geoportailv3 is the implementation of the v3 of the map viewer of the luxembourgish geoportal.
Read the Documentation <>
The following must be installed on the system:
git clone [email protected]:Geoportail-Luxembourg/geoportailv3.git
cd geoportailv3
make build
To some extent, it is possible to simulate the services needed by the
application using [email protected]:camptocamp/luxembourg_dev_db.git
Clone that repository and there run: make
In order to work with a database dump, simply put the sql file there before running make
To start the composition use: make run
and open http://localhost:8080.
Alternatively, to start the dev composition use: make dev
and open http://localhost:8080/dev/main.html.
Until the migration is finished, the database must be fixed by doing: make fix-db
The local ldap contains a single user: c2c/test1234 with admin rights. See docker-compose exec geoportal ldapsearch -x -H ldap://ldap -b ou=portail,dc=act,dc=lu -D "login=c2c,ou=portail,dc=act,dc=lu" -w test1234 -LL '*'
The print service is available directly at http://localhost:28080/.
Emails are sent to /var/mail/root. The mutt
application is part of the image
and can be used to visualize sent emails.
To rebuild the JS API inside docker, do:
make rebuild-js-api
To open jsapi: http://localhost:8080/proj/1.0/build/apidoc/examples/
To open jsapi in debug mode: http://localhost:8080/proj/1.0/build/apidoc/examples/?debug
User management is handled by the LDAP, both in production and on the local machine during developments. The LDAP access is configured with the LDAP_* environment variables. See .env, docker-compose.yaml and geoportal/config.yaml.
Checkout or copy c2cgeoportal
in geoportal/c2cgeoportal
and checkout the right branch.
Then cd geoportal/c2cgeoportal
and build it: make docker-build
as specified
on the c2cgeoportal server-side development page.
In the geoportal/Dockerfile
file just before the application pip install add:
pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --editable=/app/c2cgeoportal/commons && \
pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --editable=/app/c2cgeoportal/geoportal && \
pip install --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --editable=/app/c2cgeoportal/admin
In the geoportal/.dockerignore
file add:
The translation worflow is as follows:
- make update-pots # Replace pot files with new ones using a running composition
- make update-translations # push new pots to transifex
- make pull-translations # retrieve pos from transifex
- make build # build image using updated po files
Update version in:
- geoportal/luxembourg_requirements.txt
- replace geoportal/upstrean_requirements.txt using the corresponding version
- check the docs / adapt the code