Thank you so much for contributing to @govtechsg/sgds-web-component. Please read this guideline before starting your development works.
To contribute, please start off at the Issue section of our github repository.
- Checkout our Issue section to search for similar bugs/issues/feature request that you encounter. Someone else might have already raised a similar issue.
- If your issue is not found, open an issue !
- Follow the instructions of the issue request form and answer them
- Describe your bug / new feature request as detailed as possible. For new feature request, let us know your motivation behind your proposal and how you intend to build the feature. For bug fixes, let us know how you intend to fix the bug.
- An SGDS admin will pick up on the discussion and notify you if the proposal is accepted
- Once accepted, you can fork the repository and start working away !
- Raise a PR, tagging the issue number, and request a review from one of our admins.
This project uses Lit 2.0 + SASS + TS and bundled with rollup
A simple plop generator is written to help kickstart component writing. On your terminal, run npm run write:component
. This will generate the boilerplate code for the main component and its storybook template
NOTE Please add any sub-component manually
Alternatively, you can set up your files and folders manually. See the instructions below
Build new components in src folder. Create folder name according to the component you are building. SCSS files specific to the component should be stored here. Create an entry point (index.ts) file per folder to export the components/classes and its types/interface
Place common/reusable functions and global stylings in utils folder
Custom elements must be in kebab case. Prefix the files with sgds-*.ts
Unit test is written in typescript, compiled to javascript by rollup, dumped into test-outdir. The resulting test-outdir/**.test.js files are run by web-test-runner. Configuration wise, rollup has plugins to convert sass files to css, but web-test-runner does not have great support for sass files atm. Hence, this approach was taken. See configurations in rollup.test.config.js and web-test-runner.config.mjs.
All test needs to pass in order for aws amplify deployment build to pass
To run single test file, run the output javascript test file instead of the typescript file
npm run test test-outdir/button-element.test.js
To start the storybook server
npm run storybook
The basic storybook documentation is auto-generated from the cem metadata. Write your basic template example inside stories/templates/<Component>/basic.js
. Follow this template and be sure to export args
and Template
Beyond basic template, any additional documentation and storybook template examples should go into stories/templates/<Component>/additional.mdx file
This file will be concatenated with the basic template to give the final stories.mdx files
.md files are located in docs folder. These markdown files are used in both Storybook and github's README.
Do not edit file directly. Instead edit the markdown files in docs folder and run npm run build:readme
. Note that Gulp-concat will combine the files in alphabetical order - name any new markdown files with this in mind.
Using custom-elements-manifest/analzyer to obtain metadata info of the Lit components. Read more here
Document your component class with the relevant jsdoc tags. See examples in Button, Masthead, Sidenav folder.
npm run build:react
runs the cem analyer which reads custom-elements-manifest.config.mjs file. This manifest file tells cem analyzer what files to process and generate the output file custom-elements.json. Script file in scripts/makeReact.mjs reads custom-elements.json file and outputs the react components of all components automatically using @lit-labs/react. -
are untracked and will be generated by CI github actions during build stepnpm run build:lib
During rollup build step, the
folder is read and output inlib/react
and the rest of the Lit components inlib
React users should import as such : named exports when importing from whole library entry point
import {SgdsMasthead} from 'clk-web-components/react';
All steps in this section are included in
npm run build:lib
Library publication is performed in workflow by github actions. When ready for publishing, perform the following steps
- run
npm version <major|minor|path>
or for alpha releasesnpm version <version-name>
**version number should observe SEMVER **this step will auto-generate a git tag on your local git push
the changes
- run
cz changelog
to update file (ensure that you have set up cz-cli globally) **cz changelog
updates based on your local git tags - Push the changes
- run
git tag
to check the newly generated git tag on local git push origin <newly-created-tag>
** this triggers gh action workflow to publish the library to npm
- Manually create a release on github