People think it’s racist for white people to criticize Islam because Critical Race Theory teaches concepts with cognitive dissonant contentions, that the definition of racism is anti-black racism by whites, and that racism is not being nice to non-whites and criticism is not being nice and thus criticism of non-whites is racism. The powers that be, specifically corporations and the rich that control politics, manipulate public perception by controlling the narrative around who is being nice to who. The corporations and politicians always want to be the nice one so you’ll buy from them and vote for them. It’s much easier to attack political opponents by tricking people into thinking the opponents aren’t being nice than it is to convince people with facts, especially when the best route forward cost real money, isn’t nice to everyone, and isn’t popular. Everything now a days is focus group tested, they just go with whatever the larger angry mob says they feel. No one wants to make the hard decisions risking the outrage of the mob, so everyone is fake nice to your face, shame you for not being nice until you give, while they hate you and aren’t nice to you. It’s a one-way street bullying using the nice guy as the doormat. This is the crux of how the Democrats in the US and liberals in Europe’s domination strategy, to shame white people as racist to get the immigrant and white feminist vote.
White feminism is a form of feminism where they put white woman’s issues above everyone else’s. Examples of white feminism are giving white women diversity tickets and hiring preferences over non-whites in the name of gender diversity, always siding with the white woman because she’s oppressed, and white feminists getting white males fired/canceled by claiming they’re racist and sexist in order for the white women to have more power and control in the workplace. White feminism is racism because it’s used as a weapon to attack the white males to replace them with younger, more diverse people who they can pay less. White feminist exploit the Niceness Principle of the Cognitive dissonance triangle I will explain in the next section.
Cogitative Dissonance is a psychological concept based on Cognitive Dissonance Triangles. Lets say there are three friends, Peter, Paul, and Mary. Paul is much nicer to Mary because Peter tells it like it is. Mary is a White feminist. Peter is an older white male. They are having a fight over something they disagree over, Paul is black and he lost money and is broke. Mary likes Paul because he’s nicer, Paul is kind of toxic because he disagrees and criticizes too much, people think he’s a White Nationalist Republican. Mary must chose who to believe and Mary will chose to believe Paul because she likes him more because Paul is not that nice. People don’t believe facts because they’re true, most believe facts based on their in-group’s world view, largely based on avoiding topics that make their in-group mad.
Everyone in town found out about how Peter was not nice to Mary or Paul, so they decided to rob Peter to pay Paul to get Mary to vote for them because everyone sides with Mary, she’s popular on social media. Mary told her friends she thinks Peter is racist, now everyone hates Peter because he’s one of those white supremacists from the 60s who did horrible things to blacks during he civil rights movement, and held blacks in poverty. This is essentially what is happening in America with the false claims of systemic racism and demands for reparations, Democrats just want you to vote for them so they are the nicer ones who don’t criticize, they share equally with all of the non-whites. This is called the Niceness Principle of the Cognitive Dissonance Triangle, whoever appears to be the nicest to your in-group will appear the most right and will win the debate and election.
Now the Muslims are coming in and saying that they’re saying they’re part of the oppressed class. Now Mary say’s it’s racist to criticize Islam because if people think she’s racist they’ll hate her like everyone hates Peter. It doesn’t matter that Arabs have always been notorious slave trades who allowed system rape and physical abuse of women. Mary hates rapists because the Patriarchy of White men who oppress her in group, women, rapes and beat women, but Mary also hates racist because the Patriarchy of white males oppressed non-whites. Muslims are notorious misogynists, but the hatred that Mary has of rapist and misogynists is outweighed by her hated of Peter because she’s hopping mad him for not being nice or sharing equally to Paul and Paul hates Peter too, so they robbed him, home invasion, reparations.
Critical race theory (CRT) teaches a false version of history that paints white people as bad to stoke resentment in order to divide people. The truth is colonialism revolutionized the world, that most places touched by colonialism are the rich places, and the ones that weren’t are the impoverished, authoritarian, crime ridden places. Colonialism brought modern technology to the world and brought English common law and democracy. The non-whites were actually as much or more brutal, you just didn’t hear about it because you got the White washed version. CRT teaches that Amerindians are noble peace pipe smoking cartoons who were like a hippie commune, and white people were slave drivers who killed the Amerindians, gave them small pox invested, took their lands and dragged them through the trail of tears. The Leftist want to put the white slave owners on the Trail of Tears. Problem with this is the Amerindians committed genocide of other tribes, raped and murdered the women and children, they owned slaves, including African slaves, and they even brought African slaves on the Trail of Tears. The cognitive dissonance here are that the white people are bad for owning slaves, but not the Amerindians because white people are responsible for slavery, not non-whites. One of the main tactics the KGB used in disinformation campaigns was to change definitions through inclusion and exclusion to shift public perception. You take a small kernel of truth and insert in disinformation to paint the opposite narrative of the truth. CRT came about as communist propaganda to ally non-whites with the proletariat (i.e. workers) who are oppressed by the bourgeoisie (wealthy white land and business owning class). Yes it’s true that white people owned slaves, but it’s not true that White people were responsible for slavery, they invented boats that can travel the world and they were trading with Africans. The West Africans enslaved West Africa. In Africa the Pharaohs and Kings used to mass murder the slaves. They treated salves horribly.
