# Run Google Cloud CLI
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/work -w /work --entrypoint /bin/bash google/cloud-sdk:160.0.0
cd ./kubernetes/cloud/google
#login and follow prompts
gcloud auth login
gcloud projects list
gcloud projects create getting-started-gke
gcloud config set project getting-started-gke
You may be prompted to enable APIs in Google Console for your project in order to proceed. Follow the prompts.
Machine types :
# machine types
gcloud compute machine-types list > machine-types.log
# Get k8s versions for your zone
gcloud container get-server-config --zone australia-southeast1-c
# full list of options
gcloud container clusters create --help
gcloud container clusters create gke-getting-started \
--cluster-version 1.16.8-gke.15 \
--disk-size 200 \
--num-nodes 1 \
--machine-type e2-small \
--no-enable-cloud-endpoints \
--no-enable-cloud-logging \
--no-enable-cloud-monitoring \
--zone australia-southeast1-c
gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke-getting-started --zone australia-southeast1-c
#grab the config if you want it
cp ~/.kube/config .
curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
chmod +x ./kubectl
mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
cd ../..
kubectl create ns example-app
# lets create some resources.
kubectl apply -n example-app -f secrets/secret.yaml
kubectl apply -n example-app -f configmaps/configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -n example-app -f deployments/deployment.yaml
# remember to change the `type: LoadBalancer`
kubectl apply -n example-app -f services/service.yaml
gcloud container clusters delete gke-getting-started --zone australia-southeast1-c