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Assignment Using APIs Week 1


The assignment for this week can be found in the assignment folder.

Exercise 1: John who?

File: ex1-johnWho.js

Take a look at the following function (and try it out in your console):

export const getAnonName = (firstName, callback) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    if (!firstName) {
      callback(new Error("You didn't pass in a first name!"));

    const fullName = `${firstName} Doe`;

  }, 1000);

function main() {
  getAnonName('John', console.log);

Rewrite this function, but replace the callback syntax with the Promise syntax:

  • Have the getAnonName arrow function return a new Promise.
  • If the Promise resolves, pass the full name as an argument to resolve().
  • If the Promise rejects, pass an Error object containing "You didn't pass in a first name!" to reject().

Exercise 2: Is it a double digit number?

File: checkDoubleDigits.js

Complete the function called checkDoubleDigits such that:

  • It takes one argument: a number
  • It returns a new Promise.
  • If the number is between 10 and 99 it should resolve to the string "This is double digit number!".
  • For any other number it should reject with an an Error object containing: "Expected a double digit number but got number", where number is the number that was passed as an argument.

Exercise 3: Roll a die

File ex3-rollDie.js

This exercise is about throwing a die. A die in this exercise may roll up to 10 times before it settles on a final value, depending on the "force" with which it is thrown. Unfortunately, if a die rolls more than six times in our game it rolls off the table and the throw becomes invalid. If it rolls six times or less, its final ("settled") value will be valid.

Note: to keep things simple, we have taken some liberties in this exercise with respect to how a die behaves in reality. For instance, in real life a die cannot flip back to a value it previously had. And it will mostly roll on its corners, not its sides.

The existing rollDie() function in the exercise file uses a callback to notify the caller of success or failure. Here is the code:

export function rollDie(callback) {
  // Compute a random number of rolls (3-10) that the die MUST complete
  const randomRollsToDo = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) + 3;
  console.log(`Die scheduled for ${randomRollsToDo} rolls...`);

  const rollOnce = (roll) => {
    // Compute a random die value for the current roll
    const value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
    console.log(`Die value is now: ${value}`);

    // Use callback to notify that the die rolled off the table after 6 rolls
    if (roll > 6) {
      // TODO replace "error" callback
      callback(new Error('Oops... Die rolled off the table.'));

    // Use callback to communicate the final die value once finished rolling
    if (roll === randomRollsToDo) {
      // TODO replace "success" callback
      callback(null, value);

    // Schedule the next roll todo until no more rolls to do
    if (roll < randomRollsToDo) {
      setTimeout(() => rollOnce(roll + 1), 500);

  // Start the initial roll

function main() {
  // TODO Refactor to use promise
  rollDie((error, value) => {
    if (error !== null) {
    } else {
      console.log(`Success! Die settled on ${value}.`);

A couple of comments about this code:

  • In real life, a die, when thrown, will autonomously run its course until it comes to a complete standstill, abiding the laws of nature. How long it will roll depends on the force of the throw. In our simulation that "force" is represented by the random value assigned to randomRollsToDo. As if subjected to the laws of nature, we insist that our simulated dice continue to roll until they have reached their randomly assigned number of rolls-to-do, even after dropping of the table.
  • The "error first" callback format used in this example, using two parameters, is commonly used in Node.js. To communicate back failure, the callback is called with a single argument: the error value (usually a JavaScript Error object). In the successful case the callback is called with two arguments, the first one being null (i.e., no error) and the second one containing the actual result.

Here is what the output could look like for a successful throw:

❯ node .\ex3-rollDie.js
Die scheduled for 5 rolls...
Die value is now: 2
Die value is now: 3
Die value is now: 4
Die value is now: 5
Die value is now: 6
Success! Die settled on 6.

However, there is a problem when the die rolls off the table. In that case we expect a single error callback and no "success" callbacks. Evidently this is not what we are getting in the random throw below.

❯ node .\ex3-rollDie.js
Die starts rolling...
Die scheduled for 8 rolls...
Die value is now: 1
Die value is now: 3
Die value is now: 3
Die value is now: 1
Die value is now: 2
Die value is now: 4
Oops... Die rolled off the table.
Die value is now: 5
Success! Die settled on 5.
Oops... Die rolled off the table

Since we want to practice with promises anyway, let's see what happens when we refactor the code to use promises:

  • Run the unmodified program and confirm that the problem as described can be reproduced.
  • Refactor the rollDie() function from using a callback to returning a promise.
  • Change the calls to callback() to calls to resolve() and reject().
  • Refactor the code that calls rollDie() to use the returned promise.
  • Does the problem described above still occur? If not, what would be your explanation? Add your answer as a comment to be bottom of the file.

Bonus: Event Loop Experiments

The event loop in JavaScript is not that easy to comprehend. But having a good grasp of how it works is vital for you to better understand how asynchronous code works. We will examine the event loop in the experiment below. If you are still left puzzled, we invite you to discuss it with your cohort mates on Slack and see if you can work it out together.

