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417 lines (235 loc) · 9.93 KB

File metadata and controls

417 lines (235 loc) · 9.93 KB


master (unreleased)

New Features


- Exclude guava as a transitive dep in since it breaks shadow-cljs 2.21.0
- Upgrade hansel to 0.1.50

Bugs fixed

3.3.320 (16-02-2023)

New Features


- Upgrade openjfx to
- Upgrade hansel to 0.1.46

Bugs fixed

3.3.315 (30-01-2023)

New Features


- Upgrade to hansel 0.1.42 which contains a couple of bug fixes

Bugs fixed

3.3.313 (29-01-2023)

New Features


Bugs fixed

- Update to hansel 0.1.38 which contains a couple of bug fiexs

3.3.309 (29-12-2022)

New Features


- Improve docs file generation. Generated docs will be put into flow-docs.edn instead of samples.edn since
  it is less likely to collide. Also the data format has been improved for extensibility

Bugs fixed

3.3.307 (26-12-2022)

New Features


- Update hansel dependency to 0.1.35

Bugs fixed

3.3.303 (20-12-2022)

New Features


Bugs fixed

- Handle OS theme detector exceptions

3.3.301 (16-12-2022)

New Features


- Update hansel to 0.1.31 which contains a critical bug
- Improve value inspector styles

Bugs fixed

- Fix docs examples display

3.3.295 (14-12-2022)

New Features

  • Add Flow Docs - Generate projects functions documentation by sampling their executions.


Bugs fixed

- Fix a ConcurrentModificationException on debuggers_api/reference_frame_data!

3.2.283 (29-11-2022)

New Features

- Add browser var recursive instrumentation


Bugs fixed

- Update to hansel 0.1.22 to fix ClojureScript go blocks instrumentation

3.2.271 (16-11-2022)

New Features

- New tap button allows you to tap> any value from the UI (nice to integrate with other tooling like portal)
- New locals "tap value" allows you to tap> any locals


- Migrate to hansel for instrumentation (should be much better than previous instrumentation system)
- Value inspector navigation bar now shows keys instead of val text

Bugs fixed

- Fix automatic [un]instrumentation watcher

3.1.263 (18-10-2022)

New Features


Bugs fixed

- Fix clojure instrument entire namespace for non libraries

3.1.261 (18-10-2022)

New Features


- Remove flow-storm hard dependency on org.clojure/clojurescript artifact. Will lazy require when needed for ClojureScript, assuming the dependency will be provided

Bugs fixed

3.1.259 (17-10-2022)

New Features

- Add #rtrace ^{:thread-trace-limit X} where X can be a integer. Execution will throw after tracing X times for a trace. Useful for debugging possibly infinite loops
- Add support for snapshoting mutable values via flow-storm.runtime.values/snapshot-value multimethod
- Add #tap-stack-trace, to tap the current stack trace wherever you add it
- Add support for core.async/go blocks instrumentation
- Add Ctrl+MouseWheel on forms to step prev/next


- Immediately highlihgt the first trace when creating a flow in the debugger
- Remove unnecessary first-fn-call-event

Bugs fixed

- Alt+Tab now works on MacOs for switching between the debugger and the repl windows (thanks to Lucy Wang @lucywang000) 
- Fix extend-protocol and extend-type instrumentations for ClojureScript
- Fix instrumentation breaking variadic functions in ClojureScript

3.0.236 (7-10-2022)

New Features


- Improves theming
- Fix dynamic vars not being re-evaluated as dynamic in cljs

Bugs fixed

- Fix dynamic vars not being re-evalueated as dynamic in ClojureScript
- Fix timeout issues on remote connection

3.0.231 (6-10-2022)

New Features

- Add `Instrument form without bindings` to form context menu
- Add got to last trace on code loops context-menu


- Full [un]instrumentation synchronization between the browser and #trace (Clojure only)
- Now you can [un]instrument single vars from the browser, even if they where defined at the repl (Clojure only)
- Improved Single var [un]instrumentation from the browser (Clojure and ClojureScript)

Bugs fixed

- Fix show-error on the clojure local path

3.0.216 (29-9-2022)

New Features

- flow-storm.api/cli-run now supports :flow-id key


Bugs fixed

- Windows pprint form problem
- Bunch of minor small bug fixes

3.0.208 (28-9-2022)

New Features


- Instrummented code should run much faster due to removed unnecessary runtime ctx rebinding

Bugs fixed

- Fix browser navigation after instrumentation bug

3.0.198 (24-9-2022)

