diff --git a/modular_skyrat/master_files/code/modules/paperwork/employment_contract.dm b/modular_skyrat/master_files/code/modules/paperwork/employment_contract.dm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3ab0e0ce867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_skyrat/master_files/code/modules/paperwork/employment_contract.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ icon_state = "paper_words"
+ throw_range = 3
+ throw_speed = 3
+ item_flags = NOBLUDGEON
+ ///Needed to get the spawned mob's name to display in the paper.
+ var/employee_name = ""
+/obj/item/paper/work_contract/Initialize(mapload, new_employee_name)
+ if(!new_employee_name)
+ AddElement(/datum/element/update_icon_blocker)
+ . = ..()
+ employee_name = new_employee_name
+ name = "paper- [employee_name] employment contract"
+ add_raw_text("\
Conditions of Employment\
+ This Agreement is made and entered into as of the date of last signature below, by and between [employee_name] (hereafter referred to as the employee),\
+ and Nanotrasen (hereafter referred to as the employer).\
WHEREAS, the employee is a natural born human, acceptable humanoid, or synthetic humanoid with proven sapience, possessing skills upon which the employee \
+ can aid the employer, and seeks employment with them.\
WHEREAS, employer agrees to provide payment to the employee to the best of its ability depending on local circumstance and in a timely fashion, \
+ in exchange for the completion of work duties described by the individual job postings to which the employee is assigned.\
NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows:\
In exchange for a fixed wage, the employee agrees to work for the employer, for a standard contract of no less than four years.\
The employee agrees to maintain confidentiality of all employer trade secrets, locations of stations or other strategically valuable items, \
+ value or condition of assets, existence of pending lawsuits, or any other material that may impact the profit and health of the employer as a whole.\
Additionally, the employee allows the employer to access their medical, security and employment records for use in public relations, marketing, \
+ product placement, experiments, or other company purposes not detailed by the contract. This includes and is not limited to the employee's voice,\
+ physical appearance, DNA sequences and Resonance; their provided criminal records and affiliations with any groups of interest; provided general background information \
+ and additional information provided by verified third-party investigators; provided medical records and so forth.\
In case of lack of necessary skills to perform required tasks before the employment, the employee agrees to perform a skillchip installment and/or \
+ memory upload with qualifications/skills programs necessary to perform their duties, and a skillchip removal and/or memory wipe after their contract's over. The following procedures' \
+ medical fees, as well as the skillchip and/or memory altering procedures cost will be deducted from the employee's payment at the end of the contract.\
To note for the aforementioned, any ongoing or pending criminal investigations, if originated from the Sol Federation, are to be halted for the duration of work contract, \
+ with any possible crimes occuring within the employer's facilities punished by the contracted or corporate paramilitary and security forces.\
Finally, the employee understands that the employer is not bound by the same contract principles as them and may terminate the contract at any time, \
+ for any reason, and without warning if need be. The employee agrees to approach any and all employment disputes through the assigned Head of Personnel \
+ or Central Command Representative aboard the station at the time of the dispute. An employer contracted lawyer may be present for the dispute \
+ if requested by the employee. Wages are non-negotiable and no individual, including the Captain, on the station has the option to raise pay, \
+ so the employee agrees to handle payment disputes through the proper channels or risk breach of contract.\
Signed, \
+ ❘❙❚❘❙❚|GLORY TO NANOTRASEN™|❚❙❘❚❙❘\
+ Under Corporate Law section 201 subsection B.3. Defacement, publication, or theft of this document is punishable by demerit or immediate contractual termination. \
+ Central Command Representives are not responsible for possible loss of life, extermination, or bluespace occurances related to any sort of actions ordered to commit to."
+ )
+ new /obj/item/paper/work_contract(src, employee.mind.name)
diff --git a/tgstation.dme b/tgstation.dme
index 9fc8dc1c74f..d2a33e490b2 100644
--- a/tgstation.dme
+++ b/tgstation.dme
@@ -6255,6 +6255,7 @@
#include "modular_skyrat\master_files\code\modules\mod\modules\modules_antag.dm"
#include "modular_skyrat\master_files\code\modules\modular_computers\computers\item\laptop_presets.dm"
#include "modular_skyrat\master_files\code\modules\pai\card.dm"
+#include "modular_skyrat\master_files\code\modules\paperwork\employment_contract.dm"
#include "modular_skyrat\master_files\code\modules\paperwork\stamps.dm"
#include "modular_skyrat\master_files\code\modules\power\cable.dm"
#include "modular_skyrat\master_files\code\modules\power\powernet.dm"