default = False USE_RIGID_SEA_ICE = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, sea-ice is rigid enough to exert a nonhydrostatic pressure that ! resist vertical motion. @@ -916,9 +1028,11 @@ LIQUID_RUNOFF_FROM_DATA = @[MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF] ! [Boolean] default = False ! the data_table using the component name 'OCN'. ! === module ocean_stochastics === DO_SPPT = @[DO_OCN_SPPT] ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true perturb the diabatic tendencies in MOM_diabadic_driver -PERT_EPBL = @[PERT_EPBL] ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true perturb the diabatic tendencies in MOM_diabadic_driver +PERT_EPBL = @[PERT_EPBL] ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true perturb the KE dissipation and destruction in MOM_energetic_PBL ! === module MOM_restart === ! === module MOM_file_parser === + +USE_HUYNH_STENCIL_BUG = True diff --git a/tests/parm/MOM_input_template_100 b/tests/parm/MOM_input_100.IN similarity index 87% rename from tests/parm/MOM_input_template_100 rename to tests/parm/MOM_input_100.IN index d3733dcde4..9f68d0515b 100644 --- a/tests/parm/MOM_input_template_100 +++ b/tests/parm/MOM_input_100.IN @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ BAD_VAL_SST_MAX = 55.0 ! [deg C] default = 45.0 BAD_VAL_SST_MIN = -3.0 ! [deg C] default = -2.1 ! The value of SST below which a bad value message is triggered, if ! CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true. -DEFAULT_2018_ANSWERS = True ! [Boolean] default = False - ! This sets the default value for the various _2018_ANSWERS parameters. +DEFAULT_ANSWER_DATE = 20181231 ! default = 99991231 + ! This sets the default value for the various _ANSWER_DATE parameters. WRITE_GEOM = 2 ! default = 1 ! If =0, never write the geometry and vertical grid files. If =1, write the ! geometry and vertical grid files only for a new simulation. If =2, always @@ -74,31 +74,6 @@ WRITE_GEOM = 2 ! default = 1 SAVE_INITIAL_CONDS = False ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, write the initial conditions to a file given by IC_OUTPUT_FILE. -! === module MOM_oda_incupd === -ODA_INCUPD = @[MOM_IAU] ! [Boolean] default = False - ! If true, oda incremental updates will be applied - ! everywhere in the domain. -ODA_INCUPD_FILE = "mom6_increment.nc" ! The name of the file with the T,S,h increments. - -ODA_TEMPINC_VAR = "pt_inc" ! default = "ptemp_inc" - ! The name of the potential temperature inc. variable in - ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. -ODA_SALTINC_VAR = "s_inc" ! default = "sal_inc" - ! The name of the salinity inc. variable in - ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. -ODA_THK_VAR = "h_fg" ! default = "h" - ! The name of the int. depth inc. variable in - ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. - -ODA_UINC_VAR = "u_inc" ! default = "u_inc" - ! The name of the zonal vel. inc. variable in - ! ODA_INCUPD_UV_FILE. -ODA_VINC_VAR = "v_inc" ! default = "v_inc" - ! The name of the meridional vel. inc. variable in - ! ODA_INCUPD_UV_FILE. -ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS = @[MOM_IAU_HRS] ! default=3.0 - ! Number of hours for full update (0=direct insertion). - ! === module MOM_domains === TRIPOLAR_N = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! Use tripolar connectivity at the northern edge of the domain. With @@ -162,7 +137,7 @@ TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! Phillips - ACC-like idealized topography used in the Phillips config. ! dense - Denmark Strait-like dense water formation and overflow. ! USER - call a user modified routine. -TOPO_EDITS_FILE = "@[TOPOEDITS]" ! default = "" +TOPO_EDITS_FILE = "@[MOM6_TOPOEDITS]" ! default = "" ! The file from which to read a list of i,j,z topography overrides. ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES = @[MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES] ! default = "False" ! If true, allow topography overrides to change ocean points to land @@ -210,7 +185,6 @@ TFREEZE_FORM = "MILLERO_78" ! default = "LINEAR" PARALLEL_RESTARTFILES = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, each processor writes its own restart file, otherwise a single ! restart file is generated -STORE_CORIOLIS_ACCEL = False ! === module MOM_tracer_flow_control === USE_IDEAL_AGE_TRACER = False ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -315,7 +289,7 @@ REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PPM_H4" ! default = "PLM" ! Parameters providing information about the lateral grid. ! === module MOM_state_initialization === -INIT_LAYERS_FROM_Z_FILE = True ! [Boolean] default = False +INIT_LAYERS_FROM_Z_FILE = @[MOM6_INIT_FROM_Z] ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, initialize the layer thicknesses, temperatures, and salinities from a ! Z-space file on a latitude-longitude grid. @@ -336,7 +310,96 @@ Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING = True ! [Boolean] default = False Z_INIT_REMAP_OLD_ALG = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If false, uses the preferred remapping algorithm for initialization. If true, ! use an older, less robust algorithm for remapping. +! === WARMSTARTS === +THICKNESS_CONFIG = "file" ! default = "uniform" + ! A string that determines how the initial layer thicknesses are specified for a + ! new run: + ! file - read interface heights from the file specified + ! by (THICKNESS_FILE). + ! thickness_file - read thicknesses from the file specified + ! by (THICKNESS_FILE). + ! mass_file - read thicknesses in units of mass per unit area from the file + ! specified by (THICKNESS_FILE). + ! coord - determined by ALE coordinate. + ! uniform - uniform thickness layers evenly distributed + ! between the surface and MAXIMUM_DEPTH. + ! list - read a list of positive interface depths. + ! DOME - use a slope and channel configuration for the + ! DOME sill-overflow test case. + ! ISOMIP - use a configuration for the + ! ISOMIP test case. + ! benchmark - use the benchmark test case thicknesses. + ! Neverworld - use the Neverworld test case thicknesses. + ! search - search a density profile for the interface + ! densities. This is not yet implemented. + ! circle_obcs - the circle_obcs test case is used. + ! DOME2D - 2D version of DOME initialization. + ! adjustment2d - 2D lock exchange thickness ICs. + ! sloshing - sloshing gravity thickness ICs. + ! seamount - no motion test with seamount ICs. + ! dumbbell - sloshing channel ICs. + ! soliton - Equatorial Rossby soliton. + ! rossby_front - a mixed layer front in thermal wind balance. + ! USER - call a user modified routine. +THICKNESS_FILE = @[MOM6_WARMSTART_FILE] ! + ! The name of the thickness file. +ADJUST_THICKNESS = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, all mass below the bottom removed if the topography is shallower than + ! the thickness input file would indicate. +THICKNESS_TOLERANCE = 0.1 ! [m] default = 0.1 + ! A parameter that controls the tolerance when adjusting the thickness to fit + ! the bathymetry. Used when ADJUST_THICKNESS=True. +INTERFACE_IC_VAR = "eta" ! default = "eta" + ! The variable name for initial conditions for interface heights relative to + ! mean sea level, positive upward unless otherwise rescaled. +INTERFACE_IC_RESCALE = 1.0 ! [various] default = 1.0 + ! A factor by which to rescale the initial interface heights to convert them to + ! units of m or correct sign conventions to positive upward. +TS_CONFIG = "file" ! + ! A string that determines how the initial temperatures and salinities are + ! specified for a new run: + ! file - read velocities from the file specified + ! by (TS_FILE). + ! fit - find the temperatures that are consistent with + ! the layer densities and salinity S_REF. + ! TS_profile - use temperature and salinity profiles + ! (read from TS_FILE) to set layer densities. + ! benchmark - use the benchmark test case T & S. + ! linear - linear in logical layer space. + ! DOME2D - 2D DOME initialization. + ! ISOMIP - ISOMIP initialization. + ! adjustment2d - 2d lock exchange T/S ICs. + ! sloshing - sloshing mode T/S ICs. + ! seamount - no motion test with seamount ICs. + ! dumbbell - sloshing channel ICs. + ! rossby_front - a mixed layer front in thermal wind balance. + ! SCM_CVMix_tests - used in the SCM CVMix tests. + ! USER - call a user modified routine. +TS_FILE = @[MOM6_WARMSTART_FILE] ! + ! The initial condition file for temperature. +TEMP_IC_VAR = "Temp" ! default = "PTEMP" + ! The initial condition variable for potential temperature. +SALT_IC_VAR = "Salt" ! default = "SALT" + ! The initial condition variable for salinity. +SALT_FILE = @[MOM6_WARMSTART_FILE] ! default = "none" + ! The initial condition file for salinity. +VELOCITY_CONFIG = @[MOM6_INIT_UV] ! default = "zero" + ! A string that determines how the initial velocities are specified for a new + ! run: + ! file - read velocities from the file specified + ! by (VELOCITY_FILE). + ! zero - the fluid is initially at rest. + ! uniform - the flow is uniform (determined by + ! parameters INITIAL_U_CONST and INITIAL_V_CONST). + ! rossby_front - a mixed layer front in thermal wind balance. + ! soliton - Equatorial Rossby soliton. + ! USER - call a user modified routine. +VELOCITY_FILE = @[MOM6_WARMSTART_FILE] ! + ! The name of the velocity initial condition file. +U_IC_VAR = "u" ! default = "u" + ! The initial condition variable for zonal velocity in VELOCITY_FILE. +V_IC_VAR = "v" ! default = "v" ! === module MOM_diag_mediator === !Jiande NUM_DIAG_COORDS = 2 ! default = 1 NUM_DIAG_COORDS = 1 @@ -347,8 +410,8 @@ DIAG_COORDS = "z Z ZSTAR" ! A list of string tuples associating diag_table modules to ! a coordinate definition used for diagnostics. Each string ! is of the form "MODULE_SUFFIX,PARAMETER_SUFFIX,COORDINATE_NAME". -DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z="FILE:interpolate_zgrid_40L.nc,interfaces=zw" -DIAG_MISVAL = -1e34 +DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z="FILE:@[MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE],interfaces=zw" +DIAG_MISVAL = @[MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL] !AVAILABLE_DIAGS_FILE = "available_diags.002160" ! default = "available_diags.000000" ! A file into which to write a list of all available ocean diagnostics that can ! be included in a diag_table. @@ -430,7 +493,7 @@ VISC_RES_FN_POWER = 2 ! [nondim] default = 100 ! used, although even integers are more efficient to calculate. Setting this ! greater than 100 results in a step-function being used. This function affects ! lateral viscosity, Kh, and not KhTh. -INTERNAL_WAVE_SPEED_BETTER_EST = False ! [Boolean] default = True +INTERNAL_WAVE_SPEED_BETTER_EST = False ! [Boolean] default = True ! If true, use a more robust estimate of the first mode wave speed as the ! starting point for iterations. @@ -531,9 +594,10 @@ USE_KH_BG_2D = True ! [Boolean] default = False HMIX_FIXED = 0.5 ! [m] ! The prescribed depth over which the near-surface viscosity and diffusivity are ! elevated when the bulk mixed layer is not used. -KVML = 1.0E-04 ! [m2 s-1] default = 1.0E-04 - ! The kinematic viscosity in the mixed layer. A typical value is ~1e-2 m2 s-1. - ! KVML is not used if BULKMIXEDLAYER is true. The default is set by KV. +KV_ML_INVZ2 = 1.0E-04 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 + ! An extra kinematic viscosity in a mixed layer of thickness HMIX_FIXED, with + ! the actual viscosity scaling as 1/(z*HMIX_FIXED)^2, where z is the distance + ! from the surface, to allow for finite wind stresses to be transmitted through. MAXVEL = 6.0 ! [m s-1] default = 3.0E+08 ! The maximum velocity allowed before the velocity components are truncated. @@ -700,7 +764,7 @@ PRESSURE_DEPENDENT_FRAZIL = False ! [Boolean] default = False VAR_PEN_SW = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, use one of the CHL_A schemes specified by OPACITY_SCHEME to determine ! the e-folding depth of incoming short wave radiation. -CHL_FILE = @[CHLCLIM] ! +CHL_FILE = @[MOM6_CHLCLIM] ! ! CHL_FILE is the file containing chl_a concentrations in the variable CHL_A. It ! is used when VAR_PEN_SW and CHL_FROM_FILE are true. @@ -833,6 +897,31 @@ ENERGYSAVEDAYS = 0.25 ! [days] default = 1.0 ! === module ocean_model_init === +! === module MOM_oda_incupd === +ODA_INCUPD = @[ODA_INCUPD] ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, oda incremental updates will be applied + ! everywhere in the domain. +ODA_INCUPD_FILE = "mom6_increment.nc" ! The name of the file with the T,S,h increments. + +ODA_TEMPINC_VAR = @[ODA_TEMPINC_VAR] ! default = "ptemp_inc" + ! The name of the potential temperature inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_SALTINC_VAR = @[ODA_SALTINC_VAR] ! default = "sal_inc" + ! The name of the salinity inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_THK_VAR = @[ODA_THK_VAR] ! default = "h" + ! The name of the int. depth inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_INCUPD_UV = @[ODA_INCUPD_UV] ! +ODA_UINC_VAR = @[ODA_UINC_VAR] ! default = "u_inc" + ! The name of the zonal vel. inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_UV_FILE. +ODA_VINC_VAR = @[ODA_VINC_VAR] ! default = "v_inc" + ! The name of the meridional vel. inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_UV_FILE. +ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS = @[ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS] ! default=3.0 + ! Number of hours for full update (0=direct insertion). + ! === module MOM_surface_forcing === OCEAN_SURFACE_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the @@ -854,9 +943,7 @@ CD_TIDES = 0.0018 ! [nondim] default = 1.0E-04 ! The drag coefficient that applies to the tides. GUST_CONST = 0.02 ! [Pa] default = 0.0 ! The background gustiness in the winds. -FIX_USTAR_GUSTLESS_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True - ! If true correct a bug in the time-averaging of the gustless wind friction - ! velocity +USTAR_GUSTLESS_BUG = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module ocean_stochastics === DO_SPPT = @[DO_OCN_SPPT] ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true perturb the diabatic tendencies in MOM_diabadic_driver @@ -866,3 +953,5 @@ PERT_EPBL = @[PERT_EPBL] ! [Boolean] default = False ! === module MOM_restart === ! === module MOM_file_parser === + +USE_HUYNH_STENCIL_BUG = True diff --git a/tests/parm/MOM_input_template_500 b/tests/parm/MOM_input_500.IN similarity index 85% rename from tests/parm/MOM_input_template_500 rename to tests/parm/MOM_input_500.IN index 5302c44f2d..aa1befa83e 100644 --- a/tests/parm/MOM_input_template_500 +++ b/tests/parm/MOM_input_500.IN @@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ NJGLOBAL = @[NY_GLB] ! ! The total number of thickness grid points in the y-direction in the physical ! domain. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set in MOM_memory.h at compile time. +DEFAULT_ANSWER_DATE = 20231231 ! default = 99991231 + ! This sets the default value for the various _ANSWER_DATE parameters. + ! === module MOM_hor_index === ! Sets the horizontal array index types. @@ -132,7 +135,6 @@ TFREEZE_FORM = "MILLERO_78" ! default = "LINEAR" ! === module MOM_restart === RESTART_CHECKSUMS_REQUIRED = False -STORE_CORIOLIS_ACCEL = False ! === module MOM_tracer_flow_control === ! === module MOM_coord_initialization === @@ -259,6 +261,15 @@ Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING = True ! [Boolean] default = False ! If True, then remap straight to model coordinate from file. ! === module MOM_diag_mediator === +NUM_DIAG_COORDS = 1 + ! The number of diagnostic vertical coordinates to use. + ! For each coordinate, an entry in DIAG_COORDS must be provided. +DIAG_COORDS = "z Z ZSTAR" + ! A list of string tuples associating diag_table modules to + ! a coordinate definition used for diagnostics. Each string + ! is of the form "MODULE_SUFFIX,PARAMETER_SUFFIX,COORDINATE_NAME". +DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z="FILE:@[MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE],interfaces=zw" +DIAG_MISVAL = @[MOM6_DIAG_MISVAL] ! === module MOM_MEKE === USE_MEKE = True ! [Boolean] default = False @@ -342,9 +353,10 @@ USE_LAND_MASK_FOR_HVISC = True ! [Boolean] default = False HMIX_FIXED = 0.5 ! [m] ! The prescribed depth over which the near-surface viscosity and diffusivity are ! elevated when the bulk mixed layer is not used. -KVML = 1.0E-04 ! [m2 s-1] default = 1.0E-04 - ! The kinematic viscosity in the mixed layer. A typical value is ~1e-2 m2 s-1. - ! KVML is not used if BULKMIXEDLAYER is true. The default is set by KV. +KV_ML_INVZ2 = 1.0E-04 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0 + ! An extra kinematic viscosity in a mixed layer of thickness HMIX_FIXED, with + ! the actual viscosity scaling as 1/(z*HMIX_FIXED)^2, where z is the distance + ! from the surface, to allow for finite wind stresses to be transmitted through. MAXVEL = 6.0 ! [m s-1] default = 3.0E+08 ! The maximum velocity allowed before the velocity components are truncated. @@ -459,6 +471,48 @@ USE_LA_LI2016 = @[MOM6_USE_LI2016] ! [nondim] default = False ! Langmuir number. USE_WAVES = @[MOM6_USE_WAVES] ! [Boolean] default = False ! If true, enables surface wave modules. +WAVE_METHOD = "SURFACE_BANDS" ! default = "EMPTY" + ! Choice of wave method, valid options include: + ! TEST_PROFILE - Prescribed from surface Stokes drift + ! and a decay wavelength. + ! SURFACE_BANDS - Computed from multiple surface values + ! and decay wavelengths. + ! DHH85 - Uses Donelan et al. 1985 empirical + ! wave spectrum with prescribed values. + ! LF17 - Infers Stokes drift profile from wind + ! speed following Li and Fox-Kemper 2017. +SURFBAND_SOURCE = "COUPLER" ! default = "EMPTY" + ! Choice of SURFACE_BANDS data mode, valid options include: + ! DATAOVERRIDE - Read from NetCDF using FMS DataOverride. + ! COUPLER - Look for variables from coupler pass + ! INPUT - Testing with fixed values. +STK_BAND_COUPLER = 3 ! default = 1 + ! STK_BAND_COUPLER is the number of Stokes drift bands in the coupler. This has + ! to be consistent with the number of Stokes drift bands in WW3, or the model + ! will fail. +SURFBAND_WAVENUMBERS = 0.04, 0.11, 0.3305 ! [rad/m] default = 0.12566 + ! Central wavenumbers for surface Stokes drift bands. +EPBL_LANGMUIR_SCHEME = "ADDITIVE" ! default = "NONE" + ! EPBL_LANGMUIR_SCHEME selects the method for including Langmuir turbulence. + ! Valid values are: + ! NONE - Do not do any extra mixing due to Langmuir turbulence + ! RESCALE - Use a multiplicative rescaling of mstar to account for Langmuir + ! turbulence + ! ADDITIVE - Add a Langmuir turblence contribution to mstar to other + ! contributions +LT_ENHANCE_COEF = 0.044 ! [nondim] default = 0.447 + ! Coefficient for Langmuir enhancement of mstar +LT_ENHANCE_EXP = -1.5 ! [nondim] default = -1.33 + ! Exponent for Langmuir enhancementt of mstar +LT_MOD_LAC1 = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = -0.87 + ! Coefficient for modification of Langmuir number due to MLD approaching Ekman + ! depth. +LT_MOD_LAC4 = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.95 + ! Coefficient for modification of Langmuir number due to ratio of Ekman to + ! stable Obukhov depth. +LT_MOD_LAC5 = 0.22 ! [nondim] default = 0.95 + ! Coefficient for modification of Langmuir number due to ratio of Ekman to + ! unstable Obukhov depth. ! === module MOM_regularize_layers === @@ -496,6 +550,31 @@ MAXTRUNC = 1000 ! [truncations save_interval-1] default = 0 ! === module ocean_model_init === +! === module MOM_oda_incupd === +ODA_INCUPD = @[ODA_INCUPD] ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, oda incremental updates will be applied + ! everywhere in the domain. +ODA_INCUPD_FILE = "mom6_increment.nc" ! The name of the file with the T,S,h increments. + +ODA_TEMPINC_VAR = @[ODA_TEMPINC_VAR] ! default = "ptemp_inc" + ! The name of the potential temperature inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_SALTINC_VAR = @[ODA_SALTINC_VAR] ! default = "sal_inc" + ! The name of the salinity inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_THK_VAR = @[ODA_THK_VAR] ! default = "h" + ! The name of the int. depth inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_FILE. +ODA_INCUPD_UV = @[ODA_INCUPD_UV] ! +ODA_UINC_VAR = @[ODA_UINC_VAR] ! default = "u_inc" + ! The name of the zonal vel. inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_UV_FILE. +ODA_VINC_VAR = @[ODA_VINC_VAR] ! default = "v_inc" + ! The name of the meridional vel. inc. variable in + ! ODA_INCUPD_UV_FILE. +ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS = @[ODA_INCUPD_NHOURS] ! default=3.0 + ! Number of hours for full update (0=direct insertion). + ! === module MOM_surface_forcing === OCEAN_SURFACE_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! A case-insensitive character string to indicate the @@ -516,3 +595,5 @@ WIND_STAGGER = "A" ! default = "C" ! === module MOM_restart === ! === module MOM_file_parser === + +USE_HUYNH_STENCIL_BUG = True diff --git a/tests/parm/MOM_input_hafs b/tests/parm/MOM_input_hafs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1b79ea777a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/MOM_input_hafs @@ -0,0 +1,976 @@ + +! Where appropriate, parameters use usually given in MKS units. + +! This particular file is for the example in ice_ocean_SIS2/Baltic_OM4_025. + +! This MOM_input file typically contains only the non-default values that are needed to reproduce this example. +! A full list of parameters for this example can be found in the corresponding MOM_parameter_doc.all file +! which is generated by the model at run-time. + + +! === module MOM_domains === +REENTRANT_X = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, the domain is zonally reentrant. +!SYMMETRIC_MEMORY_ = True +!STATIC_MEMORY_ = False + +NIGLOBAL = 1135 ! + ! The total number of thickness grid points in the x-direction in the physical + ! domain. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set in MOM_memory.h at compile time. +NJGLOBAL = 633 ! + ! The total number of thickness grid points in the y-direction in the physical + ! domain. With STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set in MOM_memory.h at compile time. +!NIHALO = 4 ! default = 4 + ! The number of halo points on each side in the x-direction. With + ! STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set as NIHALO_ in MOM_memory.h at compile time; without + ! STATIC_MEMORY_ the default is NIHALO_ in MOM_memory.h (if defined) or 2. +!NJHALO = 4 ! default = 4 + ! The number of halo points on each side in the y-direction. With + ! STATIC_MEMORY_ this is set as NJHALO_ in MOM_memory.h at compile time; without + ! STATIC_MEMORY_ the default is NJHALO_ in MOM_memory.h (if defined) or 2. +! LAYOUT = 4, 4 ! + ! The processor layout that was actually used. +! IO_LAYOUT = 1, 1 ! default = 1 + ! The processor layout to be used, or 0,0 to automatically set the io_layout to + ! be the same as the layout. + +! === module MOM === +DIABATIC_FIRST = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, apply diabatic and thermodynamic processes, including buoyancy + ! forcing and mass gain or loss, before stepping the dynamics forward. +USE_REGRIDDING = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If True, use the ALE algorithm (regridding/remapping). If False, use the + ! layered isopycnal algorithm. +THICKNESSDIFFUSE = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, interface heights are diffused with a coefficient of KHTH. +THICKNESSDIFFUSE_FIRST = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, do thickness diffusion before dynamics. This is only used if + ! THICKNESSDIFFUSE is true. +DT = 360.0 ! [s] + ! The (baroclinic) dynamics time step. The time-step that is actually used will + ! be an integer fraction of the forcing time-step (DT_FORCING in ocean-only mode + ! or the coupling timestep in coupled mode.) +DT_THERM = 360.0 ! [s] default = 3600.0 + ! The thermodynamic and tracer advection time step. Ideally DT_THERM should be + ! an integer multiple of DT and less than the forcing or coupling time-step, + ! unless THERMO_SPANS_COUPLING is true, in which case DT_THERM can be an integer + ! multiple of the coupling timestep. By default DT_THERM is set to DT. +THERMO_SPANS_COUPLING = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the MOM will take thermodynamic and tracer timesteps that can be + ! longer than the coupling timestep. The actual thermodynamic timestep that is + ! used in this case is the largest integer multiple of the coupling timestep + ! that is less than or equal to DT_THERM. +USE_PSURF_IN_EOS = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, always include the surface pressure contributions in equation of + ! state calculations. +FRAZIL = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, water freezes if it gets too cold, and the accumulated heat deficit + ! is returned in the surface state. FRAZIL is only used if + ! ENABLE_THERMODYNAMICS is true. +DO_GEOTHERMAL = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, apply geothermal heating. +BOUND_SALINITY = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, limit salinity to being positive. (The sea-ice model may ask for more + ! salt than is available and drive the salinity negative otherwise.) +MIN_SALINITY = 0.01 ! [PPT] default = 0.01 + ! The minimum value of salinity when BOUND_SALINITY=True. The default is 0.01 + ! for backward compatibility but ideally should be 0. +C_P = 3925.0 !3992.0 ! [J kg-1 K-1] default = 3991.86795711963 + ! The heat capacity of sea water, approximated as a constant. This is only used + ! if ENABLE_THERMODYNAMICS is true. The default value is from the TEOS-10 + ! definition of conservative temperature. +CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, check the surface state for ridiculous values. +BAD_VAL_SSH_MAX = 50.0 ! [m] default = 20.0 + ! The value of SSH above which a bad value message is triggered, if + ! CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true. +BAD_VAL_SSS_MAX = 75.0 ! [PPT] default = 45.0 + ! The value of SSS above which a bad value message is triggered, if + ! CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true. +BAD_VAL_SST_MAX = 55.0 ! [deg C] default = 45.0 + ! The value of SST above which a bad value message is triggered, if + ! CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true. +BAD_VAL_SST_MIN = -3.0 ! [deg C] default = -2.1 + ! The value of SST below which a bad value message is triggered, if + ! CHECK_BAD_SURFACE_VALS is true. +DEFAULT_ANSWER_DATE = 20181231 ! default = 99991231 + ! This sets the default value for the various _ANSWER_DATE parameters. +WRITE_GEOM = 0 ! default = 1 + ! If =0, never write the geometry and vertical grid files. If =1, write the + ! geometry and vertical grid files only for a new simulation. If =2, always + ! write the geometry and vertical grid files. Other values are invalid. +SAVE_INITIAL_CONDS = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, write the initial conditions to a file given by IC_OUTPUT_FILE. +IC_OUTPUT_FILE = "MOM_IC" ! default = "MOM_IC" + ! The file into which to write the initial conditions. + +! === module MOM_hor_index === +! Sets the horizontal array index types. + +! === module MOM_fixed_initialization === +INPUTDIR = "INPUT" ! default = "." + ! The directory in which input files are found. + +! === module MOM_grid_init === +GRID_CONFIG = "mosaic" ! + ! A character string that determines the method for defining the horizontal + ! grid. Current options are: + ! mosaic - read the grid from a mosaic (supergrid) + ! file set by GRID_FILE. + ! cartesian - use a (flat) Cartesian grid. + ! spherical - use a simple spherical grid. + ! mercator - use a Mercator spherical grid. +GRID_FILE = "ocean_hgrid.nc" ! + ! Name of the file from which to read horizontal grid data. +TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! + ! This specifies how bathymetry is specified: + ! file - read bathymetric information from the file + ! specified by (TOPO_FILE). + ! flat - flat bottom set to MAXIMUM_DEPTH. + ! bowl - an analytically specified bowl-shaped basin + ! ranging between MAXIMUM_DEPTH and MINIMUM_DEPTH. + ! spoon - a similar shape to 'bowl', but with an vertical + ! wall at the southern face. + ! halfpipe - a zonally uniform channel with a half-sine + ! profile in the meridional direction. + ! benchmark - use the benchmark test case topography. + ! Neverland - use the Neverland test case topography. + ! DOME - use a slope and channel configuration for the + ! DOME sill-overflow test case. + ! ISOMIP - use a slope and channel configuration for the + ! ISOMIP test case. + ! DOME2D - use a shelf and slope configuration for the + ! DOME2D gravity current/overflow test case. + ! Kelvin - flat but with rotated land mask. + ! seamount - Gaussian bump for spontaneous motion test case. + ! dumbbell - Sloshing channel with reservoirs on both ends. + ! shelfwave - exponential slope for shelfwave test case. + ! Phillips - ACC-like idealized topography used in the Phillips config. + ! dense - Denmark Strait-like dense water formation and overflow. + ! USER - call a user modified routine. +TOPO_FILE = "ocean_topog.nc" ! default = "topog.nc" + ! The file from which the bathymetry is read. +MAXIMUM_DEPTH = 6500.0 ! [m] + ! The maximum depth of the ocean. +MINIMUM_DEPTH = 5.0 !9.5 ! [m] default = 0.0 + ! If MASKING_DEPTH is unspecified, then anything shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH is + ! assumed to be land and all fluxes are masked out. If MASKING_DEPTH is + ! specified, then all depths shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH but deeper than + ! MASKING_DEPTH are rounded to MINIMUM_DEPTH. + +! === module MOM_open_boundary === +! Controls where open boundaries are located, what kind of boundary condition to impose, and what data to apply, +! if any. +! khs_testMASKING_DEPTH = 1.0 ! [m] default = -9999.0 +MASKING_DEPTH = 5.0 ! [m] default = -9999.0 + ! The depth below which to mask points as land points, for which all fluxes are + ! zeroed out. MASKING_DEPTH is ignored if negative. +CHANNEL_CONFIG = "none" ! default = "none" + ! A parameter that determines which set of channels are + ! restricted to specific widths. Options are: + ! none - All channels have the grid width. + ! global_1deg - Sets 16 specific channels appropriate + ! for a 1-degree model, as used in CM2G. + ! list - Read the channel locations and widths from a + ! text file, like MOM_channel_list in the MOM_SIS + ! test case. + ! file - Read open face widths everywhere from a + ! NetCDF file on the model grid. +!CHANNEL_LIST_FILE = "MOM_channels_global_025" ! default = "MOM_channel_list" + ! The file from which the list of narrowed channels is read. +OBC_NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTS = 4 ! default = 0 + ! The number of open boundary segments. +OBC_FREESLIP_VORTICITY = True ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, sets the normal gradient of tangential velocity to zero in the + ! relative vorticity on open boundaries. This cannot be true if another + ! OBC_XXX_VORTICITY option is True. +OBC_COMPUTED_VORTICITY = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses the external values of tangential velocity in the relative + ! vorticity on open boundaries. This cannot be true if another OBC_XXX_VORTICITY + ! option is True. +OBC_ZERO_BIHARMONIC = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, zeros the Laplacian of flow on open boundaries in the biharmonic + ! viscosity term. +OBC_FREESLIP_STRAIN = False ! [Boolean] default = True +OBC_COMPUTED_STRAIN = True ! [Boolean] default = False +OBC_SEGMENT_001 = "J=N,I=N:0,FLATHER,ORLANSKI,NUDGED,ORLANSKI_TAN,NUDGED_TAN" ! north +OBC_SEGMENT_002 = "J=0,I=0:N,FLATHER,ORLANSKI,NUDGED,ORLANSKI_TAN,NUDGED_TAN" ! south +OBC_SEGMENT_003 = "I=N,J=0:N,FLATHER,ORLANSKI,NUDGED,ORLANSKI_TAN,NUDGED_TAN" ! east +OBC_SEGMENT_004 = "I=0,J=N:0,FLATHER,ORLANSKI,NUDGED,ORLANSKI_TAN,NUDGED_TAN" ! west + ! Documentation needs to be dynamic????? +OBC_SEGMENT_001_VELOCITY_NUDGING_TIMESCALES = 3, 360.0 !3, 360.0 !0.3, 360.0 !3, 3600.0 !0.3, 360.0 ! [days] default = 0.0 + ! Timescales in days for nudging along a segment, for inflow, then outflow. + ! Setting both to zero should behave like SIMPLE obcs for the baroclinic + ! velocities. + ! Documentation needs to be dynamic????? +OBC_SEGMENT_002_VELOCITY_NUDGING_TIMESCALES = 3, 360.0 !3, 360.0 !0.3, 360.0 !3, 3600.0 !0.3, 360.0 ! [days] default = 0.0 + ! Timescales in days for nudging along a segment, for inflow, then outflow. + ! Setting both to zero should behave like SIMPLE obcs for the baroclinic + ! velocities. +OBC_SEGMENT_003_VELOCITY_NUDGING_TIMESCALES = 3, 360.0 !3, 360.0 !0.3, 360.0 !3, 3600.0 !0.3, 360.0 !3, 3600.0 ! [days] default = 0.0 + ! Timescales in days for nudging along a segment, for inflow, then outflow. + ! Setting both to zero should behave like SIMPLE obcs for the baroclinic + ! velocities. + ! Documentation needs to be dynamic????? +OBC_SEGMENT_004_VELOCITY_NUDGING_TIMESCALES = 3, 360.0 !3, 360.0 !0.3, 360.0 !3, 3600.0 !0.3, 360.0 !3, 3600.0 ! [days] default = 0.0 + ! Timescales in days for nudging along a segment, for inflow, then outflow. + ! Setting both to zero should behave like SIMPLE obcs for the baroclinic + ! velocities. + ! Documentation needs to be dynamic????? +BRUSHCUTTER_MODE = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, read external OBC data on the supergrid. +OBC_SEGMENT_001_DATA = "U=file:ocean_uv_obc_north.nc(u),V=file:ocean_uv_obc_north.nc(v),SSH=file:ocean_ssh_obc_north.nc(ssh),TEMP=file:ocean_ts_obc_north.nc(temp),SALT=file:ocean_ts_obc_north.nc(salt)" ! +OBC_SEGMENT_002_DATA = "U=file:ocean_uv_obc_south.nc(u),V=file:ocean_uv_obc_south.nc(v),SSH=file:ocean_ssh_obc_south.nc(ssh),TEMP=file:ocean_ts_obc_south.nc(temp),SALT=file:ocean_ts_obc_south.nc(salt)" ! +OBC_SEGMENT_003_DATA = "U=file:ocean_uv_obc_east.nc(u),V=file:ocean_uv_obc_east.nc(v),SSH=file:ocean_ssh_obc_east.nc(ssh),TEMP=file:ocean_ts_obc_east.nc(temp),SALT=file:ocean_ts_obc_east.nc(salt)" ! +OBC_SEGMENT_004_DATA = "U=file:ocean_uv_obc_west.nc(u),V=file:ocean_uv_obc_west.nc(v),SSH=file:ocean_ssh_obc_west.nc(ssh),TEMP=file:ocean_ts_obc_west.nc(temp),SALT=file:ocean_ts_obc_west.nc(salt)" ! +OBC_TRACER_RESERVOIR_LENGTH_SCALE_OUT = 3000.0 !0.0 !3000.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 + ! An effective length scale for restoring the tracer concentration at the + ! boundaries to externally imposed values when the flow is exiting the domain. +OBC_TRACER_RESERVOIR_LENGTH_SCALE_IN = 3.0E+04 !0.0 !3.0E+04 ! [m] default = 0.0 + ! An effective length scale for restoring the tracer concentration at the + ! boundaries to values from the interior when the flow is entering the domain. +RAMP_OBCS = False ! default = False +OBC_RAMP_TIMESCALE = 2.0 ! [days] default = 1.0 +OBC_RADIATION_MAX = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 + +! === module MOM_verticalGrid === +! Parameters providing information about the vertical grid. +NK = 55 ! [nondim] + ! The number of model layers. + +! === module MOM_tracer_registry === + +! === module MOM_EOS === +DTFREEZE_DP = -7.75E-08 ! [deg C Pa-1] default = 0.0 + ! When TFREEZE_FORM=LINEAR, this is the derivative of the freezing potential + ! temperature with pressure. + +! === module MOM_restart === +PARALLEL_RESTARTFILES = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, each processor writes its own restart file, otherwise a single + ! restart file is generated +RESTART_CHECKSUMS_REQUIRED = False + +! === module MOM_tracer_flow_control === +USE_IDEAL_AGE_TRACER = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use the ideal_age_example tracer package. + +! === module ideal_age_example === + +! === module MOM_coord_initialization === +COORD_CONFIG = "gprime" !"file" ! default = "none" + ! This specifies how layers are to be defined: + ! ALE or none - used to avoid defining layers in ALE mode + ! file - read coordinate information from the file + ! specified by (COORD_FILE). + ! BFB - Custom coords for buoyancy-forced basin case + ! based on SST_S, T_BOT and DRHO_DT. + ! linear - linear based on interfaces not layers + ! layer_ref - linear based on layer densities + ! ts_ref - use reference temperature and salinity + ! ts_range - use range of temperature and salinity + ! (T_REF and S_REF) to determine surface density + ! and GINT calculate internal densities. + ! gprime - use reference density (RHO_0) for surface + ! density and GINT calculate internal densities. + ! ts_profile - use temperature and salinity profiles + ! (read from COORD_FILE) to set layer densities. + ! USER - call a user modified routine. +GINT = 0.0098 ! [m s-2] +!COORD_FILE = "layer_coord.nc" ! + ! The file from which the coordinate densities are read. +REMAP_UV_USING_OLD_ALG = True ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, uses the old remapping-via-a-delta-z method for remapping u and v. If + ! false, uses the new method that remaps between grids described by an old and + ! new thickness. +REGRIDDING_COORDINATE_MODE = "Z*" !"HYCOM1" ! default = "LAYER" + ! Coordinate mode for vertical regridding. Choose among the following + ! possibilities: LAYER - Isopycnal or stacked shallow water layers + ! ZSTAR, Z* - stretched geopotential z* + ! SIGMA_SHELF_ZSTAR - stretched geopotential z* ignoring shelf + ! SIGMA - terrain following coordinates + ! RHO - continuous isopycnal + ! HYCOM1 - HyCOM-like hybrid coordinate + ! SLIGHT - stretched coordinates above continuous isopycnal + ! ADAPTIVE - optimize for smooth neutral density surfaces +BOUNDARY_EXTRAPOLATION = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! When defined, a proper high-order reconstruction scheme is used within + ! boundary cells rather than PCM. E.g., if PPM is used for remapping, a PPM + ! reconstruction will also be used within boundary cells. +ALE_COORDINATE_CONFIG = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,dz" !"HYBRID:hycom1_75_800m.nc,sigma2,FNC1:2,4000,4.5,.01" ! default = "UNIFORM" + ! Determines how to specify the coordinate resolution. Valid options are: + ! PARAM - use the vector-parameter ALE_RESOLUTION + ! UNIFORM[:N] - uniformly distributed + ! FILE:string - read from a file. The string specifies + ! the filename and variable name, separated + ! by a comma or space, e.g. FILE:lev.nc,dz + ! or FILE:lev.nc,interfaces=zw + ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision + ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies + ! the filename and two variable names, separated + ! by a comma or space, for sigma-2 and dz. e.g. + ! HYBRID:vgrid.nc,sigma2,dz +!ALE_RESOLUTION = 7*2.0, 2*2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.05, 2.08, 2.11, 2.15, 2.21, 2.2800000000000002, 2.37, 2.48, 2.61, 2.77, 2.95, 3.17, 3.4299999999999997, 3.74, 4.09, 4.49, 4.95, 5.48, 6.07, 6.74, 7.5, 8.34, 9.280000000000001, 10.33, 11.49, 12.77, 14.19, 15.74, 17.450000000000003, 19.31, 21.35, 23.56, 25.97, 28.580000000000002, 31.41, 34.47, 37.77, 41.32, 45.14, 49.25, 53.65, 58.370000000000005, 63.42, 68.81, 74.56, 80.68, 87.21000000000001, 94.14, 101.51, 109.33, 117.62, 126.4, 135.68, 145.5, 155.87, 166.81, 178.35, 190.51, 203.31, 216.78, 230.93, 245.8, 261.42, 277.83 ! [m] + ! The distribution of vertical resolution for the target + ! grid used for Eulerian-like coordinates. For example, + ! in z-coordinate mode, the parameter is a list of level + ! thicknesses (in m). In sigma-coordinate mode, the list + ! is of non-dimensional fractions of the water column. +!TARGET_DENSITIES = 1010.0, 1014.3034, 1017.8088, 1020.843, 1023.5566, 1025.813, 1027.0275, 1027.9114, 1028.6422, 1029.2795, 1029.852, 1030.3762, 1030.8626, 1031.3183, 1031.7486, 1032.1572, 1032.5471, 1032.9207, 1033.2798, 1033.6261, 1033.9608, 1034.2519, 1034.4817, 1034.6774, 1034.8508, 1035.0082, 1035.1533, 1035.2886, 1035.4159, 1035.5364, 1035.6511, 1035.7608, 1035.8661, 1035.9675, 1036.0645, 1036.1554, 1036.2411, 1036.3223, 1036.3998, 1036.4739, 1036.5451, 1036.6137, 1036.68, 1036.7441, 1036.8062, 1036.8526, 1036.8874, 1036.9164, 1036.9418, 1036.9647, 1036.9857, 1037.0052, 1037.0236, 1037.0409, 1037.0574, 1037.0738, 1037.0902, 1037.1066, 1037.123, 1037.1394, 1037.1558, 1037.1722, 1037.1887, 1037.206, 1037.2241, 1037.2435, 1037.2642, 1037.2866, 1037.3112, 1037.3389, 1037.3713, 1037.4118, 1037.475, 1037.6332, 1037.8104, 1038.0 ! [m] + ! HYBRID target densities for interfaces +REGRID_COMPRESSIBILITY_FRACTION = 0.01 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 + ! When interpolating potential density profiles we can add some artificial + ! compressibility solely to make homogeneous regions appear stratified. +MAXIMUM_INT_DEPTH_CONFIG = "FNC1:5,8000.0,1.0,.01" ! default = "NONE" + ! Determines how to specify the maximum interface depths. + ! Valid options are: + ! NONE - there are no maximum interface depths + ! PARAM - use the vector-parameter MAXIMUM_INTERFACE_DEPTHS + ! FILE:string - read from a file. The string specifies + ! the filename and variable name, separated + ! by a comma or space, e.g. FILE:lev.nc,Z + ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision +!MAXIMUM_INT_DEPTHS = 0.0, 5.0, 12.75, 23.25, 36.49, 52.480000000000004, 71.22, 92.71000000000001, 116.94000000000001, 143.92000000000002, 173.65, 206.13, 241.36, 279.33000000000004, 320.05000000000007, 363.5200000000001, 409.7400000000001, 458.7000000000001, 510.4100000000001, 564.8700000000001, 622.0800000000002, 682.0300000000002, 744.7300000000002, 810.1800000000003, 878.3800000000003, 949.3300000000004, 1023.0200000000004, 1099.4600000000005, 1178.6500000000005, 1260.5900000000006, 1345.2700000000007, 1432.7000000000007, 1522.8800000000008, 1615.8100000000009, 1711.490000000001, 1809.910000000001, 1911.080000000001, 2015.0000000000011, 2121.670000000001, 2231.080000000001, 2343.2400000000007, 2458.1500000000005, 2575.8100000000004, 2696.2200000000003, 2819.3700000000003, 2945.2700000000004, 3073.9200000000005, 3205.3200000000006, 3339.4600000000005, 3476.3500000000004, 3615.9900000000002, 3758.38, 3903.52, 4051.4, 4202.03, 4355.41, 4511.54, 4670.41, 4832.03, 4996.4, 5163.5199999999995, 5333.379999999999, 5505.989999999999, 5681.3499999999985, 5859.459999999998, 6040.319999999998, 6223.919999999998, 6410.269999999999, 6599.369999999999, 6791.219999999999, 6985.8099999999995, 7183.15, 7383.24, 7586.08, 7791.67, 8000.0 + ! The list of maximum depths for each interface. +MAX_LAYER_THICKNESS_CONFIG = "FNC1:400,31000.0,0.1,.01" ! default = "NONE" + ! Determines how to specify the maximum layer thicknesses. + ! Valid options are: + ! NONE - there are no maximum layer thicknesses + ! PARAM - use the vector-parameter MAX_LAYER_THICKNESS + ! FILE:string - read from a file. The string specifies + ! the filename and variable name, separated + ! by a comma or space, e.g. FILE:lev.nc,Z + ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision +!MAX_LAYER_THICKNESS = 400.0, 409.63, 410.32, 410.75, 411.07, 411.32, 411.52, 411.7, 411.86, 412.0, 412.13, 412.24, 412.35, 412.45, 412.54, 412.63, 412.71, 412.79, 412.86, 412.93, 413.0, 413.06, 413.12, 413.18, 413.24, 413.29, 413.34, 413.39, 413.44, 413.49, 413.54, 413.58, 413.62, 413.67, 413.71, 413.75, 413.78, 413.82, 413.86, 413.9, 413.93, 413.97, 414.0, 414.03, 414.06, 414.1, 414.13, 414.16, 414.19, 414.22, 414.24, 414.27, 414.3, 414.33, 414.35, 414.38, 414.41, 414.43, 414.46, 414.48, 414.51, 414.53, 414.55, 414.58, 414.6, 414.62, 414.65, 414.67, 414.69, 414.71, 414.73, 414.75, 414.77, 414.79, 414.83 ! [m] + ! The list of maximum thickness for each layer. +REMAPPING_SCHEME = "PPM_H4" ! default = "PLM" + ! This sets the reconstruction scheme used for vertical remapping for all + ! variables. It can be one of the following schemes: PCM (1st-order + ! accurate) + ! PLM (2nd-order accurate) + ! PPM_H4 (3rd-order accurate) + ! PPM_IH4 (3rd-order accurate) + ! PQM_IH4IH3 (4th-order accurate) + ! PQM_IH6IH5 (5th-order accurate) + +! === module MOM_grid === +! Parameters providing information about the lateral grid. + +! === module MOM_state_initialization === +TS_CONFIG = "file" ! + ! A string that determines how the initial tempertures and salinities are + ! specified for a new run: + ! file - read velocities from the file specified + ! by (TS_FILE). + ! fit - find the temperatures that are consistent with + ! the layer densities and salinity S_REF. + ! TS_profile - use temperature and salinity profiles + ! (read from TS_FILE) to set layer densities. + ! benchmark - use the benchmark test case T & S. + ! linear - linear in logical layer space. + ! DOME2D - 2D DOME initialization. + ! ISOMIP - ISOMIP initialization. + ! adjustment2d - 2d lock exchange T/S ICs. + ! sloshing - sloshing mode T/S ICs. + ! seamount - no motion test with seamount ICs. + ! dumbbell - sloshing channel ICs. + ! rossby_front - a mixed layer front in thermal wind balance. + ! SCM_CVMix_tests - used in the SCM CVMix tests. + ! USER - call a user modified routine. +TS_FILE = "ocean_ts_ic.nc" ! + ! The initial condition file for temperature. + +INIT_LAYERS_FROM_Z_FILE = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, initialize the layer thicknesses, temperatures, and salinities from a + ! Z-space file on a latitude-longitude grid. + + +! === module MOM_initialize_layers_from_Z === +TEMP_SALT_Z_INIT_FILE = "ocean_ts_ic.nc" ! default = "temp_salt_z.nc" + ! The name of the z-space input file used to initialize temperatures (T) and + ! salinities (S). If T and S are not in the same file, TEMP_Z_INIT_FILE and + ! SALT_Z_INIT_FILE must be set. +!TEMP_Z_INIT_FILE = "" ! default = "" + ! The name of the z-space input file used to initialize temperatures, only. +!SALT_Z_INIT_FILE = "" ! default = "" + ! The name of the z-space input file used to initialize temperatures, only. +Z_INIT_FILE_PTEMP_VAR = "Temp" ! default = "ptemp" + ! The name of the potential temperature variable in TEMP_Z_INIT_FILE. +Z_INIT_FILE_SALT_VAR = "Salt" ! default = "salt" + ! The name of the salinity variable in SALT_Z_INIT_FILE. +Z_INIT_ALE_REMAPPING = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If True, then remap straight to model coordinate from file. +Z_INIT_REMAP_OLD_ALG = True ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If false, uses the preferred remapping algorithm for initialization. If true, + ! use an older, less robust algorithm for remapping. +Z_INIT_REMAP_GENERAL = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If false, only initializes to z* coordinates. + ! If true, allows initialization directly to general coordinates. +Z_INIT_REMAP_FULL_COLUMN = True ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If false, only reconstructs profiles for valid data points. + ! If true, inserts vanished layers below the valid data. +DEPRESS_INITIAL_SURFACE = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, depress the initial surface to avoid huge tsunamis when a large + ! surface pressure is applied. +SURFACE_HEIGHT_IC_FILE = "ocean_ssh_ic.nc" ! + ! The initial condition file for the surface height. +SURFACE_HEIGHT_IC_VAR = "ave_ssh" ! default = "SSH" + ! The initial condition variable for the surface height +VELOCITY_CONFIG = "file" +VELOCITY_FILE = "ocean_uv_ic.nc" + +! === module MOM_diag_mediator === +NUM_DIAG_COORDS = 2 ! default = 1 + ! The number of diagnostic vertical coordinates to use. For each coordinate, an + ! entry in DIAG_COORDS must be provided. +DIAG_COORDS = "z Z ZSTAR", "rho2 RHO2 RHO" ! + ! A list of string tuples associating diag_table modules to a coordinate + ! definition used for diagnostics. Each string is of the form + ! "MODULE_SUFFIX,PARAMETER_SUFFIX,COORDINATE_NAME". +DIAG_COORD_DEF_RHO2 = "RFNC1:35,999.5,1028,1028.5,8.,1038.,0.0078125" ! default = "WOA09" + ! Determines how to specify the coordinate resolution. Valid options are: + ! PARAM - use the vector-parameter DIAG_COORD_RES_RHO2 + ! UNIFORM[:N] - uniformly distributed + ! FILE:string - read from a file. The string specifies + ! the filename and variable name, separated + ! by a comma or space, e.g. FILE:lev.nc,dz + ! or FILE:lev.nc,interfaces=zw + ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision + ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies + ! the filename and two variable names, separated + ! by a comma or space, for sigma-2 and dz. e.g. + ! HYBRID:vgrid.nc,sigma2,dz +DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z = "FILE:ocean_vgrid.nc,interfaces=zw" ! default = "WOA09" + ! Determines how to specify the coordinate + ! resolution. Valid options are: + ! PARAM - use the vector-parameter DIAG_COORD_RES_RHO2 + ! UNIFORM[:N] - uniformly distributed + ! FILE:string - read from a file. The string specifies + ! the filename and variable name, separated + ! by a comma or space, e.g. FILE:lev.nc,dz + ! or FILE:lev.nc,interfaces=zw + ! WOA09[:N] - the WOA09 vertical grid (approximately) + ! FNC1:string - FNC1:dz_min,H_total,power,precision + ! HYBRID:string - read from a file. The string specifies + ! the filename and two variable names, separated + ! by a comma or space, for sigma-2 and dz. e.g. + ! HYBRID:vgrid.nc,sigma2,dz + +! === module MOM_MEKE === +USE_MEKE = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, turns on the MEKE scheme which calculates a sub-grid mesoscale eddy + ! kinetic energy budget. +MEKE_GMCOEFF = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = -1.0 + ! The efficiency of the conversion of potential energy into MEKE by the + ! thickness mixing parameterization. If MEKE_GMCOEFF is negative, this + ! conversion is not used or calculated. +MEKE_BGSRC = 1.0E-13 ! [W kg-1] default = 0.0 + ! A background energy source for MEKE. +MEKE_KHMEKE_FAC = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 + ! A factor that maps MEKE%Kh to Kh for MEKE itself. +MEKE_ALPHA_RHINES = 0.15 ! [nondim] default = 0.05 + ! If positive, is a coefficient weighting the Rhines scale in the expression for + ! mixing length used in MEKE-derived diffusivity. +MEKE_ALPHA_EADY = 0.15 ! [nondim] default = 0.05 + ! If positive, is a coefficient weighting the Eady length scale in the + ! expression for mixing length used in MEKE-derived diffusivity. + +! === module MOM_lateral_mixing_coeffs === +USE_VARIABLE_MIXING = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the variable mixing code will be called. This allows diagnostics to + ! be created even if the scheme is not used. If KHTR_SLOPE_CFF>0 or + ! KhTh_Slope_Cff>0, this is set to true regardless of what is in the parameter + ! file. +RESOLN_SCALED_KH = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the Laplacian lateral viscosity is scaled away when the first + ! baroclinic deformation radius is well resolved. +RESOLN_SCALED_KHTH = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the interface depth diffusivity is scaled away when the first + ! baroclinic deformation radius is well resolved. +KHTR_SLOPE_CFF = 0.25 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 + ! The nondimensional coefficient in the Visbeck formula for the epipycnal tracer + ! diffusivity +USE_STORED_SLOPES = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the isopycnal slopes are calculated once and stored for re-use. This + ! uses more memory but avoids calling the equation of state more times than + ! should be necessary. +INTERPOLATE_RES_FN = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, interpolate the resolution function to the velocity points from the + ! thickness points; otherwise interpolate the wave speed and calculate the + ! resolution function independently at each point. +GILL_EQUATORIAL_LD = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses Gill's definition of the baroclinic equatorial deformation + ! radius, otherwise, if false, use Pedlosky's definition. These definitions + ! differ by a factor of 2 in front of the beta term in the denominator. Gill's + ! is the more appropriate definition. + +! === module MOM_set_visc === +CHANNEL_DRAG = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the bottom drag is exerted directly on each layer proportional to the + ! fraction of the bottom it overlies. +PRANDTL_TURB = 1.25 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 + ! The turbulent Prandtl number applied to shear instability. +HBBL = 10.0 ! [m] + ! The thickness of a bottom boundary layer with a viscosity of KVBBL if + ! BOTTOMDRAGLAW is not defined, or the thickness over which near-bottom + ! velocities are averaged for the drag law if BOTTOMDRAGLAW is defined but + ! LINEAR_DRAG is not. +DRAG_BG_VEL = 0.01 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0 + ! DRAG_BG_VEL is either the assumed bottom velocity (with LINEAR_DRAG) or an + ! unresolved velocity that is combined with the resolved velocity to estimate + ! the velocity magnitude. DRAG_BG_VEL is only used when BOTTOMDRAGLAW is + ! defined. +BBL_USE_EOS = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use the equation of state in determining the properties of the bottom + ! boundary layer. Otherwise use the layer target potential densities. +BBL_THICK_MIN = 0.1 ! [m] default = 0.0 + ! The minimum bottom boundary layer thickness that can be used with + ! BOTTOMDRAGLAW. This might be Kv/(cdrag*drag_bg_vel) to give Kv as the minimum + ! near-bottom viscosity. +KV = 1.0E-06 ! [m2 s-1] + ! The background kinematic viscosity in the interior. The molecular value, ~1e-6 + ! m2 s-1, may be used. +KV_BBL_MIN = 0.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 1.0E-04 + ! The minimum viscosities in the bottom boundary layer. +KV_TBL_MIN = 0.0 ! [m2 s-1] default = 1.0E-04 + ! The minimum viscosities in the top boundary layer. + +! === module MOM_thickness_diffuse === +KHTH_MAX_CFL = 0.1 ! [nondimensional] default = 0.8 + ! The maximum value of the local diffusive CFL ratio that is permitted for the + ! thickness diffusivity. 1.0 is the marginally unstable value in a pure layered + ! model, but much smaller numbers (e.g. 0.1) seem to work better for ALE-based + ! models. +USE_GM_WORK_BUG = True ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, compute the top-layer work tendency on the u-grid with the incorrect + ! sign, for legacy reproducibility. + +! === module MOM_continuity === + +! === module MOM_continuity_PPM === +ETA_TOLERANCE = 1.0E-06 ! [m] default = 3.75E-09 + ! The tolerance for the differences between the barotropic and baroclinic + ! estimates of the sea surface height due to the fluxes through each face. The + ! total tolerance for SSH is 4 times this value. The default is + ! 0.5*NK*ANGSTROM, and this should not be set less than about + ! 10^-15*MAXIMUM_DEPTH. +ETA_TOLERANCE_AUX = 0.001 ! [m] default = 1.0E-06 + ! The tolerance for free-surface height discrepancies between the barotropic + ! solution and the sum of the layer thicknesses when calculating the auxiliary + ! corrected velocities. By default, this is the same as ETA_TOLERANCE, but can + ! be made larger for efficiency. + +! === module MOM_CoriolisAdv === +CORIOLIS_SCHEME = "SADOURNY75_ENSTRO" ! default = "SADOURNY75_ENERGY" + ! CORIOLIS_SCHEME selects the discretization for the Coriolis terms. Valid + ! values are: + ! SADOURNY75_ENERGY - Sadourny, 1975; energy cons. + ! ARAKAWA_HSU90 - Arakawa & Hsu, 1990 + ! SADOURNY75_ENSTRO - Sadourny, 1975; enstrophy cons. + ! ARAKAWA_LAMB81 - Arakawa & Lamb, 1981; En. + Enst. + ! ARAKAWA_LAMB_BLEND - A blend of Arakawa & Lamb with + ! Arakawa & Hsu and Sadourny energy +BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the Coriolis terms at u-points are bounded by the four estimates of + ! (f+rv)v from the four neighboring v-points, and similarly at v-points. This + ! option would have no effect on the SADOURNY Coriolis scheme if it were + ! possible to use centered difference thickness fluxes. + +! === module MOM_PressureForce === + +! === module MOM_PressureForce_AFV === +MASS_WEIGHT_IN_PRESSURE_GRADIENT = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use mass weighting when interpolating T/S for integrals near the + ! bathymetry in AFV pressure gradient calculations. + +! === module MOM_hor_visc === +LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity. +AH_VEL_SCALE = 0.005 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0 + ! The velocity scale which is multiplied by the cube of the grid spacing to + ! calculate the biharmonic viscosity. The final viscosity is the largest of this + ! scaled viscosity, the Smagorinsky and Leith viscosities, and AH. +SMAGORINSKY_AH = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a biharmonic Smagorinsky nonlinear eddy viscosity. +SMAG_BI_CONST = 0.06 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 + ! The nondimensional biharmonic Smagorinsky constant, typically 0.015 - 0.06. +USE_LAND_MASK_FOR_HVISC = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use Use the land mask for the computation of thicknesses at velocity + ! locations. This eliminates the dependence on arbitrary values over land or + ! outside of the domain. Default is False in order to maintain answers with + ! legacy experiments but should be changed to True for new experiments. + +! === module MOM_vert_friction === +HMIX_FIXED = 0.5 ! [m] + ! The prescribed depth over which the near-surface viscosity and diffusivity are + ! elevated when the bulk mixed layer is not used. +! khs_testMAXVEL = 6.0 ! [m s-1] default = 3.0E+08 +MAXVEL = 3.0E+08 ! [m s-1] default = 3.0E+08 + ! The maximum velocity allowed before the velocity components are truncated. + +! === module MOM_PointAccel === +U_TRUNC_FILE = "U_velocity_truncations" ! default = "" + ! The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to zonal + ! velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this + ! diagnostic is not needed. +V_TRUNC_FILE = "V_velocity_truncations" ! default = "" + ! The absolute path to a file into which the accelerations leading to meridional + ! velocity truncations are written. Undefine this for efficiency if this + ! diagnostic is not needed. + +! === module MOM_barotropic === +BOUND_BT_CORRECTION = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the corrective pseudo mass-fluxes into the barotropic solver are + ! limited to values that require less than maxCFL_BT_cont to be accommodated. +BT_PROJECT_VELOCITY = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, step the barotropic velocity first and project out the velocity + ! tendency by 1+BEBT when calculating the transport. The default (false) is to + ! use a predictor continuity step to find the pressure field, and then to do a + ! corrector continuity step using a weighted average of the old and new + ! velocities, with weights of (1-BEBT) and BEBT. +DYNAMIC_SURFACE_PRESSURE = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, add a dynamic pressure due to a viscous ice shelf, for instance. +DT_BT_FILTER = 360 ! [sec or nondim] default = -0.25 + ! A time-scale over which the barotropic mode solutions are filtered, in seconds + ! if positive, or as a fraction of DT if negative. When used this can never be + ! take to be longer than 2*dt. Set this to 0 to apply no filtering. +BEBT = 0.2 ! [nondim] default = 0.1 + ! BEBT determines whether the barotropic time stepping uses the forward-backward + ! time-stepping scheme or a backward Euler scheme. BEBT is valid in the range + ! from 0 (for a forward-backward treatment of nonrotating gravity waves) to 1 + ! (for a backward Euler treatment). In practice, BEBT must be greater than about + ! 0.05. +DTBT = -0.9 ! [s or nondim] default = -0.98 + ! The barotropic time step, in s. DTBT is only used with the split explicit time + ! stepping. To set the time step automatically based the maximum stable value + ! use 0, or a negative value gives the fraction of the stable value. Setting + ! DTBT to 0 is the same as setting it to -0.98. The value of DTBT that will + ! actually be used is an integer fraction of DT, rounding down. +BT_USE_OLD_CORIOLIS_BRACKET_BUG = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If True, use an order of operations that is not bitwise rotationally symmetric + ! in the meridional Coriolis term of the barotropic solver. + +! === module MOM_mixed_layer_restrat === +MIXEDLAYER_RESTRAT = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, a density-gradient dependent re-stratifying flow is imposed in the + ! mixed layer. Can be used in ALE mode without restriction but in layer mode can + ! only be used if BULKMIXEDLAYER is true. +! FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 + ! A nondimensional coefficient that is proportional to the ratio of the + ! deformation radius to the dominant lengthscale of the submesoscale mixed layer + ! instabilities, times the minimum of the ratio of the mesoscale eddy kinetic + ! energy to the large-scale geostrophic kinetic energy or 1 plus the square of + ! the grid spacing over the deformation radius, as detailed by Fox-Kemper et al. + ! (2010) +MLE_FRONT_LENGTH = 500.0 ! [m] default = 0.0 + ! If non-zero, is the frontal-length scale used to calculate the upscaling of + ! buoyancy gradients that is otherwise represented by the parameter + ! FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF. If MLE_FRONT_LENGTH is non-zero, it is recommended + ! to set FOX_KEMPER_ML_RESTRAT_COEF=1.0. +MLE_USE_PBL_MLD = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the MLE parameterization will use the mixed-layer depth provided by + ! the active PBL parameterization. If false, MLE will estimate a MLD based on a + ! density difference with the surface using the parameter MLE_DENSITY_DIFF. +MLE_MLD_DECAY_TIME = 2.592E+06 ! [s] default = 0.0 + ! The time-scale for a running-mean filter applied to the mixed-layer depth used + ! in the MLE restratification parameterization. When the MLD deepens below the + ! current running-mean the running-mean is instantaneously set to the current + ! MLD. + +! === module MOM_diabatic_driver === +! The following parameters are used for diabatic processes. +ENERGETICS_SFC_PBL = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use an implied energetics planetary boundary layer scheme to + ! determine the diffusivity and viscosity in the surface boundary layer. +EPBL_IS_ADDITIVE = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, the diffusivity from ePBL is added to all other diffusivities. + ! Otherwise, the larger of kappa-shear and ePBL diffusivities are used. + +! === module MOM_CVMix_KPP === +! This is the MOM wrapper to CVMix:KPP +! See http://cvmix.github.io/ + +! === module MOM_tidal_mixing === +! Vertical Tidal Mixing Parameterization +INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use an internal tidal dissipation scheme to drive diapycnal mixing, + ! along the lines of St. Laurent et al. (2002) and Simmons et al. (2004). +INT_TIDE_PROFILE = "POLZIN_09" ! default = "STLAURENT_02" + ! INT_TIDE_PROFILE selects the vertical profile of energy dissipation with + ! INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. Valid values are: + ! STLAURENT_02 - Use the St. Laurent et al exponential + ! decay profile. + ! POLZIN_09 - Use the Polzin WKB-stretched algebraic + ! decay profile. +INT_TIDE_DECAY_SCALE = 300.3003003003003 ! [m] default = 500.0 + ! The decay scale away from the bottom for tidal TKE with the new coding when + ! INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION is used. +KAPPA_ITIDES = 6.28319E-04 ! [m-1] default = 6.283185307179586E-04 + ! A topographic wavenumber used with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. The default is 2pi/10 + ! km, as in St.Laurent et al. 2002. +KAPPA_H2_FACTOR = 0.84 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 + ! A scaling factor for the roughness amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. +TKE_ITIDE_MAX = 0.1 ! [W m-2] default = 1000.0 + ! The maximum internal tide energy source available to mix above the bottom + ! boundary layer with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. +READ_TIDEAMP = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, read a file (given by TIDEAMP_FILE) containing the tidal amplitude + ! with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. +TIDEAMP_FILE = "ocean_tidal_amplitude.nc" ! default = "tideamp.nc" + ! The path to the file containing the spatially varying tidal amplitudes with + ! INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. +H2_FILE = "ocean_topog.nc" ! + ! The path to the file containing the sub-grid-scale topographic roughness + ! amplitude with INT_TIDE_DISSIPATION. + +! === module MOM_CVMix_conv === +! Parameterization of enhanced mixing due to convection via CVMix + +! === module MOM_geothermal === +GEOTHERMAL_SCALE = 1.0 ! [W m-2 or various] default = 0.0 + ! The constant geothermal heat flux, a rescaling factor for the heat flux read + ! from GEOTHERMAL_FILE, or 0 to disable the geothermal heating. +GEOTHERMAL_FILE = "ocean_geothermal.nc" ! default = "" + ! The file from which the geothermal heating is to be read, or blank to use a + ! constant heating rate. +GEOTHERMAL_VARNAME = "geothermal_hf" ! default = "geo_heat" + ! The name of the geothermal heating variable in GEOTHERMAL_FILE. + +! === module MOM_set_diffusivity === +BBL_MIXING_AS_MAX = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, take the maximum of the diffusivity from the BBL mixing and the other + ! diffusivities. Otherwise, diffusivity from the BBL_mixing is simply added. +USE_LOTW_BBL_DIFFUSIVITY = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses a simple, imprecise but non-coordinate dependent, model of BBL + ! mixing diffusivity based on Law of the Wall. Otherwise, uses the original BBL + ! scheme. +SIMPLE_TKE_TO_KD = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, uses a simple estimate of Kd/TKE that will work for arbitrary + ! vertical coordinates. If false, calculates Kd/TKE and bounds based on exact + ! energetics for an isopycnal layer-formulation. + +! === module MOM_bkgnd_mixing === +! Adding static vertical background mixing coefficients +KD = 1.5E-05 ! [m2 s-1] + ! The background diapycnal diffusivity of density in the interior. Zero or the + ! molecular value, ~1e-7 m2 s-1, may be used. +KD_MIN = 2.0E-06 ! [m2 s-1] default = 1.5E-07 + ! The minimum diapycnal diffusivity. +HENYEY_IGW_BACKGROUND = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a latitude-dependent scaling for the near surface background + ! diffusivity, as described in Harrison & Hallberg, JPO 2008. +KD_MAX = 0.1 ! [m2 s-1] default = -1.0 + ! The maximum permitted increment for the diapycnal diffusivity from TKE-based + ! parameterizations, or a negative value for no limit. + +! === module MOM_kappa_shear === +! Parameterization of shear-driven turbulence following Jackson, Hallberg and Legg, JPO 2008 +USE_JACKSON_PARAM = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use the Jackson-Hallberg-Legg (JPO 2008) shear mixing + ! parameterization. +MAX_RINO_IT = 25 ! [nondim] default = 50 + ! The maximum number of iterations that may be used to estimate the Richardson + ! number driven mixing. +KAPPA_SHEAR_ITER_BUG = True ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use an older, dimensionally inconsistent estimate of the derivative + ! of diffusivity with energy in the Newton's method iteration. The bug causes + ! undercorrections when dz > 1 m. +KAPPA_SHEAR_ALL_LAYER_TKE_BUG = True ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, report back the latest estimate of TKE instead of the time average + ! TKE when there is mass in all layers. Otherwise always report the time + ! averaged TKE, as is currently done when there are some massless layers. + +! === module MOM_CVMix_shear === +! Parameterization of shear-driven turbulence via CVMix (various options) + +! === module MOM_CVMix_ddiff === +! Parameterization of mixing due to double diffusion processes via CVMix + +! === module MOM_diabatic_aux === +! The following parameters are used for auxiliary diabatic processes. +PRESSURE_DEPENDENT_FRAZIL = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use a pressure dependent freezing temperature when making frazil. The + ! default is false, which will be faster but is inappropriate with ice-shelf + ! cavities. +VAR_PEN_SW = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use one of the CHL_A schemes specified by OPACITY_SCHEME to determine + ! the e-folding depth of incoming short wave radiation. +CHL_FILE = "ocean_chla.nc" ! + ! CHL_FILE is the file containing chl_a concentrations in the variable CHL_A. It + ! is used when VAR_PEN_SW and CHL_FROM_FILE are true. + +EPBL_VEL_SCALE_FACTOR = 0.5 ! [nondim] default = 1.0 + ! An overall nondimensional scaling factor for wT. Making this larger increases + ! the PBL diffusivity. + +! === module MOM_energetic_PBL === +ML_OMEGA_FRAC = 0.001 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 + ! When setting the decay scale for turbulence, use this fraction of the absolute + ! rotation rate blended with the local value of f, as sqrt((1-of)*f^2 + + ! of*4*omega^2). +TKE_DECAY = 0.01 ! [nondim] default = 2.5 + ! TKE_DECAY relates the vertical rate of decay of the TKE available for + ! mechanical entrainment to the natural Ekman depth. +EPBL_MSTAR_SCHEME = "OM4" ! default = "CONSTANT" + ! EPBL_MSTAR_SCHEME selects the method for setting mstar. Valid values are: + ! CONSTANT - Use a fixed mstar given by MSTAR + ! OM4 - Use L_Ekman/L_Obukhov in the sabilizing limit, as in OM4 + ! REICHL_H18 - Use the scheme documented in Reichl & Hallberg, 2018. +MSTAR_CAP = 10.0 ! [nondim] default = -1.0 + ! If this value is positive, it sets the maximum value of mstar allowed in ePBL. + ! (This is not used if EPBL_MSTAR_SCHEME = CONSTANT). +MSTAR2_COEF1 = 0.29 ! [nondim] default = 0.3 + ! Coefficient in computing mstar when rotation and stabilizing effects are both + ! important (used if EPBL_MSTAR_SCHEME = OM4). +MSTAR2_COEF2 = 0.152 ! [nondim] default = 0.085 + ! Coefficient in computing mstar when only rotation limits the total mixing + ! (used if EPBL_MSTAR_SCHEME = OM4) +NSTAR = 0.06 ! [nondim] default = 0.2 + ! The portion of the buoyant potential energy imparted by surface fluxes that is + ! available to drive entrainment at the base of mixed layer when that energy is + ! positive. +MSTAR_CONV_ADJ = 0.667 ! [nondim] default = 0.0 + ! Coefficient used for reducing mstar during convection due to reduction of + ! stable density gradient. +USE_MLD_ITERATION = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! A logical that specifies whether or not to use the distance to the bottom of + ! the actively turbulent boundary layer to help set the EPBL length scale. +EPBL_TRANSITION_SCALE = 0.01 ! [nondim] default = 0.1 + ! A scale for the mixing length in the transition layer at the edge of the + ! boundary layer as a fraction of the boundary layer thickness. +MIX_LEN_EXPONENT = 1.0 ! [nondim] default = 2.0 + ! The exponent applied to the ratio of the distance to the MLD and the MLD depth + ! which determines the shape of the mixing length. This is only used if + ! USE_MLD_ITERATION is True. +USE_LA_LI2016 = True ! [nondim] default = False + ! A logical to use the Li et al. 2016 (submitted) formula to determine the + ! Langmuir number. +EPBL_LANGMUIR_SCHEME = "ADDITIVE" ! default = "NONE" + ! EPBL_LANGMUIR_SCHEME selects the method for including Langmuir turbulence. + ! Valid values are: + ! NONE - Do not do any extra mixing due to Langmuir turbulence + ! RESCALE - Use a multiplicative rescaling of mstar to account for Langmuir + ! turbulence + ! ADDITIVE - Add a Langmuir turblence contribution to mstar to other + ! contributions +LT_ENHANCE_COEF = 0.044 ! [nondim] default = 0.447 + ! Coefficient for Langmuir enhancement of mstar +LT_ENHANCE_EXP = -1.5 ! [nondim] default = -1.33 + ! Exponent for Langmuir enhancementt of mstar +LT_MOD_LAC1 = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = -0.87 + ! Coefficient for modification of Langmuir number due to MLD approaching Ekman + ! depth. +LT_MOD_LAC4 = 0.0 ! [nondim] default = 0.95 + ! Coefficient for modification of Langmuir number due to ratio of Ekman to + ! stable Obukhov depth. +LT_MOD_LAC5 = 0.22 ! [nondim] default = 0.95 + ! Coefficient for modification of Langmuir number due to ratio of Ekman to + ! unstable Obukhov depth. + +! === module MOM_regularize_layers === + +! === module MOM_opacity === +PEN_SW_NBANDS = 3 ! default = 1 + ! The number of bands of penetrating shortwave radiation. + +! === module MOM_tracer_advect === +TRACER_ADVECTION_SCHEME = "PPM:H3" ! default = "PLM" + ! The horizontal transport scheme for tracers: + ! PLM - Piecewise Linear Method + ! PPM:H3 - Piecewise Parabolic Method (Huyhn 3rd order) + ! PPM - Piecewise Parabolic Method (Colella-Woodward) + +! === module MOM_tracer_hor_diff === +CHECK_DIFFUSIVE_CFL = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, use enough iterations the diffusion to ensure that the diffusive + ! equivalent of the CFL limit is not violated. If false, always use the greater + ! of 1 or MAX_TR_DIFFUSION_CFL iteration. + +! === module MOM_neutral_diffusion === +! This module implements neutral diffusion of tracers + +! === module MOM_lateral_boundary_diffusion === +! This module implements lateral diffusion of tracers near boundaries + +! === module MOM_sum_output === +MAXTRUNC = 100000 ! [truncations save_interval-1] default = 0 + ! The run will be stopped, and the day set to a very large value if the velocity + ! is truncated more than MAXTRUNC times between energy saves. Set MAXTRUNC to 0 + ! to stop if there is any truncation of velocities. +ENERGYSAVEDAYS = 0.25 ! [days] default = 1.0 + ! The interval in units of TIMEUNIT between saves of the energies of the run and + ! other globally summed diagnostics. + +! === module ocean_model_init === + +! === module MOM_surface_forcing === +BUOY_CONFIG = "data_override" ! default = "zero" + ! The character string that indicates how buoyancy forcing is specified. Valid + ! options include (file), (zero), (linear), (USER), (BFB) and (NONE). +ARCHAIC_OMIP_FORCING_FILE = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the forcing variable decomposition from the old German OMIP + ! prescription that predated CORE. If false, use the variable groupings + ! available from MOM output diagnostics of forcing variables. +MAX_P_SURF = 0.0 ! [Pa] default = -1.0 + ! The maximum surface pressure that can be exerted by the atmosphere and + ! floating sea-ice or ice shelves. This is needed because the FMS coupling + ! structure does not limit the water that can be frozen out of the ocean and the + ! ice-ocean heat fluxes are treated explicitly. No limit is applied if a + ! negative value is used. +CD_TIDES = 0.0018 ! [nondim] default = 1.0E-04 + ! The drag coefficient that applies to the tides. +WIND_CONFIG = "data_override" ! default = "zero" + ! The character string that indicates how wind forcing is specified. Valid + ! options include (file), (2gyre), (1gyre), (gyres), (zero), and (USER). +RESTOREBUOY = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the buoyancy fluxes drive the model back toward some specified + ! surface state with a rate given by FLUXCONST. +LATENT_HEAT_FUSION = 3.34E+05 ! [J/kg] default = 3.34E+05 + ! The latent heat of fusion. +LATENT_HEAT_VAPORIZATION = 2.5E+06 ! [J/kg] default = 2.5E+06 + ! The latent heat of fusion. +!FLUXCONST = 0.5 ! [m day-1] default = 0.0 + ! The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes to the relative surface + ! anomalies (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units. +!FLUXCONST_T = 0.5 ! [m day-1] default = 0.5 + ! The constant that relates the restoring surface temperature flux to the + ! relative surface anomaly (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units. +!FLUXCONST_S = 0.5 ! [m day-1] default = 0.5 + ! The constant that relates the restoring surface salinity flux to the relative + ! surface anomaly (akin to a piston velocity). Note the non-MKS units. +GUST_CONST = 0.0 ! [Pa] default = 0.0 + ! The background gustiness in the winds. +USTAR_GUSTLESS_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + +! These parameters are used in CORE mode but should not be used in +! the coupled model (CM4). +RESTORE_SALINITY = False ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the coupled driver will add a globally-balanced + ! fresh-water flux that drives sea-surface salinity + ! toward specified values. +ADJUST_NET_FRESH_WATER_TO_ZERO = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, adjusts the net fresh-water forcing seen + ! by the ocean (including restoring) to zero. +FLUXCONST = 0.1667 !0.500 !0.1667 ! [m day-1] + ! The constant that relates the restoring surface fluxes + ! to the relative surface anomalies (akin to a piston + ! velocity). Note the non-MKS units. +SALT_RESTORE_FILE = "ocean_salt_restore.nc" !"salt_restore_correct.nc" ! default = "salt_restore.nc" + ! A file in which to find the surface salinity to use for restoring. +SALT_RESTORE_VARIABLE = "SALT" +SRESTORE_AS_SFLUX = True ! [Boolean] default = False + ! If true, the restoring of salinity is applied as a salt + ! flux instead of as a freshwater flux. +MAX_DELTA_SRESTORE = 5.0 ! [PSU or g kg-1] default = 999.0 + ! The maximum salinity difference used in restoring terms. +USE_NET_FW_ADJUSTMENT_SIGN_BUG = False ! [Boolean] default = True + ! If true, use the wrong sign for the adjustment to + ! the net fresh-water. + +! === module MOM_restart === + +! === module MOM_file_parser === + +USE_HUYNH_STENCIL_BUG = True diff --git a/tests/parm/aqm/aqm.rc b/tests/parm/aqm/aqm.rc index a6900662ce..20a2288d18 100644 --- a/tests/parm/aqm/aqm.rc +++ b/tests/parm/aqm/aqm.rc @@ -25,11 +25,16 @@ dy_tracer_map_start: 9 ctm_aod: true ctm_pmdiag: true +ctm_wb_dust: true + +ctm_stdout: maintask # # Input emissions # -emission_sources: anthro fire prod +# emission_sources: anthro fire pt dust prod +# emission_sources: anthro dust prod +emission_sources: anthro pt fire dust prod # # Anthropogenic @@ -73,63 +78,63 @@ anthro_frequency: hourly # NO2 -0.05000 no2_sink_1 kg/s # anthro_species:: - ACET 1.00000 ACET KG/M2/S - ACROLEIN 1.00000 ACROLEIN KG/M2/S - ALD2 1.00000 ALD2 KG/M2/S - ALD2_PRIMARY 1.00000 ALD2_PRIMARY KG/M2/S - ALDX 1.00000 ALDX KG/M2/S - BENZ 1.00000 BENZ KG/M2/S - BUTADIENE13 1.00000 BUTADIENE13 KG/M2/S - CH4 1.00000 CH4 KG/M2/S - CH4_INV 1.00000 CH4_INV KG/M2/S - CL2 1.00000 CL2 KG/M2/S - CO 1.00000 CO KG/M2/S - CO2_INV 1.00000 CO2_INV KG/M2/S - ETH 1.00000 ETH KG/M2/S - ETHA 1.00000 ETHA KG/M2/S - ETHY 1.00000 ETHY KG/M2/S - ETOH 1.00000 ETOH KG/M2/S - FORM 1.00000 FORM KG/M2/S - FORM_PRIMARY 1.00000 FORM_PRIMARY KG/M2/S - HCL 1.00000 HCL KG/M2/S - HONO 1.00000 HONO KG/M2/S - IOLE 1.00000 IOLE KG/M2/S - ISOP 1.00000 ISOP KG/M2/S - KET 1.00000 KET KG/M2/S - MEOH 1.00000 MEOH KG/M2/S - NAPH 1.00000 NAPH KG/M2/S - NH3 1.00000 NH3 KG/M2/S - NH3_FERT 1.00000 NH3_FERT KG/M2/S - NO 1.00000 NO KG/M2/S - NO2 1.00000 NO2 KG/M2/S - OLE 1.00000 OLE KG/M2/S - PAL 1.00000 PAL KG/M2/S - PAR 1.00000 PAR KG/M2/S - PCA 1.00000 PCA KG/M2/S - PCL 1.00000 PCL KG/M2/S - PEC 1.00000 PEC KG/M2/S - PFE 1.00000 PFE KG/M2/S - PH2O 1.00000 PH2O KG/M2/S - PK 1.00000 PK KG/M2/S - PMC 1.00000 PMC KG/M2/S - PMG 1.00000 PMG KG/M2/S - PMN 1.00000 PMN KG/M2/S - PMOTHR 1.00000 PMOTHR KG/M2/S - PNA 1.00000 PNA KG/M2/S - PNCOM 1.00000 PNCOM KG/M2/S - PNH4 1.00000 PNH4 KG/M2/S - PNO3 1.00000 PNO3 KG/M2/S - POC 1.00000 POC KG/M2/S - PRPA 1.00000 PRPA KG/M2/S - PSI 1.00000 PSI KG/M2/S - PSO4 1.00000 PSO4 KG/M2/S - PTI 1.00000 PTI KG/M2/S - SO2 1.00000 SO2 KG/M2/S - SOAALK 1.00000 SOAALK KG/M2/S - SULF 1.00000 SULF KG/M2/S - TERP 1.00000 TERP KG/M2/S - TOL 1.00000 TOL KG/M2/S - XYLMN 1.00000 XYLMN KG/M2/S + ACET 0.00000 ACET KG/M2/S + ACROLEIN 0.00000 ACROLEIN KG/M2/S + ALD2 0.00000 ALD2 KG/M2/S + ALD2_PRIMARY 0.00000 ALD2_PRIMARY KG/M2/S + ALDX 0.00000 ALDX KG/M2/S + BENZ 0.00000 BENZ KG/M2/S + BUTADIENE13 0.00000 BUTADIENE13 KG/M2/S + CH4 0.00000 CH4 KG/M2/S + CH4_INV 0.00000 CH4_INV KG/M2/S + CL2 0.00000 CL2 KG/M2/S + CO 0.00000 CO KG/M2/S + CO2_INV 0.00000 CO2_INV KG/M2/S + ETH 0.00000 ETH KG/M2/S + ETHA 0.00000 ETHA KG/M2/S + ETHY 0.00000 ETHY KG/M2/S + ETOH 0.00000 ETOH KG/M2/S + FORM 0.00000 FORM KG/M2/S + FORM_PRIMARY 0.00000 FORM_PRIMARY KG/M2/S + HCL 0.00000 HCL KG/M2/S + HONO 0.00000 HONO KG/M2/S + IOLE 0.00000 IOLE KG/M2/S + ISOP 0.00000 ISOP KG/M2/S + KET 0.00000 KET KG/M2/S + MEOH 0.00000 MEOH KG/M2/S + NAPH 0.00000 NAPH KG/M2/S + NH3 0.00000 NH3 KG/M2/S + NH3_FERT 0.00000 NH3_FERT KG/M2/S + NO 0.00000 NO KG/M2/S + NO2 0.00000 NO2 KG/M2/S + OLE 0.00000 OLE KG/M2/S + PAL 0.00000 PAL KG/M2/S + PAR 0.00000 PAR KG/M2/S + PCA 0.00000 PCA KG/M2/S + PCL 0.00000 PCL KG/M2/S + PEC 0.00000 PEC KG/M2/S + PFE 0.00000 PFE KG/M2/S + PH2O 0.00000 PH2O KG/M2/S + PK 0.00000 PK KG/M2/S + PMC 0.00000 PMC KG/M2/S + PMG 0.00000 PMG KG/M2/S + PMN 0.00000 PMN KG/M2/S + PMOTHR 0.00000 PMOTHR KG/M2/S + PNA 0.00000 PNA KG/M2/S + PNCOM 0.00000 PNCOM KG/M2/S + PNH4 0.00000 PNH4 KG/M2/S + PNO3 0.00000 PNO3 KG/M2/S + POC 0.00000 POC KG/M2/S + PRPA 0.00000 PRPA KG/M2/S + PSI 0.00000 PSI KG/M2/S + PSO4 0.00000 PSO4 KG/M2/S + PTI 0.00000 PTI KG/M2/S + SO2 0.00000 SO2 KG/M2/S + SOAALK 0.00000 SOAALK KG/M2/S + SULF 0.00000 SULF KG/M2/S + TERP 0.00000 TERP KG/M2/S + TOL 0.00000 TOL KG/M2/S + XYLMN 0.00000 XYLMN KG/M2/S AACD FACD GLYXL @@ -139,6 +144,26 @@ anthro_species:: SESQ TOLU :: +# +# Fengsha Dust Emission Option +# +dust_type: fengsha + +dust_format: netcdf + +dust_frequency: monthly + +#dust_file: FENGSHA_p8_10km_inputs_RRFS_CONUScompact_13km.nc +dust_file: FENGSHA_p8_10km_inputs_CONUS_775.nc + +dust_alpha: 0.05 + +dust_species:: + clayf 1.00000 clayfrac 1 + sandf 1.00000 sandfrac 1 + drag 1.00000 albedo_drag 1 + uthr 1.00000 uthres 1 +:: # # Biogenic @@ -237,26 +262,6 @@ bio_species:: LAI_METHW 1.00000 LAI_METHW 1 :: -# -# FENGSHA -# -fengsha_yn: true - -fengsha_type: fengsha - -fengsha_format: netcdf - -fengsha_file: FENGSHA_p8_10km_inputs_RRFS_CONUScompact_13km.nc - -fengsha_frequency: monthly - -fengsha_species:: - CLAYF 1.00000 clayfrac 1 - SANDF 1.00000 sandfrac 1 - DRAG 1.00000 albedo_drag 1 - UTHR 1.00000 uthres 1 -:: - # # Fire emissions from GBBEPx # @@ -319,6 +324,83 @@ fire_species:: FRP 1000000 MeanFRP 1 :: + +pt_type: point-source + +pt_file: pt-2019080112.nc + +pt_frequency: hourly + +pt_plume_rise: default +pt_layers: 8 + +pt_latlon_names: LATITUDE LONGITUDE +pt_stack_diameter: STKDM +pt_stack_height: STKHT +pt_stack_temperature: STKTK +pt_stack_velocity: STKVE + +pt_species:: + ACET 1.0000 ACET MOL/S + ACROLEIN 1.0000 ACROLEIN MOL/S + ALD2 1.0000 ALD2 MOL/S + ALD2_PRIMARY 1.0000 ALD2_PRIMARY MOL/S + ALDX 1.0000 ALDX MOL/S + BENZ 1.0000 BENZ MOL/S + BUTADIENE13 1.0000 BUTADIENE13 MOL/S + CH4 1.0000 CH4 MOL/S + CL2 1.0000 CL2 MOL/S + CO 1.0000 CO MOL/S + ETH 1.0000 ETH MOL/S + ETHA 1.0000 ETHA MOL/S + ETHY 1.0000 ETHY MOL/S + ETOH 1.0000 ETOH MOL/S + FORM 1.0000 FORM MOL/S + FORM_PRIMARY 1.0000 FORM_PRIMARY MOL/S + HCL 1.0000 HCL MOL/S + HONO 1.0000 HONO MOL/S + IOLE 1.0000 IOLE MOL/S + ISOP 1.0000 ISOP MOL/S + KET 1.0000 KET MOL/S + MEOH 1.0000 MEOH MOL/S + NAPH 1.0000 NAPH MOL/S + NH3 1.0000 NH3 MOL/S + NH3_FERT 1.0000 NH3_FERT MOL/S + NO 1.0000 NO MOL/S + NO2 1.0000 NO2 MOL/S + NVOL 1.0000 NVOL MOL/S + OLE 1.0000 OLE MOL/S + PAL 1.0000 PAL G/S + PAR 1.0000 PAR MOL/S + PCA 1.0000 PCA G/S + PCL 1.0000 PCL G/S + PEC 1.0000 PEC G/S + PFE 1.0000 PFE G/S + PH2O 1.0000 PH2O G/S + PK 1.0000 PK G/S + PMC 1.0000 PMC G/S + PMG 1.0000 PMG G/S + PMN 1.0000 PMN G/S + PMOTHR 1.0000 PMOTHR G/S + PNA 1.0000 PNA G/S + PNCOM 1.0000 PNCOM G/S + PNH4 1.0000 PNH4 G/S + PNO3 1.0000 PNO3 G/S + POC 1.0000 POC G/S + PRPA 1.0000 PRPA MOL/S + PSI 1.0000 PSI G/S + PSO4 1.0000 PSO4 G/S + PTI 1.0000 PTI G/S + SO2 1.0000 SO2 MOL/S + SOAALK 1.0000 SOAALK MOL/S + SULF 1.0000 SULF MOL/S + TERP 1.0000 TERP MOL/S + TOL 1.0000 TOL MOL/S + UNR 1.0000 UNR MOL/S + VOC_INV 1.0000 VOC_INV G/S + XYLMN 1.0000 XYLMN MOL/S +:: + # # Output products # diff --git a/tests/parm/control.nml.IN b/tests/parm/control.nml.IN index aa2a30f1c2..c7b45874f1 100644 --- a/tests/parm/control.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/control.nml.IN @@ -10,23 +10,16 @@ max_output_fields = @[MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS] / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - -&mpp_io_nml -shuffle=1 -deflate_level=1 -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 3000000 print_memory_usage = .false. / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -96,6 +89,7 @@ deflate_level=1 agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] res_latlon_dynamics = @[RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS] + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] / &external_ic_nml @@ -165,6 +159,7 @@ deflate_level=1 iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = 1 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. oz_phys = .false. oz_phys_2015 = .true. @@ -197,6 +192,7 @@ deflate_level=1 rrtmgp_nGptsLW = 128 rrtmgp_nBandsLW = 16 rrtmgp_nBandsSW = 14 + rrtmgp_lw_phys_blksz = 16 doGP_cldoptics_LUT = @[DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT] doGP_lwscat = @[DOGP_LWSCAT] progsigma = @[PROGSIGMA] @@ -269,6 +265,7 @@ deflate_level=1 FNVEGC = 'global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb' FNVETC = @[FNVETC] FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC_control] FNMSKH = @[FNMSKH_control] FNTSFA = '' diff --git a/tests/parm/control_ca.nml.IN b/tests/parm/control_ca.nml.IN index 030cc369e2..527eb7e296 100644 --- a/tests/parm/control_ca.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/control_ca.nml.IN @@ -10,23 +10,16 @@ max_output_fields = @[MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS] / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - -&mpp_io_nml -shuffle=1 -deflate_level=1 -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 3000000 print_memory_usage = .false. / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -96,6 +89,7 @@ deflate_level=1 agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = .false. res_latlon_dynamics = "" + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] / &external_ic_nml @@ -163,6 +157,7 @@ deflate_level=1 iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = 1 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. oz_phys = .false. oz_phys_2015 = .true. @@ -270,6 +265,7 @@ deflate_level=1 FNVEGC = 'global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb' FNVETC = @[FNVETC] FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] FNSMCC = 'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t1534.3072.1536.grb' FNMSKH = 'global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb' FNTSFA = '' diff --git a/tests/parm/control_csawmg.nml.IN b/tests/parm/control_csawmg.nml.IN index acd04f7865..88a46c3e58 100644 --- a/tests/parm/control_csawmg.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/control_csawmg.nml.IN @@ -9,23 +9,16 @@ prepend_date = .false. / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - -&mpp_io_nml -shuffle=1 -deflate_level=1 -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 3000000 print_memory_usage = .false. / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -76,11 +69,11 @@ deflate_level=1 mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] ncep_ic = .false. d_con = 1. - hord_mt = 6 - hord_vt = 6 - hord_tm = 6 - hord_dp = 6 - hord_tr = 13 + hord_mt = 5 + hord_vt = 5 + hord_tm = 5 + hord_dp = -5 + hord_tr = 8 adjust_dry_mass = .false. consv_te = 1. do_sat_adj = .false. @@ -94,6 +87,7 @@ deflate_level=1 z_tracer = .true. agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = .false. + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] res_latlon_dynamics = "" / @@ -159,6 +153,7 @@ deflate_level=1 iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = 1 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. oz_phys = .false. oz_phys_2015 = .true. @@ -214,6 +209,7 @@ deflate_level=1 FNVEGC = 'global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb' FNVETC = @[FNVETC] FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] FNSMCC = 'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t1534.3072.1536.grb' FNMSKH = 'global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb' FNTSFA = '' diff --git a/tests/parm/control_flake.nml.IN b/tests/parm/control_flake.nml.IN index 8c637562c8..27f96e5c61 100644 --- a/tests/parm/control_flake.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/control_flake.nml.IN @@ -9,23 +9,16 @@ prepend_date = .false. / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - -&mpp_io_nml -shuffle=1 -deflate_level=1 -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 3000000 print_memory_usage = .false. / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -95,6 +88,7 @@ deflate_level=1 agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = .false. res_latlon_dynamics = "" + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] / &external_ic_nml @@ -106,6 +100,12 @@ deflate_level=1 / &gfs_physics_nml + lkm = @[LKM] + iopt_lake = @[IOPT_LAKE] + lakefrac_threshold = @[LAKEFRAC_THRESHOLD] ! 0.15 + lakedepth_threshold = @[LAKEDEPTH_THRESHOLD] ! 0.5 + clm_lake_debug = .false. + frac_ice = @[FRAC_ICE] ! false for flake, true for clm lake fhzero = 6 h2o_phys = .true. ldiag3d = .false. @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ deflate_level=1 iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = 1 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. oz_phys = .false. oz_phys_2015 = .true. @@ -247,6 +248,7 @@ deflate_level=1 FNVEGC = 'global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb' FNVETC = @[FNVETC] FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] FNSMCC = 'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t1534.3072.1536.grb' FNMSKH = 'global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb' FNTSFA = '' diff --git a/tests/parm/control_gdas.nml.IN b/tests/parm/control_gdas.nml.IN index c43e3a978b..0d5991b24a 100644 --- a/tests/parm/control_gdas.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/control_gdas.nml.IN @@ -3,31 +3,22 @@ chksum_debug = .false. dycore_only = .false. ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]' - + / &diag_manager_nml prepend_date = .false. - -/ - -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 - -/ -&mpp_io_nml -shuffle=1 -deflate_level=1 / &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 3000000 print_memory_usage = .false. - +/ + +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" / &fv_core_nml @@ -100,7 +91,7 @@ deflate_level=1 agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = .false. res_latlon_dynamics = "" - + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] / &cires_ugwp_nml @@ -115,7 +106,7 @@ deflate_level=1 knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 knob_ugwp_version = 0 - launch_level = 54 + launch_level = 54 / &external_ic_nml @@ -124,7 +115,7 @@ deflate_level=1 gfs_dwinds = .true. checker_tr = .false. nt_checker = 0 - + / &gfs_physics_nml @@ -183,6 +174,7 @@ deflate_level=1 iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = 1 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. oz_phys = .false. oz_phys_2015 = .true. @@ -203,7 +195,7 @@ deflate_level=1 iau_delthrs = 6 iau_inc_files= @[IAU_INC_FILES] iau_drymassfixer = .false. - + / &gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml @@ -255,12 +247,12 @@ deflate_level=1 mp_time = 150. reiflag = 2 - + / &interpolator_nml interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' - + / &namsfc @@ -276,6 +268,7 @@ deflate_level=1 FNVEGC = 'global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb' FNVETC = @[FNVETC] FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] FNSMCC = 'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t1534.3072.1536.grb' FNMSKH = 'global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb' FNTSFA = ' ' @@ -304,12 +297,12 @@ deflate_level=1 FvmxL = 99999 FSLPL = 99999 FABSL = 99999 - + / &fv_grid_nml grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' - + / &nam_stochy @@ -331,8 +324,8 @@ deflate_level=1 sppt_logit = .true. sppt_sfclimit = .true. use_zmtnblck = .true. - + / &nam_sfcperts - + / diff --git a/tests/parm/cpld_control.nml.IN b/tests/parm/control_gfsv17.nml.IN similarity index 68% rename from tests/parm/cpld_control.nml.IN rename to tests/parm/control_gfsv17.nml.IN index 6e7b7cc3ed..ce77835c8f 100644 --- a/tests/parm/cpld_control.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/control_gfsv17.nml.IN @@ -10,23 +10,16 @@ max_output_fields = @[MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS] / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - -&mpp_io_nml -shuffle=1 -deflate_level=1 -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' - domains_stack_size = @[DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE] + domains_stack_size = 3000000 print_memory_usage = .false. / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -34,20 +27,18 @@ deflate_level=1 npy = @[NPY] ntiles = 6 npz = @[NPZ] - dz_min = @[DZ_MIN] - psm_bc = @[PSM_BC] grid_type = -1 make_nh = @[MAKE_NH] fv_debug = .false. - range_warn = .true. + range_warn = .false. reset_eta = .false. n_sponge = 42 nudge_qv = .true. nudge_dz = .false. - tau = 10.0 + tau = 10. rf_cutoff = 7.5e2 - d2_bg_k1 = @[D2_BG_K1] - d2_bg_k2 = @[D2_BG_K2] + d2_bg_k1 = 0.20 + d2_bg_k2 = 0.0 kord_tm = -9 kord_mt = 9 kord_wz = 9 @@ -67,7 +58,7 @@ deflate_level=1 fv_sg_adj = 450 d2_bg = 0. nord = 2 - dddmp = @[DDDMP] + dddmp = 0.1 d4_bg = 0.12 vtdm4 = 0.02 delt_max = 0.002 @@ -86,9 +77,8 @@ deflate_level=1 hord_dp = -5 hord_tr = 8 adjust_dry_mass = .false. - dry_mass=98320.0 consv_te = 1. - do_sat_adj = @[DO_SAT_ADJ] + do_sat_adj = .true. consv_am = .false. fill = .true. dwind_2d = .false. @@ -99,6 +89,7 @@ deflate_level=1 agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] res_latlon_dynamics = @[RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS] + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] / &external_ic_nml @@ -118,44 +109,15 @@ deflate_level=1 fhcyc = @[FHCYC] use_ufo = .true. pre_rad = .false. - imp_physics = @[IMP_PHYSICS] - iovr = 3 - ltaerosol = .false. - lradar = .false. - ttendlim = -999 - dt_inner = @[DT_INNER] - sedi_semi = @[SEDI_SEMI] - decfl = @[DECFL] - oz_phys = .false. - oz_phys_2015 = .true. - lsoil_lsm = 4 - do_mynnedmf = .false. - do_mynnsfclay = .false. - icloud_bl = 1 - bl_mynn_edmf = 1 - bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .true. - bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1 - do_ugwp = .false. - do_tofd = .false. - gwd_opt = @[GWD_OPT] - do_ugwp_v0 = @[DO_UGWP_V0] - do_ugwp_v1 = @[DO_UGWP_V1] - do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = .false. - do_ugwp_v0_nst_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY] - do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL] - do_gsl_drag_ss = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_SS] - do_gsl_drag_tofd = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD] - do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY] - min_lakeice = 0.15 - min_seaice = @[MIN_SEAICE] - use_cice_alb = @[USE_CICE_ALB] + imp_physics = 11 pdfcld = .false. fhswr = 3600. fhlwr = 3600. - ialb = @[IALB] - iems = @[IEMS] + ialb = 1 + iems = 1 iaer = @[IAER] icliq_sw = 2 + iovr = @[IOVR] ico2 = 2 isubc_sw = 2 isubc_lw = 2 @@ -179,36 +141,47 @@ deflate_level=1 imfdeepcnv = @[IMFDEEPCNV] ras = @[RAS] cdmbgwd = @[CDMBWD] + progsigma = @[PROGSIGMA] prslrd0 = 0. ivegsrc = 1 isot = 1 lsoil = 4 - lsm = @[LSM] - iopt_dveg = @[IOPT_DVEG] - iopt_crs = @[IOPT_CRS] + lsm = 1 + iopt_dveg = 1 + iopt_crs = 1 iopt_btr = 1 iopt_run = 1 - iopt_sfc = @[IOPT_SFC] - iopt_trs = @[IOPT_TRS] + iopt_sfc = 1 iopt_frz = 1 iopt_inf = 1 - iopt_rad = @[IOPT_RAD] - iopt_alb = @[IOPT_ALB] + iopt_rad = 1 + iopt_alb = 2 iopt_snf = 4 iopt_tbot = 2 - iopt_stc = @[IOPT_STC] + iopt_stc = 1 + iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. - nstf_name = @[NSTF_NAME] + oz_phys = .false. + oz_phys_2015 = .true. + nstf_name = 2,0,0,0,0 nst_anl = .true. psautco = 0.0008,0.0005 prautco = 0.00015,0.00015 - lgfdlmprad = @[LGFDLMPRAD] + lgfdlmprad = .true. + cplchm = @[CPLCHM] + cplwav = @[CPLWAV] + cplwav2atm = @[CPLWAV2ATM] effr_in = .true. - ldiag_ugwp = @[LDIAG_UGWP] - fscav_aero = @[FSCAV_AERO] + ldiag_ugwp = .false. + do_ugwp = .false. + do_tofd = .true. do_sppt = @[DO_SPPT] do_shum = @[DO_SHUM] do_skeb = @[DO_SKEB] + lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] + n_var_lndp = @[N_VAR_LNDP] + fscav_aero = @[FSCAV_AERO] do_RRTMGP = @[DO_RRTMGP] active_gases = 'h2o_co2_o3_n2o_ch4_o2' ngases = 6 @@ -222,43 +195,6 @@ deflate_level=1 rrtmgp_nBandsSW = 14 doGP_cldoptics_LUT = @[DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT] doGP_lwscat = @[DOGP_LWSCAT] - use_med_flux = @[USE_MED_FLUX] - frac_grid = @[FRAC_GRID] - cplchm = @[CPLCHM] - cplflx = @[CPLFLX] - cplice = @[CPLICE] - cplwav = @[CPLWAV] - cplwav2atm = @[CPLWAV2ATM] - cpllnd = @[CPLLND] - do_ca = @[DO_CA] - ca_global = @[CA_GLOBAL] - ca_sgs = @[CA_SGS] - nca = @[NCA] - ncells = @[NCELLS] - nlives = @[NLIVES] - nseed = @[NSEED] - nfracseed = @[NFRACSEED] - nthresh = @[NTHRESH] - ca_trigger = @[CA_TRIGGER] - nspinup = @[NSPINUP] - iseed_ca = @[ISEED_CA] - lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] - n_var_lndp = @[N_VAR_LNDP] -/ - -&cires_ugwp_nml - knob_ugwp_solver = 2 - knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0 - knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25 - knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4 - knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0 - knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 - knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 - knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 - knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 - knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 - knob_ugwp_version = @[KNOB_UGWP_VERSION] - launch_level = 54 / &gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml @@ -322,33 +258,34 @@ deflate_level=1 FNSNOC = 'global_snoclim.1.875.grb' FNZORC = 'igbp' FNALBC = @[FNALBC] - FNALBC2 = @[FNALBC2] - FNAISC = 'IMS-NIC.blended.ice.monthly.clim.grb' - FNTG3C = @[FNTG3C] - FNVEGC = @[FNVEGC] + FNALBC2 = 'global_albedo4.1x1.grb' + FNAISC = 'CFSR.SEAICE.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb' + FNTG3C = 'global_tg3clim.2.6x1.5.grb' + FNVEGC = 'global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb' FNVETC = @[FNVETC] FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] - FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC] - FNMSKH = @[FNMSKH] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] + FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC_control] + FNMSKH = @[FNMSKH_control] FNTSFA = '' FNACNA = '' FNSNOA = '' - FNVMNC = @[FNVMNC] - FNVMXC = @[FNVMXC] - FNSLPC = @[FNSLPC] + FNVMNC = 'global_shdmin.0.144x0.144.grb' + FNVMXC = 'global_shdmax.0.144x0.144.grb' + FNSLPC = 'global_slope.1x1.grb' FNABSC = @[FNABSC] - LDEBUG =.false. + LDEBUG = .false. FSMCL(2) = 99999 FSMCL(3) = 99999 FSMCL(4) = 99999 - LANDICE = @[LANDICE] + LANDICE = .true. FTSFS = 90 FAISL = 99999 FAISS = 99999 FSNOL = 99999 FSNOS = 99999 - FSICL = @[FSICL] - FSICS = @[FSICS] + FSICL = 99999 + FSICS = 99999 FTSFL = 99999 FVETL = 99999 FSOTL = 99999 @@ -363,6 +300,27 @@ deflate_level=1 / &nam_stochy + STOCHINI=@[STOCHINI], + SKEBNORM=1, + SKEB_NPASS=30, + SKEB_VDOF=5, + SKEB=@[SKEB], + SKEB_TAU=2.16E4, + SKEB_LSCALE=1000.E3, + SKEBINT=1800, + SHUM=@[SHUM], + SHUM_TAU=21600, + SHUM_LSCALE=500000, + SHUMINT=3600, + SPPT=@[SPPT], + SPPT_TAU=21600, + SPPT_LSCALE=500000, + SPPT_LOGIT=.TRUE., + SPPT_SFCLIMIT=.TRUE., + SPPTINT=1800, + ISEED_SHUM=1, + ISEED_SKEB=2, + ISEED_SPPT=3, / &nam_sfcperts @@ -375,10 +333,18 @@ deflate_level=1 lndp_prt_list = @[LNDP_PRT_LIST] / -&MOM_input_nml - output_directory = 'MOM6_OUTPUT/', - input_filename = '@[MOM6_RESTART_SETTING]' - restart_input_dir = 'INPUT/', - restart_output_dir = 'RESTART/', - parameter_filename = 'INPUT/MOM_input', - 'INPUT/MOM_override'/ +&cires_ugwp_nml + knob_ugwp_solver = 2 + knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0 + knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25 + knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4 + knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0 + knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 + knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 + knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 + knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 + knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 + knob_ugwp_version = 0 + launch_level = 54 +/ + diff --git a/tests/parm/control_noahmp.nml.IN b/tests/parm/control_noahmp.nml.IN index 8afd9c8606..bc61672a00 100644 --- a/tests/parm/control_noahmp.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/control_noahmp.nml.IN @@ -9,23 +9,16 @@ prepend_date = .false. / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - -&mpp_io_nml -shuffle=1 -deflate_level=1 -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 3000000 print_memory_usage = .false. / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -95,6 +88,7 @@ deflate_level=1 agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] res_latlon_dynamics = @[RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS] + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] / &external_ic_nml @@ -161,6 +155,7 @@ deflate_level=1 iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = 3 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. oz_phys = .false. oz_phys_2015 = .true. @@ -247,6 +242,7 @@ deflate_level=1 FNVEGC = 'global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb' FNVETC = @[FNVETC] FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] FNSMCC = 'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t1534.3072.1536.grb' FNMSKH = 'global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb' FNTSFA = '' diff --git a/tests/parm/cpt.nml.IN b/tests/parm/cpt.nml.IN deleted file mode 100644 index 1db708b122..0000000000 --- a/tests/parm/cpt.nml.IN +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ -&atmos_model_nml - blocksize = 32 - chksum_debug = .false. - dycore_only = .false. - ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]' -/ - -&diag_manager_nml - prepend_date = .false. -/ - -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100, - max_files_w = 100, -/ - -&fms_nml - clock_grain = 'ROUTINE', - domains_stack_size = 3000000, - print_memory_usage = .false. -/ - -&fv_grid_nml - grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' -/ - -&fv_core_nml - layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] - io_layout = 1,1 - npx = @[NPX] - npy = @[NPY] - ntiles = 6 - npz = @[NPZ] - grid_type = -1 - make_nh = @[MAKE_NH] - fv_debug = .false. - range_warn = .false. - reset_eta = .false. - n_sponge = @[NPZ] - nudge_qv = .false. - tau = 5. - rf_cutoff = 7.5e2 - d2_bg_k1 = 0.15 - d2_bg_k2 = 0.02 - kord_tm = -9 - kord_mt = 9 - kord_wz = 9 - kord_tr = 9 - hydrostatic = .false. - phys_hydrostatic = .false. - use_hydro_pressure = .false. - beta = 0. - a_imp = 1. - p_fac = 0.1 - k_split = 2 - n_split = 6 - nwat = 6 - na_init = @[NA_INIT] - d_ext = 0.0 - dnats = 0 - fv_sg_adj = 450 - d2_bg = 0. - nord = 2 - dddmp = 0.1 - d4_bg = 0.12 - vtdm4 = 0.02 - delt_max = 0.002 - ke_bg = 0. - do_vort_damp = .true. - external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC] - external_eta = .true. - gfs_phil = .false. - nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC] - mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] - ncep_ic = .false. - d_con = 1. - hord_mt = 6 - hord_vt = 6 - hord_tm = 6 - hord_dp = 6 - hord_tr = 8 - adjust_dry_mass = .false. - consv_te = 1. - do_sat_adj = .true. - consv_am = .false. - fill = .true. - dwind_2d = .false. - print_freq = 6 - warm_start = @[WARM_START] - read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] - res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" - no_dycore = .false. - z_tracer = .true. -/ - -&external_ic_nml - filtered_terrain = .true. - levp = @[NPZP] - gfs_dwinds = .true. - checker_tr = .false. - nt_checker = 0 -/ - -&gfs_physics_nml - fhzero = 6. - ldiag3d = .false. - fhcyc = 24. - use_ufo = .true. - pre_rad = .false. - crtrh = 0.93,0.90,0.95 - imp_physics = 10 - pdfcld = .false. - fhswr = 3600. - fhlwr = 3600. - ialb = 1 - iems = 1 - IAER = 111 - ico2 = 2 - isubc_sw = 2 - isubc_lw = 2 - isol = 2 - lwhtr = .true. - swhtr = .true. - cnvgwd = .true. - shal_cnv = .true. - cal_pre = .false. - redrag = .true. - dspheat = .true. - hybedmf = @[HYBEDMF] - satmedmf = @[SATMEDMF] - lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] - lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] - random_clds = .true. - trans_trac = .true. - cnvcld = .true. - imfshalcnv = 2 - imfdeepcnv = -1 - cdmbgwd = 3.5,0.25 - prslrd0 = 0. - ivegsrc = 1 - isot = 1 - lsm = 1 - iopt_dveg = 2 - iopt_crs = 1 - iopt_btr = 1 - iopt_run = 1 - iopt_sfc = 1 - iopt_frz = 1 - iopt_inf = 1 - iopt_rad = 1 - iopt_alb = 2 - iopt_snf = 4 - iopt_tbot = 2 - iopt_stc = 1 - iopt_trs = 2 - oz_phys = .false. - oz_phys_2015 = .true. - debug = .false. - ras = .false. - cscnv = .true. - do_shoc = .false. - do_aw = .true. - shoc_cld = .false. - h2o_phys = .true. - shcnvcw = .false. - xkzm_h = 0.5 - xkzm_m = 0.5 - xkzm_s = 1.0 - nstf_name = @[NSTF_NAME] - nst_anl = .true. - ccwf = 1.0,1.0 - dlqf = 0.25,0.05 - mg_dcs = 200.0 - mg_ts_auto_ice = 180.0,900.0 - mg_qcvar = 1.0 - fprcp = 2 - pdfflag = 4 - iccn = 0 - mg_do_graupel = .true. - mg_do_hail = .false. - do_sb_physics = .true. - mg_do_ice_gmao = .false. - mg_do_liq_liu = .true. - cs_parm = 8.0,4.0,1.0e3,3.5e3,20.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.6,0.0 - shoc_parm = 7000.0,1.0,2.0,0.7,-999.0 - ctei_rm = 0.60,0.23 - max_lon = 8000 - max_lat = 4000 - rhcmax = 0.9999999 - effr_in = .true. - ltaerosol = .false. - lradar = .false. - cplflx = .false. - iau_delthrs = 6 - iaufhrs = 30 - iau_inc_files = @[IAU_INC_FILES] -/ - -&gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml - sedi_transport = .true. - do_sedi_heat = .false. - rad_snow = .true. - rad_graupel = .true. - rad_rain = .true. - const_vi = .false. - const_vs = .false. - const_vg = .false. - const_vr = .false. - vi_max = 1. - vs_max = 2. - vg_max = 12. - vr_max = 12. - qi_lim = 1. - prog_ccn = .false. - do_qa = .true. - fast_sat_adj = .true. - tau_l2v = 225. - tau_v2l = 150. - tau_g2v = 900. - rthresh = 10.e-6 ! This is a key parameter for cloud water - dw_land = 0.16 - dw_ocean = 0.10 - ql_gen = 1.0e-3 - ql_mlt = 1.0e-3 - qi0_crt = 8.0E-5 - qs0_crt = 1.0e-3 - tau_i2s = 1500. - c_psaci = 0.05 - c_pgacs = 0.01 - rh_inc = 0.30 - rh_inr = 0.30 - rh_ins = 0.30 - ccn_l = 300. - ccn_o = 100. - c_paut = 0.5 - c_cracw = 0.8 - use_ppm = .false. - use_ccn = .true. - mono_prof = .true. - z_slope_liq = .true. - z_slope_ice = .true. - de_ice = .false. - fix_negative = .true. - icloud_f = 1 - mp_time = 150. -/ - -&interpolator_nml - interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' -/ - -&namsfc - FNGLAC = "global_glacier.2x2.grb", - FNMXIC = "global_maxice.2x2.grb", - FNTSFC = "RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb", - FNSNOC = "global_snoclim.1.875.grb", - FNZORC = "igbp", - FNALBC = @[FNALBC] - FNALBC2 = "global_albedo4.1x1.grb", - FNAISC = "CFSR.SEAICE.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb", - FNTG3C = "global_tg3clim.2.6x1.5.grb", - FNVEGC = "global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb", - FNVETC = @[FNVETC] - FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] - FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC] - FNMSKH = "global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb", - FNTSFA = "", - FNACNA = "", - FNSNOA = "", - FNVMNC = "global_shdmin.0.144x0.144.grb", - FNVMXC = "global_shdmax.0.144x0.144.grb", - FNSLPC = "global_slope.1x1.grb", - FNABSC = @[FNABSC] - LDEBUG =.false., - FSMCL(2) = 99999 - FSMCL(3) = 99999 - FSMCL(4) = 99999 - FTSFS = 90 - FAISS = 99999 - FSNOL = 99999 - FSICL = 99999 - FTSFL = 99999, - FAISL = 99999, - FVETL = 99999, - FSOTL = 99999, - FvmnL = 99999, - FvmxL = 99999, - FSLPL = 99999, - FABSL = 99999, - FSNOS = 99999, - FSICS = 99999, -/ -&nam_stochy - lon_s=768, - lat_s=384, - ntrunc=382, - SKEBNORM=1, - SKEB_NPASS=30, - SKEB_VDOF=5, - SKEB=@[SKEB], - SKEB_TAU=2.16E4, - SKEB_LSCALE=1000.E3, - SHUM=@[SHUM], - SHUM_TAU=21600, - SHUM_LSCALE=500000, - SPPT=@[SPPT], - SPPT_TAU=21600, - SPPT_LSCALE=500000, - SPPT_LOGIT=.TRUE., - SPPT_SFCLIMIT=.TRUE., - ISEED_SHUM=1, - ISEED_SKEB=2, - ISEED_SPPT=3, -/ -&nam_sfcperts -/ - -&cires_ugwp_nml - knob_ugwp_solver = 2 - knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0 - knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25 - knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4 - knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0 - knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 - knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 - knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 - knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 - knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 - knob_ugwp_version = 0 - launch_level = 25 -/ diff --git a/tests/parm/csawmg3shoc127.nml.IN b/tests/parm/csawmg3shoc127.nml.IN index 137187536a..d510d0ca6f 100644 --- a/tests/parm/csawmg3shoc127.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/csawmg3shoc127.nml.IN @@ -9,12 +9,6 @@ prepend_date = .false. / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100, - max_files_w = 100, -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE', domains_stack_size = 3000000, @@ -25,6 +19,10 @@ grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -75,11 +73,11 @@ mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] ncep_ic = .false. d_con = 1. - hord_mt = 6 - hord_vt = 6 - hord_tm = 6 - hord_dp = 6 - hord_tr = 13 + hord_mt = 5 + hord_vt = 5 + hord_tm = 5 + hord_dp = -5 + hord_tr = 8 adjust_dry_mass = .false. consv_te = 1. consv_am = .false. @@ -92,6 +90,7 @@ z_tracer = .true. read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] / &external_ic_nml @@ -155,6 +154,7 @@ iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = 1 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. ras = .false. @@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ FNVEGC = "global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb", FNVETC = @[FNVETC] FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC] FNMSKH = "global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb", FNTSFA = "", diff --git a/tests/parm/csawmgshoc.nml.IN b/tests/parm/csawmgshoc.nml.IN index c941ef2a19..2bd6144f3e 100644 --- a/tests/parm/csawmgshoc.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/csawmgshoc.nml.IN @@ -9,12 +9,6 @@ prepend_date = .false. / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100, - max_files_w = 100, -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE', domains_stack_size = 3000000, @@ -25,6 +19,10 @@ grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -75,11 +73,11 @@ mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] ncep_ic = .false. d_con = 1. - hord_mt = 6 - hord_vt = 6 - hord_tm = 6 - hord_dp = 6 - hord_tr = 13 + hord_mt = 5 + hord_vt = 5 + hord_tm = 5 + hord_dp = -5 + hord_tr = 8 adjust_dry_mass = .false. consv_te = 1. consv_am = .false. @@ -91,6 +89,7 @@ z_tracer = .true. read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] / &external_ic_nml @@ -154,6 +153,7 @@ iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = 1 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. ras = .false. diff --git a/tests/parm/data_table_template b/tests/parm/data_table_template deleted file mode 100644 index 4ca9128415..0000000000 --- a/tests/parm/data_table_template +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -"OCN", "runoff", "runoff", "./INPUT/@[FRUNOFF]", "none" , 1.0 diff --git a/tests/parm/datm.streams.IN b/tests/parm/datm.streams.IN index ce6ae22883..bac426f620 100644 --- a/tests/parm/datm.streams.IN +++ b/tests/parm/datm.streams.IN @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ -stream_info: @[FILENAME_BASE]01 +stream_info: @[FILEBASE_DATM].01 taxmode01: limit mapalgo01: bilinear tInterpAlgo01: linear readMode01: single dtlimit01: 1.0 -stream_offset01: 0 +stream_offset01: @[STREAM_OFFSET] yearFirst01: @[SYEAR] yearLast01: @[SYEAR] yearAlign01: @[SYEAR] stream_vectors01: "Sa_u:Sa_v" -stream_mesh_file01: @[MESH_ATM] +stream_mesh_file01: "INPUT/@[MESH_ATM]" stream_lev_dimname01: null stream_data_files01: @[stream_files] stream_data_variables01: "slmsksfc Sa_mask" "DSWRF Faxa_swdn" "DLWRF Faxa_lwdn" "vbdsf_ave Faxa_swvdr" "vddsf_ave Faxa_swvdf" "nbdsf_ave Faxa_swndr" "nddsf_ave Faxa_swndf" "u10m Sa_u10m" "v10m Sa_v10m" "hgt_hyblev1 Sa_z" "psurf Sa_pslv" "tmp_hyblev1 Sa_tbot" "spfh_hyblev1 Sa_shum" "ugrd_hyblev1 Sa_u" "vgrd_hyblev1 Sa_v" "q2m Sa_q2m" "t2m Sa_t2m" "pres_hyblev1 Sa_pbot" "precp Faxa_rain" "fprecp Faxa_snow" diff --git a/tests/parm/datm.streams.era5.IN b/tests/parm/datm.streams.era5.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04e8050617 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/datm.streams.era5.IN @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +stream_info: era5.01 +taxmode01: limit +mapalgo01: redist +tInterpAlgo01: linear +readMode01: single +dtlimit01: 1.5 +stream_offset01: 3600 +yearFirst01: @[SDATE] +yearLast01: @[EDATE] +yearAlign01: @[SDATE] +stream_vectors01: null +stream_mesh_file01: "INPUT/@[MESH_ATM_DATA]" +stream_lev_dimname01: null +stream_data_files01: @[DATA_ATM01] +stream_data_variables01: "temperature Sa_tbot" "specific_humidity Sa_shum" "surface_pressure Sa_pslv" "surface_pressure Sa_pbot" "downward_solar Faxa_swdn" "downward_longwave Faxa_lwdn" "wind_speed Sa_wspd" "precipitation Faxa_rain" diff --git a/tests/parm/datm_cdeps_configure.IN b/tests/parm/datm_cdeps_configure.IN index 267dce2bd1..3d159eb5b7 100644 --- a/tests/parm/datm_cdeps_configure.IN +++ b/tests/parm/datm_cdeps_configure.IN @@ -7,7 +7,4 @@ start_second: 0 nhours_fcst: @[FHMAX] dt_atmos: @[DT_ATMOS] fhrot: @[FHROT] -nfhout: @[NFHOUT] -nfhmax_hf: -1 -nfhout_hf: 3 -nsout: -1 +restart_fh: @[RESTART_FH] diff --git a/tests/parm/datm_in b/tests/parm/datm_in.IN similarity index 70% rename from tests/parm/datm_in rename to tests/parm/datm_in.IN index cf313b1e4b..699ce7750a 100644 --- a/tests/parm/datm_in +++ b/tests/parm/datm_in.IN @@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ flds_presaero = .false. flds_wiso = .false. iradsw = 1 - model_maskfile = "@[MESH_ATM]" - model_meshfile = "@[MESH_ATM]" + model_maskfile = "INPUT/@[MESH_ATM]" + model_meshfile = "INPUT/@[MESH_ATM]" nx_global = @[ATM_NX_GLB] ny_global = @[ATM_NY_GLB] restfilm = "null" + export_all = @[EXPORT_ALL] / diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_additional_control_dtend b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_additional_control_dtend index 6107eb51ad..7fd7d31365 100644 --- a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_additional_control_dtend +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_additional_control_dtend @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ "gfs_phys", "dtend_u_phys", "dtend_u_phys", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "dtend_v_phys", "dtend_v_phys", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 + "gfs_dyn", "dtend_temp_nophys", "dtend_temp_nophys", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "dtend_u_nophys", "dtend_u_nophys", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "dtend_v_nophys", "dtend_v_nophys", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_additional_ldiag3d_ugwp b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_additional_ldiag3d_ugwp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0391132f7a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_additional_ldiag3d_ugwp @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# Diagnostic variables for Unified Gravity Wave Physics (UGWP) +"gfs_phys", "dws3dt_ogw", "dws3dt_ogw", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dws3dt_obl", "dws3dt_obl", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dws3dt_oss", "dws3dt_oss", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dws3dt_ofd", "dws3dt_ofd", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "ldu3dt_ogw", "ldu3dt_ogw", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "ldu3dt_obl", "ldu3dt_obl", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "ldu3dt_oss", "ldu3dt_oss", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "ldu3dt_ofd", "ldu3dt_ofd", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "ldu3dt_ngw", "ldu3dt_ngw", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "ldv3dt_ngw", "ldv3dt_ngw", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "ldt3dt_ngw", "ldt3dt_ngw", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 + +"gfs_phys", "dudt_ogw", "dudt_ogw", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dvdt_ogw", "dvdt_ogw", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dudt_obl", "dudt_obl", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dvdt_obl", "dvdt_obl", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dudt_oss", "dudt_oss", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dvdt_oss", "dvdt_oss", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dudt_ofd", "dudt_ofd", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dvdt_ofd", "dvdt_ofd", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "du_ogwcol", "du_ogwcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dv_ogwcol", "dv_ogwcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "du_oblcol", "du_oblcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dv_oblcol", "dv_oblcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "du_osscol", "du_osscol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dv_osscol", "dv_osscol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "du_ofdcol", "du_ofdcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dv_ofdcol", "dv_ofdcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "du3_ogwcol", "du3_ogwcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dv3_ogwcol", "dv3_ogwcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "du3_oblcol", "du3_oblcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dv3_oblcol", "dv3_oblcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "du3_osscol", "du3_osscol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dv3_osscol", "dv3_osscol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "du3_ofdcol", "du3_ofdcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "dv3_ofdcol", "dv3_ofdcol", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 + diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_additional_rrfs_smoke b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_additional_rrfs_smoke index 963f14f876..57776ece28 100644 --- a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_additional_rrfs_smoke +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_additional_rrfs_smoke @@ -19,3 +19,5 @@ "gfs_phys", "ebu_smoke", "ebu_smoke", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "smoke_ext", "smoke_ext", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "dust_ext", "dust_ext", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "coarsepm", "coarsepm", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "ext550", "ext550", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_GOCART b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_GOCART index d9a1fb5ef7..d69c943eee 100644 --- a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_GOCART +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_GOCART @@ -140,6 +140,13 @@ "gfs_dyn", "pm25", "pm25", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "pm10", "pm10", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frzr", "frzr", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frzrb", "frzrb", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frozr", "frozr", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 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"all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "ssrun_acc", "ssrun_acc", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "sunsd_acc", "sunsd_acc", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "watr_acc", "watr_acc", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "wilt", "wilt", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "vbdsf_ave", "vbdsf_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "vddsf_ave", "vddsf_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "nbdsf_ave", "nbdsf_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "nddsf_ave", "nddsf_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "trans_ave", "trans_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 + +"gfs_phys", "AOD_550", "aod550", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "DU_AOD_550", "du_aod550", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "SU_AOD_550", "su_aod550", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "BC_AOD_550", "bc_aod550", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "OC_AOD_550", "oc_aod550", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "SS_AOD_550", "ss_aod550", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +#============================================================================================= +# +#====> This file can be used with diag_manager/v2.0a (or higher) <==== +# +# +# FORMATS FOR FILE ENTRIES (not all input values are used) +# ------------------------ +# +#"file_name", output_freq, "output_units", format, "time_units", "long_name", +# +# +#output_freq: > 0 output frequency in "output_units" +# = 0 output frequency every time step +# =-1 output frequency at end of run +# +#output_units = units used for output frequency +# (years, months, days, minutes, hours, seconds) +# +#time_units = units used to label the time axis +# (days, minutes, hours, seconds) +# +# +# FORMAT FOR FIELD ENTRIES (not all input values are used) +# ------------------------ +# +#"module_name", "field_name", "output_name", "file_name" "time_sampling", time_avg, "other_opts", packing +# +#time_avg = .true. or .false. +# +#packing = 1 double precision +# = 2 float +# = 4 packed 16-bit integers +# = 8 packed 1-byte (not tested?) diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_datm_lm4 b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_datm_lm4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..877c6dccae --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_datm_lm4 @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +@[SYEAR]@[SMONTH]@[SDAY].@[SHOUR]Z.@[ATMRES].64bit.non-mono +@[SYEAR] @[SMONTH] @[SDAY] @[SHOUR] 0 0 + +#output files +"land_static", -1, "months", 1, "days", "time" +"land_static_sg", -1, "months", 1, "days", "time" +"land_hourly", 1, "hours", 1, "days", "time" +#"land_daily", 24, "hours", 1, "days", "time" +"land_month", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time" +# +#======================= +# LAND MODEL DIAGNOSTICS +#======================= +# +"land", "geolon_t", "geolon_t", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 1 +"land", "geolat_t", "geolat_t", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 1 +"land", "geolon_t", "geolon_t", "land_month", "all", .false., "none", 1 +"land", "geolat_t", "geolat_t", "land_month", "all", .false., "none", 1 +# "land", "geolon_t", "geolon_t", "land_daily", "all", .false., "none", 1 +# "land", "geolat_t", "geolat_t", "land_daily", "all", .false., "none", 1 +"land", "geolon_t", "geolon_t", "land_hourly", "all", .false., "none", 1 +"land", "geolat_t", "geolat_t", "land_hourly", "all", .false., "none", 1 + +# land static output +"lake", "lake_depth", "lake_depth", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"lake", "lake_width", "lake_width", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"land_sg", "cell_area", "cell_area", "land_static_sg", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"land", "area_land", "land_area", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"land", "land_frac", "land_frac", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +#"land", "no_riv", "no_riv", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "river", "rv_basin", "rv_basin", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "river", "rv_dir", "rv_dir", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "river", "rv_length", "rv_length", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "river", "rv_trav", "rv_trav", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"soil", "soil_Ksat", "soil_Ksat", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"soil", "soil_rlief", "soil_rlief", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"soil", "soil_sat", "soil_sat", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"soil", "soil_type", "soil_type", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"soil", "soil_wilt", "soil_wilt", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# area fractions for different tile types +"land", "frac_glac", "frac_glac", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"land", "frac_lake", "frac_lake", "land_static", "all", .false., "none", 2 + +# land multi-level month-average output + +## land 2-band variables + +# # 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"LWSg_soil", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "land", "precip", "precip", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "land", "snow_lake", "snow_lake", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "land", "snow_soil", "snow_soil", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "land", "runf", "runf", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# # "river", "rv_o_h2o", "rv_o_h2o", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# # "river", "rv_T", "rv_T", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "vegn", "temp", "vegn_T", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "vegn", "temp", "vegn_T_max", "land_daily", "all", max, "none", 2 +# "vegn", "temp", "vegn_T_min", "land_daily", "all", min, "none", 2 +# "vegn", "npp", "npp", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "vegn", "gpp", "gpp", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "vegn", "an_cl", "an_cl", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "vegn", "an_op", "an_op", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "vegn", "LAI", "LAI", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "vegn", "stomatal_cond_ntrl","gs_ntrl_max","land_daily","all", max, "none", 2 +# "vegn", "temp_ntrl", "vegn_temp_ntrl_max","land_daily","all", max, "none", 2 +# "vegn", "temp_ntrl", "vegn_temp_ntrl_min","land_daily","all", min, "none", 2 +# # land daily variables used in post-processing "refinement" +# "soil", "soil_liq", "soil_liq", "land_daily", "all", .true., "-1 -1 -1 -1 0 0.1", 2 +# "soil", "soil_ice", "soil_ice", "land_daily", "all", .true., "-1 -1 -1 -1 0 0.1", 2 +# "land", "runf_soil", "runf_soil", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "land", "FWSs", "FWSs", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "land", "soil_water_supply", "water_supply", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "vegn", "evap_demand", "water_demand", "land_daily", "all", .true., "none", 2 + +# land hourly output +"land", "area_ntrl", "area_ntrl", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 + +# "flux", "evap_land", "evap_land", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "flux", "t_ref_land", "t_ref_max", "land_hourly", "all", max, "none", 2 +# "flux", "t_ref_land", "t_ref_min", "land_hourly", "all", min, "none", 2 +"land", "FWSg_lake", "FWSg_lake", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"land", "FWSg_soil", "FWSg_soil", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"land", "LWSg_lake", "LWSg_lake", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"land", "LWSg_soil", "LWSg_soil", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"land", "precip", "precip", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"land", "snow_lake", "snow_lake", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"land", "snow_soil", "snow_soil", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"land", "runf", "runf", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "river", "rv_o_h2o", "rv_o_h2o", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +# "river", "rv_T", "rv_T", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"vegn", "temp", "vegn_T", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"vegn", "temp", "vegn_T_max", "land_hourly", "all", max, "none", 2 +"vegn", "temp", "vegn_T_min", "land_hourly", "all", min, "none", 2 +"vegn", "npp", "npp", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"vegn", "gpp", "gpp", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"vegn", "an_cl", "an_cl", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"vegn", "an_op", "an_op", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"vegn", "LAI", "LAI", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"vegn", "stomatal_cond_ntrl","gs_ntrl_max","land_hourly","all", max, "none", 2 +"vegn", "temp_ntrl", "vegn_temp_ntrl_max","land_hourly","all", max, "none", 2 +"vegn", "temp_ntrl", "vegn_temp_ntrl_min","land_hourly","all", min, "none", 2 +# land hourly variables used in post-processing "refinement" +"soil", "soil_liq", "soil_liq", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "-1 -1 -1 -1 0 0.1", 2 +"soil", "soil_ice", "soil_ice", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "-1 -1 -1 -1 0 0.1", 2 +"land", "runf_soil", "runf_soil", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"land", "FWSs", "FWSs", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"land", "soil_water_supply", "water_supply", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 +"vegn", "evap_demand", "water_demand", "land_hourly", "all", .true., "none", 2 + + +#============================================================================================= +# +#====> This file can be used with diag_manager/v2.0a (or higher) <==== +# +# +# FORMATS FOR FILE ENTRIES (not all input values are used) +# ------------------------ +# +#"file_name", output_freq, "output_units", format, "time_units", "long_name", +# +# +#output_freq: > 0 output frequency in "output_units" +# = 0 output frequency every time step +# =-1 output frequency at end of run +# +#output_units = units used for output frequency +# (years, months, days, minutes, hours, seconds) +# +#time_units = units used to label the time axis +# (days, minutes, hours, seconds) +# +# +# FORMAT FOR FIELD ENTRIES (not all input values are used) +# ------------------------ +# +#"module_name", "field_name", "output_name", "file_name" "time_sampling", time_avg, "other_opts", packing +# +#time_avg = .true. or .false. +# +#packing = 1 double precision +# = 2 float +# = 4 packed 16-bit integers +# = 8 packed 1-byte (not tested?) diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_fire b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_fire new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..530377aab2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_fire @@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ +20200813.18Z.C3336.32bit.non-hydro.regional +2020 08 13 18 00 00 + +"grid_spec", -1, "months", 1, "days", "time" +"atmos_static", -1, "hours", 1, "hours", "time" +#"atmos_4xdaily", 1, "hours", 1, "days", "time" +"fv3_history", 1, "years", 1, "hours", "time" +"fv3_history2d", 1, "years", 1, "hours", "time" + +# +#======================= +# ATMOSPHERE DIAGNOSTICS +#======================= +### +# grid_spec +### + "dynamics", "grid_lon", "grid_lon", "grid_spec", "all", .false., "none", 2, + "dynamics", "grid_lat", "grid_lat", "grid_spec", "all", .false., "none", 2, + "dynamics", "grid_lont", "grid_lont", "grid_spec", "all", .false., "none", 2, + "dynamics", "grid_latt", "grid_latt", "grid_spec", "all", .false., "none", 2, + "dynamics", "area", "area", "grid_spec", "all", .false., "none", 2, +### +# 4x daily output +### +# "dynamics", "slp", "slp", "atmos_4xdaily", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "dynamics", "vort850", "vort850", "atmos_4xdaily", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "dynamics", "vort200", "vort200", "atmos_4xdaily", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "dynamics", "us", "us", "atmos_4xdaily", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "dynamics", "u1000", "u1000", "atmos_4xdaily", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "dynamics", "u850", "u850", "atmos_4xdaily", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "dynamics", "u700", "u700", "atmos_4xdaily", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "dynamics", "u500", "u500", "atmos_4xdaily", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "dynamics", "u200", "u200", "atmos_4xdaily", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "dynamics", "u100", "u100", "atmos_4xdaily", "all", 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"fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "spp_wts_rad", "spp_wts_rad", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "spp_wts_gwd", "spp_wts_gwd", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 + +# Additional entries from user-specified SRW settings (e.g. UFS-FIRE) +"gfs_phys","fsmoke","fsmoke","fv3_history","all",.false.,"none",2 + +#============================================================================================= +# +#====> This file can be used with diag_manager/v2.0a (or higher) <==== +# +# +# FORMATS FOR FILE ENTRIES (not all input values are used) +# ------------------------ +# +#"file_name", output_freq, "output_units", format, "time_units", "long_name", +# +# +#output_freq: > 0 output frequency in "output_units" +# = 0 output frequency every time step +# =-1 output frequency at end of run +# +#output_units = units used for output frequency +# (years, months, days, minutes, hours, seconds) +# +#time_units = units used to label the time axis +# (days, minutes, hours, seconds) +# +# +# FORMAT FOR FIELD ENTRIES (not all input values are used) +# ------------------------ +# +#"module_name", "field_name", "output_name", "file_name" "time_sampling", time_avg, "other_opts", packing +# +#time_avg = .true. or .false. +# +#packing = 1 double precision +# = 2 float +# = 4 packed 16-bit integers +# = 8 packed 1-byte (not tested?) diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_gfsv16 b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_gfsv16 index 9f45077058..f4ad6dcf0c 100644 --- a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_gfsv16 +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_gfsv16 @@ -71,6 +71,13 @@ "gfs_phys", "dvsfc", "vflx_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 #"gfs_phys", "cnvw", "cnvcldwat", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frzr", "frzr", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frzrb", "frzrb", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frozr", "frozr", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 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"ucomp", "ugrd", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "vcomp", "vgrd", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "sphum", "spfh", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "temp", "tmp", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "liq_wat", "clwmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "o3mr", "o3mr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "delp", "dpres", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "delz", "delz", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "w", "dzdt", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "ice_wat", "icmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "rainwat", "rwmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "snowwat", "snmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "graupel", "grle", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "ps", "pressfc", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "hs", "hgtsfc", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +#"gfs_dyn", "ice_nc", "nicp", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +#"gfs_dyn", "rain_nc", "ntrnc", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 + +"gfs_phys", "ALBDO_ave", "albdo_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "cnvprcp_ave", "cprat_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "cnvprcpb_ave", "cpratb_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "totprcp_ave", "prate_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "totprcpb_ave", "prateb_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "DLWRF", "dlwrf_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "DLWRFI", "dlwrf", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "ULWRF", "ulwrf_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "ULWRFI", "ulwrf", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "DSWRF", "dswrf_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 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frequency at end of run +# +#output_units = units used for output frequency +# (years, months, days, minutes, hours, seconds) +# +#time_units = units used to label the time axis +# (days, minutes, hours, seconds) +# +# +# FORMAT FOR FIELD ENTRIES (not all input values are used) +# ------------------------ +# +#"module_name", "field_name", "output_name", "file_name" "time_sampling", time_avg, "other_opts", packing +# +#time_avg = .true. or .false. +# +#packing = 1 double precision +# = 2 float +# = 4 packed 16-bit integers +# = 8 packed 1-byte (not tested?) diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_gfsv16_thompson_extdiag b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_gfsv16_thompson_extdiag index 43fcd7e5e5..841fa0b1ad 100644 --- a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_gfsv16_thompson_extdiag +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_gfsv16_thompson_extdiag @@ -71,6 +71,13 @@ "gfs_phys", "dvsfc", "vflx_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 #"gfs_phys", "cnvw", "cnvcldwat", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frzr", "frzr", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frzrb", "frzrb", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frozr", "frozr", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frozrb", "frozrb", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "tsnowp", "tsnowp", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "tsnowpb", "tsnowpb", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "rhonewsn", "rhonewsn", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "psurf", "pressfc", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "u10m", "ugrd10m", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "v10m", "vgrd10m", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_hafs b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_hafs index cfa7e4a362..9a4ddfe0ec 100644 --- a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_hafs +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_hafs @@ 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file +# = 8 packed 1-byte (not tested?) diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_template b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_template index 184005e457..75ee3bd7a3 100644 --- a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_template +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_template @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ "gfs_dyn", "delp", "dpres", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "delz", "delz", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "w", "dzdt", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "omga", "omga", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "ice_wat", "icmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "rainwat", "rwmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "snowwat", "snmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 @@ -84,6 +85,13 @@ #"gfs_dyn", "ice_nc", "nicp", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 #"gfs_dyn", "rain_nc", "ntrnc", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frzr", "frzr", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frzrb", "frzrb", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frozr", "frozr", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frozrb", "frozrb", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "tsnowp", "tsnowp", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "tsnowpb", "tsnowpb", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "rhonewsn", "rhonewsn", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "ALBDO_ave", "albdo_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "cnvprcp_ave", "cprat_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "cnvprcpb_ave", "cpratb_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_thompson b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_thompson index c5468b9f6c..8e2b41b279 100644 --- a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_thompson +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_thompson @@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ "gfs_dyn", "delp", "dpres", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "delz", "delz", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "w", "dzdt", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "omga", "omga", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "ice_wat", "icmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "rainwat", "rwmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "snowwat", "snmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 @@ -122,6 +123,13 @@ "gfs_dyn", "maxvort02", "maxvort02", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "maxvorthy1", "maxvorthy1", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frzr", "frzr", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frzrb", "frzrb", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frozr", "frozr", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "frozrb", "frozrb", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "tsnowp", "tsnowp", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "tsnowpb", "tsnowpb", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "rhonewsn", "rhonewsn", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "ALBDO_ave", "albdo_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "cnvprcp_ave", "cprat_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "cnvprcpb_ave", "cpratb_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 diff --git a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_wam b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_wam index 02becf1843..273fc78ee1 100644 --- a/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_wam +++ b/tests/parm/diag_table/diag_table_wam @@ -16,12 +16,17 @@ "gfs_dyn", "sphum", "spfh", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "temp", "tmp", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "liq_wat", "clwmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 -"gfs_dyn", "o3mr", "o3mr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 -"gfs_dyn", "spfo2", "spfo2", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 -"gfs_dyn", "spfo", "spfo", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "ice_wat", "icmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "rainwat", "rwmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "snowwat", "snmr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "graupel", "grle", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "spo3", "o3mr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "spo2", "spfo2", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "spo", "spfo", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "delp", "dpres", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "delz", "delz", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "w", "dzdt", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_dyn", "omga", "omga", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "ps", "pressfc", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_dyn", "hs", "hgtsfc", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 @@ -174,7 +179,19 @@ "gfs_phys", "nbdsf_ave", "nbdsf_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "nddsf_ave", "nddsf_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 "gfs_phys", "trans_ave", "trans_ave", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# Aerosols (CCN, IN) from Thompson microphysics +"gfs_phys", "nwfa", "nwfa", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "nifa", "nifa", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_sfc", "nwfa2d", "nwfa2d", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_sfc", "nifa2d", "nifa2d", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# Cloud effective radii from Thompson and WSM6 microphysics +"gfs_phys", "cleffr", "cleffr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "cieffr", "cieffr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +"gfs_phys", "cseffr", "cseffr", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "gfs_phys", "cldfra2d", "cldfra2d", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +# "gfs_phys", "AOD_550", "aod550", "fv3_history2d", "all", .false., "none", 2 +#"gfs_phys", "cldfra", "cldfra", "fv3_history", "all", .false., "none", 2 #============================================================================================= # #====> This file can be used with diag_manager/v2.0a (or higher) <==== diff --git a/tests/parm/docn_in b/tests/parm/docn_in.IN similarity index 53% rename from tests/parm/docn_in rename to tests/parm/docn_in.IN index c8165c75ba..dd399770dd 100644 --- a/tests/parm/docn_in +++ b/tests/parm/docn_in.IN @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ &docn_nml datamode = "@[ocn_datamode]" - model_maskfile = "@[ocn_mesh]" - model_meshfile = "@[ocn_mesh]" + model_maskfile = "INPUT/@[MESH_OCN]" + model_meshfile = "INPUT/@[MESH_OCN]" nx_global = @[ocn_nx_global] ny_global = @[ocn_ny_global] restfilm = "null" sst_constant_value = -1.0 + skip_restart_read = true + import_data_fields = "none" / diff --git a/tests/parm/fd_nems.yaml b/tests/parm/fd_nems.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 0a58e396ef..0000000000 --- a/tests/parm/fd_nems.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1136 +0,0 @@ - field_dictionary: - version_number: 0.0.0 - institution: National ESPC, CSC & MCL Working Groups - source: automatically generated by the NUOPC Layer - description: Community-based dictionary for shared coupling fields - entries: - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: mediator calculation for atm/ocn flux calculation - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Faox_lat - alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faox_lwup - alias: mean_up_lw_flx_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator calculation - long wave radiation flux over the ocean - # - - standard_name: Faox_taux - alias: stress_on_air_ocn_zonal - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator calculation - # - - standard_name: Faox_tauy - alias: stress_on_air_ocn_merid - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator calculation - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: atmosphere export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Faxa_bcph - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_ocph - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_dstdry - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_dstwet - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: atmosphere export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swdn - alias: mean_down_sw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean downward SW heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_lwdn - alias: mean_down_lw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean downward LW heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_rain - alias: mean_prec_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_rainc - alias: mean_prec_rate_conv - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_rainl - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_snow - alias: mean_fprec_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_snowc - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_snowl - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swnet - alias: mean_net_sw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swndf - alias: mean_down_sw_ir_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir diffuse flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swndr - alias: mean_down_sw_ir_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir direct flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swvdf - alias: mean_down_sw_vis_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+vis diffuse flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swvdr - alias: mean_down_sw_vis_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+visvdirect flux - # - - standard_name: Sa_dens - alias: air_density_height_lowest - canonical_units: kg m-3 - description: atmosphere export- density at the lowest model layer - # - - standard_name: Sa_pbot - alias: inst_pres_height_lowest - canonical_units: Pa - description: atmosphere export - pressure at lowest model layer - # - - standard_name: Sa_prsl - alias: inst_pres_height_lowest_from_phys - canonical_units: Pa - description: atmosphere export - pressure at lowest model layer - # - - standard_name: Sa_pslv - alias: inst_pres_height_surface - canonical_units: Pa - description: atmosphere export - instantaneous pressure land and sea surface - # - - standard_name: Sa_ptem - canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer potential temperature - # - - standard_name: Sa_shum - alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity - # - - standard_name: Sa_qa - alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest_from_phys - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity - # - - standard_name: Sa_tbot - alias: inst_temp_height_lowest - canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer temperature - # - - standard_name: Sa_tskn - alias: inst_temp_height_surface - - standard_name: Sa_tskn - alias: inst_temp_skin_temperature - canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - sea surface skin temperature - # - - standard_name: Sa_ta - alias: inst_temp_height_lowest_from_phys - canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer temperature - # - - standard_name: Sa_u - alias: inst_zonal_wind_height_lowest - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer zonal wind - # - - standard_name: Sa_v - alias: inst_merid_wind_height_lowest - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer meridional wind - # - - standard_name: Sa_ua - alias: inst_zonal_wind_height_lowest_from_phys - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer zonal wind - # - - standard_name: Sa_va - alias: inst_merid_wind_height_lowest_from_phys - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer meridional wind - # - - standard_name: Sa_wspd - alias: inst_wind_speed_height_lowest - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer wind speed - # - - standard_name: Sa_z - alias: inst_height_lowest - canonical_units: m - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer height - # - - standard_name: Sa_topo - alias: inst_surface_height - canonical_units: m - description: atmosphere export - topographic height - # - - standard_name: Faxa_taux - alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx_atm - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere export- zonal component of momentum flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_tauy - alias: mean_merid_moment_flx_atm - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere export - meridional component of momentum flux - # - - standard_name: Faxx_evap - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere import - # - - standard_name: Faxa_lat - alias: mean_laten_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - latent heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faxx_lat - alias: mean_laten_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere import - # - - standard_name: Faxx_lwup - alias: mean_up_lw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere import - merged ocn/ice flux - # - - standard_name: Faxx_sen - alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere import - # - - standard_name: Faxx_taux - alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere import - zonal component of momentum flux - # - - standard_name: Faxx_tauy - alias: mean_merid_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere import - meridional component of momentum flux - # - - standard_name: Sa_ofrac - alias: openwater_frac_in_atm - canonical_units: 1 - description: atm export to mediator - open water ocean fraction (varies with time) - # - - standard_name: Sa_u10m - alias: inst_zonal_wind_height10m - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - zonal wind height 10m - - standard_name: Sa_u10m - alias: eastward_wind_at_10m_height - # - - standard_name: Sa_v10m - alias: inst_merid_wind_height10m - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - meridional wind height 10m - - standard_name: Sa_v10m - alias: northward_wind_at_10m_height - # - - standard_name: Sa_wspd10m - alias: inst_wind_speed_height10m - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - wind speed height 10m - # - - standard_name: Sa_t2m - alias: inst_temp_height2m - canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - temperature height 2m - # - - standard_name: Sa_q2m - alias: inst_spec_humid_height2m - canonical_units: kg kg -1 - description: atmosphere export - specifc humidity height 2m - # - - standard_name: canopy_moisture_storage - canonical_units: m - description: canopy moisture content - # - - standard_name: inst_aerodynamic_conductance - canonical_units: m - description: aerodynamic conductance - # - - standard_name: inst_canopy_resistance - canonical_units: s m-1 - description: canopy aerodynamic resistance - # - - standard_name: leaf_area_index - canonical_units: 1 - description: leaf area index - # - - standard_name: temperature_of_soil_layer - canonical_units: K - description: temperature in soil layer - # - - standard_name: height - canonical_units: m - description: orography - # - - standard_name: Sa_exner - alias: inst_exner_function_height_lowest - canonical_units: 1 - description: dimensionless exner function at surface adjacent layer - # - - standard_name: Sa_ustar - alias: surface_friction_velocity - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: surface friction velocity - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: sea-ice export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Faii_evap - alias: mean_evap_rate_atm_into_ice - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export - # - - standard_name: Faii_lat - alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ice - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice latent heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faii_sen - alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ice - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice sensible heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faii_lwup - alias: mean_up_lw_flx_ice - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export - outgoing logwave radiation - # - - standard_name: Faii_swnet - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Faii_taux - alias: stress_on_air_ice_zonal - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - air ice zonal stress - # - - standard_name: Faii_tauy - alias: stress_on_air_ice_merid - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export - air ice meridional stress - # - - standard_name: Fioi_bcphi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophilic black carbon flux to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_bcpho - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophobic black carbon flux to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_flxdst - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - dust aerosol flux to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_melth - alias: net_heat_flx_to_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - net heat flux to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_meltw - alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) - # - - standard_name: Fioi_meltw_wiso - alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Fioi_salt - alias: mean_salt_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - salt to ocean (salt flux from melting) - # - - standard_name: Fioi_swpen - alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of shortwave through ice to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdr - alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vis dir shortwave through ice to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdf - alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vif dir shortwave through ice to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idr - alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dir shortwave through ice to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idf - alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dif shortwave through ice to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_taux - alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_zonal - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean zonal stress - # - - standard_name: Fioi_tauy - alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_merid - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean meridional stress - # - - standard_name: Si_anidf - alias: inst_ice_ir_dif_albedo - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Si_anidr - alias: inst_ice_ir_dir_albedo - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Si_avsdf - alias: inst_ice_vis_dif_albedo - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Si_avsdr - alias: inst_ice_vis_dir_albedo - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Si_ifrac - alias: ice_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - ice fraction (varies with time) - # - - standard_name: Si_imask - alias: ice_mask - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export - ice mask - # - - standard_name: Si_qref - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Si_t - alias: sea_ice_surface_temperature - canonical_units: K - description: sea-ice export - # - - standard_name: Si_tref - canonical_units: K - description: sea-ice export - # - - standard_name: Si_u10 - canonical_units: m/s - description: sea-ice export - # - - standard_name: Si_vice - alias: mean_ice_volume - canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - volume of ice per unit are - # - - standard_name: Si_snowh - canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - surface_snow_water_equivalent - # - - standard_name: Si_vsno - alias: mean_snow_volume - canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - volume of snow per unit area - # - - standard_name: Si_thick - canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - ice thickness - # - - standard_name: Si_floediam - canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - ice floe diameter - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: ocean export to mediator - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Fioo_q - alias: freezing_melting_potential - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_bldepth - alias: mixed_layer_depth - canonical_units: m - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_h - alias: sea_surface_height_above_sea_level - canonical_units: m - description: ocean export - - standard_name: So_h - alias: seahgt - # - - standard_name: So_dhdx - alias: sea_surface_slope_zonal - canonical_units: m m-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_dhdy - alias: sea_surface_slope_merid - canonical_units: m m-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_duu10n - canonical_units: m2 s-2 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_fswpen - canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_ofrac - canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_omask - alias: ocean_mask - canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_qref - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_re - canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_s - alias: s_surf - canonical_units: g kg-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_ssq - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_t - alias: sea_surface_temperature - canonical_units: K - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_tref - canonical_units: K - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_u - alias: ocn_current_zonal - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_u10 - canonical_units: m - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_ustar - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_v - alias: ocn_current_merid - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: ocean import - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: mean_runoff_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - total runoff to ocean - # - - standard_name: mean_runoff_heat_flux - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - heat content of runoff - # - - standard_name: mean_calving_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - total calving to ocean - # - - standard_name: mean_calving_heat_flux - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - heat content of calving - # - - standard_name: Foxx_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (frozen) - # - - standard_name: Foxx_rofl - alias: mean_runoff_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (liquid) - # - - standard_name: Foxx_swnet - alias: mean_net_sw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave radiation to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdr - alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave visible direct radiation to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdf - alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave visible diffuse radiation to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idr - alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave ir direct radiation to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idf - alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave ir diffuse radiation to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_sen - alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - sensible heat flux into ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_lat - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - latent heat flux into ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_taux - alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: ocean import - zonal surface stress to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_tauy - alias: mean_merid_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: ocean import - meridional surface stress to ocean - # - #----------------------------------- - # mediator fields - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: cpl_scalars - canonical_units: unitless - # - - standard_name: frac - canonical_units: 1 - # - - standard_name: mask - canonical_units: 1 - # - #----------------------------------- - # aliased fields for active and datm - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: mean_net_lw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - alias: Faxa_lwnet - standard_name : mean_net_lw_flx - description: atmosphere export - mean net longwave flux from atm - - alias: Foxx_lwnet - standard_name : mean_net_lw_flx - description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn net longwave flux - # - - standard_name: mean_sensi_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - alias: Faxa_sen - standard_name : mean_sensi_heat_flx - description: atmosphere export - sensible heat flux - - alias: Faox_sen - standard_name : mean_sensi_heat_flx - description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux - # - - standard_name: mean_evap_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - alias: Faxa_evap - standard_name : mean_evap_rate - description: atmosphere export - latent heat flux conversion - - alias: Faox_evap - standard_name : mean_evap_rate - description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn specific humidity flux - # - #----------------------------------- - # fields to use fluxes from mediator - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Faox_lat - alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faox_sen - alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faox_lwup - alias: mean_up_lw_flx_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - long wave radiation flux over the ocean - # - - standard_name: Faox_taux - alias: stress_on_air_ocn_zonal - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator export - # - - standard_name: Faox_tauy - alias: stress_on_air_ocn_merid - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator export - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: atmosphere fields that need to be defined but are not used - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: inst_down_lw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_net_lw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_down_sw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_net_sw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_net_sw_ir_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_net_sw_ir_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_net_sw_vis_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_net_sw_vis_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_down_sw_ir_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_down_sw_ir_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_down_sw_vis_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_down_sw_vis_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_surface_height - canonical_units: m - - standard_name: inst_zonal_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: inst_merid_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: inst_sensi_heat_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: inst_laten_heat_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: inst_tracer_mass_frac - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: inst_tracer_up_surface_flx - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: inst_tracer_down_surface_flx - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: inst_tracer_clmn_mass_dens - canonical_units: g m-2 - - standard_name: inst_tracer_anth_biom_flx - canonical_units: ug m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - - standard_name: inst_pres_interface - canonical_units: Pa - - standard_name: inst_pres_levels - canonical_units: Pa - - standard_name: inst_geop_interface - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_geop_levels - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_temp_interface - canonical_units: K - - standard_name: inst_temp_levels - canonical_units: K - - standard_name: inst_zonal_wind_levels - canonical_units: m s-1 - - standard_name: inst_merid_wind_levels - canonical_units: m s-1 - - standard_name: inst_omega_levels - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_tracer_mass_frac - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: inst_soil_moisture_content - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: soil_type - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_pbl_height - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: surface_cell_area - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_convective_rainfall_amount - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_spec_humid_conv_tendency_levels - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_exchange_coefficient_heat_levels - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_friction_velocity - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_rainfall_amount - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_land_sea_mask - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_temp_height_surface - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_up_sensi_heat_flx - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_lwe_snow_thickness - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: vegetation_type - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_vegetation_area_frac - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_surface_roughness - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_zonal_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: inst_merid_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: inst_laten_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_sensi_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: land_mask - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: inst_cloud_frac_levels - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: inst_ice_nonconv_tendency_levels - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: inst_liq_nonconv_tendency_levels - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: inst_surface_soil_wetness - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: lake_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: ice_fraction_in_atm - alias: sea_ice_area_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: ocean_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: surface_snow_area_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - # - #----------------------------------- - # WW3 import - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: sea_surface_height_above_sea_level - canonical_units: m - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: sea_surface_salinity - alias: s_surf - canonical_units: g kg-1 - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity - alias: ocn_current_zonal - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: surface_northward_sea_water_velocity - alias: ocn_current_merid - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: eastward_wind_at_10m_height - alias: inst_zonal_wind_height10m - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: northward_wind_at_10m_height - alias: inst_merid_wind_height10m - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: sea_ice_concentration - alias: ice_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - description: ww3 import - # - #----------------------------------- - # WW3 export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Sw_ch - alias: wave_induced_charnock_parameter - canonical_units: 1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_ch - alias: charno - # - - standard_name: Sw_z0 - alias: wave_z0_roughness_length - canonical_units: 1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_z0 - alias: z0rlen - # - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes - alias: eastward_stokes_drift_current - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export using ungridded dimension for drift components - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes - alias: uscurr - # - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes - alias: northward_stokes_drift_current - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export using ungridded dimension for drift components - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes - alias: vscurr - # - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes1 - alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_1 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes1 - alias: x1pstk - # - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes2 - alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_2 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes2 - alias: x2pstk - # - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes3 - alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_3 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes3 - alias: x3pstk - # - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes1 - alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_1 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes1 - alias: y1pstk - # - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes2 - alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_2 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes2 - alias: y2pstk - # - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes3 - alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_3 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes3 - alias: y3pstk - # - - standard_name: Sw_wbcuru - alias: eastward_wave_bottom_current - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wbcuru - alias: wbcuru - # - - standard_name: Sw_wbcurv - alias: northward_wave_bottom_current - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wbcurv - alias: wbcurv - # - - standard_name: Sw_wbcurp - alias: wave_bottom_current_period - canonical_units: s - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wbcurp - alias: wbcurp - # - - standard_name: Sw_wavsuu - alias: eastward_wave_radiation_stress - canonical_units: N m-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wavsuu - alias: wavsuu - # - - standard_name: Sw_wavsuv - alias: eastward_northward_wave_radiation_stress - canonical_units: N m-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wavsuv - alias: wavsuv - # - - standard_name: Sw_wavsvv - alias: northward_wave_radiation_stress - canonical_units: Pa - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wavsvv - alias: wavsvv - # - - standard_name: Sw_elevation_spectrum - alias: wave_elevation_spectrum - canonical_units: m2/s - description: wave elevation spectrum - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: FV3 atm export/import to/from JEDI - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: u - canonical_units: m s-1 - # - - standard_name: v - canonical_units: m s-1 - # - - standard_name: ua - canonical_units: m s-1 - # - - standard_name: va - canonical_units: m s-1 - # - - standard_name: t - canonical_units: K - # - - standard_name: delp - canonical_units: Pa - # - - standard_name: sphum - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - # - - standard_name: ice_wat - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - # - - standard_name: liq_wat - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - # - - standard_name: o3mr - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - # - - standard_name: phis - canonical_units: m2 s-2 - # - - standard_name: u_srf - canonical_units: m s-1 - # - - standard_name: v_srf - canonical_units: m s-1 - # - # - - standard_name: slmsk - canonical_units: flag - description: landmask sea/land/ice=0/1/2 - # - - standard_name: weasd - canonical_units: mm - description: water equiv of acc snow depth over land and sea ice - # - - standard_name: tsea - canonical_units: K - description: surface skin temperature - # - - standard_name: vtype - canonical_units: index - description: vegetation type - # - - standard_name: stype - canonical_units: index - description: soil type - # - - standard_name: vfrac - canonical_units: frac - description: areal fractional cover of green vegetation - # - - standard_name: stc - canonical_units: K - description: soil temperature content - # - - standard_name: smc - canonical_units: m3 m-3 - description: soil moisture content - # - - standard_name: snwdph - canonical_units: mm - description: snow depth in mm - # - - standard_name: f10m - canonical_units: ratio - description: fm at 10m - Ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind - # - - standard_name: zorl - canonical_units: cm - description: composite surface roughness in cm - # - - standard_name: t2m - canonical_units: K - description: two meter temperature - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: land export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Sl_lfrac - canonical_units: 1 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Sl_lfrin - canonical_units: 1 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Sl_t - canonical_units: K - description: land export - # - - standard_name: inst_tracer_diag_aod - canonical_units: 1 - description: AOD - # - - standard_name: Fall_lat - alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_lnd_to_atm - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export to atm - atm/lnd latent heat flux - # - - standard_name: Fall_sen - alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx_lnd_to_atm - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export to atm - atm/lnd sensible heat flux diff --git a/tests/parm/fd_ufs.yaml b/tests/parm/fd_ufs.