So what do you think the JavaScript engine is doing while it is waiting for a setTimeout() to fire? Well, since it has nothing else waiting for it to do on its call stack, it is just sitting idle.

Lets give the JavaScript engine something more to do. Paste this code just above the module.exports line:

function wasteTimeBlocking() {
  for (let count = 1; count <= 1000; count++) {
    console.log('  count =', count);

When we now execute the exercise, the JavaScript engine first calls the rollDie() function. This function returns immediately after having executed the first roll while scheduling the next roll to run 500ms later via a setTimeout().

Next, the JavaScript engine will call the wasteTimeBlocking() function. As you can see, this is literally a waste of time 😁. It is also blocking the JavaScript engine as the next scheduled rollDie() cannot occur before wasteTimeBlocking() has returned. You can observe this from the console output:

Die scheduled for 4 rolls...
Die value is now: 3
  count = 1
  count = 2
  count = 1000
Die value is now: 6
Die value is now: 5
Die value is now: 6
Success! Die settled on 6.

💡 If you have a large amount of console output to inspect, you can maximize the VSCode terminal panel by pressing the up-arrow button in the top-right of the panel, as shown in Figure 1 below:

Maximize Terminal Panel

Figure 1. Maximize the Terminal Panel

Try and increase the count limit in the for loop from 1000 to, say, 10000, to take this to the extreme. Despite the timer firing after 500ms, the next scheduled rollDie() will only occur far later than that. This is because the wasteTimeBlocking() function blocks the JavaScript engine from doing anything else while it is executing: the function remains on the call stack until it returns, preventing the JavaScript engine to pick pending events (our scheduled rollDie) to run next.

Let's now replace the experimental wasteTimeBlocking code with a non-blocking version:

function wasteTime() {
  let count = 0;
  const timer = setInterval(() => {
    count += 1;
    console.log('count =', count);
    if (count > 1000) {
  }, 0);

While still wasting (tiny bits of) time, this version does so in a non-blocking fashion, by scheduling the next iteration through the event loop. Setting the interval time to zero causes the event loop to immediately (i.e. without delay) pick up the next pending event once the call stack is empty. If you run this version you will observe that the output from rollDie() is interspersed with output from wasteTime():

Running exercise, please wait...
Die scheduled for 4 rolls...
Die value is now: 5
count = 1
count = 2
count = 443
Die value is now: 4
count = 444
count = 1001
Die value is now: 1
Die value is now: 4
Success! Die settled on 4.

As you can observe, the time between executions of rollDie() is 500ms, or perhaps one or two milliseconds later, but not much later than that.

Adding the wasteTime experimental code will cause the unit test to fail. So make sure you remove that code before running the final test for this exercise.

Exercise 4: Throw the dice for a Poker Dice game

File: ex4-pokerDiceAll.js

Poker Dice Set

Dice in a Poker Dice game have representations of playing cards upon them (this exercise uses strings instead). You play it with five such dice that you must throw in one go.

You do not need to understand the rules of the Poker Dice game in order to work on this exercise. The only thing that is important is that the dice can be thrown and each one will either settle on some value or "roll off the table".

In this exercise we have provided a ready-made rollDie() function for you that takes a die number (1-5) as an argument and returns a promise that resolves to its final value, or a rejected promise with an Error object if the die rolled off the table. The rollDie() function is located in a separate file (pokerDiceRoller.js). For this exercise you do not need to look at it, although you are welcome to do so. The only thing you need to know is that it returns a promise, as described above.

We have also provided some code that demonstrates how to handle throwing a single die. For this exercise you should do the following:

  • Refactor the rollDice() function to throw five dice in one go, by using .map() on the dice array to create an array of promises for use with Promise.all().

  • A successful (i.e. resolved) throw should output a message similar to:

    Resolved! [ 'JACK', 'QUEEN', 'QUEEN', 'NINE', 'JACK' ]
  • An unsuccessful (i.e. rejected) throw should output a message similar to:

    Rejected! Die 3 rolled off the table.

The provided rollDie() function logs the value of a die as it rolls, time-stamped with the time of day (with millisecond accuracy) to the console. Once you have successfully completed this exercise you will notice that the intermediate messages are output in bursts of up to five at a time as the dice finish rolling asynchronously.

You may also notice that, in the case of a rejected promise, dice that have not yet finished their roll continue to do so. Can you explain why? Please add your answer as a comment to the end of the exercise file.

Exercise 5: Throw dice sequentially

File: ex5-pokerDiceChain.js

In the previous exercise we used Promise.all() to throw five dice in one go. In the current exercise we will be throwing five dice one at a time, waiting for a die to settle before throwing the next one. Of course, we still consider a die rolling off the table to be a showstopper.

To throw the dice sequentially we will be using a promise chain. Your job is to expand the given promise chain to include five dice.