New Features

- Automatic event retention. For ClojureScript or remote Clojure you don't need to remote-connect by hand
  when you want to capture traces before the debugger is connected. Just need to require flow-storm.api on your main.
- Automatic ui cleaning on reconnection


- Remote connection now accepts :debugger-host and :runtime-host keys (check out the documentation)

Bugs fixed

- Fix the more button on value inspector
- Fix for infinite sequence handling

3.0.188 (22-9-2022)

New Features

- Automatic remote connection management. The re-connect button was removed from the toolbar since it isn't needed anymore


Bugs fixed

- Fix javafx platform not initialized exception when there is a error connecting to a repl

3.0.184 (21-9-2022)

New Features


Bugs fixed

- Add support for remote debugging without repl connection (clojure and clojurescript)
- Show nrepl errors on the UI
- Fix ClojureScript re-run flow
- Fix a deadlock caused by the event system

3.0.173 (15-9-2022)

New Features

3.0 is a full redesign! So it is full of changes, and fixes. Most remarkable things are :

- ClojureScript is feature par with Clojure now, so every feature is available to both languages.
- Remote debugging can be accomplished by just connecting to nrepl server (socket repl support on the roadmap)
- A programable API (
- Enables the posibility to integrate it with IDEs/editors


Bugs fixed

2.3.141 (15-08-2022)

New Features

* Add inspect for locals
* Can jump to any index by typing the idx number in the thread controls


* Locals print-length is now 20 and print-level 5
* Make the value inspector show more info on dig nodes

Bugs fixed

2.3.131 (10-08-2022)

New Features

* Add a proper lazy and recursive value inspector
* Add tap tool (support for tap>)
* New functions for shutting down the debugger and connections gracefully.
  When starting with `flow-storm.api/local-connect` or `flow-storm.api/remote-connect` you can shut it down with `flow-storm.api/stop` 
  When starting a standalone debugger with `flow-storm.debugger.main/start-debugger` you can shutdown with `flow-storm.debugger.main/stop-debugger`

* Add support for light and dark themes, in selected or automatic mode. Checkout the user guide for more info. (thanks to Liverm0r!)
* Thread tabs can be closed and reordered


* The entire debugger was refactored to manage state with mount

Bugs fixed

* Fix #28 - Callstack tree args and ret listviews should expand to the bottom
* Fix #34 - instrument-forms-for-namespaces not instrumenting (def foo (fn [...] ...))

2.2.114 (07-07-2022)

New Features

* Add bottom bar progress indicator when running commands
* Add reload tree button on callstack tree tabs
* Add search bar to functions list
* This release also contains big internal refactors	to make the codebase cleaner and more efficient


* Automatically deref all reference values in traces
* Automatically change to flow tab on new flow

Bugs fixed

2.2.99 (10-06-2022)

New Features

* Add jump to first and last traces on thread controls (useful for exceptions debugging)
* Add print-level and print-meta controls on pprint value panels
* Improve re-run flow UX
* Namespace instrumentation now accepts :verbose? to log known and unknown instrumentation errors details
* Add flow-storm.api/uninstrument-forms-for-namespaces to undo instrument-form-for-namespaces instrumentation
* Add ctx menu on locals to define vars from values
* Add browser namespaces instrumentation/uninstrumentation
* Add browser instrumentation synchronization (for everything but #trace)
* Add #rtrace0 ... #rtrace5, like #rtrace but with different flow-ids
* Add double clicking on flows functions window executes show function calls


* Remove flow-storm.api/run since #rtrace(runi) is enough
* Flows functions window now have checkboxes for selecting fncall arguments to print

Bugs fixed

* Fix re run flow for #rtrace case
* Fix local binding instrumentation and debugging

2.2.68 (10-06-2022)

New Features

* Add def value button on every value panel to define the value so you can work with it at the repl
* Add namespaces browser with instrumentation capabilities


Bugs fixed

2.2.64 (09-06-2022)

New Features

* Add conditional tracing via #ctrace and ^{:trace/when ...} meta


Bugs fixed

2.2.59 (06-06-2022)

New Features


Bugs fixed

* Fix run-command for the local connection path

2.2.57 (06-06-2022)

New Features

* Add Clojurescript support
* Remote debugging via `flow-storm.api/remote-connect` and `flow-storm.api/cli-run`


* `flow-storm.api/cli-run` now accepts :host and :port

Bugs fixed

2.0.38 (02-05-2022)

New Features

* Add styles customization via a user provided styles file
* The debugger can instrument and debug itself


Bugs fixed

2.0.0 (18-04-2022)