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Releases: FullstackAcademy/eslint-config-fullstack

Support ESLint 3.12.1

22 Dec 16:33
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New rules:

  • no-await-in-loop set to 0
  • no-return-await set to 1
  • require-await set to 1
  • capitalized-comments set to 0

Performance: No More Yaml

22 Dec 15:50
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This release removes any normal dependencies from the config, using the built-in JS module instead of a YAML config. The result is a ~30% improvement in loading times on the test platform (from ~480 ms to ~330 ms), as well as a faster npm install of course.

Version 2 — Now Supporting React/JSX

30 Nov 02:29
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Major version bump because of a new peerDependency, eslint-plugin-react.

Support ESLint 3.9.0

31 Oct 06:25
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This release covers all ESLint releases up to and including 3.9.0.

  • New: no-useless-return set to warn (1).
  • New: func-name-matching set to warn (1). This prevents a function foo from being assigned to a variable or property bar (with some special exceptions, e.g. module.exports = function foo () {}). This ought to be sensible but might have some false positives; will watch for that possibility.

Support ESLint 3.6.1

27 Sep 18:22
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This release updates the config to support ESLint releases 3.5.0, 3.6.0, and 3.6.1.

  • New: no-restricted-properties set to 0.
  • New: line-comment-position set to 0.
  • New: lines-around-directive set to 0.
  • New: prefer-numeric-literals set to 0.
  • Updated: max-len using new ignoreStrings and ignoreTemplateLiterals options.

Support ESLint 3.4.0

28 Aug 06:25
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This release adds new rules found in ESLint v3.4.0, and also refines / removes some existing rules.

New Rules

  • symbol-description: warn if Symbol description strings are omitted. Descriptions are helpful in debugging.
  • class-methods-use-this: warn if ES6 class methods do not use this, in which case they can be made static.

Updated rules

  • wrap-iife: added 'any' option to allow either pattern: (function () {}()) or (function () {})().
  • global-require: turned off as there are valid reasons for selectively requiring modules.
  • quote-props: changed from error to warn.

Support ESLint 3.3.1

22 Aug 17:40
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New rules:

  • no-template-curly-in-string: warn if it looks like you're trying to use interpolation in a normal string
  • no-unsafe-negation: error if attempting something like if (!thing instanceof Foo) which should probably be if (!(thing instanceof Foo))
  • no-global-assign: warn if attempting window = {} or similar
  • no-self-assign: new props flag to error if doing a.b = a.b or similar
  • func-call-spacing: warn if there is a space between function identifier and invocational parens
  • sort-keys: off (would alphabetize keys of objects)

Mocha 3

02 Aug 02:22
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Dev release adding Mocha 3 support

Support ESLint 3.2.0

31 Jul 23:33
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Adds the no-tags rule.

Support ESLint 3.1.0

16 Jul 03:43
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  • Removed a commented colon character in the YML file which was valid, but which caused annoying syntax coloring in some editors
  • Turned on key-spacing with a less restrictive mode, so users could freely align key-val pairs in object literals
  • Turned off callback-return which had too many false positives