From c5e6ea4c001e5b622f1b67a9db50b44297640c74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NovaBot <>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2024 00:51:30 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] [MIRROR] Splits up a big file in the nukie antagonist folder
* Splits up a big file in the nukie antagonist folder
* Deletes a file that should have been deleted
Co-authored-by: Rhials <>
Co-authored-by: SomeRandomOwl <>
.../antagonists/nukeop/datums/ | 213 ++++++
.../nukeop/datums/ | 55 ++
.../nukeop/datums/ | 22 +
.../nukeop/datums/ | 4 +
.../nukeop/datums/ | 320 +++++++++
code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/ | 650 ------------------
code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/ | 27 +
tgstation.dme | 6 +-
8 files changed, 646 insertions(+), 651 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
create mode 100644 code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
create mode 100644 code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
create mode 100644 code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
create mode 100644 code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
delete mode 100644 code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..516108c5725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ roundend_category = "syndicate operatives" //just in case
+ antagpanel_category = ANTAG_GROUP_SYNDICATE
+ job_rank = ROLE_OPERATIVE
+ antag_hud_name = "synd"
+ antag_moodlet = /datum/mood_event/focused
+ show_to_ghosts = TRUE
+ hijack_speed = 2 //If you can't take out the station, take the shuttle instead.
+ suicide_cry = "FOR THE SYNDICATE!!"
+ /// Which nukie team are we on?
+ var/datum/team/nuclear/nuke_team
+ /// If not assigned a team by default ops will try to join existing ones, set this to TRUE to always create new team.
+ var/always_new_team = FALSE
+ /// Should the user be moved to default spawnpoint after being granted this datum.
+ var/send_to_spawnpoint = TRUE
+ /// The DEFAULT outfit we will give to players granted this datum
+ var/nukeop_outfit = /datum/outfit/syndicate
+ preview_outfit = /datum/outfit/nuclear_operative_elite
+ /// In the preview icon, the nukies who are behind the leader
+ var/preview_outfit_behind = /datum/outfit/nuclear_operative
+ /// In the preview icon, a nuclear fission explosive device, only appearing if there's an icon state for it.
+ var/nuke_icon_state = "nuclearbomb_base"
+ /// The amount of discounts that the team get
+ var/discount_team_amount = 5
+ /// The amount of limited discounts that the team get
+ var/discount_limited_amount = 10
+ owner.current.playsound_local(get_turf(owner.current), 'sound/ambience/antag/ops.ogg',100,0, use_reverb = FALSE)
+ to_chat(owner, span_big("You are a [nuke_team ? nuke_team.syndicate_name : "syndicate"] agent!"))
+ owner.announce_objectives()
+ give_alias()
+ forge_objectives()
+ . = ..()
+ equip_op()
+ if(send_to_spawnpoint)
+ move_to_spawnpoint()
+ // grant extra TC for the people who start in the nukie base ie. not the lone op
+ var/extra_tc = CEILING(GLOB.joined_player_list.len/5, 5)
+ var/datum/component/uplink/uplink = owner.find_syndicate_uplink()
+ if (uplink)
+ uplink.uplink_handler.add_telecrystals(extra_tc)
+ var/datum/component/uplink/uplink = owner.find_syndicate_uplink()
+ if(uplink)
+ var/datum/team/nuclear/nuke_team = get_team()
+ if(!nuke_team.team_discounts)
+ var/list/uplink_items = list()
+ for(var/datum/uplink_item/item as anything in SStraitor.uplink_items)
+ if(item.item && !item.cant_discount && (item.purchasable_from & uplink.uplink_handler.uplink_flag) && item.cost > 1)
+ uplink_items += item
+ nuke_team.team_discounts = list()
+ nuke_team.team_discounts += create_uplink_sales(discount_team_amount, /datum/uplink_category/discount_team_gear, -1, uplink_items)
+ nuke_team.team_discounts += create_uplink_sales(discount_limited_amount, /datum/uplink_category/limited_discount_team_gear, 1, uplink_items)
+ uplink.uplink_handler.extra_purchasable += nuke_team.team_discounts
+ memorize_code()
+ return nuke_team
+ add_team_hud(mob_override || owner.current, /datum/antagonist/nukeop)
+ if(nuke_team)
+ objectives |= nuke_team.objectives
+ return pick(GLOB.nukeop_leader_start)
+ if(!new_team)
+ if(!always_new_team)
+ for(var/datum/antagonist/nukeop/N in GLOB.antagonists)
+ if(!N.owner)
+ stack_trace("Antagonist datum without owner in GLOB.antagonists: [N]")
+ continue
+ if(N.nuke_team)
+ nuke_team = N.nuke_team
+ return
+ nuke_team = new /datum/team/nuclear
+ nuke_team.update_objectives()
+ assign_nuke() //This is bit ugly
+ return
+ if(!istype(new_team))
+ stack_trace("Wrong team type passed to [type] initialization.")
+ nuke_team = new_team
+ new_owner.set_assigned_role(SSjob.GetJobType(/datum/job/nuclear_operative))
+ new_owner.add_antag_datum(src)
+ message_admins("[key_name_admin(admin)] has nuke op'ed [key_name_admin(new_owner)].")
+ log_admin("[key_name(admin)] has nuke op'ed [key_name(new_owner)].")
+ . = ..()
+ .["Send to base"] = CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(admin_send_to_base))
+ .["Tell code"] = CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(admin_tell_code))
+ if (!preview_outfit)
+ return null
+ var/icon/final_icon = render_preview_outfit(preview_outfit)
+ if (!isnull(preview_outfit_behind))
+ var/icon/teammate = render_preview_outfit(preview_outfit_behind)
+ teammate.Blend(rgb(128, 128, 128, 128), ICON_MULTIPLY)
+ final_icon.Blend(teammate, ICON_UNDERLAY, -world.icon_size / 4, 0)
+ final_icon.Blend(teammate, ICON_UNDERLAY, world.icon_size / 4, 0)
+ if (!isnull(nuke_icon_state))
+ var/icon/nuke = icon('icons/obj/machines/nuke.dmi', nuke_icon_state)
+ nuke.Shift(SOUTH, 6)
+ final_icon.Blend(nuke, ICON_OVERLAY)
+ return finish_preview_icon(final_icon)
+ if(!ishuman(owner.current))
+ return
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/operative = owner.current
+ if(!nukeop_outfit) // this variable is null in instances where an antagonist datum is granted via enslaving the mind (/datum/mind/proc/enslave_mind_to_creator), like in golems.
