diff --git a/main.js b/main.js
index 14fb075..074433c 100644
--- a/main.js
+++ b/main.js
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ function setup(){
detailMessage +='LaBr3 GEANT4 Simulation: 8th order polynomial fit above 40 keV including SCEPTAR and
Delrin vacuum chamber.
detailMessage +='Si(Li) Simulation: Relative Efficiency curve shape based on formalism referenced in
Radiation Detection & Measurement (G.F. Knoll, Wiley 2000).
detailMessage +='An absolute normalization is applied per Masters Thesis of Ryan Dunlop, University of Guelph, 2012,
High-precision branching ratio measurement for the superallowed beta+ emitter 74Rb, based on
the analysis of in-beam 80Rb decay.
- detailMessage +='The following five configuration efficiencies are based on solid angle coverage of detectors:
+ detailMessage +='SCEPTAR GEANT4 Simulation: triple Fermi function fit adjusted to asymptotically approach 0.8
+ detailMessage +='at high Q per experiment.
+ detailMessage +='The following four configuration efficiencies are based on solid angle coverage of detectors:
detailMessage +='DESCANT: 27% efficient between 1 and 5 MeV; efficiency lower outside this range, and no value is
reported here.
- detailMessage +='SCEPTAR: 80% efficient.
detailMessage +='SCEPTAR + ZDS: 65% efficient.
detailMessage +='SCEPTAR + PACES: 40% efficient.
detailMessage +='PACES + ZDS: 25% efficient.'