pgAdmin is a client application for PostgreSQL that works as a graphical interface for querying and managing our PostgreSQL database server.
It's an Open Source community project, actively developed and maintained by the pgAdmin Development Team. There are versions for Linux, macOS and Windows, and more recently, also Python Wheel and Docker
There is plenty of information at the official website, and also:
pgAdmin allows connecting to local and remote PostgreSQL servers, creating new databases and fully manage them:
- Create, alter, drop relations
- Query data
- Update and Insert new data
- Execute SQL queries
- Create extensions, roles, sequences, triggers, etc
Create a server, you will need to specify:
- Name
- host
- port
- user
- password
depending on the parameters used when you installed the database.
- After the connection is succesful, we'll be able to see something like this:
Once connected to our PostgreSQL server, we can create a new database
On the SQL tab you can see the actual SQL query that's executed to create the database with those parameters:
OWNER = postgres
IS 'A database with geospatial capability';
Adding geospatial capabilities requires adding the PostGIS extension. Assuming the extension is already installed on your PostgreSQL server, the only thing we need to do is activating it for this database.
There are other extensions included with PostGIS, but for the sake of this workshop, we'll keep it simple and add only postgis
That's done through the CREATE EXTENSION
command, or using pgAdmin interface:
SCHEMA public
VERSION "2.3.1";
Let's check that we have indeed added spatial capabilities to our database. Let's open the Query Tool and type:
SELECT ST_Point(44.5, -3.50)
We'll see more complex examples of geospatial queries later today, so let's continue.
Download the file
Inspect the file content to see the data structure and which data types we'll need for our table:
| fid | population | adm0name | name | longitude | latitude |
Create empty table in pgAdmin to hold the data.
Use the Import/Export tool to copy data from the file to the table in your database.
We need to pay attention to the delimiter, quoting and
strings and whether our file contains headers or not.Another important point here is the default encoding of the database, which is defined during the installation, and the encoding of the file. More info
It's also important to take into account the order of the columns. It should be the same as in the CSV file
This operation could also be performed with:
COPY populated_places(fid, population, adm0name, name, longitude, latitude) FROM '/path/to/file/populated_places.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV HEADER;
Let's check that our data is actually there. Open the Query Tool and type:
SELECT * FROM populated_places;
So, we already have a table with some data, but we're still not using any geo capability. Let's create Point geometries from our longitude
and latitude
- Add a column of type
, calledthe_geom
. Get more information about geospatial data types here
ALTER TABLE public.populated_places
ADD COLUMN the_geom geometry;
- Populate it from
values withST_MakePoint()
. Open Query Tools and type:
UPDATE populated_places
SET the_geom = ST_SetSRID(
it should return:
Query returned successfully in 137 msec.
Let's check what the_geom
contains now:
SELECT ST_AsText(the_geom) FROM populated_places
There are many ways to create points from coordinates on separate columns, there is some discussion here
At this point we have a PostgreSQL database with the PostGIS extension enabled. Our populated_places
table should have a the_geom
column containing geometries that we can query.