A jolie "frenchy or not" flashmob choregraphy simulator!
All participants will be arranged as a grid (8 neighbours around). Each participant carries a set of colored hats ordered in a list (same for everyone), and wears only one. Before the event starts, they choose randomly a hat to wear.
A rooster is used to orchestrate the choregraphy. Uppon a the rooster screams, participants will look around them and simultaneously (not one at a time) apply the following rule:
Each participant counts the number of neighbours who wears their next colored hat in the list. If this number is greater than the threshold, then he/she will wear its next colored hat. Else the participant doesn't switch hat.
A jolie frenchy example :
To run ConwaysHat, you will need :
Run make to build :
./conways-hat.exe [-t THRESHOLD] [-c COLOR [COLOR]...] WIDTH HEIGHT DELAY
- COLOR A value among black, red, green, yellow, blue, purple, cyan and white (Participants changes their hat's colors according to the list order) (default : red white blue)
- THRESHOLD The neigthbours' threshold to change the hat's color of a participant (default : 3)
- WIDTH The width of the grid
- HEIGHT The height of the grid
- DELAY The delay between 2 rooster screams (int millisecond)
Exemple :
./conways-hat.exe 50 50 20
./conways-hat.exe -t 4 100 50 50
./conways-hat.exe -c red blue green yellow purple cyan white -l 2 100 50 50
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.