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34602a3272 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/fd_ufs.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1283 @@ +field_dictionary: + version_number: 0.0.0 + institution: National ESPC, CSC & MCL Working Groups + source: automatically generated by the NUOPC Layer + description: Community-based dictionary for shared coupling fields + entries: + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: mediator calculation for atm/ocn flux calculation + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Faox_lat + alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faox_lwup + alias: mean_up_lw_flx_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator calculation - long wave radiation flux over the ocean + # + - standard_name: Faox_taux + alias: stress_on_air_ocn_zonal + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: mediator calculation + # + - standard_name: Faox_tauy + alias: stress_on_air_ocn_merid + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: mediator calculation + # + - standard_name: Foxx_lwnet + alias: mean_net_lw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn net longwave flux + # + - standard_name: Foxx_sen + canonical_units: W m-2 + alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx + description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux + # + - standard_name: Foxx_evap + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + alias: mean_evap_rate + description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn specific humidity flux + # + - standard_name: Faox_evap + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn specific humidity flux + #----------------------------------- + # section: atmosphere export + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Faxa_bcph + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_ocph + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_dstdry + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_dstwet + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: atmosphere export + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swdn + alias: inst_down_sw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean downward SW heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_lwdn + alias: inst_down_lw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean downward LW heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_rain + alias: inst_prec_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_rainc + alias: inst_prec_rate_conv + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_rainl + alias: inst_prec_rate_large + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_snow + alias: inst_fprec_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_snowc + alias: inst_fprec_rate_conv + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_snowl + alias: inst_fprec_rate_large + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swnet + alias: inst_net_sw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swndf + alias: inst_down_sw_ir_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir diffuse flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swndr + alias: inst_down_sw_ir_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir direct flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swvdf + alias: inst_down_sw_vis_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+vis diffuse flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swvdr + alias: inst_down_sw_vis_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+visvdirect flux + # + - standard_name: Sa_dens + alias: air_density_height_lowest + canonical_units: kg m-3 + description: atmosphere export- density at the lowest model layer + # + - standard_name: Sa_pbot + alias: inst_pres_height_lowest + canonical_units: Pa + description: atmosphere export - pressure at lowest model layer + # + - standard_name: Sa_prsl + alias: inst_pres_height_lowest_from_phys + canonical_units: Pa + description: atmosphere export - pressure at lowest model layer + # + - standard_name: Sa_pslv + alias: inst_pres_height_surface + canonical_units: Pa + description: atmosphere export - instantaneous pressure land and sea surface + # + - standard_name: Sa_ptem + canonical_units: K + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer potential temperature + # + - standard_name: Sa_shum + alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity + # + - standard_name: Sa_qa + alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest_from_phys + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity + # + - standard_name: Sa_tbot + alias: inst_temp_height_lowest + canonical_units: K + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer temperature + # + - standard_name: Sa_tskn + alias: inst_temp_height_surface + - standard_name: Sa_tskn + alias: inst_temp_skin_temperature + canonical_units: K + description: atmosphere export - sea surface skin temperature + # + - standard_name: Sa_ta + alias: inst_temp_height_lowest_from_phys + canonical_units: K + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer temperature + # + - standard_name: Sa_u + alias: inst_zonal_wind_height_lowest + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer zonal wind + # + - standard_name: Sa_v + alias: inst_merid_wind_height_lowest + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer meridional wind + # + - standard_name: Sa_wspd + alias: inst_wind_speed_height_lowest + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer wind speed + # + - standard_name: Sa_z + alias: inst_height_lowest + canonical_units: m + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer height + # + - standard_name: Sa_topo + alias: inst_surface_height + canonical_units: m + description: atmosphere export - topographic height + # + - standard_name: Faxa_taux + alias: inst_zonal_moment_flx + - standard_name: Faxa_taux + alias: inst_zonal_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: atmosphere export- zonal component of momentum flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_tauy + alias: inst_merid_moment_flx + - standard_name: Faxa_tauy + alias: inst_merid_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: atmosphere export - meridional component of momentum flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_lwnet + canonical_units: W m-2 + alias: inst_net_lw_flx + description: atmosphere export - mean net longwave flux from atm + # + - standard_name: Faxa_sen + canonical_units: W m-2 + alias: inst_sensi_heat_flx + description: atmosphere export - sensible heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_evap + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + alias: inst_evap_rate + description: atmosphere export - latent heat flux conversion + # + - standard_name: Faxx_evap + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere import + # + - standard_name: Faxa_lat + alias: inst_laten_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - latent heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faxx_lat + alias: mean_laten_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere import + # + - standard_name: Faxx_lwup + alias: mean_up_lw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere import - merged ocn/ice flux + # + - standard_name: Faxx_sen + alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere import + # + - standard_name: Faxx_taux + alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: atmosphere import - zonal component of momentum flux + # + - standard_name: Faxx_tauy + alias: mean_merid_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: atmosphere import - meridional component of momentum flux + # + - standard_name: Sa_ofrac + alias: openwater_frac_in_atm + canonical_units: 1 + description: atm export to mediator - open water ocean fraction (varies with time) + # + - standard_name: Sa_u10m + alias: inst_zonal_wind_height10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - zonal wind height 10m + - standard_name: Sa_u10m + alias: eastward_wind_at_10m_height + # + - standard_name: Sa_v10m + alias: inst_merid_wind_height10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - meridional wind height 10m + - standard_name: Sa_v10m + alias: northward_wind_at_10m_height + # + - standard_name: Sa_wspd10m + alias: inst_wind_speed_height10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - wind speed height 10m + # + - standard_name: Sa_t2m + alias: inst_temp_height2m + canonical_units: K + description: atmosphere export - temperature height 2m + # + - standard_name: Sa_q2m + alias: inst_spec_humid_height2m + canonical_units: kg kg -1 + description: atmosphere export - specifc humidity height 2m + # + - standard_name: canopy_moisture_storage + canonical_units: m + description: canopy moisture content + # + - standard_name: inst_aerodynamic_conductance + canonical_units: m + description: aerodynamic conductance + # + - standard_name: inst_canopy_resistance + canonical_units: s m-1 + description: canopy aerodynamic resistance + # + - standard_name: leaf_area_index + canonical_units: 1 + description: leaf area index + # + - standard_name: temperature_of_soil_layer + canonical_units: K + description: temperature in soil layer + # + - standard_name: height + canonical_units: m + description: orography + # + - standard_name: Sa_exner + alias: inst_exner_function_height_lowest + canonical_units: 1 + description: dimensionless exner function at surface adjacent layer + # + - standard_name: Sa_ustar + alias: surface_friction_velocity + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: surface friction velocity + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: sea-ice export + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Faii_evap + alias: evap_rate_atm_into_ice + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export + # + - standard_name: Faii_lat + alias: laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ice + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice latent heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faii_sen + alias: sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ice + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice sensible heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faii_lwup + alias: lwup_flx_ice + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export - outgoing logwave radiation + # + - standard_name: Faii_swnet + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Faii_taux + alias: stress_on_air_ice_zonal + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: sea-ice export to atm - air ice zonal stress + # + - standard_name: Faii_tauy + alias: stress_on_air_ice_merid + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: sea-ice export - air ice meridional stress + # + - standard_name: Fioi_bcphi + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophilic black carbon flux to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_bcpho + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophobic black carbon flux to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_flxdst + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - dust aerosol flux to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_melth + alias: net_heat_flx_to_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - net heat flux to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_meltw + alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) + # + - standard_name: Fioi_meltw_wiso + alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) for 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Fioi_salt + alias: mean_salt_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - salt to ocean (salt flux from melting) + # + - standard_name: Fioi_swpen + alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of shortwave through ice to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdr + alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vis dir shortwave through ice to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdf + alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vif dir shortwave through ice to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idr + alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dir shortwave through ice to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idf + alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dif shortwave through ice to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_taux + alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_zonal + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean zonal stress + # + - standard_name: Fioi_tauy + alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_merid + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean meridional stress + # + - standard_name: Si_anidf + alias: inst_ice_ir_dif_albedo + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Si_anidr + alias: inst_ice_ir_dir_albedo + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Si_avsdf + alias: inst_ice_vis_dif_albedo + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Si_avsdr + alias: inst_ice_vis_dir_albedo + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Si_ifrac + alias: ice_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export to atm - ice fraction (varies with time) + # + - standard_name: Si_imask + alias: ice_mask + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export - ice mask + # + - standard_name: Si_qref + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Si_t + alias: sea_ice_surface_temperature + canonical_units: K + description: sea-ice export + # + - standard_name: Si_tref + canonical_units: K + description: sea-ice export + # + - standard_name: Si_u10 + canonical_units: m/s + description: sea-ice export + # + - standard_name: Si_vice + alias: sea_ice_volume + canonical_units: m + description: sea-ice export - volume of ice per unit area + # + - standard_name: Si_snowh + canonical_units: m + description: sea-ice export - surface_snow_water_equivalent + # + - standard_name: Si_vsno + alias: snow_volume_on_sea_ice + canonical_units: m + description: sea-ice export - volume of snow per unit area + # + - standard_name: Si_thick + canonical_units: m + description: sea-ice export - ice thickness + # + - standard_name: Si_floediam + canonical_units: m + description: sea-ice export - ice floe diameter + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: ocean export to mediator + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Fioo_q + alias: freezing_melting_potential + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_bldepth + alias: mixed_layer_depth + canonical_units: m + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_h + alias: sea_surface_height_above_sea_level + canonical_units: m + description: ocean export + - standard_name: So_h + alias: seahgt + # + - standard_name: So_dhdx + alias: sea_surface_slope_zonal + canonical_units: m m-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_dhdy + alias: sea_surface_slope_merid + canonical_units: m m-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_duu10n + canonical_units: m2 s-2 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_fswpen + canonical_units: 1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_ofrac + canonical_units: 1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_omask + alias: ocean_mask + canonical_units: 1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_qref + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_re + canonical_units: 1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_s + alias: s_surf + canonical_units: g kg-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_ssq + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_t + alias: sea_surface_temperature + canonical_units: K + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_tref + canonical_units: K + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_u + alias: ocn_current_zonal + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_u10 + canonical_units: m + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_ustar + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_v + alias: ocn_current_merid + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ocean export + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: ocean import + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hrain + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of rain + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hsnow + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of snow + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hevap + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of evaporation + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hcond + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of condensation + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hrofl + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of liquid runoff + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hrofi + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of ice runoff + # + - standard_name: Foxx_rofi + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (frozen) + # + - standard_name: Foxx_rofl + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (liquid) + # + - standard_name: Foxx_swnet + alias: mean_net_sw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - net shortwave radiation to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdr + alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - net shortwave visible direct radiation to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdf + alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - net shortwave visible diffuse radiation to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idr + alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - net shortwave ir direct radiation to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idf + alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - net shortwave ir diffuse radiation to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_sen + alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - sensible heat flux into ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_lat + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - latent heat flux into ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_taux + alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: ocean import - zonal surface stress to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_tauy + alias: mean_merid_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: ocean import - meridional surface stress to ocean + # + #----------------------------------- + # mediator fields + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: cpl_scalars + canonical_units: unitless + # + - standard_name: frac + canonical_units: 1 + # + - standard_name: mask + canonical_units: 1 + # + #----------------------------------- + # fields to use fluxes from mediator + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Faox_lat + alias: laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faox_sen + alias: sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faox_lwup + alias: lwup_flx_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator export - long wave radiation flux over the ocean + # + - standard_name: Faox_taux + alias: stress_on_air_ocn_zonal + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: mediator export + # + - standard_name: Faox_tauy + alias: stress_on_air_ocn_merid + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: mediator export + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: atmosphere fields that need to be defined but are not used + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: mean_prec_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: mean_fprec_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: mean_prec_rate_conv + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: mean_down_lw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_net_lw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_down_sw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_net_sw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_net_sw_ir_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_net_sw_ir_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_net_sw_vis_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_net_sw_vis_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_down_sw_ir_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_down_sw_ir_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_down_sw_vis_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_down_sw_vis_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_surface_height + canonical_units: m + - standard_name: mean_zonal_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: mean_merid_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: inst_zonal_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: inst_merid_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: inst_sensi_heat_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: inst_laten_heat_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: inst_evap_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: inst_tracer_mass_frac + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: inst_tracer_up_surface_flx + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: inst_tracer_down_surface_flx + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: inst_tracer_clmn_mass_dens + canonical_units: g m-2 + - standard_name: inst_tracer_anth_biom_flx + canonical_units: ug m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + - standard_name: inst_pres_interface + canonical_units: Pa + - standard_name: inst_pres_levels + canonical_units: Pa + - standard_name: inst_geop_interface + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_geop_levels + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_temp_interface + canonical_units: K + - standard_name: inst_temp_levels + canonical_units: K + - standard_name: inst_zonal_wind_levels + canonical_units: m s-1 + - standard_name: inst_merid_wind_levels + canonical_units: m s-1 + - standard_name: inst_omega_levels + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_tracer_mass_frac + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: inst_soil_moisture_content + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: soil_type + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_pbl_height + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: surface_cell_area + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_convective_rainfall_amount + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_spec_humid_conv_tendency_levels + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_exchange_coefficient_heat_levels + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_friction_velocity + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_rainfall_amount + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_land_sea_mask + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_temp_height_surface + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_up_sensi_heat_flx + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_lwe_snow_thickness + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: vegetation_type + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_vegetation_area_frac + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_surface_roughness + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_laten_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_sensi_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: land_mask + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: inst_cloud_frac_levels + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: inst_ice_nonconv_tendency_levels + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: inst_liq_nonconv_tendency_levels + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: inst_surface_soil_wetness + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: lake_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: ice_fraction_in_atm + alias: sea_ice_area_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: ocean_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: surface_snow_area_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + # + #----------------------------------- + # WW3 import + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: sea_surface_height_above_sea_level + canonical_units: m + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: sea_surface_salinity + alias: s_surf + canonical_units: g kg-1 + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity + alias: ocn_current_zonal + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: surface_northward_sea_water_velocity + alias: ocn_current_merid + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: eastward_wind_at_10m_height + alias: inst_zonal_wind_height10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: northward_wind_at_10m_height + alias: inst_merid_wind_height10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: sea_ice_concentration + alias: ice_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + description: ww3 import + # + #----------------------------------- + # WW3 export + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Sw_z0 + alias: wave_z0_roughness_length + canonical_units: 1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_z0 + alias: z0rlen + # + - standard_name: Sw_pstokes_x + alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export partitioned drift components using ungridded dimension + # + - standard_name: Sw_pstokes_y + alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export partitioned drift components using ungridded dimension + # + - standard_name: Sw_elevation_spectrum + alias: wave_elevation_spectrum + canonical_units: m2/s + description: wave elevation spectrum + # + # remaining fields are unused but required to be present + # + - standard_name: Sw_ch + alias: wave_induced_charnock_parameter + canonical_units: 1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_ch + alias: charno + # + - standard_name: eastward_stokes_drift_current + alias: uscurr + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export spectrum of drift components + # + - standard_name: northward_stokes_drift_current + alias: vscurr + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export spectrum of drift components + # + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes + alias: eastward_surface_stokes_drift_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export surface drift components + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes + alias: ussx + # + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes + alias: northward_surface_stokes_drift_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export using surface drift components + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes + alias: ussy + # + - standard_name: Sw_wbcuru + alias: eastward_wave_bottom_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wbcuru + alias: wbcuru + # + - standard_name: Sw_wbcurv + alias: northward_wave_bottom_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wbcurv + alias: wbcurv + # + - standard_name: Sw_wbcurp + alias: wave_bottom_current_period + canonical_units: s + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wbcurp + alias: wbcurp + # + - standard_name: Sw_wavsuu + alias: eastward_wave_radiation_stress + canonical_units: N m-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wavsuu + alias: wavsuu + # + - standard_name: Sw_wavsuv + alias: eastward_northward_wave_radiation_stress + canonical_units: N m-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wavsuv + alias: wavsuv + # + - standard_name: Sw_wavsvv + alias: northward_wave_radiation_stress + canonical_units: Pa + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wavsvv + alias: wavsvv + # + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes1 + alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_1 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes1 + alias: x1pstk + # + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes2 + alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_2 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes2 + alias: x2pstk + # + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes3 + alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_3 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes3 + alias: x3pstk + # + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes1 + alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_1 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes1 + alias: y1pstk + # + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes2 + alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_2 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes2 + alias: y2pstk + # + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes3 + alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_3 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes3 + alias: y3pstk + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: FV3 atm export/import to/from JEDI + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: u + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: u_component_of_native_D_grid_wind + # + - standard_name: v + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: v_component_of_native_D_grid_wind + # + - standard_name: ua + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: eastward_wind + # + - standard_name: va + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: northward_wind + # + - standard_name: t + canonical_units: K + alias: air_temperature + # + - standard_name: delp + canonical_units: Pa + alias: air_pressure_thickness + # + - standard_name: ps + canonical_units: Pa + alias: surface_pressure + # + - standard_name: sphum + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: specific_humidity + # + - standard_name: ice_wat + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: cloud_liquid_ice + # + - standard_name: liq_wat + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: cloud_liquid_water + # + - standard_name: rainwat + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: rain_water + # + - standard_name: snowwat + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: snow_water + # + - standard_name: graupel + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: graupel + # + - standard_name: o3mr + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: ozone_mass_mixing_ratio + # + - standard_name: phis + canonical_units: m2 s-2 + alias: sfc_geopotential_height_times_grav + # + - standard_name: u_srf + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: surface_eastward_wind + # + - standard_name: v_srf + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: surface_northward_wind + # + # + - standard_name: t2m + canonical_units: K + alias: surface_temperature + # + - standard_name: slmsk + canonical_units: flag + description: landmask sea/land/ice=0/1/2 + # + - standard_name: weasd + canonical_units: mm + description: water equiv of acc snow depth over land and sea ice + alias: sheleg + # + - standard_name: tsea + canonical_units: K + description: surface skin temperature + # + - standard_name: vtype + canonical_units: index + description: vegetation type + # + - standard_name: stype + canonical_units: index + description: soil type + # + - standard_name: Sa_vfrac + canonical_units: frac + description: areal fractional cover of green vegetation + - standard_name: Sa_vfrac + alias: vfrac + # + - standard_name: stc + canonical_units: K + description: soil temperature content + # + - standard_name: smc + canonical_units: m3 m-3 + description: soil moisture content + # + - standard_name: snwdph + canonical_units: mm + description: snow depth in mm + # + - standard_name: f10m + canonical_units: ratio + description: fm at 10m - Ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind + # + - standard_name: Sa_zorl + canonical_units: cm + description: composite surface roughness in cm + - standard_name: Sa_zorl + alias: zorl + # + - standard_name: t2m + canonical_units: K + description: two meter temperature + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: land export + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Sl_lfrac + alias: land_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_lfrin + canonical_units: 1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_t + canonical_units: K + description: land export + # + - standard_name: inst_tracer_diag_aod + canonical_units: 1 + description: AOD + # + - standard_name: Sl_sfrac + alias: inst_snow_area_fraction_lnd + canonical_units: 1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_tref + alias: inst_temp_height2m_lnd + canonical_units: K + description: mediator export to glc - no levation classes + # + - standard_name: Sl_qref + alias: inst_spec_humid_height2m_lnd + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_q + alias: inst_spec_humid_lnd + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Fall_lat + alias: inst_laten_heat_flx_lnd + canonical_units: kg kg-1 m s-1 + description: land export to atm - atm/lnd latent heat flux + # + - standard_name: Fall_sen + alias: inst_sensi_heat_flx_lnd + canonical_units: K m s-1 + description: land export to atm - atm/lnd sensible heat flux + # + - standard_name: Fall_evap + alias: inst_potential_laten_heat_flx_lnd + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Fall_gflx + alias: inst_upward_heat_flux_lnd + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Fall_roff + alias: inst_runoff_rate_lnd + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Fall_soff + alias: inst_subsurface_runoff_rate_lnd + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_cmm + alias: inst_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_chh + alias: inst_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_zvfun + alias: inst_func_of_roughness_length_and_vfrac + canonical_units: 1 + description: land export + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: fire behavior + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: hflx_fire + canonical_units: K m s-1 + description: kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux of fire + # + - standard_name: evap_fire + canonical_units: Kg Kg-1 m s-1 + description: kinematic surface upward latent heat flux of fire + # + - standard_name: smoke_fire + canonical_units: kg m-2 diff --git a/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_fire b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_fire new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8d340fc7fa --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_fire @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +# added by FRE: sphum must be present in atmos +# specific humidity for moist runs + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sphum" + "longname", "specific humidity" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic cloud water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "liq_wat" + "longname", "cloud water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic ice water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_wat" + "longname", "cloud ice mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic rain water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "rainwat" + "longname", "rain water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic snow water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "snowwat" + "longname", "snow water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic graupel mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "graupel" + "longname", "graupel mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic cloud water number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "water_nc" + "longname", "cloud liquid water number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic cloud ice number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_nc" + "longname", "cloud ice water number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic rain number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "rain_nc" + "longname", "rain number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic ozone mixing ratio tracer + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "o3mr" + "longname", "ozone mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# water- and ice-friendly aerosols (Thompson) + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "liq_aero" + "longname", "water-friendly aerosol number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_aero" + "longname", "ice-friendly aerosol number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sgs_tke" + "longname", "subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy" + "units", "m2/s2" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# smoke tracer for UFS_FIRE + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "fsmoke" + "longname", "fire smoke" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / diff --git a/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_lm4 b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_lm4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c20de33988 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_lm4 @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +## Needed for LM4 Component. Append to rest of field table + +## LM4 + "TRACER", "land_mod", "sphum" + "longname", "specific humidity" + "units", "kg/kg" / + "TRACER", "land_mod", "co2" + "longname", "carbon dioxide" + "units", "kg/kg" / diff --git a/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_aero_tke_progsigma b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_aero_tke_progsigma new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b27b504b50 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_aero_tke_progsigma @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +# added by FRE: sphum must be present in atmos +# specific humidity for moist runs + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sphum" + "longname", "specific humidity" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=3.e-6" / +# prognostic cloud water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "liq_wat" + "longname", "cloud water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic ice water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_wat" + "longname", "cloud ice mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic rain water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "rainwat" + "longname", "rain water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic snow water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "snowwat" + "longname", "snow water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic Grau water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "graupel" + "longname", "graupel mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic cloud water number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "water_nc" + "longname", "cloud liquid water number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic cloud ice number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_nc" + "longname", "cloud ice water number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic rain number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "rain_nc" + "longname", "rain number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic ozone mixing ratio tracer + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "o3mr" + "longname", "ozone mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic sigmab tracer + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sigmab" + "longname", "sigma fraction" + "units", "fraction" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# water- and ice-friendly aerosols (Thompson) + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "liq_aero" + "longname", "water-friendly aerosol number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_aero" + "longname", "ice-friendly aerosol number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sgs_tke" + "longname", "subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy" + "units", "m2/s2" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / diff --git a/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_aero_tke_smoke b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_aero_tke_smoke index 59d4faabed..d344dae4a7 100644 --- a/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_aero_tke_smoke +++ b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_aero_tke_smoke @@ -73,3 +73,8 @@ "longname", "dust mixing ratio" "units", "ug/kg" "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e-7" / +# prognostic coarsepm mixing ratio tracer + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "coarsepm" + "longname", "coarsepm mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e-7" / diff --git a/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_GOCART_progsigma b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_GOCART_progsigma new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..66b7f62489 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_GOCART_progsigma @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +# added by FRE: sphum must be present in atmos +# specific humidity for moist runs + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sphum" + "longname", "specific humidity" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=3.e-6" / +# prognostic cloud water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "liq_wat" + "longname", "cloud water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic ice water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_wat" + "longname", "cloud ice mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic rain water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "rainwat" + "longname", "rain water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic snow water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "snowwat" + "longname", "snow water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic Grau water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "graupel" + "longname", "graupel mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic cloud water number concentration - not for non-aerosol runs +# "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "water_nc" +# "longname", "cloud liquid water number concentration" +# "units", "/kg" +# "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic cloud ice number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_nc" + "longname", "cloud ice water number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic rain number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "rain_nc" + "longname", "rain number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic ozone mixing ratio tracer + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "o3mr" + "longname", "ozone mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# water- and ice-friendly aerosols (Thompson) - not for non-aerosol runs +# "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "liq_aero" +# "longname", "water-friendly aerosol number concentration" +# "units", "/kg" +# "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_aero" +# "longname", "ice-friendly aerosol number concentration" +# "units", "/kg" +# "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sgs_tke" + "longname", "subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy" + "units", "m2/s2" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognotsitc sigmab tracer + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sigmab" + "longname", "sigma fraction" + "units", "fraction" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic aerosols + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "so2" + "longname", "so2 mixing ratio" + "units", "ppm" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "so4" + "longname", "sulfate mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "dms" + "longname", "DMS mixing ratio" + "units", "ppm" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "msa" + "longname", "msa mixing ratio" + "units", "ppm" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "bc1" + "longname", "hydrophobic black carbon mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "bc2" + "longname", "hydrophillic black carbon mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "oc1" + "longname", "hydrophobic organic carbon mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "oc2" + "longname", "hydrophillic organic carbon mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "dust1" + "longname", "fine dust1 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "dust2" + "longname", "fine dust2 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "dust3" + "longname", "coarse dust3 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "dust4" + "longname", "coarse dust4 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "dust5" + "longname", "coarse dust5 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "seas1" + "longname", "seasalt1 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "seas2" + "longname", "seasalt2 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "seas3" + "longname", "seasalt3 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "seas4" + "longname", "seasalt4 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "seas5" + "longname", "seasalt5 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "nh3" + "longname", "primary NH3 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "nh4a" + "longname", "primary NH4a mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "no3an1" + "longname", "primary NO3an1 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "no3an2" + "longname", "primary NO3an2 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "no3an3" + "longname", "primary NO3an3 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/kg" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# diagnostic PM tracers + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "pm25" + "longname", "primary PM25 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/m3" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry", "type=diagnostic" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "pm10" + "longname", "primary PM10 mixing ratio" + "units", "ug/m3" + "tracer_usage", "chemistry", "type=diagnostic" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / diff --git a/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_progsigma b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_progsigma new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f424eb0d21 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_progsigma @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +# added by FRE: sphum must be present in atmos +# specific humidity for moist runs + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sphum" + "longname", "specific humidity" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=3.e-6" / +# prognostic cloud water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "liq_wat" + "longname", "cloud water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic ice water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_wat" + "longname", "cloud ice mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic rain water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "rainwat" + "longname", "rain water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic snow water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "snowwat" + "longname", "snow water mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic Grau water mixing ratio + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "graupel" + "longname", "graupel mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# prognostic cloud water number concentration - not for non-aerosol runs +# "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "water_nc" +# "longname", "cloud liquid water number concentration" +# "units", "/kg" +# "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic cloud ice number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_nc" + "longname", "cloud ice water number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic rain number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "rain_nc" + "longname", "rain number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic ozone mixing ratio tracer + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "o3mr" + "longname", "ozone mixing ratio" + "units", "kg/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / +# water- and ice-friendly aerosols (Thompson) - not for non-aerosol runs +# "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "liq_aero" +# "longname", "water-friendly aerosol number concentration" +# "units", "/kg" +# "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_aero" +# "longname", "ice-friendly aerosol number concentration" +# "units", "/kg" +# "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognostic subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sgs_tke" + "longname", "subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy" + "units", "m2/s2" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# prognotsitc sigmab tracer + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sigmab" + "longname", "sigma fraction" + "units", "fraction" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_wam b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_wam_noaer similarity index 68% rename from tests/parm/field_table/field_table_wam rename to tests/parm/field_table/field_table_wam_noaer index 7fecc850c4..acf347c027 100644 --- a/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_wam +++ b/tests/parm/field_table/field_table_wam_noaer @@ -10,49 +10,59 @@ "longname", "cloud water mixing ratio" "units", "kg/kg" "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / -# 3 prognostic cloud water mixing ratio +# 3 prognostic rain water mixing ratio "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "rainwat" "longname", "rain mixing ratio" "units", "kg/kg" "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / -# 4 prognostic cloud water mixing ratio +# 4 prognostic ice water mixing ratio "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_wat" "longname", "cloud ice mixing ratio" "units", "kg/kg" "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / -# 5 prognostic cloud water mixing ratio +# 5 prognostic snow water mixing ratio "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "snowwat" "longname", "snow mixing ratio" "units", "kg/kg" "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / -# 6 prognostic cloud water mixing ratio +# 6 prognostic graupel water mixing ratio "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "graupel" "longname", "graupel mixing ratio" "units", "kg/kg" "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e30" / -# 7 prognostic ozone mixing ratio tracer +# 9 prognostic ozone mixing ratio tracer "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "spo3" "longname", "ozone mixing ratio" "units", "kg/kg" "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e15" / -# 8 prognostic ozone mixing ratio tracer +# 10 prognostic ozone mixing ratio tracer "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "spo" "longname", "oxygen atom mixing ratio" "units", "kg/kg" "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e10" / -# 9 prognostic ozone mixing ratio tracer +# 11 prognostic ozone mixing ratio tracer "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "spo2" "longname", "oxygen mixing ratio" "units", "kg/kg" "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=1.e15" / -# 10 prognostic subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy +# 7 prognostic cloud ice water number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "ice_nc" + "longname", "cloud ice water number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# 8 prognostic rain number concentration + "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "rain_nc" + "longname", "rain number concentration" + "units", "/kg" + "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# 12 prognostic subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sgs_tke" "longname", "subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy" "units", "m2/s2" "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / -# 11 # non-prognostic cloud amount - "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "cld_amt" - "longname", "cloud amount" - "units", "1" - "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / +# 13 # non-prognostic cloud amount +# "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "cld_amt" +# "longname", "cloud amount" +# "units", "1" +# "profile_type", "fixed", "surface_value=0.0" / diff --git a/tests/parm/global_control.nml.IN b/tests/parm/global_control.nml.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..77f3c513ae --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/global_control.nml.IN @@ -0,0 +1,438 @@ +&atmos_model_nml + blocksize = @[BLOCKSIZE] + chksum_debug = @[CHKSUM_DEBUG] + dycore_only = @[DYCORE_ONLY] + ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]' +/ + +&diag_manager_nml + prepend_date = .false. + max_output_fields = @[MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS] +/ + +&fms_nml + clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' + domains_stack_size = @[DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE] + print_memory_usage = .false. +/ + +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = 'netcdf4' +/ + +&fv_core_nml + layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] + io_layout = @[IO_LAYOUT] + npx = @[NPX] + npy = @[NPY] + ntiles = @[NTILES] + npz = @[NPZ] + dz_min = @[DZ_MIN] + psm_bc = @[PSM_BC] + grid_type = -1 + make_nh = @[MAKE_NH] + fv_debug = .false. + range_warn = .true. + reset_eta = .false. + n_sponge = @[N_SPONGE] + nudge_qv = @[NUDGE_QV] + nudge_dz = @[NUDGE_DZ] + tau = @[TAU] + fast_tau_w_sec = @[FAST_TAU_W_SEC] + rf_cutoff = @[RF_CUTOFF] + d2_bg_k1 = @[D2_BG_K1] + d2_bg_k2 = @[D2_BG_K2] + kord_tm = @[KORD_TM] + kord_mt = @[KORD_MT] + kord_wz = @[KORD_WZ] + kord_tr = @[KORD_TR] + hydrostatic = @[HYDROSTATIC] + phys_hydrostatic = @[PHYS_HYDROSTATIC] + use_hydro_pressure = @[USE_HYDRO_PRESSURE] + pass_full_omega_to_physics_in_non_hydrostatic_mode = @[UPDATE_FULL_OMEGA] + beta = 0. + a_imp = 1. + p_fac = 0.1 + k_split = @[K_SPLIT] + n_split = @[N_SPLIT] + nwat = @[NWAT] + na_init = @[NA_INIT] + d_ext = 0. + dnats = @[DNATS] + fv_sg_adj = @[FV_SG_ADJ] + d2_bg = 0. + nord = @[NORD] + dddmp = @[DDDMP] + d4_bg = @[D4_BG] + vtdm4 = @[VTDM4] + delt_max = @[DELT_MAX] + ke_bg = 0. + do_vort_damp = @[DO_VORT_DAMP] + external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC] + external_eta = @[EXTERNAL_ETA] + gfs_phil = @[GFS_PHIL] + nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC] + mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] + ncep_ic = @[NCEP_IC] + d_con = @[D_CON] + hord_mt = @[HORD_MT] + hord_vt = @[HORD_VT] + hord_tm = @[HORD_TM] + hord_dp = @[HORD_DP] + hord_tr = @[HORD_TR] + adjust_dry_mass = @[ADJUST_DRY_MASS] + dry_mass = @[DRY_MASS] + consv_te = @[CONSV_TE] + do_sat_adj = @[DO_SAT_ADJ] + consv_am = .false. + fill = .true. + dwind_2d = .false. + print_freq = @[PRINT_FREQ] + warm_start = @[WARM_START] + no_dycore = @[NO_DYCORE] + z_tracer = .true. + agrid_vel_rst = .true. + read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] + res_latlon_dynamics = @[RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS] + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] +/ + +&external_ic_nml + filtered_terrain = @[FILTERED_TERRAIN] + levp = @[NPZP] + gfs_dwinds = @[GFS_DWINDS] + checker_tr = .false. + nt_checker = 0 +/ + +&gfs_physics_nml + fhzero = @[FHZERO] + h2o_phys = .true. + ldiag3d = @[LDIAG3D] + qdiag3d = @[QDIAG3D] + print_diff_pgr = @[PRINT_DIFF_PGR] + fhcyc = @[FHCYC] + use_ufo = @[USE_UFO] + pre_rad = @[PRE_RAD] + imp_physics = @[IMP_PHYSICS] + iovr = @[IOVR] + ltaerosol = @[LTAEROSOL] + lradar = @[LRADAR] + ttendlim = @[TTENDLIM] + dt_inner = @[DT_INNER] + sedi_semi = @[SEDI_SEMI] + decfl = @[DECFL] + oz_phys = @[OZ_PHYS_NEW] + oz_phys_2015 = @[OZ_PHYS_OLD] + lsoil_lsm = @[LSOIL_LSM] + do_mynnedmf = @[DO_MYNNEDMF] + do_mynnsfclay = @[DO_MYNNSFCLAY] + icloud_bl = @[ICLOUD_BL] + bl_mynn_edmf = @[BL_MYNN_EDMF] + bl_mynn_tkeadvect = @[BL_MYNN_TKEADVECT] + bl_mynn_edmf_mom = @[BL_MYNN_EDMF_MOM] + do_ugwp = @[DO_UGWP] + do_tofd = @[DO_TOFD] + gwd_opt = @[GWD_OPT] + do_ugwp_v0 = @[DO_UGWP_V0] + do_ugwp_v1 = @[DO_UGWP_V1] + do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY] + do_ugwp_v0_nst_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY] + do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL] + do_gsl_drag_ss = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_SS] + do_gwd_opt_psl = @[DO_GWD_OPT_PSL] + psl_gwd_dx_factor = @[PSL_GWD_DX_FACTOR] + do_gsl_drag_tofd = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD] + do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY] + min_lakeice = @[MIN_LAKEICE] + min_seaice = @[MIN_SEAICE] + use_cice_alb = @[USE_CICE_ALB] + pdfcld = @[PDFCLD] + fhswr = @[FHSWR] + fhlwr = @[FHLWR] + ialb = @[IALB] + iems = @[IEMS] + iaer = @[IAER] + icliq_sw = @[ICLIQ_SW] + ico2 = @[ICO2] + isubc_sw = @[ISUBC_SW] + isubc_lw = @[ISUBC_LW] + isol = @[ISOL] + lwhtr = @[LWHTR] + swhtr = @[SWHTR] + cnvgwd = @[CNVGWD] + shal_cnv = @[SHAL_CNV] + cal_pre = @[CAL_PRE] + redrag = @[REDRAG] + dspheat = @[DSPHEAT] + hybedmf = @[HYBEDMF] + satmedmf = @[SATMEDMF] + isatmedmf = @[ISATMEDMF] + lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] + lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] + random_clds = @[RANDOM_CLDS] + trans_trac = @[TRANS_TRAC] + cnvcld = @[CNVCLD] + imfshalcnv = @[IMFSHALCNV] + imfdeepcnv = @[IMFDEEPCNV] + progsigma = @[PROGSIGMA] + betascu = @[BETASCU] + betamcu = @[BETAMCU] + betadcu = @[BETADCU] + ras = @[RAS] + cdmbgwd = @[CDMBWD] + prslrd0 = @[PRSLRD0] + ivegsrc = @[IVEGSRC] + isot = @[ISOT] + lsoil = @[LSOIL] + lsm = @[LSM] + iopt_dveg = @[IOPT_DVEG] + iopt_crs = @[IOPT_CRS] + iopt_btr = @[IOPT_BTR] + iopt_run = @[IOPT_RUN] + iopt_sfc = @[IOPT_SFC] + iopt_trs = @[IOPT_TRS] + iopt_diag = @[IOPT_DIAG] + iopt_frz = @[IOPT_FRZ] + iopt_inf = @[IOPT_INF] + iopt_rad = @[IOPT_RAD] + iopt_alb = @[IOPT_ALB] + iopt_snf = @[IOPT_SNF] + iopt_tbot = @[IOPT_TBOT] + iopt_stc = @[IOPT_STC] + debug = @[DEBUG] + nstf_name = @[NSTF_NAME] + nst_anl = @[NST_ANL] + psautco = @[PSAUTCO] + prautco = @[PRAUTCO] + lgfdlmprad = @[LGFDLMPRAD] + effr_in = @[EFFR_IN] + ldiag_ugwp = @[LDIAG_UGWP] + fscav_aero = @[FSCAV_AERO] + do_RRTMGP = @[DO_RRTMGP] + active_gases = @[ACTIVE_GASES] + ngases = @[NGASES] + lw_file_gas = @[LW_FILE_GAS] + lw_file_clouds = @[LW_FILE_CLOUDS] + sw_file_gas = @[SW_FILE_GAS] + sw_file_clouds = @[SW_FILE_CLOUDS] + rrtmgp_nGptsSW = @[RRTMGP_NGPTSSW] + rrtmgp_nGptsLW = @[RRTMGP_NGPTSLW] + rrtmgp_nBandsLW = @[RRTMGP_NBANDSLW] + rrtmgp_nBandsSW = @[RRTMGP_NBANDSSW] + doGP_cldoptics_LUT = @[DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT] + doGP_lwscat = @[DOGP_LWSCAT] + doGP_sgs_cnv = @[DOGP_SGS_CNV] + do_sppt = @[DO_SPPT] + do_shum = @[DO_SHUM] + do_skeb = @[DO_SKEB] + iaufhrs = @[IAUFHRS] + iau_delthrs = @[IAU_DELTHRS] + iau_inc_files= @[IAU_INC_FILES] + iau_drymassfixer = .false. + use_med_flux = @[USE_MED_FLUX] + frac_grid = @[FRAC_GRID] + cplchm = @[CPLCHM] + cplflx = @[CPLFLX] + cplice = @[CPLICE] + cplwav = @[CPLWAV] + cplwav2atm = @[CPLWAV2ATM] + cpllnd = @[CPLLND] + cpllnd2atm = @[CPLLND2ATM] + do_ca = @[DO_CA] + ca_global = @[CA_GLOBAL] + ca_sgs = @[CA_SGS] + nca = @[NCA] + ncells = @[NCELLS] + nlives = @[NLIVES] + nseed = @[NSEED] + nfracseed = @[NFRACSEED] + nthresh = @[NTHRESH] + ca_trigger = @[CA_TRIGGER] + nspinup = @[NSPINUP] + iseed_ca = @[ISEED_CA] + lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] + n_var_lndp = @[N_VAR_LNDP] + lcnorm = @[LCNORM] + pert_mp = @[PERT_MP] + pert_radtend = @[PERT_RADTEND] + pert_clds = @[PERT_CLDS] + iau_inc_files= @[IAU_INC_FILES] + iau_drymassfixer = .false. + iau_filter_increments = @[IAU_FILTER_INCREMENTS] +/ + +&cires_ugwp_nml + knob_ugwp_solver = @[KNOB_UGWP_SOLVER] + knob_ugwp_source = @[KNOB_UGWP_SOURCE] + knob_ugwp_wvspec = @[KNOB_UGWP_WVSPEC] + knob_ugwp_azdir = @[KNOB_UGWP_AZDIR] + knob_ugwp_stoch = @[KNOB_UGWP_STOCH] + knob_ugwp_effac = @[KNOB_UGWP_EFFAC] + knob_ugwp_doaxyz = @[KNOB_UGWP_DOAXYZ] + knob_ugwp_doheat = @[KNOB_UGWP_DOHEAT] + knob_ugwp_dokdis = @[KNOB_UGWP_DOKDIS] + knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = @[KNOB_UGWP_NDX4LH] + knob_ugwp_version = @[KNOB_UGWP_VERSION] + ! This is only for UGWP v0 +@[HIDE_UGWPV0] launch_level = @[LAUNCH_LEVEL] + ! These are only for UGWP v1 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_palaunch = @[KNOB_UGWP_PALAUNCH] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_nslope = @[KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmax = @[KNOB_UGWP_LZMAX] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmin = @[KNOB_UGWP_LZMIN] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzstar = @[KNOB_UGWP_LZSTAR] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_taumin = @[KNOB_UGWP_TAUMIN] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_tauamp = @[KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lhmet = @[KNOB_UGWP_LHMET] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_orosolv = @[KNOB_UGWP_OROSOLV] +/ + +&gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml + sedi_transport = .true. + do_sedi_heat = .false. + rad_snow = .true. + rad_graupel = .true. + rad_rain = .true. + const_vi = .false. + const_vs = .false. + const_vg = .false. + const_vr = .false. + vi_max = 1. + vs_max = 2. + vg_max = 12. + vr_max = 12. + qi_lim = 1. + prog_ccn = .false. + do_qa = .true. + fast_sat_adj = .true. + tau_l2v = 225. + tau_v2l = 150. + tau_g2v = 900. + rthresh = 10.e-6 ! This is a key parameter for cloud water + dw_land = 0.16 + dw_ocean = 0.10 + ql_gen = 1.0e-3 + ql_mlt = 1.0e-3 + qi0_crt = 8.0e-5 + qs0_crt = 1.0e-3 + tau_i2s = 1000. + c_psaci = 0.05 + c_pgacs = 0.01 + rh_inc = 0.30 + rh_inr = 0.30 + rh_ins = 0.30 + ccn_l = 300. + ccn_o = 100. + c_paut = 0.5 + c_cracw = 0.8 + use_ppm = .false. + use_ccn = .true. + mono_prof = .true. + z_slope_liq = .true. + z_slope_ice = .true. + de_ice = .false. + fix_negative = .true. + icloud_f = 1 + mp_time = 150. + reiflag = @[REIFLAG] +/ + +&interpolator_nml + interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' +/ + +&namsfc + FNGLAC = @[FNGLAC] + FNMXIC = @[FNMXIC] + FNTSFC = @[FNTSFC] + FNSNOC = @[FNSNOC] + FNZORC = @[FNZORC] + FNALBC = @[FNALBC] + FNALBC2 = @[FNALBC2] + FNAISC = @[FNAISC] + FNTG3C = @[FNTG3C] + FNVEGC = @[FNVEGC] + FNVETC = @[FNVETC] + FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] + FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC] + FNMSKH = @[FNMSKH] + FNTSFA = '' + FNACNA = '' + FNSNOA = '' + FNVMNC = @[FNVMNC] + FNVMXC = @[FNVMXC] + FNSLPC = @[FNSLPC] + FNABSC = @[FNABSC] + LDEBUG = @[LDEBUG] + FSMCL(2) = 99999 + FSMCL(3) = 99999 + FSMCL(4) = 99999 + LANDICE = @[LANDICE] + FTSFS = @[FTSFS] + FAISL = 99999 + FAISS = 99999 + FSNOL = 99999 + FSNOS = 99999 + FSICL = @[FSICL] + FSICS = @[FSICS] + FTSFL = 99999 + FVETL = 99999 + FSOTL = 99999 + FvmnL = 99999 + FvmxL = 99999 + FSLPL = 99999 + FABSL = 99999 +/ + +&fv_grid_nml + grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' +/ + +&nam_stochy + skeb = @[SKEB] + iseed_skeb = @[ISEED_SKEB] + skeb_tau = @[SKEB_TAU] + skeb_lscale = @[SKEB_LSCALE] + skebnorm = @[SKEBNORM] + skeb_npass = @[SKEB_NPASS] + skeb_vdof = @[SKEB_VDOF] + shum = @[SHUM] + iseed_shum = @[ISEED_SHUM] + shum_tau = @[SHUM_TAU] + shum_lscale = @[SHUM_LSCALE] + sppt = @[SPPT] + iseed_sppt = @[ISEED_SPPT] + sppt_tau = @[SPPT_TAU] + sppt_lscale = @[SPPT_LSCALE] + sppt_logit = @[SPPT_LOGIT] + sppt_sfclimit = @[SPPT_SFCLIMIT] + use_zmtnblck = @[USE_ZMTNBLCK] + pbl_taper = @[PBL_TAPER] + OCNSPPT = @[OCNSPPT] + OCNSPPT_LSCALE = @[OCNSPPT_LSCALE] + OCNSPPT_TAU = @[OCNSPPT_TAU] + ISEED_OCNSPPT =@[ISEED_OCNSPPT] + EPBL = @[EPBL] + EPBL_LSCALE = @[EPBL_LSCALE] + EPBL_TAU = @[EPBL_TAU] + ISEED_EPBL = @[ISEED_EPBL] +/ + +&nam_sfcperts + lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] + lndp_model_type = @[LNDP_MODEL_TYPE] + LNDP_TAU=@[LNDP_TAU] + LNDP_LSCALE=@[LNDP_LSCALE] + ISEED_LNDP=@[ISEED_LNDP] + lndp_var_list = @[LNDP_VAR_LIST] + lndp_prt_list = @[LNDP_PRT_LIST] +/ + +&MOM_input_nml + output_directory = '@[MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR]', + input_filename = '@[MOM6_RESTART_SETTING]' + restart_input_dir = 'INPUT/', + restart_output_dir = '@[MOM6_RESTART_DIR]' + parameter_filename = 'INPUT/MOM_input','INPUT/MOM_override'/ diff --git a/tests/parm/global_control_lnd_iau.nml.IN b/tests/parm/global_control_lnd_iau.nml.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c781e0d6b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/global_control_lnd_iau.nml.IN @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +&atmos_model_nml + blocksize = @[BLOCKSIZE] + chksum_debug = @[CHKSUM_DEBUG] + dycore_only = @[DYCORE_ONLY] + ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]' +/ + +&diag_manager_nml + prepend_date = .false. + max_output_fields = @[MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS] +/ + +&fms_nml + clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' + domains_stack_size = @[DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE] + print_memory_usage = .false. +/ + +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = 'netcdf4' +/ + +&fv_core_nml + layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] + io_layout = @[IO_LAYOUT] + npx = @[NPX] + npy = @[NPY] + ntiles = @[NTILES] + npz = @[NPZ] + dz_min = @[DZ_MIN] + psm_bc = @[PSM_BC] + grid_type = -1 + make_nh = @[MAKE_NH] + fv_debug = .false. + range_warn = .true. + reset_eta = .false. + n_sponge = @[N_SPONGE] + nudge_qv = @[NUDGE_QV] + nudge_dz = @[NUDGE_DZ] + tau = @[TAU] + fast_tau_w_sec = @[FAST_TAU_W_SEC] + rf_cutoff = @[RF_CUTOFF] + d2_bg_k1 = @[D2_BG_K1] + d2_bg_k2 = @[D2_BG_K2] + kord_tm = @[KORD_TM] + kord_mt = @[KORD_MT] + kord_wz = @[KORD_WZ] + kord_tr = @[KORD_TR] + hydrostatic = @[HYDROSTATIC] + phys_hydrostatic = @[PHYS_HYDROSTATIC] + use_hydro_pressure = @[USE_HYDRO_PRESSURE] + pass_full_omega_to_physics_in_non_hydrostatic_mode = @[UPDATE_FULL_OMEGA] + beta = 0. + a_imp = 1. + p_fac = 0.1 + k_split = @[K_SPLIT] + n_split = @[N_SPLIT] + nwat = @[NWAT] + na_init = @[NA_INIT] + d_ext = 0. + dnats = @[DNATS] + fv_sg_adj = @[FV_SG_ADJ] + d2_bg = 0. + nord = @[NORD] + dddmp = @[DDDMP] + d4_bg = @[D4_BG] + vtdm4 = @[VTDM4] + delt_max = @[DELT_MAX] + ke_bg = 0. + do_vort_damp = @[DO_VORT_DAMP] + external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC] + external_eta = @[EXTERNAL_ETA] + gfs_phil = @[GFS_PHIL] + nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC] + mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] + ncep_ic = @[NCEP_IC] + d_con = @[D_CON] + hord_mt = @[HORD_MT] + hord_vt = @[HORD_VT] + hord_tm = @[HORD_TM] + hord_dp = @[HORD_DP] + hord_tr = @[HORD_TR] + adjust_dry_mass = @[ADJUST_DRY_MASS] + dry_mass = @[DRY_MASS] + consv_te = @[CONSV_TE] + do_sat_adj = @[DO_SAT_ADJ] + consv_am = .false. + fill = .true. + dwind_2d = .false. + print_freq = @[PRINT_FREQ] + warm_start = @[WARM_START] + no_dycore = @[NO_DYCORE] + z_tracer = .true. + agrid_vel_rst = .true. + read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] + res_latlon_dynamics = @[RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS] + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] +/ + +&external_ic_nml + filtered_terrain = @[FILTERED_TERRAIN] + levp = @[NPZP] + gfs_dwinds = @[GFS_DWINDS] + checker_tr = .false. + nt_checker = 0 +/ + +&gfs_physics_nml + fhzero = @[FHZERO] + h2o_phys = .true. + ldiag3d = @[LDIAG3D] + qdiag3d = @[QDIAG3D] + print_diff_pgr = @[PRINT_DIFF_PGR] + fhcyc = @[FHCYC] + use_ufo = @[USE_UFO] + pre_rad = @[PRE_RAD] + imp_physics = @[IMP_PHYSICS] + iovr = @[IOVR] + ltaerosol = @[LTAEROSOL] + lradar = @[LRADAR] + ttendlim = @[TTENDLIM] + dt_inner = @[DT_INNER] + sedi_semi = @[SEDI_SEMI] + decfl = @[DECFL] + oz_phys = @[OZ_PHYS_NEW] + oz_phys_2015 = @[OZ_PHYS_OLD] + lsoil_lsm = @[LSOIL_LSM] + do_mynnedmf = @[DO_MYNNEDMF] + do_mynnsfclay = @[DO_MYNNSFCLAY] + icloud_bl = @[ICLOUD_BL] + bl_mynn_edmf = @[BL_MYNN_EDMF] + bl_mynn_tkeadvect = @[BL_MYNN_TKEADVECT] + bl_mynn_edmf_mom = @[BL_MYNN_EDMF_MOM] + do_ugwp = @[DO_UGWP] + do_tofd = @[DO_TOFD] + gwd_opt = @[GWD_OPT] + do_ugwp_v0 = @[DO_UGWP_V0] + do_ugwp_v1 = @[DO_UGWP_V1] + do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY] + do_ugwp_v0_nst_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY] + do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL] + do_gsl_drag_ss = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_SS] + do_gwd_opt_psl = @[DO_GWD_OPT_PSL] + psl_gwd_dx_factor = @[PSL_GWD_DX_FACTOR] + do_gsl_drag_tofd = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD] + do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY] + min_lakeice = @[MIN_LAKEICE] + min_seaice = @[MIN_SEAICE] + use_cice_alb = @[USE_CICE_ALB] + pdfcld = @[PDFCLD] + fhswr = @[FHSWR] + fhlwr = @[FHLWR] + ialb = @[IALB] + iems = @[IEMS] + iaer = @[IAER] + icliq_sw = @[ICLIQ_SW] + ico2 = @[ICO2] + isubc_sw = @[ISUBC_SW] + isubc_lw = @[ISUBC_LW] + isol = @[ISOL] + lwhtr = @[LWHTR] + swhtr = @[SWHTR] + cnvgwd = @[CNVGWD] + shal_cnv = @[SHAL_CNV] + cal_pre = @[CAL_PRE] + redrag = @[REDRAG] + dspheat = @[DSPHEAT] + hybedmf = @[HYBEDMF] + satmedmf = @[SATMEDMF] + isatmedmf = @[ISATMEDMF] + lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] + lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] + random_clds = @[RANDOM_CLDS] + trans_trac = @[TRANS_TRAC] + cnvcld = @[CNVCLD] + imfshalcnv = @[IMFSHALCNV] + imfdeepcnv = @[IMFDEEPCNV] + progsigma = @[PROGSIGMA] + betascu = @[BETASCU] + betamcu = @[BETAMCU] + betadcu = @[BETADCU] + ras = @[RAS] + cdmbgwd = @[CDMBWD] + prslrd0 = @[PRSLRD0] + ivegsrc = @[IVEGSRC] + isot = @[ISOT] + lsoil = @[LSOIL] + lsm = @[LSM] + iopt_dveg = @[IOPT_DVEG] + iopt_crs = @[IOPT_CRS] + iopt_btr = @[IOPT_BTR] + iopt_run = @[IOPT_RUN] + iopt_sfc = @[IOPT_SFC] + iopt_trs = @[IOPT_TRS] + iopt_diag = @[IOPT_DIAG] + iopt_frz = @[IOPT_FRZ] + iopt_inf = @[IOPT_INF] + iopt_rad = @[IOPT_RAD] + iopt_alb = @[IOPT_ALB] + iopt_snf = @[IOPT_SNF] + iopt_tbot = @[IOPT_TBOT] + iopt_stc = @[IOPT_STC] + debug = @[DEBUG] + nstf_name = @[NSTF_NAME] + nst_anl = @[NST_ANL] + psautco = @[PSAUTCO] + prautco = @[PRAUTCO] + lgfdlmprad = @[LGFDLMPRAD] + effr_in = @[EFFR_IN] + ldiag_ugwp = @[LDIAG_UGWP] + fscav_aero = @[FSCAV_AERO] + do_RRTMGP = @[DO_RRTMGP] + active_gases = @[ACTIVE_GASES] + ngases = @[NGASES] + lw_file_gas = @[LW_FILE_GAS] + lw_file_clouds = @[LW_FILE_CLOUDS] + sw_file_gas = @[SW_FILE_GAS] + sw_file_clouds = @[SW_FILE_CLOUDS] + rrtmgp_nGptsSW = @[RRTMGP_NGPTSSW] + rrtmgp_nGptsLW = @[RRTMGP_NGPTSLW] + rrtmgp_nBandsLW = @[RRTMGP_NBANDSLW] + rrtmgp_nBandsSW = @[RRTMGP_NBANDSSW] + doGP_cldoptics_LUT = @[DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT] + doGP_lwscat = @[DOGP_LWSCAT] + doGP_sgs_cnv = @[DOGP_SGS_CNV] + do_sppt = @[DO_SPPT] + do_shum = @[DO_SHUM] + do_skeb = @[DO_SKEB] + iaufhrs = @[IAUFHRS] + iau_delthrs = @[IAU_DELTHRS] + iau_inc_files= @[IAU_INC_FILES] + iau_drymassfixer = .false. + use_med_flux = @[USE_MED_FLUX] + frac_grid = @[FRAC_GRID] + cplchm = @[CPLCHM] + cplflx = @[CPLFLX] + cplice = @[CPLICE] + cplwav = @[CPLWAV] + cplwav2atm = @[CPLWAV2ATM] + cpllnd = @[CPLLND] + cpllnd2atm = @[CPLLND2ATM] + do_ca = @[DO_CA] + ca_global = @[CA_GLOBAL] + ca_sgs = @[CA_SGS] + nca = @[NCA] + ncells = @[NCELLS] + nlives = @[NLIVES] + nseed = @[NSEED] + nfracseed = @[NFRACSEED] + nthresh = @[NTHRESH] + ca_trigger = @[CA_TRIGGER] + nspinup = @[NSPINUP] + iseed_ca = @[ISEED_CA] +/ + +&land_iau_nml + do_land_iau=.true. + land_iau_fhrs=3,6,9 + land_iau_delthrs=6 + land_iau_inc_files='sfc_inc','' + lsoil_incr=3 + land_iau_filter_increments=.false. + land_iau_upd_stc=.true. + land_iau_upd_slc=.true. + land_iau_do_stcsmc_adjustment=.true. + land_iau_min_T_increment=0.0001 +/ + +&cires_ugwp_nml + knob_ugwp_solver = @[KNOB_UGWP_SOLVER] + knob_ugwp_source = @[KNOB_UGWP_SOURCE] + knob_ugwp_wvspec = @[KNOB_UGWP_WVSPEC] + knob_ugwp_azdir = @[KNOB_UGWP_AZDIR] + knob_ugwp_stoch = @[KNOB_UGWP_STOCH] + knob_ugwp_effac = @[KNOB_UGWP_EFFAC] + knob_ugwp_doaxyz = @[KNOB_UGWP_DOAXYZ] + knob_ugwp_doheat = @[KNOB_UGWP_DOHEAT] + knob_ugwp_dokdis = @[KNOB_UGWP_DOKDIS] + knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = @[KNOB_UGWP_NDX4LH] + knob_ugwp_version = @[KNOB_UGWP_VERSION] + ! This is only for UGWP v0 +@[HIDE_UGWPV0] launch_level = @[LAUNCH_LEVEL] + ! These are only for UGWP v1 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_palaunch = @[KNOB_UGWP_PALAUNCH] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_nslope = @[KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmax = @[KNOB_UGWP_LZMAX] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmin = @[KNOB_UGWP_LZMIN] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzstar = @[KNOB_UGWP_LZSTAR] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_taumin = @[KNOB_UGWP_TAUMIN] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_tauamp = @[KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lhmet = @[KNOB_UGWP_LHMET] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_orosolv = @[KNOB_UGWP_OROSOLV] +/ + +&gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml + sedi_transport = .true. + do_sedi_heat = .false. + rad_snow = .true. + rad_graupel = .true. + rad_rain = .true. + const_vi = .false. + const_vs = .false. + const_vg = .false. + const_vr = .false. + vi_max = 1. + vs_max = 2. + vg_max = 12. + vr_max = 12. + qi_lim = 1. + prog_ccn = .false. + do_qa = .true. + fast_sat_adj = .true. + tau_l2v = 225. + tau_v2l = 150. + tau_g2v = 900. + rthresh = 10.e-6 ! This is a key parameter for cloud water + dw_land = 0.16 + dw_ocean = 0.10 + ql_gen = 1.0e-3 + ql_mlt = 1.0e-3 + qi0_crt = 8.0e-5 + qs0_crt = 1.0e-3 + tau_i2s = 1000. + c_psaci = 0.05 + c_pgacs = 0.01 + rh_inc = 0.30 + rh_inr = 0.30 + rh_ins = 0.30 + ccn_l = 300. + ccn_o = 100. + c_paut = 0.5 + c_cracw = 0.8 + use_ppm = .false. + use_ccn = .true. + mono_prof = .true. + z_slope_liq = .true. + z_slope_ice = .true. + de_ice = .false. + fix_negative = .true. + icloud_f = 1 + mp_time = 150. + reiflag = @[REIFLAG] +/ + +&interpolator_nml + interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' +/ + +&namsfc + FNGLAC = @[FNGLAC] + FNMXIC = @[FNMXIC] + FNTSFC = @[FNTSFC] + FNSNOC = @[FNSNOC] + FNZORC = @[FNZORC] + FNALBC = @[FNALBC] + FNALBC2 = @[FNALBC2] + FNAISC = @[FNAISC] + FNTG3C = @[FNTG3C] + FNVEGC = @[FNVEGC] + FNVETC = @[FNVETC] + FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] + FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC] + FNMSKH = @[FNMSKH] + FNTSFA = '' + FNACNA = '' + FNSNOA = '' + FNVMNC = @[FNVMNC] + FNVMXC = @[FNVMXC] + FNSLPC = @[FNSLPC] + FNABSC = @[FNABSC] + LDEBUG = @[LDEBUG] + FSMCL(2) = 99999 + FSMCL(3) = 99999 + FSMCL(4) = 99999 + LANDICE = @[LANDICE] + FTSFS = @[FTSFS] + FAISL = 99999 + FAISS = 99999 + FSNOL = 99999 + FSNOS = 99999 + FSICL = @[FSICL] + FSICS = @[FSICS] + FTSFL = 99999 + FVETL = 99999 + FSOTL = 99999 + FvmnL = 99999 + FvmxL = 99999 + FSLPL = 99999 + FABSL = 99999 +/ + +&fv_grid_nml + grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' +/ + +&nam_sfcperts + lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] + lndp_model_type = @[LNDP_MODEL_TYPE] + LNDP_TAU=@[LNDP_TAU] + LNDP_LSCALE=@[LNDP_LSCALE] + ISEED_LNDP=@[ISEED_LNDP] + lndp_var_list = @[LNDP_VAR_LIST] + lndp_prt_list = @[LNDP_PRT_LIST] +/ + +&MOM_input_nml + output_directory = '@[MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR]', + input_filename = '@[MOM6_RESTART_SETTING]' + restart_input_dir = 'INPUT/', + restart_output_dir = '@[MOM6_RESTART_DIR]' + parameter_filename = 'INPUT/MOM_input','INPUT/MOM_override'/ diff --git a/tests/parm/global_dice.streams.IN b/tests/parm/global_dice.streams.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96929ec420 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/global_dice.streams.IN @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +stream_info: cplhist01 +taxmode01: extend +mapalgo01: bilinear +tInterpAlgo01: linear +readMode01: single +dtlimit01: 1.0E30 +stream_offset01: @[STREAM_OFFSET] +yearFirst01: @[SYEAR] +yearLast01: @[SYEAR] +yearAlign01: @[SYEAR] +stream_vectors01: null +stream_mesh_file01: "INPUT/@[MESH_ICE]" +stream_lev_dimname01: null +stream_data_files01: "@[stream_files_dice]" +stream_data_variables01: "iceImp_Si_ifrac Si_ifrac" "iceImp_Si_imask Si_imask" "iceImp_Faii_lat Faii_lat" "iceImp_Faii_sen Faii_sen" "iceImp_Faii_lwup Faii_lwup" "iceImp_Faii_evap Faii_evap" "iceImp_Faii_taux Faii_taux" "iceImp_Faii_tauy Faii_tauy" "iceImp_Si_vice Si_vice" "iceImp_Si_vsno Si_vsno" "iceImp_Si_t Si_t" "iceImp_Si_avsdr Si_avsdr" "iceImp_Si_avsdf Si_avsdf" "iceImp_Si_anidr Si_anidr" "iceImp_Si_anidf Si_anidf" diff --git a/tests/parm/global_dice_in.IN b/tests/parm/global_dice_in.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2b896b9ff8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/global_dice_in.IN @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +&dice_nml + datamode = "@[ice_datamode]" + model_maskfile = "INPUT/@[MESH_ICE]" + model_meshfile = "INPUT/@[MESH_ICE]" + nx_global = @[ice_nx_global] + ny_global = @[ice_ny_global] + restfilm = "null" + flux_swpf = 0.0 + flux_Qmin = 0.0 + flux_Qacc = false + flux_Qacc0 = 0.0 + export_all = false +/ diff --git a/tests/parm/global_docn.streams.IN b/tests/parm/global_docn.streams.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0cacc9bbea --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/global_docn.streams.IN @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +stream_info: cplhist01 +taxmode01: extend +mapalgo01: bilinear +tInterpAlgo01: linear +readMode01: single +dtlimit01: 1.0E30 +stream_offset01: @[STREAM_OFFSET] +yearFirst01: @[SYEAR] +yearLast01: @[SYEAR] +yearAlign01: @[SYEAR] +stream_vectors01: null +stream_mesh_file01: "INPUT/@[MESH_OCN]" +stream_lev_dimname01: null +stream_data_files01: "@[stream_files_docn]" +stream_data_variables01: "ocnImp_So_t So_t" "ocnImp_So_omask So_omask" diff --git a/tests/parm/global_docn_in.IN b/tests/parm/global_docn_in.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d393a1ba7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/global_docn_in.IN @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +&docn_nml + datamode = "@[ocn_datamode]" + model_maskfile = "INPUT/@[MESH_OCN]" + model_meshfile = "INPUT/@[MESH_OCN]" + nx_global = @[ocn_nx_global] + ny_global = @[ocn_ny_global] + restfilm = "null" + sst_constant_value = 273.15 + skip_restart_read = true + import_data_fields = "none" + export_all = false +/ diff --git a/tests/parm/gocart/AERO_HISTORY.rc.IN b/tests/parm/gocart/AERO_HISTORY.rc.IN index 8a2671b19f..1ce1eeb7a2 100644 --- a/tests/parm/gocart/AERO_HISTORY.rc.IN +++ b/tests/parm/gocart/AERO_HISTORY.rc.IN @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ VERSION: 1 EXPID: gocart EXPDSC: GOCART2g_diagnostics_at_c360 EXPSRC: GEOSgcm-v10.16.0 - +Allow_Overwrite: .true. COLLECTIONS: 'inst_aod' # 'inst_du_ss' diff --git a/tests/parm/gocart/CAP.rc b/tests/parm/gocart/CAP.rc index 64425b1bb4..d40106ae81 100644 --- a/tests/parm/gocart/CAP.rc +++ b/tests/parm/gocart/CAP.rc @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ REPORT_THROUGHPUT: .false. USE_SHMEM: 0 +GridType: Cubed-Sphere + MAPL_ENABLE_TIMERS: NO MAPL_ENABLE_MEMUTILS: NO PRINTSPEC: 0 # (0: OFF, 1: IMPORT & EXPORT, 2: IMPORT, 3: EXPORT) diff --git a/tests/parm/gocart/DU2G_instance_DU.rc b/tests/parm/gocart/DU2G_instance_DU.rc index d98e65186f..b3e4c36aa6 100644 --- a/tests/parm/gocart/DU2G_instance_DU.rc +++ b/tests/parm/gocart/DU2G_instance_DU.rc @@ -44,3 +44,5 @@ emission_scheme: fengsha # choose among: fengsha, ginoux, k14 alpha: 0.039 gamma: 0.8 vertical_to_horizontal_flux_ratio_limit: 2.e-04 +soil_moisture_factor: 1.0 +soil_drylimit_factor: 1.0 diff --git a/tests/parm/gocart/GOCART2G_GridComp.rc b/tests/parm/gocart/GOCART2G_GridComp.rc index 5ea4fa45df..18954f8cdd 100644 --- a/tests/parm/gocart/GOCART2G_GridComp.rc +++ b/tests/parm/gocart/GOCART2G_GridComp.rc @@ -39,3 +39,5 @@ PASSIVE_INSTANCES_NI: aerosol_monochromatic_optics_wavelength_in_nm_from_LUT: 470 550 670 870 wavelengths_for_profile_aop_in_nm: 470 550 670 870 # must be included in LUT wavelengths_for_vertically_integrated_aop_in_nm: 470 550 670 870 # must be included in LUT + +use_threads: .TRUE. diff --git a/tests/parm/hafs_datm.streams.era5.IN b/tests/parm/hafs_datm.streams.era5.IN index 6b155b848a..a63e8ca29f 100644 --- a/tests/parm/hafs_datm.streams.era5.IN +++ b/tests/parm/hafs_datm.streams.era5.IN @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ yearFirst01: @[SYEAR] yearLast01: @[SYEAR] yearAlign01: @[SYEAR] stream_vectors01: "Sa_u10m:Sa_v10m" -stream_mesh_file01: @[MESH_ATM] +stream_mesh_file01: "INPUT/@[MESH_ATM]" stream_lev_dimname01: null stream_data_files01: @[DATA_ATM]" stream_data_variables01: "u10 Sa_u10m" "v10 Sa_v10m" "t2m Sa_t2m" "skt Sa_tskn" "d2m Sa_tdew" "msl Sa_pslv" "tp Faxa_rain" "cp Faxa_rainc" "lsp Faxa_rainl" "csf Faxa_snowc" "lsf Faxa_snowl" "ssrd Faxa_swdn" "ssr Faxa_swnet" "strd Faxa_lwdn" "str Faxa_lwnet" "aluvp Faxa_swvdr" "aluvd Faxa_swvdf" "alnip Faxa_swndr" "alnid Faxa_swndf" "sshf Faxa_sen" "slhf Faxa_lat" "ewss Faxa_taux" "nsss Faxa_tauy" diff --git a/tests/parm/hafs_docn.streams.IN b/tests/parm/hafs_docn.streams.IN index 3b037ee77f..f13fdd39c7 100644 --- a/tests/parm/hafs_docn.streams.IN +++ b/tests/parm/hafs_docn.streams.IN @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ yearFirst01: @[SYEAR] yearLast01: @[SYEAR] yearAlign01: @[SYEAR] stream_vectors01: "null" -stream_mesh_file01: @[ocn_mesh] +stream_mesh_file01: "INPUT/@[MESH_OCN]" stream_lev_dimname01: null stream_data_files01: @[ocn_data] stream_data_variables01: "@[ocn_data_var] So_t" diff --git a/tests/parm/ice_in_template b/tests/parm/ice_in.IN similarity index 50% rename from tests/parm/ice_in_template rename to tests/parm/ice_in.IN index 76f199ad56..3afec47ce9 100644 --- a/tests/parm/ice_in_template +++ b/tests/parm/ice_in.IN @@ -1,55 +1,69 @@ &setup_nml - days_per_year = 365 - use_leap_years = .true. - year_init = @[SYEAR] - month_init = @[SMONTH] - day_init = @[SDAY] - sec_init = @[SECS] - dt = @[DT_CICE] - npt = 999 - ndtd = 1 - runtype = '@[CICERUNTYPE]' - runid = '@[RUNID]' - ice_ic = 'cice_model.res.nc' - restart = .true. - restart_ext = .false. - use_restart_time = @[USE_RESTART_TIME] - restart_format = 'nc' - lcdf64 = .false. - numin = 21 - numax = 89 - restart_dir = './RESTART/' - restart_file = 'iced' - pointer_file = './ice.restart_file' - dumpfreq = '@[DUMPFREQ]' - dumpfreq_n = @[DUMPFREQ_N] - dump_last = .false. - bfbflag = 'off' - diagfreq = 6 - diag_type = 'file' - diag_file = 'ice_diag.d' - print_global = .true. - print_points = .true. - latpnt(1) = 90. - lonpnt(1) = 0. - latpnt(2) = -65. - lonpnt(2) = -45. - histfreq = 'm','d','h','x','x' - histfreq_n = 0 , 0 , 6 , 1 , 1 - hist_avg = @[CICE_HIST_AVG] - history_dir = './history/' - history_file = 'iceh' - write_ic = .true. - incond_dir = './history/' - incond_file = 'iceh_ic' - version_name = 'CICE_6.0.2' + days_per_year = 365 + use_leap_years = .true. + year_init = @[SYEAR] + month_init = @[SMONTH] + day_init = @[SDAY] + sec_init = @[SECS] + dt = @[DT_CICE] + npt = @[CICE_NPT] + ndtd = 1 + runtype = '@[CICE_RUNTYPE]' + runid = '@[CICE_RUNID]' + ice_ic = '@[CICE_ICE_IC]' + restart = .true. + restart_ext = .false. + use_restart_time = @[CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME] + numin = 21 + numax = 89 + restart_format = '@[CICE_RESTART_FORMAT]' + restart_iotasks = @[CICE_RESTART_IOTASKS] + restart_rearranger = '@[CICE_RESTART_REARR]' + restart_root = @[CICE_RESTART_ROOT] + restart_stride = @[CICE_RESTART_STRIDE] + restart_chunksize = @[CICE_RESTART_CHUNK] + restart_deflate = @[CICE_RESTART_DEFLATE] + restart_dir = '@[CICE_RESTART_DIR]' + restart_file = '@[CICE_RESTART_FILE]' + pointer_file = './ice.restart_file' + dumpfreq = '@[CICE_DUMPFREQ]' + dumpfreq_n = @[CICE_DUMPFREQ_N] + dump_last = .false. + bfbflag = 'off' + diagfreq = @[CICE_DIAGFREQ] + diag_type = 'file' + diag_file = 'ice_diag.d' + print_global = .true. + print_points = .true. + latpnt(1) = 90. + lonpnt(1) = 0. + latpnt(2) = -65. + lonpnt(2) = -45. + history_format = '@[CICE_HISTORY_FORMAT]' + history_iotasks = @[CICE_HISTORY_IOTASKS] + history_rearranger = '@[CICE_HISTORY_REARR]' + history_root = @[CICE_HISTORY_ROOT] + history_stride = @[CICE_HISTORY_STRIDE] + history_chunksize = @[CICE_HISTORY_CHUNK] + history_deflate = @[CICE_HISTORY_DEFLATE] + history_precision = @[CICE_HISTORY_PREC] + histfreq = 'm','d','h','1','x' + histfreq_n = @[CICE_HISTFREQ_N] + hist_avg = @[CICE_HIST_AVG] + hist_suffix = @[CICE_hist_suffix] + history_dir = '@[CICE_HISTORY_DIR]' + history_file = 'iceh' + write_ic = .true. + incond_dir = '@[CICE_INCOND_DIR]' + incond_file = 'iceh_ic' + version_name = 'CICE_6.0.2' / &grid_nml grid_format = 'nc' grid_type = 'tripole' - grid_file = '@[CICEGRID]' - kmt_file = '@[CICEMASK]' + grid_file = '@[CICE_GRID]' + kmt_file = '@[CICE_MASK]' kcatbound = 0 ncat = 5 nfsd = 1 @@ -57,9 +71,9 @@ nslyr = 1 nblyr = 1 nfsd = 1 - grid_atm = '@[GRIDATM]' - grid_ocn = '@[GRIDOCN]' - grid_ice = '@[GRIDICE]' + grid_atm = '@[CICE_GRIDATM]' + grid_ocn = '@[CICE_GRIDOCN]' + grid_ice = '@[CICE_GRIDICE]' / &tracer_nml @@ -71,8 +85,8 @@ restart_lvl = .false. tr_pond_topo = .false. restart_pond_topo = .false. - tr_pond_lvl = .true. - restart_pond_lvl = .false. + tr_pond_lvl = @[CICE_TR_POND_LVL] + restart_pond_lvl = @[CICE_RESTART_POND_LVL] tr_aero = .false. restart_aero = .false. tr_fsd = .false. @@ -81,7 +95,7 @@ &thermo_nml kitd = 1 - ktherm = @[KTHERM] + ktherm = @[CICE_KTHERM] conduct = 'MU71' a_rapid_mode = 0.5e-3 Rac_rapid_mode = 10.0 @@ -155,18 +169,18 @@ ustar_min = 0.0005 emissivity = 0.95 fbot_xfer_type = 'constant' - update_ocn_f = @[FRAZIL_FWSALT] + update_ocn_f = @[CICE_FRAZIL_FWSALT] l_mpond_fresh = .false. - tfrz_option = '@[TFREEZE_OPTION]' + tfrz_option = '@[CICE_TFREEZE_OPTION]' restart_coszen = .true. / &domain_nml - nprocs = @[NPROC_ICE] + nprocs = @[CICE_NPROC] nx_global = @[NX_GLB] ny_global = @[NY_GLB] - block_size_x = @[BLCKX] - block_size_y = @[BLCKY] + block_size_x = @[CICE_BLCKX] + block_size_y = @[CICE_BLCKY] max_blocks = -1 processor_shape = '@[CICE_DECOMP]' distribution_type = 'cartesian' @@ -182,8 +196,16 @@ / &icefields_nml + f_tlon = .true. + f_tlat = .true. + f_ulon = .true. + f_ulat = .true. + f_nlon = .true. + f_nlat = .true. + f_elon = .true. + f_elat = .true. f_tmask = .true. - f_blkmask = .true. + f_blkmask = .false. f_tarea = .true. f_uarea = .true. f_dxt = .false. @@ -200,102 +222,102 @@ f_VGRDb = .false. f_VGRDa = .true. f_bounds = .false. - f_aice = 'mdhxx' - f_hi = 'mdhxx' - f_hs = 'mdhxx' - f_Tsfc = 'mdhxx' - f_sice = 'mdhxx' - f_uvel = 'mdhxx' - f_vvel = 'mdhxx' - f_uatm = 'mdhxx' - f_vatm = 'mdhxx' - f_fswdn = 'mdhxx' - f_flwdn = 'mdhxx' + f_aice = 'mdh1x' + f_hi = 'mdh1x' + f_hs = 'mdh1x' + f_Tsfc = 'mdh1x' + f_sice = 'mdh1x' + f_uvel = 'mdh1x' + f_vvel = 'mdh1x' + f_uatm = 'mdh1x' + f_vatm = 'mdh1x' + f_fswdn = 'mdh1x' + f_flwdn = 'mdh1x' f_snowfrac = 'x' - f_snow = 'mdhxx' + f_snow = 'mdh1x' f_snow_ai = 'x' - f_rain = 'mdhxx' + f_rain = 'mdh1x' f_rain_ai = 'x' - f_sst = 'mdhxx' - f_sss = 'mdhxx' - f_uocn = 'mdhxx' - f_vocn = 'mdhxx' - f_frzmlt = 'mdhxx' - f_fswfac = 'mdhxx' + f_sst = 'mdh1x' + f_sss = 'mdh1x' + f_uocn = 'mdh1x' + f_vocn = 'mdh1x' + f_frzmlt = 'mdh1x' + f_fswfac = 'mdh1x' f_fswint_ai = 'x' - f_fswabs = 'mdhxx' + f_fswabs = 'mdh1x' f_fswabs_ai = 'x' - f_albsni = 'mdhxx' - f_alvdr = 'mdhxx' - f_alidr = 'mdhxx' - f_alvdf = 'mdhxx' - f_alidf = 'mdhxx' + f_albsni = 'mdh1x' + f_alvdr = 'mdh1x' + f_alidr = 'mdh1x' + f_alvdf = 'mdh1x' + f_alidf = 'mdh1x' f_alvdr_ai = 'x' f_alidr_ai = 'x' f_alvdf_ai = 'x' f_alidf_ai = 'x' - f_albice = 'mdhxx' - f_albsno = 'mdhxx' - f_albpnd = 'mdhxx' - f_coszen = 'mdhxx' - f_flat = 'mdhxx' + f_albice = 'x' + f_albsno = 'x' + f_albpnd = 'x' + f_coszen = 'x' + f_flat = 'mdh1x' f_flat_ai = 'x' - f_fsens = 'mdhxx' + f_fsens = 'mdh1x' f_fsens_ai = 'x' f_fswup = 'x' - f_flwup = 'mdhxx' + f_flwup = 'mdh1x' f_flwup_ai = 'x' - f_evap = 'mdhxx' + f_evap = 'mdh1x' f_evap_ai = 'x' - f_Tair = 'mdhxx' - f_Tref = 'mdhxx' - f_Qref = 'mdhxx' - f_congel = 'mdhxx' - f_frazil = 'mdhxx' - f_snoice = 'mdhxx' - f_dsnow = 'mdhxx' - f_melts = 'mdhxx' - f_meltt = 'mdhxx' - f_meltb = 'mdhxx' - f_meltl = 'mdhxx' - f_fresh = 'mdhxx' + f_Tair = 'mdh1x' + f_Tref = 'mdh1x' + f_Qref = 'mdh1x' + f_congel = 'mdh1x' + f_frazil = 'mdh1x' + f_snoice = 'mdh1x' + f_dsnow = 'mdh1x' + f_melts = 'mdh1x' + f_meltt = 'mdh1x' + f_meltb = 'mdh1x' + f_meltl = 'mdh1x' + f_fresh = 'mdh1x' f_fresh_ai = 'x' - f_fsalt = 'mdhxx' + f_fsalt = 'mdh1x' f_fsalt_ai = 'x' - f_fbot = 'mdhxx' - f_fhocn = 'mdhxx' + f_fbot = 'mdh1x' + f_fhocn = 'mdh1x' f_fhocn_ai = 'x' - f_fswthru = 'mdhxx' + f_fswthru = 'x' f_fswthru_ai = 'x' f_fsurf_ai = 'x' f_fcondtop_ai = 'x' f_fmeltt_ai = 'x' - f_strairx = 'mdhxx' - f_strairy = 'mdhxx' + f_strairx = 'mdh1x' + f_strairy = 'mdh1x' f_strtltx = 'x' f_strtlty = 'x' f_strcorx = 'x' f_strcory = 'x' - f_strocnx = 'mdhxx' - f_strocny = 'mdhxx' + f_strocnx = 'mdh1x' + f_strocny = 'mdh1x' f_strintx = 'x' f_strinty = 'x' f_taubx = 'x' f_tauby = 'x' f_strength = 'x' - f_divu = 'x' - f_shear = 'x' + f_divu = 'mdh1x' + f_shear = 'mdh1x' f_sig1 = 'x' f_sig2 = 'x' f_sigP = 'x' - f_dvidtt = 'x' - f_dvidtd = 'x' - f_daidtt = 'x' - f_daidtd = 'x' + f_dvidtt = 'mdh1x' + f_dvidtd = 'mdh1x' + f_daidtt = 'mdh1x' + f_daidtd = 'mdh1x' f_dagedtt = 'x' f_dagedtd = 'x' - f_mlt_onset = 'x' - f_frz_onset = 'x' + f_mlt_onset = 'mdh1x' + f_frz_onset = 'mdh1x' f_hisnap = 'x' f_aisnap = 'x' f_trsig = 'x' @@ -315,6 +337,9 @@ f_fmelttn_ai = 'x' f_flatn_ai = 'x' f_fsensn_ai = 'x' + f_sitempsnic = 'mdh1x' + f_sitemptop = 'mdh1x' + f_sitempbot = 'mdh1x' / &icefields_mechred_nml @@ -343,10 +368,10 @@ f_apondn = 'x' f_apeffn = 'x' f_hpondn = 'x' - f_apond = 'mdhxx' - f_hpond = 'mdhxx' - f_ipond = 'mdhxx' - f_apeff = 'mdhxx' + f_apond = 'mdh1x' + f_hpond = 'mdh1x' + f_ipond = 'mdh1x' + f_apeff = 'mdh1x' f_apond_ai = 'x' f_hpond_ai = 'x' f_ipond_ai = 'x' @@ -361,3 +386,15 @@ &icefields_bgc_nml / + +&ice_prescribed_nml + prescribed_ice_mode = .@[CICE_PRESCRIBED]. + stream_yearfirst = @[SYEAR] + stream_yearlast = @[SYEAR] + stream_yearalign = @[SYEAR] + stream_varname = "ice_cov" + stream_meshfile = "INPUT/@[MESH_DICE]" + stream_datafiles = "@[stream_files_dice]" + stream_mapalgo = "bilinear" + stream_taxmode = "extend" +/ diff --git a/tests/parm/input.mom6.nml.IN b/tests/parm/input.mom6.nml.IN index f30cec69ad..6a7c6ca9a9 100644 --- a/tests/parm/input.mom6.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/input.mom6.nml.IN @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ stack_size =0 / &MOM_input_nml - output_directory = 'MOM6_OUTPUT/', + output_directory = '@[MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR]', input_filename = '@[MOM6_RESTART_SETTING]' restart_input_dir = 'INPUT/', - restart_output_dir = 'RESTART/', + restart_output_dir = '@[MOM6_RESTART_DIR]', parameter_filename = 'INPUT/MOM_input', 'INPUT/MOM_override' / - + &nam_stochy new_lscale=.true., OCNSPPT=@[OCN_SPPT], diff --git a/tests/parm/input_datm_lm4.nml.IN b/tests/parm/input_datm_lm4.nml.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..60f0336995 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/input_datm_lm4.nml.IN @@ -0,0 +1,406 @@ +&atmos_model_nml + blocksize = 32 +/ + +&diag_manager_nml + prepend_date = .true. + max_output_fields = 450 + max_axes = 400, + max_files = 400, + max_num_axis_sets = 400, + max_input_fields = 2000 + max_output_fields = 5000 + max_field_attributes=4 + max_axis_attributes=6 +/ + +&fms_io_nml + checksum_required = .false. + max_files_r = 100 + max_files_w = 100 +/ + + + +&fms_nml + clock_grain='ROUTINE' + clock_flags='NONE' + domains_stack_size = 5000000 + stack_size =0 + print_memory_usage = .false. +/ +&MOM_input_nml + output_directory = '@[MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR]', + input_filename = '@[MOM6_RESTART_SETTING]' + restart_input_dir = 'INPUT/', + restart_output_dir = '@[MOM6_RESTART_DIR]', + parameter_filename = 'INPUT/MOM_input', + 'INPUT/MOM_override' / + + +&nam_stochy +new_lscale=.true., +OCNSPPT=@[OCN_SPPT], +OCNSPPT_LSCALE=500e3, +OCNSPPT_TAU=21600, +ISEED_OCNSPPT=201601010012, +EPBL=@[EPBL], +EPBL_LSCALE=500e3, +EPBL_TAU=21600, +ISEED_EPBL=201601010023, +/ +&nam_sfcperts +/ + +&lm4_nml + lm4_debug = 1 + grid = 'CS' + layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] + npx = @[NPX] + npy = @[NPY] + ntiles = 6 + blocksize = -1 + dt_lnd_slow = 3600 + restart_interval = 0,0,0,6,0,0 +/ + + &cana_nml + turbulence_to_use = "lm3v" + init_co2 = 286.0e-6 + canopy_air_mass_for_tracers = 10.0 + allow_small_z0 = .true. + sai_turb = .true. +/ + +&glac_data_nml + input_cover_types = 99 + use_lm2_awc = .true., + rsa_exp_global = 10., + f_iso_cold = 0.92, 0.58 + f_vol_cold = 0.06, 0.08 + f_geo_cold = 0.00, 0.00 + f_iso_warm = 0.92, 0.58 + f_vol_warm = 0.06, 0.08 + f_geo_warm = 0.00, 0.00 + dat_emis_dry = 1., + dat_emis_sat = 1., + geothermal_heat_flux_constant = 0.065 +/ + +&glac_nml + conserve_glacier_mass = .true. + lm2 = .true. + albedo_to_use = 'brdf-params' +/ + +&harvesting_nml + do_harvesting =.true. + grazing_intensity = 18.25 ! roughly 5% of biomass per day + grazing_residue = 0.1 + grazing_frequency = 'daily' + min_lai_for_grazing = 1.0 + frac_wood_wasted_harv = 0.25 + frac_wood_wasted_clear = 0.25 + !frac_wood_fast = ONETHIRD + !frac_wood_med = ONETHIRD + !frac_wood_slow = ONETHIRD + crop_seed_density = 0.1 + waste_below_ground_wood = .TRUE. +/ + +&hlsp_nml + max_num_topo_hlsps = 1 + num_vertclusters = 10 + use_geohydrodata = .true. + strm_depth_penetration = 1.5 + use_hlsp_aspect_in_gwflow = .true. + diagnostics_by_cluster = .true. + init_wt_strmelev = .false. + dammed_strm_bc = .true. + limit_intertile_flow = .true. !.false. + flow_ratio_limit = 0.25 +/ + +&ice_albedo_nml + t_range = 10. +/ + +&ice_model_nml + interp_method = 'bilinear' +/ + +&lake_data_nml + lake_to_use = 'from-rivers' + lake_specific_width = .false. + large_lake_sill_width = 800. + num_l = 20, + dat_emis_dry = 1., + dat_emis_sat = 1., + dat_heat_capacity_ref = 0., + f_iso_liq = 0.025, 0.01 + f_iso_ice = 0.025, 0.01 + f_vol_liq = 0., 0. + f_vol_ice = 0., 0. + f_geo_liq = 0., 0. + f_geo_ice = 0., 0. + dry_lake_depth_frac = 0.5 + dat_z0_momentum(1) = 1.4e-4 + dat_z0_momentum_ice(1) = 1.4e-4 + k_over_B_ice = 0.25 + geothermal_heat_flux_constant = 0.065 +/ + +&lake_nml + albedo_to_use = 'brdf-params' + float_ice_to_top = .true. + lake_depth_max = 1.e10 + max_plain_slope = 16.e-5 + K_z_background = 15.e-5 +/ + + &land_conservation_nml + do_check_conservation=.true. + water_cons_tol = 1e-8 + carbon_cons_tol = 1e-6 +/ + +&land_debug_nml + watch_point = 0, 0, 0, 1 +/ + +&land_model_nml + ! layout = $lnd_layout + ! io_layout = $lnd_io_layout + tau_snow_T_adj = 604800. + prohibit_negative_canopy_water=.false. + min_frac = 1e-8 + npes_io_group = 18 +/ + +&landuse_nml + do_landuse_change = .false. + data_type = 'luh2' + input_file = '@[INPUTDATA_LM4]/forcings/landuse/LUH2/v2.0h/transitions.nc' + state_file = '@[INPUTDATA_LM4]/forcings/landuse/LUH2/v2.0h/states.nc' + static_file = '@[INPUTDATA_LM4]/forcings/landuse/LUH2/v2.0h/landfrac.nc' + distribute_transitions = 'min-n-tiles' +/ + +&monin_obukhov_nml + stable_option = 2, + rich_crit = 1.0, + zeta_trans = 0.5 +/ + +&photosynthesis_nml + photosynthesis_to_use = 'leuning' + co2_to_use_for_photosynthesis ='prescribed' ! slm/jgj 2016/12/16 ok to set to interactive + co2_for_photosynthesis = 284.262e-6 ! jgj to match CMIP6 Jan 1 1850 co2 value + respiration_to_use = 'LM3' + Kok_effect = .False. + lai_eps=1.e-5 +/ + +&river_nml + do_rivers = .FALSE. + dt_slow = 86400. + land_area_called_cellarea = .true. + all_big_outlet_ctn0 = .true. + ave_DHG_exp = 0.55, 0.45, 0.0 + ave_DHG_coef = 7.5, 0.3, 0.444444444 + ave_AAS_exp = 0.26, 0.40, 0.34 +/ + +&river_physics_nml + lake_sfc_w_min = 10. + prohibit_cold_ice_outflow = .FALSE. +/ + +&sat_vapor_pres_nml + construct_table_wrt_liq = .true. + construct_table_wrt_liq_and_ice = .true. + use_exact_qs = .true. +/ + +&snow_data_nml + emis_snow_max = 1. + emis_snow_min = 1. + z0_momentum = 0.01 + num_l = 5 + dz = 0.05, 0.2, 0.5, 0.2, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 + f_iso_cold = 0.92, 0.58 + f_vol_cold = 0.06, 0.08 + f_geo_cold = 0.00, 0.00 + f_iso_warm = 0.77, 0.43 + f_vol_warm = 0.06, 0.08 + f_geo_warm = 0.00, 0.00 + depth_crit = 0.0125 + thermal_cond_ref = 0.09 + + distinct_snow_on_glacier = .TRUE. + f_iso_cold_on_glacier = 0.92, 0.68 + f_vol_cold_on_glacier = 0.06, 0.08 + f_geo_cold_on_glacier = 0.00, 0.00 + f_iso_warm_on_glacier = 0.77, 0.43 + f_vol_warm_on_glacier = 0.06, 0.08 + f_geo_warm_on_glacier = 0.00, 0.00 +/ + +&snow_nml + min_snow_mass = 1.e-7 + albedo_to_use = 'brdf-params' + snow_density = 250. + prevent_tiny_snow = .true. +/ + +&soil_data_nml + geohydrology_to_use = 'hill' + use_comp_for_ic = .true. + use_comp_for_push = .true. + use_tau_fix = .false. + use_sat_fix = .true. + use_alt3_soil_hydraulics = .true. + gw_scale_soil_depth = 0.1666667 + gw_scale_perm = 1.0 + gw_scale_relief = 0.5 + aspect = 0.01 + k0_macro_z = 0.0 + k0_macro_x = 1.0 + freeze_factor = 1.5 + comp = 1e-4 + num_l = 20 + dz = 0.020, 0.040, 0.040, 0.050, 0.05, 0.100, 0.10, 0.200, 0.200, 0.2, + 0.40, 0.40, 0.40, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5 + soil_type_file = "INPUT/soil_type.nc" + input_cover_types = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 + tile_names = 'hec', 'sic', 'lic', 'sicl', 'cl', 'si', 'sil', 'sac', 'l', 'sacl', 'sal', 'ls', 's', 'u' + dat_w_sat = 0.468, 0.468, 0.468, 0.464, 0.465, 0.476, 0.476, 0.406, 0.439, 0.404, 0.434, 0.421, 0.339, 0.439 + dat_k_sat_ref = 0.00097, 0.0013, 0.00097, 0.002, 0.0024, 0.0028, 0.0028, 0.0072, 0.0033, 0.0045, 0.0052, 0.014, 0.047, 0.0033 + dat_psi_sat_ref = -0.47, -0.32, -0.47, -0.62, -0.26, -0.76, -0.76, -0.098, -0.35, -0.13, -0.14, -0.036 -0.069, -0.35 + dat_chb = 12.0, 10.0, 12.0, 8.7, 8.2, 5.3, 5.3, 11.0, 5.2, 6.8, 4.7, 4.3, 2.8, 5.2 + dat_heat_capacity_dry = 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6, 1.1e6 + dat_thermal_cond_dry = 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.14, 0.21 + dat_thermal_cond_sat = 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 2.3, 1.5 + dat_thermal_cond_exp = 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5 + dat_thermal_cond_scale = 10, 10, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 15, 0.5 + dat_thermal_cond_weight = 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.2, 0.7 + dat_emis_dry = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 + dat_emis_sat = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 + dat_tf_depr = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 + dat_z0_momentum = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 + Dpsi_min_const = -1.e12 + K_min = 1.e-12 + geothermal_heat_flux_constant = 0.065 + retro_a0N1 = .true. +/ + +&soil_nml + init_wtdep = 10. + albedo_to_use = 'brdf-maps' + uptake_to_use = 'darcy2d-linearized' + uptake_oneway = .true. + active_layer_drainage_acceleration = 1. + gw_flux_max = 0.001 + lrunf_from_div = .false. + cold_infilt = .false. + use_depth_to_wt_4 = .true. + layer_for_gw_switch = 16 + bottom_up_cold_infilt = .true. + cold_depth = 3.0 + bwood_macinf = 1. + allow_neg_wl = .true. + prohibit_negative_water_div = .true. + fix_neg_subsurface_wl = .TRUE. +/ + +&static_veg_nml + use_static_veg = .FALSE. + timeline = 'loop' + start_loop = 1981, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 + end_loop = 1982, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 + fill_land_mask = .TRUE. + write_static_veg = .FALSE. + input_file = 'INPUT/19810101.static_veg_out.nc' +/ + +&topo_rough_nml + use_topo_rough = .true. + max_topo_rough = 100.0 + topo_rough_factor = 0.01 + topo_rough_source = 'input', + topo_rough_file = 'INPUT/topo_rough_land.nc', +/ + +&topography_nml + topog_file = 'INPUT/navy_topography.data.nc' +/ + +&vegn_data_nml + vegn_to_use = 'uniform' + K1=10, + K2=0.1, + fsc_liv=0.9, + fsc_wood=0.45, + c1(4) = 0.3 + c2(4) = 0.3 + Vmax = 2.0E-5, 2.0E-5, 2.0E-5, 2.0E-5, 1.50E-5, + m_cond = 4., 9., 9., 7., 7., + alpha_phot = 0.05, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, + gamma_resp = 0.03, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, + tc_crit(0:2) = 3*273.16 + fact_crit_phen(0:4) = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. + fact_crit_fire(0:4) = 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. + cnst_crit_phen(0:4) = 0.30, 0.15, 0.15, 0.30, 0.30 + cnst_crit_fire(0:4) = 0.15, 0.40, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15 + wet_leaf_dreg(0:4) = .3, .3, .3, .3, .3 + ksi = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + leaf_refl(0:4,1) = 0.11, 0.11, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10 + leaf_refl(0:4,2) = 0.58, 0.58, 0.45, 0.45, 0.39, + dat_root_zeta(0:4) = 0.35212, 0.17039, 0.28909, 0.25813, 0.17039 + critical_root_density = 0.0, + tau_drip_s = 259200.0 + cmc_lai(0:4) = 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 + csc_lai(0:4) = 0.30, 0.30, 0.30, 0.30, 0.2 + dat_snow_crit = 2*1.e7, .1, 1.e7, .1 + t_transp_min = 268. + srl(0:1) = 112.0e3, 150.0e3 + root_perm = 14*5e-7 + alpha(1,3) = 4 + leaf_age_tau(2) = 150 + smoke_fraction = 0.9, 0.9, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 + tg_c3_thresh = 1 + phen_ev1 = 0.2 + phen_ev2 = 0.7 + cmc_eps = 0.01 + alpha(0:4,6) = 0.0, 0.0, 0.012, 0.012, 0.012 + treefall_disturbance_rate = 0.175, 0.185, 0.025, 0.0275, 0.027 + use_light_saber = .true. + sai_cover = .true. + sai_rad = .true. + + min_lai = 1.e-5 ! h1g, prevent numerical instability, 2017-08-24 +/ + +&vegn_nml + init_Tv = 288.0 + rad_to_use = 'two-stream' + snow_rad_to_use = 'paint-leaves' + do_cohort_dynamics = .TRUE. + do_patch_disturbance = .TRUE. + do_phenology = .TRUE. + do_biogeography = .TRUE. + do_seed_transport = .TRUE. + tau_smooth_ncm = 22.0 + rav_lit_bwood = 300. +/ + +&surface_flux_nml + alt_gustiness = .TRUE. + gust_min = 0.0 ! m/s, min. gustiness used when alt_gustiness is .FALSE. +/ + +&atmos_prescr_nml + gust_to_use = 'prescribed' + !gustiness = 5.0 ! m/s, wind gustiness if gust_to_use = 'prescribed' + !gust_min = 0.01 ! m/s, min. gustiness when gust_to_use = 'computed' +/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/parm/input_global_hafs.nml.IN b/tests/parm/input_global_hafs.nml.IN index 746dd64b99..2c7173fce7 100644 --- a/tests/parm/input_global_hafs.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/input_global_hafs.nml.IN @@ -10,21 +10,6 @@ prepend_date = .false. / - &mpp_io_nml - header_buffer_val = 16384, - global_field_on_root_pe = .true., - io_clocks_on = .false., - shuffle = 0, - deflate_level = @[DEFLATE_LEVEL], - cf_compliance = .false. -/ - - &fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100, - max_files_w = 100, -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE', domains_stack_size = 30000000, @@ -35,6 +20,10 @@ !grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -50,8 +39,9 @@ n_sponge = 24 nudge_qv = .false. nudge_dz = .false. - tau = 5. - rf_cutoff = 30.e2 + tau = @[FV_CORE_TAU] + rf_cutoff = @[RF_CUTOFF] + fast_tau_w_sec = @[FAST_TAU_W_SEC] d2_bg_k1 = 0.16 d2_bg_k2 = 0.05 kord_tm = -9 @@ -93,7 +83,7 @@ hord_tr = 8 adjust_dry_mass = .false. consv_te = 1. - do_sat_adj = .true. + do_sat_adj = @[DO_SAT_ADJ] consv_am = .false. fill = .true. dwind_2d = .false. @@ -104,6 +94,7 @@ agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = .false. res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] write_3d_diags = .true. do_schmidt = .true. @@ -157,19 +148,29 @@ &gfs_physics_nml fhzero = 3. ldiag3d = .false. - lradar = .true. avg_max_length = 3600. h2o_phys = .true. fhcyc = @[FHCYC] use_ufo = .true. pre_rad = .false. - imp_physics = 11 + imp_physics = @[IMP_PHYSICS] + iovr = @[IOVR] + ltaerosol = @[LTAEROSOL] + lradar = @[LRADAR] + ttendlim = -999 + dt_inner = @[DT_INNER] + sedi_semi = @[SEDI_SEMI] + decfl = @[DECFL] pdfcld = .false. fhswr = @[FHSWR] fhlwr = @[FHLWR] + progsigma = @[PROGSIGMA] + betascu = @[BETASCU] + betamcu = @[BETAMCU] + betadcu = @[BETADCU] ialb = 1 iems = 1 - iaer = 111 + iaer = @[IAER] ico2 = 2 isubc_sw = 2 isubc_lw = 2 @@ -181,38 +182,39 @@ cal_pre = .false. redrag = .true. dspheat = .true. - hybedmf = .false. - hurr_pbl = .true. ! HWRF moninedmf - moninq_fac = -1.0 ! HWRF_moninedmf - satmedmf = .true. - isatmedmf = 1 + hybedmf = @[HYBEDMF] + hurr_pbl = @[HURR_PBL] ! HWRF moninedmf + moninq_fac = @[MONINQ_FAC] ! HWRF_moninedmf + satmedmf = @[SATMEDMF] + isatmedmf = @[ISATMEDMF] rlmx = 300. elmx = 300. sfc_rlm = 1 random_clds = .false. trans_trac = .true. cnvcld = .true. - imfshalcnv = 2 - imfdeepcnv = 2 - cdmbgwd = 3.5,0.25 + imfshalcnv = @[IMFSHALCNV] + imfdeepcnv = @[IMFDEEPCNV] + cdmbgwd = @[CDMBWD] sfc_z0_type = 6 prslrd0 = 0. ivegsrc = 1 isot = 1 - lsm = 1 - iopt_dveg = 2 - iopt_crs = 1 + lsm = @[LSM] + iopt_dveg = @[IOPT_DVEG] + iopt_crs = @[IOPT_CRS] iopt_btr = 1 iopt_run = 1 - iopt_sfc = 1 + iopt_sfc = @[IOPT_SFC] iopt_frz = 1 iopt_inf = 1 - iopt_rad = 1 - iopt_alb = 2 + iopt_rad = @[IOPT_RAD] + iopt_alb = @[IOPT_ALB] iopt_snf = 4 iopt_tbot = 2 - iopt_stc = 1 + iopt_stc = @[IOPT_STC] iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. oz_phys = .false. oz_phys_2015 = .true. @@ -238,6 +240,21 @@ do_skeb = .false. lndp_type = 0 n_var_lndp = 0 + gwd_opt = 2 + do_ugwp_v0 = @[DO_UGWP_V0] + do_ugwp_v1 = @[DO_UGWP_V1] + do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag = @[DO_UGWP_V1_W_GSLDRAG] + do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY] + do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL] + do_gsl_drag_ss = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_SS] + do_gsl_drag_tofd = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD] + do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY] + + do_mynnedmf = @[DO_MYNNEDMF] + lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] + lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] + do_mynnsfclay = @[DO_MYNNSFCLAY] + bl_mynn_tkeadvect = @[BL_MYNN_TKEADVECT] / &gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml @@ -351,8 +368,19 @@ knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 - knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 - knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 - knob_ugwp_version = 0 - launch_level = 25 + knob_ugwp_dokdis = @[KNOB_UGWP_DOKDIS] + knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = @[KNOB_UGWP_NDX4LH] + knob_ugwp_version = @[KNOB_UGWP_VERSION] + ! This one is only for cires_ugwp_module.F90 +@[HIDE_UGWPV0] launch_level = 25 + ! These are only for cires_ugwpv1_module.F90 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmax = 15.750e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmin = 0.75e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzstar = 2.0e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_taumin = 0.25e-3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_tauamp = 3.0e-3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lhmet = 200.0e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_orosolv = 'pss-1986' +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_palaunch = @[KNOB_UGWP_PALAUNCH] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_nslope = @[KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE] / diff --git a/tests/parm/input_global_nest.nml.IN b/tests/parm/input_global_nest.nml.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dab50280d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/input_global_nest.nml.IN @@ -0,0 +1,397 @@ +&atmos_model_nml + blocksize = 32 + chksum_debug = .false. + dycore_only = .false. + ccpp_suite = "@[CCPP_SUITE]" + +/ + +&diag_manager_nml + prepend_date = .false. + max_output_fields = @[MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS] + +/ + +&fms_nml + clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' + domains_stack_size = @[DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE] + print_memory_usage = .false. + +/ + +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + +&fv_core_nml + layout = @[INPES_NEST02],@[JNPES_NEST02] + io_layout = 1,1 + npx = @[NPX_NEST02] + npy = @[NPY_NEST02] + ntiles = 1 + npz = @[NPZ] + dz_min = @[DZ_MIN] + psm_bc = @[PSM_BC_NEST02] + grid_type = 0 + make_nh = @[MAKE_NH] + fv_debug = .false. + range_warn = .true. + reset_eta = .false. + n_sponge = @[N_SPONGE] + n_zs_filter = @[N_ZS_FILTER_NEST02] + nudge_qv = .false. + nudge_dz = .false. + tau = @[FV_CORE_TAU_NEST02] + rf_cutoff = @[RF_CUTOFF_NEST02] + rf_fast = @[RF_FAST] + sg_cutoff = @[SG_CUTOFF] + upoff = @[UPOFF] + d2_bg_k1 = @[D2_BG_K1_NEST02] + d2_bg_k2 = @[D2_BG_K2_NEST02] + kord_tm = -9 + kord_mt = 9 + kord_wz = 9 + kord_tr = 9 + hydrostatic = .false. + phys_hydrostatic = .false. + use_hydro_pressure = .false. + beta = 0. + a_imp = 1. + p_fac = 0.1 + k_split = 4 + n_split = 5 + nwat = @[NWAT] + na_init = @[NA_INIT] + d_ext = @[D_EXT] + dnats = @[DNATS] + fv_sg_adj = @[FV_SG_ADJ] + d2_bg = @[D2_BG_NEST02] + nord = 2 + nord_zs_filter = @[NORD_ZS_FILTER] + dddmp = @[DDDMP] + d4_bg = @[D4_BG_NEST02] + vtdm4 = @[VTDM4] + delt_max = @[DELT_MAX_NEST02] + ke_bg = 0. + do_vort_damp = .true. + external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC] + external_eta = .true. + gfs_phil = .false. + nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC] + mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] + ncep_ic = .false. + d_con = @[D_CON] + hord_mt = @[HORD_MT_NEST02] + hord_vt = @[HORD_VT_NEST02] + hord_tm = @[HORD_TM_NEST02] + hord_dp = @[HORD_DP_NEST02] + hord_tr = @[HORD_TR_NEST02] + adjust_dry_mass = .false. + dry_mass = @[DRY_MASS] + consv_te = @[CONSV_TE_NEST02] + do_sat_adj = @[DO_SAT_ADJ] + fast_tau_w_sec = @[FAST_TAU_W_SEC_NEST02] + consv_am = .false. + fill = .true. + dwind_2d = .false. + print_freq = 6 + warm_start = @[WARM_START] + no_dycore = .false. + z_tracer = .true. + agrid_vel_rst = .true. + read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] + res_latlon_dynamics = @[RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS] + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] + nested = @[NESTED] + twowaynest = @[TWOWAYNEST02] + nestupdate = 7 +/ + +&external_ic_nml + filtered_terrain = .true. + levp = 128 + gfs_dwinds = .true. + checker_tr = .false. + nt_checker = 0 + +/ + +&surf_map_nml + cd2 = -1 + cd4 = 0.15 + max_slope = 0.15 + n_del2_strong = @[N_DEL2_STRONG] + n_del2_weak = @[N_DEL2_WEAK_NEST02] + n_del4 = @[N_DEL4] + peak_fac = @[PEAK_FAC] + zero_ocean = @[ZERO_OCEAN] +/ + +&gfs_physics_nml + fhzero = @[FHZERO] + h2o_phys = @[H2O_PHYS] + ldiag3d = @[LDIAG3D] + qdiag3d = @[QDIAG3D] + lightning_threat = @[LIGHTNING_THREAT] + print_diff_pgr = @[PRINT_DIFF_PGR] + fhcyc = @[FHCYC] + use_ufo = .true. + pre_rad = .false. + imp_physics = @[IMP_PHYSICS] + iovr = @[IOVR] + lcnorm = @[LCNORM] + ltaerosol = .true. + lradar = .true. + ttendlim = -999 + dt_inner = @[DT_INNER] + sedi_semi = @[SEDI_SEMI] + decfl = @[DECFL] + oz_phys = @[OZ_PHYS_NEW] + oz_phys_2015 = @[OZ_PHYS_OLD] + lsoil_lsm = @[LSOIL_LSM] + do_ca = @[DO_CA] + do_mynnedmf = @[DO_MYNNEDMF] + do_mynnsfclay = @[DO_MYNNSFCLAY] + icloud_bl = 1 + bl_mynn_edmf = 1 + bl_mynn_tkeadvect = @[BL_MYNN_TKEADVECT] + bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1 + do_ugwp = @[DO_UGWP] + do_tofd = @[DO_TOFD] + gwd_opt = @[GWD_OPT] + do_ugwp_v0 = @[DO_UGWP_V0] + do_ugwp_v1 = @[DO_UGWP_V1] + do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY] + do_ugwp_v0_nst_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY] + do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL] + do_gsl_drag_ss = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_SS] + do_gsl_drag_tofd = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD] + do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY] + do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag = @[DO_UGWP_V1_W_GSLDRAG] + min_lakeice = @[MIN_LAKEICE] + min_seaice = @[MIN_SEAICE] + use_cice_alb = @[USE_CICE_ALB] + pdfcld = .false. + fhswr = @[FHSWR] + fhlwr = @[FHLWR] + ialb = @[IALB] + iems = @[IEMS] + iaer = @[IAER] + icliq_sw = @[ICLIQ_SW] + ico2 = 2 + isubc_sw = 2 + isubc_lw = 2 + isol = 2 + lwhtr = .true. + swhtr = .true. + cnvgwd = @[CNVGWD_NEST02] + shal_cnv = @[SHAL_CNV] + cal_pre = .false. + redrag = .true. + dspheat = .true. + hybedmf = @[HYBEDMF] + satmedmf = @[SATMEDMF] + isatmedmf = @[ISATMEDMF] + lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] + lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] + random_clds = @[RANDOM_CLDS] + trans_trac = .true. + cnvcld = @[CNVCLD] + imfshalcnv = @[IMFSHALCNV_NEST02] + imfdeepcnv = @[IMFDEEPCNV_NEST02] + do_deep = @[DO_DEEP_NEST02] + ! NOTE: progsigma should be .true. for the global_nest_v1 suite. + ! The code turns it off automatically at low resolutions. + ! This leads to an erronious situation where it is off for the globe, but on for the nest. + ! Hence, we turn it off manually, to avoid advecting a field of 0 from the nest boundary. + ! For practical global resolutions (C384 or higher) it should be turned on. + progsigma = @[PROGSIGMA_NEST02] + betascu = @[BETASCU_NEST02] + betamcu = @[BETAMCU_NEST02] + betadcu = @[BETADCU_NEST02] + ras = @[RAS] + cdmbgwd = @[CDMBWD] + prslrd0 = 0. + ivegsrc = 1 + isot = 1 + lsoil = 4 + lsm = @[LSM] + iopt_dveg = @[IOPT_DVEG] + iopt_crs = @[IOPT_CRS] + iopt_btr = 1 + iopt_run = 1 + iopt_sfc = @[IOPT_SFC] + iopt_frz = 1 + iopt_inf = 1 + iopt_rad = @[IOPT_RAD] + iopt_alb = @[IOPT_ALB] + iopt_snf = 4 + iopt_tbot = 2 + iopt_stc = @[IOPT_STC] + iopt_trs = @[IOPT_TRS] + iopt_diag = @[IOPT_DIAG] + debug = .false. + nstf_name = @[NSTF_NAME] + nst_anl = .true. + psautco = 0.0008,0.0005 + prautco = 0.00015,0.00015 + lgfdlmprad = @[LGFDLMPRAD] + effr_in = @[EFFR_IN] + ldiag_ugwp = @[LDIAG_UGWP] + do_RRTMGP = @[DO_RRTMGP] + active_gases = 'h2o_co2_o3_n2o_ch4_o2' + ngases = @[NGASES] + lw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp-data-lw-g128-210809.nc' + lw_file_clouds = 'rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-lw.nc' + sw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp-data-sw-g112-210809.nc' + sw_file_clouds = 'rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-sw.nc' + rrtmgp_nGptsSW = 112 + rrtmgp_nGptsLW = 128 + rrtmgp_nBandsLW = 16 + rrtmgp_nBandsSW = 14 + doGP_cldoptics_LUT = @[DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT] + doGP_lwscat = @[DOGP_LWSCAT] + do_sppt = @[DO_SPPT] + do_shum = @[DO_SHUM] + do_skeb = @[DO_SKEB] + frac_grid = @[FRAC_GRID] + cplchm = @[CPLCHM] + cplflx = @[CPLFLX] + cplice = @[CPLICE] + cplwav = @[CPLWAV] + cplwav2atm = @[CPLWAV2ATM] +/ + +&cires_ugwp_nml + knob_ugwp_solver = 2 + knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0 + knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25 + knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4 + knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0 + knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 + knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 + knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 + knob_ugwp_dokdis = @[KNOB_UGWP_DOKDIS] + knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = @[KNOB_UGWP_NDX4LH] + knob_ugwp_version = @[KNOB_UGWP_VERSION] + knob_ugwp_palaunch = @[KNOB_UGWP_PALAUNCH] + knob_ugwp_nslope = @[KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE] + knob_ugwp_lzmax = 15.750e3 + knob_ugwp_lzmin = 0.75e3 + knob_ugwp_lzstar = 2.0e3 + knob_ugwp_taumin = 0.25e-3 + knob_ugwp_tauamp = @[KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP] + knob_ugwp_lhmet = 200.0e3 + knob_ugwp_orosolv = 'pss-1986' +/ + +&gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml + sedi_transport = .true. + do_sedi_heat = .false. + rad_snow = .true. + rad_graupel = .true. + rad_rain = .true. + const_vi = .false. + const_vs = .false. + const_vg = .false. + const_vr = .false. + vi_max = 1. + vs_max = 2. + vg_max = 12. + vr_max = 12. + qi_lim = 1. + prog_ccn = .false. + do_qa = .true. + fast_sat_adj = .true. + tau_l2v = 225. + tau_v2l = 150. + tau_g2v = 900. + rthresh = 10.e-6 ! This is a key parameter for cloud water + dw_land = 0.16 + dw_ocean = 0.10 + ql_gen = 1.0e-3 + ql_mlt = 1.0e-3 + qi0_crt = 8.0E-5 + qs0_crt = 1.0e-3 + tau_i2s = 1000. + c_psaci = 0.05 + c_pgacs = 0.01 + rh_inc = 0.30 + rh_inr = 0.30 + rh_ins = 0.30 + ccn_l = 300. + ccn_o = 100. + c_paut = 0.5 + c_cracw = 0.8 + use_ppm = .false. + use_ccn = .true. + mono_prof = .true. + z_slope_liq = .true. + z_slope_ice = .true. + de_ice = .false. + fix_negative = .true. + icloud_f = 1 + mp_time = 150. + reiflag = 2 + + +/ + +&interpolator_nml + interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' + +/ + +&namsfc + FNGLAC = @[FNGLAC] + FNMXIC = @[FNMXIC] + FNTSFC = @[FNTSFC] + FNSNOC = @[FNSNOC] + FNZORC = @[FNZORC] + FNALBC = @[FNALBC] + FNALBC2 = @[FNALBC2] + FNAISC = @[FNAISC] + FNTG3C = @[FNTG3C] + FNVEGC = @[FNVEGC] + FNVETC = @[FNVETC] + FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] + FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC] + FNMSKH = @[FNMSKH] + FNTSFA = @[FNTSFA] + FNACNA = @[FNACNA] + FNSNOA = @[FNSNOA] + FNVMNC = @[FNVMNC] + FNVMXC = @[FNVMXC] + FNSLPC = @[FNSLPC] + FNABSC = @[FNABSC] + LDEBUG = .false. + FSMCL(2) = 99999 + FSMCL(3) = 99999 + FSMCL(4) = 99999 + LANDICE = @[LANDICE] + FTSFS = @[FTSFS] + FAISL = 99999 + FAISS = 99999 + FSNOL = 99999 + FSNOS = 99999 + FSICL = @[FSICL] + FSICS = @[FSICS] + FTSFL = 99999 + FVETL = 99999 + FSOTL = 99999 + FvmnL = 99999 + FvmxL = 99999 + FSLPL = 99999 + FABSL = 99999 + +/ + +&fv_grid_nml + +/ + +&nam_stochy +/ +&nam_sfcperts +/ diff --git a/tests/parm/merra2_thompson.nml.IN b/tests/parm/input_global_parent.nml.IN similarity index 60% rename from tests/parm/merra2_thompson.nml.IN rename to tests/parm/input_global_parent.nml.IN index f8aa4fc59c..33c1baa34f 100644 --- a/tests/parm/merra2_thompson.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/input_global_parent.nml.IN @@ -1,30 +1,26 @@ &atmos_model_nml - blocksize = 32 + blocksize = @[BLOCKSIZE] chksum_debug = .false. dycore_only = .false. - ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]' + ccpp_suite = "@[CCPP_SUITE]" + / &diag_manager_nml prepend_date = .false. max_output_fields = @[MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS] -/ - -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - -&mpp_io_nml -shuffle=1 -deflate_level=1 + / &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = @[DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE] print_memory_usage = .false. + +/ + +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" / &fv_core_nml @@ -32,20 +28,23 @@ deflate_level=1 io_layout = 1,1 npx = @[NPX] npy = @[NPY] - ntiles = 6 + ntiles = @[NTILES] npz = @[NPZ] - dz_min = @[DZ_MIN] - psm_bc = @[PSM_BC] - grid_type = -1 + dz_min = @[DZ_MIN] + grid_type = 0 make_nh = @[MAKE_NH] fv_debug = .false. range_warn = .true. reset_eta = .false. - n_sponge = 42 - nudge_qv = .true. + n_sponge = @[N_SPONGE] + n_zs_filter = @[N_ZS_FILTER] + nudge_qv = .false. nudge_dz = .false. - tau = 10.0 - rf_cutoff = 7.5e2 + tau = @[FV_CORE_TAU] + rf_cutoff = @[RF_CUTOFF] + rf_fast = @[RF_FAST] + sg_cutoff = @[SG_CUTOFF] + upoff = @[UPOFF] d2_bg_k1 = @[D2_BG_K1] d2_bg_k2 = @[D2_BG_K2] kord_tm = -9 @@ -58,19 +57,20 @@ deflate_level=1 beta = 0. a_imp = 1. p_fac = 0.1 - k_split = 2 - n_split = 6 - nwat = 6 + k_split = 1 + n_split = 5 + nwat = @[NWAT] na_init = @[NA_INIT] - d_ext = 0. + d_ext = @[D_EXT] dnats = @[DNATS] - fv_sg_adj = 450 - d2_bg = 0. + fv_sg_adj = @[FV_SG_ADJ] + d2_bg = @[D2_BG] nord = 2 + nord_zs_filter = @[NORD_ZS_FILTER] dddmp = @[DDDMP] - d4_bg = 0.12 - vtdm4 = 0.02 - delt_max = 0.002 + d4_bg = @[D4_BG] + vtdm4 = @[VTDM4] + delt_max = @[DELT_MAX] ke_bg = 0. do_vort_damp = .true. external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC] @@ -79,16 +79,17 @@ deflate_level=1 nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC] mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] ncep_ic = .false. - d_con = 1. - hord_mt = 5 - hord_vt = 5 - hord_tm = 5 - hord_dp = -5 - hord_tr = 8 + d_con = @[D_CON] + hord_mt = @[HORD_MT] + hord_vt = @[HORD_VT] + hord_tm = @[HORD_TM] + hord_dp = @[HORD_DP] + hord_tr = @[HORD_TR] adjust_dry_mass = .false. - dry_mass=98320.0 - consv_te = 1. + dry_mass = @[DRY_MASS] + consv_te = @[CONSV_TE] do_sat_adj = @[DO_SAT_ADJ] + fast_tau_w_sec = @[FAST_TAU_W_SEC] consv_am = .false. fill = .true. dwind_2d = .false. @@ -99,78 +100,98 @@ deflate_level=1 agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] res_latlon_dynamics = @[RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS] + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] + do_schmidt = .true. + target_lat = @[TARGET_LAT] + target_lon = @[TARGET_LON] + stretch_fac = 1.0001 / &external_ic_nml filtered_terrain = .true. - levp = @[NPZP] + levp = 128 gfs_dwinds = .true. checker_tr = .false. nt_checker = 0 + +/ + +&surf_map_nml + cd2 = -1 + cd4 = 0.15 + max_slope = 0.15 + n_del2_strong = @[N_DEL2_STRONG] + n_del2_weak = @[N_DEL2_WEAK] + n_del4 = @[N_DEL4] + peak_fac = @[PEAK_FAC] + zero_ocean = @[ZERO_OCEAN] / &gfs_physics_nml fhzero = @[FHZERO] - h2o_phys = .true. + h2o_phys = @[H2O_PHYS] ldiag3d = @[LDIAG3D] qdiag3d = @[QDIAG3D] + lightning_threat = @[LIGHTNING_THREAT] print_diff_pgr = @[PRINT_DIFF_PGR] fhcyc = @[FHCYC] use_ufo = .true. pre_rad = .false. - imp_physics = @[IMP_PHYSICS] - iovr = 3 - ltaerosol = @[LTAEROSOL] - mraerosol = @[MRAEROSOL] - lradar = .false. + imp_physics = @[IMP_PHYSICS] + iovr = @[IOVR] + lcnorm = @[LCNORM] + ltaerosol = .true. + lradar = .true. ttendlim = -999 dt_inner = @[DT_INNER] sedi_semi = @[SEDI_SEMI] decfl = @[DECFL] - oz_phys = .false. - oz_phys_2015 = .true. - lsoil_lsm = 4 - do_mynnedmf = .false. - do_mynnsfclay = .false. + oz_phys = @[OZ_PHYS_NEW] + oz_phys_2015 = @[OZ_PHYS_OLD] + lsoil_lsm = @[LSOIL_LSM] + do_mynnedmf = @[DO_MYNNEDMF] + do_mynnsfclay = @[DO_MYNNSFCLAY] icloud_bl = 1 bl_mynn_edmf = 1 - bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .true. + bl_mynn_tkeadvect = @[BL_MYNN_TKEADVECT] bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1 - do_ugwp = .false. - do_tofd = .false. + do_ugwp = @[DO_UGWP] + do_tofd = @[DO_TOFD] + do_ca = @[DO_CA] gwd_opt = @[GWD_OPT] do_ugwp_v0 = @[DO_UGWP_V0] do_ugwp_v1 = @[DO_UGWP_V1] - do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = .false. + do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY] do_ugwp_v0_nst_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY] do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL] do_gsl_drag_ss = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_SS] do_gsl_drag_tofd = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD] do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY] - min_lakeice = 0.15 + do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag = @[DO_UGWP_V1_W_GSLDRAG] + min_lakeice = @[MIN_LAKEICE] min_seaice = @[MIN_SEAICE] use_cice_alb = @[USE_CICE_ALB] pdfcld = .false. - fhswr = 3600. - fhlwr = 3600. + fhswr = @[FHSWR] + fhlwr = @[FHLWR] ialb = @[IALB] iems = @[IEMS] iaer = @[IAER] - icliq_sw = 2 + icliq_sw = @[ICLIQ_SW] ico2 = 2 isubc_sw = 2 isubc_lw = 2 isol = 2 lwhtr = .true. swhtr = .true. - cnvgwd = .true. - shal_cnv = .true. + cnvgwd = @[CNVGWD] + shal_cnv = @[SHAL_CNV] cal_pre = .false. redrag = .true. dspheat = .true. - hybedmf = .false. - satmedmf = .true. - isatmedmf = 1 + hybedmf = @[HYBEDMF] + satmedmf = @[SATMEDMF] + isatmedmf = @[ISATMEDMF] lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] random_clds = @[RANDOM_CLDS] @@ -178,8 +199,18 @@ deflate_level=1 cnvcld = @[CNVCLD] imfshalcnv = @[IMFSHALCNV] imfdeepcnv = @[IMFDEEPCNV] + do_deep = @[DO_DEEP] + ! NOTE: progsigma should be .true. for the global_nest_v1 suite. + ! The code turns it off automatically at low resolutions. + ! This leads to an erronious situation where it is off for the globe, but on for the nest. + ! Hence, we turn it off manually, to avoid advecting a field of 0 from the nest boundary. + ! For practical resolutions (C384 globe or larger), it would be on. + progsigma = @[PROGSIGMA] + betascu = @[BETASCU] + betamcu = @[BETAMCU] + betadcu = @[BETADCU] ras = @[RAS] - cdmbgwd = @[CDMBWD] + cdmbgwd = @[CDMBWD_NEST02] prslrd0 = 0. ivegsrc = 1 isot = 1 @@ -190,7 +221,6 @@ deflate_level=1 iopt_btr = 1 iopt_run = 1 iopt_sfc = @[IOPT_SFC] - iopt_trs = @[IOPT_TRS] iopt_frz = 1 iopt_inf = 1 iopt_rad = @[IOPT_RAD] @@ -198,21 +228,19 @@ deflate_level=1 iopt_snf = 4 iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = @[IOPT_STC] + iopt_trs = @[IOPT_TRS] + iopt_diag = @[IOPT_DIAG] debug = .false. nstf_name = @[NSTF_NAME] nst_anl = .true. psautco = 0.0008,0.0005 prautco = 0.00015,0.00015 lgfdlmprad = @[LGFDLMPRAD] - effr_in = .true. + effr_in = @[EFFR_IN] ldiag_ugwp = @[LDIAG_UGWP] - fscav_aero = @[FSCAV_AERO] - do_sppt = @[DO_SPPT] - do_shum = @[DO_SHUM] - do_skeb = @[DO_SKEB] do_RRTMGP = @[DO_RRTMGP] active_gases = 'h2o_co2_o3_n2o_ch4_o2' - ngases = 6 + ngases = @[NGASES] lw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp-data-lw-g128-210809.nc' lw_file_clouds = 'rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-lw.nc' sw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp-data-sw-g112-210809.nc' @@ -223,27 +251,25 @@ deflate_level=1 rrtmgp_nBandsSW = 14 doGP_cldoptics_LUT = @[DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT] doGP_lwscat = @[DOGP_LWSCAT] - use_med_flux = @[USE_MED_FLUX] + do_sppt = @[DO_SPPT] + do_shum = @[DO_SHUM] + do_skeb = @[DO_SKEB] frac_grid = @[FRAC_GRID] cplchm = @[CPLCHM] cplflx = @[CPLFLX] cplice = @[CPLICE] cplwav = @[CPLWAV] cplwav2atm = @[CPLWAV2ATM] - do_ca = @[DO_CA] - ca_global = @[CA_GLOBAL] - ca_sgs = @[CA_SGS] - nca = @[NCA] - ncells = @[NCELLS] - nlives = @[NLIVES] - nseed = @[NSEED] - nfracseed = @[NFRACSEED] - nthresh = @[NTHRESH] - ca_trigger = @[CA_TRIGGER] - nspinup = @[NSPINUP] - iseed_ca = @[ISEED_CA] - lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] - n_var_lndp = @[N_VAR_LNDP] +/ + +&fv_nest_nml + grid_pes = @[GRID_PES] + tile_coarse = @[TILE_COARSE] + num_tile_top = @[NUM_TILE_TOP] + p_split = 1 + nest_refine = @[NEST_REFINE] + nest_ioffsets = @[NEST_IOFFSETS] + nest_joffsets = @[NEST_JOFFSETS] / &cires_ugwp_nml @@ -255,10 +281,18 @@ deflate_level=1 knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 - knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 - knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 + knob_ugwp_dokdis = @[KNOB_UGWP_DOKDIS] + knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = @[KNOB_UGWP_NDX4LH] knob_ugwp_version = @[KNOB_UGWP_VERSION] - launch_level = 54 + knob_ugwp_palaunch = @[KNOB_UGWP_PALAUNCH] + knob_ugwp_nslope = @[KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE] + knob_ugwp_lzmax = 15.750e3 + knob_ugwp_lzmin = 0.75e3 + knob_ugwp_lzstar = 2.0e3 + knob_ugwp_taumin = 0.25e-3 + knob_ugwp_tauamp = @[KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP_NEST02] + knob_ugwp_lhmet = 200.0e3 + knob_ugwp_orosolv = 'pss-1986' / &gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml @@ -309,76 +343,65 @@ deflate_level=1 icloud_f = 1 mp_time = 150. reiflag = 2 + + / &interpolator_nml interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' + / &namsfc - FNGLAC = 'global_glacier.2x2.grb' - FNMXIC = 'global_maxice.2x2.grb' - FNTSFC = 'RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb' - FNSNOC = 'global_snoclim.1.875.grb' - FNZORC = 'igbp' + FNGLAC = @[FNGLAC] + FNMXIC = @[FNMXIC] + FNTSFC = @[FNTSFC] + FNSNOC = @[FNSNOC] + FNZORC = @[FNZORC] FNALBC = @[FNALBC] FNALBC2 = @[FNALBC2] - FNAISC = 'IMS-NIC.blended.ice.monthly.clim.grb' + FNAISC = @[FNAISC] FNTG3C = @[FNTG3C] FNVEGC = @[FNVEGC] FNVETC = @[FNVETC] FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC] FNMSKH = @[FNMSKH] - FNTSFA = '' - FNACNA = '' - FNSNOA = '' + FNTSFA = @[FNTSFA] + FNACNA = @[FNACNA] + FNSNOA = @[FNSNOA] FNVMNC = @[FNVMNC] FNVMXC = @[FNVMXC] FNSLPC = @[FNSLPC] FNABSC = @[FNABSC] - LDEBUG =.false. + LDEBUG = .false. FSMCL(2) = 99999 FSMCL(3) = 99999 FSMCL(4) = 99999 LANDICE = @[LANDICE] - FTSFS = 90 - FAISL = 99999 - FAISS = 99999 - FSNOL = 99999 - FSNOS = 99999 - FSICL = @[FSICL] - FSICS = @[FSICS] - FTSFL = 99999 - FVETL = 99999 - FSOTL = 99999 - FvmnL = 99999 - FvmxL = 99999 - FSLPL = 99999 - FABSL = 99999 + FTSFS = @[FTSFS] + FAISL = 99999 + FAISS = 99999 + FSNOL = 99999 + FSNOS = 99999 + FSICL = @[FSICL] + FSICS = @[FSICS] + FTSFL = 99999 + FVETL = 99999 + FSOTL = 99999 + FvmnL = 99999 + FvmxL = 99999 + FSLPL = 99999 + FABSL = 99999 + / &fv_grid_nml - grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' + / &nam_stochy / - &nam_sfcperts - lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] - lndp_model_type = @[LNDP_MODEL_TYPE] - LNDP_TAU=21600, - LNDP_LSCALE=500000, - ISEED_LNDP=2010, - lndp_var_list = @[LNDP_VAR_LIST] - lndp_prt_list = @[LNDP_PRT_LIST] / - -&MOM_input_nml - output_directory = 'MOM6_OUTPUT/', - input_filename = '@[MOM6_RESTART_SETTING]' - restart_input_dir = 'INPUT/', - restart_output_dir = 'RESTART/', - parameter_filename = 'INPUT/MOM_input', - 'INPUT/MOM_override'/ diff --git a/tests/parm/input_nest02.nml.IN b/tests/parm/input_nest02.nml.IN index b20e8ca6d2..4056f629bb 100644 --- a/tests/parm/input_nest02.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/input_nest02.nml.IN @@ -9,12 +9,6 @@ prepend_date = .false. / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100, - max_files_w = 100, -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE', domains_stack_size = 3000000, @@ -25,6 +19,10 @@ ! grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES_NEST],@[JNPES_NEST] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -91,6 +89,7 @@ warm_start = @[WARM_START] read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] no_dycore = .false. z_tracer = .true. @@ -160,6 +159,7 @@ iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = 1 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. nstf_name = @[NSTF_NAME] xkzminv = 0.3 diff --git a/tests/parm/input_nest_hafs.nml.IN b/tests/parm/input_nest_hafs.nml.IN index f5e2d2182b..055e4ddeac 100644 --- a/tests/parm/input_nest_hafs.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/input_nest_hafs.nml.IN @@ -10,21 +10,6 @@ prepend_date = .false. / - &mpp_io_nml - header_buffer_val = 16384, - global_field_on_root_pe = .true., - io_clocks_on = .false., - shuffle = 0, - deflate_level = @[DEFLATE_LEVEL], - cf_compliance = .false. -/ - - &fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100, - max_files_w = 100, -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE', domains_stack_size = 30000000, @@ -35,6 +20,10 @@ !grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES_NEST],@[JNPES_NEST] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -50,8 +39,9 @@ n_sponge = 24 nudge_qv = .false. nudge_dz = .false. - tau = 5. - rf_cutoff = 50.e2 + tau = @[FV_CORE_TAU] + rf_cutoff = @[RF_CUTOFF_NEST] + fast_tau_w_sec = @[FAST_TAU_W_SEC] d2_bg_k1 = 0.20 d2_bg_k2 = 0.15 kord_tm = -11 @@ -69,7 +59,7 @@ nwat = @[NWAT] na_init = @[NA_INIT] d_ext = 0.0 - dnats = 1 + dnats = @[DNATS] fv_sg_adj = 300 d2_bg = 0. nord = 2 @@ -93,7 +83,7 @@ hord_tr = 8 adjust_dry_mass = .false. consv_te = 0. - do_sat_adj = .true. + do_sat_adj = @[DO_SAT_ADJ] consv_am = .false. fill = .true. dwind_2d = .false. @@ -104,6 +94,7 @@ agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = .false. res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] write_3d_diags = .true. nested = .true. @@ -137,62 +128,74 @@ &gfs_physics_nml fhzero = 3. ldiag3d = .false. - lradar = .true. avg_max_length = 3600. h2o_phys = .true. fhcyc = @[FHCYC] use_ufo = .true. pre_rad = .false. - imp_physics = 11 + imp_physics = @[IMP_PHYSICS] + iovr = @[IOVR] + ltaerosol = @[LTAEROSOL] + lradar = @[LRADAR] + ttendlim = -999 + dt_inner = @[DT_INNER] + sedi_semi = @[SEDI_SEMI] + decfl = @[DECFL] + ext_diag_thompson = .false. pdfcld = .false. fhswr = @[FHSWR] fhlwr = @[FHLWR] + progsigma = @[PROGSIGMA] + betascu = @[BETASCU] + betamcu = @[BETAMCU] + betadcu = @[BETADCU] ialb = 1 iems = 1 - iaer = 111 + iaer = @[IAER] ico2 = 2 isubc_sw = 2 isubc_lw = 2 isol = 2 lwhtr = .true. swhtr = .true. - cnvgwd = .false. + cnvgwd = @[CNVGWD] shal_cnv = .true. !Shallow convection cal_pre = .false. redrag = .true. dspheat = .true. - hybedmf = .false. - hurr_pbl = .true. ! HWRF moninedmf - moninq_fac = -1.0 ! HWRF_moninedmf - satmedmf = .true. - isatmedmf = 1 + hybedmf = @[HYBEDMF] + hurr_pbl = @[HURR_PBL] ! HWRF moninedmf + moninq_fac = @[MONINQ_FAC] ! HWRF_moninedmf + satmedmf = @[SATMEDMF] + isatmedmf = @[ISATMEDMF] rlmx = 300. elmx = 300. sfc_rlm = 1 random_clds = .false. trans_trac = .true. cnvcld = .true. - imfshalcnv = 2 - imfdeepcnv = 2 - cdmbgwd = 0.88,0.04 + imfshalcnv = @[IMFSHALCNV] + imfdeepcnv = @[IMFDEEPCNV] + cdmbgwd = @[CDMBWD] sfc_z0_type = 6 prslrd0 = 0. ivegsrc = 1 isot = 1 - lsm = 1 - iopt_dveg = 2 - iopt_crs = 1 + lsm = @[LSM] + iopt_dveg = @[IOPT_DVEG] + iopt_crs = @[IOPT_CRS] iopt_btr = 1 iopt_run = 1 - iopt_sfc = 1 + iopt_sfc = @[IOPT_SFC] iopt_frz = 1 iopt_inf = 1 - iopt_rad = 1 - iopt_alb = 2 + iopt_rad = @[IOPT_RAD] + iopt_alb = @[IOPT_ALB] iopt_snf = 4 iopt_tbot = 2 - iopt_stc = 1 + iopt_stc = @[IOPT_STC] ! 1 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. oz_phys = .false. oz_phys_2015 = .true. @@ -218,6 +221,21 @@ do_skeb = .false. lndp_type = 0 n_var_lndp = 0 + gwd_opt = 2 + do_ugwp_v0 = @[DO_UGWP_V0] + do_ugwp_v1 = @[DO_UGWP_V1] + do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag = @[DO_UGWP_V1_W_GSLDRAG] + do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY] + do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL] + do_gsl_drag_ss = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_SS] + do_gsl_drag_tofd = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD] + do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY] + + do_mynnedmf = @[DO_MYNNEDMF] + lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] + lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] + do_mynnsfclay = @[DO_MYNNSFCLAY] + bl_mynn_tkeadvect = @[BL_MYNN_TKEADVECT] / &gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml @@ -331,8 +349,27 @@ knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 - knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 - knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 - knob_ugwp_version = 0 - launch_level = 25 + knob_ugwp_dokdis = @[KNOB_UGWP_DOKDIS] + knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = @[KNOB_UGWP_NDX4LH] + knob_ugwp_version = @[KNOB_UGWP_VERSION] + ! This one is only for cires_ugwp_module.F90 +@[HIDE_UGWPV0] launch_level = 25 + ! These are only for cires_ugwpv1_module.F90 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmax = 15.750e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmin = 0.75e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzstar = 2.0e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_taumin = 0.25e-3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_tauamp = 3.0e-3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lhmet = 200.0e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_orosolv = 'pss-1986' +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_palaunch = @[KNOB_UGWP_PALAUNCH] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_nslope = @[KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE] +/ + + &MOM_input_nml + output_directory = 'OUTPUT', + input_filename = 'n' + restart_input_dir = 'INPUT', + restart_output_dir = 'RESTART', + parameter_filename = 'MOM_input' / diff --git a/tests/parm/input_regional_fire.nml.IN b/tests/parm/input_regional_fire.nml.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1b9957aa24 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/input_regional_fire.nml.IN @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +&amip_interp_nml + data_set = 'reynolds_oi' + date_out_of_range = 'climo' + interp_oi_sst = .true. + no_anom_sst = .false. + use_ncep_ice = .false. + use_ncep_sst = .true. +/ + +&atmos_model_nml + blocksize = @[BLOCKSIZE] + ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]' + chksum_debug = .false. + dycore_only = .false. +/ + +&cires_ugwp_nml + knob_ugwp_azdir = 2, 4, 4, 4 + knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 + knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 + knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 + knob_ugwp_effac = 1, 1, 1, 1 + knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 + knob_ugwp_solver = 2 + knob_ugwp_source = 1, 1, 0, 0 + knob_ugwp_stoch = 0, 0, 0, 0 + knob_ugwp_version = 0 + knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1, 25, 25, 25 + launch_level = 25 +/ + +&diag_manager_nml + max_output_fields = 450 + prepend_date = .false. +/ + +&external_ic_nml + checker_tr = .false. + filtered_terrain = .true. + gfs_dwinds = .true. + levp = @[NPZP] + nt_checker = 0 +/ + +&fms_io_nml + checksum_required = .false. + max_files_r = 100 + max_files_w = 100 +/ + +&fms_nml + clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' + domains_stack_size = 12000000 + print_memory_usage = .false. +/ + +&fv_core_nml + a_imp = 1.0 + adjust_dry_mass = .false. + bc_update_interval = @[BC_UPDATE_INTERVAL] + beta = 0.0 + consv_am = .false. + consv_te = 0.0 + d2_bg = 0.0 + d2_bg_k1 = 0.2 + d2_bg_k2 = 0.04 + d4_bg = 0.12 + d_con = 0.5 + d_ext = 0.0 + dddmp = 0.1 + delt_max = 0.008 + dnats = @[DNATS] + do_sat_adj = @[DO_SAT_ADJ] + do_schmidt = .true. + do_vort_damp = .true. + dwind_2d = .false. + dz_min = 2 + external_eta = .true. + external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC] + fill = .true. + full_zs_filter = @[FULL_ZS_FILTER] + fv_debug = .false. + fv_sg_adj = 300 + gfs_phil = .false. + hord_dp = 6 + hord_mt = 6 + hord_tm = 6 + hord_tr = 8 + hord_vt = 6 + hydrostatic = .false. + io_layout = 1, 1 + k_split = @[K_SPLIT] + ke_bg = 0.0 + kord_mt = 9 + kord_tm = -9 + kord_tr = 9 + kord_wz = 9 + layout = @[INPES], @[JNPES] + make_nh = .true. + mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] + n_split = @[N_SPLIT] + n_sponge = 9 + n_zs_filter = @[N_ZS_FILTER] + na_init = @[NA_INIT] + ncep_ic = .false. + nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC] + no_dycore = .false. + nord = 3 + nord_tr = 0 + npx = @[NPX] + npy = @[NPY] + npz = @[NPZ] + nrows_blend = @[NROWS_BLEND] + ntiles = @[NTILES] + nudge_qv = .false. + nwat = @[NWAT] + p_fac = 0.1 + phys_hydrostatic = .false. + print_freq = 6 + psm_bc = 1 + range_warn = .true. + read_increment = .false. + regional = @[REGIONAL] + regional_bcs_from_gsi = .false. + res_latlon_dynamics = 'fv3_increment.nc' + reset_eta = .false. + rf_cutoff = 2000.0 + stretch_fac = @[STRETCH_FAC] + target_lat = @[TARGET_LAT] + target_lon = @[TARGET_LON] + tau = 5.0 + use_hydro_pressure = .false. + vtdm4 = 0.02 + warm_start = @[WARM_START] + write_restart_with_bcs = .false. + z_tracer = .true. +/ + +&fv_grid_nml + grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' +/ + +&gfs_physics_nml + bl_mynn_edmf = 1 + bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1 + bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .true. + cal_pre = .false. + cdmbgwd = 3.5, 1.0 + cnvcld = .false. + cnvgwd = .false. + cplflx = @[CPLFLX] + cpl_fire = @[CPLFIRE] + cpl_imp_mrg = @[CPL_IMP_MRG] + cpl_imp_dbg = @[CPL_IMP_DBG] + debug = .false. + diag_log = .true. + do_deep = .false. + do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = .true. + do_gsl_drag_ss = .true. + do_gsl_drag_tofd = .true. + do_mynnedmf = .true. + do_mynnsfclay = .true. + dspheat = .true. + effr_in = .true. + fhcyc = @[FHCYC] + fhlwr = @[FHLWR] + fhswr = @[FHSWR] + fhzero = 1.0 + gwd_opt = 3 + h2o_phys = .true. + hybedmf = .false. + iaer = 5111 + ialb = 2 + iau_delthrs = 6 + iau_inc_files = '' + iaufhrs = 30 + icliq_sw = 2 + icloud_bl = 1 + ico2 = 2 + iems = 2 + imfdeepcnv = -1 + imfshalcnv = -1 + imp_physics = @[IMP_PHYSICS] + iopt_alb = 2 + iopt_btr = 1 + iopt_crs = 1 + iopt_dveg = 2 + iopt_frz = 1 + iopt_inf = 1 + iopt_rad = 1 + iopt_run = 1 + iopt_sfc = 1 + iopt_snf = 4 + iopt_stc = 1 + iopt_tbot = 2 + iopt_trs = 2 + iovr = 3 + isncond_opt = 2 + isncovr_opt = 3 + isol = 2 + isot = 1 + isubc_lw = 2 + isubc_sw = 2 + ivegsrc = 1 + kice = 9 + ldiag3d = .false. + lheatstrg = .false. + lradar = .true. + lsm = 3 + lsoil = 9 + lsoil_lsm = 9 + ltaerosol = .true. + lwhtr = .true. + mosaic_lu = 0 + mosaic_soil = 0 + nsfullradar_diag = 3600 + oz_phys = .false. + oz_phys_2015 = .true. + pdfcld = .false. + pre_rad = .false. + print_diff_pgr = .false. + prslrd0 = 0.0 + random_clds = .false. + redrag = .true. + satmedmf = .false. + sfclay_compute_flux = .true. + shal_cnv = .false. + swhtr = .true. + thsfc_loc = .false. + trans_trac = .true. + ttendlim = -999 + use_ufo = .true. +/ + +&interpolator_nml + interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' +/ + +&nam_sfcperts +/ + +&nam_sppperts +/ + +&nam_stochy +/ + +&namsfc + fabsl = 99999 + faisl = 99999 + faiss = 99999 + fnacna = '' + fnaisc = '../../../../../epicufsrt/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/develop/fix/fix_am/CFSR.SEAICE.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb' + fnglac = '../../../../../epicufsrt/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/develop/fix/fix_am/global_glacier.2x2.grb' + fnmskh = '../../../../../epicufsrt/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/develop/fix/fix_am/seaice_newland.grb' + fnmxic = '../../../../../epicufsrt/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/develop/fix/fix_am/global_maxice.2x2.grb' + fnsmcc = '../../../../../epicufsrt/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/develop/fix/fix_am/global_soilmgldas.t126.384.190.grb' + fnsnoa = '' + fnsnoc = '../../../../../epicufsrt/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/develop/fix/fix_am/global_snoclim.1.875.grb' + fntsfa = '' + fntsfc = '../../../../../epicufsrt/contrib/UFS_SRW_data/develop/fix/fix_am/RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb' + fnzorc = 'igbp' + fsicl = 99999 + fsics = 99999 + fslpl = 99999 + fsmcl = 99999, 99999, 99999 + fsnol = 99999 + fsnos = 99999 + fsotl = 99999 + ftsfl = 99999 + ftsfs = 90 + fvetl = 99999 + fvmnl = 99999 + fvmxl = 99999 + ldebug = .true. +/ + +&namsfc_dict + fnabsc = '../fix_lam/C3336.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc' + fnalbc = '../fix_lam/C3336.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc' + fnalbc2 = '../fix_lam/C3336.facsf.tileX.nc' + fnslpc = '../fix_lam/C3336.slope_type.tileX.nc' + fnsotc = '../fix_lam/C3336.soil_type.tileX.nc' + fntg3c = '../fix_lam/C3336.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc' + fnvegc = '../fix_lam/C3336.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc' + fnvetc = '../fix_lam/C3336.vegetation_type.tileX.nc' + fnvmnc = '../fix_lam/C3336.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc' + fnvmxc = '../fix_lam/C3336.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc' +/ + +&surf_map_nml + cd2 = -1 + cd4 = 0.12 + max_slope = 0.4 + n_del2_strong = 0 + n_del2_weak = 2 + n_del4 = 1 + peak_fac = 1.0 + zero_ocean = .false. +/ diff --git a/tests/parm/input_regional_hafs.nml.IN b/tests/parm/input_regional_hafs.nml.IN index 588e5ee5a3..95cec669bd 100644 --- a/tests/parm/input_regional_hafs.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/input_regional_hafs.nml.IN @@ -10,21 +10,6 @@ prepend_date = .false. / - &mpp_io_nml - header_buffer_val = 16384, - global_field_on_root_pe = .true., - io_clocks_on = .false., - shuffle = 0, - deflate_level = @[DEFLATE_LEVEL], - cf_compliance = .false. -/ - - &fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100, - max_files_w = 100, -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE', domains_stack_size = 30000000, @@ -35,6 +20,10 @@ grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -104,6 +93,7 @@ agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = .false. res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] write_3d_diags = .true. do_schmidt = .true. @@ -205,7 +195,7 @@ cnvcld = .true. imfshalcnv = 2 imfdeepcnv = 2 - cdmbgwd = 0.88,0.04 + cdmbgwd = 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 sfc_z0_type = 6 prslrd0 = 0. ivegsrc = 1 @@ -224,6 +214,7 @@ iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = 1 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. oz_phys = .false. oz_phys_2015 = .true. @@ -249,6 +240,15 @@ do_skeb = .false. lndp_type = 0 n_var_lndp = 0 + gwd_opt = 2 + do_ugwp_v0 = .false. + do_ugwp_v1 = .false. + do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag = .false. + do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = .false. + do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = .true. + do_gsl_drag_ss = .true. + do_gsl_drag_tofd = .true. + do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = .false. / &gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml @@ -367,3 +367,11 @@ knob_ugwp_version = 0 launch_level = 25 / + + &MOM_input_nml + output_directory = 'OUTPUT', + input_filename = 'n' + restart_input_dir = 'INPUT', + restart_output_dir = 'RESTART', + parameter_filename = 'MOM_input' +/ diff --git a/tests/parm/model_configure.IN b/tests/parm/model_configure.IN index 32f6cf7ded..cb7637225a 100644 --- a/tests/parm/model_configure.IN +++ b/tests/parm/model_configure.IN @@ -9,26 +9,31 @@ fhrot: @[FHROT] dt_atmos: @[DT_ATMOS] restart_interval: @[RESTART_INTERVAL] -output_1st_tstep_rst: .false. +restart_fh: @[RESTART_FH] quilting: @[QUILTING] +quilting_restart: @[QUILTING_RESTART] write_groups: @[WRITE_GROUP] write_tasks_per_group: @[WRTTASK_PER_GROUP] itasks: @[ITASKS] output_history: @[OUTPUT_HISTORY] +history_file_on_native_grid: @[HISTORY_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] write_dopost: @[WRITE_DOPOST] write_nsflip: @[WRITE_NSFLIP] num_files: @[NUM_FILES] filename_base: @[FILENAME_BASE] output_grid: @[OUTPUT_GRID] output_file: @[OUTPUT_FILE] +zstandard_level: @[ZSTANDARD_LEVEL] ideflate: @[IDEFLATE] -nbits: @[NBITS] +quantize_mode: 'quantize_bitround' +quantize_nsd: @[QUANTIZE_NSD] +ichunk2d: @[ICHUNK2D] +jchunk2d: @[JCHUNK2D] ichunk3d: @[ICHUNK3D] jchunk3d: @[JCHUNK3D] kchunk3d: @[KCHUNK3D] imo: @[IMO] jmo: @[JMO] - output_fh: @[OUTPUT_FH] iau_offset: @[IAU_OFFSET] diff --git a/tests/parm/model_configure_atmaq.IN b/tests/parm/model_configure_atmaq.IN index b4ce5b3acf..f28f81da55 100644 --- a/tests/parm/model_configure_atmaq.IN +++ b/tests/parm/model_configure_atmaq.IN @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ dt_atmos: @[DT_ATMOS] restart_interval: @[RESTART_INTERVAL] write_dopost: @[WRITE_DOPOST] ideflate: @[IDEFLATE] -nbits: @[NBITS] +quantize_mode: 'quantize_bitround' +quantize_nsd: @[QUANTIZE_NSD] quilting: @[QUILTING] write_groups: @[WRITE_GROUP] @@ -18,7 +19,6 @@ num_files: @[NUM_FILES] filename_base: @[FILENAME_BASE] output_file: @[OUTPUT_FILE] output_fh: @[OUTPUT_FH] -nsout: @[NSOUT] output_grid: @[OUTPUT_GRID] cen_lon: @[CEN_LON] diff --git a/tests/parm/model_configure_fhout.IN b/tests/parm/model_configure_fhout.IN deleted file mode 100644 index 8c4de33e45..0000000000 --- a/tests/parm/model_configure_fhout.IN +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -PE_MEMBER01: @[TASKS] -start_year: @[SYEAR] -start_month: @[SMONTH] -start_day: @[SDAY] -start_hour: @[SHOUR] -start_minute: 0 -start_second: 0 -nhours_fcst: @[FHMAX] - -dt_atmos: @[DT_ATMOS] -restart_interval: @[RESTART_INTERVAL] -fhrot: @[FHROT] -output_1st_tstep_rst: .false. - -quilting: @[QUILTING] -write_groups: @[WRITE_GROUP] -write_tasks_per_group: @[WRTTASK_PER_GROUP] -output_history: @[OUTPUT_HISTORY] -write_dopost: @[WRITE_DOPOST] -num_files: @[NUM_FILES] -filename_base: @[FILENAME_BASE] -output_grid: @[OUTPUT_GRID] -output_file: @[OUTPUT_FILE] -ideflate: @[IDEFLATE] -nbits: @[NBITS] -imo: @[IMO] -jmo: @[JMO] - -nfhout: @[NFHOUT] -nfhmax_hf: @[NFHMAX_HF] -nfhout_hf: @[NFHOUT_HF] -nsout: -1 -iau_offset: @[IAU_OFFSET] diff --git a/tests/parm/model_configure_fire.IN b/tests/parm/model_configure_fire.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..61fe2986a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/model_configure_fire.IN @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +start_year: @[SYEAR] +start_month: @[SMONTH] +start_day: @[SDAY] +start_hour: @[SHOUR] +start_minute: 0 +start_second: 0 +nhours_fcst: @[FHMAX] +fhrot: 0 +RUN_CONTINUE: .false. +ENS_SPS: .false. +dt_atmos: @[DT_ATMOS] +calendar: 'julian' +memuse_verbose: .false. +restart_interval: @[RESTART_INTERVAL] +output_1st_tstep_rst: .false. +write_dopost: @[WRITE_DOPOST] +ideflate: @[IDEFLATE] +nbits: 0 +ichunk2d: -1 +jchunk2d: -1 +ichunk3d: -1 +jchunk3d: -1 +kchunk3d: -1 +itasks: 1 +quilting: @[QUILTING] + +# +# Write-component (quilting) computational parameters. +# +write_groups: @[WRITE_GROUP] +write_tasks_per_group: @[WRTTASK_PER_GROUP] +num_files: @[NUM_FILES] +filename_base: @[FILENAME_BASE] +output_file: @[OUTPUT_FILE] +# +# Write-component output frequency parameter definitions: +# +# output_fh: Output frequency in hours. +# nsout: Output frequency in time steps (positive values override "output_fh"). +# +output_fh: @[OUTPUT_FH] +nsout: -1 +# +# Coordinate system used by the output grid. +# +output_grid: @[OUTPUT_GRID] +# +# Parameter definitions for an output grid of type "lambert_conformal": +# +# cen_lon: Longitude of center of grid (degrees). +# cen_lat: Latitude of center of grid (degrees). +# stdlat1: Latitude of first standard parallel (degrees). +# stdlat2: Latitude of second standard parallel (degrees). +# nx: Number of grid cells along x-axis in Lambert conformal (x,y) plane. +# ny: Number of grid cells along y-axis in Lambert conformal (x,y) plane. +# lon1: Longitude of center of grid cell at bottom-left corner of grid (degrees). +# lat1: Latitude of center of grid cell at bottom-left corner of grid (degrees). +# dx: Grid cell size in x direction (meters). +# dy: Grid cell size in y direction (meters). +# +cen_lon: @[CEN_LON] +cen_lat: @[CEN_LAT] +stdlat1: @[STDLAT1] +stdlat2: @[STDLAT2] +nx: @[NX] +ny: @[NY] +lon1: @[LON1] +lat1: @[LAT1] +dx: @[DX] +dy: @[DY] + diff --git a/tests/parm/model_configure_gnv1.IN b/tests/parm/model_configure_gnv1.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55d10df6d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/model_configure_gnv1.IN @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +start_year: @[SYEAR] +start_month: @[SMONTH] +start_day: @[SDAY] +start_hour: @[SHOUR] +start_minute: 0 +start_second: 0 +nhours_fcst: @[FHMAX] +fhrot: @[FHROT] + +dt_atmos: @[DT_ATMOS] +restart_interval: @[RESTART_INTERVAL] + +quilting: @[QUILTING] +quilting_restart: @[QUILTING_RESTART] +write_groups: @[WRITE_GROUP] +write_tasks_per_group: @[WRTTASK_PER_GROUP] +itasks: @[ITASKS] +output_history: @[OUTPUT_HISTORY] +history_file_on_native_grid: @[HISTORY_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] +write_dopost: @[WRITE_DOPOST] +write_nsflip: @[WRITE_NSFLIP] +num_files: @[NUM_FILES] +filename_base: @[FILENAME_BASE] +output_grid: @[OUTPUT_GRID] +output_file: @[OUTPUT_FILE] +zstandard_level: @[ZSTANDARD_LEVEL] +ideflate: @[IDEFLATE] +quantize_mode: 'quantize_bitround' +quantize_nsd: @[QUANTIZE_NSD] +ichunk2d: @[ICHUNK2D] +jchunk2d: @[JCHUNK2D] +ichunk3d: @[ICHUNK3D] +jchunk3d: @[JCHUNK3D] +kchunk3d: @[KCHUNK3D] +imo: @[IMO] +jmo: @[JMO] +output_fh: @[OUTPUT_FH] +iau_offset: @[IAU_OFFSET] + +# Output settings for the nest. + +output_grid: @[OUTPUT_GRID_2] +imo: @[IMO_2] +jmo: @[JMO_2] +cen_lon: @[CEN_LON_2] +cen_lat: @[CEN_LAT_2] +lon1: @[LON1_2] +lat1: @[LAT1_2] +lon2: @[LON2_2] +lat2: @[LAT2_2] +dlon: @[DLON_2] +dlat: @[DLAT_2] + diff --git a/tests/parm/model_configure_hafs.IN b/tests/parm/model_configure_hafs.IN index 1a06e96e63..5408507b7e 100644 --- a/tests/parm/model_configure_hafs.IN +++ b/tests/parm/model_configure_hafs.IN @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ start_second: 0 nhours_fcst: @[FHMAX] dt_atmos: @[DT_ATMOS] restart_interval: @[RESTART_INTERVAL] -output_1st_tstep_rst: .false. quilting: @[QUILTING] +quilting_restart: @[QUILTING_RESTART] write_groups: @[WRITE_GROUP] write_tasks_per_group: @[WRTTASK_PER_GROUP] num_files: @[NUM_FILES] @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ ichunk3d: -1 jchunk3d: -1 kchunk3d: -1 ideflate: @[IDEFLATE] -nbits: @[NBITS] +quantize_mode: 'quantize_bitround' +quantize_nsd: @[QUANTIZE_NSD] output_grid: @[OUTPUT_GRID] # gaussian_grid, global_latlon, regional_latlon[_moving], rotated_latlon[_moving], lambert_conformal, cubed_sphere_grid imo: @[IMO] # number of grid points along longitude/latitude direction @@ -138,10 +139,6 @@ dx: @[DX_6] dy: @[DY_6] -nfhout: @[NFHOUT] # Output frequency in hours after forecast hour nfhmax_hf -nfhmax_hf: @[NFHMAX_HF] # Number of forecast hours until output frequency nfhout takes affect -nfhout_hf: @[NFHOUT_HF] # Output frequency in hours until forecast hour nfhmax_hf -nsout: @[NSOUT] # Output frequency in time steps (positive values override nfhout and nfhout_hf) output_fh: @[OUTPUT_FH] # Output forecast hours controlled by output_fh (see notes below) # a) An array of output_fh means to output history files at those forecast time (e.g., "output_fh: 0 1 2 3 12 24 48") # If the first elelment is zero, it means the first time step output diff --git a/tests/parm/model_configure_regional.IN b/tests/parm/model_configure_regional.IN index a46a9a4ef7..a2180d2eae 100644 --- a/tests/parm/model_configure_regional.IN +++ b/tests/parm/model_configure_regional.IN @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ cpl: .false. write_dopost: @[WRITE_DOPOST] output_history: .true. quilting: @[QUILTING] +quilting_restat: @[QUILTING_RESTART] write_groups: 1 write_tasks_per_group: 10 num_files: 2 @@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ filename_base: 'dyn''phy' output_file: @[OUTPUT_FILE] write_nemsioflip: .false. write_fsyncflag: .false. +zstandard_level: @[ZSTANDARD_LEVEL] ideflate: @[IDEFLATE] nbits: 0 ichunk2d: -1 @@ -51,4 +53,3 @@ dy: 3000.0 #dlat: 0.025 output_fh: @[OUTPUT_FH] -nsout: -1 diff --git a/tests/parm/model_configure_regional_rrfs_a.IN b/tests/parm/model_configure_regional_rrfs_a.IN index d553ba6fef..bfe5b89802 100644 --- a/tests/parm/model_configure_regional_rrfs_a.IN +++ b/tests/parm/model_configure_regional_rrfs_a.IN @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ nhours_fcst: @[FHMAX] dt_atmos: 60 cpl: .false. restart_interval: @[RESTART_INTERVAL] -output_1st_tstep_rst: .false. quilting: @[QUILTING] @@ -21,26 +20,9 @@ num_files: 2 filename_base: 'dyn''phy' output_file: 'netcdf' write_nemsioflip: .false. -# -# Write-component output frequency parameter definitions: -# -# nfhout: -# Output frequency in hours after forecast hour "nfhmax_hf". -# -# nfhmax_hf: -# Number of forecast hours until output frequency "nfhout" takes affect. -# -# nfhout_hf: -# Output frequency in hours until forecast hour "nfhmax_hf". -# -# nsout: -# Output frequency in time steps (positive values override "nfhout" and -# "nfhout_hf"). -# -nfhout: 1 -nfhmax_hf: 60 -nfhout_hf: 1 -nsout: 0 + +output_fh: 1 -1 + # # Coordinate system used by the output grid. # diff --git a/tests/parm/model_configure_regional_stoch.IN b/tests/parm/model_configure_regional_stoch.IN index 77ccf60c3a..64928e436f 100644 --- a/tests/parm/model_configure_regional_stoch.IN +++ b/tests/parm/model_configure_regional_stoch.IN @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ fhrot: @[FHROT] dt_atmos: 36 restart_interval: @[RESTART_INTERVAL] -output_1st_tstep_rst: .false. quilting: @[QUILTING] write_groups: 1 @@ -32,6 +31,5 @@ lon1: -109.97410429 lat1: 26.31459843 dx: 3000.0 dy: 3000.0 - + output_fh: @[OUTPUT_FH] -nsout: -1 diff --git a/tests/parm/model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN b/tests/parm/model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN index 5be098edfb..792afa352f 100644 --- a/tests/parm/model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN +++ b/tests/parm/model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ fhrot: @[FHROT] dt_atmos: @[DT_ATMOS] restart_interval: @[RESTART_INTERVAL] -output_1st_tstep_rst: .false. quilting: @[QUILTING] +quilting_restart: @[QUILTING_RESTART] write_groups: @[WRITE_GROUP] write_tasks_per_group: @[WRTTASK_PER_GROUP] output_history: @[OUTPUT_HISTORY] @@ -20,33 +20,15 @@ num_files: @[NUM_FILES] filename_base: @[FILENAME_BASE] output_file: @[OUTPUT_FILE] ideflate: @[IDEFLATE] -nbits: @[NBITS] +quantize_mode: 'quantize_bitround' +quantize_nsd: @[QUANTIZE_NSD] ichunk3d: @[ICHUNK3D] jchunk3d: @[JCHUNK3D] kchunk3d: @[KCHUNK3D] imo: @[IMO] jmo: @[JMO] -# -# Write-component output frequency parameter definitions: -# -# nfhout: -# Output frequency in hours after forecast hour "nfhmax_hf". -# -# nfhmax_hf: -# Number of forecast hours until output frequency "nfhout" takes affect. -# -# nfhout_hf: -# Output frequency in hours until forecast hour "nfhmax_hf". -# -# nsout: -# Output frequency in time steps (positive values override "nfhout" and -# "nfhout_hf"). -# -nfhout: 1 -nfhmax_hf: 60 -nfhout_hf: 1 -nsout: -1 +output_fh: 1 -1 # # Coordinate system used by the output grid. diff --git a/tests/parm/namelist.fire.IN b/tests/parm/namelist.fire.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa9a71ceaa --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/namelist.fire.IN @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +&atm + interval_atm = @[DT_ATMOS] + kde = @[NPZP] +/ + +&fire + fire_atm_feedback = @[fire_atm_feedback] + fire_ignition_end_lat1 = @[fire_ignition_end_lat1] + fire_ignition_end_lon1 = @[fire_ignition_end_lon1] + fire_ignition_end_time1 = @[fire_ignition_end_time1] + fire_ignition_radius1 = @[fire_ignition_radius1] + fire_ignition_ros1 = @[fire_ignition_ros1] + fire_ignition_start_lat1 = @[fire_ignition_start_lat1] + fire_ignition_start_lon1 = @[fire_ignition_start_lon1] + fire_ignition_start_time1 = @[fire_ignition_start_time1] + fire_lsm_zcoupling = @[fire_lsm_zcoupling] + fire_lsm_zcoupling_ref = @[fire_lsm_zcoupling_ref] + fire_num_ignitions = @[fire_num_ignitions] + fire_print_msg = @[fire_print_msg] + fire_upwinding = @[fire_upwinding] + fire_viscosity = @[fire_viscosity] + fire_wind_height = @[fire_wind_height] +/ + +&time + dt = @[DT_FIRE] + end_day = @[EDAY] + end_hour = @[EHOUR] + end_minute = 0 + end_month = @[EMONTH] + end_second = 0 + end_year = @[EYEAR] + interval_output = @[OUTPUT_FS] + start_day = @[SDAY] + start_hour = @[SHOUR] + start_minute = 0 + start_month = @[SMONTH] + start_second = 0 + start_year = @[SYEAR] +/ diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.atm.IN b/tests/parm/nems.configure.atm.IN deleted file mode 100644 index d98d6119e3..0000000000 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.atm.IN +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ - logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI - EARTH_component_list: ATM - ATM_model: @[atm_model] - ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] - runSeq:: - ATM - :: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN b/tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN deleted file mode 100644 index 3517a12a84..0000000000 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ - logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI - - EARTH_component_list: ATM - - ATM_model: @[atm_model] - ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] - ATM_attributes:: - :: - - runSeq:: - ATM - :: - - DRIVER_attributes:: - :: - - ALLCOMP_attributes:: - :: diff --git a/tests/parm/noahmptable.tbl b/tests/parm/noahmptable.tbl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..44531919ed --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/noahmptable.tbl @@ -0,0 +1,782 @@ +&noahmp_usgs_veg_categories + veg_dataset_description = "usgs" + nveg = 27 +/ +&noahmp_usgs_parameters + ! nveg = 27 + ! 1: urban and built-up land + ! 2: dryland cropland and pasture + ! 3: irrigated cropland and pasture + ! 4: mixed dryland/irrigated cropland and pasture + ! 5: cropland/grassland mosaic + ! 6: cropland/woodland mosaic + ! 7: grassland + ! 8: shrubland + ! 9: mixed shrubland/grassland + ! 10: savanna + ! 11: deciduous broadleaf forest + ! 12: deciduous needleleaf forest + ! 13: evergreen broadleaf forest + ! 14: evergreen needleleaf forest + ! 15: mixed forest + ! 16: water bodies + ! 17: herbaceous wetland + ! 18: wooded wetland + ! 19: barren or sparsely vegetated + ! 20: herbaceous tundra + ! 21: wooded tundra + ! 22: mixed tundra + ! 23: bare ground tundra + ! 24: snow or ice + ! 25: playa + ! 26: lava + ! 27: white sand + + isurban = 1 + iswater = 16 + isbarren = 19 + isice = 24 + iscrop = 2 + eblforest = 13 + natural = 5 + lcz_1 = 31 + lcz_2 = 32 + lcz_3 = 33 + lcz_4 = 34 + lcz_5 = 35 + lcz_6 = 36 + lcz_7 = 37 + lcz_8 = 38 + lcz_9 = 39 + lcz_10 = 40 + lcz_11 = 41 + + !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 + !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ch2op = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, + dleaf = 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, + z0mvt = 1.00, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.14, 0.50, 0.12, 0.06, 0.09, 0.50, 0.80, 0.85, 1.10, 1.09, 0.80, 0.00, 0.12, 0.50, 0.00, 0.10, 0.30, 0.20, 0.03, 0.00, 0.01, 0.00, 0.00, + hvt = 15.0, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 1.50, 8.00, 1.00, 1.10, 1.10, 10.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0, 20.0, 16.0, 0.00, 0.50, 10.0, 0.00, 0.50, 4.00, 2.00, 0.50, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00, + hvb = 1.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.15, 0.05, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 11.5, 7.00, 8.00, 8.50, 10.0, 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00, + z0mhvt= 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.00, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.00, 0.05, 0.00, 0.00, + den = 0.01, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 100., 10.0, 10.0, 0.02, 0.10, 0.28, 0.02, 0.28, 0.10, 0.01, 10.0, 0.10, 0.01, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, + rc = 1.00, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.03, 0.12, 0.12, 3.00, 1.40, 1.20, 3.60, 1.20, 1.40, 0.01, 0.10, 1.40, 0.01, 0.30, 0.30, 0.30, 0.30, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, +!mfsno = 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, +! c. he 12/17/2020: optimized mfsno values dependent on land type based on evaluation with snotel swe and modis scf, surface albedo + mfsno = 4.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 4.00, 4.