From cc4bc505441f671d92895a472440020e32ab62b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 4Luke4
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 11:04:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Bears and Boars
Make Bears and Boars continue fighting after reaching 0 hit points.
cdtweaks/languages/english/weidu.tra | 2 +
cdtweaks/languages/italian/weidu.tra | 2 +
cdtweaks/lib/innate_animal_last_stand.tph | 12 ++
cdtweaks/luke/lua/race/animal_last_stand.lua | 166 +++++++++++++++++++
cdtweaks/readme-cdtweaks.html | 12 ++
cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2 | 13 ++
6 files changed, 207 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 cdtweaks/lib/innate_animal_last_stand.tph
create mode 100644 cdtweaks/luke/lua/race/animal_last_stand.lua
diff --git a/cdtweaks/languages/english/weidu.tra b/cdtweaks/languages/english/weidu.tra
index 06daf4e..0441cfe 100644
--- a/cdtweaks/languages/english/weidu.tra
+++ b/cdtweaks/languages/english/weidu.tra
@@ -485,6 +485,8 @@ The uninstall messages above are normal and expected.
@278000 = "Circle Kick class feat for Monks [Luke]"
+@282000 = "Make Bears and Boars continue fighting after reaching 0 hit points [Luke]"
///// \\\\\
diff --git a/cdtweaks/languages/italian/weidu.tra b/cdtweaks/languages/italian/weidu.tra
index 738ea95..37f46ba 100644
--- a/cdtweaks/languages/italian/weidu.tra
+++ b/cdtweaks/languages/italian/weidu.tra
@@ -436,6 +436,8 @@ o rimpiazzata da - un'altra facente parte di uno dei mods installati.~
@278000 = "Aggiungi talento di classe Calcio Rotante per i Monaci [Luke]"
+@282000 = "Gli Orsi e i Cinghiali continueranno a combattere dopo aver raggiunto 0 punti ferita [Luke]"
///// \\\\\
diff --git a/cdtweaks/lib/innate_animal_last_stand.tph b/cdtweaks/lib/innate_animal_last_stand.tph
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1871b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdtweaks/lib/innate_animal_last_stand.tph
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ //
+ LAF "APPEND_LUA_FUNCTION" STR_VAR "description" = "Misc Tweaks (Innate)" "sourceFileSpec" = "cdtweaks\luke\lua\race\animal_last_stand.lua" "destRes" = "m_gtspin" END
+ LAF "APPEND_LUA_FUNCTION" STR_VAR "description" = "Utility Functions / Listeners" "sourceFileSpec" = "cdtweaks\luke\lua\utility\effect_check.lua" "destRes" = "m_gtutil" END
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cdtweaks/luke/lua/race/animal_last_stand.lua b/cdtweaks/luke/lua/race/animal_last_stand.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aae8b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdtweaks/luke/lua/race/animal_last_stand.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+-- cdtweaks, Last Stand innate feat for Bears and Boars: op208 grants protection from directly applied op13, so make sure to kill the creature --
+--[[function %INNATE_ANIMAL_LAST_STAND%(op403CGameEffect, CGameEffect, CGameSprite)
+ local immunityToKill = EEex_Trigger_ParseConditionalString("EEex_IsImmuneToOpcode(Myself,13)")
+ --
+ if not immunityToKill:evalConditionalAsAIBase(CGameSprite) and CGameEffect.m_effectId == 0xD then
+ CGameSprite:applyEffect({
