diff --git a/code/game/objects/items/devices/radio/encryptionkey.dm b/code/game/objects/items/devices/radio/encryptionkey.dm index 5fef132c872..4fc64980a39 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/items/devices/radio/encryptionkey.dm +++ b/code/game/objects/items/devices/radio/encryptionkey.dm @@ -200,43 +200,3 @@ /obj/item/encryptionkey/secbot channels = list(RADIO_CHANNEL_AI_PRIVATE = 1, RADIO_CHANNEL_SECURITY = 1) - -/obj/item/encryptionkey/moth - name = "\improper Moffic translation key" - desc = "An encryption key that automatically encodes moffic heard through the radio into common. The signal's a little fuzzy." - icon_state = "translation_cypherkey" - translated_language = /datum/language/moffic - greyscale_config = null - greyscale_colors = null - -/obj/item/encryptionkey/tiziran - name = "\improper Tiziran translation key" - desc = "An encryption key that automatically encodes draconic heard through the radio into common. The signal's not quite to scale." - icon_state = "translation_cypherkey" - translated_language = /datum/language/draconic - greyscale_config = null - greyscale_colors = null - -/obj/item/encryptionkey/plasmaman - name = "\improper Calcic translation key" - desc = "An encryption key that automatically encodes calcic heard through the radio into common. The signal lacks a bit of teeth." - icon_state = "translation_cypherkey" - translated_language = /datum/language/calcic - greyscale_config = null - greyscale_colors = null - -/obj/item/encryptionkey/ethereal - name = "\improper Ethereal translation key" - desc = "An encryption key that automatically encodes ethereal heard through the radio into common. The signal's overpowering." - icon_state = "translation_cypherkey" - translated_language = /datum/language/voltaic - greyscale_config = null - greyscale_colors = null - -/obj/item/encryptionkey/felinid - name = "\improper Felinid translation key" - desc = "An encryption key that automatically encodes nekomimetic heard through the radio into common. The signal's rather scratchy." - icon_state = "translation_cypherkey" - translated_language = /datum/language/nekomimetic - greyscale_config = null - greyscale_colors = null diff --git a/code/modules/cargo/goodies.dm b/code/modules/cargo/goodies.dm index 100ac4b4ce8..cf08c773d06 100644 --- a/code/modules/cargo/goodies.dm +++ b/code/modules/cargo/goodies.dm @@ -212,36 +212,6 @@ cost = PAYCHECK_CREW * 10 contains = list(/obj/item/construction/rld) -/datum/supply_pack/goody/moth_encryption_key - name = "Moffic radio encryption key" - desc = "A hi-tech radio encryption key that allows the wearer to understand moffic when the radio is worn." - cost = PAYCHECK_CREW * 12 - contains = list(/obj/item/encryptionkey/moth) - -/datum/supply_pack/goody/lizard_encryption_key - name = "Draconic radio encryption key" - desc = "A hi-tech radio encryption key that allows the wearer to understand draconic when the radio is worn." - cost = PAYCHECK_CREW * 12 - contains = list(/obj/item/encryptionkey/tiziran) - -/datum/supply_pack/goody/plasmaman_encryption_key - name = "Calcic radio encryption key" - desc = "A hi-tech radio encryption key that allows the wearer to understand calcic when the radio is worn." - cost = PAYCHECK_CREW * 12 - contains = list(/obj/item/encryptionkey/plasmaman) - -/datum/supply_pack/goody/ethereal_encryption_key - name = "Voltaic radio encryption key" - desc = "A hi-tech radio encryption key that allows the wearer to understand voltaic when the radio is worn." - cost = PAYCHECK_CREW * 12 - contains = list(/obj/item/encryptionkey/ethereal) - -/datum/supply_pack/goody/felinid_encryption_key - name = "Felinid radio encryption key" - desc = "A hi-tech radio encryption key that allows the wearer to understand nekomimetic when the radio is worn." - cost = PAYCHECK_CREW * 12 - contains = list(/obj/item/encryptionkey/felinid) - /datum/supply_pack/goody/fishing_toolbox name = "Fishing toolbox" desc = "Complete toolbox set for your fishing adventure. Advanced hooks and lines sold separetely." diff --git a/icons/obj/assemblies/circuitry_n_data.dmi b/icons/obj/assemblies/circuitry_n_data.dmi index 34df2d52fd0..20a83f03e53 100644 Binary files a/icons/obj/assemblies/circuitry_n_data.dmi and b/icons/obj/assemblies/circuitry_n_data.dmi differ