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.50, 3.50, 3.50, 3.50, 2.50, 3.50, 3.50, 3.50, +! c. he 12/17/2020: optimized snow cover factor (m) in scf formulation to replace original constant 2.5*z0,z0=0.002m, based on evaluation with snotel swe and modis scf, surface albedo + scffac= 0.042, 0.014, 0.014, 0.014, 0.026, 0.026, 0.020, 0.018, 0.016, 0.020, 0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 0.030, 0.020, 0.020, 0.016, 0.030, 0.030, 0.030, 0.030, 0.030, 0.030, 0.030, 0.030, + cbiom = 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, + + ! row 1: vis + ! row 2: near ir + rhol_vis=0.00, 0.11, 0.11, 0.11, 0.11, 0.11, 0.11, 0.07, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.07, 0.10, 0.07, 0.10, 0.00, 0.11, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00, + rhol_nir=0.00, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.35, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.35, 0.45, 0.35, 0.45, 0.00, 0.58, 0.45, 0.00, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.00, 0.45, 0.00, 0.00, + + ! row 1: vis + ! row 2: near ir + rhos_vis=0.00, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.00, 0.36, 0.16, 0.00, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.00, 0.16, 0.00, 0.00, + rhos_nir=0.00, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.58, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.00, 0.58, 0.39, 0.00, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.00, 0.39, 0.00, 0.00, + + ! row 1: vis + ! row 2: near ir + taul_vis=0.00, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.00, 0.07, 0.05, 0.00, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.00, 0.05, 0.00, 0.00, + taul_nir=0.00, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.10, 0.10, 0.25, 0.25, 0.10, 0.25, 0.10, 0.25, 0.00, 0.25, 0.25, 0.00, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.00, 0.25, 0.00, 0.00, + + ! row 1: vis + ! row 2: near ir + taus_vis=0.00, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.000, 0.220, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000, + taus_nir=0.00, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.000, 0.380, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000, + + xl = 0.000, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, -0.30, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.250, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.000, -0.30, 0.250, 0.250, 0.250, 0.000, 0.250, 0.000, 0.000, + ! make cwpvt vegetation dependent according to j. goudriaan, crop micrometeorology: a simulation study (simulation monographs), 1977). c. he, 12/17/2020 + cwpvt = 0.18, 1.67, 1.67, 1.67, 1.67, 0.5, 5.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.67, 0.18, 0.67, 0.18, 0.29, 0.18, 1.67, 0.67, 0.18, 1.67, 0.67, 1.00, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, + c3psn = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, + kc25 = 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, + akc = 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, + ko25 = 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, + ako = 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, + avcmx = 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, + aqe = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, + + ltovrc= 0.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.30, 0.50, 0.65, 0.70, 0.65, 0.55, 0.2, 0.55, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.4, 1.4, 0.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, + dilefc= 0.00, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.35, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.50, 0.50, 0.60, 1.80, 0.50, 1.20, 0.80, 0.00, 0.40, 0.40, 0.00, 0.40, 0.30, 0.40, 0.30, 0.00, 0.30, 0.00, 0.00, + dilefw= 0.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.10, 0.20, 0.20, 0.50, 0.20, 0.20, 4.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.00, 0.20, 0.00, 0.00, + rmf25 = 0.00, 1.00, 1.40, 1.45, 1.45, 1.45, 1.80, 0.26, 0.26, 0.80, 3.00, 4.00, 0.65, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, 3.20, 3.20, 0.00, 3.20, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, 3.00, 0.00, 0.00, + sla = 60, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 60, 60, 60, 50, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 0, 80, 80, 0, 80, 80, 80, 80, 0, 80, 0, 0, + fragr = 0.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.10, 0.20, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00, + tmin = 0, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 268, 273, 265, 268, 0, 268, 268, 0, 268, 268, 268, 268, 0, 268, 0, 0, + vcmx25= 0.00, 80.0, 80.0, 80.0, 60.0, 70.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 60.0, 60.0, 60.0, 50.0, 55.0, 0.00, 50.0, 50.0, 0.00, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0, 0.00, 50.0, 0.00, 0.00, + tdlef = 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 268, 278, 278, 268, 0, 268, 268, 0, 268, 268, 268, 268, 0, 268, 0, 0, + bp = 1.e15, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 1.e15, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 1.e15, 2.e3, 1.e15, 1.e15, + mp = 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 6., 9., 6., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., + qe25 = 0., 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.00, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.00, 0.06, 0.00, 0.00, + rms25 = 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.32, 0.10, 0.64, 0.30, 0.90, 0.80, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, + rmr25 = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.20, 0.00, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 0.05, 0.05, 0.36, 0.03, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 2.11, 2.11, 2.11, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, + arm = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, + folnmx= 0.00, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.00, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.00, 1.5, 0.00, 0.00, + wdpool= 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, + wrrat = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 0.00, 0.00, 30.0, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, + mrp = 0.00, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.17, 0.19, 0.19, 0.40, 0.40, 0.37, 0.23, 0.37, 0.30, 0.00, 0.17, 0.40, 0.00, 0.17, 0.23, 0.20, 0.00, 0.00, 0.20, 0.00, 0.00, + nroot = 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, + rgl = 999.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 65.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 65.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 100.0, 30.0, 999.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 999.0, 100.0, 999.0, 999.0, + rs = 200.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 70.0, 40.0, 300.0, 170.0, 70.0, 100.0, 150.0, 150.0, 125.0, 125.0, 100.0, 40.0, 100.0, 999.0, 150.0, 150.0, 150.0, 200.0, 999.0, 40.0, 999.0, 999.0, + hs = 999.0, 36.25, 36.25, 36.25, 36.25, 44.14, 36.35, 42.00, 39.18, 54.53, 54.53, 47.35, 41.69, 47.35, 51.93, 51.75, 60.00, 51.93, 999.0, 42.00, 42.00, 42.00, 42.00, 999.0, 36.25, 999.0, 999.0, + topt = 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, + rsmax = 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., + rtovrc = 2.e-8,2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, + rswoodc= 3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10, + bf = 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, + wstrc = 100.0,100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, + laimin = 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, + xsamin = 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, + +! monthly values, one row for each month: + sai_jan = 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + sai_feb = 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + sai_mar = 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + sai_apr = 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + sai_may = 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + sai_jun = 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + sai_jul = 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 1.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + sai_aug = 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9, 1.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.0, 0.9, 0.9, 0.0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + sai_sep = 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.1, 0.8, 1.0, 1.3, 1.6, 1.0, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0, 0.0, 0.7, 1.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.8, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + sai_oct = 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8, 0.4, 0.7, 0.6, 0.7, 1.4, 0.8, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.8, 0.0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + sai_nov = 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.6, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + sai_dec = 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + + lai_jan = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 4.5, 4.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + lai_feb = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 4.5, 4.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + lai_mar = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.2, 0.6, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.0, 4.5, 4.0, 2.2, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 1.1, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + lai_apr = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1.2, 0.6, 4.5, 4.0, 2.6, 0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.0, 0.4, 1.3, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + lai_may = 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.4, 1.8, 3.0, 1.2, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 0.0, 1.1, 2.0, 0.0, 0.6, 1.7, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + lai_jun = 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.3, 3.0, 2.3, 2.6, 3.6, 4.7, 2.0, 4.5, 4.0, 4.3, 0.0, 2.5, 3.3, 0.0, 1.5, 2.1, 1.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + lai_jul = 0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.2, 3.7, 3.5, 2.3, 2.9, 3.8, 4.5, 2.6, 4.5, 4.0, 4.3, 0.0, 3.2, 3.7, 0.0, 1.7, 2.1, 1.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + lai_aug = 0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.2, 3.2, 1.5, 1.7, 1.6, 2.1, 3.4, 1.7, 4.5, 4.0, 3.7, 0.0, 2.2, 3.2, 0.0, 0.8, 1.8, 1.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + lai_sep = 0.0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.1, 1.3, 0.7, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9, 1.2, 1.0, 4.5, 4.0, 2.6, 0.0, 1.1, 1.3, 0.0, 0.4, 1.3, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + lai_oct = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.2, 0.6, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.5, 4.5, 4.0, 2.2, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 1.1, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + lai_nov = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.2, 4.5, 4.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + lai_dec = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 4.5, 4.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +! five types, one row for each type (bvoc currently not active). + eps1 = 41.87, 0.00, 0.00, 2.52, 0.04, 17.11, 0.02, 21.62, 0.11, 22.80, 46.86, 0.00, 0.00, 0.46, 30.98, 2.31, 1.63, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + eps2 = 0.98, 0.00, 0.00, 0.16, 0.09, 0.28, 0.05, 0.92, 0.22, 0.59, 0.38, 0.00, 0.00, 3.34, 0.96, 1.47, 1.07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + eps3 = 1.82, 0.00, 0.00, 0.23, 0.05, 0.81, 0.03, 1.73, 1.26, 1.37, 1.84, 0.00, 0.00, 1.85, 1.84, 1.70, 1.21, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + eps4 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + eps5 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +/ + +&noahmp_modis_veg_categories + veg_dataset_description = "modified igbp modis noah" + nveg = 20 +/ + +&noahmp_modis_parameters +! 1 'evergreen needleleaf forest' -> usgs 14 +! 2, 'evergreen broadleaf forest' -> usgs 13 +! 3, 'deciduous needleleaf forest' -> usgs 12 +! 4, 'deciduous broadleaf forest' -> usgs 11 +! 5, 'mixed forests' -> usgs 15 +! 6, 'closed shrublands' -> usgs 8 "shrubland" +! 7, 'open shrublands' -> usgs 9 "shrubland/grassland" +! 8, 'woody savannas' -> usgs 8 "shrubland" +! 9, 'savannas' -> usgs 10 +! 10, 'grasslands' -> usgs 7 +! 11 'permanent wetlands' -> avg of usgs 17 and 18 (herb. wooded wetland) +! 12, 'croplands' -> usgs 2 "dryland cropland" +! 13, 'urban and built-up' -> usgs 1 +! 14 'cropland/natural vegetation mosaic' -> usgs 5 "cropland/grassland" +! 15, 'snow and ice' -> usgs 24 +! 16, 'barren or sparsely vegetated' -> usgs 19 +! 17, 'water' -> usgs 16 +! 18, 'wooded tundra' -> usgs 21 +! 19, 'mixed tundra' -> usgs 22 +! 20, 'barren tundra' -> usgs 23 + + isurban = 13 + iswater = 17 + isbarren = 16 + isice = 15 + iscrop = 12 + eblforest = 2 + natural = 14 + lcz_1 = 31 + lcz_2 = 32 + lcz_3 = 33 + lcz_4 = 34 + lcz_5 = 35 + lcz_6 = 36 + lcz_7 = 37 + lcz_8 = 38 + lcz_9 = 39 + lcz_10 = 40 + lcz_11 = 41 + !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 + !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ch2op = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, + dleaf = 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, + z0mvt = 1.00, 1.50, 0.75, 0.90, 0.85, 0.20, 0.10, 0.90, 0.60, 0.20, 0.30, 0.25, 1.00, 0.25, 0.00, 0.015, 0.00, 0.30, 0.10, 0.05, + hvt = 20.0, 20.0, 18.0, 16.0, 16.0, 1.10, 1.10, 13.0, 10.0, 1.00, 5.00, 2.00, 15.0, 1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 4.00, 2.00, 0.50, + hvb = 8.50, 8.00, 7.00, 11.5, 10.0, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.05, 0.10, 0.10, 1.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.30, 0.20, 0.10, + z0mhvt= 0.0545, 0.055, 0.047, 0.050, 0.050, 0.182, 0.0545, 0.046, 0.050, 0.120, 0.060, 0.075, 0.067, 0.093, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.075, 0.100, 0.060, + den = 0.28, 0.02, 0.28, 0.10, 0.10, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.02, 100., 5.05, 25.0, 0.01, 25.0, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, + rc = 1.20, 3.60, 1.20, 1.40, 1.40, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 3.00, 0.03, 0.75, 0.08, 1.00, 0.08, 0.00, 0.01, 0.01, 0.30, 0.30, 0.30, +!mfsno = 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, +! c. he 12/17/2020: optimized mfsno values dependent on land type based on evaluation with snotel swe and modis scf, surface albedo + mfsno = 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 3.00, 3.00, 4.00, 4.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.00, 3.50, 3.50, 3.50, +!mfsno = 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, 1.97, +! c. he 12/17/2020: optimized snow cover factor (m) in scf formulation to replace original constant 2.5*z0,z0=0.002m, based on evaluation with snotel swe and modis scf, surface albedo +! scffac = 0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 0.016, 0.016, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.020, 0.014, 0.042, 0.026, 0.030, 0.016, 0.030, 0.030, 0.030, 0.030, + scffac = 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.008, 0.008, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.007, 0.021, 0.013, 0.015, 0.008, 0.015, 0.015, 0.015, 0.015, +! scffac = 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, 0.059, + cbiom = 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, + + ! row 1: vis + ! row 2: near ir + rhol_vis=0.07, 0.10, 0.07, 0.10, 0.10, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.10, 0.11, 0.105, 0.11, 0.00, 0.11, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, + rhol_nir=0.35, 0.45, 0.35, 0.45, 0.45, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.45, 0.35, 0.515, 0.35, 0.00, 0.35, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, + + ! row 1: vis + ! row 2: near ir + rhos_vis=0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.31, 0.26, 0.31, 0.00, 0.31, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, + rhos_nir=0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, 0.53, 0.485, 0.53, 0.00, 0.53, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.39, 0.39, 0.39, + + ! row 1: vis + ! row 2: near ir + taul_vis=0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.06, 0.05, 0.00, 0.05, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, + taul_nir=0.10, 0.25, 0.10, 0.25, 0.25, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.25, 0.34, 0.25, 0.34, 0.00, 0.34, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, + + ! row 1: vis + ! row 2: near ir + taus_vis=0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.120, 0.1105, 0.120, 0.000, 0.120, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, + taus_nir=0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.250, 0.1905, 0.250, 0.000, 0.250, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, + + xl = 0.010, 0.10, 0.010, 0.250, 0.250, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, 0.010, -0.30, -0.025, -0.30, 0.000, -0.30, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.250, 0.250, 0.250, +! make cwpvt vegetation dependent according to j. goudriaan, crop micrometeorology: a simulation study (simulation monographs), 1977). c. he, 12/17/2020 +! cwpvt = 0.18, 0.67, 0.18, 0.67, 0.29, 1.0, 2.0, 1.3, 1.0, 5.0, 1.17, 1.67, 1.67, 1.67, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.67, 1.0, 0.18, + cwpvt = 0.09, 0.335, 0.09, 0.335, 0.145, 0.5, 1.0, 0.65, 0.5, 2.5, 0.585, 0.835, 0.835, 0.835, 0.09, 0.09, 0.09, 0.335, 0.5, 0.09, + c3psn = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, + kc25 = 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, + akc = 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, + ko25 = 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, + ako = 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, + avcmx = 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, + aqe = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, + + ltovrc= 0.5, 0.55, 0.2, 0.55, 0.5, 0.65, 0.65, 0.65, 0.65, 0.50, 1.4, 1.6, 0.0, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.3, 1.4, 1.0, + dilefc= 1.20, 0.50, 1.80, 0.60, 0.80, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.50, 0.20, 0.4, 0.50, 0.00, 0.35, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.30, 0.40, 0.30, + dilefw= 0.20, 4.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.50, 0.10, 0.2, 0.20, 0.00, 0.20, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, + rmf25 = 3.00, 0.65, 4.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26, 0.80, 1.80, 3.2, 1.00, 0.00, 1.45, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, + sla = 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 60, 60, 60, 50, 60, 80, 80, 60, 80, 0, 0, 0, 80, 80, 80, + fragr = 0.10, 0.20, 0.10, 0.20, 0.10, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.1, 0.20, 0.00, 0.20, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, + tmin = 265, 273, 268, 273, 268, 273, 273, 273, 273, 273, 268, 273, 0, 273, 0, 0, 0, 268, 268, 268, + vcmx25= 50.0, 60.0, 60.0, 60.0, 55.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 50.0, 80.0, 0.00, 60.0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0, + tdlef = 278, 278, 268, 278, 268, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 268, 278, 278, 278, 0, 0, 0, 268, 268, 268, + bp = 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, 1.e15, 2.e3, 1.e15, 2.e3, 1.e15, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, + mp = 6., 9., 6., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., + qe25 = 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.00, 0.06, 0.00, 0.06, 0.00, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, + rms25 = 0.90, 0.30, 0.64, 0.10, 0.80, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.32, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.10, 0.10, 0.00, + rmr25 = 0.36, 0.05, 0.05, 0.01, 0.03, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.01, 1.20, 0.0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 2.11, 2.11, 0.00, + arm = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, + folnmx= 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.00, 1.5, 0.00, 1.5, 0.00, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, + wdpool= 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.5, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00, + wrrat = 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, 15.0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, + mrp = 0.37, 0.23, 0.37, 0.40, 0.30, 0.19, 0.19, 0.19, 0.40, 0.17, 0.285, 0.23, 0.00, 0.23, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.23, 0.20, 0.00, + nroot = 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0, 3, 3, 2, + rgl = 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 65.0, 100.0, 65.0, 100.0, 999.0, 100.0, 999.0, 999.0, 30.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, + rs = 125.0, 150.0, 150.0, 100.0, 125.0, 300.0, 170.0, 300.0, 70.0, 40.0, 70.0, 40.0, 200.0, 40.0, 999.0, 999.0, 100.0, 150.0, 150.0, 200.0, + hs = 47.35, 41.69, 47.35, 54.53, 51.93, 42.00, 39.18, 42.00, 54.53, 36.35, 55.97, 36.25, 999.0, 36.25, 999.0, 999.0, 51.75, 42.00, 42.00, 42.00, + topt = 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, 298.0, + rsmax = 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., 5000., + rtovrc = 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, 2.e-8, + rswoodc= 3.e-10,3.e-10,3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, 3.e-10, + bf = 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, + wstrc = 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, + laimin = 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, + xsamin = 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, + +! monthly values, one row for each month: + sai_jan = 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, + sai_feb = 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, + sai_mar = 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, + sai_apr = 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, + sai_may = 0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, + sai_jun = 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, + sai_jul = 0.5, 0.5, 1.3, 0.9, 0.7, 0.6, 0.4, 0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.0, + sai_aug = 0.6, 0.5, 1.2, 1.2, 0.8, 0.9, 0.6, 1.2, 1.2, 1.3, 0.9, 0.5, 0.0, 0.9, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.0, + sai_sep = 0.6, 0.5, 1.0, 1.6, 1.0, 1.2, 0.8, 1.4, 1.3, 1.1, 0.9, 0.4, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.7, 0.0, + sai_oct = 0.7, 0.5, 0.8, 1.4, 1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 1.1, 0.7, 0.4, 0.6, 0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.5, 0.0, + sai_nov = 0.6, 0.5, 0.6, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, + sai_dec = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, + + lai_jan = 4.0, 4.5, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, + lai_feb = 4.0, 4.5, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, + lai_mar = 4.0, 4.5, 0.0, 0.3, 2.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.1, 0.7, 0.0, + lai_apr = 4.0, 4.5, 0.6, 1.2, 2.6, 0.9, 0.6, 1.0, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.3, 0.8, 0.0, + lai_may = 4.0, 4.5, 1.2, 3.0, 3.5, 2.2, 1.5, 2.4, 1.8, 1.2, 1.5, 1.0, 0.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.7, 1.2, 0.0, + lai_jun = 4.0, 4.5, 2.0, 4.7, 4.3, 3.5, 2.3, 4.1, 3.6, 3.0, 2.9, 2.0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.1, 1.8, 0.0, + lai_jul = 4.0, 4.5, 2.6, 4.5, 4.3, 3.5, 2.3, 4.1, 3.8, 3.5, 3.5, 3.0, 0.0, 3.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.1, 1.8, 0.0, + lai_aug = 4.0, 4.5, 1.7, 3.4, 3.7, 2.5, 1.7, 2.7, 2.1, 1.5, 2.7, 3.0, 0.0, 2.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.8, 1.3, 0.0, + lai_sep = 4.0, 4.5, 1.0, 1.2, 2.6, 0.9, 0.6, 1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 1.2, 1.5, 0.0, 1.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.3, 0.8, 0.0, + lai_oct = 4.0, 4.5, 0.5, 0.3, 2.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.1, 0.7, 0.0, + lai_nov = 4.0, 4.5, 0.2, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, + lai_dec = 4.0, 4.5, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.6, 0.0, + +! five types, one row for each type (bvoc currently not active). + eps1 = 0.46, 0.00, 0.00, 46.86, 30.98, 21.62, 0.11, 21.62, 22.80, 0.02, 0.815, 0.00, 41.87, 0.04, 0.0, 0.0, 2.31, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + eps2 = 3.34, 0.00, 0.00, 0.38, 0.96, 0.92, 0.22, 0.92, 0.59, 0.05, 0.535, 0.00, 0.98, 0.09, 0.0, 0.0, 1.47, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + eps3 = 1.85, 0.00, 0.00, 1.84, 1.84, 1.73, 1.26, 1.73, 1.37, 0.03, 0.605, 0.00, 1.82, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 1.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + eps4 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + eps5 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +/ + +&noahmp_rad_parameters + !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 soil color index for soil albedo + !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + albsat_vis = 0.21, 0.20, 0.18, 0.17, 0.16, 0.15, 0.14, 0.13, 0.13, 0.12, 0.11, 0.10, 0.10, 0.09, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.07, 0.07, 0.06 ! saturated soil albedos + albsat_nir = 0.42, 0.40, 0.36, 0.34, 0.32, 0.30, 0.28, 0.26, 0.26, 0.24, 0.22, 0.20, 0.20, 0.18, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.14, 0.14, 0.13 ! saturated soil albedos + albdry_vis = 0.31, 0.30, 0.28, 0.27, 0.26, 0.24, 0.23, 0.22, 0.22, 0.22, 0.20, 0.19, 0.20, 0.18, 0.16, 0.16, 0.16, 0.14, 0.14, 0.13 ! dry soil albedos + albdry_nir = 0.52, 0.50, 0.46, 0.44, 0.42, 0.40, 0.38, 0.37, 0.36, 0.34, 0.32, 0.30, 0.30, 0.28, 0.27, 0.27, 0.27, 0.26, 0.25, 0.25 ! dry soil albedos + albice = 0.80, 0.55 ! albedo land ice: 1=vis, 2=nir + alblak = 0.60, 0.40 ! albedo frozen lakes: 1=vis, 2=nir + omegas = 0.8 , 0.4 ! two-stream parameter omega for snow + betads = 0.5 ! two-stream parameter betad for snow + betais = 0.5 ! two-stream parameter betai for snow + eg = 0.97, 0.98 ! emissivity soil surface 1-soil;2-lake + eice = 0.98 ! emissivity ice surface +/ + +&noahmp_global_parameters + +! atmospheric constituants + + co2 = 395.e-06 !co2 partial pressure + o2 = 0.209 !o2 partial pressure + +! runoff parameters used for simtop and simgm: + + timean = 10.5 !gridcell mean topgraphic index (global mean) + fsatmx = 0.38 !maximum surface saturated fraction (global mean) + +! adjustable parameters for snow processes + + z0sno = 0.002 !snow surface roughness length (m) (0.002) + ssi = 0.03 !liquid water holding capacity for snowpack (m3/m3) (0.03) + snow_ret_fac = 5.e-5 !snowpack water release timescale factor (1/s) + snow_emis = 0.95 !snow emissivity (bring from hard-coded value of 1.0 to here) + swemx = 1.00 !new snow mass to fully cover old snow (mm) + !equivalent to 10mm depth (density = 100 kg/m3) + tau0 = 1.e6 !tau0 from yang97 eqn. 10a + grain_growth = 5000. !growth from vapor diffusion yang97 eqn. 10b + extra_growth = 10. !extra growth near freezing yang97 eqn. 10c + dirt_soot = 0.3 !dirt and soot term yang97 eqn. 10d + bats_cosz = 2.0 !zenith angle snow albedo adjustment; b in yang97 eqn. 15 + bats_vis_new = 0.95 !new snow visible albedo + bats_nir_new = 0.65 !new snow nir albedo + bats_vis_age = 0.2 !age factor for diffuse visible snow albedo yang97 eqn. 17 + bats_nir_age = 0.5 !age factor for diffuse nir snow albedo yang97 eqn. 18 + bats_vis_dir = 0.4 !cosz factor for direct visible snow albedo yang97 eqn. 15 + bats_nir_dir = 0.4 !cosz factor for direct nir snow albedo yang97 eqn. 16 + rsurf_snow = 50.0 !surface resistence for snow [s/m] + rsurf_exp = 5.0 !exponent in the shape parameter for soil resistance option 1 + c2_snowcompact = 21.e-3 !overburden snow compaction parameter (m3/kg) cenlin + c3_snowcompact = 2.5e-6 !snow desctructive metamorphism compaction parameter1 [1/s] cenlin + c4_snowcompact = 0.04 !snow desctructive metamorphism compaction parameter2 [1/k] cenlin + c5_snowcompact = 2.0 !snow desctructive metamorphism compaction parameter3 cenlin + dm_snowcompact = 100.0 !upper limit on destructive metamorphism compaction [kg/m3] cenlin + eta0_snowcompact = 0.8e+6 !snow viscosity coefficient [kg-s/m2], anderson1979: 0.52e6~1.38e6 cenlin + snliqmaxfrac = 0.4 !maximum liquid water fraction in snow cenlin + swemaxgla = 5000.0 ! maximum swe allowed at glaciers (mm) cenlin + wslmax = 5000.0 ! maximum lake water storage (mm) cenlin + rous = 0.20 ! specific yield [-] for niu et al. 2007 groundwater scheme (optrunoffsubsurface=1) + cmic = 0.20 ! microprore content (0.0-1.0), 0.0: close to free drainage + snowden_max = 120.0 ! maximum fresh snowfall density (kg/m3) + class_alb_ref = 0.55 ! reference snow albedo in class scheme + class_sno_age = 3600.0 ! snow aging e-folding time (s) in class albedo scheme + class_alb_new = 0.84 ! fresh snow albedo in class scheme + psiwlt = -150.0 !metric potential for wilting point (m) + z0soil = 0.015 ! bare-soil roughness length (m) (i.e., under the canopy) + z0lake = 0.01 ! lake surface roughness length (m) +/ + +&noahmp_irrigation_parameters +irr_frac = 0.10 ! irrigation fraction +irr_har = 20 ! number of days before harvest date to stop irrigation +irr_lai = 0.50 ! minimum lai to trigger irrigation +irr_mad = 0.60 ! management allowable deficit (0-1) +filoss = 0.10 ! fraction of flood irrigation loss (0-1) +sprir_rate = 6.40 ! mm/h, sprinkler irrigation rate +micir_rate = 1.38 ! mm/h, micro irrigation rate +firtfac = 1.00 ! flood application rate factor +ir_rain = 1.00 ! maximum precipitation [mm/hr] to stop irrigation trigger +/ + +&noahmp_crop_parameters + + ! ncrop = 5 + ! 1: corn + ! 2: soybean + ! 3: sorghum + ! 4: rice + ! 5: winter wheat + +default_crop = 0 ! the default crop type(1-5); if zero, use generic dynamic vegetation + +!---------------------------------------------------------- +! 1 2 3 4 5 +!---------------------------------------------------------- + +pltday = 111, 131, 111, 111, 111, ! planting date +hsday = 300, 280, 300, 300, 300, ! harvest date +plantpop = 78.0, 78.0, 78.0, 78.0, 78.0, ! plant density [per ha] - used? +gddtbase = 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, ! base temperature for gdd accumulation [c] +gddtcut = 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, ! upper temperature for gdd accumulation [c] +gdds1 = 50.0, 60.0, 50.0, 50.0, 50.0, ! gdd from seeding to emergence +gdds2 = 625.0, 675.0, 718.0, 718.0, 718.0, ! gdd from seeding to initial vegetative +gdds3 = 933.0, 1183.0, 933.0, 933.0, 933.0, ! gdd from seeding to post vegetative +gdds4 = 1103.0, 1253.0, 1103.0, 1103.0, 1103.0, ! gdd from seeding to intial reproductive +gdds5 = 1555.0, 1605.0, 1555.0, 1555.0, 1555.0, ! gdd from seeding to pysical maturity +c3psni = 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, ! transfer crop-specific photosynthetic parameters +kc25i = 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, ! zhe zhang +akci = 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, ! 2020-02-05 +ko25i = 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, 3.e4, ! +akoi = 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, ! +avcmxi = 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, 2.4, ! +vcmx25i = 60.0, 80.0, 60.0, 60.0, 55.0, ! +bpi = 4.e4, 1.e4, 2.e3, 2.e3, 2.e3, ! +mpi = 4., 9., 6., 9., 9., ! +folnmxi = 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, ! foliage nitrogen concentration when f(n)=1 (%) +qe25i = 0.05, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, ! +aref = 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, ! reference maximum co2 assimilation rate +psnrf = 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, ! co2 assimilation reduction factor(0-1) (caused by non-modeling part,e.g.pest,weeds) +i2par = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, ! fraction of incoming solar radiation to photosynthetically active radiation +tassim0 = 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, ! minimum temperature for co2 assimilation [c] +tassim1 = 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, ! co2 assimilation linearly increasing until temperature reaches t1 [c] +tassim2 = 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, 30.0, ! co2 assmilation rate remain at aref until temperature reaches t2 [c] +k = 0.55, 0.55, 0.55, 0.55, 0.55, ! light extinction coefficient +epsi = 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, ! initial light use efficiency + +q10mr = 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, ! q10 for maintainance respiration +lefreez = 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, ! characteristic t for leaf freezing [k] + +dile_fc_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! coeficient for temperature leaf stress death [1/s] +dile_fc_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! one row for each of 8 stages +dile_fc_s3 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +dile_fc_s4 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +dile_fc_s5 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, +dile_fc_s6 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, +dile_fc_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +dile_fc_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +dile_fw_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! coeficient for water leaf stress death [1/s] +dile_fw_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! one row for each of 8 stages +dile_fw_s3 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +dile_fw_s4 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +dile_fw_s5 = 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, +dile_fw_s6 = 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, +dile_fw_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +dile_fw_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +fra_gr = 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, ! fraction of growth respiration + +lf_ovrc_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! fraction of leaf turnover [1/s] +lf_ovrc_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! one row for each of 8 stages +lf_ovrc_s3 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +lf_ovrc_s4 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +lf_ovrc_s5 = 0.2, 0.2, 0.48, 0.48, 0.48, +lf_ovrc_s6 = 0.3, 0.3, 0.48, 0.48, 0.48, +lf_ovrc_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +lf_ovrc_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +st_ovrc_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! fraction of stem turnover [1/s] +st_ovrc_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! one row for each of 8 stages +st_ovrc_s3 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +st_ovrc_s4 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +st_ovrc_s5 = 0.2, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, +st_ovrc_s6 = 0.3, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, +st_ovrc_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +st_ovrc_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +rt_ovrc_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! fraction of root tunrover [1/s] +rt_ovrc_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! one row for each of 8 stages +rt_ovrc_s3 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +rt_ovrc_s4 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +rt_ovrc_s5 = 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, 0.12, +rt_ovrc_s6 = 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, +rt_ovrc_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +rt_ovrc_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +lfmr25 = 0.8, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, ! leaf maintenance respiration at 25c [umol co2/m**2 /s] +stmr25 = 0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, ! stem maintenance respiration at 25c [umol co2/kg bio/s] +rtmr25 = 0.05, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! root maintenance respiration at 25c [umol co2/kg bio/s] +grainmr25 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, ! grain maintenance respiration at 25c [umol co2/kg bio/s] + +lfpt_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! fraction of carbohydrate flux to leaf +lfpt_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! one row for each of 8 stages +lfpt_s3 = 0.36, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, +lfpt_s4 = 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, +lfpt_s5 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +lfpt_s6 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +lfpt_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +lfpt_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +stpt_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! fraction of carbohydrate flux to stem +stpt_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! one row for each of 8 stages +stpt_s3 = 0.24, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, +stpt_s4 = 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, +stpt_s5 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, +stpt_s6 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, +stpt_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +stpt_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +rtpt_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! fraction of carbohydrate flux to root +rtpt_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! one row for each of 8 stages +rtpt_s3 = 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, +rtpt_s4 = 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, +rtpt_s5 = 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, +rtpt_s6 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, +rtpt_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +rtpt_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +grainpt_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! fraction of carbohydrate flux to grain +grainpt_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! one row for each of 8 stages +grainpt_s3 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +grainpt_s4 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +grainpt_s5 = 0.95, 0.95, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, +grainpt_s6 = 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, +grainpt_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +grainpt_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +lfct_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! carbohydrate translocation +lfct_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +lfct_s3 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, +lfct_s4 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, +lfct_s5 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, +lfct_s6 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, +lfct_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +lfct_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +stct_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! carbohydrate translocation +stct_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +stct_s3 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, +stct_s4 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, +stct_s5 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, +stct_s6 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, +stct_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +stct_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +rtct_s1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ! carbohydrate translocation +rtct_s2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +rtct_s3 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, +rtct_s4 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, +rtct_s5 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, +rtct_s6 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, +rtct_s7 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, +rtct_s8 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, + +bio2lai = 0.015, 0.030, 0.015, 0.015, 0.015, ! leaf are per living leaf biomass [m^2/kg] + +/ + +&noahmp_tiledrain_parameters +!-----------------------------------! +! for simple drainage model ! +!-----------------------------------! +nsoiltype = 19 ! num_soil_types +drain_layer_opt = 4 + ! 0 - from one specified layer by td_depth, + ! 1 - from layers 1 & 2, + ! 2 - from layer layers 1, 2, and 3 + ! 3 - from layer 2 and 3 + ! 4 - from layer layers 3, 4 + ! 5 - from all the four layers +!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! +! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ! +!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! +tdsmc_fac = 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 1.25, 0.90, 1.0, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 0.90 ! corresponds to number of soil types soilparam.tbl +td_depth = 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ! depth of drain tube from the soil surface +td_dc = 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20., 20. ! drainage coefficient (mm d^-1) +!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! +! +!-------------------------------------! +! for hooghoudt tile drain model ! +!-------------------------------------! +!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +td_dcoef = 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07 ! m d^-1, drainage coefficent +td_d = 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 ! m, depth to impe layer from drain water level (d) +td_adepth = 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00 ! m, actual depth of imp layer from land surface +td_radi = 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 0.07 ! m, effective radius of drains (ro) +td_spac = 60.0, 55.0, 45.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 40.0, 16.0, 18.0, 50.0, 15.0, 10.0, 35.0, 10.0, 60.0, 60.0, 10.0, 60.0, 60.0 ! m, distance between two drain tubes or tiles (l) +td_ddrain = 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20, 1.20 ! m, depth of drain +klat_fac = 1.30, 1.80, 2.10, 2.60, 2.90, 2.50, 2.30, 3.00, 2.70, 2.00, 3.10, 3.30, 2.50, 1.00, 1.00, 1.80, 4.00, 1.00, 1.30 ! multiplication factor to lateral hyd.cond +!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +/ + +&noahmp_optional_parameters + + !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + ! saxton and rawls 2006 pedo-transfer function coefficients + !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + + sr2006_theta_1500t_a = -0.024 ! sand coefficient + sr2006_theta_1500t_b = 0.487 ! clay coefficient + sr2006_theta_1500t_c = 0.006 ! orgm coefficient + sr2006_theta_1500t_d = 0.005 ! sand*orgm coefficient + sr2006_theta_1500t_e = -0.013 ! clay*orgm coefficient + sr2006_theta_1500t_f = 0.068 ! sand*clay coefficient + sr2006_theta_1500t_g = 0.031 ! constant adjustment + + sr2006_theta_1500_a = 0.14 ! theta_1500t coefficient + sr2006_theta_1500_b = -0.02 ! constant adjustment + + sr2006_theta_33t_a = -0.251 ! sand coefficient + sr2006_theta_33t_b = 0.195 ! clay coefficient + sr2006_theta_33t_c = 0.011 ! orgm coefficient + sr2006_theta_33t_d = 0.006 ! sand*orgm coefficient + sr2006_theta_33t_e = -0.027 ! clay*orgm coefficient + sr2006_theta_33t_f = 0.452 ! sand*clay coefficient + sr2006_theta_33t_g = 0.299 ! constant adjustment + + sr2006_theta_33_a = 1.283 ! theta_33t*theta_33t coefficient + sr2006_theta_33_b = -0.374 ! theta_33t coefficient + sr2006_theta_33_c = -0.015 ! constant adjustment + + sr2006_theta_s33t_a = 0.278 ! sand coefficient + sr2006_theta_s33t_b = 0.034 ! clay coefficient + sr2006_theta_s33t_c = 0.022 ! orgm coefficient + sr2006_theta_s33t_d = -0.018 ! sand*orgm coefficient + sr2006_theta_s33t_e = -0.027 ! clay*orgm coefficient + sr2006_theta_s33t_f = -0.584 ! sand*clay coefficient + sr2006_theta_s33t_g = 0.078 ! constant adjustment + + sr2006_theta_s33_a = 0.636 ! theta_s33t coefficient + sr2006_theta_s33_b = -0.107 ! constant adjustment + + sr2006_psi_et_a = -21.67 ! sand coefficient + sr2006_psi_et_b = -27.93 ! clay coefficient + sr2006_psi_et_c = -81.97 ! theta_s33 coefficient + sr2006_psi_et_d = 71.12 ! sand*theta_s33 coefficient + sr2006_psi_et_e = 8.29 ! clay*theta_s33 coefficient + sr2006_psi_et_f = 14.05 ! sand*clay coefficient + sr2006_psi_et_g = 27.16 ! constant adjustment + + sr2006_psi_e_a = 0.02 ! psi_et*psi_et coefficient + sr2006_psi_e_b = -0.113 ! psi_et coefficient + sr2006_psi_e_c = -0.7 ! constant adjustment + + sr2006_smcmax_a = -0.097 ! sand adjustment + sr2006_smcmax_b = 0.043 ! constant adjustment + +/ + +&noahmp_general_parameters + !------------------------------------------------- + ! this part is originally from genparm.tbl + !------------------------------------------------- +slope_data = 0.1, 0.6, 1.0, 0.35, 0.55, 0.8, 0.63, 0.0, 0.0 ! slope factor for soil drainage (9 different slope types) +csoil_data = 2.00e+6 ! soil heat capacity [j m-3 k-1] +refdk_data = 2.0e-6 ! parameter in the surface runoff parameterization +refkdt_data = 3.0 ! parameter in the surface runoff parameterization +frzk_data = 0.15 ! frozen ground parameter +zbot_data = -8.0 ! depth [m] of lower boundary soil temperature +czil_data = 0.1 ! parameter used in the calculation of the roughness length for heat + +/ + +&noahmp_stas_soil_categories + sltype = "stas" ! "stas" or "stas_ruc" + slcats = 19 !num_soil_types +/ + +&noahmp_soil_stas_parameters +! 19 total soil types considered by noahmp +! 1: sand +! 2: loamy sand +! 3: sandy loam +! 4: silt loam +! 5: silt +! 6: loam +! 7: sandy clay loam +! 8: silty clay loam +! 9: clay loam +! 10: sandy clay +! 11: silty clay +! 12: clay +! 13: organic material +! 14: water +! 15: bedrock +! 16: other(land-ice) +! 17: playa +! 18: lava +! 19: white sand +!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! +! soil type: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ! +!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! + bb = 2.790, 4.260, 4.740, 5.330, 3.860, 5.250, 6.770, 8.720, 8.170, 10.730, 10.390, 11.550, 5.250, 0.000, 2.790, 4.260, 11.550, 2.790, 2.790 + drysmc = 0.010, 0.028, 0.047, 0.084, 0.061, 0.066, 0.069, 0.120, 0.103, 0.100, 0.126, 0.138, 0.066, 0.000, 0.006, 0.028, 0.030, 0.006, 0.010 + maxsmc = 0.339, 0.421, 0.434, 0.476, 0.484, 0.439, 0.404, 0.464, 0.465, 0.406, 0.468, 0.468, 0.439, 1.000, 0.200, 0.421, 0.468, 0.200, 0.339 + refsmc = 0.192, 0.283, 0.312, 0.360, 0.347, 0.329, 0.315, 0.387, 0.382, 0.338, 0.404, 0.412, 0.329, 0.000, 0.170, 0.283, 0.454, 0.170, 0.192 + satpsi = 0.069, 0.036, 0.141, 0.759, 0.955, 0.355, 0.135, 0.617, 0.263, 0.098, 0.324, 0.468, 0.355, 0.000, 0.069, 0.036, 0.468, 0.069, 0.069 + satdk = 4.66e-05, 1.41e-05, 5.23e-06, 2.81e-06, 2.18e-06, 3.38e-06, 4.45e-06, 2.03e-06, 2.45e-06, 7.22e-06, 1.34e-06, 9.74e-07, 3.38e-06, 0.00e+00, 1.41e-04, 1.41e-05, 9.74e-07, 1.41e-04, 4.66e-05 + satdw = 2.65e-05, 5.14e-06, 8.05e-06, 2.39e-05, 1.66e-05, 1.43e-05, 1.01e-05, 2.35e-05, 1.13e-05, 1.87e-05, 9.64e-06, 1.12e-05, 1.43e-05, 0.00e+00, 1.36e-04, 5.14e-06, 1.12e-05, 1.36e-04, 2.65e-05 + wltsmc = 0.010, 0.028, 0.047, 0.084, 0.061, 0.066, 0.069, 0.120, 0.103, 0.100, 0.126, 0.138, 0.066, 0.000, 0.006, 0.028, 0.030, 0.006, 0.010 + qtz = 0.920, 0.820, 0.600, 0.250, 0.100, 0.400, 0.600, 0.100, 0.350, 0.520, 0.100, 0.250, 0.050, 0.600, 0.070, 0.250, 0.600, 0.520, 0.920 + bvic = 0.050, 0.080, 0.090, 0.250, 0.150, 0.180, 0.200, 0.220, 0.230, 0.250, 0.280, 0.300, 0.260, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.350, 0.150 + axaj = 0.009, 0.010, 0.009, 0.010, 0.012, 0.013, 0.014, 0.015, 0.016, 0.015, 0.016, 0.017, 0.012, 0.001, 0.017, 0.017, 0.017, 0.015, 0.009 + bxaj = 0.050, 0.080, 0.090, 0.250, 0.150, 0.180, 0.200, 0.220, 0.230, 0.250, 0.280, 0.300, 0.260, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.350, 0.150 + xxaj = 0.050, 0.080, 0.090, 0.250, 0.150, 0.180, 0.200, 0.220, 0.230, 0.250, 0.280, 0.300, 0.260, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.350, 0.150 + bdvic = 0.050, 0.080, 0.090, 0.250, 0.150, 0.180, 0.200, 0.220, 0.230, 0.250, 0.280, 0.300, 0.260, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.350, 0.150 + bbvic = 1.000, 1.010, 1.020, 1.025, 1.000, 1.000, 1.032, 1.035, 1.040, 1.042, 1.045, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000 + gdvic = 0.050, 0.070, 0.130, 0.200, 0.170, 0.110, 0.260, 0.350, 0.260, 0.300, 0.380, 0.410, 0.500, 0.001, 0.010, 0.001, 0.001, 0.050, 0.020 + +/ + +&noahmp_soil_stas_ruc_parameters +! 19 total soil types considered by noahmp +! 1: sand +! 2: loamy sand +! 3: sandy loam +! 4: silt loam +! 5: silt +! 6: loam +! 7: sandy clay loam +! 8: silty clay loam +! 9: clay loam +! 10: sandy clay +! 11: silty clay +! 12: clay +! 13: organic material +! 14: water +! 15: bedrock +! 16: other(land-ice) +! 17: playa +! 18: lava +! 19: white sand +!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! +! soil type: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ! +!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! + bb = 4.050, 4.380, 4.900, 5.300, 5.300, 5.390, 7.120, 7.750, 5.390, 10.400, 10.400, 11.400, 5.390, 0.000, 4.050, 4.900, 11.400, 4.050, 4.050 + drysmc = 0.002, 0.035, 0.041, 0.034, 0.034, 0.050, 0.068, 0.060, 0.050, 0.070, 0.070, 0.068, 0.027, 0.000, 0.004, 0.065, 0.030, 0.006, 0.010 + hc = 1.470, 1.410, 1.340, 1.270, 1.270, 1.210, 1.180, 1.320, 1.210, 1.180, 1.150, 1.090, 1.210, 4.180, 2.030, 2.100, 1.410, 1.410, 1.470 + maxsmc = 0.395, 0.410, 0.435, 0.485, 0.485, 0.451, 0.420, 0.477, 0.451, 0.426, 0.492, 0.482, 0.451, 1.000, 0.200, 0.435, 0.468, 0.200, 0.339 + refsmc = 0.174, 0.179, 0.249, 0.369, 0.369, 0.314, 0.299, 0.357, 0.314, 0.316, 0.409, 0.400, 0.314, 1.000, 0.100, 0.249, 0.454, 0.170, 0.236 + satpsi = 0.121, 0.090, 0.218, 0.786, 0.786, 0.478, 0.299, 0.356, 0.478, 0.153, 0.490, 0.405, 0.478, 0.000, 0.121, 0.218, 0.468, 0.069, 0.069 + satdk = 1.76e-04, 1.56e-04, 3.47e-05, 7.20e-06, 7.20e-06, 6.95e-06, 6.30e-06, 1.70e-06, 6.95e-06, 2.17e-06, 1.03e-06, 1.28e-06, 6.95e-06, 0.00e+00, 1.41e-04, 3.47e-05, 9.74e-07, 1.41e-04, 1.76e-04 + satdw = 6.08e-07, 5.14e-06, 8.05e-06, 2.39e-05, 2.39e-05, 1.43e-05, 9.90e-06, 2.37e-05, 1.43e-05, 1.87e-05, 9.64e-06, 1.12e-05, 1.43e-05, 0.00e+00, 1.36e-04, 5.14e-06, 1.12e-05, 1.36e-04, 6.08e-07 + wltsmc = 0.033, 0.055, 0.095, 0.143, 0.143, 0.137, 0.148, 0.170, 0.137, 0.158, 0.190, 0.198, 0.117, 0.000, 0.006, 0.114, 0.030, 0.006, 0.060 + qtz = 0.920, 0.820, 0.600, 0.250, 0.100, 0.400, 0.600, 0.100, 0.400, 0.520, 0.100, 0.250, 0.050, 0.000, 0.600, 0.050, 0.600, 0.520, 0.920 + bvic = 0.050, 0.080, 0.090, 0.100, 0.150, 0.180, 0.200, 0.220, 0.230, 0.250, 0.280, 0.300, 0.260, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.350, 0.150 + axaj = 0.009, 0.010, 0.009, 0.010, 0.012, 0.013, 0.014, 0.015, 0.016, 0.015, 0.016, 0.017, 0.012, 0.001, 0.017, 0.017, 0.017, 0.015, 0.009 + bxaj = 0.050, 0.080, 0.090, 0.250, 0.150, 0.180, 0.200, 0.220, 0.230, 0.250, 0.280, 0.300, 0.260, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.350, 0.150 + xxaj = 0.050, 0.080, 0.090, 0.250, 0.150, 0.180, 0.200, 0.220, 0.230, 0.250, 0.280, 0.300, 0.260, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.350, 0.150 + bdvic = 0.050, 0.080, 0.090, 0.100, 0.150, 0.180, 0.200, 0.220, 0.230, 0.250, 0.280, 0.300, 0.260, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.350, 0.150 + bbvic = 1.000, 1.010, 1.020, 1.025, 1.000, 1.000, 1.032, 1.035, 1.040, 1.042, 1.045, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000 + gdvic = 0.050, 0.070, 0.130, 0.200, 0.170, 0.110, 0.260, 0.350, 0.260, 0.300, 0.380, 0.410, 0.500, 0.001, 0.010, 0.001, 0.001, 0.050, 0.020 + +/ + diff --git a/tests/parm/params_grib2_tbl_new b/tests/parm/params_grib2_tbl_new old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index 396a77e9ca..20ab866ed4 --- a/tests/parm/params_grib2_tbl_new +++ b/tests/parm/params_grib2_tbl_new @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ 0 3 15 0 5WAVH 0 3 193 1 5WAVH 0 20 106 0 AACOEF + 4 10 4 0 AATRATE 0 2 11 0 ABSD 4 2 5 0 ABSFRQ 0 1 18 0 ABSH @@ -24,8 +25,10 @@ 0 2 36 0 AFRWE 0 20 50 0 AIA 0 18 10 0 AIRCON + 10 0 82 0 AIRDENOC 2 0 208 1 AKHS 2 0 209 1 AKMS + 10 2 14 0 ALBDOICE 0 19 1 0 ALBDO 0 20 108 0 ALBGRD 0 20 107 0 ALBSAT @@ -37,6 +40,7 @@ 0 3 11 0 ALTS 10 0 37 0 ALTWH 2 0 219 1 AMIXL + 4 5 0 0 AMPL 3 192 11 0 AMSRE10 3 192 12 0 AMSRE11 3 192 13 0 AMSRE12 @@ -65,7 +69,11 @@ 0 190 0 0 ATEXT 3 1 13 0 ATMDIV 0 20 101 0 ATMTK + 4 10 7 0 AURELEC + 20 1 8 0 AVECTNUM + 20 1 7 0 AVHRATIO 2 3 201 1 AVSFT + 10 191 4 0 BARDSF 2 3 200 1 BARET 10 4 7 0 BATHY 10 0 44 0 BENINX @@ -79,6 +87,7 @@ 2 0 197 1 BMIXL 0 7 201 1 BNEGELAY 2 3 4 0 BOTLST + 10 4 29 0 BPEH 0 7 202 1 BPOSELAY 0 15 1 0 BREF 3 1 27 0 BRFLF @@ -87,6 +96,11 @@ 0 15 2 0 BRVEL 0 15 0 0 BSWID 4 3 0 0 BTOT + 2 6 2 0 BUILDCOVER + 2 6 3 0 BUILDHGT + 2 4 21 0 BURNABAREA + 2 4 20 0 BURNAREA + 2 4 17 0 BURNIDX 4 3 1 0 BVEC1 4 3 2 0 BVEC2 4 3 3 0 BVEC3 @@ -94,6 +108,7 @@ 4 8 4 0 CAIIRAD 0 7 206 1 CANGLE 2 1 192 1 CANL + 2 0 63 0 CANTMP 0 7 6 0 CAPE 0 1 88 0 CATCP 0 19 29 0 CATEDR @@ -111,27 +126,48 @@ 0 6 11 0 CDCB 0 6 22 0 CDCC 0 17 3 0 CDCDLTFD + 0 1 162 0 CDCIMF 0 6 23 0 CDCIMR + 0 1 161 0 CDCLWMF 0 6 2 0 CDCON 0 6 12 0 CDCTOP 0 6 8 0 CDCT 0 17 2 0 CDGDLTFD + 0 3 43 0 CDGFLUX + 0 20 80 0 CDIVMF 0 6 14 0 CDLYR 0 6 192 1 CDLYR + 0 1 163 0 CDRMF + 0 1 164 0 CDSMF + 0 3 35 0 CDTMF + 0 1 165 0 CDTWMF 0 4 195 1 CDUVB + 0 1 160 0 CDWFMF + 0 3 42 0 CDWGFLUX 10 0 16 0 CDWW 0 2 29 0 CD 0 2 196 1 CD + 0 1 154 0 CECIMF + 0 1 152 0 CECLWMF + 0 1 158 0 CEFMF + 0 3 40 0 CEGFLUX 0 6 13 0 CEIL + 0 20 78 0 CEMF + 0 1 156 0 CERMF + 0 3 36 0 CETMF + 0 1 150 0 CEWVMF 0 5 197 1 CFNLF 0 4 199 1 CFNSF 0 1 34 0 CFRZR 0 1 193 1 CFRZR 0 20 54 0 CGDRC 0 20 53 0 CGPRC + 10 0 76 0 CHNCK + 0 1 147 0 CHPRECIP 10 3 2 0 CH 0 18 17 0 CIAIRC 0 19 206 1 CICEL + 0 1 146 0 CICEPR 0 1 35 0 CICEP 0 1 194 1 CICEP 10 2 12 0 CICES @@ -147,6 +183,7 @@ 2 3 22 0 CISICE 2 3 20 0 CISOILM 2 0 23 0 CISOILW + 0 19 50 0 CITEDR 0 19 207 1 CIVIS 3 2 9 0 CLDALB 3 2 10 0 CLDEMISS @@ -156,12 +193,23 @@ 3 2 6 0 CLDPER 3 2 4 0 CLDPHAS 3 1 16 0 CLDRAD + 3 1 31 0 CLDREF 3 2 3 0 CLDTYPE 0 1 235 1 CLLMR 0 1 22 0 CLMR 3 0 7 0 CLOUDM + 3 1 32 0 CLRREF + 0 3 39 0 CMATMOS + 0 1 155 0 CNCIMF + 0 1 153 0 CNCLWMF + 0 20 81 0 CNETS + 0 3 41 0 CNGFLUX 0 2 216 1 CNGWDU 0 2 217 1 CNGWDV + 0 20 79 0 CNMF + 0 1 157 0 CNRMF + 0 1 159 0 CNSMF + 0 3 37 0 CNTMF 0 3 209 1 CNVDEMF 0 3 208 1 CNVDMF 0 0 196 1 CNVHR @@ -171,8 +219,10 @@ 0 2 213 1 CNVV 2 0 13 0 CNWAT 2 0 196 1 CNWAT + 0 1 151 0 CNWVMF 0 20 56 0 COAIA 0 20 1 0 COLMD + 2 4 24 0 COMBCO 0 20 51 0 CONAIR 0 7 19 0 CONAPES 0 1 216 1 CONDP @@ -209,6 +259,7 @@ 0 1 33 0 CRAIN 0 1 192 1 CRAIN 0 20 71 0 CRERELSP + 2 0 48 0 CROPCOV 0 1 76 0 CRRATE 4 2 9 0 CRTFRQ 1 2 13 0 CSAFC @@ -219,6 +270,8 @@ 3 1 17 0 CSKYRAD 0 1 36 0 CSNOW 0 1 195 1 CSNOW + 20 3 8 0 CSPPCAP + 20 3 9 0 CSPPROD 0 1 58 0 CSRATE 0 1 55 0 CSRWE 0 5 195 1 CSULF @@ -230,29 +283,41 @@ 0 19 21 0 CTP 0 6 16 0 CUEFI 0 6 194 1 CUEFI + 0 19 239 1 CWASP + 0 1 149 0 CWATERMR 0 6 6 0 CWAT 0 7 195 1 CWDI 0 6 15 0 CWORK 0 6 193 1 CWORK 0 1 48 0 CWP 1 1 195 1 CWR + 0 1 166 0 CWVF + 0 19 41 0 DBHEIGHT 10 4 195 1 DBSS 0 7 203 1 DCAPE + 2 4 33 0 DDLMC 0 20 12 0 DDMFLX 0 3 30 0 DDRATE + 2 6 8 0 DDROAD + 2 6 6 0 DDROOF 0 20 15 0 DDVEL - 2 0 30 0 DECF + 2 4 35 0 DDWMC + 2 0 30 0 DECFC + 0 2 61 0 DEC 0 3 14 0 DENALT 0 3 10 0 DEN 0 0 7 0 DEPR 1 0 13 0 DEPWSS + 20 1 6 0 DFPRATIO 10 2 2 0 DICED + 4 10 3 0 DIDXSG 4 4 2 0 DIFEFLUX 4 4 4 0 DIFIFLUX 4 4 0 0 DIFPFLUX 3 6 5 0 DIFSOLEX 3 6 4 0 DIFSOLIR 0 4 14 0 DIFSWRF + 2 6 7 0 DIOWALL 10 1 0 0 DIRC 2 3 14 0 DIREC 10 0 10 0 DIRPW @@ -263,36 +328,82 @@ 10 0 32 0 DIRWWW 1 0 7 0 DISRS 0 3 6 0 DIST + 0 21 13 0 DIVENTFLUX + 0 21 16 0 DIVKENGFLUX + 0 21 14 0 DIVPOTFLUX + 0 21 17 0 DIVTOTFLUX + 0 21 18 0 DIVWENTFLUX + 0 21 15 0 DIVWPOTFLUX + 2 4 29 0 DLFL 0 5 8 0 DLWRFCS 0 5 3 0 DLWRF 0 5 192 1 DLWRF 0 3 28 0 DMFLX + 0 4 54 0 DNSWRFLX + 0 1 123 0 DPTYPE 0 0 6 0 DPT + 2 0 43 0 DRAINDIR + 2 4 13 0 DRFACT 2 4 8 0 DRTCODE 0 18 12 0 DRYDEP 0 19 237 1 DRYTPROB 4 7 2 0 DSKDAY 4 7 1 0 DSKINT 4 7 3 0 DSKNGT + 10 3 20 0 DSLIBARCOR 10 3 1 0 DSLM 10 191 3 0 DSLOBSO 0 191 3 0 DSLOBS 0 4 52 0 DSWRFCS + 0 4 61 0 DSWRFLXCS 0 4 13 0 DSWRFLX 0 4 7 0 DSWRF 0 4 192 1 DSWRF + 0 2 60 0 DTC 0 4 204 1 DTRF 2 4 7 0 DUFMCODE 0 4 194 1 DUVB + 2 4 30 0 DWFL + 10 3 4 0 DWHFLUX 0 4 12 0 DWUVR 0 2 9 0 DZDT 0 7 207 1 E3KH + 0 21 22 0 EADYGR 3 2 11 0 EAODR + 10 1 5 0 EASTCUR + 0 21 5 0 EASTENTFLUX + 0 21 19 0 EASTHFLUX + 0 21 9 0 EASTKINFLUX + 0 21 7 0 EASTPOTFLUX + 0 21 11 0 EASTTOTFLUX + 0 2 64 0 EASTTSSOD + 0 2 66 0 EASTTSSSR + 0 2 62 0 EASTTSS + 10 3 5 0 EASTWSS + 10 4 23 0 EASTWVEL 3 5 5 0 EBSDSSTS 3 5 4 0 EBSSTSTD + 2 0 61 0 ECORFLUX + 4 10 6 0 EDISSTIX 0 19 30 0 EDPARM + 0 1 138 0 EFARCICE + 0 1 140 0 EFARGRL + 0 1 141 0 EFARHAIL + 0 1 137 0 EFARRAIN + 0 1 142 0 EFARSIC + 0 1 139 0 EFARSNOW + 20 0 5 0 EFFTEMP 0 7 204 1 EFHL + 0 1 129 0 EFRCCWAT + 0 1 131 0 EFRCICE + 0 1 133 0 EFRGRL + 0 1 134 0 EFRHAIL + 0 1 130 0 EFRRAIN + 0 1 136 0 EFRSICEC + 0 1 135 0 EFRSLC + 0 1 132 0 EFRSNOW 0 3 222 1 EFSH + 10 0 89 0 EFWS 0 7 9 0 EHLX 2 0 237 1 EIWATER 4 2 1 0 ELCDEN @@ -302,9 +413,15 @@ 0 0 205 1 ELMELT 0 191 197 1 ELONN 0 191 193 1 ELON + 0 20 76 0 EMISFLX + 2 0 62 0 EMISS + 10 0 93 0 EMIWAVE 0 1 211 1 EMNP + 2 4 19 0 ENRELCOM + 0 21 3 0 ENTHALPY 0 0 3 0 EPOT 0 19 218 1 EPSR + 4 2 13 0 EQSLABT 10 3 252 1 EROSNP 1 0 3 0 ESCT 0 2 233 1 ESHR @@ -312,6 +429,8 @@ 3 1 0 0 ESTP 3 1 4 0 ESTUGRD 3 1 5 0 ESTVGRD + 10 3 14 0 ESURFWVEL + 10 4 38 0 ESWVP 0 2 32 0 ETACVV 10 3 250 1 ETCWL 4 3 4 0 ETOT @@ -319,6 +438,7 @@ 0 2 38 0 ETSS 4 6 3 0 EUVIRR 4 8 1 0 EUVRAD + 2 0 39 0 EVAPTRAT 2 0 6 0 EVAPT 0 1 79 0 EVARATE 2 3 198 1 EVBS @@ -326,22 +446,29 @@ 4 3 5 0 EVEC1 4 3 6 0 EVEC2 4 3 7 0 EVEC3 - 2 0 29 0 EVERF + 2 0 29 0 EVGFC 0 1 6 0 EVP 2 0 213 1 EWATR + 0 2 50 0 EWINDSTR 0 2 39 0 EWTPARM + 0 3 26 0 EXPRES 4 6 5 0 F107 + 20 1 5 0 FALPRATE 2 4 3 0 FBAREA 2 4 10 0 FBUPINX 0 6 37 0 FCONPC + 10 0 81 0 FCVOCEAN + 2 4 32 0 FDLMC 3 5 3 0 FDNSSTMP 2 4 11 0 FDSRTE + 2 4 34 0 FDWMC 1 0 0 0 FFLDG 1 0 1 0 FFLDRO 2 4 6 0 FFMCODE 0 1 228 1 FICEAC 0 6 21 0 FICE 0 6 199 1 FICE + 2 4 15 0 FIREDIDX 3 0 9 0 FIREDI 2 4 1 0 FIREODT 2 4 0 0 FIREOLK @@ -349,11 +476,15 @@ 1 0 12 0 FLDPSW 0 19 205 1 FLGHT 0 7 18 0 FLXRN + 20 1 9 0 FMALVRH + 0 6 50 0 FOG 2 4 4 0 FOSINDX 0 1 67 0 FPRATE 0 6 32 0 FRACCC + 2 4 36 0 FRADPOW 0 1 43 0 FRAIN 0 1 202 1 FRAIN + 4 5 2 0 FREQ 10 0 63 0 FREWWW 10 0 17 0 FRICVW 0 2 30 0 FRICV @@ -361,12 +492,19 @@ 0 1 227 1 FROZR 2 3 24 0 FRSTINX 10 0 64 0 FRWWTSW + 10 2 29 0 FRZDATE + 10 2 27 0 FRZMLTPOT 0 1 225 1 FRZR 10 3 204 1 FRZSPR 0 1 121 0 FSNOWC 0 6 36 0 FSTRPC + 2 4 23 0 FUELLOAD + 2 4 25 0 FUELMC + 10 4 31 0 FWFC + 10 4 30 0 FWFSW 2 4 5 0 FWINX 0 1 95 0 FZPRATE + 0 3 33 0 GAMSL 0 18 3 0 GDCES 0 18 4 0 GDIOD 0 18 5 0 GDRADP @@ -376,13 +514,19 @@ 0 2 44 0 GEOWS 2 0 10 0 GFLUX 2 0 193 1 GFLUX + 0 3 34 0 GHARGRD + 2 5 0 0 GLACCOV 2 5 1 0 GLACTMP + 0 19 47 0 GLIRRTS + 20 0 3 0 GLOBETMP 0 3 9 0 GPA 0 1 75 0 GPRATE 0 3 4 0 GP 0 4 3 0 GRAD + 2 0 49 0 GRASSCOV 0 7 17 0 GRDRN 0 1 32 0 GRLE + 2 0 60 0 GROSSFLUX 3 6 1 0 GSOLEXP 3 6 0 0 GSOLIRR 0 2 22 0 GUST @@ -396,13 +540,16 @@ 0 19 198 1 HAILPROB 0 1 73 0 HAILPR 0 1 31 0 HAIL + 10 3 10 0 HALOCSSH 4 8 2 0 HARAD 0 19 210 1 HAVNI + 20 1 3 0 HBRATEAV 0 6 5 0 HCDC 0 6 26 0 HCONCB 0 6 27 0 HCONCT 0 0 12 0 HEATX 4 8 6 0 HELCOR + 10 3 18 0 HFLUXCOR 2 0 24 0 HFLUX 0 20 62 0 HGTMD 0 3 211 1 HGTN @@ -411,6 +558,7 @@ 0 3 5 0 HGT 0 19 32 0 HIFREL 2 4 2 0 HINDEX + 2 0 54 0 HIVEGCOV 0 7 8 0 HLCY 0 18 16 0 HMXACON 0 3 18 0 HPBL @@ -421,14 +569,22 @@ 0 15 15 0 HSR 0 3 7 0 HSTDV 10 0 3 0 HTSGW + 20 0 4 0 HUMIDX + 0 3 44 0 HWBT 0 3 3 0 ICAHT 1 2 7 0 ICECIL 10 2 0 0 ICEC 10 2 7 0 ICED + 10 2 19 0 ICEFTHCK 10 2 6 0 ICEG + 10 2 21 0 ICEMPD + 10 2 20 0 ICEMPF + 10 2 22 0 ICEMPV 10 2 9 0 ICEPRS + 0 1 127 0 ICEP 0 19 27 0 ICESC 0 19 37 0 ICESEV + 2 3 29 0 ICETEMP 1 2 6 0 ICETIL 10 2 1 0 ICETK 10 2 8 0 ICETMP @@ -441,6 +597,7 @@ 0 19 234 1 ICSEV 1 2 5 0 ICTKIL 2 0 207 1 ICWAT + 2 4 18 0 IGNCOMP 0 1 20 0 ILIQW 10 0 27 0 IMFTSW 10 0 26 0 IMFWW @@ -454,13 +611,19 @@ 4 0 3 0 IONTMP 0 1 68 0 IPRATE 3 1 1 0 IRRATE + 2 0 47 0 IRRCOV 10 191 0 0 IRTSEC 3 5 0 0 ISSTMP 0 19 235 1 JFWPRB 10 3 201 1 KENG + 0 21 1 0 KINENG 0 7 3 0 KOX + 4 10 5 0 KP + 2 4 12 0 KRIDX 10 0 43 0 KSSEDW 0 7 2 0 KX + 2 0 56 0 LAIHI + 2 0 55 0 LAILO 0 7 198 1 LAI 2 0 234 1 LAKEFRC 2 0 233 1 LANDFRC @@ -476,19 +639,26 @@ 0 3 205 1 LAYTH 0 6 3 0 LCDC 10 3 203 1 LCH + 1 2 15 0 LDEPTH 2 0 28 0 LEAINX + 2 4 31 0 LFMC 0 7 10 0 LFTX 0 7 192 1 LFTX + 0 0 30 0 LHFLXE + 0 0 31 0 LHFLXS 0 0 10 0 LHTFL 0 1 229 1 LICEAC 0 13 195 1 LIPMF 2 3 10 0 LIQVSM + 2 4 27 0 LLFL 0 15 4 0 LMAXBR 4 7 0 0 LMBINT 0 3 210 1 LMH 0 2 218 1 LMV + 1 2 14 0 LNDSNOWT 0 2 203 1 LOPP 0 2 199 1 LOUV + 2 0 53 0 LOVEGCOV 0 2 201 1 LOVV 2 3 3 0 LOWLSM 0 13 194 1 LPMTF @@ -507,9 +677,13 @@ 0 17 192 1 LTNG 0 17 1 0 LTPINX 0 5 2 0 LWAVR + 2 4 28 0 LWFL 0 5 194 1 LWHR 0 4 5 0 LWRAD 2 3 23 0 LWSNWP + 20 1 1 0 MACPRATE + 20 1 0 0 MALACASE + 20 1 4 0 MALAIMM 4 8 7 0 MASK 0 6 38 0 MASSDCD 0 6 39 0 MASSDCI @@ -525,6 +699,7 @@ 0 2 21 0 MAXGUST 0 16 198 1 MAXREF 0 1 27 0 MAXRH + 4 2 10 0 MAXUFZ 0 2 220 1 MAXUVV 0 2 222 1 MAXUW 0 1 245 1 MAXVIG @@ -538,16 +713,22 @@ 0 1 112 0 MDLWGVA 0 1 109 0 MDLWHVA 0 1 115 0 MDLWSVA + 10 0 74 0 MDTSWEL + 10 0 75 0 MDWWAVE 3 2 30 0 MEACST + 20 0 1 0 MEANRTMP + 0 19 44 0 MEANVGRTL 0 6 200 1 MFLUX 0 2 26 0 MFLX 0 2 193 1 MFLX 0 0 14 0 MINDPD 0 1 198 1 MINRH + 0 19 45 0 MINVGRTL 0 19 3 0 MIXHT 0 19 204 1 MIXLY 0 1 2 0 MIXR 0 7 212 1 MLFC + 10 2 28 0 MLTDATE 0 191 195 1 MLYNO 0 1 114 0 MMLWGDA 0 1 111 0 MMLWHDA @@ -566,6 +747,7 @@ 10 0 20 0 MSSW 2 0 11 0 MSTAV 2 0 194 1 MSTAV + 2 3 204 1 MSTAV 2 0 7 0 MTERH 10 4 1 0 MTHA 10 4 0 0 MTHD @@ -598,25 +780,53 @@ 0 6 30 0 NDENCD 2 0 31 0 NDVINX 2 0 217 1 NDVI + 2 0 59 0 NECOFLUX + 10 0 85 0 NEFOCEAN + 10 0 83 0 NEFW + 0 19 46 0 NETRADFLUX + 10 3 13 0 NETUPWFLUX + 0 5 9 0 NIRALBDIF + 0 5 11 0 NIRALBDIRG + 0 5 12 0 NIRALBDIRI + 0 5 13 0 NIRALBDIRV + 0 5 10 0 NIRALBDIR 0 191 196 1 NLATN 0 191 192 1 NLAT 0 3 206 1 NLGSP 0 3 25 0 NLPRES + 0 2 54 0 NLSRLH + 0 2 55 0 NLSRLM 0 5 6 0 NLWRCS 0 5 5 0 NLWRF 0 5 0 0 NLWRS 0 5 1 0 NLWRT + 20 0 6 0 NOREFTMP + 10 3 6 0 NORTHWSS 3 1 6 0 NPIXU + 10 1 6 0 NRTHCUR + 0 21 6 0 NRTHENTFLUX + 0 21 20 0 NRTHHFLUX + 0 21 10 0 NRTHKINFLUX + 0 21 8 0 NRTHPOTFLUX + 0 21 12 0 NRTHTOTFLUX + 0 2 65 0 NRTHTSSOD + 0 2 67 0 NRTHTSSSR + 0 2 63 0 NRTHTSS + 10 4 24 0 NRTHWVEL + 10 0 84 0 NSOCEAN + 10 3 15 0 NSURFWVEL 0 4 11 0 NSWRFCS 0 4 9 0 NSWRF 0 4 0 0 NSWRS 0 4 1 0 NSWRT + 10 4 39 0 NSWVP 4 4 6 0 NTRNFLUX 0 2 37 0 NTSS 0 1 106 0 NUMDG 0 1 107 0 NUMDH 0 1 104 0 NUMDR 0 1 105 0 NUMDS + 0 2 51 0 NWINDSTR 0 2 34 0 NWIND 0 19 214 1 NWSALB 10 0 19 0 NWSTR @@ -648,19 +858,35 @@ 2 0 235 1 PAHFLX 3 3 2 0 PBINFRC 3 3 1 0 PBLIFRC + 0 1 126 0 PBLIZZ 0 19 12 0 PBLREG 3 3 0 0 PBMVFRC + 0 1 125 0 PBSNOW + 0 19 49 0 PCONTB + 0 19 48 0 PCONTT 0 1 234 1 PCPDUR 0 14 202 1 PDMAX1 0 14 203 1 PDMAX24 + 10 0 72 0 PDTSWELL + 10 0 71 0 PDWWAVE + 4 2 12 0 PEAKDEN + 4 2 11 0 PEAKH + 20 0 8 0 PEQUTMP + 0 1 143 0 PERATE 10 0 11 0 PERPW 1 0 16 0 PERRATE 10 0 13 0 PERSW + 2 0 40 0 PEVAPTRAT 0 1 40 0 PEVAP 0 1 199 1 PEVAP 0 1 41 0 PEVPR 0 1 200 1 PEVPR + 20 1 2 0 PFEIRATE + 4 5 1 0 PHASE + 0 4 60 0 PHOARFCS 0 4 10 0 PHOTAR + 0 1 122 0 PIIDX + 0 21 21 0 PILENERGY 3 0 8 0 PIXST 2 0 238 1 PLANTTR 0 7 0 0 PLI @@ -669,9 +895,12 @@ 10 0 23 0 PMAXWH 0 13 192 1 PMTC 0 13 193 1 PMTF + 20 2 0 0 POPDEN 1 1 2 0 POP 2 3 9 0 POROS 2 3 197 1 POROS + 0 20 18 0 POTHPH + 0 21 0 0 POTINTENG 0 0 2 0 POT 0 14 199 1 POZO 0 14 198 1 POZT @@ -681,11 +910,13 @@ 1 1 194 1 PPFFG 0 1 231 1 PPINDX 1 1 1 0 PPOSP + 10 3 3 0 PRACTSAL 0 1 7 0 PRATE 4 0 4 0 PRATMP 0 15 5 0 PREC 0 3 13 0 PRESALT 0 3 8 0 PRESA + 0 3 46 0 PRESDHS 0 3 212 1 PRESN 0 3 0 0 PRES 0 3 1 0 PRMSL @@ -697,6 +928,7 @@ 0 19 216 1 PRSIGSVR 0 19 215 1 PRSVR 10 4 21 0 PRTSAL + 0 1 124 0 PSHOW 0 19 36 0 PSNOWS 0 3 2 0 PTEND 0 1 19 0 PTYPE @@ -705,23 +937,33 @@ 0 1 3 0 PWAT 10 0 46 0 PWAVEDIR 0 1 30 0 PWCAT + 10 0 68 0 PWDFSPAR + 10 0 69 0 PWDSSPAR + 10 0 70 0 PWDTSPAR 10 0 34 0 PWPER + 10 0 65 0 PWPFSPAR + 10 0 66 0 PWPSSPAR + 10 0 67 0 PWPTSPAR 0 1 226 1 PWTHER 0 1 219 1 QMAX 0 1 220 1 QMIN + 1 1 196 1 QPFARI + 1 1 197 1 QPFFFG 2 0 215 1 QREC 0 1 218 1 QZ0 0 16 201 1 RADARVIL 2 3 202 1 RADT + 2 4 14 0 RATESPRD 3 1 8 0 RAZA - 2 0 21 0 RCQ + 2 0 20 0 RCQ 2 0 204 1 RCQ - 2 0 20 0 RCSOL + 2 0 21 0 RCSOL 2 0 205 1 RCSOL 2 0 18 0 RCS 2 0 202 1 RCS 2 0 19 0 RCT 2 0 203 1 RCT + 1 2 16 0 RDEPTH 2 0 206 1 RDRIP 0 15 6 0 RDSP1 0 15 7 0 RDSP2 @@ -739,6 +981,8 @@ 0 16 192 1 REFZR 0 2 13 0 RELD 0 2 12 0 RELV + 20 3 0 0 RENPCAP + 20 3 1 0 RENPPROD 0 16 3 0 RETOP 0 16 197 1 RETOP 0 0 194 1 REV @@ -746,6 +990,7 @@ 0 15 10 0 RFCI 0 15 13 0 RFGRPL 0 15 14 0 RFHAIL + 3 1 30 0 RFL04 3 1 9 0 RFL06 3 1 10 0 RFL08 3 1 11 0 RFL16 @@ -763,6 +1008,8 @@ 0 7 194 1 RI 2 3 6 0 RLYRS 2 3 193 1 RLYRS + 2 6 1 0 ROADCOVER + 4 10 2 0 ROTIDX 0 1 65 0 RPRATE 2 0 16 0 RSMIN 2 0 200 1 RSMIN @@ -770,11 +1017,13 @@ 0 191 194 1 RTSEC 10 3 206 1 RUNUP 1 0 11 0 RVERSW + 10 0 80 0 RWAVEAFW 0 1 24 0 RWMR 0 18 14 0 SACON 0 20 100 0 SADEN 0 19 19 0 SALBD 3 0 1 0 SALBEDO + 10 3 21 0 SALINITY 10 4 193 1 SALIN 1 2 12 0 SALTIL 10 4 3 0 SALTY @@ -812,6 +1061,16 @@ 3 192 36 0 SBTA177 3 192 37 0 SBTA178 3 192 38 0 SBTA179 + 3 192 79 0 SBTA1810 + 3 192 80 0 SBTA1811 + 3 192 81 0 SBTA1812 + 3 192 82 0 SBTA1813 + 3 192 83 0 SBTA1814 + 3 192 84 0 SBTA1815 + 3 192 85 0 SBTA1816 + 3 192 76 0 SBTA187 + 3 192 77 0 SBTA188 + 3 192 78 0 SBTA189 3 192 55 0 SBTAGR10 3 192 56 0 SBTAGR11 3 192 57 0 SBTAGR12 @@ -834,22 +1093,39 @@ 3 192 68 0 SBTAHI9 3 0 2 0 SBTMP 0 7 210 1 SCCP - 4 2 10 0 SCINT + 4 10 1 0 SCIDEXS4 + 4 10 0 0 SCINIDX 0 1 84 0 SCLIWC 0 1 83 0 SCLLWC 3 1 29 0 SCRAD 0 20 112 0 SCTAOTK 3 0 5 0 SCTPRES + 2 6 5 0 SDBUILDHGT 0 20 6 0 SDDMFLX 0 1 61 0 SDEN + 0 3 38 0 SDFSO 3 1 99 0 SDMPEMRR 0 3 20 0 SDSGSO 0 1 60 0 SDWE + 10 4 48 0 SEACMMT + 10 4 44 0 SEACMVT + 10 4 50 0 SEACPSALT + 10 4 51 0 SEACSALT + 10 4 49 0 SEACZMT + 10 4 45 0 SEACZVT + 10 4 46 0 SEAMMT + 10 4 42 0 SEAMVT + 10 3 12 0 SEASFLUX + 10 4 47 0 SEAZMT + 10 4 43 0 SEAZVT 0 20 11 0 SEDMFLX 1 2 3 0 SEDTK 1 2 4 0 SEDTMP + 0 19 39 0 SEEINDEX 10 3 207 1 SETUP 0 1 62 0 SEVAP + 10 0 86 0 SEVWAVE + 0 20 77 0 SFCEFLX 2 0 216 1 SFCRH 2 0 1 0 SFCR 2 0 34 0 SFCWRO @@ -869,6 +1145,8 @@ 3 192 33 0 SFRA174 3 192 34 0 SFRA175 3 192 35 0 SFRA176 + 0 2 47 0 SFRHEAT + 0 2 48 0 SFRMOIST 10 4 11 0 SFSALP 1 2 9 0 SFSAL 10 4 12 0 SFTMPP @@ -882,17 +1160,24 @@ 0 1 108 0 SHTPRM 0 7 13 0 SHWINX 10 2 3 0 SICED + 10 2 17 0 SICEHC + 10 2 15 0 SICEVOL + 4 8 8 0 SICFL + 10 2 23 0 SIFTP 4 9 1 0 SIGHAL 0 7 209 1 SIGH 4 9 2 0 SIGPAR 4 9 0 0 SIGPED 0 7 211 1 SIGT 0 19 217 1 SIPD + 2 0 50 0 SKINRC 0 0 17 0 SKINT 3 5 1 0 SKSSTMP + 0 19 38 0 SKYIDX 0 1 230 1 SLACC 0 19 23 0 SLDP 3 0 4 0 SLFTI + 0 17 5 0 SLNGPIDX 10 3 202 1 SLTFL 2 3 194 1 SLTYP 0 6 34 0 SLWTC @@ -901,6 +1186,7 @@ 0 1 113 0 SMLWGMA 0 1 110 0 SMLWHMA 0 1 116 0 SMLWSMA + 2 0 41 0 SMRATE 2 3 7 0 SMREF 2 3 195 1 SMREF 0 19 18 0 SNFALB @@ -917,17 +1203,23 @@ 0 1 208 1 SNOT 0 1 42 0 SNOWC 0 1 201 1 SNOWC + 0 1 148 0 SNOWERAT 0 1 233 1 SNOWLR + 0 19 40 0 SNOWLVL 0 19 236 1 SNOWLVL + 2 3 28 0 SNOWTMP + 10 2 13 0 SNOWTSI 0 1 222 1 SNOWT + 20 3 6 0 SNPVPCAP + 20 3 7 0 SNPVPPROD + 10 2 18 0 SNSIHC + 10 2 16 0 SNVOLSI 2 3 25 0 SNWDEB 2 3 27 0 SOILDEP 2 3 21 0 SOILICE 2 3 5 0 SOILL 2 3 192 1 SOILL 2 3 19 0 SOILMOI - 2 0 3 0 SOILM - 2 0 22 0 SOILM 2 3 15 0 SOILP 2 0 239 1 SOILSE 2 3 18 0 SOILTMP @@ -939,6 +1231,7 @@ 3 1 28 0 SPBRT 10 1 1 0 SPC 4 6 4 0 SPECIRR + 10 0 88 0 SPECWI 4 1 0 0 SPEED 0 1 0 0 SPFH 10 0 45 0 SPFTR @@ -947,7 +1240,10 @@ 0 1 100 0 SPNCR 0 1 101 0 SPNCS 0 1 66 0 SPRATE + 2 4 16 0 SPRDCOMP 4 2 7 0 SPRDF + 20 3 4 0 SPVPCAP + 20 3 5 0 SPVPPROD 3 0 3 0 SPWAT 3 0 0 0 SRAD 0 1 85 0 SRAINC @@ -958,16 +1254,20 @@ 3 192 49 0 SRFAGR4 3 192 50 0 SRFAGR5 3 192 51 0 SRFAGR6 + 0 1 144 0 SRWATERC 0 1 12 0 SRWEQ 0 20 103 0 SSALBK 0 3 22 0 SSGSO + 10 3 19 0 SSHGTPARM 10 3 195 1 SSHG 3 5 2 0 SSKSSTMP 3 192 62 0 SSMS1715 3 192 63 0 SSMS1716 3 192 64 0 SSMS1717 3 192 65 0 SSMS1718 + 0 1 145 0 SSNOWWC 0 1 86 0 SSNOWW + 0 1 168 0 SSPFHW 1 0 6 0 SSRUN 1 0 193 1 SSRUN 10 3 200 1 SSST @@ -975,22 +1275,31 @@ 2 0 211 1 SSTOR 10 3 199 1 SSTT 0 6 35 0 SSWTC + 20 0 7 0 STDEFTMP + 10 3 11 0 STERCSSH + 10 0 96 0 STMCREST + 10 0 97 0 STMWAVE 0 19 200 1 STORPROB 0 7 208 1 STPC 0 2 4 0 STRM 0 1 87 0 STRPRATE + 2 0 52 0 SUBSRATE + 0 6 51 0 SUNFRAC 0 6 33 0 SUNSD 0 6 201 1 SUNSD 0 6 24 0 SUNS + 2 0 51 0 SURFRATE 10 3 192 1 SURGE 0 19 220 1 SVRTS 10 3 208 1 SWASH + 0 3 32 0 SWATERVP 0 4 2 0 SWAVR 10 0 7 0 SWDIR 0 20 7 0 SWDMFLX 0 7 5 0 SWEATX 10 0 8 0 SWELL 1 0 4 0 SWEPON + 2 3 30 0 SWET 10 0 47 0 SWHFSWEL 0 4 197 1 SWHR 10 0 48 0 SWHSSWEL @@ -1000,10 +1309,18 @@ 3 1 194 1 SWQI 0 4 6 0 SWRAD 0 19 212 1 SWSALB + 10 4 41 0 SWSTBC + 10 4 35 0 SWSTNR + 10 4 37 0 SWSTP + 10 4 40 0 SWTTBC + 10 4 34 0 SWTTNR + 10 4 36 0 SWTTP 0 6 1 0 TCDC + 0 191 4 0 TCDTRACK 0 0 204 1 TCHP 0 1 81 0 TCICON 0 14 2 0 TCIOZ + 0 1 169 0 TCISSPFHW 0 1 64 0 TCIWV 2 0 35 0 TCLASS 0 1 209 1 TCLSW @@ -1026,6 +1343,7 @@ 0 6 17 0 TCONDO 0 1 21 0 TCOND 0 6 195 1 TCOND + 0 1 167 0 TCSLW 10 3 242 1 TCSRG20 10 3 243 1 TCSRG30 10 3 244 1 TCSRG40 @@ -1037,7 +1355,10 @@ 0 1 51 0 TCWAT 0 0 20 0 TDCHT 0 2 31 0 TDCMOM + 10 0 94 0 TDMCREST + 10 0 95 0 TDMWAVE 2 0 36 0 TFRCT + 10 3 9 0 THERCSSH 0 0 197 1 THFLX 0 3 12 0 THICK 0 6 10 0 THUNC @@ -1046,10 +1367,13 @@ 0 18 7 0 TIACIP 0 18 8 0 TIACRP 10 3 251 1 TIDE + 0 7 20 0 TIIDEX 0 1 206 1 TIPD 0 19 11 0 TKE 0 1 90 0 TKMFLX + 0 19 42 0 TLBHEIGHT 0 17 4 0 TLGTFD + 0 19 43 0 TLTHEIGH 0 6 9 0 TMAXT 0 0 4 0 TMAX 0 0 5 0 TMIN @@ -1064,12 +1388,15 @@ 0 19 197 1 TORPROB 0 7 4 0 TOTALX 0 1 80 0 TOTCON + 0 21 2 0 TOTENG 0 18 13 0 TOTLWD 0 14 0 0 TOZNE 0 14 197 1 TOZ 2 0 37 0 TPERCT 0 19 219 1 TPFI 0 1 52 0 TPRATE + 0 2 231 1 TPWDIR + 0 2 232 1 TPWSPD 0 20 13 0 TRANHH 2 3 12 0 TRANSO 2 0 230 1 TRANS @@ -1078,11 +1405,13 @@ 0 2 225 1 TRWSPD 0 0 200 1 TSD1D 0 191 0 0 TSEC + 0 2 58 0 TSFCSTR 4 6 0 0 TSI 0 3 199 1 TSLSA 0 1 50 0 TSNOWP 0 1 241 1 TSNOW 2 0 2 0 TSOIL + 0 1 128 0 TSPRATE 0 1 57 0 TSRATE 0 1 53 0 TSRWE 0 19 203 1 TSTMC @@ -1107,8 +1436,11 @@ 10 3 205 1 TWLWAV 0 20 58 0 TYAAL 0 20 57 0 TYABA + 2 0 58 0 TYPHIVEG + 2 0 57 0 TYPLOVEG 0 3 16 0 U-GWD 0 3 194 1 U-GWD + 0 4 57 0 UBALBDIRG 10 1 194 1 UBARO 0 3 31 0 UCLSPRS 0 1 120 0 UCSCIW @@ -1126,8 +1458,10 @@ 0 5 4 0 ULWRF 0 5 193 1 ULWRF 0 3 27 0 UMFLX + 2 4 22 0 UNBURNAREA 0 1 118 0 UNCSH 0 2 45 0 UNDIV + 0 2 56 0 UNWIND 10 1 2 0 UOGRD 1 0 14 0 UPAPCP 1 0 15 0 UPASM @@ -1135,17 +1469,28 @@ 0 7 197 1 UPHL 2 3 2 0 UPLSM 2 3 1 0 UPLST + 2 0 44 0 UPSAREA + 10 4 27 0 UPWWVEL + 2 6 0 0 URBCOVER 3 1 192 1 USCT + 10 0 90 0 USMFO 10 0 21 0 USSD 0 2 27 0 USTM 0 2 194 1 USTM 0 4 53 0 USWRFCS 0 4 8 0 USWRF 0 4 193 1 USWRF + 20 0 0 0 UTHCIDX 0 4 205 1 UTRF + 0 4 15 0 UUVEARTH + 0 4 55 0 UVALBDIF + 0 4 58 0 UVALBDIRI + 0 4 56 0 UVALBDIR + 0 4 59 0 UVBDIRV 0 4 50 0 UVIUCS 0 4 51 0 UVI 0 7 196 1 UVI + 0 2 52 0 UWINDSTR 0 3 17 0 V-GWD 0 3 195 1 V-GWD 0 19 232 1 VAFTD @@ -1158,6 +1503,8 @@ 0 14 195 1 VDFOZ 0 2 208 1 VDFUA 0 2 209 1 VDFVA + 0 2 59 0 VDIV + 10 4 28 0 VEDDYDIF 0 2 204 1 VEDH 2 0 232 1 VEGMAX 2 0 231 1 VEGMIN @@ -1184,6 +1531,7 @@ 0 19 0 0 VIS 0 1 92 0 VKMFLX 0 20 52 0 VMXR + 0 2 57 0 VNWIND 10 1 3 0 VOGRD 3 4 4 0 VOLACDEM 3 4 7 0 VOLACDEN @@ -1202,6 +1550,9 @@ 0 0 15 0 VPTMP 0 2 224 1 VRATE 3 1 193 1 VSCT + 10 4 33 0 VSFC + 10 4 32 0 VSFSW + 10 0 91 0 VSMFO 2 0 25 0 VSOILM 2 3 16 0 VSOSM 10 0 22 0 VSSD @@ -1213,18 +1564,29 @@ 0 2 16 0 VVCSH 0 2 8 0 VVEL 2 0 27 0 VWILTM + 0 2 53 0 VWINDSTR 0 2 25 0 VWSH 0 2 192 1 VWSH + 2 6 4 0 VZAFRAC 10 4 17 0 WATDENA + 0 21 4 0 WATENTHALPY 10 4 16 0 WATERDEN 2 0 236 1 WATERSA 10 4 20 0 WATPDENA 10 4 19 0 WATPDEN 10 4 18 0 WATPTEMP 2 0 5 0 WATR + 10 0 79 0 WAVEFDIR + 10 0 78 0 WAVEFMAG 10 0 62 0 WAVEFREW + 4 5 3 0 WAVELGTH + 10 0 87 0 WAVEMSLC + 10 0 77 0 WAVESPSK + 10 0 92 0 WAVETEFO + 10 0 73 0 WCAPFRAC 2 0 223 1 WCCONV 0 0 13 0 WCF + 10 4 22 0 WCHEATC 2 0 221 1 WCINC 2 0 226 1 WCUFLX 2 0 227 1 WCVFLX @@ -1238,9 +1600,15 @@ 10 0 58 0 WDWTSWEL 0 1 13 0 WEASD 10 0 42 0 WESP + 20 0 2 0 WETBGTMP + 0 0 32 0 WETBPT 0 0 27 0 WETBT + 2 0 45 0 WETCOV 0 18 11 0 WETDEP + 0 0 206 1 WETGLBT + 2 0 46 0 WETTYPE 0 20 75 0 WFIREFLX + 2 4 26 0 WFIREPOT 1 2 2 0 WFRACT 10 0 59 0 WFWFSWEL 10 0 60 0 WFWSSWEL @@ -1250,13 +1618,18 @@ 2 0 26 0 WILT 2 0 201 1 WILT 0 2 33 0 WINDF + 20 3 2 0 WINDPCAP + 20 3 3 0 WINDPPROD 0 19 199 1 WINDPROB + 0 2 49 0 WINDSTR 3 1 19 0 WINDS 0 2 1 0 WIND 0 19 25 0 WIWW 10 0 193 1 WLENG 0 20 9 0 WLSMFLX 0 2 19 0 WMIXE + 0 3 45 0 WOBT + 2 0 42 0 WRDRATE 2 0 33 0 WROD 10 0 192 1 WSTP 10 0 18 0 WSTR @@ -1276,8 +1649,15 @@ 2 0 224 1 WVUFLX 2 0 225 1 WVVFLX 10 0 14 0 WWSDIR + 10 3 7 0 XCOMPSS + 10 4 25 0 XCOMPWV + 10 2 24 0 XICE 4 6 1 0 XLONG - 0 3 26 0 XPRES 4 8 0 0 XRAYRAD 4 6 2 0 XSHRT + 10 3 16 0 XSURFWVEL + 10 3 8 0 YCOMPSS + 10 4 26 0 YCOMPWV + 10 2 25 0 YICE + 10 3 17 0 YSURFVWEL 10 2 10 0 ZVCICEP diff --git a/tests/parm/post_itag_gfs b/tests/parm/post_itag_gfs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ef77b503af --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/post_itag_gfs @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +&MODEL_INPUTS + MODELNAME='GFS' +/ +&NAMPGB + KPO=57,PO=1000.,975.,950.,925.,900.,875.,850.,825.,800.,775.,750.,725.,700.,675.,650.,625.,600.,575.,550.,525.,500.,475.,450.,425.,400.,375.,350.,325.,300.,275.,250.,225.,200.,175.,150.,125.,100.,70.,50.,40.,30.,20.,15.,10.,7.,5.,3.,2.,1.,0.7,0.4,0.2,0.1,0.07,0.04,0.02,0.01,rdaod=.true., +/ diff --git a/tests/parm/post_itag b/tests/parm/post_itag_hafs_ar similarity index 94% rename from tests/parm/post_itag rename to tests/parm/post_itag_hafs_ar index 0bc3d71a08..6504929887 100644 --- a/tests/parm/post_itag +++ b/tests/parm/post_itag_hafs_ar @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ &MODEL_INPUTS - MODELNAME='GFS' + MODELNAME='FV3R' / &NAMPGB KPO=57,PO=1000.,975.,950.,925.,900.,875.,850.,825.,800.,775.,750.,725.,700.,675.,650.,625.,600.,575.,550.,525.,500.,475.,450.,425.,400.,375.,350.,325.,300.,275.,250.,225.,200.,175.,150.,125.,100.,70.,50.,40.,30.,20.,15.,10.,7.,5.,3.,2.,1.,0.7,0.4,0.2,0.1,0.07,0.04,0.02,0.01, diff --git a/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-fv3lam.txt b/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-fv3lam.txt index 0e0401d868..4490a42059 100644 --- a/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-fv3lam.txt +++ b/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-fv3lam.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 2 -219 -258 +210 +278 PRSLEV 32769 ncep_nco @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -46,6 +47,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -74,6 +79,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -83,6 +89,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -111,6 +121,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -120,6 +131,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -148,6 +163,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -157,6 +173,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -185,6 +205,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -194,6 +215,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -222,6 +247,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -231,6 +257,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -259,6 +289,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -268,6 +299,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -296,6 +331,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -305,6 +341,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -333,6 +373,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -342,6 +383,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -370,6 +415,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -379,6 +425,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -407,6 +457,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -416,6 +467,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 0 @@ -444,6 +499,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -453,6 +509,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -481,6 +541,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -490,8 +551,12 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +3.0 0 0 0 @@ -518,48 +583,16 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -6.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -187 -RIME_ON_HYBRID_LVL -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -RIME -NCEP -? -hybrid_lvl -0 -? -2 -1. 2. -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -592,6 +625,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -601,6 +635,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -615,7 +653,7 @@ REFD_ON_HYBRID_LVL 1 tmpl4_0 REFD -NCEP +? ? hybrid_lvl 0 @@ -629,54 +667,22 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -146 -BMIXL_ON_HYBRID_LVL -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -BMIXL -NCEP -? -hybrid_lvl -0 -? -1 -1. -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 @@ -694,8 +700,8 @@ HGT isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -703,6 +709,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -712,6 +719,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -731,8 +742,8 @@ TMP isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -740,6 +751,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -749,6 +761,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -768,8 +784,8 @@ DPT isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -777,6 +793,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -786,6 +803,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -805,8 +826,8 @@ SPFH isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -814,6 +835,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -823,6 +845,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -842,8 +868,8 @@ RH isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -851,6 +877,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -860,6 +887,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 2.0 0 @@ -868,19 +899,19 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? -85 -MCONV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +18 +UGRD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -MCONV +UGRD ? ? isobaric_sfc 0 ? -2 -85000. 95000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -888,6 +919,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -897,27 +929,31 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -18 -UGRD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +19 +VGRD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -UGRD +VGRD ? ? isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -925,6 +961,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -934,6 +971,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -942,19 +983,19 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? -19 -VGRD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +284 +DZDT_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VGRD +DZDT ? ? isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -962,6 +1003,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -971,20 +1013,24 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +-5.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -20 -VVEL_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +21 +ABSV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VVEL +ABSV ? ? isobaric_sfc @@ -999,6 +1045,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1008,27 +1055,31 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -284 -DZDT_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +86 +STRM_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -DZDT +STRM ? ? isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +2 +25000. 50000. ? 0 ? @@ -1036,6 +1087,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1045,27 +1097,31 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --5.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -21 -ABSV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +166 +ICMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -ABSV +ICMR ? ? isobaric_sfc 0 ? -10 -20000. 25000. 30000. 40000. 50000. 70000. 75000. 85000. 92500. 100000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -1073,6 +1129,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1082,27 +1139,31 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -86 -STRM_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +153 +CLMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -STRM +CLMR ? ? isobaric_sfc 0 ? -2 -25000. 50000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -1110,6 +1171,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1119,27 +1181,31 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -22 -TKE_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +183 +RWMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TKE +RWMR ? ? isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -1147,6 +1213,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1156,6 +1223,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1164,19 +1235,19 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? -166 -ICMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC -? +416 +GRLE_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +Graupel mixing ration on isobaric surface 1 tmpl4_0 -ICMR +GRLE ? ? isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -1184,6 +1255,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1193,27 +1265,31 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -153 -CLMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +184 +SNMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -CLMR +SNMR ? ? isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +46 +200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 7500. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -1221,6 +1297,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1230,27 +1307,31 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -183 -RWMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +85 +MCONV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RWMR +MCONV ? ? isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +2 +85000. 95000. ? 0 ? @@ -1258,6 +1339,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1267,31 +1349,36 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -416 -GRLE_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC -Graupel mixing ration on isobaric surface +88 +MCONV_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +? 1 tmpl4_0 -GRLE +MCONV ? ? -isobaric_sfc +spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. -? +1 +3000. +spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -0 +1 +0. ? ? ? @@ -1304,6 +1391,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1312,19 +1403,19 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? -184 -SNMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +295 +MCONV_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SNMR +MCONV ? ? -isobaric_sfc +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -1332,6 +1423,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1341,27 +1433,31 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +5.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -263 -RIME_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC -? +749 +GSD_RH_WRT_PRECIP_WATER_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +RELATIVE HUMIDITY WITH RESPECT TO PRECIPITABLE WATER 1 tmpl4_0 -RIME +RHPW NCEP ? -isobaric_sfc +entire_atmos +0 +? 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. ? 0 ? @@ -1369,6 +1465,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1378,8 +1475,12 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +-0.1 0 0 0 @@ -1406,48 +1507,16 @@ mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -6.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -105 -PRES_ON_MEAN_SEA_LVL -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -PRMSL -? -? -mean_sea_lvl -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1480,6 +1549,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1489,6 +1559,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1517,6 +1591,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1526,6 +1601,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1554,6 +1633,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1563,6 +1643,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1591,6 +1675,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1600,6 +1685,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1628,6 +1717,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1637,6 +1727,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1665,6 +1759,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1674,6 +1769,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1702,6 +1801,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1711,6 +1811,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1739,6 +1843,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1748,6 +1853,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1756,19 +1865,19 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd ? ? ? -158 -POT_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m +24 +PRES_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -POT +PRES ? ? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +surface +0 +? 0 ? -1 -10. ? 0 ? @@ -1776,6 +1885,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1785,27 +1895,31 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -159 -SPFH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m +25 +HGT_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SPFH +HGT ? ? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +surface +0 +? 0 ? -1 -10. ? 0 ? @@ -1813,6 +1927,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1822,20 +1937,24 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -24 -PRES_ON_SURFACE +27 +POT_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES +POT ? ? surface @@ -1850,6 +1969,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1859,20 +1979,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +5.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -25 -HGT_ON_SURFACE +28 +SPFH_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -HGT +SPFH ? ? surface @@ -1887,6 +2011,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1896,57 +2021,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -6.0 -0 0 -0 -? -? -? -27 -POT_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -POT -? -? -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -? -0 -0.0 +0.0 0 0.0 1 -5.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -28 -SPFH_ON_SURFACE +26 +TMP_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SPFH +TMP ? ? surface @@ -1961,48 +2053,16 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -26 -TMP_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -TMP -? -? -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2015,19 +2075,19 @@ surface ? ? ? -115 -TSOIL_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC_3m +713 +CISOILM_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TSOIL +CISOILM ? ? depth_bel_land_sfc 0 ? -1 -3. +0 +? ? 0 ? @@ -2035,6 +2095,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2044,6 +2105,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2061,15 +2126,16 @@ TSOIL ? ? depth_bel_land_sfc -4 -2 2 2 2 -4 -0. 10. 40. 100. +1 +2 +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. depth_bel_land_sfc -4 -2 2 2 2 -4 -10. 40. 100. 200. +1 +2 +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. +? ? ? 0 @@ -2081,6 +2147,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2098,59 +2168,27 @@ SOILW NCEP ? depth_bel_land_sfc -4 -2 2 2 2 -4 -0. 10. 40. 100. +1 +2 +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. depth_bel_land_sfc -4 -2 2 2 2 -4 -10. 40. 100. 200. +1 +2 +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -225 -SOILL_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -SOILL -NCEP -? -depth_bel_land_sfc -4 -2 2 2 2 -4 -0. 10. 40. 100. -depth_bel_land_sfc -4 -2 2 2 2 -4 -10. 40. 100. 200. -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2163,24 +2201,25 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc ? ? ? -36 -SOILM_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC +225 +SOILL_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SOILM +SOILL ? ? depth_bel_land_sfc 1 2 -1 -0. +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. depth_bel_land_sfc 1 2 -1 -200. +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. +? ? ? 0 @@ -2192,6 +2231,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2206,7 +2249,7 @@ CNWAT_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 CNWAT -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -2220,6 +2263,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2229,6 +2273,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -2257,54 +2305,22 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -120 -SNOWC_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -SNOWC -NCEP -? -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 @@ -2317,7 +2333,7 @@ SFEXC_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 SFEXC -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -2331,6 +2347,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2340,6 +2357,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2368,6 +2389,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2377,6 +2399,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2405,6 +2431,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2414,6 +2441,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2442,6 +2473,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2451,6 +2483,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2459,12 +2495,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -226 -SNFALB_ON_SURFACE +227 +MXSALB_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SNFALB +MXSALB NCEP ? surface @@ -2479,6 +2515,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2488,6 +2525,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2496,12 +2537,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -227 -MXSALB_ON_SURFACE +220 +CCOND_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -MXSALB +CCOND NCEP ? surface @@ -2516,6 +2557,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2525,6 +2567,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2533,12 +2579,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -220 -CCOND_ON_SURFACE +237 +SMREF_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -CCOND +SMREF NCEP ? surface @@ -2553,6 +2599,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2562,6 +2609,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2570,12 +2621,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -238 -RCS_ON_SURFACE +233 +POROS_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RCS +POROS NCEP ? surface @@ -2590,6 +2641,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2599,6 +2651,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2607,12 +2663,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -239 -RCT_ON_SURFACE +235 +RLYRS_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RCT +RLYRS NCEP ? surface @@ -2627,6 +2683,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2636,20 +2693,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -240 -RCQ_ON_SURFACE +234 +RSMIN_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RCQ +RSMIN NCEP ? surface @@ -2664,48 +2725,16 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -241 -RCSOL_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -RCSOL -NCEP -? -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2718,13 +2747,13 @@ surface ? ? ? -237 -SMREF_ON_SURFACE +224 +SNOD_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SMREF -NCEP +SNOD +? ? surface 0 @@ -2738,68 +2767,36 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -233 -POROS_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -POROS -NCEP -? -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -3.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -235 -RLYRS_ON_SURFACE +725 +GSD_ACM_SNOD_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -RLYRS -NCEP +tmpl4_8 +ASNOW ? +ACM surface 0 ? @@ -2812,6 +2809,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2821,20 +2819,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +9.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -234 -RSMIN_ON_SURFACE +232 +SMDRY_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RSMIN +SMDRY NCEP ? surface @@ -2849,66 +2851,34 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -224 -SNOD_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -SNOD -? -? -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -6.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -232 -SMDRY_ON_SURFACE +236 +WILT_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SMDRY +WILT NCEP ? surface @@ -2923,6 +2893,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2932,6 +2903,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2940,15 +2915,15 @@ surface ? ? ? -236 -WILT_ON_SURFACE +171 +RUC_MSTAV_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -WILT -NCEP +MSTAV ? -surface +? +depth_bel_land_sfc 0 ? 0 @@ -2960,48 +2935,16 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -171 -MSTAV_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -MSTAV -NCEP -? -depth_bel_land_sfc -1 -2 -1 -0. -depth_bel_land_sfc -1 -2 -1 -100. -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3034,6 +2977,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3043,6 +2987,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3057,7 +3005,7 @@ LFTX_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_500-1000hpa 1 tmpl4_0 LFTX -NCEP +? ? isobaric_sfc 0 @@ -3071,6 +3019,7 @@ isobaric_sfc 100000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3080,6 +3029,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3094,7 +3047,7 @@ isobaric_sfc 1 tmpl4_0 4LFTX -NCEP +? ? spec_pres_above_grnd 0 @@ -3108,6 +3061,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3117,6 +3071,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3145,6 +3103,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3154,6 +3113,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3182,6 +3145,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3191,6 +3155,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3219,6 +3187,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3228,6 +3197,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3256,6 +3229,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3265,6 +3239,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3293,6 +3271,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3302,6 +3281,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3310,23 +3293,24 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd ? ? ? -107 -CIN_ON_SURFACE +950 +CAPE_ON_0_3KM_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -CIN -? +CAPE ? -surface -0 ? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -? +1 +0. +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -0 +1 +3000. ? ? ? @@ -3339,6 +3323,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3347,24 +3335,25 @@ surface ? ? ? -567 -BEST_CIN_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +107 +CIN_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 CIN ? ? -spec_pres_above_grnd +surface 0 ? -1 -18000. -spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -0. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? ? ? 0 @@ -3376,8 +3365,54 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -4.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +567 +BEST_CIN_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +CIN +? +? +spec_pres_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +18000. +spec_pres_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +0. +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 0 0 0 @@ -3404,6 +3439,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3413,6 +3449,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3441,6 +3481,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3450,6 +3491,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3478,6 +3523,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3487,6 +3533,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3515,6 +3565,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3524,6 +3575,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3532,26 +3587,27 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? -163 -USTM_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND +953 +EFF_HLCY_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -USTM +EFHL NCEP ? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +surface 0 ? -1 -6000. -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +? 0 ? 0 ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3561,31 +3617,36 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -164 -VSTM_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND +957 +CRITICAL_ANGLE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VSTM +CANGLE NCEP ? spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? 1 -6000. +0. spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -0 +1 +500. ? ? ? @@ -3598,34 +3659,39 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -87 -ACM_APCP_ON_SURFACE +163 +USTM_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 -tmpl4_8 -APCP +tmpl4_0 +USTM ? -ACM -surface -0 ? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -? +1 +6000. +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? 0 ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3635,34 +3701,39 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --4.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -34 -ACM_NCPCP_ON_SURFACE +164 +VSTM_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 -tmpl4_8 -NCPCP +tmpl4_0 +VSTM ? -ACM -surface -0 ? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -? +1 +6000. +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? 0 ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3672,16 +3743,20 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --4.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -417 -CACM_APCP_ON_SURFACE +87 +ACM_APCP_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_8 @@ -3700,6 +3775,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3709,6 +3785,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -3717,13 +3797,13 @@ surface ? ? ? -419 -CACM_NCPCP_ON_SURFACE +746 +ACM_GRAUPEL_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_8 -NCPCP -? +FROZR +NCEP ACM surface 0 @@ -3737,6 +3817,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3746,21 +3827,25 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -121 -ACM_SNOM_ON_SURFACE -? +775 +BUCKET_GRAUPEL_ON_SURFACE +bucket graupel precipitation on surface 1 tmpl4_8 -SNOM -? +FROZR +NCEP ACM surface 0 @@ -3774,6 +3859,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3783,20 +3869,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -122 -ACM_SSRUN_ON_SURFACE +782 +ACM_FRAIN_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_8 -SSRUN +FRZR NCEP ACM surface @@ -3811,6 +3901,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3820,6 +3911,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3828,12 +3923,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -123 -ACM_BGRUN_ON_SURFACE +1003 +BUCKET_FRAIN_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_8 -BGRUN +FRZR NCEP ACM surface @@ -3848,6 +3943,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3857,6 +3953,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3865,12 +3965,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -343 -ACM_WATR_ON_SURFACE +1004 +ACM_SNOWFALL_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_8 -WATR +TSNOWP ? ACM surface @@ -3885,6 +3985,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3894,6 +3995,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3902,14 +4007,14 @@ surface ? ? ? -160 -INST_CRAIN_ON_SURFACE +1005 +BUCKET_SNOWFALL_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -CRAIN -NCEP +tmpl4_8 +TSNOWP ? +ACM surface 0 ? @@ -3922,6 +4027,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3931,22 +4037,26 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -1.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -551 -CSNOW_ON_SURFACE -Categorical snow on surface +417 +CACM_APCP_ON_SURFACE +? 1 -tmpl4_0 -CSNOW -NCEP +tmpl4_8 +APCP ? +ACM surface 0 ? @@ -3959,6 +4069,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3968,22 +4079,26 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -1.0 +-4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -552 -CICEP_ON_SURFACE -Categorical ice pellets on surface +121 +ACM_SNOM_ON_SURFACE +? 1 -tmpl4_0 -CICEP -NCEP +tmpl4_8 +SNOM ? +ACM surface 0 ? @@ -3996,6 +4111,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4005,22 +4121,26 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -1.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -553 -CFRZR_ON_SURFACE -Categorical freezing rain on surface +122 +ACM_SSRUN_ON_SURFACE +? 1 -tmpl4_0 -CFRZR -NCEP +tmpl4_8 +SSRUN ? +ACM surface 0 ? @@ -4033,6 +4153,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4042,20 +4163,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -1.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -167 -INST_PRATE_ON_SURFACE -? +407 +GSD_INST_CRAIN_ON_SURFACE +GSD_instant precipitation type on surface 1 tmpl4_0 -PRATE +CRAIN ? ? surface @@ -4070,6 +4195,175 @@ surface ? ? ? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +1.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +559 +GSD_CSNOW_ON_SURFACE +GSD_Categorical snow on surface +1 +tmpl4_0 +CSNOW +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +1.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +560 +GSD_CICEP_ON_SURFACE +GSD_Categorical ice pellets on surface +1 +tmpl4_0 +CICEP +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +1.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +561 +GSD_CFRZR_ON_SURFACE +GSD_Categorical freezing rain on surface +1 +tmpl4_0 +CFRZR +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +1.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +167 +INST_PRATE_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +PRATE +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4079,6 +4373,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4093,7 +4391,7 @@ CPOFP_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 CPOFP -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -4107,6 +4405,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4116,6 +4415,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4144,6 +4447,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4153,6 +4457,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4181,6 +4489,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4190,8 +4499,12 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +3.0 0 0 0 @@ -4218,6 +4531,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4227,6 +4541,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4255,6 +4573,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4264,6 +4583,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4292,6 +4615,7 @@ low_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4301,6 +4625,10 @@ low_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4329,6 +4657,7 @@ mid_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4338,6 +4667,10 @@ mid_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4366,6 +4699,7 @@ high_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4375,6 +4709,10 @@ high_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4383,15 +4721,15 @@ high_cloud_lyr ? ? ? -161 -INST_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +799 +TCDC_ON_BOUND_LYR ? 1 tmpl4_0 TCDC ? ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +bound_lyr_cloud_lyr 0 ? 0 @@ -4403,6 +4741,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4412,6 +4751,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4420,14 +4763,14 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? -144 -AVE_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +161 +INST_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS ? 1 -tmpl4_8 +tmpl4_0 TCDC ? -AVE +? entire_atmos_single_lyr 0 ? @@ -4440,6 +4783,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4449,6 +4793,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4457,13 +4805,13 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? -139 -AVE_CDLYR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +144 +AVE_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS ? 1 tmpl4_8 -CDLYR -NCEP +TCDC +? AVE entire_atmos_single_lyr 0 @@ -4477,6 +4825,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4486,6 +4835,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4514,6 +4867,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4523,6 +4877,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4551,6 +4909,7 @@ lvl_of_adiab_cond_from_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4560,6 +4919,10 @@ lvl_of_adiab_cond_from_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -4588,6 +4951,7 @@ lvl_of_adiab_cond_from_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4597,6 +4961,10 @@ lvl_of_adiab_cond_from_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4611,7 +4979,7 @@ INST_USWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 USWRF -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -4625,6 +4993,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4634,6 +5003,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4648,7 +5021,7 @@ INST_ULWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 ULWRF -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -4662,6 +5035,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4671,6 +5045,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4685,7 +5063,7 @@ AVE_DSWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 DSWRF -NCEP +? AVE surface 0 @@ -4699,6 +5077,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4708,6 +5087,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4722,7 +5105,7 @@ AVE_DLWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 DLWRF -NCEP +? AVE surface 0 @@ -4736,6 +5119,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4745,6 +5129,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4759,7 +5147,7 @@ AVE_USWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 USWRF -NCEP +? AVE surface 0 @@ -4773,6 +5161,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4782,6 +5171,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4796,7 +5189,7 @@ AVE_ULWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 ULWRF -NCEP +? AVE surface 0 @@ -4810,6 +5203,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4819,6 +5213,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4833,7 +5231,7 @@ AVE_USWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS 1 tmpl4_8 USWRF -NCEP +? AVE top_of_atmos 0 @@ -4847,6 +5245,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4856,6 +5255,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4870,7 +5273,7 @@ AVE_ULWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS 1 tmpl4_8 ULWRF -NCEP +? AVE top_of_atmos 0 @@ -4884,6 +5287,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4893,6 +5297,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4907,7 +5315,7 @@ INST_ULWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS 1 tmpl4_0 ULWRF -NCEP +? ? top_of_atmos 0 @@ -4921,6 +5329,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4930,6 +5339,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4958,6 +5371,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4967,6 +5381,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4981,7 +5399,7 @@ INST_DSWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 DSWRF -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -4995,6 +5413,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5004,6 +5423,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5018,7 +5441,7 @@ INST_DLWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 DLWRF -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -5032,6 +5455,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5041,6 +5465,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5049,12 +5477,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -262 -INST_CSDSF_ON_SURFACE +772 +INST_SWDDNI_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -CSDSF +VBDSF NCEP ? surface @@ -5069,6 +5497,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5078,6 +5507,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5086,13 +5519,13 @@ surface ? ? ? -44 -SFCR_ON_SURFACE +773 +INST_SWDDIF_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SFCR -? +VDDSF +NCEP ? surface 0 @@ -5106,6 +5539,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5115,20 +5549,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -2.7 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -45 -FRICV_ON_SURFACE +262 +INST_CSDSF_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -FRICV +CSDSF NCEP ? surface @@ -5143,6 +5581,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5152,6 +5591,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5160,13 +5603,13 @@ surface ? ? ? -132 -CD_ON_SURFACE +44 +SFCR_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -CD -NCEP +SFCR +? ? surface 0 @@ -5180,6 +5623,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5189,20 +5633,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +2.7 0 0 0 ? ? ? -133 -UFLX_ON_SURFACE +45 +FRICV_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -UFLX +FRICV ? ? surface @@ -5217,6 +5665,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5226,20 +5675,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -134 -VFLX_ON_SURFACE +132 +CD_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VFLX +CD ? ? surface @@ -5254,6 +5707,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5263,6 +5717,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -5291,6 +5749,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5300,6 +5759,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5328,6 +5791,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5337,6 +5801,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5351,7 +5819,7 @@ AVE_SNOHF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 SNOHF -NCEP +? AVE surface 0 @@ -5365,6 +5833,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5374,6 +5843,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5402,48 +5875,16 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -47 -ACM_EVP_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_8 -EVP -? -ACM -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5462,7 +5903,7 @@ ACM_PEVAP_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 PEVAP -NCEP +? ACM surface 0 @@ -5476,6 +5917,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5485,6 +5927,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5513,6 +5959,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5522,6 +5969,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5550,6 +6001,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5559,6 +6011,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5587,6 +6043,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5596,6 +6053,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5624,6 +6085,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5633,6 +6095,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5661,6 +6127,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5670,6 +6137,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -5698,6 +6169,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5707,6 +6179,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -5735,6 +6211,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5744,6 +6221,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -5772,6 +6253,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5781,6 +6263,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -5809,6 +6295,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5818,6 +6305,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5846,6 +6337,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5855,6 +6347,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5883,6 +6379,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5892,6 +6389,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -5920,6 +6421,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5929,8 +6431,12 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -5.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 0 0 0 @@ -5957,6 +6463,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5966,6 +6473,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5994,6 +6505,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6003,6 +6515,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6017,7 +6533,7 @@ VWSH_ON_TROPOPAUSE 1 tmpl4_0 VWSH -NCEP +? ? tropopause 0 @@ -6031,6 +6547,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6040,6 +6557,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6068,6 +6589,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 1000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6077,6 +6599,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6105,6 +6631,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 1000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6114,6 +6641,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6142,6 +6673,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 6000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6151,6 +6683,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6179,6 +6715,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 6000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6188,6 +6725,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6216,6 +6757,7 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6225,6 +6767,10 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6244,8 +6790,8 @@ TMP spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -4 -30. 50. 80. 100. +6 +30. 50. 80. 100. 160. 320. ? 0 ? @@ -6253,6 +6799,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6262,6 +6809,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6270,19 +6821,19 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? -60 -UGRD_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL +578 +SPFH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_FDHGT ? 1 tmpl4_0 -UGRD +SPFH ? ? -spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -10 -305. 457. 610. 914. 1524. 1829. 2134. 2743. 3658. 4572. +1 +80. ? 0 ? @@ -6290,6 +6841,7 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6299,27 +6851,31 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +5.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -576 -UGRD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_FDHGT +579 +PRES_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_FDHGT ? 1 tmpl4_0 -UGRD +PRES ? ? spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -4 -30. 50. 80. 100. +1 +80. ? 0 ? @@ -6327,6 +6883,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6336,20 +6893,24 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -61 -VGRD_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL +60 +UGRD_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VGRD +UGRD ? ? spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl @@ -6364,6 +6925,7 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6373,6 +6935,10 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6381,19 +6947,19 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? -577 -VGRD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_FDHGT +576 +UGRD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_FDHGT ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VGRD +UGRD ? ? spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -4 -30. 50. 80. 100. +6 +30. 50. 80. 100. 160. 320. ? 0 ? @@ -6401,6 +6967,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6410,6 +6977,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6418,19 +6989,19 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? -451 -SPFH_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL +61 +VGRD_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SPFH +VGRD ? ? spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0 ? -1 -305. +10 +305. 457. 610. 914. 1524. 1829. 2134. 2743. 3658. 4572. ? 0 ? @@ -6438,6 +7009,7 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6447,27 +7019,31 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -578 -SPFH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_FDHGT +577 +VGRD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_FDHGT ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SPFH +VGRD ? ? spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -4 -30. 50. 80. 100. +6 +30. 50. 80. 100. 160. 320. ? 0 ? @@ -6475,6 +7051,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6484,27 +7061,31 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -579 -PRES_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_FDHGT +451 +SPFH_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES +SPFH ? ? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0 ? -4 -30. 50. 80. 100. +1 +305. ? 0 ? @@ -6512,6 +7093,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6521,8 +7103,12 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +5.0 0 0 0 @@ -6549,6 +7135,7 @@ HGT ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6558,6 +7145,10 @@ HGT 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6586,6 +7177,7 @@ RH ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6595,6 +7187,10 @@ RH 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 2.0 0 @@ -6623,6 +7219,7 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6632,6 +7229,10 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6640,15 +7241,15 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl ? ? ? -247 -HGT_ON_LWST_LVL_OF_WET_BULB_ZERO +350 +RH_ON_HGHST_TROP_FRZ_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -HGT +RH ? ? -lwst_lvl_of_wet_bulb_zero +hghst_trop_frz_lvl 0 ? 0 @@ -6660,6 +7261,7 @@ lwst_lvl_of_wet_bulb_zero ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6669,32 +7271,37 @@ lwst_lvl_of_wet_bulb_zero 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --5.0 +-0.1 0 0 0 ? ? ? -67 -PRES_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND -? +779 +HGT_ON_HGHST_TROP_-20C_LVL +height on highest tropospheric -20C level 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES +HGT ? ? -spec_pres_above_grnd +isothermal +0 +? +1 +253. +? 0 ? -6 -3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. 18000. -spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -6 -0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. +? ? ? 0 @@ -6706,32 +7313,37 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -68 -TMP_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND -? +443 +HGT_ON_EQUIL_LVL +geopotential height on Equilibrium level 1 tmpl4_0 -TMP +HGT ? ? -spec_pres_above_grnd +equil_lvl 0 ? -6 -3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. 18000. -spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -6 -0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? ? ? 0 @@ -6743,6 +7355,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6751,24 +7367,25 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd ? ? ? -69 -POT_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +247 +HGT_ON_LWST_LVL_OF_WET_BULB_ZERO ? 1 tmpl4_0 -POT +HGT +? +? +lwst_lvl_of_wet_bulb_zero +0 +? +0 ? ? -spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -3000. -spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -0. +? ? ? 0 @@ -6780,32 +7397,37 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -4.0 -0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-5.0 +0 0 0 ? ? ? -70 -DPT_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND -? +67 +PRES_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +? 1 tmpl4_0 -DPT +PRES ? ? spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -3000. +6 +3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. 18000. spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -0. +6 +0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. +? ? ? 0 @@ -6817,20 +7439,24 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -71 -SPFH_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +68 +TMP_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SPFH +TMP ? ? spec_pres_above_grnd @@ -6845,6 +7471,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6854,32 +7481,37 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -72 -RH_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +69 +POT_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RH +POT ? ? spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -6 -3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. 18000. +1 +3000. spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -6 -0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. +1 +0. +? ? ? 0 @@ -6891,20 +7523,24 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -2.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -88 -MCONV_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +70 +DPT_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -MCONV +DPT ? ? spec_pres_above_grnd @@ -6919,6 +7555,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6928,6 +7565,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6936,24 +7577,25 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd ? ? ? -89 -PWAT_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +71 +SPFH_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PWAT +SPFH ? ? spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -3000. +6 +3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. 18000. spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -0. +6 +0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. +? ? ? 0 @@ -6965,20 +7607,24 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +5.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -73 -UGRD_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +72 +RH_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -UGRD +RH ? ? spec_pres_above_grnd @@ -6993,6 +7639,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7002,20 +7649,66 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +2.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -74 -VGRD_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +89 +PWAT_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VGRD +PWAT +? +? +spec_pres_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +3000. +spec_pres_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +0. +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +73 +UGRD_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +UGRD ? ? spec_pres_above_grnd @@ -7030,6 +7723,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7039,6 +7733,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7047,24 +7745,25 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd ? ? ? -90 -VVEL_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +74 +VGRD_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VVEL +VGRD ? ? spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -3 -3000. 9000. 18000. +6 +3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. 18000. spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -3 -0. 6000. 15000. +6 +0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. +? ? ? 0 @@ -7076,8 +7775,12 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +4.0 0 0 0 @@ -7104,6 +7807,7 @@ cloud_base ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7113,6 +7817,10 @@ cloud_base 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7141,6 +7849,7 @@ cloud_top ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7150,6 +7859,10 @@ cloud_top 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7178,6 +7891,7 @@ cloud_top ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7187,6 +7901,10 @@ cloud_top 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -7215,6 +7933,7 @@ cloud_base ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7224,6 +7943,10 @@ cloud_base 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7252,6 +7975,7 @@ cloud_top ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7261,6 +7985,10 @@ cloud_top 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7289,6 +8017,7 @@ cloud_top ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7298,6 +8027,10 @@ cloud_top 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -7326,6 +8059,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7335,6 +8069,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7363,6 +8101,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7372,6 +8111,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7400,6 +8143,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7409,6 +8153,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7437,6 +8185,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7446,6 +8195,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7460,7 +8213,7 @@ REFC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS 1 tmpl4_0 REFC -NCEP +? ? entire_atmos_single_lyr 0 @@ -7474,6 +8227,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7483,6 +8237,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7491,19 +8249,19 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? -276 -REFZR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +253 +REFD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -REFZR -NCEP +REFD ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr -0 ? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? +2 +4000. 1000. ? 0 ? @@ -7511,6 +8269,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7520,24 +8279,28 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --4.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -277 -REFZI_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +221 +HPBL_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -REFZI -NCEP +HPBL ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr -0 +? +surface +0 ? 0 ? @@ -7548,6 +8311,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7557,27 +8321,31 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -253 -REFD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND +194 +PRES_ON_GRID_SCALE_CLOUD_BOT_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -REFD -NCEP +PRES +? +? +grid_scale_cloud_bot_lvl +0 ? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -2 -4000. 1000. ? 0 ? @@ -7585,6 +8353,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7594,27 +8363,31 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -279 -REFZR_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND +195 +PRES_ON_GRID_SCALE_CLOUD_TOP_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -REFZR -NCEP +PRES +? +? +grid_scale_cloud_top_lvl +0 ? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -2 -4000. 1000. ? 0 ? @@ -7622,6 +8395,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7631,27 +8405,31 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -280 -REFZI_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND +979 +EFSH_ON_EFBL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -REFZI +EFSH NCEP ? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +level_free_convection +0 +? 0 ? -2 -4000. 1000. ? 0 ? @@ -7659,6 +8437,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7668,23 +8447,27 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --4.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -221 -HPBL_ON_SURFACE +980 +EFSH_ON_EFTL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -HPBL +EFSH NCEP ? -surface +equil_lvl 0 ? 0 @@ -7696,6 +8479,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7705,23 +8489,27 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -194 -PRES_ON_GRID_SCALE_CLOUD_BOT_LVL +982 +ELMELT_ON_EFTL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES -? +ELMELT +NCEP ? -grid_scale_cloud_bot_lvl +equil_lvl 0 ? 0 @@ -7733,6 +8521,7 @@ grid_scale_cloud_bot_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7742,23 +8531,27 @@ grid_scale_cloud_bot_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -195 -PRES_ON_GRID_SCALE_CLOUD_TOP_LVL +983 +UESH_ON_EFL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES -? +UESH +NCEP ? -grid_scale_cloud_top_lvl +level_free_convection 0 ? 0 @@ -7770,6 +8563,7 @@ grid_scale_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7779,23 +8573,27 @@ grid_scale_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -200 -TCOLW_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +984 +VESH_ON_EFL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLW +VESH NCEP ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +level_free_convection 0 ? 0 @@ -7807,6 +8605,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7816,23 +8615,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -201 -TCOLI_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +985 +ESHR_ON_EFL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLI +ESHR NCEP ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +level_free_convection 0 ? 0 @@ -7844,6 +8647,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7853,23 +8657,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -202 -TCOLR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +986 +UEID_ON_EFL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLR +UEID NCEP ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +level_free_convection 0 ? 0 @@ -7881,6 +8689,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7890,23 +8699,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -203 -TCOLS_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +987 +VEID_ON_EFL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLS +VEID NCEP ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +level_free_convection 0 ? 0 @@ -7918,6 +8731,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7927,23 +8741,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -204 -TCOLC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +988 +E3KH_ON_EFL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLC +E3KH NCEP ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +level_free_convection 0 ? 0 @@ -7955,6 +8773,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7964,23 +8783,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -428 -TCOLG_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +989 +STPC_ON_EFL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLG -? +STPC +NCEP ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +level_free_convection 0 ? 0 @@ -7992,6 +8815,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8001,23 +8825,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -285 -TCLSW_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +990 +SIGT_ON_EFL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCLSW +SIGT NCEP ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +level_free_convection 0 ? 0 @@ -8029,6 +8857,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8038,23 +8867,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -286 -TCOLM_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +991 +SCCP_ON_EFL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLM +SCCP NCEP ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +level_free_convection 0 ? 0 @@ -8066,6 +8899,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8075,23 +8909,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -287 -HGT_ON_LWST_BOT_LVL_OF_SUPERCOOLED_LIQ_WATER_LYR +993 +SIGH_ON_EFL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -HGT -? +SIGH +NCEP ? -lwst_bot_lvl_of_supercooled_liq_water_lyr +level_free_convection 0 ? 0 @@ -8103,6 +8941,7 @@ lwst_bot_lvl_of_supercooled_liq_water_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8112,23 +8951,27 @@ lwst_bot_lvl_of_supercooled_liq_water_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -288 -HGT_ON_HGHST_TOP_LVL_OF_SUPERCOOLED_LIQ_WATER_LYR +992 +MLFC_ON_EFL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -HGT -? +MLFC +NCEP ? -hghst_top_lvl_of_supercooled_liq_water_lyr +level_free_convection 0 ? 0 @@ -8140,6 +8983,7 @@ hghst_top_lvl_of_supercooled_liq_water_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8149,23 +8993,27 @@ hghst_top_lvl_of_supercooled_liq_water_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-1.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -260 -HGT_ON_CLOUD_CEILING +287 +HGT_ON_LWST_BOT_LVL_OF_SUPERCOOLED_LIQ_WATER_LYR ? 1 tmpl4_0 HGT ? ? -cloud_ceilng +lwst_bot_lvl_of_supercooled_liq_water_lyr 0 ? 0 @@ -8177,6 +9025,7 @@ cloud_ceilng ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8186,6 +9035,10 @@ cloud_ceilng 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8194,15 +9047,15 @@ cloud_ceilng ? ? ? -256 -ACM_LSPA_ON_SURFACE +288 +HGT_ON_HGHST_TOP_LVL_OF_SUPERCOOLED_LIQ_WATER_LYR ? 1 -tmpl4_8 -LSPA -NCEP -ACM -surface +tmpl4_0 +HGT +? +? +hghst_top_lvl_of_supercooled_liq_water_lyr 0 ? 0 @@ -8214,6 +9067,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8223,23 +9077,27 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +5.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -282 -PRES_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS -? +408 +GSD_HGT_ON_CLOUD_CEILING +GSD_geopotential height on cloud ceiling 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES +HGT ? ? -top_of_atmos +cloud_ceilng 0 ? 0 @@ -8251,6 +9109,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8260,23 +9119,27 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +-3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -290 -SWHR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +487 +GSD_EXP_CEILING ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SWHR -NCEP +CEIL ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +? +cloud_ceilng 0 ? 0 @@ -8288,6 +9151,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8297,23 +9161,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -291 -LWHR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +711 +GSD_EXP_CEILING_2 ? 1 tmpl4_0 -LWHR -NCEP +CEIL ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +? +cloud_base 0 ? 0 @@ -8325,6 +9193,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8334,23 +9203,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -292 -AVE_LRGHR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +282 +PRES_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS ? 1 -tmpl4_8 -LRGHR -NCEP -AVE -entire_atmos_single_lyr +tmpl4_0 +PRES +? +? +top_of_atmos 0 ? 0 @@ -8362,6 +9235,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8371,60 +9245,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -5.0 -0 0 -0 -? -? -? -295 -MCONV_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -MCONV -? -? -entire_atmos_single_lyr -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -? -0 -0.0 +0.0 0 0.0 1 -5.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -344 -PBLREG_ON_SURFACE +389 +UGRD_ON_PLANETARY_BOUND_LYR ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PBLREG +UGRD ? ? -surface +planetary_bound_lyr 0 ? 0 @@ -8436,48 +9277,16 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -2.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -389 -UGRD_ON_PLANETARY_BOUND_LYR -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -UGRD -? -? -planetary_bound_lyr -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8510,6 +9319,7 @@ planetary_bound_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8519,6 +9329,10 @@ planetary_bound_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -8547,6 +9361,7 @@ planetary_bound_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8556,6 +9371,10 @@ planetary_bound_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -8584,6 +9403,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8593,6 +9413,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -8607,7 +9431,7 @@ RETOP_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR 1 tmpl4_0 RETOP -NCEP +? ? entire_atmos_single_lyr 0 @@ -8621,6 +9445,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8630,6 +9455,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8658,6 +9487,7 @@ planetary_bound_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8667,6 +9497,10 @@ planetary_bound_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -8695,6 +9529,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8704,6 +9539,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -8732,6 +9571,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8741,6 +9581,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8769,6 +9613,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8778,6 +9623,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8806,6 +9655,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8815,6 +9665,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -2.0 0 @@ -8843,6 +9697,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8852,6 +9707,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -2.0 0 @@ -8880,6 +9739,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8889,6 +9749,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -8917,6 +9781,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8926,6 +9791,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -8954,6 +9823,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8963,6 +9833,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -8991,6 +9865,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9000,6 +9875,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -9009,7 +9888,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? 423 -MAX_MAXUVV_ON_SPEC_PRES_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_100-1000hpa +MAX_MAXUVV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_100-1000hpa hourly maximum Upward Vertical Velocity between 100-1000hpa 1 tmpl4_8 @@ -9028,6 +9907,7 @@ isobaric_sfc 100000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9037,6 +9917,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -9046,7 +9930,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? 424 -MAX_MAXDVV_ON_SPEC_PRES_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_100-1000hpa +MAX_MAXDVV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_100-1000hpa hourly maximum Downward Vertical Velocity between 100-1000hpa 1 tmpl4_8 @@ -9065,6 +9949,7 @@ isobaric_sfc 100000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9074,6 +9959,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -9102,6 +9991,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9111,6 +10001,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -9119,15 +10013,15 @@ surface ? ? ? -444 -LTNG_ON_SURFACE -lightning +581 +VIL_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +entire atmosphere Vertically Integrated Liquid (kg/m-2) 1 tmpl4_0 -LTNG -NCEP +VIL ? -surface +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr 0 ? 0 @@ -9139,6 +10033,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9148,23 +10043,27 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -1.0 +7.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -581 -VIL_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS -entire atmosphere Vertically Integrated Liquid (kg/m-2) +769 +GSD_VIL_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +? 1 tmpl4_0 VIL ? ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +entire_atmos 0 ? 0 @@ -9176,6 +10075,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9185,8 +10085,12 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +7.0 0 0 0 @@ -9199,7 +10103,7 @@ Updraft Helicity on Specified Height Level Above Ground 1 tmpl4_0 UPHL -NCEP +? ? spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 @@ -9213,6 +10117,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 2000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9222,6 +10127,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -9250,6 +10159,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 2000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9259,6 +10169,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -9287,6 +10201,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 2000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9296,6 +10211,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -9324,6 +10243,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9333,6 +10253,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -9361,6 +10285,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9370,6 +10295,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -9398,6 +10327,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9407,6 +10337,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -9435,6 +10369,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9444,6 +10379,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -9472,6 +10411,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9481,6 +10421,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -9489,19 +10433,19 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? -785 -MAX_REF_ON_ISOTHERMAL_-10C -maximum reflectivity on -10C suface +728 +GSD_HAILCAST_HAIL_DIAMETER +? 1 tmpl4_8 -MAXREF -NCEP +HAIL +? MAX -isothermal +surface +0 +? 0 ? -1 -263. ? 0 ? @@ -9509,6 +10453,7 @@ isothermal ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9518,27 +10463,1165 @@ isothermal 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --3.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -912 -REFD_ON_ISOTHERMAL -? +785 +MAX_REF_ON_ISOTHERMAL_-10C +maximum reflectivity on -10C suface 1 -tmpl4_0 -REFD +tmpl4_8 +MAXREF NCEP +MAX +isothermal +0 +? +1 +263. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +912 +REFD_ON_ISOTHERMAL +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +REFD +? +? +isothermal +0 +? +1 +263. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +913 +1H_FFG_EXCEEDANCE +? +1 +tmpl4_9 +QPFFFG +NCEP +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +prob_above_lower_limit +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +1.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +914 +ACM_FFG_EXCEEDANCE +? +1 +tmpl4_9 +QPFFFG +NCEP +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +prob_above_lower_limit +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +1.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +915 +1H_2YARI_EXCEEDANCE +? +1 +tmpl4_9 +QPFARI +NCEP +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +prob_above_lower_limit +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +2.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +916 +ACM_2YARI_EXCEEDANCE +? +1 +tmpl4_9 +QPFARI +NCEP +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +prob_above_lower_limit +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +2.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +917 +1H_5YARI_EXCEEDANCE +? +1 +tmpl4_9 +QPFARI +NCEP +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +prob_above_lower_limit +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +5.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +918 +ACM_5YARI_EXCEEDANCE +? +1 +tmpl4_9 +QPFARI +NCEP +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +prob_above_lower_limit +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +5.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +919 +1H_10YARI_EXCEEDANCE +? +1 +tmpl4_9 +QPFARI +NCEP +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +prob_above_lower_limit +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +10.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? 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+between_first_second_limit_noincl2ndlmt +7 +25 +7 +100 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +1011 +COARSEPM_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR +? +1 +tmpl4_48 +COLMD +? +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +dust_dry +? +between_first_second_limit_noincl2ndlmt +7 +25 +7 +100 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +735 +AOD_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +AOTK +? +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +755 +HWP_ON_SURFACE +Hourly Wildfire Potential on surface +1 +tmpl4_8 +WFIREPOT +? +AVE +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +759 +AVE_SMOKE_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_8m +? +1 +tmpl4_46 +MASSDEN +? +AVE +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +8. +? +0 +? +0 +? +particulate_org_matter_dry +? +smaller_than_first_limit +7 +25 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? 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0 ? @@ -9895,6 +12023,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9904,6 +12033,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -9923,8 +12056,8 @@ HGT hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? @@ -9932,6 +12065,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9941,6 +12075,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9960,8 +12098,8 @@ TMP hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? @@ -9969,6 +12107,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9978,6 +12117,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9997,8 +12140,8 @@ SPFH hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? @@ -10006,73 +12149,41 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -7.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -7 -UGRD_ON_HYBRID_LVL -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -UGRD -? -? -hybrid_lvl -0 -? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. -? 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0 ? @@ -10191,6 +12275,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10200,27 +12285,31 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +-5.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -78 -AVE_LRGHR_ON_HYBRID_LVL +11 +TKE_ON_HYBRID_LVL ? 1 -tmpl4_8 -LRGHR -NCEP -AVE +tmpl4_0 +TKE +? +? hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? @@ -10228,6 +12317,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10237,6 +12327,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -10245,15 +12339,15 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? -23 -MSLET_ON_MEAN_SEA_LVL -? +749 +GSD_RH_WRT_PRECIP_WATER_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +RELATIVE HUMIDITY WITH RESPECT TO PRECIPITABLE WATER 1 tmpl4_0 -MSLET +RHPW NCEP ? -mean_sea_lvl +entire_atmos 0 ? 0 @@ -10265,6 +12359,7 @@ mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10274,21 +12369,25 @@ mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +-0.1 0 0 0 ? ? ? -105 -PRES_ON_MEAN_SEA_LVL +23 +MSLET_ON_MEAN_SEA_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PRMSL -? +MSLET +NCEP ? mean_sea_lvl 0 @@ -10302,6 +12401,7 @@ mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10311,6 +12411,10 @@ mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -10339,6 +12443,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10348,6 +12453,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10376,6 +12485,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10385,6 +12495,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10413,6 +12527,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10422,6 +12537,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10450,6 +12569,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10459,6 +12579,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -10487,6 +12611,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10496,6 +12621,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10524,6 +12653,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10533,6 +12663,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10541,19 +12675,19 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? -158 -POT_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m +24 +PRES_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -POT +PRES ? ? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +surface +0 +? 0 ? -1 -10. ? 0 ? @@ -10561,6 +12695,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10570,27 +12705,31 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -159 -SPFH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m +25 +HGT_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SPFH +HGT ? ? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +surface +0 +? 0 ? -1 -10. ? 0 ? @@ -10598,6 +12737,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10607,20 +12747,24 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -24 -PRES_ON_SURFACE +27 +POT_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES +POT ? ? surface @@ -10635,6 +12779,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10644,20 +12789,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +5.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -25 -HGT_ON_SURFACE +28 +SPFH_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -HGT +SPFH ? ? surface @@ -10672,6 +12821,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10681,20 +12831,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -27 -POT_ON_SURFACE +26 +TMP_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -POT +TMP ? ? surface @@ -10709,6 +12863,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10718,23 +12873,69 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -28 -SPFH_ON_SURFACE +581 +VIL_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +entire atmosphere Vertically Integrated Liquid (kg/m-2) +1 +tmpl4_0 +VIL +? +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +7.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +769 +GSD_VIL_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SPFH +VIL ? ? -surface +entire_atmos 0 ? 0 @@ -10746,6 +12947,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10755,23 +12957,27 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +7.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -26 -TMP_ON_SURFACE +400 +RETOP_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TMP +RETOP ? ? -surface +entire_atmos_single_lyr 0 ? 0 @@ -10783,6 +12989,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10792,8 +12999,12 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 @@ -10801,7 +13012,7 @@ surface ? ? 423 -MAX_MAXUVV_ON_SPEC_PRES_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_100-1000hpa +MAX_MAXUVV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_100-1000hpa hourly maximum Upward Vertical Velocity between 100-1000hpa 1 tmpl4_8 @@ -10820,6 +13031,7 @@ isobaric_sfc 100000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10829,6 +13041,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -10838,7 +13054,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? 424 -MAX_MAXDVV_ON_SPEC_PRES_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_100-1000hpa +MAX_MAXDVV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_100-1000hpa hourly maximum Downward Vertical Velocity between 100-1000hpa 1 tmpl4_8 @@ -10857,6 +13073,7 @@ isobaric_sfc 100000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10866,6 +13083,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -10894,6 +13115,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10903,6 +13125,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -10931,6 +13157,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 2000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10940,6 +13167,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -10968,6 +13199,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 2000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10977,6 +13209,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -11005,6 +13241,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11014,6 +13251,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -11042,6 +13283,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11051,6 +13293,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -11079,6 +13325,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11088,6 +13335,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -11116,6 +13367,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11125,6 +13377,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -11133,6 +13389,48 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +728 +GSD_HAILCAST_HAIL_DIAMETER +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +HAIL +? +MAX +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? 506 MAX_MAXUW_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m U Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind Speed (m/s) @@ -11153,6 +13451,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11162,6 +13461,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -11190,6 +13493,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11199,6 +13503,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -11227,6 +13535,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11236,6 +13545,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -11264,6 +13577,7 @@ isothermal ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11273,6 +13587,10 @@ isothermal 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 0 @@ -11287,7 +13605,7 @@ REFD_ON_ISOTHERMAL 1 tmpl4_0 REFD -NCEP +? ? isothermal 0 @@ -11301,6 +13619,7 @@ isothermal ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11310,6 +13629,10 @@ isothermal 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -11338,6 +13661,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11347,6 +13671,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -11375,6 +13703,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11384,6 +13713,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -11412,6 +13745,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11421,6 +13755,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -2.0 0 @@ -11449,6 +13787,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11458,6 +13797,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -2.0 0 @@ -11466,6 +13809,48 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +713 +CISOILM_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +CISOILM +? +? +depth_bel_land_sfc +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? 116 TSOIL_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC ? @@ -11475,15 +13860,16 @@ TSOIL ? ? depth_bel_land_sfc -4 -2 2 2 2 -4 -0. 10. 40. 100. +1 +2 +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. depth_bel_land_sfc -4 -2 2 2 2 -4 -10. 40. 100. 200. +1 +2 +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. +? ? ? 0 @@ -11495,6 +13881,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -11512,15 +13902,16 @@ SOILW NCEP ? depth_bel_land_sfc -4 -2 2 2 2 -4 -0. 10. 40. 100. +1 +2 +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. depth_bel_land_sfc -4 -2 2 2 2 -4 -10. 40. 100. 200. +1 +2 +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. +? ? ? 0 @@ -11532,6 +13923,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11540,24 +13935,25 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc ? ? ? -36 -SOILM_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC +225 +SOILL_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SOILM +SOILL ? ? depth_bel_land_sfc 1 2 -1 -0. +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. depth_bel_land_sfc 1 2 -1 -200. +9 +0. 1. 4. 10. 30. 60. 100. 160. 300. +? ? ? 0 @@ -11569,6 +13965,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11583,7 +13983,7 @@ SFEXC_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 SFEXC -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -11597,6 +13997,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11606,6 +14007,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11634,48 +14039,16 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -171 -MSTAV_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -MSTAV -NCEP -? -depth_bel_land_sfc -1 -2 -1 -0. -depth_bel_land_sfc -1 -2 -1 -100. -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11688,19 +14061,19 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc ? ? ? -115 -TSOIL_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC_3m +171 +RUC_MSTAV_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TSOIL +MSTAV ? ? depth_bel_land_sfc 0 ? -1 -3. +0 +? ? 0 ? @@ -11708,6 +14081,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11717,6 +14091,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11745,6 +14123,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11754,6 +14133,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11768,7 +14151,7 @@ CNWAT_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 CNWAT -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -11782,6 +14165,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11791,6 +14175,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -11819,6 +14207,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11828,6 +14217,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -11842,7 +14235,7 @@ surface 1 tmpl4_0 4LFTX -NCEP +? ? spec_pres_above_grnd 0 @@ -11856,6 +14249,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11865,6 +14259,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11893,6 +14291,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11902,6 +14301,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11930,48 +14333,16 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 --4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -34 -ACM_NCPCP_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_8 -NCPCP -? -ACM -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12004,6 +14375,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12013,6 +14385,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -12021,12 +14397,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -419 -CACM_NCPCP_ON_SURFACE +1004 +ACM_SNOWFALL_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_8 -NCPCP +TSNOWP ? ACM surface @@ -12041,6 +14417,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12050,8 +14427,12 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --4.0 +4.0 0 0 0 @@ -12078,6 +14459,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12087,6 +14469,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -12101,7 +14487,7 @@ ACM_SSRUN_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 SSRUN -NCEP +? ACM surface 0 @@ -12115,6 +14501,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12124,21 +14511,25 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -123 -ACM_BGRUN_ON_SURFACE +121 +ACM_SNOM_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_8 -BGRUN -NCEP +SNOM +? ACM surface 0 @@ -12152,6 +14543,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12161,6 +14553,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -12169,13 +14565,13 @@ surface ? ? ? -160 -INST_CRAIN_ON_SURFACE -? +407 +GSD_INST_CRAIN_ON_SURFACE +GSD_instant precipitation type on surface 1 tmpl4_0 CRAIN -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -12189,6 +14585,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12198,6 +14595,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -12206,13 +14607,13 @@ surface ? ? ? -551 -CSNOW_ON_SURFACE -Categorical snow on surface +559 +GSD_CSNOW_ON_SURFACE +GSD_Categorical snow on surface 1 tmpl4_0 CSNOW -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -12226,6 +14627,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12235,6 +14637,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -12243,13 +14649,13 @@ surface ? ? ? -552 -CICEP_ON_SURFACE -Categorical ice pellets on surface +560 +GSD_CICEP_ON_SURFACE +GSD_Categorical ice pellets on surface 1 tmpl4_0 CICEP -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -12263,6 +14669,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12272,6 +14679,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -12280,13 +14691,13 @@ surface ? ? ? -553 -CFRZR_ON_SURFACE -Categorical freezing rain on surface +561 +GSD_CFRZR_ON_SURFACE +GSD_Categorical freezing rain on surface 1 tmpl4_0 CFRZR -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -12300,6 +14711,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12309,6 +14721,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -12337,6 +14753,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12346,6 +14763,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -12360,7 +14781,7 @@ CPOFP_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 CPOFP -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -12374,6 +14795,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12383,6 +14805,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -12402,8 +14828,50 @@ CLMR hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +747 +GSD_NCCD_ON_HYBRID_LVL +Number concentration for cloud water drops on hybrid level +1 +tmpl4_0 +NCONCD +? +? +hybrid_lvl +0 +? +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? @@ -12411,6 +14879,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12420,6 +14889,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -12439,8 +14912,50 @@ ICMR hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. +? 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0 ? @@ -12485,6 +15005,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12494,6 +15015,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -12513,8 +15038,8 @@ TCDC hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? @@ -12522,6 +15047,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12531,6 +15057,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -12550,8 +15080,8 @@ RWMR hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? @@ -12559,6 +15089,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12568,8 +15099,12 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +3.0 0 0 0 @@ -12587,8 +15122,8 @@ SNMR hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? @@ -12596,6 +15131,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12605,27 +15141,31 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -187 -RIME_ON_HYBRID_LVL +754 +GSD_NCRAIN_ON_HYBRID_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RIME -NCEP +SPNCR +? ? hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? @@ -12633,6 +15173,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12642,6 +15183,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -12650,68 +15195,78 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? -199 -TCOND_ON_HYBRID_LVL +737 +SMOKE_ON_HYBRID_LVL ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -TCOND -NCEP +tmpl4_48 +MASSDEN +? ? hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? 0 ? +particulate_org_matter_dry ? +smaller_than_first_limit +7 +25 +0 +0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -3.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -185 -FRAIN_ON_HYBRID_LVL +742 +DUST_ON_HYBRID_LVL ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -FRAIN -NCEP +tmpl4_48 +MASSDEN +? ? hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? 0 ? +dust_dry ? +smaller_than_first_limit +7 +25 +0 +0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12724,31 +15279,36 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? -186 -FICE_ON_HYBRID_LVL +1012 +COARSEPM_ON_HYBRID_LVL ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -FICE -NCEP +tmpl4_48 +MASSDEN +? ? hybrid_lvl 0 ? -64 -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. +65 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. ? 0 ? 0 ? +dust_dry ? +between_first_second_limit_noincl2ndlmt +7 +25 +7 +100 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12781,6 +15341,7 @@ low_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12790,6 +15351,10 @@ low_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -12818,6 +15383,7 @@ mid_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12827,6 +15393,10 @@ mid_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -12855,6 +15425,7 @@ high_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12864,6 +15435,10 @@ high_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -12872,15 +15447,15 @@ high_cloud_lyr ? ? ? -161 -INST_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +799 +TCDC_ON_BOUND_LYR ? 1 tmpl4_0 TCDC ? ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +bound_lyr_cloud_lyr 0 ? 0 @@ -12892,6 +15467,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12901,6 +15477,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -12909,14 +15489,14 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? -144 -AVE_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +161 +INST_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS ? 1 -tmpl4_8 +tmpl4_0 TCDC ? -AVE +? entire_atmos_single_lyr 0 ? @@ -12929,6 +15509,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12938,6 +15519,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -12946,13 +15531,13 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? -139 -AVE_CDLYR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +144 +AVE_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS ? 1 tmpl4_8 -CDLYR -NCEP +TCDC +? AVE entire_atmos_single_lyr 0 @@ -12966,6 +15551,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -12975,6 +15561,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -12989,7 +15579,7 @@ INST_USWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 USWRF -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -13003,6 +15593,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13012,6 +15603,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13026,7 +15621,7 @@ INST_ULWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 ULWRF -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -13040,6 +15635,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13049,6 +15645,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13063,7 +15663,7 @@ AVE_DSWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 DSWRF -NCEP +? AVE surface 0 @@ -13077,6 +15677,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13086,6 +15687,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -13100,7 +15705,7 @@ AVE_DLWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 DLWRF -NCEP +? AVE surface 0 @@ -13114,6 +15719,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13123,6 +15729,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -13137,7 +15747,7 @@ AVE_USWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 USWRF -NCEP +? AVE surface 0 @@ -13151,6 +15761,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13160,6 +15771,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -13174,7 +15789,7 @@ AVE_ULWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 ULWRF -NCEP +? AVE surface 0 @@ -13188,6 +15803,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13197,6 +15813,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -13211,7 +15831,7 @@ AVE_USWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS 1 tmpl4_8 USWRF -NCEP +? AVE top_of_atmos 0 @@ -13225,6 +15845,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13234,6 +15855,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -13248,7 +15873,7 @@ AVE_ULWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS 1 tmpl4_8 ULWRF -NCEP +? AVE top_of_atmos 0 @@ -13262,6 +15887,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13271,6 +15897,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -13285,7 +15915,7 @@ INST_DSWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 DSWRF -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -13299,6 +15929,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13308,6 +15939,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13322,7 +15957,7 @@ INST_DLWRF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 DLWRF -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -13336,6 +15971,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13345,6 +15981,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13353,12 +15993,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -262 -INST_CSDSF_ON_SURFACE +772 +INST_SWDDNI_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -CSDSF +VBDSF NCEP ? surface @@ -13373,6 +16013,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13382,6 +16023,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13390,13 +16035,13 @@ surface ? ? ? -44 -SFCR_ON_SURFACE +773 +INST_SWDDIF_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SFCR -? +VDDSF +NCEP ? surface 0 @@ -13410,6 +16055,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13419,20 +16065,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -2.7 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -45 -FRICV_ON_SURFACE +262 +INST_CSDSF_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -FRICV +CSDSF NCEP ? surface @@ -13447,6 +16097,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13456,6 +16107,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13464,13 +16119,13 @@ surface ? ? ? -132 -CD_ON_SURFACE +44 +SFCR_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -CD -NCEP +SFCR +? ? surface 0 @@ -13484,6 +16139,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13493,20 +16149,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +2.7 0 0 0 ? ? ? -133 -UFLX_ON_SURFACE +45 +FRICV_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -UFLX +FRICV ? ? surface @@ -13521,6 +16181,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13530,20 +16191,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -134 -VFLX_ON_SURFACE +132 +CD_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VFLX +CD ? ? surface @@ -13558,6 +16223,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13567,6 +16233,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -13595,6 +16265,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13604,6 +16275,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13632,6 +16307,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13641,6 +16317,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13655,7 +16335,7 @@ AVE_SNOHF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 SNOHF -NCEP +? AVE surface 0 @@ -13669,6 +16349,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13678,6 +16359,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13706,48 +16391,16 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -47 -ACM_EVP_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_8 -EVP -? -ACM -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13766,7 +16419,7 @@ ACM_PEVAP_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 PEVAP -NCEP +? ACM surface 0 @@ -13780,11 +16433,16 @@ surface ? ? ? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13817,6 +16475,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13826,6 +16485,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13854,6 +16517,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13863,6 +16527,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13891,6 +16559,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13900,6 +16569,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13928,6 +16601,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13937,6 +16611,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -13965,6 +16643,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -13974,6 +16653,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -14002,6 +16685,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14011,6 +16695,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -14039,6 +16727,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14048,6 +16737,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 2.0 0 @@ -14076,6 +16769,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14085,6 +16779,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 2.0 0 @@ -14113,6 +16811,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14122,6 +16821,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -14150,6 +16853,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14159,6 +16863,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -14187,6 +16895,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14196,6 +16905,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -14224,6 +16937,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14233,6 +16947,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -14261,6 +16979,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14270,6 +16989,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -14298,6 +17021,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14307,6 +17031,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -14335,6 +17063,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14344,6 +17073,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -14372,54 +17105,22 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -2.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -88 -MCONV_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -MCONV -? -? -spec_pres_above_grnd -0 -? -1 -3000. -spec_pres_above_grnd -0 -? -1 -0. -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -3.0 +2.0 0 0 0 @@ -14439,158 +17140,11 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd ? 1 3000. -spec_pres_above_grnd -0 -? -1 -0. -? -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -73 -UGRD_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -UGRD -? -? -spec_pres_above_grnd -0 -? -6 -3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. 18000. -spec_pres_above_grnd -0 -? -6 -0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. -? -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -1 -4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -74 -VGRD_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -VGRD -? -? -spec_pres_above_grnd -0 -? -6 -3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. 18000. -spec_pres_above_grnd -0 -? -6 -0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. -? -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -1 -4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -256 -ACM_LSPA_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_8 -LSPA -NCEP -ACM -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -282 -PRES_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -PRES -? -? -top_of_atmos -0 -? -0 -? -? +spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -0 +1 +0. ? ? ? @@ -14603,6 +17157,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -14611,24 +17169,25 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? -283 -PRES_ON_HYBRID_LVL_1L +73 +UGRD_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES +UGRD ? ? -hybrid_lvl +spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -1. -hybrid_lvl +6 +3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. 18000. +spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -21. +6 +0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. +? ? ? 0 @@ -14640,32 +17199,37 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -273 -PRES_ON_HYBRID_LVL_LLM +74 +VGRD_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES +VGRD ? ? -hybrid_lvl +spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -1. -hybrid_lvl +6 +3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. 18000. +spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -61. +6 +0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. +? ? ? 0 @@ -14677,23 +17241,27 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -118 -CNWAT_ON_SURFACE +282 +PRES_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS ? 1 tmpl4_0 -CNWAT -NCEP +PRES ? -surface +? +top_of_atmos 0 ? 0 @@ -14705,6 +17273,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14714,8 +17283,12 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -1.0 +3.0 0 0 0 @@ -14742,6 +17315,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14751,6 +17325,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -14765,7 +17343,7 @@ LFTX_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_500-1000hpa 1 tmpl4_0 LFTX -NCEP +? ? isobaric_sfc 0 @@ -14779,6 +17357,7 @@ isobaric_sfc 100000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14788,6 +17367,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -14816,6 +17399,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14825,6 +17409,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -14853,6 +17441,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14862,6 +17451,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -14890,6 +17483,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14899,6 +17493,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -14927,6 +17525,49 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +950 +CAPE_ON_0_3KM_ABOVE_GRND +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +CAPE +? +? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +0. +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +3000. +? +? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14936,6 +17577,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -14964,6 +17609,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -14973,6 +17619,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -15001,6 +17651,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15010,6 +17661,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -15038,6 +17693,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15047,6 +17703,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -15075,6 +17735,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15084,6 +17745,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -15112,6 +17777,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15121,6 +17787,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -15149,6 +17819,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15158,6 +17829,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -15166,13 +17841,97 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +953 +EFF_HLCY_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +EFHL +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +957 +CRITICAL_ANGLE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +CANGLE +NCEP +? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +0. +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +500. +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? 163 USTM_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 USTM -NCEP +? ? spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 @@ -15186,11 +17945,16 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15209,7 +17973,7 @@ VSTM_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND 1 tmpl4_0 VSTM -NCEP +? ? spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 @@ -15223,6 +17987,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15232,6 +17997,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -15260,6 +18029,7 @@ low_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15269,6 +18039,10 @@ low_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -15297,6 +18071,7 @@ mid_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15306,6 +18081,10 @@ mid_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -15334,6 +18113,7 @@ high_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15343,6 +18123,10 @@ high_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -15371,48 +18155,16 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -139 -AVE_CDLYR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS -? -1 -tmpl4_8 -CDLYR -NCEP -AVE -entire_atmos_single_lyr -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15445,6 +18197,7 @@ cloud_base ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15454,6 +18207,10 @@ cloud_base 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -15482,6 +18239,7 @@ cloud_top ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15491,6 +18249,10 @@ cloud_top 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -15519,6 +18281,7 @@ cloud_top ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15528,6 +18291,10 @@ cloud_top 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -15556,6 +18323,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15565,6 +18333,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -15579,7 +18351,7 @@ AVE_SNOHF_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_8 SNOHF -NCEP +? AVE surface 0 @@ -15593,48 +18365,16 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -47 -ACM_EVP_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_8 -EVP -? -ACM -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15667,6 +18407,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15676,6 +18417,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -15704,6 +18449,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15713,6 +18459,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -15741,6 +18491,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15750,6 +18501,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -15778,6 +18533,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15787,6 +18543,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -15815,6 +18575,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15824,6 +18585,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -15852,6 +18617,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15861,6 +18627,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -15889,6 +18659,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15898,6 +18669,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -15912,7 +18687,7 @@ VWSH_ON_TROPOPAUSE 1 tmpl4_0 VWSH -NCEP +? ? tropopause 0 @@ -15926,6 +18701,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -15935,6 +18711,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -15963,66 +18743,34 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -60 -UGRD_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -UGRD -? -? -spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl -0 -? -10 -305. 457. 610. 914. 1524. 1829. 2134. 2743. 3658. 4572. -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -4.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -61 -VGRD_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL +60 +UGRD_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VGRD +UGRD ? ? spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl @@ -16037,110 +18785,41 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -1 -4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -62 -HGT_ON_0C_ISOTHERM -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -HGT -? -? -0C_isotherm -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -6.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -63 -RH_ON_0C_ISOTHERM -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -RH -? -? -0C_isotherm -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -2.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -165 -HGT_ON_HGHST_TROP_FRZ_LVL +61 +VGRD_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -HGT -? +VGRD ? -hghst_trop_frz_lvl -0 ? +spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0 ? +10 +305. 457. 610. 914. 1524. 1829. 2134. 2743. 3658. 4572. ? 0 ? @@ -16148,6 +18827,7 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16157,23 +18837,27 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -173 -PRES_ON_MAX_WIND +62 +HGT_ON_0C_ISOTHERM ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES +HGT ? ? -max_wind +0C_isotherm 0 ? 0 @@ -16185,6 +18869,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16194,6 +18879,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -16202,15 +18891,15 @@ max_wind ? ? ? -174 -HGT_ON_MAX_WIND +63 +RH_ON_0C_ISOTHERM ? 1 tmpl4_0 -HGT +RH ? ? -max_wind +0C_isotherm 0 ? 0 @@ -16222,6 +18911,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16231,23 +18921,27 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +2.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -175 -UGRD_ON_MAX_WIND +165 +HGT_ON_HGHST_TROP_FRZ_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -UGRD +HGT ? ? -max_wind +hghst_trop_frz_lvl 0 ? 0 @@ -16259,6 +18953,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16268,23 +18963,27 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -176 -VGRD_ON_MAX_WIND +350 +RH_ON_HGHST_TROP_FRZ_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VGRD +RH ? ? -max_wind +hghst_trop_frz_lvl 0 ? 0 @@ -16296,6 +18995,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16305,27 +19005,31 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +-0.1 0 0 0 ? ? ? -422 -MAX_WIND_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m -maximum wind speed on 10 meter Above Ground +779 +HGT_ON_HGHST_TROP_-20C_LVL +height on highest tropospheric -20C level 1 -tmpl4_8 -WIND +tmpl4_0 +HGT ? -MAX -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +? +isothermal 0 ? 1 -10. +253. ? 0 ? @@ -16333,6 +19037,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16342,23 +19047,27 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --4.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -178 -HGT_ON_CLOUD_BASE -? +443 +HGT_ON_EQUIL_LVL +geopotential height on Equilibrium level 1 tmpl4_0 HGT ? ? -cloud_base +equil_lvl 0 ? 0 @@ -16370,6 +19079,7 @@ cloud_base ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16379,23 +19089,27 @@ cloud_base 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -179 -HGT_ON_CLOUD_TOP +173 +PRES_ON_MAX_WIND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -HGT +PRES ? ? -cloud_top +max_wind 0 ? 0 @@ -16407,6 +19121,7 @@ cloud_top ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16416,6 +19131,10 @@ cloud_top 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -16424,15 +19143,15 @@ cloud_top ? ? ? -410 -GSD_VIS_ON_SURFACE -GSD_visibility on surface +174 +HGT_ON_MAX_WIND +? 1 tmpl4_0 -VIS +HGT ? ? -surface +max_wind 0 ? 0 @@ -16444,6 +19163,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16453,6 +19173,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -16461,15 +19185,15 @@ surface ? ? ? -252 -REFC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +175 +UGRD_ON_MAX_WIND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -REFC -NCEP +UGRD ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +? +max_wind 0 ? 0 @@ -16481,6 +19205,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16490,6 +19215,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -16498,15 +19227,15 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? -194 -PRES_ON_GRID_SCALE_CLOUD_BOT_LVL +176 +VGRD_ON_MAX_WIND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES +VGRD ? ? -grid_scale_cloud_bot_lvl +max_wind 0 ? 0 @@ -16518,6 +19247,7 @@ grid_scale_cloud_bot_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16527,27 +19257,31 @@ grid_scale_cloud_bot_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -195 -PRES_ON_GRID_SCALE_CLOUD_TOP_LVL -? +422 +MAX_WIND_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m +maximum wind speed on 10 meter Above Ground 1 -tmpl4_0 -PRES -? -? -grid_scale_cloud_top_lvl -0 +tmpl4_8 +WIND ? +MAX +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? +1 +10. ? 0 ? @@ -16555,6 +19289,7 @@ grid_scale_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16564,23 +19299,27 @@ grid_scale_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +-4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -200 -TCOLW_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +178 +HGT_ON_CLOUD_BASE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLW -NCEP +HGT ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +? +cloud_base 0 ? 0 @@ -16592,6 +19331,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16601,23 +19341,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -201 -TCOLI_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +179 +HGT_ON_CLOUD_TOP ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLI -NCEP +HGT ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +? +cloud_top 0 ? 0 @@ -16629,6 +19373,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16638,23 +19383,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -202 -TCOLR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS -? +410 +GSD_VIS_ON_SURFACE +GSD_visibility on surface 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLR -NCEP +VIS ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +? +surface 0 ? 0 @@ -16666,6 +19415,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16675,21 +19425,25 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -203 -TCOLS_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +252 +REFC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLS -NCEP +REFC +? ? entire_atmos_single_lyr 0 @@ -16703,6 +19457,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16712,23 +19467,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -204 -TCOLC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +194 +PRES_ON_GRID_SCALE_CLOUD_BOT_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLC -NCEP +PRES ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +? +grid_scale_cloud_bot_lvl 0 ? 0 @@ -16740,32 +19499,37 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -5.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -428 -TCOLG_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +195 +PRES_ON_GRID_SCALE_CLOUD_TOP_LVL ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLG +PRES ? ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +grid_scale_cloud_top_lvl 0 ? 0 @@ -16777,6 +19541,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16786,8 +19551,12 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +6.0 0 0 0 @@ -16814,6 +19583,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16823,6 +19593,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -16851,6 +19625,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16860,6 +19635,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -16888,6 +19667,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16897,6 +19677,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -16911,7 +19695,7 @@ HPBL_ON_SURFACE 1 tmpl4_0 HPBL -NCEP +? ? surface 0 @@ -16925,6 +19709,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16934,6 +19719,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -16962,6 +19751,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -16971,6 +19761,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -16999,6 +19793,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17008,6 +19803,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -17036,6 +19835,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17045,6 +19845,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -17073,6 +19877,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17082,6 +19887,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -17110,6 +19919,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17119,6 +19929,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -17147,6 +19961,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17156,6 +19971,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -17184,6 +20003,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17193,6 +20013,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -17221,6 +20045,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17230,6 +20055,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -17238,12 +20067,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -238 -RCS_ON_SURFACE +242 +PEVPR_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RCS +PEVPR NCEP ? surface @@ -17258,6 +20087,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17267,21 +20097,25 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -239 -RCT_ON_SURFACE +245 +GUST_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RCT -NCEP +GUST +? ? surface 0 @@ -17295,6 +20129,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17304,23 +20139,27 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -240 -RCQ_ON_SURFACE +247 +HGT_ON_LWST_LVL_OF_WET_BULB_ZERO ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RCQ -NCEP +HGT ? -surface +? +lwst_lvl_of_wet_bulb_zero 0 ? 0 @@ -17332,6 +20171,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17341,20 +20181,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +-5.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -241 -RCSOL_ON_SURFACE +254 +LAI_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RCSOL +LAI NCEP ? surface @@ -17369,6 +20213,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17378,20 +20223,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +-3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -242 -PEVPR_ON_SURFACE +262 +INST_CSDSF_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PEVPR +CSDSF NCEP ? surface @@ -17406,6 +20255,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17415,23 +20265,27 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -245 -GUST_ON_SURFACE +289 +HGT_ON_PLANETARY_BOUND_LYR ? 1 tmpl4_0 -GUST +HGT ? ? -surface +planetary_bound_lyr 0 ? 0 @@ -17443,6 +20297,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17452,23 +20307,27 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +-4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -247 -HGT_ON_LWST_LVL_OF_WET_BULB_ZERO +381 +MIXHT_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -HGT +MIXHT ? ? -lwst_lvl_of_wet_bulb_zero +surface 0 ? 0 @@ -17480,6 +20339,7 @@ lwst_lvl_of_wet_bulb_zero ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17489,27 +20349,31 @@ lwst_lvl_of_wet_bulb_zero 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --5.0 +-4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -254 -LAI_ON_SURFACE +702 +GSD_MAX_LTG_THREAT1_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -LAI -NCEP -? -surface -0 +tmpl4_8 +LTNGSD ? +MAX +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? +1 +1. ? 0 ? @@ -17517,6 +20381,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17526,27 +20391,31 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -262 -INST_CSDSF_ON_SURFACE +703 +GSD_MAX_LTG_THREAT2_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -CSDSF -NCEP -? -surface -0 +tmpl4_8 +LTNGSD ? +MAX +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? +1 +2. ? 0 ? @@ -17554,6 +20423,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17563,6 +20433,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -17571,15 +20445,15 @@ surface ? ? ? -289 -HGT_ON_PLANETARY_BOUND_LYR +704 +GSD_MAX_LTG_THREAT3_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -HGT -? -? -planetary_bound_lyr +tmpl4_8 +LTNG +NCEP +MAX +entire_atmos 0 ? 0 @@ -17591,6 +20465,7 @@ planetary_bound_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -17600,20 +20475,24 @@ planetary_bound_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --4.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -381 -MIXHT_ON_SURFACE +1006 +SDEN_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -MIXHT +SDEN ? ? surface @@ -17628,54 +20507,22 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 --4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -500 -AVE_SNOWC_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_8 -SNOWC -NCEP -AVE -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -3.0 +6.0 0 0 0 diff --git a/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT.txt b/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs.txt similarity index 88% rename from tests/parm/postxconfig-NT.txt rename to tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs.txt index 9a40bb4676..fb2556c370 100644 --- a/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT.txt +++ b/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 2 112 -197 +204 GFSPRS 0 ncep_nco @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -46,6 +47,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -74,6 +79,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -83,6 +89,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -111,6 +121,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -120,6 +131,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -148,6 +163,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -157,6 +173,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -185,6 +205,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -194,6 +215,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -222,6 +247,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -231,6 +257,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -259,6 +289,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -268,6 +299,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -296,6 +331,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -305,6 +341,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -333,6 +373,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -342,6 +383,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -370,6 +415,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -379,6 +425,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -407,6 +457,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -416,6 +467,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -444,6 +499,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -453,6 +509,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -481,6 +541,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -490,6 +551,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -518,6 +583,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -527,6 +593,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -555,6 +625,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -564,6 +635,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -592,6 +667,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -601,6 +677,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -629,6 +709,7 @@ mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -638,6 +719,10 @@ mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -666,6 +751,7 @@ mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -675,6 +761,10 @@ mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -703,6 +793,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -712,6 +803,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -740,6 +835,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -749,6 +845,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -777,6 +877,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -786,6 +887,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -814,6 +919,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -823,6 +929,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -851,6 +961,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -860,6 +971,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -888,6 +1003,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -897,6 +1013,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -925,6 +1045,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -934,6 +1055,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -962,6 +1087,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -971,6 +1097,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -999,6 +1129,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1008,6 +1139,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1036,6 +1171,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1045,6 +1181,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1073,6 +1213,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1082,6 +1223,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1110,6 +1255,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1119,6 +1265,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1147,6 +1297,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1156,6 +1307,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1184,6 +1339,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1193,6 +1349,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1221,6 +1381,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1230,6 +1391,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1258,6 +1423,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1267,6 +1433,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1295,6 +1465,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1304,6 +1475,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1332,6 +1507,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1341,6 +1517,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1369,6 +1549,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1378,6 +1559,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1406,6 +1591,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1415,6 +1601,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1443,6 +1633,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1452,6 +1643,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1480,6 +1675,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1489,6 +1685,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1517,6 +1717,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1526,6 +1727,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1554,6 +1759,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1563,6 +1769,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1591,6 +1801,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1600,6 +1811,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1628,6 +1843,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1637,6 +1853,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1665,6 +1885,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1674,6 +1895,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1702,6 +1927,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1711,6 +1937,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1739,6 +1969,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1748,6 +1979,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1767,13 +2002,14 @@ HLCY spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -3000. +2 +3000. 1000. spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -0. +2 +0. 0. +? ? ? 0 @@ -1785,6 +2021,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1813,6 +2053,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1822,6 +2063,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1850,6 +2095,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1859,6 +2105,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1887,6 +2137,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1896,6 +2147,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -1924,6 +2179,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1933,6 +2189,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -1961,6 +2221,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1970,6 +2231,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -1998,6 +2263,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2007,6 +2273,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -2035,6 +2305,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2044,6 +2315,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -2072,6 +2347,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2081,6 +2357,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -2109,6 +2389,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2118,6 +2399,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -2146,6 +2431,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2155,6 +2441,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -2183,6 +2473,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2192,6 +2483,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -2220,48 +2515,16 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -1.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -317 -AVE_CRAIN_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_8 -CRAIN -NCEP -AVE -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2274,87 +2537,13 @@ surface ? ? ? -555 -AVE_CSNOW_ON_SURFACE -average Categorical snow on surface -1 -tmpl4_8 -CSNOW -NCEP -AVE -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -1 -1.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? +271 +AVE_PRATE_ON_SURFACE ? -556 -AVE_CICEP_ON_SURFACE -average Categorical ice pellets on surface 1 tmpl4_8 -CICEP -NCEP -AVE -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 -1 -1.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? +PRATE ? -557 -AVE_CFRZR_ON_SURFACE -average Categorical freezing rain on surface -1 -tmpl4_8 -CFRZR -NCEP AVE surface 0 @@ -2368,48 +2557,16 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -1.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -271 -AVE_PRATE_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_8 -PRATE -? -AVE -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2442,6 +2599,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2451,6 +2609,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2479,6 +2641,7 @@ low_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2488,6 +2651,10 @@ low_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2516,6 +2683,7 @@ mid_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2525,6 +2693,10 @@ mid_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2553,6 +2725,7 @@ high_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2562,6 +2735,10 @@ high_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2590,6 +2767,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2599,6 +2777,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2607,9 +2789,9 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? -180 -VIS_ON_SURFACE -? +410 +GSD_VIS_ON_SURFACE +GSD_visibility on surface 1 tmpl4_0 VIS @@ -2627,6 +2809,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2636,6 +2819,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2664,6 +2851,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2673,6 +2861,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2701,6 +2893,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2710,6 +2903,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2738,6 +2935,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2747,6 +2945,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2775,6 +2977,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2784,6 +2987,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2812,6 +3019,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2821,6 +3029,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2849,6 +3061,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2858,6 +3071,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2886,6 +3103,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2895,6 +3113,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2923,6 +3145,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2932,6 +3155,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2960,6 +3187,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2969,6 +3197,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2997,6 +3229,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3006,6 +3239,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3034,6 +3271,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3043,6 +3281,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3071,6 +3313,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3080,6 +3323,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3108,6 +3355,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3117,6 +3365,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3145,6 +3397,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3154,6 +3407,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3182,6 +3439,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3191,6 +3449,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3219,6 +3481,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3228,6 +3491,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3256,6 +3523,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3265,6 +3533,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -3293,6 +3565,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3302,6 +3575,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3330,6 +3607,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3339,6 +3617,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3367,6 +3649,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3376,6 +3659,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3404,6 +3691,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3413,6 +3701,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3441,6 +3733,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3450,6 +3743,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3478,6 +3775,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3487,6 +3785,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3515,6 +3817,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3524,6 +3827,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3552,6 +3859,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3561,6 +3869,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3589,6 +3901,7 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3598,6 +3911,10 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3626,6 +3943,7 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3635,6 +3953,10 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3663,6 +3985,7 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3672,6 +3995,10 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3700,6 +4027,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3709,6 +4037,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3737,6 +4069,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3746,6 +4079,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3774,6 +4111,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3783,6 +4121,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3811,6 +4153,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3820,6 +4163,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3848,6 +4195,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3857,6 +4205,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -3885,6 +4237,7 @@ HGT ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3894,6 +4247,10 @@ HGT 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3922,6 +4279,7 @@ RH ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3931,6 +4289,10 @@ RH 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3959,6 +4321,7 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3968,6 +4331,10 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3996,6 +4363,7 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4005,6 +4373,10 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4033,6 +4405,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4042,6 +4415,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4070,6 +4447,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4079,6 +4457,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4107,6 +4489,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4116,6 +4499,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -4144,6 +4531,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4153,6 +4541,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4181,6 +4573,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4190,6 +4583,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4218,6 +4615,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4227,6 +4625,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4255,6 +4657,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4264,6 +4667,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4292,6 +4699,7 @@ sigma_lvl 100. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4301,6 +4709,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4329,6 +4741,7 @@ sigma_lvl 100. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4338,6 +4751,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4366,6 +4783,7 @@ sigma_lvl 94. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4375,6 +4793,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4403,6 +4825,7 @@ sigma_lvl 72. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4412,6 +4835,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4440,6 +4867,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4449,6 +4877,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4477,6 +4909,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4486,6 +4919,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4514,6 +4951,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4523,6 +4961,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4551,6 +4993,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4560,6 +5003,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4588,6 +5035,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4597,6 +5045,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4625,6 +5077,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4634,6 +5087,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -4662,6 +5119,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4671,6 +5129,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4699,6 +5161,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4708,6 +5171,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4736,6 +5203,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4745,6 +5213,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4773,6 +5245,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4782,6 +5255,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4810,6 +5287,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4819,6 +5297,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4847,6 +5329,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4856,6 +5339,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4884,6 +5371,7 @@ convective_cloud_bot_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4893,7 +5381,11 @@ convective_cloud_bot_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 -1 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 6.0 0 0 @@ -4921,6 +5413,7 @@ convective_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4930,6 +5423,10 @@ convective_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4958,6 +5455,7 @@ low_cloud_bot_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4967,6 +5465,10 @@ low_cloud_bot_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4995,6 +5497,7 @@ mid_cloud_bot_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5004,6 +5507,10 @@ mid_cloud_bot_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5032,6 +5539,7 @@ high_cloud_bot_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5041,6 +5549,10 @@ high_cloud_bot_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5069,6 +5581,7 @@ low_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5078,6 +5591,10 @@ low_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5106,6 +5623,7 @@ mid_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5115,6 +5633,10 @@ mid_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5143,6 +5665,7 @@ high_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5152,6 +5675,10 @@ high_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5180,6 +5707,7 @@ low_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5189,6 +5717,10 @@ low_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5217,6 +5749,7 @@ mid_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5226,6 +5759,10 @@ mid_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5254,6 +5791,7 @@ high_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5263,6 +5801,10 @@ high_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5291,6 +5833,7 @@ convective_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5300,6 +5843,10 @@ convective_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5328,6 +5875,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5337,6 +5885,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5365,6 +5917,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5374,6 +5927,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -5402,6 +5959,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5411,6 +5969,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5439,6 +6001,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5448,6 +6011,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -5476,6 +6043,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5485,6 +6053,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5513,6 +6085,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5522,6 +6095,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5550,6 +6127,7 @@ isentropic_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5559,6 +6137,10 @@ isentropic_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5587,6 +6169,7 @@ isentropic_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5596,6 +6179,10 @@ isentropic_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5624,6 +6211,7 @@ isentropic_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5633,6 +6221,10 @@ isentropic_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5661,6 +6253,7 @@ isentropic_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5670,6 +6263,10 @@ isentropic_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5698,6 +6295,7 @@ isentropic_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5707,6 +6305,10 @@ isentropic_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5735,6 +6337,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5744,6 +6347,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5772,6 +6379,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5781,6 +6389,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5809,6 +6421,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5818,6 +6431,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5846,6 +6463,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5855,6 +6473,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5883,6 +6505,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5892,6 +6515,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5920,6 +6547,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5929,6 +6557,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -5957,6 +6589,7 @@ bound_lyr_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5966,6 +6599,10 @@ bound_lyr_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5994,6 +6631,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6003,6 +6641,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6031,6 +6673,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6040,6 +6683,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -6068,6 +6715,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6077,6 +6725,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -6105,6 +6757,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6114,6 +6767,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6142,6 +6799,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6151,6 +6809,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6179,6 +6841,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6188,6 +6851,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6216,6 +6883,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6225,6 +6893,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6253,6 +6925,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6262,6 +6935,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6290,6 +6967,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6299,6 +6977,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -6327,6 +7009,7 @@ planetary_bound_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6336,6 +7019,10 @@ planetary_bound_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6364,6 +7051,7 @@ planetary_bound_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6373,6 +7061,10 @@ planetary_bound_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6401,6 +7093,7 @@ planetary_bound_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6410,6 +7103,10 @@ planetary_bound_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6438,6 +7135,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6447,6 +7145,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -6475,6 +7177,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6484,6 +7187,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6512,6 +7219,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6521,6 +7229,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6549,6 +7261,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6558,6 +7271,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6586,6 +7303,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6595,6 +7313,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6623,6 +7345,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6632,6 +7355,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6660,6 +7387,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6669,6 +7397,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6697,6 +7429,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6706,6 +7439,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6734,6 +7471,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6743,6 +7481,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6771,6 +7513,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6780,6 +7523,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6788,19 +7535,355 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? -588 -ICEG_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL +219 +SOTYP_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -ICEG +SOTYP ? ? -spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 0 ? +? +? +170 +VEG_ON_SURFACE +? 1 -10. +tmpl4_0 +VEG +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +260 +HGT_ON_CLOUD_CEILING +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +HGT +? +? +cloud_ceilng +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +161 +INST_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +TCDC +? +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +37 +LCDC_ON_LOW_CLOUD_LYR +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +LCDC +? +? +low_cloud_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +38 +MCDC_ON_MID_CLOUD_LYR +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +MCDC +? +? +mid_cloud_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +39 +HCDC_ON_HIGH_CLOUD_LYR +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +HCDC +? +? +high_cloud_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +253 +REFD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +REFD +NCEP +? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +2 +4000. 1000. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +250 +REFD_ON_HYBRID_LVL +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +REFD +NCEP +? +hybrid_lvl +0 +? +2 +1. 2. ? 0 ? @@ -6808,6 +7891,7 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6817,6 +7901,10 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6825,14 +7913,140 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? -219 -SOTYP_ON_SURFACE +582 +MIXED_LAYER_CAPE_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +CAPE +? +? +spec_pres_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +9000. +spec_pres_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +0. +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +583 +MIXED_LAYER_CIN_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +CIN +? +? +spec_pres_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +9000. +spec_pres_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +0. +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +996 +LAND_FRAC +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +LANDFRC +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +746 +ACM_GRAUPEL_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -SOTYP -? -? +tmpl4_8 +FROZR +NCEP +ACM surface 0 ? @@ -6845,6 +8059,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6854,22 +8069,26 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -170 -VEG_ON_SURFACE -? +775 +BUCKET_GRAUPEL_ON_SURFACE +bucket graupel precipitation on surface 1 -tmpl4_0 -VEG -? -? +tmpl4_8 +FROZR +NCEP +ACM surface 0 ? @@ -6882,6 +8101,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6891,22 +8111,26 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -968 -ICETMP_ON_SURFACE +782 +ACM_FRAIN_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -ICETMP -? -? +tmpl4_8 +FRZR +NCEP +ACM surface 0 ? @@ -6919,6 +8143,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6928,23 +8153,27 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -260 -HGT_ON_CLOUD_CEILING +1003 +BUCKET_FRAIN_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -HGT -? -? -cloud_ceilng +tmpl4_8 +FRZR +NCEP +ACM +surface 0 ? 0 @@ -6956,6 +8185,7 @@ cloud_ceilng ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6965,23 +8195,27 @@ cloud_ceilng 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -161 -INST_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +1004 +ACM_SNOWFALL_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -TCDC -? +tmpl4_8 +TSNOWP ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +ACM +surface 0 ? 0 @@ -6993,6 +8227,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7002,6 +8237,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7010,15 +8249,15 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? -37 -LCDC_ON_LOW_CLOUD_LYR +1005 +BUCKET_SNOWFALL_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -LCDC -? +tmpl4_8 +TSNOWP ? -low_cloud_lyr +ACM +surface 0 ? 0 @@ -7030,6 +8269,7 @@ low_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7039,6 +8279,10 @@ low_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7047,15 +8291,15 @@ low_cloud_lyr ? ? ? -38 -MCDC_ON_MID_CLOUD_LYR +600 +AER_OPT_GFS_at550 ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -MCDC +tmpl4_48 +AOTK ? ? -mid_cloud_lyr +entire_atmos 0 ? 0 @@ -7065,34 +8309,39 @@ mid_cloud_lyr ? 0 ? +total_aerosol ? -? -0 -0.0 +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 0 0.0 -? +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -4.0 +9.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -39 -HCDC_ON_HIGH_CLOUD_LYR +601 +DUST_AER_OPT_GFS_at550 ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -HCDC +tmpl4_48 +AOTK ? ? -high_cloud_lyr +entire_atmos 0 ? 0 @@ -7102,180 +8351,205 @@ high_cloud_lyr ? 0 ? +dust_dry ? -? -0 -0.0 +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 0 0.0 -? +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -4.0 +9.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -253 -REFD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND +602 +SEASALT_AER_OPT_GFS_at550 ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -REFD -NCEP -? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd -0 +tmpl4_48 +AOTK ? -2 -4000. 1000. ? +entire_atmos 0 ? 0 ? ? +0 ? 0 -0.0 +? +sea_salt_dry +? +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 0 0.0 -? +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -4.0 +9.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -250 -REFD_ON_HYBRID_LVL +603 +SULFATE_AER_OPT_GFS_at550 ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -REFD -NCEP -? -hybrid_lvl -0 +tmpl4_48 +AOTK ? -2 -1. 2. ? +entire_atmos 0 ? 0 ? ? +0 ? 0 -0.0 +? +sulphate_dry +? +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 0 0.0 -? +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -4.0 +9.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -582 -MIXED_LAYER_CAPE_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +604 +ORGANIC_CARBON_AER_OPT_GFS_at550 ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -CAPE +tmpl4_48 +AOTK ? ? -spec_pres_above_grnd +entire_atmos 0 ? -1 -9000. -spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -0. ? +0 ? 0 -0.0 +? +particulate_org_matter_dry +? +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 0 0.0 -? +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -4.0 +9.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -583 -MIXED_LAYER_CIN_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND +605 +BLACK_CARBON_AER_OPT_GFS_at550 ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -CIN +tmpl4_48 +AOTK ? ? -spec_pres_above_grnd +entire_atmos 0 ? -1 -9000. -spec_pres_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -0. ? +0 ? 0 -0.0 +? +black_carbon_dry +? +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 0 0.0 -? +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -4.0 +9.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -996 -LAND_FRAC +1006 +SDEN_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -LANDFRC -NCEP +SDEN +? ? surface 0 @@ -7289,6 +8563,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7298,8 +8573,12 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +6.0 0 0 0 @@ -7342,6 +8621,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7351,6 +8631,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7379,6 +8663,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7388,6 +8673,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -7416,6 +8705,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7425,6 +8715,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7453,6 +8747,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7462,6 +8757,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7490,6 +8789,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7499,6 +8799,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7527,6 +8831,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7536,6 +8841,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7564,6 +8873,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7573,6 +8883,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7601,6 +8915,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7610,6 +8925,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7638,6 +8957,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7647,6 +8967,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7675,6 +8999,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7684,6 +9009,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -7712,6 +9041,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7721,6 +9051,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -7749,6 +9083,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7758,6 +9093,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -7786,6 +9125,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7795,6 +9135,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7823,6 +9167,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7832,6 +9177,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7860,6 +9209,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7869,6 +9219,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7897,6 +9251,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7906,6 +9261,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -7934,6 +9293,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7943,6 +9303,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -7971,6 +9335,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7980,6 +9345,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8008,6 +9377,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8017,6 +9387,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8045,6 +9419,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8054,6 +9429,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8082,6 +9461,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8091,6 +9471,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8119,6 +9503,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8128,6 +9513,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8156,6 +9545,7 @@ low_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8165,6 +9555,10 @@ low_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8193,6 +9587,7 @@ mid_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8202,6 +9597,10 @@ mid_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8230,6 +9629,7 @@ high_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8239,6 +9639,10 @@ high_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8267,6 +9671,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8276,6 +9681,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8304,6 +9713,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8313,6 +9723,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8341,6 +9755,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8350,6 +9765,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8378,6 +9797,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8387,6 +9807,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8415,6 +9839,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8424,6 +9849,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8452,6 +9881,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8461,6 +9891,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8489,6 +9923,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8498,6 +9933,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8526,6 +9965,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8535,6 +9975,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8563,6 +10007,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8572,6 +10017,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8600,6 +10049,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8609,6 +10059,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8637,6 +10091,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8646,6 +10101,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8674,6 +10133,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8683,6 +10143,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8711,6 +10175,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8720,6 +10185,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8748,6 +10217,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8757,6 +10227,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8785,6 +10259,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8794,6 +10269,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8822,6 +10301,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8831,6 +10311,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8859,6 +10343,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8868,6 +10353,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8896,6 +10385,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8905,6 +10395,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -8933,6 +10427,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8942,6 +10437,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -8970,6 +10469,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -8979,6 +10479,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -9007,6 +10511,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9016,6 +10521,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9044,6 +10553,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9053,6 +10563,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -9081,6 +10595,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9090,6 +10605,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -9118,6 +10637,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9127,6 +10647,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9155,6 +10679,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9164,6 +10689,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -9192,6 +10721,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9201,6 +10731,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -9229,6 +10763,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9238,6 +10773,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -9266,6 +10805,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9275,6 +10815,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -9303,6 +10847,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9312,6 +10857,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -9340,6 +10889,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9349,6 +10899,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9377,6 +10931,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9386,6 +10941,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9414,6 +10973,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9423,6 +10983,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9451,6 +11015,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9460,6 +11025,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9488,6 +11057,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9497,6 +11067,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9525,6 +11099,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9534,6 +11109,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9562,11 +11141,16 @@ surface ? ? ? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9599,6 +11183,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9608,6 +11193,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -9636,6 +11225,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9645,6 +11235,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9673,6 +11267,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9682,6 +11277,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9710,6 +11309,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9719,6 +11319,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9747,6 +11351,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9756,6 +11361,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9784,6 +11393,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9793,6 +11403,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -9821,6 +11435,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9830,6 +11445,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9858,6 +11477,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9867,6 +11487,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -9895,6 +11519,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9904,6 +11529,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -9932,6 +11561,7 @@ convective_cloud_bot_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9941,6 +11571,10 @@ convective_cloud_bot_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -9969,6 +11603,7 @@ convective_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -9978,6 +11613,10 @@ convective_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -10006,6 +11645,7 @@ low_cloud_bot_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10015,6 +11655,10 @@ low_cloud_bot_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -10043,6 +11687,7 @@ mid_cloud_bot_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10052,6 +11697,10 @@ mid_cloud_bot_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -10080,6 +11729,7 @@ high_cloud_bot_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10089,6 +11739,10 @@ high_cloud_bot_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -10117,6 +11771,7 @@ low_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10126,6 +11781,10 @@ low_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -10154,6 +11813,7 @@ mid_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10163,6 +11823,10 @@ mid_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -10191,6 +11855,7 @@ high_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10200,6 +11865,10 @@ high_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -10228,6 +11897,7 @@ low_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10237,6 +11907,10 @@ low_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10265,6 +11939,7 @@ mid_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10274,6 +11949,10 @@ mid_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10302,6 +11981,7 @@ high_cloud_top_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10311,6 +11991,10 @@ high_cloud_top_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10339,6 +12023,7 @@ convective_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10348,6 +12033,10 @@ convective_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10376,6 +12065,7 @@ bound_lyr_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10385,6 +12075,10 @@ bound_lyr_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10413,6 +12107,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10422,6 +12117,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10450,6 +12149,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10459,6 +12159,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -10487,6 +12191,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10496,6 +12201,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -10524,6 +12233,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10533,6 +12243,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -10561,6 +12275,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10570,6 +12285,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10598,6 +12317,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10607,6 +12327,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10635,6 +12359,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10644,6 +12369,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10672,6 +12401,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10681,6 +12411,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10709,6 +12443,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10718,6 +12453,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -10746,6 +12485,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10755,6 +12495,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10783,6 +12527,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10792,6 +12537,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10820,6 +12569,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10829,6 +12579,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -10857,6 +12611,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10866,6 +12621,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10894,6 +12653,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10903,6 +12663,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10931,6 +12695,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10940,6 +12705,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -10968,6 +12737,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -10977,6 +12747,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -11005,6 +12779,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11014,6 +12789,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -11042,6 +12821,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11051,6 +12831,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -11079,6 +12863,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11088,6 +12873,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -11116,6 +12905,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11125,6 +12915,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11134,11 +12928,11 @@ surface ? ? 36 -SOILM_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC +GFS_CISOILM_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SOILM +CISOILM ? ? depth_bel_land_sfc @@ -11153,6 +12947,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11162,6 +12957,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -11190,6 +12989,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11199,6 +12999,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -11227,6 +13031,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11236,6 +13041,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11264,6 +13073,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11273,6 +13083,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11301,6 +13115,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11310,6 +13125,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11338,6 +13157,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11347,6 +13167,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11375,6 +13199,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11384,6 +13209,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11412,6 +13241,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11421,6 +13251,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -11449,6 +13283,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -11458,6 +13293,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 diff --git a/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt b/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs_FH00.txt similarity index 89% rename from tests/parm/postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt rename to tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs_FH00.txt index 73e131734b..95c932343a 100644 --- a/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT_FH00.txt +++ b/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-gfs_FH00.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 2 47 -150 +154 GFSPRS 0 ncep_nco @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -46,6 +47,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -74,6 +79,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -83,6 +89,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -111,6 +121,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -120,6 +131,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -148,6 +163,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -157,6 +173,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -185,6 +205,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -194,6 +215,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -222,6 +247,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -231,6 +257,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -259,6 +289,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -268,6 +299,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -296,6 +331,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -305,6 +341,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -333,6 +373,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -342,6 +383,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -370,6 +415,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -379,6 +425,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -407,6 +457,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -416,6 +467,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -444,6 +499,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -453,6 +509,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -481,6 +541,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -490,6 +551,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -518,6 +583,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -527,6 +593,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -555,6 +625,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -564,6 +635,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -592,6 +667,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -601,6 +677,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -629,6 +709,7 @@ mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -638,6 +719,10 @@ mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -666,6 +751,7 @@ mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -675,6 +761,10 @@ mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -703,6 +793,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -712,6 +803,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -740,6 +835,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -749,6 +845,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -777,6 +877,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -786,6 +887,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -814,6 +919,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -823,6 +929,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -851,6 +961,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -860,6 +971,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -888,6 +1003,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -897,6 +1013,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -925,6 +1045,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -934,6 +1055,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -962,6 +1087,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -971,6 +1097,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -999,6 +1129,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1008,6 +1139,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1036,6 +1171,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1045,6 +1181,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1073,6 +1213,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1082,6 +1223,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1110,6 +1255,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1119,6 +1265,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1147,6 +1297,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1156,6 +1307,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1184,6 +1339,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1193,6 +1349,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1221,6 +1381,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1230,6 +1391,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1258,6 +1423,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1267,6 +1433,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1295,6 +1465,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1304,6 +1475,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1332,6 +1507,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1341,6 +1517,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1369,6 +1549,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1378,6 +1559,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1406,6 +1591,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1415,6 +1601,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1443,6 +1633,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1452,6 +1643,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1480,6 +1675,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1489,6 +1685,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -1517,6 +1717,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1526,6 +1727,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1554,6 +1759,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1563,6 +1769,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1591,6 +1801,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1600,6 +1811,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1628,6 +1843,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1637,6 +1853,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1665,6 +1885,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1674,6 +1895,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1702,6 +1927,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1711,6 +1937,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1739,6 +1969,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1748,6 +1979,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1767,13 +2002,14 @@ HLCY spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -3000. +2 +3000. 1000. spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -0. +2 +0. 0. +? ? ? 0 @@ -1785,6 +2021,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1813,6 +2053,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1822,6 +2063,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1850,6 +2095,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1859,8 +2105,12 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -4.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 0 0 0 @@ -1887,6 +2137,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1896,6 +2147,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -1924,6 +2179,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1933,6 +2189,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -1961,6 +2221,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1970,6 +2231,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -1998,6 +2263,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2007,6 +2273,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -2015,9 +2285,9 @@ surface ? ? ? -180 -VIS_ON_SURFACE -? +410 +GSD_VIS_ON_SURFACE +GSD_visibility on surface 1 tmpl4_0 VIS @@ -2035,6 +2305,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2044,6 +2315,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2072,6 +2347,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2081,6 +2357,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2109,6 +2389,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2118,6 +2399,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2146,6 +2431,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2155,6 +2441,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2183,6 +2473,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2192,6 +2483,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -2220,6 +2515,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2229,6 +2525,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2257,6 +2557,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2266,6 +2567,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2294,6 +2599,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2303,6 +2609,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2331,6 +2641,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2340,6 +2651,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2368,6 +2683,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2377,6 +2693,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2405,6 +2725,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2414,6 +2735,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2442,6 +2767,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2451,6 +2777,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2479,6 +2809,7 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2488,6 +2819,10 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2516,6 +2851,7 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2525,6 +2861,10 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2553,6 +2893,7 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2562,6 +2903,10 @@ spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2590,6 +2935,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2599,6 +2945,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2627,6 +2977,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2636,6 +2987,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2664,6 +3019,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2673,6 +3029,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2701,6 +3061,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2710,6 +3071,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2738,6 +3103,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2747,6 +3113,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -2775,6 +3145,7 @@ HGT ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2784,6 +3155,10 @@ HGT 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2812,6 +3187,7 @@ RH ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2821,6 +3197,10 @@ RH 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2849,6 +3229,7 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2858,6 +3239,10 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -2886,6 +3271,7 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2895,6 +3281,10 @@ hghst_trop_frz_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -2923,6 +3313,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2932,6 +3323,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2960,6 +3355,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2969,6 +3365,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2997,6 +3397,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3006,6 +3407,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -3034,6 +3439,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3043,6 +3449,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3071,6 +3481,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3080,6 +3491,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3108,6 +3523,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3117,6 +3533,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3145,6 +3565,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3154,6 +3575,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3182,6 +3607,7 @@ sigma_lvl 100. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3191,6 +3617,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3219,6 +3649,7 @@ sigma_lvl 100. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3228,6 +3659,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3256,6 +3691,7 @@ sigma_lvl 94. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3265,6 +3701,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3293,6 +3733,7 @@ sigma_lvl 72. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3302,6 +3743,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3330,6 +3775,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3339,6 +3785,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3367,6 +3817,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3376,6 +3827,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3404,6 +3859,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3413,6 +3869,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3441,6 +3901,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3450,6 +3911,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3478,6 +3943,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3487,6 +3953,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3515,6 +3985,7 @@ sigma_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3524,6 +3995,10 @@ sigma_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -3552,6 +4027,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3561,6 +4037,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3589,6 +4069,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3598,6 +4079,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3626,6 +4111,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3635,6 +4121,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3663,6 +4153,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3672,6 +4163,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3700,6 +4195,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3709,6 +4205,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3737,6 +4237,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3746,6 +4247,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3774,6 +4279,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3783,6 +4289,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3811,6 +4321,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3820,6 +4331,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3848,6 +4363,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3857,6 +4373,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3885,6 +4405,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3894,6 +4415,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -3922,6 +4447,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3931,6 +4457,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -3959,6 +4489,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3968,6 +4499,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -3996,6 +4531,7 @@ isentropic_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4005,6 +4541,10 @@ isentropic_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4033,6 +4573,7 @@ isentropic_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4042,6 +4583,10 @@ isentropic_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4070,6 +4615,7 @@ isentropic_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4079,6 +4625,10 @@ isentropic_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4107,6 +4657,7 @@ isentropic_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4116,6 +4667,10 @@ isentropic_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4144,6 +4699,7 @@ isentropic_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4153,6 +4709,10 @@ isentropic_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4181,6 +4741,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4190,6 +4751,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4218,6 +4783,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4227,6 +4793,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4255,6 +4825,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4264,6 +4835,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4292,6 +4867,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4301,6 +4877,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4329,6 +4909,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4338,6 +4919,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4366,6 +4951,7 @@ pot_vort_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4375,6 +4961,10 @@ pot_vort_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4403,6 +4993,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4412,6 +5003,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4440,6 +5035,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4449,6 +5045,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4477,6 +5077,7 @@ max_wind ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4486,6 +5087,10 @@ max_wind 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4514,6 +5119,7 @@ tropopause ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4523,6 +5129,10 @@ tropopause 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4551,6 +5161,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4560,6 +5171,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -4588,6 +5203,7 @@ planetary_bound_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4597,6 +5213,10 @@ planetary_bound_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4625,6 +5245,7 @@ planetary_bound_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4634,6 +5255,10 @@ planetary_bound_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4662,6 +5287,7 @@ planetary_bound_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4671,6 +5297,10 @@ planetary_bound_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -4699,6 +5329,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4708,6 +5339,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -4736,6 +5371,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4745,6 +5381,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4773,6 +5413,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4782,6 +5423,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -4810,6 +5455,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4819,6 +5465,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4847,6 +5497,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4856,6 +5507,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4884,6 +5539,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4893,6 +5549,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4921,6 +5581,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4930,6 +5591,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4958,6 +5623,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -4967,6 +5633,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -4995,6 +5665,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5004,6 +5675,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5032,54 +5707,22 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -6.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -588 -ICEG_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -ICEG -? -? -spec_alt_above_mean_sea_lvl -0 -? -1 -10. -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 @@ -5106,6 +5749,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5115,6 +5759,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5143,54 +5791,22 @@ surface ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -3.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -968 -ICETMP_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -ICETMP -? -? -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -5.0 +3.0 0 0 0 @@ -5217,6 +5833,7 @@ cloud_ceilng ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5226,6 +5843,10 @@ cloud_ceilng 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5254,6 +5875,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5263,6 +5885,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5291,6 +5917,7 @@ low_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5300,6 +5927,10 @@ low_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5328,6 +5959,7 @@ mid_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5337,6 +5969,10 @@ mid_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5365,6 +6001,7 @@ high_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5374,6 +6011,10 @@ high_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5402,6 +6043,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5411,6 +6053,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5439,6 +6085,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5448,6 +6095,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5476,6 +6127,7 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5485,6 +6137,10 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5513,32 +6169,289 @@ spec_pres_above_grnd 0. ? ? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +996 +LAND_FRAC +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +LANDFRC +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +600 +AER_OPT_GFS_at550 +? +1 +tmpl4_48 +AOTK +? +? +entire_atmos +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +total_aerosol +? +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 +0 +0.0 +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +9.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +601 +DUST_AER_OPT_GFS_at550 +? +1 +tmpl4_48 +AOTK +? +? +entire_atmos +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +dust_dry +? +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 +0 +0.0 +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +9.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +602 +SEASALT_AER_OPT_GFS_at550 +? +1 +tmpl4_48 +AOTK +? +? +entire_atmos +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +sea_salt_dry +? +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 +0 +0.0 +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +9.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +603 +SULFATE_AER_OPT_GFS_at550 +? +1 +tmpl4_48 +AOTK +? +? +entire_atmos +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +sulphate_dry +? +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 +0 +0.0 +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +9.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +604 +ORGANIC_CARBON_AER_OPT_GFS_at550 +? +1 +tmpl4_48 +AOTK +? +? +entire_atmos +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? 0 -0.0 +? +particulate_org_matter_dry +? +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 0 0.0 -? +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -4.0 +9.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -996 -LAND_FRAC +605 +BLACK_CARBON_AER_OPT_GFS_at550 ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -LANDFRC -NCEP +tmpl4_48 +AOTK ? -surface +? +entire_atmos 0 ? 0 @@ -5548,19 +6461,24 @@ surface ? 0 ? +black_carbon_dry ? -? -0 -0.0 +smaller_than_first_limit +6 +20 0 0.0 -? +between_first_second_limit +9 +545 +9 +555 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -3.0 +9.0 0 0 0 @@ -5603,6 +6521,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5612,6 +6531,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5640,6 +6563,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5649,6 +6573,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -5677,6 +6605,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5686,6 +6615,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5714,6 +6647,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5723,6 +6657,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5751,6 +6689,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5760,6 +6699,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5788,6 +6731,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5797,6 +6741,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -5825,6 +6773,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5834,6 +6783,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5862,6 +6815,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5871,6 +6825,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5899,6 +6857,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5908,6 +6867,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -5936,6 +6899,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5945,6 +6909,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -5973,6 +6941,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 10. 40. 100. 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -5982,6 +6951,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6010,6 +6983,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6019,6 +6993,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6047,6 +7025,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6056,6 +7035,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6084,6 +7067,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6093,6 +7077,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6121,6 +7109,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6130,6 +7119,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6158,6 +7151,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6167,6 +7161,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6195,6 +7193,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6204,6 +7203,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6232,6 +7235,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6241,6 +7245,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6269,6 +7277,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6278,6 +7287,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6306,6 +7319,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6315,6 +7329,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6343,6 +7361,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6352,6 +7371,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6380,6 +7403,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6389,6 +7413,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6417,6 +7445,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6426,6 +7455,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6454,6 +7487,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6463,6 +7497,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6491,6 +7529,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6500,6 +7539,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6528,6 +7571,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6537,6 +7581,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6565,6 +7613,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6574,6 +7623,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6602,6 +7655,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6611,6 +7665,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -6639,6 +7697,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6648,6 +7707,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6676,6 +7739,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6685,6 +7749,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6713,6 +7781,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6722,6 +7791,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6750,6 +7823,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6759,6 +7833,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6787,6 +7865,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6796,6 +7875,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6824,6 +7907,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6833,6 +7917,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6861,6 +7949,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6870,6 +7959,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 1.0 0 @@ -6898,6 +7991,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6907,6 +8001,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -6935,6 +8033,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6944,6 +8043,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -6972,6 +8075,7 @@ convective_cloud_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -6981,6 +8085,10 @@ convective_cloud_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7009,6 +8117,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7018,6 +8127,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -7046,6 +8159,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7055,6 +8169,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7083,6 +8201,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7092,6 +8211,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7120,6 +8243,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7129,6 +8253,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -7157,6 +8285,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7166,6 +8295,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7194,6 +8327,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7203,6 +8337,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7231,6 +8369,7 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7240,6 +8379,10 @@ hybrid_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7249,11 +8392,11 @@ hybrid_lvl ? ? 36 -SOILM_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC +GFS_CISOILM_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SOILM +CISOILM ? ? depth_bel_land_sfc @@ -7268,6 +8411,7 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 200. ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7277,6 +8421,10 @@ depth_bel_land_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -7305,6 +8453,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -7314,6 +8463,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 diff --git a/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-hafs.txt b/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-hafs.txt index d60fabd68e..a129771cf3 100644 --- a/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-hafs.txt +++ b/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-hafs.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 1 -89 +84 HURPRS 32769 ncep_nco @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -45,6 +46,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -73,6 +78,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -82,6 +88,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -90,19 +100,19 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? -16 -SPFH_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +15 +DPT_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SPFH +DPT ? ? isobaric_sfc 0 ? -45 -200. 500. 700. 1000. 2000. 3000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +6 +10000. 20000. 30000. 50000. 70000. 85000. ? 0 ? @@ -110,6 +120,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -119,20 +130,24 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -7.0 +5.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -17 -RH_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +16 +SPFH_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -RH +SPFH ? ? isobaric_sfc @@ -147,6 +162,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -156,20 +172,24 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +7.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -18 -UGRD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +17 +RH_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -UGRD +RH ? ? isobaric_sfc @@ -184,6 +204,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -193,20 +214,24 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -19 -VGRD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +18 +UGRD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VGRD +UGRD ? ? isobaric_sfc @@ -221,6 +246,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -230,6 +256,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -238,12 +268,12 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? -284 -DZDT_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +19 +VGRD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -DZDT +VGRD ? ? isobaric_sfc @@ -258,6 +288,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -267,20 +298,24 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -20 -VVEL_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +284 +DZDT_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -VVEL +DZDT ? ? isobaric_sfc @@ -295,6 +330,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -304,6 +340,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -312,12 +352,12 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? -21 -ABSV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +20 +VVEL_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -ABSV +VVEL ? ? isobaric_sfc @@ -332,6 +372,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -341,20 +382,24 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +5.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -22 -TKE_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +21 +ABSV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TKE +ABSV ? ? isobaric_sfc @@ -369,6 +414,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -378,8 +424,12 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 @@ -406,6 +456,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -415,6 +466,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -443,6 +498,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -452,6 +508,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -480,6 +540,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -489,6 +550,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -517,6 +582,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -526,6 +592,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -554,6 +624,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -563,6 +634,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -591,6 +666,7 @@ isobaric_sfc ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -600,6 +676,10 @@ isobaric_sfc 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -628,6 +708,7 @@ mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -637,6 +718,10 @@ mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -665,6 +750,7 @@ mean_sea_lvl ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -674,6 +760,10 @@ mean_sea_lvl 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -702,6 +792,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -711,6 +802,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -739,6 +834,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -748,6 +844,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 7.0 0 @@ -776,6 +876,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -785,6 +886,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -813,6 +918,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -822,6 +928,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 3.0 0 @@ -850,6 +960,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -859,6 +970,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -887,6 +1002,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -896,6 +1012,10 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -904,12 +1024,12 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? -245 -GUST_ON_SURFACE +24 +PRES_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -GUST +PRES ? ? surface @@ -924,6 +1044,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -933,27 +1054,31 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -158 -POT_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m +25 +HGT_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -POT +HGT ? ? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +surface +0 +? 0 ? -1 -10. ? 0 ? @@ -961,6 +1086,7 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -970,20 +1096,24 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -24 -PRES_ON_SURFACE +26 +TMP_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -PRES +TMP ? ? surface @@ -998,6 +1128,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1007,21 +1138,25 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -25 -HGT_ON_SURFACE +169 +SFEXC_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -HGT -? +SFEXC +NCEP ? surface 0 @@ -1035,6 +1170,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1044,20 +1180,24 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -27 -POT_ON_SURFACE +32 +CAPE_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -POT +CAPE ? ? surface @@ -1072,6 +1212,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1081,6 +1222,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1089,12 +1234,12 @@ surface ? ? ? -28 -SPFH_ON_SURFACE +107 +CIN_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SPFH +CIN ? ? surface @@ -1109,6 +1254,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1118,23 +1264,27 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -26 -TMP_ON_SURFACE +80 +PWAT_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TMP +PWAT ? ? -surface +entire_atmos_single_lyr 0 ? 0 @@ -1146,6 +1296,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1155,34 +1306,39 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -120 -SNOWC_ON_SURFACE +162 +HLCY_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND ? 1 tmpl4_0 -SNOWC -NCEP +HLCY ? -surface -0 ? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -? +1 +3000. +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? 0 ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1192,22 +1348,26 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -169 -SFEXC_ON_SURFACE +87 +ACM_APCP_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -SFEXC -NCEP +tmpl4_8 +APCP ? +ACM surface 0 ? @@ -1220,6 +1380,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1229,22 +1390,26 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +-4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -32 -CAPE_ON_SURFACE +33 +ACM_ACPCP_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -CAPE -? +tmpl4_8 +ACPCP ? +ACM surface 0 ? @@ -1257,6 +1422,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1266,22 +1432,26 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +-4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -107 -CIN_ON_SURFACE +34 +ACM_NCPCP_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -CIN -? +tmpl4_8 +NCPCP ? +ACM surface 0 ? @@ -1294,6 +1464,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1303,23 +1474,27 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +-4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -80 -PWAT_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR +417 +CACM_APCP_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -PWAT -? +tmpl4_8 +APCP ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +ACM +surface 0 ? 0 @@ -1331,6 +1506,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1340,34 +1516,39 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +-4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -162 -HLCY_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND +418 +CACM_ACPCP_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -HLCY +tmpl4_8 +ACPCP ? +ACM +surface +0 ? -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -1 -3000. -spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +? 0 ? 0 ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1377,20 +1558,24 @@ spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 +-4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -87 -ACM_APCP_ON_SURFACE +419 +CACM_NCPCP_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_8 -APCP +NCPCP ? ACM surface @@ -1405,6 +1590,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1414,6 +1600,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -4.0 0 @@ -1422,14 +1612,14 @@ surface ? ? ? -34 -ACM_NCPCP_ON_SURFACE +271 +AVE_PRATE_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_8 -NCPCP +PRATE ? -ACM +AVE surface 0 ? @@ -1442,6 +1632,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1451,22 +1642,26 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 --4.0 +4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -167 -INST_PRATE_ON_SURFACE +272 +AVE_CPRAT_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_0 -PRATE -? +tmpl4_8 +CPRAT ? +AVE surface 0 ? @@ -1479,6 +1674,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1488,8 +1684,12 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +4.0 0 0 0 @@ -1516,6 +1716,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1525,6 +1726,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1553,54 +1758,22 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -139 -AVE_CDLYR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS -? -1 -tmpl4_8 -CDLYR -NCEP -AVE -entire_atmos_single_lyr -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -3.0 +4.0 0 0 0 @@ -1627,6 +1800,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1636,6 +1810,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1664,6 +1842,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1673,6 +1852,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1701,6 +1884,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1710,6 +1894,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1738,6 +1926,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1747,6 +1936,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1775,6 +1968,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1784,6 +1978,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1812,6 +2010,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1821,6 +2020,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1849,6 +2052,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1858,6 +2062,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 6.0 0 @@ -1886,6 +2094,7 @@ top_of_atmos ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -1895,6 +2104,10 @@ top_of_atmos 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -1923,48 +2136,16 @@ top_of_atmos ? 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? ? -0 -0.0 -0 -0.0 ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -1 -4.0 -0 -0 -0 -? -? -? -134 -VFLX_ON_SURFACE -? -1 -tmpl4_0 -VFLX -? -? -surface -0 -? -0 -? -? -0 -? -0 -? -? ? 0 0.0 0 0.0 -? 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 -4.0 +6.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -43 -AVE_SHTFL_ON_SURFACE +45 +FRICV_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_8 -SHTFL +tmpl4_0 +FRICV +NCEP ? -AVE surface 0 ? @@ -2256,6 +2304,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2265,6 +2314,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2273,14 +2326,14 @@ surface ? ? ? -42 -AVE_LHTFL_ON_SURFACE +133 +UFLX_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_8 -LHTFL +tmpl4_0 +UFLX +? ? -AVE surface 0 ? @@ -2293,6 +2346,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2302,6 +2356,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2310,14 +2368,14 @@ surface ? ? ? -47 -ACM_EVP_ON_SURFACE +134 +VFLX_ON_SURFACE ? 1 -tmpl4_8 -EVP +tmpl4_0 +VFLX +? ? -ACM surface 0 ? @@ -2330,6 +2388,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2339,6 +2398,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2367,6 +2430,7 @@ surface ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -2376,6 +2440,10 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 4.0 0 @@ -2404,6 +2472,7 @@ surface ? 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? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3042,6 +3196,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -3070,6 +3228,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3079,6 +3238,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -3107,6 +3270,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3116,6 +3280,10 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 5.0 0 @@ -3124,19 +3292,19 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? -285 -TCLSW_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS -? +422 +MAX_WIND_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m +maximum wind speed on 10 meter Above Ground 1 -tmpl4_0 -TCLSW -NCEP -? -entire_atmos_single_lyr -0 +tmpl4_8 +WIND ? +MAX +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? +1 +10. ? 0 ? @@ -3144,6 +3312,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3153,23 +3322,27 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -286 -TCOLM_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +245 +GUST_ON_SURFACE ? 1 tmpl4_0 -TCOLM -NCEP +GUST ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +? +surface 0 ? 0 @@ -3181,6 +3354,7 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr ? ? ? +? 0 0.0 0 @@ -3190,32 +3364,79 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -291 -LWHR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS -? +423 +MAX_MAXUVV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_100-1000hpa +hourly maximum Upward Vertical Velocity between 100-1000hpa 1 -tmpl4_0 -LWHR +tmpl4_8 +MAXUVV NCEP +MAX +isobaric_sfc +0 ? -entire_atmos_single_lyr +1 +10000. +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +1 +100000. +? +? +? +0 +0.0 0 +0.0 ? 0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-4.0 +0 +0 +0 ? ? +? +424 +MAX_MAXDVV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_100-1000hpa +hourly maximum Downward Vertical Velocity between 100-1000hpa +1 +tmpl4_8 +MAXDVV +NCEP +MAX +isobaric_sfc 0 ? +1 +10000. +isobaric_sfc 0 ? +1 +100000. +? ? ? 0 @@ -3227,31 +3448,36 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-4.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -292 -AVE_LRGHR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +790 +GSD_MAX_UPHL_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_0-3km ? 1 tmpl4_8 -LRGHR +MXUPHL NCEP -AVE -entire_atmos_single_lyr -0 -? +MAX +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -? +1 +3000. +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -0 +1 +0000. ? ? ? @@ -3264,31 +3490,36 @@ entire_atmos_single_lyr 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -5.0 +-3.0 0 0 0 ? ? ? -508 -MAX_PRATE_ON_SURFACE -Maximum Precipitation Rate on surface +420 +MAX_UPHL_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2-5km +maximum Updraft Helicity on Specified Height Level Above Ground 1 tmpl4_8 -PRATE -? +MXUPHL +NCEP MAX -surface -0 -? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -? +1 +5000. +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd 0 ? -0 +1 +2000. ? ? ? @@ -3301,8 +3532,12 @@ surface 0.0 0 0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 1 -6.0 +-3.0 0 0 0 diff --git a/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-hafs_ar_nosat.txt b/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-hafs_ar_nosat.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55e6fd6ea7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/postxconfig-NT-hafs_ar_nosat.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4554 @@ +1 +108 +HURPRS +32769 +ncep_nco +v2003 +local_tab_yes1 +fcst +oper +fcst +fcst +hour +nws_ncep +hafs +complex_packing_spatial_diff +2nd_ord_sptdiff +fltng_pnt +lossless +12 +HGT_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +HGT +? +? +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +57 +1. 2. 4. 7. 10. 20. 40. 70. 100. 200. 300. 500. 700. 1000. 1500. 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +? 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+0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +184 +SNMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +SNMR +? +? +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +57 +1. 2. 4. 7. 10. 20. 40. 70. 100. 200. 300. 500. 700. 1000. 1500. 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +416 +GRLE_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +Graupel mixing ration on isobaric surface +1 +tmpl4_0 +GRLE +? +? +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +57 +1. 2. 4. 7. 10. 20. 40. 70. 100. 200. 300. 500. 700. 1000. 1500. 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +251 +REFD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +REFD +? +? +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +57 +1. 2. 4. 7. 10. 20. 40. 70. 100. 200. 300. 500. 700. 1000. 1500. 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +23 +MSLET_ON_MEAN_SEA_LVL +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +MSLET +NCEP +? +mean_sea_lvl +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +105 +PRES_ON_MEAN_SEA_LVL +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +PRMSL +? +? +mean_sea_lvl +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +106 +TMP_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2m +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +TMP +? +? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +2. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +112 +SPFH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2m +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +SPFH +? +? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +2. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +7.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +113 +DPT_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2m +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +DPT +? +? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +2. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +114 +RH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2m +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +RH +? +? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +2. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +64 +UGRD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +UGRD +? +? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +10. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +65 +VGRD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +VGRD +? +? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +10. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +24 +PRES_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +PRES +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +25 +HGT_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +HGT +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +26 +TMP_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +TMP +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +169 +SFEXC_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +SFEXC +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +32 +CAPE_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +CAPE +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +107 +CIN_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +CIN +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +80 +PWAT_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +PWAT +? +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +162 +HLCY_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +HLCY +? +? +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +3000. +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +87 +ACM_APCP_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +APCP +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +746 +ACM_GRAUPEL_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +FROZR +NCEP +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +775 +BUCKET_GRAUPEL_ON_SURFACE +bucket graupel precipitation on surface +1 +tmpl4_8 +FROZR +NCEP +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +782 +ACM_FRAIN_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +FRZR +NCEP +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +1003 +BUCKET_FRAIN_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +FRZR +NCEP +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +1005 +BUCKET_SNOWFALL_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +TSNOWP +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +33 +ACM_ACPCP_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +ACPCP +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +34 +ACM_NCPCP_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +NCPCP +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +417 +CACM_APCP_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +APCP +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +418 +CACM_ACPCP_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +ACPCP +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +419 +CACM_NCPCP_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +NCPCP +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +271 +AVE_PRATE_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +PRATE +? +AVE +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +272 +AVE_CPRAT_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +CPRAT +? +AVE +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +161 +INST_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +TCDC +? +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +144 +AVE_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +TCDC +? +AVE +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +141 +INST_USWRF_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +USWRF +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +142 +INST_ULWRF_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +ULWRF +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +126 +AVE_DSWRF_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +DSWRF +NCEP +AVE +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +127 +AVE_DLWRF_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +DLWRF +NCEP +AVE +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +128 +AVE_USWRF_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +USWRF +NCEP +AVE +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +129 +AVE_ULWRF_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +ULWRF +NCEP +AVE +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +130 +AVE_USWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +USWRF +NCEP +AVE +top_of_atmos +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +131 +AVE_ULWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +ULWRF +NCEP +AVE +top_of_atmos +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +274 +INST_ULWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +ULWRF +NCEP +? +top_of_atmos +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +156 +INST_DSWRF_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +DSWRF +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +157 +INST_DLWRF_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +DLWRF +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +44 +SFCR_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +SFCR +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +45 +FRICV_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +FRICV +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +133 +UFLX_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +UFLX +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +134 +VFLX_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +VFLX +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +154 +INST_SHTFL_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +SHTFL +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +155 +INST_LHTFL_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +LHTFL +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +48 +NLAT_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +NLAT +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +49 +ELON_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +ELON +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +50 +LAND_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +LAND +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +1.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +151 +WTMP_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +WTMP +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +54 +PRES_ON_TROPOPAUSE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +PRES +? +? +tropopause +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +177 +HGT_ON_TROPOPAUSE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +HGT +? +? +tropopause +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +55 +TMP_ON_TROPOPAUSE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +TMP +? +? +tropopause +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +108 +POT_ON_TROPOPAUSE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +POT +? +? +tropopause +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +56 +UGRD_ON_TROPOPAUSE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +UGRD +? +? +tropopause +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +57 +VGRD_ON_TROPOPAUSE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +VGRD +? +? +tropopause +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +58 +VWSH_ON_TROPOPAUSE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +VWSH +NCEP +? +tropopause +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +168 +TMP_ON_CLOUD_TOP +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +TMP +? +? +cloud_top +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +252 +REFC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +REFC +NCEP +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +221 +HPBL_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +HPBL +NCEP +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +200 +TCOLW_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +TCOLW +NCEP +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +201 +TCOLI_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +TCOLI +NCEP +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +202 +TCOLR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +TCOLR +NCEP +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +203 +TCOLS_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +TCOLS +NCEP +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +204 +TCOLC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +TCOLC +NCEP +? +entire_atmos_single_lyr +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +5.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +422 +MAX_WIND_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m +maximum wind speed on 10 meter Above Ground +1 +tmpl4_8 +WIND +? +MAX +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +10. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +245 +GUST_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +GUST +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +423 +MAX_MAXUVV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_100-1000hpa +hourly maximum Upward Vertical Velocity between 100-1000hpa +1 +tmpl4_8 +MAXUVV +NCEP +MAX +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +1 +10000. +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +1 +100000. +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +424 +MAX_MAXDVV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_100-1000hpa +hourly maximum Downward Vertical Velocity between 100-1000hpa +1 +tmpl4_8 +MAXDVV +NCEP +MAX +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +1 +10000. +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +1 +100000. +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +790 +GSD_MAX_UPHL_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_0-3km +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +MXUPHL +NCEP +MAX +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +3000. +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +0000. +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +420 +MAX_UPHL_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2-5km +maximum Updraft Helicity on Specified Height Level Above Ground +1 +tmpl4_8 +MXUPHL +NCEP +MAX +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +5000. +spec_hgt_lvl_above_grnd +0 +? +1 +2000. +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +-3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +118 +CNWAT_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +CNWAT +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +1.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +119 +WEASD_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +WEASD +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +120 +SNOWC_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +SNOWC +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +170 +VEG_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +VEG +? +? +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +1004 +ACM_SNOWFALL_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +TSNOWP +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +121 +ACM_SNOM_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +SNOM +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +4.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +122 +ACM_SSRUN_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +SSRUN +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +123 +ACM_BGRUN_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +BGRUN +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +343 +ACM_WATR_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +WATR +? +ACM +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +6.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +317 +AVE_CRAIN_ON_SURFACE +? +1 +tmpl4_8 +CRAIN +NCEP +AVE +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +1.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +555 +AVE_CSNOW_ON_SURFACE +average Categorical snow on surface +1 +tmpl4_8 +CSNOW +NCEP +AVE +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +1.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +556 +AVE_CICEP_ON_SURFACE +average Categorical ice pellets on surface +1 +tmpl4_8 +CICEP +NCEP +AVE +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +1.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +557 +AVE_CFRZR_ON_SURFACE +average Categorical freezing rain on surface +1 +tmpl4_8 +CFRZR +NCEP +AVE +surface +0 +? +0 +? +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +1.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +747 +NCCD_ON_HYBRID_LVL +Number concentration for cloud water drops on hybrid level +1 +tmpl4_0 +NCONCD +? +? +hybrid_lvl +0 +? +127 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +752 +NCIP_ON_HYBRID_LVL +Number concentration for ice particles on hybrid level +1 +tmpl4_0 +NCCICE +? +? +hybrid_lvl +0 +? +127 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +754 +NCRAIN_ON_HYBRID_LVL +? +1 +tmpl4_0 +SPNCR +? +? +hybrid_lvl +0 +? +127 +1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +1018 +NCCD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +Number concentration for cloud water drops on isobaric surfaces +1 +tmpl4_0 +NCONCD +? +? +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +57 +1. 2. 4. 7. 10. 20. 40. 70. 100. 200. 300. 500. 700. 1000. 1500. 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +1019 +NCIP_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +Number concentration for ice particles on isobaric surfaces +1 +tmpl4_0 +NCCICE +? +? +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +57 +1. 2. 4. 7. 10. 20. 40. 70. 100. 200. 300. 500. 700. 1000. 1500. 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? +1020 +NCRAIN_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC +Number concentration for rain on isobaric surfaces +1 +tmpl4_0 +SPNCR +? +? +isobaric_sfc +0 +? +57 +1. 2. 4. 7. 10. 20. 40. 70. 100. 200. 300. 500. 700. 1000. 1500. 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000. 7000. 10000. 12500. 15000. 17500. 20000. 22500. 25000. 27500. 30000. 32500. 35000. 37500. 40000. 42500. 45000. 47500. 50000. 52500. 55000. 57500. 60000. 62500. 65000. 67500. 70000. 72500. 75000. 77500. 80000. 82500. 85000. 87500. 90000. 92500. 95000. 97500. 100000. +? +0 +? +0 +? +? +? +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +? +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +0 +0.0 +1 +3.0 +0 +0 +0 +? +? +? diff --git a/tests/parm/rap.nml.IN b/tests/parm/rap.nml.IN index 428cc0fe84..849e9f78cc 100644 --- a/tests/parm/rap.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/rap.nml.IN @@ -10,23 +10,16 @@ max_output_fields = @[MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS] / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - -&mpp_io_nml -shuffle=1 -deflate_level=1 -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 3000000 print_memory_usage = .false. / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -42,8 +35,9 @@ deflate_level=1 n_sponge = 42 nudge_qv = .true. nudge_dz = .false. - tau = 10. - rf_cutoff = 7.5e2 + tau = @[FV_CORE_TAU] + rf_cutoff = @[RF_CUTOFF] + fast_tau_w_sec = @[FAST_TAU_W_SEC] d2_bg_k1 = 0.20 d2_bg_k2 = 0.0 kord_tm = -9 @@ -96,6 +90,7 @@ deflate_level=1 agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] res_latlon_dynamics = @[RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS] + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] / &external_ic_nml @@ -116,6 +111,10 @@ deflate_level=1 fhcyc = @[FHCYC] use_ufo = .true. pre_rad = .false. + progsigma = @[PROGSIGMA] + betascu = @[BETASCU] + betamcu = @[BETAMCU] + betadcu = @[BETADCU] imp_physics = @[IMP_PHYSICS] ltaerosol = @[LTAEROSOL] lradar = @[LRADAR] @@ -132,6 +131,7 @@ deflate_level=1 pdfcld = .false. fhswr = 3600. fhlwr = 3600. + frac_ice = @[FRAC_ICE] ialb = @[IALB] iems = @[IEMS] iaer = @[IAER] @@ -184,12 +184,14 @@ deflate_level=1 iopt_tbot = 2 iopt_stc = 3 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 debug = .false. oz_phys = .false. oz_phys_2015 = .true. nstf_name = 2,0,0,0,0 nst_anl = .true. lkm = @[LKM] + iopt_lake = @[IOPT_LAKE] psautco = 0.0008,0.0005 prautco = 0.00015,0.00015 lgfdlmprad = .true. @@ -197,7 +199,6 @@ deflate_level=1 cplwav = @[CPLWAV] cplwav2atm = @[CPLWAV2ATM] effr_in = .true. - ldiag_ugwp = .false. do_ugwp = @[DO_UGWP] do_tofd = @[DO_TOFD] gwd_opt = @[GWD_OPT] @@ -378,8 +379,19 @@ deflate_level=1 knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 - knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 - knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 - knob_ugwp_version = 0 - launch_level = 54 + knob_ugwp_dokdis = @[KNOB_UGWP_DOKDIS] + knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = @[KNOB_UGWP_NDX4LH] + knob_ugwp_version = @[KNOB_UGWP_VERSION] + ! This is only for cires_ugwpv_module.F90 +@[HIDE_UGWPV0] launch_level = 54 + ! These are only for cires_ugwpv1_module.F90 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmax = 15.750e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmin = 0.75e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzstar = 2.0e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_taumin = 0.25e-3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_tauamp = 3.0e-3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lhmet = 200.0e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_orosolv = 'pss-1986' +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_palaunch = @[KNOB_UGWP_PALAUNCH] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_nslope = @[KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE] / diff --git a/tests/parm/regional.nml.IN b/tests/parm/regional.nml.IN index de7e9c12b1..f0911503c7 100644 --- a/tests/parm/regional.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/regional.nml.IN @@ -10,12 +10,6 @@ prepend_date = .false. / - &fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100, - max_files_w = 100, -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE', domains_stack_size = 3000000, @@ -26,6 +20,10 @@ grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] io_layout = 1,1 @@ -98,6 +96,7 @@ agrid_vel_rst = .true. read_increment = .F. res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] do_schmidt = .true. target_lat = 55.0 target_lon = -112.5 @@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ nrows_blend = 10 / - &external_ic_nml + &external_ic_nml filtered_terrain = .true. levp = 65 gfs_dwinds = .true. @@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ ldiag3d = .false. lradar = .true. avg_max_length = 3600. - nsradar_reset = 3600. + nsfullradar_diag = 3600. h2o_phys = .true. ldiag_ugwp = .F. do_ugwp = .F. @@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ nst_anl = .true. use_ufo = .true. pre_rad = .false. - imp_physics = 8 + imp_physics = 8 ltaerosol = .F. ttendlim = -999.0 pdfcld = .false. @@ -164,8 +163,8 @@ random_clds = .false. trans_trac = .true. cnvcld = .false. - imfshalcnv = 2 - imfdeepcnv = 2 + imfshalcnv = -1 + imfdeepcnv = -1 cdmbgwd = 0.88, 0.04 cnvgwd = .false. do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = .false. diff --git a/tests/parm/regional_atmaq.nml.IN b/tests/parm/regional_atmaq.nml.IN index eea08755be..a5a596a55c 100644 --- a/tests/parm/regional_atmaq.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/regional_atmaq.nml.IN @@ -10,13 +10,6 @@ prepend_date = .false. / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 12000000 @@ -27,6 +20,10 @@ grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml a_imp = 1.0 adjust_dry_mass = .false. @@ -96,6 +93,7 @@ regional = .true. regional_bcs_from_gsi = .false. res_latlon_dynamics = @[RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS] + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] reset_eta = .false. rf_cutoff = 750.0 stretch_fac = 0.999 @@ -236,7 +234,7 @@ lwhtr = .true. n_var_lndp = @[N_VAR_LNDP] n_var_spp = 0 - nsradar_reset = 3600 + nsfullradar_diag = 3600 nst_anl = .true. nstf_name = 2, 1, 0, 0, 0 oz_phys = .false. diff --git a/tests/parm/regional_rrfs_a.nml.IN b/tests/parm/regional_rrfs_a.nml.IN index fd2da3c739..d7c903a954 100644 --- a/tests/parm/regional_rrfs_a.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/regional_rrfs_a.nml.IN @@ -37,12 +37,6 @@ netcdf_default_format = 'netcdf4' / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 3000000 @@ -53,6 +47,10 @@ use_io_netcdf = .true. / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml a_imp = 1.0 adjust_dry_mass = .false. @@ -122,6 +120,7 @@ regional = .true. regional_bcs_from_gsi = .false. res_latlon_dynamics = 'fv3_increment.nc' + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] reset_eta = .false. rf_cutoff = 2000.0 sg_cutoff = 10000.0 @@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ lwhtr = .true. n_var_lndp = 0 n_var_spp = 0 - nsradar_reset = 3600 + nsfullradar_diag = 3600 oz_phys = .false. oz_phys_2015 = .true. pdfcld = .false. diff --git a/tests/parm/regional_stoch.nml.IN b/tests/parm/regional_stoch.nml.IN index 8368c6acf3..2efe1a5f1f 100644 --- a/tests/parm/regional_stoch.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/regional_stoch.nml.IN @@ -41,18 +41,16 @@ nt_checker = 0 / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 3000000 print_memory_usage = .false. / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml a_imp = 1.0 adjust_dry_mass = .false. @@ -172,7 +170,7 @@ iaer = 5111 ialb = 1 iau_delthrs = 6 - iau_inc_files = @[IAU_INC_FILES] + iau_inc_files = @[IAU_INC_FILES] iaufhrs = 30 icliq_sw = 2 icloud_bl = 1 @@ -195,6 +193,7 @@ iopt_snf = 4 iopt_stc = 1 iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_diag = 2 iopt_tbot = 2 iovr = 3 isol = 2 @@ -214,7 +213,7 @@ lwhtr = .true. n_var_lndp = 0 n_var_spp = @[N_VAR_SPP] - nsradar_reset = 3600 + nsfullradar_diag = 3600 nst_anl = .true. nstf_name = 2, 1, 0, 0, 0 oz_phys = @[OZ_PHYS_OLD] diff --git a/tests/parm/regional_wofs.nml.IN b/tests/parm/regional_wofs.nml.IN index bf7004d8af..e5d49e3858 100644 --- a/tests/parm/regional_wofs.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/regional_wofs.nml.IN @@ -33,18 +33,16 @@ nt_checker = 0 / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 3000000 print_memory_usage = .false. / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml a_imp = 1.0 adjust_dry_mass = .false. @@ -114,6 +112,7 @@ regional = .true. regional_bcs_from_gsi = .false. res_latlon_dynamics = 'fv3_increment.nc' + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] reset_eta = .false. rf_cutoff = 2000.0 stretch_fac = 0.999 @@ -195,7 +194,7 @@ lwhtr = .true. n_var_lndp = 0 n_var_spp = 0 - nsradar_reset = 3600 + nsfullradar_diag = 3600 nssl_cccn = @[NSSL_CCCN] nssl_ccn_on = @[NSSL_CCN_ON] nssl_hail_on = @[NSSL_HAIL_ON] diff --git a/tests/parm/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN b/tests/parm/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN index a78268f090..b582d1d357 100644 --- a/tests/parm/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN +++ b/tests/parm/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN @@ -36,18 +36,16 @@ nt_checker = 0 / -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100 - max_files_w = 100 -/ - &fms_nml clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' domains_stack_size = 5000000 ! Smoke needs a higher value than 3000000 default. print_memory_usage = .false. / +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + &fv_core_nml a_imp = 1.0 adjust_dry_mass = .false. @@ -117,6 +115,7 @@ regional = .true. regional_bcs_from_gsi = .false. res_latlon_dynamics = @[RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS] + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] reset_eta = .false. rf_cutoff = 20000.0 sg_cutoff = 10000.0 @@ -138,25 +137,30 @@ &gfs_physics_nml sfclay_compute_flux = @[SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX] + lightning_threat = .true. fh_dfi_radar = @[FH_DFI_RADAR] bl_mynn_edmf = 1 bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1 bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .true. - rrfs_smoke = @[RRFS_SMOKE] + rrfs_sd = @[RRFS_SMOKE] rrfs_smoke_debug = .false. seas_opt = @[SEAS_OPT] mix_chem = @[RRFS_SMOKE] - fire_turb = @[RRFS_SMOKE] + enh_mix = @[RRFS_SMOKE] dust_opt = 5 - drydep_opt = 1 - smoke_forecast = @[RRFS_SMOKE] + drydep_opt = 1 + coarsepm_settling = 1 + smoke_forecast = @[SMOKE_FORECAST] aero_ind_fdb = .false. aero_dir_fdb = .false. addsmoke_flag = 1 - biomass_burn_opt = 1 - wetdep_ls_opt = 1 + wetdep_ls_opt = 1 do_plumerise = @[RRFS_SMOKE] plumerisefire_frq = 60 + dust_alpha = 0.01 + dust_gamma = 1.3 + wetdep_ls_alpha = 0.5 + smoke_dir_fdb_coef = 0.33, 0.67, 0.02, 0.13, 0.85, 0.05, 0.95 cal_pre = .false. cdmbgwd = @[CDMBWD] cnvcld = .false. @@ -190,6 +194,7 @@ fhlwr = 1200.0 fhswr = 1200.0 fhzero = @[FHZERO] + frac_ice = @[FRAC_ICE] ! fscav_aero = @[FSCAV_AERO] gwd_opt = @[GWD_OPT] h2o_phys = .true. @@ -235,6 +240,7 @@ ! lfnc_p0 = @[LFNC_P0] lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] lkm = @[LKM] + iopt_lake = @[IOPT_LAKE] lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] lradar = @[LRADAR] lrefres = .true. @@ -245,7 +251,7 @@ ltaerosol = @[LTAEROSOL] lwhtr = .true. n_var_lndp = @[N_VAR_LNDP] - nsradar_reset = 3600 + nsfullradar_diag = 3600 nst_anl = .false. nstf_name = 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 oz_phys = .false. @@ -326,9 +332,9 @@ fntsfa = '' fntsfc = 'RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb' fnvegc = 'C775.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc' ! should not exist - fnvetc = 'C775.vegetation_type.tileX.nc' ! should not exist - fnvmnc = 'C775.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc' ! should not exist - fnvmxc = 'C775.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc' ! should not exist + fnvetc = 'C775.vegetation_type.tileX.nc' ! should not exist + fnvmnc = 'C775.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc' ! should not exist + fnvmxc = 'C775.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc' ! should not exist fnzorc = 'igbp' fsicl = 99999 fsics = 99999 diff --git a/tests/parm/stream.config_hycom.IN b/tests/parm/stream.config_hycom.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f548739bcc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/stream.config_hycom.IN @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +stream_info: stream01 stream02 + +taxmode01: limit +mapalgo01: bilinear +tInterpAlgo01: linear +readMode01: single +dtlimit01: 1.5 +stream_offset01: @[STREAM_OFFSET] +yearFirst01: @[SYEAR] +yearLast01: @[SYEAR] +yearAlign01: @[SYEAR] +stream_vectors01: null +stream_mesh_file01: @[INLINE_MESH_OCN] +stream_lev_dimname01: null +stream_data_files01: @[INLINE_STREAM_FILES_OCN] +stream_data_variables01: "TMP_surface So_t" +stream_dst_mask01: 1 + +taxmode02: limit +mapalgo02: bilinear +tInterpAlgo02: linear +readMode02: single +dtlimit02: 1.5 +stream_offset02: @[STREAM_OFFSET] +yearFirst02: @[SYEAR] +yearLast02: @[SYEAR] +yearAlign02: @[SYEAR] +stream_vectors02: null +stream_mesh_file02: @[INLINE_MESH_ATM] +stream_lev_dimname02: null +stream_data_files02: @[INLINE_STREAM_FILES_ATM] +stream_data_variables02: "UFLX_surface Faxa_taux" "VFLX_surface Faxa_tauy" "PRATE_surface Faxa_rain" "NETSW_surface Faxa_swnet" "NETLW_surface Faxa_lwnet" "SHTFL_surface Faxa_sen" "LHTFL_surface Faxa_lat" "PRES_surface Sa_pslv" "UGRD_10maboveground Sa_u10m" "VGRD_10maboveground Sa_v10m" diff --git a/tests/parm/stream.config_mom6.IN b/tests/parm/stream.config_mom6.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f03563fe3c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/stream.config_mom6.IN @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +stream_info: stream01 stream02 + +taxmode01: limit +mapalgo01: bilinear +tInterpAlgo01: linear +readMode01: single +dtlimit01: 1.5 +stream_offset01: @[STREAM_OFFSET] +yearFirst01: @[SYEAR] +yearLast01: @[SYEAR] +yearAlign01: @[SYEAR] +stream_vectors01: null +stream_mesh_file01: @[INLINE_MESH_OCN] +stream_lev_dimname01: null +stream_data_files01: @[INLINE_STREAM_FILES_OCN] +stream_data_variables01: "TMP_surface So_t" +stream_dst_mask01: 1 + +taxmode02: limit +mapalgo02: bilinear +tInterpAlgo02: linear +readMode02: single +dtlimit02: 1.5 +stream_offset02: @[STREAM_OFFSET] +yearFirst02: @[SYEAR] +yearLast02: @[SYEAR] +yearAlign02: @[SYEAR] +stream_vectors02: null +stream_mesh_file02: @[INLINE_MESH_ATM] +stream_lev_dimname02: null +stream_data_files02: @[INLINE_STREAM_FILES_ATM] +stream_data_variables02: "SWVDR_surface Faxa_swvdr" "SWVDF_surface Faxa_swvdf" "SWNDR_surface Faxa_swndr" "SWNDF_surface Faxa_swndf" "NETLW_surface Faxa_lwnet" "SHTFL_surface Faxa_sen" "EVAP_surface Faxa_evap" "PRATE_surface Faxa_rain" "UFLX_surface Faxa_taux" "VFLX_surface Faxa_tauy" "PRES_surface Sa_pslv" "UGRD_10maboveground Sa_u10m" "VGRD_10maboveground Sa_v10m" diff --git a/tests/parm/stretched-input.nml.IN b/tests/parm/stretched-input.nml.IN deleted file mode 100644 index e3d14b3f9f..0000000000 --- a/tests/parm/stretched-input.nml.IN +++ /dev/null @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ -&atmos_model_nml - blocksize = 32 - chksum_debug = .false. - dycore_only = .false. - ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]' -/ - -&diag_manager_nml - prepend_date = .false. -/ - -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100, - max_files_w = 100, -/ - -&fms_nml - clock_grain = 'ROUTINE', - domains_stack_size = 3000000, - print_memory_usage = .false. -/ - -&fv_grid_nml - grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' -/ - -&fv_core_nml - layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] - io_layout = 1,1 - npx = 97 - npy = 97 - ntiles = 6, - npz = @[NPZ] - grid_type = -1 - make_nh = @[MAKE_NH] - fv_debug = .false. - range_warn = .false. - reset_eta = .false. - n_sponge = 30 - nudge_qv = .true. - rf_fast = .false. - tau = 5. - rf_cutoff = 7.5e2 - d2_bg_k1 = 0.15 - d2_bg_k2 = 0.02 - kord_tm = -9 - kord_mt = 9 - kord_wz = 9 - kord_tr = 9 - hydrostatic = .false. - phys_hydrostatic = .false. - use_hydro_pressure = .false. - beta = 0. - a_imp = 1. - p_fac = 0.1 - k_split = 1 - n_split = 8 - nwat = 6 - na_init = @[NA_INIT] - d_ext = 0.0 - dnats = 1 - fv_sg_adj = 600 - d2_bg = 0. - nord = 2 - dddmp = 0.1 - d4_bg = 0.12 - vtdm4 = 0.02 - delt_max = 0.002 - ke_bg = 0. - do_vort_damp = .true. - external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC] - external_eta = .true. - gfs_phil = .false. - nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC] - mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] - ncep_ic = .false. - d_con = 1. - hord_mt = 6 - hord_vt = 6 - hord_tm = 6 - hord_dp = 6 - hord_tr = 8 - adjust_dry_mass = .false. - consv_te = 1. - do_sat_adj = .true. - consv_am = .false. - fill = .true. - dwind_2d = .false. - print_freq = 6 - warm_start = @[WARM_START] - read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] - res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" - no_dycore = .false. - z_tracer = .true. - - do_schmidt = .true. - target_lat = 35.5 - target_lon = -97.5 - stretch_fac = 1.5 - -/ - -&external_ic_nml - filtered_terrain = .true. - levp = @[NPZP] - gfs_dwinds = .true. - checker_tr = .false. - nt_checker = 0 -/ - -&gfs_physics_nml - fhzero = 6. - ldiag3d = .false. - fhcyc = 24. - nst_anl = .true. - use_ufo = .true. - pre_rad = .false. - imp_physics = 11 - pdfcld = .false. - fhswr = 3600. - fhlwr = 3600. - ialb = 1 - iems = 1 - IAER = 111 - ico2 = 2 - isubc_sw = 2 - isubc_lw = 2 - isol = 2 - lwhtr = .true. - swhtr = .true. - cnvgwd = .true. - shal_cnv = .true. - cal_pre = .false. - redrag = .true. - dspheat = .true. - hybedmf = @[HYBEDMF] - satmedmf = @[SATMEDMF] - lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] - lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] - random_clds = .false. - trans_trac = .false. - cnvcld = .true. - imfshalcnv = 2 - imfdeepcnv = 2 - cdmbgwd = 3.5,0.25 - prslrd0 = 0. - ivegsrc = 1 - isot = 1 - lsm = 1 - iopt_dveg = 2 - iopt_crs = 1 - iopt_btr = 1 - iopt_run = 1 - iopt_sfc = 1 - iopt_frz = 1 - iopt_inf = 1 - iopt_rad = 1 - iopt_alb = 2 - iopt_snf = 4 - iopt_tbot = 2 - iopt_stc = 1 - iopt_trs = 2 - debug = .false. - nstf_name = @[NSTF_NAME] - xkzminv = 0.3 - xkzm_m = 1.0 - xkzm_h = 1.0 -/ - -&gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml - sedi_transport = .true. - do_sedi_heat = .false. - rad_snow = .true. - rad_graupel = .true. - rad_rain = .true. - const_vi = .false. - const_vs = .false. - const_vg = .false. - const_vr = .false. - vi_max = 1. - vs_max = 2. - vg_max = 12. - vr_max = 12. - qi_lim = 1. - prog_ccn = .false. - do_qa = .true. - fast_sat_adj = .true. - tau_l2v = 300. - tau_l2v = 225. - tau_v2l = 150. - tau_g2v = 900. - rthresh = 10.e-6 ! This is a key parameter for cloud water - dw_land = 0.16 - dw_ocean = 0.10 - ql_gen = 1.0e-3 - ql_mlt = 1.0e-3 - qi0_crt = 8.0E-5 - qs0_crt = 1.0e-3 - tau_i2s = 1000. - c_psaci = 0.05 - c_pgacs = 0.01 - rh_inc = 0.30 - rh_inr = 0.30 - rh_ins = 0.30 - ccn_l = 300. - ccn_o = 100. - c_paut = 0.5 - c_cracw = 0.8 - use_ppm = .false. - use_ccn = .true. - mono_prof = .true. - z_slope_liq = .true. - z_slope_ice = .true. - de_ice = .false. - fix_negative = .true. - icloud_f = 1 - mp_time = 150. -/ - -&interpolator_nml - interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' -/ - -&namsfc - FNGLAC = "global_glacier.2x2.grb", - FNMXIC = "global_maxice.2x2.grb", - FNTSFC = "RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb", - FNSNOC = "global_snoclim.1.875.grb", - FNZORC = "igbp", - FNALBC = "global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t126.384.190.rg.grb", - FNALBC2 = "global_albedo4.1x1.grb", - FNAISC = "CFSR.SEAICE.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb", - FNTG3C = "global_tg3clim.2.6x1.5.grb", - FNVEGC = "global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb", - FNVETC = "global_vegtype.igbp.t126.384.190.rg.grb", - FNSOTC = "global_soiltype.statsgo.t126.384.190.rg.grb", - FNSMCC = "global_soilmgldas.t126.384.190.grb", - FNMSKH = "global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb", - FNTSFA = "", - FNACNA = "", - FNSNOA = "", - FNVMNC = "global_shdmin.0.144x0.144.grb", - FNVMXC = "global_shdmax.0.144x0.144.grb", - FNSLPC = "global_slope.1x1.grb", - FNABSC = "global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t126.384.190.rg.grb", - LDEBUG =.false., - FSMCL(2) = 99999 - FSMCL(3) = 99999 - FSMCL(4) = 99999 - FTSFS = 90 - FAISS = 99999 - FSNOL = 99999 - FSICL = 99999 - FTSFL = 99999, - FAISL = 99999, - FVETL = 99999, - FSOTL = 99999, - FvmnL = 99999, - FvmxL = 99999, - FSLPL = 99999, - FABSL = 99999, - FSNOS = 99999, - FSICS = 99999, -/ -&nam_stochy -/ -&nam_sfcperts -/ - -&cires_ugwp_nml - knob_ugwp_solver = 2 - knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0 - knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25 - knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4 - knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0 - knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 - knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 - knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 - knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 - knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 - knob_ugwp_version = 0 - launch_level = 25 -/ diff --git a/tests/parm/stretched-nest-input.nml.IN b/tests/parm/stretched-nest-input.nml.IN deleted file mode 100644 index 4e4bd0eb68..0000000000 --- a/tests/parm/stretched-nest-input.nml.IN +++ /dev/null @@ -1,293 +0,0 @@ -&atmos_model_nml - blocksize = 24 - chksum_debug = .false. - dycore_only = .false. - ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]' -/ - -&diag_manager_nml - prepend_date = .false. -/ - -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100, - max_files_w = 100, -/ - -&fms_nml - clock_grain = 'ROUTINE', - domains_stack_size = 3000000, - print_memory_usage = .false. -/ - -&fv_grid_nml -! grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' -/ - -&fv_core_nml - layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] - io_layout = 1,1 - npx = 97 - npy = 97 - ntiles = 6, - npz = @[NPZ] -! grid_type = -1 - make_nh = @[MAKE_NH] - fv_debug = .false. - range_warn = .false. - reset_eta = .false. - n_sponge = 30 - nudge_qv = .true. - rf_fast = .false. - tau = 5. - rf_cutoff = 7.5e2 - d2_bg_k1 = 0.15 - d2_bg_k2 = 0.02 - kord_tm = -9 - kord_mt = 9 - kord_wz = 9 - kord_tr = 9 - hydrostatic = .false. - phys_hydrostatic = .false. - use_hydro_pressure = .false. - beta = 0. - a_imp = 1. - p_fac = 0.1 - k_split = 1 - n_split = 8 - nwat = 6 - na_init = @[NA_INIT] - d_ext = 0.0 - dnats = 1 - fv_sg_adj = 600 - d2_bg = 0. - nord = 2 - dddmp = 0.1 - d4_bg = 0.12 - vtdm4 = 0.02 - delt_max = 0.002 - ke_bg = 0. - do_vort_damp = .true. - external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC] - external_eta = .true. - gfs_phil = .false. - nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC] - mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] - ncep_ic = .false. - d_con = 1. - hord_mt = 6 - hord_vt = 6 - hord_tm = 6 - hord_dp = 6 - hord_tr = 8 - adjust_dry_mass = .false. - consv_te = 1. - do_sat_adj = .true. - consv_am = .false. - fill = .true. - dwind_2d = .false. - print_freq = 6 - warm_start = @[WARM_START] - read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] - res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" - no_dycore = .false. - z_tracer = .true. - - do_schmidt = .true. - target_lat = 35.5 - target_lon = -97.5 - stretch_fac = 1.5 - -/ -&fv_nest_nml - grid_pes = 48, 48 - tile_coarse = 0, 6 - num_tile_top = 6 - p_split=1 - nest_refine = 0, 3 - nest_ioffsets= 1, 14 - nest_joffsets= 1, 19 -/ - -&external_ic_nml - filtered_terrain = .true. - levp = @[NPZP] - gfs_dwinds = .true. - checker_tr = .false. - nt_checker = 0 -/ - -&gfs_physics_nml - fhzero = 6. - ldiag3d = .false. - fhcyc = 24. - nst_anl = .true. - use_ufo = .true. - pre_rad = .false. - imp_physics = 11 - pdfcld = .false. - fhswr = 3600. - fhlwr = 3600. - ialb = 1 - iems = 1 - IAER = 111 - ico2 = 2 - isubc_sw = 2 - isubc_lw = 2 - isol = 2 - lwhtr = .true. - swhtr = .true. - cnvgwd = .true. - shal_cnv = .true. - cal_pre = .false. - redrag = .true. - dspheat = .true. - hybedmf = @[HYBEDMF] - satmedmf = @[SATMEDMF] - lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] - lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] - random_clds = .false. - trans_trac = .false. - cnvcld = .true. - imfshalcnv = 2 - imfdeepcnv = 2 - cdmbgwd = 3.5,0.25 - prslrd0 = 0. - ivegsrc = 1 - isot = 1 - lsm = 1 - iopt_dveg = 2 - iopt_crs = 1 - iopt_btr = 1 - iopt_run = 1 - iopt_sfc = 1 - iopt_frz = 1 - iopt_inf = 1 - iopt_rad = 1 - iopt_alb = 2 - iopt_snf = 4 - iopt_tbot = 2 - iopt_stc = 1 - iopt_trs = 2 - debug = .false. - nstf_name = @[NSTF_NAME] - xkzminv = 0.3 - xkzm_m = 1.0 - xkzm_h = 1.0 -/ - -&gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml - sedi_transport = .true. - do_sedi_heat = .false. - rad_snow = .true. - rad_graupel = .true. - rad_rain = .true. - const_vi = .false. - const_vs = .false. - const_vg = .false. - const_vr = .false. - vi_max = 1. - vs_max = 2. - vg_max = 12. - vr_max = 12. - qi_lim = 1. - prog_ccn = .false. - do_qa = .true. - fast_sat_adj = .true. - tau_l2v = 300. - tau_l2v = 225. - tau_v2l = 150. - tau_g2v = 900. - rthresh = 10.e-6 ! This is a key parameter for cloud water - dw_land = 0.16 - dw_ocean = 0.10 - ql_gen = 1.0e-3 - ql_mlt = 1.0e-3 - qi0_crt = 8.0E-5 - qs0_crt = 1.0e-3 - tau_i2s = 1000. - c_psaci = 0.05 - c_pgacs = 0.01 - rh_inc = 0.30 - rh_inr = 0.30 - rh_ins = 0.30 - ccn_l = 300. - ccn_o = 100. - c_paut = 0.5 - c_cracw = 0.8 - use_ppm = .false. - use_ccn = .true. - mono_prof = .true. - z_slope_liq = .true. - z_slope_ice = .true. - de_ice = .false. - fix_negative = .true. - icloud_f = 1 - mp_time = 150. -/ - -&interpolator_nml - interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' -/ - -&namsfc - FNGLAC = "global_glacier.2x2.grb", - FNMXIC = "global_maxice.2x2.grb", - FNTSFC = "RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb", - FNSNOC = "global_snoclim.1.875.grb", - FNZORC = "igbp", - FNALBC = "global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t126.384.190.rg.grb", - FNALBC2 = "global_albedo4.1x1.grb", - FNAISC = "CFSR.SEAICE.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb", - FNTG3C = "global_tg3clim.2.6x1.5.grb", - FNVEGC = "global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb", - FNVETC = "global_vegtype.igbp.t126.384.190.rg.grb", - FNSOTC = "global_soiltype.statsgo.t126.384.190.rg.grb", - FNSMCC = "global_soilmgldas.t126.384.190.grb", - FNMSKH = "global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb", - FNTSFA = "", - FNACNA = "", - FNSNOA = "", - FNVMNC = "global_shdmin.0.144x0.144.grb", - FNVMXC = "global_shdmax.0.144x0.144.grb", - FNSLPC = "global_slope.1x1.grb", - FNABSC = "global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t126.384.190.rg.grb", - LDEBUG =.false., - FSMCL(2) = 99999 - FSMCL(3) = 99999 - FSMCL(4) = 99999 - FTSFS = 90 - FAISS = 99999 - FSNOL = 99999 - FSICL = 99999 - FTSFL = 99999, - FAISL = 99999, - FVETL = 99999, - FSOTL = 99999, - FvmnL = 99999, - FvmxL = 99999, - FSLPL = 99999, - FABSL = 99999, - FSNOS = 99999, - FSICS = 99999, -/ -&nam_stochy -/ -&nam_sfcperts -/ - -&cires_ugwp_nml - knob_ugwp_solver = 2 - knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0 - knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25 - knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4 - knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0 - knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 - knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 - knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 - knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 - knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 - knob_ugwp_version = 0 - launch_level = 25 -/ diff --git a/tests/parm/stretched-nest-quilt-model_configure.IN b/tests/parm/stretched-nest-quilt-model_configure.IN deleted file mode 100644 index 9f1262c4e1..0000000000 --- a/tests/parm/stretched-nest-quilt-model_configure.IN +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -start_year: 2018 -start_month: 10 -start_day: 15 -start_hour: 00 -start_minute: 0 -start_second: 0 -nhours_fcst: @[FHMAX] - -dt_atmos: 450 -restart_interval: 0 -output_1st_tstep_rst: .false. - -quilting: .true. -write_groups: 3 -write_tasks_per_group: 4 -num_files: 2 -filename_base: 'dyn' 'phy' -output_file: 'netcdf' - -# output_grid: 'regional_latlon' -# lon1: 225.0 -# lon2: 300.0 -# lat1: 10.0 -# lat2: 60.0 -# dlon: 0.2 -# dlat: 0.2 - - output_grid: 'rotated_latlon' - cen_lon: -97.5 # central longitude - cen_lat: 34.0 # central latitude - lon1: -22.0 # longitude of lower-left point in rotated coordinate system (in degrees) - lat1: -17.0 # latitude of lower-left . . . . - lon2: 22.0 # longitude of upper-right . . . . - lat2: 17.0 # latitude of upper-right . . . . - dlon: 0.2 - dlat: 0.2 - -# output_grid: 'lambert_conformal' -# cen_lon: -97.5 # central longitude -# cen_lat: 34.0 # central latitude -# stdlat1: 30.0 -# stdlat2: 60.0 -# nx: 450 # Number of points along x-axis. -# ny: 430 # Number of points along y-axis. -# lon1: -116.0 # longitude of first grid point (lower-left) (in degrees) -# lat1: 13.0 # latitude of first grid point (lower-left) (in degrees) -# dx: 10000.0 # x-direction grid length -# dy: 10000.0 # y-direction grid length - -nfhout: 3 -nfhmax_hf: 12 -nfhout_hf: 1 -nsout: -1 diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b6a305247 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm.IN @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: false + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: ATM +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 +:: + +# Run Sequence # +runSeq:: + ATM +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm_esmf.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm_esmf.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8eb7b94dc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm_esmf.IN @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: ATM +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 +:: + +# Run Sequence # +runSeq:: + ATM +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm_lm4.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm_lm4.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..16bc68285d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm_lm4.IN @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: MED ATM LND +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# MED # +MED_model: @[med_model] +MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] +MED_attributes:: + Verbosity = 1 + Diagnostic = 0 + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + LND_model = @[lnd_model] + MED_model = cmeps + history_n = 6 + history_option = nhours + history_ymd = -999 + coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] + history_tile_lnd = 96 + history_n_lnd_inst = 6 + history_option_lnd_inst = nhours + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 +:: + +# LND # +LND_model: @[lnd_model] +LND_petlist_bounds: @[lnd_petlist_bounds] +LND_omp_num_threads: @[lnd_omp_num_threads] +LND_attributes:: + Verbosity = 1 + DumpFields = false + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + input_dir = INPUT/ +:: + +# cold +runSeq:: +@@[coupling_interval_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_atm + MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist + ATM + ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_atm + MED med_phases_prep_lnd + MED -> LND :remapMethod=redist + LND + LND -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_lnd + MED med_phases_restart_write + MED med_phases_history_write +@ +:: + +# CMEPS variables + +DRIVER_attributes:: +:: + +ALLCOMP_attributes:: + ScalarFieldCount = 4 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 4 # required for data atmosphere configurations + ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars + start_type = @[RUNTYPE] + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] + case_name = ufs.cpld + restart_n = 12 + restart_option = nhours + restart_ymd = -999 + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + read_restart = @[READRESTART] + mediator_present = true +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.atm_lnd.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm_lnd.IN similarity index 74% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.atm_lnd.