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Tests can be run with nox
. You can install nox with pip install nox
To run all unit tests use nox -s unit-<PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION>
with the major
Python version you have activated in your environment.
For example, to run the unit tests against Python 3.11 you would run
nox -s unit-3.11
To run all integration tests against real Cloud SQL instances (Postgres, MySQL and SQL Server) there is some setup involved.
- Enable the Cloud SQL Admin API within your Google Cloud Project.
gcloud services enable sqladmin.googleapis.com
- This library uses Application Default Credentials (ADC)] to source credentials. Whichever credential you use must have the Cloud SQL Client role (or equivalent permissions) and the Cloud SQL Instance User role (for automatic IAM authentication tests).
- You'll need to create several Cloud SQL instances - one for MySQL, Postgres, and SQL Server (MySQL and Postgres require IAM authentication flag enabled).
- Once created, set the following environment variables:
export MYSQL_USER="db_user"
export MYSQL_PASS="db_pass"
export MYSQL_DB="db_name"
# MySQL instance with IAM authentication enabled
# (can be same as MYSQL_CONNECTION_NAME)
# IAM Principal of ADC sourced credentials (truncated)
export MYSQL_IAM_USER="[email protected]"
export POSTGRES_USER="db_user"
export POSTGRES_PASS="db_pass"
export POSTGRES_DB="db_name"
# Postgres instance with IAM authentication enabled
# IAM Principal of ADC sourced credentials
export POSTGRES_IAM_USER="[email protected]"
export SQLSERVER_USER="db_user"
export SQLSERVER_PASS="db_pass"
export SQLSERVER_DB="db_name"
To run all integrations tests use nox -s system-<PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION>
with the major
Python version you have activated in your environment.
For example, to run the integration tests against Python 3.11 you would run
nox -s system-3.11
Individual test files or tests can be run with pytest
To run an individual test file run:
python -m pytest path/to/test.py
To run an individual test case run:
python -m pytest path/to/test.py::test_name