Build directions for a microSD card image for a Raspberry Pi with movidius. As of 12/19/17 Movidius is saying you can have the NCS or movidius, but not both.
RPi TensorFlow Install: ** I followed:**
- Except:
- I made sure I used 3/2/2017 release (Download dated 3/3/2017)
- I used Win32DiskImager to make it(not NOOBs, because Noobs updated it.)
- Turned on the RPi camera and SSH
- Change the local to “Chicago”
- Changed the keyboard to US (Must!)
- Change the root password
- I only installed Python 2.7 Steps, not 3.4
Test the Install:
My Next Steps:
- I am going to keep going and install Keras:
- Adrian Rosebrock's guide looks great: