Image from SMART Lab.
- Register here:
- Enter your user information. Use Tristan's CCRI: bwf-484-02
- Email support:
[email protected]
- Wiki:
Specialized for parallel jobs:
Pick one general-purpose clusters:
Connect using ssh:
ssh <username>
You are now connected to a login node, as the prompt shows:
[<username>@gra-login1 ~]$
This is a shared computer, which must be used only for lightweight operations such as file transfers, job submissions, etc Data processing or compilation must be done on /compute nodes/.
salloc --time=1:0:0 --ntasks=1 --account=def-glatard
The prompt will tell you the name of the computer that was allocated to you [here, gra796
[<username>@gra796 ~]$
Create a script:
echo '#!/bin/bash' > ; echo echo Hello >>
Make it executable:
chmod 7555 ./
Submit it!
sbatch --time=00:30:00
Monitor your job(s):
squeue -u <username>
Your job will write its output in your home folder:
$ cat slurm-4811758.out
The easiest way to transfer your files to/from clusters is through scp
a copy command that works over ssh
scp file.txt <username>
The module
command shows the software packages that are already installed on the cluster and ready to use:
module avail
If you want to use a specific software package, say vtk
, just type:
module load vtk
You might want to install your own code on the cluster. Here are a few options:
- Source code: Git clone your repository from GitHub on the cluster.
- Python code: create a
and install all the dependencies in it with
. - Linux binaries: copy them directly to the cluster.
- C/C++: if your code needs to be recompiled, submit an interactive job and compile your code there.
- Install your code in a Singularity container and run it on the cluster (
module load singularity
Compute Canada offers an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud, that is, a way to start Virtual Machines with various base images. This is useful if you need to host Web services, or if you need a highly-customized software stack that cannot be deployed easily on a cluster.
Once you have a Compute Canada account, fill the form here with your CCDB username and email address. This will give you access to one of the Compute Canada clouds:
- Follow the manual at
- Don't forget to (1) create a key pair and (2) add port 22 to an Ingress rule if you want to ssh to your VM.