+ return
+ // If our nuke_ops_species pref is set to TRUE, (or we have no client) make us a human
+ if(isnull(operative.client) || operative.client.prefs.read_preference(/datum/preference/toggle/nuke_ops_species))
+ operative.set_species(/datum/species/human)
+ operative.equip_species_outfit(nukeop_outfit)
+ return TRUE
+ owner.current.forceMove(pick(GLOB.nukeop_start))
+ var/code
+ for (var/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/bombue as anything in SSmachines.get_machines_by_type_and_subtypes(/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb))
+ if (length(bombue.r_code) <= 5 && bombue.r_code != initial(bombue.r_code))
+ code = bombue.r_code
+ break
+ if (code)
+ antag_memory += "Syndicate Nuclear Bomb Code: [code]
+ to_chat(owner.current, "The nuclear authorization code is: [code]")
+ else
+ to_chat(admin, span_danger("No valid nuke found!"))
+ if(!nuke_team || nuke_team.tracked_nuke)
+ return
+ nuke_team.memorized_code = random_nukecode()
+ var/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/syndicate/nuke = locate() in SSmachines.get_machines_by_type_and_subtypes(/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/syndicate)
+ if(!nuke)
+ stack_trace("Syndicate nuke not found during nuke team creation.")
+ nuke_team.memorized_code = null
+ return
+ nuke_team.tracked_nuke = nuke
+ if(nuke.r_code == NUKE_CODE_UNSET)
+ nuke.r_code = nuke_team.memorized_code
+ else //Already set by admins/something else?
+ nuke_team.memorized_code = nuke.r_code
+ for(var/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/beer/beernuke as anything in SSmachines.get_machines_by_type_and_subtypes(/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/beer))
+ beernuke.r_code = nuke_team.memorized_code
+ if(nuke_team?.syndicate_name)
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/human_to_rename = owner.current
+ if(istype(human_to_rename)) // Reinforcements get a real name
+ var/first_name = owner.current.client?.prefs?.read_preference(/datum/preference/name/operative_alias) || pick(GLOB.operative_aliases)
+ var/chosen_name = "[first_name] [nuke_team.syndicate_name]"
+ human_to_rename.fully_replace_character_name(human_to_rename.real_name, chosen_name)
+ else
+ var/number = 1
+ number = nuke_team.members.Find(owner)
+ owner.current.real_name = "[nuke_team.syndicate_name] Operative #[number]"
+ if(nuke_team && nuke_team.tracked_nuke && nuke_team.memorized_code)
+ antag_memory += "[nuke_team.tracked_nuke] Code: [nuke_team.memorized_code]
+ owner.add_memory(/datum/memory/key/nuke_code, nuclear_code = nuke_team.memorized_code)
+ to_chat(owner, "The nuclear authorization code is: [nuke_team.memorized_code]")
+ else
+ to_chat(owner, "Unfortunately the syndicate was unable to provide you with nuclear authorization code.")
+/// Actually moves our nukie to where they should be
+ // Ensure that the nukiebase is loaded, and wait for it if required
+ SSmapping.lazy_load_template(LAZY_TEMPLATE_KEY_NUKIEBASE)
+ var/turf/destination = get_spawnpoint()
+ owner.current.forceMove(destination)
+ if(!owner.current.onSyndieBase())
+ message_admins("[ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(owner.current)] is a NUKE OP and move_to_spawnpoint put them somewhere that isn't the syndie base, help please.")
+ stack_trace("Nuke op move_to_spawnpoint resulted in a location not on the syndicate base. (Was moved to: [destination])")
+/// Gets the position we spawn at
+ var/team_number = 1
+ if(nuke_team)
+ team_number = nuke_team.members.Find(owner)
+ return GLOB.nukeop_start[((team_number - 1) % GLOB.nukeop_start.len) + 1]
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..76ca635158b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ name = "Nuclear Operative Leader"
+ nukeop_outfit = /datum/outfit/syndicate/leader
+ always_new_team = TRUE
+ /// Randomly chosen honorific, for distinction
+ var/title
+ /// The nuclear challenge remote we will spawn this player with.
+ var/challengeitem = /obj/item/nuclear_challenge
+ ..()
+ if(nuke_team?.memorized_code)
+ var/obj/item/paper/nuke_code_paper = new
+ nuke_code_paper.add_raw_text("The nuclear authorization code is: [nuke_team.memorized_code]")
+ = "nuclear bomb code"
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = owner.current
+ if(!istype(H))
+ nuke_code_paper.forceMove(get_turf(H))
+ else
+ H.put_in_hands(nuke_code_paper, TRUE)
+ H.update_icons()
+ owner.current.playsound_local(get_turf(owner.current), 'sound/ambience/antag/ops.ogg',100,0, use_reverb = FALSE)
+ to_chat(owner, "You are the Syndicate [title] for this mission. You are responsible for guiding the team and your ID is the only one who can open the launch bay doors.")
+ to_chat(owner, "If you feel you are not up to this task, give your ID and radio to another operative.")
+ if(!CONFIG_GET(flag/disable_warops))
+ to_chat(owner, "In your hand you will find a special item capable of triggering a greater challenge for your team. Examine it carefully and consult with your fellow operatives before activating it.")
+ owner.announce_objectives()
+ . = ..()
+ if(!CONFIG_GET(flag/disable_warops))
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/leader = owner.current
+ var/obj/item/war_declaration = new challengeitem(leader.drop_location())
+ leader.put_in_hands(war_declaration)
+ nuke_team.war_button_ref = WEAKREF(war_declaration)
+ addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(nuketeam_name_assign)), 1)
+ if(!nuke_team)
+ return
+ nuke_team.rename_team(ask_name())
+ var/randomname = pick(GLOB.last_names)
+ var/newname = tgui_input_text(owner.current, "You are the nuclear operative [title]. Please choose a last name for your family.", "Name change", randomname, MAX_NAME_LEN)
+ if (!newname)
+ newname = randomname
+ else
+ newname = reject_bad_name(newname)
+ if(!newname)
+ newname = randomname
+ return capitalize(newname)
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0bc718a781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ name = "Lone Operative"
+ always_new_team = TRUE
+ send_to_spawnpoint = FALSE //Handled by event
+ nukeop_outfit = /datum/outfit/syndicate/full
+ preview_outfit = /datum/outfit/nuclear_operative
+ preview_outfit_behind = null
+ nuke_icon_state = null
+ if(nuke_team && !nuke_team.tracked_nuke)
+ nuke_team.memorized_code = random_nukecode()
+ var/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/selfdestruct/nuke = locate() in SSmachines.get_machines_by_type(/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/selfdestruct)
+ if(nuke)
+ nuke_team.tracked_nuke = nuke
+ if(nuke.r_code == NUKE_CODE_UNSET)
+ nuke.r_code = nuke_team.memorized_code
+ else //Already set by admins/something else?
+ nuke_team.memorized_code = nuke.r_code
+ else
+ stack_trace("Station self-destruct not found during lone op team creation.")
