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Theme variables Cheat sheet

Cheatsheet use values from native-base-theme/variables/platform.js

Brand colors

Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
brandPrimary color Brand primary color #007aff #3F51B5
brandInfo color Brand info color #62B1F6 #62B1F6
brandSuccess color Brand success color #5cb85c #5cb85c
brandDanger color Brand danger color #d9534f #d9534f
brandWarning color Brand warning color #f0ad4e #f0ad4e
brandDark color Brand dark color #000 #000
brandLight color Brand light color #f4f4f4 #f4f4f4


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
headerStyle color Header color #edebed #edebed
iconStyle color Icon color when closed #000 #000
contentStyle color Content color #f5f4f5 #f5f4f5
expandedIconStyle color Icon color when open #000 #000
accordionBorderColor color Header and Content border color #d3d3d3 #d3d3d3


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
badgeBg color Badge text color #ed1727 #ed1727
badgeColor color Badge background color #fff #fff
badgePadding number Badge padding 3 0


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
btnFontFamily font family Font family of button text System Roboto_medium
btnDisabledBg color Disabled button background color #b5b5b5 #b5b5b5
buttonPadding number Button padding 6 6
btnUppercaseAndroidText boolean UpperCase Text in Android - true


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
cardDefaultBg color Background color for card item #fff #fff
cardBorderColor color Border color for card #ccc #ccc
cardBorderRadius number Border Radius 2 2
cardItemPadding number Padding between Card and CardItem 10 12


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
CheckboxRadius number Checkbox radius 13 0
CheckboxBorderWidth number Checkbox border width 1 2
CheckboxPaddingLeft number Checkbox left padding 4 2
CheckboxPaddingBottom number Checkbox bottom padding 0 5
CheckboxIconSize number Icon size of checkbox 21 16
CheckboxIconMarginTop number Top margin for checkbox icon undefined 1
CheckboxFontSize number Size of checkbox font 23/0.9 17
DefaultFontSize number Default Font size 17 17
checkboxBgColor color Background color for checkbox #039BE5 #039BE5
checkboxSize number Size of checkbox 20 20
checkboxTickColor color Checkbox tick color #fff #fff


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
containerBgColor color Default background color #fff #fff

Date Picker

Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
datePickerTextColor color date display color #000 #000
datePickerBg color Background color of modal transparent transparent


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
fontFamily font family text font family System Roboto
fontSizeBase number text font size 15 15


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
footerHeight number Height of footer 55/89 55
footerDefaultBg color Background color for footer #F8F8F8 #F8F8F8
footerPaddingBottom number Bottom padding for footer 0 0

Footer Tab

Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
tabBarTextColor color Text color of tab #6b6b6b #b3c7f9
tabBarTextSize number Font size of tab 14 11
activeTab color - #007aff #fff
sTabBarActiveTextColor color - #007aff #007aff
tabBarActiveTextColor color Text color of active tab #007aff #fff
tabActiveBgColor color Background color of active tab #cde1f9 #3F51B5


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
toolbarBtnColor color Button color in header #F8F8F8 #3F51B5
toolbarDefaultBg color Background color for header #F8F8F8 #F8F8F8
toolbarHeight number Height of header 64/89 56
toolbarSearchIconSize number Icon size of header search icon 20 23
toolbarInputColor number Input color of header #CECDD2 #fff
searchBarHeight number Height of search bar 30 40
searchBarInputHeight number Height of search bar input 30 50
toolbarBtnTextColor color Button text color of header #007aff #fff
toolbarDefaultBorder color Border color of header #a7a6ab #3F51B5
iosStatusbar string Theme of iOS status bar dark-content light-content


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
iconFamily string Icon Family Ionicons Ionicons
iconFontSize number Size of icon 30 28
iconHeaderSize number - 33 24


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
inputFontSize number Font size of input text 17 17
inputBorderColor color Textbox border color #D9D5DC #D9D5DC
inputSuccessBorderColor color Textbox border color with success prop #2b8339 #2b8339
inputErrorBorderColor color Textbox border color with error prop #ed2f2f #ed2f2f
inputHeightBase number Height of input 50 50

Line height

Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
btnLineHeight number Line height of text in button 19 19
lineHeightH1 number Line height of H1 32 32
lineHeightH2 number Line height of H2 27 27
lineHeightH3 number Line height of H3 22 22
lineHeight number Default line height 20 24


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
listBg color Background color of list transparent transparent
listBorderColor color Border color of list #c9c9c9 #c9c9c9
listDividerBg color Divider color of list #f4f4f4 #f4f4f4
listBtnUnderlayColor color - #DDD #DDD
listItemPadding color Padding for list item 10 12
listNoteColor color Color of note text #808080 #808080
listNoteSize color Size of note text 13 13
listItemSelected color Color of Text and Icons when ListItem is selected 13 13

Radio Button

Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
radioBtnSize number Size of radio button 25 23
radioSelectedColorAndroid color Color of selected radio button - #3F51B5
radioBtnLineHeight number Line height of radio button 29 24


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
segmentBackgroundColor color Background color of segment #F8F8F8 #3F51B5
segmentActiveBackgroundColor color Background color of active segment #007aff #fff
segmentTextColor color Color of segment text #007aff #fff
segmentActiveTextColor color Color of active segment text #fff #3F51B5
segmentBorderColor color Color of segment border #007aff #fff
segmentBorderColorMain color - #a7a6ab #3F51B5


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
defaultSpinnerColor color Default color for spinner #45D56E #45D56E
inverseSpinnerColor color Inverse color for spinner #1A191B #1A191B


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
tabDefaultBg color Default background color for tab #F8F8F8 #3F51B5
topTabBarTextColor color Tab text color #6b6b6b #b3c7f9
topTabBarActiveTextColor color Active tab text color #007aff #fff
topTabBarBorderColor color Border color for tab #a7a6ab #fff
topTabBarActiveBorderColor color Border color for active tab #007aff #fff


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
tabBgColor color Background color for tab container #F8F8F8 #F8F8F8
tabFontSize number Font size of tab 15 15


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
textColor color Text color Ionicons Ionicons
inverseTextColor color Inverse text color #fff #fff
noteFontSize number Font size of note text 14 14


Variable Type Description Platform values
iOS Android
titleFontfamily string Font family of title System Roboto_medium
titleFontSize number Font size of title 17 19
subTitleFontSize number Font size of subtitle 12 14
subtitleColor color Font color of subtitle #8e8e93 #FFF
titleFontColor color Font color of title #000 #FFF