+ ["effectID"] = CGameEffect.m_effectId,
+ ["durationType"] = CGameEffect.m_durationType,
+ ["duration"] = CGameEffect.m_duration,
+ ["dwFlags"] = CGameEffect.m_dWFlags,
+ ["effectAmount"] = CGameEffect.m_effectAmount,
+ ["savingThrow"] = CGameEffect.m_savingThrow,
+ ["saveMod"] = CGameEffect.m_saveMod,
+ ["m_maxLevel"] = CGameEffect.m_maxLevel,
+ ["m_minLevel"] = CGameEffect.m_minLevel,
+ ["spellLevel"] = CGameEffect.m_spellLevel,
+ ["m_sourceFlags"] = CGameEffect.m_sourceFlags,
+ ["m_slotNum"] = CGameEffect.m_slotNum,
+ ["m_casterLevel"] = CGameEffect.m_casterLevel,
+ ["m_sourceRes"] = CGameEffect.m_sourceRes,
+ ["m_sourceType"] = CGameEffect.m_sourceType,
+ ["noSave"] = true, -- ignore immunity provided by op208
+ ["sourceID"] = CGameEffect.m_sourceId,
+ ["sourceTarget"] = CGameEffect.m_sourceTarget,
+ })
+ --
+ return true
+ end
+-- cdtweaks, Last Stand innate feat for Bears and Boars: The boar/bear will fight for (1d4/1d4+1) rounds after reaching 0 hit points. The creature will go berserk attacking friends and foes alike
+ -- Sanity check
+ if not EEex_GameObject_IsSprite(sprite) then
+ return
+ end
+ -- Check creature's general / class / race / animate
+ local spriteGeneralStr = GT_Resource_IDSToSymbol["general"][sprite.m_typeAI.m_General]
+ local spriteRaceStr = GT_Resource_IDSToSymbol["race"][sprite.m_typeAI.m_Race]
+ local spriteClassStr = GT_Resource_IDSToSymbol["class"][sprite.m_typeAI.m_Class]
+ local spriteAnimateStr = GT_Resource_IDSToSymbol["animate"][sprite.m_animation.m_animation.m_animationID]
+ --
+ local modifier = -1
+ --
+ if spriteGeneralStr == "ANIMAL" then
+ if spriteRaceStr == "BEAR" then
+ if spriteClassStr == "BEAR_BROWN" or spriteClassStr == "BEAR_CAVE" then
+ modifier = 0
+ elseif spriteClassStr == "BEAR_POLAR" then
+ modifier = 1
+ end
+ elseif spriteAnimateStr == "BOAR_ARCTIC" or spriteAnimateStr == "BOAR_WILD" then
+ modifier = 1
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ local roll = modifier + Infinity_RandomNumber(1, 4) -- 1d4 / 1d4+1
+ --
+ if sprite:getLocalInt("cdtweaksAnimalLastStand") == 1 then
+ if sprite.m_nLastDamageTaken >= sprite.m_baseStats.m_hitPoints and not GT_Utility_EffectCheck(sprite, {["m_effectId"] = 55, ["m_sourceRes"] = "%INNATE_ANIMAL_LAST_STAND%B"}) then
+ local lastHitter = EEex_GameObject_Get(sprite.m_lHitter.m_Instance)
+ --
+ local effectCodes = {
+ {["op"] = 3, ["p2"] = 1, ["dur"] = 6 * roll}, -- berserk (mode: constant)
+ {["op"] = 176, ["p2"] = 5, ["p1"] = 200, ["dur"] = 6 * roll}, -- movement rate bonus (200%)
+ {["op"] = 215, ["res"] = "ICSTRENI", ["p2"] = 1, ["dur"] = 2}, -- play visual effect (over target: attached)
+ {["op"] = 142, ["p2"] = 4, ["dur"] = 6 * roll}, -- icon: berserk
+ {["op"] = 55, ["p2"] = 2, ["dur"] = 6 * roll, ["tmg"] = 4}, -- slay creature
+ }
+ --
+ for _, attributes in ipairs(effectCodes) do
+ sprite:applyEffect({
+ ["effectID"] = attributes["op"] or -1,
+ ["effectAmount"] = attributes["p1"] or 0,
+ ["dwFlags"] = attributes["p2"] or 0,
+ ["res"] = attributes["res"] or "",
+ ["duration"] = attributes["dur"] or 0,
+ ["durationType"] = attributes["tmg"] or 0,
+ ["m_sourceRes"] = "%INNATE_ANIMAL_LAST_STAND%B",
+ ["m_sourceType"] = 1,
+ ["noSave"] = true,