+ nuke_team.memorized_code = null
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eedaef3f720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ show_in_antagpanel = FALSE
+ send_to_spawnpoint = FALSE
+ nukeop_outfit = /datum/outfit/syndicate/reinforcement
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e42d65b42a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/datums/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#define SPAWN_AT_BASE "Nuke base"
+#define SPAWN_AT_INFILTRATOR "Infiltrator"
+ var/syndicate_name
+ var/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/tracked_nuke
+ var/core_objective = /datum/objective/nuclear
+ var/memorized_code
+ var/list/team_discounts
+ var/datum/weakref/war_button_ref
+ ..()
+ syndicate_name = syndicate_name()
+ var/list/parts = list()
+ parts += ""
+ switch(get_result())
+ parts += "Humiliating Syndicate Defeat"
+ parts += "The crew of [station_name()] gave [syndicate_name] operatives back their bomb! The syndicate base was destroyed! Next time, don't lose the nuke!"
+ parts += "Syndicate Major Victory!"
+ parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives have destroyed [station_name()]!"
+ parts += "Total Annihilation!"
+ parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives destroyed [station_name()] but did not leave the area in time and got caught in the explosion. Next time, don't lose the disk!"
+ parts += "Crew Minor Victory!"
+ parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives secured the authentication disk but blew up something that wasn't [station_name()]. Next time, don't do that!"
+ parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives have earned Darwin Award!"
+ parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives blew up something that wasn't [station_name()] and got caught in the explosion. Next time, don't do that!"
+ parts += "Syndicate Miniscule Victory!"
+ parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives failed to destroy [station_name()], but they managed to secure the disk and hijack the emergency shuttle, causing it to land on the syndicate base. Good job?"
+ parts += "Syndicate Insignificant Victory!"
+ parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives failed to destroy [station_name()] or secure the disk, but they managed to hijack the emergency shuttle, causing it to land on the syndicate base. Good job?"
+ parts += "Crew Major Victory!"
+ parts += "The Research Staff has saved the disk and killed the [syndicate_name] Operatives"
+ parts += "Crew Major Victory!"
+ parts += "The Research Staff has saved the disk and stopped the [syndicate_name] Operatives!"
+ parts += "Neutral Victory!"
+ parts += "The Research Staff failed to secure the authentication disk but did manage to kill most of the [syndicate_name] Operatives!"
+ parts += "Syndicate Minor Victory!"
+ parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives survived the assault but did not achieve the destruction of [station_name()]. Next time, don't lose the disk!"
+ else
+ parts += "Neutral Victory"
+ parts += "Mission aborted!"
+ var/text = "
+ var/purchases = ""
+ var/TC_uses = 0
+ LAZYINITLIST(GLOB.uplink_purchase_logs_by_key)
+ for(var/I in members)
+ var/datum/mind/syndicate = I
+ var/datum/uplink_purchase_log/H = GLOB.uplink_purchase_logs_by_key[syndicate.key]
+ if(H)
+ TC_uses += H.total_spent
+ purchases += H.generate_render(show_key = FALSE)
+ text += printplayerlist(members)
+ text += "
+ text += "(Syndicates used [TC_uses] TC) [purchases]"
+ if(TC_uses == 0 && GLOB.station_was_nuked && !are_all_operatives_dead())
+ text += "[icon2html('icons/ui_icons/antags/badass.dmi', world, "badass")]"
+ parts += text
+ return "
+ if(syndicate_name)
+ return "[syndicate_name] Syndicates"
+ else
+ return "Syndicates"
+ var/disk_report = "Nuclear Disk(s)
+ disk_report += ""
+ for(var/obj/item/disk/nuclear/N in SSpoints_of_interest.real_nuclear_disks)
+ disk_report += "[], "
+ var/atom/disk_loc = N.loc
+ while(!isturf(disk_loc))
+ if(ismob(disk_loc))
+ var/mob/M = disk_loc
+ disk_report += "carried by [M.real_name] "
+ if(isobj(disk_loc))
+ var/obj/O = disk_loc
+ disk_report += "in \a [] "
+ disk_loc = disk_loc.loc
+ disk_report += "in [disk_loc.loc] at ([disk_loc.x], [disk_loc.y], [disk_loc.z]) | FLW |
+ disk_report += "
+ var/post_report
+ var/war_declared = FALSE
+ for(var/obj/item/circuitboard/computer/syndicate_shuttle/board as anything in GLOB.syndicate_shuttle_boards)
+ if(board.challenge)
+ war_declared = TRUE
+ var/force_war_button = ""
+ if(war_declared)
+ post_report += "War declared."
+ force_war_button = "\[Force war\]"
+ else
+ post_report += "War not declared."
+ var/obj/item/nuclear_challenge/war_button = war_button_ref?.resolve()
+ if(war_button)
+ force_war_button = "\[Force war\]"
+ else
+ force_war_button = "\[Cannot declare war, challenge button missing!\]"
+ post_report += "\n[force_war_button]"
+ post_report += "\n\[Send Reinforcement\]"
+ var/final_report = ..()
+ final_report += disk_report
+ final_report += post_report
+ return final_report
+ syndicate_name = new_name
+ name = "[syndicate_name] Team"
+ for(var/I in members)
+ var/datum/mind/synd_mind = I
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/human_to_rename = synd_mind.current
+ if(!istype(human_to_rename))
+ continue
+ var/first_name = human_to_rename.client?.prefs?.read_preference(/datum/preference/name/operative_alias) || pick(GLOB.operative_aliases)
+ var/chosen_name = "[first_name] [syndicate_name]"
+ human_to_rename.fully_replace_character_name(human_to_rename.real_name, chosen_name)
+ if(!check_rights_for(admin.client, R_ADMIN))
+ return
+ var/infil_or_nukebase = tgui_alert(
+ admin,
+ "Spawn them at the nuke base, or in the Infiltrator?",
+ "Where to reinforce?",
+ )
+ if(!infil_or_nukebase || infil_or_nukebase == "Cancel")
+ return
+ var/tc_to_spawn = tgui_input_number(admin, "How much TC to spawn with?", "TC", 0, 100)
+ var/list/nuke_candidates = SSpolling.poll_ghost_candidates(
+ "Do you want to play as an emergency syndicate reinforcement?",
+ check_jobban = ROLE_OPERATIVE,
+ poll_time = 30 SECONDS,
+ ignore_category = POLL_IGNORE_SYNDICATE,
+ pic_source = /obj/structure/sign/poster/contraband/gorlex_recruitment,
+ role_name_text = "syndicate reinforcement",
+ )
+ nuke_candidates -= admin // may be easy to fat-finger say yes. so just don't
+ if(!length(nuke_candidates))
+ tgui_alert(admin, "No candidates found.", "Recruitment Shortage", list("OK"))
+ return
+ var/turf/spawn_loc
+ if(infil_or_nukebase == SPAWN_AT_INFILTRATOR)
+ var/area/spawn_in
+ // Prioritize EVA then hallway, if neither can be found default to the first area we can find
+ for(var/area_type in list(/area/shuttle/syndicate/eva, /area/shuttle/syndicate/hallway, /area/shuttle/syndicate))
+ spawn_in = locate(area_type) in GLOB.areas // I'd love to use areas_by_type but the Infiltrator is a unique area
+ if(spawn_in)
+ break
+ var/list/turf/options = list()
+ for(var/turf/open/open_turf in spawn_in?.get_turfs_from_all_zlevels())
+ if(open_turf.is_blocked_turf())
+ continue
+ options += open_turf
+ if(length(options))
+ spawn_loc = pick(options)
+ else
+ infil_or_nukebase = SPAWN_AT_BASE
+ if(infil_or_nukebase == SPAWN_AT_BASE)
+ spawn_loc = pick(GLOB.nukeop_start)
+ var/mob/dead/observer/picked = pick(nuke_candidates)
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/nukie = new(spawn_loc)
+ picked.client.prefs.safe_transfer_prefs_to(nukie, is_antag = TRUE)
+ nukie.key = picked.key
+ var/datum/antagonist/nukeop/antag_datum = new()
+ antag_datum.send_to_spawnpoint = FALSE
+ antag_datum.nukeop_outfit = /datum/outfit/syndicate/reinforcement
+ nukie.mind.add_antag_datum(antag_datum, src)
+ var/datum/component/uplink/uplink = nukie.mind.find_syndicate_uplink()
+ uplink?.uplink_handler.set_telecrystals(tc_to_spawn)
+ // add some pizzazz
+ do_sparks(4, FALSE, spawn_loc)
+ new /obj/effect/temp_visual/teleport_abductor/syndi_teleporter(spawn_loc)
+ playsound(spawn_loc, SFX_SPARKS, 50, TRUE)
+ playsound(spawn_loc, 'sound/effects/phasein.ogg', 50, TRUE)
+ tgui_alert(admin, "Reinforcement spawned at [infil_or_nukebase] with [tc_to_spawn].", "Reinforcements have arrived", list("God speed"))
+ if(core_objective)
+ var/datum/objective/O = new core_objective
+ = src
+ objectives += O
+ for(var/obj/item/disk/nuclear/nuke_disk in SSpoints_of_interest.real_nuclear_disks)
+ //If emergency shuttle is in transit disk is only safe on it
+ if(SSshuttle.emergency.mode == SHUTTLE_ESCAPE)
+ if(!SSshuttle.emergency.is_in_shuttle_bounds(nuke_disk))
+ return FALSE
+ //If shuttle escaped check if it's on centcom side
+ else if(SSshuttle.emergency.mode == SHUTTLE_ENDGAME)
+ if(!nuke_disk.onCentCom())
+ return FALSE
+ else //Otherwise disk is safe when on station
+ var/turf/disk_turf = get_turf(nuke_disk)
+ if(!disk_turf || !is_station_level(disk_turf.z))
+ return FALSE
+ return TRUE
+ for(var/datum/mind/operative_mind as anything in members)
+ if(ishuman(operative_mind.current) && (operative_mind.current.stat != DEAD))
+ return FALSE
+ return TRUE
+ var/shuttle_evacuated = EMERGENCY_ESCAPED_OR_ENDGAMED
+ var/shuttle_landed_base = SSshuttle.emergency.is_hijacked()
+ var/disk_rescued = is_disk_rescued()
+ var/syndies_didnt_escape = !is_infiltrator_docked_at_syndiebase()
+ var/team_is_dead = are_all_operatives_dead()
+ var/station_was_nuked = GLOB.station_was_nuked
+ var/station_nuke_source = GLOB.station_nuke_source
+ // The nuke detonated on the syndicate base
+ if(station_nuke_source == DETONATION_HIT_SYNDIE_BASE)
+ // The station was nuked
+ if(station_was_nuked)
+ // The station was nuked and the infiltrator failed to escape
+ if(syndies_didnt_escape)
+ // The station was nuked and the infiltrator escaped, and the nuke ops won
+ else
+ // The station was not nuked, but something was
+ else if(station_nuke_source && !disk_rescued)
+ // The station was not nuked, but something was, and the syndicates didn't escape it
+ if(syndies_didnt_escape)
+ // The station was not nuked, but something was, and the syndicates returned to their base
+ else
+ // Nuke didn't blow, but nukies somehow hijacked the emergency shuttle to land at the base anyways.
+ else if(shuttle_landed_base)
+ if(disk_rescued)
+ else
+ // No nuke went off, the station rescued the disk
+ else if(disk_rescued)
+ // No nuke went off, the shuttle left, and the team is dead
+ if(shuttle_evacuated && team_is_dead)
+ // No nuke went off, but the nuke ops survived
+ else
+ // No nuke went off, but the disk was left behind
+ else
+ // No nuke went off, the disk was left, but all the ops are dead
+ if(team_is_dead)
+ // No nuke went off, the disk was left, there are living ops, but the shuttle left successfully
+ else if(shuttle_evacuated)
+ CRASH("[type] - got an undefined / unexpected result.")
+/// Returns whether or not syndicate operatives escaped.
+ var/obj/docking_port/mobile/infiltrator/infiltrator_port = SSshuttle.getShuttle("syndicate")
+ var/datum/lazy_template/nukie_base/nukie_template = GLOB.lazy_templates[LAZY_TEMPLATE_KEY_NUKIEBASE]
+ if(!nukie_template)
+ return FALSE // if its not even loaded, cant be docked
+ for(var/datum/turf_reservation/loaded_area as anything in nukie_template.reservations)
+ var/infiltrator_turf = get_turf(infiltrator_port)
+ if(infiltrator_turf in loaded_area.reserved_turfs)
+ return TRUE
+ return FALSE
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/
deleted file mode 100644
index b01d48d757e..00000000000
--- a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,650 +0,0 @@
- roundend_category = "syndicate operatives" //just in case
- antagpanel_category = ANTAG_GROUP_SYNDICATE
- job_rank = ROLE_OPERATIVE
- antag_hud_name = "synd"
- antag_moodlet = /datum/mood_event/focused
- show_to_ghosts = TRUE
- hijack_speed = 2 //If you can't take out the station, take the shuttle instead.
- suicide_cry = "FOR THE SYNDICATE!!"
- /// Which nukie team are we on?
- var/datum/team/nuclear/nuke_team
- /// If not assigned a team by default ops will try to join existing ones, set this to TRUE to always create new team.
- var/always_new_team = FALSE
- /// Should the user be moved to default spawnpoint after being granted this datum.
