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Day 4
In this tutorial, we will replicate some current analyses using the new tools we have developed. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:
- Map ancient metagenomic reads to a database of reference genomes to understand the sample's composition.
- Identify specific genomes in the ancient metagenome.
- Authenticate genomes based on damage patterns.
First, let's create the necessary folder structure in our working directory (wdir
cd ~/course/wdir
mkdir -p day4
cd day4
ln -s ~/course/data/day4/ data
Now, activate the environment for today's session:
conda activate env4
Before moving forward, we need to install a missing package:
pip install tabview
If everything went as expected, we will have our system ready for today.
Our approach for analysing ancient microbial data is a bit different from what is the norm in the field. After QC'ing our sequences we follow the following steps:
extension -> dereplication -> mapping -> reassign -> filtering -> damage estimation
One of the first steps we do is to extend the reads by doing very gentle assemblies, but before proceeding let's get some statistics for our fastQ files:
seqkit stats -j 5 -T data/fastq/PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.fq.gz | csvtk -t pretty
ℹ️ seqkit, csvtk and taxonkit are very useful tools. Check them at https://bioinf.shenwei.me/
And extend the reads using bbmap. We will need to do two different steps, first calculate how much memory we need so the extension is deterministic and then do the extension using the estimates:
MEM=$(loglog.sh seed=1234 k=17 in=data/fastq/PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.fq.gz ignorebadquality 2> >(grep Cardinality) \
| awk -vP=0.5 -vB=16 -vH=3 '{{print int( (((B*H)/8)*$2)/P )}}')
tadpole.sh -Xmx10G \
k=17 \
in=data/fastq/PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.fq.gz \
out=PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.extended.fq.gz \
mode=extend \
ibb=f \
prefilter=0 \
el=100 er=100 \
threads=5 \
overwrite=true \
trimends=9 \
ecc=f ecco=f \
filtermem="${MEM}" \
conservative=t \
Get the stats of PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.extended.fq.gz
Once the reads have been extended, we will dereplicate them:
seqkit rmdup -j 5 -s -o PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.extended.derep.fq.gz PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.extended.fq.gz
Get the stats of PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.extended.derep.fq.gz
Before mapping, we will get the original reads using the extended-dereplicated as a guide. Although we could use this set of reads for mapping, at the moment we prefer not to (any ideas why?):
filterbyname.sh in=data/fastq/PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.fq.gz out=PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.mapping.fastq.gz names=PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.extended.derep.fq.gz threads=5 overwrite=t include=t
So finally we have the reads we can use for mapping.Althoug, we use Bowtie2, we follow a slightly different strategy for mapping, First let's activate the conda environment that we need:
conda activate mapping
And let's do the mapping:
bowtie2 -p 5 -k 100 -D 10 -R 2 \
-N 1 -D 5 -R 1 -L 22 -i S,0,2.50 \
--np 1 --mp "1,1" --rdg "0,1" --rfg "0,1" --score-min "L,0,-0.1" \
-x data/db/aegenomics.db \
-q PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.mapping.fastq.gz --no-unal \
| samtools view -F 4 -b \
| samtools sort -@ 32 -m 8G -o PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.sorted.bam
We can have a look at the specific parameters at the bowtie2 manual: https://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/manual.shtml
Expand for an explanation of the parameters
There's a lot going on in this last command. First, with -k we ask for 100 alignments per read. This is because many of those reads are going to be mapping equally well to multiple references.We can adjust the % identity as a function of read length in --score-min "L,0,-0.1", where the -0.1 == 90, 0.05 == 95%. With --np, --mp, --rdg and --rfg we adjust the penalizations for mismatch, gaps, ambiguous characters...
We will do a fast search by using -N 1 -D 5 -R 1 -L 22 -i S,0,2.50. Those are the preset parameters for a fast search in Bowtie2, but with the difference that we are using -N 1 to allow a mismatch in the seed to increase sensitivity and we will use. The part -i S,0,2.5 sets the interval function f to f(x) = 0 + 2.5 * sqrt(x), where x is the read length. It means how many seed substrings will generate.
This is just an example for the tutorial, in real life you might want to use:
recommended, good compromise between sensitivity, specificity and speed: -D 15 -R 2 -N 1 -L 22 -i S,1,1.15 --np 1 --mp "1,1" --rdg "0,1" --rfg "0,1" --score-min "L,0,-0.1"
faster: -D 10 -R 2 -N 1 -L 22 -i S,0,2.50 --np 1 --mp "1,1" --rdg "0,1" --rfg "0,1" --score-min "L,0,-0.1"
more sensitive, but ~10X slower: -D 15 -R 2 -N 1 -L 20 -i S,1,1.15 --np 1 --mp "1,1" --rdg "0,1" --rfg "0,1" --score-min "L,0,-0.1"
super sensitive, but ~20X slower (Reduce -L if you want to be more sensitive): -D 15 -R 3 -N 1 -L 20 -i S,1,0.5 --np 1 --mp "1,1" --rdg "0,1" --rfg "0,1" --score-min "L,0,-0.1"
Now we have the reads mapped and ready for the next step!
Now is time to process the BAM file, filter out references with uneven coverages and estimate taxonomic abundances.
