- Merge pull request #9 from jspricke/missing_dependencies Add dependency on python-pytest-cov
- Contributors: Alexander Rössler, Jochen Sprickerhof
- Merge pull request #7 from machinekoder/fix-folders
- Bugfix for pytest folder tests
- Merge pull request #5 from sfalexrog/python3_compat
- Merge pull request #6 from PilzDE/feature/add_coverage
- Remove comment
- Added reasoning and integrate if CATKIN_TEST_COVERAGE is set
- Create subfolder for .coverage for each test
- Add flag to pytest execution
- Add coverage for pytest
- package.xml: Use conditional dependencies
- CMakeLists: Use catkin_install_python for script installation
- Contributors: Alexander Gutenkunst, Alexander Rössler, Alexey Rogachevskiy, hslusarek
- Added add_pytests cmake macro
- enable passing of additional commands
- Contributors: Alexander Rössler, Markus Grimm
- Release for melodic
This is the first release the ros_pytest package.
It contains everything necessary to run pytests with rostest.