This is a bare minimum Chat application using Stream Chat SDK build using Expo without any customization.
- Install the expo command line tool and other requirements as specified in the expo official installation documentation
git clone
- In the root install the dependencies:
yarn install
- Move to the
directory and install the dependencies:
cd package && yarn install
- Move to the
directory and install the dependencies:
cd expo-package && yarn install
- Finally, Move to the app directory and install the dependencies:
cd ../../examples/ExpoMessaging && yarn install
To run the application for different platforms, use the following commands:
- For iOS
yarn ios
- For android
yarn android
If your Android build fails please add the following snippet on the android/
to make it work.
# Disabled hermes in favour of broken Android build due to the package `react-native-quick-sqlite`:
# To Fix:
# A problem occurred evaluating project ':react-native-quick-sqlite'.
# > Cannot get property 'hermesEnabled' on extra properties extension as it does not exist
# disables the check for multiple instances for gesture handler
# this is needed for react-native-gesture-handler to be both a devDep of core and be a dep on the expo sample app