+ ["sourceID"] = lastHitter.m_id,
+ ["sourceTarget"] = sprite.m_id,
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- cdtweaks, Last Stand innate feat for Bears and Boars: Apply passive trait --
+ -- Sanity check
+ if not EEex_GameObject_IsSprite(sprite) then
+ return
+ end
+ -- internal function that applies the actual feat
+ local apply = function()
+ -- Mark the creature as 'feat applied'
+ sprite:setLocalInt("cdtweaksAnimalLastStand", 1)
+ --
+ sprite:applyEffect({
+ ["effectID"] = 321, -- Remove effects by resource
+ ["sourceID"] = sprite.m_id,
+ ["sourceTarget"] = sprite.m_id,
+ })
+ sprite:applyEffect({
+ ["effectID"] = 208, -- Min HP
+ ["effectAmount"] = 1,
+ ["durationType"] = 9,
+ ["m_sourceRes"] = "%INNATE_ANIMAL_LAST_STAND%",
+ ["sourceID"] = sprite.m_id,
+ ["sourceTarget"] = sprite.m_id,
+ })
+ --[[sprite:applyEffect({
+ ["effectID"] = 403, -- Screen effects
+ ["effectAmount"] = modifier,
+ ["durationType"] = 9,
+ ["res"] = "%INNATE_ANIMAL_LAST_STAND%", -- Lua func
+ ["m_sourceRes"] = "%INNATE_ANIMAL_LAST_STAND%",
+ ["sourceID"] = sprite.m_id,
+ ["sourceTarget"] = sprite.m_id,
+ })--]]
+ end
+ -- Check creature's general / class / race / animate
+ local spriteGeneralStr = GT_Resource_IDSToSymbol["general"][sprite.m_typeAI.m_General]
+ local spriteRaceStr = GT_Resource_IDSToSymbol["race"][sprite.m_typeAI.m_Race]
+ local spriteClassStr = GT_Resource_IDSToSymbol["class"][sprite.m_typeAI.m_Class]
+ local spriteAnimateStr = GT_Resource_IDSToSymbol["animate"][sprite.m_animation.m_animation.m_animationID]
+ --
+ local applyAbility = false
+ --
+ if spriteGeneralStr == "ANIMAL" then
+ if spriteRaceStr == "BEAR" then
+ if spriteClassStr == "BEAR_BROWN" or spriteClassStr == "BEAR_CAVE" or spriteClassStr == "BEAR_POLAR" then
+ applyAbility = true
+ end
+ elseif spriteAnimateStr == "BOAR_ARCTIC" or spriteAnimateStr == "BOAR_WILD" then
+ applyAbility = true
+ end
+ end
+ --
+ if sprite:getLocalInt("cdtweaksAnimalLastStand") == 0 then
+ if applyAbility then
+ apply()
+ end
+ else
+ if applyAbility then
+ -- do nothing
+ else
+ -- Mark the creature as 'feat removed'
+ sprite:setLocalInt("cdtweaksAnimalLastStand", 0)
+ --
+ sprite:applyEffect({
+ ["effectID"] = 321, -- Remove effects by resource
+ ["sourceID"] = sprite.m_id,
+ ["sourceTarget"] = sprite.m_id,
+ })
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/cdtweaks/readme-cdtweaks.html b/cdtweaks/readme-cdtweaks.html
index 84c933f..ffea8bc 100644
--- a/cdtweaks/readme-cdtweaks.html
+++ b/cdtweaks/readme-cdtweaks.html
@@ -1098,6 +1098,18 @@ Rule Changes
- Use: automatic, but only available to Monks.
+ Make Bears and Boars continue fighting after reaching 0 hit points [Luke]
+ EEex
+ This component aims at implementing the PnP behavior Make Bears and Boars continue fighting after reaching 0 hit points.
+ In particular, after reaching 0 hit points, the creature will not immediately die, but go berserk for a small number rounds (Brown / Cave bears: 1d4
, Polar bears / boars: 1d4+1
), attacking friends and foes alike.
+ Notes:
+ - Black Bears are unaffected by this tweak.
+ - Spells such as Finger of Death or Power Word, Kill can still immediately slay the creature.
