diff --git a/Source/Libraries/Adapters/openHistorian.Adapters/LocalOutputAdapter.cs b/Source/Libraries/Adapters/openHistorian.Adapters/LocalOutputAdapter.cs
index 38caca99f6..2d46510540 100755
--- a/Source/Libraries/Adapters/openHistorian.Adapters/LocalOutputAdapter.cs
+++ b/Source/Libraries/Adapters/openHistorian.Adapters/LocalOutputAdapter.cs
@@ -43,13 +43,17 @@
using GSF.Historian.Replication;
using GSF.IO;
using GSF.IO.Unmanaged;
+using GSF.Snap.Filters;
using GSF.Snap.Services;
+using GSF.Snap.Services.Reader;
+using GSF.Snap.Storage;
using GSF.TimeSeries;
using GSF.TimeSeries.Adapters;
using GSF.Units;
using openHistorian.Model;
using openHistorian.Net;
using openHistorian.Snap;
+using openHistorian.Snap.Definitions;
using DeviceGroup = openHistorian.Model.DeviceGroup;
using Measurement = openHistorian.Model.Measurement;
using Timer = System.Timers.Timer;
@@ -98,6 +102,11 @@ public class LocalOutputAdapter : OutputAdapterBase
public const int DefaultMaximumArchiveDays = 0;
+ ///
+ /// Defines the default value for .
+ ///
+ public const string DefaultDownsamplingIntervals = "";
/// Defines the default value for .
@@ -152,6 +161,7 @@ public class LocalOutputAdapter : OutputAdapterBase
private Dictionary m_measurements;
private Dictionary> m_compressionSettings;
private readonly Dictionary> m_swingingDoorStates;
+ private SortedList m_downsamplingIntervals;
private Timer m_archiveCurtailmentTimer;
private SafeFileWatcher[] m_attachedPathWatchers;
private bool m_disposed;
@@ -168,6 +178,7 @@ public LocalOutputAdapter()
m_key = new HistorianKey();
m_value = new HistorianValue();
m_swingingDoorStates = new Dictionary>();
+ m_downsamplingIntervals = new SortedList();
@@ -368,6 +379,51 @@ public double DesiredRemainingSpace
public int MaximumArchiveDays { get; set; } = DefaultMaximumArchiveDays;
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets the scheduled downsampling intervals for this archive.
+ ///
+ [ConnectionStringParameter]
+ [Description("Define the scheduled downsampling intervals for this archive. Format: any number of downsampling-start-days=samples-per-second separated by semi-colons, e.g., 180=10; 365=1; 650=0.1")]
+ [DefaultValue(DefaultDownsamplingIntervals)]
+ public string DownsamplingIntervals
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (m_downsamplingIntervals.Count == 0)
+ return string.Empty;
+ StringBuilder downsampling = new();
+ foreach (KeyValuePair interval in m_downsamplingIntervals)
+ {
+ if (downsampling.Length > 0)
+ downsampling.Append("; ");
+ downsampling.Append($"{interval.Key}={interval.Value}");
+ }
+ return downsampling.ToString();
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ m_downsamplingIntervals.Clear();
+ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
+ return;
+ foreach (string interval in value.Split(';'))
+ {
+ string[] parts = interval.Split('=');
+ if (parts.Length != 2)
+ continue;
+ if (int.TryParse(parts[0].Trim(), out int startDay) && startDay > 0 && double.TryParse(parts[1].Trim(), out double samplesPerSecond) && samplesPerSecond > 0.0D)
+ m_downsamplingIntervals[startDay] = samplesPerSecond;
+ }
+ }
+ }
/// Gets or sets the flag that determines if oldest archive files should be removed before running out of archive space.
