We love your input!😇
We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:
- Reporting a bug 🐞
- Discussing the current state of the code 🧑💻
- Submitting a fix 🔧
- Proposing New Feature 🚀
For Contribution we strictly follow GitHub Flow
- Setting Up the Project
- How To Start Contributing
- Reporting a Bug
- Proposing New Feature
- Want to have some discussion with Us
This is important and first step for contributing to project 😊
Fork the Repository
Clone Your Forked copy -
Open up the GitBash/Command Line/Terminal and type ingit clone https://github.com/[YOUR-USERNAME]/Querylizer.git
Navigate to the directory of project -
cd Querylizer/
Create a new branch -
git checkout -b [branch_name]
If you don't have virtualenv already installed -
pip install virtualenv
Create a new environment -
virtualenv querylizerenv
Activate the environment -
- For Linux/Unix OS :
source querylizerenv/bin/activate
- For Windows OS:
- For Linux/Unix OS :
cd frontend/
Install all dependencies -
npm install / yarn install
npm start / yarn run start
- You're good to Go!! -
Note : Follow this steps only if you are contributing to Backend of Project if not then move on to Steps for setting up Frontend
If you don't have virtualenv already installed -
pip install virtualenv
Create a new environment -
virtualenv querylizerenv
Activate the environment -
- For Linux/Unix OS :
source querylizerenv/bin/activate
- For Windows OS:
- For Linux/Unix OS :
cd backend/
Install requirements -
pip install -r requirements.txt
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['querylizer.herokuapp.com', '', 'localhost']
Make Migrations -
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
- You're good to Go!!
After Setting Up Project it's time to Contribute 🥰
Please go through Github Flow, it will help you a lot if not already :)
Discuss your proposed changes & Get assigned.
If your changes are approved, do the changes in branch
. -
Still in branch
Stage and Commit only the required files. Stage :
git add file_name
Commit :git commit -m "YOUR_MESSAGE"
git push origin [branch_name] -u
Once you push the changes to your repo, Go to your forked repository, the Compare & pull request button will appear in GitHub Click on it A new screen will open up.
Open a pull request by clicking the Create Pull Request button.
From here maintainers review your work,they can merge it if it is good, or they may ask you for some changes.
If your PR is accepted, it is automatically deployed once merged. :)
That's it!
Tip: To keep your Fork Repo all branches updated with Upstream use this.
- Head over here
- Give appropriate Title and Description for your issue.
- When you're finished, click Submit new issue.
- After creating the issue you have to wait until the project maintainer assigns the issue to you.
- Head over here
- Give appropriate Title and Description for your issue.
- When you're finished, click Submit new issue.
- After creating the issue you have to wait until the project maintainer assigns the issue to you.
Feel free to start a New Discussion here 🤗 There to answer your all doubts :)