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm_lnd.IN index 391f4008ad..4210c3bf0f 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.atm_lnd.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atm_lnd.IN @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true + # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: MED ATM LND EARTH_attributes:: @@ -11,6 +15,7 @@ EARTH_attributes:: # MED # MED_model: @[med_model] MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] MED_attributes:: Verbosity = 1 Diagnostic = 0 @@ -21,14 +26,12 @@ MED_attributes:: history_option = nhours history_ymd = -999 coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] - history_tile_lnd = 96 - history_n_lnd_inst = 6 - history_option_lnd_inst = nhours :: # ATM # ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 Diagnostic = 0 @@ -37,12 +40,13 @@ ATM_attributes:: # LND # LND_model: @[lnd_model] LND_petlist_bounds: @[lnd_petlist_bounds] +LND_omp_num_threads: @[lnd_omp_num_threads] LND_attributes:: Verbosity = 1 Diagnostic = 0 mosaic_file = @[mosaic_file] - input_dir = INPUT/ - ic_type = @[lnd_ic_type] + input_dir = @[lnd_input_dir] + ic_type = @[lnd_ic_type] layout = @[layout_x]:@[layout_y] # need to be consistent with number of PEs num_soil_levels = 4 forcing_height = 10 @@ -56,15 +60,17 @@ LND_attributes:: supercooled_soilwater_option = 1 frozen_soil_adjust_option = 1 radiative_transfer_option = 3 - snow_albedo_option = 1 - precip_partition_option = 4 + snow_albedo_option = @[snow_albedo_option] + precip_partition_option = @[precip_partition_option] soil_temp_lower_bdy_option = 2 soil_temp_time_scheme_option = 3 - surface_evap_resistance_option = 1 # not used, it is fixed to 4 in sfc_noahmp_drv.F90 + surface_evap_resistance_option = 1 # not used, it is fixed to 4 in sfc_noahmp_drv.F90 glacier_option = 1 surface_thermal_roughness_option = 2 - output_freq = 10800 + output_freq = 3600 + restart_freq = -1 calc_snet = @[CALC_SNET] + initial_albedo = @[initial_albedo] :: # cold @@ -90,30 +96,27 @@ DRIVER_attributes:: :: ALLCOMP_attributes:: - ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldCount = 4 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 - ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 3 # required for data atmosphere configurations + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 4 # required for data atmosphere configurations ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars start_type = @[RUNTYPE] - restart_dir = RESTART/ + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] case_name = ufs.cpld - restart_n = 12 + restart_n = 1 restart_option = nhours restart_ymd = -999 - dbug_flag = 0 - use_coldstart = false - use_mommesh = true - eps_imesh = 2.5e-1 + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + read_restart = @[READRESTART] orb_eccen = 1.e36 orb_iyear = 2000 orb_iyear_align = 2000 orb_mode = fixed_year orb_mvelp = 1.e36 orb_obliq = 1.e36 - stop_n = @[FHMAX] - stop_option = nhours - stop_ymd = -999 - read_restart = @[READRESTART] - mediator_present = true :: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.atmaero.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmaero.IN similarity index 83% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.atmaero.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmaero.IN index cee9daf9b1..6c60333e07 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.atmaero.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmaero.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# # ESMF # -logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: false # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: ATM CHM diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmaero_esmf.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmaero_esmf.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c20f20905 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmaero_esmf.IN @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: ATM CHM +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# CHM # +CHM_model: @[chm_model] +CHM_petlist_bounds: @[chm_petlist_bounds] +CHM_omp_num_threads: @[chm_omp_num_threads] +CHM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# Run Sequence # +runSeq:: + @@[coupling_interval_sec] + ATM phase1 + ATM -> CHM + CHM + CHM -> ATM + ATM phase2 + @ +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.atmaq.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmaq.IN similarity index 69% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.atmaq.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmaq.IN index a20056dbbe..7c725ec158 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.atmaq.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmaq.IN @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: ATM AQM @@ -12,6 +15,7 @@ EARTH_attributes:: # ATM # ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 :: @@ -19,13 +23,14 @@ ATM_attributes:: # AQM # AQM_model: @[aqm_model] AQM_petlist_bounds: @[aqm_petlist_bounds] +AQM_omp_num_threads: @[aqm_omp_num_threads] AQM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 :: # Run Sequence # runSeq:: - @180 + @@[DT_ATMOS] ATM phase1 ATM -> AQM AQM @@ -33,4 +38,3 @@ runSeq:: ATM phase2 @ :: - diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmw.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmw.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3d9caa18e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.atmw.IN @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: MED ATM WAV +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# MED # +MED_model: @[med_model] +MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = false +:: + +# WAV # +WAV_model: @[wav_model] +WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] +WAV_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + OverwriteSlice = false + mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] + user_histname = @[WW3_user_histname] + use_historync = @[WW3_historync] + use_restartnc = @[WW3_restartnc] + restart_from_binary = @[WW3_restart_from_binary] + pio_typename = @[WW3_PIO_FORMAT] + pio_numiotasks = @[WW3_PIO_IOTASKS] + pio_stride = @[WW3_PIO_STRIDE] + pio_rearranger = @[WW3_PIO_REARR] + pio_root = @[WW3_PIO_ROOT] +:: + + +# Run Sequence # +runSeq:: + @@[coupling_interval_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_atm + MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum + MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg + MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist + MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist + ATM + WAV + ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_atm + WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_wav + MED med_phases_restart_write + @ +:: + +# CMEPS variables + +DRIVER_attributes:: +:: + +MED_attributes:: + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + WAV_model = @[wav_model] + coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] +:: + +ALLCOMP_attributes:: + ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars + start_type = @[RUNTYPE] + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] + case_name = ufs.atmw + restart_n = @[RESTART_N] + restart_option = nhours + restart_ymd = -999 + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.blocked_atm_wav.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.blocked_atm_wav.IN similarity index 75% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.blocked_atm_wav.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.blocked_atm_wav.IN index 5e0c0ad702..b0354b287c 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.blocked_atm_wav.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.blocked_atm_wav.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# # ESMF # logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: ATM WAV @@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ EARTH_attributes:: # ATM # ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 DumpFields = false @@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ ATM_attributes:: # WAV # WAV_model: @[wav_model] WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] WAV_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 :: @@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ WAV_attributes:: # Run Sequence # runSeq:: @@[coupling_interval_sec] - ATM -> WAV + ATM -> WAV ATM WAV @ diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.blocked_atm_wav_2way.IN similarity index 72% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.blocked_atm_wav_2way.IN index d2f3ab5227..d66d77eede 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.blocked_atm_wav_2way.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# # ESMF # logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: ATM WAV @@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ EARTH_attributes:: # ATM # ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 DumpFields = false @@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ ATM_attributes:: # WAV # WAV_model: @[wav_model] WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] WAV_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 :: @@ -31,8 +34,9 @@ WAV_attributes:: # Run Sequence # runSeq:: @@[coupling_interval_sec] + ATM -> WAV + WAV -> ATM :srcMaskValues=1 ATM - ATM -> WAV WAV @ :: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.cpld_atm_fbh.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.cpld_atm_fbh.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b586d6585 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.cpld_atm_fbh.IN @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +############################################## +##### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################## + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: ATM FBH +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 1 + Diagnostic = 0 +:: + +# FBH # +FBH_model: @[fbh_model] +FBH_petlist_bounds: @[fbh_petlist_bounds] +FBH_omp_num_threads: @[fbh_omp_num_threads] +FBH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 1 + Diagnostic = 0 +:: + +# Run Sequence # +runSeq:: +@@[coupling_interval_sec] + ATM -> FBH + FBH -> ATM :remapmethod=conserve + ATM + FBH +@ +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.datm_cdeps.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.datm_cdeps.IN similarity index 79% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.datm_cdeps.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.datm_cdeps.IN index 51d67dfd9a..afaa2f98cf 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.datm_cdeps.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.datm_cdeps.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# # ESMF # logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN ICE @@ -14,10 +15,12 @@ EARTH_attributes:: # MED # MED_model: @[med_model] MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] # ATM # ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 DumpFields = false @@ -33,23 +36,28 @@ ATM_attributes:: # OCN # OCN_model: @[ocn_model] OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] OCN_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 DumpFields = false ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ocn = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] :: # ICE # ICE_model: @[ice_model] ICE_petlist_bounds: @[ice_petlist_bounds] +ICE_omp_num_threads: @[ice_omp_num_threads] ICE_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 DumpFields = false ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ice = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] stop_n = @[RESTART_N] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 @@ -71,6 +79,7 @@ runSeq:: MED med_phases_post_atm ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist MED med_phases_post_ice + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run MED med_phases_aofluxes_run MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum @ @@ -86,16 +95,18 @@ DRIVER_attributes:: :: MED_attributes:: - Verbosity = 5 - dbug_flag = 5 + Verbosity = 0 + dbug_flag = 0 ATM_model = @[atm_model] ICE_model = @[ice_model] OCN_model = @[ocn_model] history_n = 1 history_option = nhours history_ymd = -999 - coupling_mode = nems_orig_data + coupling_mode = ufs.nfrac.aoflux + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] :: + ALLCOMP_attributes:: ScalarFieldCount = 3 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 @@ -103,15 +114,13 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 3 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars start_type = @[RUNTYPE] - restart_dir = RESTART/ + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] case_name = DATM_@[DATM_SRC] restart_n = @[RESTART_N] restart_option = nhours restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] - use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] - use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] - eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] coldair_outbreak_mod = .false. flds_wiso = .false. flux_convergence = @[flux_convergence] diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2d4ab6996b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: ATM +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 +:: + +# Run Sequence # +runSeq:: + ATM +:: + +DRIVER_attributes:: +:: + +ALLCOMP_attributes:: +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_docn.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_docn.IN similarity index 81% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_docn.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_docn.IN index a19713c65e..09e469b5b9 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_docn.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_docn.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################## -##### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +##### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################## # ESMF # logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN @@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ EARTH_attributes:: # MED # MED_model: @[med_model] MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] MED_attributes:: Verbosity = 1 Diagnostic = 0 @@ -26,11 +28,13 @@ MED_attributes:: coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] normalization = none merge_type = copy + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] :: # ATM # ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 1 Diagnostic = 0 @@ -39,10 +43,10 @@ ATM_attributes:: # OCN # OCN_model: @[ocn_model] OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] OCN_attributes:: Verbosity = 1 Diagnostic = 0 - mesh_ocn = @[ocn_mesh] stop_n = @[FHMAX] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 @@ -76,25 +80,25 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: ATM_model = @[atm_model] OCN_model = @[ocn_model] MED_model = cmeps - ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldCount = 4 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 - ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 4 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars start_type = startup case_name = ufs.hafs restart_n = 6 restart_option = nhours restart_ymd = -999 - dbug_flag = 20 - use_coldstart = true + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] orb_eccen = 1.e36 orb_iyear = 2000 orb_iyear_align = 2000 orb_mode = fixed_year orb_mvelp = 1.e36 orb_obliq = 1.e36 - mediator_present = true stop_n = @[FHMAX] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN similarity index 76% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN index b130b21b2e..91dd787e69 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################## -##### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +##### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################## # ESMF # logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN @@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ EARTH_attributes:: # MED # MED_model: @[med_model] MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] MED_attributes:: Verbosity = 1 Diagnostic = 0 @@ -26,15 +28,16 @@ MED_attributes:: coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] normalization = none merge_type = copy + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] :: # ATM # ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 1 Diagnostic = 0 - mesh_atm = @[MESH_ATM] stop_n = @[FHMAX] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 @@ -44,6 +47,7 @@ ATM_attributes:: # OCN # OCN_model: @[ocn_model] OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] OCN_attributes:: Verbosity = 1 Diagnostic = 0 @@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ OCN_attributes:: hyc_esmf_imp_output = .true. import_diagnostics = .false. import_setting = flexible - hyc_impexp_file = nems.configure + hyc_impexp_file = ufs.configure espc_show_impexp_minmax = .true. ocean_start_dtg = @[OCEAN_START_DTG] start_hour = 0 @@ -105,25 +109,25 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: ATM_model = @[atm_model] OCN_model = @[ocn_model] MED_model = cmeps - ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldCount = 4 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 - ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 4 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars start_type = startup case_name = ufs.hafs restart_n = 6 restart_option = nhours restart_ymd = -999 - dbug_flag = 20 - use_coldstart = true + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] orb_eccen = 1.e36 orb_iyear = 2000 orb_iyear_align = 2000 orb_mode = fixed_year orb_mvelp = 1.e36 orb_obliq = 1.e36 - mediator_present = true stop_n = @[FHMAX] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 @@ -136,12 +140,12 @@ ocn_export_fields:: :: ocn_import_fields:: - 'taux10' 'mean_zonal_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' - 'tauy10' 'mean_merid_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' - 'prcp' 'mean_prec_rate' 'kg_m-2_s-1' - 'swflxd' 'mean_net_sw_flx' 'W_m-2' - 'lwflxd' 'mean_net_lw_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'taux10' 'inst_zonal_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' + 'tauy10' 'inst_merid_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' + 'prcp' 'inst_prec_rate' 'kg_m-2_s-1' + 'swflxd' 'inst_net_sw_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'lwflxd' 'inst_net_lw_flx' 'W_m-2' 'mslprs' 'inst_pres_height_surface' 'Pa' - 'sensflx' 'mean_sensi_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' - 'latflx' 'mean_laten_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'sensflx' 'inst_sensi_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'latflx' 'inst_laten_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' :: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav.IN similarity index 71% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav.IN index d3eca0d93a..9b089d556a 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################## -##### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +##### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################## # ESMF # logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI_ON +globalResourceControl: true # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN WAV @@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ EARTH_attributes:: # MED # MED_model: @[med_model] MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] MED_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 Diagnostic = 0 @@ -27,11 +29,13 @@ MED_attributes:: coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] normalization = none merge_type = copy + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] :: # ATM # ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 Diagnostic = 0 @@ -45,6 +49,7 @@ ATM_attributes:: # OCN # OCN_model: @[ocn_model] OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] OCN_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 Diagnostic = 0 @@ -60,7 +65,7 @@ OCN_attributes:: hyc_esmf_imp_output = .true. import_diagnostics = .false. import_setting = flexible - hyc_impexp_file = nems.configure + hyc_impexp_file = ufs.configure espc_show_impexp_minmax = .true. ocean_start_dtg = @[OCEAN_START_DTG] start_hour = 0 @@ -74,13 +79,22 @@ OCN_attributes:: # WAV # WAV_model: @[wav_model] WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] WAV_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 Diagnostic = 0 OverwriteSlice = false merge_import = .true. mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] - multigrid = @[MULTIGRID] + user_histname = @[WW3_user_histname] + use_historync = @[WW3_historync] + use_restartnc = @[WW3_restartnc] + restart_from_binary = @[WW3_restart_from_binary] + pio_typename = @[WW3_PIO_FORMAT] + pio_numiotasks = @[WW3_PIO_IOTASKS] + pio_stride = @[WW3_PIO_STRIDE] + pio_rearranger = @[WW3_PIO_REARR] + pio_root = @[WW3_PIO_ROOT] :: # Run Sequence # @@ -116,26 +130,25 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: OCN_model = @[ocn_model] WAV_model = @[wav_model] MED_model = cmeps - ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldCount = 4 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 - ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 4 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars start_type = startup case_name = ufs.hafs restart_n = 6 restart_option = nhours restart_ymd = -999 - dbug_flag = 6 - use_coldstart = true + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] orb_eccen = 1.e36 orb_iyear = 2000 orb_iyear_align = 2000 orb_mode = fixed_year orb_mvelp = 1.e36 orb_obliq = 1.e36 - mediator_read_restart = @[USE_COLDSTART] - mediator_present = true stop_n = @[FHMAX] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 @@ -148,12 +161,12 @@ ocn_export_fields:: :: ocn_import_fields:: - 'taux10' 'mean_zonal_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' - 'tauy10' 'mean_merid_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' - 'prcp' 'mean_prec_rate' 'kg_m-2_s-1' - 'swflxd' 'mean_net_sw_flx' 'W_m-2' - 'lwflxd' 'mean_net_lw_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'taux10' 'inst_zonal_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' + 'tauy10' 'inst_merid_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' + 'prcp' 'inst_prec_rate' 'kg_m-2_s-1' + 'swflxd' 'inst_net_sw_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'lwflxd' 'inst_net_lw_flx' 'W_m-2' 'mslprs' 'inst_pres_height_surface' 'Pa' - 'sensflx' 'mean_sensi_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' - 'latflx' 'mean_laten_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'sensflx' 'inst_sensi_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'latflx' 'inst_laten_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' :: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav_inline.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav_inline.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..47f36bad1f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav_inline.IN @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +############################################## +##### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################## + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI_ON +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN WAV +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# MED # +MED_model: @[med_model] +MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] +MED_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + OCN_model = @[ocn_model] + WAV_model = @[wav_model] + MED_model = cmeps + history_n = 6 + history_option = nhours + history_ymd = -999 + coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] + normalization = none + merge_type = copy + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocn_use_data_first_import = .true. + wav_use_data_first_import = .true. +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 + mesh_atm = @[MESH_ATM] + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = .true. +:: + +# OCN # +OCN_model: @[ocn_model] +OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] +OCN_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 + cdf_impexp_freq = 3 + cpl_hour = 0 + cpl_min = 0 + cpl_sec = @[coupling_interval_sec] + base_dtg = @[SYEAR]@[SMONTH]@[SDAY]@[SHOUR] + merge_import = .false. + skip_first_import = .false. + hycom_arche_output = .false. + hyc_esmf_exp_output = .true. + hyc_esmf_imp_output = .true. + import_diagnostics = .false. + import_setting = flexible + hyc_impexp_file = ufs.configure + espc_show_impexp_minmax = .true. + ocean_start_dtg = @[OCEAN_START_DTG] + start_hour = 0 + start_min = 0 + start_sec = 0 + end_hour = @[FHMAX] + end_min = 0 + end_sec = 0 +:: + +# WAV # +WAV_model: @[wav_model] +WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] +WAV_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 + OverwriteSlice = false + merge_import = .false. + mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] + user_histname = @[WW3_user_histname] + use_historync = @[WW3_historync] + use_restartnc = @[WW3_restartnc] + restart_from_binary = @[WW3_restart_from_binary] + pio_typename = @[WW3_PIO_FORMAT] + pio_numiotasks = @[WW3_PIO_IOTASKS] + pio_stride = @[WW3_PIO_STRIDE] + pio_rearranger = @[WW3_PIO_REARR] + pio_root = @[WW3_PIO_ROOT] +:: + +# Run Sequence # +runSeq:: +@@[coupling_interval_sec] + MED med_phases_cdeps_run + MED med_phases_prep_atm + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg + MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum + MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg + MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist + MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist + MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist + ATM + OCN + WAV + ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist + OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist + WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_atm + MED med_phases_post_ocn + MED med_phases_post_wav + MED med_phases_restart_write + MED med_phases_history_write +@ +:: + +# Other Attributes # +DRIVER_attributes:: +:: + +ALLCOMP_attributes:: + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + OCN_model = @[ocn_model] + WAV_model = @[wav_model] + MED_model = cmeps + ScalarFieldCount = 4 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 4 + ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars + start_type = startup + case_name = ufs.hafs + restart_n = 6 + restart_option = nhours + restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 +:: + +ocn_export_fields:: + 'sst' 'sea_surface_temperature' 'K' + 'mask' 'ocean_mask' '1' + 'cpl_scalars' 'cpl_scalars' '1' +:: + +ocn_import_fields:: + 'taux10' 'inst_zonal_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' + 'tauy10' 'inst_merid_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' + 'prcp' 'inst_prec_rate' 'kg_m-2_s-1' + 'swflxd' 'inst_net_sw_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'lwflxd' 'inst_net_lw_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'mslprs' 'inst_pres_height_surface' 'Pa' + 'sensflx' 'inst_sensi_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'latflx' 'inst_laten_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav_mom6.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav_mom6.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81930e3209 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav_mom6.IN @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +############################################## +##### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################## + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI_ON +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN WAV +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# MED # +MED_model: @[med_model] +MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] +MED_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + OCN_model = @[ocn_model] + WAV_model = @[wav_model] + MED_model = cmeps + history_n = 3 + history_option = nhours + history_ymd = -999 + coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] + normalization = none + merge_type = copy + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocn_use_data_first_import = .true. + wav_use_data_first_import = .true. +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 + mesh_atm = @[MESH_ATM] + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = .true. +:: + +# OCN # +OCN_model: @[ocn_model] +OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] +OCN_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 + history_n = 3 + history_option = nhours + merge_import = .false. + skip_first_import = .false. #.true. + use_mommesh = true + eps_imesh = 2.5e-1 + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] +:: + +# WAV # +WAV_model: @[wav_model] +WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] +WAV_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + Diagnostic = 0 + OverwriteSlice = false + merge_import = .false. + mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] + user_histname = @[WW3_user_histname] + use_historync = @[WW3_historync] + use_restartnc = @[WW3_restartnc] + restart_from_binary = @[WW3_restart_from_binary] + pio_typename = @[WW3_PIO_FORMAT] + pio_numiotasks = @[WW3_PIO_IOTASKS] + pio_stride = @[WW3_PIO_STRIDE] + pio_rearranger = @[WW3_PIO_REARR] + pio_root = @[WW3_PIO_ROOT] +:: + +# Run Sequence # +runSeq:: +@@[coupling_interval_sec] + MED med_phases_cdeps_run + MED med_phases_prep_atm + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg + MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum + MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg + MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist + MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist + MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist + ATM + OCN + WAV + ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist + OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist + WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_atm + MED med_phases_post_ocn + MED med_phases_post_wav + MED med_phases_restart_write + MED med_phases_history_write +@ +:: + +# Other Attributes # +DRIVER_attributes:: +:: + +ALLCOMP_attributes:: + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + OCN_model = @[ocn_model] + WAV_model = @[wav_model] + MED_model = cmeps + ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars + start_type = startup + case_name = ufs.hafs + restart_n = 3 + restart_option = nhours + restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_wav.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_wav.IN similarity index 65% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_wav.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_wav.IN index 629deefec7..bd0192db36 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.hafs_atm_wav.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.hafs_atm_wav.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################## -##### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +##### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################## # ESMF # logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI_ON +globalResourceControl: true # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: MED ATM WAV @@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ EARTH_attributes:: # MED # MED_model: @[med_model] MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] MED_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 Diagnostic = 0 @@ -26,11 +28,13 @@ MED_attributes:: coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] normalization = none merge_type = copy + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] :: # ATM # ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 Diagnostic = 0 @@ -41,43 +45,25 @@ ATM_attributes:: write_restart_at_endofrun = .true. :: -# OCN # -OCN_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - Diagnostic = 0 - cdf_impexp_freq = 3 - cpl_hour = 0 - cpl_min = 0 - cpl_sec = @[coupling_interval_sec] - base_dtg = @[SYEAR]@[SMONTH]@[SDAY]@[SHOUR] - merge_import = .true. - skip_first_import = .true. - hycom_arche_output = .false. - hyc_esmf_exp_output = .true. - hyc_esmf_imp_output = .true. - import_diagnostics = .false. - import_setting = flexible - hyc_impexp_file = nems.configure - espc_show_impexp_minmax = .true. - ocean_start_dtg = @[OCEAN_START_DTG] - start_hour = 0 - start_min = 0 - start_sec = 0 - end_hour = @[FHMAX] - end_min = 0 - end_sec = 0 -:: - # WAV # WAV_model: @[wav_model] WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] WAV_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 Diagnostic = 0 OverwriteSlice = false merge_import = .true. mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] - multigrid = @[MULTIGRID] + user_histname = @[WW3_user_histname] + use_historync = @[WW3_historync] + use_restartnc = @[WW3_restartnc] + restart_from_binary = @[WW3_restart_from_binary] + pio_typename = @[WW3_PIO_FORMAT] + pio_numiotasks = @[WW3_PIO_IOTASKS] + pio_stride = @[WW3_PIO_STRIDE] + pio_rearranger = @[WW3_PIO_REARR] + pio_root = @[WW3_PIO_ROOT] :: # Run Sequence # @@ -106,26 +92,25 @@ ALLCOMP_attributes:: ATM_model = @[atm_model] WAV_model = @[wav_model] MED_model = cmeps - ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldCount = 4 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 - ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxNextSwCday = 4 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars start_type = startup case_name = ufs.hafs restart_n = 6 restart_option = nhours restart_ymd = -999 - dbug_flag = 6 - use_coldstart = true + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] orb_eccen = 1.e36 orb_iyear = 2000 orb_iyear_align = 2000 orb_mode = fixed_year orb_mvelp = 1.e36 orb_obliq = 1.e36 - mediator_read_restart = @[USE_COLDSTART] - mediator_present = true stop_n = @[FHMAX] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 @@ -138,12 +123,12 @@ ocn_export_fields:: :: ocn_import_fields:: - 'taux10' 'mean_zonal_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' - 'tauy10' 'mean_merid_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' - 'prcp' 'mean_prec_rate' 'kg_m-2_s-1' - 'swflxd' 'mean_net_sw_flx' 'W_m-2' - 'lwflxd' 'mean_net_lw_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'taux10' 'inst_zonal_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' + 'tauy10' 'inst_merid_moment_flx_atm' 'N_m-2' + 'prcp' 'inst_prec_rate' 'kg_m-2_s-1' + 'swflxd' 'inst_net_sw_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'lwflxd' 'inst_net_lw_flx' 'W_m-2' 'mslprs' 'inst_pres_height_surface' 'Pa' - 'sensflx' 'mean_sensi_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' - 'latflx' 'mean_laten_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'sensflx' 'inst_sensi_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' + 'latflx' 'inst_laten_heat_flx' 'W_m-2' :: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.blocked_atm_wav_2way.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN similarity index 77% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.blocked_atm_wav_2way.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN index 0e4e84dfff..fe33f5da9f 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.blocked_atm_wav_2way.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# # ESMF # -logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: false # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: ATM WAV @@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] :: # WAV # @@ -31,9 +32,8 @@ WAV_attributes:: # Run Sequence # runSeq:: @@[coupling_interval_sec] - ATM -> WAV - WAV -> ATM :srcMaskValues=1 ATM + ATM -> WAV WAV @ :: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav_esmf.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav_esmf.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4b6055fd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav_esmf.IN @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: ATM WAV +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] +:: + +# WAV # +WAV_model: @[wav_model] +WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] +WAV_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + + + +# Run Sequence # +runSeq:: + @@[coupling_interval_sec] + ATM + ATM -> WAV + WAV + @ +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_noaero_nowave.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2s.IN similarity index 72% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_noaero_nowave.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2s.IN index 8b4c1f8a04..9ff939a6c7 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_noaero_nowave.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2s.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# # ESMF # -logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: false # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN ICE @@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true :: @@ -31,10 +32,12 @@ OCN_model: @[ocn_model] OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] OCN_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ocn = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] :: # ICE # @@ -42,10 +45,11 @@ ICE_model: @[ice_model] ICE_petlist_bounds: @[ice_petlist_bounds] ICE_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ice = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] stop_n = @[RESTART_N] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 @@ -68,6 +72,7 @@ runSeq:: MED med_phases_post_atm ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist MED med_phases_post_ice + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum @ OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist @@ -85,28 +90,32 @@ MED_attributes:: ATM_model = @[atm_model] ICE_model = @[ice_model] OCN_model = @[ocn_model] - history_n = 1 - history_option = nhours - history_ymd = -999 coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] - history_tile_atm = @[ATMTILESIZE] + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocean_albedo_limit = @[ocean_albedo_limit] :: + ALLCOMP_attributes:: - ScalarFieldCount = 2 + ScalarFieldCount = 3 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars start_type = @[RUNTYPE] - restart_dir = RESTART/ + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] case_name = ufs.cpld restart_n = @[RESTART_N] restart_option = nhours restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] - use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] - use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] - eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] stop_n = @[FHMAX] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 :: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_agrid.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2s_aoflux_esmf.IN similarity index 75% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_agrid.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2s_aoflux_esmf.IN index ce6f772dbb..c5c2705e03 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_agrid.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2s_aoflux_esmf.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# # ESMF # logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +globalResourceControl: true # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN ICE @@ -14,11 +15,13 @@ EARTH_attributes:: # MED # MED_model: @[med_model] MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] :: # ATM # ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 DumpFields = false @@ -29,23 +32,28 @@ ATM_attributes:: # OCN # OCN_model: @[ocn_model] OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] OCN_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 DumpFields = false ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ocn = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] :: # ICE # ICE_model: @[ice_model] ICE_petlist_bounds: @[ice_petlist_bounds] +ICE_omp_num_threads: @[ice_omp_num_threads] ICE_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 DumpFields = false ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ice = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] stop_n = @[RESTART_N] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 @@ -69,12 +77,12 @@ runSeq:: MED med_phases_post_atm ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist MED med_phases_post_ice + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum @ OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist MED med_phases_post_ocn MED med_phases_restart_write - MED med_phases_history_write @ :: @@ -87,11 +95,7 @@ MED_attributes:: ATM_model = @[atm_model] ICE_model = @[ice_model] OCN_model = @[ocn_model] - history_n = 1 - history_option = nhours - history_ymd = -999 coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] - history_tile_atm = @[ATMTILESIZE] aoflux_grid = 'agrid' aoflux_code = 'ccpp' aoflux_ccpp_suite = 'FV3_sfc_ocean' @@ -102,23 +106,32 @@ MED_attributes:: ccpp_ini_file_prefix = 'INPUT/sfc_data.tile' ccpp_ini_layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] ccpp_ini_read = false + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocean_albedo_limit = @[ocean_albedo_limit] :: + ALLCOMP_attributes:: - ScalarFieldCount = 2 + ScalarFieldCount = 3 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars start_type = @[RUNTYPE] - restart_dir = RESTART/ + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] case_name = ufs.cpld restart_n = @[RESTART_N] restart_option = nhours restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] - use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] - use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] stop_n = @[FHMAX] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 :: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2s_esmf.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2s_esmf.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..999731d927 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2s_esmf.IN @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN ICE +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# MED # +MED_model: @[med_model] +MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true +:: + +# OCN # +OCN_model: @[ocn_model] +OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] +OCN_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] +:: + +# ICE # +ICE_model: @[ice_model] +ICE_petlist_bounds: @[ice_petlist_bounds] +ICE_omp_num_threads: @[ice_omp_num_threads] +ICE_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] + stop_n = @[RESTART_N] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 +:: + +# CMEPS warm run sequence +runSeq:: +@@[coupling_interval_slow_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg + MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist + OCN + @@[coupling_interval_fast_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_atm + MED med_phases_prep_ice + MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist + MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist + ATM + ICE + ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_atm + ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ice + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum + @ + OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ocn + MED med_phases_restart_write +@ +:: + +# CMEPS variables + +DRIVER_attributes:: +:: + +MED_attributes:: + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + ICE_model = @[ice_model] + OCN_model = @[ocn_model] + coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocean_albedo_limit = @[ocean_albedo_limit] + histaux_ice2med_file1_auxname = ice.1h.aux + histaux_ice2med_file1_doavg = .false. + histaux_ice2med_file1_enabled = .true. + histaux_ice2med_file1_flds = all + histaux_ice2med_file1_history_n = @[MED_history_n] + histaux_ice2med_file1_history_option = nhours + histaux_ice2med_file1_ntperfile = 9999 + histaux_ocn2med_file1_auxname = ocn.1h.aux + histaux_ocn2med_file1_doavg = .false. + histaux_ocn2med_file1_enabled = .true. + histaux_ocn2med_file1_flds = all + histaux_ocn2med_file1_history_n = @[MED_history_n] + histaux_ocn2med_file1_history_option = nhours + histaux_ocn2med_file1_ntperfile = 9999 +:: + +ALLCOMP_attributes:: + ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars + start_type = @[RUNTYPE] + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] + case_name = ufs.cpld + restart_n = @[RESTART_N] + restart_option = nhours + restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sa.IN similarity index 69% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sa.IN index e4912d4ffa..f49831094c 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sa.IN @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# # ESMF # -logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: false # EARTH # -EARTH_component_list: MED ATM CHM OCN ICE WAV +EARTH_component_list: MED ATM CHM OCN ICE EARTH_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 :: @@ -14,13 +15,14 @@ EARTH_attributes:: # MED # MED_model: @[med_model] MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +:: # ATM # ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true :: @@ -37,10 +39,12 @@ OCN_model: @[ocn_model] OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] OCN_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ocn = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] :: # ICE # @@ -48,27 +52,16 @@ ICE_model: @[ice_model] ICE_petlist_bounds: @[ice_petlist_bounds] ICE_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ice = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] stop_n = @[RESTART_N] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 :: -# WAV # -WAV_model: @[wav_model] -WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] -WAV_attributes:: - Verbosity = 0 - OverwriteSlice = false - diro = "." - logfile = wav.log - mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] - multigrid = @[MULTIGRID] -:: - # CMEPS warm run sequence runSeq:: @@[coupling_interval_slow_sec] @@ -78,24 +71,19 @@ runSeq:: @@[coupling_interval_fast_sec] MED med_phases_prep_atm MED med_phases_prep_ice - MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum - MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist - MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist ATM phase1 ATM -> CHM CHM CHM -> ATM ATM phase2 ICE - WAV ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist MED med_phases_post_atm ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist MED med_phases_post_ice - WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_wav + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum @ OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist @@ -113,29 +101,32 @@ MED_attributes:: ATM_model = @[atm_model] ICE_model = @[ice_model] OCN_model = @[ocn_model] - WAV_model = @[wav_model] - history_n = 1 - history_option = nhours - history_ymd = -999 coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] - history_tile_atm = @[ATMTILESIZE] + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocean_albedo_limit = @[ocean_albedo_limit] :: + ALLCOMP_attributes:: - ScalarFieldCount = 2 + ScalarFieldCount = 3 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars start_type = @[RUNTYPE] - restart_dir = RESTART/ + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] case_name = ufs.cpld restart_n = @[RESTART_N] restart_option = nhours restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] - use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] - use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] - eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] stop_n = @[FHMAX] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 :: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sa_esmf.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sa_esmf.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3921f3881b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sa_esmf.IN @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: MED ATM CHM OCN ICE +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# MED # +MED_model: @[med_model] +MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true +:: + +# CHM # +CHM_model: @[chm_model] +CHM_petlist_bounds: @[chm_petlist_bounds] +CHM_omp_num_threads: @[chm_omp_num_threads] +CHM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# OCN # +OCN_model: @[ocn_model] +OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] +OCN_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] +:: + +# ICE # +ICE_model: @[ice_model] +ICE_petlist_bounds: @[ice_petlist_bounds] +ICE_omp_num_threads: @[ice_omp_num_threads] +ICE_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] + stop_n = @[RESTART_N] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 +:: + +# CMEPS warm run sequence +runSeq:: +@@[coupling_interval_slow_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg + MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist + OCN + @@[coupling_interval_fast_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_atm + MED med_phases_prep_ice + MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist + MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist + ATM phase1 + ATM -> CHM + CHM + CHM -> ATM + ATM phase2 + ICE + ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_atm + ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ice + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum + @ + OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ocn + MED med_phases_restart_write +@ +:: + +# CMEPS variables + +DRIVER_attributes:: +:: + +MED_attributes:: + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + ICE_model = @[ice_model] + OCN_model = @[ocn_model] + coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocean_albedo_limit = @[ocean_albedo_limit] +:: + +ALLCOMP_attributes:: + ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars + start_type = @[RUNTYPE] + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] + case_name = ufs.cpld + restart_n = @[RESTART_N] + restart_option = nhours + restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_noaero.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sw.IN similarity index 65% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_noaero.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sw.IN index 925baced2f..9ba2a9c2e1 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_noaero.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sw.IN @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# # ESMF # -logKindFlag: ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: false # EARTH # EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN ICE WAV @@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ ATM_model: @[atm_model] ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] ATM_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true :: @@ -31,10 +32,12 @@ OCN_model: @[ocn_model] OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] OCN_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ocn = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] :: # ICE # @@ -42,10 +45,11 @@ ICE_model: @[ice_model] ICE_petlist_bounds: @[ice_petlist_bounds] ICE_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 - DumpFields = false + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ice = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] stop_n = @[RESTART_N] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 @@ -57,39 +61,46 @@ WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] WAV_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 OverwriteSlice = false - diro = "." - logfile = wav.log mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] - multigrid = @[MULTIGRID] + user_histname = @[WW3_user_histname] + use_historync = @[WW3_historync] + use_restartnc = @[WW3_restartnc] + restart_from_binary = @[WW3_restart_from_binary] + pio_typename = @[WW3_PIO_FORMAT] + pio_numiotasks = @[WW3_PIO_IOTASKS] + pio_stride = @[WW3_PIO_STRIDE] + pio_rearranger = @[WW3_PIO_REARR] + pio_root = @[WW3_PIO_ROOT] :: # CMEPS warm run sequence runSeq:: @@[coupling_interval_slow_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg + MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist + WAV OCN @@[coupling_interval_fast_sec] MED med_phases_prep_atm MED med_phases_prep_ice - MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum - MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist - MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist ATM ICE - WAV ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist MED med_phases_post_atm ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist MED med_phases_post_ice - WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist - MED med_phases_post_wav + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum + MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum @ OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist + WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist MED med_phases_post_ocn + MED med_phases_post_wav MED med_phases_restart_write @ :: @@ -104,28 +115,32 @@ MED_attributes:: ICE_model = @[ice_model] OCN_model = @[ocn_model] WAV_model = @[wav_model] - history_n = 1 - history_option = nhours - history_ymd = -999 coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] - history_tile_atm = @[ATMTILESIZE] + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocean_albedo_limit = @[ocean_albedo_limit] :: + ALLCOMP_attributes:: - ScalarFieldCount = 2 + ScalarFieldCount = 3 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars start_type = @[RUNTYPE] - restart_dir = RESTART/ + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] case_name = ufs.cpld restart_n = @[RESTART_N] restart_option = nhours restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] - use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] - use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] - eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] stop_n = @[FHMAX] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 :: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sw_esmf.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sw_esmf.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0bfd8dc3d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sw_esmf.IN @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN ICE WAV +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# MED # +MED_model: @[med_model] +MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true +:: + +# OCN # +OCN_model: @[ocn_model] +OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] +OCN_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] +:: + +# ICE # +ICE_model: @[ice_model] +ICE_petlist_bounds: @[ice_petlist_bounds] +ICE_omp_num_threads: @[ice_omp_num_threads] +ICE_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] + stop_n = @[RESTART_N] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 +:: + +# WAV # +WAV_model: @[wav_model] +WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] +WAV_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + OverwriteSlice = false + mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] + user_histname = @[WW3_user_histname] + use_historync = @[WW3_historync] + use_restartnc = @[WW3_restartnc] + restart_from_binary = @[WW3_restart_from_binary] + pio_typename = @[WW3_PIO_FORMAT] + pio_numiotasks = @[WW3_PIO_IOTASKS] + pio_stride = @[WW3_PIO_STRIDE] + pio_rearranger = @[WW3_PIO_REARR] + pio_root = @[WW3_PIO_ROOT] +:: + +# CMEPS warm run sequence +runSeq:: +@@[coupling_interval_slow_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg + MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist + MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist + WAV + OCN + @@[coupling_interval_fast_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_atm + MED med_phases_prep_ice + MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist + MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist + ATM + ICE + ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_atm + ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ice + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum + MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum + @ + OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist + WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ocn + MED med_phases_post_wav + MED med_phases_restart_write +@ +:: + +# CMEPS variables + +DRIVER_attributes:: +:: +MED_attributes:: + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + ICE_model = @[ice_model] + OCN_model = @[ocn_model] + WAV_model = @[wav_model] + coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocean_albedo_limit = @[ocean_albedo_limit] +:: +ALLCOMP_attributes:: + ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars + start_type = @[RUNTYPE] + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] + case_name = ufs.cpld + restart_n = @[RESTART_N] + restart_option = nhours + restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sw_fast_esmf.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sw_fast_esmf.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..623fab0124 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2sw_fast_esmf.IN @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: MED ATM OCN ICE WAV +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# MED # +MED_model: @[med_model] +MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true +:: + +# OCN # +OCN_model: @[ocn_model] +OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] +OCN_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] +:: + +# ICE # +ICE_model: @[ice_model] +ICE_petlist_bounds: @[ice_petlist_bounds] +ICE_omp_num_threads: @[ice_omp_num_threads] +ICE_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] + stop_n = @[RESTART_N] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 +:: + +# WAV # +WAV_model: @[wav_model] +WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] +WAV_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + OverwriteSlice = false + mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] + user_histname = @[WW3_user_histname] + use_historync = @[WW3_historync] + use_restartnc = @[WW3_restartnc] + restart_from_binary = @[WW3_restart_from_binary] + pio_typename = @[WW3_PIO_FORMAT] + pio_numiotasks = @[WW3_PIO_IOTASKS] + pio_stride = @[WW3_PIO_STRIDE] + pio_rearranger = @[WW3_PIO_REARR] + pio_root = @[WW3_PIO_ROOT] +:: + +# CMEPS warm run sequence +runSeq:: +@@[coupling_interval_slow_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg + MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist + OCN + @@[coupling_interval_fast_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_atm + MED med_phases_prep_ice + MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum + MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg + MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist + MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist + MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist + ATM + ICE + WAV + ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_atm + ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ice + WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_wav + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum + @ + OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ocn + MED med_phases_restart_write +@ +:: + +# CMEPS variables + +DRIVER_attributes:: +:: +MED_attributes:: + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + ICE_model = @[ice_model] + OCN_model = @[ocn_model] + WAV_model = @[wav_model] + coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocean_albedo_limit = @[ocean_albedo_limit] +:: +ALLCOMP_attributes:: + ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars + start_type = @[RUNTYPE] + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] + case_name = ufs.cpld + restart_n = @[RESTART_N] + restart_option = nhours + restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2swa.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2swa.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2fa6ac40c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2swa.IN @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: false + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: MED ATM CHM OCN ICE WAV +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# MED # +MED_model: @[med_model] +MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true +:: + +# CHM # +CHM_model: @[chm_model] +CHM_petlist_bounds: @[chm_petlist_bounds] +CHM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# OCN # +OCN_model: @[ocn_model] +OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] +:: + +# ICE # +ICE_model: @[ice_model] +ICE_petlist_bounds: @[ice_petlist_bounds] +ICE_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] + stop_n = @[RESTART_N] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 +:: + +# WAV # +WAV_model: @[wav_model] +WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + OverwriteSlice = false + mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] + user_histname = @[WW3_user_histname] + use_historync = @[WW3_historync] + use_restartnc = @[WW3_restartnc] + restart_from_binary = @[WW3_restart_from_binary] + pio_typename = @[WW3_PIO_FORMAT] + pio_numiotasks = @[WW3_PIO_IOTASKS] + pio_stride = @[WW3_PIO_STRIDE] + pio_rearranger = @[WW3_PIO_REARR] + pio_root = @[WW3_PIO_ROOT] +:: + +# CMEPS warm run sequence +runSeq:: +@@[coupling_interval_slow_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg + MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist + MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist + WAV + OCN + @@[coupling_interval_fast_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_atm + MED med_phases_prep_ice + MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist + MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist + ATM phase1 + ATM -> CHM + CHM + CHM -> ATM + ATM phase2 + ICE + ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_atm + ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ice + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum + MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum + @ + OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist + WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ocn + MED med_phases_post_wav + MED med_phases_restart_write +@ +:: + +# CMEPS variables + +DRIVER_attributes:: +:: +MED_attributes:: + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + ICE_model = @[ice_model] + OCN_model = @[ocn_model] + WAV_model = @[wav_model] + coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocean_albedo_limit = @[ocean_albedo_limit] +:: +ALLCOMP_attributes:: + ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars + start_type = @[RUNTYPE] + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] + case_name = ufs.cpld + restart_n = @[RESTART_N] + restart_option = nhours + restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2swa_esmf.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2swa_esmf.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91410741de --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2swa_esmf.IN @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +############################################# +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### +############################################# + +# ESMF # +logKindFlag: @[esmf_logkind] +globalResourceControl: true + +# EARTH # +EARTH_component_list: MED ATM CHM OCN ICE WAV +EARTH_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# MED # +MED_model: @[med_model] +MED_petlist_bounds: @[med_petlist_bounds] +MED_omp_num_threads: @[med_omp_num_threads] +:: + +# ATM # +ATM_model: @[atm_model] +ATM_petlist_bounds: @[atm_petlist_bounds] +ATM_omp_num_threads: @[atm_omp_num_threads] +ATM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true +:: + +# CHM # +CHM_model: @[chm_model] +CHM_petlist_bounds: @[chm_petlist_bounds] +CHM_omp_num_threads: @[chm_omp_num_threads] +CHM_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 +:: + +# OCN # +OCN_model: @[ocn_model] +OCN_petlist_bounds: @[ocn_petlist_bounds] +OCN_omp_num_threads: @[ocn_omp_num_threads] +OCN_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] +:: + +# ICE # +ICE_model: @[ice_model] +ICE_petlist_bounds: @[ice_petlist_bounds] +ICE_omp_num_threads: @[ice_omp_num_threads] +ICE_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + DumpFields = @[DumpFields] + ProfileMemory = false + OverwriteSlice = true + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] + stop_n = @[RESTART_N] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 +:: + +# WAV # +WAV_model: @[wav_model] +WAV_petlist_bounds: @[wav_petlist_bounds] +WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] +WAV_attributes:: + Verbosity = 0 + OverwriteSlice = false + mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] + user_histname = @[WW3_user_histname] + use_historync = @[WW3_historync] + use_restartnc = @[WW3_restartnc] + restart_from_binary = @[WW3_restart_from_binary] + pio_typename = @[WW3_PIO_FORMAT] + pio_numiotasks = @[WW3_PIO_IOTASKS] + pio_stride = @[WW3_PIO_STRIDE] + pio_rearranger = @[WW3_PIO_REARR] + pio_root = @[WW3_PIO_ROOT] +:: + +# CMEPS warm run sequence +runSeq:: +@@[coupling_interval_slow_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg + MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist + MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist + WAV + OCN + @@[coupling_interval_fast_sec] + MED med_phases_prep_atm + MED med_phases_prep_ice + MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist + MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist + ATM phase1 + ATM -> CHM + CHM + CHM -> ATM + ATM phase2 + ICE + ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_atm + ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ice + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run + MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum + MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum + @ + OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist + WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist + MED med_phases_post_ocn + MED med_phases_post_wav + MED med_phases_restart_write +@ +:: + +# CMEPS variables + +DRIVER_attributes:: +:: +MED_attributes:: + ATM_model = @[atm_model] + ICE_model = @[ice_model] + OCN_model = @[ocn_model] + WAV_model = @[wav_model] + coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocean_albedo_limit = @[ocean_albedo_limit] +:: +ALLCOMP_attributes:: + ScalarFieldCount = 3 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 + ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars + start_type = @[RUNTYPE] + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] + case_name = ufs.cpld + restart_n = @[RESTART_N] + restart_option = nhours + restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] + dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] + stop_n = @[FHMAX] + stop_option = nhours + stop_ymd = -999 + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 +:: diff --git a/tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_esmfthreads.IN b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2swa_fast_esmf.IN similarity index 76% rename from tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_esmfthreads.IN rename to tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2swa_fast_esmf.IN index 3f4da44a0f..5ded338a95 100644 --- a/tests/parm/nems.configure.cpld_esmfthreads.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ufs.configure.s2swa_fast_esmf.IN @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ############################################# -#### NEMS Run-Time Configuration File ##### +#### UFS Run-Time Configuration File ###### ############################################# # ESMF # @@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ OCN_attributes:: DumpFields = false ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ocn = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ocn = @[MESH_OCN] + use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] + use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] :: # ICE # @@ -57,7 +59,8 @@ ICE_attributes:: DumpFields = false ProfileMemory = false OverwriteSlice = true - mesh_ice = @[MESHOCN_ICE] + mesh_ice = @[MESH_ICE] + eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] stop_n = @[RESTART_N] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 @@ -70,10 +73,16 @@ WAV_omp_num_threads: @[wav_omp_num_threads] WAV_attributes:: Verbosity = 0 OverwriteSlice = false - diro = "." - logfile = wav.log mesh_wav = @[MESH_WAV] - multigrid = @[MULTIGRID] + user_histname = @[WW3_user_histname] + use_historync = @[WW3_historync] + use_restartnc = @[WW3_restartnc] + restart_from_binary = @[WW3_restart_from_binary] + pio_typename = @[WW3_PIO_FORMAT] + pio_numiotasks = @[WW3_PIO_IOTASKS] + pio_stride = @[WW3_PIO_STRIDE] + pio_rearranger = @[WW3_PIO_REARR] + pio_root = @[WW3_PIO_ROOT] :: # CMEPS warm run sequence @@ -103,6 +112,7 @@ runSeq:: MED med_phases_post_ice WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist MED med_phases_post_wav + MED med_phases_ocnalb_run MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum @ OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist @@ -121,28 +131,32 @@ MED_attributes:: ICE_model = @[ice_model] OCN_model = @[ocn_model] WAV_model = @[wav_model] - history_n = 1 - history_option = nhours - history_ymd = -999 coupling_mode = @[CPLMODE] - history_tile_atm = @[ATMTILESIZE] + pio_rearranger = @[pio_rearranger] + ocean_albedo_limit = @[ocean_albedo_limit] :: + ALLCOMP_attributes:: - ScalarFieldCount = 2 + ScalarFieldCount = 3 ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1 ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2 + ScalarFieldIdxGridNTile = 3 ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars start_type = @[RUNTYPE] - restart_dir = RESTART/ + restart_dir = @[CMEPS_RESTART_DIR] case_name = ufs.cpld restart_n = @[RESTART_N] restart_option = nhours restart_ymd = -999 + write_restart_at_endofrun = @[WRITE_ENDOFRUN_RESTART] dbug_flag = @[cap_dbug_flag] - use_coldstart = @[use_coldstart] - use_mommesh = @[use_mommesh] - eps_imesh = @[eps_imesh] stop_n = @[FHMAX] stop_option = nhours stop_ymd = -999 + orb_eccen = 1.e36 + orb_iyear = 2000 + orb_iyear_align = 2000 + orb_mode = fixed_year + orb_mvelp = 1.e36 + orb_obliq = 1.e36 :: diff --git a/tests/parm/wam.nml.IN b/tests/parm/wam.nml.IN deleted file mode 100644 index 6233176409..0000000000 --- a/tests/parm/wam.nml.IN +++ /dev/null @@ -1,332 +0,0 @@ -&atmos_model_nml - blocksize = 32 - chksum_debug = .false. - dycore_only = .false. - ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]' -/ - -&diag_manager_nml - prepend_date = .false. -/ - -&fms_io_nml - checksum_required = .false. - max_files_r = 100, - max_files_w = 100, -/ - -&fms_nml - clock_grain = 'ROUTINE', - domains_stack_size = 3000000, - print_memory_usage = .false. -/ - -&fv_grid_nml - grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' -/ - -&fv_core_nml - layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] - io_layout = 1,1 - npx = @[NPX] - npy = @[NPY] - ntiles = 6, - npz = @[NPZ] - grid_type = -1 - ncnst = 11 - make_nh = @[MAKE_NH] - fv_debug = .false. - molecular_diffusion=.true. - range_warn = .false. - reset_eta = .false. - n_sponge = -1 - nudge_qv = .true. - tau = -5.0e1 - rf_cutoff = 2.e2 - d2_bg_k1 = 0.20 - d2_bg_k2 = 0.005 - kord_tm = -9 - kord_mt = 9 - kord_wz = 9 - kord_tr = 9 - hydrostatic = .false. - phys_hydrostatic = .false. - use_hydro_pressure = .false. - beta = 0. - a_imp = 1. - p_fac = 0.1 - k_split = 2 - n_split = 6 - nwat = 6 - na_init = @[NA_INIT] - d_ext = 0.0 - dnats = 0 - fv_sg_adj = 1800 - d2_bg = 0. - nord = 1 - dddmp = 0.1 - d4_bg = 0.20 - vtdm4 = 0.07 - delt_max = 0.002 - ke_bg = 0. - do_vort_damp = .true. - external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC] - external_eta = .true. - gfs_phil = .false. - nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC] - mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] - ncep_ic = .false. - d_con = 1. - hord_mt = 6 - hord_vt = 6 - hord_tm = 6 - hord_dp = 6 - hord_tr = 8 - adjust_dry_mass = .false. - consv_te = 0. - do_sat_adj = .false. - consv_am = .false. - fill = .true. - dwind_2d = .false. - print_freq = 6 - warm_start = @[WARM_START] - no_dycore = .false. - z_tracer = .true. - read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] - res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" -/ - -&external_ic_nml - filtered_terrain = .true. - levp = @[NPZP] - gfs_dwinds = .true. - checker_tr = .false. - nt_checker = 0 -/ - -&gfs_physics_nml - fhzero = 6. - ldiag3d = .false. - fhcyc = 24. - nst_anl = .true. - use_ufo = .true. - pre_rad = .false. - imp_physics = 11 - pdfcld = .false. - fhswr = 3600. - fhlwr = 3600. - ialb = 1 - iems = 1 - IAER = @[IAER] - ico2 = 2 - isubc_sw = 2 - isubc_lw = 2 - isol = 2 - lwhtr = .true. - swhtr = .true. - cnvgwd = .true. - shal_cnv = .true. - cal_pre = .true. - redrag = .true. - dspheat = .true. - hybedmf = .false. - satmedmf = .true. - lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] - lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] - random_clds = .true. - trans_trac = .false. - cnvcld = .true. - imfshalcnv = 2 - imfdeepcnv = 2 - isatmedmf = 1 - cdmbgwd = 3.5,0.25 - prslrd0 = 0. - ivegsrc = 1 - isot = 1 - lsm = 1 - iopt_dveg = 2 - iopt_crs = 1 - iopt_btr = 1 - iopt_run = 1 - iopt_sfc = 1 - iopt_frz = 1 - iopt_inf = 1 - iopt_rad = 1 - iopt_alb = 2 - iopt_snf = 4 - iopt_tbot = 2 - iopt_stc = 1 - iopt_trs = 2 - debug = .false. - levr = 90 - h2o_phys = @[H2O_PHYS] - nstf_name = @[NSTF_NAME] - oz_phys = .false. - oz_phys_2015 = .true. - cplflx = @[CPLFLX] - cplwav = @[CPLWAV] - iau_delthrs = 6 - iaufhrs = 30 - iau_inc_files = @[IAU_INC_FILES] - do_sppt = @[DO_SPPT] - do_shum = @[DO_SHUM] - do_skeb = @[DO_SKEB] - lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] - n_var_lndp = @[N_VAR_LNDP] -/ -&gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml - sedi_transport = .true. - do_sedi_heat = .false. - rad_snow = .true. - rad_graupel = .true. - rad_rain = .true. - const_vi = .false. - const_vs = .false. - const_vg = .false. - const_vr = .false. - vi_max = 1. - vs_max = 2. - vg_max = 12. - vr_max = 12. - qi_lim = 1. - prog_ccn = .false. - do_qa = .true. - fast_sat_adj = .true. - tau_l2v = 225. - tau_v2l = 150. - tau_g2v = 900. - rthresh = 10.e-6 ! This is a key parameter for cloud water - dw_land = 0.16 - dw_ocean = 0.10 - ql_gen = 1.0e-3 - ql_mlt = 1.0e-3 - qi0_crt = 8.0E-5 - qs0_crt = 1.0e-3 - tau_i2s = 1000. - c_psaci = 0.05 - c_pgacs = 0.01 - rh_inc = 0.30 - rh_inr = 0.30 - rh_ins = 0.30 - ccn_l = 300. - ccn_o = 100. - c_paut = 0.5 - c_cracw = 0.8 - use_ppm = .false. - use_ccn = .true. - mono_prof = .true. - z_slope_liq = .true. - z_slope_ice = .true. - de_ice = .false. - fix_negative = .true. - icloud_f = 1 - mp_time = 150. - reiflag = 2 -/ - - -&interpolator_nml - interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' -/ - -&namsfc - FNGLAC = "global_glacier.2x2.grb", - FNMXIC = "global_maxice.2x2.grb", - FNTSFC = "RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb", - FNSNOC = "global_snoclim.1.875.grb", - FNZORC = "igbp", - FNALBC = @[FNALBC] - FNALBC2 = "global_albedo4.1x1.grb", - FNAISC = "CFSR.SEAICE.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb", - FNTG3C = "global_tg3clim.2.6x1.5.grb", - FNVEGC = "global_vegfrac.0.144.decpercent.grb", - FNVETC = @[FNVETC] - FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] - FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC] - FNMSKH = "global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb", - FNTSFA = "", - FNACNA = "", - FNSNOA = "", - FNVMNC = "global_shdmin.0.144x0.144.grb", - FNVMXC = "global_shdmax.0.144x0.144.grb", - FNSLPC = "global_slope.1x1.grb", - FNABSC = @[FNABSC] - LDEBUG =.false., - FSMCL(2) = 99999 - FSMCL(3) = 99999 - FSMCL(4) = 99999 - FTSFS = 90 - FAISS = 99999 - FSNOL = 99999 - FSICL = 99999 - FTSFL = 99999, - FAISL = 99999, - FVETL = 99999, - FSOTL = 99999, - FvmnL = 99999, - FvmxL = 99999, - FSLPL = 99999, - FABSL = 99999, - FSNOS = 99999, - FSICS = 99999, -/ -&nam_stochy - lon_s=768, - lat_s=384, - ntrunc=382, - SKEBNORM=1, - SKEB_NPASS=30, - SKEB_VDOF=5, - SKEB=@[SKEB], - SKEB_TAU=2.16E4, - SKEB_LSCALE=1000.E3, - SHUM=@[SHUM], - SHUM_TAU=21600, - SHUM_LSCALE=500000, - SPPT=@[SPPT], - SPPT_TAU=21600, - SPPT_LSCALE=500000, - SPPT_LOGIT=.true., - SPPT_SFCLIMIT=.true., - ISEED_SHUM=1, - ISEED_SKEB=2, - ISEED_SPPT=3, -/ -&nam_sfcperts - lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] - LNDP_TAU=21600, - LNDP_LSCALE=500000, - ISEED_LNDP=2010, -/ - -&sat_vapor_pres_nml - use_exact_qs = .true. - show_all_bad_values=.false. -/ -&cires_ugwp_nml - knob_ugwp_solver = 2 - knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0 - knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25 - knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4 - knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0 - knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 - knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 - knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 - knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 - knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 - knob_ugwp_version = 0 - launch_level = 25 -/ -&multi_gases_nml - ri= 295.3892, 461.50, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 173.2247, 519.674, 259.8370 ,0.,0. - cpi=1031.1083, 1846.00, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 820.2391, 1299.185, 918.0969, 0.,0. -/ -&molecular_diffusion_nml - tau_visc = 1.0 - tau_cond = 1.0 - tau_diff = 1.0 - md_layers = 70 - md_tadj_layers = 0 - md_consv_te = 1.0 - md_wait_hr = 0.0 -/ diff --git a/tests/parm/wam_v17.nml.IN b/tests/parm/wam_v17.nml.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f6ec526bc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/wam_v17.nml.IN @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ +&atmos_model_nml + blocksize = 32 + chksum_debug = .false. + dycore_only = .false. + ccpp_suite = '@[CCPP_SUITE]' +/ + +&diag_manager_nml + prepend_date = .false. + max_output_fields = @[MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS] +/ + +&fms_nml + clock_grain = 'ROUTINE' + domains_stack_size = @[DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE] + print_memory_usage = .false. +/ + +&fms2_io_nml + netcdf_default_format = "netcdf4" +/ + +&fv_core_nml + layout = @[INPES],@[JNPES] + io_layout = 1,1 + npx = @[NPX] + npy = @[NPY] + ntiles = 6 + npz = @[NPZ] + dz_min = @[DZ_MIN] + ncnst = 12 + psm_bc = @[PSM_BC] + grid_type = -1 + make_nh = @[MAKE_NH] + fv_debug = .false. + range_warn = .false. + reset_eta = .false. + n_sponge = -1 + nudge_qv = @[NUDGE_QV] + tau = @[TAU] + rf_cutoff = 2.e2 + molecular_diffusion=.true. + d2_bg_k1 = @[D2_BG_K1] + d2_bg_k2 = @[D2_BG_K2] + kord_tm = -9 + kord_mt = 9 + kord_wz = 9 + kord_tr = 9 + hydrostatic = .false. + phys_hydrostatic = .false. + use_hydro_pressure = .false. + beta = 0. + a_imp = 1. + p_fac = 0.1 + k_split = 2 + n_split = 6 + nwat = 6 + na_init = @[NA_INIT] + d_ext = 0. + dnats = @[DNATS] + fv_sg_adj = @[FV_SG_ADJ] + d2_bg = 0. + nord = 2 + dddmp = @[DDDMP] + d4_bg = @[D4_BG] + vtdm4 = @[VTDM4] + delt_max = @[DELT_MAX] + ke_bg = 0. + do_vort_damp = @[DO_VORT_DAMP] + external_ic = @[EXTERNAL_IC] + external_eta = .true. + gfs_phil = .false. + nggps_ic = @[NGGPS_IC] + mountain = @[MOUNTAIN] + ncep_ic = .false. + d_con = @[D_CON] + hord_mt = 6 + hord_vt = 6 + hord_tm = 6 + hord_dp = 6 + hord_tr = 8 + adjust_dry_mass = .false. + consv_te = 0. + do_sat_adj = @[DO_SAT_ADJ] + consv_am = .false. + fill = .true. + dwind_2d = .false. + print_freq = 6 + warm_start = @[WARM_START] + no_dycore = .false. + z_tracer = @[Z_TRACER] + inline_q = @[INLINE_Q] + agrid_vel_rst = .false. + read_increment = @[READ_INCREMENT] + res_latlon_dynamics = "fv3_increment.nc" + increment_file_on_native_grid = @[INCREMENT_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID] +/ + +&external_ic_nml + filtered_terrain = .true. + levp = @[NPZP] + gfs_dwinds = .true. + checker_tr = .false. + nt_checker = 0 +/ + +&gfs_physics_nml + fhzero = @[FHZERO] + h2o_phys = .true. + ldiag3d = .true. + qdiag3d = .true. + print_diff_pgr= .false. + fhcyc = @[FHCYC] + use_ufo = .true. + pre_rad = .false. + imp_physics = @[IMP_PHYSICS] + iovr = 3 + ltaerosol = .false. + lradar = .false. + ttendlim = -999 + dt_inner = @[DT_INNER] + sedi_semi = @[SEDI_SEMI] + decfl = @[DECFL] + oz_phys = .false. + oz_phys_2015 = .true. + lsoil_lsm = 4 + do_mynnedmf = .false. + do_mynnsfclay = .false. + icloud_bl = 1 + bl_mynn_edmf = 1 + bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .true. + bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1 + do_ugwp = .false. + do_tofd = @[DO_TOFD] + gwd_opt = @[GWD_OPT] + do_ugwp_v0 = @[DO_UGWP_V0] + do_ugwp_v1 = @[DO_UGWP_V1] + do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = .false. + do_ugwp_v0_nst_only = @[DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY] + do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL] + do_gsl_drag_ss = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_SS] + do_gsl_drag_tofd = @[DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD] + do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = @[DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY] + min_lakeice = 0.15 + min_seaice = @[MIN_SEAICE] + use_cice_alb = @[USE_CICE_ALB] + ext_diag_thompson = @[EXT_DIAG_THOMPSON] + pdfcld = .false. + fhswr = 3600. + fhlwr = 3600. + ialb = 2 + iems = 2 + iaer = @[IAER] + icliq_sw = 2 + ico2 = 2 + isubc_sw = 2 + isubc_lw = 2 + isol = 2 + lwhtr = .true. + swhtr = .true. + cnvgwd = .true. + shal_cnv = @[SHAL_CNV] + cal_pre = .false. + redrag = .true. + dspheat = .true. + hybedmf = .false. + satmedmf = @[SATMEDMF] + isatmedmf = 1 + lheatstrg = @[LHEATSTRG] + lseaspray = @[LSEASPRAY] + random_clds = @[RANDOM_CLDS] + trans_trac = @[TRANS_TRAC] + cnvcld = @[CNVCLD] + imfshalcnv = @[IMFSHALCNV] + imfdeepcnv = @[IMFDEEPCNV] + ras = @[RAS] + cdmbgwd = @[CDMBWD] + prslrd0 = 0. + ivegsrc = 1 + isot = 1 + lsoil = 4 + lsm = 2 + iopt_dveg = 4 + iopt_crs = 2 + iopt_btr = 1 + iopt_run = 1 + iopt_sfc = 3 + iopt_trs = 2 + iopt_frz = 1 + iopt_inf = 1 + iopt_rad = 3 + iopt_alb = 1 + iopt_snf = 4 + iopt_tbot = 2 + iopt_stc = 3 + iopt_diag = 2 + debug = .false. + nstf_name = @[NSTF_NAME] + nst_anl = .true. + psautco = 0.0008,0.0005 + prautco = 0.00015,0.00015 + lgfdlmprad = @[LGFDLMPRAD] + effr_in = .true. + ldiag_ugwp = @[LDIAG_UGWP] + fscav_aero = @[FSCAV_AERO] + do_RRTMGP = .false. + active_gases = 'h2o_co2_o3_n2o_ch4_o2' + ngases = 6 + lw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp-data-lw-g128-210809.nc' + lw_file_clouds = 'rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-lw.nc' + sw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp-data-sw-g112-210809.nc' + sw_file_clouds = 'rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-sw.nc' + rrtmgp_nGptsSW = 112 + rrtmgp_nGptsLW = 128 + rrtmgp_nBandsLW = 16 + rrtmgp_nBandsSW = 14 + doGP_cldoptics_LUT = @[DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT] + doGP_lwscat = @[DOGP_LWSCAT] + do_sppt = @[DO_SPPT] + do_shum = @[DO_SHUM] + do_skeb = @[DO_SKEB] + levr = 89 + iaufhrs = 6 + iau_delthrs = 30 + iau_inc_files= '' + iau_drymassfixer = .false. + use_med_flux = @[USE_MED_FLUX] + frac_grid = @[FRAC_GRID] + cplchm = @[CPLCHM] + cplflx = @[CPLFLX] + cplice = @[CPLICE] + cplwav = @[CPLWAV] + cplwav2atm = @[CPLWAV2ATM] + cpllnd = @[CPLLND] + cpllnd2atm = @[CPLLND2ATM] + do_ca = @[DO_CA] + ca_global = @[CA_GLOBAL] + ca_sgs = @[CA_SGS] + nca = @[NCA] + ncells = @[NCELLS] + nlives = @[NLIVES] + nseed = @[NSEED] + nfracseed = @[NFRACSEED] + nthresh = @[NTHRESH] + ca_trigger = @[CA_TRIGGER] + nspinup = @[NSPINUP] + iseed_ca = @[ISEED_CA] + lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] + n_var_lndp = @[N_VAR_LNDP] +/ + +&cires_ugwp_nml + knob_ugwp_solver = 2 + knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0 + knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25 + knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4 + knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0 + knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1 + knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1 + knob_ugwp_doheat = 1 + knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1 + knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1 + knob_ugwp_version = @[KNOB_UGWP_VERSION] + ! This is only for UGWP v0 +@[HIDE_UGWPV0] launch_level = 25 + ! These are only for UGWP v1 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_palaunch = 275.0e2 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_nslope = @[KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE] +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmax = 15.750e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzmin = 0.75e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lzstar = 2.0e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_taumin = 0.25e-3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_tauamp = 3.0e-3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_lhmet = 200.0e3 +@[HIDE_UGWPV1] knob_ugwp_orosolv = 'pss-1986' +/ + +&gfdl_cloud_microphysics_nml + sedi_transport = .true. + do_sedi_heat = .false. + rad_snow = .true. + rad_graupel = .true. + rad_rain = .true. + const_vi = .false. + const_vs = .false. + const_vg = .false. + const_vr = .false. + vi_max = 1. + vs_max = 2. + vg_max = 12. + vr_max = 12. + qi_lim = 1. + prog_ccn = .false. + do_qa = .true. + fast_sat_adj = .true. + tau_l2v = 225. + tau_v2l = 150. + tau_g2v = 900. + rthresh = 10.e-6 ! This is a key parameter for cloud water + dw_land = 0.16 + dw_ocean = 0.10 + ql_gen = 1.0e-3 + ql_mlt = 1.0e-3 + qi0_crt = 8.0E-5 + qs0_crt = 1.0e-3 + tau_i2s = 1000. + c_psaci = 0.05 + c_pgacs = 0.01 + rh_inc = 0.30 + rh_inr = 0.30 + rh_ins = 0.30 + ccn_l = 300. + ccn_o = 100. + c_paut = 0.5 + c_cracw = 0.8 + use_ppm = .false. + use_ccn = .true. + mono_prof = .true. + z_slope_liq = .true. + z_slope_ice = .true. + de_ice = .false. + fix_negative = .true. + icloud_f = 1 + mp_time = 150. + reiflag = 2 +/ + +&interpolator_nml + interp_method = 'conserve_great_circle' +/ + +&namsfc + FNGLAC = 'global_glacier.2x2.grb' + FNMXIC = 'global_maxice.2x2.grb' + FNTSFC = 'RTGSST.1982.2012.monthly.clim.grb' + FNSNOC = 'global_snoclim.1.875.grb' + FNZORC = 'igbp' + FNALBC = @[FNALBC] + FNALBC2 = @[FNALBC2] + FNAISC = 'IMS-NIC.blended.ice.monthly.clim.grb' + FNTG3C = @[FNTG3C] + FNVEGC = @[FNVEGC] + FNVETC = @[FNVETC] + FNSOTC = @[FNSOTC] + FNSOCC = @[FNSOCC] + FNSMCC = @[FNSMCC] + FNMSKH = @[FNMSKH] + FNTSFA = '' + FNACNA = '' + FNSNOA = '' + FNVMNC = @[FNVMNC] + FNVMXC = @[FNVMXC] + FNSLPC = @[FNSLPC] + FNABSC = @[FNABSC] + LDEBUG =.false. + FSMCL(2) = 99999 + FSMCL(3) = 99999 + FSMCL(4) = 99999 + LANDICE = @[LANDICE] + FTSFS = 90 + FAISL = 99999 + FAISS = 99999 + FSNOL = 99999 + FSNOS = 99999 + FSICL = @[FSICL] + FSICS = @[FSICS] + FTSFL = 99999 + FVETL = 99999 + FSOTL = 99999 + FvmnL = 99999 + FvmxL = 99999 + FSLPL = 99999 + FABSL = 99999 +/ + +&fv_grid_nml + grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' +/ + +&nam_stochy + lon_s=768, + lat_s=384, + ntrunc=382, + SKEBNORM=1, + SKEB_NPASS=30, + SKEB_VDOF=5, + SKEB=@[SKEB], + SKEB_TAU=2.16E4, + SKEB_LSCALE=1000.E3, + SHUM=@[SHUM], + SHUM_TAU=21600, + SHUM_LSCALE=500000, + SPPT=@[SPPT], + SPPT_TAU=21600, + SPPT_LSCALE=500000, + SPPT_LOGIT=.true., + SPPT_SFCLIMIT=.true., + ISEED_SHUM=1, + ISEED_SKEB=2, + ISEED_SPPT=3, +/ + +&nam_sfcperts + lndp_type = @[LNDP_TYPE] + lndp_model_type = @[LNDP_MODEL_TYPE] + LNDP_TAU=21600, + LNDP_LSCALE=500000, + ISEED_LNDP=2010, + lndp_var_list = @[LNDP_VAR_LIST] + lndp_prt_list = @[LNDP_PRT_LIST] +/ + +&MOM_input_nml + output_directory = '@[MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR]', + input_filename = '@[MOM6_RESTART_SETTING]' + restart_input_dir = 'INPUT/', + restart_output_dir = '@[MOM6_RESTART_DIR]', + parameter_filename = 'INPUT/MOM_input', + 'INPUT/MOM_override'/ +/ + +&multi_gases_nml + ri=295.3892, 461.50, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 173.2247, 519.674, 259.8370 ,0.,0.,0. + cpi=1031.1083, 1846.00, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 820.2391, 1299.185, 918.0969, 0.,0.,0. +/ + +&molecular_diffusion_nml + tau_visc = 1.0 + tau_cond = 1.0 + tau_diff = 1.0 + md_layers = 70 + md_tadj_layers = 0 + md_consv_te = 1.0 + md_wait_hr = 0.0 +/ diff --git a/tests/parm/ww3_multi.inp.IN b/tests/parm/ww3_multi.inp.IN index a16fb5d951..2edaebcf11 100644 --- a/tests/parm/ww3_multi.inp.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ww3_multi.inp.IN @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ $ $ @[FLAGMASKCOMP] @[FLAGMASKOUT] $ - @[OUT_BEG] @[DTFLD] @[OUT_END] @[GOFILETYPE] + @[OUT_BEG] @[WW3_DTFLD] @[OUT_END] @[GOFILETYPE] N - @[OUTPARS_WAV] + @[WW3_OUTPARS] $ - @[OUT_BEG] @[DTPNT] @[OUT_END] @[POFILETYPE] + @[OUT_BEG] @[WW3_DTPNT] @[OUT_END] @[POFILETYPE] $ $ Global output point data file for global wave ensembles $ @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ $ $ $ Keep next two lines formatting as is to allow proper parsing @[RST_BEG] @[DTRST] @[RST_END] @[RSTTYPE] -@[RST_2_BEG] @[DT_2_RST] @[RST_2_END] +@[RST_2_BEG] @[WW3_DT_2_RST] @[RST_2_END] $ @[OUT_BEG] 0 @[OUT_END] $ diff --git a/tests/parm/ww3_points.list b/tests/parm/ww3_points.list new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..62dfcd78b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ww3_points.list @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ + -85.078 -19.425 '32012 ' -1 DAT WHOI 360 4534 + -90.000 -55.000 '34002 ' 6.2 DAT OCOBSI 360 4800 + -72.522 34.502 '41001 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 4556 + -74.930 31.892 '41002 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 3920 + -79.099 32.501 '41004 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 39 + -80.868 31.400 '41008 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 14.9 + -80.185 28.508 '41009 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 42 + -78.485 28.878 '41010 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 890 + -77.743 33.436 '41013 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 23.5 + -78.477 33.837 '41024 ' 2.95 DAT CORMP 360 10 + -75.363 35.025 '41025 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 59.4 + -79.624 32.803 '41029 ' 2.95 DAT CORMP 360 10 + -80.406 32.279 '41033 ' 2.95 DAT CORMP 360 10 + -77.362 33.988 '41037 ' 2.95 DAT CORMP 360 30 + -77.715 34.141 '41038 ' 2.95 DAT CORMP 360 18 + -53.045 14.554 '41040 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 5112 + -46.093 14.311 '41041 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 3595 + -64.830 21.124 '41043 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 5271 + -58.630 21.582 '41044 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 5419 + -68.384 23.822 '41046 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 5549 + -71.494 27.514 '41047 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 5321 + -69.585 31.838 '41048 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 5340 + -62.938 27.490 '41049 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 5459 + -65.004 18.257 '41051 ' 4 DAT CARICOOS 360 32 + -64.763 18.249 '41052 ' 4 DAT CARICOOS 360 44 + -65.464 18.261 '41056 ' 4 DAT CARICOOS 360 30 + -65.157 18.476 '41058 ' 4 DAT CARICOOS 360 40 + -51.017 14.824 '41060 ' -1 DAT WHOI 360 5021 + -75.095 35.778 '41062 ' 3.5 DAT UNC 360 36 + -75.941 34.782 '41063 ' 3.5 DAT UNC 360 30 + -76.949 34.207 '41064 ' 2.95 DAT CORMP 360 30 + -78.015 33.721 '41108 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 12.8 + -77.717 34.141 '41110 ' -1 DAT CORMP 360 17 + -81.292 30.709 '41112 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 15.54 + -80.534 28.400 '41113 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 9.8 + -80.188 28.523 '41116 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 41 + -81.080 30.000 '41117 ' -1 DAT USACE 360 24.4 + -80.590 28.609 '41118 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 7.3 + -78.483 33.842 '41119 ' -1 DAT CORMP 360 13 + -76.946 34.213 '41159 ' -1 DAT CORMP 360 30.5 + -89.650 25.961 '42001 ' 3.6 DAT NDBC 360 3334 + -93.758 26.091 '42002 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 3125.1 + -85.615 25.925 '42003 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 3265 + -87.551 30.064 '42012 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 25.9 + -95.350 27.906 '42019 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 82.2 + -96.693 26.968 '42020 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 84.1 + -83.741 27.505 '42022 ' 3.1 DAT COMPS 360 50 + -83.086 26.010 '42023 ' 3.1 DAT COMPS 360 50 + -83.475 25.171 '42026 ' 3.2 DAT COMPS 360 70 + -94.413 29.232 '42035 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 16.2 + -84.516 28.501 '42036 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 49.7 + -86.008 28.788 '42039 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 270 + -88.226 29.208 '42040 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 183 + -94.899 28.982 '42043 ' 4 DAT TAMUNI 360 19 + -96.500 26.217 '42045 ' 4 DAT TAMUNI 360 62 + -94.037 27.890 '42046 ' 4 DAT TAMUNI 360 105 + -93.597 27.897 '42047 ' 4 DAT TAMUNI 360 89 + -93.941 22.124 '42055 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 3624 + -84.946 19.812 '42056 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 4565 + -81.422 16.908 '42057 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 377 + -74.560 14.775 '42058 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 4150 + -67.483 15.252 '42059 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 4784 + -63.354 16.413 '42060 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 1507 + -81.251 24.500 '42078 ' -1 DAT CDIP 360 170 + -81.242 24.535 '42079 ' -1 DAT CDIP 360 99 + -66.532 17.869 '42085 ' 4 DAT CARICOOS 360 18.9 + -60.848 11.185 '42087 ' 3.35 DAT ICON 360 1266 + -60.521 11.301 '42088 ' 3.35 DAT ICON 360 1266 + -80.061 19.699 '42089 ' 3.35 DAT ICON 360 5726 + -69.580 18.432 '42090 ' 3.35 DAT ICON 360 1188 + -81.967 24.407 '42095 ' -1 DAT USACE 360 100 + -83.650 25.700 '42097 ' -1 DAT USACE 360 81 + -84.275 27.345 '42099 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 93.9 + -90.459 26.689 '42360 ' 3 DAT MURPHY 360 2539.9 + -92.490 27.550 '42361 ' 122 DAT SHELL 360 871.7 + -90.648 27.795 '42362 ' 122 DAT ENVEN 360 910 + -89.220 28.160 '42363 ' 122 DAT SHELL 360 894 + -88.090 29.060 '42364 ' 122 DAT SHELL 360 980.2 + -90.283 27.207 '42369 ' 60.4 DAT BP 360 1371.9 + -88.289 28.521 '42375 ' 61 DAT BP 360 1920.2 + -94.898 26.129 '42390 ' -1 DAT SHELL 360 2382.6 + -90.027 27.196 '42392 ' -1 DAT BP 360 2156.16 + -89.240 28.157 '42394 ' 100 DAT SHELL 360 923.5 + -90.792 26.404 '42395 ' 3 DAT SHELL 360 2941.9 + -125.032 10.051 '43010 ' -1 DAT WHOI 360 4769 + -69.128 43.201 '44005 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 180.7 + -70.141 43.525 '44007 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 26.5 + -69.248 40.504 '44008 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 74.7 + -74.702 38.457 '44009 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 30 + -66.588 41.070 '44011 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 88.4 + -70.651 42.346 '44013 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 64 + -74.840 36.606 '44014 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 47 + -72.049 40.693 '44017 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 48 + -70.143 42.206 '44018 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 41.5 + -70.279 41.493 '44020 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 14.3 + -73.728 40.883 '44022 ' 3.5 DAT UCT 360 22.5 + -65.912 42.327 '44024 ' 4 DAT NRCOOS 360 225 + -73.164 40.251 '44025 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 36.3 + -67.300 44.283 '44027 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 185.3 + -70.566 42.523 '44029 ' 4 DAT NRCOOS 360 65 + -70.426 43.179 '44030 ' 4 DAT NRCOOS 360 62 + -69.355 43.715 '44032 ' 4 DAT NRCOOS 360 100 + -68.996 44.055 '44033 ' 4 DAT NRCOOS 360 110 + -68.112 44.103 '44034 ' 4 DAT NRCOOS 360 100 + -67.876 43.497 '44037 ' 4 DAT NRCOOS 360 285 + -73.580 40.956 '44040 ' 3.5 DAT UCT 360 18.3 + -75.715 36.199 '44056 ' -1 DAT USACE 360 17.4 + -73.703 40.369 '44065 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 25 + -72.644 39.618 '44066 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 78 + -73.087 40.699 '44069 ' 3 DAT SBROOKU 360 46 + -70.540 43.020 '44073 ' 2.6 DAT UNH 360 131 + -75.421 36.001 '44086 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 21 + -74.838 36.612 '44088 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 47 + -75.334 37.757 '44089 ' -1 DAT USACE 360 16.9 + -70.329 41.840 '44090 ' -1 DAT USGS 360 26 + -73.769 39.778 '44091 ' -1 DAT USACE 360 25.6 + -75.492 36.872 '44093 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 26.82 + -75.330 35.750 '44095 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 18.3 + -75.809 37.023 '44096 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 11.9 + -71.127 40.969 '44097 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 48.16 + -70.168 42.798 '44098 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 76.5 + -75.720 36.914 '44099 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 18.3 + -75.594 36.260 '44100 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 25.9 + -62.000 42.260 '44137 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 4000 + -57.100 44.240 '44139 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 1500 + -64.020 42.500 '44150 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 1300 + -63.400 44.500 '44258 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 58 + -147.949 56.232 '46001 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 4054 + -130.537 42.612 '46002 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 3413 + -136.100 50.930 '46004 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 3600 + -131.079 46.134 '46005 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 2852 + -137.397 40.782 '46006 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 4378 + -121.019 34.956 '46011 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 464.8 + -160.000 57.700 '46021 ' -1 DAT NDBC 360 59 + -120.967 34.714 '46023 ' 10 DAT NDBC 360 384.1 + -119.200 33.000 '46024 ' -1 DAT NDBC 360 1213 + -119.053 33.763 '46025 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 888 + -121.857 35.703 '46028 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 1048 + -177.708 57.018 '46035 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 3687 + -122.398 36.785 '46042 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 1645.9 + -119.506 32.404 '46047 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 1394 + -120.477 34.265 '46054 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 469.4 + -129.951 38.094 '46059 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 4628 + -146.805 60.584 '46060 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 445 + -154.987 52.765 '46066 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 4460 + -120.213 33.677 '46069 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 977.8 + 175.153 55.082 '46070 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 3835 + 179.012 51.125 '46071 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 1681 + -172.088 51.672 '46072 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 3572 + -172.001 55.031 '46073 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 3051.5 + -160.817 53.983 '46075 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 2392.7 + -147.990 59.502 '46076 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 195.1 + -152.582 55.556 '46078 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 5380 + -150.042 57.947 '46080 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 254.5 + -143.372 59.681 '46082 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 300 + -137.997 58.300 '46083 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 136 + -136.102 56.622 '46084 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 1158 + -142.882 55.883 '46085 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 3721 + -118.052 32.499 '46086 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 1844.7 + -125.771 45.925 '46089 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 2293.3 + -122.029 36.751 '46092 ' 4 DAT MBARI 360 1000 + -122.351 36.723 '46114 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 1463 + -131.220 51.830 '46147 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 2000 + -131.100 53.620 '46183 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 65 + -138.850 53.910 '46184 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 3200 + -129.790 52.420 '46185 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 230 + -128.770 51.380 '46204 ' -1 DAT ENCAN 360 222 + -134.320 54.190 '46205 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 2675 + -126.000 48.840 '46206 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 72 + -129.920 50.870 '46207 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 2125 + -132.690 52.520 '46208 ' 5 DAT ENCAN 360 2950 + -123.472 37.950 '46214 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 550 + -120.783 34.454 '46218 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 548.6 + -119.882 33.225 '46219 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 274.3 + -118.634 33.855 '46221 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 370 + -118.317 33.618 '46222 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 457 + -117.391 32.933 '46225 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 549 + -117.370 32.747 '46231 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 201.17 + -117.421 32.530 '46232 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 1143 + -117.169 32.570 '46235 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 21 + -122.096 36.343 '46239 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 369 + -145.200 50.033 '46246 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 4252 + -119.559 33.761 '46251 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 1920 + -118.181 33.576 '46253 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 66 + -117.267 32.868 '46254 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 38.71 + -119.651 33.400 '46255 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 105 + -118.201 33.700 '46256 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 23.25 + -120.766 34.439 '46257 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 576.07 + -117.501 32.752 '46258 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 588.6 + -121.497 34.767 '46259 ' -1 DAT USACE 360 646.8 + -119.004 33.704 '46262 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 905 + -151.695 57.479 '46264 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 86 + -165.475 64.473 '46265 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 18.2 + -153.781 23.535 '51000 ' 5 DAT NDBC 360 4811 + -162.000 24.453 '51001 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 4895 + -157.742 17.043 '51002 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 4948 + -160.662 19.172 '51003 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 4943.3 + -152.364 17.604 '51004 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 4998 + -162.075 24.361 '51101 ' 4 DAT NDBC 360 4849 + -158.117 21.671 '51201 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 200 + -157.678 21.415 '51202 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 89 + -157.010 20.788 '51203 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 201 + -158.124 21.281 '51204 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 300 + -156.425 21.018 '51205 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 200 + -154.970 19.780 '51206 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 345 + -157.752 21.477 '51207 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 81 + -159.574 22.285 '51208 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 200 + -170.493 -14.264 '51209 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 82 + -157.756 21.477 '51210 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 80 + -157.959 21.297 '51211 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 35 + -158.149 21.323 '51212 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 280 + -157.003 20.750 '51213 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 235 + 144.788 13.354 '52200 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 200 + 171.392 7.083 '52201 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 540 + 144.812 13.684 '52202 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 510 + 145.662 15.268 '52211 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 487.68 + 134.667 7.630 '52212 ' -1 DAT SIO 360 97 + -5.000 45.230 '62001 ' 3 DAT UKMO 360 4556 + -12.430 48.720 '62029 ' 3 DAT UKMO 360 3575 + -4.400 50.000 '62050 ' -1 DAT UKMO 360 53 + -2.900 49.900 '62103 ' 14 DAT UKMO 360 18 + -12.570 55.420 '62105 ' 3 DAT UKMO 360 2899 + -6.100 50.102 '62107 ' 14 DAT UKMO 360 61 + 0.000 58.300 '62114 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 142 + 0.700 54.000 '62127 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 39 + 1.700 53.400 '62144 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 16 + 2.800 53.102 '62145 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 26 + 2.100 57.200 '62146 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 98 + 1.500 53.600 '62148 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 16 + 1.100 53.700 '62149 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 16 + -8.470 47.550 '62163 ' 3 DAT UKMO 360 4000 + 1.100 54.000 '62165 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 41 + 0.000 50.400 '62305 ' 14 DAT UKMO 360 39 + 1.500 59.500 '63110 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 117 + 1.000 61.100 '63112 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 156 + 1.708 61.000 '63113 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 156 + 1.300 61.600 '63115 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 156 + 1.100 61.400 '63117 ' -1 DAT PRIVATE 360 156 + -11.420 59.070 '64045 ' 3 DAT UKMO 360 1935 + -4.167 60.483 '64046 ' 3 DAT UKMO 360 230 diff --git a/tests/parm/ww3_shel.inp.IN b/tests/parm/ww3_shel.inp.IN index cb2cafd0fc..73e53ff801 100644 --- a/tests/parm/ww3_shel.inp.IN +++ b/tests/parm/ww3_shel.inp.IN @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ $ $ IOSTYP 1 $ - @[RUN_BEG] @[DTFLD] @[RUN_END] @[GOFILETYPE] + @[RUN_BEG] @[WW3_DTFLD] @[RUN_END] @[GOFILETYPE] N - @[OUTPARS_WAV] + @[WW3_OUTPARS] $ - @[RUN_BEG] @[DTPNT] @[RUN_END] @[POFILETYPE] + @[RUN_BEG] @[WW3_DTPNT] @[RUN_END] @[POFILETYPE] $ $ Global output point data file for global wave ensembles $ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ $ Flag for extra fields in the restart file (coupling restart) $ $ Keep next two lines formatting as is to allow proper parsing @[RUN_BEG] @[DTRST] @[RUN_END] T -@[RUN_BEG] @[DT_2_RST] @[RUN_END] +@[RUN_BEG] @[WW3_DT_2_RST] @[RUN_END] $ @[RUN_BEG] 0 @[RUN_END] $ diff --git a/tests/parm/ww3_shel.nml.IN b/tests/parm/ww3_shel.nml.IN new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fa0b02de1d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/parm/ww3_shel.nml.IN @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +&input_nml + input%forcing%winds = 'C' + input%forcing%currents = '@[WW3_CUR]' + input%forcing%ice_conc = '@[WW3_ICE]' + input%forcing%ice_param1 = '@[WW3_IC1]' + input%forcing%ice_param5 = '@[WW3_IC5]' +/ + +&output_type_nml + type%field%list = '@[WW3_OUTPARS]' + type%point%file = 'ww3_points.list' + type%restart%extra = '@[WW3_RSTFLDS]' +/ + +&output_date_nml + date%field%outffile = '1' + date%field%stride = '@[WW3_DTFLD]' + date%point%outffile = '1' + date%point%stride = '@[WW3_DTPNT]' +/ diff --git a/tests/rt.conf b/tests/rt.conf index c07d5a85e0..6c1b30a747 100644 --- a/tests/rt.conf +++ b/tests/rt.conf @@ -1,282 +1,488 @@ -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# S2S tests # -################################################################################################################################################################################### - -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp | | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_control_p8 | | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_restart_p8 | | | cpld_control_p8 -RUN | cpld_2threads_p8 | | | -RUN | cpld_esmfthreads_p8 | | | -RUN | cpld_decomp_p8 | | | -RUN | cpld_mpi_p8 | | | -#RUN | cpld_multigrid_p8 | | | -RUN | cpld_control_ciceC_p8 | | fv3 | - -RUN | cpld_control_c192_p8 | - wcoss2.intel jet.intel acorn.intel | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_restart_c192_p8 | - wcoss2.intel jet.intel acorn.intel | | cpld_control_c192_p8 - -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8 | - jet.intel cheyenne.intel acorn.intel | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_restart_bmark_p8 | - jet.intel cheyenne.intel acorn.intel | | cpld_bmark_p8 - -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_control_noaero_p8 | | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp | - wcoss2.intel acorn.intel | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_debug_p8 | - wcoss2.intel acorn.intel | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2SW -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | - wcoss2.intel acorn.intel | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_debug_noaero_p8 | - wcoss2.intel acorn.intel | fv3 | +### RT.CONF FORMATTING ### +# COMPILE Line ( Items separated by a | ) +# Item 1: COMPILE - This tells rt.conf the following information is to be used in setting up a compile job +# Item 2: Compile name - The rt.sh will add _gnu or _intel to it. There must be no duplicate names for each compiler. +# If two compilations are identical except compiler, please use the same name for each. +# Item 3: Compiler to use in build (intel or gnu) +# Item 4: CMAKE Options - Provide all CMAKE options for the build +# Item 5: Machines to run on (- is used to ignore specified machines, + is used to only run on specified machines) +## -> EX: + hera orion gaea = compile will only run on hera orion and gaea machines +## -> EX: - wcoss2 acorn = compile will NOT be run on wcoss2 or acorn +# Item 6: [set as fv3]. Used to control the compile job only if FV3 was present, previously used to run a test w/o compiling code +# +# RUN Line ( Items separated by a | ) +## NOTE: The build resulting from the COMPILE line above the RUN line will be used to run the test +# Item 1: RUN - This tells rt.conf the following information is to be used in setting up a model run +# Item 2: Test name. (Which test in the tests/tests directory should be sourced) +# Item 3: Machines to run on (- is used to ignore specified machines, + is used to only run on specified machines). +## reference example above +# Item 4: Controls whether the run creates its own baseline or it uses the baseline from a different (control) test. +# Item 5: Test name to compare baselines with if not itself. + +############################# +### Intel (Classic) Tests ### +############################# + +### S2S tests ### +COMPILE | s2swa_32bit | intel | -DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_p8_mixedmode | - noaacloud | baseline | + +#GFS +COMPILE | s2swa_32bit_pdlib | intel | -DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_gfsv17 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_control_gfsv17_iau | - noaacloud | baseline | cpld_control_gfsv17 +RUN | cpld_restart_gfsv17 | - noaacloud | | cpld_control_gfsv17 +RUN | cpld_mpi_gfsv17 | - noaacloud | | + +#SFS +COMPILE | s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs | intel | -DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DHYDRO=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_sfs | - noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug | intel | -DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - noaacloud jet | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_debug_gfsv17 | - noaacloud jet | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2swa | intel | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_restart_p8 | - noaacloud | | cpld_control_p8 +RUN | cpld_control_qr_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | cpld_restart_qr_p8 | - noaacloud | | cpld_control_qr_p8 +RUN | cpld_2threads_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | cpld_decomp_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | cpld_mpi_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | cpld_control_ciceC_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_control_c192_p8 | - wcoss2 jet acorn s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_restart_c192_p8 | - wcoss2 jet acorn s4 noaacloud | | cpld_control_c192_p8 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8 | - s4 jet acorn noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_restart_bmark_p8 | - s4 jet acorn noaacloud | | cpld_bmark_p8 + +# Aerosol, no Wave +RUN | cpld_s2sa_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2sw | intel | -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_noaero_p8 | | baseline | +RUN | cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2swa_debug | intel | -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | - wcoss2 noaacloud acorn | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_debug_p8 | - wcoss2 acorn noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2sw_debug | intel | -DAPP=S2SW -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | - wcoss2 noaacloud acorn | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_debug_noaero_p8 | - wcoss2 acorn noaacloud | baseline | # Waves and aerosol off for computing fluxes in mediator -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_control_c48 | | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_warmstart_c48 | | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_restart_c48 | | | cpld_warmstart_c48 - -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# ATM tests # -################################################################################################################################################################################### - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0 -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | control | | fv3 | -RUN | control_decomp | | | -RUN | control_2dwrtdecomp | | | -RUN | control_2threads | | | -RUN | control_restart | | | control -RUN | control_fhzero | | | -RUN | control_CubedSphereGrid | | fv3 | -RUN | control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel | - wcoss2.intel acorn.intel | fv3 | -RUN | control_latlon | | fv3 | -RUN | control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel | | fv3 | -RUN | control_c48 | | fv3 | -RUN | control_c192 | | fv3 | -RUN | control_c384 | | fv3 | -RUN | control_c384gdas | | fv3 | -RUN | control_c384_progsigma | | fv3 | -RUN | control_stochy | | fv3 | -RUN | control_stochy_restart | | | control_stochy -RUN | control_lndp | | fv3 | -RUN | control_iovr4 | | fv3 | -RUN | control_iovr5 | | fv3 | - -RUN | control_p8 | | fv3 | -RUN | control_p8_lndp | | fv3 | -RUN | control_restart_p8 | | | control_p8 -RUN | control_decomp_p8 | | | -RUN | control_2threads_p8 | | | - -RUN | control_p8_rrtmgp | | fv3 | - -RUN | merra2_thompson | | fv3 | - -RUN | regional_control | | fv3 | -RUN | regional_restart | | | regional_control -RUN | regional_decomp | | | -RUN | regional_2threads | | | -RUN | regional_noquilt | | fv3 | -RUN | regional_netcdf_parallel | - acorn.intel | fv3 | -RUN | regional_2dwrtdecomp | | | -RUN | regional_wofs | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_RRTMGP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | - -RUN | rap_control | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_rrtmgp | | fv3 | -RUN | regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_decomp | | | -RUN | rap_2threads | | | -RUN | rap_restart | | | rap_control -RUN | rap_sfcdiff | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_sfcdiff_decomp | | | -RUN | rap_sfcdiff_restart | | | rap_sfcdiff -RUN | hrrr_control | | fv3 | -RUN | hrrr_control_decomp | | | -RUN | hrrr_control_2threads | | | -RUN | hrrr_control_restart | | | hrrr_control -RUN | rrfs_v1beta | | fv3 | -RUN | rrfs_v1nssl | | fv3 | -RUN | rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn | | fv3 | - -RUN | rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm | | fv3 | -RUN | rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm | | fv3 | -RUN | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm | | fv3 | - -# These do not match the control yet: -# RUN | rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_decomp | | | -# RUN | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_decomp | | | - -RUN | rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads | | | -RUN | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads | | | - -# These do not match the control yet: -# RUN | rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_restart | | | rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm -# RUN | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_restart | | | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ugwpv1,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v16_noahmp | | fv3 | -RUN | control_csawmg | - gaea.intel | fv3 | -RUN | control_csawmgt | | fv3 | -RUN | control_ras | | fv3 | +COMPILE | s2s_aoflux | intel | -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid | | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2s | intel | -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_c48 | | baseline | +RUN | cpld_warmstart_c48 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_restart_c48 | - noaacloud | | cpld_warmstart_c48 + +COMPILE | s2swa_faster | intel | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DFASTER=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_p8_faster | - noaacloud | baseline | + +# Unstructured WW3 mesh +COMPILE | s2sw_pdlib | intel | -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_pdlib_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_restart_pdlib_p8 | - noaacloud | | cpld_control_pdlib_p8 +RUN | cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8 | - noaacloud | | cpld_control_pdlib_p8 + +COMPILE | s2sw_pdlib_debug | intel | -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_debug_pdlib_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | + +### ATM tests ### +COMPILE | atm_dyn32 | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | control_flake | | baseline | +RUN | control_CubedSphereGrid | | baseline | +RUN | control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_latlon | | baseline | +RUN | control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel | | baseline | +RUN | control_c48 | | baseline | +RUN | control_c48.v2.sfc | | baseline | +RUN | control_c48_lnd_iau | | baseline | +RUN | control_c192 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_c384 | | baseline | +RUN | control_c384gdas | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_stochy | | baseline | +RUN | control_stochy_restart | - noaacloud | | control_stochy +RUN | control_lndp | | baseline | +RUN | control_iovr4 | | baseline | +RUN | control_iovr5 | | baseline | +RUN | control_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_p8.v2.sfc | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_p8_ugwpv1 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_restart_p8 | - noaacloud | | control_p8 +RUN | control_noqr_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | control_restart_noqr_p8 | - noaacloud | | control_noqr_p8 +RUN | control_decomp_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | control_2threads_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | control_p8_lndp | | baseline | +RUN | control_p8_rrtmgp | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_p8_mynn | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | merra2_thompson | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | regional_control | | baseline | +RUN | regional_restart | - noaacloud | | regional_control +RUN | regional_decomp | - noaacloud | | +RUN | regional_2threads | - derecho noaacloud | | +RUN | regional_noquilt | - jet s4 | baseline | +RUN | regional_netcdf_parallel | - acorn | baseline | +RUN | regional_2dwrtdecomp | | | +RUN | regional_wofs | - jet s4 | baseline | + +COMPILE | rrfs | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control | | baseline | +RUN | regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb | | baseline | +RUN | rap_decomp | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_2threads | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_restart | - noaacloud | | rap_control +RUN | rap_sfcdiff | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_sfcdiff_decomp | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_sfcdiff_restart | - noaacloud | | rap_sfcdiff +RUN | hrrr_control | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_decomp | - noaacloud | | +RUN | hrrr_control_2threads | - noaacloud | | +RUN | hrrr_control_restart | - noaacloud | | hrrr_control +RUN | rrfs_v1beta | | baseline | +RUN | rrfs_v1nssl | | baseline | +RUN | rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn | | baseline | + +COMPILE | csawmg | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | control_csawmg | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_ras | - noaacloud | baseline | # Run WAM test in REPRO mode to avoid numerical instability in the deep atmosphere -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | control_wam | | fv3 | - -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# DEBUG ATM tests # -################################################################################################################################################################################### - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | - -RUN | rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug | | fv3 | - -RUN | control_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_2threads_debug | | | -RUN | control_CubedSphereGrid_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_stochy_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_lndp_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_csawmg_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_csawmgt_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_ras_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_diag_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_debug_p8 | | fv3 | - -RUN | regional_debug | | fv3 | - -RUN | rap_control_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | hrrr_control_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_unified_drag_suite_debug | | | -RUN | rap_diag_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_cires_ugwp_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_unified_ugwp_debug | | | -RUN | rap_lndp_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_flake_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_progcld_thompson_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_noah_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_rrtmgp_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_sfcdiff_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rrfs_v1beta_debug | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | control_wam_debug | | fv3 | - -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# 32-bit physics tests # -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_control_dyn32_phy32 | | fv3 | -RUN | hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 | | | -RUN | hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 | | | -RUN | hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 | | | -RUN | rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 | | | rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -RUN | hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 | | | hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_control_dyn64_phy32 | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 | | fv3 | -RUN | hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug | | fv3 | - -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# HAFS tests # -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# -COMPILE | -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_atm | | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf | | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_atm_ocn | | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_atm_wav | | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav | | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_1nest_atm | - jet.intel | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm | - jet.intel | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_global_1nest_atm | - jet.intel | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm | - jet.intel | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm | - jet.intel | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm | - jet.intel | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn | - jet.intel | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav | - jet.intel | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm | - jet.intel | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_docn | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_docn_oisst | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | hafs_regional_datm_cdeps | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | - -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# CDEPS Data Atmosphere tests # -################################################################################################################################################################################### - -COMPILE | -DAPP=NG-GODAS | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_control_cfsr | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr | - wcoss2.intel | | datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -RUN | datm_cdeps_control_gefs | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_iau_gefs | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | - -RUN | datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | - -RUN | datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | - -RUN | datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr | - wcoss2.intel | | -RUN | datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_gfs | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON | - wcoss2.intel acorn.intel | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr | - wcoss2.intel acorn.intel | fv3 | - -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# CDEPS Data Atmosphere tests with LND # -################################################################################################################################################################################### - -COMPILE | -DAPP=LND | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst | - wcoss2.intel | | datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 - -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# ATM-LND tests, -D32BIT=ON has issue and NoahMP reuires r8 libraries # -################################################################################################################################################################################### - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km | | fv3 | -RUN | control_p8_atmlnd_sbs | | fv3 | - -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# ATM-WAV tests # -################################################################################################################################################################################### - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16 -D32BIT=ON | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -RUN | control_atmwav | - wcoss2.intel | fv3 | -#RUN | control_c384gdas_wav | - jet.intel cheyenne.intel wcoss2.intel | fv3 | - -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# ATM-GOCART tests # -################################################################################################################################################################################### - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | atmaero_control_p8 | | fv3 | -RUN | atmaero_control_p8_rad | | fv3 | -RUN | atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro | | fv3 | -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# ATM-CMAQ tests -################################################################################################################################################################################### - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 | | fv3 | -RUN | regional_atmaq | | fv3 | -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | regional_atmaq_debug | - jet.intel | fv3 | +COMPILE | wam | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | control_wam | - noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | atm_faster_dyn32 | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -D32BIT=ON -DFASTER=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | control_p8_faster | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | regional_control_faster | | baseline | + +### DEBUG ATM tests ### +COMPILE | atm_debug_dyn32 | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR,FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_unified_ugwp,FV3_RAP_cires_ugwp,FV3_RAP_flake,FV3_RAP_clm_lake,FV3_RAP_noah,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_RAP_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_HRRR_c3,FV3_HRRR_gf,FV3_global_nest_v1 | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | control_CubedSphereGrid_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_stochy_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_lndp_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_csawmg_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_ras_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_diag_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_debug_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | regional_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_control_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_gf_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_c3_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_unified_drag_suite_debug | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_diag_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_cires_ugwp_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_unified_ugwp_debug | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_lndp_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_progcld_thompson_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_noah_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_sfcdiff_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rrfs_v1beta_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_clm_lake_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_flake_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +### DEBUG ATM tests ### +COMPILE | atm_debug_dyn32 | gnu | -DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR,FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_unified_ugwp,FV3_RAP_cires_ugwp,FV3_RAP_flake,FV3_RAP_clm_lake,FV3_RAP_noah,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_RAP_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_HRRR_c3,FV3_HRRR_gf,FV3_global_nest_v1 | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | control_csawmg_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | + +COMPILE | wam_debug | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | control_wam_debug | - noaacloud hercules | baseline | + +### 32-bit physics tests ### +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn32_phy32 | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_control_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | | rap_control_dyn32_phy32 +RUN | hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | | hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 + +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DFASTER=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | conus13km_control | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | conus13km_2threads | - noaacloud | | conus13km_control +RUN | conus13km_restart_mismatch | - noaacloud | baseline | conus13km_control + +# Expected to fail: +# RUN | conus13km_restart | - noaacloud | | conus13km_control +# RUN | conus13km_decomp | - noaacloud | | conus13km_control + +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn64_phy32 | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_dyn64_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_gf -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | conus13km_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | conus13km_debug_qr | - noaacloud | | +RUN | conus13km_debug_2threads | - noaacloud | | +RUN | conus13km_radar_tten_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | + +# Expected to fail: +# RUN | conus13km_debug_decomp | - noaacloud | | + +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | + +### HAFS tests ### +COMPILE | hafsw | intel | -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf,FV3_global_nest_v1 -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_atm | | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf | | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_atm_ocn | | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_atm_wav | | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_1nest_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_global_1nest_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +# This probably works on S4, but I cannot know for certain. I don't have access to the machine. +RUN | gnv1_nested | - hercules wcoss2 s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | hafsw_debug | intel | -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - jet noaacloud s4 | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | hafsw_faster | intel | -DAPP=HAFSW -DCDEPS_INLINE=ON -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DFASTER=ON | -jet noaacloud s4 | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | hafs_mom6w | intel| -DAPP=HAFS-MOM6W -DREGIONAL_MOM6=ON -DCDEPS_INLINE=ON -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_nonsst -D32BIT=ON | -jet noaacloud s4 | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6 | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | hafs_all | intel | -DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_docn | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_docn_oisst | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_datm_cdeps | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +### CDEPS Data Atmosphere tests ### +COMPILE | datm_cdeps | intel | -DAPP=NG-GODAS | - wcoss2 | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_control_cfsr | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | | datm_cdeps_control_cfsr +RUN | datm_cdeps_control_gefs | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_iau_gefs | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | | +RUN | datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_gfs | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | datm_cdeps_debug | intel | -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON | - wcoss2 acorn noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr | - wcoss2 acorn noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | datm_cdeps_faster | intel | -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DFASTER=ON | - wcoss2 | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster | - wcoss2 | baseline | + +### CDEPS Data Atmosphere tests with LND ### +COMPILE | datm_cdeps_land | intel | -DAPP=LND | - wcoss2 | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_lnd_era5 | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst | - wcoss2 noaacloud | | datm_cdeps_lnd_era5 + +### CDEPS Data Atmosphere tests with LM4 ### +COMPILE | datm_cdeps_lm4 | intel | -DAPP=LND-LM4 | + hera orion gaea | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3 | + hera orion gaea | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_rst | + hera orion gaea | | datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3 + +### AMIP+ tests ### +COMPILE | atm_ds2s_docn_pcice | intel | -DAPP=ATM_DS2S-PCICE -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | | fv3 | +RUN | atm_ds2s_docn_pcice | - noaacloud | baseline | +COMPILE | atm_ds2s_docn_dice | intel | -DAPP=ATM_DS2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | - wcoss2 acorn | fv3 | +RUN | atm_ds2s_docn_dice | - noaacloud wcoss2 acorn | baseline | cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 + +### ATM-LND tests ### +COMPILE | atml | intel | -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | control_p8_atmlnd_sbs | - noaacloud wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | control_p8_atmlnd | - noaacloud wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | control_restart_p8_atmlnd | - noaacloud wcoss2 | | control_p8_atmlnd + +COMPILE | atml_debug | intel | -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | control_p8_atmlnd_debug | - noaacloud wcoss2 | baseline | + +### ATM-WAV tests ### +#mediator (cmeps) +COMPILE | atmw | intel | -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON | - wcoss2 | fv3 | +RUN | atmwav_control_noaero_p8 | - wcoss2 | baseline | + +### ATM-GOCART tests ### +COMPILE | atmaero | intel | -DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | atmaero_control_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | atmaero_control_p8_rad | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro | - noaacloud | baseline | + +### ATM-CMAQ tests ### +#COMPILE | atmaq | intel | -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -D32BIT=ON | - jet s4 | fv3 | +#RUN | regional_atmaq | - jet s4 | baseline | + +COMPILE | atmaq_debug | intel | -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON | - jet noaacloud s4 | fv3 | +RUN | regional_atmaq_debug | - hera jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +### ATM-FBH test ### +COMPILE | atm_fbh | intel | -DAPP=ATMF -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON | - wcoss2 noaacloud acorn | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_regional_atm_fbh | - wcoss2 noaacloud acorn | baseline | + + + +############################# +### Intel (LLVM) Tests ###### +############################# + + +# Coupled gfs17 tests on Gaea +COMPILE | s2swa_32bit_pdlib | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON | + gaea | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_gfsv17 | + gaea | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON | + gaea | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_debug_gfsv17 | + gaea | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DHYDRO=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON | + gaea | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_sfs | + gaea | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2swa | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | + gaea | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_p8 | + gaea | baseline | + +# Regional RRFS tests on Hera +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn32_phy32 | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | + hera | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_dyn32_phy32 | + hera | baseline | + +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn64_phy32 | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | + hera | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_dyn64_phy32 | + hera | baseline | + +# HAFS tests on Orion +COMPILE | hafsw | intelllvm | -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON | + orion | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn | + orion | baseline | + +COMPILE | hafsw_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | + orion | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug | + orion | baseline | + +# DATM/CDEPS tests on Hercules +COMPILE | datm_cdeps | intelllvm | -DAPP=NG-GODAS | + hercules | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_control_cfsr | + hercules | baseline | + +COMPILE | datm_cdeps_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON | + hercules | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr | + hercules | baseline | + + + +############################# +### Gnu Tests ############### +############################# + +### CCPP PROD tests ### +COMPILE | atm | gnu | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | control_c48 | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | control_stochy | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | control_ras | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | control_p8 | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | control_p8_ugwpv1 | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | control_flake | + hera hercules | baseline | + +COMPILE | rrfs | gnu | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_RRFS_v1beta -D32BIT=ON | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | rap_decomp | + hera hercules | | +RUN | rap_2threads | + hera hercules | | +RUN | rap_restart | + hera hercules | | rap_control +RUN | rap_sfcdiff | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | rap_sfcdiff_decomp | + hera hercules | | +RUN | rap_sfcdiff_restart | + hera hercules | | rap_sfcdiff +RUN | hrrr_control | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_noqr | + hera hercules | | +RUN | hrrr_control_2threads | + hera hercules | | +RUN | hrrr_control_decomp | + hera hercules | | +RUN | hrrr_control_restart | + hera hercules | | hrrr_control +RUN | hrrr_control_restart_noqr | + hera hercules | | hrrr_control_noqr +RUN | rrfs_v1beta | + hera hercules | baseline | + +COMPILE | csawmg | gnu | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | control_csawmg | + hera hercules | baseline | + +### CCPP DEBUG tests ### +# Exercise compilation without specifying suites (i.e. compile all suites) in DEBUG mode (faster than in PROD mode) +COMPILE | atm_dyn32_debug | gnu | -DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | control_diag_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | regional_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | rap_control_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_gf_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_c3_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | rap_diag_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | rap_progcld_thompson_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | rrfs_v1beta_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | control_ras_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | control_stochy_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | control_debug_p8 | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | rap_flake_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | rap_clm_lake_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | + +COMPILE | wam_debug | gnu | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | control_wam_debug | + hercules | baseline | + +### 32-bit physics tests ### +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn32_phy32 | gnu | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_dyn32_phy32 | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 | + hera hercules | | +RUN | hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 | + hera hercules | | +RUN | hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 | + hera hercules | | +RUN | rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 | + hera hercules | | rap_control_dyn32_phy32 +RUN | hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 | + hera hercules | | hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 +RUN | conus13km_control | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | conus13km_2threads | + hera hercules | | conus13km_control +RUN | conus13km_restart_mismatch | + hera hercules | baseline | conus13km_control + +# Expected to fail: +# RUN | conus13km_restart | + hera hercules | | conus13km_control +# RUN | conus13km_decomp | + hera hercules | | conus13km_control + +COMPILE | atm_dyn64_phy32 | gnu | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_dyn64_phy32 | + hera hercules | baseline | + +COMPILE | atm_dyn32_phy32_debug | gnu | -DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | conus13km_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | +RUN | conus13km_debug_qr | + hera hercules | | +RUN | conus13km_debug_2threads | + hera hercules | | +RUN | conus13km_radar_tten_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | + +# Expected to fail: +# RUN | conus13km_debug_decomp | + hera derecho hercules | | + +COMPILE | atm_dyn64_phy32_debug | gnu | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug | + hera hercules | baseline | + +### S2S tests ### +COMPILE | s2swa | gnu | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | + hera hercules | fv3 | +#RUN | cpld_control_p8 | + hercules | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2s | gnu | -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 | + hera hercules | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2swa_debug | gnu | -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | + hera hercules | fv3 | +#RUN | cpld_debug_p8 | + hercules | baseline | + +# Unstructured WW3 +COMPILE | s2sw_pdlib | gnu | -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_pdlib_p8 | + hera hercules | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2sw_pdlib_debug | gnu | -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_debug_pdlib_p8 | + hercules | baseline | + +### CDEPS Data Atmosphere test ### +COMPILE | datm_cdeps | gnu | -DAPP=NG-GODAS | + hera hercules | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_control_cfsr | + hera hercules | baseline | diff --git a/tests/rt.sh b/tests/rt.sh index 61419ee3ad..672c876e53 100755 --- a/tests/rt.sh +++ b/tests/rt.sh @@ -1,411 +1,638 @@ #!/bin/bash -set -eux - +set -eu +set -o errexit #Lets trap exit info as error for logging +echo "******Regression Testing Script Started******" SECONDS=0 hostname die() { echo "$@" >&2; exit 1; } + usage() { - set +x + set +x #No reason to print out a bunch of echo statements here echo - echo "Usage: $0 -c | -e | -h | -k | -w | -d | -l | -m | -n | -r " + echo "Usage: $0 -a | -b | -c | -d | -e | -h | -k | -l | -m | -n | -o | -r | -v | -w" echo + echo " -a to use on for HPC queue" + echo " -b create new baselines only for tests listed in " echo " -c create new baseline results" + echo " -d delete run directories that are not used by other tests" echo " -e use ecFlow workflow manager" echo " -h display this help" echo " -k keep run directory after rt.sh is completed" echo " -l runs test specified in " echo " -m compare against new baseline results" echo " -n run single test " + echo " -o compile only, skip tests" echo " -r use Rocoto workflow manager" + echo " -v verbose output" echo " -w for weekly_test, skip comparing baseline results" - echo " -d delete run direcotries that are not used by other tests" echo - set -x - exit 1 } [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage -rt_single() { +update_rtconf() { + echo "rt.sh: Checking & Updating test configuration..." + find_match() { + # This function finds if a test in $TESTS_FILE matches one + # in our list of tests to be run. + THIS_TEST_WITH_COMPILER=$1 + shift + TWC=("$@") + FOUND=false + for i in "${!TWC[@]}"; do + if [[ "${TWC[${i}]}" == "${THIS_TEST_WITH_COMPILER}" ]]; then + FOUND=true + echo "${i}" + return + fi + done + if [[ ${FOUND} == false ]]; then + echo "-1" + fi + } + + # This script will update the rt.conf ($TESTS_FILE) if needed by the + # -b or -n options being called/used. + + # THE USER CHOSE THE -b OPTION + if [[ ${NEW_BASELINES_FILE} != '' ]]; then + [[ -s "${NEW_BASELINES_FILE}" ]] || die "${NEW_BASELINES_FILE} is empty, exiting..." + TEST_WITH_COMPILE=() + readarray -t TEST_WITH_COMPILE < "${NEW_BASELINES_FILE}" + # else USER CHOSE THE -n OPTION + elif [[ ${RUN_SINGLE_TEST} == true ]]; then + TEST_WITH_COMPILE=("${SRT_NAME} ${SRT_COMPILER}") + else + echo "No update needed to rt.conf" + return + fi + + RT_TEMP_CONF="rt_temp.conf" + rm -f "${RT_TEMP_CONF}" && touch "${RT_TEMP_CONF}" local compile_line='' - local run_line='' - while read -r line || [ "$line" ]; do + while read -r line || [[ -n "${line}" ]]; do line="${line#"${line%%[![:space:]]*}"}" + [[ -n "${line}" ]] || continue [[ ${#line} == 0 ]] && continue - [[ $line == \#* ]] && continue + [[ ${line} == \#* ]] && continue - if [[ $line == COMPILE* ]] ; then - MACHINES=$(echo $line | cut -d'|' -f3 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') + if [[ ${line} =~ COMPILE ]] ; then + MACHINES=$(cut -d'|' -f5 <<< "${line}") + MACHINES=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${MACHINES}") + RT_COMPILER_IN=$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<< "${line}") + RT_COMPILER_IN=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${RT_COMPILER_IN}") if [[ ${MACHINES} == '' ]]; then - compile_line=$line + compile_line=${line} + COMPILE_LINE_USED=false elif [[ ${MACHINES} == -* ]]; then - [[ ${MACHINES} =~ ${MACHINE_ID} ]] || compile_line=$line + [[ ${MACHINES} =~ ${MACHINE_ID} ]] || compile_line=${line}; COMPILE_LINE_USED=false elif [[ ${MACHINES} == +* ]]; then - [[ ${MACHINES} =~ ${MACHINE_ID} ]] && compile_line=$line + [[ ${MACHINES} =~ ${MACHINE_ID} ]] && compile_line=${line}; COMPILE_LINE_USED=false fi + fi - if [[ $line =~ RUN ]]; then - tmp_test=$(echo $line | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') - if [[ $SINGLE_NAME == $tmp_test && $compile_line != '' ]]; then - echo $compile_line >$TESTS_FILE - dep_test=$(echo $line | grep -w $tmp_test | cut -d'|' -f5 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') - if [[ $dep_test != '' ]]; then - dep_line=$(cat rt.conf | grep -w "$dep_test" | grep -v "$tmp_test") - dep_line="${dep_line#"${dep_line%%[![:space:]]*}"}" - echo $dep_line >>$TESTS_FILE + if [[ ${line} =~ RUN ]]; then + to_run_test=false + tmp_test=$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<< "${line}") + tmp_test=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${tmp_test}") + MACHINES=$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<< "${line}") + MACHINES=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${MACHINES}") + if [[ ${MACHINES} == '' ]]; then + to_run_test=true + elif [[ ${MACHINES} == -* ]]; then + [[ ${MACHINES} =~ ${MACHINE_ID} ]] || to_run_test=true + elif [[ ${MACHINES} == +* ]]; then + [[ ${MACHINES} =~ ${MACHINE_ID} ]] && to_run_test=true + fi + if [[ ${to_run_test} == true ]]; then + TEST_IDX=$(set -e; find_match "${tmp_test} ${RT_COMPILER_IN}" "${TEST_WITH_COMPILE[@]}") + + if [[ ${TEST_IDX} != -1 ]]; then + if [[ ${COMPILE_LINE_USED} == false ]]; then + echo -en '\n' >> "${RT_TEMP_CONF}" + echo "${compile_line}" >> "${RT_TEMP_CONF}" + + COMPILE_LINE_USED=true + fi + dep_test=$(grep -w "${tmp_test}" <<< "${line}") + dep_test=$(cut -d'|' -f5 <<< "${dep_test}") + dep_test=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${dep_test}") + + if [[ ${dep_test} != '' ]]; then + find_match_result=$(set -e; find_match "${dep_test} ${RT_COMPILER_IN}" "${TEST_WITH_COMPILE[@]}") + if [[ ${find_match_result} == -1 ]]; then + dep_line=$(grep -w "${dep_test}" rt.conf) + dep_line=$(grep -v "${tmp_test}" <<< "${dep_line}") + dep_line="${dep_line#"${dep_line%%[![:space:]]*}"}" + dep_line=$(tr -d '\n' <<< "${dep_line}") + CORRECT_LINE[1]=$(awk -F'RUN|RUN' '{print $2}' <<< "${dep_line}") + CORRECT_LINE[2]=$(awk -F'RUN|RUN' '{print $3}' <<< "${dep_line}") + + if [[ ${RT_COMPILER_IN} == "intel" ]]; then + echo "RUN ${CORRECT_LINE[1]}" >> "${RT_TEMP_CONF}" + elif [[ ${RT_COMPILER_IN} == "gnu" ]]; then + echo "RUN ${CORRECT_LINE[2]}" >> "${RT_TEMP_CONF}" + fi + fi + fi + echo "${line}" >> "${RT_TEMP_CONF}" fi - echo $line >>$TESTS_FILE - break fi fi - done <'rt.conf' + done < "${TESTS_FILE}" - if [[ ! -f $TESTS_FILE ]]; then - echo "$SINGLE_NAME does not exist or cannot be run on $MACHINE_ID" + if [[ ! -s ${RT_TEMP_CONF} ]]; then + echo "The tests listed/chosen do not exist or cannot be run on ${MACHINE_ID}" exit 1 + else + TESTS_FILE=${RT_TEMP_CONF} + fi +} + +generate_log() { + echo "rt.sh: Generating Regression Testing Log..." + COMPILE_COUNTER=0 + FAILED_COMPILES=() + TEST_COUNTER=0 + FAILED_TESTS=() + SKIPPED_TESTS=() + FAILED_TEST_ID=() + FAILED_COMPILE_LOGS=() + FAILED_TEST_LOGS=() + TEST_CHANGES_LOG="test_changes.list" + TEST_END_TIME="$(date '+%Y%m%d %T')" + GIT_HASHES=$(git rev-parse HEAD) + cat << EOF > "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" +====START OF ${MACHINE_ID^^} REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +${GIT_HASHES} + +Submodule hashes used in testing: +EOF + cd .. + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} != hera ]]; then + git submodule status --recursive >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + else + git submodule status >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + fi + echo; echo >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + cd tests + + cat << EOF >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: ${RTPWD} +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: ${RUNDIR_ROOT} + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +EOF + + [[ -n ${ACCNR} ]] && echo "* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: ${ACCNR}" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ -n ${NEW_BASELINES_FILE} ]] && echo "* (-b) - NEW BASELINES FROM FILE: ${NEW_BASELINES_FILE}" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} == true ]] && echo "* (-c) - CREATE NEW BASELINES" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ ${DEFINE_CONF_FILE} == true ]] && echo "* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: ${TESTS_FILE}" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ ${RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE} == true ]] && echo "* (-m) - COMPARE AGAINST CREATED BASELINES" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ ${RUN_SINGLE_TEST} == true ]] && echo "* (-n) - RUN SINGLE TEST: ${SINGLE_OPTS}" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ ${COMPILE_ONLY} == true ]]&& echo "* (-o) - COMPILE ONLY, SKIP TESTS" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ ${delete_rundir} == true ]] && echo "* (-d) - DELETE RUN DIRECTORY" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ ${skip_check_results} == true ]] && echo "* (-w) - SKIP RESULTS CHECK" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ ${KEEP_RUNDIR} == true ]] && echo "* (-k) - KEEP RUN DIRECTORY" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ ${ROCOTO} == true ]] && echo "* (-r) - USE ROCOTO" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ ${ECFLOW} == true ]] && echo "* (-e) - USE ECFLOW" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ ${RTVERBOSE} == true ]] && echo "* (-v) - VERBOSE OUTPUT" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + + + [[ -f "${TEST_CHANGES_LOG}" ]] && rm "${TEST_CHANGES_LOG}" + touch "${TEST_CHANGES_LOG}" + while read -r line; do + line="${line#"${line%%[![:space:]]*}"}" + [[ -n "${line}" ]] || continue + [[ ${#line} == 0 ]] && continue + [[ ${line} == \#* ]] && continue + local valid_compile=false + local valid_test=false + + if [[ ${line} == COMPILE* ]] ; then + + CMACHINES=$(cut -d'|' -f5 <<< "${line}") + CMACHINES=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${CMACHINES}") + + COMPILER=$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<< "${line}") + COMPILER=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${COMPILER}") + + COMPILE_NAME=$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<< "${line}") + COMPILE_NAME=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${COMPILE_NAME}") + + COMPILE_ID=${COMPILE_NAME}_${COMPILER} + + if [[ ${CMACHINES} == '' ]]; then + valid_compile=true + elif [[ ${CMACHINES} == -* ]]; then + [[ ${CMACHINES} =~ ${MACHINE_ID} ]] || valid_compile=true + elif [[ ${CMACHINES} == +* ]]; then + [[ ${CMACHINES} =~ ${MACHINE_ID} ]] && valid_compile=true + fi + + if [[ ${valid_compile} == true ]]; then + COMPILE_COUNTER=$((COMPILE_COUNTER+1)) + FAIL_LOG="" + COMPILE_RESULT="" + TIME_FILE="" + COMPILE_TIME="" + RT_COMPILE_TIME="" + COMPILE_WARNINGS="" + if [[ ! -f "${LOG_DIR}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}.log" ]]; then + COMPILE_RESULT="FAILED: UNABLE TO START COMPILE" + FAIL_LOG="N/A" + elif [[ -f fail_compile_${COMPILE_ID} ]]; then + COMPILE_RESULT="FAILED: UNABLE TO FINISH COMPILE" + FAIL_LOG="${LOG_DIR}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}.log" + if grep -q "quota" "${LOG_DIR}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}.log"; then + COMPILE_RESULT="FAILED: DISK QUOTA ISSUE" + FAIL_LOG="${LOG_DIR}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}.log" + elif grep -q "TIME LIMIT" "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}/err"; then + COMPILE_RESULT="FAILED: COMPILE TIMED OUT" + FAIL_LOG="${RUNDIR_ROOT}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}/err" + fi + else + COMPILE_RESULT="PASS" + if [[ ${COMPILER} == "intel" ]]; then + COMPILE_NUM_WARNINGS=$(grep -c ": warning #" "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}/err" || true) + COMPILE_NUM_REMARKS=$(grep -c ": remark #" "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}/err" || true) + if [[ ${COMPILE_NUM_WARNINGS} -gt 0 || ${COMPILE_NUM_REMARKS} -gt 0 ]]; then + COMPILE_WARNINGS+=" (" + [[ ${COMPILE_NUM_WARNINGS} -gt 0 ]] && COMPILE_WARNINGS+=" ${COMPILE_NUM_WARNINGS} warnings" + [[ ${COMPILE_NUM_REMARKS} -gt 0 ]] && COMPILE_WARNINGS+=" ${COMPILE_NUM_REMARKS} remarks" + COMPILE_WARNINGS+=" )" + fi + fi + TIME_FILE="${LOG_DIR}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}_timestamp.txt" + if [[ -f "${TIME_FILE}" ]]; then + while read -r times || [[ -n "${times}" ]]; do + times="${times#"${times%%[![:space:]]*}"}" + + DATE1=$(cut -d ',' -f2 <<< "${times}") + DATE2=$(cut -d ',' -f3 <<< "${times}") + DATE3=$(cut -d ',' -f4 <<< "${times}") + DATE4=$(cut -d ',' -f5 <<< "${times}") + + COMPILE_TIME=$(date --date=@$((DATE3 - DATE2)) +'%M:%S') + RT_COMPILE_TIME=$(date --date=@$((DATE4 - DATE1)) +'%M:%S') + + done < "${TIME_FILE}" + + fi + fi + echo >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + echo "${COMPILE_RESULT} -- COMPILE '${COMPILE_ID}' [${RT_COMPILE_TIME}, ${COMPILE_TIME}]${COMPILE_WARNINGS}" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ -n ${FAIL_LOG} ]] && FAILED_COMPILES+=("COMPILE ${COMPILE_ID}: ${COMPILE_RESULT}") + [[ -n ${FAIL_LOG} ]] && FAILED_COMPILE_LOGS+=("${FAIL_LOG}") + fi + + elif [[ ${line} =~ RUN ]]; then + + if [[ ${COMPILE_ONLY} == true ]]; then + continue + fi + + RMACHINES=$(cut -d '|' -f3 <<< "${line}") + RMACHINES=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${RMACHINES}") + TEST_NAME=$(cut -d '|' -f2 <<< "${line}") + TEST_NAME=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${TEST_NAME}") + GEN_BASELINE=$(cut -d '|' -f4 <<< "${line}") + GEN_BASELINE=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${GEN_BASELINE}") + + if [[ ${RMACHINES} == '' ]]; then + valid_test=true + elif [[ ${RMACHINES} == -* ]]; then + [[ ${RMACHINES} =~ ${MACHINE_ID} ]] || valid_test=true + elif [[ ${RMACHINES} == +* ]]; then + [[ ${RMACHINES} =~ ${MACHINE_ID} ]] && valid_test=true + fi + + if [[ ${valid_test} == true ]]; then + TEST_COUNTER=$((TEST_COUNTER+1)) + GETMEMFROMLOG="" + FAIL_LOG="" + TEST_RESULT="" + TIME_FILE="" + TEST_TIME="" + RT_TEST_TIME="" + RT_TEST_MEM="" + if [[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} == true && ${GEN_BASELINE} != "baseline" ]]; then + TEST_RESULT="SKIPPED: TEST DOES NOT GENERATE BASELINE" + SKIPPED_TESTS+=("TEST ${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}: ${TEST_RESULT}") + elif [[ ${COMPILE_RESULT} =~ FAILED ]]; then + TEST_RESULT="SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED" + SKIPPED_TESTS+=("TEST ${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}: ${TEST_RESULT}") + elif [[ ! -f "${LOG_DIR}/run_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}.log" ]]; then + TEST_RESULT="FAILED: UNABLE TO START TEST" + FAIL_LOG="N/A" + elif [[ -f fail_test_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER} ]]; then + if [[ -f "${LOG_DIR}/rt_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}.log" ]]; then + if grep -q "FAIL" "${LOG_DIR}/rt_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}.log"; then + TEST_RESULT="FAILED: UNABLE TO COMPLETE COMPARISON" + FAIL_LOG="${LOG_DIR}/run_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}.log" + # We need to catch a "PASS" in rt_*.log even if a fail_test_* files exists + # I am not sure why this can happen. + elif grep -q "PASS" "${LOG_DIR}/rt_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}.log"; then + TEST_RESULT="PASS" + else + TEST_RESULT="FAILED: UNSUCCESSFUL BASELINE COMPARISON" + FAIL_LOG="${LOG_DIR}/rt_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}.log" + fi + else + TEST_RESULT="FAILED: RUN DID NOT COMPLETE" + FAIL_LOG="${LOG_DIR}/run_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}.log" + fi + if grep -q "quota" "${LOG_DIR}/run_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}.log"; then + TEST_RESULT="FAILED: DISK QUOTA ISSUE" + FAIL_LOG="${LOG_DIR}/run_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}.log" + elif grep -q "TIME LIMIT" "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}/err"; then + TEST_RESULT="FAILED: TEST TIMED OUT" + FAIL_LOG="${RUNDIR_ROOT}/${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}/err" + fi + else + TEST_RESULT="PASS" + fi + if [[ ${TEST_RESULT} == "PASS" ]]; then + TIME_FILE="${LOG_DIR}/run_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}_timestamp.txt" + GETMEMFROMLOG=$(grep "The maximum resident set size" "${LOG_DIR}/rt_${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}.log") + RT_TEST_MEM=$(echo "${GETMEMFROMLOG:9:${#GETMEMFROMLOG}-1}" | tr -dc '0-9') + RT_TEST_MEM=$((RT_TEST_MEM/1000)) + if [[ -f "${TIME_FILE}" ]]; then + while read -r times || [[ -n "${times}" ]]; do + times="${times#"${times%%[![:space:]]*}"}" + + DATE1=$(cut -d ',' -f2 <<< "${times}") + DATE2=$(cut -d ',' -f3 <<< "${times}") + DATE3=$(cut -d ',' -f4 <<< "${times}") + DATE4=$(cut -d ',' -f5 <<< "${times}") + + TEST_TIME=$(date --date=@$((DATE3 - DATE2)) +'%M:%S') + RT_TEST_TIME=$(date --date=@$((DATE4 - DATE1)) +'%M:%S') + + done < "${TIME_FILE}" + fi + fi + + echo "${TEST_RESULT} -- TEST '${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}' [${RT_TEST_TIME}, ${TEST_TIME}](${RT_TEST_MEM} MB)" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + [[ -n ${FAIL_LOG} ]] && FAILED_TESTS+=("TEST ${TEST_NAME}_${COMPILER}: ${TEST_RESULT}") + [[ -n ${FAIL_LOG} ]] && FAILED_TEST_LOGS+=("${FAIL_LOG}") + [[ -n ${FAIL_LOG} ]] && FAILED_TEST_ID+=("${TEST_NAME} ${COMPILER}") + fi + fi + done < "${TESTS_FILE}" + + elapsed_time=$( printf '%02dh:%02dm:%02ds\n' $((SECONDS%86400/3600)) $((SECONDS%3600/60)) $((SECONDS%60)) ) + + cat << EOF >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: ${TEST_START_TIME} +Ending Date/Time: ${TEST_END_TIME} +Total Time: ${elapsed_time} +Compiles Completed: $((COMPILE_COUNTER-${#FAILED_COMPILES[@]}))/${COMPILE_COUNTER} +Tests Completed: $((TEST_COUNTER-${#FAILED_TESTS[@]}-${#SKIPPED_TESTS[@]}))/${TEST_COUNTER} +EOF + # PRINT FAILED COMPILES + if [[ "${#FAILED_COMPILES[@]}" -ne "0" ]]; then + echo "Failed Compiles:" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + for i in "${!FAILED_COMPILES[@]}"; do + echo "* ${FAILED_COMPILES[${i}]}" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + echo "-- LOG: ${FAILED_COMPILE_LOGS[${i}]}" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + done + fi + + # PRINT FAILED TESTS + if [[ "${#FAILED_TESTS[@]}" -ne "0" ]]; then + + echo "Failed Tests:" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + for j in "${!FAILED_TESTS[@]}"; do + echo "* ${FAILED_TESTS[${j}]}" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + echo "-- LOG: ${FAILED_TEST_LOGS[${j}]}" >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + done + + fi + + # WRITE FAILED_TEST_ID LIST TO TEST_CHANGES_LOG + if [[ "${#FAILED_TESTS[@]}" -ne "0" ]]; then + for item in "${FAILED_TEST_ID[@]}"; do + echo "${item}" >> "${TEST_CHANGES_LOG}" + done fi + + if [[ "${#FAILED_COMPILES[@]}" -eq "0" && "${#FAILED_TESTS[@]}" -eq "0" ]]; then + cat << EOF >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + +NOTES: +A file '${TEST_CHANGES_LOG}' was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit '${TEST_CHANGES_LOG}'. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF ${MACHINE_ID^^} REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== +EOF + echo "Performing Cleanup..." + rm -f fv3_*.x fv3_*.exe modules.fv3_* modulefiles/modules.fv3_* keep_tests.tmp + [[ ${KEEP_RUNDIR} == false ]] && rm -rf "${RUNDIR_ROOT}" && rm "${PATHRT}/run_dir" + [[ ${ROCOTO} == true ]] && rm -f "${ROCOTO_XML}" "${ROCOTO_DB}" "${ROCOTO_STATE}" ./*_lock.db + [[ ${TEST_35D} == true ]] && rm -f tests/cpld_bmark*_20* + echo "REGRESSION TEST RESULT: SUCCESS" + else + cat << EOF >> "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" + +NOTES: +A file '${TEST_CHANGES_LOG}' was generated with list of all failed tests. +You can use './rt.sh -c -b test_changes.list' to create baselines for the failed tests. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit '${TEST_CHANGES_LOG}'. + +Result: FAILURE + +====END OF ${MACHINE_ID^^} REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== +EOF + echo "REGRESSION TEST RESULT: FAILURE" + fi + +} + +create_or_run_compile_task() { + cat << EOF > "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}.env" +export COMPILE_ID=${COMPILE_ID} +export MACHINE_ID=${MACHINE_ID} +export RT_COMPILER=${RT_COMPILER} +export PATHRT=${PATHRT} +export PATHTR=${PATHTR} +export SCHEDULER=${SCHEDULER} +export ACCNR=${ACCNR} +export QUEUE=${COMPILE_QUEUE} +export PARTITION=${PARTITION} +export ROCOTO=${ROCOTO} +export ECFLOW=${ECFLOW} +export REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} +export LOG_DIR=${LOG_DIR} +export RTVERBOSE=${RTVERBOSE} +EOF + + if [[ ${ROCOTO} == true ]]; then + rocoto_create_compile_task + elif [[ ${ECFLOW} == true ]]; then + ecflow_create_compile_task + else + echo "rt.sh: Running compile ${COMPILE_ID}" + ./run_compile.sh "${PATHRT}" "${RUNDIR_ROOT}" "${MAKE_OPT}" "${COMPILE_ID}" > "${LOG_DIR}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}.log" 2>&1 + echo "rt.sh: Compile ${COMPILE_ID} completed." + fi + + RT_SUFFIX="" + BL_SUFFIX="" } rt_35d() { -if [[ $TEST_NAME =~ '35d' ]] ; then - local sy=$(echo ${DATE_35D} | cut -c 1-4) - local sm=$(echo ${DATE_35D} | cut -c 5-6) + echo "rt.sh: Running 35day Regression Test..." + local sy + local sm +if [[ ${TEST_NAME} =~ '35d' ]] ; then + sy=$(cut -c 1-4 <<< "${DATE_35D}") + sm=$(cut -c 5-6 <<< "${DATE_35D}") local new_test_name="tests/${TEST_NAME}_${DATE_35D}" - rm -f $new_test_name - cp tests/$TEST_NAME $new_test_name + rm -f "${new_test_name}" + cp tests/"${TEST_NAME}" "${new_test_name}" - sed -i -e "s/\(export SYEAR\)/\1=\"$sy\"/" $new_test_name - sed -i -e "s/\(export SMONTH\)/\1=\"$sm\"/" $new_test_name + sed -i -e "s/\(export SYEAR\)/\1=\"${sy}\"/" "${new_test_name}" + sed -i -e "s/\(export SMONTH\)/\1=\"${sm}\"/" "${new_test_name}" TEST_NAME=${new_test_name#tests/} fi } +handle_error() { + echo "rt.sh: Getting error information..." + local exit_code=$1 + local exit_line=$2 + echo "Exited at line ${exit_line} having code ${exit_code}" + rt_trap +} + rt_trap() { + echo "rt.sh: Exited abnormally, killing workflow and cleaning up" + trap "" SIGINT [[ ${ROCOTO:-false} == true ]] && rocoto_kill [[ ${ECFLOW:-false} == true ]] && ecflow_kill cleanup } cleanup() { - rm -rf ${LOCKDIR} + echo "rt.sh: Cleaning up..." + awk_info=$(awk '{print $2}' < "${LOCKDIR}/PID") + [[ ${awk_info} == "$$" ]] && rm -rf "${LOCKDIR}" [[ ${ECFLOW:-false} == true ]] && ecflow_stop trap 0 + echo "rt.sh: Exiting." exit } trap '{ echo "rt.sh interrupted"; rt_trap ; }' INT trap '{ echo "rt.sh quit"; rt_trap ; }' QUIT trap '{ echo "rt.sh terminated"; rt_trap ; }' TERM -trap '{ echo "rt.sh error on line $LINENO"; cleanup ; }' ERR +trap '{ handle_error $? $LINENO ; }' ERR trap '{ echo "rt.sh finished"; cleanup ; }' EXIT + # PATHRT - Path to regression tests directory -readonly PATHRT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd -P )" -cd ${PATHRT} +PATHRT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd -P )" +readonly PATHRT +cd "${PATHRT}" # PATHTR - Path to nmmb trunk directory -readonly PATHTR=$( cd ${PATHRT}/.. && pwd ) +PATHTR=$( cd "${PATHRT}/.." && pwd ) +readonly PATHTR # make sure only one instance of rt.sh is running readonly LOCKDIR="${PATHRT}"/lock +HOSTNAME_IN=$(hostname) if mkdir "${LOCKDIR}" ; then - echo $(hostname) $$ > "${LOCKDIR}/PID" + echo "${HOSTNAME_IN}" $$ > "${LOCKDIR}/PID" else echo "Only one instance of rt.sh can be running at a time" exit 1 fi -# Default compiler "intel" -export RT_COMPILER=${RT_COMPILER:-intel} - -source detect_machine.sh # Note: this does not set ACCNR. The "if" block below does. +source detect_machine.sh source rt_utils.sh - +# shellcheck disable=SC1091 source module-setup.sh -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = wcoss2.