- var/send_to_spawnpoint = TRUE
- /// The DEFAULT outfit we will give to players granted this datum
- var/nukeop_outfit = /datum/outfit/syndicate
- preview_outfit = /datum/outfit/nuclear_operative_elite
- /// In the preview icon, the nukies who are behind the leader
- var/preview_outfit_behind = /datum/outfit/nuclear_operative
- /// In the preview icon, a nuclear fission explosive device, only appearing if there's an icon state for it.
- var/nuke_icon_state = "nuclearbomb_base"
- /// The amount of discounts that the team get
- var/discount_team_amount = 5
- /// The amount of limited discounts that the team get
- var/discount_limited_amount = 10
- if(send_to_spawnpoint) // lets get the loading started now, but don't block waiting for it
- INVOKE_ASYNC(SSmapping, TYPE_PROC_REF(/datum/controller/subsystem/mapping, lazy_load_template), LAZY_TEMPLATE_KEY_NUKIEBASE)
- return ..()
- if(!ishuman(owner.current))
- return
- var/mob/living/carbon/human/operative = owner.current
- if(!nukeop_outfit) // this variable is null in instances where an antagonist datum is granted via enslaving the mind (/datum/mind/proc/enslave_mind_to_creator), like in golems.
- return
- // If our nuke_ops_species pref is set to TRUE, (or we have no client) make us a human
- if(isnull(operative.client) || operative.client.prefs.read_preference(/datum/preference/toggle/nuke_ops_species))
- operative.set_species(/datum/species/human)
- operative.equip_species_outfit(nukeop_outfit)
- return TRUE
- owner.current.playsound_local(get_turf(owner.current), 'sound/ambience/antag/ops.ogg',100,0, use_reverb = FALSE)
- to_chat(owner, span_big("You are a [nuke_team ? nuke_team.syndicate_name : "syndicate"] agent!"))
- owner.announce_objectives()
- give_alias()
- forge_objectives()
- . = ..()
- equip_op()
- if(send_to_spawnpoint)
- move_to_spawnpoint()
- // grant extra TC for the people who start in the nukie base ie. not the lone op
- var/extra_tc = CEILING(GLOB.joined_player_list.len/5, 5)
- var/datum/component/uplink/uplink = owner.find_syndicate_uplink()
- if (uplink)
- uplink.uplink_handler.add_telecrystals(extra_tc)
- var/datum/component/uplink/uplink = owner.find_syndicate_uplink()
- if(uplink)
- var/datum/team/nuclear/nuke_team = get_team()
- if(!nuke_team.team_discounts)
- var/list/uplink_items = list()
- for(var/datum/uplink_item/item as anything in SStraitor.uplink_items)
- if(item.item && !item.cant_discount && (item.purchasable_from & uplink.uplink_handler.uplink_flag) && item.cost > 1)
- uplink_items += item
- nuke_team.team_discounts = list()
- nuke_team.team_discounts += create_uplink_sales(discount_team_amount, /datum/uplink_category/discount_team_gear, -1, uplink_items)
- nuke_team.team_discounts += create_uplink_sales(discount_limited_amount, /datum/uplink_category/limited_discount_team_gear, 1, uplink_items)
- uplink.uplink_handler.extra_purchasable += nuke_team.team_discounts
- memorize_code()
- return nuke_team
- add_team_hud(mob_override || owner.current, /datum/antagonist/nukeop)
- if(!nuke_team || nuke_team.tracked_nuke)
- return
- nuke_team.memorized_code = random_nukecode()
- var/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/syndicate/nuke = locate() in SSmachines.get_machines_by_type_and_subtypes(/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/syndicate)
- if(!nuke)
- stack_trace("Syndicate nuke not found during nuke team creation.")
- nuke_team.memorized_code = null
- return
- nuke_team.tracked_nuke = nuke
- if(nuke.r_code == NUKE_CODE_UNSET)
- nuke.r_code = nuke_team.memorized_code
- else //Already set by admins/something else?
- nuke_team.memorized_code = nuke.r_code
- for(var/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/beer/beernuke as anything in SSmachines.get_machines_by_type_and_subtypes(/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/beer))
- beernuke.r_code = nuke_team.memorized_code
- if(nuke_team?.syndicate_name)
- var/mob/living/carbon/human/human_to_rename = owner.current
- if(istype(human_to_rename)) // Reinforcements get a real name
- var/first_name = owner.current.client?.prefs?.read_preference(/datum/preference/name/operative_alias) || pick(GLOB.operative_aliases)
- var/chosen_name = "[first_name] [nuke_team.syndicate_name]"
- human_to_rename.fully_replace_character_name(human_to_rename.real_name, chosen_name)
- else
- var/number = 1
- number = nuke_team.members.Find(owner)
- owner.current.real_name = "[nuke_team.syndicate_name] Operative #[number]"
- if(nuke_team && nuke_team.tracked_nuke && nuke_team.memorized_code)
- antag_memory += "[nuke_team.tracked_nuke] Code: [nuke_team.memorized_code]
- owner.add_memory(/datum/memory/key/nuke_code, nuclear_code = nuke_team.memorized_code)
- to_chat(owner, "The nuclear authorization code is: [nuke_team.memorized_code]")
- else
- to_chat(owner, "Unfortunately the syndicate was unable to provide you with nuclear authorization code.")
- if(nuke_team)
- objectives |= nuke_team.objectives
-/// Actually moves our nukie to where they should be
- // Ensure that the nukiebase is loaded, and wait for it if required
- SSmapping.lazy_load_template(LAZY_TEMPLATE_KEY_NUKIEBASE)
- var/turf/destination = get_spawnpoint()
- owner.current.forceMove(destination)
- if(!owner.current.onSyndieBase())
- message_admins("[ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(owner.current)] is a NUKE OP and move_to_spawnpoint put them somewhere that isn't the syndie base, help please.")
- stack_trace("Nuke op move_to_spawnpoint resulted in a location not on the syndicate base. (Was moved to: [destination])")
-/// Gets the position we spawn at
- var/team_number = 1
- if(nuke_team)
- team_number = nuke_team.members.Find(owner)
- return GLOB.nukeop_start[((team_number - 1) % GLOB.nukeop_start.len) + 1]
- return pick(GLOB.nukeop_leader_start)
- if(!new_team)
- if(!always_new_team)
- for(var/datum/antagonist/nukeop/N in GLOB.antagonists)
- if(!N.owner)
- stack_trace("Antagonist datum without owner in GLOB.antagonists: [N]")
- continue
- if(N.nuke_team)
- nuke_team = N.nuke_team
- return
- nuke_team = new /datum/team/nuclear
- nuke_team.update_objectives()
- assign_nuke() //This is bit ugly
- return
- if(!istype(new_team))
- stack_trace("Wrong team type passed to [type] initialization.")
