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title cover title description programming_language learning objectives estimated time prerequisites instructors authors editors readings ethical considerations projects resources
This is the title
short title!
A description of the workshop.
choices are: jupyter, python, javascript, computer (for command line), or none
Understand what Python is and, in general terms, what it can do.
Run Python programs, both by interacting directly with the interpreter and by preparing and running scripts.
Distinguish among five core data types—integers, floats, strings, booleans, and lists.
Become familiar with core programming concepts, including variables, loops, and conditionals.
Engage with error output and use the internet and documentation to independently research language features.
Learn how to find and import code from external sources to solve more complex problems.
3 - 4 hours
command line
description required
Introduction to the Command Line (Required) This workshop makes reference to concepts from the Command Line workshop, and having basic knowledge about how to use the command line will be central for anyone who wants to learn about programming with Python.
data ethics
description recommended
Data Ethics (Recommended) This workshop will give you a basis for thinking through the ethical considerations of your programming projects.
Stephen Zweibel
Leanne Fan
Kalle Westerling
Di Yoong
Lisa Rhody
Jojo Karlin
Stephen Zweibel
Patrick Smyth
Di Yoong
Lisa Rhody
Stephen Zweibel
Want to learn programming, but not convinced that the Python language is the right language? Check out [Five Reasons Why Learning Python Is The Best Decision](
Some concrete ideas for how to use Python: [What Can I Do With Python?](
Python works by reducing data to portable units and presenting them in a way that prioritizes readability. These units are known as "data types" and include strings (words/letters), integers (numbers), booleans (true or false statements), and lists (groups of strings). The python grammar, which dictates how python statements ought to be ordered, values simplicity, efficiency, and concision. You can read more about Python values at [the Zen of Python](
As we learn about the Python data types and grammar, keep in mind that working within any digital format requires making seemingly neutral choices that carry ethical consequences. When using python, be aware of the ways the ways that data is transformed into computable form. What choices are you making about your data? What is being included, and what is left out? What are reductions and assumptions necessary to encode your data? If you are more interested in thinking further about data types and our choices in relation to data, you should have a look at our [Data Literacies workshop](
The NEH Impact Index
description link
Built by former Digital Fellow Patrick Smyth, The NEH Impact Index makes visible the distribution of funds by National Endowment for the Humanities across the United States. The website uses python to map projects, communities, and cultural institutions who have received NEH support. You can check out the code on Github.
Mapping Arts NYC
description link
Mapping Arts NYC, created in 2019 by the Graduate Center’s Data for Public Good fellows, “is a project that explores the geography and representation of arts and culture in New York City over time.” It includes a number of Python scripts written to clean and make sense of all the data.
Digital Fellows’ Python Cheat Sheet
description link
See the Digital Fellows’ Python Cheat Sheet for handy commands that we cover in this workshop.

Page 1

Welcome to my workshop! This is the first page (the first lesson).

To add a lesson, simply type your lesson content below the header. You can use typical markdown styles to format your text.

There are several components you can incorporate into your lessons, including:

  1. The Python REPL: You can embed the Python REPL into your lessons by using the following tag:
  1. A download button: If you have files you'd like the participant to download, you can add a download button to your lessons with the appropriate files by using the following syntax:

Here, your_file1 and your_file2 are the two files to download (you can add as many as you'd like, just separate them with commas). The break tag at the end is just to add some space after the button. NOTE: You must include copies of the files indicated in the uploads folder.

  1. An info box: Use to highlight interesting additional information.
Here's an interesting aside!
  1. A way to link internally to other workshops.
some text

This is necessary when linking to another workshop page. 'workshop' is the workshop file name, and the 'page' can be found in the URL query string, for instance: ?user=dhri-curriculum&repo=workshops&file=command-line&**page=15**&instUser=dhri-curriculum&instRepo=dhrift-site-template


It's a good idea to include challenges in your workshop to help participants practice what they've learned.


Provide a solution to the challenge.


This is an evaluation, which you can utilize in the form of a quiz. For the syntax, see the example question and quiz below:

What are the characteristics of the REPL? Select all that apply.

- The REPL has a prompt that begins with `$`. - The REPL has a prompt that begins with `>>>`.* - The REPL and the terminal are the same thing. - The REPL can be used to evaluate mathematical expressions like `2 + 2`.* - keyword 1 definition 1
  • keyword 2 definition 2

Section 2

This is the second section (the second lesson) of the workshop. Provide as many pages as you'd like.

Section 3

Section 4

Section etc.