First we will remove duplicates from the BAM files:
And we will use sambamba to remove duplicates. Sambamba has similar heuristics than Picard, but is way faster:
sambamba markdup -r -t 5 -p PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.sorted.bam PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.sorted.rmdup.bam
Then we reassign reads to the reference they belong using an E-M algorithm that takes into account the alignment score.
filterBAM reassign \
-r data/misc/aegenomics.db.len.map \
--bam PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.sorted.rmdup.bam \
-t 5 \
-i 0 \
-m "8G" \
-o PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.reassigned.bam \
-n 3
Then we run the filtering step, which estimates several metrics for each reference in our BAM file and filters out those that do not meet the defined criteria:
filterBAM filter \
--bam PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.reassigned.bam \
-N \
-r data/misc/aegenomics.db.len.map \
-A 92 \
-a 94 \
-n 100 \
-b 0.75 \
-B 0.01 \
-t 5 \
--sort-memory 8G \
--include-low-detection \
--stats PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.stats.tsv.gz \
--stats-filtered PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.stats-filtered.tsv.gz \
--bam-filtered PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.filtered.bam
Expand for an explanation of the parameters
There's a lot going on in this last command: We use -N to sort the filtered BAM files by name, so it can be used by metaDMG. The `-r` specifies where we can find the non-concatenated length of the references for the abundance estimation. With `-A` we will only keep those reads with at least 92% ANI and `-a` will keep those references with at least 94% of average ANI. The `-n` will keep only those references with at least 100 reads mapping.And... what are the -b and -B accounting for?
Lastly, we perform an LCA analysis using the reads that passed the filtering criteria and estimate the taxonomic abundances:
filterBAM lca \
--bam PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.filtered.bam \
-r data/misc/aegenomics.db.len.map \
-m "8G" \
-t 5 \
--names data/taxonomy/names.dmp \
--nodes data/taxonomy/nodes.dmp \
--acc2taxid data/taxonomy/acc2taxid.map.gz \
--lca-summary PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.lca-summary.tsv.gz \
--stats PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.stats-filtered.tsv.gz
Let's deactivate the mapping
conda deactivate
Let's have a look at the results of the filtering:
zcat PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.stats-filtered.tsv.gz \
| csvtk cut -t -T -f "reference,n_reads,read_ani_mean,read_ani_std,coverage_mean,breadth,exp_breadth,breadth_exp_ratio,norm_entropy,norm_gini,cov_evenness,tax_abund_tad" \
| csvtk grep -r -t -v -f reference -p _plas -p _mito \
| csvtk sort -t -T -k "n_reads:Nr" \
| tabview -
We will explore four different examples to understand the effect of each filter. We will get the references GCA_002781685.1
, IMGVR_UViG_3300027782_000260
and GCA_014380485.1
printf "GCA_002781685.1\nIMGVR_UViG_3300027782_000260\nGCA_014380485.1" > ref-list.txt
getRPercId --bam PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.sorted.rmdup.bam --reference-list ref-list.txt --threads 5 --sort-memory 8G
Activate the environment with the necessary tools:
conda activate env2
And let's explore the coverage patterns:
bamcov -w 0 -m GCA_002781685.1.bam
bamcov -w 0 -m GCA_014380485.1.bam
bamcov -w 0 -m IMGVR_UViG_3300027782_000260.bam
No that we have our set of refined references, is time to authenticate them, this means to look for damage patterns. We recently developed a new method that can estimate damage over thousands of taxa (LCA mode), references (local mode) or provide a global estimate (global mode).
Let's first activate the needed environment:
conda activate metaDMG
We will use the LCA approach which allows retrieving damage estimates for alignments classified to the given taxonomic levels. For this, we first run the integrated Least Common Ancestor algorithm (ngsLCA):
metaDMG-cpp lca \
--bam PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.filtered.bam \
--threads 5 \
--names data/taxonomy/names.dmp \
--nodes data/taxonomy/nodes.dmp \
--acc2tax data/taxonomy/acc2taxid.map.gz \
--fix_ncbi 0 \
--how_many 35 \
--sim_score_low 0 \
--weight_type 1 \
--out_prefix "PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162"
Let's rename one of the output files in order to avoid overwriting it in future steps:
mv PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.stat.gz PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.lca.stat.gz
Next, we run the dfit function which performs numerical optimization of the deamination frequencies based on the mismatch matrix (PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.bdamage.gz) to estimate four parameters: A,q,c,phi.
metaDMG-cpp dfit PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.bdamage.gz \
--names data/taxonomy/names.dmp \
--nodes data/taxonomy/nodes.dmp \
--showfits 2 \
--nopt 5 \
--out_prefix "PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162" \
--threads 5
Lastly, we run the aggregate function to obtain some lca statistics through the tree structure:
metaDMG-cpp aggregate \
PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.bdamage.gz \
--lcastat PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162.lca.stat.gz \
--names data/taxonomy/names.dmp \
--nodes data/taxonomy/nodes.dmp \
-o PRI-TJPGK-CATN-160-162
conda deactivate metaDMG
Let's load the R environment and lunch a r terminal attached to the VSC workspace:
conda activate r
We will open the R scripts in the folder ~/course/data/day4/src
in VS Code and load the r