- nuke_team = new_team
- new_owner.set_assigned_role(SSjob.GetJobType(/datum/job/nuclear_operative))
- new_owner.add_antag_datum(src)
- message_admins("[key_name_admin(admin)] has nuke op'ed [key_name_admin(new_owner)].")
- log_admin("[key_name(admin)] has nuke op'ed [key_name(new_owner)].")
- . = ..()
- .["Send to base"] = CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(admin_send_to_base))
- .["Tell code"] = CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(admin_tell_code))
- owner.current.forceMove(pick(GLOB.nukeop_start))
- var/code
- for (var/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/bombue as anything in SSmachines.get_machines_by_type_and_subtypes(/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb))
- if (length(bombue.r_code) <= 5 && bombue.r_code != initial(bombue.r_code))
- code = bombue.r_code
- break
- if (code)
- antag_memory += "Syndicate Nuclear Bomb Code: [code]
- to_chat(owner.current, "The nuclear authorization code is: [code]")
- else
- to_chat(admin, span_danger("No valid nuke found!"))
- if (!preview_outfit)
- return null
- var/icon/final_icon = render_preview_outfit(preview_outfit)
- if (!isnull(preview_outfit_behind))
- var/icon/teammate = render_preview_outfit(preview_outfit_behind)
- teammate.Blend(rgb(128, 128, 128, 128), ICON_MULTIPLY)
- final_icon.Blend(teammate, ICON_UNDERLAY, -world.icon_size / 4, 0)
- final_icon.Blend(teammate, ICON_UNDERLAY, world.icon_size / 4, 0)
- if (!isnull(nuke_icon_state))
- var/icon/nuke = icon('icons/obj/machines/nuke.dmi', nuke_icon_state)
- nuke.Shift(SOUTH, 6)
- final_icon.Blend(nuke, ICON_OVERLAY)
- return finish_preview_icon(final_icon)
- name = "Nuclear Operative (Preview only)"
- back = /obj/item/mod/control/pre_equipped/empty/syndicate
- uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/syndicate
-/datum/outfit/nuclear_operative/post_equip(mob/living/carbon/human/H, visualsOnly)
- var/obj/item/mod/module/armor_booster/booster = locate() in H.back
- = TRUE
- H.update_worn_back()
- name = "Nuclear Operative (Elite, Preview only)"
- back = /obj/item/mod/control/pre_equipped/empty/elite
- uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/syndicate
- l_hand = /obj/item/modular_computer/pda/nukeops
- r_hand = /obj/item/shield/energy
-/datum/outfit/nuclear_operative_elite/post_equip(mob/living/carbon/human/H, visualsOnly)
- var/obj/item/mod/module/armor_booster/booster = locate() in H.back
- = TRUE
- H.update_worn_back()
- var/obj/item/shield/energy/shield = locate() in H.held_items
- shield.icon_state = "[shield.base_icon_state]1"
- H.update_held_items()
- name = "Nuclear Operative Leader"
- nukeop_outfit = /datum/outfit/syndicate/leader
- always_new_team = TRUE
- /// Randomly chosen honorific, for distinction
- var/title
- /// The nuclear challenge remote we will spawn this player with.
- var/challengeitem = /obj/item/nuclear_challenge
- ..()
- if(nuke_team?.memorized_code)
- var/obj/item/paper/nuke_code_paper = new
- nuke_code_paper.add_raw_text("The nuclear authorization code is: [nuke_team.memorized_code]")
- = "nuclear bomb code"
- var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = owner.current
- if(!istype(H))
- nuke_code_paper.forceMove(get_turf(H))
- else
- H.put_in_hands(nuke_code_paper, TRUE)
- H.update_icons()
- owner.current.playsound_local(get_turf(owner.current), 'sound/ambience/antag/ops.ogg',100,0, use_reverb = FALSE)
- to_chat(owner, "You are the Syndicate [title] for this mission. You are responsible for guiding the team and your ID is the only one who can open the launch bay doors.")
- to_chat(owner, "If you feel you are not up to this task, give your ID and radio to another operative.")
- if(!CONFIG_GET(flag/disable_warops))
- to_chat(owner, "In your hand you will find a special item capable of triggering a greater challenge for your team. Examine it carefully and consult with your fellow operatives before activating it.")
- owner.announce_objectives()
- . = ..()
- if(!CONFIG_GET(flag/disable_warops))
- var/mob/living/carbon/human/leader = owner.current
- var/obj/item/war_declaration = new challengeitem(leader.drop_location())
- leader.put_in_hands(war_declaration)
- nuke_team.war_button_ref = WEAKREF(war_declaration)
- addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(nuketeam_name_assign)), 1)
- if(!nuke_team)
- return
- nuke_team.rename_team(ask_name())
- syndicate_name = new_name
- name = "[syndicate_name] Team"
- for(var/I in members)
- var/datum/mind/synd_mind = I
- var/mob/living/carbon/human/human_to_rename = synd_mind.current
- if(!istype(human_to_rename))
- continue
- var/first_name = human_to_rename.client?.prefs?.read_preference(/datum/preference/name/operative_alias) || pick(GLOB.operative_aliases)
- var/chosen_name = "[first_name] [syndicate_name]"
- human_to_rename.fully_replace_character_name(human_to_rename.real_name, chosen_name)
- var/randomname = pick(GLOB.last_names)
- var/newname = tgui_input_text(owner.current, "You are the nuclear operative [title]. Please choose a last name for your family.", "Name change", randomname, MAX_NAME_LEN)
- if (!newname)
- newname = randomname
- else
- newname = reject_bad_name(newname)
- if(!newname)
- newname = randomname
- return capitalize(newname)
- name = "Lone Operative"
- always_new_team = TRUE
- send_to_spawnpoint = FALSE //Handled by event
- nukeop_outfit = /datum/outfit/syndicate/full
- preview_outfit = /datum/outfit/nuclear_operative
- preview_outfit_behind = null
- nuke_icon_state = null
- if(nuke_team && !nuke_team.tracked_nuke)
- nuke_team.memorized_code = random_nukecode()
- var/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/selfdestruct/nuke = locate() in SSmachines.get_machines_by_type(/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/selfdestruct)
- if(nuke)
- nuke_team.tracked_nuke = nuke
- if(nuke.r_code == NUKE_CODE_UNSET)
- nuke.r_code = nuke_team.memorized_code
- else //Already set by admins/something else?
- nuke_team.memorized_code = nuke.r_code
- else
- stack_trace("Station self-destruct not found during lone op team creation.")