CRT is taught by teachers who went from K-12 to University and right back to K-12, they never left the school, have created a false narrative that White people are responsible for slavery and they aren’t supposed to be here because they’re land thieving colonizers. They make up stuff like White people purposely gave non-whites smallpox infested blankets. Not true. White people gave Amerindians hoarse, they didn’t have hoarse before or large cities with virus problems, the land was mostly unpopulated. The Amerindians gave each other smallpox because they had hoarse, and up to 95% of them died, most of them never meet a white man.
The truth is that most White people immigrated to the US after the civil war from countries that didn’t take part in the transatlantic slave trade like Ireland, who was victims of the slave trade, and Germany, a land locked country who were abolitionists. Slavery was common, and rampant in the Muslim world, the Prophet Mohammad himself owned multiple black slaves, the only thing that was different about America was that they freed the slaves, but the narrative that has come about from Critical race theorist K-12 teachers in the US is the opposite, that Colonization was a horrible thing and white people stole the native’s land, that the Jews stole Palestine from the Muslims. It’s okay that Mohammad enslaved blacks because he’s not white so that makes it religious, and thus okay because it’s of freedom of religion. Muhammad has a 6–9yo child bride named Aisha, but they say Mohammad isn’t a Pedophile, that was just part of their culture. They say you have a right to freedom of religion because of the First Amendment, but you just don’t have the right to criticize Mohammad or Islam because that’s not being nice. Obviously they’ve never read the First Amendment because it starts off with “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”. Above Free speech, we have right to disrespect your establishment of religion. Our free speech includes criticism of Islam. To the Critical Race Theorists, they believe in suppression of free speech because criticizing Mohammad is hate speech. Their freedom of religion outweighs your free speech because we’re white and “white people are bad” to them. This why CRT is racism. It’s intended to stoke resentment and prevent White ‘bourgeoisie’ from having any political control. It’s cultural Marxism. Hens why I’m here.
The entire narrative is false, propped up by propaganda news outlets like Democracy Now, Mother Jones (which was formed from a disgraced media outlet called Ramparts that pushed KGB disinformation about the play The Deputy that painted Poe Pius XII as a Nazi when it was the opposite). It is the same media outlets that meet with Russian intelligence services that are also allied with the Teachers Unions in the US. Most minorities live in big cities where most Democrats live. The Critical race theorists claim the reason why the minorities in the big cities aren’t as rich as the Asians is white supremacy. Most Republicans live in small to medium sized cities. They say it’s not the teachers unions that don’t fire the bad apple teachers, they just shift them around, it’s the racist white people, the ‘racist Republicans’ in the poor red rural states who are at fault. The teachers unions are diverting blame from their failed product to white supremacy, and the corporations are a meritocracy and they won’t hire the big city minorities because they’re GPAs are too low, so they say it’s Systemic racism. The corporations are diverting blame for not hiring people with low GPAs, and the teachers unions are diverting blame for the minorities getting bad grades from failed Democrat policies. Democrats were the slave owners who started the KKK and the war on drugs (Nixon only coined the term war on drugs, LBJ started it.). They need people to think it was the Republicans, the ones who freed the slaves, who are the racist ones. The end argument is Democrats are nicer to minorities in the big cities, they’re rob peter to pay Paul to get Paul and Mary to vote for them.
About 1/3 of the world are ‘communist’/fascist, collectively referred to as fascists, about 1/3 are Muslims, and the rest we collectively refer to as the Free World, or the West. Most Muslims want Sharia Law, AKA Islam-o-fascism, and so the ‘communist’/fascist lead currently by China with the assistance of Russia have been trying to overthrow America as the World’s #1 superpower, so China and Russia have been doing a lot of proxy warfare with the US by stoking Jihadists to try to start WW3 between the fascists and eh Muslims vs the West. Fascists are notorious for murdering anyone who puts God before state, so the fascists plan to overthrow the Muslims after while they are weak to overthrow the world with Fascism.
China is 100% not communist. Capitalism is rampant in China, the Chinese ‘Communist’/Nazi Party (CNP) members have multi-billion dollar companies with massive private property holdings both on and off the books, people are selling stuff in China all over, the end of ‘communist’ is nigh, they are fascist at the very least, but they more resemble National Socialism because the CNP are Han Chinese supremacists ultra-ethno-nationalists who believe China is the world’s oldest dynasty and they’re destined to rule Earth. Communism is bottom-up rule by the proletariat with no private property, Fascism is top-down rule by the elites with private property. Nazism is fascism where they’re trying to be the worlds #1 superpower and they have concentration camps to use as slave labor while they exterminate cultures and political opponents.
With 1/3 of the world fascist, and 1/3 Muslims supporting Jihad, that means we’re outnumbered 2-to-1. This is why it’s deadly to allow criticism of Islam and Mohammad to be considered racism and to allow hate speech bans like in Europe. Sharia law is antithetical to freedom and democracy. Hate speech bans and allowing Muslims to get away with violence against those who criticize or show pictures of Mohammad allows highly manipulative people to take over by shaming us and tricking us into thinking we’re not being nice. The first Amendment was intended for us to be able to criticize Regions and the State. It’s not racist to criticize the Jew and Christian killing pedophile serial rapist slave owner Mohammad who started the Islamic faith. The guy had a 6–9yo child bride named Aisha ( Criticism of Islam is actually highly liberal, but the Leftist control the Liberals. They will convince you to give up your rights because you’re not being nice, then really bad people will take over and you’ll have no rights and be subjugated to Islam or death. Fascism wasn’t a problem because it wasn’t popular, it’s deadly because it is.
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