@@ -501,6 +557,7 @@ public override string Status
status.AppendLine($" Staging count: {m_archiveInfo.StagingCount:N0}");
status.AppendLine($" Memory pool size: {Globals.MemoryPool.MaximumPoolSize / SI2.Giga:N4}GB");
status.AppendLine($" Maximum archive days: {(MaximumArchiveDays < 1 ? "No limit" : MaximumArchiveDays.ToString("N0"))}");
+ status.AppendLine($" Downsampling intervals: {(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DownsamplingIntervals) ? "None defined" : DownsamplingIntervals)}");
status.AppendLine($" Auto-remove old archives: {AutoRemoveOldestFilesBeforeFull}");
status.AppendLine($" Time reasonability check: {(EnableTimeReasonabilityCheck ? "Enabled" : "Not Enabled")}");
status.AppendLine($" Archive curtailment timer: {Time.ToElapsedTimeString(ArchiveCurtailmentInterval, 0)}");
@@ -654,6 +711,18 @@ public override void Initialize()
if (settings.TryGetValue(nameof(AutoRemoveOldestFilesBeforeFull), out setting))
AutoRemoveOldestFilesBeforeFull = setting.ParseBoolean();
+ if (MaximumArchiveDays < 1 && !AutoRemoveOldestFilesBeforeFull)
+ OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, "Maximum archive days not set and automated removal of oldest files before full disk is not enabled: system will not initiate archive file curtailment operations in this configuration. Disk space for target archive paths should be monitored externally.");
+ if (settings.TryGetValue(nameof(DownsamplingIntervals), out setting))
+ DownsamplingIntervals = setting;
+ if (MaximumArchiveDays > 0 && m_downsamplingIntervals.Any(kvp => kvp.Key >= MaximumArchiveDays))
+ {
+ OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Downsampling intervals defined for days greater than or equal to maximum archive days ({MaximumArchiveDays:N0}) will be ignored.");
+ m_downsamplingIntervals = new SortedList(m_downsamplingIntervals.Where(kvp => kvp.Key < MaximumArchiveDays).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value));
+ }
EnableTimeReasonabilityCheck = settings.TryGetValue(nameof(EnableTimeReasonabilityCheck), out setting) && setting.ParseBoolean();
if (settings.TryGetValue(nameof(PastTimeReasonabilityLimit), out setting) && double.TryParse(setting, out double value))
@@ -683,6 +752,11 @@ public override void Initialize()
if (!settings.TryGetValue("CacheFlushInterval", out setting) || !int.TryParse(setting, out int cacheFlushInterval))
cacheFlushInterval = 100;
+ // Validate maximum downsampling intervals. Currently only 10 stages are defined, 0 to 9 - since configured
+ // staging count is typically 3, this allows 6 total downsampling intervals (as extra stages):
+ if (m_downsamplingIntervals.Count > 9 - stagingCount)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException($"Maximum of {9 - stagingCount} downsampling intervals are allowed.");
// Establish archive information for this historian instance
m_archiveInfo = new HistorianServerDatabaseConfig(InstanceName, WorkingDirectory, true);
@@ -787,32 +861,230 @@ public void DeleteFolder(string folderName)
- /// Initiates archive file curtailment based on defined maximum archive days.
+ /// Initiates archive file curtailment based on defined maximum archive days, auto removal of oldest files before full disk and defined downsampling intervals.
- [AdapterCommand("Initiates archive file curtailment based on defined maximum archive days.", "Administrator", "Editor")]
+ [AdapterCommand("Initiates archive file curtailment based on defined maximum archive days, auto removal of oldest files before full disk and defined downsampling intervals.", "Administrator", "Editor")]
public void CurtailArchiveFiles()
- if (MaximumArchiveDays < 1)
+ if (AutoRemoveOldestFilesBeforeFull)
+ RemoveOldestFilesBeforeFull();
+ if (m_downsamplingIntervals.Count > 0)
+ DownsampleArchiveFiles();
+ if (MaximumArchiveDays > 0)
+ RemoveFilesOlderThanMaxArchiveDays();
+ }
+ private void RemoveOldestFilesBeforeFull()
+ {
+ // Set target space to be three times the target file size plus minimum disk space before considered full,
+ // this will allow three new final stage archive files to be written before next curtailment interval.
