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How to define a custom inference model

Note: See overview at README


  1. Assembling an inference model code folder
  2. Define structured inference model
  3. Define unstructured inference model
  4. Test an inference model with DRUM locally
  5. Building your own environment
  6. Upload, manage, and deploy a custom inference model with DataRobot
    1. see here as well for documentation on how to upload, manage, and deploy custom inference models

Assembling an inference model code folder

Note: the following information is only relevant you are using DRUM to run a model.

Custom inference models are models trained outside DataRobot. Once they are uploaded to DataRobot, they are deployed as a DataRobot deployment which supports model monitoring and management.

To create a custom inference model, you must provide specific files to use with a custom environment:

  • a serialized model artifact with a file extension corresponding to the chosen environment language.
  • any additional custom code required to use it.

The drum new model command can help you generate a model template. Check here for more information.

See here for examples you can use as a template.

Define a structured inference model

Built-In Model Support

The DRUM tool has built-in support for the following libraries. If your model is based on one of these libraries, DRUM expects your model artifact to have a matching file extension.

Python libraries

Library File Extension Example
scikit-learn *.pkl sklean-regressor.pkl
xgboost *.pkl xgboost-regressor.pkl
PyTorch *.pth torch-regressor.pth
tf.keras (tensorflow>=2.2.1) *.h5 keras-regressor.h5
pmml *.pmml pmml-regressor.pmml

R libraries

Library File Extension Example
caret *.rds brnn-regressor.rds

Julia Libraries

Library File Extension Example
MLJ *.jlso grade_regression.jlso

This tool makes the following assumptions about your serialized model:

  • The data sent to a model can be used to make predictions without additional pre-processing.
  • Regression models return a single floating point per row of prediction data.
  • Binary classification models return one floating point value <= 1.0 or two floating point values that sum to 1.0 per row of prediction data.
    • Single value output is assumed to be the positive class probability
    • Multi value it is assumed that the first value is the negative class probability, the second is the positive class probability
  • There is a single pkl/pth/h5 file present.
  • Your model uses one of the above frameworks.

Data format

When working with structured models DRUM supports data as files of csv, sparse, or arrow format.
DRUM doesn't perform sanitation of missing or strange(containing parenthesis, slash, etc symbols) column names.

Custom hooks for Python and R models

If the assumptions mentioned above are incorrect for your model, DRUM supports several hooks for custom code. If needed, include any necessary hooks in a file called for Python models,custom.R for R models, or `custom.jl for Julia models alongside your model artifacts in your model folder:

Note: The following hook signatures are written with Python 3 type annotations. The Python types match the following R types and Julia types:

  • DataFrame = data.frame = DataFrames.DataFrame
  • None = NULL = nothing
  • str = character = String
  • Any = R Object (the deserialized model)
  • *args, kwargs = ... = kwargs (these aren't types, they're just placeholders for additional parameters)
  • init(**kwargs) -> None
    • Executed once in the beginning of the run
    • kwargs - additional keyword arguments to the method;
      • code_dir - code folder passed in the --code_dir parameter
  • read_input_data(input_binary_data: bytes) -> Any
    • input_binary_data is a data passed as --input parameter in drum score mode; or a payload submitted to the drum server /predict endpoint;
    • If used, this hook must return a non-None value; if it returns something other than a DF, you'll need to write your own score method.
    • This hook can be used to customize data reading, e.g: encoding, handle missing values.
  • load_model(code_dir: str) -> Any
    • code_dir is the directory where the model artifact and additional code are provided, which is passed in the --code_dir parameter
    • If used, this hook must return a non-None value
    • This hook can be used to load supported models if your model has multiple artifacts, or for loading models that DRUM does not natively support
  • transform(data: DataFrame, model: Any) -> DataFrame
    • data is the dataframe given to DRUM to make predictions on. Missing values are indicated with NaN in Python and NA in R, unless otherwise overridden by the read_input_data hook.
    • model is the deserialized model loaded by DRUM or by load_model (if provided)
    • This hook can be used in both transformer and estimator tasks.
      • For transformers, it will apply the transformations to X and pass it to downstream tasks.
      • For estimators, it is intended to apply transformations to the prediction data before making predictions.
  • score(data: DataFrame, model: Any, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> DataFrame
    • data is the dataframe to make predictions against. If transform is supplied, data will be the transformed data.
    • model is the deserialized model loaded by DRUM or by load_model, if supplied
    • kwargs - additional keyword arguments to the method; In the case of a binary classification model, contains class labels as the following keys:
      • positive_class_label for the positive class label
      • negative_class_label for the negative class label
    • This method should return predictions as a dataframe with the following format:
      • Binary classification: requires columns for each class label with floating-point class probabilities as values. Each row should sum to 1.0.
      • Regression: requires a single column named Predictions with numerical values.
    • This hook is only needed if you would like to use DRUM with a framework not natively supported by the tool.
  • post_process(predictions: DataFrame, model: Any) -> DataFrame
    • predictions is the dataframe of predictions produced by DRUM or by the score hook, if supplied.
    • model is the deserialized model loaded by DRUM or by load_model, if supplied
    • This method should return predictions as a dataframe with the following format:
      • Binary classification: requires columns for each class label with floating-point class probabilities as values. Each row should sum to 1.0.
      • Regression: requires a single column called Predictions with numerical values.
    • This method is only needed if your model's output does not match the above expectations.

