Tiny little Script to read contents from "PodLove Simple Chapters" and display them as html
I am not responsible for any harm this script does! Use at your own risk
This script reads any *.PSC - file and displays the content as HTML in any Wordpress-Article
Just copy the code into your theme's functions.php (You will lose the script if you update/change your theme)
- Copy the "psc" - folder to wp-content/plugins
- Activate it under "plugins"
There are three variables at the top of the file: $pscClass="entry-meta"; $pscHeader="Pingbacks:"; $pscUrlsOnly=true;
defines a CSS-class that is wrapped around the DIV containing your information
is the Header-Text above your PSC-Content
if true: Displays only entries that have an url. If false: Displays all entries
Insert [PSC]yourUrl[/PSC]
at any place into your article.
Example: [PSC]http://cdn.podseed.org/blathering/blathering_008.psc[/PSC]
After saving, your Tag should be gone and be replaced by the content.
If any error occurs (e.g. wrong filename), this should be displayed at the [PSC]-Position
You won't find this PlugIn on Wordpress. You have to configure the vars and should know what you do. That's why there is no One-Click-Installation :)