- nuke_team.memorized_code = null
- show_in_antagpanel = FALSE
- send_to_spawnpoint = FALSE
- nukeop_outfit = /datum/outfit/syndicate/reinforcement
- var/syndicate_name
- var/obj/machinery/nuclearbomb/tracked_nuke
- var/core_objective = /datum/objective/nuclear
- var/memorized_code
- var/list/team_discounts
- var/datum/weakref/war_button_ref
- ..()
- syndicate_name = syndicate_name()
- if(core_objective)
- var/datum/objective/O = new core_objective
- = src
- objectives += O
- for(var/obj/item/disk/nuclear/nuke_disk in SSpoints_of_interest.real_nuclear_disks)
- //If emergency shuttle is in transit disk is only safe on it
- if(SSshuttle.emergency.mode == SHUTTLE_ESCAPE)
- if(!SSshuttle.emergency.is_in_shuttle_bounds(nuke_disk))
- return FALSE
- //If shuttle escaped check if it's on centcom side
- else if(SSshuttle.emergency.mode == SHUTTLE_ENDGAME)
- if(!nuke_disk.onCentCom())
- return FALSE
- else //Otherwise disk is safe when on station
- var/turf/disk_turf = get_turf(nuke_disk)
- if(!disk_turf || !is_station_level(disk_turf.z))
- return FALSE
- return TRUE
- for(var/datum/mind/operative_mind as anything in members)
- if(ishuman(operative_mind.current) && (operative_mind.current.stat != DEAD))
- return FALSE
- return TRUE
- var/shuttle_evacuated = EMERGENCY_ESCAPED_OR_ENDGAMED
- var/shuttle_landed_base = SSshuttle.emergency.is_hijacked()
- var/disk_rescued = is_disk_rescued()
- var/syndies_didnt_escape = !is_infiltrator_docked_at_syndiebase()
- var/team_is_dead = are_all_operatives_dead()
- var/station_was_nuked = GLOB.station_was_nuked
- var/station_nuke_source = GLOB.station_nuke_source
- // The nuke detonated on the syndicate base
- if(station_nuke_source == DETONATION_HIT_SYNDIE_BASE)
- // The station was nuked
- if(station_was_nuked)
- // The station was nuked and the infiltrator failed to escape
- if(syndies_didnt_escape)
- // The station was nuked and the infiltrator escaped, and the nuke ops won
- else
- // The station was not nuked, but something was
- else if(station_nuke_source && !disk_rescued)
- // The station was not nuked, but something was, and the syndicates didn't escape it
- if(syndies_didnt_escape)
- // The station was not nuked, but something was, and the syndicates returned to their base
- else
- // Nuke didn't blow, but nukies somehow hijacked the emergency shuttle to land at the base anyways.
- else if(shuttle_landed_base)
- if(disk_rescued)
- else
- // No nuke went off, the station rescued the disk
- else if(disk_rescued)
- // No nuke went off, the shuttle left, and the team is dead
- if(shuttle_evacuated && team_is_dead)
- // No nuke went off, but the nuke ops survived
- else
- // No nuke went off, but the disk was left behind
- else
- // No nuke went off, the disk was left, but all the ops are dead
- if(team_is_dead)
- // No nuke went off, the disk was left, there are living ops, but the shuttle left successfully
- else if(shuttle_evacuated)
- CRASH("[type] - got an undefined / unexpected result.")
- var/list/parts = list()
- parts += ""
- switch(get_result())
- parts += "Humiliating Syndicate Defeat"
- parts += "The crew of [station_name()] gave [syndicate_name] operatives back their bomb! The syndicate base was destroyed! Next time, don't lose the nuke!"
- parts += "Syndicate Major Victory!"
- parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives have destroyed [station_name()]!"
- parts += "Total Annihilation!"
- parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives destroyed [station_name()] but did not leave the area in time and got caught in the explosion. Next time, don't lose the disk!"
- parts += "Crew Minor Victory!"
- parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives secured the authentication disk but blew up something that wasn't [station_name()]. Next time, don't do that!"
- parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives have earned Darwin Award!"
- parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives blew up something that wasn't [station_name()] and got caught in the explosion. Next time, don't do that!"
- parts += "Syndicate Miniscule Victory!"
- parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives failed to destroy [station_name()], but they managed to secure the disk and hijack the emergency shuttle, causing it to land on the syndicate base. Good job?"
- parts += "Syndicate Insignificant Victory!"
- parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives failed to destroy [station_name()] or secure the disk, but they managed to hijack the emergency shuttle, causing it to land on the syndicate base. Good job?"
- parts += "Crew Major Victory!"
- parts += "The Research Staff has saved the disk and killed the [syndicate_name] Operatives"
- parts += "Crew Major Victory!"
- parts += "The Research Staff has saved the disk and stopped the [syndicate_name] Operatives!"
- parts += "Neutral Victory!"
- parts += "The Research Staff failed to secure the authentication disk but did manage to kill most of the [syndicate_name] Operatives!"
- parts += "Syndicate Minor Victory!"
- parts += "[syndicate_name] operatives survived the assault but did not achieve the destruction of [station_name()]. Next time, don't lose the disk!"
- else
- parts += "Neutral Victory"
- parts += "Mission aborted!"
- var/text = "
- var/purchases = ""
- var/TC_uses = 0
- LAZYINITLIST(GLOB.uplink_purchase_logs_by_key)
- for(var/I in members)
- var/datum/mind/syndicate = I
- var/datum/uplink_purchase_log/H = GLOB.uplink_purchase_logs_by_key[syndicate.key]
- if(H)
- TC_uses += H.total_spent
- purchases += H.generate_render(show_key = FALSE)
- text += printplayerlist(members)
- text += "
- text += "(Syndicates used [TC_uses] TC) [purchases]"
- if(TC_uses == 0 && GLOB.station_was_nuked && !are_all_operatives_dead())
- text += "[icon2html('icons/ui_icons/antags/badass.dmi', world, "badass")]"
- parts += text
- return "[parts.Join("
- if(syndicate_name)
- return "[syndicate_name] Syndicates"
- else
- return "Syndicates"
- var/disk_report = "Nuclear Disk(s)
- disk_report += ""
- for(var/obj/item/disk/nuclear/N in SSpoints_of_interest.real_nuclear_disks)
- disk_report += "[], "
- var/atom/disk_loc = N.loc
- while(!isturf(disk_loc))
- if(ismob(disk_loc))
- var/mob/M = disk_loc
- disk_report += "carried by [M.real_name] "
- if(isobj(disk_loc))
- var/obj/O = disk_loc
- disk_report += "in \a [] "
- disk_loc = disk_loc.loc
- disk_report += "in [disk_loc.loc] at ([disk_loc.x], [disk_loc.y], [disk_loc.z]) | FLW |
- disk_report += "
- var/post_report
- var/war_declared = FALSE
- for(var/obj/item/circuitboard/computer/syndicate_shuttle/board as anything in GLOB.syndicate_shuttle_boards)
- if(board.challenge)
- war_declared = TRUE
- var/force_war_button = ""
- if(war_declared)
- post_report += "War declared."
