- File a pull request to this repo. A preview can be seen at
. When the pull request is ready, comment on it to that effect and add Sara Cope as a reviewer. They should get to it soon but if a while goes by (~a week), ask over in #digitalgov to make sure it's on their radar.
- File a pull request to this repo. A preview can be seen at
. When the pull request is ready, comment on it to that effect and email [email protected] with a link to the PR to ask them to merge.
Below is the order in which to trigger actions so as to rebuild everything. Unless otherwise specified, wait 5 minutes in between each action.
- Build federal website index
- Ingest federal website index
- Fetch security data
- Scan websites
- Wait 12 hours
- Produce snapshots
- Produce accessibility details snapshot
- Analyze snapshots and target URL list
- Generate agency-specific snapshots
- Generate unique websites list
- Note: The ingest process itself is super fast, so there's not really a need to track it's progress to see if it's done.
- To find where the ingest process broke, log into logs.fr.cloud.gov and go to this page. Each of the colors on those graphs is a worker.
- Log into logs.fr.cloud.gov and go to this page. The scans finishing = a queue of zero.
- In order to debug a specific URL's scan results, search the logs for that URL.
- Look for most recent issues here.
- Look up email addresses from API users for the past 3 months
- Note known snapshot consumers (currently, just search.gov)
- Message them with the time and nature of the upcoming changes
- Add a banner to the API documentation
- Change when the weekly export takes place: edit this line
- Reorder the CSV columns: edit this file
- Deploy new code