+ // Curtailment interval, desired remaining space and target file size can all be adjusted to better
+ // accommodate high volume data archiving in very low disk space environments.
+ long neededSpace = m_archiveInfo.DesiredRemainingSpace + 3 * m_archiveInfo.TargetFileSize;
+ try
+ {
+ // Check if any target archive destination has enough disk space
+ foreach (string path in m_archiveDirectories)
+ {
+ FilePath.GetAvailableFreeSpace(path, out long freeSpace, out _);
+ // If any path has needed space, then we are done
+ if (freeSpace > neededSpace)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ OnProcessException(MessageLevel.Warning, new InvalidOperationException($"Oldest file removal operation cancelled: failed during check for full disk: {ex.Message}", ex));
+ // Do not continue with archive curtailment if disk space check failed
+ return;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, "Disk space is near full, scanning for oldest archive files...");
+ ClientDatabaseBase database = GetClientDatabase();
+ long fileSizeSum = 0;
+ // Find oldest archive files until we have reached target disk space. End time is preferred over start
+ // time for sorting since devices with an inaccurate GPS clock can provide bad start times when out
+ // of range timestamps are not configured to be filtered and you don't want to accidentally delete a
+ // file with otherwise in-range data.
+ ArchiveDetails[] filesToDelete = database.GetAllAttachedFiles().OrderBy(file => file.EndTime).TakeWhile(item =>
+ {
+ fileSizeSum += item.FileSize;
+ return fileSizeSum < neededSpace;
+ }).ToArray();
+ database.DeleteFiles(filesToDelete.Select(file => file.Id).ToList());
+ OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Warning, $"Deleted the following oldest archive files in order to free disk space:\r\n {filesToDelete.Select(file => FilePath.TrimFileName(file.FileName, 75)).ToDelimitedString($"{Environment.NewLine} ")}");
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ OnProcessException(MessageLevel.Error, new InvalidOperationException($"Failed while attempting to delete oldest archive files in order to free disk space: {ex.Message}", ex));
+ }
+ }
+ private void DownsampleArchiveFiles()
+ {
+ ClientDatabaseBase database = GetClientDatabase();
+ SortedList filesToDownsample = new();
+ try
+ {
+ OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "Scanning archive files for downsampling...");
+ List attachedFiles = database.GetAllAttachedFiles();
+ // Start with oldest files first, this way they can be excluded from further downsampling if they are already targeted
+ int[] startDays = m_downsamplingIntervals.Keys.OrderByDescending(value => value).ToArray();
+ HashSet targetedArchives = new();
+ int downsamplingStage = m_archiveInfo.StagingCount + startDays.Length;
+ foreach (int startDay in startDays)
+ {
+ // Get list of files that have both a start time and an end time that are greater than the target
+ // start day for a given downsampling interval. We check both start and end times since devices
+ // with an inaccurate GPS clock can provide bad time when out of range timestamps are not configured
+ // to be filtered and you don't want to accidentally delete a file with otherwise in-range data.
+ // We also filter on stage number to avoid downsampling files that have already been downsampled.
