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49 lines (43 loc) · 7.93 KB

QA (quality assurance)


To define a test sequence.

Suggested test sequence

  1. Configuration

    1. Create a new seed running npm run generate_words.
    2. Fill the fields network: 'testnet', server: '', seeds[qa]: generated_words in src/config.js.
    3. npm start.
  2. Start wallet

    1. Start the wallet with curl -X POST --data "wallet-id=123" --data "seedKey=qa" http://localhost:8000/start.
    2. Must receive {"success":true}.
    3. Check if it's already loaded with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/status/.
    4. Will be ready when the return is {"statusCode": 3, "statusMessage": "Ready", "serverInfo": null}.
  3. Operations

    1. See wallet balance with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/balance. Response must be {"available": 0,"locked": 0}.
    2. Get an address with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/address.
    3. Send 1.00 HTR to this address from another wallet.
    4. Check that the balance now is {"available": 100,"locked": 0}.
    5. Turn off wifi and turn on back again after some time.
    6. Check the balance again and must be the same.
    7. Get the index of the address you sent the HTR above with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/address-index?address=<ADDRESS>. It must return {"success":true,"index":0}.
    8. Get all addresses of the wallet with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/addresses. It must return {"addresses": ARRAY}. The array must have 21 addresses and the first one must the the same as above.
    9. Get one address of another wallet to send 0.1 HTR back. curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"address": <address>, "value": 10}' http://localhost:8000/wallet/simple-send-tx. It must return {"success":true, ...} and the tx data. Get the hash of the response.
    10. Get this new transaction with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/transaction?id=<HASH>. It must return {"success": true, ...} with the transaction info.
    11. Send another transaction to your other wallet splitting in two outputs. curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"outputs": [{"address": <address>, "value": 5}, {"address": <address>, "value": 5}]}' http://localhost:8000/wallet/send-tx. It must return success true with the transaction data.
    12. Check the balance again and must be available: 80.
    13. Get the history with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/tx-history and must return the 3 transactions. Now get it with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/tx-history?limit=2 and it must return only the 2 newest txs.
    14. Get information about an address with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/address-info?address=<address> with the address at index 0 we sent the first tx. It must return {"success":true,"total_amount_received":100,"total_amount_sent":100,"total_amount_available":0,"total_amount_locked":0,"token":"00","index":0}.
    15. Now send the same request but with an address of another wallet. It must return {"success":false,"error":"Address does not belong to this wallet."}.
    16. Get the utxos available with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/utxo-filter. It must return {"total_amount_available":80,"total_utxos_available":1,"total_amount_locked":0,"total_utxos_locked":0,"utxos":[{"address": <address>, "amount": 80,"tx_id": <tx_id>, "locked":false,"index":0}]}.
    17. Get two new addresses of your wallet with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/address?mark_as_used=true. Send a transaction with two outputs curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"outputs": [{"address": <address1>, "value": 40}, {"address": <address2>, "value": 40}]}' http://localhost:8000/wallet/send-tx.
    18. Now request utxo filter again and must return 2 available utxos. curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/utxo-filter.
    19. Get an address from another wallet and call curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"destination_address": <address>}' http://localhost:8000/wallet/utxo-consolidation. It must return {"success":false,"error":"Utxo consolidation to an address not owned by this wallet isn't allowed."}.
    20. Now send the same request but using an address from the wallet. It must return success true with the information about the consolidation.
    21. Now request utxo filter again and must return 1 available utxo that belongs to the address sent above. curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/utxo-filter.
    22. Now we will send a transaction with a query filter as inputs. We use the first address of the wallet that does not have utxos available to get an error. curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"inputs": [{"type": "query", "filter_address": <first_address_of_wallet>}], "outputs": [{"address": <your_address>, "value": 5}]}' http://localhost:8000/wallet/send-tx. It must return {"success":false,"error":"No utxos available for the query filter for this amount."}.
    23. Now we send the same request but with the correct address that has the available utxos. curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"inputs": [{"type": "query", "filter_address": <address_with_available_utxo>}], "outputs": [{"address": <your_address>, "value": 5}]}' http://localhost:8000/wallet/send-tx. It must return success true with the transaction detail.
    24. Send transaction selecting input that was already spent. Get the last sent transaction with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/tx-history?limit=1 and get the tx hash and index used in this transaction. Use this value to try to send a tx with curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"inputs": [{"hash": <tx_hash>, "index": <input_index>}], "outputs": [{"address": <your_address>, "value": 5}]}' http://localhost:8000/wallet/send-tx. It must return an error that the input is already spent.
    25. Send transaction selecting valid input now (you can get a valid utxo with the utxo-filter API) and should return success true.
    26. Now we will create a new token with curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"name": "Test Token", "symbol": "TST", "amount": 100, "address": <first_address>}' http://localhost:8000/wallet/create-token. It must return success true and check that the utxo is available with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/utxo-filter?token=<TOKEN_UID> and validate the utxo is from the address used in the request. The token_uid is the hash of the transaction created in the first request.
    27. Now we will mint more tokens with curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"token": <TOKEN_UID>, "amount": 100}' http://localhost:8000/wallet/mint-tokens. Now check the balance with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/balance?token=<TOKEN_UID> the balance must be 200.
    28. Now we will melt tokens with curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"token": <TOKEN_UID>, "amount": 100}' http://localhost:8000/wallet/melt-tokens. Now check the balance with curl -X GET -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" http://localhost:8000/wallet/balance?token=<TOKEN_UID> the balance must be 100.
    29. Now we will create an NFT. curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: 123" -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"name": "Test Token", "symbol": "TST", "amount": 1, "data": "nft data", "address": <first_address>}' http://localhost:8000/wallet/create-nft. The response must be success true and the created transactions data.