* ]]; then - - #module use /usrx/local/dev/emc_rocoto/modulefiles - #module load ruby/2.5.1 rocoto/1.3.0rc2 - #ROCOTORUN=$(which rocotorun) - #ROCOTOSTAT=$(which rocotostat) - #ROCOTOCOMPLETE=$(which rocotocomplete) - #ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=lsf - - module load ecflow/ - module load gcc/10.3.0 python/3.8.6 - ECFLOW_START=${ECF_ROOT}/scripts/server_check.sh - export ECF_OUTPUTDIR=${PATHRT}/ecf_outputdir - export ECF_COMDIR=${PATHRT}/ecf_comdir - rm -rf ${ECF_OUTPUTDIR} ${ECF_COMDIR} - mkdir -p ${ECF_OUTPUTDIR} - mkdir -p ${ECF_COMDIR} - export colonifnco=":output" # hack - - DISKNM=/lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT - QUEUE=dev - COMPILE_QUEUE=dev - PARTITION= - ACCNR="${ACCNR:-GFS-DEV}" - STMP=/lfs/h2/emc/ptmp - PTMP=/lfs/h2/emc/ptmp - SCHEDULER=pbs - cp fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_wcoss2 fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN - cp fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_wcoss2 fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = acorn.* ]]; then - - module load ecflow/ - module load gcc/10.3.0 python/3.8.6 - ECFLOW_START=${ECF_ROOT}/scripts/server_check.sh - export ECF_OUTPUTDIR=${PATHRT}/ecf_outputdir - export ECF_COMDIR=${PATHRT}/ecf_comdir - rm -rf ${ECF_OUTPUTDIR} ${ECF_COMDIR} - mkdir -p ${ECF_OUTPUTDIR} - mkdir -p ${ECF_COMDIR} - export colonifnco=":output" # hack - - DISKNM=/lfs/h1/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT - QUEUE=dev - COMPILE_QUEUE=dev - PARTITION= - ACCNR="${ACCNR:-GFS-DEV}" - STMP=/lfs/h2/emc/ptmp - PTMP=/lfs/h2/emc/ptmp - SCHEDULER=pbs - cp fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_wcoss2 fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN - cp fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_wcoss2 fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea.* ]]; then - - export PATH=/lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/miniconda3/4.8.3/bin:$PATH - export PYTHONPATH=/lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages - ECFLOW_START=/lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin/ecflow_start.sh - ECF_PORT=$(( $(id -u) + 1500 )) - - DISKNM=/lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/emc.nemspara/RT - QUEUE=normal - COMPILE_QUEUE=normal -# ACCNR="${ACCNR:-cmp}" - PARTITION=c4 - STMP=/lustre/f2/scratch - PTMP=/lustre/f2/scratch - - SCHEDULER=slurm - cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_gaea fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN - cp fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_gaea fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera.* ]]; then - - module load rocoto - ROCOTORUN=$(which rocotorun) - ROCOTOSTAT=$(which rocotostat) - ROCOTOCOMPLETE=$(which rocotocomplete) - ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm - - PYTHONHOME=/scratch1/NCEPDEV/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3_new_20210629 - export PATH=$PYTHONHOME/bin:$PATH - export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONHOME/lib/python3.7/site-packages - - module load ecflow - ECFLOW_START=ecflow_start.sh - - QUEUE=batch - COMPILE_QUEUE=batch - - #ACCNR="${ACCNR:-fv3-cpu} - PARTITION= - dprefix=/scratch1/NCEPDEV - DISKNM=$dprefix/nems/emc.nemspara/RT - STMP=$dprefix/stmp4 - PTMP=$dprefix/stmp2 - - SCHEDULER=slurm - cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_hera fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN - cp fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_hera fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion.* ]]; then - - module load gcc/8.3.0 - - module load contrib rocoto/1.3.1 - ROCOTORUN=$(which rocotorun) - ROCOTOSTAT=$(which rocotostat) - ROCOTOCOMPLETE=$(which rocotocomplete) - export PATH=/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/bin:$PATH - export PYTHONPATH=/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages - ECFLOW_START=/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/soft/miniconda3/bin/ecflow_start.sh - ECF_PORT=$(( $(id -u) + 1500 )) - - QUEUE=batch - COMPILE_QUEUE=batch - PARTITION=orion - dprefix=/work/noaa/stmp/${USER} - DISKNM=/work/noaa/nems/emc.nemspara/RT - STMP=$dprefix/stmp - PTMP=$dprefix/stmp - - SCHEDULER=slurm - cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_orion fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN - cp fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_orion fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet.* ]]; then - - module load rocoto/1.3.2 - ROCOTORUN=$(which rocotorun) - ROCOTOSTAT=$(which rocotostat) - ROCOTOCOMPLETE=$(which rocotocomplete) - ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm - - export PATH=/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/bin:$PATH - export PYTHONPATH=/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages - module load ecflow - ECFLOW_START=/apps/ecflow/5.5.3/bin/ecflow_start.sh - - QUEUE=batch - COMPILE_QUEUE=batch - ACCNR="${ACCNR:-h-nems}" - PARTITION=xjet - DISKNM=/lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/emc.nemspara/RT - dprefix=${dprefix:-/lfs4/HFIP/$ACCNR/$USER} - STMP=${STMP:-$dprefix/RT_BASELINE} - PTMP=${PTMP:-$dprefix/RT_RUNDIRS} - - SCHEDULER=slurm - cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_jet fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN - cp fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_jet fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = s4.* ]]; then - - module load rocoto/1.3.2 - module load ecflow/5.6.0 - module load miniconda/3.8-s4 - ROCOTORUN=$(which rocotorun) - ROCOTOSTAT=$(which rocotostat) - ROCOTOCOMPLETE=$(which rocotocomplete) - ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm - - ECFLOW_START=/opt/ecflow/5.6.0/bin/ecflow_start.sh - ECF_PORT=$(( $(id -u) + 1500 )) - - QUEUE=s4 - COMPILE_QUEUE=s4 - - ACCNR="${ACCNR:-star}" - PARTITION=s4 - dprefix=/data/prod - DISKNM=$dprefix/emc.nemspara/RT - STMP=/scratch/short/users - PTMP=/scratch/users - - SCHEDULER=slurm - cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_s4 fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN - cp fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_s4 fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - - export PATH=/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/bin:$PATH - export PYTHONPATH=/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages - ECFLOW_START=/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin/ecflow_start.sh - ECF_PORT=$(( $(id -u) + 1500 )) - - QUEUE=regular - COMPILE_QUEUE=regular - PARTITION= - dprefix=/glade/scratch - DISKNM=/glade/scratch/epicufsrt/GMTB/ufs-weather-model/RT - STMP=$dprefix - PTMP=$dprefix - SCHEDULER=pbs - cp fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_cheyenne fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN - cp fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_cheyenne fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = stampede.* ]]; then - - export PYTHONPATH= - ECFLOW_START= - QUEUE=skx-normal - COMPILE_QUEUE=skx-dev - PARTITION= - ACCNR="${ACCNR:-TG-EES200015}" - dprefix=$SCRATCH/ufs-weather-model/run - DISKNM=/work2/07736/minsukji/stampede2/ufs-weather-model/RT - STMP=$dprefix - PTMP=$dprefix - SCHEDULER=slurm - MPIEXEC=ibrun - MPIEXECOPTS= - cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_stampede fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN - -elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = expanse.* ]]; then - - export PYTHONPATH= - ECFLOW_START= - QUEUE=compute - COMPILE_QUEUE=shared - PARTITION= - ACCNR="${ACCNR:-TG-EES200015}" - dprefix=/expanse/lustre/scratch/$USER/temp_project/run - DISKNM=/expanse/lustre/scratch/domh/temp_project/RT - STMP=$dprefix - PTMP=$dprefix - SCHEDULER=slurm - cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_expanse fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN - -else - die "Unknown machine ID, please edit detect_machine.sh file" -fi - -# If account is unspecified, assume the machine has a "nems" -# accounting code. -export ACCNR="${ACCNR:-nems}" - -# Display the machine and account using the format detect_machine.sh used: -echo "Machine: " $MACHINE_ID " Account: " $ACCNR - -mkdir -p ${STMP}/${USER} - -NEW_BASELINE=${STMP}/${USER}/FV3_RT/REGRESSION_TEST_${RT_COMPILER^^} - -# Overwrite default RUNDIR_ROOT if environment variable RUNDIR_ROOT is set -RUNDIR_ROOT=${RUNDIR_ROOT:-${PTMP}/${USER}/FV3_RT}/rt_$$ -mkdir -p ${RUNDIR_ROOT} - CREATE_BASELINE=false ROCOTO=false ECFLOW=false KEEP_RUNDIR=false -SINGLE_NAME='' TEST_35D=false export skip_check_results=false export delete_rundir=false +COMPILE_ONLY=false +RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE=false TESTS_FILE='rt.conf' - -while getopts ":cl:mn:dwkreh" opt; do - case $opt in +NEW_BASELINES_FILE='' +DEFINE_CONF_FILE=false +RUN_SINGLE_TEST=false +RTVERBOSE=false +export RTVERBOSE +export STOP_ECFLOW_AT_END=false +ACCNR=${ACCNR:-""} + +while getopts ":a:b:cl:mn:dwkreovh" opt; do + case ${opt} in + a) + ACCNR=${OPTARG} + ;; + b) + NEW_BASELINES_FILE=${OPTARG} + ;; c) CREATE_BASELINE=true ;; l) - TESTS_FILE=$OPTARG + DEFINE_CONF_FILE=true + TESTS_FILE=${OPTARG} + grep -q '[^[:space:]]' < "${TESTS_FILE}" || die "${TESTS_FILE} empty, exiting..." + ;; + o) + COMPILE_ONLY=true ;; m) # redefine RTPWD to point to newly created baseline outputs - RTPWD=${NEW_BASELINE} + RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE=true ;; n) - SINGLE_NAME=$OPTARG - TESTS_FILE='rt.conf.single' - rm -f $TESTS_FILE + RUN_SINGLE_TEST=true + IFS=' ' read -r -a SINGLE_OPTS <<< "${OPTARG}" + + if [[ ${#SINGLE_OPTS[@]} != 2 ]]; then + die 'The -n option needs [testname] AND [compiler] in quotes, i.e. -n "control_p8 intel"' + fi + + SRT_NAME="${SINGLE_OPTS[0]}" + SRT_COMPILER="${SINGLE_OPTS[1]}" + + if [[ "${SRT_COMPILER}" != "intel" ]] && [[ "${SRT_COMPILER}" != "intelllvm" ]] && [[ "${SRT_COMPILER}" != "gnu" ]]; then + die "COMPILER MUST BE 'intel' OR 'intelllvm' OR 'gnu'" + fi ;; d) export delete_rundir=true - awk -F "|" '{print $5}' rt.conf | grep "\S" > keep_tests.tmp + AWK_OUT=$(awk -F "|" '{print $5}' rt.conf) + grep "\S" <<< "${AWK_OUT}" > keep_tests.tmp ;; w) export skip_check_results=true @@ -421,101 +648,439 @@ while getopts ":cl:mn:dwkreh" opt; do ECFLOW=true ROCOTO=false ;; + v) + RTVERBOSE=true + ;; h) usage + die "" ;; \?) usage - die "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" + die "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}" ;; :) usage - die "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." + die "Option -${OPTARG} requires an argument." + ;; + *) + usage + die "Arguments are required." ;; esac done -if [[ $SINGLE_NAME != '' ]]; then - rt_single +#Check to error out if incompatible options are chosen together +[[ ${KEEP_RUNDIR} == true && ${delete_rundir} == true ]] && die "-k and -d options cannot be used at the same time" +[[ ${ECFLOW} == true && ${ROCOTO} == true ]] && die "-r and -e options cannot be used at the same time" +[[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} == true && ${RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE} == true ]] && die "-c and -m options cannot be used at the same time" +#B&N not run together +[[ ${NEW_BASELINES_FILE} != '' && ${RUN_SINGLE_TEST} == true ]] && die "-b and -n options cannot be used at the same time" + +if [[ ${RTVERBOSE} == true ]]; then + set -x fi -if [[ $TESTS_FILE =~ '35d' ]] || [[ $TESTS_FILE =~ 'weekly' ]]; then +if [[ -z "${ACCNR}" ]]; then + echo "Please use -a to set group account to use on HPC" + exit 1 +fi + +# Display the machine and account using the format detect_machine.sh used: +echo "Machine: ${MACHINE_ID}" +echo "Account: ${ACCNR}" + +case ${MACHINE_ID} in + wcoss2|acorn) + echo "rt.sh: Setting up WCOSS2/Acorn" + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load ecflow/ + fi + module load intel/ python/3.8.6 + + DISKNM="/lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT" + QUEUE="dev" + COMPILE_QUEUE="dev" + if [[ "${ROCOTO:-false}" == true ]] ; then + ROCOTO_SCHEDULER="pbs" + fi + PARTITION= + STMP="/lfs/h2/emc/ptmp" + PTMP="/lfs/h2/emc/ptmp" + SCHEDULER="pbs" + ;; + gaea) + echo "rt.sh: Setting up gaea..." + if [[ "${ROCOTO:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module use /ncrc/proj/epic/rocoto/modulefiles + module load rocoto + ROCOTO_SCHEDULER="slurm" + fi + + export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6 + module load PrgEnv-intel/8.5.0 + module load intel-classic/2023.2.0 + module load cray-mpich/8.1.28 + module load python/3.9.12 + module use /ncrc/proj/epic/spack-stack/modulefiles + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load ecflow/5.8.4 + ECF_HOST=$(hostname) + ECF_PORT=$(( $(id -u) + 1500 )) + export ECF_PORT ECF_HOST + fi + + DISKNM=/gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT + QUEUE=normal + COMPILE_QUEUE=normal + PARTITION=c5 + dprefix=${dprefix:-/gpfs/f5/${ACCNR}/scratch/${USER}} + STMP=${STMP:-${dprefix}/RT_BASELINE} + PTMP=${PTMP:-${dprefix}/RT_RUNDIRS} + + SCHEDULER="slurm" + ;; + hera) + echo "rt.sh: Setting up hera..." + if [[ "${ROCOTO:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load rocoto + ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm + fi + + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load ecflow/5.11.4 + fi + + QUEUE="batch" + COMPILE_QUEUE="batch" + + PARTITION= + dprefix="/scratch1/NCEPDEV" + DISKNM="/scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT" + STMP="${dprefix}/stmp4" + PTMP="${dprefix}/stmp2" + + SCHEDULER=slurm + ;; + orion) + echo "rt.sh: Setting up orion..." + + if [[ "${ROCOTO:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load contrib ruby/3.2.3 rocoto/1.3.7 + ROCOTO_SCHEDULER="slurm" + fi + + module use /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/orion/modulefiles + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load ecflow/5.8.4 + ECF_HOST=$(hostname) + ECF_PORT="$(( $(id -u) + 1500 ))" + export ECF_PORT ECF_HOST + fi + + QUEUE="batch" + COMPILE_QUEUE="batch" + PARTITION="orion" + dprefix="/work/noaa/stmp/${USER}" + DISKNM="/work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT" + STMP="${dprefix}/stmp" + PTMP="${dprefix}/stmp" + + SCHEDULER="slurm" + + cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_orion fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN + cp fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_orion fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN + ;; + hercules) + echo "rt.sh: Setting up hercules..." + if [[ "${ROCOTO:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load contrib rocoto + ROCOTO_SCHEDULER="slurm" + fi + + module use /work/noaa/epic/role-epic/spack-stack/hercules/modulefiles + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load ecflow/5.8.4 + ECF_HOST=$(hostname) + ECF_PORT="$(( $(id -u) + 1500 ))" + export ECF_PORT ECF_HOST + fi + + QUEUE="batch" + COMPILE_QUEUE="batch" + PARTITION="hercules" + dprefix="/work2/noaa/stmp/${USER}" + DISKNM="/work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT" + STMP="${dprefix}/stmp" + PTMP="${dprefix}/stmp" + + SCHEDULER="slurm" + cp fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_hercules fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN + cp fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_hercules fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN + ;; + jet) + echo "rt.sh: Setting up jet..." + CurJetOS=$(lsb_release -is) + echo "=======Running on ${CurJetOS}=======" + if [[ ${CurJetOS} == "CentOS" ]]; then + echo "=======Please, move to Rocky8 node fe[5-8]=======" + exit 1 + fi + + if [[ "${ROCOTO:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load rocoto + ROCOTO_SCHEDULER="slurm" + fi + + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load ecflow/5.11.4 + fi + module use /contrib/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/unified-env-rocky8/install/modulefiles/Core + module load stack-intel/2021.5.0 + module load stack-python/3.10.13 + + QUEUE="batch" + COMPILE_QUEUE="batch" + PARTITION="xjet" + DISKNM="/lfs5/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT" + dprefix="${dprefix:-/lfs5/HFIP/${ACCNR}/${USER}}" + STMP="${STMP:-${dprefix}/RT_BASELINE}" + PTMP="${PTMP:-${dprefix}/RT_RUNDIRS}" + + SCHEDULER="slurm" + ;; + s4) + echo "rt.sh: Setting up s4..." + if [[ "${ROCOTO:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load rocoto/1.3.2 + ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm + fi + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load ecflow/5.6.0 + fi + module load miniconda/3.8-s4 + + module use /data/prod/jedi/spack-stack/modulefiles + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load ecflow/5.8.4 + ECF_HOST=$(hostname) + ECF_PORT="$(( $(id -u) + 1500 ))" + export ECF_PORT ECF_HOST + fi + + QUEUE="s4" + COMPILE_QUEUE="s4" + + PARTITION="s4" + dprefix="/data/prod" + DISKNM="${dprefix}/emc.nemspara/RT" + STMP="/scratch/short/users" + PTMP="/scratch/users" + + SCHEDULER="slurm" + ;; + derecho) + echo "rt.sh: Setting up derecho..." + if [[ "${ROCOTO:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module use /glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/derecho/rocoto/modulefiles + module load rocoto + fi + module use /glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/spack-stack/derecho/modulefiles + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load ecflow/5.8.4 + fi + module unload ncarcompilers + module use /glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/spack-stack/derecho/spack-stack-1.5.1/envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles/Core + module load stack-intel/2021.10.0 + module load stack-python/3.10.8 + # export PYTHONPATH=/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/glade/p/ral/jntp/tools/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + ECF_HOST=$(hostname) + ECF_PORT=$(( $(id -u) + 1500 )) + export ECF_PORT ECF_HOST + fi + + QUEUE="main" + COMPILE_QUEUE="main" + PARTITION= + dprefix="/glade/derecho/scratch" + DISKNM="/glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/" + STMP="${dprefix}" + PTMP="${dprefix}" + SCHEDULER="pbs" + cp fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_derecho fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN + cp fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_derecho fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN + + + if [[ "${ROCOTO:-false}" == true ]] ; then + ROCOTO_SCHEDULER="pbspro" + fi + ;; + stampede) + echo "rt.sh: Setting up stampede..." + export PYTHONPATH= + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + ECFLOW_START= + fi + QUEUE=skx-normal + COMPILE_QUEUE=skx-dev + PARTITION= + dprefix="${SCRATCH}/ufs-weather-model/run" + DISKNM="/work2/07736/minsukji/stampede2/ufs-weather-model/RT" + STMP="${dprefix}" + PTMP="${dprefix}" + SCHEDULER="slurm" + export MPIEXEC="ibrun" + export MPIEXECOPTS= + ;; + expanse) + echo "rt.sh: Setting up expanse..." + export PYTHONPATH= + + if [[ "${ECFLOW:-false}" == true ]] ; then + export ECFLOW_START= + fi + QUEUE="compute" + COMPILE_QUEUE="shared" + PARTITION= + dprefix="/expanse/lustre/scratch/${USER}/temp_project/run" + DISKNM="/expanse/lustre/scratch/domh/temp_project/RT" + STMP="${dprefix}" + PTMP="${dprefix}" + SCHEDULER="slurm" + ;; + noaacloud) + echo "rt.sh: Setting up noaacloud..." + export PATH="/contrib/EPIC/bin:${PATH}" + module use /apps/modules/modulefiles + + if [[ "${ROCOTO:-false}" == true ]] ; then + module load rocoto/1.3.7 + ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm + fi + + QUEUE="batch" + COMPILE_QUEUE="batch" + PARTITION= + dprefix="/lustre/" + DISKNM="/contrib/ufs-weather-model/RT" + STMP="${dprefix}/stmp4" + PTMP="${dprefix}/stmp2" + SCHEDULER="slurm" + ;; + *) + die "Unknown machine ID, please edit detect_machine.sh file" + ;; +esac + +mkdir -p "${STMP}/${USER}" + +NEW_BASELINE=${STMP}/${USER}/FV3_RT/REGRESSION_TEST + +# Overwrite default RUNDIR_ROOT if environment variable RUNDIR_ROOT is set +RUNDIR_ROOT=${RUNDIR_ROOT:-${PTMP}/${USER}/FV3_RT}/rt_$$ +mkdir -p "${RUNDIR_ROOT}" +rm -rf "${PATHRT}/run_dir" +echo "Linking ${RUNDIR_ROOT} to ${PATHRT}/run_dir" +ln -s "${RUNDIR_ROOT}" "${PATHRT}/run_dir" +echo "Run regression test in: ${RUNDIR_ROOT}" + +# BEFORE MOVING ANY FURTHER LETS CHECK THAT DISKNM/STMP/PTMP ALL EXIST +[[ -d ${DISKNM} ]] || die "ERROR: DISKNM: ${DISKNM} -- DOES NOT EXIST" +[[ -d ${STMP} ]] || die "ERROR: STMP: ${STMP} -- DOES NOT EXIST" +[[ -d ${PTMP} ]] || die "ERROR: PTMP: ${PTMP} -- DOES NOT EXIST" + +update_rtconf + +if [[ ${TESTS_FILE} =~ '35d' ]] || [[ ${TESTS_FILE} =~ 'weekly' ]]; then TEST_35D=true fi -BL_DATE=20221130 +source bl_date.conf -RTPWD=${RTPWD:-$DISKNM/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-${BL_DATE}/${RT_COMPILER^^}} +if [[ "${RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE}" == true ]] ; then + RTPWD=${NEW_BASELINE} +else + RTPWD=${RTPWD:-${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-${BL_DATE}} +fi + +if [[ "${CREATE_BASELINE}" == false ]] ; then + EMPTY_CHECK=$(find "${RTPWD}/" -type d -prune -empty) + if [[ ! -d "${RTPWD}" ]] ; then + echo "Baseline directory does not exist:" + echo " ${RTPWD}" + exit 1 + elif [[ -n ${EMPTY_CHECK} ]] ; then + echo "Baseline directory is empty:" + echo " ${RTPWD}" + exit 1 + fi +fi -INPUTDATA_ROOT=${INPUTDATA_ROOT:-$DISKNM/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20221101} -INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3=${INPUTDATA_ROOT}/WW3_input_data_20220624 -INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC=${INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC:-$DISKNM/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207} +INPUTDATA_ROOT=${INPUTDATA_ROOT:-${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501} +INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3=${INPUTDATA_ROOT}/WW3_input_data_20240214 +INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC=${INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC:-${DISKNM}/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207} +INPUTDATA_LM4=${INPUTDATA_LM4:-${INPUTDATA_ROOT}/LM4_input_data} shift $((OPTIND-1)) -[[ $# -gt 1 ]] && usage +if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then + usage + die "" +fi -if [[ $CREATE_BASELINE == true ]]; then - # - # prepare new regression test directory - # +if [[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} == true ]]; then + # PREPARE NEW REGRESSION TEST DIRECTORY + echo "rt.sh: Preparing RT Directory..." rm -rf "${NEW_BASELINE}" mkdir -p "${NEW_BASELINE}" + fi -if [[ $skip_check_results == true ]]; then - REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=${PATHRT}/RegressionTests_weekly_$MACHINE_ID.log +if [[ ${skip_check_results} == true ]]; then + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=${PATHRT}/logs/RegressionTests_weekly_${MACHINE_ID}.log else - REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=${PATHRT}/RegressionTests_$MACHINE_ID.log + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=${PATHRT}/logs/RegressionTests_${MACHINE_ID}.log fi +rm -f "${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG}" -date > ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} -echo "Start Regression test" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} -echo >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} +TEST_START_TIME="$(date '+%Y%m%d %T')" +export TEST_START_TIME source default_vars.sh -JOB_NR=0 -TEST_NR=0 -COMPILE_NR=0 +COMPILE_COUNTER=0 rm -f fail_test* fail_compile* -export LOG_DIR=${PATHRT}/log_$MACHINE_ID -rm -rf ${LOG_DIR} -mkdir ${LOG_DIR} +LOG_DIR=${PATHRT}/logs/log_${MACHINE_ID} +export LOG_DIR -if [[ $ROCOTO == true ]]; then +rm -rf "${LOG_DIR}" +mkdir -p "${LOG_DIR}" + +if [[ ${ROCOTO} == true ]]; then + + echo "rt.sh: Verifying ROCOTO support..." + + case ${MACHINE_ID} in + wcoss2|acorn|expanse|stampede) + die "Rocoto not supported on this machine, please do not use '-r'." + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + + ROCOTORUN="$(command -v rocotorun)" + ROCOTOSTAT="$(command -v rocotostat)" + ROCOTOCOMPLETE="$(command -v rocotocomplete)" + export ROCOTOCOMPLETE ROCOTOSTAT ROCOTORUN ROCOTO_XML=${PATHRT}/rocoto_workflow.xml ROCOTO_STATE=${PATHRT}/rocoto_workflow.state ROCOTO_DB=${PATHRT}/rocoto_workflow.db - rm -f $ROCOTO_XML $ROCOTO_DB $ROCOTO_STATE *_lock.db - - if [[ $MACHINE_ID = wcoss2.* || $MACHINE_ID = acorn.* ]]; then - QUEUE=dev - COMPILE_QUEUE=dev - ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=pbs - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera.* ]]; then - QUEUE=batch - COMPILE_QUEUE=batch - ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion.* ]]; then - QUEUE=batch - COMPILE_QUEUE=batch - ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = s4.* ]]; then - QUEUE=s4 - COMPILE_QUEUE=s4 - ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet.* ]]; then - QUEUE=batch - COMPILE_QUEUE=batch - ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm - else - die "Rocoto is not supported on this machine $MACHINE_ID" - fi + rm -f "${ROCOTO_XML}" "${ROCOTO_DB}" "${ROCOTO_STATE}" ./*_lock.db - cat << EOF > $ROCOTO_XML + cat << EOF > "${ROCOTO_XML}" ]> - + 197001010000 197001010000 01:00:00 &LOG;/workflow.log EOF fi -if [[ $ECFLOW == true ]]; then +if [[ ${ECFLOW} == true ]]; then + echo "Verifying ECFLOW support..." + case ${MACHINE_ID} in + expanse|stampede|noaacloud) + die "ECFLOW not supported on this machine, please do not use '-e'." + ;; + *) + ECFLOW_START="$(command -v ecflow_start.sh)" + ;; + esac + export ECFLOW_START + #export ECF_OUTPUTDIR="${PATHRT}/ecf_outputdir" + #export ECF_COMDIR="${PATHRT}/ecf_comdir" + #rm -rf "${ECF_OUTPUTDIR}" "${ECF_COMDIR}" + #mkdir -p "${ECF_OUTPUTDIR}" + #mkdir -p "${ECF_COMDIR}" # Default maximum number of compile and run jobs - MAX_BUILDS=10 - MAX_JOBS=30 - - # Default number of tries to run jobs - on wcoss, no error tolerance - ECF_TRIES=2 - if [[ $MACHINE_ID = wcoss* ]]; then - ECF_TRIES=1 - fi + MAX_BUILDS=10 #Max build jobs + MAX_JOBS=30 #Max test/run jobs + ECF_TRIES=2 #Tries before failure - # Reduce maximum number of compile jobs on jet.intel and s4.intel because of licensing issues - if [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet.intel ]]; then + # Reduce maximum number of compile jobs on jet and s4 because of licensing issues + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = jet ]]; then MAX_BUILDS=5 - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = s4.intel ]]; then + elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = s4 ]]; then MAX_BUILDS=1 fi - if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera.* ]] && [[ ! $HOSTNAME = hecflow* ]]; then - echo "ERROR: To use ECFlow on Hera we must be logged into 'hecflow01' login node." - exit 1 - fi - ECFLOW_RUN=${PATHRT}/ecflow_run ECFLOW_SUITE=regtest_$$ - rm -rf ${ECFLOW_RUN} - mkdir -p ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE} - cp head.h tail.h ${ECFLOW_RUN} - cat << EOF > ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def + rm -rf "${ECFLOW_RUN}" + mkdir -p "${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}" + cp head.h tail.h "${ECFLOW_RUN}" + cat << EOF > "${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def" suite ${ECFLOW_SUITE} edit ECF_HOME '${ECFLOW_RUN}' edit ECF_INCLUDE '${ECFLOW_RUN}' @@ -577,31 +1147,6 @@ suite ${ECFLOW_SUITE} limit max_jobs ${MAX_JOBS} EOF - if [[ $MACHINE_ID = wcoss2.* || $MACHINE_ID = acorn.* ]]; then - QUEUE=dev - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera.* ]]; then - QUEUE=batch - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion.* ]]; then - QUEUE=batch - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet.* ]]; then - QUEUE=batch - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = s4.* ]]; then - QUEUE=s4 - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea.* ]]; then - QUEUE=normal - elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - QUEUE=regular - else - die "ecFlow is not supported on this machine $MACHINE_ID" - fi - -else - - if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera.* ]] && [[ $HOSTNAME = hecflow* ]]; then - echo "ERROR: To run without using ECFlow on Hera, please do not use ecflow node." - exit 1 - fi - fi ## @@ -612,23 +1157,42 @@ fi new_compile=false in_metatask=false -[[ -f $TESTS_FILE ]] || die "$TESTS_FILE does not exist" +[[ -f ${TESTS_FILE} ]] || die "${TESTS_FILE} does not exist" + +declare -A compiles -while read -r line || [ "$line" ]; do +while read -r line || [[ -n "${line}" ]]; do line="${line#"${line%%[![:space:]]*}"}" [[ ${#line} == 0 ]] && continue - [[ $line == \#* ]] && continue + [[ ${line} == \#* ]] && continue + + if [[ ${line} == COMPILE* ]]; then + + COMPILE_NAME=$(cut -d '|' -f2 <<< "${line}") + COMPILE_NAME=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${COMPILE_NAME}") - JOB_NR=$( printf '%03d' $(( 10#$JOB_NR + 1 )) ) + RT_COMPILER=$(cut -d '|' -f3 <<< "${line}") + RT_COMPILER=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${RT_COMPILER}") - if [[ $line == COMPILE* ]] ; then + MAKE_OPT=$(cut -d '|' -f4 <<< "${line}") + MAKE_OPT=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${MAKE_OPT}") - MAKE_OPT=$(echo $line | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') - MACHINES=$(echo $line | cut -d'|' -f3 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') - CB=$( echo $line | cut -d'|' -f4) + MACHINES=$(cut -d '|' -f5 <<< "${line}") + MACHINES=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${MACHINES}") + + CB=$(cut -d '|' -f6 <<< "${line}") + COMPILE_ID=${COMPILE_NAME}_${RT_COMPILER} + + set +u + if [[ -n ${compiles[${COMPILE_ID}]} ]] ; then + echo "Error! Duplicated compilation ${COMPILE_NAME} for compiler ${RT_COMPILER}!" + exit 1 + fi + set -u + compiles[${COMPILE_ID}]=${COMPILE_ID} - [[ $CREATE_BASELINE == true && $CB != *fv3* ]] && continue + [[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} == true && ${CB} != *fv3* ]] && continue if [[ ${MACHINES} != '' ]]; then if [[ ${MACHINES} == -* ]]; then @@ -641,48 +1205,35 @@ while read -r line || [ "$line" ]; do fi fi - export COMPILE_NR=$( printf '%03d' $(( 10#$COMPILE_NR + 1 )) ) - - cat << EOF > ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/compile_${COMPILE_NR}.env - export JOB_NR=${JOB_NR} - export COMPILE_NR=${COMPILE_NR} - export MACHINE_ID=${MACHINE_ID} - export RT_COMPILER=${RT_COMPILER} - export PATHRT=${PATHRT} - export PATHTR=${PATHTR} - export SCHEDULER=${SCHEDULER} - export ACCNR=${ACCNR} - export QUEUE=${COMPILE_QUEUE} - export PARTITION=${PARTITION} - export ROCOTO=${ROCOTO} - export ECFLOW=${ECFLOW} - export REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - export LOG_DIR=${LOG_DIR} -EOF + create_or_run_compile_task + continue - if [[ $ROCOTO == true ]]; then - rocoto_create_compile_task - elif [[ $ECFLOW == true ]]; then - ecflow_create_compile_task - else - ./run_compile.sh ${PATHRT} ${RUNDIR_ROOT} "${MAKE_OPT}" ${COMPILE_NR} > ${LOG_DIR}/compile_${COMPILE_NR}.log 2>&1 - fi + elif [[ ${line} == RUN* ]]; then - RT_SUFFIX="" - BL_SUFFIX="" + [[ ${COMPILE_ONLY} == true ]] && continue - continue + TEST_NAME=$(cut -d'|' -f2 <<< "${line}") + TEST_NAME=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${TEST_NAME}") + + MACHINES=$(cut -d'|' -f3 <<< "${line}") + MACHINES=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${MACHINES}") + + CB=$(cut -d'|' -f4 <<< "${line}") + + DEP_RUN=$(cut -d'|' -f5 <<< "${line}") + DEP_RUN=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${DEP_RUN}") - elif [[ $line == RUN* ]] ; then + DATE_35D=$(cut -d'|' -f6 <<< "${line}") + DATE_35D=$(sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' <<< "${DATE_35D}") - TEST_NAME=$(echo $line | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') - MACHINES=$( echo $line | cut -d'|' -f3 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') - CB=$( echo $line | cut -d'|' -f4) - DEP_RUN=$( echo $line | cut -d'|' -f5 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') - DATE_35D=$( echo $line | cut -d'|' -f6 | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') + if [[ ${DEP_RUN} != '' ]]; then + DEP_RUN=${DEP_RUN}_${RT_COMPILER} + fi + + export TEST_ID=${TEST_NAME}_${RT_COMPILER} - [[ -e "tests/$TEST_NAME" ]] || die "run test file tests/$TEST_NAME does not exist" - [[ $CREATE_BASELINE == true && $CB != *fv3* ]] && continue + [[ -e "tests/${TEST_NAME}" ]] || die "run test file tests/${TEST_NAME} does not exist" + [[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} == true && ${CB} != *baseline* ]] && continue if [[ ${MACHINES} != '' ]]; then if [[ ${MACHINES} == -* ]]; then @@ -695,25 +1246,25 @@ EOF fi fi + COMPILE_METATASK_NAME=${COMPILE_ID} + # 35 day tests - [[ $TEST_35D == true ]] && rt_35d + [[ ${TEST_35D} == true ]] && rt_35d # Avoid uninitialized RT_SUFFIX/BL_SUFFIX (see definition above) RT_SUFFIX=${RT_SUFFIX:-""} BL_SUFFIX=${BL_SUFFIX:-""} - if [[ $ROCOTO == true && $new_compile == true ]]; then + if [[ ${ROCOTO} == true && ${new_compile} == true ]]; then new_compile=false in_metatask=true - cat << EOF >> $ROCOTO_XML - 0 + cat << EOF >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" + 0 EOF fi - TEST_NR=$( printf '%03d' $(( 10#$TEST_NR + 1 )) ) - ( - source ${PATHRT}/tests/$TEST_NAME + source "${PATHRT}/tests/${TEST_NAME}" compute_petbounds_and_tasks @@ -723,110 +1274,91 @@ EOF NODES=$(( NODES + 1 )) fi - cat << EOF > ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/run_test_${TEST_NR}.env - export JOB_NR=${JOB_NR} - export MACHINE_ID=${MACHINE_ID} - export RT_COMPILER=${RT_COMPILER} - export RTPWD=${RTPWD} - export INPUTDATA_ROOT=${INPUTDATA_ROOT} - export INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3=${INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3} - export INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC=${INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC} - export PATHRT=${PATHRT} - export PATHTR=${PATHTR} - export NEW_BASELINE=${NEW_BASELINE} - export CREATE_BASELINE=${CREATE_BASELINE} - export RT_SUFFIX=${RT_SUFFIX} - export BL_SUFFIX=${BL_SUFFIX} - export SCHEDULER=${SCHEDULER} - export ACCNR=${ACCNR} - export QUEUE=${QUEUE} - export PARTITION=${PARTITION} - export ROCOTO=${ROCOTO} - export ECFLOW=${ECFLOW} - export REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - export LOG_DIR=${LOG_DIR} - export DEP_RUN=${DEP_RUN} - export skip_check_results=${skip_check_results} - export delete_rundir=${delete_rundir} + PPN=$(( TASKS / NODES )) + if (( TASKS - ( PPN * NODES ) > 0 )); then + PPN=$((PPN + 1)) + fi + + cat << EOF > "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/run_test_${TEST_ID}.env" +export TEST_ID=${TEST_ID} +export MACHINE_ID=${MACHINE_ID} +export RT_COMPILER=${RT_COMPILER} +export RTPWD=${RTPWD} +export INPUTDATA_ROOT=${INPUTDATA_ROOT} +export INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3=${INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3} +export INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC=${INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC} +export INPUTDATA_LM4=${INPUTDATA_LM4} +export PATHRT=${PATHRT} +export PATHTR=${PATHTR} +export NEW_BASELINE=${NEW_BASELINE} +export CREATE_BASELINE=${CREATE_BASELINE} +export RT_SUFFIX=${RT_SUFFIX} +export BL_SUFFIX=${BL_SUFFIX} +export SCHEDULER=${SCHEDULER} +export ACCNR=${ACCNR} +export QUEUE=${QUEUE} +export PARTITION=${PARTITION} +export ROCOTO=${ROCOTO} +export ECFLOW=${ECFLOW} +export REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} +export LOG_DIR=${LOG_DIR} +export DEP_RUN=${DEP_RUN} +export skip_check_results=${skip_check_results} +export RTVERBOSE=${RTVERBOSE} +export delete_rundir=${delete_rundir} +export WLCLK=${WLCLK} EOF - if [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet.* ]]; then - cat << EOF >> ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/run_test_${TEST_NR}.env - export PATH=/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/bin:$PATH - export PYTHONPATH=/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} = jet ]]; then + cat << EOF >> "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/run_test_${TEST_ID}.env" +export PATH=/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/bin:${PATH} +export PYTHONPATH=/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/contrib/spack-stack/miniconda3/23.11.0/lib/python3.8/site-packages EOF fi - if [[ $ROCOTO == true ]]; then + if [[ ${ROCOTO} == true ]]; then rocoto_create_run_task - elif [[ $ECFLOW == true ]]; then + elif [[ ${ECFLOW} == true ]]; then ecflow_create_run_task else - ./run_test.sh ${PATHRT} ${RUNDIR_ROOT} ${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_NR} ${COMPILE_NR} > ${LOG_DIR}/run_${TEST_NAME}${RT_SUFFIX}.log 2>&1 + echo "rt.sh: Running test ${TEST_ID} using compile ${COMPILE_ID}" + ./run_test.sh "${PATHRT}" "${RUNDIR_ROOT}" "${TEST_NAME}" "${TEST_ID}" "${COMPILE_ID}" > "${LOG_DIR}/run_${TEST_ID}${RT_SUFFIX}.log" 2>&1 + echo "rt.sh: Run with test ${TEST_ID} completed." fi ) - continue else - die "Unknown command $line" + die "Unknown command ${line}" fi -done < $TESTS_FILE +done < "${TESTS_FILE}" ## ## run regression test workflow (currently Rocoto or ecFlow are supported) ## -if [[ $ROCOTO == true ]]; then - if [[ $in_metatask == true ]]; then - echo " " >> $ROCOTO_XML +if [[ ${ROCOTO} == true ]]; then + if [[ ${in_metatask} == true ]]; then + echo " " >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" fi - echo "" >> $ROCOTO_XML + echo "" >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" # run rocoto workflow until done rocoto_run fi -if [[ $ECFLOW == true ]]; then - echo "endsuite" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def +if [[ ${ECFLOW} == true ]]; then + echo "endsuite" >> "${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def" # run ecflow workflow until done ecflow_run fi -## -## regression test is either failed or successful -## -set +e -cat ${LOG_DIR}/compile_*_time.log >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} -cat ${LOG_DIR}/rt_*.log >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - -FILES="fail_test_* fail_compile_*" -for f in $FILES; do - if [[ -f "$f" ]]; then - cat "$f" >> fail_test - fi -done - -if [[ -e fail_test ]]; then - echo "FAILED TESTS: " - echo "FAILED TESTS: " >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - while read -r failed_test_name - do - echo "Test ${failed_test_name} failed " - echo "Test ${failed_test_name} failed " >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - done < fail_test - echo ; echo REGRESSION TEST FAILED - (echo ; echo REGRESSION TEST FAILED) >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} -else - echo ; echo REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL - (echo ; echo REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL) >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - - rm -f fv3_*.x fv3_*.exe modules.fv3_* keep_tests.tmp - [[ ${KEEP_RUNDIR} == false ]] && rm -rf ${RUNDIR_ROOT} - [[ ${ROCOTO} == true ]] && rm -f ${ROCOTO_XML} ${ROCOTO_DB} ${ROCOTO_STATE} *_lock.db - [[ ${TEST_35D} == true ]] && rm -f tests/cpld_bmark*_20* - [[ ${SINGLE_NAME} != '' ]] && rm -f rt.conf.single +# IF -c AND -b; LINK VERIFIED BASELINES TO NEW_BASELINE +if [[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} == true && ${NEW_BASELINES_FILE} != '' ]]; then + for dir in "${RTPWD}"/*/; do + dir=${dir%*/} + [[ -d "${NEW_BASELINE}/${dir##*/}" ]] && continue + ln -s "${dir%*/}" "${NEW_BASELINE}/" + done fi -date >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - -elapsed_time=$( printf '%02dh:%02dm:%02ds\n' $((SECONDS%86400/3600)) $((SECONDS%3600/60)) $((SECONDS%60)) ) -echo "Elapsed time: ${elapsed_time}. Have a nice day!" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} -echo "Elapsed time: ${elapsed_time}. Have a nice day!" +## Lets verify all tests were run and that they passed +generate_log +echo "******Regression Testing Script Completed******" diff --git a/tests/rt_35d.conf b/tests/rt_35d.conf index d8e500daea..a11da9f51b 100644 --- a/tests/rt_35d.conf +++ b/tests/rt_35d.conf @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ # CPLD Benchmark 35d tests # ############################################################################################################################################################################### -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | + hera.intel | fv3 | | -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | fv3 | | 2012010100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | fv3 | | 2012040100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | fv3 | | 2012070100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | fv3 | | 2012100100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | fv3 | | 2013010100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | fv3 | | 2013040100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | fv3 | | 2013070100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | fv3 | | 2013100100 +COMPILE | 1 | intel | -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | + hera | fv3 | | +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | baseline | | 2012010100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | baseline | | 2012040100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | baseline | | 2012070100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | baseline | | 2012100100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | baseline | | 2013010100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | baseline | | 2013040100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | baseline | | 2013070100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | | baseline | | 2013100100 diff --git a/tests/rt_gnu.conf b/tests/rt_gnu.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 1d637e934a..0000000000 --- a/tests/rt_gnu.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -################################################################################################################################################################## -# CCPP PROD tests # -################################################################################################################################################################## - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8 | | fv3 | - -RUN | control | | fv3 | -RUN | control_restart | | | control -RUN | control_c48 | | fv3 | -RUN | control_stochy | | fv3 | -RUN | control_ras | | fv3 | -RUN | control_p8 | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_smoke,FV3_RRFS_v1beta -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | - -RUN | rap_control | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_decomp | | | -RUN | rap_2threads | | | -RUN | rap_restart | | | rap_control -RUN | rap_sfcdiff | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_sfcdiff_decomp | | | -RUN | rap_sfcdiff_restart | | | rap_sfcdiff -RUN | hrrr_control | | fv3 | -RUN | hrrr_control_2threads | | | -RUN | hrrr_control_decomp | | | -RUN | hrrr_control_restart | | | hrrr_control -RUN | rrfs_v1beta | | fv3 | - -RUN | rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm | | fv3 | -RUN | rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm | | fv3 | - -RUN | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm | | fv3 | -RUN | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads | | | - -# These two are known to not match the control: -#RUN | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_decomp | | | -#RUN | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_restart | | | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm - -################################################################################################################################################################## -# CCPP DEBUG tests # -################################################################################################################################################################## - -# Exercise compilation without specifying suites (i.e. compile all suites) in DEBUG mode (faster than in PROD mode) -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | control_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_diag_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | regional_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_control_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | hrrr_control_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_diag_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_progcld_thompson_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rrfs_v1beta_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_ras_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_stochy_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | control_debug_p8 | | fv3 | - -RUN | rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug | | fv3 | -RUN | rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | control_wam_debug | | fv3 | - - -################################################################################################################################################################## -# 32-bit physics tests # -################################################################################################################################################################## - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_control_dyn32_phy32 | | fv3 | -RUN | hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 | | | -RUN | hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 | | | -RUN | hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 | | | -RUN | rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 | | | rap_control_dyn32_phy32 -RUN | hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 | | | hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_control_dyn64_phy32 | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 | | fv3 | -RUN | hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | | fv3 | -RUN | rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug | | fv3 | - -################################################################################################################################################################## -# S2S tests # -################################################################################################################################################################## - -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp | | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_control_p8 | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp | | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 | | fv3 | - -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsstnoahmp_ugwp | | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_debug_p8 | | fv3 | - -################################################################################################################################################################## -# CDEPS Data Atmosphere test # -################################################################################################################################################################## - -COMPILE | -DAPP=NG-GODAS | | fv3 | -RUN | datm_cdeps_control_cfsr | | fv3 | diff --git a/tests/rt_intelllvm.conf b/tests/rt_intelllvm.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c22ae38008 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/rt_intelllvm.conf @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +### RT.CONF FORMATTING ### +# COMPILE Line ( Items separated by a | ) +# Item 1: COMPILE - This tells rt.conf the following information is to be used in setting up a compile job +# Item 2: Compile name - The rt.sh will add _gnu or _intel to it. There must be no duplicate names for each compiler. +# If two compilations are identical except compiler, please use the same name for each. +# Item 3: Compiler to use in build (intel or gnu) +# Item 4: CMAKE Options - Provide all CMAKE options for the build +# Item 5: Machines to run on (- is used to ignore specified machines, + is used to only run on specified machines) +## -> EX: + hera orion gaea = compile will only run on hera orion and gaea machines +## -> EX: - wcoss2 acorn = compile will NOT be run on wcoss2 or acorn +# Item 6: [set as fv3]. Used to control the compile job only if FV3 was present, previously used to run a test w/o compiling code +# +# RUN Line ( Items separated by a | ) +## NOTE: The build resulting from the COMPILE line above the RUN line will be used to run the test +# Item 1: RUN - This tells rt.conf the following information is to be used in setting up a model run +# Item 2: Test name. (Which test in the tests/tests directory should be sourced) +# Item 3: Machines to run on (- is used to ignore specified machines, + is used to only run on specified machines). +## reference example above +# Item 4: Controls whether the run creates its own baseline or it uses the baseline from a different (control) test. +# Item 5: Test name to compare baselines with if not itself. + +### IntelLLVM Tests ### +### S2S tests ### +COMPILE | s2swa_32bit | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_p8_mixedmode | - noaacloud | baseline | + +#GFS +COMPILE | s2swa_32bit_pdlib | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_gfsv17 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_control_gfsv17_iau | - noaacloud | baseline | cpld_control_gfsv17 +RUN | cpld_restart_gfsv17 | - noaacloud | | cpld_control_gfsv17 +RUN | cpld_mpi_gfsv17 | - noaacloud | | + +#SFS +COMPILE | s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DHYDRO=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_sfs | - noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - noaacloud jet | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_debug_gfsv17 | - noaacloud jet | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2swa | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_restart_p8 | - noaacloud | | cpld_control_p8 +RUN | cpld_control_qr_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | cpld_restart_qr_p8 | - noaacloud | | cpld_control_qr_p8 +RUN | cpld_2threads_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | cpld_decomp_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | cpld_mpi_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | cpld_control_ciceC_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_control_c192_p8 | - wcoss2 jet acorn s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_restart_c192_p8 | - wcoss2 jet acorn s4 noaacloud | | cpld_control_c192_p8 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8 | - s4 jet acorn noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_restart_bmark_p8 | - s4 jet acorn noaacloud | | cpld_bmark_p8 + +# Aerosol, no Wave +RUN | cpld_s2sa_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2sw | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_noaero_p8 | | baseline | +RUN | cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2swa_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | - wcoss2 noaacloud acorn | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_debug_p8 | - wcoss2 acorn noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2sw_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SW -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | - wcoss2 noaacloud acorn | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_debug_noaero_p8 | - wcoss2 acorn noaacloud | baseline | + +# Waves and aerosol off for computing fluxes in mediator +COMPILE | s2s_aoflux | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid | | baseline | + +COMPILE | s2s | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 | | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_c48 | | baseline | +RUN | cpld_warmstart_c48 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_restart_c48 | - noaacloud | | cpld_warmstart_c48 + +COMPILE | s2swa_faster | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DFASTER=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_p8_faster | - noaacloud | baseline | + +# Unstructured WW3 mesh +COMPILE | s2sw_pdlib | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_control_pdlib_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | cpld_restart_pdlib_p8 | - noaacloud | | cpld_control_pdlib_p8 +RUN | cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8 | - noaacloud | | cpld_control_pdlib_p8 + +COMPILE | s2sw_pdlib_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_debug_pdlib_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | + +### ATM tests ### +COMPILE | atm_dyn32 | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | control_flake | | baseline | +RUN | control_CubedSphereGrid | | baseline | +RUN | control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_latlon | | baseline | +RUN | control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel | | baseline | +RUN | control_c48 | | baseline | +RUN | control_c48.v2.sfc | | baseline | +RUN | control_c192 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_c384 | | baseline | +RUN | control_c384gdas | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_stochy | | baseline | +RUN | control_stochy_restart | - noaacloud | | control_stochy +RUN | control_lndp | | baseline | +RUN | control_iovr4 | | baseline | +RUN | control_iovr5 | | baseline | +RUN | control_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_p8.v2.sfc | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_p8_ugwpv1 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_restart_p8 | - noaacloud | | control_p8 +RUN | control_noqr_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | control_restart_noqr_p8 | - noaacloud | | control_noqr_p8 +RUN | control_decomp_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | control_2threads_p8 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | control_p8_lndp | | baseline | +RUN | control_p8_rrtmgp | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_p8_mynn | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | merra2_thompson | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | regional_control | | baseline | +RUN | regional_restart | - noaacloud | | regional_control +RUN | regional_decomp | - noaacloud | | +RUN | regional_2threads | - derecho noaacloud | | +RUN | regional_noquilt | - jet s4 | baseline | +RUN | regional_netcdf_parallel | - acorn | baseline | +RUN | regional_2dwrtdecomp | | | +RUN | regional_wofs | - jet s4 | baseline | + +COMPILE | rrfs | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control | | baseline | +RUN | regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb | | baseline | +RUN | rap_decomp | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_2threads | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_restart | - noaacloud | | rap_control +RUN | rap_sfcdiff | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_sfcdiff_decomp | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_sfcdiff_restart | - noaacloud | | rap_sfcdiff +RUN | hrrr_control | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_decomp | - noaacloud | | +RUN | hrrr_control_2threads | - noaacloud | | +RUN | hrrr_control_restart | - noaacloud | | hrrr_control +RUN | rrfs_v1beta | | baseline | +RUN | rrfs_v1nssl | | baseline | +RUN | rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn | | baseline | + +COMPILE | csawmg | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | control_csawmg | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_ras | - noaacloud | baseline | + +# Run WAM test in REPRO mode to avoid numerical instability in the deep atmosphere +COMPILE | wam | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | control_wam | - noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | atm_faster_dyn32 | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -D32BIT=ON -DFASTER=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | control_p8_faster | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | regional_control_faster | | baseline | + +### DEBUG ATM tests ### +COMPILE | atm_debug_dyn32 | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR,FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_unified_ugwp,FV3_RAP_cires_ugwp,FV3_RAP_flake,FV3_RAP_clm_lake,FV3_RAP_noah,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_RAP_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_HRRR_c3,FV3_HRRR_gf,FV3_global_nest_v1 | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | control_CubedSphereGrid_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_stochy_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_lndp_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_csawmg_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_ras_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_diag_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | control_debug_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | regional_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_control_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_gf_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_c3_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_unified_drag_suite_debug | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_diag_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_cires_ugwp_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_unified_ugwp_debug | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_lndp_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_progcld_thompson_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_noah_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_sfcdiff_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rrfs_v1beta_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_clm_lake_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_flake_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | wam_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | control_wam_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | + +### 32-bit physics tests ### +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn32_phy32 | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_control_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | | +RUN | rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | | rap_control_dyn32_phy32 +RUN | hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | | hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 + +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DFASTER=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | conus13km_control | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | conus13km_2threads | - noaacloud | | conus13km_control +RUN | conus13km_restart_mismatch | - noaacloud | baseline | conus13km_control + +# Expected to fail: +# RUN | conus13km_restart | - noaacloud | | conus13km_control +# RUN | conus13km_decomp | - noaacloud | | conus13km_control + +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn64_phy32 | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_dyn64_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_gf -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | conus13km_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | conus13km_debug_qr | - noaacloud | | +RUN | conus13km_debug_2threads | - noaacloud | | +RUN | conus13km_radar_tten_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | + +# Expected to fail: +# RUN | conus13km_debug_decomp | - noaacloud | | + +COMPILE | rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug | - noaacloud | baseline | + +### HAFS tests ### +COMPILE | hafsw | intelllvm | -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf,FV3_global_nest_v1 -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_atm | | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf | | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_atm_ocn | | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_atm_wav | | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_1nest_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_global_1nest_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +# This probably works on S4, but I cannot know for certain. I don't have access to the machine. +RUN | gnv1_nested | - wcoss2 s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | hafsw_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | - jet noaacloud s4 | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | hafsw_faster | intelllvm | -DAPP=HAFSW -DCDEPS_INLINE=ON -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DFASTER=ON | -jet noaacloud s4 | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | hafs_mom6w | intelllvm | -DAPP=HAFS-MOM6W -DREGIONAL_MOM6=ON -DCDEPS_INLINE=ON -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_nonsst -D32BIT=ON | -jet noaacloud s4 | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6 | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | hafs_all | intelllvm | -DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | hafs_regional_docn | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_docn_oisst | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | hafs_regional_datm_cdeps | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +### CDEPS Data Atmosphere tests ### +COMPILE | datm_cdeps | intelllvm | -DAPP=NG-GODAS | - wcoss2 | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_control_cfsr | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | | datm_cdeps_control_cfsr +RUN | datm_cdeps_control_gefs | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_iau_gefs | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | | +RUN | datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_gfs | - wcoss2 noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | datm_cdeps_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON | - wcoss2 acorn noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr | - wcoss2 acorn noaacloud | baseline | + +COMPILE | datm_cdeps_faster | intelllvm | -DAPP=NG-GODAS -DFASTER=ON | - wcoss2 | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster | - wcoss2 | baseline | + +### CDEPS Data Atmosphere tests with LND ### +COMPILE | datm_cdeps_land | intelllvm | -DAPP=LND | - wcoss2 | fv3 | +RUN | datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_lnd_era5 | - wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst | - wcoss2 noaacloud | | datm_cdeps_lnd_era5 + +### AMIP+ tests ### +COMPILE | atm_ds2s_docn_pcice | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM_DS2S-PCICE -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | | fv3 | +RUN | atm_ds2s_docn_pcice | - noaacloud | baseline | +COMPILE | atm_ds2s_docn_dice | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATM_DS2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | - wcoss2 acorn | fv3 | +RUN | atm_ds2s_docn_dice | - noaacloud wcoss2 acorn | baseline | cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 + +### ATM-LND tests ### +COMPILE | atml | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn -D32BIT=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | control_p8_atmlnd_sbs | - noaacloud wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | control_p8_atmlnd | - noaacloud wcoss2 | baseline | +RUN | control_restart_p8_atmlnd | - noaacloud wcoss2 | | control_p8_atmlnd + +COMPILE | atml_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON | | fv3 | +RUN | control_p8_atmlnd_debug | - noaacloud wcoss2 | baseline | + +### ATM-WAV tests ### +#mediator (cmeps) +COMPILE | atmw | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON | - wcoss2 | fv3 | +RUN | atmwav_control_noaero_p8 | - wcoss2 | baseline | + +### ATM-GOCART tests ### +COMPILE | atmaero | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON | - noaacloud | fv3 | +RUN | atmaero_control_p8 | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | atmaero_control_p8_rad | - noaacloud | baseline | +RUN | atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro | - noaacloud | baseline | + +### ATM-CMAQ tests ### +#COMPILE | atmaq | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -D32BIT=ON | - jet s4 | fv3 | +#RUN | regional_atmaq | - jet s4 | baseline | + +COMPILE | atmaq_debug | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON | - jet noaacloud s4 | fv3 | +RUN | regional_atmaq_debug | - jet s4 noaacloud | baseline | + +### ATM-FBH test ### +COMPILE | atm_fbh | intelllvm | -DAPP=ATMF -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON | - wcoss2 noaacloud acorn | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_regional_atm_fbh | - wcoss2 noaacloud acorn | baseline | diff --git a/tests/rt_utils.sh b/tests/rt_utils.sh index be98d44cbc..ecf4259421 100755 --- a/tests/rt_utils.sh +++ b/tests/rt_utils.sh @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +#!/bin/bash set -eu if [[ "$0" = "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" ]]; then @@ -5,15 +6,20 @@ if [[ "$0" = "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" ]]; then exit 1 fi +ECFLOW_RUNNING=false + # Note: this file must only contain subroutines, and variables that # are not dependent on the caller. Most regression test variables # (such as ACCNR) are not set until after rt.sh sources this file. -OPNREQ_TEST=${OPNREQ_TEST:-false} +jobid=0 -qsub_id=0 -slurm_id=0 -bsub_id=0 +redirect_out_err() { + ( set -e -o pipefail ; ( "$@" 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | tee err ) 3>&1 1>&2 | tee out ) + # The above shell redirection copies stdout to "out" and stderr to "err" + # while still sending them to stdout and stderr. It ensures the entire + # redirect_out_err command will return non-zero if "$@" or tee return non-zero. +} function compute_petbounds_and_tasks() { @@ -23,504 +29,363 @@ function compute_petbounds_and_tasks() { # ATM is a special case since it is running on the sum of compute and io tasks. # CHM component and mediator are running on ATM compute tasks only. - if [[ $DATM_CDEPS = 'false' ]]; then + if [[ ${DATM_CDEPS} = 'false' ]]; then if [[ ${ATM_compute_tasks:-0} -eq 0 ]]; then ATM_compute_tasks=$((INPES * JNPES * NTILES)) fi - if [[ $QUILTING = '.true.' ]]; then + if [[ ${QUILTING} = '.true.' ]]; then ATM_io_tasks=$((WRITE_GROUP * WRTTASK_PER_GROUP)) fi fi local n=0 - unset atm_petlist_bounds ocn_petlist_bounds ice_petlist_bounds wav_petlist_bounds chm_petlist_bounds med_petlist_bounds aqm_petlist_bounds + unset atm_petlist_bounds ocn_petlist_bounds ice_petlist_bounds wav_petlist_bounds chm_petlist_bounds med_petlist_bounds aqm_petlist_bounds fbh_petlist_bounds # ATM ATM_io_tasks=${ATM_io_tasks:-0} if [[ $((ATM_compute_tasks + ATM_io_tasks)) -gt 0 ]]; then - atm_petlist_bounds="${n} $((n + ATM_compute_tasks + ATM_io_tasks -1))" - n=$((n + ATM_compute_tasks + ATM_io_tasks)) + atm_petlist_bounds="${n} $((n + ATM_compute_tasks*atm_omp_num_threads + ATM_io_tasks*atm_omp_num_threads - 1))" + n=$((n + ATM_compute_tasks*atm_omp_num_threads + ATM_io_tasks*atm_omp_num_threads)) fi # OCN if [[ ${OCN_tasks:-0} -gt 0 ]]; then + OCN_tasks=$((OCN_tasks * ocn_omp_num_threads)) ocn_petlist_bounds="${n} $((n + OCN_tasks - 1))" n=$((n + OCN_tasks)) fi # ICE if [[ ${ICE_tasks:-0} -gt 0 ]]; then + ICE_tasks=$((ICE_tasks * ice_omp_num_threads)) ice_petlist_bounds="${n} $((n + ICE_tasks - 1))" n=$((n + ICE_tasks)) fi # WAV if [[ ${WAV_tasks:-0} -gt 0 ]]; then + WAV_tasks=$((WAV_tasks * wav_omp_num_threads)) wav_petlist_bounds="${n} $((n + WAV_tasks - 1))" n=$((n + WAV_tasks)) fi # CHM - chm_petlist_bounds="0 $((ATM_compute_tasks - 1))" + chm_petlist_bounds="0 $((ATM_compute_tasks * atm_omp_num_threads - 1))" # MED - med_petlist_bounds="0 $((ATM_compute_tasks - 1))" + med_petlist_bounds="0 $((ATM_compute_tasks * atm_omp_num_threads - 1))" # AQM - aqm_petlist_bounds="0 $((ATM_compute_tasks - 1))" + aqm_petlist_bounds="0 $((ATM_compute_tasks * atm_omp_num_threads - 1))" + + # LND + if [[ ${lnd_model:-} = "lm4" ]]; then + # set lnd_petlist_bounds to be same as ATM_compute_tasks + lnd_petlist_bounds="0 $((ATM_compute_tasks - 1))" + elif [[ ${LND_tasks:-0} -gt 0 ]]; then # noahmp component or other + LND_tasks=$((LND_tasks * lnd_omp_num_threads)) + lnd_petlist_bounds="${n} $((n + LND_tasks - 1))" + n=$((n + LND_tasks)) + fi - # LND - if [[ ${LND_tasks:-0} -gt 0 ]]; then - lnd_petlist_bounds="${n} $((n + LND_tasks - 1))" - n=$((n + LND_tasks)) + # FBH + if [[ ${FBH_tasks:-0} -gt 0 ]]; then + FBH_tasks=$((FBH_tasks * fbh_omp_num_threads)) + fbh_petlist_bounds="${n} $((n + FBH_tasks - 1))" + n=$((n + FBH_tasks)) fi UFS_tasks=${n} - echo "ATM_petlist_bounds: ${atm_petlist_bounds:-}" - echo "OCN_petlist_bounds: ${ocn_petlist_bounds:-}" - echo "ICE_petlist_bounds: ${ice_petlist_bounds:-}" - echo "WAV_petlist_bounds: ${wav_petlist_bounds:-}" - echo "CHM_petlist_bounds: ${chm_petlist_bounds:-}" - echo "MED_petlist_bounds: ${med_petlist_bounds:-}" - echo "AQM_petlist_bounds: ${aqm_petlist_bounds:-}" - echo "LND_petlist_bounds: ${lnd_petlist_bounds:-}" - echo "UFS_tasks : ${UFS_tasks:-}" + if [[ ${RTVERBOSE} == true ]]; then + echo "ATM_petlist_bounds: ${atm_petlist_bounds:-}" + echo "OCN_petlist_bounds: ${ocn_petlist_bounds:-}" + echo "ICE_petlist_bounds: ${ice_petlist_bounds:-}" + echo "WAV_petlist_bounds: ${wav_petlist_bounds:-}" + echo "CHM_petlist_bounds: ${chm_petlist_bounds:-}" + echo "MED_petlist_bounds: ${med_petlist_bounds:-}" + echo "AQM_petlist_bounds: ${aqm_petlist_bounds:-}" + echo "LND_petlist_bounds: ${lnd_petlist_bounds:-}" + echo "FBH_petlist_bounds: ${fbh_petlist_bounds:-}" + echo "UFS_tasks : ${UFS_tasks:-}" + fi # TASKS is now set to UFS_TASKS - export TASKS=$UFS_tasks + export TASKS=${UFS_tasks} } interrupt_job() { - set -x - if [[ $SCHEDULER = 'pbs' ]]; then - echo "run_util.sh: interrupt_job qsub_id = ${qsub_id}" - qdel ${qsub_id} - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'slurm' ]]; then - echo "run_util.sh: interrupt_job slurm_id = ${slurm_id}" - scancel ${slurm_id} - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'lsf' ]]; then - echo "run_util.sh: interrupt_job bsub_id = ${bsub_id}" - bkill ${bsub_id} - else - echo "run_util.sh: interrupt_job unknown SCHEDULER $SCHEDULER" - fi + echo "rt_utils.sh: Job ${jobid} interrupted" + case ${SCHEDULER} in + pbs) + qdel "${jobid}" + ;; + slurm) + scancel "${jobid}" + ;; + *) + echo "Unsupported scheduler, job may have not terminated properly." + ;; + esac } submit_and_wait() { - + echo "rt_utils.sh: Submitting job on scheduler: ${SCHEDULER}" [[ -z $1 ]] && exit 1 - [ -o xtrace ] && set_x='set -x' || set_x='set +x' - set +x - local -r job_card=$1 - ROCOTO=${ROCOTO:-false} - ECFLOW=${ECFLOW:-false} - - local test_status='PASS' - - if [[ $SCHEDULER = 'pbs' ]]; then - qsubout=$( qsub $job_card ) - re='^([0-9]+)(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+)$' - [[ "${qsubout}" =~ $re ]] && qsub_id=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} - echo "Job id ${qsub_id}" - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'slurm' ]]; then - slurmout=$( sbatch $job_card ) - re='Submitted batch job ([0-9]+)' - [[ "${slurmout}" =~ $re ]] && slurm_id=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} - echo "Job id ${slurm_id}" - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'lsf' ]]; then - bsubout=$( bsub < $job_card ) - re='Job <([0-9]+)> is submitted to queue <(.+)>.' - [[ "${bsubout}" =~ $re ]] && bsub_id=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} - echo "Job id ${bsub_id}" - else - echo "Unknown SCHEDULER $SCHEDULER" - exit 1 - fi + case ${SCHEDULER} in + pbs) + qsubout=$( qsub "${job_card}" ) + re='^([0-9]+)(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+)$' + [[ "${qsubout}" =~ ${re} ]] && jobid=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} + ;; + slurm) + slurmout=$( sbatch "${job_card}" ) + re='Submitted batch job ([0-9]+)' + [[ "${slurmout}" =~ ${re} ]] && jobid=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} + ;; + *) + echo "Unsupported scheduler: ${SCHEDULER}" + exit 1 + ;; + esac + echo "rt_utils.sh: Submitted Job. ID is ${jobid}." + sleep 10 # wait for the job to enter the queue local count=0 - local job_running=0 - until [[ $job_running -eq 1 ]] + local job_running='' + echo "rt_utils.sh: Job is waiting to enter the queue..." + until [[ ${job_running} == 'true' ]] do - echo "TEST ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} is waiting to enter the queue" - [[ ${ECFLOW:-false} == true ]] && ecflow_client --label=job_status "waiting to enter the queue" - if [[ $SCHEDULER = 'pbs' ]]; then - job_running=$( qstat ${qsub_id} | grep ${qsub_id} | wc -l ) - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'slurm' ]]; then - job_running=$( squeue -u ${USER} -j ${slurm_id} | grep ${slurm_id} | wc -l) - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'lsf' ]]; then - job_running=$( bjobs ${bsub_id} | grep ${bsub_id} | wc -l) + case ${SCHEDULER} in + pbs) + set +e + job_info=$( qstat "${jobid}" ) + set -e + ;; + slurm) + job_info=$( squeue -u "${USER}" -j "${jobid}" ) + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + if grep -q "${jobid}" <<< "${job_info}"; then + job_running=true + continue else - echo "Unknown SCHEDULER $SCHEDULER" - exit 1 + job_running=false fi + sleep 5 (( count=count+1 )) - if [[ $count -eq 13 ]]; then echo "No job in queue after one minute, exiting..."; exit 2; fi + if [[ ${count} -eq 13 ]]; then echo "No job in queue after one minute, exiting..."; exit 2; fi done - - # find jobid - if [[ $SCHEDULER = 'pbs' ]]; then - jobid=${qsub_id} - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'slurm' ]]; then - jobid=${slurm_id} - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'lsf' ]]; then - jobid=${bsub_id} - else - echo "Unknown SCHEDULER $SCHEDULER" - exit 1 - fi - echo "TEST ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} is submitted " - if [[ ${ECFLOW:-false} == true ]]; then - ecflow_client --label=job_id "${jobid}" - ecflow_client --label=job_status "submitted" - fi + echo "rt_utils.sh Job (${jobid}) is now in the queue." # wait for the job to finish and compare results - job_running=1 local n=1 - until [[ $job_running -eq 0 ]] + until [[ ${job_running} == 'false' ]] do - - if [[ $SCHEDULER = 'pbs' ]]; then - job_running=$( qstat ${qsub_id} | grep ${qsub_id} | wc -l ) - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'slurm' ]]; then - job_running=$( squeue -u ${USER} -j ${slurm_id} | grep ${slurm_id} | wc -l) - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'lsf' ]]; then - job_running=$( bjobs ${bsub_id} | grep ${bsub_id} | wc -l) - else - echo "Unknown SCHEDULER $SCHEDULER" - exit 1 - fi - - if [[ $SCHEDULER = 'pbs' ]]; then - - status=$( qstat ${qsub_id} | grep ${qsub_id} | awk '{print $5}' ); status=${status:--} - if [[ $status = 'Q' ]]; then - status_label='waiting in a queue' - elif [[ $status = 'H' ]]; then - status_label='held in a queue' - elif [[ $status = 'R' ]]; then - status_label='running' - elif [[ $status = 'E' ]] || [[ $status = 'C' ]] || [[ $status = '-' ]]; then - status_label='finished' - test_status='DONE' - exit_status=$( qstat ${jobid} -x -f | grep Exit_status | awk '{print $3}') - if [[ $exit_status != 0 ]]; then - test_status='FAIL' - fi - else - status_label='finished' - fi - - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'slurm' ]]; then - - status=$( squeue -u ${USER} -j ${slurm_id} 2>/dev/null | grep ${slurm_id} | awk '{print $5}' ); status=${status:--} - if [[ $status = 'R' ]]; then - status_label='running' - elif [[ $status = 'PD' ]]; then - status_label='pending' - elif [[ $status = 'F' ]]; then - status_label='failed' - test_status='FAIL' - elif [[ $status = 'C' ]]; then - status_label='finished' - test_status='DONE' - else - echo "Slurm unknown status ${status}. Check sacct ..." - sacct -n -j ${slurm_id} --format=JobID,state%20,Jobname%20 - status_label=$( sacct -n -j ${slurm_id} --format=JobID,state%20,Jobname%20 | grep "^${slurm_id}" | grep ${JBNME} | awk '{print $2}' ) - if [[ $status_label = 'FAILED' ]] || [[ $status_label = 'TIMEOUT' ]] || [[ $status_label = 'CANCELLED' ]] ; then - test_status='FAIL' + case ${SCHEDULER} in + pbs) + set +e + job_info=$( qstat "${jobid}" ) + set -e + if grep -q "${jobid}" <<< "${job_info}"; then + job_running=true + # Getting the status letter from scheduler info + status=$( grep "${jobid}" <<< "${job_info}" ) + status=$( awk '{print $5}' <<< "${status}" ) + else + job_running=false + status='COMPLETED' + set +e + exit_status=$( qstat "${jobid}" -x -f | grep Exit_status | awk '{print $3}') + set -e + if [[ ${exit_status} != 0 ]]; then + status='FAILED' + fi fi - fi - - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'lsf' ]]; then - - status=$( bjobs ${bsub_id} 2>/dev/null | grep ${bsub_id} | awk '{print $3}' ); status=${status:--} - if [[ $status = 'PEND' ]]; then - status_label='pending' - elif [[ $status = 'RUN' ]]; then - status_label='running' - elif [[ $status = 'DONE' ]]; then - status_label='finished' - test_status='DONE' - elif [[ $status = 'EXIT' ]]; then - status_label='failed' - test_status='FAIL' - else - echo "bsub unknown status ${status}" - status_label='finished' - test_status='DONE' - exit_status=$( bjobs ${bsub_id} 2>/dev/null | grep ${bsub_id} | awk '{print $3}' ); status=${status:--} - if [[ $exit_status = 'EXIT' ]]; then - status_label='failed' - test_status='FAIL' + ;; + slurm) + job_info=$( squeue -u "${USER}" -j "${jobid}" -o '%i %T' ) + if grep -q "${jobid}" <<< "${job_info}"; then + job_running=true + else + job_running=false + job_info=$( sacct -n -j "${jobid}" --format=JobID,state%20,Jobname%128 | grep "^${jobid}" | grep "${JBNME}" ) fi - fi - - else - echo "Unknown SCHEDULER $SCHEDULER" - exit 1 - - fi - - echo "$n min. TEST ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} is ${status_label}, status: $status jobid ${jobid}" - [[ ${ECFLOW:-false} == true ]] && ecflow_client --label=job_status "$status_label" - - if [[ $test_status = 'FAIL' || $test_status = 'DONE' ]]; then - break - fi + # Getting the status letter from scheduler info + status=$( grep "${jobid}" <<< "${job_info}" ) + status=$( awk '{print $2}' <<< "${status}" ) + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + + case ${status} in + #waiting cases + #pbs: Q + #Slurm: (old: PD, new: PENDING) + Q|PD|PENDING) + status_label='Job waiting to start' + ;; + #running cases + #pbs: R + #slurm: (old: R, new: RUNNING) + R|RUNNING|COMPLETING) + status_label='Job running' + ;; + #held cases + #pbs only: H + H) + status_label='Job being held' + echo "rt_utils.sh: *** WARNING ***: Job in a HELD state. Might want to stop manually." + ;; + #fail/completed cases + #slurm: F/FAILED TO/TIMEOUT CA/CANCELLED + F|TO|CA|FAILED|TIMEOUT|CANCELLED) + echo "rt_utils.sh: !!!!!!!!!!JOB TERMINATED!!!!!!!!!! status=${status}" + job_running=false #Trip the loop to end with these status flags + interrupt_job + exit 1 + ;; + #completed + #pbs: C-Complete E-Exiting + #slurm: CD/COMPLETED + C|E|CD|COMPLETED) + status_label='Completed' + ;; + *) + status_label="Unknown" + echo "rt_utils.sh: *** WARNING ***: Job status unsupported: ${status}" + echo "rt_utils.sh: *** WARNING ***: Status might be non-terminating, please manually stop if needed" + ;; + esac + + echo "${n} min. ${SCHEDULER^} Job ${jobid} Status: ${status_label} (${status})" (( n=n+1 )) sleep 60 & wait $! done - - if [[ $test_status = 'FAIL' ]]; then - if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == false ]]; then - echo "Test ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} FAIL" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo;echo;echo >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "Test ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} FAIL" - else - echo "Test ${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_NR} FAIL" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo;echo;echo >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "Test ${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_NR} FAIL" - fi - - if [[ $ROCOTO == true || $ECFLOW == true ]]; then - exit 1 - fi - fi - - eval "$set_x" } -check_results() { - - [ -o xtrace ] && set_x='set -x' || set_x='set +x' - set +x - - ROCOTO=${ROCOTO:-false} - ECFLOW=${ECFLOW:-false} - - local test_status='PASS' - - # Give one minute for data to show up on file system - #sleep 60 - - echo > ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "baseline dir = ${RTPWD}/${CNTL_DIR}" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "working dir = ${RUNDIR}" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "Checking test ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} results ...." >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo - echo "baseline dir = ${RTPWD}/${CNTL_DIR}" - echo "working dir = ${RUNDIR}" - echo "Checking test ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} results ...." - - if [[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} = false ]]; then - # - # --- regression test comparison - # - for i in ${LIST_FILES} ; do - printf %s " Comparing " $i " ....." >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - printf %s " Comparing " $i " ....." - - if [[ ! -f ${RUNDIR}/$i ]] ; then - - echo ".......MISSING file" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo ".......MISSING file" - test_status='FAIL' - - elif [[ ! -f ${RTPWD}/${CNTL_DIR}/$i ]] ; then - - echo ".......MISSING baseline" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo ".......MISSING baseline" - test_status='FAIL' - - elif [[ $RT_COMPILER == "gnu" && $i == "RESTART/fv_core.res.nc" ]] ; then - - # Although identical in ncdiff, RESTART/fv_core.res.nc differs in byte 469, line 3, - # for the fv3_control_32bit test between each run (without changing the source code) - # for GNU compilers - skip comparison. - echo ".......SKIP for gnu compilers" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo ".......SKIP for gnu compilers" - - else - - cmp ${RTPWD}/${CNTL_DIR}/$i ${RUNDIR}/$i >/dev/null 2>&1 && d=$? || d=$? - if [[ $d -eq 2 ]]; then - echo "....CMP ERROR" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "....CMP ERROR" - exit 1 - fi - - if [[ $d -eq 1 && ${i##*.} == 'nc' ]] ; then - if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} =~ orion || ${MACHINE_ID} =~ hera || ${MACHINE_ID} =~ wcoss2 || ${MACHINE_ID} =~ acorn || ${MACHINE_ID} =~ cheyenne || ${MACHINE_ID} =~ gaea || ${MACHINE_ID} =~ jet || ${MACHINE_ID} =~ s4 ]] ; then - printf ".......ALT CHECK.." >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - printf ".......ALT CHECK.." - ${PATHRT}/compare_ncfile.py ${RTPWD}/${CNTL_DIR}/$i ${RUNDIR}/$i > compare_ncfile.log 2>&1 && d=$? || d=$? - if [[ $d -eq 1 ]]; then - echo "....ERROR" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "....ERROR" - exit 1 - fi - fi - fi - - if [[ $d -ne 0 ]]; then - echo "....NOT OK" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "....NOT OK" - test_status='FAIL' - else - echo "....OK" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "....OK" - fi - - fi - - done - - else - # - # --- create baselines - # - echo;echo "Moving baseline ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} files ...." - echo;echo "Moving baseline ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} files ...." >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - - for i in ${LIST_FILES} ; do - printf %s " Moving " $i " ....." - printf %s " Moving " $i " ....." >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - if [[ -f ${RUNDIR}/$i ]] ; then - mkdir -p ${NEW_BASELINE}/${CNTL_DIR}/$(dirname ${i}) - cp ${RUNDIR}/${i} ${NEW_BASELINE}/${CNTL_DIR}/${i} - echo "....OK" >>${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "....OK" - else - echo "....NOT OK. Missing " ${RUNDIR}/$i >>${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "....NOT OK. Missing " ${RUNDIR}/$i - test_status='FAIL' - fi - done - - fi - - echo >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - grep "The total amount of wall time" ${RUNDIR}/out >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - grep "The maximum resident set size" ${RUNDIR}/out >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - - TRIES='' - if [[ $ECFLOW == true ]]; then - if [[ $ECF_TRYNO -gt 1 ]]; then - TRIES=" Tries: $ECF_TRYNO" - fi - fi - echo "Test ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} ${test_status}${TRIES}" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "Test ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} ${test_status}${TRIES}" - echo - - if [[ $test_status = 'FAIL' ]]; then - if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == false ]]; then - echo "${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_NR} failed in check_result" >> $PATHRT/fail_test_${TEST_NR} - else - echo "${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_NR} failed in check_result" >> $PATHRT/fail_opnreq_test_${TEST_NR} - fi - - if [[ $ROCOTO = true || $ECFLOW == true ]]; then - exit 1 - fi - fi - - eval "$set_x" -} - - kill_job() { - + echo "rt_utils.sh: Killing job: ${jobid} on ${SCHEDULER}..." [[ -z $1 ]] && exit 1 local -r jobid=$1 - if [[ $SCHEDULER = 'pbs' ]]; then - qdel ${jobid} - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'slurm' ]]; then - scancel ${jobid} - elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'lsf' ]]; then - bkill ${jobid} + if [[ ${SCHEDULER} = 'pbs' ]]; then + qdel "${jobid}" + elif [[ ${SCHEDULER} = 'slurm' ]]; then + scancel "${jobid}" fi } rocoto_create_compile_task() { - + echo "rt_utils.sh: ${COMPILE_ID}: Creating ROCOTO compile task." new_compile=true - if [[ $in_metatask == true ]]; then + if [[ ${in_metatask} == true ]]; then in_metatask=false - echo " " >> $ROCOTO_XML + echo " " >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" fi NATIVE="" BUILD_CORES=8 BUILD_WALLTIME="00:30:00" - if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == jet.* ]]; then + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == jet ]]; then + BUILD_WALLTIME="02:00:00" + fi + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == hera ]]; then + BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" + fi + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == orion ]]; then BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" fi - if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == hera.* ]]; then + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == hercules ]]; then BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" fi - if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == orion.* ]]; then + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == s4 ]]; then BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" fi - if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == s4.* ]]; then + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == gaea ]]; then BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" fi - cat << EOF >> $ROCOTO_XML - - &PATHRT;/run_compile.sh &PATHRT; &RUNDIR_ROOT; "${MAKE_OPT}" ${COMPILE_NR} - compile_${COMPILE_NR} + + cat << EOF >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" + + bash -c 'set -xe -o pipefail ; &PATHRT;/run_compile.sh &PATHRT; &RUNDIR_ROOT; "${MAKE_OPT}" ${COMPILE_ID} 2>&1 | tee &LOG;/compile_${COMPILE_ID}.log' + compile_${COMPILE_ID} ${ACCNR} ${COMPILE_QUEUE} +EOF + + if [[ "${MACHINE_ID}" == gaea ]] ; then + cat << EOF >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" + --clusters=es + eslogin_c5 +EOF + elif [[ -n "${PARTITION}" || ${MACHINE_ID} != hera ]] ; then + cat << EOF >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" ${PARTITION} - ${BUILD_CORES} +EOF + fi + + cat << EOF >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" + 1:ppn=${BUILD_CORES} ${BUILD_WALLTIME} - &RUNDIR_ROOT;/compile_${COMPILE_NR}.log + &RUNDIR_ROOT;/compile_${COMPILE_ID}.log ${NATIVE} EOF } rocoto_create_run_task() { - - if [[ $DEP_RUN != '' ]]; then - DEP_STRING=" " + echo "rt_utils.sh: ${TEST_ID}: Creating ROCOTO run task." + if [[ ${DEP_RUN} != '' ]]; then + DEP_STRING=" " else - DEP_STRING="" + DEP_STRING="" fi - CORES=$(( ${TASKS} * ${THRD} )) + CORES=$((TASKS*THRD)) if (( TPN > CORES )); then - TPN=$CORES + TPN=${CORES} fi NATIVE="" - cat << EOF >> $ROCOTO_XML - - $DEP_STRING - &PATHRT;/run_test.sh &PATHRT; &RUNDIR_ROOT; ${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_NR} ${COMPILE_NR} - ${TEST_NAME}${RT_SUFFIX} + cat << EOF >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" + + ${DEP_STRING} + bash -c 'set -xe -o pipefail ; &PATHRT;/run_test.sh &PATHRT; &RUNDIR_ROOT; ${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_ID} ${COMPILE_ID} 2>&1 | tee &LOG;/run_${TEST_ID}${RT_SUFFIX}.log' + ${TEST_ID}${RT_SUFFIX} ${ACCNR} + ${ROCOTO_NODESIZE:+${ROCOTO_NODESIZE}} +EOF + + if [[ "${MACHINE_ID}" == gaea ]] ; then + cat << EOF >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" + --clusters=${PARTITION} + --partition=batch +EOF + + elif [[ -n "${PARTITION}" || ${MACHINE_ID} != hera ]] ; then + cat << EOF >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" ${QUEUE} ${PARTITION} +EOF + fi + + cat << EOF >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" ${NODES}:ppn=${TPN} 00:${WLCLK}:00 - &RUNDIR_ROOT;/${TEST_NAME}${RT_SUFFIX}.out - &RUNDIR_ROOT;/${TEST_NAME}${RT_SUFFIX}.err + &RUNDIR_ROOT;/${TEST_ID}${RT_SUFFIX}.log ${NATIVE} EOF @@ -528,23 +393,31 @@ EOF } rocoto_kill() { - for jobid in $( $ROCOTOSTAT -w $ROCOTO_XML -d $ROCOTO_DB | grep 197001010000 | grep -E 'QUEUED|RUNNING' | awk -F" " '{print $3}' ); do - kill_job ${jobid} + echo "rt_utils.sh: Killing ROCOTO Workflow..." + job_id_in=$( "${ROCOTOSTAT}" -w "${ROCOTO_XML}" -d "${ROCOTO_DB}" ) + job_id_in=$(grep 197001010000 <<< "${job_id_in}" ) + job_id_in=$(grep -E 'QUEUED|RUNNING' <<< "${job_id_in}" ) + job_id_in=$(awk -F" " '{print $3}' <<< "${job_id_in}" ) + for jobid in ${job_id_in}; do + kill_job "${jobid}" done } rocoto_step() { - set -e + echo "rt_utils.sh: Running one iteration of rocotorun and rocotostat..." echo "Unknown" > rocoto_workflow.state # Run one iteration of rocotorun and rocotostat. - $ROCOTORUN -v 10 -w $ROCOTO_XML -d $ROCOTO_DB + ${ROCOTORUN} -v 10 -w "${ROCOTO_XML}" -d "${ROCOTO_DB}" sleep 1 # Is it done? - state=$($ROCOTOSTAT -w $ROCOTO_XML -d $ROCOTO_DB -s | grep 197001010000 | awk -F" " '{print $2}') - echo "$state" > $ROCOTO_STATE + state=$( "${ROCOTOSTAT}" -w "${ROCOTO_XML}" -d "${ROCOTO_DB}" -s ) + state=$( grep 197001010000 <<< "${state}" ) + state=$( awk -F" " '{print $2}' <<< "${state}" ) + echo "${state}" > "${ROCOTO_STATE}" } rocoto_run() { + echo "rt_utils.sh: Running ROCOTO workflow" # Run the rocoto workflow until it is complete local naptime=60 local step_attempts=0 @@ -554,150 +427,216 @@ rocoto_run() { local max_time=3600 # seconds to wait for Rocoto to start working again local result=0 state="Active" - while [[ $state != "Done" ]]; do + while [[ ${state} != "Done" ]]; do # Run one iteration of rocotorun and rocotostat. Use an # exponential backoff algorithm to handle temporary system # failures breaking Rocoto. start_time=$( env TZ=UTC date +%s ) - for step_attempts in $( seq 1 "$max_step_attempts" ) ; do + for step_attempts in $( seq 1 "${max_step_attempts}" ) ; do now_time=$( env TZ=UTC date +%s ) set +e ( rocoto_step ) result=$? - state=$( cat $ROCOTO_STATE ) + state=$( cat "${ROCOTO_STATE}" ) set -e if [[ "${state:-Unknown}" == Done ]] ; then - set +x echo "Rocoto workflow has completed." - set -x return 0 - elif [[ $result == 0 ]] ; then + elif [[ ${result} == 0 ]] ; then break # rocoto_step succeeded elif (( now_time-start_time > max_time || step_attempts >= max_step_attempts )) ; then - set +x - echo "Rocoto commands have failed $step_attempts times, for $(( (now_time-start_time+30)/60 )) minutes." - echo "There may be something wrong with the $( hostname ) node or the batch system." + hostnamein=$(hostname) + echo "Rocoto commands have failed ${step_attempts} times, for $(( (now_time-start_time+30)/60 )) minutes." + echo "There may be something wrong with the ${hostnamein} node or the batch system." echo "I'm giving up. Sorry." - set -x return 2 fi sleep $(( naptime * 2**((step_attempts-1)%4) * RANDOM/32767 )) done - sleep $naptime + sleep "${naptime}" done } ecflow_create_compile_task() { + echo "rt_utils.sh: ${COMPILE_ID}: Creating ECFLOW compile task" + export new_compile=true - new_compile=true - - - cat << EOF > ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}/compile_${COMPILE_NR}.ecf + cat << EOF > "${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}.ecf" %include -$PATHRT/run_compile.sh ${PATHRT} ${RUNDIR_ROOT} "${MAKE_OPT}" $COMPILE_NR > ${LOG_DIR}/compile_${COMPILE_NR}.log 2>&1 & +( +cd "${LOG_DIR}" +ln -sf "compile_${COMPILE_ID}.log.\${ECF_TRYNO}" "compile_${COMPILE_ID}.log" +) +${PATHRT}/run_compile.sh "${PATHRT}" "${RUNDIR_ROOT}" "${MAKE_OPT}" "${COMPILE_ID}" > "${LOG_DIR}/compile_${COMPILE_ID}.log.\${ECF_TRYNO}" 2>&1 & %include EOF - - echo " task compile_${COMPILE_NR}" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def - echo " label build_options '${MAKE_OPT}'" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def - echo " label job_id ''" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def - echo " label job_status ''" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def - echo " inlimit max_builds" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def + { + echo " task compile_${COMPILE_ID}" + echo " label build_options '${MAKE_OPT}'" + echo " inlimit max_builds" + } >> "${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def" } ecflow_create_run_task() { - - cat << EOF > ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}/${TEST_NAME}${RT_SUFFIX}.ecf + echo "rt_utils.sh: ${TEST_ID}: Creating ECFLOW run task" + cat << EOF > "${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}/${TEST_ID}${RT_SUFFIX}.ecf" %include -$PATHRT/run_test.sh ${PATHRT} ${RUNDIR_ROOT} ${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_NR} ${COMPILE_NR} > ${LOG_DIR}/run_${TEST_NR}_${TEST_NAME}${RT_SUFFIX}.log 2>&1 & +( +cd "${LOG_DIR}" +ln -sf "run_${TEST_ID}${RT_SUFFIX}.log.\${ECF_TRYNO}" "${LOG_DIR}/run_${TEST_ID}${RT_SUFFIX}.log" +) +${PATHRT}/run_test.sh "${PATHRT}" "${RUNDIR_ROOT}" "${TEST_NAME}" "${TEST_ID}" "${COMPILE_ID}" > "${LOG_DIR}/run_${TEST_ID}${RT_SUFFIX}.log.\${ECF_TRYNO}" 2>&1 & %include EOF - - echo " task ${TEST_NAME}${RT_SUFFIX}" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def - echo " label job_id ''" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def - echo " label job_status ''" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def - echo " inlimit max_jobs" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def - if [[ $DEP_RUN != '' ]]; then - if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == false ]]; then - echo " trigger compile_${COMPILE_NR} == complete and ${DEP_RUN}${RT_SUFFIX} == complete" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def - else - echo " trigger compile_${COMPILE_NR} == complete and ${DEP_RUN} == complete" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def - fi + { + echo " task ${TEST_ID}${RT_SUFFIX}" + echo " inlimit max_jobs" + } >> "${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def" + if [[ ${DEP_RUN} != '' ]]; then + echo " trigger compile_${COMPILE_ID} == complete and ${DEP_RUN} == complete" >> "${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def" else - echo " trigger compile_${COMPILE_NR} == complete" >> ${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def + echo " trigger compile_${COMPILE_ID} == complete" >> "${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def" fi + } ecflow_run() { - - # in rare instances when UID is greater then 58500 (like Ratko's UID on theia) - [[ $ECF_PORT -gt 49151 ]] && ECF_PORT=12179 - - ECF_HOST="${ECF_HOST:-$HOSTNAME}" - - set +e - ecflow_client --ping --host=${ECF_HOST} --port=${ECF_PORT} - not_running=$? - if [[ $not_running -eq 1 ]]; then - echo "ecflow_server is NOT running on ${ECF_HOST}:${ECF_PORT}" - if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == wcoss2.* || ${MACHINE_ID} == acorn.* ]]; then - # Annoying "Has NCO assigned port $ECF_PORT for use by this account? (yes/no) ". - echo yes | ${ECFLOW_START} -p ${ECF_PORT} -d ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/ecflow_server - elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == jet.* ]]; then - module load ecflow - echo "Using special Jet ECFLOW start procedure" - MYCOMM="bash -l -c \"module load ecflow && ${ECFLOW_START} -d ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/ecflow_server\"" - ssh $ECF_HOST "${MYCOMM}" - else - ${ECFLOW_START} -p ${ECF_PORT} -d ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/ecflow_server + echo "rt_utils.sh: Starting ECFLOW run" + # NOTE: ECFLOW IS NOT SAFE TO RUN WITH set -e, PLEASE AVOID + #ECF_HOST="${ECF_HOST:-${HOSTNAME}}" + + + # Make sure ECF_HOST and ECF_PORT are set/ready on systems that have an + # explicit ecflow node + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == wcoss2 || ${MACHINE_ID} == acorn ]]; then + if [[ "${HOST::1}" == "a" ]]; then + ECF_HOST=aecflow01 + elif [[ "${HOST::1}" == "c" ]]; then + ECF_HOST=cdecflow01 + elif [[ "${HOST::1}" == "d" ]]; then + ECF_HOST=ddecflow01 fi + elif [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == hera || ${MACHINE_ID} == jet ]]; then + module load ecflow + fi + if [[ -z ${ECF_HOST} || -z ${ECF_PORT} ]]; then + echo "ERROR: ECF_HOST or ECF_PORT are not set, and rt.sh cannot continue with ECFLOW" + exit 1 else - echo "ecflow_server is already running on ${ECF_HOST}:${ECF_PORT}" + echo "ECF_HOST: ${ECF_HOST}, ECF_PORT: ${ECF_PORT}" + export ECF_HOST + export ECF_PORT fi + + # Start the ecflow_server + echo "rt_utils.sh: Checking status of the ecflow_server..." + set +e + ecflow_client --ping --host="${ECF_HOST}" --port="${ECF_PORT}" + not_running=$? set -e - ECFLOW_RUNNING=true + if [[ ${not_running} -eq 1 ]]; then + echo "rt_utils.sh: ecflow_server is not running on ${ECF_HOST}:${ECF_PORT}" + echo "rt_utils.sh: attempting to start ecflow_server..." + + save_traps=$(trap) + trap "" SIGINT # Ignore INT signal during ecflow startup + case ${MACHINE_ID} in + wcoss2|acorn|hera|jet) + #shellcheck disable=SC2029 + ssh "${ECF_HOST}" "bash -l -c \"module load ecflow && ${ECFLOW_START} -p ${ECF_PORT}\"" + ;; + *) + ${ECFLOW_START} -p "${ECF_PORT}" -d "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/ecflow_server" + ;; + esac + + ECFLOW_RUNNING=true + eval "${save_traps}" + # Try pinging ecflow server now, and erroring out if not there. + set +e + ecflow_client --ping --host="${ECF_HOST}" --port="${ECF_PORT}" + not_running=$? + set -e - export ECF_PORT - export ECF_HOST + if [[ ${not_running} -eq 1 ]]; then + echo "rt_utils.sh: ERROR -- Failure to start ecflow. Exiting..." + exit 1 + fi + else + echo "rt_utils.sh: Confirmed: ecflow_server is running on ${ECF_HOST}:${ECF_PORT}" + ECFLOW_RUNNING=true + fi - ecflow_client --load=${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def - ecflow_client --begin=${ECFLOW_SUITE} - ecflow_client --restart + echo "rt_utils.sh: Starting ECFLOW tasks..." + set +e + ecflow_client --load="${ECFLOW_RUN}/${ECFLOW_SUITE}.def" --host="${ECF_HOST}" --port="${ECF_PORT}" + ecflow_client --begin="${ECFLOW_SUITE}" --host="${ECF_HOST}" --port="${ECF_PORT}" + ecflow_client --restart --host="${ECF_HOST}" --port="${ECF_PORT}" + set -e + sleep 10 active_tasks=1 - while [[ $active_tasks -ne 0 ]] + max_active_tasks=$( ecflow_client --get_state "/${ECFLOW_SUITE}" ) + max_active_tasks=$( grep "task " <<< "${max_active_tasks}" ) + max_active_tasks=$( grep -cP 'state:active|state:submitted|state:queued' <<< "${max_active_tasks}" ) + echo "rt_utils.sh: Total number of tasks processed -- ${max_active_tasks}" + prev_active_tasks=${active_tasks} + while [[ "${active_tasks}" -ne 0 ]] do sleep 10 & wait $! - active_tasks=$( ecflow_client --get_state /${ECFLOW_SUITE} | grep "task " | grep -E 'state:active|state:submitted|state:queued' | wc -l ) - echo "ecflow tasks remaining: ${active_tasks}" - ${PATHRT}/abort_dep_tasks.py + set +e + active_tasks=$( ecflow_client --get_state "/${ECFLOW_SUITE}" ) + active_tasks=$( grep "task " <<< "${active_tasks}" ) + active_tasks=$( grep -cP 'state:active|state:submitted|state:queued' <<< "${active_tasks}" ) + set -e + if [[ ${active_tasks} -ne ${prev_active_tasks} ]]; then + echo + echo -n "ECFLOW Tasks Remaining: ${active_tasks}/${max_active_tasks} " + prev_active_tasks=${active_tasks} + else + echo -n "." + fi + "${PATHRT}/abort_dep_tasks.py" done + echo + sleep 65 # wait one ECF_INTERVAL plus 5 seconds - ecflow_client --delete=yes /${ECFLOW_SUITE} + echo "rt_utils.sh: ECFLOW tasks completed, cleaning up suite" + set +e + ecflow_client --delete=force yes "/${ECFLOW_SUITE}" + set -e sleep 5 } ecflow_kill() { - [[ ${ECFLOW_RUNNING:-false} == true ]] || return - set +e - ecflow_client --suspend /${ECFLOW_SUITE} - ecflow_client --kill /${ECFLOW_SUITE} - sleep 20 - ecflow_client --delete=force yes /${ECFLOW_SUITE} + [[ ${ECFLOW_RUNNING:-false} == true ]] || return + echo "rt_utils.sh: Deleting ECFLOW suite: ${ECFLOW_SUITE}" + set +e + ecflow_client --suspend "/${ECFLOW_SUITE}" + ecflow_client --kill "/${ECFLOW_SUITE}" + sleep 20 + ecflow_client --delete=force yes "/${ECFLOW_SUITE}" + set -e } ecflow_stop() { - [[ ${ECFLOW_RUNNING:-false} == true ]] || return - set +e - SUITES=$( ecflow_client --get | grep "^suite" ) - echo "SUITES=${SUITES}" - if [ -z "${SUITES}" ]; then - ecflow_client --halt=yes - ecflow_client --check_pt - ecflow_client --terminate=yes - fi + [[ ${ECFLOW_RUNNING:-false} == true ]] || return + echo "rt_utils.sh: Checking whether to stop ecflow_server..." + set +e + SUITES=$( ecflow_client --get ) + SUITES=$( grep "^suite" <<< "${SUITES}" ) + if [[ -z "${SUITES}" ]]; then + echo "rt_utils.sh: No other suites running, stopping ecflow_server" + ecflow_client --halt=yes + ecflow_client --check_pt + ecflow_client --terminate=yes + else + echo "rt_utils.sh: Active suites running, NOT stopping ecflow_server..." + echo "SUITES are: ${SUITES}" + fi + set -e } diff --git a/tests/rt_weekly.conf b/tests/rt_weekly.conf index 185a60abdf..5d460e6df2 100644 --- a/tests/rt_weekly.conf +++ b/tests/rt_weekly.conf @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ -################################################################################################################################################################################### -# Weekly tests # -################################################################################################################################################################################### +### Weekly tests ### -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_nsstNoahmpUGWPv1 -D32BIT=ON | + hera.intel | fv3 | -RUN | control_c768 | + hera.intel | fv3 | +COMPILE | 1 | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16 -D32BIT=ON | + hera | fv3 | +RUN | control_c768 | + hera | baseline | # CPLD Benchmark 35d tests # The length of forecast is 5 days for the weekly tests. -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | + hera.intel | fv3 | | -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera.intel | fv3 | | 2012010100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera.intel | fv3 | | 2012040100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera.intel | fv3 | | 2012070100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera.intel | fv3 | | 2012100100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera.intel | fv3 | | 2013010100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera.intel | fv3 | | 2013040100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera.intel | fv3 | | 2013070100 -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera.intel | fv3 | | 2013100100 +COMPILE | 2 | intel | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | + hera | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera | baseline | | 2012010100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera | baseline | | 2012040100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera | baseline | | 2012070100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera | baseline | | 2012100100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera | baseline | | 2013010100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera | baseline | | 2013040100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera | baseline | | 2013070100 +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8_35d | + hera | baseline | | 2013100100 + # The coupled p8 tests -COMPILE | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | + jet.intel | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_bmark_p8 | + jet.intel | fv3 | -RUN | cpld_control_c192_p8 | + jet.intel | fv3 | +COMPILE | 3 | intel | -DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 | + jet | fv3 | +RUN | cpld_bmark_p8 | + jet | baseline | +RUN | cpld_control_c192_p8 | + jet | baseline | + # RRFS North American domain -COMPILE | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON | + hera.intel | fv3 | -RUN | regional_rrfs_a | + hera.intel | fv3 | +COMPILE | 4 | intel | -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON | + hera | fv3 | +RUN | regional_rrfs_a | + hera | baseline | diff --git a/tests/run_compile.sh b/tests/run_compile.sh index 4ec17c9edf..6eeb72b13e 100755 --- a/tests/run_compile.sh +++ b/tests/run_compile.sh @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ #!/bin/bash set -eux +set -o pipefail echo "PID=$$" SECONDS=0 @@ -9,95 +10,102 @@ trap 'echo "run_compile.sh interrupted PID=$$"; cleanup' INT trap 'echo "run_compile.sh terminated PID=$$"; cleanup' TERM cleanup() { - [[ $ROCOTO = 'false' ]] && interrupt_job + [[ ${ROCOTO} = 'false' ]] && interrupt_job trap 0 exit } write_fail_test() { - if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == true ]]; then - echo "compile_${COMPILE_NR} failed in run_compile" >> $PATHRT/fail_opnreq_compile_${COMPILE_NR} + echo "${JBNME} failed in run_compile" >> "${PATHRT}/fail_${JBNME}" + if [[ ${ROCOTO:-false} == true ]] || [[ ${ECFLOW:-false} == true ]]; then + # if this script has been submitted by a workflow return non-zero exit status + # so that workflow can resubmit it + exit 1 else - echo "compile_${COMPILE_NR} failed in run_compile" >> $PATHRT/fail_compile_${COMPILE_NR} + # if this script has been executed interactively, return zero exit status + # so that rt.sh can continue running, and hope that rt.sh's generate_log + # will catch failed tests + exit 0 fi - exit 1 } remove_fail_test() { - echo "Removing test failure flag file for compile_${COMPILE_NR}" - if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == true ]] ; then - rm -f $PATHRT/fail_opnreq_compile_${COMPILE_NR} - else - rm -f $PATHRT/fail_compile_${COMPILE_NR} - fi + echo "Removing test failure flag file for ${JBNME}" + rm -f "${PATHRT}/fail_${JBNME}" } if [[ $# != 4 ]]; then - echo "Usage: $0 PATHRT RUNDIR_ROOT MAKE_OPT COMPILE_NR" + echo "Usage: $0 PATHRT RUNDIR_ROOT MAKE_OPT COMPILE_ID" exit 1 fi export PATHRT=$1 export RUNDIR_ROOT=$2 export MAKE_OPT=$3 -export COMPILE_NR=$4 +export COMPILE_ID=$4 + +export JBNME="compile_${COMPILE_ID}" -cd ${PATHRT} -OPNREQ_TEST=${OPNREQ_TEST:-false} +cd "${PATHRT}" remove_fail_test -[[ -e ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/compile_${COMPILE_NR}.env ]] && source ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/compile_${COMPILE_NR}.env +[[ -e ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/${JBNME}.env ]] && source "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/${JBNME}.env" source default_vars.sh +[[ -e ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/${JBNME}.env ]] && source "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/${JBNME}.env" -export TEST_NAME=compile -export TEST_NR=${COMPILE_NR} -export JBNME="compile_${COMPILE_NR}" -export RUNDIR=${RUNDIR_ROOT}/${TEST_NAME}_${TEST_NR} +export RUNDIR=${RUNDIR_ROOT}/${JBNME} +date_s=$( date +%s ) +echo -n "${JBNME}, ${date_s}," > "${LOG_DIR}/${JBNME}_timestamp.txt" -echo -n "${JBNME}, $( date +%s )," > ${LOG_DIR}/job_${JOB_NR}_timestamp.txt +export RT_LOG=${LOG_DIR}/${JBNME}.log source rt_utils.sh source atparse.bash -rm -rf ${RUNDIR} -mkdir -p ${RUNDIR} -cd $RUNDIR +rm -rf "${RUNDIR}" +mkdir -p "${RUNDIR}" +cd "${RUNDIR}" -if [[ $SCHEDULER = 'slurm' ]]; then - atparse < $PATHRT/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN > job_card -elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'lsf' ]]; then - atparse < $PATHRT/fv3_conf/compile_bsub.IN > job_card -elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'pbs' ]]; then - atparse < $PATHRT/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN > job_card +if [[ ${SCHEDULER} = 'pbs' ]]; then + if [[ -e ${PATHRT}/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_${MACHINE_ID} ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_${MACHINE_ID}" > job_card + else + echo "Looking for fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_${MACHINE_ID} but it is not found. Exiting" + exit 1 + fi +elif [[ ${SCHEDULER} = 'slurm' ]]; then + if [[ -e ${PATHRT}/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_${MACHINE_ID} ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_${MACHINE_ID}" > job_card + else + echo "Looking for fv3_conf/compile_slurm.IN_${MACHINE_ID} but it is not found. Exiting" + exit 1 + fi fi ################################################################################ # Submit compile job ################################################################################ -if [[ $ROCOTO = 'false' ]]; then +if [[ ${ROCOTO} = 'false' ]]; then submit_and_wait job_card else chmod u+x job_card - ( ./job_card 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | tee err ) 3>&1 1>&2 | tee out - # The above shell redirection copies stdout to "out" and stderr to "err" - # while still sending them to stdout and stderr. It does this without - # relying on bash-specific extensions or non-standard OS features. + redirect_out_err ./job_card fi +#ls -l "${PATHTR}/tests/fv3_${COMPILE_ID}.exe" -ls -l ${PATHTR}/tests/fv3_${COMPILE_NR}.exe - -cp ${RUNDIR}/compile_*_time.log ${LOG_DIR} -cat ${RUNDIR}/job_timestamp.txt >> ${LOG_DIR}/job_${JOB_NR}_timestamp.txt +cp "${RUNDIR}/${JBNME}_time.log" "${LOG_DIR}" +cat "${RUNDIR}/job_timestamp.txt" >> "${LOG_DIR}/${JBNME}_timestamp.txt" remove_fail_test ################################################################################ # End compile job ################################################################################ +date_s=$( date +%s ) +echo " ${date_s}, 1" >> "${LOG_DIR}/${JBNME}_timestamp.txt" -echo " $( date +%s ), 1" >> ${LOG_DIR}/job_${JOB_NR}_timestamp.txt - -elapsed=$SECONDS -echo "Elapsed time $elapsed seconds. Compile ${COMPILE_NR}" +elapsed=${SECONDS} +echo "run_compile.sh: Compile ${COMPILE_ID} Completed." +echo "run_compile.sh: Compile ${COMPILE_ID} Elapsed time ${elapsed} seconds." diff --git a/tests/run_test.sh b/tests/run_test.sh index 96a549c17e..8e8e7c34d3 100755 --- a/tests/run_test.sh +++ b/tests/run_test.sh @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ #!/bin/bash set -eux +set -o pipefail echo "PID=$$" SECONDS=0 @@ -9,324 +10,578 @@ trap 'echo "run_test.sh interrupted PID=$$"; cleanup' INT trap 'echo "run_test.sh terminated PID=$$"; cleanup' TERM cleanup() { - [[ $ROCOTO = 'false' ]] && interrupt_job + [[ ${ROCOTO} = 'false' ]] && interrupt_job trap 0 exit } write_fail_test() { - if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == true ]]; then - echo "${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_NR} failed in run_test" >> $PATHRT/fail_opnreq_test_${TEST_NR} + echo "${TEST_ID} failed in run_test" >> "${PATHRT}/fail_test_${TEST_ID}" + if [[ ${ROCOTO:-false} == true ]] || [[ ${ECFLOW:-false} == true ]]; then + # if this script has been submitted by a workflow return non-zero exit status + # so that workflow can resubmit it + exit 1 else - echo "${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_NR} failed in run_test" >> $PATHRT/fail_test_${TEST_NR} + # if this script has been executed interactively, return zero exit status + # so that rt.sh can continue running, and hope that rt.sh's generate_log + # will catch failed tests + exit 0 fi - exit 1 -} - -remove_fail_test() { - echo "Removing test failure flag file for ${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_NR}" - if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == true ]] ; then - rm -f $PATHRT/fail_opnreq_test_${TEST_NR} - else - rm -f $PATHRT/fail_test_${TEST_NR} - fi } if [[ $# != 5 ]]; then - echo "Usage: $0 PATHRT RUNDIR_ROOT TEST_NAME TEST_NR COMPILE_NR" + echo "Usage: $0 PATHRT RUNDIR_ROOT TEST_NAME TEST_ID COMPILE_ID" exit 1 fi export PATHRT=$1 export RUNDIR_ROOT=$2 export TEST_NAME=$3 -export TEST_NR=$4 -export COMPILE_NR=$5 +export TEST_ID=$4 +export COMPILE_ID=$5 + +echo "PATHRT: ${PATHRT}" +echo "RUNDIR_ROOT: ${RUNDIR_ROOT}" +echo "TEST_NAME: ${TEST_NAME}" +echo "TEST_ID: ${TEST_ID}" +echo "COMPILE_ID: ${COMPILE_ID}" -cd ${PATHRT} -OPNREQ_TEST=${OPNREQ_TEST:-false} -remove_fail_test +cd "${PATHRT}" -[[ -e ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/run_test_${TEST_NR}.env ]] && source ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/run_test_${TEST_NR}.env + +unset MODEL_CONFIGURE +unset UFS_CONFIGURE + +[[ -e ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/run_test_${TEST_ID}.env ]] && source "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/run_test_${TEST_ID}.env" source default_vars.sh -source tests/$TEST_NAME -[[ -e ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/opnreq_test_${TEST_NR}.env ]] && source ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/opnreq_test_${TEST_NR}.env +[[ -e ${RUNDIR_ROOT}/run_test_${TEST_ID}.env ]] && source "${RUNDIR_ROOT}/run_test_${TEST_ID}.env" +source "tests/${TEST_NAME}" + +rm -f "${PATHRT}/fail_test_${TEST_ID}" # Save original CNTL_DIR name as INPUT_DIR for regression # tests that try to copy input data from CNTL_DIR + export INPUT_DIR=${CNTL_DIR} + # Append RT_SUFFIX to RUNDIR, and BL_SUFFIX to CNTL_DIR -export RUNDIR=${RUNDIR_ROOT}/${TEST_NAME}${RT_SUFFIX} +export RUNDIR=${RUNDIR_ROOT}/${TEST_ID}${RT_SUFFIX} export CNTL_DIR=${CNTL_DIR}${BL_SUFFIX} -export JBNME=$(basename $RUNDIR_ROOT)_${TEST_NR} - -echo -n "${TEST_NAME}, $( date +%s )," > ${LOG_DIR}/job_${JOB_NR}_timestamp.txt - -if [[ ${OPNREQ_TEST} == false ]]; then - REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=${LOG_DIR}/rt_${TEST_NR}_${TEST_NAME}${RT_SUFFIX}.log -else - REGRESSIONTEST_LOG=${LOG_DIR}/opnReqTest_${TEST_NAME}${RT_SUFFIX}.log -fi -export REGRESSIONTEST_LOG - -rm -f ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} +JBNME="run_${TEST_ID}" +export JBNME +date_s=$( date +%s ) +echo -n "${TEST_ID}, ${date_s}," > "${LOG_DIR}/${JBNME}_timestamp.txt" -echo "Test ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} ${TEST_DESCR}" +export RT_LOG=${LOG_DIR}/rt_${TEST_ID}${RT_SUFFIX}.log +echo "Test ${TEST_ID} ${TEST_DESCR}" source rt_utils.sh source atparse.bash -rm -rf ${RUNDIR} -mkdir -p ${RUNDIR} -cd $RUNDIR +rm -rf "${RUNDIR}" +mkdir -p "${RUNDIR}" +cd "${RUNDIR}" ############################################################################### # Make configure and run files ############################################################################### -MACHINE_ID=${MACHINE_ID:-false} + # FV3 executable: -cp ${PATHRT}/fv3_${COMPILE_NR}.exe fv3.exe +cp "${PATHRT}/fv3_${COMPILE_ID}.exe" "fv3.exe" # modulefile for FV3 prerequisites: -if [[ $MACHINE_ID == gaea.* ]] || [[ $MACHINE_ID == linux.* ]]; then - cp ${PATHRT}/modules.fv3_${COMPILE_NR} modules.fv3 +mkdir -p modulefiles +if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == linux ]]; then + cp "${PATHRT}/modules.fv3_${COMPILE_ID}" "./modulefiles/modules.fv3" else - cp ${PATHRT}/modules.fv3_${COMPILE_NR}.lua modules.fv3.lua + cp "${PATHRT}/modules.fv3_${COMPILE_ID}.lua" "./modulefiles/modules.fv3.lua" fi -cp ${PATHTR}/modulefiles/ufs_common* . +cp "${PATHTR}/modulefiles/ufs_common.lua" "./modulefiles/." # Get the shell file that loads the "module" command and purges modules: -cp ${PATHRT}/module-setup.sh module-setup.sh - -SRCD="${PATHTR}" -RUND="${RUNDIR}" +cp "${PATHRT}/module-setup.sh" "module-setup.sh" + +case ${MACHINE_ID} in + wcoss2|acorn) + module load intel/ netcdf/4.7.4 + module load nccmp + ;; + s4) + module use /data/prod/jedi/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.4.1/envs/ufs-pio-2.5.10/install/modulefiles/Core + module load stack-intel/2021.5.0 stack-intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.5.0 + module load miniconda/3.9.12 + module load nccmp/ + ;; + stampede|expanse|noaacloud) + echo "No special nccmp load necessary" + ;; + gaea) + module use /ncrc/proj/epic/spack-stack/spack-stack-1.6.0/envs/unified-env/install/modulefiles/Core + module load stack-intel/2023.2.0 stack-cray-mpich/8.1.28 + module load nccmp/ + ;; + derecho) + module load nccmp + ;; + *) + module use modulefiles + module load modules.fv3 + ;; +esac # FV3_RUN could have multiple entry seperated by space -for i in ${FV3_RUN:-fv3_run.IN} -do - atparse < ${PATHRT}/fv3_conf/${i} >> fv3_run -done - -if [[ $DATM_CDEPS = 'true' ]] || [[ $FV3 = 'true' ]] || [[ $S2S = 'true' ]]; then - if [[ $HAFS = 'false' ]] || [[ $FV3 = 'true' && $HAFS = 'true' ]]; then - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NML:-input.nml.IN} > input.nml +if [[ -n "${FV3_RUN}" ]]; then + for i in ${FV3_RUN} + do + atparse < "${PATHRT}/fv3_conf/${i}" >> fv3_run + done +else + echo "No FV3_RUN set in test file" + exit 1 +fi + +# Magic to handle namelist versions of &cires_ugwp_nml +if [[ ${DO_UGWP_V1:-.false.} == .true. ]] ; then + export HIDE_UGWPV0='!' + export HIDE_UGWPV1=' ' +else + export HIDE_UGWPV0=' ' + export HIDE_UGWPV1='!' +fi + +if [[ ${DATM_CDEPS} = 'true' ]] || [[ ${FV3} = 'true' ]] || [[ ${S2S} = 'true' ]]; then + if [[ ${HAFS} = 'false' ]] || [[ ${FV3} = 'true' && ${HAFS} = 'true' ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NML:-input.nml.IN}" > input.nml fi fi -atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${MODEL_CONFIGURE:-model_configure.IN} > model_configure +if [[ -f ${PATHRT}/parm/${MODEL_CONFIGURE} ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${MODEL_CONFIGURE}" > model_configure +else + echo "Cannot find file ${MODEL_CONFIGURE} set by variable MODEL_CONFIGURE" + exit 1 +fi compute_petbounds_and_tasks -atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${NEMS_CONFIGURE:-nems.configure} > nems.configure +if [[ -f ${PATHRT}/parm/${UFS_CONFIGURE} ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${UFS_CONFIGURE}" > ufs.configure +else + echo "Cannot find file ${UFS_CONFIGURE} set by variable UFS_CONFIGURE" + exit 1 +fi -if [[ "Q${INPUT_NEST02_NML:-}" != Q ]] ; then - INPES_NEST=$INPES_NEST02; JNPES_NEST=$JNPES_NEST02 - NPX_NEST=$NPX_NEST02; NPY_NEST=$NPY_NEST02 - K_SPLIT_NEST=$K_SPLIT_NEST02; N_SPLIT_NEST=$N_SPLIT_NEST02 - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NEST02_NML} > input_nest02.nml +if [[ "Q${INPUT_NEST02_NML:-}" != Q ]]; then + export INPES_NEST=${INPES_NEST02:-} + export JNPES_NEST=${JNPES_NEST02:-} + export NPX_NEST=${NPX_NEST02:-} + export NPY_NEST=${NPY_NEST02:-} + export K_SPLIT_NEST=${K_SPLIT_NEST02:-} + export N_SPLIT_NEST=${N_SPLIT_NEST02:-} + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NEST02_NML}" > input_nest02.nml else sed -i -e "//,/<\/output_grid_02>/d" model_configure fi -if [[ "Q${INPUT_NEST03_NML:-}" != Q ]] ; then - INPES_NEST=$INPES_NEST03; JNPES_NEST=$JNPES_NEST03 - NPX_NEST=$NPX_NEST03; NPY_NEST=$NPY_NEST03 - K_SPLIT_NEST=$K_SPLIT_NEST03; N_SPLIT_NEST=$N_SPLIT_NEST03 - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NEST03_NML} > input_nest03.nml +if [[ "Q${INPUT_NEST03_NML:-}" != Q ]]; then + export INPES_NEST=${INPES_NEST03:-} + export JNPES_NEST=${JNPES_NEST03:-} + export NPX_NEST=${NPX_NEST03:-} + export NPY_NEST=${NPY_NEST03:-} + export K_SPLIT_NEST=${K_SPLIT_NEST03:-} + export N_SPLIT_NEST=${N_SPLIT_NEST03:-} + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NEST03_NML}" > input_nest03.nml else sed -i -e "//,/<\/output_grid_03>/d" model_configure fi -if [[ "Q${INPUT_NEST04_NML:-}" != Q ]] ; then - INPES_NEST=$INPES_NEST04; JNPES_NEST=$JNPES_NEST04 - NPX_NEST=$NPX_NEST04; NPY_NEST=$NPY_NEST04 - K_SPLIT_NEST=$K_SPLIT_NEST04; N_SPLIT_NEST=$N_SPLIT_NEST04 - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NEST04_NML} > input_nest04.nml +if [[ "Q${INPUT_NEST04_NML:-}" != Q ]]; then + export INPES_NEST=${INPES_NEST04:-} + export JNPES_NEST=${JNPES_NEST04:-} + export NPX_NEST=${NPX_NEST04:-} + export NPY_NEST=${NPY_NEST04:-} + export K_SPLIT_NEST=${K_SPLIT_NEST04:-} + export N_SPLIT_NEST=${N_SPLIT_NEST04:-} + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NEST04_NML}" > input_nest04.nml else sed -i -e "//,/<\/output_grid_04>/d" model_configure fi -if [[ "Q${INPUT_NEST05_NML:-}" != Q ]] ; then - INPES_NEST=$INPES_NEST05; JNPES_NEST=$JNPES_NEST05 - NPX_NEST=$NPX_NEST05; NPY_NEST=$NPY_NEST05 - K_SPLIT_NEST=$K_SPLIT_NEST05; N_SPLIT_NEST=$N_SPLIT_NEST05 - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NEST05_NML} > input_nest05.nml +if [[ "Q${INPUT_NEST05_NML:-}" != Q ]]; then + export INPES_NEST=${INPES_NEST05:-} + export JNPES_NEST=${JNPES_NEST05:-} + export NPX_NEST=${NPX_NEST05:-} + export NPY_NEST=${NPY_NEST05:-} + export K_SPLIT_NEST=${K_SPLIT_NEST05:-} + export N_SPLIT_NEST=${N_SPLIT_NEST05:-} + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NEST05_NML}" > input_nest05.nml else sed -i -e "//,/<\/output_grid_05>/d" model_configure fi -if [[ "Q${INPUT_NEST06_NML:-}" != Q ]] ; then - INPES_NEST=$INPES_NEST06; JNPES_NEST=$JNPES_NEST06 - NPX_NEST=$NPX_NEST06; NPY_NEST=$NPY_NEST06 - K_SPLIT_NEST=$K_SPLIT_NEST06; N_SPLIT_NEST=$N_SPLIT_NEST06 - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NEST06_NML} > input_nest06.nml +if [[ "Q${INPUT_NEST06_NML:-}" != Q ]]; then + export INPES_NEST=${INPES_NEST06:-} + export JNPES_NEST=${JNPES_NEST06:-} + export NPX_NEST=${NPX_NEST06:-} + export NPY_NEST=${NPY_NEST06:-} + export K_SPLIT_NEST=${K_SPLIT_NEST06:-} + export N_SPLIT_NEST=${N_SPLIT_NEST06:-} + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${INPUT_NEST06_NML}" > input_nest06.nml else sed -i -e "//,/<\/output_grid_06>/d" model_configure fi # diag table -if [[ "Q${DIAG_TABLE:-}" != Q ]] ; then - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/diag_table/${DIAG_TABLE} > diag_table +if [[ "Q${DIAG_TABLE:-}" != Q ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/diag_table/${DIAG_TABLE}" > diag_table fi # Field table -if [[ "Q${FIELD_TABLE:-}" != Q ]] ; then - cp ${PATHRT}/parm/field_table/${FIELD_TABLE} field_table +if [[ "Q${FIELD_TABLE:-}" != Q ]]; then + cp "${PATHRT}/parm/field_table/${FIELD_TABLE}" field_table fi - + # fix files -if [[ $FV3 == true ]]; then - cp ${INPUTDATA_ROOT}/FV3_fix/*.txt . - cp ${INPUTDATA_ROOT}/FV3_fix/*.f77 . - cp ${INPUTDATA_ROOT}/FV3_fix/*.dat . - cp ${INPUTDATA_ROOT}/FV3_fix/fix_co2_proj/* . - if [[ $TILEDFIX != .true. ]]; then - cp ${INPUTDATA_ROOT}/FV3_fix/*.grb . +if [[ ${FV3} == true ]]; then + cp "${INPUTDATA_ROOT}"/FV3_fix/*.txt . + cp "${INPUTDATA_ROOT}"/FV3_fix/*.f77 . + cp "${INPUTDATA_ROOT}"/FV3_fix/*.dat . + cp "${INPUTDATA_ROOT}"/FV3_fix/fix_co2_proj/* . + if [[ ${TILEDFIX} != .true. ]]; then + cp "${INPUTDATA_ROOT}"/FV3_fix/*.grb . fi fi +# NoahMP table file + cp "${PATHRT}/parm/noahmptable.tbl" . + + # AQM -if [[ $AQM == .true. ]]; then - cp ${PATHRT}/parm/aqm/aqm.rc . +if [[ ${AQM} == .true. ]]; then + cp "${PATHRT}/parm/aqm/aqm.rc" . fi # Field Dictionary -cp ${PATHRT}/parm/fd_nems.yaml fd_nems.yaml +cp "${PATHRT}/parm/fd_ufs.yaml" fd_ufs.yaml # Set up the run directory source ./fv3_run -if [[ $CPLWAV == .true. ]]; then - if [[ $MULTIGRID = 'true' ]]; then - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/ww3_multi.inp.IN > ww3_multi.inp +if [[ ${CPLWAV} == .true. ]]; then + if [[ ${WW3_MULTIGRID} = 'true' ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/ww3_multi.inp.IN" > ww3_multi.inp else - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/ww3_shel.inp.IN > ww3_shel.inp + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/ww3_shel.nml.IN" > ww3_shel.nml + cp "${PATHRT}/parm/ww3_points.list" . fi fi -if [[ $CPLCHM == .true. ]]; then - cp ${PATHRT}/parm/gocart/*.rc . - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/gocart/AERO_HISTORY.rc.IN > AERO_HISTORY.rc +if [[ ${CPLCHM} == .true. ]]; then + cp "${PATHRT}"/parm/gocart/*.rc . + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/gocart/AERO_HISTORY.rc.IN" > AERO_HISTORY.rc fi -if [[ $DATM_CDEPS = 'true' ]] || [[ $S2S = 'true' ]]; then - if [[ $HAFS = 'false' ]]; then - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/ice_in_template > ice_in - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${MOM_INPUT:-MOM_input_template_$OCNRES} > INPUT/MOM_input - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/diag_table/${DIAG_TABLE:-diag_table_template} > diag_table - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/data_table_template > data_table +#TODO: this logic needs to be cleaned up for datm applications w/o +#ocean or ice +if [[ ${DATM_CDEPS} = 'true' ]] || [[ ${S2S} = 'true' ]]; then + if [[ ${HAFS} = 'false' ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/ice_in.IN" > ice_in + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${MOM6_INPUT:-MOM_input_${OCNRES}.IN}" > INPUT/MOM_input + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/diag_table/${DIAG_TABLE:-diag_table_template}" > diag_table + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/MOM6_data_table.IN" > data_table fi fi -if [[ $HAFS = 'true' ]] && [[ $DATM_CDEPS = 'false' ]]; then - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/diag_table/${DIAG_TABLE:-diag_table_template} > diag_table +if [[ ${HAFS} = 'true' ]] && [[ ${DATM_CDEPS} = 'false' ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/diag_table/${DIAG_TABLE:-diag_table_template}" > diag_table fi -if [[ "${DIAG_TABLE_ADDITIONAL:-}Q" != Q ]] ; then +if [[ "${DIAG_TABLE_ADDITIONAL:-}Q" != Q ]]; then # Append diagnostic outputs, to support tests that vary from others # only by adding diagnostics. atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/diag_table/${DIAG_TABLE_ADDITIONAL:-}" >> diag_table fi +if [[ "${FIELD_TABLE_ADDITIONAL:-}Q" != Q ]] ; then + # Append field table + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/field_table/${FIELD_TABLE_ADDITIONAL:-}" >> field_table +fi + # ATMAERO -if [[ $CPLCHM == .true. ]] && [[ $S2S = 'false' ]]; then - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/diag_table/${DIAG_TABLE:-diag_table_template} > diag_table +if [[ ${CPLCHM} == .true. ]] && [[ ${S2S} = 'false' ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/diag_table/${DIAG_TABLE:-diag_table_template}" > diag_table +fi + +if [[ ${DATM_CDEPS} = 'true' ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${DATM_IN_CONFIGURE:-datm_in.IN}" > datm_in + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${DATM_STREAM_CONFIGURE:-datm.streams.IN}" > datm.streams +fi + +if [[ ${DOCN_CDEPS} = 'true' ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${DOCN_IN_CONFIGURE:-docn_in.IN}" > docn_in + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${DOCN_STREAM_CONFIGURE:-docn.streams.IN}" > docn.streams +fi + +if [[ ${DICE_CDEPS} = 'true' ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${DICE_IN_CONFIGURE:-dice_in.IN}" > dice_in + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${DICE_STREAM_CONFIGURE:-dice.streams.IN}" > dice.streams +fi + +if [[ ${CICE_PRESCRIBED} = 'true' ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}"/parm/ice_in.IN > ice_in fi -if [[ $DATM_CDEPS = 'true' ]]; then - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${DATM_IN_CONFIGURE:-datm_in} > datm_in - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${DATM_STREAM_CONFIGURE:-datm.streams.IN} > datm.streams +if [[ ${CDEPS_INLINE} = 'true' ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${CDEPS_INLINE_CONFIGURE:-stream.config.IN}" > stream.config fi -if [[ $DOCN_CDEPS = 'true' ]]; then - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${DOCN_IN_CONFIGURE:-docn_in} > docn_in - atparse < ${PATHRT}/parm/${DOCN_STREAM_CONFIGURE:-docn.streams.IN} > docn.streams +if [[ ${FIRE_BEHAVIOR} = 'true' ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/parm/${FIRE_NML:-namelist.fire.IN}" > namelist.fire +fi + +#Namelists generated and variable definitions are finalized +#Sanity check for timesteps on ATM/OCN/ICE +if [[ -n "${DT_CICE+x}" ]]; then + if [[ ${DT_ATMOS} -ne ${DT_CICE} ]]; then + echo "Atmosphere timestep (DT_ATMOS) should be equal to CICE timestep (DT_CICE). Exiting" + exit 1 + fi +fi +if [[ -n "${coupling_interval_slow_sec+x}" && -n "${coupling_interval_fast_sec+x}" ]]; then + if [[ $(( coupling_interval_slow_sec % coupling_interval_fast_sec)) -ne 0 ]]; then + echo "The slow coupling timestep (coupling_interval_slow_sec) should be divisible by" + echo "the fast coupling timestep (coupling_interval_fast_sec). Exiting" + exit 1 + fi fi TPN=$(( TPN / THRD )) if (( TASKS < TPN )); then TPN=${TASKS} fi +export TPN + NODES=$(( TASKS / TPN )) if (( NODES * TPN < TASKS )); then NODES=$(( NODES + 1 )) fi +export NODES + +UFS_TASKS=${TASKS} TASKS=$(( NODES * TPN )) +export TASKS -if [[ $SCHEDULER = 'pbs' ]]; then - atparse < $PATHRT/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN > job_card -elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'slurm' ]]; then - atparse < $PATHRT/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN > job_card -elif [[ $SCHEDULER = 'lsf' ]]; then - atparse < $PATHRT/fv3_conf/fv3_bsub.IN > job_card +PPN=$(( UFS_TASKS / NODES )) +if (( UFS_TASKS - ( PPN * NODES ) > 0 )); then + PPN=$((PPN + 1)) +fi +export PPN +export UFS_TASKS + +if [[ ${SCHEDULER} = 'pbs' ]]; then + if [[ -e ${PATHRT}/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_${MACHINE_ID} ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_${MACHINE_ID}" > job_card + else + echo "Looking for fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_${MACHINE_ID} but it is not found. Exiting" + exit 1 + fi +elif [[ ${SCHEDULER} = 'slurm' ]]; then + if [[ -e ${PATHRT}/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_${MACHINE_ID} ]]; then + atparse < "${PATHRT}/fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_${MACHINE_ID}" > job_card + else + echo "Looking for fv3_conf/fv3_slurm.IN_${MACHINE_ID} but it is not found. Exiting" + exit 1 + fi +fi + +# This "if" block is part of the rt.sh self-tests in error-test.conf. +# It emulates run_test.sh not being able to populate the work directory. +if [[ "${JOB_SHOULD_FAIL:-NO}" == WHEN_COPYING ]] ; then + echo "The job should abort now, with exit status 1." 1>&2 + echo "If error checking is working, the metascheduler should mark the job as failed." 1>&2 + false fi ################################################################################ # Submit test job ################################################################################ - -if [[ $SCHEDULER = 'none' ]]; then - +export OMP_ENV=${OMP_ENV:-""} +if [[ ${SCHEDULER} = 'none' ]]; then ulimit -s unlimited - if [[ $CI_TEST = 'true' ]]; then - eval ${OMP_ENV} mpiexec -n ${TASKS} ${MPI_PROC_BIND} ./fv3.exe >out 2> >(tee err >&3) + if [[ ${CI_TEST} = 'true' ]]; then + eval "${OMP_ENV}" redirect_out_err mpiexec -n "${TASKS}" ./fv3.exe else - mpiexec -n ${TASKS} ./fv3.exe >out 2> >(tee err >&3) + redirect_out_err mpiexec -n "${TASKS}" ./fv3.exe fi else - if [[ $ROCOTO = 'false' ]]; then + if [[ ${ROCOTO} = 'false' ]]; then submit_and_wait job_card else chmod u+x job_card - ( ./job_card 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | tee err ) 3>&1 1>&2 | tee out - # The above shell redirection copies stdout to "out" and stderr to "err" - # while still sending them to stdout and stderr. It does this without - # relying on bash-specific extensions or non-standard OS features. + redirect_out_err ./job_card fi fi +skip_check_results=${skip_check_results:-false} +if [[ ${skip_check_results} == false ]]; then + + test_status='PASS' + + { + echo + echo "baseline dir = ${RTPWD}/${CNTL_DIR}_${RT_COMPILER}" + echo "working dir = ${RUNDIR}" + echo "Checking test ${TEST_ID} results ...." + } > "${RT_LOG}" + echo + echo "baseline dir = ${RTPWD}/${CNTL_DIR}_${RT_COMPILER}" + echo "working dir = ${RUNDIR}" + echo "Checking test ${TEST_ID} results ...." + + if [[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} = false ]]; then + # + # --- regression test comparison + # + for i in ${LIST_FILES} ; do + printf %s " Comparing ${i} ....." >> "${RT_LOG}" + printf %s " Comparing ${i} ....." + + if [[ ! -f ${RUNDIR}/${i} ]] ; then + + echo ".......MISSING file" >> "${RT_LOG}" + echo ".......MISSING file" + test_status='FAIL' + + elif [[ ! -f ${RTPWD}/${CNTL_DIR}_${RT_COMPILER}/${i} ]] ; then + + echo ".......MISSING baseline" >> "${RT_LOG}" + echo ".......MISSING baseline" + test_status='FAIL' + + else + if [[ ${i##*.} == nc* ]] ; then + if [[ " orion hercules hera wcoss2 acorn derecho gaea jet s4 noaacloud " =~ ${MACHINE_ID} ]]; then + printf "USING NCCMP.." >> "${RT_LOG}" + printf "USING NCCMP.." + if [[ ${CMP_DATAONLY} == false ]]; then + nccmp -d -S -q -f -g -B --Attribute=checksum --warn=format "${RTPWD}/${CNTL_DIR}_${RT_COMPILER}/${i}" "${RUNDIR}/${i}" > "${i}_nccmp.log" 2>&1 && d=$? || d=$? + else + nccmp -d -S -q -f -B --Attribute=checksum --warn=format "${RTPWD}/${CNTL_DIR}_${RT_COMPILER}/${i}" "${RUNDIR}/${i}" > "${i}_nccmp.log" 2>&1 && d=$? || d=$? + fi + if [[ ${d} -ne 0 && ${d} -ne 1 ]]; then + printf "....ERROR" >> "${RT_LOG}" + printf "....ERROR" + test_status='FAIL' + fi + fi + else + printf "USING CMP.." >> "${RT_LOG}" + printf "USING CMP.." + cmp "${RTPWD}/${CNTL_DIR}_${RT_COMPILER}/${i}" "${RUNDIR}/${i}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && d=$? || d=$? + if [[ ${d} -eq 2 ]]; then + printf "....ERROR" >> "${RT_LOG}" + printf "....ERROR" + test_status='FAIL' + fi + + fi + + if [[ ${d} -ne 0 ]]; then + echo "....NOT IDENTICAL" >> "${RT_LOG}" + echo "....NOT IDENTICAL" + test_status='FAIL' + else + echo "....OK" >> "${RT_LOG}" + echo "....OK" + fi + + fi + + done + + else + # + # --- create baselines + # + echo;echo "Moving baseline ${TEST_ID} files ...." + echo;echo "Moving baseline ${TEST_ID} files ...." >> "${RT_LOG}" + + for i in ${LIST_FILES} ; do + printf %s " Moving ${i} ....." + printf %s " Moving ${i} ....." >> "${RT_LOG}" + if [[ -f ${RUNDIR}/${i} ]] ; then + mkdir -p "${NEW_BASELINE}/${CNTL_DIR}_${RT_COMPILER}/$(dirname "${i}")" + cp "${RUNDIR}/${i}" "${NEW_BASELINE}/${CNTL_DIR}_${RT_COMPILER}/${i}" + echo "....OK" >> "${RT_LOG}" + echo "....OK" + else + echo "....NOT OK. Missing ${RUNDIR}/${i}" >> "${RT_LOG}" + echo "....NOT OK. Missing ${RUNDIR}/${i}" + test_status='FAIL' + fi + done + + fi + + { + echo + grep "The total amount of wall time" "${RUNDIR}/out" + grep "The maximum resident set size" "${RUNDIR}/out" + echo + echo "Test ${TEST_ID} ${test_status}" + echo + } >> "${RT_LOG}" + + echo "Test ${TEST_ID} ${test_status}" + echo + + if [[ ${test_status} = 'FAIL' ]]; then + echo "${TEST_ID} failed in check_result" >> "${PATHRT}/fail_test_${TEST_ID}" + write_fail_test + fi -if [[ $skip_check_results = false ]]; then - check_results else - echo >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - grep "The total amount of wall time" ${RUNDIR}/out >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - grep "The maximum resident set size" ${RUNDIR}/out >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo "Test ${TEST_NR} ${TEST_NAME} RUN_SUCCESS" >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} - echo;echo;echo >> ${REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} + { + echo + grep "The total amount of wall time" "${RUNDIR}/out" + grep "The maximum resident set size" "${RUNDIR}/out" + echo + echo "Test ${TEST_ID} RUN_SUCCESS" + echo;echo;echo + } >> "${RT_LOG}" fi -if [[ $SCHEDULER != 'none' ]]; then - cat ${RUNDIR}/job_timestamp.txt >> ${LOG_DIR}/job_${JOB_NR}_timestamp.txt +if [[ ${SCHEDULER} != 'none' ]]; then + cat "${RUNDIR}/job_timestamp.txt" >> "${LOG_DIR}/${JBNME}_timestamp.txt" fi -remove_fail_test - ################################################################################ # End test ################################################################################ -echo " $( date +%s ), ${NODES}" >> ${LOG_DIR}/job_${JOB_NR}_timestamp.txt +date_s=$( date +%s ) +echo " ${date_s}, ${NODES}" >> "${LOG_DIR}/${JBNME}_timestamp.txt" ################################################################################ # Remove RUN_DIRs if they are no longer needed by other tests ################################################################################ +delete_rundir=${delete_rundir:-false} if [[ ${delete_rundir} = true ]]; then keep_run_dir=false while read -r line; do - keep_test=$(echo $line| sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') - if [[ $TEST_NAME == ${keep_test} ]]; then + keep_test=$(echo "${line}" | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//') + if [[ ${TEST_NAME} == "${keep_test}" ]]; then keep_run_dir=true fi - done < ${PATHRT}/keep_tests.tmp + done < "${PATHRT}/keep_tests.tmp" if [[ ${keep_run_dir} == false ]]; then - rm -rf ${RUNDIR} + rm -rf "${RUNDIR}" fi fi -elapsed=$SECONDS -echo "Elapsed time $elapsed seconds. Test ${TEST_NAME}" +elapsed=${SECONDS} +echo "run_test.sh: Test ${TEST_ID} Completed." +echo "run_test.sh: Test ${TEST_ID} Elapsed time ${elapsed} seconds." diff --git a/tests/test_changes.list b/tests/test_changes.list new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4ea4a8d43 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test_changes.list @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +hafs_regional_docn intel +hafs_regional_docn_oisst intel +hafs_regional_datm_cdeps intel diff --git a/tests/tests/atm_ds2s_docn_dice b/tests/tests/atm_ds2s_docn_dice new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd477d3bc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/atm_ds2s_docn_dice @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +# +# atm_ds2s_docn_dice P8 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="AMIP+ FV3-CCPP-CDEPS_DOCN-CDEPS_DICE system" + +export CNTL_DIR=atm_ds2s_docn_dice + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ + sfcf021.tile2.nc \ + sfcf021.tile3.nc \ + sfcf021.tile4.nc \ + sfcf021.tile5.nc \ + sfcf021.tile6.nc \ + atmf021.tile1.nc \ + atmf021.tile2.nc \ + atmf021.tile3.nc \ + atmf021.tile4.nc \ + atmf021.tile5.nc \ + atmf021.tile6.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc" + +export DT_ATMOS=720 + +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl + +#Component settings +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export CPLWAV=.false. +export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. + +export FV3=true +export S2S=false +export AQM=false +export DOCN_CDEPS=true +export DICE_CDEPS=true +export CDEPS_INLINE=false +export ocn_model=docn +export ice_model=dice + +#task layout +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_dflt +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_dflt +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_dflt +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_dflt + +export WAV_tasks=0 + +#CDEPS settings +export ocn_datamode=cplhist +export DOCN_IN_CONFIGURE=global_docn_in.IN +export DOCN_STREAM_CONFIGURE=global_docn.streams.IN +export ice_datamode=cplhist +export DICE_IN_CONFIGURE=global_dice_in.IN +export DICE_STREAM_CONFIGURE=global_dice.streams.IN +export OCNRES=100 +export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export ocn_nx_global=360 +export ocn_ny_global=320 +export ice_nx_global=360 +export ice_ny_global=320 +export stream_files_docn=INPUT/ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.ocn.nc +export stream_files_dice=INPUT/ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.ice.nc +export STREAM_OFFSET=0 + +export RESTART_N=12 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. + +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_gfsv16 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2s_esmf.IN +export FV3_RUN="cpld_control_run.IN cpld_docn_dice.IN" + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]] || [[ $MACHINE_ID = hercules ]] || [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion ]] || [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea ]]; then + WLCLK=50 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/atm_ds2s_docn_pcice b/tests/tests/atm_ds2s_docn_pcice new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fef8e3cdf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/atm_ds2s_docn_pcice @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +# +# atm_ds2s_docn_pcice P8 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="AMIP+ FV3-CCPP-CDEPS_DOCN-CICE_icePrescribed system" + +export CNTL_DIR=atm_ds2s_docn_pcice + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ + sfcf021.tile2.nc \ + sfcf021.tile3.nc \ + sfcf021.tile4.nc \ + sfcf021.tile5.nc \ + sfcf021.tile6.nc \ + atmf021.tile1.nc \ + atmf021.tile2.nc \ + atmf021.tile3.nc \ + atmf021.tile4.nc \ + atmf021.tile5.nc \ + atmf021.tile6.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_cpl + +#Component settings +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export CPLWAV=.false. +export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. + +export FV3=true +export S2S=false +export AQM=false +export DOCN_CDEPS=true +export DICE_CDEPS=false +export CDEPS_INLINE=false +export ocn_model=docn +export ice_model=cice6 + +#task layout +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_dflt +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_dflt +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_dflt +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_dflt + +export WAV_tasks=0 + +#CDEPS docn settings +export ocn_datamode=sstdata +#export MESH_OCN=TX025_210327_ESMFmesh_py.nc +#export ocn_data="INPUT/oisst-avhrr-v02r01.202103.nc" +export MESH_OCN=e5.oper.an.mesh.nc +export ocn_data="INPUT/sst_siconc_skt.era5.20210321_20210331.nc" +export ocn_data_var=sst +export ocn_nx_global=1440 +export ocn_ny_global=721 +export DOCN_IN_CONFIGURE=docn_in.IN +export DOCN_STREAM_CONFIGURE=hafs_docn.streams.IN +export STREAM_OFFSET=0 + +#CICE ice prescribed settings - default res +#export OCNRES=100 +#export ICERES=1.00 +#export NX_GLB=360 +#export NY_GLB=320 +export CICE_RUNTYPE=initial +export CICE_ICE_IC=none +export CICE_PRESCRIBED=true +export stream_files_dice=$ocn_data +export MESH_DICE=$MESH_OCN +export eps_imesh=4.0e-1 + +export RESTART_N=12 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_gfsv16 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2s_esmf.IN +export FV3_RUN="cpld_control_run.IN cpld_docn_pcice.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8 b/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8 index 7bfc508023..6d4012d580 100644 --- a/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8 @@ -17,40 +17,41 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 @@ -66,13 +67,12 @@ export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export CPL=.true. export CPLCHM=.true. -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.atmaero.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atmaero_esmf.IN export atm_model='fv3' export chm_model='gocart' export coupling_interval_sec=${DT_ATMOS} -export TASKS=${TASKS_atmaero} export INPES=${INPES_atmaero} export JNPES=${JNPES_atmaero} export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=${WPG_atmaero} @@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=${WPG_atmaero} # default resources export DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=8000000 -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -89,18 +88,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export IAER=1011 export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 @@ -108,7 +105,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.false. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 +# UGWP1 export GWD_OPT=2 export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 @@ -121,7 +118,7 @@ export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -135,7 +132,6 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings export TILEDFIX=.true. export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" @@ -143,6 +139,7 @@ export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C96.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" @@ -162,8 +159,10 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 #required for NML.IN sharing export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone) export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. @@ -171,9 +170,8 @@ export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_GOCART -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN # RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.false. @@ -181,6 +179,4 @@ export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8_rad b/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8_rad index 47764a0559..4eac5a3303 100644 --- a/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8_rad +++ b/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8_rad @@ -17,40 +17,41 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 @@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export CPL=.true. export CPLCHM=.true. -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.atmaero.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atmaero_esmf.IN export atm_model='fv3' export chm_model='gocart' @@ -74,7 +75,6 @@ export coupling_interval_sec=${DT_ATMOS} # default resources export DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=8000000 -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -83,18 +83,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export IAER=2011 export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 @@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.true. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 +# UGWP1 export GWD_OPT=2 export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 @@ -115,7 +113,7 @@ export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -129,7 +127,6 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings export TILEDFIX=.true. export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" @@ -137,6 +134,7 @@ export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C96.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" @@ -156,8 +154,10 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 #required for NML.IN sharing export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. @@ -165,9 +165,8 @@ export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_GOCART -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN # RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.false. @@ -175,6 +174,4 @@ export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro b/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro index 7b0bd044f7..1c4bbe4478 100644 --- a/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro +++ b/tests/tests/atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro @@ -17,40 +17,41 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 @@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export CPL=.true. export CPLCHM=.true. -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.atmaero.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atmaero_esmf.IN export atm_model='fv3' export chm_model='gocart' @@ -74,7 +75,6 @@ export coupling_interval_sec=${DT_ATMOS} # default resources export DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=8000000 -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -83,18 +83,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.false. export LTAEROSOL=.false. export MRAEROSOL=.true. @@ -104,7 +102,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.true. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 +# UGWP1 export GWD_OPT=2 export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 @@ -117,7 +115,7 @@ export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -131,7 +129,6 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings export TILEDFIX=.true. export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" @@ -139,6 +136,7 @@ export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C96.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" @@ -159,7 +157,7 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. @@ -168,8 +166,7 @@ export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke_GOCART export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_gocart_micro -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=merra2_thompson.nml.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN # RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.false. @@ -177,6 +174,3 @@ export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi diff --git a/tests/tests/atmwav_control_noaero_p8 b/tests/tests/atmwav_control_noaero_p8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a1d7c8bc42 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/atmwav_control_noaero_p8 @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Global control test GFSv16 atmosphere only at C96L127, P8 configuration with 2way atm-wav coupling +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=atmwav_control_noaero_p8 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf012.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf012.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.atmw.cpl.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc \ + 20210322.180000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210322.180000.out_grd.ww3 \ + ufs.atmw.ww3.r.2021-03-22-64800.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_tiled +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' + +export FHMAX=12 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" + +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_atmw +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_atmw +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_atmw * THRD_cpl_atmw )) +export WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_atmw + +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_atmw +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads +export wav_omp_num_threads=$WAV_thrds_cpl_atmw + +export med_model=cmeps +export atm_model=fv3 +export wav_model=ww3 + +export WW3_MULTIGRID=false +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.glo_1deg +export MESH_WAV=mesh.glo_1deg.nc +export WW3_user_histname='false' +export WW3_historync='false' +export WW3_restartnc='true' +export WW3_restart_from_binary='false' +# For either history_nc or restart_nc true +export WW3_PIO_FORMAT='pnetcdf' +export WW3_PIO_STRIDE=4 +export WW3_PIO_IOTASKS=-99 +export WW3_PIO_REARR='box' +export WW3_PIO_ROOT=-99 + +# ufs.configure +export coupling_interval_sec=${DT_ATMOS} +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atmw.IN +export CPLMODE=ufs.frac +export RUNTYPE=startup +export CMEPS_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export cap_dbug_flag=0 +export pio_rearranger=box + +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export LSM=2 +export IOPT_DVEG=4 +export IOPT_CRS=2 +export IOPT_RAD=3 +export IOPT_ALB=1 +export IOPT_STC=3 + +export IOPT_SFC=3 +export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export D2_BG_K1=0.20 +export D2_BG_K2=0.04 +export PSM_BC=1 +export DDDMP=0.1 + +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export IAER=1011 +export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. + +# UGWP1 +export GWD_OPT=2 +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 +export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. +export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. + +# CA +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. +export CA_GLOBAL=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 + +export TILEDFIX=.true. +export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" +export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" +export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" +export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C96.soil_color.tileX.nc'" +export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} +export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} +export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNVMXC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNSLPC="'C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNABSC="'C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" +export LANDICE=".false." +export FSICL=0 +export FSICS=0 + +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export DZ_MIN=6 + +#atm-wav coupling +export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} +export CPL=.true. +export CPLWAV=.true. +export CPLWAV2ATM=.true. + +#required for NML.IN sharing +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n +# Following not used for standalone +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. + +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 + +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN + +# RRTMGP +export DO_RRTMGP=.false. +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. +export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control b/tests/tests/control deleted file mode 100644 index dd76513284..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# global control test: GFSv16 atmosphere only at C96L127 -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf021.nc \ - sfcf024.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf021.nc \ - atmf024.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF21 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export IOVR=3 -export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' - - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_2dwrtdecomp b/tests/tests/control_2dwrtdecomp deleted file mode 100644 index e7c5b2b7d2..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_2dwrtdecomp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global 2D write domain decomposition test -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global 2D write decomp results with control test" - -export CNTL_DIR=control - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf024.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf024.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF24" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 - -export IOVR=3 -export ITASKS=2 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_2threads b/tests/tests/control_2threads deleted file mode 100644 index 64269d3dd9..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_2threads +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global control with 2 threads test -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control with 2 threads results with control test" - -export CNTL_DIR=control - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf024.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf024.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export IOVR=3 - -export THRD=2 -export TASKS=$TASKS_thrd -export INPES=$INPES_thrd -export JNPES=$JNPES_thrd -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_2threads_debug b/tests/tests/control_2threads_debug deleted file mode 100644 index 62f8309ab3..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_2threads_debug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global control with 2 threads debug test -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control with 2 threads debug results with control debug test" - -export CNTL_DIR=control_debug - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 -export IOVR=3 -export FHMAX=01 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" - -export THRD=2 -export TASKS=$TASKS_thrd -export INPES=$INPES_thrd -export JNPES=$JNPES_thrd -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_2threads_p8 b/tests/tests/control_2threads_p8 index e7b40ce5cf..d48022f634 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_2threads_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/control_2threads_p8 @@ -16,44 +16,46 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -61,13 +63,11 @@ export SHOUR=06 export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export THRD=2 -export TASKS=$TASKS_thrd export INPES=$INPES_thrd export JNPES=$JNPES_thrd -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -# P7 default +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 + export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -76,18 +76,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export IAER=1011 export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 @@ -95,20 +93,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.false. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 -export GWD_OPT=2 -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 -export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. -export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. - -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -122,7 +107,6 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings export TILEDFIX=.true. export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" @@ -130,6 +114,7 @@ export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C96.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" @@ -149,21 +134,23 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 #required for NML.IN sharing export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN -# P8 RRTMGP +# RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.false. export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. + +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid b/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid index 9940a26bd2..52bf0f12c9 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid +++ b/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid @@ -33,9 +33,12 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -49,6 +52,4 @@ export IOVR=3 export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_fhout.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug b/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug index 531b75d1d1..1789845883 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug +++ b/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid_debug @@ -34,9 +34,12 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.tile1.nc \ atmf001.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -49,5 +52,4 @@ export IOVR=3 export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel b/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel index f353280a02..6bd709a41a 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel +++ b/tests/tests/control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel @@ -11,25 +11,36 @@ export CNTL_DIR=control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ sfcf024.nc \ atmf000.nc \ - atmf024.nc" + atmf024.nc \ + cubed_sphere_grid_sfcf000.nc \ + cubed_sphere_grid_sfcf024.nc \ + cubed_sphere_grid_atmf000.nc \ + cubed_sphere_grid_atmf024.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF24" + export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 export SHOUR=06 export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 -export OUTPUT_GRID='cubed_sphere_grid' +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf_parallel' 'netcdf_parallel'" export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' export IAER=5111 export IOVR=3 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export HISTORY_FILE_ON_NATIVE_GRID=.true. +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_fhout.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_atmwav b/tests/tests/control_atmwav deleted file mode 100644 index 99bb848da8..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_atmwav +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global control with 2way atm-wav coupling test -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control with 2way atm-wav coupling results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control_atmwav - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf012.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf012.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF12 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - 20210322.180000.restart.glo_1deg" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=600 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export IOVR=3 - -export FHMAX=12 -#wave -export WW3RSTDTHR=3 -export DT_2_RST="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3RSTDTHR}*3600 )))" - -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_atmw -export INPES=$INPES_cpl_atmw -export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_atmw -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_atmw -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_atmw - -WAV_tasks=${WAV_tasks_atmw} - -export CPL=.true. -export CPLWAV=.true. -export CPLWAV2ATM=.true. -export atm_model='fv3' -export wav_model='ww3' -export coupling_interval_sec=600 -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.blocked_atm_wav_2way.IN" - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_c192 b/tests/tests/control_c192 index 3ccd93b8b4..8ba14ae125 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_c192 +++ b/tests/tests/control_c192 @@ -17,21 +17,24 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24" +export ATMRES=C192 + export_fv3 -export TASKS=204 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export INPES=4 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=12 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export NPX=193 export NPY=193 -export DT_ATMOS=360 export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 export SHOUR=06 export RESTART_INTERVAL=48 -export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c192} export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. @@ -40,11 +43,5 @@ export IOVR=3 export IMO=768 export JMO=384 -export FNALBC="'global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t382.768.384.rg.grb'," -export FNVETC="'global_vegtype.igbp.t382.768.384.rg.grb'," -export FNSOTC="'global_soiltype.statsgo.t382.768.384.rg.grb'," -export FNABSC="'global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t382.768.384.rg.grb'," - export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_c384 b/tests/tests/control_c384 index 6ca93eb0ab..9619b89e3e 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_c384 +++ b/tests/tests/control_c384 @@ -17,13 +17,18 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12" +export ATMRES=C384 + export_fv3 -export TASKS=${TASKS_c384} -export THRD=${THRD_c384} +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + +export atm_omp_num_threads=${THRD_c384} export INPES=${INPES_c384} export JNPES=${JNPES_c384} export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=48 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=${WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_c384:-48} export FHMAX=12 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 @@ -33,9 +38,7 @@ export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 export SHOUR=06 -export DT_ATMOS=225 export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 -export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c384} export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. @@ -45,11 +48,9 @@ export IMO=1536 export JMO=768 export OUTPUT_FH="6 -1" -export FNALBC="'global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," -export FNVETC="'global_vegtype.igbp.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," -export FNSOTC="'global_soiltype.statsgo.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," -export FNABSC="'global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," - export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet ]]; then + TPN=18 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/control_c384_progsigma b/tests/tests/control_c384_progsigma deleted file mode 100644 index aaacd484ae..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_c384_progsigma +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# global control test: GFSv16 atmosphere only at C96L127 -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control C384L127 results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control_c384_progsigma - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf012.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf012.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF12 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF12" - -export_fv3 -export TASKS=${TASKS_c384} -export THRD=${THRD_c384} -export INPES=${INPES_c384} -export JNPES=${JNPES_c384} -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=48 -export FHMAX=12 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export NPX=385 -export NPY=385 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export DT_ATMOS=225 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 -export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c384} -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export IOVR=3 -export IMO=1536 -export JMO=768 -export OUTPUT_FH="6 -1" -export PROGSIGMA=.true. - -export FNALBC="'global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," -export FNVETC="'global_vegtype.igbp.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," -export FNSOTC="'global_soiltype.statsgo.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," -export FNABSC="'global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_gfsv16_progsigma \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/tests/control_c384gdas b/tests/tests/control_c384gdas index b051fb7bf1..77ff247551 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_c384gdas +++ b/tests/tests/control_c384gdas @@ -16,46 +16,45 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF06 \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF06 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210322.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" -export_fv3 -export TASKS=${TASKS_c384} -export THRD=${THRD_c384} +export_fv3_v16 +export atm_omp_num_threads=${THRD_c384} export INPES=${INPES_c384} export JNPES=${JNPES_c384} export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=48 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=${WRTTASK_PER_GROUP_c384gdas:-48} export FHMAX=12 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 @@ -69,7 +68,6 @@ export SDAY=21 export SHOUR=18 export FHROT=3 export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" -export NFHMAX_HF=0 export IAU_OFFSET=6 export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c384} export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' @@ -95,3 +93,7 @@ export MODEL_INITIALIZATION=true export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 export INPUT_NML=control_gdas.nml.IN + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet ]] ; then + TPN=20 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/control_c384gdas_debug b/tests/tests/control_c384gdas_debug index 3f883ef459..fc5dd2d7e5 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_c384gdas_debug +++ b/tests/tests/control_c384gdas_debug @@ -12,42 +12,42 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ sfcf001.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210322.010000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.010000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" export_fv3 -export TASKS=${TASKS_c384} -export THRD=${THRD_c384} + +export atm_omp_num_threads=${THRD_c384} export INPES=${INPES_c384} export JNPES=${JNPES_c384} export WRITE_GROUP=1 @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ export SDAY=21 export SHOUR=18 export FHROT=3 export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -export NFHMAX_HF=7 export IAU_OFFSET=6 export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c384} export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' diff --git a/tests/tests/control_c384gdas_wav b/tests/tests/control_c384gdas_wav deleted file mode 100644 index f40521a9e6..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_c384gdas_wav +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global control test: GFSv16 gdas ensemble forecast case -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global c384gdas_wave results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control_c384gdas_wav - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf003.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf003.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF03 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF03 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - 20210322.030000.restart.aoc_9km \ - 20210322.030000.restart.gnh_10m \ - 20210322.030000.restart.gsh_15m" - -export_fv3 - -export FHMAX=9 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export NPX=385 -export NPY=385 -export DT_ATMOS=225 - -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_atmw_gdas -export INPES=$INPES_cpl_atmw_gdas -export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_atmw_gdas -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_atmw_gdas -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_atmw_gdas - -WAV_tasks=${WAV_tasks_atmw_gdas} - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=21 -export SHOUR=18 -export FHROT=3 -export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" -export NFHMAX_HF=0 -export IAU_OFFSET=6 -export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c384} -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IMO=1536 -export JMO=768 - -export WARM_START=.true. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export NA_INIT=0 -export IAU_INC_FILES="'fv_increment3.nc','fv_increment6.nc','fv_increment9.nc'" -export MODEL_INITIALIZATION=true - -export FNALBC="'global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," -export FNVETC="'global_vegtype.igbp.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," -export FNSOTC="'global_soiltype.statsgo.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," -export FNABSC="'global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t766.1536.768.rg.grb'," - -export CPL=.true. -export CPLWAV=.true. -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.leapfrog_atm_wav.IN" -export atm_model='fv3' -export wav_model='ww3' -export WW3OUTPUTTYPE=' 1' -export coupling_interval_sec=1800.0 #coupling time step, want it to be multiple of 1800 and FV3 time step -#wave -export WW3RSTDTHR=9 -export DT_2_RST="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3RSTDTHR}*3600 )))" -export NFGRIDS=1 -export NMGRIDS=3 -export CPLILINE="'glo_15mxt' F F T F F F F F F" -export WW3GRIDLINE="'gnh_10m' 'no' 'no' 'CPL:glo_15mxt' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 1 10 0.00 1.00 F -'gsh_15m' 'no' 'no' 'CPL:glo_15mxt' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 2 20 0.00 1.00 F -'aoc_9km' 'no' 'no' 'CPL:glo_15mxt' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 3 30 0.00 1.00 F" -export RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export RUN_END="2100${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export OUT_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export OUT_END=$RUN_END -export RST_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_2_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_END=$RUN_END -export RST_2_END=$RUN_END - -export MODEL_INITIALIZATION=true -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control_gdas.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_c48 b/tests/tests/control_c48 index b0d02e4533..0c0313f375 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_c48 +++ b/tests/tests/control_c48 @@ -12,41 +12,48 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ sfcf024.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf024.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export ATMRES=C48 export_fv3 -export TASKS=8 +export_tiled +if [[ $RT_COMPILER != gnu ]]; then + export_ugwpv1 + export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 +fi + export INPES=1 export JNPES=1 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=2 @@ -54,13 +61,11 @@ export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export NPX=49 export NPY=49 -export DT_ATMOS=1200 export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 export SHOUR=06 export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 -export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c48} export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. @@ -70,14 +75,10 @@ export IOVR=3 export IMO=192 export JMO=94 -export FNALBC="'global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," -export FNVETC="'global_vegtype.igbp.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," -export FNSOTC="'global_soiltype.statsgo.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," -export FNABSC="'global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," -export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t92.192.94.grb'," -export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t62.192.94.grb'," - +export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t92.192.94.grb'" +export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t62.192.94.grb'" +export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} +export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_c48.v2.sfc b/tests/tests/control_c48.v2.sfc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e2b16a3c25 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_c48.v2.sfc @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# global control v2 surface file test: GFSv16 atmosphere only at C48L127 +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control C48L127 v2.sfc results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=control_c48.v2.sfc + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3_v16 + +export INPES=1 +export JNPES=1 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=2 +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export NPX=49 +export NPY=49 +export DT_ATMOS=1200 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 +export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c48} +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export OUTPUT_FH="6 -1" +export IAER=5111 +export IOVR=3 +export IMO=192 +export JMO=94 + +export FNALBC="'global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," +export FNVETC="'global_vegtype.igbp.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," +export FNSOTC="'global_soiltype.statsgo.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," +export FNABSC="'global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t62.192.94.rg.grb'," +export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t92.192.94.grb'," +export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t62.192.94.grb'," + + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 +export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export V2_SFC_FILE=true diff --git a/tests/tests/control_c48.v2.sfc_timeout b/tests/tests/control_c48.v2.sfc_timeout new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ec78b47892 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_c48.v2.sfc_timeout @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +source tests/control_c48.v2.sfc + +# Intentionally make this test fail due to wall clock timeout. Used by error-test.conf +export WLCLK=2 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_c48_lnd_iau b/tests/tests/control_c48_lnd_iau new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9852b68dbd --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_c48_lnd_iau @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# global control test: GFSv16 atmosphere only at C48L127 with land IAU +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control C48L127 with land IAU results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=control_c48_lnd_iau + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export ATMRES=C48 + +export_fv3 +export_tiled +if [[ $RT_COMPILER != gnu ]]; then + export_ugwpv1 + export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 +fi + +export INPES=1 +export JNPES=1 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=2 +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export NPX=49 +export NPY=49 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export OUTPUT_FH="6 -1" +export IAER=5111 +export IOVR=3 +export IMO=192 +export JMO=94 + +export PERT_CLDS=.true. + +export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t92.192.94.grb'" +export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t62.192.94.grb'" +export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} +export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control_lnd_iau.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_c768 b/tests/tests/control_c768 index 4d69d61a80..7794c7dfed 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_c768 +++ b/tests/tests/control_c768 @@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF03" +export ATMRES=C768 + export_fv3 -export TASKS=${TASKS_c768} +export_tiled export INPES=${INPES_c768} export JNPES=${JNPES_c768} -export THRD=${THRD_c768} +export atm_omp_num_threads=${THRD_c768} export WRITE_GROUP=2 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=80 export FHMAX=03 @@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ export IOVR=3 export IMO=3072 export JMO=1536 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NBITS=14 +export QUANTIZE_NSD=14 export ICHUNK3D=${IMO} export JCHUNK3D=${JMO} export KCHUNK3D=1 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_csawmg b/tests/tests/control_csawmg index a5428a2653..af42aac9f6 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_csawmg +++ b/tests/tests/control_csawmg @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export SYEAR=2021 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_csawmg_debug b/tests/tests/control_csawmg_debug index f2379211d2..26ece68145 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_csawmg_debug +++ b/tests/tests/control_csawmg_debug @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export SYEAR=2021 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_csawmgt b/tests/tests/control_csawmgt deleted file mode 100644 index 9ee2f25e90..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_csawmgt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global control csawmgt test -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control csawmgt results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control_csawmgt - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf024.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf024.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF24" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export DT_ATMOS=450 -export IAER=111 -export DIAG_TABLE='diag_table_aod' -export FIELD_TABLE='field_table_csawmgshoc' -export USE_MERRA2=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg -export INPUT_NML=control_csawmg.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_csawmgt_debug b/tests/tests/control_csawmgt_debug deleted file mode 100644 index a1f867e000..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_csawmgt_debug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global control csawmgt debug test -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control csawmgt debug results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control_csawmgt_debug - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export FHMAX=01 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" - -export DT_ATMOS=450 -export IAER=111 -export DIAG_TABLE='diag_table_aod' -export FIELD_TABLE='field_table_csawmgshoc' -export USE_MERRA2=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg -export INPUT_NML=control_csawmg.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_debug_p8 b/tests/tests/control_debug_p8 index 7f1086264a..dc8521b587 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_debug_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/control_debug_p8 @@ -14,10 +14,12 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -25,9 +27,7 @@ export SHOUR=06 export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' export FHMAX=1 export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -36,18 +36,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export IAER=1011 export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 @@ -55,20 +53,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.false. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 -export GWD_OPT=2 -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 -export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. -export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. - -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -82,24 +67,6 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings -export TILEDFIX=.true. -export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" -export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" -export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} -export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} -export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVMXC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNSLPC="'C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNABSC="'C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export LANDICE=".false." -export FSICL=0 -export FSICS=0 - export IMP_PHYSICS=8 export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. @@ -109,25 +76,27 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 #required for NML.IN sharing export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN -# P8 RRTMGP +# RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.false. export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 +export SATMEDMF=.true. + +if [[ " hera orion hercules jet " =~ " ${MACHINE_ID} " ]] ; then + ZSTANDARD_LEVEL=5 fi diff --git a/tests/tests/control_decomp b/tests/tests/control_decomp deleted file mode 100644 index c51b203121..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_decomp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global domain decomposition test with different PEs -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global decomp results with control test" - -export CNTL_DIR=control - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf024.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf024.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export IOVR=3 - -export INPES=6 -export JNPES=4 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_decomp_p8 b/tests/tests/control_decomp_p8 index f8b16baa10..867e2457c7 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_decomp_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/control_decomp_p8 @@ -16,44 +16,46 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -66,7 +68,6 @@ export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' export INPES=6 export JNPES=4 -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -75,18 +76,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export IAER=1011 export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 @@ -94,20 +93,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.false. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 -export GWD_OPT=2 -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 -export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. -export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. - -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -121,21 +107,7 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings export TILEDFIX=.true. -export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" -export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" -export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} -export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} -export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVMXC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNSLPC="'C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNABSC="'C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export LANDICE=".false." export FSICL=0 export FSICS=0 @@ -148,25 +120,23 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 #required for NML.IN sharing export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN -# P8 RRTMGP +# RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.false. export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control_diag_debug b/tests/tests/control_diag_debug index 7d2004bece..13fe68ce35 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_diag_debug +++ b/tests/tests/control_diag_debug @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 @@ -29,8 +30,8 @@ export FHMAX=1 export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN export FHZERO=1 export LDIAG3D=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control_fhzero b/tests/tests/control_fhzero deleted file mode 100644 index 05876d170b..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_fhzero +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# global control test: GFSv16 atmosphere only with fhzero change at C96L127 -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control with fhzero change results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf021.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf021.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF21 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export IOVR=3 -export FHZERO=3 -export OUTPUT_FH='0 21' - - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_flake b/tests/tests/control_flake index cb3df6e9a6..0cba0cedf1 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_flake +++ b/tests/tests/control_flake @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 @@ -29,11 +29,16 @@ export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export IAER=5111 +export RESTART_INTERVAL=6 + +export LKM=1 +export IOPT_LAKE=1 +export FRAC_ICE=.false. export DO_SPPT=.true. export DO_SHUM=.true. export DO_SKEB=.true. -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export FV3_RUN=lake_control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16_flake export INPUT_NML=control_flake.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_debug b/tests/tests/control_flake_debug similarity index 57% rename from tests/tests/control_debug rename to tests/tests/control_flake_debug index cc74b1b70b..f23f4207a0 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_debug +++ b/tests/tests/control_flake_debug @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ ############################################################################### # -# Global control debug test +# Global control with flake test # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control debug results with previous trunk version" +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control flake results with previous trunk version" -export CNTL_DIR=control_debug +export CNTL_DIR=control_flake_debug export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ sfcf001.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 @@ -23,13 +23,19 @@ export SDAY=22 export SHOUR=06 export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export IAER=5111 -export IOVR=3 export FHMAX=1 export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export LKM=1 +export IOPT_LAKE=1 +export FRAC_ICE=.false. -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export DO_SPPT=.true. +export DO_SHUM=.true. +export DO_SKEB=.true. + +export FV3_RUN=lake_control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16_flake +export INPUT_NML=control_flake.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_iovr4 b/tests/tests/control_iovr4 index 123579d3b7..4cd5b68e4a 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_iovr4 +++ b/tests/tests/control_iovr4 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_iovr5 b/tests/tests/control_iovr5 index db10f3f451..7c288459a5 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_iovr5 +++ b/tests/tests/control_iovr5 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_latlon b/tests/tests/control_latlon index d72143dc24..a5cbce2863 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_latlon +++ b/tests/tests/control_latlon @@ -18,9 +18,12 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF24" export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -36,5 +39,4 @@ export OUTPUT_FH='0 24' export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_lndp b/tests/tests/control_lndp index 51366f41ab..ab1ea0a8ca 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_lndp +++ b/tests/tests/control_lndp @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_lndp_debug b/tests/tests/control_lndp_debug index b47630da54..609050f57b 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_lndp_debug +++ b/tests/tests/control_lndp_debug @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_noqr_p8 b/tests/tests/control_noqr_p8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..47e065497c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_noqr_p8 @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Global control test GFSv16 atmosphere only at C96L127, P8 configuration +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control results with previous trunk version using quilting restart in atm" + +export CNTL_DIR=control_p8 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf021.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf021.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF21 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. +export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export LSM=2 +export IOPT_DVEG=4 +export IOPT_CRS=2 +export IOPT_RAD=3 +export IOPT_ALB=1 +export IOPT_STC=3 +export IOPT_SFC=3 +export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export D2_BG_K1=0.20 +export D2_BG_K2=0.04 +export PSM_BC=1 +export DDDMP=0.1 + +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export IAER=1011 +export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 + +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. + +# CA +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. +export CA_GLOBAL=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 + +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export DZ_MIN=6 + +#required for NML.IN sharing +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n +# Following not used for standalone +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. + +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN + +# RRTMGP +export DO_RRTMGP=.false. +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. +export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. + +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control_p8 b/tests/tests/control_p8 index df405aad2b..5ef5b0acae 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/control_p8 @@ -20,44 +20,46 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -67,7 +69,6 @@ export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -76,18 +77,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export IAER=1011 export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 @@ -95,20 +94,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.false. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 -export GWD_OPT=2 -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 -export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. -export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. - -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -122,24 +108,6 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings -export TILEDFIX=.true. -export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" -export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" -export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} -export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} -export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVMXC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNSLPC="'C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNABSC="'C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export LANDICE=".false." -export FSICL=0 -export FSICS=0 - export IMP_PHYSICS=8 export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. @@ -149,18 +117,18 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 #required for NML.IN sharing export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN # RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.false. @@ -168,6 +136,8 @@ export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 +export SATMEDMF=.true. + +if [[ " hera orion hercules jet " =~ " ${MACHINE_ID} " ]] ; then + ZSTANDARD_LEVEL=5 fi diff --git a/tests/tests/control_p8.v2.sfc b/tests/tests/control_p8.v2.sfc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d08987ae87 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_p8.v2.sfc @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Global control v2 surface file test: GFSv16 atmosphere only at C96L127, +# P8 configuration. +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control v2.sfc results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=control_p8.v2.sfc + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf021.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf021.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF21 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_tiled +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export LSM=2 +export IOPT_DVEG=4 +export IOPT_CRS=2 +export IOPT_RAD=3 +export IOPT_ALB=1 +export IOPT_STC=3 +export IOPT_SFC=3 +export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export D2_BG_K1=0.20 +export D2_BG_K2=0.04 +export PSM_BC=1 +export DDDMP=0.1 + +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export IAER=1011 +export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 + +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. + +# UGWP1 +export GWD_OPT=2 +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 +export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. +export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. + +# CA +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. +export CA_GLOBAL=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 + +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export DZ_MIN=6 + +#required for NML.IN sharing +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n +# Following not used for standalone +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. + +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export V2_SFC_FILE=true + +# RRTMGP +export DO_RRTMGP=.false. +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. +export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. + +export SATMEDMF=.true. + +if [[ " hera orion hercules gaea jet " =~ " ${MACHINE_ID} " ]] ; then + ZSTANDARD_LEVEL=5 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/control_p8_atmlnd b/tests/tests/control_p8_atmlnd new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..68b65d0e5b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_p8_atmlnd @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Global control test GFSv16 atmosphere-land only at C96L127, P8 configuration +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=control_p8_atmlnd + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.tile1.nc \ + sfcf000.tile2.nc + sfcf000.tile3.nc + sfcf000.tile4.nc + sfcf000.tile5.nc + sfcf000.tile6.nc + sfcf012.tile1.nc \ + sfcf012.tile2.nc \ + sfcf012.tile3.nc \ + sfcf012.tile4.nc \ + sfcf012.tile5.nc \ + sfcf012.tile6.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf000.tile1.nc \ + atmf000.tile2.nc \ + atmf000.tile3.nc \ + atmf000.tile4.nc \ + atmf000.tile5.nc \ + atmf000.tile6.nc \ + atmf012.tile1.nc \ + atmf012.tile2.nc \ + atmf012.tile3.nc \ + atmf012.tile4.nc \ + atmf012.tile5.nc \ + atmf012.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile1.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile2.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile3.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile4.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile5.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile6.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile1.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile2.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile3.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile4.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile5.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_tiled +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" +export OUTPUT_GRID='cubed_sphere_grid' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export LSM=2 +export IOPT_DVEG=4 +export IOPT_CRS=2 +export IOPT_RAD=3 +export IOPT_ALB=1 +export IOPT_STC=3 +export IOPT_SFC=3 +export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export D2_BG_K1=0.20 +export D2_BG_K2=0.04 +export PSM_BC=1 +export DDDMP=0.1 + +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export IAER=1011 +export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 + +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. + +# UGWP1 +export GWD_OPT=2 +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 +export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. +export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. + +# CA +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. +export CA_GLOBAL=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 + +export TILEDFIX=.true. +export FNALBC="'INPUT/C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" +export FNALBC2="'INPUT/C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" +export FNTG3C="'INPUT/C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" +export FNVEGC="'INPUT/C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNVETC="'INPUT/C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOTC="'INPUT/C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'INPUT/C96.soil_color.tileX.nc'" +export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t1534.3072.1536.grb'" +export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t1534.3072.1536.grb'" +export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} +export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} +export FNVMNC="'INPUT/C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNVMXC="'INPUT/C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNSLPC="'INPUT/C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNABSC="'INPUT/C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" +export LANDICE=".false." +export FSICL=0 +export FSICS=0 + +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export DZ_MIN=6 + +#required for NML.IN sharing +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n +# Following not used for standalone +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. + +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. + +export FV3_RUN="control_run.IN noahmp_run.IN" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export V2_SFC_FILE=true + +# RRTMGP +export DO_RRTMGP=.false. +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. +export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. + +export SATMEDMF=.true. + +export CPLLND=.true. +export CPLLND2ATM=.true. + +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atm_lnd.IN +export med_model=cmeps +export atm_model=fv3 +export lnd_model=noahmp +export pio_rearranger=box +export CPLMODE=ufs.frac +export RUNTYPE=startup +export READRESTART=.false. +export CMEPS_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export cap_dbug_flag=0 +export ATM_tasks=144 +export LND_tasks=144 +export lnd_ic_type=sfc +export CALC_SNET=.false. +export layout_x=3 +export layout_y=8 +export LNDRES=C96 +export coupling_interval_sec=720 +export snow_albedo_option=1 +export precip_partition_option=4 +export initial_albedo=0.2 +export OUTPUT_FH="1 -1" +if [[ "$ATMRES" = "$LNDRES" ]]; then + export lnd_input_dir="INPUT/" + export mosaic_file="INPUT/${LNDRES}_mosaic.nc" +else + export lnd_input_dir="INPUT/${LNDRES}/" + export mosaic_file="INPUT/${LNDRES}/${LNDRES}_mosaic.nc" +fi +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS="" diff --git a/tests/tests/control_p8_atmlnd_debug b/tests/tests/control_p8_atmlnd_debug new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f5d4eb2d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_p8_atmlnd_debug @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Global control debug test GFSv16 atmosphere-land only at C96L127, P8 configuration +# +############################################################################### + +source tests/control_p8_atmlnd + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=control_p8_atmlnd_debug + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.tile1.nc \ + sfcf000.tile2.nc \ + sfcf000.tile3.nc \ + sfcf000.tile4.nc \ + sfcf000.tile5.nc \ + sfcf000.tile6.nc \ + sfcf003.tile1.nc \ + sfcf003.tile2.nc \ + sfcf003.tile3.nc \ + sfcf003.tile4.nc \ + sfcf003.tile5.nc \ + sfcf003.tile6.nc \ + atmf000.tile1.nc \ + atmf000.tile2.nc \ + atmf000.tile3.nc \ + atmf000.tile4.nc \ + atmf000.tile5.nc \ + atmf000.tile6.nc \ + atmf003.tile1.nc \ + atmf003.tile2.nc \ + atmf003.tile3.nc \ + atmf003.tile4.nc \ + atmf003.tile5.nc \ + atmf003.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.ca_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.ca_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.ca_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.ca_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.ca_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.ca_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-32400.tile1.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-32400.tile2.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-32400.tile3.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-32400.tile4.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-32400.tile5.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-32400.tile6.nc" + +export RESTART_INTERVAL="3 -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 3' +export FHMAX=3 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs b/tests/tests/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs index 60c9418e5f..56a3a888f8 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs +++ b/tests/tests/control_p8_atmlnd_sbs @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.tile1.nc \ sfcf000.tile4.nc sfcf000.tile5.nc sfcf000.tile6.nc - sfcf021.tile1.nc \ - sfcf021.tile2.nc \ - sfcf021.tile3.nc \ - sfcf021.tile4.nc \ - sfcf021.tile5.nc \ - sfcf021.tile6.nc \ + sfcf012.tile1.nc \ + sfcf012.tile2.nc \ + sfcf012.tile3.nc \ + sfcf012.tile4.nc \ + sfcf012.tile5.nc \ + sfcf012.tile6.nc \ sfcf024.tile1.nc \ sfcf024.tile2.nc \ sfcf024.tile3.nc \ @@ -32,58 +32,62 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.tile1.nc \ atmf000.tile4.nc \ atmf000.tile5.nc \ atmf000.tile6.nc \ - atmf021.tile1.nc \ - atmf021.tile2.nc \ - atmf021.tile3.nc \ - atmf021.tile4.nc \ - atmf021.tile5.nc \ - atmf021.tile6.nc \ + atmf012.tile1.nc \ + atmf012.tile2.nc \ + atmf012.tile3.nc \ + atmf012.tile4.nc \ + atmf012.tile5.nc \ + atmf012.tile6.nc \ atmf024.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile2.nc \ atmf024.tile3.nc \ atmf024.tile4.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-22-43200.nc \ - ufs.cpld.cpl.hi.lnd.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ - ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile1.nc \ - ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile2.nc \ - ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile3.nc \ - ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile4.nc \ - ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile5.nc \ - ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-43200.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.ca_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile1.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile2.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile3.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile4.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile5.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-22-64800.tile6.nc \ ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile1.nc \ ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile2.nc \ ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile3.nc \ @@ -92,6 +96,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.tile1.nc \ ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 @@ -105,7 +110,6 @@ export OUTPUT_GRID='cubed_sphere_grid' export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -114,18 +118,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export IAER=1011 export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 @@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.false. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 +# UGWP1 export GWD_OPT=2 export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 @@ -146,7 +148,7 @@ export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -160,7 +162,6 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings export TILEDFIX=.true. export FNALBC="'INPUT/C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" export FNALBC2="'INPUT/C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" @@ -168,6 +169,7 @@ export FNTG3C="'INPUT/C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'INPUT/C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'INPUT/C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'INPUT/C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'INPUT/C96.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} export FNVMNC="'INPUT/C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" @@ -187,18 +189,20 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 #required for NML.IN sharing export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export FV3_RUN="control_run.IN noahmp_run.IN" export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export V2_SFC_FILE=true # RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.false. @@ -206,31 +210,38 @@ export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi +export SATMEDMF=.true. export CPLLND=.true. - -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.atm_lnd.IN" -export med_model="cmeps" -export atm_model="fv3" -export lnd_model="noahmp" -export CPLMODE="nems_frac" -export RUNTYPE="startup" +export CPLLND2ATM=.false. + +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atm_lnd.IN +export med_model=cmeps +export atm_model=fv3 +export lnd_model=noahmp +export pio_rearranger=box +export CPLMODE=ufs.frac +export RUNTYPE=startup export READRESTART=.false. -export TASKS=294 +export CMEPS_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export cap_dbug_flag=0 export ATM_tasks=144 -export OCN_tasks=0 -export ICE_tasks=0 export LND_tasks=144 -export lnd_ic_type='sfc' +export lnd_ic_type=sfc export CALC_SNET=.false. export layout_x=3 export layout_y=8 -export mosaic_file="INPUT/grid_spec.nc" +export LNDRES=C96 export coupling_interval_sec=720 -export TOPOEDITS="" -# need for getting some files from coupled RT to fix land-sea mask inconsistency -# can be removed after fixing files for control_p8 -export OCNRES=100 +export snow_albedo_option=1 +export precip_partition_option=4 +export initial_albedo=0.2 +export OUTPUT_FH="1 -1" +if [[ "$ATMRES" = "$LNDRES" ]]; then + export lnd_input_dir="INPUT/" + export mosaic_file="INPUT/${LNDRES}_mosaic.nc" +else + export lnd_input_dir="INPUT/${LNDRES}/" + export mosaic_file="INPUT/${LNDRES}/${LNDRES}_mosaic.nc" +fi +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS="" diff --git a/tests/tests/control_p8_faster b/tests/tests/control_p8_faster new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd02cbf4e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_p8_faster @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Global control test GFSv16 atmosphere only at C96L127, P8 configuration +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=control_p8_faster + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf021.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf021.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF21 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_tiled +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export LSM=2 +export IOPT_DVEG=4 +export IOPT_CRS=2 +export IOPT_RAD=3 +export IOPT_ALB=1 +export IOPT_STC=3 +export IOPT_SFC=3 +export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export D2_BG_K1=0.20 +export D2_BG_K2=0.04 +export PSM_BC=1 +export DDDMP=0.1 + +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export IAER=1011 +export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 + +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. + +# UGWP1 +export GWD_OPT=2 +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 +export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. +export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. + +# CA +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. +export CA_GLOBAL=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 + +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export DZ_MIN=6 + +#required for NML.IN sharing +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n +# Following not used for standalone +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. + +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN + +# RRTMGP +export DO_RRTMGP=.false. +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. +export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. + +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control_p8_lndp b/tests/tests/control_p8_lndp index e9f969901a..3414969d4f 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_p8_lndp +++ b/tests/tests/control_p8_lndp @@ -26,10 +26,12 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF48" export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -40,7 +42,6 @@ export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export FHMAX=48 export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24 48' -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -49,18 +50,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export IAER=1011 export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 @@ -68,20 +67,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.false. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 -export GWD_OPT=2 -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 -export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. -export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. - -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -95,24 +81,6 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings -export TILEDFIX=.true. -export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" -export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" -export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} -export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} -export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVMXC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNSLPC="'C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNABSC="'C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export LANDICE=".false." -export FSICL=0 -export FSICS=0 - export IMP_PHYSICS=8 export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. @@ -122,18 +90,18 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 #required for NML.IN sharing export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN export LNDP_TYPE=2 export N_VAR_LNDP=1 export LNDP_VAR_LIST="'vgf'," @@ -146,6 +114,4 @@ export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control_p8_mynn b/tests/tests/control_p8_mynn new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e129bd4cde --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_p8_mynn @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Global control test GFSv16 atmosphere only at C96L127, P8 + MYNN configuration +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=control_p8_mynn + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf021.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf021.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF21 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3_v16 +export_tiled +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export LSM=2 +export IOPT_DVEG=4 +export IOPT_CRS=2 +export IOPT_RAD=3 +export IOPT_ALB=1 +export IOPT_STC=3 +export IOPT_SFC=3 +export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export D2_BG_K1=0.20 +export D2_BG_K2=0.04 +export PSM_BC=1 +export DDDMP=0.1 + +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export IAER=1011 +export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 + +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. + +export FAST_TAU_W_SEC=0.2 +export RF_CUTOFF=10. +export ISATMEDMF=1 +export LRADAR=.false. +export LTAEROSOL=.false. + +# UGWP1 +export GWD_OPT=2 +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 +export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. +export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. + +# CA +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. +export CA_GLOBAL=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 + +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export DZ_MIN=6 + +#required for NML.IN sharing +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n +# Following not used for standalone +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. + +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN + +# RRTMGP +export DO_RRTMGP=.false. +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. +export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. + +export IMFSHALCNV=-1 +export SHAL_CNV=.false. +export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. + +export TILEDFIX=.true. +export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" +export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" +export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" +export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C96.soil_color.tileX.nc'" +export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} +export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} +export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNVMXC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNSLPC="'C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNABSC="'C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" +export LANDICE=".false." +export FSICL=0 +export FSICS=0 + +export RF_CUTOFF=10. +export IOVR=3 +export ICLIQ_SW=2 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_p8_rrtmgp b/tests/tests/control_p8_rrtmgp index ae0add5062..01daa2ee7a 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_p8_rrtmgp +++ b/tests/tests/control_p8_rrtmgp @@ -20,40 +20,41 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 @@ -67,7 +68,6 @@ export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -76,18 +76,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export IAER=1011 export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 @@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.false. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 +# UGWP1 export GWD_OPT=2 export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 @@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -122,24 +120,6 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings -export TILEDFIX=.true. -export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" -export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" -export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} -export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} -export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVMXC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNSLPC="'C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNABSC="'C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export LANDICE=".false." -export FSICL=0 -export FSICS=0 - export IMP_PHYSICS=8 export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. @@ -149,8 +129,10 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 #required for NML.IN sharing export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. @@ -158,9 +140,8 @@ export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN # RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.true. @@ -168,6 +149,4 @@ export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control_p8_ugwpv1 b/tests/tests/control_p8_ugwpv1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a580362248 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_p8_ugwpv1 @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Global control test GFSv16 atmosphere only at C96L127, P8 configuration +# with UGWPv1, i.e., GSL orographic drag + version 1 non-stationary GWD +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=control_p8_ugwpv1 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf021.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf021.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF21 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 + +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export LSM=2 +export IOPT_DVEG=4 +export IOPT_CRS=2 +export IOPT_RAD=3 +export IOPT_ALB=1 +export IOPT_STC=3 +export IOPT_SFC=3 +export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export D2_BG_K1=0.20 +export D2_BG_K2=0.04 +export PSM_BC=1 +export DDDMP=0.1 + +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export IAER=1011 +export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 + +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. + +# CA +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. +export CA_GLOBAL=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 + +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export DZ_MIN=6 + +#required for NML.IN sharing +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n +# Follwoing not used for standalone +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. + +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN + +# RRTMGP +export DO_RRTMGP=.false. +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. +export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. + +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control_ras b/tests/tests/control_ras index f762518af9..2d730bb52e 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_ras +++ b/tests/tests/control_ras @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_ras_debug b/tests/tests/control_ras_debug index d34b86b816..14b248269f 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_ras_debug +++ b/tests/tests/control_ras_debug @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=720 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_restart b/tests/tests/control_restart deleted file mode 100644 index 05e3e72aae..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_restart +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global control restart test -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global restart results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.nc \ - atmf024.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export IOVR=3 -export FHROT=12 - -export WARM_START=.true. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export NA_INIT=0 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN -export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} + ${FHROT} )))0000" diff --git a/tests/tests/control_restart_noqr_p8 b/tests/tests/control_restart_noqr_p8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3465569ad6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_restart_noqr_p8 @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Global control restart test GFSv16 atmosphere only at C96L127, P8 configuration +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global restart results with control_p8 test using quilting restart in atm" + +export CNTL_DIR=control_p8 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. +export FHROT=12 +export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} + ${FHROT} )))0000" + +export WARM_START=.true. +export NGGPS_IC=.false. +export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. +export MAKE_NH=.false. +export MOUNTAIN=.true. +export NA_INIT=0 + +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export LSM=2 +export IOPT_DVEG=4 +export IOPT_CRS=2 +export IOPT_RAD=3 +export IOPT_ALB=1 +export IOPT_STC=3 +export IOPT_SFC=3 +export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export D2_BG_K1=0.20 +export D2_BG_K2=0.04 +export PSM_BC=1 +export DDDMP=0.1 + +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export IAER=1011 +export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 + +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. + +# CA +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. +export CA_GLOBAL=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 + +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export DZ_MIN=6 + +#required for NML.IN sharing +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n +# Following not used for standalone +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. + +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN + +# RRTMGP +export DO_RRTMGP=.false. +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. +export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. + +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control_restart_p8 b/tests/tests/control_restart_p8 index 3a21b8e59d..27808b02c4 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_restart_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/control_restart_p8 @@ -12,44 +12,46 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.nc \ atmf024.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -66,7 +68,6 @@ export MAKE_NH=.false. export MOUNTAIN=.true. export NA_INIT=0 -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -75,18 +76,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export IAER=1011 export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 @@ -94,20 +93,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.false. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 -export GWD_OPT=2 -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 -export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. -export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. - -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -121,24 +107,6 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings -export TILEDFIX=.true. -export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" -export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" -export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} -export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} -export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVMXC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNSLPC="'C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNABSC="'C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export LANDICE=".false." -export FSICL=0 -export FSICS=0 - export IMP_PHYSICS=8 export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. @@ -148,21 +116,23 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 #required for NML.IN sharing export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_p8_template -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=cpld_control.nml.IN +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN -# P8 RRTMGP +# RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.false. export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. + +export SATMEDMF=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control_restart_p8_atmlnd b/tests/tests/control_restart_p8_atmlnd new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a52c955dbe --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/control_restart_p8_atmlnd @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Global control test GFSv16 atmosphere-land only at C96L127, P8 configuration +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=control_p8_atmlnd + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile1.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile2.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile3.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile4.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile5.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2021-03-23-21600.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_tiled +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export OUTPUT_GRID='cubed_sphere_grid' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export FHROT=12 +export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} + ${FHROT} )))0000" +export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%02d" $(( (${FHROT}+${SHOUR})*3600 )))" + +export WARM_START=.true. +export NGGPS_IC=.false. +export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. +export MAKE_NH=.false. +export MOUNTAIN=.true. +export NA_INIT=0 + +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export LSM=2 +export IOPT_DVEG=4 +export IOPT_CRS=2 +export IOPT_RAD=3 +export IOPT_ALB=1 +export IOPT_STC=3 +export IOPT_SFC=3 +export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export D2_BG_K1=0.20 +export D2_BG_K2=0.04 +export PSM_BC=1 +export DDDMP=0.1 + +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export IAER=1011 +export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 + +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. + +# UGWP1 +export GWD_OPT=2 +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 +export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. +export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. + +# CA +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. +export CA_GLOBAL=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 + +export TILEDFIX=.true. +export FNALBC="'INPUT/C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" +export FNALBC2="'INPUT/C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" +export FNTG3C="'INPUT/C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" +export FNVEGC="'INPUT/C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNVETC="'INPUT/C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOTC="'INPUT/C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'INPUT/C96.soil_color.tileX.nc'" +export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} +export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} +export FNVMNC="'INPUT/C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNVMXC="'INPUT/C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNSLPC="'INPUT/C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNABSC="'INPUT/C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" +export LANDICE=".false." +export FSICL=0 +export FSICS=0 + +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export DZ_MIN=6 + +#required for NML.IN sharing +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n +# Following not used for standalone +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. + +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. + +export FV3_RUN="control_run.IN noahmp_run.IN" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export V2_SFC_FILE=true + +# RRTMGP +export DO_RRTMGP=.false. +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. +export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. + +export SATMEDMF=.true. + +export CPLLND=.true. +export CPLLND2ATM=.true. + +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atm_lnd.IN +export med_model=cmeps +export atm_model=fv3 +export lnd_model=noahmp +export pio_rearranger=box +export CPLMODE=ufs.frac +export RUNTYPE=continue +export READRESTART=.true. +export CMEPS_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export cap_dbug_flag=0 +export ATM_tasks=144 +export LND_tasks=144 +export lnd_ic_type=sfc +export CALC_SNET=.false. +export layout_x=3 +export layout_y=8 +export LNDRES=C96 +export coupling_interval_sec=720 +export snow_albedo_option=1 +export precip_partition_option=4 +export initial_albedo=0.2 +export OUTPUT_FH="1 -1" +if [[ "$ATMRES" = "$LNDRES" ]]; then + export lnd_input_dir="INPUT/" + export mosaic_file="INPUT/${LNDRES}_mosaic.nc" +else + export lnd_input_dir="INPUT/${LNDRES}/" + export mosaic_file="INPUT/${LNDRES}/${LNDRES}_mosaic.nc" +fi +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS="" diff --git a/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp b/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp deleted file mode 100644 index d755895072..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global control w/ RRTMGP test -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control w/ RRTMGP results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control_rrtmgp - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf024.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf024.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF24" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN - -# RRTMGP -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16_RRTMGP -export DO_RRTMGP=.true. -export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. -export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp_2threads b/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp_2threads deleted file mode 100644 index 6e71ef2481..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp_2threads +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global control w/ RRTMGP threading test -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control w/ RRTMGP threading results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control_rrtmgp - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf024.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf024.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 - -export THRD=2 -export TASKS=$TASKS_thrd -export INPES=$INPES_thrd -export JNPES=$JNPES_thrd -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN - -# RRTMGP -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16_RRTMGP -export DO_RRTMGP=.true. -export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. -export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp_c192 b/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp_c192 deleted file mode 100644 index fae337642a..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp_c192 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global control C192L127 W/ RRTMGP test -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control C192L127 W RRTMGP results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control_rrtmgp_c192 - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf012.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf012.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF12 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF12" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export NPX=193 -export NPY=193 -export DT_ATMOS=360 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c192} -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export IMO=768 -export JMO=384 -export FHMAX=12 - -export FNALBC="'global_snowfree_albedo.bosu.t382.768.384.rg.grb'," -export FNVETC="'global_vegtype.igbp.t382.768.384.rg.grb'," -export FNSOTC="'global_soiltype.statsgo.t382.768.384.rg.grb'," -export FNABSC="'global_mxsnoalb.uariz.t382.768.384.rg.grb'," - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN - -# RRTMGP -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16_RRTMGP -export DO_RRTMGP=.true. -export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. -export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp_debug b/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp_debug deleted file mode 100644 index 1950d679d6..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/control_rrtmgp_debug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# Global control w/ RRTMGP debug test -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control w/ RRTMGP debug results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=control_rrtmgp_debug - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 -export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN - -# RRTMGP -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16_RRTMGP -export DO_RRTMGP=.true. -export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. -export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/tests/control_stochy b/tests/tests/control_stochy index 1eefdaecff..2c1cbf1ddd 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_stochy +++ b/tests/tests/control_stochy @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=600 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_stochy_debug b/tests/tests/control_stochy_debug index 0aafc10685..82f9866232 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_stochy_debug +++ b/tests/tests/control_stochy_debug @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=600 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_stochy_restart b/tests/tests/control_stochy_restart index 7f8d532776..77be313478 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_stochy_restart +++ b/tests/tests/control_stochy_restart @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf012.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF12 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 " -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=600 diff --git a/tests/tests/control_wam b/tests/tests/control_wam index 06c9477d6b..5018e6208c 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_wam +++ b/tests/tests/control_wam @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ############################################################################### # -# Global control multigases test +# Global control test FV3WAM atmosphere only at C96L149, P8 configuration # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control multigases results with previous trunk version" +export TEST_DESCR="fv3 wam test" export CNTL_DIR=control_wam @@ -12,38 +12,100 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.nc \ atmf024.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled export NPZ=149 export NPZP=150 -export DT_ATMOS="225" -export SYEAR="2021" -export SMONTH="03" -export SDAY="22" -export SHOUR="06" +export DT_ATMOS=180 +export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=3 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=6 export FHMAX=24 - -export WARM_START=.true. +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export FHROT=0 +export OUTPUT_FH='24 -1' + +#WAM settings +export TAU=1.0 +export D2_BG_K1=0.0 +export D2_BG_K2=0.0 +export D4_BG=0.16 +export PSM_BC=1 +export DDDMP=0.0 export NA_INIT=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. +export NUDGE_QV=.false. +export Z_TRACER=.false. +export INLINE_Q=.false. +export FV_SG_ADJ=-1 +export VTDM4=0.0 +export DELT_MAX=1.0 +export DO_VORT_DAMP=.false. +export D_CON=0.0 export MAKE_NH=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export FDIAG=3 -export NSTF_NAME=0,0,1,0,5 -export IAER=5111 +export TRANS_TRAC=.false. +export FHZERO=1.0 +export DNATS=0 + +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export IAER=1011 +export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 + +#UGWP1 +export GWD_OPT=2 +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 +export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. +export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. + +#CA +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. +export CA_GLOBAL=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 + +#settings +export TILEDFIX=.true. +export FSICL=0 +export FSICS=0 + +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. +export SATMEDMF=.true. export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DZ_MIN=6 + +#required for NML.IN sharing +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export FV3_RUN=wam_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -export INPUT_NML=wam.nml.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_wam_noaer export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_wam -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_wam - -export QUILTING=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID="gaussian_grid" -export OZ_PHYS_OLD=.false. -export OZ_PHYS_NEW=.true. -export H2O_PHYS=.true. -export NFHOUT=6 -export NFHMAX=24 -export NFHOUT_HF=6 -export FHROT=18 + +export INPUT_NML=wam_v17.nml.IN + +if [[ " hera orion hercules gaea jet " =~ " ${MACHINE_ID} " ]] ; then + ZSTANDARD_LEVEL=5 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/control_wam_debug b/tests/tests/control_wam_debug index cd87450c7e..4c1852e2e0 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_wam_debug +++ b/tests/tests/control_wam_debug @@ -1,52 +1,112 @@ ############################################################################### # -# Global control multigases debug test +# Global control debug test FV3WAM atmosphere only at C96L149, P8 configuration # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare global control multigases debug results with previous trunk version" +export TEST_DESCR="fv3 wam debug test" export CNTL_DIR=control_wam_debug -export LIST_FILES="sfcf019.nc \ - atmf019.nc" +export LIST_FILES="sfcf002.nc \ + atmf002.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled export NPZ=149 export NPZP=150 -export DT_ATMOS="225" -export SYEAR="2021" -export SMONTH="03" -export SDAY="22" -export SHOUR="06" +export DT_ATMOS=180 +export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=3 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=6 +export FHMAX=2 +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export FHROT=0 +export OUTPUT_FH='1 -1' + +#WAM settings +export TAU=1.0 +export D2_BG_K1=0.0 +export D2_BG_K2=0.0 +export D4_BG=0.16 +export PSM_BC=1 +export DDDMP=0.0 -export FHMAX=19 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 19" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export WARM_START=.true. export NA_INIT=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. +export NUDGE_QV=.false. +export Z_TRACER=.false. +export INLINE_Q=.false. +export FV_SG_ADJ=-1 +export VTDM4=0.0 +export DELT_MAX=1.0 +export DO_VORT_DAMP=.false. +export D_CON=0.0 export MAKE_NH=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export FDIAG=3 -export NSTF_NAME=0,0,1,0,5 -export IAER=5111 +export TRANS_TRAC=.false. +export FHZERO=1.0 +export DNATS=0 + +export USE_MERRA2=.true. +export IAER=1011 +export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 + +#UGWP1 +export GWD_OPT=2 +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 +export KNOB_UGWP_NSLOPE=1 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. +export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. + +#CA +export DO_CA=.true. +export CA_SGS=.true. +export CA_GLOBAL=.false. +export NCA=1 +export NCELLS=5 +export NLIVES=12 +export NTHRESH=18 +export NSEED=1 +export NFRACSEED=0.5 +export CA_TRIGGER=.true. +export NSPINUP=1 +export ISEED_CA=12345 + +#settings +export TILEDFIX=.true. +export FSICL=0 +export FSICS=0 + +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.true. +export SATMEDMF=.true. export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export DZ_MIN=6 + +#required for NML.IN sharing +export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 +export FRAC_GRID=.true. +export MOM6_OUTPUT_DIR=./MOM6_OUTPUT +export MOM6_RESTART_DIR=./RESTART/ +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n +export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export FV3_RUN=wam_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16_fv3wam -export INPUT_NML=wam.nml.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_wam_noaer export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_wam -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_wam - -export QUILTING=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID="gaussian_grid" -export OZ_PHYS_OLD=.false. -export OZ_PHYS_NEW=.true. -export H2O_PHYS=.true. -export NFHOUT=6 -export NFHMAX=24 -export NFHOUT_HF=6 -export FHROT=18 + +export INPUT_NML=wam_v17.nml.IN + +if [[ " hera orion hercules gaea jet " =~ " ${MACHINE_ID} " ]] ; then + ZSTANDARD_LEVEL=5 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel b/tests/tests/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel index c7175cb2ba..8ee30f0ad1 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel +++ b/tests/tests/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel @@ -18,9 +18,12 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF24" export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -32,8 +35,7 @@ export IAER=5111 export IOVR=3 export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf_parallel' 'netcdf_parallel'" export IDEFLATE=1 -export NBITS=14 +export QUANTIZE_NSD=14 export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug b/tests/tests/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug index fba6941ba3..8d29303cef 100644 --- a/tests/tests/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug +++ b/tests/tests/control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug @@ -14,9 +14,12 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled +export_ugwpv1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 + export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=720 export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -28,9 +31,8 @@ export IAER=5111 export IOVR=3 export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf_parallel' 'netcdf_parallel'" export IDEFLATE=1 -export NBITS=14 +export QUANTIZE_NSD=14 export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v16 -export INPUT_NML=control.nml.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/conus13km_2threads b/tests/tests/conus13km_2threads new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d8620c42a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/conus13km_2threads @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR physics on 13km domain, two threads +# +############################################################################### + +# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so +# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. + +export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, two threads" + +export CNTL_DIR=conus13km_control + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc" + +export_hrrr_conus13km +export SMONTH=5 +export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 +export FHMAX=1 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 +export INPES=12 +export JNPES=12 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/conus13km_control b/tests/tests/conus13km_control new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b4bcb4f12 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/conus13km_control @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR physics on 13km domain, control +# +############################################################################### + +# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so +# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. + +export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, control" + +export CNTL_DIR=conus13km_control + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + sfcf002.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc \ + atmf002.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.phy_data.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.sfc_data.nc" + +export_hrrr_conus13km +export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. +export USE_MERRA2=.true. + +if [[ " hera orion hercules jet " =~ " ${MACHINE_ID} " ]] ; then + ZSTANDARD_LEVEL=5 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/conus13km_debug b/tests/tests/conus13km_debug new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..88161c5443 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/conus13km_debug @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR physics on 13km domain, debug +# +############################################################################### + +# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so +# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. + +export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, debug" + +export CNTL_DIR=conus13km_debug + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.phy_data.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.sfc_data.nc" + +export_hrrr_conus13km +export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 +export FHMAX=1 +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/conus13km_debug_2threads b/tests/tests/conus13km_debug_2threads new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9daadc7dd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/conus13km_debug_2threads @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR physics on 13km domain, debug run with threads +# +############################################################################### + +# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so +# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. + +export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, debug run with threads" + +export CNTL_DIR=conus13km_debug + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc" + +export_hrrr_conus13km +export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 +export FHMAX=1 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 +export INPES=12 +export JNPES=12 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/conus13km_debug_decomp b/tests/tests/conus13km_debug_decomp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07f1436d03 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/conus13km_debug_decomp @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR physics on 13km domain, debug run with different pes +# +############################################################################### + +# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so +# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. + +export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, debug run with different pes" + +export CNTL_DIR=conus13km_debug + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc" + +export_hrrr_conus13km +export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 +export FHMAX=1 +export INPES=16 +export JNPES=9 +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/conus13km_debug_qr b/tests/tests/conus13km_debug_qr new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..918680aacc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/conus13km_debug_qr @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR physics on 13km domain, control +# +############################################################################### + +# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so +# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. + +export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, control" + +export CNTL_DIR=conus13km_debug + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.phy_data.nc \ + RESTART/20210512.170000.sfc_data.nc" + +export_hrrr_conus13km +export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 +export FHMAX=1 diff --git a/tests/tests/conus13km_decomp b/tests/tests/conus13km_decomp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..70ede9c67c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/conus13km_decomp @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR physics on 13km domain, different PEs +# +############################################################################### + +# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so +# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. + +export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, different PEs" + +export CNTL_DIR=conus13km_control + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + sfcf002.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc \ + atmf002.nc" + +export_hrrr_conus13km +export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 +export INPES=16 +export JNPES=9 +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/conus13km_radar_tten_debug b/tests/tests/conus13km_radar_tten_debug new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..323806cd4a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/conus13km_radar_tten_debug @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR physics on 13km domain, debug, with radar-derived temperature tendencies +# +############################################################################### + +# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so +# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. + +export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, debug, with radar-derived temperature tendencies" + +export CNTL_DIR=conus13km_radar_tten_debug + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc" + +export_hrrr_conus13km +export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 +export FH_DFI_RADAR='0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0' +export FHMAX=1 +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/conus13km_restart b/tests/tests/conus13km_restart new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4a966591bf --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/conus13km_restart @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR physics on 13km domain, restart run +# +############################################################################### + +# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so +# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. + +export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, restart run" + +export CNTL_DIR=conus13km_control + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf002.nc \ + atmf002.nc" + +export_hrrr_conus13km +export FHROT=1 +export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} + ${FHROT} )))0000" +export RRFS_RESTART=YES +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/conus13km_restart_mismatch b/tests/tests/conus13km_restart_mismatch new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b5360c0def --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/conus13km_restart_mismatch @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR physics on 13km domain, restart run +# +############################################################################### + +# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so +# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. + +export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, restart run" + +export CNTL_DIR=conus13km_restart_mismatch + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf002.nc \ + atmf002.nc" + +export_hrrr_conus13km +export FHROT=1 +export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} + ${FHROT} )))0000" +export RRFS_RESTART=YES +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_2threads_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_2threads_p8 index bbe8ab2f1a..21346f4a09 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_2threads_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_2threads_p8 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 - 2 threads" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ sfcf024.tile2.nc \ @@ -19,71 +19,87 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc \ gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " +export DT_ATMOS=720 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export RESTART_N=12 export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_thrd export INPES=$INPES_cpl_thrd export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_thrd -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_thrd -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_thrd +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_thrd * THRD_cpl_thrd )) -OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_thrd -ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_thrd -WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_thrd +export OCN_tasks=${OCN_tasks_cpl_thrd} +export ICE_tasks=${ICE_tasks_cpl_thrd} +export WAV_tasks=${WAV_tasks_cpl_thrd} -export NPROC_ICE=${ICE_tasks} -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_thrd +export chm_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads +export ocn_omp_num_threads=$OCN_thrds_cpl_thrd +export ice_omp_num_threads=$ICE_thrds_cpl_thrd +export wav_omp_num_threads=$WAV_thrds_cpl_thrd -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export CICE_NPROC=${ICE_tasks} +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` + +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = derecho ]]; then + TPN=96 fi + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_bmark_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_bmark_p8 index f3b33e65b9..cfe693ec7c 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_bmark_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_bmark_p8 @@ -3,58 +3,60 @@ # export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C384L127 MX025 - Benchmark P8 test" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_bmark_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_bmark_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf006.nc \ atmf006.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF06 \ GFSPRS.GrbF06 \ gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.MOM.res_1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.MOM.res_2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.MOM.res_3.nc \ RESTART/iced.2013-04-01-21600.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc \ 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 " +export ATMRES=C384 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl - -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.cpld_esmfthreads.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export SYEAR=2013 export SMONTH=04 @@ -71,21 +73,15 @@ export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" export FHZERO=3 export DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=16000000 - -export RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} )))0000" - -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_bmrk export INPES=$INPES_cpl_bmrk export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_bmrk -export THRD=1 -export ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES * JNPES * NTILES * THRD_cpl_bmrk )) export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_bmrk * THRD_cpl_bmrk )) export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export WLCLK=${WLCLK_cpl_bmrk:-$WLCLK} -export OCN_tasks=$(( OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk * OCN_thrds_cpl_bmrk )) -export ICE_tasks=$(( ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk * ICE_thrds_cpl_bmrk )) -export WAV_tasks=$(( WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk * WAV_thrds_cpl_bmrk )) +export OCN_tasks=${OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk} +export ICE_tasks=${ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk} +export WAV_tasks=${WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk} export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_bmrk export chm_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads @@ -95,43 +91,42 @@ export ice_omp_num_threads=$ICE_thrds_cpl_bmrk export wav_omp_num_threads=$WAV_thrds_cpl_bmrk # atm/ocn/ice resolution -export ATMRES=C384 export NPX=385 export NPY=385 export IMO=1536 export JMO=768 export OUTPUT_GRID="'gaussian_grid'" -export ATMTILESIZE=`expr $NPX - 1` export OCNRES=025 export ICERES=0.25 export NX_GLB=1440 export NY_GLB=1080 -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` -export WAVDOMAIN=gwes_30m -export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WAVDOMAIN}.nc +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export WW3_DOMAIN=gwes_30m +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.${WW3_DOMAIN} # set component and coupling timesteps -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_CICE=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=900 export DT_THERM_MOM6=1800 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` -# nems.configure +# ufs.configure export coupling_interval_slow_sec=${DT_THERM_MOM6} export coupling_interval_fast_sec=${DT_ATMOS} # resolution dependent files -export MOM_INPUT=MOM_input_template_${OCNRES} -export MESHOCN_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEGRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEMASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CHLCLIM=seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc -export FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_INPUT=MOM_input_${OCNRES}.IN +export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_GRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_MASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MOM6_CHLCLIM=seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=True export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r @@ -141,6 +136,7 @@ export FNTG3C="'C384.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C384.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C384.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C384.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C384.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNVMNC="'C384.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVMXC="'C384.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNSLPC="'C384.slope_type.tileX.nc'" @@ -149,10 +145,11 @@ export FNABSC="'C384.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" #BMICs do not contain NSST spinup export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 -export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c384} +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -export OUT_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_2_BEG=$RUN_BEG +export K_SPLIT=2 +export N_SPLIT=5 -export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_bmark_p8_35d b/tests/tests/cpld_bmark_p8_35d index bf21d7b898..0e3b2a2bba 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_bmark_p8_35d +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_bmark_p8_35d @@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ # export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C384L127 OCN/ICE/0.25-degree WAVE/30m - Benchmark P8 test" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_bmark_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_bmark_p8 export LIST_FILES="" +export ATMRES=C384 + export_fv3 export_cpl @@ -26,13 +28,8 @@ export FHZERO=6 export WLCLK=240 export DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=16000000 - -export RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} )))0000" - -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_bmrk export INPES=$INPES_cpl_bmrk export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_bmrk -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_bmrk export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_bmrk @@ -40,25 +37,31 @@ OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_bmrk +export chm_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads +export ocn_omp_num_threads=$OCN_thrds_cpl_bmrk +export ice_omp_num_threads=$ICE_thrds_cpl_bmrk +export wav_omp_num_threads=$WAV_thrds_cpl_bmrk + # atm/ocn/ice resolution -export ATMRES=C384 export NPX=385 export NPY=385 export IMO=1536 export JMO=768 export OUTPUT_GRID="'gaussian_grid'" -export ATMTILESIZE=`expr $NPX - 1` export OCNRES=025 export ICERES=0.25 export NX_GLB=1440 export NY_GLB=1080 -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` -export WAVDOMAIN=gwes_30m -export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WAVDOMAIN}.nc +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export WW3_DOMAIN=gwes_30m +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.${WW3_DOMAIN} # set component and coupling timesteps export DT_ATMOS=300 @@ -67,17 +70,18 @@ export DT_CICE=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=900 export DT_THERM_MOM6=1800 -# nems.configure +# ufs.configure export coupling_interval_slow_sec=${DT_THERM_MOM6} export coupling_interval_fast_sec=${DT_ATMOS} # resolution dependent files -export MOM_INPUT=MOM_input_template_${OCNRES} -export MESHOCN_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEGRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEMASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CHLCLIM=seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc -export FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_INPUT=MOM_input_${OCNRES}.IN +export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_GRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_MASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MOM6_CHLCLIM=seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=True export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r @@ -87,6 +91,7 @@ export FNTG3C="'C384.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C384.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C384.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C384.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C384.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNVMNC="'C384.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVMXC="'C384.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNSLPC="'C384.slope_type.tileX.nc'" @@ -97,8 +102,12 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c384} -export OUT_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_2_BEG=$RUN_BEG - export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_c192_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_control_c192_p8 index c79dfc4e03..b70352aee0 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_control_c192_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_c192_p8 @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ # export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C192 MX050 - P8 test" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_c192_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_c192_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf030.tile1.nc \ sfcf030.tile2.nc \ @@ -18,47 +18,52 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf030.tile1.nc \ atmf030.tile5.nc \ atmf030.tile6.nc \ gocart.inst_aod.20210323_1200z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ 20210323.120000.out_grd.ww3 \ 20210323.120000.out_pnt.ww3 " +export ATMRES=C192 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 + export DAYS=1.25 export FHMAX=30 export RESTART_N=15 @@ -68,35 +73,36 @@ export FHZERO=3 export DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=16000000 -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_c192 export INPES=$INPES_cpl_c192 export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_c192 -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_c192 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_c192 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_c192 * THRD_cpl_c192 )) export WLCLK=${WLCLK_cpl_c192:-$WLCLK} OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_c192 ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_c192 WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_c192 +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_c192 +export chm_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads + # atm/ocn/ice resolution -export ATMRES=C192 export NPX=193 export NPY=193 export IMO=768 export JMO=384 -export ATMTILESIZE=`expr $NPX - 1` export OCNRES=050 export ICERES=0.50 export NX_GLB=720 export NY_GLB=576 -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` -export WAVDOMAIN=mx${OCNRES} -export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WAVDOMAIN}.nc +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export WW3_DOMAIN=mx${OCNRES} +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.mx${OCNRES} # set component and coupling timesteps export DT_ATMOS=600 @@ -104,18 +110,20 @@ export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_CICE=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=1800 export DT_THERM_MOM6=3600 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` -# nems.configure +# ufs.configure export coupling_interval_slow_sec=${DT_THERM_MOM6} export coupling_interval_fast_sec=${DT_ATMOS} # resolution dependent files -export MOM_INPUT=MOM_input_template_${OCNRES} -export MESHOCN_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEGRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEMASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CHLCLIM=seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc -export FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_INPUT=MOM_input_${OCNRES}.IN +export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_GRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_MASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MOM6_CHLCLIM=seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=True export FNALBC="'C192.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" @@ -124,11 +132,22 @@ export FNTG3C="'C192.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C192.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C192.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C192.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C192.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNVMNC="'C192.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVMXC="'C192.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNSLPC="'C192.slope_type.tileX.nc'" export FNABSC="'C192.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c192} - export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = derecho ]]; then + TPN=96 +fi + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_c48 b/tests/tests/cpld_control_c48 index d50667a783..0f86ec5d5b 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_control_c48 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_c48 @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ # export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS system - C48MX500" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_c48" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_c48 export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ sfcf024.tile2.nc \ @@ -17,52 +17,54 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile4.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc" +export ATMRES=C48 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export RESTART_N=12 export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_c48 export INPES=$INPES_cpl_c48 export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_c48 -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_c48 +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_c48 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_c48 export OUTPUT_GRID='cubed_sphere_grid' @@ -72,21 +74,19 @@ OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_c48 ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_c48 # atm/ocn/ice resolution -export ATMRES=C48 export NPX=49 export NPY=49 export IMO=192 export JMO=94 -export ATMTILESIZE=`expr $NPX - 1` export OCNRES=500 export ICERES=5.00 export NX_GLB=72 export NY_GLB=35 -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks export CICE_DECOMP=slenderX1 -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $NPROC_ICE` -export BLCKY=$NY_GLB +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $CICE_NPROC` +export CICE_BLCKY=$NY_GLB # set component and coupling timesteps export DT_ATMOS=1200 @@ -94,18 +94,20 @@ export DT_CICE=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=3600 export DT_THERM_MOM6=3600 -# nems.configure +# ufs.configure export coupling_interval_slow_sec=${DT_THERM_MOM6} export coupling_interval_fast_sec=${DT_ATMOS} # resolution dependent files -export MOM_INPUT=MOM_input_template_${OCNRES} -export MESHOCN_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEGRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEMASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CHLCLIM='' -export FRUNOFF='' +export MOM6_INPUT=MOM_input_${OCNRES}.IN +export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_GRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_MASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MOM6_CHLCLIM='' +export MOM6_FRUNOFF='' export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=False +export MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE=oceanda_zgrid_25L.nc export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r export FNALBC="'C48.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" @@ -114,6 +116,7 @@ export FNTG3C="'C48.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C48.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C48.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C48.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C48.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNVMNC="'C48.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVMXC="'C48.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNSLPC="'C48.slope_type.tileX.nc'" @@ -134,6 +137,10 @@ export eps_imesh=4.0e-1 export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.cpld_noaero_nowave.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2s_esmf.IN export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 index 25aa068185..07057d8073 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_ciceC_p8 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 - CICE6 Cgrid" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_ciceC_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_ciceC_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ sfcf021.tile2.nc \ @@ -31,59 +31,65 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc \ gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " - +export DT_ATMOS=720 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export RESTART_N=12 export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 -export GRIDICE=C +export CICE_GRIDICE=C export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_gfsv17 b/tests/tests/cpld_control_gfsv17 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fe6a489aa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_gfsv17 @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +# +# cpld_control GFSv17 with UGWPv1 test, i.e., GSL orographic drag + +# version 1 non-stationary GWD +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 - unst WW3" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_gfsv17 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ + sfcf021.tile2.nc \ + sfcf021.tile3.nc \ + sfcf021.tile4.nc \ + sfcf021.tile5.nc \ + sfcf021.tile6.nc \ + atmf021.tile1.nc \ + atmf021.tile2.nc \ + atmf021.tile3.nc \ + atmf021.tile4.nc \ + atmf021.tile5.nc \ + atmf021.tile6.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + history/iceh.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " + +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl + +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 + +export RESTART_N=3 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' +#CICE forecast day output stream +hist_n_24h=$(( 24*3600/${DT_CICE} )) +export CICE_HISTFREQ_N="0, 0, 6, ${hist_n_24h}, 1" + +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_unstr +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_unstr +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_unstr * THRD_cpl_unstr )) + +OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr +ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr +WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr + +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_unstr +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads + +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 + +export WW3_DOMAIN=global_270k +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.exp.${WW3_DOMAIN} + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_progsigma +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw.IN +# slow loop +export WW3_RSTFLDS="ice" + +#GFSv17 settings +export PROGSIGMA=.true. +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]] && [[ $RT_COMPILER = gnu ]]; then + WLCLK=40 +fi + +export K_SPLIT=2 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_gfsv17_iau b/tests/tests/cpld_control_gfsv17_iau new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1a7afd6323 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_gfsv17_iau @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +# +# cpld_control GFSv17 test with IAU +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 with IAU" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_gfsv17_iau + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ + MOM6_OUTPUT/ocn_2021_03_23_09.nc \ + history/iceh_06h.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ + history/iceh.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.120000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.120000.out_grd.ww3 " + +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl + +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export OUTPUT_GRID="gaussian_grid" +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. + +export FHROT=3 +export FHMAX=30 +export RESTART_N=3 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR} )))0000" +export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%05d" $(( (${FHROT}+ ${SHOUR})*3600 )))" +#CICE forecast day output stream +hist_n_24h=$(( 24*3600/${DT_CICE} )) +export CICE_HISTFREQ_N="0, 0, 6, ${hist_n_24h}, 1" + +# ATM warm start +export WARM_START=.true. +export MAKE_NH=.false. +export NA_INIT=0 +export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. +export NGGPS_IC=.false. +export MOUNTAIN=.true. + +# ICE warm start +export CICE_RUNTYPE=continue +export RUNTYPE=continue +export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. + +# MOM6 warm start +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r + +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` + +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_unstr +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_unstr +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_unstr * THRD_cpl_unstr )) + +OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr +ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr +WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr + +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_unstr +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads + +export WW3_DOMAIN=global_270k +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.exp.${WW3_DOMAIN} + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_progsigma +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw.IN +# slow loop +export WW3_RSTFLDS="ice" + +#GFSv17 settings +export PROGSIGMA=.true. +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +#IAU +export CHOUR=12 +export IAU_OFFSET=6 +export IAU_DELTHRS=6 +export IAUFHRS='3 6 9' +export IAU_INC_FILES="'fv_increment3.nc','fv_increment6.nc','fv_increment9.nc'" +export ODA_INCUPD="True" +export ODA_INCUPD_UV="True" + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]] && [[ $RT_COMPILER = gnu ]]; then + WLCLK=40 +fi + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_noaero_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_control_noaero_p8 index 881f86f111..58853ae7d0 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_control_noaero_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_noaero_p8 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_noaero_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_noaero_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ sfcf021.tile2.nc \ @@ -30,62 +30,69 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile4.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export RESTART_N=12 export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' export CPLCHM=.false. -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export DNATS=0 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.cpld_noaero.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw_fast_esmf.IN export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi +export K_SPLIT=2 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid b/tests/tests/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid index 4f7749d6aa..5036092ba4 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS system - C96MX100" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ sfcf021.tile2.nc \ @@ -30,39 +30,39 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile4.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc" @@ -81,21 +81,26 @@ export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 export CPLWAV=.false. export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. -export CPLMODE=nems_frac_aoflux +export CPLMODE=ufs.frac.aoflux export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn" export USE_MED_FLUX=.true. export MOM6_USE_WAVES=False -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.cpld_agrid.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2s_aoflux_esmf.IN export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 index 4d29a77574..240b03d2d2 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS system - C96MX100" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ sfcf021.tile2.nc \ @@ -30,65 +30,68 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile4.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc" #TODO: add comparison of CA restart files? +export DT_ATMOS=720 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export RESTART_N=12 export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' +export MED_history_n=1 export INPES=$INPES_cpl_dflt export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_dflt -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_dflt +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_dflt export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_dflt OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_dflt ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_dflt export WAV_tasks=0 -export TASKS=$(( INPES*JNPES*NTILES + WRITE_GROUP*WRTTASK_PER_GROUP + OCN_tasks + ICE_tasks + WAV_tasks )) -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` export CPLWAV=.false. export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. @@ -96,14 +99,18 @@ export MOM6_USE_WAVES=False export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 export CPLCHM=.false. -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export DNATS=0 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.cpld_noaero_nowave.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2s_esmf.IN export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8 index 4ad14d179d..1886a0de60 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ sfcf021.tile2.nc \ @@ -31,57 +31,72 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc \ gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " - +export DT_ATMOS=720 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export RESTART_N=12 export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' +export RESTART_FH="0.5 3" -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = derecho ]]; then + TPN=96 fi + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc b/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc6e073c61 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +# +# cpld_control P8 v2 surface file test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 with v2 sfc file" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ + sfcf021.tile2.nc \ + sfcf021.tile3.nc \ + sfcf021.tile4.nc \ + sfcf021.tile5.nc \ + sfcf021.tile6.nc \ + atmf021.tile1.nc \ + atmf021.tile2.nc \ + atmf021.tile3.nc \ + atmf021.tile4.nc \ + atmf021.tile5.nc \ + atmf021.tile6.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " + +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 + +export RESTART_N=12 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN +export V2_SFC_FILE=true + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = derecho ]]; then + TPN=96 +fi + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8_faster b/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8_faster new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e972c16aa --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8_faster @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +# +# cpld_control P8 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_p8_faster + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ + sfcf021.tile2.nc \ + sfcf021.tile3.nc \ + sfcf021.tile4.nc \ + sfcf021.tile5.nc \ + sfcf021.tile6.nc \ + atmf021.tile1.nc \ + atmf021.tile2.nc \ + atmf021.tile3.nc \ + atmf021.tile4.nc \ + atmf021.tile5.nc \ + atmf021.tile6.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " + +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 + +export RESTART_N=12 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode b/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d35ba3114 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_p8_mixedmode @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +# +# cpld_control P8 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system with mixedmode fms - C96MX100" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_p8_mixedmode + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ + sfcf021.tile2.nc \ + sfcf021.tile3.nc \ + sfcf021.tile4.nc \ + sfcf021.tile5.nc \ + sfcf021.tile6.nc \ + atmf021.tile1.nc \ + atmf021.tile2.nc \ + atmf021.tile3.nc \ + atmf021.tile4.nc \ + atmf021.tile5.nc \ + atmf021.tile6.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " + +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 + +export RESTART_N=12 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_pdlib_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_control_pdlib_p8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..120504e818 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_pdlib_p8 @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +# +# cpld_control unstr PDLIB P8 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 unstr WW3 PDLIB" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_pdlib_p8 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ + sfcf021.tile2.nc \ + sfcf021.tile3.nc \ + sfcf021.tile4.nc \ + sfcf021.tile5.nc \ + sfcf021.tile6.nc \ + atmf021.tile1.nc \ + atmf021.tile2.nc \ + atmf021.tile3.nc \ + atmf021.tile4.nc \ + atmf021.tile5.nc \ + atmf021.tile6.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " + +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 + +export RESTART_N=12 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_unstr +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_unstr +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_unstr * THRD_cpl_unstr )) + +OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr +ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr +WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr + +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_unstr +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads + +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 + +export WW3_DOMAIN=global_270k +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.exp.${WW3_DOMAIN} + +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw_fast_esmf.IN + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion ]] || [[ $RT_COMPILER = gnu ]]; then + WLCLK=50 +fi +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hercules && $RT_COMPILER = gnu ]]; then + export WW3_PIO_REARR='box' +fi + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet ]]; then + WLCLK=50 +fi + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_qr_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_control_qr_p8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..48bb88f2ab --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_qr_p8 @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +# +# cpld_control P8 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 using quilting restart in atm" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_p8 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ + sfcf021.tile2.nc \ + sfcf021.tile3.nc \ + sfcf021.tile4.nc \ + sfcf021.tile5.nc \ + sfcf021.tile6.nc \ + atmf021.tile1.nc \ + atmf021.tile2.nc \ + atmf021.tile3.nc \ + atmf021.tile4.nc \ + atmf021.tile5.nc \ + atmf021.tile6.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 + +export QUILTING_RESTART=.true. +export RESTART_N=12 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_control_sfs b/tests/tests/cpld_control_sfs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a3a4ee617 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_control_sfs @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +# +# cpld_control GFSv17 with UGWPv1 test, i.e., GSL orographic drag + +# version 1 non-stationary GWD, hydrostatic +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system hydrostatic version - C96MX100 - unst WW3" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_sfs + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf021.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF21 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl + +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export MAKE_NH=.false. +export DDDMP=0 +export DO_VORT_DAMP=.false. +export HYDROSTATIC=.true. +export HORD_DP=10 +export KORD_TM=-12 +export KORD_MT=12 +export KORD_WZ=12 +export KORD_TR=12 +export HORD_MT=10 +export HORD_VT=10 +export HORD_TM=10 +export D_CON=0 + +export RESTART_N=3 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' +export OUTPUT_GRID="'gaussian_grid'" +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. + +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_unstr +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_unstr +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_unstr * THRD_cpl_unstr )) + +OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr +ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr +WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr + +# use downscaled warmstarts for ocean and ice +export OCNICE_WARMSTART=.true. +export MOM6_INIT_FROM_Z=False +export MOM6_INIT_UV=file +export MOM6_WARMSTART_FILE=mom6.warmstart.nc +export CICE_ICE_IC=cice.warmstart.nc + +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_unstr +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads + +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 + +export WW3_DOMAIN=global_270k +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.exp.${WW3_DOMAIN} + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_progsigma +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld_sfs.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw.IN +# slow loop +export WW3_RSTFLDS="ice" + +#GFSv17 settings +export PROGSIGMA=.true. +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]] && [[ $RT_COMPILER = gnu ]]; then + WLCLK=40 +fi + +export K_SPLIT=2 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +export NUDGE_QV=.false. +export VTDM4=0.05 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_debug_gfsv17 b/tests/tests/cpld_debug_gfsv17 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..63328b4d97 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_debug_gfsv17 @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +# +# cpld_debug unstrWW3 PDLIB GFSv17 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system -C96MX100 unstr WW3 PDLIB - GFSv17 debug" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_debug_gfsv17 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf003.tile1.nc \ + sfcf003.tile2.nc \ + sfcf003.tile3.nc \ + sfcf003.tile4.nc \ + sfcf003.tile5.nc \ + sfcf003.tile6.nc \ + atmf003.tile1.nc \ + atmf003.tile2.nc \ + atmf003.tile3.nc \ + atmf003.tile4.nc \ + atmf003.tile5.nc \ + atmf003.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ + 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 " +export DT_ATMOS=360 +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl + +export FHMAX=3 +export DAYS=0.125 + +export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} +export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" + +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_unstr +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_unstr +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_unstr * THRD_cpl_unstr )) + +OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr +ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr +WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr +# bump resources for debug test +WAV_tasks="$(($WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr + 18))" + +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_unstr +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads + +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` + +#GFSv17 settings +export PROGSIGMA=.true. +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export WW3_DOMAIN=global_270k +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.exp.${WW3_DOMAIN} + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_progsigma +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw.IN +# slow loop +export WW3_RSTFLDS="ice" + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +export K_SPLIT=2 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]] && [[ $RT_COMPILER = gnu ]]; then + WLCLK=40 +fi +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea ]] && [[ $RT_COMPILER = intelllvm ]]; then + WLCLK=40 +fi +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion ]]; then + WLCLK=40 +fi + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 index 3c4460f83e..f703ad51cd 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_debug_noaero_p8 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 - P8 debug" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_debug_noaero_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_debug_noaero_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf003.tile1.nc \ sfcf003.tile2.nc \ @@ -18,46 +18,49 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf003.tile1.nc \ atmf003.tile4.nc \ atmf003.tile5.nc \ atmf003.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 \ 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 " export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export FHMAX=3 export DAYS=0.125 @@ -66,16 +69,25 @@ export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" export CPLCHM=.false. -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export DNATS=0 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.cpld_noaero.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw_fast_esmf.IN export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi +export K_SPLIT=2 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_debug_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_debug_p8 index 68056f441f..663e21eccf 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_debug_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_debug_p8 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 P8 debug" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_debug_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_debug_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf003.tile1.nc \ sfcf003.tile2.nc \ @@ -19,46 +19,50 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf003.tile1.nc \ atmf003.tile5.nc \ atmf003.tile6.nc \ gocart.inst_aod.20210322_0900z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 \ 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 " +export DT_ATMOS=720 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export FHMAX=3 export DAYS=0.125 @@ -66,12 +70,24 @@ export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" export AOD_FRQ=030000 -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]] && [[ $RT_COMPILER = gnu ]]; then + WLCLK=40 fi + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_debug_pdlib_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_debug_pdlib_p8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..43ac0ebc3b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_debug_pdlib_p8 @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +# +# cpld_debug unstrWW3 PDLIB P8 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system -C96MX100 unstr WW3 PDLIB - P8 debug" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_debug_pdlib_p8 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf003.tile1.nc \ + sfcf003.tile2.nc \ + sfcf003.tile3.nc \ + sfcf003.tile4.nc \ + sfcf003.tile5.nc \ + sfcf003.tile6.nc \ + atmf003.tile1.nc \ + atmf003.tile2.nc \ + atmf003.tile3.nc \ + atmf003.tile4.nc \ + atmf003.tile5.nc \ + atmf003.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.090000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-22-32400.nc \ + 20210322.090000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210322.090000.out_grd.ww3 " + +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 + +export FHMAX=3 +export DAYS=0.125 + +export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} +export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" + +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_unstr +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_unstr +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_unstr * THRD_cpl_unstr )) + +OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr +ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr +WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr +# bump resources for debug test +WAV_tasks="$(($WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr + 30))" +OCN_tasks="$((OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr + 16))" + +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_unstr +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads + +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` + +export WW3_DOMAIN=global_270k +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.exp.${WW3_DOMAIN} + +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw_fast_esmf.IN + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]] || [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet ]]; then + WLCLK=50 +fi +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hercules && $RT_COMPILER = intelllvm ]]; then + WLCLK=50 +fi +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion ]]; then + WLCLK=50 +fi +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea ]]; then + WLCLK=50 +fi +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = wcoss2 ]]; then + WLCLK=50 +fi + +# set component and coupling timesteps due to long +# runtime +export K_SPLIT=2 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_decomp_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_decomp_p8 index 97182b8d52..382960bfc1 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_decomp_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_decomp_p8 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 - decomp test" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ sfcf024.tile2.nc \ @@ -19,71 +19,81 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc \ gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " +export DT_ATMOS=720 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export RESTART_N=12 export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_dcmp export INPES=$INPES_cpl_dcmp export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_dcmp -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_dcmp +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_dcmp export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_dcmp OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_dcmp ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_dcmp WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_dcmp -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = derecho ]]; then + TPN=96 fi + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_esmfthreads_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_esmfthreads_p8 deleted file mode 100644 index 0fbbd3e0ff..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_esmfthreads_p8 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -# -# cpld_esmfthreads P8 test -# - -export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 - esmf managed threads" - -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_p8" - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ - sfcf024.tile2.nc \ - sfcf024.tile3.nc \ - sfcf024.tile4.nc \ - sfcf024.tile5.nc \ - sfcf024.tile6.nc \ - atmf024.tile1.nc \ - atmf024.tile2.nc \ - atmf024.tile3.nc \ - atmf024.tile4.nc \ - atmf024.tile5.nc \ - atmf024.tile6.nc \ - gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ - RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ - RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ - 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ - 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " - -export_fv3 -export_cpl - -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.cpld_esmfthreads.IN - -export RESTART_N=12 -export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" - -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_thrd -export INPES=$INPES_cpl_thrd -export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_thrd -export THRD=1 -export ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES * JNPES * NTILES * THRD_cpl_thrd )) -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_thrd * THRD_cpl_thrd )) - -export OCN_tasks=$(( OCN_tasks_cpl_thrd * OCN_thrds_cpl_thrd )) -export ICE_tasks=$(( ICE_tasks_cpl_thrd * ICE_thrds_cpl_thrd )) -export WAV_tasks=$(( WAV_tasks_cpl_thrd * WAV_thrds_cpl_thrd )) - -export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_thrd -export chm_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads -export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads -export ocn_omp_num_threads=$OCN_thrds_cpl_thrd -export ice_omp_num_threads=$ICE_thrds_cpl_thrd -export wav_omp_num_threads=$WAV_thrds_cpl_thrd - -export NPROC_ICE=${ICE_tasks} -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` - -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc -export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True -export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 - -export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_mpi_gfsv17 b/tests/tests/cpld_mpi_gfsv17 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8de9119ba0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_mpi_gfsv17 @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +# +# cpld_control GFSv17 with UGWPv1 test, i.e., GSL orographic drag + +# version 1 non-stationary GWD +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 - unst WW3" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_gfsv17 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ + sfcf021.tile2.nc \ + sfcf021.tile3.nc \ + sfcf021.tile4.nc \ + sfcf021.tile5.nc \ + sfcf021.tile6.nc \ + atmf021.tile1.nc \ + atmf021.tile2.nc \ + atmf021.tile3.nc \ + atmf021.tile4.nc \ + atmf021.tile5.nc \ + atmf021.tile6.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + history/iceh.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " + +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl + +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 + +export RESTART_N=3 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' +#CICE forecast day output stream +hist_n_24h=$(( 24*3600/${DT_CICE} )) +export CICE_HISTFREQ_N="0, 0, 6, ${hist_n_24h}, 1" + +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_unstr_mpi +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_unstr_mpi +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_unstr_mpi +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_unstr_mpi * THRD_cpl_unstr_mpi )) + +OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr_mpi +ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr_mpi +WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr_mpi + +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` + +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_unstr +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads + +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 + +export WW3_DOMAIN=global_270k +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.exp.${WW3_DOMAIN} + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_progsigma +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw.IN +# slow loop +export WW3_RSTFLDS="ice" + +#GFSv17 settings +export PROGSIGMA=.true. +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export K_SPLIT=2 +export N_SPLIT=5 + + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_mpi_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_mpi_p8 index 8657a7b757..8c9244e675 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_mpi_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_mpi_p8 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 MPI-task test" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ sfcf024.tile2.nc \ @@ -19,71 +19,81 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc \ gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " +export DT_ATMOS=720 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export RESTART_N=12 export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_mpi export INPES=$INPES_cpl_mpi export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_mpi -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_mpi +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_mpi export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_mpi OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_mpi ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_mpi WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_mpi -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = derecho ]]; then + TPN=96 fi + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5afb46a3de --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8 @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +# +# cpld_control unstr PDLIB P8 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 unstr WW3 PDLIB" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_pdlib_p8 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf021.tile1.nc \ + sfcf021.tile2.nc \ + sfcf021.tile3.nc \ + sfcf021.tile4.nc \ + sfcf021.tile5.nc \ + sfcf021.tile6.nc \ + atmf021.tile1.nc \ + atmf021.tile2.nc \ + atmf021.tile3.nc \ + atmf021.tile4.nc \ + atmf021.tile5.nc \ + atmf021.tile6.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 + +export RESTART_N=12 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' + +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_unstr_mpi +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_unstr_mpi +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_unstr_mpi +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_unstr_mpi * THRD_cpl_unstr_mpi )) + +OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr_mpi +ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr_mpi +WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr_mpi + +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` + +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 + +export WW3_DOMAIN=global_270k +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.exp.${WW3_DOMAIN} + +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw_fast_esmf.IN + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]] || [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion ]] || [[ $MACHINE_ID = jet ]]; then + WLCLK=50 +fi +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = wcoss2 ]]; then + WLCLK=50 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_multigrid_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_multigrid_p8 deleted file mode 100644 index 869ec7bff4..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_multigrid_p8 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -# -# cpld_multigrid P8 test -# - -export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 multigrid test" - -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_p8" - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ - sfcf024.tile2.nc \ - sfcf024.tile3.nc \ - sfcf024.tile4.nc \ - sfcf024.tile5.nc \ - sfcf024.tile6.nc \ - atmf024.tile1.nc \ - atmf024.tile2.nc \ - atmf024.tile3.nc \ - atmf024.tile4.nc \ - atmf024.tile5.nc \ - atmf024.tile6.nc \ - gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ - RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ - RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ - 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " - -export_fv3 -export_cpl - -export MULTIGRID=true - -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc -export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True -export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 - -export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_regional_atm_fbh b/tests/tests/cpld_regional_atm_fbh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8e995d5a43 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_regional_atm_fbh @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# FV3 regional control (hi-res 3km, small domain) test +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare FV3 regional with FIRE BEHAVIOR control results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_regional_atm_fbh + +export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ + dynf003.nc \ + phyf000.nc \ + phyf003.nc \ + fire_output_2020-08-13_18:00:00.nc \ + fire_output_2020-08-13_21:00:00.nc" + +# default configuration +export_fv3 +export_fire_behavior + +# models +export atm_model=fv3 +export fbh_model=fire_behavior + +# simulation window +export SYEAR=2020 +export SMONTH=8 +export SDAY=13 +export SHOUR=18 +export EYEAR=2020 +export EMONTH=8 +export EDAY=13 +export EHOUR=21 + +# time steps +export coupling_interval_sec=36 +export DT_ATMOS=36 +export DT_FIRE=0.5 + +# model configuration +export FHMAX=3 +export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 +export QUILTING=.true. +export WRITE_GROUP=1 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=5 +export NUM_FILES=2 +export FILENAME_BASE="'dyn' 'phy'" +export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export IDEFLATE=0 +export OUTPUT_GRID="'lambert_conformal'" +export CEN_LON=-105.6041 +export CEN_LAT=39.01736 +export LON1=-109.0989 +export LAT1=36.2794 +export STDLAT1=39.01736 +export STDLAT2=39.01736 +export NX=207 +export NY=197 +export DX=3000.0 +export DY=3000.0 + +# atmosphere configuration (fv3atm) +export BLOCKSIZE=40 +export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' +export INPES='5' +export JNPES='5' +export NPX=211 +export NPY=201 +export NPZ=64 +export NTILES=1 +export K_SPLIT=2 +export N_SPLIT=5 +export NWAT=6 +export NA_INIT=1 +export DNATS=0 +export EXTERNAL_IC=.true. +export NGGPS_IC=.true. +export MOUNTAIN=.false. +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export WARM_START=.false. +export TARGET_LAT=39.01737 +export TARGET_LON=-105.6041 +export STRETCH_FAC=0.999 +export REGIONAL=.true. +export BC_UPDATE_INTERVAL=3 +export NROWS_BLEND=10 +export FULL_ZS_FILTER=.false. +export N_ZS_FILTER=0 +export NPZP=65 +export FHCYC=0.0 +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export FHSWR=1200.0 +export FHLWR=1200.0 +export CPLFLX=.false. +export CPL_IMP_MRG=.false. +export CPL_IMP_DBG=.false. +export CPLFIRE=.true. + +# fire configuration (fire_behavior) +export FIRE_NAME=cameron_peak_fire +export fire_atm_feedback=1.0 +export fire_ignition_end_lat1=40.609 +export fire_ignition_end_lon1=-105.879 +export fire_ignition_end_time1=7000 +export fire_ignition_radius1=250 +export fire_ignition_ros1=0.05 +export fire_ignition_start_lat1=40.609 +export fire_ignition_start_lon1=-105.879 +export fire_ignition_start_time1=6480 +export fire_lsm_zcoupling=.false. +export fire_lsm_zcoupling_ref=60.0 +export fire_num_ignitions=1 +export fire_print_msg=0 +export fire_upwinding=9 +export fire_viscosity=0.4 +export fire_wind_height=5.0 + +# output configuration +export OUTPUT_FH='1 -1' +export OUTPUT_FS=3600 + +# tasks +export ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES*NTILES )) +export FBH_tasks=1 + +# configuration files +export INPUT_NML=input_regional_fire.nml.IN +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_fire.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.cpld_atm_fbh.IN +export FV3_RUN="regional_fire_run.IN" +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_fire +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_fire +export FIRE_NML=namelist.fire.IN + diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_restart_bmark_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_bmark_p8 index 6a564e3eae..1816fb4ee5 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_restart_bmark_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_bmark_p8 @@ -3,58 +3,59 @@ # export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C384L127 MX025 - restart test " -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_bmark_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_bmark_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf006.nc \ atmf006.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF06 \ GFSPRS.GrbF06 \ gocart.inst_aod.20130401_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.MOM.res_1.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.MOM.res_2.nc \ + RESTART/20130401.060000.MOM.res_3.nc \ RESTART/iced.2013-04-01-21600.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2013-04-01-21600.nc \ 20130401.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ 20130401.060000.out_grd.ww3 " - +export ATMRES=C384 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl - -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.cpld_esmfthreads.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export SYEAR=2013 export SMONTH=04 @@ -73,22 +74,17 @@ export FHZERO=3 export DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=16000000 export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR})))" export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%05d" $(( (${FHROT}+ ${SHOUR})*3600 )))" -export RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT}+${SHOUR} )))0000" -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_bmrk export INPES=$INPES_cpl_bmrk export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_bmrk -export THRD=1 -export ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES * JNPES * NTILES * THRD_cpl_bmrk )) export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_bmrk * THRD_cpl_bmrk )) export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export WLCLK=${WLCLK_cpl_bmrk:-$WLCLK} -export OCN_tasks=$(( OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk * OCN_thrds_cpl_bmrk )) -export ICE_tasks=$(( ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk * ICE_thrds_cpl_bmrk )) -export WAV_tasks=$(( WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk * WAV_thrds_cpl_bmrk )) +export OCN_tasks=${OCN_tasks_cpl_bmrk} +export ICE_tasks=${ICE_tasks_cpl_bmrk} +export WAV_tasks=${WAV_tasks_cpl_bmrk} export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_bmrk export chm_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads @@ -98,43 +94,42 @@ export ice_omp_num_threads=$ICE_thrds_cpl_bmrk export wav_omp_num_threads=$WAV_thrds_cpl_bmrk # atm/ocn/ice resolution -export ATMRES=C384 export NPX=385 export NPY=385 export IMO=1536 export JMO=768 export OUTPUT_GRID="'gaussian_grid'" -export ATMTILESIZE=`expr $NPX - 1` export OCNRES=025 export ICERES=0.25 export NX_GLB=1440 export NY_GLB=1080 -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` -export WAVDOMAIN=gwes_30m -export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WAVDOMAIN}.nc +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export WW3_DOMAIN=gwes_30m +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.${WW3_DOMAIN} # set component and coupling timesteps -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_CICE=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=900 export DT_THERM_MOM6=1800 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` -# nems.configure +# ufs.configure export coupling_interval_slow_sec=${DT_THERM_MOM6} export coupling_interval_fast_sec=${DT_ATMOS} # resolution dependent files -export MOM_INPUT=MOM_input_template_${OCNRES} -export MESHOCN_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEGRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEMASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CHLCLIM=seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc -export FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_INPUT=MOM_input_${OCNRES}.IN +export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_GRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_MASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MOM6_CHLCLIM=seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=True export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r @@ -144,13 +139,12 @@ export FNTG3C="'C384.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C384.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C384.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C384.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C384.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNVMNC="'C384.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVMXC="'C384.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNSLPC="'C384.slope_type.tileX.nc'" export FNABSC="'C384.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c384} - # ATM warm start export WARM_START=.true. export MAKE_NH=.false. @@ -160,16 +154,18 @@ export NGGPS_IC=.false. export MOUNTAIN=.true. # ICE warm start -export CICERUNTYPE=continue +export CICE_RUNTYPE=continue export RUNTYPE=continue -export USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. +export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. # MOM6 warm start export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r -# Waves -export OUT_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_2_BEG=$RUN_BEG - export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +export K_SPLIT=2 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_restart_c192_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_c192_p8 index 14db0a6dc3..662406ba8d 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_restart_c192_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_c192_p8 @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ # export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C192 MX050 - P8 test" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_c192_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_c192_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf030.tile1.nc \ sfcf030.tile2.nc \ @@ -18,46 +18,50 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf030.tile1.nc \ atmf030.tile5.nc \ atmf030.tile6.nc \ gocart.inst_aod.20210323_1200z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ 20210323.120000.out_grd.ww3 \ 20210323.120000.out_pnt.ww3 " +export ATMRES=C192 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export DAYS=1.25 export FHMAX=30 @@ -67,40 +71,39 @@ export OUTPUT_FH="15 30" export FHZERO=3 export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR})))" export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%05d" $(( (${FHROT}+ ${SHOUR})*3600 )))" -export RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT}+${SHOUR} )))0000" export DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=16000000 -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_c192 export INPES=$INPES_cpl_c192 export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_c192 -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_c192 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_c192 OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_c192 ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_c192 WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_c192 +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_c192 +export chm_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads + # atm/ocn/ice resolution -export ATMRES=C192 export NPX=193 export NPY=193 export IMO=768 export JMO=384 -export ATMTILESIZE=`expr $NPX - 1` export OCNRES=050 export ICERES=0.50 export NX_GLB=720 export NY_GLB=576 -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` -export WAVDOMAIN=mx${OCNRES} -export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WAVDOMAIN}.nc +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export WW3_DOMAIN=mx${OCNRES} +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.mx${OCNRES} # set component and coupling timesteps export DT_ATMOS=600 @@ -108,18 +111,20 @@ export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_CICE=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=1800 export DT_THERM_MOM6=3600 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` -# nems.configure +# ufs.configure export coupling_interval_slow_sec=${DT_THERM_MOM6} export coupling_interval_fast_sec=${DT_ATMOS} # resolution dependent files -export MOM_INPUT=MOM_input_template_${OCNRES} -export MESHOCN_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEGRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEMASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CHLCLIM=seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc -export FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_INPUT=MOM_input_${OCNRES}.IN +export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_GRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_MASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MOM6_CHLCLIM=seawifs-clim-1997-2010.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.${NX_GLB}x${NY_GLB}.v20180328.nc export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=True export FNALBC="'C192.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" @@ -128,6 +133,7 @@ export FNTG3C="'C192.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C192.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C192.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C192.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C192.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNVMNC="'C192.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVMXC="'C192.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNSLPC="'C192.slope_type.tileX.nc'" @@ -144,16 +150,19 @@ export NGGPS_IC=.false. export MOUNTAIN=.true. # ICE warm start -export CICERUNTYPE=continue +export CICE_RUNTYPE=continue export RUNTYPE=continue -export USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. +export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. # MOM6 warm start export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r -#Waves -export OUT_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_2_BEG=$RUN_BEG - export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_restart_c48 b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_c48 index 3f36b090f4..4803fd5f46 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_restart_c48 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_c48 @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ # export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS system - C48MX500 restart test" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_warmstart_c48" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_warmstart_c48 export LIST_FILES="sfcf006.tile1.nc \ sfcf006.tile2.nc \ @@ -17,44 +17,47 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf006.tile1.nc \ atmf006.tile4.nc \ atmf006.tile5.nc \ atmf006.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc" +export ATMRES=C48 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 @@ -72,13 +75,11 @@ export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" export FHZERO=3 export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR})))" export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%05d" $(( (${FHROT}+ ${SHOUR})*3600 )))" -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_c48 export INPES=$INPES_cpl_c48 export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_c48 -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_c48 +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_c48 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_c48 export OUTPUT_GRID='cubed_sphere_grid' @@ -88,40 +89,41 @@ OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_c48 ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_c48 # atm/ocn/ice resolution -export ATMRES=C48 export NPX=49 export NPY=49 export IMO=192 export JMO=94 -export ATMTILESIZE=`expr $NPX - 1` export OCNRES=500 export ICERES=5.00 export NX_GLB=72 export NY_GLB=35 -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks export CICE_DECOMP=slenderX1 -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $NPROC_ICE` -export BLCKY=$NY_GLB +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $CICE_NPROC` +export CICE_BLCKY=$NY_GLB # set component and coupling timesteps export DT_ATMOS=1200 export DT_CICE=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=3600 export DT_THERM_MOM6=3600 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` -# nems.configure +# ufs.configure export coupling_interval_slow_sec=${DT_THERM_MOM6} export coupling_interval_fast_sec=${DT_ATMOS} # resolution dependent files -export MOM_INPUT=MOM_input_template_${OCNRES} -export MESHOCN_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEGRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEMASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CHLCLIM='' -export FRUNOFF='' +export MOM6_INPUT=MOM_input_${OCNRES}.IN +export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_GRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_MASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MOM6_CHLCLIM='' +export MOM6_FRUNOFF='' export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=False +export MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE=oceanda_zgrid_25L.nc export FNALBC="'C48.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" export FNALBC2="'C48.facsf.tileX.nc'" @@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ export FNTG3C="'C48.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C48.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C48.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C48.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C48.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNVMNC="'C48.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVMXC="'C48.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNSLPC="'C48.slope_type.tileX.nc'" @@ -149,9 +152,9 @@ export NGGPS_IC=.false. export MOUNTAIN=.true. # ICE warm start -export CICERUNTYPE=continue +export CICE_RUNTYPE=continue export RUNTYPE=continue -export USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. +export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. # MOM6 warm start export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r @@ -165,6 +168,10 @@ export eps_imesh=4.0e-1 export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.cpld_noaero_nowave.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2s_esmf.IN export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_restart_gfsv17 b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_gfsv17 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..98d011f61d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_gfsv17 @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +# +# cpld_control GFSv17 with UGWPv1 test, i.e., GSL orographic drag + +# version 1 non-stationary GWD +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 - unst WW3 - Restart " + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_gfsv17 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " + +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl + +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 + +export FHROT=12 +export RESTART_N=$((FHMAX-$FHROT)) + +export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR} )))0000" +export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%05d" $(( (${FHROT}+ ${SHOUR})*3600 )))" + +# ATM warm start +export WARM_START=.true. +export MAKE_NH=.false. +export NA_INIT=0 +export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. +export NGGPS_IC=.false. +export MOUNTAIN=.true. + +# ICE warm start +export CICE_RUNTYPE=continue +export RUNTYPE=continue +export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. + +# MOM6 warm start +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r + + +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_unstr +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_unstr +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_unstr * THRD_cpl_unstr )) + +OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr +ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr +WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr + +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_unstr +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads + +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` + +export WW3_DOMAIN=global_270k +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.exp.${WW3_DOMAIN} + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke_progsigma +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_cpld.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw.IN +# slow loop +export WW3_RSTFLDS="ice" + +#GFSv17 settings +export PROGSIGMA=.true. +export IOPT_DIAG=2 + +export K_SPLIT=2 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_restart_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_p8 index 4f3714f6ed..0409d3d20d 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_restart_p8 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_p8 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_control_p8" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_p8 export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ sfcf024.tile2.nc \ @@ -19,54 +19,56 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ atmf024.tile5.nc \ atmf024.tile6.nc \ gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " +export DT_ATMOS=720 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export FHROT=12 export RESTART_N=$((FHMAX-$FHROT)) export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_HRS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR})))" export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%05d" $(( (${FHROT}+ ${SHOUR})*3600 )))" -export RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT}+${SHOUR} )))0000" # ATM warm start export WARM_START=.true. @@ -77,24 +79,27 @@ export NGGPS_IC=.false. export MOUNTAIN=.true. # ICE warm start -export CICERUNTYPE=continue +export CICE_RUNTYPE=continue export RUNTYPE=continue -export USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. +export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. # MOM6 warm start export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r -# Waves -export OUT_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_2_BEG=$RUN_BEG - -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = derecho ]]; then + TPN=96 fi + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_restart_pdlib_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_pdlib_p8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ca61d4e3a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_pdlib_p8 @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +# +# cpld_restart unstrWW3 PDLIB P8 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 unstr WW3 PDLIB" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_pdlib_p8 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 + +export FHROT=12 +export RESTART_N=$((FHMAX-$FHROT)) + +export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR} )))0000" +export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%05d" $(( (${FHROT}+ ${SHOUR})*3600 )))" + +# ATM warm start +export WARM_START=.true. +export MAKE_NH=.false. +export NA_INIT=0 +export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. +export NGGPS_IC=.false. +export MOUNTAIN=.true. + +# ICE warm start +export CICE_RUNTYPE=continue +export RUNTYPE=continue +export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. + +# MOM6 warm start +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r + +export INPES=$INPES_cpl_unstr +export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_unstr +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$(( WPG_cpl_unstr * THRD_cpl_unstr )) + +OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_unstr +ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_unstr +WAV_tasks=$WAV_tasks_cpl_unstr + +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_unstr +export med_omp_num_threads=$atm_omp_num_threads + +export CPLCHM=.false. +export DNATS=0 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` + +export WW3_DOMAIN=global_270k +export MESH_WAV=mesh.${WW3_DOMAIN}.nc +export WW3_MODDEF=mod_def.exp.${WW3_DOMAIN} + +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sw_fast_esmf.IN + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_restart_qr_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_qr_p8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e1d8b85d16 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_restart_qr_p8 @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +# +# cpld_restart P8 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS-WW3 system - C96MX100 using quilting restart in atm" + +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_control_p8 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + ufs.cpld.ww3.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + 20210323.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + 20210323.060000.out_grd.ww3 " + +export DT_ATMOS=720 +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 + +export QUILTING_RESTART=.true. +export FHROT=12 +export RESTART_N=$((FHMAX-$FHROT)) + +export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT} + ${SHOUR} )))0000" +export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%05d" $(( (${FHROT}+ ${SHOUR})*3600 )))" + +# ATM warm start +export WARM_START=.true. +export MAKE_NH=.false. +export NA_INIT=0 +export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. +export NGGPS_IC=.false. +export MOUNTAIN=.true. + +# ICE warm start +export CICE_RUNTYPE=continue +export RUNTYPE=continue +export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. + +# MOM6 warm start +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r + +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_s2sa_p8 b/tests/tests/cpld_s2sa_p8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a9fba26d01 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_s2sa_p8 @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +# +# S2SA companion to cpld_control_p8 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="Coupled FV3-CCPP-GOCART-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS system - C96MX100" + +export CNTL_DIR="cpld_s2sa_p8" + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.tile1.nc \ + sfcf024.tile2.nc \ + sfcf024.tile3.nc \ + sfcf024.tile4.nc \ + sfcf024.tile5.nc \ + sfcf024.tile6.nc \ + atmf024.tile1.nc \ + atmf024.tile2.nc \ + atmf024.tile3.nc \ + atmf024.tile4.nc \ + atmf024.tile5.nc \ + atmf024.tile6.nc \ + gocart.inst_aod.20210323_0600z.nc4 \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ + RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 +export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 + +export RESTART_N=12 +export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 24' + +export WAV_tasks=0 +export CPLWAV=.false. +export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. +export MOM6_USE_WAVES=False +export CPLCHM=.true. +export DNATS=0 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 + +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2sa_esmf.IN + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/cpld_warmstart_c48 b/tests/tests/cpld_warmstart_c48 index 7c9d6a6de2..8f65c964de 100644 --- a/tests/tests/cpld_warmstart_c48 +++ b/tests/tests/cpld_warmstart_c48 @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ # export TEST_DESCR="Fully coupled FV3-CCPP-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS system - C48MX500 start from model initialization" -export CNTL_DIR="cpld_warmstart_c48" +export CNTL_DIR=cpld_warmstart_c48 export LIST_FILES="sfcf006.tile1.nc \ sfcf006.tile2.nc \ @@ -17,44 +17,47 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf006.tile1.nc \ atmf006.tile4.nc \ atmf006.tile5.nc \ atmf006.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.120000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-43200.nc \ RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-43200.nc" +export ATMRES=C48 export_fv3 +export_ugwpv1 export_cpl +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 @@ -71,10 +74,9 @@ export RESTART_INTERVAL="${RESTART_N} -1" export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" export FHZERO=3 -export TASKS=$TASKS_cpl_c48 export INPES=$INPES_cpl_c48 export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_c48 -export THRD=$THRD_cpl_c48 +export atm_omp_num_threads=$THRD_cpl_c48 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_c48 export OUTPUT_GRID='cubed_sphere_grid' @@ -84,40 +86,41 @@ OCN_tasks=$OCN_tasks_cpl_c48 ICE_tasks=$ICE_tasks_cpl_c48 # atm/ocn/ice resolution -export ATMRES=C48 export NPX=49 export NPY=49 export IMO=192 export JMO=94 -export ATMTILESIZE=`expr $NPX - 1` export OCNRES=500 export ICERES=5.00 export NX_GLB=72 export NY_GLB=35 -export NPROC_ICE=$ICE_tasks +export CICE_NPROC=$ICE_tasks export CICE_DECOMP=slenderX1 -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $NPROC_ICE` -export BLCKY=$NY_GLB +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $CICE_NPROC` +export CICE_BLCKY=$NY_GLB # set component and coupling timesteps export DT_ATMOS=1200 export DT_CICE=${DT_ATMOS} export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=3600 export DT_THERM_MOM6=3600 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` -# nems.configure +# ufs.configure export coupling_interval_slow_sec=${DT_THERM_MOM6} export coupling_interval_fast_sec=${DT_ATMOS} # resolution dependent files -export MOM_INPUT=MOM_input_template_${OCNRES} -export MESHOCN_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEGRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CICEMASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc -export CHLCLIM='' -export FRUNOFF='' +export MOM6_INPUT=MOM_input_${OCNRES}.IN +export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_GRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_MASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MOM6_CHLCLIM='' +export MOM6_FRUNOFF='' export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=False +export MOM6_DIAG_COORD_DEF_Z_FILE=oceanda_zgrid_25L.nc export FNALBC="'C48.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" export FNALBC2="'C48.facsf.tileX.nc'" @@ -125,6 +128,7 @@ export FNTG3C="'C48.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" export FNVEGC="'C48.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVETC="'C48.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C48.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'C48.soil_color.tileX.nc'" export FNVMNC="'C48.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNVMXC="'C48.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" export FNSLPC="'C48.slope_type.tileX.nc'" @@ -145,9 +149,9 @@ export NGGPS_IC=.false. export MOUNTAIN=.true. # ICE warm start -export CICERUNTYPE=continue +export CICE_RUNTYPE=continue export RUNTYPE=continue -export USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. +export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. # MOM6 warm start export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r @@ -161,6 +165,14 @@ export eps_imesh=4.0e-1 export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_template export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_noaero_tke -export NEMS_CONFIGURE=nems.configure.cpld_noaero_nowave.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.s2s_esmf.IN export FV3_RUN=cpld_control_run.IN + +# HR4 GFSv17 GWD update +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GWD_OPT_PSL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr index c287298ec8..bb4454077c 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr @@ -4,28 +4,27 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_CFSR_3072x1536 - control " -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111002.000000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc \ RESTART/DATM_CFSR3072x1536.