Run the following to clone the lidar_camera_calibration
package in ros_workspace/src
cd ~/ros_workspace/src
git clone
cd ~/ros_workspace/
source devel/setup.bash
Make sure you have the ROS bag file in lidar_camera_calibration/bagfiles
folder. Then you can use the following launch files. This package assumes that the bag file has atleast the following topic names and message types by default, these can be modified in the launch scripts.
/sensors/camera/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)
/sensors/camera/image_color (sensor_msgs/Image)
/sensors/velodyne_points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
This launch file will only play the rosbag record file.
roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration play_rosbag.launch bagfile:=/path/to/file.bag
This launch file will play the rosbag record and runs the camera_calibration
package from ROS.
roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration camera_calibration.launch
23 images were automatically selected by the calibrator and the results are stored in lidar_camera_calibration/calibration_data/camera_calibration
folder. The following results were obtained:
484.130454 0.000000 457.177461
0.000000 484.452449 364.861413
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
-0.199619 0.068964 0.003371 0.000296 0.000000
This script will update the camera matrices and the distortion coefficients in the /sensors/camera/camera_info
topic and creates a new bag file in the same location.
rosrun lidar_camera_calibration <original_file.bag> <calibration_file.yaml>
This launch file will play the updated rosbag record, run image_proc
for camera image rectification and displays the rectified and unrectified images.
roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration display_camera_calibration.launch
This script will perform calibration using the matplotlib GUI to pick correspondences in the camera and the LiDAR frames. You first need to play the rosbag record in another terminal.
roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration play_rosbag.launch bagfile:=/path/to/file.bag
rosrun lidar_camera_calibration --calibrate
Press [ENTER] to launch the GUIs and pick the corresponding points by selecting the four corner points of the checkerboard in both the camera and the LiDAR frames. 16 corresponding points were selected for calibration at varying position and depths of the checkerboard. One such set of points picked are shown below. OpenCV's PnP RANSAC method was used to find the rotation and translation transforms between the camera and the LiDAR. Since OpenCV's function rectifies the images internally, the 2D points are picked from the unrectified image. Additional, the rectify
flag can be set to True
while creating the GUI process to pick points from a rectified image.
NOTE: The point files are appended and the extrinsics estimates are calculated and refined continuously using a RANSAC approach.
The point correspondences are saved as following:
- Image Points:
- LiDAR Points:
The calibrated extrinsics are saved as following:
- 'euler' : Euler Angles (RPY rad)
- 'R' : Rotation Matrix
- 'T' : Translation Offsets (XYZ m)
The following calibrated extrinsics were obtained:
-9.16347982e-02 -9.95792677e-01 -8.74577923e-05
1.88123595e-01 -1.72252569e-02 -9.81994299e-01
9.77861226e-01 -9.00013023e-02 1.88910532e-01
-0.44460865 -1.35998386 2.0240699
-0.14614803 -0.49683771 -0.27546327
This launch file will play the updated rosbag record, run
in projection mode and displays the LiDAR point cloud projected on to the image. A static transform is set up between the world
and the velodyne
frame which needs to be updates with the values above in the format X Y Z Y P R
within the launch file.
roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration display_camera_lidar_calibration.launch