+ HashSet matchingFiles = new(attachedFiles.Where(file =>
+ (DateTime.UtcNow - file.StartTime).TotalDays > startDay &&
+ (DateTime.UtcNow - file.EndTime).TotalDays > startDay &&
+ FileFlags.GetStageNumber(file.Flags) < downsamplingStage &&
+ !file.Flags.Contains(FileFlags.IntermediateFile)));
+ // Start days are ordered from highest to lowest, so we decrement the downsampling stage
+ downsamplingStage--;
+ if (matchingFiles.Count == 0)
+ continue;
+ matchingFiles.ExceptWith(targetedArchives);
+ if (matchingFiles.Count == 0)
+ continue;
+ filesToDownsample[startDay] = matchingFiles.ToArray();
+ targetedArchives.UnionWith(matchingFiles);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
- OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "Maximum archive days not set, cannot initiate archive file curtailment.");
+ OnProcessException(MessageLevel.Warning, new InvalidOperationException($"Failed while scanning archive files for downsampling: {ex.Message}", ex));
+ }
+ if (filesToDownsample.Count == 0)
+ try
+ {
+ int downsamplingStage = 1;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in filesToDownsample)
+ {
+ int startDay = kvp.Key;
+ ArchiveDetails[] files = kvp.Value;
+ double samplesPerSecond = m_downsamplingIntervals[startDay];
+ // Each successive downsampled file will be flagged with a higher stage count
+ Guid stageFlags = FileFlags.GetStage(m_archiveInfo.StagingCount + downsamplingStage++);
+ OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, $"Downsampling {files.Length:N0} archive files older than {startDay:N0} days to {samplesPerSecond} samples per second...");
+ foreach (ArchiveDetails file in files)
+ {
+ string downsampledFile = DownsampleArchiveFile(file, samplesPerSecond, stageFlags);
+ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(downsampledFile))
+ continue;
+ try
+ {
+ // Remove higher resolution file after successful downsampling
+ database.DeleteFiles(new List(new[] { file.Id }));
+ // Attach downsampled resolution file to active historian instance
+ database.AttachFilesOrPaths(new [] { downsampledFile });
+ OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, $"Downsampled archive file \"{FilePath.GetFileName(file.FileName)}\" to {samplesPerSecond} samples per second.");
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ OnProcessException(MessageLevel.Warning, new InvalidOperationException($"Failed while attempting to transition to downsampled archive file \"{FilePath.GetFileName(downsampledFile)}\": {ex.Message}", ex));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ OnProcessException(MessageLevel.Warning, new InvalidOperationException($"Failed downsampling archive files: {ex.Message}", ex));
+ }
+ }
+ private string DownsampleArchiveFile(ArchiveDetails file, double samplesPerSecond, Guid stageFlags)
+ {
- OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "Attempting to curtail archive files based on defined maximum archive days...");
+ DateTime startTime = file.StartTime;
+ DateTime endTime = file.EndTime;
+ TimeSpan interval = new((long)(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * samplesPerSecond));
+ using ArchiveList archiveList = new();
+ archiveList.LoadFiles(new[] { file.FileName });
+ using SequentialReaderStream reader = new(archiveList, SortedTreeEngineReaderOptions.Default, TimestampSeekFilter.CreateFromIntervalData(startTime, endTime, interval, new TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond)));
+ string sourcePath = FilePath.GetDirectoryName(file.FileName);
+ string completeFileName = Path.Combine(sourcePath, $"{FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName)}-{samplesPerSecond}sps.d2");
+ string pendingFileName = Path.Combine(sourcePath, $"{FilePath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(completeFileName)}.~d2i");
+ SortedTreeFileSimpleWriter.Create(pendingFileName, completeFileName, 4096, null, HistorianFileEncodingDefinition.TypeGuid, reader, stageFlags);
+ return completeFileName;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ OnProcessException(MessageLevel.Warning, new InvalidOperationException($"Failed while attempting to downsample archive file \"{FilePath.GetFileName(file.FileName)}\" to {samplesPerSecond} samples per second: {ex.Message}", ex));
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private void RemoveFilesOlderThanMaxArchiveDays()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, $"Scanning for archive files older than {MaximumArchiveDays:N0} days...");
ClientDatabaseBase database = GetClientDatabase();
- // Get list of files that have both a start time and an end time that are greater than the maximum archive days. We check both start and end times
- // since PMUs can provide bad time (not currently being filtered) and you don't want to accidentally delete a file with otherwise in-range data.
- ArchiveDetails[] filesToDelete = database.GetAllAttachedFiles().Where(file => (DateTime.UtcNow - file.StartTime).TotalDays > MaximumArchiveDays && (DateTime.UtcNow - file.EndTime).TotalDays > MaximumArchiveDays).ToArray();
+ // Get list of files that have both a start time and an end time that are greater than the maximum
+ // archive days. We check both start and end times since devices with an inaccurate GPS clock can
+ // provide bad time when out of range timestamps are not configured to be filtered and you don't
+ // want to accidentally delete a file with otherwise in-range data.