Note: training and inference hooks can be defined in the same file.

Details on Julia

Julia models are supported by usage of pyjulia.

pyjulia does NOT work with statically linked libpython. See this trouble shooting article. Other issues arise when using a different versions of python to build Julia PyCall vs what currently being called with (often seen with pyenv).

The simplest way to getting DRUM working with Julia is to leverage the Julia Dropin Environment

See details here on setting up Julia for use with DRUM


Library File Extension Example
datarobot-prediction *.jar dr-regressor.jar
h2o-genmodel *.java (pojo)
h2o-genmodel *.zip (mojo)
h2o-genmodel-ext-xgboost *.java
h2o-genmodel-ext-xgboost *.zip
h2o-ext-mojo-pipeline *.mojo ...

If you leverage an H2O model exported as POJO, you cannot rename the file. This does not apply to models exported as MOJO - they may be named in any fashion.

To use h2o-ext-mojo-pipeline, this WILL require an h2o driverless ai license.

Support for DAI Mojo Pipeline has not be incorporated into tests for the build of datarobot-drum

Additional params

Define the DRUM_JAVA_XMX environment variable to set JVM maximum heap memory size (-Xmx java parameter), e.g:


The DRUM tool currently supports models with DataRobot-generated Scoring Code or models that implement either the IClassificationPredictor or IRegressionPredictor interface from datarobot-prediction. The model artifact must have a jar extension.

Define an unstructured inference model

Inference models support unstructured mode, where input and output are not verified and can be almost anything. This is your responsibility to verify correctness.

See here for an example of an unstructured template.

Data format

When working with unstructured models DRUM supports data as a text or binary file.

Custom hooks for Python, R, and Julia models

Include any necessary hooks in a file called for Python models, custom.R for R models, or custom.jl for Julia models alongside your model artifacts in your model folder:

Note: The following hook signatures are written with Python 3 type annotations. The Python types match the following R types:

  • None = NULL
  • str = character
  • bytes = raw
  • dict = list
  • tuple = list
  • Any = R Object (the deserialized model)
  • *args, **kwargs = ... (these aren't types, they're just placeholders for additional parameters)
  • init(**kwargs) -> None
    • Executed once in the beginning of the run
    • kwargs - additional keyword arguments to the method;
      • code_dir - code folder passed in the --code_dir parameter
  • load_model(code_dir: str) -> Any
    • code_dir is the directory where the model artifact and additional code are provided, which is passed in the --code_dir parameter
    • If used, this hook must return a non-None value
    • This hook can be used to load supported models if your model has multiple artifacts, or for loading models that DRUM does not natively support
  • score_unstructured(model: Any, data: str/bytes, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> str/bytes [, Dict[str, str]]
    • model is the deserialized model loaded by DRUM or by load_model, if supplied
    • data is the data represented as str or bytes, depending on the provided mimetype
    • kwargs - additional keyword arguments to the method:
      • mimetype: str - indicates the nature and format of the data, taken from request Content-Type header or --content-type CLI arg in batch mode;
      • charset: str - indicates encoding for text data, taken from request Content-Type header or --content-type CLI arg in batch mode;
      • query: dict - params passed as query params in http request or in CLI --query argument in batch mode.
    • This method should return:
      • a single value return data: str/bytes
      • a tuple return data: str/bytes, kwargs: dict[str, str]
        • where kwargs = {"mimetype": "users/mimetype", "charset": "users/charset"} can be used to return mimetype and charset to be used in response Content-Type header.

