Similar to the title, the main idea of this idea is the sum of the gradient, the question is when we do that?
Normally, to make a deep learning model better, we need to increase the resolution of the image fed to the model, or the size of model (more layer, each layer is deeper). Unfortunately, all of those options rise the number of parameters which leads to an increase in GPU memory, for example, EfficientNet B7 need nearly 10GB per image with input size 600x600 (the size use by the author). It will not suitable for some people who do not have the condition for large Memory capacity in their private PC or rent the server.
So this accumulation gradient for when we cannot feed a large batch size into our GPU at once but still able to get the same performance in optimization step. Let play around with the mathematics to demonstrate how it works.
Please move to code part if you only need implement
Assume that we have a Mean-Squared-Error loss, and the last layer will be a Dense layer without any activate function, our formula will become:
Now we need to find the derivative of
We can easily see that the gradient also the accumulate of the gradient of each
In some situations, we have to take batch size equal 1 because of memory problem, and if we update the parameter with each samples, the model will be unstable and
It is very easy to implement with Pytorch when we understand well about loss.backward()
, optim.step()
, optim.zero_grad()
, and the way how can they generate the computation graph in Pytorch. Maybe I am wrong in this step, please check the discussion on Pytorch forum in the references for more information. Further, those step and knowleadge should be implement for dynamic graph only (for more details, take a look in this articles), so I am not sure the same idea can implement on Tensorflow or not, even Tensorflow 2.0 and above.
model = RandomModel() # model generate, generate the graph
optimizer = torch.optim.adam(model.parameters(), lr = 1e-3) # optimizer generate
criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss() # loss generate
for data in DataLoader():
optimizer.zero_grad() # release all the gradient values out of the graph
x = data['image'].cuda()
y = data['label'].cuda()
output = model(x) # fill values to the graph, this inference will hold the cache for backward step, the GPU memory increase
loss = criterion(output, y)
loss.backward() # fill the gradient to the graph, release the input value
optimizer.step() # update all parameter, this step should consume the same
Now, we know that our memory problem come from loss.backward()
, we just need to modify it
real_batch = 64
for i,data in enumerate(DataLoader()):
x = data['image'].cuda()
y = data['label'].cuda()
output = model(x)
loss = criterion(output, y)
if i % real_batch == 0:
optimizer.step() # update after take gradient of 64 samples
Remember that for loss.backward()
, the final result will be sum of gradient, not average, so to devide for the number of samples, my solution right now is divide the learning rate for the batch size in SGD case only, take a look back to math formula of other optimizer, we can see that they do the various thing with gradient before update so scale the learning rate maybe not a good idea (still wait for the answer on Forum)
lr /= real_batch # 64 in the example above
optimizer = torch.optim.adam(model.parameters(), lr = lr)
I get the answer for the question above, even there is no mathematics proof, but the author reached the second rank in the huge competition on Kaggle so I think I can trust him, the correct code should be:
real_batch = 64
for i,data in enumerate(DataLoader()):
x = data['image'].cuda()
y = data['label'].cuda()
output = model(x)
loss = criterion(output, y)
(loss/real_batch).backward() # here, it take the average
if i % real_batch == 0:
optimizer.step() # update after take gradient of 64 samples
Another note
All the code snippets in this article use batch size equal 1 in the DataLoader.