Convenience Tweaks and/or Cheats
diff --git a/cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2 b/cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2
index 5e97fb6..254d8a8 100644
--- a/cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2
+++ b/cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2
@@ -2990,6 +2990,19 @@ REQUIRE_PREDICATE MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~EEex.tp2~ 0 @29
REQUIRE_PREDICATE FILE_EXISTS ~cdtweaks/languages/%LANGUAGE%/circle_kick.tra~ @7
LABEL ~cd_tweaks_circle_kick~
+///// \\\\\/////
+///// Make Bears and Boars continue fighting after reaching 0 hit points \\\\\
+///// \\\\\/////
+BEGIN @282000 DESIGNATED 2820
+LABEL ~cd_tweaks_bears_and_boars~
///// \\\\\
From 210352cfd6b276abe87b7992637d2126b8b9ff78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 4Luke4
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 11:22:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Create comp_2820.tpa
cdtweaks/lib/comp_2820.tpa | 15 +++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 15 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 cdtweaks/lib/comp_2820.tpa
diff --git a/cdtweaks/lib/comp_2820.tpa b/cdtweaks/lib/comp_2820.tpa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddaa5b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdtweaks/lib/comp_2820.tpa
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+///// /////
+///// Make Bears and Boars continue fighting after reaching 0 hit points \\\\\
+///// \\\\\
+ INCLUDE "cdtweaks\luke\misc.tph"
+ //
+ INCLUDE "cdtweaks\lib\innate_animal_last_stand.tph"
+ //
\ No newline at end of file
From c74131f70ec74bdb1d21a2f07475bdbe78307d01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 4Luke4
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 17:03:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Change DESIGNATED number
Misc tweaks.
cdtweaks/languages/english/weidu.tra | 30 +-------------------
cdtweaks/languages/italian/weidu.tra | 28 +-----------------
cdtweaks/lib/comp_2660.tpa | 22 +++++++-------
cdtweaks/lib/comp_2820.tpa | 15 ----------
cdtweaks/lib/innate_animal_last_stand.tph | 3 +-
cdtweaks/luke/lua/race/animal_last_stand.lua | 18 ++++++++----
cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2 | 3 +-
7 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 cdtweaks/lib/comp_2820.tpa
diff --git a/cdtweaks/languages/english/weidu.tra b/cdtweaks/languages/english/weidu.tra
index 0441cfe..ed62222 100644
--- a/cdtweaks/languages/english/weidu.tra
+++ b/cdtweaks/languages/english/weidu.tra
@@ -457,35 +457,7 @@ The uninstall messages above are normal and expected.
@264000 = "PnP Potions [Luke]"
-@265000 = "Spontaneous Casting for Clerics [Luke]"
-@266000 = "Weapon Finesse feat for Thieves [Luke]"
-@267000 = "Dual-Wield feat for Rangers [Luke]"
-@268000 = ~"Force" the Archer kit to use bows [Luke]~
-@269000 = "NWN-ish Armor vs. Dexterity [Luke]"
-@270000 = "Defensive Roll feat for Thieves [Luke]"
-@271000 = "Divine Grace / Dark Blessing feat for Paladins / Blackguards [Luke]"
-@272000 = "Good Aim racial feat for Halflings [Luke]"
-@273000 = "Cleave Feat for Fighters [Luke]"
-@274000 = "Sneak Attack class feat for Blackguards [Luke]"
-@275000 = "Fearless racial feat for Halflings [Luke]"
-@276000 = "Poison Save class feat for Assassins [Luke]"
-@277000 = "Planar Turning class feat for Clerics / Paladins [Luke]"
-@278000 = "Circle Kick class feat for Monks [Luke]"
-@282000 = "Make Bears and Boars continue fighting after reaching 0 hit points [Luke]"