- force_war_button = "\[Force war\]"
- else
- post_report += "War not declared."
- var/obj/item/nuclear_challenge/war_button = war_button_ref?.resolve()
- if(war_button)
- force_war_button = "\[Force war\]"
- else
- force_war_button = "\[Cannot declare war, challenge button missing!\]"
- post_report += "\n[force_war_button]"
- post_report += "\n\[Send Reinforcement\]"
- var/final_report = ..()
- final_report += disk_report
- final_report += post_report
- return final_report
-#define SPAWN_AT_BASE "Nuke base"
-#define SPAWN_AT_INFILTRATOR "Infiltrator"
- if(!check_rights_for(admin.client, R_ADMIN))
- return
- var/infil_or_nukebase = tgui_alert(
- admin,
- "Spawn them at the nuke base, or in the Infiltrator?",
- "Where to reinforce?",
- )
- if(!infil_or_nukebase || infil_or_nukebase == "Cancel")
- return
- var/tc_to_spawn = tgui_input_number(admin, "How much TC to spawn with?", "TC", 0, 100)
- var/list/nuke_candidates = SSpolling.poll_ghost_candidates(
- "Do you want to play as an emergency syndicate reinforcement?",
- check_jobban = ROLE_OPERATIVE,
- poll_time = 30 SECONDS,
- ignore_category = POLL_IGNORE_SYNDICATE,
- pic_source = /obj/structure/sign/poster/contraband/gorlex_recruitment,
- role_name_text = "syndicate reinforcement",
- )
- nuke_candidates -= admin // may be easy to fat-finger say yes. so just don't
- if(!length(nuke_candidates))
- tgui_alert(admin, "No candidates found.", "Recruitment Shortage", list("OK"))
- return
- var/turf/spawn_loc
- if(infil_or_nukebase == SPAWN_AT_INFILTRATOR)
- var/area/spawn_in
- // Prioritize EVA then hallway, if neither can be found default to the first area we can find
- for(var/area_type in list(/area/shuttle/syndicate/eva, /area/shuttle/syndicate/hallway, /area/shuttle/syndicate))
- spawn_in = locate(area_type) in GLOB.areas // I'd love to use areas_by_type but the Infiltrator is a unique area
- if(spawn_in)
- break
- var/list/turf/options = list()
- for(var/turf/open/open_turf in spawn_in?.get_turfs_from_all_zlevels())
- if(open_turf.is_blocked_turf())
- continue
- options += open_turf
- if(length(options))
- spawn_loc = pick(options)
- else
- infil_or_nukebase = SPAWN_AT_BASE
- if(infil_or_nukebase == SPAWN_AT_BASE)
- spawn_loc = pick(GLOB.nukeop_start)
- var/mob/dead/observer/picked = pick(nuke_candidates)
- var/mob/living/carbon/human/nukie = new(spawn_loc)
- picked.client.prefs.safe_transfer_prefs_to(nukie, is_antag = TRUE)
- nukie.key = picked.key
- var/datum/antagonist/nukeop/antag_datum = new()
- antag_datum.send_to_spawnpoint = FALSE
- antag_datum.nukeop_outfit = /datum/outfit/syndicate/reinforcement
- nukie.mind.add_antag_datum(antag_datum, src)
- var/datum/component/uplink/uplink = nukie.mind.find_syndicate_uplink()
- uplink?.uplink_handler.set_telecrystals(tc_to_spawn)
- // add some pizzazz
- do_sparks(4, FALSE, spawn_loc)
- new /obj/effect/temp_visual/teleport_abductor/syndi_teleporter(spawn_loc)
- playsound(spawn_loc, SFX_SPARKS, 50, TRUE)
- playsound(spawn_loc, 'sound/effects/phasein.ogg', 50, TRUE)
- tgui_alert(admin, "Reinforcement spawned at [infil_or_nukebase] with [tc_to_spawn].", "Reinforcements have arrived", list("God speed"))
-/// Returns whether or not syndicate operatives escaped.
- var/obj/docking_port/mobile/infiltrator/infiltrator_port = SSshuttle.getShuttle("syndicate")
- var/datum/lazy_template/nukie_base/nukie_template = GLOB.lazy_templates[LAZY_TEMPLATE_KEY_NUKIEBASE]
- if(!nukie_template)
- return FALSE // if its not even loaded, cant be docked
- for(var/datum/turf_reservation/loaded_area as anything in nukie_template.reservations)
- var/infiltrator_turf = get_turf(infiltrator_port)
- if(infiltrator_turf in loaded_area.reserved_turfs)
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/
index a3c97a76468..e9a293c3e99 100644
--- a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/
+++ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/
@@ -163,3 +163,30 @@
shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/laceup
glasses = /obj/item/clothing/glasses/sunglasses/big
faction = "MI13"
+ name = "Nuclear Operative (Preview only)"
+ back = /obj/item/mod/control/pre_equipped/empty/syndicate
+ uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/syndicate
+/datum/outfit/nuclear_operative/post_equip(mob/living/carbon/human/H, visualsOnly)
+ var/obj/item/mod/module/armor_booster/booster = locate() in H.back
+ = TRUE
+ H.update_worn_back()
+ name = "Nuclear Operative (Elite, Preview only)"
+ back = /obj/item/mod/control/pre_equipped/empty/elite
+ uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/syndicate
+ l_hand = /obj/item/modular_computer/pda/nukeops
+ r_hand = /obj/item/shield/energy
+/datum/outfit/nuclear_operative_elite/post_equip(mob/living/carbon/human/H, visualsOnly)
+ var/obj/item/mod/module/armor_booster/booster = locate() in H.back
+ = TRUE
+ H.update_worn_back()
+ var/obj/item/shield/energy/shield = locate() in H.held_items
+ shield.icon_state = "[shield.base_icon_state]1"
+ H.update_held_items()
diff --git a/tgstation.dme b/tgstation.dme
index 968263500f1..7265ac7350e 100644
--- a/tgstation.dme
+++ b/tgstation.dme
@@ -3218,8 +3218,12 @@
#include "code\modules\antagonists\ninja\"
#include "code\modules\antagonists\ninja\"
#include "code\modules\antagonists\ninja\"
-#include "code\modules\antagonists\nukeop\"
#include "code\modules\antagonists\nukeop\"
+#include "code\modules\antagonists\nukeop\datums\"
+#include "code\modules\antagonists\nukeop\datums\"
+#include "code\modules\antagonists\nukeop\datums\"
+#include "code\modules\antagonists\nukeop\datums\"
+#include "code\modules\antagonists\nukeop\datums\"
#include "code\modules\antagonists\nukeop\equipment\"
#include "code\modules\antagonists\nukeop\equipment\"
#include "code\modules\antagonists\nukeop\equipment\"