Releases: GSA/search-gov
Release 1.7.0
[SRCH-111] - Update to reference where to obtain jobs api key
[SRCH-183] - update the SearchgovUrl#fetch method to set that boolean to false
[SRCH-181] - Update the SearchgovURL.fetch_required scope to look for records where that boolean is true
Release 1.6.0
[SRCH-178] - Transition usage of Bing V6 to Bing V7
Release 1.5.0
[SRCH-202] - scrub job keywords from query
Release 1.4.0
[SRCH-210] - update rack to address security vulnerability
[SRCH-38] - index TXT files
Release 1.3.1
[SRCH-179] - Add a boolean column to the searchgov_urls
Release 1.3.0
[SRCH-197] de-dupe sitemap urls
[SRCH-98] Transition to usajobs from jobs api
Release 1.2.0
[SRCH-19] [SRCH-20] [SRCH-21] remove Nutshell code
[SRCH-94] - fix more jobs search to not return 404
[SRCH-140] - Remove all references to Neogov
Release 1.1.2
SRCH-156 stub response
SRCH-157 - Upgrade loofah to version 2.2.3
Release 1.1.1
SRCH-135 improve cucumber test for jobs module
SRCH-165 increase re-record interval for Bing specs
Release 1.1.0
SRCH-48 index sitemaps upon creation