+@266000 = "Make Bears and Boars continue fighting after reaching 0 hit points [Luke (EEex)]"
diff --git a/cdtweaks/languages/italian/weidu.tra b/cdtweaks/languages/italian/weidu.tra
index 37f46ba..e6fa945 100644
--- a/cdtweaks/languages/italian/weidu.tra
+++ b/cdtweaks/languages/italian/weidu.tra
@@ -410,33 +410,7 @@ o rimpiazzata da - un'altra facente parte di uno dei mods installati.~
// @257000 = ~BGT: Limite di esperienza aggiuntivo mentre sei in BG~
// @257100 = ~BGT: Limite di esperienza aggiuntivo in SoA~
-@265000 = "Aggiungi talento di classe Lancio Spontaneo per i Chierici [Luke]"
-@266000 = "Aggiungi talento Arma Preferita per i Ladri [Luke]"
-@267000 = "Aggiungi talento Doppia-Presa per i Ranger [Luke]"
-@269000 = "Armatura vs. Destrezza in stile NWN [Luke]"
-@270000 = "Aggiungi talento Tiro Difensivo per i ladri [Luke]"
-@271000 = "Grazia Divina / Benedizione Oscura per Paladini / Guardie Nere [Luke]"
-@272000 = "Aggiungi talento razziale Buona Mira per gli Halfling [Luke]"
-@273000 = "Aggiungi talento di classe Incalzare per i Guerrieri [Luke]"
-@274000 = "Aggiungi talento di classe Attacco Furtivo per Guardie Nere [Luke]"
-@275000 = "Aggiungi talento razziale Temerario per gli Halfling [Luke]"
-@276000 = "Aggiungi talento di classe Resistenza ai Veleni per Assassini [Luke]"
-@277000 = "Aggiungi talento di classe Scacciare Creature Extraplanari per Paladini e Chierici [Luke]"
-@278000 = "Aggiungi talento di classe Calcio Rotante per i Monaci [Luke]"
-@282000 = "Gli Orsi e i Cinghiali continueranno a combattere dopo aver raggiunto 0 punti ferita [Luke]"
+@266000 = "Gli Orsi e i Cinghiali continueranno a combattere dopo aver raggiunto 0 punti ferita [Luke (EEex)]"
diff --git a/cdtweaks/lib/comp_2660.tpa b/cdtweaks/lib/comp_2660.tpa
index 2219330..ddaa5b7 100644
--- a/cdtweaks/lib/comp_2660.tpa
+++ b/cdtweaks/lib/comp_2660.tpa
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-///// \\\\\
-///// Weapon Finesse for Thieves \\\\\
-///// \\\\\
+///// /////
+///// Make Bears and Boars continue fighting after reaching 0 hit points \\\\\
+///// \\\\\
INCLUDE "cdtweaks\luke\misc.tph"
- INCLUDE "cdtweaks\lib\weapon_finesse.tph"
- WITH_TRA "cdtweaks\languages\english\weapon_finesse.tra" "cdtweaks\languages\%LANGUAGE%\weapon_finesse.tra" BEGIN
+ //
+ INCLUDE "cdtweaks\lib\innate_animal_last_stand.tph"
+ //
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cdtweaks/lib/comp_2820.tpa b/cdtweaks/lib/comp_2820.tpa
deleted file mode 100644
index ddaa5b7..0000000
--- a/cdtweaks/lib/comp_2820.tpa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-///// /////
-///// Make Bears and Boars continue fighting after reaching 0 hit points \\\\\
-///// \\\\\
- INCLUDE "cdtweaks\luke\misc.tph"
- //
- INCLUDE "cdtweaks\lib\innate_animal_last_stand.tph"
- //
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cdtweaks/lib/innate_animal_last_stand.tph b/cdtweaks/lib/innate_animal_last_stand.tph
index 1871b88..d0d2808 100644
--- a/cdtweaks/lib/innate_animal_last_stand.tph
+++ b/cdtweaks/lib/innate_animal_last_stand.tph
@@ -7,6 +7,5 @@ BEGIN
- LAF "APPEND_LUA_FUNCTION" STR_VAR "description" = "Misc Tweaks (Innate)" "sourceFileSpec" = "cdtweaks\luke\lua\race\animal_last_stand.lua" "destRes" = "m_gtspin" END
- LAF "APPEND_LUA_FUNCTION" STR_VAR "description" = "Utility Functions / Listeners" "sourceFileSpec" = "cdtweaks\luke\lua\utility\effect_check.lua" "destRes" = "m_gtutil" END
+ LAF "APPEND_LUA_FUNCTION" STR_VAR "description" = "Innate Abilities" "sourceFileSpec" = "cdtweaks\luke\lua\race\animal_last_stand.lua" "destRes" = "m_gtspin" END
