DateTime a la .NET/C# Style in GoLang
go get
The usage is quite easy and resembles .NET
Before we continue, importing the package correctly is quite important as it involves a small trick in order to omit the use of package name.
Add just underneath the package name
import . ""
package main
import "fmt"
import . ""
func main() {
e := DateTime{}.Now().ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss")
fmt.Println(e) // Returns current time, i.e: 17-05-2018 23:55:22
// Using already defined time.Time within DateTime
date := time.Now()
fmt.Println(DateTime{Time: date}.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm")
e = DateTime{}.New(2018, 1, 17).ToString("dd/MMMM/yyyy")
fmt.Println(e) // 17/January/2018
e = NewDateTime(2018, 1, 17, 15, 5, 2).ToString("dd/MMMM/yyyy h:m:s TT")
fmt.Println(e) // 17/January/2018 3:5:2 PM
e = DateTime{Year: 2018, Month: 5, Day: 17}.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")
fmt.Println(e) // 17-05-2018
d := new(DateTime)
d.Year = 2018
d.Month = 5
d.Day = 17
fmt.Println(d.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")) // 17-05-2018
b := DateTime{}.New(2018, 1, 17).AddMonths(2).AddDays(5).AddMinutes(10)
fmt.Println(b.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm")) // Result: 22-03-2018 00:10
// Time struct from time package is accessible through DateTime as well
v := DateTime{}.Now().Time.Unix()
fmt.Println(v) // Result example: 1547764521
New(year, month, day)
NewDateTime(year, month, day)
New(year, month, day, hours)
NewDateTime(year, month, day, hours)
New(year, month, day, hours, minutes)
NewDateTime(year, month, day, hours, minutes)
New(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds)
NewDateTime(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds)
New(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds)
NewDateTime(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds)
Add(years, months, days)
Subtract(years, months, days)
AddTime(hours, minutes, seconds)
SubtractTime(hours, minutes, seconds)
dddd: day string. example: Monday
ddd: short day string, example: Mon
dd: day number, from 01 to (end of month). example: 02
d: day number, from 1 to (end of month). example: 2
MMMM: month string. example: January
MMM: short month string. example: Jan
MM: month number, from 01 to 12. example: 01
M: month number, from 1 to 12. example: 1
yyyy: year. example: 2006
yy: year, last 2 digits. example: 06
HH: hours, from 00 to 23. example: 15
hh: hours, from 01 to 12. example: 03
h: hours, from 0 to 12. example: 3
mm: minutes. example: 04
m: minutes. example: 4
ss: seconds. example: 05
s: seconds. example: 5
f: milliseconds. example: .000
ff: microseconds. example: .999999
tt: meridian designation. example: pm/am
TT: meridian designation. example: PM/AM
Z: Timezone. example: MST
zz: Timezone offset. example: -07
zzz: Timezone offset. example: -07:00
MIT License © Guilherme Caruso
MIT License © GTANAdam