+ ArchiveDetails[] filesToDelete = database.GetAllAttachedFiles().Where(file =>
+ (DateTime.UtcNow - file.StartTime).TotalDays > MaximumArchiveDays &&
+ (DateTime.UtcNow - file.EndTime).TotalDays > MaximumArchiveDays).ToArray();
+ if (filesToDelete.Length <= 0)
+ return;
database.DeleteFiles(filesToDelete.Select(file => file.Id).ToList());
- OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, $"Deleted the following old archive files:\r\n {filesToDelete.Select(file => FilePath.TrimFileName(file.FileName, 75)).ToDelimitedString(Environment.NewLine + " ")}");
+ OnStatusMessage(MessageLevel.Info, $"Deleted the following archive files that were older than {MaximumArchiveDays:N0} days:\r\n {filesToDelete.Select(file => FilePath.TrimFileName(file.FileName, 75)).ToDelimitedString($"{Environment.NewLine} ")}");
catch (Exception ex)
- OnProcessException(MessageLevel.Warning, new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to limit maximum archive size: {ex.Message}", ex));
+ OnProcessException(MessageLevel.Warning, new InvalidOperationException($"Failed while attempting to delete archive files older than {MaximumArchiveDays:N0} days: {ex.Message}", ex));
@@ -1288,9 +1560,9 @@ private static void OptimizeLocalHistorianSettings(AdoDataConnection connection,
// TODO: Remove this code when device IDs have been updated to use GUIDs:
// Make sure gateway protocol data publishers filter out device groups from metadata since groups reference local device IDs
const string DefaultDeviceFilter = "FROM DeviceDetail WHERE IsConcentrator = 0;";
- const string GSFDataPublisherTypeName = nameof(GSF) + "." + nameof(GSF.TimeSeries) + "." + nameof(GSF.TimeSeries.Transport) + "." + nameof(GSF.TimeSeries.Transport.DataPublisher);
+ const string GSFDataPublisherTypeName = $"{nameof(GSF)}.{nameof(GSF.TimeSeries)}.{nameof(GSF.TimeSeries.Transport)}.{nameof(GSF.TimeSeries.Transport.DataPublisher)}";
const string GSFMetadataTables = nameof(GSFDataPublisher.MetadataTables);
- const string STTPDataPublisherTypeName = nameof(sttp) + "." + nameof(sttp.DataPublisher);
+ const string STTPDataPublisherTypeName = $"{nameof(sttp)}.{nameof(sttp.DataPublisher)}";
const string STTPMetadataTables = nameof(STTPDataPublisher.MetadataTables);
int virtualProtocolID = s_virtualProtocolID != 0 ? s_virtualProtocolID : s_virtualProtocolID = connection.ExecuteScalar("SELECT ID FROM Protocol WHERE Acronym='VirtualInput'");
string deviceGroupFilter = $"FROM DeviceDetail WHERE IsConcentrator = 0 AND NOT (ProtocolID = {virtualProtocolID} AND AccessID = {DeviceGroup.DefaultAccessID});";
diff --git a/Source/Libraries/GSF.SortedTreeStore/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/Source/Libraries/GSF.SortedTreeStore/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
index 870b493230..d66b45f164 100755
--- a/Source/Libraries/GSF.SortedTreeStore/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ b/Source/Libraries/GSF.SortedTreeStore/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -42,5 +42,6 @@
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("2.8.343.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("2.8.343.0")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("GSF.SortedTreeStore.Test")]
+[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("openHistorian.Adapters")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("openHistorian.PerformanceTests")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ArchiveIntegrityChecker")]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Libraries/GSF.SortedTreeStore/Snap/Services/ArchiveDetails.cs b/Source/Libraries/GSF.SortedTreeStore/Snap/Services/ArchiveDetails.cs
index 53c9898710..b4a2ca64af 100755
--- a/Source/Libraries/GSF.SortedTreeStore/Snap/Services/ArchiveDetails.cs
+++ b/Source/Libraries/GSF.SortedTreeStore/Snap/Services/ArchiveDetails.cs
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
using System;
+using System.Linq;
namespace GSF.Snap.Services
@@ -108,6 +109,15 @@ public DateTime EndTime
private set;
+ ///
+ /// Gets the flags for the archive file.
