This repo uses ESLint to enforce our style guide for the JavaScript and JSON files.
To configure ESLint:
- Install an ESLint extension for your preffered code editor
- Install ESLint globally using
npm install -g eslint
- Install ESLint JSON plugin
npm install -g eslint-plugin-json
- Run the install-hooks script
to create a pre-commit ESLint check
The ESLint extension should pick up the .ESLint.yml file in this repo and display an error or warning if any style rules are broken.
ESLint can also be run from the console using eslint **/* --ext .json
this will run ESLint on all files that have not been ignored using the .ESLintignore file.
--ext .json
is used to tell ESLint that we want to inspect .json files as well as .js files.
The style rules can be ignored using //eslint-disable-line rule-name
This should only be used in circumstances when the intention of the rule does not apply.