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+# Asaru Sim Documentation
+`AsaruSim` is an automated Nextflow workflow designed for simulating 10x single-cell Nanopore reads. It allows to benchmark and optimize single-cell Nanopore long read data processing pipelines.
+![Workflow Schema](images/workflow.png)
+## Prerequisites
+Before starting, ensure the following tools are installed and properly set up on your system:
+- **Nextflow**: A workflow engine for complex data pipelines. [Installation guide for Nextflow](https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/getstarted.html).
+- **Docker** or **Singularity**: Containers for packaging necessary software, ensuring reproducibility. [Docker installation guide](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/), [Singularity installation guide](https://sylabs.io/guides/3.0/user-guide/installation.html).
+- **Git**: Required to clone the workflow repository. [Git installation guide](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git).
+## Installation
+Clone the `AsaruSim` GitHub repository:
+git clone https://github.com/alihamraoui/AsaruSim.git
+cd AsaruSim
+## Configuration
+Customize runs by editing the `nextflow.config` file and/or specifying parameters at the command line.
+### Pipeline Input Parameters
+Here are the primary input parameters for configuring the workflow:
+| Parameter | Description | Default Value |
+| `matrix` | Path to the count matrix csv file (required) | `test_data/matrix.csv` |
+| `bc_counts` | Path to the barcode count file | `test_data/test_bc.csv` |
+| `transcriptome` | Path to the reference transcriptome file (required) | `test_data/transcriptome.fa` |
+| `features` | Matrix feature counts | `transcript_id` |
+| `gtf` | Path to transcriptom annotation .gtf file | `null` |
+| `cell_types_annotation` | Path to cell type annotation .csv file | `null` |
+### Error/Qscore Parameters
+Configuration for error model:
+| Parameter | Description | Default Value |
+| `trained_model` | Badread pre-trained error/Qscore model name | `nanopore2023` |
+| `badread_identity` | Comma-separated values for Badread identity parameters | `"98,2,99"` |
+| `error_model` | Custom error model file (optional) | `null` |
+| `qscore_model` | Custom Q-score model file (optional) | `null` |
+| `build_model` | to build your own error/Qscor model | `false` |
+| `model_fastq` | reference real read (.fastq) to train error model (optional) | `false` |
+| `ref_genome` | reference genome .fasta file (optional) | `false` |
+### Additional Parameters
+| Parameter | Description | Default Value |
+| `amp` | Amplification factor | `1` |
+| `outdir` | Output directory for results | `"results"` |
+| `projectName` | Name of the project | `"test_project"` |
+### Run Parameters
+Configuration for running the workflow:
+| Parameter | Description | Default Value |
+| `threads` | Number of threads to use | `4` |
+| `container` | Docker container for the workflow | `'hamraouii/wf-SLSim'` |
+| `docker.runOptions` | Docker run options to use | `'-u $(id -u):$(id -g)'` |
+## Execution
+To run the workflow with basic example:
+You can simulate a realistic disribution of per barcodes UMI counts by providing in addition to the filtered counts matrix a .csv file of BC counts. AsaruSim will add a random transcrips count to fit the real distribution.
+nextflow run main.nf --matrix test_data/matrix.csv \
+ --bc_counts test_data/test_bc.csv \
+ --transcriptome test_data/transcriptome.fa \
+User can choose among 4 ways to simulate template reads.
+- use a real count matrix
+- estimated the parameter from a real count matrix to simulate synthetic count matrix
+- specified by his/her own the input parameter
+- a combination of the above options
+#### use a real count matrix
+nextflow run main.nf --matrix test_data/matrix.csv \
+ --transcriptome test_data/transcriptome.fa
+#### estimated the parameter from a real count matrix
+nextflow run main.nf --matrix test_data/matrix.csv \
+ --transcriptome test_data/transcriptome.fa
+#### specified by his/her own the input parameter
+nextflow run main.nf --matrix test_data/matrix.csv \
+ --transcriptome test_data/transcriptome.fa
+#### combination case
+nextflow run main.nf --matrix test_data/matrix.csv \
+ --transcriptome test_data/transcriptome.fa
+We use SPARSIM tools to simulate count matrix. for more information a bout synthetic count matrix, please read [SPARSIM](https://gitlab.com/sysbiobig/sparsim/-/blob/master/vignettes/sparsim.Rmd?ref_type=heads#Sec_Input_parameter_estimated_from_data) documentaion.
+## example:
+nextflow run main.nf --matrix test_data/matrix.csv \
+ --bc_counts test_data/test_bc.csv \
+ --transcriptome test_data/transcriptome.fa \
+## Results
+After execution, results will be available in the specified `--outdir`. This includes simulated Nanopore reads `.fastq`, along with log files and QC report.
+## Cleaning Up
+To clean up temporary files generated by Nextflow:
+nextflow clean -f
+## Acknowledgements
+- We would like to express our gratitude to [Youyupei](https://github.com/youyupei) for the development of [SLSim](https://github.com/youyupei/SLSim), which has been foundational to the `AsaruSim` workflow.
+- Additionally, our thanks go to the teams behind [Badread](https://github.com/rrwick/Badread) and [SPARSim](https://gitlab.com/sysbiobig/sparsim), whose tools are integral to the `AsaruSim` workflow.
+## Support and Contributions
+For support, please open an issue in the repository's "Issues" section. Contributions via Pull Requests are welcome. Follow the contribution guidelines specified in `CONTRIBUTING.md`.
+## License
+`AsaruSim` is distributed under a specific license. Check the `LICENSE` file in the GitHub repository for details.
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import os, sys, math
from toolkit import multiprocessing_submit
YELLOW = "\033[93m"
GRAY = "\033[90m"
RESET = "\033[0m"
@@ -13,14 +12,15 @@
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=GRAY+ '%(message)s' +RESET)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Script for generating template sequences for scRNAseq simulation.")
-parser.add_argument('-f','--template', type=str, help="Path to the template FASTA file.")
+parser.add_argument('-f','--template', type=str, required=True, help="Path to the template FASTA file.")
parser.add_argument('-o','--out', type=str, default="out.fa", help="Path to the output FASTA file.")
parser.add_argument('-c','--cycles', type=int, default=5, help="number of cycles.")
-parser.add_argument('-d','--dup', type=int, default=0.7, help="duplication rate.")
+parser.add_argument('-d','--dup', type=float, default=0.7, help="duplication rate.")
parser.add_argument('-e','--error', type=float, default=0.00003, help="error rate.")
parser.add_argument('-t','--thread', type=int, default=4, help="number of threads to use.")
parser.add_argument('-b','--batch_size', type=int, default=500, help="batch size.")
parser.add_argument('-n','--totalNamber', type=int, default=None, help="total number of sequence to select from the finel pool.")
+parser.add_argument('-s','--seed', type=int, default=2024, help="seed value.")
class Molecule ():
def __init__(self, name, length, seq, root, inherited_mut):
@@ -156,6 +156,9 @@ def main():
logging.info("Batch size : %s" , args.batch_size)
+ random.seed(args.seed)
+ np.random.seed(args.seed)
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
for handler in root_logger.handlers:
handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(YELLOW+'%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s' +RESET+ ' - %(message)s'))
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+ AsaruSim
Welcome to AsaruSim
AsaruSim is an automated Nextflow workflow designed for simulating 10x single-cell Nanopore reads. It allows to benchmark and optimize single-cell Nanopore long read data processing pipelines.