+ ///
+ public Guid[] Flags
+ {
+ get;
+ private set;
+ }
private ArchiveDetails()
@@ -126,7 +136,8 @@ public static ArchiveDetails Create(ArchiveTableSummary
public static Guid GetStage(int stageNumber)
- switch (stageNumber)
+ return stageNumber switch
- case 0:
- return Stage0;
- case 1:
- return Stage1;
- case 2:
- return Stage2;
- case 3:
- return Stage3;
- case 4:
- return Stage4;
- case 5:
- return Stage5;
- case 6:
- return Stage6;
- case 7:
- return Stage7;
- case 8:
- return Stage8;
- case 9:
- return Stage9;
+ 0 => Stage0,
+ 1 => Stage1,
+ 2 => Stage2,
+ 3 => Stage3,
+ 4 => Stage4,
+ 5 => Stage5,
+ 6 => Stage6,
+ 7 => Stage7,
+ 8 => Stage8,
+ 9 => Stage9,
+ _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(stageNumber), "Must be between 0 and 9")
+ };
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets the number of the supplied stage .
+ ///
+ /// Stage flag.
+ /// Number of specified stage ; otherwise, -1 if flag is not a stage flag.
+ public static int GetStageNumber(Guid flag)
+ {
+ if (flag == Stage0)
+ return 0;
+ if (flag == Stage1)
+ return 1;
+ if (flag == Stage2)
+ return 2;
+ if (flag == Stage3)
+ return 3;
+ if (flag == Stage4)
+ return 4;
+ if (flag == Stage5)
+ return 5;
+ if (flag == Stage6)
+ return 6;
+ if (flag == Stage7)
+ return 7;
+ if (flag == Stage8)
+ return 8;
+ if (flag == Stage9)
+ return 9;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets the stage number from the set of supplied file .
+ ///
+ /// File flags.
+ /// Stage number from the set of supplied file ; otherwise, -1 if none of the flags is a stage flag.
+ public static int GetStageNumber(Guid[] flags)
+ {
+ foreach (Guid flag in flags)
+ {
+ int stage = GetStageNumber(flag);
+ if (stage > -1)
+ return stage;
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("stageNumber", "Must be between 0 and 9");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Determines if the supplied flag is a stage flag.
+ ///
+ /// Flag to test.
+ /// true if is a stage flag; otherwise, false.
+ public static bool IsStageFlag(Guid flag)
+ {
+ return GetStageNumber(flag) > -1;
// {4558F270-3F85-456C-8824-7805FF03B384}
@@ -118,6 +167,7 @@ public static Guid GetStage(int stageNumber)
public static readonly Guid Stage8 = new Guid(0x69be577b, 0xc044, 0x49c2, 0x85, 0xb3, 0x8f, 0x8f, 0xad, 0x76, 0x38, 0x03);
+ // {B5A3FBC4-285A-4559-A3EA-0940219677F8}
/// Indicates that the file is in Stage 9.
@@ -134,6 +184,5 @@ public static Guid GetStage(int stageNumber)
/// Indicates that this is an intermediate file that can still be automatically rolled over.
public static readonly Guid IntermediateFile = new Guid(0xd4626375, 0x3e2f, 0x4a62, 0xbc, 0x12, 0x65, 0xbb, 0x45, 0xe4, 0xa7, 0xb6);
diff --git a/Source/openHistorian.sln.DotSettings b/Source/openHistorian.sln.DotSettings
index 1c31e1b7d3..923701dd38 100644
--- a/Source/openHistorian.sln.DotSettings
+++ b/Source/openHistorian.sln.DotSettings
@@ -2,5 +2,9 @@
+ True
+ True
+ True
\ No newline at end of file