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Critical Race Theory

Actually, critical race theory is not a highly manufactured strategy. It's actually grass roots. CRT means systemic racism, which means people are claiming areas of the country are racist they don't live in based on their own limited perspective of poor blacks in their city. CRT isn't what you want it to be, all the good stuff, like Antifa is just being against Fascism. I witnessed my son's feminist BLM teacher with She/Her in her titles teach my son about oppressor roes and oppressed roles, micro aggression, gender identities, the whole gamut in one Health class. Leftist do use public schools to as a podium, teachers unions and public sector employee unions pretty much control the Democrats. CRT is a simplistic easy to meme and explain false version of history that paints white people as the oppressors and non-whites as the oppressed.CRT spreads by memes and ignorant rants on social media, then it gets exploited by Russian and Chinese cyberwar operations. I used to work as a minority outreach advisor for Portland State University. I was the ironic token diversity hire, the older white male non-traditional student. There is a really bad problem with low GPAs in public schools in big Democrats run cities stemming from single mothers and drug abuse and crime and a general disrespect for authority due to 'racist police and politicians'. Democrats are blaming White Republicans for this by saying it's systemic racism. There is also doctrine of diversity, where they did some study were they found that 'diverse' teams are 'more productive and innovative'. The white feminists generalized this to mean all white teams are inferior, that diversity means non-white. In reality diversity is of thought, there is more intra-racial genetic diversity (within races) than inter-racial (between races). There is no significant statistical effect on productivity when people from different schools and State are mixed. It's the heterodoxy (i.e. everyone has the same orthodoxy) that is not innovative and unproductive. Asians and women just have higher GPAs right now due to systemic bias towards college women, they get full rides and extra study buddies because people want to have babies with them. There is a bad trend of feminist attacking so-called misogynists because news organizations like MSNBC uses the Imaginary Misogynistic Pig Boogeymen propaganda to gas light people into thinking there are bad white males trying to oppresses women and minorities. These white men enslaved black and brown people and stole the Amerindian's land, and Colonization was evil. None of it is true. About half of slaves in the US were white, they started out al almost all white slaves shanghaied from the homeless in big cities and prisoners serving out sentences on farms. The slave owners loved to work the prisoners to death in the first year. Later on more African slaves started arriving, and at the end it was mostly West African slaves, but the US population was about 24 million and there were only about 400,000 white slave owners, not counting domestic servants not in Chattel slavery. Most Americans immigrated to the US after the civil war from places like Ireland and Germany. Irish were used for slave labor, not Chattel slave labor. Germany is a land locked country that didn't engage in the transatlantic slave trade. Germans were abolitionists. Slavs were slaves. There was about 1 million white slaves in Africa during the transatlantic slave trade, they liked to castrate the slaves, they were worth more as domestic servants, less likely to escape or rebel. Slavery was common around the world, it wasn't anything unique to white people. The reality is that everywhere colonization went, English common law followed and those places are not the wealthy countries and the countries that didn't get English common law are the authoritarian crime ridden s-holes with high crime and terrorism due to barbaric law systems. We didn't steal the Amerindians land. up to 95% of them died from small pox because we have them hoarse and guns. Amerindians loved to invade neighboring tribes, killing everyone, rape the women, and take slaves. They even owned black slaves, and brought them on the Trail of Tears. All these Critical race theorists love to hate on white people for doing that, but they think the Amerindians are the nobble peace pipe smoking cartoons, like the only bad guys were the white guy with boom sticks. When 95% of your people die from small pox they got from another Amerindian, it's not our fault. These people are blaming us for stuff we didn't do. We're sick and tired of people ruining our brand. Claims of racism, sexist, xenophobia, are now brand ruining and we're getting targeted by stupid wingnuts left and right. 1% of the population can do a lot of damage spreading lies from memes and false versions of history that are easy to explain and only spread due to the hatred they trigger.

Define pedagogy. n. The art or profession of teaching. n. Preparatory training or instruction. n. An establishment for instructing youth; a college.

Define hegemony. n. The predominance of one state or social group over others. n. Predominance; preponderance; leadership; specifically, headship or control exercised by one state over another or others, as through confederation or conquest: originally applied to such a relation often existing among the states of ancient Greece. n. Leadership; preponderant influence or authority; -- usually applied to the relation of a government or state to its neighbors or confederates.

The body of work by Critical Race Theory scholars Derrick Bell, Richard Delgado, and Kimberlé Crenshaw addresses the liberal notion of color blindness and argues that ignoring racial difference maintains and perpetuates the “status quo with all of its deeply institutionalized injustices to racial minorities” and insists that “dismissing the importance of race is a way to guarantee that institutionalized and systematic racism continues and even prospers” (Olson 211).

Duncan Kennedy, a Harvard law professor said:

"[C]ritical legal studies has two aspects. It’s a scholarly literature and it has also been a network of people who were thinking of themselves as activists in law school politics. Initially, the scholarly literature was produced by the same people who were doing law school activism. Critical legal studies is not a theory. It’s basically this literature produced by this network of people. I think you can identify some themes of the literature, themes that have changed over time."


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