Here a list of the most common technical questions we’ve seen separated per module. Be sure you can answer all of them upon graduation and also illustrate with examples whenever possible.
- What is HTML?
- What are the 2 main components of an HTML document? What is the purpose of each?
- Can you name 2 differences between classes and ids?
- What is “semantic HTML”?
- Can you tell the difference between internal and external links?
- Can you name one use case for the <iframe /> tag?
- What is the DOM?
- What is CSS?
- Name and explain the 3 different ways of injecting CSS into a HTML document.
- What is the meaning of the C (cascading) in CSS?
- Explain the “box model”.
- What is your favourite CSS framework and why?
- Give 2 reasons why you would use a CSS framework over custom CSS.
- What is flexbox?
- How do CSS variables work?
- What are pseudo-classes? Give 2 examples.
- How can you make a webpage “responsive”?
- Using JavaScript, how do we insert text into an HTML <div> element with an “id” of “target"?
- Name two ways of accessing “properties” on an object
- What is “asynchronicity” and what’s one way in JavaScript how we can introduce it into our application?
- What is AJAX?
- Can you tell the difference between Promises and await/async?
- How do Promises relate to callbacks?
- What are closures? What’s their purpose?
- What are the common methods to select DOM elements with?
- How does the event loop work?
- What is an anonymous function?
- What is the “window” object?
- How does form validation work?
- What is REST?
- Describe the client-server model
- What is an API?
- Name some commonly used HTTP methods. What they are used for?
- In which data format is do client requests come?
- What’s an endpoint?
- How do you know if a web server is running?
- What is CORS?
- What is MySQL?
- Explain the difference between SQL and MySQL
- What is meant by “relational” database?
- Could you give an example of a database entity and how it could be expressed in a table?
- What is React.js?
- Name 2 important core concepts within React.
- How does state management work within React?
- What is “component lifecycle”?
- How are click events handled?
- What is prop drilling?