Incoming data type resolution

score_unstructured hook receives a data parameter which can be of either str or bytes type. Type checking methods can be used to verify types:

  • in Pythonisinstance(data, str) or isinstance(data, bytes)
  • in R is.character(data) or is.raw(data)
  • in Julia data isa String or data is Base.CodeUnits

DRUM uses Content-Type header to determine a type to cast data to. Content-Type header can be provided in request or in --content-type CLI argument.
Content-Type header format is type/subtype;parameter, e.g. text/plain;charset=utf8. Only mimetype part text/plain, and charset=utf8 parameter matter for DRUM.
Following rules apply:

  • if charset is not defined, default utf8 charset is used, otherwise provided charset is used to decode data;
  • if content type is not defined, then incoming kwargs={"mimetype": "text/plain", "charset":"utf8"}, so data is treated as text, decoded using utf8 charset and passed as str;
  • if mimetype starts with text/ or application/json, data is treated as text, decoded using provided charset and passed as str;
  • for all other mimetype values data is treated as binary and passed as bytes.

Outgoing data and kwargs params

As mentioned above score_unstructured can return:

  • a single data value return data
  • a tuple - data and additional params `return data, {"mimetype": "some/type", "charset": "some_charset"}
In server mode

Following rules apply:

  • return data: str - data is treated as text, default Content-Type="text/plain;charset=utf8" header will be set in response, data encoded using utf8 charset and sent;
  • return data: bytes - data is treated as binary, default Content-Type="application/octet-stream;charset=utf8" header will be set in response, data is sent as is;
  • return data, kwargs - if mimetype value is missing in kwargs, default mimetype will be set according to the data type str/bytes -> text/plain/application/octet-stream; if charset values is missing, default utf8 charset will be set; then, if data is of type str, it will be encoded using resolved charset and sent.
In batch mode

The best way to debug in batch mode is to provide --output file. Returned data will be written into file according to the type of data returned:

  • str data -> text file, using default utf8 or returned in kwargs charset;
  • bytes data -> binary file.
    (Returned kwargs are not shown in the batch mode, but you can still print them during debugging).

Test an inference model with DRUM locally

Custom model runner (DRUM) is a tool that helps to assemble, test, and run custom models. The custom model runner folder contains its source code.

To install and try out DRUM locally follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create a virtual environment: python3 -m virtualenv <dirname for virtual environment>
  3. Activate the virtual environment: source <dirname for virtual environment>/bin/activate
  4. cd into the repo: cd datarobot-user-models
  5. Install the required dependencies: pip install -r public_dropin_environments/python3_sklearn/requirements.txt
  6. Install datarobot-drum: pip install datarobot-drum
    1. If you want to install the dev environment, instead pip install -e custom_model_runner/

Here are a few ways to use DRUM to test a custom model locally:

  • Score data:

    • Run the example: drum score --code-dir model_templates/python3_sklearn --input tests/testdata/juniors_3_year_stats_regression.csv

    Note: this command assumes model is regression. For binary classification model provide: positive-class-label and negative-class-label arguments.
    Input data is expected to be in CSV format. By default, missing values are indicated with NaN in Python, and NA in R according to pd.read_csv and read.csv respectively.

  • Test model performance

  • Model validation

Building your own environment

Note: DataRobot recommends using an environment template and not building your own environment except for specific use cases. (For example: you don't want to use DRUM but you want to implement your own prediction server.)

If you'd like to use a tool/language/framework that is not supported by our template environments, you can make your own. DataRobot recommends modifying the provided environments to suit your needs. However, to make an easy to use, re-usable environment, you should adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Your environment must include a Dockerfile that installs any requirements you may want.
  2. Custom models require a simple webserver in order to make predictions. We recommend putting this in your environment so that you can reuse it with multiple models. The webserver must be listening on port 8080 and implement the following routes:

    Note: URL_PREFIX is an environment variable that will be available at runtime. It has to be read and pasted into the routes.
    Note: Refer to the complete API specification: drum_server_api.yaml, you can also open it rendered in the Swagger Editor.

    1. Mandatory endpoints:
      1. GET /URL_PREFIX/ This route is used to check if your model's server is running.
      2. POST /URL_PREFIX/predict/ This route is used to make predictions.
    2. Nice-to-have extensions endpoints:
      1. GET /URL_PREFIX/stats/ This route is used to fetch memory usage data for DataRobot Custom Model Testing.
      2. GET /URL_PREFIX/health/ This route is used to check if model is loaded and functioning properly. If model loading fails error with 513 response code should be returned.
        Failing to handle this case may cause backend k8s container to enter crash/restart loop for several minutes.
  3. An executable file is required to start the model server.
  4. Any code and should be copied to /opt/code/ by your Dockerfile

See templates here for examples

Upload, manage and deploy a custom inference model with DataRobot

Follow steps from the docs