{data.map((source: any, index: number) => (
diff --git a/src/widgets/copilot/components/Messages/helpers.tsx b/src/widgets/copilot/components/Messages/helpers.tsx
index 23b33ef..bf2ae30 100644
--- a/src/widgets/copilot/components/Messages/helpers.tsx
+++ b/src/widgets/copilot/components/Messages/helpers.tsx
@@ -23,27 +23,34 @@ const NUMBER_REFERENCE_REGEX = /\[\d+(,\s*\d+)*\]/g;
export const findSourceIcon = (
contentType: string,
- url: string
+ url: string,
+ size: number = 12,
): JSX.ElementType | null => {
const urlLower = url.toLowerCase();
// try to guess from url first
if (urlLower.includes("youtube.com") || urlLower.includes("youtu.be")) {
- return () =>
+ return () =>
if (urlLower.endsWith(".pdf")) {
- return () =>
+ return () =>
} else if (
urlLower.endsWith(".xls") ||
urlLower.endsWith(".xlsx") ||
- urlLower.includes("sheets.google")
+ (urlLower.includes("docs.google") && urlLower.includes("spreadsheets"))
) {
- return () =>
- } else if (urlLower.endsWith(".docx") || urlLower.includes("docs.google")) {
- return () =>
- } else if (urlLower.endsWith(".pptx") || urlLower.includes("/presentation")) {
- return () =>
+ return () =>
+ } else if (
+ urlLower.endsWith(".docx") ||
+ (urlLower.includes("docs.google") && urlLower.includes("document"))
+ ) {
+ return () =>
+ } else if (
+ urlLower.endsWith(".pptx") ||
+ (urlLower.includes("docs.google") && urlLower.includes("presentation"))
+ ) {
+ return () =>
} else if (urlLower.endsWith(".txt")) {
- return () =>
+ return () =>
} else if (urlLower.endsWith(".html")) {
return null;
@@ -119,7 +126,7 @@ export function extractMainDomain(url: string) {
export const fetchUrlMeta = async (url: string): Promise
=> {
try {
const response: any = await axios.get(
- `${GOOEY_META_SCRAPPER_API}/fetchUrlMeta?url=${url}`
+ `${GOOEY_META_SCRAPPER_API}/fetchUrlMeta?url=${url}`,
return response?.data;
} catch (err) {
@@ -198,20 +205,10 @@ const customizedLinks = (reactNode: any, domNode: any, data: any) => {
url: href,
- // hide source if mailto;
- const hideSource = href.startsWith("mailto:");
return (
- {domToReact(domNode.children, getReactParserOptions(data))}
- {" "}
- {!hideSource && (
- )}
+ {domToReact(domNode.children, getReactParserOptions(data))}
@@ -224,9 +221,9 @@ const customizedReferences = (reactNode: any, domNode: any, data: any) => {
const matches: any = Array.from(
new Set(
(text.match(NUMBER_REFERENCE_REGEX) || []).map((match: string) =>
- parseInt(match.slice(1, -1), 10)
- )
- )
+ parseInt(match.slice(1, -1), 10),
+ ),
+ ),
// return the text as it is if no match found
@@ -235,7 +232,7 @@ const customizedReferences = (reactNode: any, domNode: any, data: any) => {
const { references = [] }: any = data;
const sources = [...references].splice(
matches[0] - 1,
- matches[matches.length - 1]
+ matches[matches.length - 1],
text = text.replaceAll(NUMBER_REFERENCE_REGEX, "");
@@ -257,7 +254,7 @@ const customizedReferences = (reactNode: any, domNode: any, data: any) => {
export const formatTextResponse = (
data: any,
linkColor: string,
- showSources: boolean
+ showSources: boolean,
) => {
const body = getOutputText(data);
if (!body) return "";
@@ -274,7 +271,7 @@ export const formatTextResponse = (
const parsedElements = parse(
rawHtml as string,
- getReactParserOptions({ ...data, showSources, linkColor })
+ getReactParserOptions({ ...data, showSources, linkColor }),
return parsedElements;
@@ -316,64 +313,22 @@ export function truncateMiddle(str: string, charLimit: number) {
return str.slice(0, frontChars) + ellipsis + str.slice(-backChars);
-// function detectNumberReference(str: string) {
-// /// Define the regex pattern to match [2], [1,2,4], or [1, 2]
-// const regex = /\[\d+(,\s*\d+)*\]/g;
-// // Use the regex to find matches
-// const matches = str.match(regex);
-// // If no matches found, return an empty array
-// if (!matches) {
-// return [];
-// }
-// // Extract numbers from each match
-// const numbers = matches.map((match) => {
-// // Remove the square brackets and split by comma
-// return match
-// .slice(1, -1)
-// .split(",")
-// .map((num) => parseInt(num.trim(), 10));
-// });
-// // Flatten the array of arrays into a single array
-// return numbers.flat().sort();
-// }
-// export const sanitizeReferences = (data: any) => {
-// // remove items from references which are not in output_text
-// const { output_text = [], references = [] } = data;
-// const outputText = output_text[0] || "";
-// const numberReferences = detectNumberReference(outputText);
-// const urlPattern = /\b(?:https?|ftp):\/\/[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*\b/g;
-// const urlsInResponse = [...new Set(outputText.match(urlPattern))];
-// if (numberReferences.length === 0 && urlsInResponse.length === 0) return [];
-// const indices = numberReferences.map((num) => num - 1);
-// // check ref numbers and remove the ones which are not in output_text by index
-// let rejectedReferences: any = [];
-// const newSources = references
-// .map((_: any, index: number) => {
-// if (indices.includes(index))
-// return {
-// ..._,
-// refNumber: numberReferences[index - rejectedReferences.length],
-// };
-// else {
-// rejectedReferences.push(_);
-// return undefined;
-// }
-// })
-// .filter((source: any) => source !== undefined);
-// // removed all the un-indexed references
-// if (!urlsInResponse.length) return newSources;
+export const getEmbedUrl = (url: string) => {
+ try {
+ // Check if it's a YouTube URL
+ const youtubeRegex =
+ /(?:youtube\.com\/(?:[^\/\n\s]+\/\S+\/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)\/|\S*?[?&]v=)|youtu\.be\/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})/;
+ const match = url.match(youtubeRegex);
+ if (match && match[1]) {
+ // Return the embedded YouTube URL format
+ return `https://www.youtube.com/embed/${match[1]}`;
+ }
-// // check urls in response and add them to sources
-// rejectedReferences = rejectedReferences.filter(({ url }: any) => {
-// if (url.endsWith("/")) url = url.slice(0, -1);
-// return urlsInResponse.indexOf(url) !== -1;
-// });
-// return [...newSources, ...rejectedReferences];
-// };
+ // Return original URL if not YouTube
+ return url;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("Error processing URL:", error);
+ return url;
+ }