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cdtweaks/luke/lua/race/animal_last_stand.lua b/cdtweaks/luke/lua/race/animal_last_stand.lua
index 7aae8b1..4936301 100644
--- a/cdtweaks/luke/lua/race/animal_last_stand.lua
+++ b/cdtweaks/luke/lua/race/animal_last_stand.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
--- cdtweaks, Last Stand innate feat for Bears and Boars: op208 grants protection from directly applied op13, so make sure to kill the creature --
+| cdtweaks, Last Stand innate feat for Bears and Boars |
--[[function %INNATE_ANIMAL_LAST_STAND%(op403CGameEffect, CGameEffect, CGameSprite)
local immunityToKill = EEex_Trigger_ParseConditionalString("EEex_IsImmuneToOpcode(Myself,13)")
@@ -29,7 +33,7 @@
--- cdtweaks, Last Stand innate feat for Bears and Boars: The boar/bear will fight for (1d4/1d4+1) rounds after reaching 0 hit points. The creature will go berserk attacking friends and foes alike
+-- The boar/bear will fight for (1d4/1d4+1) rounds after reaching 0 hit points. The creature will go berserk attacking friends and foes alike --
-- Sanity check
@@ -59,7 +63,9 @@ EEex_Opcode_AddListsResolvedListener(function(sprite)
local roll = modifier + Infinity_RandomNumber(1, 4) -- 1d4 / 1d4+1
if sprite:getLocalInt("cdtweaksAnimalLastStand") == 1 then
- if sprite.m_nLastDamageTaken >= sprite.m_baseStats.m_hitPoints and not GT_Utility_EffectCheck(sprite, {["m_effectId"] = 55, ["m_sourceRes"] = "%INNATE_ANIMAL_LAST_STAND%B"}) then
+ if sprite.m_nLastDamageTaken >= sprite.m_baseStats.m_hitPoints and sprite:getLocalInt("gtAnimalRunningWild") == 0 then
+ sprite:setLocalInt("gtAnimalRunningWild", 1)
+ --
local lastHitter = EEex_GameObject_Get(sprite.m_lHitter.m_Instance)
local effectCodes = {
@@ -67,17 +73,19 @@ EEex_Opcode_AddListsResolvedListener(function(sprite)
{["op"] = 176, ["p2"] = 5, ["p1"] = 200, ["dur"] = 6 * roll}, -- movement rate bonus (200%)
{["op"] = 215, ["res"] = "ICSTRENI", ["p2"] = 1, ["dur"] = 2}, -- play visual effect (over target: attached)
{["op"] = 142, ["p2"] = 4, ["dur"] = 6 * roll}, -- icon: berserk
+ {["op"] = 187, ["p1"] = 0, ["effvar"] = "gtAnimalRunningWild", ["dur"] = 6 * roll, ["tmg"] = 4}, -- set local var (reset to 0 in case the animal gets resurrected)
{["op"] = 55, ["p2"] = 2, ["dur"] = 6 * roll, ["tmg"] = 4}, -- slay creature
for _, attributes in ipairs(effectCodes) do
- ["effectID"] = attributes["op"] or -1,
+ ["effectID"] = attributes["op"] or EEex_Error("opcode number not specified"),
["effectAmount"] = attributes["p1"] or 0,
["dwFlags"] = attributes["p2"] or 0,
["res"] = attributes["res"] or "",
["duration"] = attributes["dur"] or 0,
["durationType"] = attributes["tmg"] or 0,
+ ["m_scriptName"] = attributes["effvar"] or "",
["m_sourceRes"] = "%INNATE_ANIMAL_LAST_STAND%B",
["m_sourceType"] = 1,
["noSave"] = true,
@@ -89,7 +97,7 @@ EEex_Opcode_AddListsResolvedListener(function(sprite)
--- cdtweaks, Last Stand innate feat for Bears and Boars: Apply passive trait --
+-- Apply passive trait --
-- Sanity check
diff --git a/cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2 b/cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2
index 254d8a8..80c9d11 100644
--- a/cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2
+++ b/cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2
@@ -2998,8 +2998,9 @@ LABEL ~cd_tweaks_circle_kick~
-BEGIN @282000 DESIGNATED 2820
+BEGIN @266000 DESIGNATED 2660
+REQUIRE_PREDICATE GAME_IS ~bgee bg2ee eet iwdee~ @25
LABEL ~cd_tweaks_bears_and_boars~