Releases: HassiumTeam/Hassium
Hassium Version 1.0.0
Added support for chars with 'a' and '\n'
Concatenation for chars.
Added toInt, toDouble, toByte, and toBool to HassiumTypes.
Minor bug fixes.
Hassium Version 0.9.9
Gotos are no longer in the global scope.
Code should execute slightly faster.
Convert.toNumber split into Convert.toDouble and Convert.toInt.
Better error handling.
Hassium Version
Fixed DNS
Fixed Modulus
Hassium Version 0.9.8
Many fixes.
Addition of the static Dns class to the Net module.
A little faster than previous releases.
Hassium 0.9.7
- Fixed OOP
- Fixed class instance system
- Added more console functions
- Added null check in binary ops
if(a == null) // this would have thrown a NullReferenceException in previous releases
- Added empty ternary operator support. You can now do this :
a = true;
println(a ? "ok" : ""); // previous releases
println(a ? "ok"); // right now
b = false;
println(b ? "" : "ok"); // previous releases
println(b ?: "ok"); // right now
println(true ?:); // this is useless, but it compiles and prints nothing
- Added an `Ìnterpreter`` class
use debug; // important
println(Interpreter.version); // prints 0.9.7
println(Interpreter.buildDate); // prints 2015-09-23 17:52:53
is now GMT by default (regardless the system settings)
Hassium 0.9.6
Fixed OOP.
Added more console functions. Fixed some more issues.
Basic error checking.
Hassium Version 0.9.5
Added labels and gotos.
Add do while loop.
Added better safe mode.
Minor fixes and things.
Hassium Version 0.9.4
Numerous bug fixes.
Added drawing to safe mode.
Added code shortening with -g --golf
Internal formatting.
Bugs with doubles and ints fixed.
Hassium Version 0.9.3
Added the drawing
module to safe mode (it cannot be used anymore when ran with -s or --safe).
Added function overloads :
func add(a, b) { return a + b; }
func add(a, b, c) { return a + b + c; }
println(add(1, 2));
println(add(1, 2, 3));
myFunc = add`2;
println(myFunc(1, 2));
myFunc = add`3;
println(myFunc(1, 2, 3));
Hassium Version 0.9.2
Added loads of new features.
Added Debug class.
use debug;
Moved most modules outside the global namespace, IO, Net, Text, Debug, etc.
use io;
use net;
use text;
use debug;
use drawing;
Fixed all known bugs.
Generally Awesome.