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export DATM_SRC="CFSR3072x1536" -export FILENAME_BASE='cfsr.' +export DATM_SRC=CFSR3072x1536 +export FILEBASE_DATM=cfsr export WLCLK=15 export IATM=3072 export JATM=1536 export ATM_NX_GLB=$IATM export ATM_NY_GLB=$JATM -export ATMRES=3072x1536 -export mesh_file=gfs_mesh.nc -export MESH_ATM=DATM_INPUT/${mesh_file} -export atm_datamode=GFS +export ATMRES=${IATM}x${JATM} +export MESH_ATM=gfs_mesh.nc +export atm_datamode=GEFS export RESTART_N=12 -export stream_files="DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100100_3072x1536.nc DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100106_3072x1536.nc DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100112_3072x1536.nc DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100118_3072x1536.nc DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100200_3072x1536.nc DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100206_3072x1536.nc" -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export stream_files="INPUT/cfsr.2011100100_3072x1536.nc INPUT/cfsr.2011100106_3072x1536.nc INPUT/cfsr.2011100112_3072x1536.nc INPUT/cfsr.2011100118_3072x1536.nc INPUT/cfsr.2011100200_3072x1536.nc INPUT/cfsr.2011100206_3072x1536.nc" +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr index f398b2f47b..03548a6088 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr @@ -4,21 +4,21 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_CFSR - bulk flux test" -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111002.000000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc \ RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export DATM_SRC="CFSR" -export FILENAME_BASE='cfsr.' +export DATM_SRC=CFSR +export FILEBASE_DATM=cfsr export IATM=1760 export JATM=880 export RESTART_N=12 -export flux_scheme='-1' -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export flux_scheme=-1 +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs index 191e566e30..798bbc5824 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs @@ -4,30 +4,30 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_GEFS - bulk flux test" -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111002.000000.MOM.res.nc\ RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc \ RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export atm_datamode="GEFS" +export atm_datamode=GEFS # atm configure export IATM=1536 export JATM=768 export ATM_NX_GLB=$IATM export ATM_NY_GLB=$JATM -export ATMRES='1536x768' -export DATM_SRC="GEFS_NEW" -export FILENAME_BASE='gefs.' -export mesh_file="gefs_mesh.nc" -export MESH_ATM="DATM_INPUT/${mesh_file}" -export stream_files="DATM_INPUT/${FILENAME_BASE}201110.nc" +export ATMRES=${IATM}x${JATM} +export DATM_SRC=GEFS_NEW +export FILEBASE_DATM=gefs +export MESH_ATM=${FILEBASE_DATM}_mesh.nc +export stream_files="INPUT/${FILEBASE_DATM}.201110.nc" +export STREAM_OFFSET=-21600 export RESTART_N=12 -export flux_scheme='-1' -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export flux_scheme=-1 +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr index 85bfcbc8ad..70ee13250a 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr @@ -4,21 +4,21 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_CFSR - CICE-C-grid" -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111002.000000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc \ RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export DATM_SRC="CFSR" -export FILENAME_BASE='cfsr.' +export DATM_SRC=CFSR +export FILEBASE_DATM=cfsr export IATM=1760 export JATM=880 export RESTART_N=12 -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True -export GRIDICE=C +export CICE_GRIDICE=C export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr index 11835d5555..e3768e5258 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr @@ -4,20 +4,20 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_CFSR - control " -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_control_cfsr" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111002.000000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc \ RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export DATM_SRC="CFSR" -export FILENAME_BASE='cfsr.' +export DATM_SRC=CFSR +export FILEBASE_DATM=cfsr export IATM=1760 export JATM=880 export RESTART_N=12 -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4003f161dc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# +# DATM_CDEPS_MOM6_CICE_CMEPS_CFSR test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_CFSR - control " + +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster + +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111002.000000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc \ + RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc" + +export_datm_cdeps +export DATM_SRC=CFSR +export FILEBASE_DATM=cfsr +export IATM=1760 +export JATM=880 +export RESTART_N=12 +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True + +export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_control_gefs b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_control_gefs index 9740888909..8669e9ff01 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_control_gefs +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_control_gefs @@ -4,28 +4,28 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_GEFS - control" -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_control_gefs" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_control_gefs -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111002.000000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc \ RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export atm_datamode="GEFS" +export atm_datamode=GEFS # atm configure export IATM=1536 export JATM=768 export ATM_NX_GLB=$IATM export ATM_NY_GLB=$JATM -export ATMRES='1536x768' -export DATM_SRC="GEFS_NEW" -export FILENAME_BASE='gefs.' -export mesh_file="gefs_mesh.nc" -export MESH_ATM="DATM_INPUT/${mesh_file}" -export stream_files="DATM_INPUT/${FILENAME_BASE}201110.nc" +export ATMRES=${IATM}x${JATM} +export DATM_SRC=GEFS_NEW +export FILEBASE_DATM=gefs +export MESH_ATM=${FILEBASE_DATM}_mesh.nc +export stream_files="INPUT/${FILEBASE_DATM}.201110.nc" +export STREAM_OFFSET=-21600 export RESTART_N=12 -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr index 62868e2e4a..c0de0ddc7c 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr @@ -4,21 +4,22 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_CFSR - debug test" -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111001.060000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-21600.nc \ RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-21600.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export DATM_SRC="CFSR" -export FILENAME_BASE='cfsr.' +export DATM_SRC=CFSR +export FILEBASE_DATM=cfsr export IATM=1760 export JATM=880 -export DAYS="0.25" +export DAYS=0.25 export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_gfs b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_gfs index f2dfaa0a1c..9dcd4ed89b 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_gfs +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_gfs @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_GFS - control " -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_gfs" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_gfs -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20210323.060000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc \ RESTART/DATM_GFS.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export DATM_SRC="GFS" -export FILENAME_BASE='gfs.' +export DATM_SRC=GFS +export FILEBASE_DATM=gfs export SYEAR=2021 export SMONTH=03 export SDAY=22 @@ -22,16 +22,15 @@ export IATM=3072 export JATM=1536 export ATM_NX_GLB=$IATM export ATM_NY_GLB=$JATM -export ATMRES=3072x1536 -export mesh_file=gfs_mesh.nc -export MESH_ATM=DATM_INPUT/${mesh_file} -export atm_datamode=GFS -export KTHERM=2 -export TFREEZE_OPTION=mushy +export ATMRES=${IATM}x${JATM} +export MESH_ATM=${FILEBASE_DATM}_mesh.nc +export atm_datamode=GEFS +export CICE_KTHERM=2 +export CICE_TFREEZE_OPTION=mushy export RESTART_N=12 -export stream_files="DATM_INPUT/gfs.202103.nc" -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export stream_files="INPUT/gfs.202103.nc" +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps_gfs.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs index 4bc671dbf8..9ca5c65d75 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_iau_gefs @@ -4,30 +4,31 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_GEFS - iau" -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_iau_gefs" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_iau_gefs -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111002.000000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc \ RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export atm_datamode="GEFS" +export atm_datamode=GEFS # atm configure -export MOM_IAU="True" +export ODA_INCUPD=True +export ODA_INCUPD_UV=True export IATM=1536 export JATM=768 export ATM_NX_GLB=$IATM export ATM_NY_GLB=$JATM -export ATMRES='1536x768' -export DATM_SRC="GEFS_NEW" -export FILENAME_BASE='gefs.' -export mesh_file="gefs_mesh.nc" -export MESH_ATM="DATM_INPUT/${mesh_file}" -export stream_files="DATM_INPUT/${FILENAME_BASE}201110.nc" +export ATMRES=${IATM}x${JATM} +export DATM_SRC=GEFS_NEW +export FILEBASE_DATM=gefs +export MESH_ATM=${FILEBASE_DATM}_mesh.nc +export stream_files="INPUT/${FILEBASE_DATM}.201110.nc" +export STREAM_OFFSET=-21600 export RESTART_N=12 -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3 b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea57b3b5c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3 @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +# +# DATM_CDEPS_LM4_GSWP test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS_LM4_GSWP3 - control " + +export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3" + +export LIST_FILES="\ + RESTART/cana.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/cana.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/cana.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/cana.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/cana.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/cana.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/landuse.res \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile1.nc\ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile2.nc\ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile3.nc\ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile4.nc\ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile5.nc\ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile6.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile1.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile2.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile3.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile4.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile5.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile6.nc" + + +export_datm_cdeps + +# these are not in export_datm_cdeps, but needed with LM4 +export LNDRES=C96 +#export INPES=$INPES_cpl_dflt +#export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_dflt +export INPES=2 +export JNPES=2 +export THRD=$THRD_cpl_dflt +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_dflt +export NPX=97 +export NPY=97 + + +export SYEAR=2000 +export SMONTH=01 +export SDAY=01 +export SHOUR=00 +export FHMAX=48 + +export DATM_IN_CONFIGURE=datm_in.IN +export MESH_ATM=fv1.9x2.5_141008_ESMFmesh.nc +export atm_datamode=CLMNCEP +export ATM_NX_GLB=144 +export ATM_NY_GLB=96 +export EXPORT_ALL=.true. + +export DATM_STREAM_CONFIGURE=datm.streams.multi.IN +export MESH_ATM_DATA="INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc" +export MESH_ATM_TOPO="INPUT/topodata_0.9x1.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc" +export SDATE=1999 +export EDATE=2000 +export DATA_ATM01="\"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.2000-01.nc\"" +export DATA_ATM02="\"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.2000-01.nc\"" +export DATA_ATM03="\"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.2000-01.nc\"" +export DATA_ATM04="\"INPUT/topodata_0.9x1.25_USGS_070110_stream_c151201.nc\"" + +export UFS_CONFIGURE="ufs.configure.atm_lm4.IN" +export med_model="cmeps" +export atm_model="datm" +export lnd_model="lm4" +export CPLMODE=ufs.nfrac.aoflux +export RUNTYPE="startup" +export READRESTART=.false. +export ATM_compute_tasks=24 +export OCN_tasks=0 +export ICE_tasks=0 +export LND_tasks=24 +export lnd_ic_type='custom' +export CALC_SNET=.true. +export layout_x=2 +export layout_y=2 +export mosaic_file="INPUT/C96_mosaic.nc" +export coupling_interval_sec=3600 +export TOPOEDITS="" +#export FV3_RUN="lnd_datm_cdeps_gswp.IN lm4_run.IN" +export FV3_RUN="lm4_run.IN" +export DIAG_TABLE="diag_table_datm_lm4" +export FIELD_TABLE_ADDITIONAL=field_table_lm4 +export INPUT_NML="input_datm_lm4.nml.IN" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_rst b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..efa4e6fcf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3_rst @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +# +# DATM_CDEPS_LM4_GSWP test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS_LM4_GSWP3_RST - control restart" + +export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_lm4_gswp3" + +export LIST_FILES="\ + RESTART/cana.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/cana.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/cana.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/cana.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/cana.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/cana.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/glac.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/lake.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/land.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/landuse.res \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/snow.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/soil.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile1.nc\ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile2.nc\ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile3.nc\ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile4.nc\ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile5.nc\ + RESTART/vegn1.res.tile6.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile1.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile2.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile3.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile4.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile5.nc\ + RESTART/vegn2.res.tile6.nc" + + +export_datm_cdeps + +# these are not in export_datm_cdeps, but needed with LM4 +export LNDRES=C96 +#export INPES=$INPES_cpl_dflt +#export JNPES=$JNPES_cpl_dflt +export INPES=2 +export JNPES=2 +export THRD=$THRD_cpl_dflt +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=$WPG_cpl_dflt +export NPX=97 +export NPY=97 + + +export SYEAR=2000 +export SMONTH=01 +export SDAY=02 +export SHOUR=00 +export FHMAX=24 +export FHROT=0 + +export DATM_IN_CONFIGURE=datm_in.IN +export MESH_ATM=fv1.9x2.5_141008_ESMFmesh.nc +export atm_datamode=CLMNCEP +export ATM_NX_GLB=144 +export ATM_NY_GLB=96 +export EXPORT_ALL=.true. + +export DATM_STREAM_CONFIGURE=datm.streams.multi.IN +export MESH_ATM_DATA="INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc" +export MESH_ATM_TOPO="INPUT/topodata_0.9x1.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc" +export SDATE=1999 +export EDATE=2000 +export DATA_ATM01="\"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.2000-01.nc\"" +export DATA_ATM02="\"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.2000-01.nc\"" +export DATA_ATM03="\"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.2000-01.nc\"" +export DATA_ATM04="\"INPUT/topodata_0.9x1.25_USGS_070110_stream_c151201.nc\"" + +export UFS_CONFIGURE="ufs.configure.atm_lm4.IN" +export med_model="cmeps" +export atm_model="datm" +export lnd_model="lm4" +export CPLMODE=ufs.nfrac.aoflux +export RUNTYPE="continue" +export READRESTART=.false. +export ATM_compute_tasks=24 +export OCN_tasks=0 +export ICE_tasks=0 +export LND_tasks=24 +export lnd_ic_type='custom' +export CALC_SNET=.true. +export layout_x=2 +export layout_y=2 +export mosaic_file="INPUT/C96_mosaic.nc" +export coupling_interval_sec=3600 +export TOPOEDITS="" +export WARM_START=.true. +export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%05d" $(( (${FHROT}+ ${SHOUR})*3600 )))" +# expected checkpoint restarts are named like: YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS.*.res* +export LM4_RESTART_PREFIX=${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${FHROT}+ ${SHOUR} )))0000 + +#export FV3_RUN="lnd_datm_cdeps_gswp.IN lm4_run.IN" +export FV3_RUN="lm4_run.IN" +export DIAG_TABLE="diag_table_datm_lm4" +export INPUT_NML="input_datm_lm4.nml.IN" +export FIELD_TABLE_ADDITIONAL=field_table_lm4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_era5 b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_era5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e889fff1f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_era5 @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +# +# DATM_CDEPS_NOAHMP_ERA5 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS_NOAHMP_ERA5 - control " + +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_lnd_era5 + +export LIST_FILES="ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile1.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile2.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile3.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile4.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile5.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile6.nc" + +export_datm_cdeps + +export SYEAR=2011 +export SMONTH=01 +export SDAY=01 +export SHOUR=00 +export FHMAX=12 + +export DATM_IN_CONFIGURE=datm_in.IN +export MESH_ATM=ERA5_mesh.nc +export atm_datamode=ERA5 +export ATM_NX_GLB=1440 +export ATM_NY_GLB=721 +export EXPORT_ALL=.true. + +export DATM_STREAM_CONFIGURE=datm.streams.era5.IN +export MESH_ATM_DATA=ERA5_mesh.nc +export SDATE=2010 +export EDATE=2011 +export DATA_ATM01="\"INPUT/ERA5_forcing_2010-12-31_fix.nc\" \"INPUT/ERA5_forcing_2011-01-01_fix.nc\" \"INPUT/ERA5_forcing_2011-01-02_fix.nc\"" + +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atm_lnd.IN +export med_model=cmeps +export atm_model=datm +export lnd_model=noahmp +export CPLMODE=ufs.nfrac.aoflux +export RUNTYPE=startup +export READRESTART=.false. +export TASKS=288 +export ATM_compute_tasks=144 +export LND_tasks=144 +export lnd_ic_type='custom' +export lnd_input_dir='INPUT/' +export CALC_SNET=.true. +export layout_x=3 +export layout_y=8 +export LNDRES=C96 +export mosaic_file="INPUT/${LNDRES}_mosaic.nc" +export coupling_interval_sec=3600 +export snow_albedo_option=2 +export precip_partition_option=1 +export initial_albedo=0.25 +export FV3_RUN="lnd_datm_cdeps_era5.IN noahmp_run.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..70e6c4c5e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +# +# DATM_CDEPS_NOAHMP_ERA5 test +# + +export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS_NOAHMP_ERA5_RST - control restart" + +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_lnd_era5 + +export LIST_FILES="ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile1.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile2.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile3.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile4.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile5.nc \ + ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2011-01-01-43200.tile6.nc" + +export_datm_cdeps + +export SYEAR=2011 +export SMONTH=01 +export SDAY=01 +export SHOUR=06 +export FHMAX=06 +export FHROT=0 + +export DATM_IN_CONFIGURE=datm_in.IN +export MESH_ATM=ERA5_mesh.nc +export atm_datamode=ERA5 +export ATM_NX_GLB=1440 +export ATM_NY_GLB=721 +export EXPORT_ALL=.true. + +export DATM_STREAM_CONFIGURE=datm.streams.era5.IN +export MESH_ATM_DATA=ERA5_mesh.nc +export SDATE=2010 +export EDATE=2011 +export DATA_ATM01="\"INPUT/ERA5_forcing_2010-12-31_fix.nc\" \"INPUT/ERA5_forcing_2011-01-01_fix.nc\" \"INPUT/ERA5_forcing_2011-01-02_fix.nc\"" + +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atm_lnd.IN +export med_model=cmeps +export atm_model=datm +export lnd_model=noahmp +export CPLMODE=ufs.nfrac.aoflux +export RUNTYPE=continue +export READRESTART=.false. +export TASKS=288 +export ATM_compute_tasks=144 +export LND_tasks=144 +export lnd_ic_type='custom' +export lnd_input_dir='INPUT/' +export CALC_SNET=.true. +export layout_x=3 +export layout_y=8 +export LNDRES=C96 +export mosaic_file="INPUT/${LNDRES}_mosaic.nc" +export coupling_interval_sec=3600 +export snow_albedo_option=2 +export precip_partition_option=1 +export initial_albedo=0.25 +export WARM_START=.true. + +export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%02d" $(( (${FHROT}+${SHOUR})*3600 )))" +export FV3_RUN="lnd_datm_cdeps_era5.IN noahmp_run.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 index 736242d17c..5905ef145a 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS_NOAHMP_GSWP3 - control " -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3 export LIST_FILES="ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc \ ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc \ @@ -20,39 +20,45 @@ export SMONTH=01 export SDAY=01 export SHOUR=00 -export DATM_IN_CONFIGURE=datm_in -export MESH_ATM="INPUT_DATM/fv1.9x2.5_141008_ESMFmesh.nc" -export atm_datamode="CLMNCEP" +export DATM_IN_CONFIGURE=datm_in.IN +export MESH_ATM=fv1.9x2.5_141008_ESMFmesh.nc +export atm_datamode=CLMNCEP export ATM_NX_GLB=144 export ATM_NY_GLB=96 +export EXPORT_ALL=.true. export DATM_STREAM_CONFIGURE=datm.streams.multi.IN -export MESH_ATM_DATA="INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc" -export MESH_ATM_TOPO="INPUT_DATM/topodata_0.9x1.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc" +export MESH_ATM_DATA="INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc" +export MESH_ATM_TOPO="INPUT/topodata_0.9x1.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc" export SDATE=1999 export EDATE=2000 -export DATA_ATM01="\"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.2000-01.nc\"" -export DATA_ATM02="\"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.2000-01.nc\"" -export DATA_ATM03="\"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.2000-01.nc\"" -export DATA_ATM04="\"INPUT_DATM/topodata_0.9x1.25_USGS_070110_stream_c151201.nc\"" - -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.atm_lnd.IN" -export med_model="cmeps" -export atm_model="datm" -export lnd_model="noahmp" -export CPLMODE="nems_orig_data" -export RUNTYPE="startup" +export DATA_ATM01="\"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.2000-01.nc\"" +export DATA_ATM02="\"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.2000-01.nc\"" +export DATA_ATM03="\"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.2000-01.nc\"" +export DATA_ATM04="\"INPUT/topodata_0.9x1.25_USGS_070110_stream_c151201.nc\"" + +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atm_lnd.IN +export med_model=cmeps +export atm_model=datm +export lnd_model=noahmp +export CPLMODE=ufs.nfrac.aoflux +export RUNTYPE=startup export READRESTART=.false. -export TASKS=288 export ATM_compute_tasks=144 export OCN_tasks=0 export ICE_tasks=0 export LND_tasks=144 export lnd_ic_type='custom' +export lnd_input_dir='INPUT/' export CALC_SNET=.true. export layout_x=3 export layout_y=8 -export mosaic_file="INPUT/C96_mosaic.nc" +export LNDRES=C96 +export mosaic_file="INPUT/${LNDRES}_mosaic.nc" export coupling_interval_sec=3600 +export snow_albedo_option=1 +export precip_partition_option=4 +export initial_albedo=0.25 export TOPOEDITS="" export FV3_RUN="lnd_datm_cdeps_gswp.IN noahmp_run.IN" + diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst deleted file mode 100644 index a6a6afa898..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -# -# DATM_CDEPS_NOAHMP_GSWP test -# - -export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS_NOAHMP_GSWP3_RST - control restart" - -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3" - -export LIST_FILES="ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile1.nc \ - ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile2.nc \ - ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile3.nc \ - ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile4.nc \ - ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile5.nc \ - ufs.cpld.lnd.out.2000-01-02-00000.tile6.nc" - -export_datm_cdeps - -export SYEAR=2000 -export SMONTH=01 -export SDAY=01 -export SHOUR=12 -export FHMAX=12 -export FHROT=0 - -export DATM_IN_CONFIGURE=datm_in -export MESH_ATM="INPUT_DATM/fv1.9x2.5_141008_ESMFmesh.nc" -export atm_datamode="CLMNCEP" -export ATM_NX_GLB=144 -export ATM_NY_GLB=96 - -export DATM_STREAM_CONFIGURE=datm.streams.multi.IN -export MESH_ATM_DATA="INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc" -export MESH_ATM_TOPO="INPUT_DATM/topodata_0.9x1.SCRIP.210520_ESMFmesh.nc" -export SDATE=1999 -export EDATE=2000 -export DATA_ATM01="\"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.2000-01.nc\"" -export DATA_ATM02="\"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Prec.2000-01.nc\"" -export DATA_ATM03="\"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.1999-12.nc\" \"INPUT_DATM/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.TPQWL.2000-01.nc\"" -export DATA_ATM04="\"INPUT_DATM/topodata_0.9x1.25_USGS_070110_stream_c151201.nc\"" - -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.atm_lnd.IN" -export med_model="cmeps" -export atm_model="datm" -export lnd_model="noahmp" -export CPLMODE="nems_orig_data" -export RUNTYPE="continue" -export READRESTART=.false. -export TASKS=288 -export ATM_compute_tasks=144 -export OCN_tasks=0 -export ICE_tasks=0 -export LND_tasks=144 -export lnd_ic_type='custom' -export CALC_SNET=.true. -export layout_x=3 -export layout_y=8 -export mosaic_file="INPUT/C96_mosaic.nc" -export coupling_interval_sec=3600 -export TOPOEDITS="" -export WARM_START=.true. - -export RESTART_FILE_SUFFIX_SECS="${SYEAR}-${SMONTH}-${SDAY}-$(printf "%02d" $(( (${FHROT}+ ${SHOUR})*3600 )))" -export FV3_RUN="lnd_datm_cdeps_gswp.IN noahmp_run.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr index afeb10ef40..a92d5cea3d 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr @@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_CFSR - multiple input files " -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_control_cfsr" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_control_cfsr export LIST_FILES="RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export DATM_SRC="CFSR" -export FILENAME_BASE='cfsr.' +export DATM_SRC=CFSR +export FILEBASE_DATM=cfsr export IATM=1760 export JATM=880 export RESTART_N=12 -export stream_files="DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100100.nc DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100106.nc DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100112.nc DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100118.nc DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100200.nc DATM_INPUT/cfsr.2011100206.nc" -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export stream_files="INPUT/cfsr.2011100100.nc INPUT/cfsr.2011100106.nc INPUT/cfsr.2011100112.nc INPUT/cfsr.2011100118.nc INPUT/cfsr.2011100200.nc INPUT/cfsr.2011100206.nc" +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr index 535bdd1ca2..02a6866d34 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr @@ -4,50 +4,50 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_CFSR - 1/4deg ocean+ice" -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111001.120000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20111001.120000.MOM.res_1.nc \ + RESTART/20111001.120000.MOM.res_2.nc \ + RESTART/20111001.120000.MOM.res_3.nc \ RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc \ RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export DATM_SRC="CFSR" -export FILENAME_BASE='cfsr.' +export DATM_SRC=CFSR +export FILEBASE_DATM=cfsr export IATM=1760 export JATM=880 -export DAYS="0.5" +export DAYS=0.5 export FHMAX=12 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export DT_DYNAM_MOM6='900' -export DT_THERM_MOM6='1800' - -export TASKS=$TASKS_cdeps_025 +export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=900 +export DT_THERM_MOM6=1800 ATM_compute_tasks=${ATM_compute_tasks_cdeps_025} OCN_tasks=${OCN_tasks_cdeps_025} ICE_tasks=${ICE_tasks_cdeps_025} # ocn/ice resolution -export OCNRES='025' -export ICERES='0.25' +export OCNRES=025 +export ICERES=0.25 export NX_GLB=1440 export NY_GLB=1080 -export NPROC_ICE='48' -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export CICE_NPROC=48 +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` # resolution dependent files -export MOM_INPUT="MOM_input_template_${OCNRES}" -export MESHOCN_ICE="mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc" -export CICEGRID="grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc" -export CICEMASK="kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc" -export CHLCLIM='"seawifs-clim-1997-2010.1440x1080.v20180328.nc"' -export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF='True' -export FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.1440x1080.v20180328.nc" -export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING='r' +export MOM6_INPUT=MOM_input_${OCNRES}.IN +export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_GRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_MASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MOM6_CHLCLIM='"seawifs-clim-1997-2010.1440x1080.v20180328.nc"' +export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=True +export MOM6_FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.1440x1080.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs index 8c4ef0ad31..ee33c3cb23 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs @@ -4,58 +4,58 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_GEFS - 1/4deg ocean+ice" -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_1.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_2.nc \ - RESTART/MOM.res_3.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111001.120000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20111001.120000.MOM.res_1.nc \ + RESTART/20111001.120000.MOM.res_2.nc \ + RESTART/20111001.120000.MOM.res_3.nc \ RESTART/iced.2011-10-01-43200.nc \ RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-01-43200.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export atm_datamode="GEFS" -export DAYS="0.5" +export atm_datamode=GEFS +export DAYS=0.5 export FHMAX=12 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export DT_DYNAM_MOM6='900' -export DT_THERM_MOM6='1800' +export DT_DYNAM_MOM6=900 +export DT_THERM_MOM6=1800 export IATM=1536 export JATM=768 export ATM_NX_GLB=$IATM export ATM_NY_GLB=$JATM -export ATMRES='1536x768' -export DATM_SRC="GEFS_NEW" -export FILENAME_BASE='gefs.' -export mesh_file="gefs_mesh.nc" -export MESH_ATM="DATM_INPUT/${mesh_file}" -export stream_files="DATM_INPUT/${FILENAME_BASE}201110.nc" - -export TASKS=$TASKS_cdeps_025 +export ATMRES=${IATM}x${JATM} +export DATM_SRC=GEFS_NEW +export FILEBASE_DATM=gefs +export MESH_ATM=${FILEBASE_DATM}_mesh.nc +export stream_files="INPUT/${FILEBASE_DATM}.201110.nc" +export STREAM_OFFSET=-21600 ATM_compute_tasks=${ATM_compute_tasks_cdeps_025} OCN_tasks=${OCN_tasks_cdeps_025} ICE_tasks=${ICE_tasks_cdeps_025} # ocn/ice resolution -export OCNRES='025' -export ICERES='0.25' +export OCNRES=025 +export ICERES=0.25 export NX_GLB=1440 export NY_GLB=1080 -export NPROC_ICE='48' -export np2=`expr $NPROC_ICE / 2` -export BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` -export BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export CICE_NPROC=48 +export np2=`expr $CICE_NPROC / 2` +export CICE_BLCKX=`expr $NX_GLB / $np2` +export CICE_BLCKY=`expr $NY_GLB / 2` +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` # resolution dependent files -export MOM_INPUT="MOM_input_template_${OCNRES}" -export MESHOCN_ICE="mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc" -export CICEGRID="grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc" -export CICEMASK="kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc" -export CHLCLIM='"seawifs-clim-1997-2010.1440x1080.v20180328.nc"' -export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF='True' -export FRUNOFF="runoff.daitren.clim.1440x1080.v20180328.nc" -export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING='r' +export MOM6_INPUT=MOM_input_${OCNRES}.IN +export MESH_ICE=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MESH_OCN=mesh.mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_GRID=grid_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export CICE_MASK=kmtu_cice_NEMS_mx${OCNRES}.nc +export MOM6_CHLCLIM='"seawifs-clim-1997-2010.1440x1080.v20180328.nc"' +export MOM6_RIVER_RUNOFF=True +export MOM6_FRUNOFF=runoff.daitren.clim.1440x1080.v20180328.nc +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr index 1dd0c53c42..963fb0828f 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr @@ -4,27 +4,28 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_CFSR - restart test " -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_control_cfsr" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_control_cfsr -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111002.000000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc \ RESTART/DATM_CFSR.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export DATM_SRC="CFSR" -export FILENAME_BASE='cfsr.' +export DATM_SRC=CFSR +export FILEBASE_DATM=cfsr export IATM=1760 export JATM=880 export FHMAX=24 export FHOUT=12 -export WARM_START='.true.' +export WARM_START=.true. export FHROT=12 export RESTART_N=$((FHMAX-$FHROT)) -export CICERUNTYPE='continue' -export RUNTYPE='continue' -export USE_RESTART_TIME='.true.' -export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING="r" -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export CICE_RUNTYPE=continue +export RUNTYPE=continue +export CICE_USE_RESTART_TIME=.true. +export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=r +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True +export CICE_DIAGFREQ=`expr $((FHMAX-$FHROT)) \* 3600 / $DT_CICE` export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs index af424405d0..9fe6caf89d 100644 --- a/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs +++ b/tests/tests/datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs @@ -4,32 +4,32 @@ export TEST_DESCR="DATM_CDEPS-MOM6-CICE-CMEPS_GEFS - stochastic" -export CNTL_DIR="datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs" +export CNTL_DIR=datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs -export LIST_FILES="RESTART/MOM.res.nc \ +export LIST_FILES="RESTART/20111002.000000.MOM.res.nc \ RESTART/iced.2011-10-02-00000.nc \ RESTART/DATM_GEFS_NEW.cpl.r.2011-10-02-00000.nc" export_datm_cdeps -export atm_datamode="GEFS" +export atm_datamode=GEFS # atm configure export IATM=1536 export JATM=768 export ATM_NX_GLB=$IATM export ATM_NY_GLB=$JATM -export ATMRES='1536x768' -export DATM_SRC="GEFS_NEW" -export FILENAME_BASE='gefs.' -export mesh_file="gefs_mesh.nc" -export MESH_ATM="DATM_INPUT/${mesh_file}" -export stream_files="DATM_INPUT/${FILENAME_BASE}201110.nc" +export ATMRES=${IATM}x${JATM} +export DATM_SRC=GEFS_NEW +export FILEBASE_DATM=gefs +export MESH_ATM=${FILEBASE_DATM}_mesh.nc +export stream_files="INPUT/${FILEBASE_DATM}.201110.nc" +export STREAM_OFFSET=-21600 export RESTART_N=12 -export eps_imesh='2.5e-1' +export eps_imesh=2.5e-1 export FV3_RUN=cpld_datm_cdeps.IN -export DO_OCN_SPPT="True" -export PERT_EPBL="True" +export DO_OCN_SPPT=True +export PERT_EPBL=True export OCN_SPPT=1.0 -export TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc +export MOM6_TOPOEDITS=ufs.topo_edits_011818.nc export MOM6_ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES=True export EPBL=1.0 diff --git a/tests/tests/dependency_unmet b/tests/tests/dependency_unmet new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..22e56406e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/dependency_unmet @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Regression test self-test: a job that is never submitted due to a failed dependency. +# This file was modified from control_c48. +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="This test should use a compile job that fails. Its purpose is to ensure the rt.sh workflow won't submit the dependent job." + +export CNTL_DIR=control_c48 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_tiled + +export INPES=1 +export JNPES=1 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=2 +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export NPX=49 +export NPY=49 +export DT_ATMOS=1200 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 +export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c48} +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export OUTPUT_FH="6 -1" +export IAER=5111 +export IOVR=3 +export IMO=192 +export JMO=94 + +export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t92.192.94.grb'" +export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t62.192.94.grb'" +export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} +export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN + +if [[ " hera orion hercules jet " =~ " ${MACHINE_ID} " ]] ; then + ZSTANDARD_LEVEL=5 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/fail_to_copy b/tests/tests/fail_to_copy new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9158005b33 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/fail_to_copy @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Regression test self-test: a job that fails to copy inputs. +# This file was modified from control_c48. +# +############################################################################### + +# A special flag that tells the job to fail at runtime before the job_card: +export JOB_SHOULD_FAIL=WHEN_COPYING + +export TEST_DESCR="The rt.sh workflow shouldn't complete when this test is enabled because run_test.sh will abort before the job_card." + +export CNTL_DIR=control_c48 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_tiled + +export INPES=1 +export JNPES=1 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=2 +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export NPX=49 +export NPY=49 +export DT_ATMOS=1200 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 +export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c48} +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export OUTPUT_FH="6 -1" +export IAER=5111 +export IOVR=3 +export IMO=192 +export JMO=94 + +export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t92.192.94.grb'" +export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t62.192.94.grb'" +export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} +export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/fail_to_run b/tests/tests/fail_to_run new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cf906e532e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/fail_to_run @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Regression test self-test: a job that fails to run the model. +# This file was modified from control_c48. +# +############################################################################### + +# A special flag that tells the job to fail at runtime inside the job_card +export JOB_SHOULD_FAIL=WHEN_RUNNING + +export TEST_DESCR="The rt.sh workflow shouldn't complete when this test is enabled because the job_card will abort." + +export CNTL_DIR=control_c48 + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf024.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf024.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_tiled + +export INPES=1 +export JNPES=1 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=2 +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export NPX=49 +export NPY=49 +export DT_ATMOS=1200 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export RESTART_INTERVAL=0 +export CDMBWD=${CDMBWD_c48} +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export OUTPUT_FH="6 -1" +export IAER=5111 +export IOVR=3 +export IMO=192 +export JMO=94 + +export FNSMCC_control="'global_soilmgldas.statsgo.t92.192.94.grb'" +export FNMSKH_control="'global_slmask.t62.192.94.grb'" +export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} +export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN + +if [[ " hera orion hercules jet " =~ " ${MACHINE_ID} " ]] ; then + ZSTANDARD_LEVEL=5 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug b/tests/tests/gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3de6194b95 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# Global nest v1 physics suite test at C96 without a nest, debug mode +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Global nest v1 physics suite test at C96 without a nest, debug mode" + +export CNTL_DIR=gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + sfcf002.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc \ + atmf002.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.070000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_fv3_v16 +export NPZ=127 +export NPZP=128 +export DT_ATMOS=300 +export SYEAR=2021 +export SMONTH=03 +export SDAY=22 +export SHOUR=06 +export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' +export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export IAER=5111 +export FHMAX=2 + +export FV_CORE_TAU=0. +export RF_CUTOFF=10. +export FAST_TAU_W_SEC=0.2 + +export RESTART_INTERVAL="1 -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 01 02' + +export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_global_nest_v1 +export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke_progsigma +export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap + +export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.false. + +export PROGSIGMA=.true. +export BETASCU=8.0 +export BETAMCU=1.5 +export BETADCU=0.5 + +export LKM=0 +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export DNATS=0 +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. +export HYBEDMF=.false. +export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. +export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. +export DO_DEEP=.true. +export SHAL_CNV=.true. +export IMFSHALCNV=5 +export IMFDEEPCNV=5 +export LSM=2 + +export GWD_OPT=2 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. + +export FV_CORE_TAU=0. +export RF_CUTOFF=10. +export FAST_TAU_W_SEC=0.2 + +export CDMBWD=20.0,2.5,1.0,1.0 +export KNOB_UGWP_DOKDIS=2 +export KNOB_UGWP_NDX4LH=4 +export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=1 +export KNOB_UGWP_PALAUNCH=275.0e2 + diff --git a/tests/tests/gnv1_nested b/tests/tests/gnv1_nested new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f01ec88bdb --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/gnv1_nested @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HAFS global with 1 nest and atmosphere only using global_nest_v1 physics +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare rotated C96 global with 1 nest and atmosphere only global_nest_v1 physics results with previous version" + +export CNTL_DIR=gnv1_nested + +export LIST_FILES="atmf002.nc \ + sfcf002.nc \ + atm.nest02.f002.nc \ + sfc.nest02.f002.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_core.res.nest02.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_core.res.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_tracer.res.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.phy_data.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.sfc_data.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20230224.010000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_ne.res.nest02.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_sw.res.nest02.nc" + +# Get all default variables for FV3 +export_fv3 # Must come before all other exports + +# Request tiled inputs in &namsfc +export_tiled # Must come second, after export_fv3, before all export statements +export TILEDFIX=.true. + +# Select input directories in control_run.IN +export ATMRES=C96-nested + +# Master flag to enable nesting in control_run.IN. Also sent to &fv_core_nml +export NESTED=.true. + +# ---------------------------------------- +# model_configure +export SYEAR=2023 +export SMONTH=02 +export SDAY=24 +export SHOUR=00 +export FHMAX=3 +export FHROT=0 +export DT_ATMOS=300 +export RESTART_INTERVAL='1 -1' +export WRITE_GROUP=2 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=12 +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. +export FILENAME_BASE="'atm' 'sfc'" +export OUTPUT_GRID=gaussian_grid +export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" +export IDEFLATE=1 +export ICHUNK2D=-1 +export JCHUNK2D=-1 +export ICHUNK3D=-1 +export JCHUNK3D=-1 +export KCHUNK3D=1 +export IMO=384 +export JMO=192 +export OUTPUT_FH='1 -1' + +# NOTE: This script uses NTILES=6 despite having 7 tiles in total. +# This is to match the logic inside FV3, which is based on mosaics. +# The globe has one mosiac with 6 tiles, and each nest has one mosaic with 1 tile each. +# Our workflow scripts are not aware of that detail; they only know about the global mosaic. +export NTILES=6 + +export OUTPUT_GRID_2=regional_latlon +export IMO_2=361 +export JMO_2=241 +export CEN_LON_2=-135.0 +export CEN_LAT_2=32.5 +export LON1_2=-195.000000 +export LAT1_2=-7.500000 +export LON2_2=-75.000000 +export LAT2_2=72.500000 +export DLON_2=0.25 +export DLAT_2=0.25 + +# ---------------------------------------- +# &atmos_model_nml +export BLOCKSIZE=32 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_global_nest_v1 + +# ---------------------------------------- +# &diag_manager_nml +export MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS=300 + +# ---------------------------------------- +# &fms_nml +export DOMAINS_STACK_SIZE=16000000 + +# ---------------------------------------- +# &fv_nest_nml +export TILE_COARSE="0,6" +export NUM_TILE_TOP=6 +export NEST_REFINE="0,4" +export NEST_IOFFSETS="0,4" +export NEST_JOFFSETS="0,9" + +# ---------------------------------------- +# &fv_core_nml +export INPES=4 +export JNPES=4 +export INPES_NEST02=12 +export JNPES_NEST02=10 + +export NPX=97 +export NPY=97 +export NPX_NEST02=361 +export NPY_NEST02=241 +export NPZ=127 +export DNATS=0 +export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. + +export FV_CORE_TAU=0. +export RF_CUTOFF=10. +export FAST_TAU_W_SEC=0.2 + +export FV_CORE_TAU_NEST02=$FV_CORE_TAU +export RF_CUTOFF_NEST02=$RF_CUTOFF +export FAST_TAU_W_SEC_NEST02=$FAST_TAU_W_SEC + +export TARGET_LON=-135.0 +export TARGET_LAT=32.5 +export TWOWAYNEST02=.true. + +export TWOWAYNEST=.true. + +# ---------------------------------------- +# &gfs_physics_nml +export LDIAG3D=.true. +export LDIAG_UGWP=.true. + +export H2O_PHYS=.true. +export IMP_PHYSICS=8 +export IOVR=3 +export DT_INNER=$DT_ATMOS +export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. +export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. +export BL_MYNN_TKEADVECT=.true. +export GWD_OPT=2 +export DO_UGWP_V1=.true. +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. +export DO_UGWP_V1_W_GSLDRAG=.false. +export IALB=2 +export IEMS=2 +export IAER=1011 +export ICLIQ_SW=1 +export CNVGWD=.true. +export CNVGWD_NEST02=.false. +export HYBEDMF=.false. +export SATMEDMF=.false. +export ISATMEDMF=1 +export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export LSEASPRAY=.false. +export IMFDEEPCNV=5 +export IMFDEEPCNV_NEST02=5 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 +export NSTF_NAME=2,0,0,0,0 +export EFFR_IN=.true. +export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS='""' +export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.false. +export DOGP_LWSCAT=.false. +export DRY_MASS=98320.0 +export CONSV_TE=1. +export CONSV_TE_NEST02=0. +export D_CON=1.0 +export D_EXT=0.0 +export DELT_MAX=0.002 +export DELT_MAX_NEST02=0.008 +export NORD_ZS_FILTER=4 +export NGASES=0 + +export IAER=5111 +export IALB=1 +export IEMS=1 +export IMFSHALCNV=-1 +export IMFSHALCNV_NEST02=-1 +export IOPT_SFC=4 +export IOPT_TRS=3 +export SHAL_CNV=.false. +export D2_BG=0. +export D2_BG_K1=0.16 +export D2_BG_K2=0.05 +export D4_BG=0.15 +export D2_BG_NEST02=0. +export D2_BG_K1_NEST02=0.20 +export D2_BG_K2_NEST02=0.15 +export D4_BG_NEST02=0.15 +export DZ_MIN=2.0 +export FV_SG_ADJ=300 +export HORD_DP=6 +export HORD_MT=6 +export HORD_TM=6 +export HORD_TR=8 +export HORD_VT=6 +export HORD_DP_NEST02=6 +export HORD_MT_NEST02=6 +export HORD_TM_NEST02=6 +export HORD_TR_NEST02=8 +export HORD_VT_NEST02=6 +export MAKE_NH=.false. +export N_ZS_FILTER=0 +export N_ZS_FILTER_NEST02=1 +export N_SPONGE=24 +export PSM_BC_NEST02=1 +export UPOFF=2 +export VTDM4=0.04 +export BETADCU=2.0 +export BETAMCU=1.0 +export BETASCU=8.0 +export BETADCU_NEST02=8.0 +export BETAMCU_NEST02=1.5 +export BETASCU_NEST02=8.0 +export BETAL_DEEP_NEST02=0.05 +export BETAS_DEEP_NEST02=0.05 +export CDMBWD=20.0,2.5,1.0,1.0 +export CDMBWD_NEST02=5.0,5.0,1.0,1.0 +export DO_CA=.false. +export FHLWR=720. +export FHSWR=720. +export LCNORM=.false. +export RF_FAST=.false. +export SG_CUTOFF=-1. +export DO_DEEP=.true. +export DO_DEEP_NEST02=.true. +export FRAC_GRID=.false. +export KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP=1.5e-3 +export KNOB_UGWP_TAUAMP_NEST02=0.8e-3 +export KNOB_UGWP_DOKDIS=2 +export KNOB_UGWP_NDX4LH=4 +export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=1 +export KNOB_UGWP_PALAUNCH=275.0e2 +export LIGHTNING_THREAT=.true. + +# NOTE: progsigma should be .true. for the global_nest_v1 suite. +# The code turns it off automatically at low resolutions. +# This leads to an erronious situation where it is off for the globe, but on for the nest. +# Hence, we turn it off manually, to avoid advecting a field of 0 from the nest boundary. +# For practical resolutions (C384 or higher), it would be on. +export PROGSIGMA=.false. +export PROGSIGMA_NEST02=.false. + +# ---------------------------------------- +# &surf_map_nml +export N_DEL2_STRONG=0 # namelist default is -1 +export N_DEL2_WEAK=15 # namelist default is 12 +export N_DEL2_WEAK_NEST02=24 # namelist default is 12 +export N_DEL4=2 # namelist default is -1 +export PEAK_FAC=1. # namelist default is 1.05 +export ZERO_OCEAN=.false. # namelist default is .true. + +# ---------------------------------------- +# &namsfc +export FNALBC="'${ATMRES}.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" +export FNALBC2="'${ATMRES}.facsf.tileX.nc'" +export FNTG3C="'${ATMRES}.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" +export FNVEGC="'${ATMRES}.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNVETC="'${ATMRES}.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOTC="'${ATMRES}.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOCC="'${ATMRES}.soil_color.tileX.nc'" +export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} +export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} +export FNVMNC="'${ATMRES}.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNVMXC="'${ATMRES}.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" +export FNSLPC="'${ATMRES}.slope_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNABSC="'${ATMRES}.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" + +export FNTSFA="' '" +export FNACNA="''" +export FNSNOA="''" + +export LANDICE=.false. + +# ---------------------------------------- +# Select input files and resources for the regression test system. + +# UPP output field lists. +export POST_ITAG=post_itag_hafs_ar +export POSTXCONFIG=postxconfig-NT-hafs_ar_nosat.txt +export POSTXCONFIG_FH00=$POSTXCONFIG + +# Select model_configure template: +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_gnv1.IN + +# Select input.nml template: +export INPUT_NML=input_global_parent.nml.IN + +# Select input_nest02.nml template: +export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_global_nest.nml.IN + +# Select the field_table. + +# NOTE: The global_nest_v1 uses prognostic sigma, so this should be +# the progsigma field table. HOWEVER, the code turns it off +# automatically for this resolution. Hence, we turn it off here so +# we're not advecting a grid of 0 + +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke + +# Request additional contents in diag_table for gravity wave diagnostics: +export DIAG_TABLE_ADDITIONAL=diag_additional_ldiag3d_ugwp + +# Override atmosphere compute task count to include the nest (tile 7). +# Note that NTILES=6, which is the size of the global mosaic. +export GRID_PES="$(( INPES * JNPES * 6 )),$(( INPES_NEST02 * JNPES_NEST02 ))" +ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES*NTILES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 )) diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_global_1nest_atm b/tests/tests/hafs_global_1nest_atm index 7aa101008b..fef76044e1 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_global_1nest_atm +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_global_1nest_atm @@ -11,7 +11,48 @@ export CNTL_DIR=hafs_global_1nest_atm export LIST_FILES="atmf006.nc \ sfcf006.nc \ atm.nest02.f006.nc \ - sfc.nest02.f006.nc" + sfc.nest02.f006.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest02.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_ne.res.nest02.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_sw.res.nest02.nc" + export_fv3 export_hafs @@ -19,13 +60,10 @@ export_hafs export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=240 -export THRD=2 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export DT_ATMOS=90 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=25 export SHOUR=12 @@ -49,7 +87,7 @@ export DLON_2=0.25 export DLAT_2=0.25 export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=4 export JNPES=5 @@ -102,14 +140,13 @@ export FULL_ZS_FILTER=.false. export N_ZS_FILTER=0 export CMEPS=false -export RUNTYPE="startup" -export USE_COLDSTART="false" +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_global_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN" -export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN" - +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN +export FV3_RUN=hafs_fv3_run.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm b/tests/tests/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm index 447eb3e3f8..868d18ef36 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm @@ -22,7 +22,71 @@ export LIST_FILES="atmf006.nc \ HURPRS.GrbF06.nest02 \ HURPRS.GrbF06.nest03 \ HURPRS.GrbF06.nest04 \ - HURPRS.GrbF06.nest05" + HURPRS.GrbF06.nest05 \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest02.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest03.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest03.tile8.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest04.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest04.tile9.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest05.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest05.tile10.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.nest03.tile8.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.nest04.tile9.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.nest05.tile10.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.nest03.tile8.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.nest04.tile9.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.nest05.tile10.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.nest03.tile8.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.nest04.tile9.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.nest05.tile10.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.nest02.tile7.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.nest03.tile8.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.nest04.tile9.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.nest05.tile10.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_ne.res.nest02.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_ne.res.nest03.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_ne.res.nest04.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_ne.res.nest05.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_sw.res.nest02.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_sw.res.nest03.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_sw.res.nest04.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_sw.res.nest05.nc" export_fv3 export_hafs @@ -30,13 +94,10 @@ export_hafs export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=420 -export THRD=2 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export DT_ATMOS=90 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=25 export SHOUR=12 @@ -92,7 +153,7 @@ export DLON_5=0.05 export DLAT_5=0.05 export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=4 export JNPES=5 @@ -166,8 +227,8 @@ export FULL_ZS_FILTER=.false. export N_ZS_FILTER=0 export CMEPS=false -export RUNTYPE="startup" -export USE_COLDSTART="false" +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template @@ -176,7 +237,6 @@ export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST03_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST04_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST05_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN" -export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN" - +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN +export FV3_RUN=hafs_fv3_run.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm b/tests/tests/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm index b089d9ec9f..00bf0ca217 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm @@ -19,14 +19,11 @@ export_hafs export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=240 -export THRD=2 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export DT_ATMOS=180 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=25 export SHOUR=12 @@ -50,7 +47,7 @@ export DLON_2=0.25 export DLAT_2=0.25 export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=4 export JNPES=5 @@ -108,14 +105,13 @@ export FULL_ZS_FILTER=.false. export N_ZS_FILTER=0 export CMEPS=false -export RUNTYPE="startup" -export USE_COLDSTART="false" +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_global_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN" -export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN" - +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN +export FV3_RUN=hafs_fv3_run.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_1nest_atm b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_1nest_atm index 7eb2c72d7e..e032112d5c 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_1nest_atm +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_1nest_atm @@ -11,7 +11,22 @@ export CNTL_DIR=hafs_regional_1nest_atm export LIST_FILES="atmf006.nc \ sfcf006.nc \ atm.nest02.f006.nc \ - sfc.nest02.f006.nc" + sfc.nest02.f006.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest02.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest02.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.nest02.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.nest02.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.nest02.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.nest02.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_ne.res.nest02.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_sw.res.nest02.nc" export_fv3 export_hafs @@ -19,13 +34,10 @@ export_hafs export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=180 -export THRD=2 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export DT_ATMOS=90 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=25 export SHOUR=12 @@ -54,7 +66,7 @@ export DLON_2=0.1 export DLAT_2=0.1 export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=6 export JNPES=10 @@ -106,14 +118,13 @@ export N_SPLIT_NEST02=5 ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 )) export CMEPS=false -export RUNTYPE="startup" -export USE_COLDSTART="false" +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN" -export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN" - +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN +export FV3_RUN=hafs_fv3_run.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm index 8ac6ac9062..bc75d82dc4 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm @@ -18,13 +18,10 @@ export_hafs export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=300 -export THRD=2 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export DT_ATMOS=180 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=29 export SHOUR=00 @@ -45,7 +42,7 @@ export DLON=0.1 export DLAT=0.1 export BLOCKSIZE=40 -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=20 export JNPES=12 @@ -88,12 +85,12 @@ export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. export CPL_IMP_MRG=.false. export CMEPS=false -export RUNTYPE="startup" -export USE_COLDSTART="false" +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN" -export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN" +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN +export FV3_RUN=hafs_fv3_run.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_ocn b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_ocn index 16553f1b82..7ec5159cdc 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_ocn +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_ocn @@ -22,12 +22,9 @@ export_hafs_regional export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=360 export DT_ATMOS=180 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=29 export SHOUR=00 @@ -46,7 +43,7 @@ export DLON=0.1 export DLAT=0.1 export BLOCKSIZE=40 -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=20 export JNPES=12 @@ -91,15 +88,15 @@ export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. export CDEPS_DOCN=false export OCEAN_START_DTG=43340.00000 -export atm_model="fv3" -export ocn_model="hycom" +export atm_model=fv3 +export ocn_model=hycom OCN_tasks=60 export coupling_interval_sec=360 -export MESH_ATM="unset" +export MESH_ATM=unset export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN" +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN hycom_hat10_run.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav index dc75d2d906..06d6dafccd 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ export LIST_FILES="atmf006.nc \ sfcf006.nc \ archv.2019_241_06.a \ archs.2019_241_06.a \ - out_grd.ww3 \ - out_pnt.ww3 \ - 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 \ + 20190829.060000.out_grd.ww3 \ + 20190829.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + ufs.hafs.ww3.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc \ ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc" export_fv3 @@ -24,12 +24,9 @@ export_hafs_regional export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=420 export DT_ATMOS=180 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=29 export SHOUR=00 @@ -48,7 +45,7 @@ export DLON=0.1 export DLAT=0.1 export BLOCKSIZE=40 -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=20 export JNPES=12 @@ -90,38 +87,24 @@ export CPLWAV=.true. export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. -export DTFLD="10800" -export DTPNT="10800" -export GOFILETYPE="" -export POFILETYPE="" -export UNIPOINTS='ww3' -export OUTPARS_WAV="WND HS T01 T02 DIR FP DP PHS PTP PDIR UST CHA USP" -export WW3GRIDLINE="'ww3' 'no' 'no' 'CPL:native' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 1 1 0.00 1.00 F" -export WW3RSTDTHR=${FHMAX} -export DT_2_RST="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3RSTDTHR}*3600 )))" -export RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export RUN_END="20190829 060000" -export OUT_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export OUT_END=$RUN_END -export RST_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_2_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_END=$RUN_END -export RST_2_END=$RUN_END - export CDEPS_DOCN=false export OCEAN_START_DTG=43340.00000 -export atm_model="fv3" -export ocn_model="hycom" -export wav_model="ww3" +export atm_model=fv3 +export ocn_model=hycom +export wav_model=ww3 OCN_tasks=60 WAV_tasks=60 export coupling_interval_sec=360 -export MESH_ATM="unset" +export MESH_ATM=unset export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav.IN" +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav.IN export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN hycom_hat10_run.IN hafs_ww3_run.IN" + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = orion ]]; then + WLCLK=40 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf index d9c4c49b60..8b19ff6aa1 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf @@ -17,14 +17,11 @@ export_hafs export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=300 -export THRD=2 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export DT_ATMOS=180 export DT_INNER=${DT_ATMOS} export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=29 export SHOUR=00 @@ -35,7 +32,7 @@ export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=60 export OUTPUT_GRID='cubed_sphere_grid' export BLOCKSIZE=40 -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=20 export JNPES=12 @@ -81,12 +78,12 @@ export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. export CPL_IMP_MRG=.false. export CMEPS=false -export RUNTYPE="startup" -export USE_COLDSTART="false" +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs_thompson export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN" -export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN" +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN +export FV3_RUN=hafs_fv3_run.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_wav b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_wav index 8aa3af1650..114836ca82 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_wav +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_atm_wav @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ export CNTL_DIR=hafs_regional_atm_wav export LIST_FILES="atmf006.nc \ sfcf006.nc \ - out_grd.ww3 \ - out_pnt.ww3 \ - 20190829.060000.restart.ww3 \ + 20190829.060000.out_grd.ww3 \ + 20190829.060000.out_pnt.ww3 \ + ufs.hafs.ww3.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc \ ufs.hafs.cpl.r.2019-08-29-21600.nc" export_fv3 @@ -22,12 +22,9 @@ export_hafs_regional export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=360 export DT_ATMOS=180 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=29 export SHOUR=00 @@ -46,7 +43,7 @@ export DLON=0.1 export DLAT=0.1 export BLOCKSIZE=40 -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=20 export JNPES=12 @@ -88,39 +85,20 @@ export CPLWAV=.true. export CPLWAV2ATM=.true. export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. -# shel.inp -export INPUT_CURFLD='F F Currents' -export DTFLD="10800" -export DTPNT="10800" -export GOFILETYPE="" -export POFILETYPE="" -export OUTPARS_WAV="WND HS T01 T02 DIR FP DP PHS PTP PDIR UST CHA USP" -export UNIPOINTS='ww3' -export WW3GRIDLINE="'ww3' 'no' 'no' 'CPL:native' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 1 1 0.00 1.00 F" -export WW3RSTDTHR=${FHMAX} -export DT_2_RST="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3RSTDTHR}*3600 )))" -export RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export RUN_END="20190829 060000" -export OUT_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export OUT_END=$RUN_END -export RST_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_2_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_END=$RUN_END -export RST_2_END=$RUN_END - export CDEPS_DOCN=false export OCEAN_START_DTG=43340.00000 -export atm_model="fv3" -export ocn_model="" -export wav_model="ww3" +export atm_model=fv3 +export wav_model=ww3 WAV_tasks=60 export coupling_interval_sec=360 -export MESH_ATM="unset" +export MESH_ATM=unset +# ATM-WAV coupling only +export WW3_CUR='F' export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm_wav.IN" +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm_wav.IN export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN hafs_ww3_run.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps index 446ecdf10a..1c4c58fb50 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_datm_cdeps @@ -19,22 +19,21 @@ export_hafs_datm_cdeps export FHMAX=24 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=120 export CPLWAV=.false. export OCEAN_START_DTG=43340.00000 export DOCN_CDEPS=false -export ocn_model="hycom" +export ocn_model=hycom ATM_compute_tasks=60 OCN_tasks=60 export coupling_interval_sec=360 -export atm_datamode="ERA5" -export MESH_ATM="INPUT_DATM/TL639_200618_ESMFmesh.nc" -export DATA_ATM="\"INPUT_DATM/ERA5.TL639.2019.08.200618_subset.nc\" \"INPUT_DATM/ERA5.TL639.2019.09.200618_subset.nc\"" +export atm_datamode=ERA5 +export MESH_ATM=TL639_200618_ESMFmesh.nc +export DATA_ATM="\"INPUT/ERA5.TL639.2019.08.200618_subset.nc\" \"INPUT/ERA5.TL639.2019.09.200618_subset.nc\"" export ATM_NX_GLB=1440 export ATM_NY_GLB=721 -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN" +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN export FV3_RUN="hafs_datm_cdeps_era5.IN hycom_hat10_run.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_docn b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_docn index 7d11b8279b..cf63e3c3e2 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_docn +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_docn @@ -22,12 +22,9 @@ export_hafs_docn_cdeps export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=360 export DT_ATMOS=180 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=29 export SHOUR=00 @@ -46,7 +43,7 @@ export DLON=0.1 export DLAT=0.1 export BLOCKSIZE=40 -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=20 export JNPES=12 @@ -88,22 +85,22 @@ export CPLWAV=.false. export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. -export atm_model="fv3" -export ocn_model="docn" +export atm_model=fv3 +export ocn_model=docn ATM_compute_tasks=240 OCN_tasks=60 export coupling_interval_sec=360 -export MESH_ATM="unset" -export ocn_mesh="INPUT_DOCN/hat10_210129_ESMFmesh_py.nc" -export ocn_data="INPUT_DOCN/hycom_201908_surf_nolev.nc" -export ocn_data_var="temp" +export MESH_ATM=unset +export MESH_OCN=hat10_210129_ESMFmesh_py.nc +export ocn_data="INPUT/hycom_201908_surf_nolev.nc" +export ocn_data_var=temp export ocn_nx_global=1135 export ocn_ny_global=633 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm_docn.IN" +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm_docn.IN export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN hafs_docn_cdeps_mom6.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_docn_oisst b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_docn_oisst index 7d755b4e7f..5daf17b36d 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_docn_oisst +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_docn_oisst @@ -22,12 +22,9 @@ export_hafs_docn_cdeps export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=360 export DT_ATMOS=180 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=29 export SHOUR=00 @@ -46,7 +43,7 @@ export DLON=0.1 export DLAT=0.1 export BLOCKSIZE=40 -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=20 export JNPES=12 @@ -88,22 +85,22 @@ export CPLWAV=.false. export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. -export atm_model="fv3" -export ocn_model="docn" +export atm_model=fv3 +export ocn_model=docn ATM_compute_tasks=240 OCN_tasks=60 export coupling_interval_sec=360 -export MESH_ATM="unset" -export ocn_mesh="INPUT_DOCN/TX025_210327_ESMFmesh_py.nc" -export ocn_data="INPUT_DOCN/sst.day.mean.2019.nc" -export ocn_data_var="sst" +export MESH_ATM=unset +export MESH_OCN=TX025_210327_ESMFmesh_py.nc +export ocn_data="INPUT/sst.day.mean.2019.nc" +export ocn_data_var=sst export ocn_nx_global=1440 export ocn_ny_global=720 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm_docn.IN" +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm_docn.IN export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN hafs_docn_cdeps_oisst.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm index 5ed2b6ef25..c97013a787 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm @@ -21,13 +21,10 @@ export_hafs export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=180 -export THRD=2 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export DT_ATMOS=180 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=25 export SHOUR=12 @@ -54,7 +51,7 @@ export DLON_2=0.1 export DLAT_2=0.1 export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=6 export JNPES=10 @@ -111,14 +108,14 @@ export N_SPLIT_NEST02=5 ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 )) export CMEPS=false -export RUNTYPE="startup" -export USE_COLDSTART="false" +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN" -export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN" +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN +export FV3_RUN=hafs_fv3_run.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm index 3815a6ef88..86bcd9a155 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm @@ -11,7 +11,22 @@ export CNTL_DIR=hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm export LIST_FILES="atmf006.nc \ sfcf006.nc \ atm.nest02.f006.nc \ - sfc.nest02.f006.nc" + sfc.nest02.f006.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest02.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.nest02.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.nest02.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.nest02.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.phy_data.nest02.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.180000.sfc_data.nest02.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_ne.res.nest02.nc \ + RESTART/fv_BC_sw.res.nest02.nc" export_fv3 export_hafs @@ -19,13 +34,10 @@ export_hafs export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=180 -export THRD=2 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export DT_ATMOS=180 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=25 export SHOUR=12 @@ -50,7 +62,7 @@ export DLON_2=0.1 export DLAT_2=0.1 export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=6 export JNPES=10 @@ -107,14 +119,13 @@ export N_SPLIT_NEST02=5 ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 )) export CMEPS=false -export RUNTYPE="startup" -export USE_COLDSTART="false" +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN" -export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN" - +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN +export FV3_RUN=hafs_fv3_run.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn index 2ed20594aa..ea93a7bcbd 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn @@ -22,19 +22,15 @@ export_hafs_regional export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=240 -export THRD=2 export DT_ATMOS=180 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=25 export SHOUR=12 export SMONTH=08 export SYEAR=2020 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=60 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=120 export OUTPUT_GRID='regional_latlon' export CEN_LON=-86.3 @@ -53,7 +49,7 @@ export DLON_2=0.1 export DLAT_2=0.1 export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=6 export JNPES=10 @@ -97,8 +93,6 @@ export NPY_NEST02=361 export K_SPLIT_NEST02=4 export N_SPLIT_NEST02=5 -ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 )) - export FHCYC=0 export FHSWR=1800 export FHLWR=1800 @@ -109,7 +103,7 @@ export CPLWAV=.false. export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. -# nems.configure +# ufs.configure export med_model=cmeps export CAP_DBUG_FLAG=0 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} @@ -120,16 +114,23 @@ export USE_COLDSTART=false export CDEPS_DOCN=false export OCEAN_START_DTG=43702.50000 -export atm_model="fv3" -export ocn_model="hycom" +export atm_model=fv3 +export ocn_model=hycom + +ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 )) OCN_tasks=60 + +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 +export med_omp_num_threads=2 +export ocn_omp_num_threads=2 + export coupling_interval_sec=360 -export MESH_ATM="unset" +export MESH_ATM=unset export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN" +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN hycom_hat10_run.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c154521f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HAFS regional with 1 storm-following moving nest and atmosphere-ocean coupled with HYCOM +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HAFS regional with 1 storm-following moving nest and atmosphere-ocean coupled results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug + +export LIST_FILES="atmf001.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + atm.nest02.f001.nc \ + sfc.nest02.f001.nc" + +export_fv3 +export_hafs +export_hafs_regional + +export HAFS=true +export FHMAX=1 +export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} +export DT_ATMOS=180 +export IDEFLATE=1 +export OUTPUT_FH='1 -1' +export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" +export SDAY=25 +export SHOUR=12 +export SMONTH=08 +export SYEAR=2020 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=120 + +export OUTPUT_GRID='regional_latlon' +export CEN_LON=-86.3 +export CEN_LAT=23.3 +export LON1=-131.30 +export LAT1=-16.70 +export LON2=-41.30 +export LAT2=63.30 +export DLON=0.25 +export DLAT=0.25 + +export OUTPUT_GRID_2='regional_latlon_moving' +export IMO_2=501 +export JMO_2=501 +export DLON_2=0.1 +export DLAT_2=0.1 + +export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst +export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 +export INPES=6 +export JNPES=10 +export NPX=241 +export NPY=241 +export NPZ=64 +export NPZP=$(($NPZ + 1)) +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 +export NWAT=6 +export NA_INIT=1 +export EXTERNAL_IC=.true. +export NGGPS_IC=.true. +export MOUNTAIN=.false. +export WARM_START=.false. +export TARGET_LAT="23.3" +export TARGET_LON="-86.3" +export STRETCH_FAC=1.0001 +export REGIONAL=.true. +export BC_UPDATE_INTERVAL=3 +export NROWS_BLEND=10 +export FULL_ZS_FILTER=.false. +export N_ZS_FILTER=0 + +export GRID_PES="60,60" +export TILE_COARSE="0,1" +export NUM_TILE_TOP=1 +export NEST_REFINE="0,3" +export NEST_IOFFSETS="999,61" +export NEST_JOFFSETS="999,61" +export IS_MOVING_NEST=".false.,.true." +export VORTEX_TRACKER="0,7" +export NTRACK="0,5" +export MOVE_CD_X="0,0" +export MOVE_CD_Y="0,0" + +export INPES_NEST02=6 +export JNPES_NEST02=10 +export NPX_NEST02=361 +export NPY_NEST02=361 +export K_SPLIT_NEST02=4 +export N_SPLIT_NEST02=5 + +export FHCYC=0 +export FHSWR=1800 +export FHLWR=1800 +export NSTF_NAME=0,0,0,0,0 +export CPLFLX=.true. +export CPLOCN2ATM=.true. +export CPLWAV=.false. +export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. +export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. + +# ufs.configure +export med_model=cmeps +export CAP_DBUG_FLAG=0 +export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} +export CPLMODE=hafs +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false + +export CDEPS_DOCN=false +export OCEAN_START_DTG=43702.50000 + +export atm_model=fv3 +export ocn_model=hycom + +ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 )) +OCN_tasks=60 + +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 +export med_omp_num_threads=2 +export ocn_omp_num_threads=2 + +export coupling_interval_sec=360 +export MESH_ATM=unset + +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template +export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN +export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn.IN +export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN hycom_hat10_run.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav index c0357261b1..01e0e6985e 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ export LIST_FILES="atmf006.nc \ sfc.nest02.f006.nc \ archv.2020_238_18.a \ archs.2020_238_18.a \ - out_grd.ww3 \ - out_pnt.ww3" + 20200825.180000.out_grd.ww3 \ + 20200825.180000.out_pnt.ww3" export_fv3 export_hafs @@ -24,13 +24,9 @@ export_hafs_regional export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=300 -export THRD=2 export DT_ATMOS=180 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=25 export SHOUR=12 @@ -59,7 +55,7 @@ export DLON_2=0.1 export DLAT_2=0.1 export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=6 export JNPES=10 @@ -103,8 +99,6 @@ export NPY_NEST02=361 export K_SPLIT_NEST02=4 export N_SPLIT_NEST02=5 -ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 )) - export FHCYC=0 export FHSWR=1800 export FHLWR=1800 @@ -115,25 +109,7 @@ export CPLWAV=.true. export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. -export DTFLD="10800" -export DTPNT="10800" -export GOFILETYPE="" -export POFILETYPE="" -export UNIPOINTS='ww3' -export OUTPARS_WAV="WND HS T01 T02 DIR FP DP PHS PTP PDIR UST CHA USP" -export WW3GRIDLINE="'ww3' 'no' 'no' 'CPL:native' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 1 1 0.00 1.00 F" -export WW3RSTDTHR=${FHMAX} -export DT_2_RST="$(printf "%02d" $(( ${WW3RSTDTHR}*3600 )))" -export RUN_BEG="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY} $(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} )))0000" -export RUN_END="20200825 180000" -export OUT_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export OUT_END=$RUN_END -export RST_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_2_BEG=$RUN_BEG -export RST_END=$RUN_END -export RST_2_END=$RUN_END - -# nems.configure +# ufs.configure export med_model=cmeps export CAP_DBUG_FLAG=0 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} @@ -144,18 +120,26 @@ export USE_COLDSTART=false export CDEPS_DOCN=false export OCEAN_START_DTG=43702.50000 -export atm_model="fv3" -export ocn_model="hycom" -export wav_model="ww3" +export atm_model=fv3 +export ocn_model=hycom +export wav_model=ww3 + +ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 )) OCN_tasks=60 WAV_tasks=60 + +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 +export med_omp_num_threads=2 +export ocn_omp_num_threads=2 +export wav_omp_num_threads=2 + export coupling_interval_sec=360 -export MESH_ATM="unset" +export MESH_ATM=unset export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav.IN" +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav.IN export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN hycom_hat10_run.IN hafs_ww3_run.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..796c165057 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HAFS regional with 1 storm-following moving nest and atmosphere-ocean coupled with HYCOM and WW3 through CMEPS with inline CDEPS +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HAFS regional with 1 storm-following moving nest and atmosphere-ocean-wave cmeps_inline_cdeps coupled results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline + +export LIST_FILES="atmf006.nc \ + sfcf006.nc \ + atm.nest02.f006.nc \ + sfc.nest02.f006.nc \ + archv.2020_238_18.a \ + archs.2020_238_18.a \ + 20200825.180000.out_grd.ww3 \ + 20200825.180000.out_pnt.ww3" + +export_fv3 +export_hafs +export_hafs_regional + +export HAFS=true +export FHMAX=6 +export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} +export DT_ATMOS=180 +export IDEFLATE=1 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' +export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" +export SDAY=25 +export SHOUR=12 +export SMONTH=08 +export SYEAR=2020 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=60 + +export OUTPUT_GRID='rotated_latlon' +export CEN_LON=-86.3 +export CEN_LAT=23.3 +export LON1=-45.00 +export LAT1=-40.00 +export LON2=45.00 +export LAT2=40.00 +export DLON=0.25 +export DLAT=0.25 + +export OUTPUT_GRID_2='rotated_latlon' +export CEN_LON_2=-86.3 +export CEN_LAT_2=23.3 +export LON1_2=-45.00 +export LAT1_2=-40.00 +export LON2_2=45.00 +export LAT2_2=40.00 +export DLON_2=0.1 +export DLAT_2=0.1 + +export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst +export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 +export INPES=6 +export JNPES=10 +export NPX=241 +export NPY=241 +export NPZ=64 +export NPZP=$(($NPZ + 1)) +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 +export NWAT=6 +export NA_INIT=1 +export EXTERNAL_IC=.true. +export NGGPS_IC=.true. +export MOUNTAIN=.false. +export WARM_START=.false. +export TARGET_LAT="23.3" +export TARGET_LON="-86.3" +export STRETCH_FAC=1.0001 +export REGIONAL=.true. +export BC_UPDATE_INTERVAL=3 +export NROWS_BLEND=10 +export FULL_ZS_FILTER=.false. +export N_ZS_FILTER=0 + +export GRID_PES="60,60" +export TILE_COARSE="0,1" +export NUM_TILE_TOP=1 +export NEST_REFINE="0,3" +export NEST_IOFFSETS="999,61" +export NEST_JOFFSETS="999,61" +export IS_MOVING_NEST=".false.,.true." +export VORTEX_TRACKER="0,7" +export NTRACK="0,5" +export MOVE_CD_X="0,0" +export MOVE_CD_Y="0,0" + +export INPES_NEST02=6 +export JNPES_NEST02=10 +export NPX_NEST02=361 +export NPY_NEST02=361 +export K_SPLIT_NEST02=4 +export N_SPLIT_NEST02=5 + +export FHCYC=0 +export FHSWR=1800 +export FHLWR=1800 +export NSTF_NAME=0,0,0,0,0 +export CPLFLX=.true. +export CPLOCN2ATM=.true. +export CPLWAV=.true. +export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. +export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. + +# ufs.configure +export med_model=cmeps +export CAP_DBUG_FLAG=0 +export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} +export CPLMODE=hafs +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false + +export CDEPS_DOCN=false +export OCEAN_START_DTG=43702.50000 + +export atm_model=fv3 +export ocn_model=hycom +export wav_model=ww3 + +ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 )) +OCN_tasks=60 +WAV_tasks=60 + +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 +export med_omp_num_threads=2 +export ocn_omp_num_threads=2 +export wav_omp_num_threads=2 + +export coupling_interval_sec=360 +export MESH_ATM=unset + +export CDEPS_INLINE=true +export INLINE_MESH_ATM="INPUT/gfs_mesh.nc" +export INLINE_STREAM_FILES_ATM="INPUT/gfs_forcings.nc" +export INLINE_MESH_OCN="INPUT/gfs_mesh.nc" +export INLINE_STREAM_FILES_OCN="INPUT/gfs_forcings.nc" +export STREAM_OFFSET=0 + +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template +export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN +export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav_inline.IN +export CDEPS_INLINE_CONFIGURE=stream.config_hycom.IN +export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN hycom_hat10_run.IN hafs_ww3_run.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6 b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a0bd1aba05 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6 @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HAFS regional with 1 storm-following moving nest and atmosphere-ocean-wave coupled with MOM6 and WW3 +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HAFS regional with 1 storm-following moving nest and fv3-mom6-ww3 coupled results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6 + +export LIST_FILES="atmf003.nc \ + sfcf003.nc \ + atm.nest02.f003.nc \ + sfc.nest02.f003.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.150000.MOM.res.nc \ + RESTART/20200825.150000.MOM.res_1.nc \ + 20200825.150000.out_grd.ww3 \ + 20200825.150000.out_pnt.ww3" + +export_fv3 +export_hafs +export_hafs_regional + +export HAFS=true +export FHMAX=3 +export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} +export DT_ATMOS=180 +export IDEFLATE=1 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' +export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" +export SDAY=25 +export SHOUR=12 +export SMONTH=08 +export SYEAR=2020 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=60 + +export OUTPUT_GRID='rotated_latlon' +export CEN_LON=-86.3 +export CEN_LAT=23.3 +export LON1=-45.00 +export LAT1=-40.00 +export LON2=45.00 +export LAT2=40.00 +export DLON=0.25 +export DLAT=0.25 + +export OUTPUT_GRID_2='rotated_latlon' +export CEN_LON_2=-86.3 +export CEN_LAT_2=23.3 +export LON1_2=-45.00 +export LAT1_2=-40.00 +export LON2_2=45.00 +export LAT2_2=40.00 +export DLON_2=0.1 +export DLAT_2=0.1 + +export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst +export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 +export INPES=6 +export JNPES=10 +export NPX=241 +export NPY=241 +export NPZ=64 +export NPZP=$(($NPZ + 1)) +export K_SPLIT=4 +export N_SPLIT=5 +export NWAT=6 +export NA_INIT=1 +export EXTERNAL_IC=.true. +export NGGPS_IC=.true. +export MOUNTAIN=.false. +export WARM_START=.false. +export TARGET_LAT="23.3" +export TARGET_LON="-86.3" +export STRETCH_FAC=1.0001 +export REGIONAL=.true. +export BC_UPDATE_INTERVAL=3 +export NROWS_BLEND=10 +export FULL_ZS_FILTER=.false. +export N_ZS_FILTER=0 + +export GRID_PES="60,60" +export TILE_COARSE="0,1" +export NUM_TILE_TOP=1 +export NEST_REFINE="0,3" +export NEST_IOFFSETS="999,61" +export NEST_JOFFSETS="999,61" +export IS_MOVING_NEST=".false.,.true." +export VORTEX_TRACKER="0,7" +export NTRACK="0,5" +export MOVE_CD_X="0,0" +export MOVE_CD_Y="0,0" + +export INPES_NEST02=6 +export JNPES_NEST02=10 +export NPX_NEST02=361 +export NPY_NEST02=361 +export K_SPLIT_NEST02=4 +export N_SPLIT_NEST02=5 + +export FHCYC=0 +export FHSWR=1800 +export FHLWR=1800 +export NSTF_NAME=0,0,0,0,0 +export CPLFLX=.true. +export CPLOCN2ATM=.true. +export CPLWAV=.true. +export CPLWAV2ATM=.false. +export CPL_IMP_MRG=.true. + +# ufs.configure +export med_model=cmeps +export CAP_DBUG_FLAG=0 +export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} +export CPLMODE=hafs.mom6 +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false + +export CDEPS_DOCN=false + +export atm_model=fv3 +export ocn_model=mom6 +export wav_model=ww3 + +ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 )) +OCN_tasks=60 +WAV_tasks=60 + +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 +export med_omp_num_threads=2 +export ocn_omp_num_threads=2 +export wav_omp_num_threads=2 + +export coupling_interval_sec=360 +export MESH_ATM=unset +export MESH_OCN=INPUT/mom6_mesh.nc + +export CDEPS_INLINE=true +export INLINE_MESH_ATM="INPUT/gfs_mesh.nc" +export INLINE_STREAM_FILES_ATM="INPUT/gfs_forcings.nc" +export INLINE_MESH_OCN="INPUT/gfs_mesh.nc" +export INLINE_STREAM_FILES_OCN="INPUT/gfs_forcings.nc" +export STREAM_OFFSET=0 + +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template +export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN +export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm_ocn_wav_mom6.IN +export CDEPS_INLINE_CONFIGURE=stream.config_mom6.IN +export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN hafs_ww3_run.IN" diff --git a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm index 3f85961f80..b2dbfbab9c 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm +++ b/tests/tests/hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm @@ -21,13 +21,10 @@ export_hafs export HAFS=true export FHMAX=6 export RESTART_N=${FHMAX} -export TASKS=240 -export THRD=2 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export DT_ATMOS=90 export IDEFLATE=1 -export NFHMAX_HF=-1 -export NFHOUT_HF=3 -export NFHOUT=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='3 -1' export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf' 'netcdf'" export SDAY=25 export SHOUR=12 @@ -66,7 +63,7 @@ export DLON_3=0.05 export DLAT_3=0.05 export BLOCKSIZE=${BLOCKSIZE:-24} -export CCPP_SUITE="FV3_HAFS_v0_gfdlmp_tedmf" +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf export DEFLATE_LEVEL=-1 export INPES=6 export JNPES=10 @@ -125,15 +122,14 @@ export N_SPLIT_NEST03=5 ATM_compute_tasks=$(( INPES*JNPES + INPES_NEST02*JNPES_NEST02 + INPES_NEST03*JNPES_NEST03 )) export CMEPS=false -export RUNTYPE="startup" -export USE_COLDSTART="false" +export RUNTYPE=startup +export USE_COLDSTART=false export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_hafs export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hafs_template export INPUT_NML=input_regional_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST02_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN export INPUT_NEST03_NML=input_nest_hafs.nml.IN -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_hafs.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.hafs_atm.IN" -export FV3_RUN="hafs_fv3_run.IN" - +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_hafs.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.hafs_atm.IN +export FV3_RUN=hafs_fv3_run.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_c3_debug b/tests/tests/hrrr_c3_debug new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5803873597 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_c3_debug @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +############################################################################## +# +# HRRR debug control test: atmosphere only at C96L127 +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake debug results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_c3_debug + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc" + +export_hrrr +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' +export FHMAX=1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR_c3 +export DO_DEEP=.true. +export SHAL_CNV=.true. +export IMFSHALCNV=5 +export IMFDEEPCNV=5 diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control b/tests/tests/hrrr_control index 037effe8fe..7d2dd7f880 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hrrr_control +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR results with previous trunk version" +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake results with previous trunk version" export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control @@ -20,88 +20,39 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 + RESTART/20210322.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_hrrr export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. - -export LKM=1 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_2threads b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_2threads index 9fa52f1a29..a74ab76253 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_2threads +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_2threads @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR with 2 threads results with control test" +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake with 2 threads results with control test" export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control @@ -20,94 +20,44 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' - + RESTART/20210322.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_hrrr export THRD=2 -export TASKS=$TASKS_thrd +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export INPES=$INPES_thrd export JNPES=$JNPES_thrd export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. - -export LKM=1 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - +export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 index 68f0962dc2..a92253d796 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32 @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ############################################################################### # -# HRRR control with 2 threads test +# HRRR CLM Lake with 2 threads test # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR with 2 threads results with control test" +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake with 2 threads results with control test" export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 @@ -20,95 +20,45 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210322.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' +export_hrrr export FHMAX=12 - export THRD=2 -export TASKS=$TASKS_thrd +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export INPES=$INPES_thrd export JNPES=$JNPES_thrd export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. - -export LKM=1 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - +export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_debug b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_debug index 8695b6dd8e..9f3f799d85 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_debug +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_debug @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR debug results with previous trunk version" +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake debug results with previous trunk version" export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control_debug @@ -13,54 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_hrrr +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. - -export LKM=1 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 index 842e73ab68..55159dca75 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ############################################################################## # -# HRRR debug control test: atmosphere only at C96L127 +# HRRR debug CLM Lake control test: atmosphere only at C96L127 # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR debug results with previous trunk version" +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake debug results with previous trunk version" export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 @@ -13,54 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_hrrr +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. - -export LKM=1 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_decomp b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_decomp index ad295a85d4..576ef14c92 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_decomp +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_decomp @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR decomp results with control" +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake decomp results with control" export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control @@ -20,91 +20,41 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' - + RESTART/20210322.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_hrrr export INPES=6 export JNPES=4 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. - -export LKM=1 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - +export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 index 2cff191ce7..fbc4c6b0b9 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32 @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ############################################################################### # -# HRRR control test with different PEs +# HRRR CLM Lake control test with different PEs # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR decomp results with control" +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake decomp results with control" export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 @@ -20,92 +20,42 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 + RESTART/20210322.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_hrrr +export INPES=6 +export JNPES=4 export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' export FHMAX=12 - -export INPES=6 -export JNPES=4 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. - -export LKM=1 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 index 48eb3a9dc1..3decb226b8 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ ############################################################################### # -# HRRR control test: atmosphere only at C96L127 +# HRRR clm lake test: atmosphere only at C96L127 # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR results with previous trunk version" +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake results with previous trunk version" export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 @@ -20,89 +20,40 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 + RESTART/20210322.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_hrrr export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' export FHMAX=12 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LKM=1 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_noqr b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_noqr new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1531458c38 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_noqr @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR control test: atmosphere only at C96L127 with quilt restart +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake results with previous trunk version using quilting restart in atm" + +export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf009.nc \ + sfcf012.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf009.nc \ + atmf012.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF09 \ + GFSFLX.GrbF12 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.120000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_hrrr +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. +export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" +export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_restart b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_restart index 359489ee78..b26a55e100 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_restart +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_restart @@ -4,103 +4,22 @@ # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR restart results with control" +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake restart results with control" export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control export LIST_FILES="sfcf012.nc \ atmf012.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF12 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + GFSPRS.GrbF12" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 +export_hrrr export FHROT=6 - export WARM_START=.true. export NGGPS_IC=.false. export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. export MAKE_NH=.false. export MOUNTAIN=.true. export NA_INIT=0 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} + ${FHROT} )))0000" -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. - -export LKM=1 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 index 15c87d9e5d..98220f5273 100644 --- a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32 @@ -1,107 +1,25 @@ ############################################################################### # -# HRRR restart test +# HRRR CLM Lake restart test # ############################################################################### -export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR restart results with control" +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake restart results with control" export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32 export LIST_FILES="sfcf012.nc \ atmf012.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF12 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + GFSPRS.GrbF12" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 +export_hrrr export FHROT=6 export FHMAX=12 - export WARM_START=.true. export NGGPS_IC=.false. export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. export MAKE_NH=.false. export MOUNTAIN=.true. export NA_INIT=0 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} + ${FHROT} )))0000" - -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LKM=1 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_control_restart_noqr b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_restart_noqr new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca2ed1f8b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_control_restart_noqr @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# HRRR control test: atmosphere only at C96L127 with quilt restart +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake results with previous trunk version using quilting restart in atm" + +export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_control + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf012.nc \ + atmf012.nc \ + GFSFLX.GrbF12 \ + GFSPRS.GrbF12" + +export_hrrr +export FHROT=6 +export QUILTING_RESTART=.false. +export WARM_START=.true. +export NGGPS_IC=.false. +export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. +export MAKE_NH=.false. +export MOUNTAIN=.true. +export NA_INIT=0 +export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} + ${FHROT} )))0000" diff --git a/tests/tests/hrrr_gf_debug b/tests/tests/hrrr_gf_debug new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e12956402 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/hrrr_gf_debug @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +############################################################################## +# +# HRRR debug control test: atmosphere only at C96L127 +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare HRRR CLM Lake debug results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=hrrr_gf_debug + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc" + +export_hrrr +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' +export FHMAX=1 +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_HRRR_gf +export DO_DEEP=.true. +export SHAL_CNV=.true. +export IMFSHALCNV=3 +export IMFDEEPCNV=3 diff --git a/tests/tests/merra2_thompson b/tests/tests/merra2_thompson index 3364400fb6..ef206dab97 100644 --- a/tests/tests/merra2_thompson +++ b/tests/tests/merra2_thompson @@ -20,40 +20,41 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" export_fv3 +export_tiled export NPZ=127 export NPZP=128 export DT_ATMOS=600 @@ -67,7 +68,6 @@ export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' -# P7 default export IALB=2 export IEMS=2 export LSM=2 @@ -76,18 +76,16 @@ export IOPT_CRS=2 export IOPT_RAD=3 export IOPT_ALB=1 export IOPT_STC=3 -# P8 export IOPT_SFC=3 export IOPT_TRS=2 +export IOPT_DIAG=2 -# FV3 P7 settings export D2_BG_K1=0.20 export D2_BG_K2=0.04 export PSM_BC=1 -# P8 export DDDMP=0.1 -# P7 Merra2 Aerosols & NSST +# Merra2 Aerosols & NSST export USE_MERRA2=.true. export LTAEROSOL=.false. export MRAEROSOL=.true. @@ -97,7 +95,7 @@ export NSTF_NAME=2,1,0,0,0 export LHEATSTRG=.false. export LSEASPRAY=.true. -# P7 UGWP1 +# UGWP1 export GWD_OPT=2 export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. export KNOB_UGWP_VERSION=0 @@ -110,7 +108,7 @@ export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. export DO_UGWP_V0_NST_ONLY=.false. export LDIAG_UGWP=.false. -# P7 CA +# CA export DO_CA=.true. export CA_SGS=.true. export CA_GLOBAL=.false. @@ -124,24 +122,6 @@ export CA_TRIGGER=.true. export NSPINUP=1 export ISEED_CA=12345 -# P7 settings -export TILEDFIX=.true. -export FNALBC="'C96.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export FNALBC2="'C96.facsf.tileX.nc'" -export FNTG3C="'C96.substrate_temperature.tileX.nc'" -export FNVEGC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVETC="'C96.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSOTC="'C96.soil_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNSMCC=${FNSMCC_control} -export FNMSKH=${FNMSKH_control} -export FNVMNC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNVMXC="'C96.vegetation_greenness.tileX.nc'" -export FNSLPC="'C96.slope_type.tileX.nc'" -export FNABSC="'C96.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export LANDICE=".false." -export FSICL=0 -export FSICS=0 - export IMP_PHYSICS=8 export LGFDLMPRAD=.false. export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. @@ -152,7 +132,7 @@ export DZ_MIN=6 export MIN_SEAICE=0.15 export FRAC_GRID=.true. export MOM6_RESTART_SETTING=n -# P8 (not used for standalone) +# Following not used for standalone export USE_CICE_ALB=.false. export WRITE_NSFLIP=.true. @@ -161,15 +141,10 @@ export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_mr2 export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_mr2 -# use same namelist for standalone,coupled P7 -export INPUT_NML=merra2_thompson.nml.IN +export INPUT_NML=global_control.nml.IN # RRTMGP export DO_RRTMGP=.false. export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. export DOGP_SGS_CNV=.true. - -if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then - TPN=18 -fi diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_2threads b/tests/tests/rap_2threads index 2024715fa4..ab5fdac9d6 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_2threads +++ b/tests/tests/rap_2threads @@ -20,89 +20,44 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_rap export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' -export THRD=2 -export TASKS=$TASKS_thrd +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export INPES=$INPES_thrd export JNPES=$JNPES_thrd export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 b/tests/tests/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 index fe5bc90572..8642231ad1 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 +++ b/tests/tests/rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32 @@ -20,90 +20,45 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 +export_rap export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' export FHMAX=24 -export THRD=2 -export TASKS=$TASKS_thrd +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export INPES=$INPES_thrd export JNPES=$JNPES_thrd export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_cires_ugwp_debug b/tests/tests/rap_cires_ugwp_debug index be608407bf..b9c3e12d54 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_cires_ugwp_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_cires_ugwp_debug @@ -13,41 +13,18 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' export FHMAX=1 export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_cires_ugwp -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 +export GWD_OPT=1 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_clm_lake_debug b/tests/tests/rap_clm_lake_debug new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc80d2fec5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/rap_clm_lake_debug @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# RAP control test: lake coupled at C96L127 (debug mode) +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare RAP lake coupled results in debug mode with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=rap_clm_lake_debug + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf001.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf001.nc" + +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' +export FHMAX=1 + +export FV3_RUN=lake_control_run.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_clm_lake + +export LKM=1 +export IOPT_LAKE=2 +export FRAC_ICE=.true. +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_control b/tests/tests/rap_control index 9544b37fa7..a582afde57 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_control +++ b/tests/tests/rap_control @@ -20,83 +20,39 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_rap export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_control_debug b/tests/tests/rap_control_debug index d62a04bb31..37ed3e65ad 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_control_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_control_debug @@ -13,50 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 b/tests/tests/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 index 7a00adf4d8..7480faa0ed 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 +++ b/tests/tests/rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32 @@ -13,50 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 b/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 index a664265a2a..6fc24723c4 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 +++ b/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn32_phy32 @@ -20,84 +20,39 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" +export_rap export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' export FHMAX=24 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 b/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 index ddb93ff501..fa64dbef64 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 +++ b/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn64_phy32 @@ -20,84 +20,40 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 + RESTART/20210322.180000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210322.180000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_rap export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' export FHMAX=12 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug b/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug index 97f263d332..1505d37e91 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug @@ -13,50 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_decomp b/tests/tests/rap_decomp index ce45963143..926df2f42a 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_decomp +++ b/tests/tests/rap_decomp @@ -20,86 +20,41 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF21 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" +export_rap export RESTART_INTERVAL="12 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 21 24' export INPES=6 export JNPES=4 - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_diag_debug b/tests/tests/rap_diag_debug index 364fd8dfed..05b98ee3cb 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_diag_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_diag_debug @@ -13,52 +13,10 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. export FHZERO=1 export LDIAG3D=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_flake_debug b/tests/tests/rap_flake_debug index bed56ef0b6..0e7cf9c1ab 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_flake_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_flake_debug @@ -13,50 +13,14 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export FV3_RUN=lake_control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_flake -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap +export FRAC_ICE=.false. -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 export LKM=1 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export IOPT_LAKE=1 diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_lndp_debug b/tests/tests/rap_lndp_debug index ee8a2a63f9..c8e1966c63 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_lndp_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_lndp_debug @@ -13,52 +13,10 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. export LNDP_TYPE=2 export N_VAR_LNDP=6 diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_noah_debug b/tests/tests/rap_noah_debug index 9eb49668ce..b0b42fdc1f 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_noah_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_noah_debug @@ -13,47 +13,15 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_noah -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap_noah - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_rap_noah +export IALB=1 +export IEMS=1 +export KICE=2 export LSM=1 export LSOIL_LSM=4 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug b/tests/tests/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug index a01cc94325..ad502a29cb 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug @@ -13,37 +13,26 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=150 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export DT_ATMOS=150 export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap_noah - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_rap_noah +export IALB=1 +export IEMS=1 +export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.false. export LSM=1 export LSOIL_LSM=4 +export KICE=2 +export GWD_OPT=1 +export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.false. +export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. +export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_progcld_thompson_debug b/tests/tests/rap_progcld_thompson_debug index 7e3f6ef908..176ff85b26 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_progcld_thompson_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_progcld_thompson_debug @@ -13,51 +13,8 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. export ICLOUD=3 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_progcld_thompson_rrtmgp_debug b/tests/tests/rap_progcld_thompson_rrtmgp_debug deleted file mode 100644 index d5cb31f80e..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rap_progcld_thompson_rrtmgp_debug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# RAP with Thompson's prognostic cloud scheme w/ RRTMGP debug test: atmosphere only at C96L127 in debug mode -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare RAP debug with Thompson's prognostic cloud scheme w/ RRTMGPP results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=rap_progcld_thompson_rrtmgp_debug - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 -export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export ICLOUD=3 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 -export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. -export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -# RRTMGP -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_RRTMGP -export DO_RRTMGP=.true. -export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. -export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_restart b/tests/tests/rap_restart index a2566d4eb9..c34094a235 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_restart +++ b/tests/tests/rap_restart @@ -12,51 +12,40 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf024.nc \ atmf024.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF24 \ GFSPRS.GrbF24 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_rap export FHROT=12 export WARM_START=.true. @@ -66,36 +55,4 @@ export MAKE_NH=.false. export MOUNTAIN=.true. export NA_INIT=0 -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} + ${FHROT} )))0000" - -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 b/tests/tests/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 index 26cc361026..9067319fbc 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 +++ b/tests/tests/rap_restart_dyn32_phy32 @@ -12,51 +12,40 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf012.nc \ atmf012.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF12 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_rap export FHROT=6 export FHMAX=24 @@ -67,36 +56,4 @@ export MAKE_NH=.false. export MOUNTAIN=.true. export NA_INIT=0 -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} + ${FHROT} )))0000" - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_rrtmgp b/tests/tests/rap_rrtmgp deleted file mode 100644 index b8857e6ddc..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rap_rrtmgp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# RAP control test with RRTMGP: atmosphere only at C96L127 -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare RAP control results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=rap_rrtmgp - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf009.nc \ - sfcf012.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf009.nc \ - atmf012.nc \ - GFSFLX.GrbF00 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF09 \ - GFSFLX.GrbF12 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ - GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 -export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -# RRTMGP -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_RRTMGP -export DO_RRTMGP=.true. -export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. -export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_rrtmgp_debug b/tests/tests/rap_rrtmgp_debug deleted file mode 100644 index 5cc9a4177d..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rap_rrtmgp_debug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# RAP with RRTMGP debug test: atmosphere only at C96L127 in debug mode -# -############################################################################### - -export TEST_DESCR="Compare RAP RRTMGP debug results with previous trunk version" - -export CNTL_DIR=rap_rrtmgp_debug - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=150 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 -export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -# RRTMGP -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_RRTMGP -export DO_RRTMGP=.true. -export DOGP_CLDOPTICS_LUT=.true. -export DOGP_LWSCAT=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff b/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff index f8ae49e9a6..0424f88b3d 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff +++ b/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff @@ -20,82 +20,42 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_rap export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_sfcdiff -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - +export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_debug b/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_debug index 8d8427988f..11e8375125 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_debug @@ -13,49 +13,10 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_sfcdiff -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - +export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_decomp b/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_decomp index 5590b92b8d..75508a36f3 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_decomp +++ b/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_decomp @@ -20,85 +20,45 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 +export_rap export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' export INPES=6 export JNPES=4 -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_sfcdiff -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - +export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_restart b/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_restart index b720283227..d78b4f2c8a 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_restart +++ b/tests/tests/rap_sfcdiff_restart @@ -12,51 +12,40 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf012.nc \ atmf012.nc \ GFSFLX.GrbF12 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" - -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" + +export_rap export FHROT=6 export WARM_START=.true. @@ -66,35 +55,7 @@ export MAKE_NH=.false. export MOUNTAIN=.true. export NA_INIT=0 -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_sfcdiff -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX="${SYEAR}${SMONTH}${SDAY}.$(printf "%02d" $(( ${SHOUR} + ${FHROT} )))0000" -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_sfcdiff +export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_unified_drag_suite_debug b/tests/tests/rap_unified_drag_suite_debug index 9469d2584c..5c92fe350a 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_unified_drag_suite_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_unified_drag_suite_debug @@ -13,50 +13,10 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_unified_ugwp -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 - export GWD_OPT=2 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - diff --git a/tests/tests/rap_unified_ugwp_debug b/tests/tests/rap_unified_ugwp_debug index aabca52342..89c4f125e6 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rap_unified_ugwp_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rap_unified_ugwp_debug @@ -13,43 +13,11 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rap +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RAP_unified_ugwp -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export IMFSHALCNV=3 -export IMFDEEPCNV=3 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export KICE=9 export GWD_OPT=2 export DO_UGWP_V0=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_2dwrtdecomp b/tests/tests/regional_2dwrtdecomp index f8ca332206..f76c1b97b0 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_2dwrtdecomp +++ b/tests/tests/regional_2dwrtdecomp @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ NATLEV.GrbF00 \ NATLEV.GrbF06" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_run.IN @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_regional export WLCLK=15 export FHMAX=6 -export TASKS=120 export INPES=10 export JNPES=11 export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" @@ -45,3 +44,4 @@ WRITE_GROUP=1 WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=10 NTILES=1 export ITASKS=2 + diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_2threads b/tests/tests/regional_2threads index 3c1c261042..9d3e3d5ce3 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_2threads +++ b/tests/tests/regional_2threads @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ NATLEV.GrbF00 \ NATLEV.GrbF06" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_run.IN @@ -36,12 +36,10 @@ export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_regional export WLCLK=15 export FHMAX=6 -export TASKS=120 export INPES=10 export JNPES=11 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" WRITE_GROUP=1 WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=10 NTILES=1 - -export THRD=2 diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_atmaq b/tests/tests/regional_atmaq index 9b79293260..df4603f299 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_atmaq +++ b/tests/tests/regional_atmaq @@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf003.nc \ atmf006.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.nc" + RESTART/20190801.180000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.phy_data.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.sfc_data.nc" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export SYEAR=2019 export SMONTH=08 @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ export SHOUR=12 export FHMAX=6 export DT_ATMOS=180 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=8 -export NSOUT=-1 export OUTPUT_GRID='lambert_conformal' export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' export IAER=5111 @@ -65,12 +64,11 @@ export FNVETC="'C775.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C775.soil_type.tileX.nc'" export FNABSC="'C775.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export TASKS=${TASKS_aqm} export INPES=${INPES_aqm} export JNPES=${JNPES_aqm} export NTILES=1 -export atm_model='fv3' -export aqm_model='aqm' +export atm_model=fv3 +export aqm_model=aqm export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_aqm export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_aqm @@ -93,8 +91,14 @@ export FSCAV_AERO="'aacd:0.0', 'acet:0.0', 'acrolein:0.0', 'acro_primary:0.0', 'vivpo1:0.0', 'vlvoo1:0.0', 'vlvoo2:0.0', 'vlvpo1:0.0', 'vsvoo1:0.0', 'vsvoo2:0.0', 'vsvoo3:0.0', 'vsvpo1:0.0', 'vsvpo2:0.0', 'vsvpo3:0.0', 'xopn:0.0', 'xylmn:0.0', '*:0.2'" -export INPUT_NML="regional_atmaq.nml.IN" -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_atmaq.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.atmaq.IN" -export FV3_RUN="fv3_aqm.IN" +export INPUT_NML=regional_atmaq.nml.IN +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_atmaq.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atmaq.IN +export FV3_RUN=fv3_aqm.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v15p2 + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]]; then + TPN=30 +elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea ]]; then + TPN=16 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_atmaq_debug b/tests/tests/regional_atmaq_debug index 298e744771..30783d3b52 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_atmaq_debug +++ b/tests/tests/regional_atmaq_debug @@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ sfcf001.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.nc" + RESTART/20190801.130000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20190801.130000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.130000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.130000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.130000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.130000.phy_data.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.130000.sfc_data.nc" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export SYEAR=2019 export SMONTH=08 @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ export SHOUR=12 export FHMAX=1 export DT_ATMOS=180 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=8 -export NSOUT=-1 export OUTPUT_GRID='lambert_conformal' export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' export IAER=5111 @@ -63,12 +62,11 @@ export FNVETC="'C775.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" export FNSOTC="'C775.soil_type.tileX.nc'" export FNABSC="'C775.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" -export TASKS=${TASKS_aqm} export INPES=${INPES_aqm} export JNPES=${JNPES_aqm} export NTILES=1 -export atm_model='fv3' -export aqm_model='aqm' +export atm_model=fv3 +export aqm_model=aqm export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_aqm export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_aqm @@ -91,8 +89,15 @@ export FSCAV_AERO="'aacd:0.0', 'acet:0.0', 'acrolein:0.0', 'acro_primary:0.0', 'vivpo1:0.0', 'vlvoo1:0.0', 'vlvoo2:0.0', 'vlvpo1:0.0', 'vsvoo1:0.0', 'vsvoo2:0.0', 'vsvoo3:0.0', 'vsvpo1:0.0', 'vsvpo2:0.0', 'vsvpo3:0.0', 'xopn:0.0', 'xylmn:0.0', '*:0.2'" -export INPUT_NML="regional_atmaq.nml.IN" -export MODEL_CONFIGURE="model_configure_atmaq.IN" -export NEMS_CONFIGURE="nems.configure.atmaq.IN" -export FV3_RUN="fv3_aqm.IN" +export INPUT_NML=regional_atmaq.nml.IN +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_atmaq.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atmaq.IN +export FV3_RUN=fv3_aqm.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v15p2 + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]]; then + TPN=30 + WLCLK=60 +elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea ]]; then + TPN=16 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_atmaq_faster b/tests/tests/regional_atmaq_faster new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ccb25375a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/regional_atmaq_faster @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# regional aqm test: GFSv15p2 atmosphere with aqm (CMAQ) C96L64 +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="AQM (CMAQ) regional test for comparison of results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=regional_atmaq_faster + +export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ + sfcf003.nc \ + sfcf006.nc \ + atmf000.nc \ + atmf003.nc \ + atmf006.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.phy_data.nc \ + RESTART/20190801.180000.sfc_data.nc" + +export_fv3_v16 + +export SYEAR=2019 +export SMONTH=08 +export SDAY=1 +export SHOUR=12 +export FHMAX=6 +export DT_ATMOS=120 +export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=8 +export OUTPUT_GRID='lambert_conformal' +export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' +export IAER=5111 +export IOVR=3 +export OUTPUT_FH='0 3 6' + +#AQM Specifics +export AQM=.true. +export MAX_OUTPUT_FIELDS=450 +export OUTPUT_GRID='lambert_conformal' +export CEN_LON=-97.5 +export CEN_LAT=38.5 +export LON1=-121.70231097 +export LAT1=22.57417972 +export STDLAT1=38.5 +export STDLAT2=38.5 +export NPX=397 +export NPY=233 +export NX=393 +export NY=225 +export DX=13000.0 +export DY=13000.0 +export FNALBC="'C775.snowfree_albedo.tileX.nc'" +export FNVETC="'C775.vegetation_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNSOTC="'C775.soil_type.tileX.nc'" +export FNABSC="'C775.maximum_snow_albedo.tileX.nc'" + +export INPES=${INPES_aqm} +export JNPES=${JNPES_aqm} +export NTILES=1 +export atm_model=fv3 +export aqm_model=aqm + +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_aqm +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_aqm +export DNATS=5 +export FSCAV_AERO="'aacd:0.0', 'acet:0.0', 'acrolein:0.0', 'acro_primary:0.0', + 'ald2:0.0', 'ald2_primary:0.0', 'aldx:0.0', 'benzene:0.0', + 'butadiene13:0.0', 'cat1:0.0', 'cl2:0.0', 'clno2:0.0', + 'co:0.0', 'cres:0.0', 'cron:0.0', 'ech4:0.0', 'epox:0.0', + 'eth:0.0', 'etha:0.0', 'ethy:0.0', 'etoh:0.0', 'facd:0.0', + 'fmcl:0.0', 'form:0.0', 'form_primary:0.0', 'gly:0.0', + 'glyd:0.0', 'h2o2:0.0', 'hcl:0.0', 'hg:0.0', 'hgiigas:0.0', + 'hno3:0.0', 'hocl:0.0', 'hono:0.0', 'hpld:0.0', 'intr:0.0', + 'iole:0.0', 'isop:0.0', 'ispd:0.0', 'ispx:0.0', 'ket:0.0', + 'meoh:0.0', 'mepx:0.0', 'mgly:0.0', 'n2o5:0.0', 'naph:0.0', + 'no:0.0', 'no2:0.0', 'no3:0.0', 'ntr1:0.0', 'ntr2:0.0', + 'o3:0.0', 'ole:0.0', 'opan:0.0', 'open:0.0', 'opo3:0.0', + 'pacd:0.0', 'pan:0.0', 'panx:0.0', 'par:0.0', 'pcvoc:0.0', + 'pna:0.0', 'prpa:0.0', 'rooh:0.0', 'sesq:0.0', 'so2:0.0', + 'soaalk:0.0', 'sulf:0.0', 'terp:0.0', 'tol:0.0', 'tolu:0.0', + 'vivpo1:0.0', 'vlvoo1:0.0', 'vlvoo2:0.0', 'vlvpo1:0.0', + 'vsvoo1:0.0', 'vsvoo2:0.0', 'vsvoo3:0.0', 'vsvpo1:0.0', + 'vsvpo2:0.0', 'vsvpo3:0.0', 'xopn:0.0', 'xylmn:0.0', '*:0.2'" +export INPUT_NML=regional_atmaq.nml.IN +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_atmaq.IN +export UFS_CONFIGURE=ufs.configure.atmaq.IN +export FV3_RUN=fv3_aqm.IN +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v15p2 + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = hera ]]; then + TPN=30 +elif [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea ]]; then + TPN=18 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_control b/tests/tests/regional_control index b4f036f67c..01cca0e714 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_control +++ b/tests/tests/regional_control @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ NATLEV.GrbF00 \ NATLEV.GrbF06" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_run.IN @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_regional export WLCLK=15 export FHMAX=6 -export TASKS=120 export INPES=10 export JNPES=11 export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_control_faster b/tests/tests/regional_control_faster new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17d31fdc0e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/tests/regional_control_faster @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +############################################################################### +# +# FV3 regional control (hi-res 3km, small domain) test +# +############################################################################### + +export TEST_DESCR="Compare FV3 regional control results with previous trunk version" + +export CNTL_DIR=regional_control_faster + +export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ + dynf006.nc \ + phyf000.nc \ + phyf006.nc \ + PRSLEV.GrbF00 \ + PRSLEV.GrbF06 \ + NATLEV.GrbF00 \ + NATLEV.GrbF06" + +export_fv3_v16 + +export FV3_RUN=regional_run.IN + +export OZ_PHYS_OLD=.false. +export OZ_PHYS_NEW=.true. +export H2O_PHYS=.true. +export HYBEDMF=.false. +export RESTART_INTERVAL="3 -1" +export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. +export POSTAPP='lam' + +export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km +export INPUT_NML=regional.nml.IN +export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_regional.IN +export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_lam +export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_regional + +export WLCLK=15 +export FHMAX=6 +export INPES=10 +export JNPES=11 +export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" +WRITE_GROUP=1 +WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=10 +NTILES=1 diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_debug b/tests/tests/regional_debug index 927e478593..f4f6326b90 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_debug +++ b/tests/tests/regional_debug @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ phyf000.nc \ phyf001.nc" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_run.IN @@ -30,10 +30,17 @@ export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_regional export WLCLK=30 export FHMAX=1 -export TASKS=120 export INPES=10 export JNPES=11 export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" WRITE_GROUP=1 WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=10 NTILES=1 + +if [[ " hera orion hercules jet " =~ " ${MACHINE_ID} " ]] ; then + ZSTANDARD_LEVEL=5 +fi + +if [[ $MACHINE_ID = gaea && $RT_COMPILER = intelllvm ]]; then + WLCLK=50 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_decomp b/tests/tests/regional_decomp index 8e5fb63432..a3931e4f18 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_decomp +++ b/tests/tests/regional_decomp @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ NATLEV.GrbF00 \ NATLEV.GrbF06" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_run.IN @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_regional export WLCLK=15 export FHMAX=6 -export TASKS=120 export INPES=11 export JNPES=10 export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_netcdf_parallel b/tests/tests/regional_netcdf_parallel index 02da15f5f0..13065d2da8 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_netcdf_parallel +++ b/tests/tests/regional_netcdf_parallel @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ phyf000.nc \ phyf006.nc" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_run.IN @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ export IDEFLATE=1 export WLCLK=15 export FHMAX=6 -export TASKS=120 export INPES=10 export JNPES=11 export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_noquilt b/tests/tests/regional_noquilt index 860e5fd6b0..2498db9d91 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_noquilt +++ b/tests/tests/regional_noquilt @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export LIST_FILES=" atmos_4xdaily.nc \ RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1_new.nc \ RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1_new.nc" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_run.IN @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_regional export WLCLK=15 export FHMAX=6 -export TASKS=110 export INPES=10 export JNPES=11 export WRITE_RESTART_WITH_BCS=.true. diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_restart b/tests/tests/regional_restart index ac7e55c2c5..c09332019e 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_restart +++ b/tests/tests/regional_restart @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="dynf006.nc \ PRSLEV.GrbF06 \ NATLEV.GrbF06" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_run.IN @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ export NA_INIT=0 export WLCLK=15 export FHMAX=6 -export TASKS=120 export INPES=10 export JNPES=11 export OUTPUT_FH="4 6" diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_rrfs_a b/tests/tests/regional_rrfs_a index 91172c57a5..4aace3f9e2 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_rrfs_a +++ b/tests/tests/regional_rrfs_a @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ phyf000.nc \ phyf001.nc" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_rrfs_a_run.IN @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_regional_rrfs_a export WLCLK=15 export FHMAX=1 -export TASKS=496 export INPES=30 export JNPES=16 WRITE_GROUP=1 diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb b/tests/tests/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb index c54951f1a2..7b79586105 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb +++ b/tests/tests/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ NATLEV.GrbF00 \ NATLEV.GrbF01" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_run_stoch.IN @@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. export INPES=15 export JNPES=12 export FHMAX=1 -export THRD=2 -export TASKS=192 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export WRITE_GROUP=1 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=12 NTILES=1 diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 b/tests/tests/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 index 42bd8027a2..eeb01afe60 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 +++ b/tests/tests/regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32 @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ NATLEV.GrbF00 \ NATLEV.GrbF01" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_run_stoch.IN @@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. export INPES=15 export JNPES=12 export FHMAX=1 -export THRD=2 -export TASKS=192 +export atm_omp_num_threads=2 export WRITE_GROUP=1 export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=12 NTILES=1 diff --git a/tests/tests/regional_wofs b/tests/tests/regional_wofs index ef724b516a..3b5a62bf8e 100644 --- a/tests/tests/regional_wofs +++ b/tests/tests/regional_wofs @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="dynf000.nc \ NATLEV.GrbF00 \ NATLEV.GrbF06" -export_fv3 +export_fv3_v16 export FV3_RUN=regional_run.IN @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_lam export WLCLK=15 export FHMAX=6 -export TASKS=120 export INPES=10 export JNPES=11 export OUTPUT_FH="3 -1" diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm b/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm deleted file mode 100644 index daa4830575..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# HRRR physics on 13km domain, control run -# -############################################################################### - -# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so -# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. - -export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, control run" - -export CNTL_DIR=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - sfcf002.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc \ - atmf002.nc" - -export_fv3 - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=5 -export SDAY=12 -export SHOUR=16 -export FHMAX=2 -export DT_ATMOS=120 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export NTILES=1 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" - -# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: -export SEDI_SEMI=.false. -export DECFL=8 - -export LKM=1 -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export IALB=2 -export ICLIQ_SW=2 -export IEMS=2 -export IOVR=3 -export KICE=9 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYJPBL=.true -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' -export INPES=12 -export JNPES=12 -export NPX=397 -export NPY=233 -export NPZ=65 -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export NA_INIT=0 -export DNATS=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export WARM_START=.true. -export READ_INCREMENT=.false. -export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" -export NPZP=66 -export FHZERO=1.0 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export LDIAG3D=.false. -export QDIAG3D=.false. -export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. -export FHCYC=0.0 -export IAER=5111 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. -export CNVCLD=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' -export DO_SPPT=.false. -export DO_SHUM=.false. -export DO_SKEB=.false. -export LNDP_TYPE=0 -export N_VAR_LNDP=0 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads b/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads deleted file mode 100644 index b3aceed767..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_2threads +++ /dev/null @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# HRRR physics on 13km domain, different threads -# -############################################################################### - -# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so -# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. - -export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, different threads" - -export CNTL_DIR=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - sfcf002.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc \ - atmf002.nc" - -export_fv3 - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=5 -export SDAY=12 -export SHOUR=16 -export FHMAX=2 -export DT_ATMOS=120 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export NTILES=1 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" - -export THRD=2 -export TASKS=$TASKS_thrd -export INPES=$INPES_thrd -export JNPES=$JNPES_thrd -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 - -# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: -export SEDI_SEMI=.false. -export DECFL=8 - -export LKM=1 -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export IALB=2 -export ICLIQ_SW=2 -export IEMS=2 -export IOVR=3 -export KICE=9 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYJPBL=.true -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' -export INPES=12 -export JNPES=12 -export NPX=397 -export NPY=233 -export NPZ=65 -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export NA_INIT=0 -export DNATS=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export WARM_START=.true. -export READ_INCREMENT=.false. -export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" -export NPZP=66 -export FHZERO=1.0 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export LDIAG3D=.false. -export QDIAG3D=.false. -export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. -export FHCYC=0.0 -export IAER=5111 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. -export CNVCLD=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' -export DO_SPPT=.false. -export DO_SHUM=.false. -export DO_SKEB=.false. -export LNDP_TYPE=0 -export N_VAR_LNDP=0 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug b/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug deleted file mode 100644 index 014c3eed8d..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# HRRR physics on 13km domain, debug run -# -############################################################################### - -# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so -# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. - -export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, debug run" - -export CNTL_DIR=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_debugs - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc" - -export_fv3 - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=5 -export SDAY=12 -export SHOUR=16 -export FHMAX=1 -export DT_ATMOS=120 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export NTILES=1 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" - -# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: -export SEDI_SEMI=.false. -export DECFL=8 - -export LKM=1 -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export IALB=2 -export ICLIQ_SW=2 -export IEMS=2 -export IOVR=3 -export KICE=9 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYJPBL=.true -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' -export INPES=12 -export JNPES=12 -export NPX=397 -export NPY=233 -export NPZ=65 -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export NA_INIT=0 -export DNATS=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export WARM_START=.true. -export READ_INCREMENT=.false. -export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" -export NPZP=66 -export FHZERO=1.0 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export LDIAG3D=.false. -export QDIAG3D=.false. -export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. -export FHCYC=0.0 -export IAER=5111 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. -export CNVCLD=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' -export DO_SPPT=.false. -export DO_SHUM=.false. -export DO_SKEB=.false. -export LNDP_TYPE=0 -export N_VAR_LNDP=0 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_decomp b/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_decomp deleted file mode 100644 index bf77d3a7e7..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_decomp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# HRRR physics on 13km domain, different PEs -# -############################################################################### - -# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so -# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. - -export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, different PEs" - -export CNTL_DIR=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - sfcf002.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc \ - atmf002.nc" - -export_fv3 - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=5 -export SDAY=12 -export SHOUR=16 -export FHMAX=2 -export DT_ATMOS=120 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export NTILES=1 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" - -export INPES=16 -export JNPES=9 - -# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: -export SEDI_SEMI=.false. -export DECFL=8 - -export LKM=1 -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export IALB=2 -export ICLIQ_SW=2 -export IEMS=2 -export IOVR=3 -export KICE=9 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYJPBL=.true -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' -export NPX=397 -export NPY=233 -export NPZ=65 -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export NA_INIT=0 -export DNATS=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export WARM_START=.true. -export READ_INCREMENT=.false. -export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" -export NPZP=66 -export FHZERO=1.0 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export LDIAG3D=.false. -export QDIAG3D=.false. -export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. -export FHCYC=0.0 -export IAER=5111 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. -export CNVCLD=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' -export DO_SPPT=.false. -export DO_SHUM=.false. -export DO_SKEB=.false. -export LNDP_TYPE=0 -export N_VAR_LNDP=0 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_restart b/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_restart deleted file mode 100644 index 916aa940b5..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm_restart +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# HRRR physics on 13km domain, control run -# -############################################################################### - -# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so -# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. - -export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, control run" - -export CNTL_DIR=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr_warm - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf002.nc \ - atmf002.nc" - -export_fv3 - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=5 -export SDAY=12 -export SHOUR=16 -export FHMAX=2 -export DT_ATMOS=120 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export NTILES=1 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" - -export FHROT=1 -export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX=$( printf %04d%02d%02d.%02d0000 $SYEAR $SMONTH $SDAY $(( SHOUR+FHROT )) ) -export RRFS_RESTART=YES - -# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: -export SEDI_SEMI=.false. -export DECFL=8 - -export LKM=1 -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export IALB=2 -export ICLIQ_SW=2 -export IEMS=2 -export IOVR=3 -export KICE=9 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYJPBL=.true -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' -export INPES=12 -export JNPES=12 -export NPX=397 -export NPY=233 -export NPZ=65 -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export NA_INIT=0 -export DNATS=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export WARM_START=.true. -export READ_INCREMENT=.false. -export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" -export NPZP=66 -export FHZERO=1.0 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export LDIAG3D=.false. -export QDIAG3D=.false. -export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. -export FHCYC=0.0 -export IAER=5111 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. -export CNVCLD=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' -export DO_SPPT=.false. -export DO_SHUM=.false. -export DO_SKEB=.false. -export LNDP_TYPE=0 -export N_VAR_LNDP=0 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm b/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm deleted file mode 100644 index 82389f595e..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# HRRR physics on 13km domain, with radar-derived MP temperature tendencies for 1 hour -# -############################################################################### - -# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so -# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. - -export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, with radar-derived MP temperature tendencies for 1 hour" - -export CNTL_DIR=rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - sfcf002.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc \ - atmf002.nc" - -export_fv3 - -export FH_DFI_RADAR='0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0' - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=5 -export SDAY=12 -export SHOUR=16 -export FHMAX=2 -export DT_ATMOS=120 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export NTILES=1 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" - -# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: -export SEDI_SEMI=.false. -export DECFL=8 - -export LKM=1 -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export IALB=2 -export ICLIQ_SW=2 -export IEMS=2 -export IOVR=3 -export KICE=9 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYJPBL=.true -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' -export INPES=12 -export JNPES=12 -export NPX=397 -export NPY=233 -export NPZ=65 -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export NA_INIT=0 -export DNATS=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export WARM_START=.true. -export READ_INCREMENT=.false. -export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" -export NPZP=66 -export FHZERO=1.0 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export LDIAG3D=.false. -export QDIAG3D=.false. -export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. -export FHCYC=0.0 -export IAER=5111 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. -export CNVCLD=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' -export DO_SPPT=.false. -export DO_SHUM=.false. -export DO_SKEB=.false. -export LNDP_TYPE=0 -export N_VAR_LNDP=0 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads b/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads deleted file mode 100644 index 890e096352..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_2threads +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# HRRR physics on 13km domain, with radar-derived MP temperature tendencies for 1 hour, different threads -# -############################################################################### - -# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so -# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. - -export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, with radar-derived MP temperature tendencies for 1 hour, different threads" - -export CNTL_DIR=rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - sfcf002.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc \ - atmf002.nc" - -export_fv3 - -export FH_DFI_RADAR='0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0' - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=5 -export SDAY=12 -export SHOUR=16 -export FHMAX=2 -export DT_ATMOS=120 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export NTILES=1 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" - -export THRD=2 -export TASKS=$TASKS_thrd -export INPES=$INPES_thrd -export JNPES=$JNPES_thrd -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 - -# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: -export SEDI_SEMI=.false. -export DECFL=8 - -export LKM=1 -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export IALB=2 -export ICLIQ_SW=2 -export IEMS=2 -export IOVR=3 -export KICE=9 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYJPBL=.true -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' -export INPES=12 -export JNPES=12 -export NPX=397 -export NPY=233 -export NPZ=65 -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export NA_INIT=0 -export DNATS=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export WARM_START=.true. -export READ_INCREMENT=.false. -export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" -export NPZP=66 -export FHZERO=1.0 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export LDIAG3D=.false. -export QDIAG3D=.false. -export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. -export FHCYC=0.0 -export IAER=5111 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. -export CNVCLD=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' -export DO_SPPT=.false. -export DO_SHUM=.false. -export DO_SKEB=.false. -export LNDP_TYPE=0 -export N_VAR_LNDP=0 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug b/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug deleted file mode 100644 index fb1eeff8fc..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# HRRR physics on 13km domain, with radar-derived MP temperature tendencies for 1 hour, debug run -# -############################################################################### - -# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so -# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. - -export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, with radar-derived MP temperature tendencies for 1 hour, debug run" - -export CNTL_DIR=rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_debug - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc" - -export_fv3 - -export FH_DFI_RADAR='0.0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5' - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=5 -export SDAY=12 -export SHOUR=16 -export FHMAX=1 -export DT_ATMOS=120 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export NTILES=1 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" - -# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: -export SEDI_SEMI=.false. -export DECFL=8 - -export LKM=1 -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export IALB=2 -export ICLIQ_SW=2 -export IEMS=2 -export IOVR=3 -export KICE=9 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYJPBL=.true -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' -export INPES=12 -export JNPES=12 -export NPX=397 -export NPY=233 -export NPZ=65 -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export NA_INIT=0 -export DNATS=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export WARM_START=.true. -export READ_INCREMENT=.false. -export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" -export NPZP=66 -export FHZERO=1.0 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export LDIAG3D=.false. -export QDIAG3D=.false. -export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. -export FHCYC=0.0 -export IAER=5111 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. -export CNVCLD=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' -export DO_SPPT=.false. -export DO_SHUM=.false. -export DO_SKEB=.false. -export LNDP_TYPE=0 -export N_VAR_LNDP=0 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_decomp b/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_decomp deleted file mode 100644 index 38a9ad5f36..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_decomp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# HRRR physics on 13km domain, with radar-derived MP temperature tendencies for 1 hour, different PEs -# -############################################################################### - -# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so -# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. - -export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, with radar-derived MP temperature tendencies for 1 hour, different PEs" - -export CNTL_DIR=rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - sfcf002.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc \ - atmf002.nc" - -export_fv3 - -export FH_DFI_RADAR='0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0' - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=5 -export SDAY=12 -export SHOUR=16 -export FHMAX=2 -export DT_ATMOS=120 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export NTILES=1 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" - -export INPES=16 -export JNPES=9 - -# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: -export SEDI_SEMI=.false. -export DECFL=8 - -export LKM=1 -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export IALB=2 -export ICLIQ_SW=2 -export IEMS=2 -export IOVR=3 -export KICE=9 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYJPBL=.true -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' -export NPX=397 -export NPY=233 -export NPZ=65 -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export NA_INIT=0 -export DNATS=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export WARM_START=.true. -export READ_INCREMENT=.false. -export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" -export NPZP=66 -export FHZERO=1.0 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export LDIAG3D=.false. -export QDIAG3D=.false. -export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. -export FHCYC=0.0 -export IAER=5111 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. -export CNVCLD=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' -export DO_SPPT=.false. -export DO_SHUM=.false. -export DO_SKEB=.false. -export LNDP_TYPE=0 -export N_VAR_LNDP=0 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_restart b/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_restart deleted file mode 100644 index 1ae6524575..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm_restart +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# HRRR physics on 13km domain, with radar-derived MP temperature tendencies for 1 hour -# -############################################################################### - -# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so -# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. - -export TEST_DESCR="HRRR physics on 13km domain, with radar-derived MP temperature tendencies for 1 hour" - -export CNTL_DIR=rrfs_conus13km_radar_tten_warm - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf002.nc \ - atmf002.nc" - -export_fv3 - -export FH_DFI_RADAR='0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0' - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=5 -export SDAY=12 -export SHOUR=16 -export FHMAX=2 -export DT_ATMOS=120 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export NTILES=1 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" - -export FHROT=1 -export RESTART_FILE_PREFIX=$( printf %04d%02d%02d.%02d0000 $SYEAR $SMONTH $SDAY $(( SHOUR+FHROT )) ) -export RRFS_RESTART=YES - -# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: -export SEDI_SEMI=.false. -export DECFL=8 - -export LKM=1 -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export IALB=2 -export ICLIQ_SW=2 -export IEMS=2 -export IOVR=3 -export KICE=9 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYJPBL=.true -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR' -export INPES=12 -export JNPES=12 -export NPX=397 -export NPY=233 -export NPZ=65 -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export NA_INIT=0 -export DNATS=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export WARM_START=.true. -export READ_INCREMENT=.false. -export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" -export NPZP=66 -export FHZERO=1.0 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export LDIAG3D=.false. -export QDIAG3D=.false. -export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. -export FHCYC=0.0 -export IAER=5111 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. -export CNVCLD=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' -export DO_SPPT=.false. -export DO_SHUM=.false. -export DO_SKEB=.false. -export LNDP_TYPE=0 -export N_VAR_LNDP=0 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm b/tests/tests/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm deleted file mode 100644 index 99e6c40728..0000000000 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# -# HRRR smoke physics on 13km domain, control run -# -############################################################################### - -# This configuration is supposed to match the rrfs_dev1 parallel, so -# do not change the namelist without checking the current parallel. - -export TEST_DESCR="HRRR smoke physics on 13km domain, control run" - -export CNTL_DIR=rrfs_smoke_conus13km_hrrr_warm - -export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ - sfcf001.nc \ - sfcf002.nc \ - atmf000.nc \ - atmf001.nc \ - atmf002.nc" - -export_fv3 - -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=5 -export SDAY=12 -export SHOUR=16 -export FHMAX=2 -export DT_ATMOS=120 -export RESTART_INTERVAL=1 -export QUILTING=.true. -export WRITE_GROUP=1 -export WRTTASK_PER_GROUP=6 -export NTILES=1 -export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. -export OUTPUT_HISTORY=.true. -export OUTPUT_GRID=lambert_conformal -export OUTPUT_FILE="'netcdf'" - -# Revert these two to GFS_typedefs defaults to avoid a crash: -export SEDI_SEMI=.false. -export DECFL=8 - -export RRFS_SMOKE=.true. -export SEAS_OPT=0 - -export LKM=1 -export SFCLAY_COMPUTE_FLUX=.true. -export IALB=2 -export ICLIQ_SW=2 -export IEMS=2 -export IOVR=3 -export KICE=9 -export LSM=3 -export LSOIL_LSM=9 -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYJPBL=.true -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export CCPP_SUITE='FV3_HRRR_smoke' -export INPES=12 -export JNPES=12 -export NPX=397 -export NPY=233 -export NPZ=65 -export MAKE_NH=.false. -export NA_INIT=0 -export DNATS=0 -export EXTERNAL_IC=.false. -export NGGPS_IC=.false. -export MOUNTAIN=.true. -export WARM_START=.true. -export READ_INCREMENT=.false. -export RES_LATLON_DYNAMICS="'fv3_increment.nc'" -export NPZP=66 -export FHZERO=1.0 -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export LDIAG3D=.false. -export QDIAG3D=.false. -export PRINT_DIFF_PGR=.true. -export FHCYC=0.0 -export IAER=5111 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export RANDOM_CLDS=.false. -export CNVCLD=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export CDMBWD='3.5,1.0' -export DO_SPPT=.false. -export DO_SHUM=.false. -export DO_SKEB=.false. -export LNDP_TYPE=0 -export N_VAR_LNDP=0 - -export GWD_OPT=3 -export DO_UGWP_V0=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V0_OROG_ONLY=.false. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_LS_BL=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_SS=.true. -export DO_GSL_DRAG_TOFD=.true. -export DO_UGWP_V1=.false. -export DO_UGWP_V1_OROG_ONLY=.false. - -export FV3_RUN=rrfs_warm_run.IN -export INPUT_NML=rrfs_conus13km_hrrr.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke_smoke -export DIAG_TABLE=diag_table_hrrr -export MODEL_CONFIGURE=model_configure_rrfs_conus13km.IN -export DIAG_TABLE_ADDITIONAL=diag_additional_rrfs_smoke \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_v1beta b/tests/tests/rrfs_v1beta index 8c4bf5ad9b..0e64a52624 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_v1beta +++ b/tests/tests/rrfs_v1beta @@ -20,75 +20,43 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF00 \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12 \ - RESTART/coupler.res \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/phy_data.tile6.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile1.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile2.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile3.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile4.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile5.nc \ - RESTART/sfc_data.tile6.nc" + RESTART/20210323.060000.coupler.res \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_core.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_srf_wnd.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.fv_tracer.res.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.phy_data.tile6.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile1.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile2.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile3.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile4.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc \ + RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 +export_rrfs_v1 export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RRFS_v1beta -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap_noah - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=2 -export LSOIL_LSM=4 - +if [[ " hera orion hercules jet " =~ " ${MACHINE_ID} " ]] ; then + ZSTANDARD_LEVEL=5 +fi diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_v1beta_debug b/tests/tests/rrfs_v1beta_debug index e6e1adf9eb..f74a009bf2 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_v1beta_debug +++ b/tests/tests/rrfs_v1beta_debug @@ -13,42 +13,7 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ atmf000.nc \ atmf001.nc" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export IAER=5111 +export_rrfs_v1 +export OUTPUT_FH='0 1' export FHMAX=1 -export OUTPUT_FH="0 1" -#export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. - -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN -export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RRFS_v1beta -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN -export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_thompson_aero_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap_noah - -export IMP_PHYSICS=8 -export DNATS=0 -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. -export LRADAR=.true. -export LTAEROSOL=.true. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=2 -export LSOIL_LSM=4 - +export WRITE_DOPOST=.false. diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_v1nssl b/tests/tests/rrfs_v1nssl index db0590bec8..55e7351606 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_v1nssl +++ b/tests/tests/rrfs_v1nssl @@ -21,44 +21,16 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 +export_rrfs_v1 export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_nssl_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap_noah export IMP_PHYSICS=17 -export DNATS=0 export NWAT=7 export NSSL_CCN_ON=.true. export NSSL_HAIL_ON=.true. export NSSL_INVERTCCN=.true. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. export LTAEROSOL=.false. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=2 -export LSOIL_LSM=4 diff --git a/tests/tests/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn b/tests/tests/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn index ed0658ee7b..30a87dda7d 100644 --- a/tests/tests/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn +++ b/tests/tests/rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn @@ -21,44 +21,16 @@ export LIST_FILES="sfcf000.nc \ GFSPRS.GrbF09 \ GFSPRS.GrbF12" -export_fv3 -export NPZ=127 -export NPZP=128 -export DT_ATMOS=300 -export SYEAR=2021 -export SMONTH=03 -export SDAY=22 -export SHOUR=06 +export_rrfs_v1 export RESTART_INTERVAL="6 -1" -export OUTPUT_GRID='gaussian_grid' -export NSTF_NAME='2,0,0,0,0' -export WRITE_DOPOST=.true. -export IAER=5111 export OUTPUT_FH='0 09 12' -export FV3_RUN=control_run.IN export CCPP_SUITE=FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -export INPUT_NML=rap.nml.IN export FIELD_TABLE=field_table_nssl_nohailnoccn_tke -export NEW_DIAGTABLE=diag_table_rap_noah export IMP_PHYSICS=17 -export DNATS=0 export NWAT=6 export NSSL_CCN_ON=.false. export NSSL_HAIL_ON=.false. export NSSL_INVERTCCN=.true. -export DO_SAT_ADJ=.false. export LTAEROSOL=.false. -export IALB=2 -export IEMS=2 -export HYBEDMF=.false. -export DO_MYNNEDMF=.true. -export DO_MYNNSFCLAY=.true. -export DO_DEEP=.false. -export SHAL_CNV=.false. -export IMFSHALCNV=-1 -export IMFDEEPCNV=-1 -export LHEATSTRG=.false. -export LSM=2 -export LSOIL_LSM=4