International Women's Day 2015
+ On International Women's Day, Google is supporting GDGs to honour the efforts of women by highlighting their achievements in diverse fields. The first recorded celebration for International Women's Day was on May 3, 1908, in Chicago in United States. It was celebrated on March 8 for the first time in 1914. But the dates continued to fluctuate till the mid-40's. The United Nations theme for the International Women's Day this year is "Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture it!"
+Last year, GDG Buea celebrated International Women's Day at Linas Ice Cream by motivating women to contribute to open source by leveraging the programs like Google Summer of Code, Outreachy and Endless Vacation of Code.
+This year Mpara Faith, Women Techmakers Lead for GDG Buea and other female organizers are doing more to encourage their peers to contribute to open source.