A simple wrapper for the NumberPortabilityLookup service of Comcetera. Give them a msisdn and they (usually) give you an operator code. Compile your own list of relevant codes based on wikipedia.
I’m scratching my own itch here, so I’m only adding what I use. Feedback and patches are welcome.
For more info about the service, take a look at: numberportabilitylookup.com/
The usual way you’d do a lookup
Comcetera.username = "meeeeee" Comcetera.password = "verysecret" comcetera = Comcetera.detect(31612345678) comcetera.operator_code # => "20415" comcetera.msisdn # => "31612345678"
When the lookup does not work due to a timeout
Comcetera.detect(31612345678) # => nil
This means that the amount of retries specified as Comcetera.retries have all timed out after Comcetera.timeout seconds. You can retry at a later time or do something else. This is great if, as is my use case, the lookup is used as a type of pre-selection for numbers.
The API can return a couple of errors. In this case, there is no operator code, but an error code and the full response as debug info.
comcetera = Comcetera.detect(31612345678) comcetera.operator_code # => nil comcetera.error_code # => "ERR29" comcetera.error_message # => "Absent subscriber" comcetera.debug # => "QUERYOK\n31612345678 ERR29\nENDBATCH"
Check the wikipedia page for Mobile Network Codes (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Network_Code) for a list of codes that you can expect.
Example: Wikipedia mentions T-Mobile in the Netherlands as: MCC 204, MNC 16. Comcetera would return this as code 20416. This logic seems consistent across countries.
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Wes ‘Narnach’ Oldenbeuving
Gerard ‘smeevil’ de Brieder
Copyright © 2010 Wes Oldenbeuving. See LICENSE for details.